Fortune telling on ordinary cards. How to set up cards to the right prediction

Ways of fortifications on 36 cards

The great temptation is to know his future. It is even more difficult to resist from him when it is known that the knowledge of the future is not a mystery, you can learn about it. For this serve ways of fortifications on 36 cards.

The easiest way to divine is on playing cards. It is possible to guess different waysbut one of the most simple items For divination are playing cards.

Why cards

The standard gaming deck consists of 36 cards, there are large - they include 52 cards. Each card has its own uniqueness, which means may have its own separate value. So playing deck has a big range possible options Use for.

Card reading Since ancient times, it was popular, which means at least one person in the house could guess and for example, with the help of playing cards. Usually, this role was performed the most senior woman, such a tradition takes his beginning to Eastern traditions, where a woman is initially associated with magic. That is why the ladies are of particular importance. The lady in the maps personifies the very woman, family member who had magical knowledge.

There is a great set ways on playing cardsbut they are united general principles. Via certain rules And the traditions are chosen by several cards from the deck and stacked on the table in a definite order. It is important not only the nominal cards taken out of the deck, but also their place in fortune.

Each location corresponds to its value, for example, "what was" or "what he thinks about." Then the value of the card is interpreted according to the basic principles of the interpretation and their placement, where they are located.

Classic interpretation of cards

In ordinary classic scenarios, which will be discussed in this article, it is usually the following interpretation. The deck for such divination consists of 36 cards. In each suit there are such cards:

  • Six. Six in despondent denotes the road. If the gear is red, the road will be light or happy, and if the black is empty or useless. The road may have a direct meaning and denote the journey, a trip, moving, and may also have a figurative meaning, mean the path or movement in any direction.
  • Seven. This is something unexpected. Again, in the case of red cards and trephies, the surprise will be more pleasant, this is a surprise or a gift, and if the wash is peaks, the seven will mean a quarrel.
  • Eight - This is a meeting. In the hearts and tambourines, this is a pleasant meeting, perhaps even flirting, in Trephy this is a sad meeting, and in peaks a meeting means treason.
  • Nine. This card means news, news. For worms, this news about love, recognition in love, for tambourine it is just good news. Trephists - News related to finance, money, and the appearance of nine peaks may indicate the news of the serious illness.
  • Ten. A dozen means family. In the hearts, these are family troubles that bring joy, in the tambourines the appearance of this card means a gift. Trefts are associated with obtaining a material amount, and peaks sign about the brewing problems in the family. Valet is always a young man. For worms, he means a love meeting, for the tambourine just a pleasant acquaintance. Trefts will be associated with obtaining a new source of income, and peaks mean comrades.
  • Lady - Most often married woman, however, can mean a young girl. For Trephs, this is a rainbits, and for peak - an elderly, an unpleasant woman.
  • King - married or elderly man.
  • Ace Means the letter. For worms, this is a love letter, and for peak - a letter from the treason house, that is, from the organization or institution.

In order to make it only to understand how to put cards correctly.


It is advisable to take a deck, which has never been to the game, but anyone will come. The main thing is that this deck belongs to you, maps taken from other people's hands can "lie" or predict the future of which you are guessing, but only the owner.

Simple fortune telling for a pair. Order:

  1. Take a deck of 36 cards. Select one card for satellite and for a companion (similar to the previous fortification). Remove them from the deck and put in front of them next (a map of the left, his satellite or companions - right).
  2. Drag cards. Left hand take the first two cards and put on the left and right from the lying pair of cards. This is what disturbing what each of the pair thinks about.
  3. Once again, shuffle a deck and double-click on yourself.
  4. Take two cards from the deck and put the pair cards on top. This is the future of the pair. Joint, but the card that lies over each partner means an event that will occur because of it.
  5. Repeat item 3 again and take two cards from the deck. Put them at the bottom of the cards of the couple. These are the problems of the pair. They are joint, but so the map that lies above the partner means problems that first have to solve him.

With the help of easy to get information about your near future. Results can even record, then to observe how predictions come true.

The main thing is not to forget that everything depends on the person himself, and if the divination prophesies problems, you can have time to prepare for them in advance, and decide them with the least damage.

We offer you several simple gadas On ordinary, so-called playing cards. They are called both playing conditionally, because that a deck of cards on which you guess to play in no case. So, for any of the desired fortunes, you will need only an ordinary deck of 36 cards and your.

Fortune telling for the future

This fortune telling is very simple. Well shuffle a deck of 36 cards. Ask a question regarding your future. Now pull the card. Here for the answer will only need a suit.

  • Diamonds - You will probably get the desired if you attach a lot of effort to it.
  • Hearts - Hardly your desire is that you really need.
  • Clubs - Nothing will prevent you from achieving the desired.
  • Peaks "You will come to the goal very close, but at the last moment something hurts." In the future, it will be understood that it is for the better.

Fortune telling for the future

Fortune telling "five stacks"

We remove the six from the deck in 36 cards and the remaining 32 divide on 2 stacks. Choose one of them, remove the first card and set aside ( this map means trouble). The remaining maps are laid out for another 3 stacks.

Each of them pull out the bottom card and put on the one that means a nuisance. So, it turned out 4 stacks: 1st is you, the 2nd - family, 3rd - the events taking place, the 4th - trouble. Card value:

  • Peaks: Ace - joyful news; king friend; lady - dreams; Valts - a failed date; dozen - a pleasant meeting; nine good acquaintance; oight sadness, longing; Seven - reconciliation; Six - failures in affairs.
  • Clubs: Ace - the right decision; King is an old buddy; The lady is an unexpected gift; currency profit; dozen - good luck in affairs; nine troubles; Eight - happy acquaintance; Seven - Far Road; Six - someone else's house.
  • Diamonds: Ace - fulfillment of desire; the king is a betrayal of a friend; The lady - you admire; currencies - troubles at work; dozen - jealousy; Nine - overcoming difficulties; eight sadness; Seven - loyal friend; Six - danger.
  • Hearts: Ace - Your love is mutual; the king - your plans want to prevent; Lady - Do not hide your feelings; Valts - a long-awaited meeting; dozen - news from your loved one; Nine - unexpected recognition; eight - fate to you is favorably; Seven - unsafe journey; Six - remuneration for the works.

We declare all the stacks on the same map and determine the value. If peaks predominate in any stacks - financial arrivals are expected soon; If Trephs are waiting for the news from afar; tambourines - to great luck; Cherry - will open the deception.

Take a deck of 36 cards, mix and pull out any card. If you are guessing for a man, choose from the deck of the king of the sweeping card, if a woman is a lady appropriate. Put the king or a lady in the center, the remaining deck is dragging. Lay out 10 cards in a circle near the central as follows: count with the top of the deck for 6 cards, and lay out the 7th in the circle. Now proceed to interpretation.

Interpretation of cards

Card value:

  • Hearts: Ace - expect a sign of attention; the king - for a woman - a loved one, for a man - friend; Lady - For a man -As, for a woman - girlfriend; Valts - rival; dozen - sadness; nine - you are waiting for a difficult choice; Eight - Rest in a circle of friends; Seven - a difficult day; Six - Far Road.
  • Clubs: Ace - to the gossip; king - influential person; The lady is unexpected news; Valts - success in affairs; dozen - cash profit; Nine - debts; eight - what you expect, will not take place; Seven - Paper Tools; Six - travel.
  • Diamonds: Ace - pleasant news; King, lady - acquaintance; Valts - You will praise you; dozen - surprise; Nine - unexpected problems; Eight - Your enemies will appear; Seven -Zenmen; Six - you have to cancel the trip.
  • Peaks: Ace - joyful news; King is a patron; The lady is a gossip; Valts - pleasant troubles; dozen - outdoor rest; Nine - Do not forget about friends; Eight - betrayal; Seven - a quarrel with a close man; Six - offer hands and hearts.


This way is guessing once a year - on a birthday, it is better in the morning. Try to make anyone who bothers you.

Mix the deck and pull 7 cards. Put them in front of yourself and decipher, so you will find out what awaits you by the year of life.

Card value:

  • Ame: Peak - a year is successful in financial affairs; Buben - troublesome year; worms - keep your destiny; Tref - Health will not let you down.
  • Kings: Peak - good friend; tambourine-core loss; worms - you will have a fan; Tref - family happiness.
  • Ladies: peak - rival; Tuben - a faithful girlfriend; worms - a strong family union; Tref - take care of the safety of your home.
  • Valet: Peak - children will delight you; Tuben - the health of your family members; worms - good luck in affairs; TREF - Cash troubles.
  • Tens: Peak - Do not trust a close friend; Tuben - recognition at work; worms - strong love; Tref - long journey.
  • Nine: peak - quarrels with loved ones; tambourine - mutual sympathy; Worms - do right choice; Tref - your chosen will be jealous.
  • Eight: Peak - Be careful with unfamiliar people; tambourine - heavy blow; worms - you are waiting for chagrins; Tref is a proposal of hands and hearts.
  • Seven: Peak is a fun life; tambourine - sadness; worms - gaining wealth; Tref - your actions will coordinate.
  • Six: peak - separation with loved one; tambourine - your efforts will not go out for nothing; worms - long-awaited love; Trep -With a new job.

Offered for reading.

Foreign on ordinary maps - Magic action, allowing to know not only the future of man, but also answers to any questions you are interested in. Love guy, financial sphere, learning, house, life - only some examples of what divorities are held. For proper holding Ritual, extensions will be accurate and everything that will be predicted - will be fulfilled.

It is believed that the most truthful decays Made on ordinary maps. However, not any deck is suitable.

You can guess only on the maps that are used for magic rituals.

Here are the basic rules for using a fortune deck:

  1. new deck
    It is best to buy a completely new deck, which will be used for magical rituals. After buying it, it needs to be left overnight on the windowsill so that she gains lunar energy. The next day, before the ritual, the deck is needed to make at least ten minutes, it will help satisfy the cards of your energy.
  2. energy
    Conduct divination on ordinary maps should only one person - the owner. If they fall into the hands of an outside person, then you will need to repeat the rite that is performed after the purchase. This is done so that the traces of an outsider do not remain on the maps.
  3. careful attitude
    The fortune telling on ordinary maps is an important ritual that allows you to look into the future. For such an opportunity, you need to be grateful magical assistants. Card storage should be given special attention: The place should be dark and dry. It is also recommended to periodically take a deck in your hands so that the cards do not forget your owner.

Following it uncomplicated rules, exit will be triggered by truthful and efficient. However, remember that not only the value of each individual symbol is taken into account, and their combination. The combination can both enhance the value and reduce it.

In order to maximally understand the values \u200b\u200bof the cards during fortune telling, their specific combination should be taken into account.

Below will be considered the main changes that a combination can give:

  • left card, as a rule, has an impact on the right;
  • the upper card, as a rule, affects the bottom;
  • among the three cards, two one suites - the designation of the right or lower strengthened;
  • the combination of "worms" and on the contrary, the value of the second card is minimized;
  • the interaction of "worms-tambourines" and on the contrary, the interpretation of the second increases;
  • the combination of "peaks-trees" and on the contrary, the value of the second is reset;
  • the combination of "worms-trefts" and vice versa, the designation of the second remains the same;
  • the interaction of "tubes-trephies" and on the contrary, the value of the second is enhanced;
  • the combination of "peaks-tambourines" and vice versa, the interpretation of the second decreases;
  • the interaction of "tubes-trephies" and on the contrary, the value of the second card is minimized.

Knowing about the combination and value of cards, you can spend yourself card divination Not only for love or on a guy, a and for the future, life, training and any other scope of life.

Different folds help to know the answers to a variety of questions: for love, guy, for the future, for life, and so on. Among the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity are specially popular with a guy's feelings, allowing you to know his attitude towards a girl.

For this rite you will need a deck of ordinary playing cards. By choosing from it like a king guy, it should be put in the center of the table. It will symbolize the lover.

  • top - Future,
  • right lower - present,
  • right lower - present.

  • Six - a gift;
  • Seven - love;
  • Eight - boredom;
  • Nine - Problem situation;
  • Dozen - conversation;
  • Valts - happiness together;
  • The lady is a good girlfriend;
  • King - support for relative;
  • Ace - Wedding;

  • Six - holiday;
  • Seven - a gift;
  • Eight - excellent prospects;
  • Nine - doubts;
  • Dozen - happy future;
  • Valts - a good period;
  • Lady - boredom;
  • King - wedding hassle;
  • Ace - love.

  • Six - pleasant news;
  • Seven - road;
  • Eight - boredom;
  • Nine - monetary problems;
  • Dozen - a date;
  • Valts - love;
  • Lady - rival;
  • King - hello from the past;
  • Ace - an ambiguous situation.

  • Six - unforeseen expenses;
  • Seven - boredom;
  • Eight - there is a chance;
  • Nine - it all depends on you;
  • Dozen - good news;
  • Valts - treason;
  • Lady - jealousy;
  • King - love with a friend;
  • Ace - parting.

With the help of divination on ordinary maps, you can spend rituals for the future, rites for guy love, magical folds For training and more.

The use of ordinary cards allows you to get an answer to any question of interest.

Naturally, the effectiveness of divination on ordinary maps may depend on the faith in its effectiveness, the correctness of the performance of the entire ritual and the desire to find out the answer.

Divination on ordinary playing cards is the most popular and popular way to learn your own future. For such fortunes, complex and expensive details will not need. Playing cards that can be used in modern world, have their own origin from tarot cards. On ordinary maps it is easier to guess, because the ways of divination on the Tarot cards are not so simple.

Navigator in methods

1. Divination "Men's Thoughts".

To try easy way fortune telling on the maps, it is worth moving a deck of 36 ordinary cards, thinking about who you want to pay. After that, with his left hand to the heart, you need to remove the deck and pull out of it in order of 6 cards. At the same time, it is quite important to believe that this fortune telling is true. 1 card will symbolize what partner thinks about, 2 is that he feels, 3 - the future, 4 - the secret desires of the beloved, 5 - His fears, and 6 will tell that in life there is a chosen one at the moment.

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2. The fortune telling "loves, does not like."

So that solitaire was truthful, it is worth shuffling a deck, drawing a partner in his own imagination, as well as recalling the most small parts relationship with him. After that, you will have to remove the card to the heart and start laying the solitaire. For this, a number of 6 cards are postponed in front of them, and under it another number of the same number of cards, and for the second next to the third. This continues until the deck is complete. At the same time carefully look at what is depicted on the maps. If the macock of each other will be the map of one dignity, they need to be removed, and to move the remaining cards in their place, and if they again prove the same, they are cleaned. The remaining maps are shuffled and decomposed this time on 5 columns, after which 4, by 3 and, in the end, at 2. Next, it should be calculated how many card pairs remained, because the interpretation of divination will depend on this number.

  • 1 - Partner intends to call you married.
  • 2 - Partner attracts true love in you.
  • 3 - like.
  • 4 - He missed you.
  • 5 - He thinks about you.
  • 6 - the partner on the mind is another woman.
  • 7 and more - guess another time.

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3. The divination "will be together".

Maps must be shuffled by shifting your left hand to yourself. Next, you can begin to slander. For this map are laid out 9 in a row. If the same suit appears next to appear, they need to be removed, not touching the ladies and the king. If the same suit will be with each other, they should also be removed. On the resulting empty places are shifted by the remaining maps to the right left. After playing cards manage to decompose, it will be possible to see whether the king and the lady turned out to be nearby. In case they are together, the guy and the girl will be friends. If they are in upper corner, then the ambulance wedding is not far off. In other cases, on the cards that fall between the lady and the king or in front of their pair, it is possible to read that it will be a hindrance on the path of lovers.

4. Divination at a desire.

The deck is needed to shuffle well, after which it is necessary to make a desire and pull out 1 card from the deck. If it turns out to be humanized, other people will help in the exercise of desires in the presence of worms of worms, tambourine, baptism, and will be a hindrance in this if there are peaks. If 10 falls out, then the desire will be able to satisfy, but with probable difficulties and difficult labor. Map 9 speaks of the execution of desires, but not in the form in which I would like. Map 8 suggests that the desire to date for a person is unnecessary, and Map 7, on the contrary, indicates that it is worth hurry. Map 6 means a quick resolution of the situation that allows you to make a desire. Aces are a sign that the desire will come true.

5. Divination on the attitude of the partner to you.

It is quite easy to guess on the maps. Easy way for this is. Maps are laid out on so much a heap, how many letters has full name Beloved. After that, you need to take the last stack and shifting the cards to the previous ones, starting from the first "letter". This continues until only 2 handhes remain. Next, you should take a card simultaneously from each stack and turn them over. Paired will talk about the attitude of the partner. Two six fell out - waiting for the road, seven - the partner has a desire to talk, eight - wants to meet. Nine indicate his love for you, and dozens about suffering. The fallen curren will become a smell of trouble, the ladies tell me that he has another. Two kings mean what he thinks about you, and the aces say that he has a desire to be with you.

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6. Divination "what to do".

This is the easiest way of divination on the maps. To do this, it is important to formulate a question about yourself in such a form so that you can give it the answer "yes" or "no". Next, the deck is mixed and, without thinking, you need to pull out the first card from it. If the red card, the answer to the question is positive. If black is negative.

7. Divination for a successful marriage.

Of playing deer Maps are removed all 6-ki. Next, the deck is shuffled and sequentially all maps are folded out on 5 separate heights. Each of them should be 6 cards. The remaining 2 are put on the last and first stack. Further, all the cards are removed from each stack to the first king or lady. After that, all cards without tapering the decks again spread out on 5 stacks. Take such manipulations worth several times. Ideally, only pictures depicting kings and ladies should remain. They laid out in a row face up. If a suite pair of king and ladies arrive nearby, then the marriage will be long and successful. In other situations there will be a reverse.

8. Divination "Will a desire come true"

The deck of cards should be mixed thoroughly and lay out 15 consecutive cards from it. After the scenario, you need to select aces and postpone them aside. So is done 2 more times. As a result, if in the process of divination there are aces of all the masters, then the desire will certainly come true.

9. Divination "TUZ + 10".

We will need only 8 cards from the deck - it is all 10-ki and aces. For each ace, it is worth a particular acquaintance, whose feelings would like to know. Next, the aces are shuffled and laid out on the table shirt up. After that, it is worth shuffling 10-ki, laying them on top. On the last stage It is necessary to check the coincidence of masters. If some Ace and 10 coincided by the masters, then a conceived man has tender feelings towards you.

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10. Divination is simple.

To begin with, it is worth choosing "your" card. Those who are not married - a bubne lady and the king, those who are married or married - the worm lady and the king, and for the elderly - the trephy lady and the king. After the deck is shuffled, you need to remove the cards from it, starting to lay them out three pictures up. It continues until it finds a "own" card. Those cards that will be next to her will have to solve.

  • 6 any suit - to loss or disappearance;
  • 7 - to troubles, tears;
  • 8 - love disappointments and deceived hopes;
  • 9 black suit - to obstacles;
  • 9 red suits - to pleasures and joy;
  • 10 - to monetary receipts or gifts;
  • black suit shape - empty troubles and unpleasant news;
  • red-masta currencies - good lead and luck in affairs;
  • the lady of black suit is the presence of a rival;
  • the lady of red suit is a faithful girlfriend or spouse;
  • ace of red suit is a love message and a gift;
  • ace of black suit - rumors, intrigues, especially in the working team.

11. Divination on the peak lady and the king.

The deck is needed to shuffle well and remove the map with my left hand to myself. Finding and putting a peak lady and king, cards are shuffled again. Lay in front of you follows each 7th card. There must be 10 cards. After that, you can watch what suites prevailing. The first 2 cards will not be considered because they fulfill the role of "oracles".

  • Worms are loyalty and love, happiness in the family, reliable friends.
  • Trephs are a period of trouble, scandals, losses, probably illness and treason.
  • The tambourines are profit and success in affairs, carefree and cheerful pastime.
  • Peaks - fulfillment of desires, passion in love and success.

Recall that you need to guess on the maps that were never played. This can just purchased a deck or a time proven. In my arsenal there are both.

Before you start laying out the cards on the table, you should always shift them and make someone or what you wonder. This is done before any way.

Fast fortune telling on the cards first.

Dragged, removed the arbitrary upper part of the cards to themselves and did not forget to make it want to know about.


Then lay out in an arbitrary order all the deck on the table with the crap up.

After that, take any cards from any places in the amount of 9 pieces. This is predictions. The values \u200b\u200bof these 9 cards are viewed on a special page value of cards in the situation of these four simple ghosts.

Look out the fortune telling on the maps in the video lesson

Simple fortune telling on playing cards 36 second.

Removed cards to yourself. Then randomly from anywhere, pull out one card from the deck. We look like this card. Now we are looking for the same musca of the king or a lady, that is, who we wonder.

Put the king (lady) on the table and around this card will lay 10 cards in the following way.

I took everything a deck in your hands and consider up to six, and I put the seventh near the king (ladies). And so pull out each seventh card until you pull out 10 pieces.

Fortune telling on playing cards - video lessons for training 2.

The simplest fortune telling on the maps 3

Here is another easiest way to divine on the maps. I hope you have already shuffled a deck without tip. Now remove your left hand and make sure that we want to learn and the suit of the king (or ladies), i.e. Who are you guessing.

Then the whole deck of cards you need to decompose on the table. We take in order from above and put on the table in 4 rows of 9 pieces in each.

For clarity, see the movie "Divination on the Maps - Video Training 3".

Divination on maps simple alignment 4

Simple fortune-telling on ordinary maps is available to everyone. They differ from the grandmother's scenario, the value of the card is also completely different. You do not need to learn by heart anything. Keep your interpreter to these 4 simple fortune telling on ordinary playing cards and interpret the resulting combination based on it. It was entry. Now proceed to the process.