Top dressing of tomato and pepper seedlings: folk remedies and mineral fertilizers. We find out how to feed the seedlings of peppers, as well as when and how often to do it, what fertilizers to use Top dressing of tomato seedlings from the first days

For fertilized tomatoes and peppers, the plants may lack nutrients. in the boxes of these cultures occurs for two months, and there is not enough food for the plants for this entire period.

Young plants are especially susceptible to this deficiency, and the deficiency nutrients immediately affects their condition.

However, when feeding any seedlings, one must not lose a sense of proportion. Large doses of fertilizers applied for seedlings of tomatoes and peppers, as well as too frequent feeding will not help the plants, but most likely will harm.

When choosing a drug preference should be given to liquid species... If you purchased a dry mineral mixture, be sure to dilute it with water before using. The fact is that root system seedlings are not able to independently use dry minerals introduced into the soil.

Minerals will come to the roots only after dissolving with water at, and this is a long process, and the seedlings may suffer from a lack of nutrition and slow down growth.

For better distribution of minerals in the soil feeding tomato and pepper seedlings should be done after watering the plants... It is necessary to carry out the procedure in the morning, so that by the evening, when the air temperature drops, it does not provoke the development of a fungus in the soil.

When using ready-made fertilizer mixtures, follow their purpose.... If the fertilizers you purchased are intended for adult plants, then for seedlings you need to reduce their concentration in the solution by half.

Top dressing will be more beneficial if you are around the plants loosen the ground regularly... Only do this with the utmost care, loosen exclusively upper layer soil an hour or two after watering.

Fertilizers for tomato seedlings

Tomatoes - especially demanding culture in all periods of development. Correct and timely feeding allows you to get strong, viable specimens for subsequent cultivation in greenhouses or open ground.

During the cultivation of tomato seedlings it needs to be fed three times:

  • The first feeding is carried out 10 days after the picking of the plants.... By this time, the roots had already taken root well in new soil and are able to absorb from it all the introduced elements. At this stage, tomatoes need nitrogen and phosphorus, so the use of the drug "Nitrofos" will be optimal. 1 tbsp. the spoon is diluted in a liter of water. Top dressing is applied after a slight preliminary moistening of the soil, then the bushes are spilled with fertilizer until the entire soil is evenly moistened.
  • The second feeding is carried out after 2 weeks.... The composition of fertilizers during this period depends on the condition of the plants. If they are stretched out from lack of lighting, then nitrogen should be excluded from fertilizers. The mixture is prepared from double superphosphate and potassium sulfate. Each mineral is taken in a tablespoon per liter. From ready-made liquid fertilizers the most suitable during this period are "Uniflor Growth", "Effecton", "Signor Tomato".
  • A week before planting tomatoes in a permanent place, the third feeding is carried out... For her, a solution of Nitrofoska is used.

What and how to feed peppers?

start at the most early dates development.

Already in the phase of the first two true leaves, you need to shed the seedlings with a mixture of ammonium nitrate (0.5 g), superphosphate (3 g), potassium sulfate (1 g).

All ingredients must be diluted in a liter of pre-settled water.

IMPORTANT! When applying fertilizers, make sure that they do not fall on the leaves, and in case of accidental contact, rinse them off with warm water.

Pour the same mixture over the pepper the second time, but double the dose. It is necessary to do this in two weeks after the first feeding.

A few days before planting the pepper in the ground, the third feeding is carried out... Fertilizer solution is prepared from 15 grams wood ash diluted in 1 liter.

IMPORTANT! You cannot feed pepper seedlings with organic fertilizers, and manure is categorically contraindicated for him. Such dressings inhibit the root system of the pepper.

Top dressing of tomato and pepper seedlings with folk remedies

Adherents of natural fertilizers can be advised to carry out top dressing with folk remedies:

  1. Bird droppings... Diluted 100 g in 1 liter, infused for 10 days. It is recommended to add to it before use copper sulfate or potassium permanganate.
  2. Banana peel... It is a source of potassium, especially recommended for tomatoes. Peel from 2-3 pieces is insisted in 3 liters of water for 3 days.
  3. Eggshell... This is how to feed the seedlings of peppers and tomatoes after a dive, since the shell is recommended for laying out as a drainage when diving. You can fill half a bucket of the shell with water and use it for watering after three days.
  4. Husk onions ... 10 g are poured with a liter of water, and infused for 5 days.
  5. Yeast... 1 g per liter.

The appearance of plants is an indicator of a lack of nutrients

The need for extraordinary feeding of seedlings and the composition of fertilizers can be judged by its appearance:

  • Lightening of the lower leaves- lack of nitrogen.
  • Arrangement of light stripes along the veins- lack of iron. Seedlings should be sprayed with a solution of copper sulfate.
  • Withered leaves talk about a lack of magnesium. Its deficiency can be replenished by adding wood ash to the soil.
  • Pronounced purple veins on tomato leaves- lack of phosphorus. 5 g per liter of water is infused for a day, then it is diluted with another liter and the seedlings are watered with this composition.

By observing the simple rules for using fertilizers, you can grow strong and healthy seedlings of peppers and tomatoes, which will give you a rich harvest in the fall.

Useful materials

Read other articles on pepper seedlings:

  • and do we need them?
  • How to grow

Experienced gardeners no longer need to explain that feeding tomato seedlings at home before and after picking, as well as after planting in the ground, is an absolutely necessary procedure to obtain healthy and strong plants. After all, only such tomatoes can bring a good harvest, resist diseases and pests.

During the growth of seedlings, the root system begins to develop, the "immunity" of the plant to diseases is laid, and the basis for the future harvest is formed. And what it will be depends on how and when you will feed tomato seedlings.

  • 1 How and when to feed tomato seedlings
    • 1.1 Why do you need feeding for seedlings
      • 1.1.1 Signs of seedling nutrient deficiency
    • 1.2 When to feed tomato seedlings
    • 1.3 Fertilizing tomato seedlings after picking
    • 1.4 Foliar feeding tomato
    • 1.5 Feeding tomato seedlings with organic fertilizers
      • 1.5.1 Fertilizing tomato seedlings with iodine
      • 1.5.2 Feeding with yeast
      • 1.5.3 Feeding seedlings with ash
      • 1.5.4 How to feed tomato seedlings, video

How and when to feed tomato seedlings

Many people mistakenly believe that tomatoes have enough fertile soil to grow. You can grow plants without feeding, and they will even give you a crop, but not the same if you still feed the tomatoes.

Why do you need seedling feed

At the first stages of development, the plant has enough vitality embedded in the seed itself and nutrients from the soil. But only at first. Imagine how much strength it takes for a plant to hatch from a seed and break through a layer of soil, even if it's loose. And at home, when it is warm and humid enough, all growth processes are accelerated and very soon the plants begin to experience a deficiency of nutrients.

Signs of a seedling nutrient deficiency

Those gardeners who closely observe the seedlings every day will notice any changes immediately. In this case, you must immediately and act, correct mistakes during cultivation:

  • If the leaves become light and all the veins are clearly visible on them, then there are two reasons, or you are watering the plants with tap water, not settled water, in which there is a lot of chlorine. Or the seedlings suffer from iron deficiency, but in both cases it is called chlorosis.
  • When plants suddenly become very fragile and break with every touch, it means that magnesium must be urgently added to the soil.
  • The leaves become darker and take on a purple hue, especially on the underside of the leaf, which means they lack phosphorus.
  • Signs such as lightening foliage, stuntedness, dropping can be caused by insufficient water, poor lighting, cold air or a lack of nitrogen.
  • When to feed tomato seedlings

    Experts recommend starting feeding at the earliest stage of growth, that is, the first feeding should be in the phase of two true leaves. At this time, the plant develops resistance to diseases, especially fungal diseases like late blight.

    If you are going to feed the plants at this time, then it is better to use the drug "Fitosporin", which is diluted according to the instructions. It not only helps plants to resist diseases, but also acts as a bioenergetic.

    It will also be appropriate at this time to shed the soil with a solution of copper, as well as for the emergence of resistance to diseases.

    A week after the first one, you need to carry out the second feeding. here you can already use a complex fertilizer, which will include not only mineral fertilizers, but also organic matter... It is convenient to use the preparation Agricola, which has everything that tomatoes need. And the plants themselves will choose what to take for their development.

    The next dressings are carried out every 10 days, preferably also with complex fertilization. In addition, you can use organic, further I will give examples of organic dressings.

    Fertilizing tomato seedlings after picking

    After diving, all plants experience stress, they need to get used to a new place, maybe a different composition of the soil. In this case, the roots are necessarily damaged and the plant should just rest. Therefore, after the transplant, we give two weeks and carry out the next feeding with a urea solution.

    After planting in the ground, you also need to feed the tomatoes in two weeks, when they take root and grow. In the first feeding, you can use organic fertilizers... Dilute the mullein infusion, prepared in advance, 1 in 10. Add a tablespoon of nitrophoska to a ten-liter bucket of this solution and water half a liter under each bush.

    All root dressing should be done after watering, so that nutrients will reach the roots of the plant faster.

    Foliar top dressing tomato

    As you of course know, plants feed not only through the roots, but also through the foliage. Tomatoes are no exception, so foliar dressing has a very beneficial effect on them. Usually, these procedures are carried out in turn with the introduction of fertilizers under the roots. Spraying useful compounds it is recommended to be carried out early in the morning, in the dew, so that the nutrients quickly penetrate into the leaf.

    For foliar dressing tomatoes use the following spraying:

    • Phytosporin solution, according to instructions
    • Urea solution
    • Superphosphate, solution of 1 tbsp. spoon for 10 liters of boiling water, leave for 24 hours
    • Potassium monophosphate, 1 teaspoon per 10 liters of water
    • Potassium nitrate solution.

    Fertilizing tomato seedlings with organic fertilizers

    Can be used for seedlings and fertilizers from folk remedies. My elderly neighbor sprinkles sleeping tea leaves on the soil in the seedling trays every year. Some are harvested by spring eggshell, pour water over two-thirds of the shell bucket on a bucket of water, insist for three days and water. You just need to take into account that for such feeding you need your own, homemade fresh eggs.

    In the spring, when the seedlings already require feeding, the first shoots of young nettles appear. I always collect young shoots in a bucket and fill them with warm water, I insist this for five days, then I use them to water small tomatoes.

    Fertilizing tomato seedlings with iodine

    You can use ready-made water-soluble fertilizers with iodine for seedlings and water the plants. You can use iodine solution for foliar feeding. To do this, dilute in four liters warm water a couple of drops of iodine and spray the sprouts with a spray bottle. In the seedling phase of tomatoes, one feeding with this preparation is sufficient.

    Yeast feeding

    Previously, such dressings were popular, and they used both dry and raw yeast, even bread and crackers. But with the advent of new drugs, such a remedy was forgotten, and in vain. Because the yeast fungus activates the life of microorganisms in the soil, in addition, yeast is rich in all trace elements that are necessary for plant growth, development of the root system and enhance immunity.

    Yeast starter culture for irrigation is prepared as follows: one hundred grams of any yeast is diluted in warm water with the addition of a couple of tablespoons of sugar, for better fermentation. The solution is infused until the fermentation process stops, then you need to dilute it again, a liter of sourdough in five liters of water, water the seedlings a week after planting in a permanent place, then immediately after rooting.

    Feeding seedlings with ash

    This feeding has been popular for many years, because tomato and pepper seedlings absorb potassium and phosphorus contained in ash very well. And everyone knows how all fungal diseases are removed with the help of ash.

    The only drawback is that nitrogen-containing fertilizers cannot be mixed with ash and nitrogen can be applied only a month after using ash dressings.

    For feeding, the following mixture is used: pour a tablespoon of pure wood ash with five liters hot water and insist for a day, then apply under the plants.

    How to feed tomato seedlings, video

    Dear friends, today let's talk about how to feed tomato seedlings so that they are strong, plump, green and healthy. So that it grows and develops for your joy.

    We should especially pay attention to fertilizers with a nitrogen (N) content in the composition, it is he who is responsible for the active growth and mass growth of the plant. If there is enough nitrogen, the seedlings grow dense, strong and developed.

    In addition to nitrogen, many other elements are needed, everything should be enough. Therefore, it is best to use complex fertilizers, which will help eliminate the deficiency of any nutrient.

    Well-fed seedlings will surely thank you with strength and health.

    When to start feeding tomato seedlings

    This question worries many gardeners. They are often impatient to start feeding their seedlings.

    And, as soon as a thin stalk with two cotyledon leaves appears from the ground, driven by good intentions, they immediately begin to nourish and fertilize it. But what is there, in many sources and advise: "as soon as possible."

    We insist that this advice is not correct. Tiny sprouts do not yet need a flow of fertilizers; moreover, they can even be damaged by untimely feeding. Their roots are very delicate and may not withstand the active substances with which you pour them.

    First feeding tomato

    Seedlings, not only of tomatoes, but also of other crops, can begin to be fertilized only after a dive into the nutrient soil and with the appearance of 3-4 true leaves. We do this in moderation, because if you have good soil, then some time of feeding the seedlings is not required.

    If the soil is poor in nutrients, then of course you will immediately see this, the seedlings will begin to starve, turn yellow and signal that additional feeding is needed.

    Let's go over the main elements in top dressing and find out why they are needed:

    • nitrogen is the main element for the construction of new cells by the plant and growth
    • phosphorus - helps to absorb useful material correctly, improves photosynthesis
    • potassium - promotes metabolism and good water accumulation in cells
    • manganese - promotes active respiration of plants, the accumulation of nutrients in cells
    • iron - the basis for chlorophyll synthesis and good photosynthesis
    • boron - helps the plant to grow root mass, set fruits
    • copper - regulates the water exchange of the plant
    • zinc - participates in the absorption of nutrients and strengthening the immunity of seedlings
    • molybdenum - helps to improve growth rates and protein synthesis

    So, we can produce top dressing with industrial fertilizers, which are enough in stores. big choice... We will focus on those that have already proven themselves well. And also a little below we will discuss organic folk dressing.

    Top dressing for tomato seedlings Athlete

    The athlete is the most popular and recognized tool among a huge number of gardeners.

    His vocation is to make strong seedlings from stunted, thin-stemmed seedlings.

    The drug works to reduce the growth of the aerial part of the plant.

    Due to the special combination of useful elements, the drug slows down the growth of the aerial part of the plant, causing increased growth of the root system.

    This helps to improve the nutrition of the plant, it stops stretching, it grows short, but strong.

    The stems of the seedlings thicken, the leaves become wider, good nutrition helps the leaves stay emerald green and not yellow.

    Top dressing for seedlings Krepysh

    This is a complex mineral and organic fertilizer. Contains in its composition: nitrogen + potassium + phosphorus - basic and magnesium, iron, manganese, copper, zinc, boron, sulfur and others.

    Strong is both dry and in the form of a solution. The latter is very convenient for applying to already grown seedlings, it will provide it with everything you need.

    This fertilizer helps seedlings to vigorously build up green mass, thickens the stems of the plant.

    Seedling feed Emerald

    Particular attention should be paid to feeding the Emerald, if your seedlings began to clearly turn yellow from lack of nutrition. It is specially designed to eliminate yellowness and enhance seedlings nutrition.

    This is a mineral-organic fertilizer. The main active elements are nitrogen and magnesium. Its concentrated composition must be diluted with water according to the instructions. You can apply both root dressing and spraying.

    Fertilizer Ideal is similar in action to it.

    Top dressing for seedlings Humate +7

    This preparation contains 60-65% humates and 7 trace elements necessary for plants (Fe-0.4.%, Cu-0.2,%, Zn-0.2%, Mn-0.17,%, Mo-0.018%, Co-0.02%, B-0.2%, N-1.5%) in the form of complex compounds with humic acids. Let's dissolve well. It improves the composition of the soil, nourishes the seedlings, promotes their good growth and immunity.

    Humate + 7 has a set positive feedback... Thanks to its complex composition, it is used only 3-4 times for the whole season.

    Top dressing for seedlings Zdraven Turbo

    Top dressing also promotes vigorous plant growth, strengthened seedling stems, foliage growth and sprout health.

    Top dressing Fertica Lux

    Crystalline complex fertilizer, which has won the recognition of many gardeners. Fertilizer composition: NPK (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium) 16-20-27 + trace elements (Fe -0.1%, B - 0.02%, Cu - 0.01%, Mn - 0.1%, Mo - 0.002 %, Zn - 0.01%).

    This fertilizer must be diluted in water strictly according to the instructions, it is quite strong. You should get a very pale, transparent-pinkish solution, you don't need to overdo it in any case, because you can burn the tender roots of the seedlings, it is so intense. The water for the solution must be warm.

    Also on sale is Fertika in liquid form, in bottles, which is also very convenient to use.

    This applies to industrial fertilizers. If you are against feeding the seedlings with "chemistry", then the second part of the article is for you. Below we will consider the best folk options.

    How to feed tomato seedlings with folk remedies

    Feeding seedlings with chicken droppings

    Excellent organic fertilizer. It is good that now it is no longer in short supply and is freely sold in garden centers, markets, and it can also be purchased from poultry breeders.

    Chicken manure is a waste product of poultry. It contains nitrogen necessary for plants, as well as iron, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and other useful elements.

    The most important thing is that the fertilizer is completely natural organic matter.

    But you need to apply it correctly so as not to harm. Fresh or concentrated chicken droppings cannot be fertilized; they are caustic enough to burn the plant roots. Be sure to read the instructions for use to the end.

    Usually, chicken manure is soaked in the right amount of water according to the instructions and insisted for at least a day. But, it is better to insist it for about three to five days, wait for it to ferment and only then use it. Although it is not so easy to do this in an apartment, because you can imagine what kind of amber from wandering droppings.

    And if we are talking about young, tender seedlings, you cannot even water it with such a solution. We dilute it 1: 1 with water, and we are already watering our seedlings with this solution.

    Only in this case will she receive maximum benefit and nutrition, and the root system will be safe with such feeding.

    Also, chicken droppings are granular. It is believed that this treatment improves the usability and quality, eliminating unnecessary pungency.

    Fertilizing seedlings with vermicompost

    Another organic fertilizer created on the basis of the vital activity of earthworms. Very nutritious, easily assimilated by plants, containing beneficial microflora.

    Suitable for fertilizing vegetable (and not only) crops throughout the season. Both for seedlings and for flowering and fruiting plants. It stimulates plant growth, immunity, development of the root system, nourishes them.

    Vermicompost contains nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium and other elements, it is a complete complex feeding.

    Vermicompost is dry loose and liquid. Dry is more suitable for laying in holes in the garden or for adding indoor flowers or seedlings to the ground.

    Liquid vermicompost is just more suitable for fertilizing during the growing season.

    We dilute it in warm water according to the instructions and water our seedlings. This fertilizer is very soft, you can use it without fear of harming the seedlings.

    Of biohumus fertilizers, the natural elixir of fertility is especially popular, containing all needed by plants components in an easily digestible form, and at the same time being a completely natural organic feeding.

    Top dressing of seedlings with onion skins

    Don't throw away the onion skins, this is underestimated by many. useful fertilizer... The onion peel infusion is so mild that it can be used with every watering.

    Onion peel contains all the necessary nutrients in small doses.

    An infusion of onion peel is prepared for fertilizing seedlings in this way: we take two handfuls of onion peel in a liter jar, fill it hot water(but not boiling water), we insist for a day.

    The solution should be the color of the tea leaves. Water the seedlings with this undiluted fertilizer.

    Feeding tomato seedlings with ash

    Ash or ordinary ash, which remains after burning a tree, is considered one of the best organic potassium-phosphorus fertilizers, it also contains calcium and magnesium, these are its main elements. Note, however, that the ash does not contain nitrogen.

    Tomatoes are very fond of ash for potassium and phosphorus in its composition.

    How to breed ash for feeding tomato seedlings: pour half a glass of ash with two liters of warm water, let it brew for a day. We water it not abundantly at the root with this solution.

    Fertilizing tomato seedlings with iodine

    Despite the fact that tomatoes do not need a lot of iodine for development, they always respond favorably to such feeding. Iodine significantly strengthens the immunity of plants, and also disinfects the soil. Seedlings are less susceptible to diseases.

    We are feeding already grown seedlings. Prepare an iodine solution for feeding tomato seedlings: 1 drop of iodine in 3 liters of water, stir and water.

    We carry out this procedure once. It is best to do this before planting in the ground in a permanent place.

    Fertilizing seedlings with hydrogen peroxide video

    This top dressing cannot be called complete, because it does not contain trace elements.

    But due to its composition, the hydrogen peroxide solution helps plants to better absorb nutrients from the soil, and most importantly, it disinfects the soil and enhances the immunity of seedlings. Well-nourished seedlings grow faster.

    Watering plants with peroxide solution is an excellent prevention of late blight and other diseases.

    The peroxide solution is prepared as follows: 2 tablespoons per 1 liter of water. Can be used with every watering.

    Thank you for reading to the end. We hope that this humble work was useful for you and now you know how to feed your seedlings.

    If you have something to say about these dressings - write in the comments and be sure to share our article in social networks, we will be very pleased.

    Many summer residents grow tomato seedlings themselves, trying to create comfortable conditions for it and provide additional nutrition. Indeed, their further development and fruiting depends on the nutrition of plants during the seedling period. However, overdoing it with fertilizers can harm them. Therefore, it is very important to apply fertilizers taking into account the state of the plants and strictly adhere to certain norms.

    Do I need to feed tomato seedlings

    Tomatoes need a balanced diet, but you can not rush to apply additional fertilizers if the seeds were sown in fertile soil and while the sprouts have strong stems and bright green leaves.

    Strong, healthy seedlings grow in the nutrient medium

    However, as the seedling grows, it draws out all the micro and macro elements it needs from the soil and, as a result of an imbalance of nutrients, becomes weak. Top dressing will help the seedlings get stronger and increase immunity. What types of fertilizers plants need can be judged by their appearance.

    Video: is it necessary to feed tomato seedlings

    When to feed tomato seedlings

    During the seedling period, the plants are fed several times.

    If necessary, you can fertilize the plants more often, once a week, while reducing the rate of the applied substance by 2 times.

    It is advisable to feed the tomatoes in the morning, so as not to cause burns from water droplets on the leaves.

    The better to feed tomato seedlings

    Mineral and organic fertilizers are used to feed young shoots. Top dressing is applied in two ways: under the root when watering or by spraying on a leaf. The foliar method is considered the most effective for young sprouts, in which nutrients are very quickly absorbed by plants.

    When sprayed, nutrients are absorbed faster by the leaves

    Mineral fertilizers

    Finished fertilizers can be in liquid form (Effect, Ideal, Krepysh, Biohumus) and dry (Agricola, nitroammofoska). Fertilize seedlings with nutrient solutions, strictly following the instructions.

    Table: mineral supplements

    Photo gallery: the best fertilizers for seedlings

    Urea - fertilizer in the form of granules white- supplies plants with nitrogen and accelerates the growth of vegetative mass Krepysh is a water-soluble fertilizer, most of which is nitrogen, which promotes the growth of seedlings and increases immunity Nitrogen-containing double superphosphate is a phosphorus fertilizer that ensures the development of the root system and accelerates plant growth Nitrophoska containing nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium promotes good nutrition seedlings Agricola - complex mineral fertilizer for foliar and root feeding of plants Effekton is a natural substrate obtained by composting peat mass with the use of additives

    Video: application of fertilizer Krepysh

    Folk remedies for tomato seedlings

    To feed seedlings, gardeners often use folk remedies, the effectiveness of which has been proven by many years of practice.

    How to feed seedlings with ash

    Ash is a valuable organic fertilizer, rich in potassium, phosphorus and calcium, which are especially needed by tomato seedlings in the early stages of development. Ash infusion is fed to sprouts at a week of age and again after 14 days. The solution is prepared from 2 tbsp. l. ash and 1 liter of water, insist for a day, filter and apply at the root or spray over the plant.

    Ash infusion is an ideal top dressing for weak seedlings

    Fertilizing tomato seedlings with yeast

    The yeast nutritional supplement is especially beneficial for young robegs, stimulating their growth and the formation of a strong root system. Yeast fungi, containing amino acids, vitamins, microelements, increase the saturation of plants with vitamins, improve oxygen metabolism.

    Baker's yeast can be used as effective fertilization for tomato seedlings

    Feeding with yeast in the phase of 2-3 leaves improves the survival rate of seedlings after picking. However, such fertilization is effective only when applied to warm soil (at least + 18 ° C). In addition, in order to avoid a deficiency of potassium and calcium, which are absorbed during fermentation of fungi, yeast is combined with the introduction of ash (20 g) or egg shells (5 g / 10 cm 2). To prepare the starter culture, 200 g of fresh yeast is stirred in 1 liter of warm water, after 1 hour, diluted with water 1:10 and applied under the root on damp ground or sprayed with plants.

    I use bread instead of yeast, because it has a yeast base. I pour bread slices, crackers with water and put them under oppression for a week. Before use, I filter and dilute with water 1: 3.

    Bread fertilizer, thanks to the yeast base, acts as a biostimulant

    Iodine is an effective fertilizer for vegetable seedlings

    Using iodine as a top dressing not only improves the development of tomatoes, but also reduces the risk of spreading pathogenic bacteria. A 5% alcohol solution of a pharmaceutical preparation contains iodine, potassium iodide and 96% ethanol. The use of such feeding allows you to avoid iodine deficiency, and thanks to antimicrobial properties, protect against diseases. Iodine solution (3 drops \ 10 l of water) is applied in the phase of 2-3 true leaves during root watering or spraying.

    Fertilizing with iodine after picking helps plants to quickly cope with stress and increase immunity

    An excellent feed for tomato seedlings is milk with the addition of iodine. I pour 5 drops of iodine, 200 ml of low-fat milk into 1 liter of warm water and spray it. As a result, tomatoes receive the necessary microelements, pathogenic soil microorganisms are suppressed, and the film that lactose forms on plants reliably protects against fungal spores.

    Iodine-milk solution - fertilizer with a protective effect

    Chicken manure is a valuable organic fertilizer

    The richest source of nutrients is chicken droppings. It contains nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and calcium, which are responsible for plant growth and health. To fertilize tomatoes, an infusion of chicken manure is used: 1 liter of organic fertilizer is mixed with 1 liter of water and left in a closed container for fermentation for several days. Before use, the concentrate should be diluted 20 times.

    Chicken droppings contain useful trace elements and bioactive substances that promote active plant growth

    This infusion is best used during the first fertilizing watering. However, chicken droppings have bad smell, and when growing tomato seedlings on the windowsill, it is better to replace it with other means.

    Green fertilizer for seedlings

    A few days before planting in the ground, the seedlings can be fed with herbal infusion. Nettle, yarrow, dandelion are poured with water in a ratio of 1:10 and left for a week. Before use, the concentrated fertilizer is diluted with water 1:10 and the plants are watered (150 ml / bush).

    Herbal infusion is an effective organic fertilizer

    Video: feeding tomatoes before planting in open ground

    Top dressing of seedlings with onion peel infusion

    This feeding has a double effect. Carotene contained in onion peel and possessing antioxidant properties promotes intensive growth of seedlings, restores the strength of weakened and damaged plants. And the phytoncides present in the onion shell destroy harmful bacteria. 1 glass of onion peels is poured into 1 liter of boiling water, insisted for 2 days, then filtered, diluted with water 1: 3 and applied over a sheet.

    Onion hulls contain nutrients and phytoncides

    Seedling nutrition vegetable crops must be balanced, therefore organic fertilizers should be used in combination with mineral fertilizers.

    How to feed tomato seedlings with peroxide

    Fertilizing with hydrogen peroxide also has a beneficial effect on tomatoes. The use of peroxide is especially useful for weakened, slow-growing or pricked seedlings. Hydrogen peroxide, which is a clear liquid, by chemical composition is similar to rain and melt water, which is popularly called living water.

    To feed tomato seedlings, you can use 3% hydrogen peroxide, which is sold in any pharmacy

    When using peroxide, the soil layer is saturated with oxygen, the biochemical processes in the root system are accelerated and the absorption of nutrients is improved. Positive changes after such feeding are noticeable after a few hours - the leaves of the seedlings become more juicy and acquire a rich green color. Watering or spraying with a solution (1 tbsp. L. \ 1 l) is carried out to accelerate the growth of seedlings or to revive the seedlings that are withering after diving.

    How to feed weak and thin tomato seedlings

    Even experienced gardeners sometimes notice that the seedlings begin to grow too intensively, stretch out, and the stems become thinner. The reason for this may be a violation of agricultural technology, a deficiency or excess of nutrients.

    If the tomato seedlings are stretched out and have acquired a pale green color, then it's time to feed them with useful microelements.

    To resuscitate weak and thin seedlings, to control their growth, you can use the stabilizing drug Athlete. As a result of the use of the biostimulant, the growth of the aerial part of plants slows down, a strong root system is formed, the stem becomes strong and thick. The athlete is used when 3-4 leaves appear, adding a solution (1.5 ml \ 300 ml of water) with watering 1 time. Or, the seedlings are sprayed three times with a weekly break with a more concentrated liquid (1.5 ml \ 500 ml).

    The use of the drug Atlet will slow down the growth of the aerial part of plants and form a strong root system.

    After spraying with the preparation, the plants can be watered in a day, after root application - after 2-3 days. The last treatment should be carried out 3-5 days before transplanting into the ground.

    To get strong, healthy tomato seedlings, you need to provide them with a balanced diet. Modern summer residents have a large arsenal of chemical and folk remedies. However, they should be used taking into account the biological state of the plants and strictly following the instructions.