Chicken litter as fertilizer. Methods of cooking feeding

Nitrogen - one of the most important elements For plants, especially at the beginning of development. It can be obtained from different sources, but the most affordable is a green organic agent. Undercine of plants with the infusion of grass - the budget and economical opportunity to improve the quality of the soil on garden plot. There are several ways to make fertilizer from grass. Each of them is directed to the maximum possible processing of green organic organics, and the exhaust of the useful substances.


Vegetable composts differ from all other things that have a short period of processing. The green mass turns and loses harmful ammonia faster than the animal organic and. Average, vegetable compost ripens in 2-3 monthsDepending on which components are included in it. Based on this fertilizer from grass, infusions are made, which are used for feeding various crops. Also, the biocompost is used in its natural form, for introducing into the soil, and to create a "warm" beds for cucumbers.

One of best cultures For this type of processing is Lupine. This green fertilizer "pulls out" from the soil all nitrogen, to which it can be reached by raking roots. At the same time, over the summer, a huge bush grows from one seed, with thick fleshy stems, which will provide a large volume of compost. Lupine is useful and beautiful. Before the onset of economic suitability, he will have time to please the gardeners abundant blossom. To allow for the appearance and ripening of seeds is impossible - they can maintain their germination even with extreme temperatures that are highlighted by plants during rotation. If the deadlines are missed, then the seeds must be neglected before the preparation of fermented herbs. For this Bushes are pre-soaked in water - for 1-2 weeks, and only after that lay in compost.

Video: Grass Composting

Infusion of nettle

This green fertilizer is used for all types of cultivated plants. It, like all biological feeding, rich in nitrogen and some other useful elements. Insstruat the grass in this way:

Plastic barrel on 2/3 fill herbs and poured with water. The solution is left to wander for 1-2 weeks, then used for root and extraxnealing. When watering, the working solution is divorced 10 times, when spraying on the sheet - at 20.

If you start the nettle, then to increase the efficiency of the solution, it can be added to it. Sometimes it liquid fertilizer Hire with mineral agrochemicals containing substances that are lacking in the mixture obtained. Most often it is Tuki, as well as sulfur (for better assimilation of nitrogen), phosphate (pre-translated suspension with a hot way) additives. Micralegants - boron, magnesium, molybdenum and others are added.

You can use both independently and add other herbs in infusion, such as a socket, a typical, theft, field, and bitter wormwood.

A clustered cluster grass is used for spraying, currant, and other crops affecting tool. In the fresh exhaust, there is still a fairly poisonous substance that burns insects, and they also do not like her smell.

Dropped grass with water can be used for ,. Store no more than two weeks, after the expiration of the storage time is preparing a new decoction.

Infusion of weeds

Less known weeds can also be used to feed the plants with the infusion of herbs. Okopnik, wild mustard, wormwood, chamomile, clover - all this is perfect for recycling. You can also add a little lawn grassif it stayed after the haircut.

Plants are needed to grind large, and pour water, which should cover the green mass. In the resulting liquid add dolomite flour, at the rate of 1.5 kg per 100 liters. To waste grass not published unpleasant odorIt is possible to add microbiological preparations to it, in the finished form are sold in stores for gardeners.

To make a fertilizer from the grass, you can use the hay or straw, as well as the underlining material from the poultry house and the livestock. Putting a barrel in the greenhouse, you can save a constant solution temperature.

The infusion of weeds is not only a nutritious feed for the soil fertilizer. Some of these natural antagonists can be used for the benefit of garden and garden cultures. For example, the decoction from the coo will save landing from mildew.

Video: The simplest fertilizer from weeds

Combined infusion from weeds and pond plants

If there is a reservoir near the country area, then there can be a raw material for making green fertilizers. The recipe is quite time-consuming, but very effective:

  • Water - 50 l;
  • Chopped pond plants (OCC, reed), as well as weeds (Ivan tea, nettle) - 50 l;
  • Wood ash - 1 bucket;
  • - 500 g, or manure - 4-5 kg;
  • EM - fertilizer - 1l.

Herb fertilizer with yeast

Despite all its advantages - low cost, simplicity of manufacture, widespread accessibility, fertilizers from the grass have the disadvantages. It is impossible to say exactly what useful micro elements are contained in their composition, and how many of them, much depends on the type and saturation of the soil on which weeds have grown.

Therefore, using clumsy grass, it is necessary to enrich it with additional fakeers, which contain all the missing matter. It can be humats, or yeast. Why not, because in this all familiar substance contains a whole treasure of nutrients, which will be glad to any plant.

Useful trace elements that are part of yeast GOST 171-81:

  1. Ammonium sulfate;
  2. Diammoniumphosphate;
  3. Potassium (different types);
  4. Magnesium;
  5. Sulfur;
  6. Soda;
  7. Calcium.

Another plus of this feeding - simplicity of cooking:

The yeast is simply dissolved in water, based on the proportion of 1 kg per 10 liters. Then the resulting working solution is diluted again, in the proportion of 1 l on 20 liters of water. This feeder is stirred with divorced herbal, and universal fertilizerrich in all necessary substances is ready.


white mustard

In principle, any annual plants With a short vegetation period, you can use to restore the soil. The most popular B. middle lane Steel Facelia, Vika, Dinner, Buttercup, Lupine, Wheat, Esparcet, Clover, Lucerne. They are equally used as precursors of any cultivated plants, and can bring dual benefits. Here you can recall the fairy tale about the tops and roots, since both these parts of the plant will be paid due attention.

In the cultivation of the soil, the decapitated roots remain in it, since the Siderats are usually not allowed root shoots, the plant bevelled under the root will not be revived, and its underground Quietly rotes, enriching the soil with nitrogen. The above-ground, forming a large volume of green mass, can be used to prepare fertilizer from grass.

Using plants for soil nutrition, we repeat the natural natural processes. Many gardeners neglect the benefit of green feeding from plant residues. And in vain. They throw out beveled grass, topped leaves. It is not worth doing this - after all, along with the biomass, the plot leaves the useful substances. In addition, if weeds throw out just for the fence, they will return, because their seeds are very survivors.

Video: Insisting grass in barrel

When so many strength invests from the spring until the autumn on the summer site, I certainly want to be glad good harvest. find out useful informationhow to use chicken litter as fertilizer for berries, colors and vegetable crops. The methods of its application below will give you the opportunity to rejoice in the results of work on the beds.

What can be fertilized by chicken litter

This organic origin substance is very accessible to use and produces on plants the most favorable effect. If you use chicken litter, like fertilizer, it can easily replace more expensive purchased tools. Its mineral composition is optimal by the ratio of trace elements in order to feed the majority gardening crops. So, the bird manure contains nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, iron, calcium, magnesium, other valuable elements. The variety of composition optimizes the growth of seedlings and helps to get a rich harvest.

If you make a solution of chicken manure into the soil, the useful elements easily reach the root system of plants and are well absorbed. Due to the organic nature, the fertilizer does not create a high concentration of salts and is not so quickly washed out of the soil. Such useful qualities The product obtained as a result of the vital activity of birds allows you to apply it in the cultivation of various vegetables, root, berries and even fruits. This manure will be useful when growing:

  • potatoes;
  • luke;
  • garlic;
  • cabbage;
  • tomatoes;
  • eggplants;
  • strawberries;
  • raspberries;
  • under garden trees.

How to breed chicken litter for filtering plants

The main thing is that it is necessary to know before applying such a fertilizer - this manure in fresh wet form can greatly burn the plants, therefore it is necessary to adhere to several use simple rules. Check out how to dilute chicken litter to feed plants if you have this fertilizer in a dry, wet or granulated form.

How to cook infusion

If you are planning the use of chicken litter as fertilizers during the season of vegetation of plants, and not only to bring it before pumping the soil or planting seeds and seedlings, it is recommended to make a concentrated solution. It will be necessary then added to water when watering plants. Cooking the infusion is very simple: the container (for example, a bucket) is half filled with manure and fill to the top with water. The resulting solution must be insisted for some time in a warm place. When fluid takes over, it is possible to further breed it for feeding grown crops.

The described solution prepared in the ratio of 1: 1 can be used to apply in a couple of days. Due to its high concentration, this infusion is not decomposed, it can be prepared in the spring and gradually use to the autumn itself. Immediately before subcording plants, the concentrate is bred in the ratio of 0.5-1 liters of solution by 10 liters of water. It is better to carry out fertilizer after the rain when the ground is wet, or in advance in an hour and a half before such a procedure to pour a bed.

Granulated chicken litter: instructions for use

If you take a bird manure in kind now, in a convenient way It will be used after processing. Such a means in the form of granules is easy to find on sale. Chicken litter, like fertilizer, acquires a number of advantages after processing. The thermal impact guarantees the absence in the dry concentrate the larvae of helminths and weed seeds. Granules are compact, there are no smell, and also - long stored. Compared to raw bird manure, which heats up in a compost pile, quickly losing nitrogen, in this form, valuable trace elements are saved more than 0.5 years.

Such recycled manure can be used in a dry form, but it is necessary to ensure that the roots of the plants come into contact directly with the granules. For this, the remedy must be dispelled in the spring on the garden at the rate of 100-150 g per 1 square meter. m, or make 100-300 g under shrubs and trees. Conveniently made of such concentrate and liquid fertilizer. To this end, a solution is prepared in the ratio of 1 part of the granules of 50 parts of water - such a means are poured with seedlings when disembarking. For feeding adult plants, granulated litters are bred in a larger water ratio - 1: 100.

How to make a dry chicken litter

If there is no time in the infusion, bird manure fertilizer can be prepared more fast way. How to breed a bird litter for feeding, so that you can immediately pour them plants? It is necessary to reduce the concentration of manure in the solution so that the roots do not get the burn. For this, dry manure is dissolved in water in a ratio of 1:15 or even 1:20. For feeding, the plant watered 0.5-1 l of the resulting fluid. Increase the concentration of the solution or the frequency of such polishes is not recommended, otherwise you risk or burn plants, or their fruits will contain many nitrates.

How to fertilize chicken litter garden

Bird manure fills the shortage of many microelements in the ground, thereby improving the yield and flavoring qualities of plant fruits. Chicken litter, like organic fertilizer for beds, you need to use in the fall, after harvesting. For this purpose, fresh bird nulls need to be slightly mixed and evenly scatter on the ground at the rate of 3-4 kg per 5 kV. m. The layer of litter must be uniform, you can add to it. woodwood, sand, compost. Fertilizer should lie until spring until the beds are unpacked - so for the winter, the useful substances from the manure are evenly distributed in the soil.

Video: How to use chicken litter as fertilizer

It seems to be a simple thing - to use such an organic in your gardeningBut there are some nuances here. In order for a full measure to use the useful qualities of this fertilizer, look a few plots below, where the summer houses are told in detail how to prepare feeding from chicken litter. From the video, you will learn the features of the use of such a means for different plants, and how this manure affects the strawberry yield. Information on how to apply this fertilizer when growing roses will be useful to everyone who grows these beautiful flowers.

Feeding chicken litter of tomatoes, cucumbers and pepper

Chicken manure like a fertilizer for strawberries

Bird litter like fertilizer for flowers

Building articles

A good growth of the plant is provided by the necessary full nutrition, and it is impossible without phosphate and its components. The land does not have the necessary for planting the number of phosphorus, so it is important to introduce phosphate additives to grow tasty, juicy, healthy vegetables, fruits, flowers and berries on their loved ones dumart sites. The most popular and effective fertilizer with the content of phosphorus is superphosphate.

What is superphosphate and the effects of its plants

As a mineral fertilizer, it has in its composition the most valuable elements, phosphorus and nitrogen. His chemical formula has whole lineInherent for each plant of trace elements, such as potassium, which is also included in its composition of calcium (acid neutralizer in the soil), magnesium (has a special value for potato plantations), sulfur (feeding soil, where legumes, grain, as well as passengerous cultures are grown) other.

This widely popular supplement includes natural minerals, their origin, these are mineralized bones of dead animals, slags from steel production. It is obtained by numerous chemical reactionsand produced in the form of powder or granulated.

Powder Support Fertilizer, more convenient for making in the soil, it instantly dissolves in it, begins to interact with root systems of plants, feeding them and enriching minerals. And for the bookmark compost yama, better suitable Granulated option.

Superphosphate Application and compositions

Simple superphosphate (powder) presents white powder with easy gray tintand has in its composition of phosphorus oxide about 20%. The powder from humidity has the property to compete and lifting, therefore, it is desirable to store it in a dry place. This type of additives have a narrower use, in relation to the novelties, although it is still not replacing in the expanses of agricultural land, as it is fairly cheap.

A simple superphosphate (granulated) is obtained from monophosphate, by granulation, it already contains a larger percentage of phosphorus oxide about 50%, as well as 30% calcium sulfate added to it. Granules are convenient to store and use them. Gives plants the necessary diet.

Double superphosphate is a high concentration composition. Easy and instantly dissolved in water, economical. He found great use on panstones and in farms.

There is still a composition with potassium sulfate and sulfur. Well soluble in water.

Molybdenum, boric and other species.

In order to calculate the correct dose of application, not harm the soil and plants, you need to clearly understand, for which particular task you take it. It is important to read the instructions for the use of superphosphate and only after that begin making feeding.

Superphosphate, a fertilizer of a wide spectrum

  • Accelerates the development of roots and tubers, as well as the growth of cultivated plants.
  • A positive way affects the formation of zones, prolongs flowering and fruiting.
  • Restores the disturbed metabolism.
  • Is protection against many diseases.
  • Throws in the soil oxidation processes.
  • Improves taste fruit plants, increases yield.

Signs of phosphorus lack in plant crops

Often, we observe certain changes on vegetables, the leaves suddenly become either "rusty", or with blue, a purple flare from the back of the sheet may appear, it is a shortage of phosphorus. So you need to immediately correct the situation by making fertilizers.

How to make superphosphate

  • The scattering method over the surface.
  • You can add to the wells or rows before boarding.
  • Pour the soil, making fertilizer.
  • Fashion liquid feeding.
  • Apply in the Bookmark of the Computer Pit.

Fertilizer dissolution can be applied to different types Soil. The best effect is achieved on neutral and alkaline. If the earth is too acidic, it is necessary to treat lime or ash. The process of the deoxidation of the soil usually passes within a month, then you can safely bring mineral additives. Usually, the soil is torn off in the fall, after harvesting, or with the autumn poppill of the Earth, in this case, in this case, it will be ready to take phosphate fertilizers. It is impossible to enter the superphosphate in the fall at the same time with the deoxidation, the reaction occurs, as a result of which one neutralizes the other, since these chemicals are, one base.

Early spring excellent help for soil, potassium superphosphate will become. Scat it under the bushes fruit trees, slightly burst the earth, after the spring rains, all important nutrientswill reach the root plant of the plant, and they will get a great "treat".

Superphosphate - fertilizer, instructions for use

This "magical" composition made into the soil has long deadlines nutrient process. The plant is not in a hurry, and takes the necessary dose for nutrition, in small portions, gradually "digesting" phosphorus. Therefore, do not hurry to make another portion, overdose, may adversely affect culture. Superphosphate double should be consumed in smaller quantities, as it is concentrated.

Simple superphosphate can be made in spring and autumn. The norm, 50 grams per 1kv.m, is done by the dispersion by the site. Extra poor land, it is worth an increase in the addition by 30%.

  • for a young seedling of any of the fruit bushes and trees, add 500 grams to the soil.
  • for already high and adult wood 50 grams,
  • under the people of the greenhouse, 90 grams are introduced at 1Qm.
  • for one dose under potatoes, 20 grams are used per 1Qm.
  • under all the vegetables at once, take 70 grams per 1 sq.m.

Double has more and nitrogen (15%) and phosphorus (50%). It can be easily dissolved in soil and water. For him, there are fixed deadlines for the addition of dual superphosphate: early spring, after thawing and warming up the earth, and autumn, after harvesting. Spring mending fertilizer is considered to be the main thing, since the soil is still wet after the snow and under the influence of spring rains, so its easily soluble composition immediately starts working. Double superphosphate will be many times more useful if in the ground with it, make a potash mixture.

  • for seedlings, leaf greenery and young vegetables take 40 grams per 1 square meters. m.,
  • under potatoes, 4 grams of fertilizer are introduced into the well
  • for root crops, it is necessary to take 20 grams per 1 sq.m.,
  • for vegetables in the greenhouses, 80 grams are taken per 1 sq.m.

Solution fertilizer

Why do you need to breed it in water? When all its elements are dissolved in water, it is faster absorbed roots, which means that the delivery process to the plant will accelerate, and the absorption of nutrition will immediately begin. For this reason, the late spring and summer feeding of vegetables, colors and berry bushes are so popular.

How to dissolve superphosphate in water

  • For rapidly dissolving phosphorus, water should be boiled.
  • take 20 tablespoons of granulated superphosphate and pour 3 liters of boiling water,
  • the resulting solution is considered to be basic, it should be left somewhere closer to heat,
  • to prepare the main nutrient mixture, it is necessary to brew, in 10 liters of water, 150 ml of the basic mixture,
  • add to the finished solution Paul liters of wood ash and 20 ml of nitrogen mixture in liquid form,
  • then, cooked the bolt watered vegetables, tomatoes during flowering, etc.

Superphosphate Fertilizer: Application Instructions

Phosphorus persists and feeds plants for a few more months, and nitrogen is instantly taken by plant culture, and is absorbed. This, the so-called superphosphate hood, the most best subordinate For vegetables, colors, bushes and fruit plants of your site.

There is still a method of this dissolution of mineral additive in water, using live bacteria. For this method, humate or liquids of phytoosporins are used, compost this mixture, withstanding day, and sometimes stirring. Such fertilizer is well used for decorative landings.

Superphosphate, fertilizer with instructions for use, individual portions for various vegetables. The dates of the feeding are also different, so observe the rules for using it, according to the written.

Modern household economy is unthinkable to imagine without use, as an additional nutrition of the soil, chemical fertilizers. Many gardeners, nevertheless refuse chemistry, and try to replace it with environmentally friendly feeders, in the form of disbelled herbs, with the addition of modern humium additives. But this is not enough to preserve the fertility of the soil. The advantages of the superphosphate, which includes mandatory components required for nutrition, are obvious, it is long acting, universal in composition, economical and not roads. The use of this fertilizer will help you grow a wonderful harvest on your site.

Seedly called young plants grown in protected ground. This means that the pigs are covered with a greenhouse, a greenhouse, a ramp. They create a special, gentle microclimate.

However, protection against winds, cold weather, hail, not enough. We still need I. fertilizers for seedlings. But, why, in what quantities and how to feed it? These questions and dedicate an article.

Features and dosage fertilizers for seedlings

Fertilizers for seedlings are not a separate category. The stones fit most mixtures for adult plants. Simple, the dosage decreases by 2 times.

If the manufacturer recommends the same amount for both young, and for adult plants, feeding, for sure, empty. That is, no nutritious elements are placed in the container, but cheap raw materials, resembling them, but not effective.

Acquired liquid fertilizer, It is worth sticking with the instructions. Middle dosage does not exist. Most of the bulk feeding are divorced in the proportion of 7-10 grams per liter of water.

For seedlings, respectively, 3.5-5 grams are taken. Why dissolve? The liquid is better absorbed by young sprouts, they do not have to spend the forces to pull the useful substances from the soil.

Top fertilizers For seedlingschelate. Their base is complex compounds based on metals. They are associated with atoms, ions, or molecules that have several donor centers.

Usually, this is amino acids. Only together with them the plants are able to assimilate the majority of vitamins and trace elements. Human organism, by the way, no exception. Chelany fertilizers are better and faster.

In the soil, the mixture does not go into compounds, painful water. As a result, seedling grows quickly, does not get sick and, in the future, it is good fruit.

Avoid sulphate feeding. They are eliminated by the worst and, even can harm. It is possible to determine the presence of sulfates in fertilizer, finding on the packaging of the inscription with "SO 4". Sometimes manufacturers are indicated: - Sulfate.

But, most often, there are no special directions. All trace elements are the same. These are the necessary plants boron, magnesium, iron, zinc, nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. But, in the form of sulfates, with the very "tail" SO 4, they are ineffective when leaving the seedle.

On chelats and sulfates, the classification of fertilizers does not end. There is a lot of types of feeding. They are divided not only in composition, but also the form of release, origin. Details in the next chapter.

Types of fertilizers for seedlings

Let's start Suniversal and Specialized fertilizers. For pepper seedlings, For example, you can not take fresh manure. He burns the roots. They have tender peppers. Therefore, if the manure, then only overworked and only in solution.

It turns out, feeding specialized, that is, not all plants. By the way, fertilizers for seedlings of tomatoesmust reduce the acidity of the soil. Therefore, many gardeners buy superphosphate. However, the other is suitable tomato Seedlings Fertilizerwith magnesium.

Tomatoes belong to vegetables. In the country areas, they are usually grown by several. Therefore, not specialized fertilizers for tomatoes and pepper seedlings, for example, and universal.

These mixes are used with the same success for all cultures, not only vegetable, but also fruit, green. Most available wood ash is a simple and cheap mineral complex. Useful to all plants.

Now, about the origin of the feeding. There are inorganic, organic and organometry, that is, combined. Flaming products are alive with tissues contain humic acids. They will strengthen root system Seedlings will have a beneficial effect on her immunite, they will accelerate growth.

However, feeding only from minerals is easier to assimilate the young piglery. What a fertilizer for seedlings Choose, it is worth deciding on the basis of the characteristics of the culture. If she has without that strong roots and stable immunity, it is better to acquire instant mineral salts complexes.

Mentioned above manure - purely organic fertilizer, as well as birds litter. Without an additional complex of minerals, the feeding can present surprises. Concentration of useful elements, the quality of the mixture depends on the supply, animal health.

Manure may turn out to be both too core and low-standing for plants. Moreover, purely organic fertilizers are able to become a source of contamination of seedlings.

The first chapter mentioned that seedlings are best absorbed by solutions. However, release feeders not only in the form of fluid. You can breed in water can be pills, granules, powders. This division of fertilizers in the form of implementation. What is the price division? The next chapter will devote the issue of the cost of feeding.

Prices for fertilizers for seedlings

At homeyou can get wood ashes, littering birds and cows. For those who lead the natural economy, these feeding will not cost anything. As for the purchase of mixtures, the price variation is great.

Requests of sellers depend on the ambitions of the company, the form of the release of the mixture, its mass. Although, the solid weight of the feeding does not always mean that the cost is high. Take for example "Mounting" for seedlings. Fertilizerit costs about 50-90 rubles, despite the volume only in a quarter of a liter.

From the dry form of the same feeder will come out about 5 such bottles. At the same time, the 50-gram pack of "Root" costs 30-40 rubles. It turns out it is more profitable to purchase dry mixes, despite their small volume.

Fertilizers for seedlings of vegetables, fruits, berries, green crops are expensive if they are released abroad. Imported goods are purchased for dollars.

Accordingly, a ruble price is formed. In the conditions of devaluation of the domestic currency, imported and Russian feeding may be the same in composition, but vigorously differ in price.

Fertilizers for seedling - reviews

To provide plants with nutrient elements in the required quantity, use different ways:

1. Alternation of plants on the garden in order to maintain soil fertility;

2. Making the main fertilizer in the fall;

3. Treatment of seed with microfertres;

4. Fertilizing the soil mixture in pots and boxes for seedlings;

5. Applying starting fertilizer before sowing or landing;

6. Planned feeding during the growing season, including the seedale;

7. Corrective feeders in the event of signs of plant deficit in nutrition elements.

8. Regular feeding during the growing season through the ferration system.

This article describes the planned and corrective feeding during the growing season.

Planned feeders are carried out - on the background of the main fertilizer made in the fall at Popile, and pre-sowing fertilizers in the soil for seedlings and in the garden - for greater efficiency of fertilizers.

Mineral or natural organic fertilizers?

To obtain an environmentally friendly harvest, it is not recommended to apply mineral fertilizersWorsening plant and soil environmental. But to increase the harvest, it is still necessary to carry out the harvest, especially when the plants are lagging behind or the leaves become pale, or unnaturally dark green, or interstice is pulled out.

In the same time the optimally selected ratio of macro and trace elements in mineral fertilizers Can completely replace the nutritional elements of manure, which just contains them in the optimal ratio. And the meal roots, always remaining in the soil, create humus accumulation with an increase in the useful microflora.

Nitrogen is an element of growth, in pursuit of the harvest, sprinkle the fields of the Selitra, based on what it is more, the better. From here I. problem of the presence of nitrates, as well as more dangerous nitrites in the vegetable foods of people. By the way, when making fresh manure containing relatively many nitrogen, In the second half of summer, nitrates in vegetables will be no less than from Selitra. Semi-proverse manure faced six months - a year - the perfect fertilizer when spring landing. Around 2-3 years and more - already overwhelmed manure. There is little nitrogen in it, and with spring making it is necessary to add nitrogen fertilizers.

Can feeders replace the main fertilizer?

No, can not. Only a combination of feeding with the main fertilizer can give best result. At the same time, if you give large doses of feeding, the dose of the main fertilizer must be reduced and, on the contrary, if a good main fertilizer, doses in feeding should be reduced.

What feeders are more effective - liquid or dry?

More efficient liquid feeding. That is, when fertilizers are dissolved in water, they act faster. In the dry form of fertilizer can only be used with heavy rains.

Liquid organic feeding - Quickly digestible environmentally friendly fertilizer. The crop significantly increases and the soil structure is improved.

Podchar best to carry out herbal infusionwhich is one of the best natural Fertilizers. After all, the most valuable manure is also obtained from the grass, after digesting it in the stomachs of cows. At the same time, the infusion of grass is more valuable manure, as a considerable part of the useful substances of grass entering the manure, cows leave for themselves. In addition, when miserable in the green mass, more of all herbs falls, including all weeds that contain different trace elements.

Preparation of liquid organic feeding

How to make and apply liquid organic feeders, read.

The use of liquid mineral feeding

As mentioned, it is possible to spend better not mineral, but liquid organic feeding. However, for making magnesium and microelements in the soil without mineral subcorde not enough.

What mineral fertilizers are suitable for liquid feeding?

All those mineral fertilizers that are easily soluble in water are suitable.

Nitrogen fertilizers everything is easy to dissolve in water, but it is possible to use better selitraSince nitrogen is in the form of nitrates.

Potash fertilizers Also well dissolve in water, but faster in hot. It is better to use not chloride, but a sulfate potassium.

From phosphoric fertilizers, superphosphates are soluble in water. Soluble fertilizers are also ammo phos, fruit and berry, etc. Ready mixtures.

Of course, everything sold liquid fertilizers is well suited for liquid feeding.

The table below presents an example of solubility of some fertilizers at different water temperature, in gr / liter. For example, according to the table, the solubility of potassium sulfate at a temperature of 20 ° C is 80 g / l. When trying to dissolve 100 g in 1 liter, 20 g will fall.

Fertilizer / water temperature, ° С 5 ° C. 10 ° 20 ° 25 ° 30 ° 40 °
Ammonium nitrate 1183 G. 1510 g 1920
Ammonium sulfate 710 730 750
Urea 780 850 1060 1200
Nitrate potassium 133 170 209 316 370 458
Calcium nitrate 1020 1130 1290
Nitrate Magnesium 680 690 710 720
Map (ammonium phosphate moon) 250 295 374 410 464 567
MKP (Moono Potassium Phosphate) 110 180 230 250 300 340
Sulfate potassium 80 90 111 120
Potassium chloride 229 238 255 264 275

How to prepare liquid feeding from mineral fertilizers?

Fertilizers are first dissolved in a small amount of water, then the required amount of water is added to this solution.

Superphosphate is harder. Usually it is prepared by 3-5%. For this, half a bucket of water is poured, 300-500 g of superphosphate (powder or granular) are poured, mixed well. When the solution is dismissed, it is drained from the sediment. Then a quarter bucket of water is still poured to the sediment, mixed thoroughly and drained from the sediment. The last operation is repeated again. After that, almost the entire superphosphate will go into solution, but the sediment will still remain. But this is already a gypsum, which is an admixture of superphosphate. However, the double superphosphate is suitable for liquid feeding, it does not contain gypsum, therefore it dissolves almost completely in water.

In this sediment there are necessary for plants sulfur and gypsum (lime fertilizer), so it must be used.

In the dissolution of fruit and berry and vegetable mixtures, the residue usually remains, since the mixtures contain superphosphate.

Water soluble magnesium fertilizers: Epsomite (magnesium sulfate), Kaizerit, Cainit, Carnallitis, Kalimagnesia.

How to make dry mineral fertilizers?

Make feeding better around the perimeter priority Circle Tree or bush, because there are suction roots. Closer to the center of the circle are predominantly conductive roots that do not perceive feeding. Dry nitrogen fertilizers can be laid on the surface of the soil. They easily penetrate the roots. The remaining feeders containing phosphorus, potassium and other substances should be closed into the soil to a depth of 5 to 20 cm - depending on the depth of root roots and the age of the plant.

Is it possible to mix mineral fertilizers?

Yes, to reduce labor costs before making fertilizers to the soil, they can be mixed. But it is necessary to be guided by the rules given.

How many feeding should be made for the season?

It depends on a number of reasons. With good main fertilizer, phosphoric and potash fertilizer in the feeders do not make more often. Nitrogen fertilizers, as more soluble, are quickly washed out of the soil, especially with heavy rains or irrigation. Nitrogen feeds are concreted therefore more often, taking into account the color of the leaves and the power of growth. When the leaves are not enough green or dark green, make-up nitrogen - one or two. However, if in the summer there is no rain and the garden is not watered, then the plants grow weakly, as they suffer from lack of water, and not from the lack of nitrogen. So, it is necessary to regularly water and then you can do without excess nitrogen feeding.

On the other hand, it is impossible to reconcile the plants with nitrogen, especially in the second half of summer, as this can lead to a deterioration in the quality of the fruits, their dependence, as well as to a decrease in plant resistance to adverse conditions.

On sandy and peat soils, the plants need fake and nitrogen, and potassium. In the fall, after harvesting, fruit and berries need potash and phosphoric fertilizers. Nitrogen feedings are not made at this time, since nitrogen causes a rapid growth of the green mass, because of which the plants are worse overwhelming.

What is fertigation?

This is a way to make fertilizers when fertilizers are served along with irrigation water. Fertilizer's solution is prepared in the containers and then dosageentered into irrigation water. Fortigation has several advantages:

Fertilizer's application is more accurate and uniform.

Nutrients are easily accessible to plants.

Reduced fertilizer costs.

Saving labor.

There are quantitative and proportional methods for fermentigation. Quantitative method used in open soil. Required amount Fertilizers must be entered on the field (for example kg / ha), then this number of fertilizers is supplied with irrigation water.

The proportional method is most effective, it is used mainly on light sandy soils and in greenhouses. At the same time, a certain dose of fertilizer is introduced into eVERY Unit of water volume flowing during watering.

For the device of the Fertigation system, special knowledge and equipment are required.

Does the extraordinary feeding of plants need?

For extra -orn subordinate Plants absorb nutrients using an overhead part - leaves, stems.

The extraordinary feeding of plants is carried out by the method of small spraying - spraying. Fertilizer is divorced in water and this solution spray a plant. This method is effective when you need to quickly feed the patient or weakened plant. The advantage of extractive feeding is the speed of assimilation by plants.

Fingering on leaves usually spend twice. The first time - when the formation of leaves is going. The second time - during flowering and formation of fruits.

Extra-green corrective feeding is usually carried out in the presence of signs of the shortage of nutrient elements in a plant for fast elimination This deficit. It is also used to maintain the plant during drought or under cold weather.

Fucking on leaves spend in small doses in the evening or in cloudy weather. It is important to spray a solution with small drops and evenly.

According to research, the removal of nutrient elements, such as phosphorus with corn harvest, is 80 kg / ha, the maximum allowable concentration of 1 feeding on the sheet - 4 kg / ha. From here, the required number of extra-root feeding will be 59 times! That is, it is simply inexpedient to conduct them in return for root.

It is also important to remember that the excess of the permissible concentration of the solution with the extra-corner feeder can lead to the burns of leaves and the loss in the crop.