Preparation of a child to school. Psychological training of a child for school training

In preschool age, the leading activity of the child is gaming. He knows the world through the game, trying on the role of our adult world, develops fantasy and imagination, it is fantasy that is a powerful incentive for the development of thinking. But by 7 years, the child begins to understand that the game, toys are all for small, he already wants to penetrate the adult world, to do something serious, to get up to the next step in its development.

The preschooler is aware that the adult life is another, understands that if his mother swings porridge, the whole family risks remain hungry. It is important that the child is not afraid to try something new, and for this you need the right reaction of the adult, so as not to beat off the child's hunt.

When we master some new activity for us, we all very important to faith in us and the support of loved ones: "I am near, I will help, it may not work immediately, but over time you will learn", etc. And then the child can safely perceive the possible situation of failure at the beginning. And when it turns out, the child needs to see our joy, our approval, is an important experience for him. This is the moment of personal development - he was able, he became different, his self-esteem rises. When the child moves game motivation, for example, to win in the classics, he is to win it will work himself. The same with learning motivation, only instead of winning at school it will get marks.

We in the center may have to diagnose the child's readiness to school and get a conclusion on the results.

So what is the psychological readiness of the child to school, what child can be called ready for school?

Child who has and motivational readiness is formed - i.e. The desire to learn and recognize something new, it is the game that sets motivational readiness; and arbitrary readiness - when a child can regulate his behavior, which allows him to do and something not very interesting in the lessons; and intellectual readiness is the ability to perceive knowledge and summarize them; and speech development is and his vocabulary, and the child's ability to distinguish sounds, that is, the phonderatic hearing.

Unfortunately, with the advent of gadgets in our life and with a shortage of communication with working parents, as well as with a decrease in the time of the game in the life of the child, speeches simply and have no time to develop. But it is in the game and communication with other people and develops spontaneous speech.

The following important component of psychological readiness for school is self-esteemShe is also an important indicator of personality development. Self-assessment allows a person to make a choice in different life situations, determines the level of his aspirations and values \u200b\u200band its nature of relations with others. Starting to form still in early childhood, when the child begins to separate himself from those who surrounding people, it continues to change throughout life, becoming more and more critical and meaningful. The most favorable period for the formation of self-esteem as a special component of self-consciousness is the younger school age, so you should pay special attention Its development in this period.

When conducting classes, conditions of accuracy, adoption, security, support are observed.

For this you need:

    positively reinforce ideas, answers and actions of the child; use the error as an opportunity for a new, unexpected look at something familiar; maximally adapt to all statements and actions of children; create a climate of mutual trust; to provide a child independence in choosing and making decisions with the ability to independently control Own Promotion.

In class, the daily experience of children is necessarily used. This allows the child to feel: what happens to him now is important. The child is not yet able to predict his life, focus on what is useful in the future. He lives here and now, and all the conversations of adults about the future do not affect the baby. But what happens to him now is the most important thing.

Preschool age is a responsible period of human life when the most fundamental abilities are formed, which determine the further development of a person. This age, as no other is saturated with very important achievements in the socialization of children, since during this period the children learn to master their own emotions, they develop a motivational sphere, children appear arbitrary possession of their behavior and their own actions. At the age of six, preschoolers are firmly fixed by such a position as "I and Society".

What do you need to be able to go to the beginning of school learning?

    To school, the child is important to have experience with the sample and by rule. The fact is that the school does not form this skill, but it actively uses it. Attract and speak the language on which training will be conducted. To bring the meaning of its age texts, fairy tales, stories. The presence of motivation, cognitive need, the need to start learning.

What will the classes be dedicated to?

Our program of classes with a psychologist for school preparation for children 6-7 years includes many activities:

    together with the children, we will read, discuss, draw, lose and insign you to discuss what worries and interests the child to add origami, mosaic according to the sample, according to the schema of copying the sample (repeating patterns, drawings) will be guessing riddles, solve rebuses, puzzle jumpbide to develop orientation in space (ahead-behind-left-right-closer-on-top bottom): Let's go on the map to look for snowdrops, icicles, birdhouses (yes, you never know what interests we want to search for!) We will interact through group games with each other and absorb rightly develop imaginity to arrange intelligent holidays with dedication to knights and beautiful ladies of the tournament abilities "Rostock". Let's play logical games where you need to see the pattern, continue the sequence, allocate an extra issue to play games with the rules (probably you remember those games in which we played in childhood "gardener", "yes and no", "edible-inedible", "light oormy "). Now there are very many developing board games that enrich our communication and game activities of the child. And this is a very natural way for a child to learn the world, to learn something.

Classes for school preparation leads an experienced children's teacher-psychologist Elena Vladimirovna Nagayev. Elena Vladimirovna prepares future first-graders to study through the development and support of the cognitive interest of the child, helps to form a positive attitude.

What will help us to prepare children for school?

    rich in different ways interesting materials Exercise "Gymnastics of the brain" Love and respectful attitude of adults to a secure, taking environment in multiple experience in training groups for school best specialists In the field of pre-school learning interest in the emerging entities, knowledge and skills with the most advanced specialists in the field of children's psychology and pedagogying agents of the age characteristics of the preschoolfighter approach to classes

What does the child get as a result of training for school in our center?

    desire to learn !!!improvement self-assessing speech and self-testing skills to yourself and other knowledge and skills, expansion of circulatory communication in group and joy

What will the parent get, who will lead the child to prepare for school to our center?

    child's desire to start learn interest in the child to new knowledge of knowledge and skills, expansion of the horizontal childcreditation of a psychologist, individual recommendations on the preparation for school1.5 hours of free time most calm emotional condition Waiting for the start of school learning your child

And here the parents may have a question: what is the preparation of preschoolers for writing?

We answer the quotation of the director of the Institute of Age Physiology RAO, Academician, Doctors of Biological Sciences, Professor, Laureate of the President of the Russian Federation in the field of Maryana Mikhailovna Education:

"A much more than prescribing graphic elements, the letter is prepared for the development of such skills as a visual-spatial analysis, visual and motor coordination. From the point of view of the formation of letters skill, the ability to copy the hieroglyph for a child of the five-six years is much more important than the ability to write meaning elements. "

We will also use hieroglyphs at our classes, as well as origami, modeling, applique and other joys of children's life!

Child Preparedness Diagnostics Cost

The diagnosis of the readiness of the child to the school passes during the two meetings.

The first meeting

The first meeting includes:

    20 minutes of preliminary conversation with parents, 60 minutes (if necessary with a break) lasts directly testing the child.

Cost of consultation 3500 rubles.

Between meetings, the psychologist processes the results and prepares conclusion.

Second meeting

The second meeting goes only with parents, during which a conclusion about the readiness of the child for learning with recommendations is issued. The duration of the meeting is 40 minutes, the cost of consultation 2000 rubles.

Please note that a preliminary meeting with parents and testing a child passes in one day, and a meeting with parents based on the results of diagnostics is assigned to another number.

The cost of two meetings (20 min + 60 min + 40 min) is 5,500 rubles.

School preparation cost

Preparing the child to school passes 2 times a week, classes individually and in a group of 3-5 people. Classes are held in our center in Moscow.

The cost of training for school:

Service Duration Price
School preparation One-day individual lesson (1-2 children) 2000 rubles.
School preparation Individual occupation (1-2 children) (subscription from 8 classes) two classes for 40 minutes. and a change of 10 min. (time of classes 1.5 hours) 1800 rub. / Subscription 14 400 rubles.
School preparation One-year group occupation (3-5 children) two classes for 40 minutes. and a change of 10 min. (time of classes 1.5 hours) 1700 rub.
Preparing for school Group occupation (3-5 children) (subscription from 8 classes) two classes for 40 minutes. and a change of 10 min. (time of classes 1.5 hours) 1600 rub. / Subscription 12800 rubles.

By sending a child to the first class, any family drastically changes the previously adopted lifestyle. This is especially true of the child himself, which begins to feel excessive fatigue, sometimes gets sick, Handrit and even crying - along with him they also begin to worry and their parents themselves. Is it possible to help in this case not only first grade, but also yourself? Naturally, any parent is trying to make everything possible for this, however, not everyone can confidently say that he moves in the right direction.

Initially, everything starts in modern "bulk" when the experienced parents tell the topics. Who else is still ahead of which complex program and overestimated demands are expected in the near future of their chad. This leads to the fact that only a child comes out of a gentle threatening age, parents try to sit for reading and score, as a result of which the child is reading at school, and considers best of all the class together, however, less problems It does not get from it.

In study, the child may well be well done, however, while he can have a sharp gap in the ability to communicate and self-confidence.

Only with age will come to him and understand the knowledge and knowledge of many things. Perhaps the child has not yet learned to fix his attention and switch it to the necessary objects. It has scattered and forgetfulness, it can not yet live according to the rules of school and get along with all classmates.

Any primary school teacher can confirm that the child is sometimes much more than the inability to read, it interferes with the fact that he slowly disgresses or with difficulty collecting a portfolio.

Parents should initially think about the fact that the child needs to be taught primarily communicate with peers, "it is these skills that will come to him at school. In addition, you need to take into account that in any school there are certain rules, First of all concern the relationship between the student teacher. The baby, who first caught in such a team as the most ordinary school class, does not yet understand the elementary, it would seem that things, such as observing the hierarchy, the need to lift the hand to answer the question or something else to ask, or get up in that The moment when the teacher appears in the class, for him is still incomprehensible.

1. Personal and socio-psychological readiness of the child to school

The personal and socio-psychological readiness of the child to the school is to form a readiness for the adoption of a new social position of the schoolchildren - the status of a schoolboy. The position of the student obliges to take another, compared to the preschooler, the situation in society, with new rules for him. This personal readiness is expressed in a certain child with a child to school, to the teacher and training activities, to peers, relatives and close to themselves.

Attitude towards school. To fulfill the rules of the school regime, to come to classes in a timely manner, to fulfill the school tasks at school and at home.

Attitude towards teacher and training activities. Correctly perceive the situations of the lesson, correctly perceive the true meaning of the teacher's actions, his professional role.

In the situation of the lesson, immediate emotional contacts are excluded when you can not talk to foreign topics (questions). It is necessary to ask questions about the case, pre-raising your hand. Children who are ready in this plan for school learning adequately behave in class.

Situation. Petya, a class student of grade 1, received a unsatisfactory assessment and asks: "How so, I tried, I taught well, but a bad mark." Petit has a feeling of resentment, the idea that the teacher for him is unfair, quit.

Why did such a situation arise?

Decision. Such situations arise in the case when the teacher did not explain the student that the marks are set for the result of its activities, and not for the efforts that he spent on the task. It is here that the cause of violations of the teacher's relations with the student is already laid. Conflict is possible.

Situation. A study was conducted by the relationship of students to school. The first measurement was carried out 2 weeks before entering school, and the second - after 2 months. learning. The results showed that the attitude of students to the school worsened. But it worsened in different ways, depending on the style of the teacher's activity, mostly among authoritarian style teachers.

What conclusion can be made from the results of this study?

Decision. The deterioration of attitudes towards school is not so much with the difficulties of school life and study, as with the peculiarities of the teacher's communication with students.

The child should be able to communicate with the teacher and with peers.

Attitude to peers. Such qualities of personality should be developed that would help communicate and interact with peers, to give up in some circumstances and not to yield in others. Each child should be able to be a member of children's society and jointly act with other children.

Situation. Sasha (6 years old) in the family was a child desirable. Parents constantly praised him, performed all his desires and whims. Sasha has formed an idea of \u200b\u200bits superiority over others, its permissiveness, which indicates the emergence of overestimated self-esteem.

Make a forecast, how can Sasha's relationship in the school class be found.

Decision. Finding into a class team, Sasha will face unusual requirements for it, responsibilities, objective (and therefore far from always positive) assessing its activities and personality as a whole.

The fact that the teacher to Sasha will relate to all, and not with special attention and love (as his parents), he will accept them as unfairness, injustice and may arise conflict relationships. In the future, this may contribute to the development of deviating behavior.

Attitude towards relatives and relatives. Having personal space in the family, the child must experience a respectful attitude of relatives to his new role Student. Relatives should relate to the future schoolboy, his teaching, as an important meaningful activity, much more significant than the game of the preschooler. The teaching for the child becomes the main type of its activities.

Attitude to yourself , To its abilities, to their activities, its results. Have an adequate self-esteem. High self-esteem can cause an incorrect reaction to the teacher's comments. As a result, it may be that the "school is bad", "Teacher Angry", etc.

The child should be able to correctly evaluate himself and his behavior.

The normally developed listed qualities of the child's personality will provide him quickly adapting to new social speech conditions.

Situation. Is your child ready for school learning? Special studies of senior preschoolers testify to the great desire of many children to go to school.

Does your child belong to such a majority? Chat with a child about his attitude to school.

Would he like to go to school? What does his school attract or grieves?

Why is it so important to talk with a child about school?

Decision. Even if the child has the desired stock, skills, skills, the level of intellectual, volitional development to him it will be difficult to learn if there is no need for a schoolboy's social position.

A positive attitude towards school includes both intellectual and emotional-volitional components, the desire to take a new social situation - to become a schoolboy, not only to understand, but also take the importance of school learning, respect for the teacher, school comrades.

The conscious attitude towards the school is associated with the expansion and deepening of ideas about learning activities. It is important to know the level of a child's positive attitude towards school to determine the path of further formation of interest.

Material informed about the school should not only understand them, but also felt, liaspay. For example, telling about their favorite teachers, reading fiction, browsing movies, it is necessary to activate both the consciousness of the child and his feelings. Excursions to school, meetings with teachers help to create a positive attitude at school at school.

Situation. It is important for parents to know how their child is ready for the adoption of a new social position - the position of a schoolboy who has a circle of important duties and rights that occupies a special position in society, distinguishing him from a preschooler.

Find out how a child belongs:

A) to school
b) learning activities
c) teachers
d) to itself.

Offer the child to draw as a school, teacher. Talk about school with a child and his friends. Ask indirect questions like "If you could learn in kindergarten or at home, would you go to school?"

Decision. The child can attract a form, quarrel and other accessories of school life to school, there may be a desire to change the situation or what a friend is studying at school.

More importantly, the child attracted the school and its main activities - teaching; For example, the desire to write, read, count, solve problems; Learn to be like dad.

Being a schoolboy is the step of the upward step, adulthood, and study at school perceived by the child as a responsible business.

After the results of the conversation with the child about the school and its drawings on this topic, first analyze the causes of certain relationships to school. Then pay attention to the attitude of the child to learning activities. What is attractive in it and, on the contrary, unattractive. After that, analyze the results of the child's relationship to teachers, peers and yourself. Recent data compare with previous data on school and training activities. Make general conclusion On the attitude of the child to the school and its new social position of the schoolchild.

Situation. Mother Vanya (6 years old) believes that her son has the necessary supply of knowledge, skills and skills to study at school. It is prepared intellectually and physically. Mom believes that both by other indicators a child is ready to study at school. But in a conversation with his son, Mom found out that he had no desire to go to school.

What is the reason for such a mismatch?

Will the child successfully study at school?

What needs to be taken?

Decision. If the child does not have the desire to learn, does not have effective motivation, then his intellectual willingness will not be implemented at school. Significant success in school such a child will not reach, it is necessary to take care of the formation of the socio-psychological readiness of the child.

Not always a high level of intellectual development coincides with the personal readiness of the child to school.

Such disciples behave at the school "in childish," they study unevenly. With direct interest, success will be, but if you need to fulfill the learning assignment from a sense of debt and responsibility, then such a student makes it carelessly, hurry, it is difficult for him to achieve the desired result.

Situation. Mom Kolya (6 years old) asked to advise what she did to form a positive attitude of her son to school.

Decision. All that is said in the family of school, about her role in the preparation of students for future work by profession, should cause a positive emotional attitude, great interest in the new social position of the student. It is important that the reporting information causes a living response, a sense of joy, empathy.

All the events organized in the family should include a child in activities that activate both consciousness and feelings.

Joint readings are appropriate here. fiction, watching films about school, television shows about school life with a subsequent discussion; show photos, literass associated with school years parents, school games; Organization of family celebrations about the school success of older children. Talk about school should emphasize the meaning of books, teaching.

Situation. Analyze the statements of children and specify possible reasonswho prompted the child to such results:

"In school two will put"
"There will be no time to play
"In school, the program is difficult"

Decision. If the child points out that the two schools will put, there is a difficult program, there will be no time to play, then this is usually the result of errors in the upbringing. Often, it leads to the intimidation of children by the school, which is especially harmful to children with a timid, unsure in themselves, "you can't tell you even two words ...", "there will be shown there!"

Council to parents: Do not intimidate the child with school!

Not only adults can affect the emergence of a negative attitude towards school, but also the older children. To change the child's attitude to school, instill faith in your own strength, you will need a lot of attention, time and patience.

Remember that the very child his first steps in school will not be easy. It is much more reasonable to immediately form true ideas about school, a positive attitude towards her, teacher, book, to yourself.

The task. Motivational readiness, the desire to go to school, interest in school, the desire to know the new one finds out questions like:

1. Do you want to go to school?
2. What's interesting school?
3. What would you do if I did not go to school?

Answers to these questions will help to understand that the child knows about the school, in which she is interested in whether he has a desire to know the new one.

The task. Spend the test "Motivational readiness", diagnosing the internal position of the schoolchild (by T. McINKOVSKAYA).

Stimulus material. A set of questions offering the child the choice of one of the behaviors.

1. If there were two schools - one with the lessons of the Russian language, mathematics, reading, singing, drawing and physical education, and the other - only with the lessons of singing, drawing and physical education, then in which one would you like to learn?

2. If there were two schools - alone with lessons and change, and the other only with changes and no lessons, then in which one would you like to learn?

3. If there were two schools - in one would put on the good answers five and the fours, and they would give
Sweets and toys, then in which one would you like to learn?

4. If there were two schools - in one can only get up with the permission of the teacher and raise your hand, if you want to ask something, and in another you can do everything you want, then in which one would you like to learn?

5. If there were two schools - in one would ask the lessons to the house, and there is no, then in which one would you like to learn?

6. If you had a teacher and director offered to replace it with another teacher or
Mom, who would you choose?

7. If Mom said: "You are still small, it's hard for you to get up, do lessons. Stay in kindergarten, and you will go to school for next year," would you agree with such a proposal?

8. If the mother said: "I agreed with the teacher that she will walk to our home and deal with
you. Now you do not have to walk in the morning to school, "would you agree with such a proposal?

9. If a neighbor boy asked you: "What do you like most about school?" What would you answer

Instruction. The child says: "Listen carefully. I will ask you now, and you have to answer what kind of answer you like more."

Test. The child is read out loud questions, and the time is not limited to the answer. Each answer is fixed, as well as all the additional remarks of the child.

Analysis of the results. For each correct answer, 1 point is given, for incorrect - 0 points. The internal position is considered to be formed if the child scored 5 points and more.

If, as a result of the analysis of the results, weak, inaccurate ideas about school are found, it is necessary to work on the formation of a child's motivational readiness to school.

The task. Spend the test "Lestenka" to explore self-esteem (by etc. Martzinkovskaya).

Stimulus material. Figure staircase consisting of seven steps. In the picture you need to position the figure of the child. For convenience, you can cut the boy's figure or the girl from the paper, which is put on the ladder.

Instruction. The child is offered: "Look at this ladder. See, there is a boy (or girl). On the step above (show) put good children; the higher, the better the children, and on the upper step - the most good guys. What step are you Will you put yourself? And on which step you will put you? Dad? Educator?

Test. The child give a sheet with a staircase drawn on it and explain the meaning of the steps. It is important to trace if the child understood your explanation correctly. If necessary, it should be repeated. After that, ask questions, write answers.

Analysis of the results. First of all, pay attention to what step the child put himself. It is considered the norm if the children of this age put themselves on the step "very good" and even "the best kids." In any case, it must be the upper steps, since the position on any of the lower steps (and even more so at the bottom) speaks not about adequate evaluation, but about negative attitude towards himself, insecurity own power. This is a very serious violation of the personality structure, which can lead to depressions, neurosis, asocialism in children. As a rule, it is associated with a cold attitude towards children, rejection or harsh, authoritarian education, when the child itself depreciates, who comes to the conclusion that he is loved only when he behaves well.

And since children can not be good constantly and even more so they cannot meet all the claims of adults, to fulfill their demands, then children under these conditions begin to doubt their parents in their abilities and in love. Do not confident in my parental love, children who do not do at home at all. Thus, an extreme neglect of a child, as well as extreme authoritarianism, a permanent guardianship and control lead to similar results.

Specifically, the attitude of parents to the child and their requirements speak answers to questions about where adults will be put - parents, educators. For normal, comfortable self-sustaining, which is associated with the advent of a sense of security, it is important that someone from adults put the child to the highest step. Ideally, the child himself can put himself on the second step on top, and Mom (or someone else from his relatives) puts it on the highest level. At the same time, the children say: "Well, I'm not the best, Bullazy sometimes. But my mother will put me here, she loves me." Answers of this type indicate that the child is confident in the love of an adult, feels protected, which is necessary for normal development at this age.

A sign of such a child's personality structure, as well as in his relationship with close adults, are answers in which all native put it on the lower steps. However, if when answering the question: "Where will the teacher put you?" - The child puts himself on one of the lower steps, it is normal and can serve as evidence of adequate self-esteem, especially if the child really behaves badly and often gets comments from the teacher.

In self-esteem, in how a child begins to estimate its achievements and failures, focusing on how other behavior estimate, the growth of his self-consciousness is manifested. This is one of the indicators of the psychological readiness of the student for learning. Based on the correct self-esteem, an adequate reaction to the censure and approval is produced.

Situation. Along with the general readiness for training at school, the child must:

Know the rules of communication;
- be able to come into contact with peers and adults;
- be able to manage your behavior without aggressiveness;
- To be able to quickly master the new setting.

How to check the readiness of a child for school training?

Decision. To answer these questions, you need to carefully watch the behavior of the child during any game according to the rules with the participation of several peers or adults (lotto, educational games, etc.). During the game you can see:

1) if the child follows the rules of the game;
2) as a child establishes contacts;
3) is considered to be with others as partners;
4) is able to manage his behavior;
5) whether it requires concessions from partners;
6) whether the game throws when the failure.

2. Wallave child readiness for school

The volitional readiness lies in the ability of the child to work intensively, making what the teacher demands from him, the regime of school life. The child should be able to manage his behavior, mental activity.

The presence of volitional qualities in a child will help him carry out the tasks for a long time without being distracted by the lesson, bring the matter to the end. Domestic psychologist L.S. Vygotsky considered the will as a stage of mastering his own behavior processes. First, adults adjust the child's behavior with the help of the word, then, absorbing practically the content of adult requirements, he gradually begins to regulate his behavior with his own speech, thus making a significant step forward along the path of volitional development. After mastering the speech, the word becomes not only a means of communication, but also a means of organizing behavior.

One of the central issues of the will is the question of the motivational conditionality of those specific volitional actions and actions that a person is capable of different periods of his life.

By 6 years, the main components of the volitional action occurs. But these elements of the volitional action are not well developed. Allocated targets are not always conscious and stable. Holding a goal depends on the difficulty of task and the duration of its implementation: the achievement of the goal is determined by the motivation.

Based on this, the adult should:

To put such a goal in front of the child that he would not only understand, but also accepted her by making his own. Then the child will have a desire to achieve it;
- to send, help in achieving the goal;
- Acquire a child not to paste before difficulties, but to overcome them;
- to educate the desire to achieve the result of its activities in drawing, puzzle games, etc.

The child should have an organization, the ability to organize a workplace, to start work in a timely manner, to be able to maintain order in the workplace during the study work.

Situation. Studies of neuropsychologists showed that the frontal departments of the child's brain are just executed by 7 years. Before this period, an arbitrary, managed behavior of a child is difficult.

How is the most reasonable to use this period of development of brain structures a bridhest for its development?

Decision. Since the behavior of a child up to 7 years involuntary, unregulated and directly emotional, it is necessary to develop its physical abilities, develop its motor sphere: speed, dexterity, plastic, speed in games, running, jumps, throwing, etc.

It is necessary to use this period and for the development of various knowledge, to accumulate different information about the world of things and people. During this period, the child acquires the primary experience of experiencing positive and negative emotions, learns to rejoice, suffer, sympathize. Foundation of personality is laid.

Based on the basis of general development, the child will switch to a level of reasonable, managed, controlled behavior. A mediator in this process is always an adult man, he sends and teaches to control behavior.

The child should be able to:

1. Understand and take the task, its goal.
2. Plan your activity.
3. Select funds to achieve the goal.
4. To overcome the difficulties, reaching the result.
5. Evaluate the results of activity.
6. Take assistance to adults when performing a task.

Situation. Many children, come to school, cannot support their efforts in fulfilling the task from the beginning to the very end, especially if the skills of letters, ownership of scissors, ball, etc. are required. Many simply lack attention.

Why is a child hard to learn? And why should a child from the very beginning of a student life?

Decision. In this case, a big role is given to parents. They often allow the child to stop somewhere on half of the way: knows - Well, it will learn to do beautifully - and make a mistake. It is necessary to immediately orient the child to perform any task from the beginning to the end - When cleaning a room, help parents, performing a task, etc.

It is necessary to teach a child to think about the result, not quickly divided, finish, read, reach and everything forget.

Parents often argue the child in his not desire to think about the quality of their work when they try to protect against unnecessary experiences about the marks received, it does not matter what he put; The main thing is that he is interested and what he tries, does it can; It's enough.

The child should strive for a good result, not just as it can, and so good, to which he is capable of. It is necessary to focus on the fact that tomorrow he will make better than today. Study is a continuous improvement of skills, it is necessary to teach a child from the first days at school.

Properly organized homework Constantly teaches a child to independent, patient, painstaking learning work.

It is better not directly indicated on the child's error. If you have errors, ask the child to find them yourself, this is the first form of self-control.

Situation. Dima (7 years) - a boy, as it seemed like a mother, quite independent. But at school, he is scattered, unmanned, waiting at every point of instructions. What's the matter?

Maybe everyday independence and training - different phenomena?

Decision. Yes, it is different phenomena. Independent actions of the child begin to manifest early. Already at 3 years declares: "I myself!" Parents must support independence. Teach a child to serve yourself, organize your time within the age of age.

When preparing a child to school, pay special attention to the development of independence related to cognitive activities. This should be expressed in the ability to set various training tasks in front of them and solve them without impulses from the outside ("I want to do it ..."), to show the initiative ("I want to do it differently") and creativity ("I want to do it In my own way ").

In the cognitive independence, the initiative, foresight and creativity are important.

To form such independence, special efforts of adults are needed.

The child should:

1. Work independently, without the presence of an adult.
2. Working, focus on obtaining the result, and not only to avoid trouble.
3. Show active cognitive interest in new activities, seeking personal achievements.

The task. Please note whether the child can concentrate anything to do - draw, sculpt, instracted, etc.

The most effective design sessions for improving the system of arbitrary self-regulation. You can start the design according to the sample: for example, the child must reproduce the actually built house from the parts. A child learns to choose the necessary parts of the blocks, correlate them in size, form and color.

The task. Invite the child carefully consider, learn the house that he should collect on his own sample.

Perform monitoring plan:

1. The nature and consistency of the construction of the house.
2. Does a certain sequence of assembly complied with?
3. Does the specified goal hold (proposed sample)?
4. Is the fitting compliance with the size, color, form of block blocks?
5. How often does its actions and their result with the benchmark?

At the end of the construction, ask questions to the child, how consciously he made the task. Analyze with it the achieved design results. In the future, you can gradually complicate the design task: instead of the sample drawing, plan, idea, etc.

As close as possible to the training activities, the exercise on the development of arbitrariness is a graphic dictation.

The child is given a sample of a geometric pattern, made on a sheet of paper into a cell. It must reproduce the proposed sample and independently continue the exact same drawing. Such a job can be complicated by offering under the dictation of an adult to perform similar patterns on a sheet of paper (right on 1 cell, up to 2 cells, to the left of 2 cells, etc.).

The task. The child must have arbitrary (managed) behavior. He must be able to subordinate his
Behavior of the will, not feelings. It is difficult for him to follow both someone else's and his will. Spend games for the development of arbitrariness (handling) behavior.

a) game "Yes and no not to say"

It is required to prepare simple issues in order to intensify the child's attention to intensify.
- What's your name? How old are you? etc.
Occasionally ask questions requiring approval or denial.
- "Are you a girl?" etc.

If the child wins, he will be able to manage his attention at school. For a diversity, turn on the prohibitions of other words: "black", "white", etc.

b) mode and order

Make a strip from Watman with a groove where to insert colored paper mosses that you can move your finger.

Attach the strip on the prominent place on the wall. Explain to the child: I made a case - move the circle to the next label. I reached the end - get a prize, surprise, something pleasant.

So you can teach a child to order: to clean the scattered toys, dress for a walk and others. The rule, the sequence of actions due to external benchmarks from external turns into an internal (mental), in a rule to itself.

In a visual form, you can designate both schools and training for lessons, lose any life situation. So the private ability to be organized at the moment will contribute to the development of arbitrariness (behavior manageability).

c) reporting

Let the child present that he scout and "writes" an encrypted report to the headquarters. The text of the report dictates the parent - "connected". The child must encrypt symbols - icons that will remind him of the subject. So develops a symbolic (sign) function of consciousness.

Situation. Pete (5 years) is unorganized. The work started to the end does not bring, takes on another. It does not know how to focus. Mom worries how he will learn at school.

How can parents help the child in the upbringing of the necessary qualities for study?

Decision. Just learning the child to plan their actions and bring them to a logical result, it will be possible to ask him further with it, check, note the success (encourage).

To this end, the question is asked: "How will you do it?" Such and similar questions adult can encourage the child to plan different actions. So, before cleaning toys: "What to clean and in what sequence?", Before designing: "What to build and what materials for this will be required?" Such an adult question must put in front of the child when it starts any activity.

It is necessary to take into account that one thing is planning as preparing for action and another thing - its implementation. The work should be communicated to the end! We must remember aphorism: "The road to hell is paved with good intentions."

Summing up the action is a very important stage. If possible, it is necessary to demonstrate to other family members or familiar, guests of the child's successes: how the castle is built from cubes or draws a drawing, applique has been made.

It is also important that the actions of the planning and its completion, the summary of the results was brought to automatism.

  1. Fear to stay for a while without mom, dad or accompanying.Children often fear that parents can leave a doctor alone in the office or in a procedural office and wait in another room. This fear is most often found in children under the age of 7, but can disturb the children of school age.
  2. Pain.Children can worry about the fact that during inspection or medical procedure, pain or discomfort will experience.
  3. Body integrity.Also, children can fear that the procedure will harm their health or body integrity. For example, small children before blood tests may be afraid that they will have "all blood", and they will die. Children over 7-8 can experience due possible harm From incomprehensible medical procedures for them.
  4. Doctor's behavior.The problems of some children may be associated with the professional manner of the doctor's behavior. The child may incorrectly understand and evaluate such qualities as excessive conciseness of communication, a detached attitude towards them, considering the usual medical manner of behavior as a personal hostility to them or an excessive "severity" of a doctor.
  5. Unknown and waiting for the worst.Children sometimes fear that their health status is actually much worse than their parents tell them. Children even with uncomplicated diseases may be afraid that they may need an operation or hospitalization.
  6. Fear of death. Heavily and long-suffering children, for the first time, sick children may think about what can die.
  7. Guilt. Children can often assume that their illness or condition is punishment for what they did or did not, although they should. Children with a sense of guilt can believe that the doctor's inspection and medical procedures are part of their punishment, especially if any of the adults scared them with "Dr.".

The technique of psychological training of a child for a visit to the children's medical center.

  1. Trust and honesty:Children can cope with discomfort and pain better if they are warned in advance about the upcoming visit to the doctor and procedures. When writing to a specialist, check with the administrator, the dispatcher or its service manager, which, in the most common plan, will occur during a visit to medical Center. Then you can explain this to the child with simple words understandable at his age. Be honest if you know that the procedure may be somewhat embarrassing, uncomfortable or even painful, but do not go into details. Your child will feel more confident, knowing what will happen in the clinic and why. Avoid phrases "You will not hurt", "it will hurt, but you are terrib", "you will not do anything."
  2. Unknown:If you do not know a lot about the illness or condition of the child, frankly admit it, but calm your child that you both will be able to ask the doctor all the necessary questions. Together, write down your child's questions on paper to ask them to the doctor. Avoid phrases "I am myself (myself) I'm afraid ..."
  3. Talk about the purpose of visiting to the doctor:Tell your child in advance about the bottom of the visit to the doctor, tell me to which doctor you will go, and what he will do: "The doctor will check how you grow and develop, talk to you, will ask simple questions and inspect the body to make sure that the body is healthy. You can also ask a doctor any questions about your body and health. " Tell me that a visit to the doctor does not mean that a person is necessarily ill: healthy children also need to be regularly checked from the doctor to maintain their health, grow faster and better develop, learn more about your body. In the case of a visit to the doctor about the disease, the child can be explained that the doctor "must inspect you to find out what hurts, fix it, and help you recover."
  4. Loose fears:Ask to tell or draw what the child is afraid when visiting the clinic. Encourage a detailed story about fears and all related unpleasant expectations. The more the child tells, the less fears of his fears. Refer seriously to his story.
  5. Guilt:Find out if the child does not associate its illness or the need to visit the doctor with any misdeed. Explain that communication with the doctor is care and help to him, not a punishment. Calm the child: "The disease is not caused by anything you did or forgot to do. Such diseases are found in many children. Wouldn't we be lucky to be able to go to a doctor who knows how to help us recover? ".
    If your child was injured, without observing general rules Safety, indicate him for the connection of the cause and consequences, but, not accusing it: "You probably did not understand (did not know) about the danger related to this, but I am sure that now you understand it, and you will not do so again" . In the event of a feeling of shame for a disease (for example, the appearance of head lice, the sharp in feces, night incontinence of urine,) should be announced that such diseases can happen from any child, creatively occurred in very many (including grandmother or aunt in childhood ). At the same time, they are not connected with his behavior or personal qualities.
  6. Play in the "Visit to the doctor":Little children are best learning and know the world during the game. The game can be best way Answer any questions about a visit to the doctor and reveal fears that the child can be. You can use a doll or a teddy bear to show the child, as the doctor will inspect it:
    • measure the growth and weight of the toy,
    • look at the toy in your mouth and in the ears,
    • use the blood pressure cuff to hug a hand or paw,
    • listen to the stomach and back with a stethoscope or paper tube,
    • ponselay on the stomach,
    • let's knock on the knees.

    Specify that none of the extraneous, except for the doctor, nurses in the clinic should not touch the child or inspect it.

  7. Fix the child's attention to the "islets of security":Anyone needs a stable support in an unknown situation - especially a child. Tell the child by Ob. playground In the clinic, about drawing board, about the delicious warm drink from the rosehip with cherry. When the child comes to the clinic and sees attractive items familiar to the stories, he will feel more confident.
  8. Creature positive mood "Random conversation":All people have more trusted the information that heard accidentally - in conversations, not addressed to them. In this case, a person is confident that no one is trying to convince him or deceive it. Use this technique, telling someone by phone or in a conversation about how a doctor from the clinic "Virilis" helped a child, as he boldly went to the procedures and quickly cured. It is necessary that your child heard this conversation.
  9. Take a "group of psychological support" with you:Favorite toy or magic "subject of power."
  10. Award "For Courage":In the clinic, they can give "a medal for courage" or "recipe for a gift" by those kids who cost without tears and whims. Specify in advance from the manager, which of the psychological shares of support and the promotion of kids act in the clinic, or organize such an action for your child yourself.

1. Psychological preparation of children to school.

2. Development of the emotional and personal sphere of the psyche of children.

3. Development of cognitive abilities.

4. Training Relaxation techniques.

Travel course:

The occupation is carried out in the office of a psychologist with a subgroup of children (5-6 people).

Psychologist: Hello guys! I am very glad to see you! Let's get each other for hands and say "Hello! "

Children greets.

Psychologist: Listen, please, what I want to tell you:

Green crocodile

Green Mom learned:

- You can be a scientist,

Designer or poet

The main thing is to be green!

Remember, please, it!

Puzzled hypopotama

Taught by the Puzzy Mom:

- You can become an acrobat,

Designer or poet

The main thing is to be puzzled.

Happiness, son, in this!

And gray mom-mouse

Mouse taught quietly:

- You can be an engineer,

Scientist or poet

The main thing is to be gray,

Little and imperceptible!

Conversation with children

Psychologist: Do you think that our heroes are right?

And where are all children get knowledge, learn?

Right, let's talk about school!

For you, I prepared riddles:

I decided to draw a house, I open my (album)

Draw OUR, Wooden (Pencil)

Suddenly the snake will be straight, and her name is (ruler)

I will draw in the album, and for the letter you need (notebook)

I painted, and here Marinka, erase the unnecessary barcode (gum)

The guys honestly, not used to rely on

To remember the task, I write it in (diary)

This is all ours school supplies... Now I invite you to the table!

Game "Camera"

On the table there are any items, in our case, school supplies. Children gives 30 seconds to remember what and where lies. Then they turn away. An adult rearranges objects, or something removes something at all or replaces to another subject. Children must determine what has changed.

Game "Rapt Signs"

To perform the task, you will need for each child "Map" - a square sheet of paper, divided into 16 cells, mathematical signs (+, -, \u003d,

Psychologist: Your task, guys, decompose on the big map in the cells small cards with signs so that in the ranks and columns it turned out two identical signs.

Children perform a task. If necessary, a psychologist helps children with entry issues.

Psychologist: Guys, we completed complex tasks. Now it's time to move a little!

Surely all of you played in the game: the sea is worried ... I suggest you not to change the conditions ... You travel to the music, as soon as you hear my team you will need to portray what is-tied with a school (for example, the reading schoolboy, teachers, And we will try to guess what it is ... Let's try!

Exercise "Lazy"

Today my children were doing a lot, played and probably tired. I suggest you a little lazy. Imagine that you are lazy and beyond the soft, soft carpet. Around quietly and calmly, you breathe easily and freely. The feeling of pleasant peace and rest covers your entire body. You are calmly rest, you are lazy. Resting your hands, rest your legs (pause - stroking children). Resting handles y, resting legs at ... Pleasant warmth covers your whole body, you are too lazy to move, you are pleased. Your breath is completely calm. Your hands, legs, the whole body is relaxed. The feeling of pleasant rest fills you from the inside. You relax, you are lazy. Pleasant laziness blooms all the body. You enjoy full rest and rest, which brings you strength and good mood. Pull out, drop off too. And at the expense of "three" open your eyes. You feel well rested, you have a cheerful mood.

Psychologist: Guys did you like our lesson, what did you remember?

Responses of children.

Thanks for the lesson, I am sure you will be the most exemplary students at school!

The role of a psychologist in the preparation of children to school

The role of a psychologist in the preparation of children to school

"Be ready for school -

Be ready for school -

it means to be ready to learn everything to everyone "L. A. Wenger

Preparing for school for many parents and some teachers is to teach a child to write, read, count. As soon as the child masters the skills - teachers calm down, the child is ready for school! But what happens? Such a smart, capable child and suddenly talk about the problems of adaptation and school learning. Did not love the teacher? Children did not accept? The answer is simple: the child is psychologically ready for admission to school.

Over the past years in domestic pedagogy and psychology, there has been an increased interest in the problem of the transition of a child-preschooler from a kindergarten to school and closely connected with this concept of readiness for school learning. Nevertheless, psychological training is not paying due attention in connection with the uninformation of parents and teachers in the importance of this process.

The role of a psychologist in the preparation of children to school is considered from three positions:

1. Preparation of preschoolers:

Classes with a psychologist (purpose: development of cognitive processes, emotional sphere child)

Excursion to school (goal: Formation of a new social position - schoolboy)

Organization of exhibitions of children's work on the topics:

"I am going to school"

"I am first grader"

(Purpose: Formation of motivational readiness for school education)

What distinguishes the "psychological" lesson from the "pedagogical"?

First, this is the number of children in the group. The psychologist is engaged in a group of 5-6 people, which makes it possible to pay attention to every child as much as possible.

Secondly, the value of psychological classes is that the psychologist pays great attention to how exercises are performed, and not the result.

2. Preparation of parents of future first-graders:

The relevance of such training is that parents are difficult to "rebuild" and accept the fact that their child is no longer a kid, but almost "adult." The child has become more independent!

Work with parents is built in stages:

Questioning of parents (purpose: determine expectations, fears)

Development of information stands and booklets (in order to enlighten parents)

Workshop for parents (on the topic: "7-year crisis: from the game to study")

Consultation: "Psychological Preparing for School"

Conducting open classes

3. Work with teachers:

Consultation on the themes:

"Portrait of the future first grader"

"Psychological features of children 6-7 years old"

Such a mode of operation will contribute:

Development of the intellectual sector of children

The formation of the motivation of the exercise

Expanding knowledge of teachers about how to prepare children to school

Involvement of parents in the school preparation process.

Attestation occupation of a teacher-psychologist DW "Psychological training of children to school. I am first grader. "

Purpose: Preparation of senior preschoolers for school training through the formation of universal prerequisites for educational activities and the necessary skills and skills.



* Fasten the skills of children in working with an interactive board.

* Exercise in the ability to highlight the sound at the beginning of the word.

* Exercise in the ability to make encrypted words from pictures.

* To form in children the skills and skills of proper physiological and speech breathing.


* Develop mental operations (classify and summarize the ability).

* Develop cognitive processes (logical thinking, memory, auditory and visual attention, connected speech).

* Develop visual and motor coordination.

* Develop a visual-spatial orientation.

* Develop elementary self-esteem skills.

* Develop fantasy and imagination.


* Rail to preschoolers a positive attitude towards yourself, to the surrounding school.

* Educating independence, the ability to work in the team, in pairs, the ability to negotiate.

* Increase the interest of children to developing training in school training through work on an interactive board.

Direction - developing;

Group - preparatory for school;

Subject - "Psychological preparation of children to school. I am first grader. "

Form of organization - Frontal, steam room.

Type of classes - Complex with the elements of the training.

Time implementation - 30 minutes;

Amount of children – 14;

Educational and methodical support:

* Sharokhina V. L. "Psychological Preparation of Children to School";

* Arzishevskaya I. L. " Psychological training for future first graders ";

* Ganicheva I.V. "Timal-oriented approaches to psychocorrection and developing work with children";

* Zuckerman G. A., Polivanova N. K. "Introduction to school life."

Equipment: Interactive board, multimedia projector, laptop, interactive accompaniment for class, bell, sets of object patterns, white paper sheets of format a 4, simple pencils.

The following technologies are applied at the lesson:

* Heart-saving,

* Informational Communicative,

Methods used in working with children:

1. Methods of organization and implementation of educational cognitive activity Preschoolers:

* The method of visual transmission of information (visual perception of information using an interactive board);

* Method of visual information transfer (using the practical activities of children);

* Method of verbal information transfer (auditory perception of information);

2. Methods of stimulation and motivation:

* Emotional;

* Social;

* Gaming;

3. Control and self-control methods:

* Self-control and mutual control.

Organizational and motivational part (3 min)

Game "Pass in a circle" (Ritual greetings) (Slide 1)

Children sit on the carpet in a circle.

Purpose: Creating an emotional positive attitude in the group.

Gaming situation "We are first graders"

Children sit on the carpet in a circle.

Purpose: The introduction of preschoolers in the School World.

Development of fantasy and imagination. Guys, today we will go to school, we will be first graders, and we will have a real lesson. Close your eyes.

"Rings an alarm clock. Your mother woke you up. You put your beautiful school uniform, take a briefcase and go to school with a good mood. Here you open the school door, and ringing the bell. "

Guys, with the help of their fantasy move in time and become first graders. Rates a school bell, a lesson begins.

Main part (25 min.)

The game "Fourth extra" (2 min) (Slide 2, 3, 4, 5)

Purpose: Development of ability to classify and summarize, develop elements of logical thinking, and visual attention.

The guys are for one suitable to the screen, find an excess picture and remove it. At the same time, the remaining pictures are combined with one sign and call it.

Sensomotor exercise "Lying G8" (1 min) (slide 6)

Children stand in front of a psychologist.

Purpose: Prevention of the voltage of the glasses, removal of general voltage.

Guys, imagine that your hands are connected to my hands invisible threads. Now, you must repeat all my movements to the music.

Performance of this exercise is accompanied by calm classical music.

Exercise "Attention - Draw! " (3 min.) (Slide 7)

Children sit beyond the tables.

Purpose: The development of visual and motor coordination and memory of children.

The guys are carefully looking at the figure shown on the screen for 3 seconds, after the screen closes, the children draw a similar shape on the sheet. After completing the task, the children exchange the work material with their neighbor and check the correctness of the task. Properly performed figure is fixed with a plus, performed correctly minus.

Fizminutka "Paul - Nose - Ceiling" (1 min) (Slide 8)

Children stand near their workplace.

Purpose: Development of audio attention of preschoolers, prevention of fatigue, tension removal.

The psychologist says words (floor, nose, half) and shows the corresponding to the Word of Places, children must be extremely attentive, since the psychologist will be confused and show them not what calls.


We start to play!

You guys do not yaw

And after me, repeat.

Do what I say

And not what I will show.

Exercise "Classification" (3 min.) (Slide 9)

Children are sitting by pairs behind the tables.

Purpose: The development of elements of logical thinking and ability to generalize. Fixing the ability to work in pairs, the ability to negotiate.

Before children, a set of substantive pictures. Working in pairs, they need to determine which signs you can decompose the pictures into two groups. Then, children must negotiate and decide who by laying out pictures, and decompose them.

After the children perform a task, a psychologist comes to each child and checks the task. Children should call a sign that, they laid out pictures.

Exercise "I breathe through the nose" (1 min.)

Children stand in front of a psychologist on the carpet.

Purpose: Formation in children of skills and skills of proper physiological and speech breathing without compromising health,

oxygen brain enrichment, activation of mental processes in the cerebral cortex.

The guys inhale the air slowly through the nose, exhale slowly through the mouth (the lips are composed with a tube) - 3 times.

Slow breath through the right nostril (left closed with a finger, exhale through the mouth - 3 times.

Slow breath through the left nostril (right closed with a finger, exhale through the mouth - 3 times.

Slow breath through the nose, exhale fast through the mouth with the pronunciation of sound "Ha" - 3 times

Exercise "Encrypted Words" (3 min.) (Slide 10)

Children sit on the carpet in front of the screen.

Purpose: Improving the ability to make encrypted words from pictures, fixing the ability to allocate the sound at the beginning of the word.

On the screen - pictures: Amanita, stork, doll.

Children call pictures, determine the first sound in each word and pronounce them in order, so you can guess what word is encrypted on the screen using pictures.

Next, children open hidden pictures with which you can make new words. If children make it difficult to think of the word, then for this, there are multi-colored squares on the screen, under which words are hidden. Children choose any square, the psychologist reads the word, and the children in one encrypt the word on the screen using the pictures.

Instant Building game (2 min.) (Slide 11)

Children stand in front of a psychologist.

Purpose: Development of independence, memory and attention, communication skills with each other. Fixing the ability to work in mini-groups.

The guys should stand around the psychologist, as follows: Several - ahead, several - from behind, right, and left. Children remember their location relative to a psychologist and relative to each other. After the psychologist twists in place, the guys must remember their location and take right place. The game is performed several times.

Exercise "Find 6 differences" (3 min.) (Slide 12)

Children sit on the carpet in front of the screen.

Purpose: The development of visual attention (its concentration, sustainability, the development of the connected speech of preschoolers, consolidation of the ability to work with an interactive board.

On the screen two pictures. The guys must find 6 differences between them, every difference is noted in the pictures with a purple triangle.

Multimedia gymnastics for eye "on the clearing" (1 min.) (Slide 12)

Children sit on the carpet in front of the screen.

Purpose: Removing the voltage from the eye nerve, the concentration of attention, the development of visual-spatial orientation.

Animated objects appear on the screen with musical accompaniment, for which the guys carefully follow.

Exercise "What has changed? " (3 min.) (Slide 13)

Children sit on the carpet in front of the screen.

Purpose: Development of logical thinking elements, fixing the ability to work independently with an interactive board.

The screen shows geometric shapes differing from each other by certain features (TRIZ signs). Children must determine which sign (form, color, size) changes in the figure, and move this sign under the figure.

Reflection "My Evaluation" (2 min) (Slide 14)

Children sit on the carpet in front of the screen.

Purpose: Formation of elementary self-esteem skills.

Red Circle (I liked the lesson and everything happened to me).

Yellow circle (I liked the lesson, but I did not get all the tasks).

Blue Circle (I did not like the occupation and nothing happened to me).

Final part (2 min.)

Gaming situation "We are preschoolers" (1 min.)

Children sit on the carpet in a circle.

Purpose: Election of children from the "School World", the development of fantasy and imagination.

And now, we open our eyes and again in kindergarten.

Game "Pass in a circle" (Farewell ritual)

Children sit on the carpet in a circle.

Purpose: Fastening an emotional positive attitude in the group.

The guys in a circle pass to each other an invisible ball and fill it with a good mood.

This ball will be with you until the end of this day, and it will help you save you a good mood.


State educational institution of the Arkhangelsk region

"Severodvinsky orphanage"

System of psychological studies in training for school education

Severodvinsk, 2011.

An important role in the development of preschoolers is played by a psychologist, one of whose tasks is to help children who have difficulty learning, which does not assimilate the educational material corresponding to age possibilities. The psychological and pedagogical examination allows you to identify such children and draw up a plan for individual correctional work, in which, as a rule, all specialists of the orphanage, including the teachers of the group, are involved.

Correctional work should be built as a holistic meaningful child activity, and not as separate exercises in training skills and skills.

The proposed system is aimed at developing in children of senior preschool age of mental functions that create a basis for successful child learning.

The basis for building this system was the idea of \u200b\u200bthe idea that leading in preschool age, creating the most favorable conditions for mental and personal development, is the game. That's why correctional work With children in accordance with this system, it is carried out on the basis of educational games.

In preschool age, the assimilation of new knowledge in the game is significantly more successful than on training activities. Training task set in gaming formIt has the advantage that in the situation of the game the child is clearer, the need to acquire new knowledge and ways of action.

It is necessary to take into account the level of cognitive development of the child, i.e. Simple games can be complicated by introducing additional rules and vice versa.

At the same time, one of the indicators and conditions of the good physical and neuropsychic development of the child is the development of his hands, brushes, handmade skills, or, as they call, shallow finger motility. As the physiologist I. Pavlov wrote, "the hands teach his head, then the wischable head teaches hands, and skillful hands Again promote the development of the brain. "

That is why the proposed system includes tasks for the development of small motorbers, sensorotor coordination. Total lesson duration:

25 -30 minutes.

Frequency of classes - 1 time per week.

Each occupation includes developing tasks using a colorful visual manual aimed at developing mental processes in children. It is necessary to start a cell notebook to perform written tasks for each child.

The structure of the classes includes:

  • games for the development of sensory experience;
  • games for the development of knowledge about the world around;
  • games for the development of perception;
  • games for the development of attention, memory;
  • games for the development of spatial orientations;
  • games for the development of shallow motility, etc.
  • games for consolidation of knowledge from speech therapy
  • conversations for the formation of interest in school

The occupation should be carried out in a game form.

The occupation is carried out in a favorable emotional environment causes interest.

Tasks should be applied, given the mental capabilities of the child.

It is necessary to encourage satisfaction that the child receives from the classes.

It is necessary to gradually complicate the types of work, consistently moving from elementary to more complex tasks.

Psychologist: the next task "Laying your class."

Appliqué is offered where a three-story school is depicted, three classes on each floor you need to find classes:

Anya - class on the second floor, the second in a row,

Vadim - class on the right above the Anin class,

Nastya - class on the left of Anin

Aleche - class on the right of Vadim class,

Natasha is a class located in the right corner of the lower floor of the school.

That's all. Pupils found their classes.

Psychologist: All first-graders know what should lie in the portfolio. Do you know? The following task must be collected by an imaginary portfolio.

Exercise "Collect your portfolio"

Children sit in a circle. The first participant says: "I will put it in my portfolio ..." - and calls some necessary thing in school. The next child repeats the name of the subject that the previous child called, and adds its item, the next two words and its own, the latter repeats all these items.

Psychologist: Well done you coped with all the tasks! So you are ready for school.

And for the late I want to offer you to fill the "Piggy bank of the first grader".

Exercise "Piggy Bank of First Class"

Instructions: Children are offered to "fill" two piggy banks: "Difficulties of a student" and "student's successes" (you can use any opaque jars with braces of different colors as a piggy bank). Children lists that, in their opinion, it may make them difficult to study, life in school, to upset or, on the contrary, bring pleasure to please, help cope with school difficulties. Each statement is accompanied by throwing coins (clips, peas, etc.) to the corresponding piggy bank.

When the options run out, to offer children "rumor" with a piggy bank and determine where the content is more. If children believe that the piggy bank of the "success" is a call, summarize that the student's student is more successful. If the same, then, despite difficulties, there will be no less success.

And if there are more difficulties - add "chips" into the piggy bank "Success", mentioning what the children have forgotten about.

Final part.

Psychologist: Our occupation approached the end and before saying about. Everyone name what he liked the most. And now I will say goodbye.

Farewell ritual.


The abstract of trainings with parents

"Psychological preparation of a child to school"


Gorshkova Anna Aleksandrovna - Pedagog Psychologist MBOU DOD TSGDI

Purpose: optimization of child-parent relations.

Acquainted with the peculiarities of psychological readiness for school of children of six years;

Teach productive ways to interact with the child;

Develop the relationship of partnership and cooperation of parents with children.

Required material: 3 A4C format sheet with smiling, sad and crying emoticons.

Expected results: the development of positive interaction of parents with children, the establishment of partnerships in the family of each child.

Structure occupation

Exercise "If you could compare ..."

Sitting in a circle and passing the toy, parents in turn say: "My child is called ... If it could be compared with the training subject, it would be ... because ..."

Mini lecture "What is psychological readiness for school"

Psychological readiness for school, this is a kind, comprehensive indicator that allows you to predict the success or failure of the first-grader's training.

So what components are included in the set of "school readiness"?

This is, first of all, motivational readiness, i.e. The presence of a desire to learn. Most parents will almost immediately answer that their children want to go to school and, therefore, they have motivational willingness. However, this is not quite true.

The desire to go to school and the desire to learn significantly differ from each other.

The school should attract a child with its main activity - study. If on the question: "Why do you want to go to school?" You are responsible for: "Because I have a beautiful launcher" or "there are my friends there, we will be fun" or something else like that - it is attracted by external accessories, and in no way academic activities.

Next is the intellectual readiness. Many parents believe that it is she who is the main component of psychological readiness for school, and the basis of it is to teach children letters, reading and account. This belief is the cause of parents' errors in the preparation of children to school, as well as the cause of their subsequent disappointments.

In fact, intellectual readiness does not imply any certain formed knowledge and skills at the child (for example, reading), although, of course, certain skills from the child should be. Rather, it implies development of his mental functions (perception, thinking, memory, speech, imagination), and throughout preschool childhood.

And then at school, teacher, relying on the existing skills, will give the child a new training material.

Social will be ready for a conclusion in the fact that the child knows the rules of behavior in school, how to communicate with peers ... If your baby has not visited the kindergarten before entering the first grade, and his communication was reduced only to communicate with you and grandparents, Whether he can painlessly join the new team.

If a child has a social readiness formed, on the question: "Why do you want to go to school?" He must answer something like this: "I want to go to school, because all children must learn, it needs and important."

And now I suggest you remember your childhood, or rather, a school time.

Choose Smiley game

Three emoticons are mounted on the wall at some distance from each other (1st - smiling, 2nd - sad, 3rd - crying).

Parents read issues related to their school training. Instead of answers, they must choose the appropriate emoticon and become under it.

1. Remember how you went to the first class?

2. And with what mood your parents spent you in the first class?

3. Remember the feelings and expression of the person with whom you in most cases sat for the lessons.

4. What sense did you finish school?


I think it will not be a secret for anyone that psychological readiness for school depends largely on parents and their mood. It is very important to give the child a positive installation for training in the first grade.

But where it will take from those parents who themselves have experienced adaptation to school, and, as a result, all other school years. Adults, of course, may be anxious before such important changes in life, but, in no case can it be transferred to the baby. Do not discuss the problem of school education in his presence, do not show your fears.

But here there is a reverse side: overly optimistic attitudes of the parents give rise to rainbow ideas about the school in a child. As a result, he does not quite expect problems from a new phenomenon in his life.

And encountered with the first difficulties, disappointed in school as such. And, oddly enough, in itself. After all, he is confident that all with the tasks set easily, and only he does not work: well, how not to blame himself.

It will be much more correct to explain to the child the benefits and advantages of school and learning, knowledge and skills purchased there, but do not forget to mention that this is often a difficult task. What is still necessary to get used to the school that everything is faced with difficulties, and it is important to overcome them. As a result, the child will have a positive attitude towards school, and an understanding of the upcoming difficulties.


Parents are divided into 2 groups. The first inventing expressions that contribute to the reduction of self-esteem, as well as the motivation of the teachings and achievements.

The second group comes up with phrases that can enhance the motivation of the teachings and self-esteem.

Then you choose one person from the group that read the resulting expressions.


Mini lecture "On the benefits of a preschooler"

Another very important psychological peculiarity of preschool children: their main activity is the game through which they develop and receive new knowledge. That is, all tasks should be presented to the baby in a game form, and home sessions should not turn into an educational process. But dealing with the child at home, it is not even necessary to allocate for this some specific time, you can develop your baby constantly.

The game as the leading activity of the preschooler is of great importance for the physical, mental, moral and aesthetic education of children. First of all, it takes cognitive development, since gaming activities contribute to the expansion and deepening of ideas about the surrounding reality, the development of attention, memory, observation, thinking and speech.

And now I suggest to break the pairs and perform the following task.

Exercise "Develop - Playing"

Parents are divided into pairs. They are distributed notes with tasks. The first comes up with and shows how to offer a child a task in a game form.

The second is a child, performs the task. When everyone cope, start discussing:

It is clear - it is not clear, it is interesting - it was not interesting to "child."

It was difficult or easy to "beat" task adult.

Reflection lesson

Parents share their impressions, psychologist thanks everyone for work.

On this topic:

Material from

preparing for school, preschoolers, children's psychology for parents


The kit includes a methodological manual and demonstration materials necessary for a teacher-psychologist leading to school training program. IN methodical manual The diagnostic procedure describes, present detailed classes.



The beginning of training in school is a qualitatively new stage in the child's life, and the main thing is that when moving to this new stage he was formed by psychological, primarily motivational readiness for training activities, the desire to learn. By the end of preschool age, the child reaches enough high level Cognitive and personal development, mastering the world of things, he is being formed by the position of a schoolboy. But be prepared for school - does not mean to be able to read, write and count, it means to be ready to learn this. School readiness includes the following parameters:

Psychological readiness - the state of the psyche, nervous system, motivation to educational activities;

Intellectual readiness - the presence of a wide horizon, developed cognitive processes in a child;

Emotional-volitional readiness - the ability to manage emotions, build relationships with the outside world;

Physical readiness - child health condition (as an additional component).

The development of cognitive processes is a big role in creating a foundation of successful learning activities: thinking, memory, speech and, not less important, perception, attention, performance, as well as the emotional-volitional sphere and communication skills.

Comprehensive developing program "Year to school: from A to Z" is intended for organizing the preparation of children of 6-7 years visiting the Dow, to school training. It is aimed at developing both cognitive activity and psychological readiness.

Classes, including a variety of gaming etudes, psychological exercises, finger games, practical logical tasks, relaxation exercises, elements of psychohymnastics, etc. contribute to the development of communicative skills, creating a friendly atmosphere in the group; Develop attention, memory, logic, non-standard thinking, expand the horizons of the child, develop visual and motor coordination. Relaxation exercises remove muscle and emotional tension, create a confidence atmosphere in the children's team. Gaming classes help the child to take the role of a student, form an emotional and positive attitude towards school, increase motivation to learning activities.

When creating a cycle of classes, materials "to school with joy" programs were used, ( Schwab, 2007), "Teaching the diploma of preschool children" ( Marcinkevich, 2004); "Pedagogical diagnosis of children's development before entering school" edited by T. S. Komarova and O. A. Solomennikova.

The program contains content that allows for each child the necessary starting opportunities for receipt and further successful learning in school. Conditions are created for the development of attentiveness, the ability to argue, analyze and compare, summarize and allocate essential signs of objects, to improve cognitive activity, while the individual features of each child are taken into account. In the course of work, intellectual activity is formed during the work, the joy of knowledge is born.

The purpose of the program - Prepare senior preschoolers for successful school education through the development of a cognitive, communicative and emotional-volitional sphere, enrichment of the necessary knowledge that will help them feel confident and comfortable when entering school and for school years.

Determining the level of readiness of children to school training (conducting primary and repeated psychological and pedagogical examination).

Expansion of the horizon.

Evaluation and development of motivation to educational activities, intellectual activity (performing abilities, volitional qualities) of the child.

Formation of personal, socio-psychological, intellectual and emotional-volitional readiness.

The development of higher mental functions (memory, thinking, attention, perception, imagination, speech based on the child's ability); Ability to compare, summarize, find causal relationships, graphic skills, visual and engine coordination.

Developing the skills of arbitrary regulation of behavior.

Development of communication skills with peers and adults, creative abilities; Trust, group cooperation.

Removal of emotional and muscle tension (relaxation exercises).

When implementing the program, it is necessary to comply with the basic principles of work:

Respect for the child, to the process and the results of its activities in combination with reasonable demanding;

An integrated approach in the development of classes;

Systematics and sequence of classes;

Variability of content and forms of classes;


Adequacy of loads and requirements for the child in the process of classes;

Graduality and systematics in the development and formation of school-meaningful functions, following simple knowledge to more complex;

Repeatability of material, formation and consolidation of knowledge gained.

Main formalarota -Frontal educational and gaming lesson using standard and non-standard forms, techniques and activities: psychological games, etudes, relaxation exercises, logical tasks, stories, conversations, drawings, graphic dictations, riddles, etc.

Details on the site

This table helps me get feedback from you.

1.4. Conversation. Output.

The situation of the exam for all students is the same, and is experiencing it and behaves each in it in different ways. What is it connected with?

Of course, in many respects, as you learned the material, with how well you know one or another item, as far as you are confident in your abilities. Sometimes it happens - you really learned the training material well and suddenly there is a feeling that everyone has forgotten, some scraps of thoughts are swarming, quickly and badly beats the heart, in order not to happen, you need to learn to overcome your fear, learn receivers mobilization and concentration, as well as removal of emotional stress. What are we going now and now.

1.5. Exercise "angled balls".

Objective: to teach safe ways to express irritation, removal of emotional tension.

Instructions: Guys, inflate the balls and make them.

Imagine that the inflatable ball is a human body, and air located in it is a feeling of irritation, anger, tension.

Tell me, can they now (children keep tied balls) to enter and leave it?

What happens when the feeling of irritation, voltages will fill a person? (The ball will explode, and in humans - an emotional breakdown or any aggressive act) will occur)

Or maybe a person who is experiencing psycho-emotional tension or irritation to remain calm, productively think, something good, well to perform?

The psychologist shoves his ball.

What did you feel when the ball exploded?

Can this method of expressing irritation, removal of emotional voltage be safe? Why?

Guys, if a ball is a man, then an exploding ball means some aggressive act, such as disputes, conflicts, discontent with others and by themselves.

And now inflate another ball, but do not tie it, but hold firmly in your hand, not releaseing the air. You remember that the ball is a person, and the air inside it is the feelings of irritation, anxiety, tension.

Now let out a little air from the ball and hold it again.

Have you noticed that the ball has decreased?

Whether the ball exploded. When did you release air from it?

Is it possible to consider such a way of expressing feelings more secure? Why?

Is there a ball whole? Did anyone scare?

What conclusion can you do after this exercise? What reflections did it come across you?

Conclusion: This air ball is an indicator of the neurophecical state of a person, and a way out of air from it is an association with ways to regulate their emotional state.

1.6. Information psychologist about anxiety, stress stages. SLIDE.

(Anxiety -EMOC. Disruption - aggression - depression)

There is no such person who would never have experienced alarms. Worried - it's natural. In man, there is a special biological mechanism that helps to cope with emotional overload.

Anxiety means that your body is ready to fight with the difficulties that have emerged, such a state is temporarily and intended for the extension for extreme situations. The body can not be in it for a long time. But if a person is nervous, experiencing difficulties for a long time, is in a tense state for a long time, as a result, an emotional disruption may occur, irreparable damage to health.

Of course, the exams that are waiting for you require a lot of strength in the preparation of both physical and emotional. Exams are a serious test that makes you mobilize all your strength.

There are certain techniques of volitional mobilization, as well as relaxation and tension removal. What is the ability to relax?

As you know, the muscular tension causes negative emotions of anxiety of different strength if emotions are strong enough, they block mental processes. Therefore, it is important to be able to shoot muscle tension.

And mobilization techniques help improve cerebral circulation, increase performance. Therefore, it is very important to know and systematically perform exercises to help regulate their condition, and during the preparation for the exams they should be daily.

Now, I suggest discussing healthy ways to overcome stressful states, removing the emotional stress that you know and could apply during the preparation for exams.

1.7. Work in pairs. SLIDE

Instruction: Discuss healthy ways to overcome stress during the preparation period and passing exams (that is, the techniques of volitional mobilization and rejection of nervous voltage).

Discussion of workflows.

1 person from the pair offers 1 way, preferably not repeating and demonstrating an exercise. We perform all together

1.8. Performing practical exercises.

On the slide you see different ways of removing emotional tension and mobilization

Slide "Methods for removing neuropsychic voltage"

Additionally, you can propose to perform the following exercises:

  1. "Wood cutting".

Instructions: Arrange your legs on the width of the shoulders, make a full deep breath, filling with the stomach and light air, lifting over your head. For a few seconds, delay your breath and then sharply tilt the torso, lowering hands with strength down, as with firewood cutting.

At the same time, say: "Ha!" Due to the sharp exhalation of air, but not at the expense of voice ligaments. Slowly straighten up, producing a smooth breath, and again raise your hands above your head and breathe dramatically, leaning forward. When performing the exercise mentally, imagine that your body together with exhale leave negative thoughts, everything is bad and painful.

  1. "Sunflowers" or "asterisks" (hands up, stretching for the sun)
  2. Respiratory exercises 4 - 4 - 4
  3. Tilt head forward, backwards. Writing your name head in the air. (Objective: Improve Brain Circulation)
  4. Walnuts.


Psychological lesson with training elements:

"Formula of success in the preparation and delivery of GIA and EGE"

(for students and teachers).

Purpose: familiarization with the strategy and tactics of behavior during the preparation and delivery of GIA and EGE.

1. Trade self-regulation skills and self-controls with a support for domestic reserves;

2. increase confidence, in their own, resistance to stress;

3. develop the ability to self-knowledge and reflection of their own state and behavior;

4. Develop mental cognitive processes (memory, attention, imagination, speech);

5. Develop the feelings of empathy, attention to themselves and confidence in others.

Work techniques: mini lecture, conversation, relaxation exercises.

Forms of work: individual and frontal work.

Funds: 2 goals different colors, weights with cargo, blanks of sprockets, handles, memo, musical audio recordings MP3, multimedia presentation.

Structure occupation


We spend your entire conscious life exams. This concerns not only exams at school, university or when entering work. Moreover, in recent years, the exams in school have become quite common, often they are held even in primary classes, and end the epic of graduation and entrance exams. And now there are new forms of final certification of graduates, in the form of GIA and EGE. (Slide 1)

Exercise 1.

Continue the statement "For me, GIA and EGE is ...", "For my students, GIA and EGE it ..." (analyzing the results, the psychologist records attention on the general difficulties of teachers and students - fatigue, lack of time, overload ...). (Slide 2)

Exercise 2.

The psychologist offers 2 goals of different colors that are transmitted in a circle from different sides. I received 1 ball, continues to the phrase: "I like to hold in Gia and his exam ...", I received 2 ball - "In the holding of Gia and the exam, I am sad ...". The psychologist at this time fixes the load on the scales, i.e. Positive and negative answers and draws the attention of participants to the "inevitability" of negative factors in professional activity Teachers and the need to preserve the physical and psychological health of the teacher-professional. (Slide 3)


The readiness of teachers and graduates to the delivery of GIA and EGE is meant by us as a complex of acquired knowledge, skills, skills, qualities that allow us to successfully perform certain activities. The following components can be allocated in readiness for passing the exam in the form of GIA and EGE: (Slide 4)

Information readiness (awareness of the rules of behavior on the exam, awareness of the rules of filling forms, etc.);

Substantitable substantive (readiness for a specific subject, the ability to solve test tasks);

Psychological readiness (the state of readiness is "mood", internal maturity for certain behavior, orientation for expedient actions, updating and adapting the personality opportunities for successful actions in the surrender situation).

Exercise "Tree of Life". (Slide 5)


Leaves of this tree - the days of human life. Each sheet will be fresh and green, if you support the crown, the equivalent branches will grow in return: I can, I want, I should.

These branches support the stem of the head, fed by the roots components of the zoom base (this: motor activity, rejection of bad habits, proper rational nutrition, positive emotions, etc.). Let's close your eyes and imagine our Tree of Life ... Ask yourself mentally questions: what can I? ... what I want ... What should I? ...

Let's try to put your tree of life today! Let's start feeding his roots useful recommendationswhich will be suitable for both students and educators.

Mini - Lecture "Formula Success" :( Slide 6)

Any exams - stress. They require a person to mobilize all forces, and not only intellectual. It is hardly worth passing through this difficult test.

The question is different: how to make labor, time and nerves to be used with maximum efficiency and ultimately led to achieving the goal. Several tips for educators and students will help determine their own formula of success.

Preparation of physical form.

Of course, exams are primarily the test of mind and knowledge. But to withstand the examination marathon to the end, first it will take a good physical form. So, it is necessary to build your own mode so much to spend the strength of economically, otherwise they may not be enough to finish.

The first and necessary condition is to fall out. (Slide 7) It is believed that for a full-fledged recreation, it takes no less than 8 hours of sleep per day. However, this indicator is individual for each person. Undoubtedly: It is important not only the "Number of Sleep", but also its quality. This is what experts advise: (Slide 8)

  1. In order for the preparation for the exam, it is necessary to know what time of day you are best working. Of course, you heard that among people there are "owls" and "Lark". Owls are most active from 7 pm to 24 hours. "Larks" - early in the morning - from 6 to 9 hours and in the middle of the day. After observing you, you can find out who you are "Owl" or "Lark". Try to notice, at what time of day you are most active. Select for independent work Or prepare for exams the right time!
  2. Our dream is divided into phases long about 1.5 hours. The feeling of "breakdown" often occurs when awakening in the middle of the phrase. Therefore, it is necessary that the time allocated to sleep was a multiple of 1.5 hours. In other words, it is better to sleep 7.5 hours than 8 or even 8.5. In extreme cases, you can limit the 6 hours of sleep (1.5 x 4), but, of course, in the form of an exception. For a long time you will not stretch.
  3. The most "high-quality" dream - until midnight. It is not by chance that "fasteners", that is, people who are accustomed to bed early and early to get up, in principle, a smaller number of hours are required than "owls" - those who love to be stayed late, and in the morning rises with great difficulty. Close to the ideal scheme can be considered such: Intangue at 22:30, the rise is 6:00. "Long" will seem a day and how much can be done for him to do.
  4. It is necessary to avoid high pillows. The blood circulation processes in the brain flow better if the head lies on a low, almost flat pillow, therefore, the body restores the strength faster and more efficient. In case there is very little time to sleep for sleep, and it is still necessary to sleep, you can try to stick at all without a pillow.
  5. The room, where the schoolchild sleeps, should be cool and well-ventured. It is very useful - not only during exams and other extreme situations - habit in any weather sleeping with an open window. If the street is very cold, it is better to take an excess blanket. But the air in the room should be fresh.
  6. We should not forget about the evening shower, which should not be too hot, nor too cold. Warm water Washes not only day dirt - it takes fatigue and tension, helps to relax.
  7. In no case nourge the night, the more not to drink strong tea or coffee. The best drink before the departure to sleep is a weak decoction of chamomile or mint (it is sold in the form of tea bags, which remains only boiled water). You can add 1 teaspoon of honey, if, of course, there is no allergies on it.

Exercise "Rain in the jungle". (Slide 9)

Psychologist: "Let's stand up in a close circle with each other. Imagine that you are in the jungle. The weather was first gorgeous, the sun was shining, it was very hot and stuffy.

But here a light breeze blew. Touch your back in front of the standing person and make lightweight hands.

The wind is amplified (the pressure on the back increases). Hurricane has begun (strong circular movements). Then he went small rain (light tapping on the back of the partner). But the shower began (move the palm trees up - down). Grad (strong tapping movements by all fingers). The shower went again, the small rain was stuck, the hurricane swept, blew a strong wind, then he became weak, and everything was calmed down in nature. Again the sun looked out. And now turn 180 degrees and continue the game. "

After the end of the exercise, discussion: how do you feel after such a massage? Nice or not to perform certain actions?

Continuation of the mini-lecture "Formula of Success" ...

Rational food. (Slide 10)

In principle, no special diet during the examination session is required. There is something you got used to and what. But still recommended a few simple tips:

1. The basis of healthy nutrition "Intellectual" - proteins and vitamins. Therefore, the diet should have enough dishes from meat and birds, fish, eggs and cottage cheese. Heavy garnish from potatoes, rice or pasta is better to replace fresh salads from all sorts of vegetables: cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet peppers.

Among the vegetables "champions" on the content of vitamin "C", which is often called "vitamins of health," are just cabbage and pepper. Instead of too sharp seasonings and fat mayonnaise, it is necessary to use vegetable oil in half with lemon juice - it is delicious, and useful. And do not forget about the fruit - the benefit of the "hot" examination season, which falls on the summer months, there is no lack of fresh fruit and berries.

2. Canned fruit juices each fall to taste, but ... the full-fledged food of them, unfortunately, cannot be considered, because they are produced from powder and water. Another thing is fresh-suffered juices. This is a real storehouse of vitamins and valuable minerals.

It is necessary to use for the preparation of juices not only fruits (apples and oranges), but also vegetables - carrots, cabbage, beet.

3. It is necessary to eat regularly. The passage of the lunch hour due to the fact that I do not want to break away from textbooks, students risk bringing themselves to the state of "wolf hunger". Then it will be difficult to stay from overeating, which will result in drowsiness.

Better there is a little, but on time.

4. Among the natural products that stimulate the work of the brain and stimulating intellectual activities, specialists-nutritionists call:

Crude terrant carrot with vegetable oil, which improves the memory;

Cabbage that relieves stress;

Vitamin "C" (lemon, orange) - refreshes thoughts and facilitates the perception of information;

Chocolate - nourishes brain cells;

Avocado (half of the fetus daily);

Shrimps (100 g per day) will help concentrate attention

Nuts (100-200 g per day, in the morning and evening) have a beneficial effect on the work of the brain and strengthen the nervous system.

5. From reception medicinal preparations (stimulants, antidepressants) better refrain - their impact on the body is not always predictable and often fraught with side effects.

So, in some cases, instead of a burst of energy, they lead to drowsiness and decay of forces. An exception can be done for Vitamins like "Undevit" and the Glycine preparation, which are considered harmless.

Meditative-relaxation exercise - "Tishina Temple". (Slide 11)

PSYCHOLOGIST: Imagine yourself walking on one of the streets of a crowded and noisy city ... Feel like your feet steps on the pavement ... Pay attention to other passers-by, expressions of their faces, figures ...

Perhaps some of them look alarmed, others are calm ... or joyful ... Pay attention to the sounds that you hear ... Pay attention to the storefronts ... What do you see them? ..

Around a lot of hurrying somewhere passersby ... Maybe you will see a familiar face in the crowd. You can approach and greet this person. Or maybe pass by ... Stop and think that you feel on this noisy street? ..

Now turn the corner and stroll on the other street ... This is a calmer street. The further you go, the less people are found ...

Passing a little more, you will notice a large building, differently by architecture from all others ... You see on it a big sign: "The temple of silence" ... you understand that this temple is a place where no sounds are not heard wherever never It was uttered a single word.

You approach and touch heavy carved wooden doors. You open them, enter the Israza, find yourself surrounded by full and deep silence ... Stay in this temple ... in silence ...

Spend on this so much time as you need ... when you want to leave this temple, push the doors and go out into the street. How do you feel now? Remember the road that leads to the "Temple of Silence".

When you want, you can return to it again.

Continuation of the Lecture "Formula of Success" ...

What if you are tired of your eyes? (Slide 12)

During the preparation for the exams, the eye load is increasing. If the eyes are tired, it means, the body is tired: he may not have enough strength to fulfill the examination task. It is necessary to make the eyes rest.

Perform two any exercises:

1. Look alternately upwards (25 seconds), left - right (15 seconds);

2. Write through your name, patronymic, surname;

3. Alternately fix the look at the remote subject (20 seconds), then on the sheet of paper in front of oneself (20 seconds);

4. Draw a square, a triangle - first clockwise, then in the opposite direction.

Exercise "Float in the Ocean". (Slide 13)

"This exercise is used when you feel some kind of tension or when you need to control yourself, and you are afraid that you will lose control of yourself (the sounds of the sea).

Imagine that you are a small float in the huge ocean ... You do not have a goal, compass, cards, steering, cheerful ... You are moving to where the wind and ocean waves carries you ... A big wave May be covered with you for a while, but you again emerge on the surface ... try to feel these shocks and emerging ... Feel the movement of the wave ... Heat of the sun ... Drops of rain ... Sea Pillow under you that supports you ... What other sensations do you have when you imagine yourself Little float in the Great Ocean? ".

Exercise "Full breath". (MR3 music audio record)

"Take a convenient position, straighten your back. Close your eyes. Focus on my breath.

Air first fills the abdominal cavity, and then your chest and lungs. Make a full breath, then a few lungs, calm exhale.

Now calmly, without special efforts, make a new breath.

Note which parts of the body come into contact with the chair, floor. In those parts of the body, where the surface supports you, try to feel this support is slightly stronger. Imagine that the chair (floor, bed) is raised to support you.

Relax those muscles with which you yourself support yourself.

Pulse has become less (below!) "

Exercise "Find Your Star". (Slide 15)

Psychologist: "Sit more comfortable and close your eyes. Make three deep breaths and exhalations ... (calm music sounds).

Now imagine the starry sky. Stars are big and small, bright and dull. For some of this one or several stars, for other countless bright glowing points, then removing, then approaching the distance of the elongated hand.

Look carefully on these stars and choose the most beautiful star. Perhaps it looks like your childhood dream, and maybe she reminded you of minutes happiness, joy, good luck, inspiration?

Once again, admire your star and try to reach it. Try with all my might! And you will definitely get your star.

Remove it from the sky and carefully put in front of yourself, consider it closer and try to remember how it looks like, what light radiates. And now spend your palms on the knees, down to the feet feet, and stretch sweetly, open your eyes. "

A psychologist at that time lay out before the guys a lot of pre-prepared multicolored "stars". "Take the Star, which is most like yours. On one side of the "Stars" write what you would like to reach in the near future, and on the other, write the name of your "Star". Attach it on our star sky.

And now the stars will shine to us every trainings, radiating good, friendship, mutual assistance, support. And at the last lesson you will take them with you, they will lead you to your cherished goal and will accompany you all of you on exams and further in life. "

Exercise "Who will praise yourself the best of all, or a memo on the" black day ".

PSYCHOLOGIST: Each of the people occur the attacks of Handra, the "sour" mood when it seems that you are not worth anything in this life, nothing you do. At such moments, all their own achievements, observed victories, abilities, joyful events are forgotten.

But each of us has something to be proud of. IN psychological consulting There is such a reception. The psychologist, together with the person applied to him, makes a memo in which the advantages of the achievements, the ability of this person.

During the attacks of a bad mood, reading a memo gives cheerfulness and allows you to evaluate yourself more adequately. Let's do this work. If you want, you can then read your memos.

Filled memos will remain with you.

On the board paint a large table shown in the blanks.

Memo blank "My best qualities"