What dreams the old dirty house. Let's discuss what the old one is dreaming, the dilapidated house and what our dream book says about it.

Often, dreams carry information about what can happen in the near future, warned against rampant acts or give advice on how to enroll in one or another situation to avoid problems. Sometimes they carry a dream into the future or show pictures of the past years and places in which he has already visited. To understand what dreams an old house, you just need to turn to dreams. They helps to solve the mystery of the night vision.

The general value of the dream

The dream in which the old old house was able to see, in most cases is a negative sign. Many snorkers tend to believe that vision prophesies a sleeping person:

  • disorder in financial affairs;
  • deterioration of health;
  • obstacles on the way to the conceived;
  • difficulties in personal life.

Positive feelings can begun the following:

  • joining a happy marriage;
  • buying your modest housing;
  • material benefits and well-being.

Interpretations from popular dream books

According to the Small Velezovo Dream, see in a dream the old house means that the dreams will make a very bad act, which can harm someone. Sleep advises to carefully consider his plans for the future to avoid embarrassing situations.

If the child tells that he saw an old wooden houseiK, then you should talk to him. Children's dream book convinced that in reality, the kid wants to hide from the worldHe lost confidence in himself and does not feel support. It is very important to show the child that he can trust someone and be understood.

Explaining what old houses are being shot, which are about to destroy, dream interpreters describe the future of a dream in dark colors. Sleeping threatens the period of stagnation and decline in all matters, possibly poor health. If at home, on the contrary, strong and look good, then the interpretation does not foreshadow anything bad, the main thing is not to launch things and watch out well-being.

In the dream book to buy an old house - a sign of ambiguous. If the building was veterinary or dilapidated, then sleep promises deterioration in health to those who are already sick, and problems with finance healthy people. If the house was strong and beautiful, and in it, the dreams felt cozy and safely, then in reality period will come financial well-being and happy personal life.

A sealing old house, which is full of various vintage things, is a positive sign. He means that old connections will soon resume, and they can be very useful in the near future to solve problems.

From the dream of Ezopa to see the old house with a bad atmosphere, which came friends and praised the interior, "to betrayal and a quarrel with loved ones.

Psychoanalytic dream book interprets a dream in which the old grandmother of the dream grandmother has happened, as a sign that he is dissatisfied with his life. Especially if he really wanted to enter this house and be in his native cozy place.

See in a dream old house in the village, ready to get together, - a sign that man can not find a decent support in lifethat would help him solve serious problems.

Two is interpreted by a dream, in which a person saw the house of his grandmother empty. This may mean both the failure of all plans and the feeling of emptiness in the shower. If the house, on the contrary, was covered with a rich table, and the grandmother met a dream with open arms, then in his affairs he will have a great success and the possibility of obtaining solid material benefits will be very soon.

The old house that is destroyed right in the eyes is a sign that you need to pay attention to health as one who dreamed of and his relatives and relatives. It is possible that this is a sign of non-illness, but problems at work: may be a decrease in position or the emergence of very serious competition.

Deciphering such a dream of Miller's dream book depends on the details. If a return to the parent house dreamed, then the news will soon be known to help improve financial condition. If there was a cozy, surrounding were happy and satisfied, then the dream will visit the sun, and his family will only strengthen the relationship.

If in a dream I had to very hurry to move into the old dreary house, the dream book advises to look at the surrounding, perhaps there are traitors in it. Also, this plot can foreshadow business trips and urgent cases.

If in a dream I had to see the house in which there were late grandmother with grandfather or parents, then this is a warning: you need to undergo a survey and eliminate health problems. Also should not be involved in dubious adventures or companies.

According to Freud's dream book, being in an old house means that the dreams are not satisfied with the relationship with his partner. And neither in moral, nor sexual plan.

Esoteric dream book believes that such a dream means looped in the past: on old things, events and problems. It also means that it is time to figure out a lot of accumulated affairs.

Image of your own house

If in a dream, a person had a chance to see his own old house, then, most likely, he has many problems with housing and constant moving, so housing issue He oppresses him.

The dreams wishes to have his own housing, albeit old.

If you decline cozy houseIn which the dreams spent his childhood, he would soon make his dreams about the family and the house in reality, will be able to gain happiness. However, if in such a dream, instead of warm feelings, a person felt abandoned and forgotten, offended by his parents, then it is worth visiting a good psychologist, because he is in the power of negative feelings and close to depression. Do not delay such a state, it is better to immediately seek help.

ATTENTION, only today!

Seen in a dream Old house - symbol conditional, you should not take the first dream and guided by one interpretation.

It should be noted in several publications: popular and authoritative, rare and little-known - after all, each of them explains the characters seen in their own way.

And only then, on the basis of all the information, formulate a single meaning, imposing it to personal circumstances, because in dream books are registered general descriptions, and dream is the fruit of subconscious concrete person and his personal life.

What dreams old house - Interpretation of Miller's dream book

Gustav Miller made up the most complete and detailed dream book at one time. This is how its content explains the meaning of the symbol seen: old or dilapidated houses serve precursor failures in affairs, health problems and other seaside events. But it is important to pay attention to the details, because if it is your old house, then pleasant news and prosperity are waiting in life.

Old houses in a dream - Dream Vangu

A dream book compiled by the famous clairvoyant, so explains what the abandoned houses predict a difficult life, full of wandering, worries and disappointments. You were destined hard fate, but despite all the difficulties, God will not leave you.

What dreams Old House by Dream Freud

Freud symbolism is mainly reduced to the inner world of man. The house in his interpretation is usually associated with the identity of the one who sees sleep.

The destroyed or dilapidated house hints on health problems, including sexual terms. If you live or are inside such an old house, it means that the collapse of relationships with a sex partner came, mutual understanding disappeared with him.

Old House - Interpretation with Esoteric Dream Interpretation

We saw the old house in a dream means a lot of things have accumulated in life that must be finished to end. If the house is very old, then a person is in the power of old memories and things, it is necessary to get rid of all too much. When the house is destroyed in a dream, it symbolizes the collapse in affairs.

What dreams of old houses for the dream of Ezop

The house as a whole is a symbol of the stability of the situation in society and confidence in the future. The old house indicates an unstable state, and see himself by the owner in the dilapidated house, where guests come, - to the loss of old connections and quarrels with friends.

Meaning of sleep about the old house in the dream dream of the XXI century

Seen in the dream old, abandoned houses say that a person will have to regret the past in a short time, it is waiting for difficulties and obstacles to the completion of profitable cases. The destroying house warns about the danger that threatens a person.

What dreams old house in the dream book Zhou-Guna

To see the dilapidated and collapsed houses - to misfortunes in the family. But move to the old house, it means to marry beautiful womanAnd repairing or rebuilding a dilapidated house - to greatly fortune.

Everyone, seen by man, opens the most hidden corners of his soul. The dreams sometimes predict the future, feeding the signs of fate, or on the contrary, make you think about the past. Many, seeing the old building in a dream, are asked about what the old house is dreaming? The answer to this question cannot be unequivocal. From what exactly the house can be introduced in a dream, the essence of its purpose depends.

What dream of an old house?

The house is very significant in dreams. It seems to us the most comfortable location, some refuge from the chaos of the surrounding world. A person can subconsciously reproduce such familiar baby memories, returning to the father's house, or experience the fear of someone else's housing. Emotions experienced in a dream are important to accurately determine sleep value.

If a person is glad and love examines the familiar walls and the situation, then sleep can mean spiritual well-being, but if the feeling of fear and helplessness literally paralyzes the sleeping, this may indicate his insecurity and fear. Also, an important role is played by the details of the situation. Old is a housing or a landscaped room? Sleep action takes place in the house or around the house? Is this your home or someone else? All items are very important to define sleep value. In psychology, this dream may mean that problems tormented by man remained far in the past, and which time it was, it is possible to interpret thanks to important details.

His old house

What dreams of living in the old house? You can answer this question in different ways. If the dreams, seeing his native expanses, returned to childhood and enjoying this time - he is awaited good events. For someone who wishes to create a family, this dream can be a prediction of a meeting of a beloved person and a wedding. But if sleeping in a vision lives in an old house with an incessant feeling of anxiety and anxiety, if the entire atmosphere around him is shrouded in a sense of abandonment and injustice, then such a dream demonstrates resentment on relatives and parents.

A man who saw such a dream, while having experienced negative emotions, most likely, is in a protracted depression, and the dream is a signal to start changing his life for the better. It is also necessary to pay attention to the state of the house. If sleeping sees himself in a lonely collapsed room, it shows that real life It does not suit him at all.

Old residential building

What dreams of the old residential building can be described using people living in it. The first thing to pay attention to is a relationship with the surrounding people. Do the owners take guests with care and joy? How does communication flow? Usually, if a person sees a residential building in a dream, it means that it compares it with close people. If communication goes down on "no", and the owners will in every way ignore the presence of a dream, then the dream will tear away.

It happens that in a dream, a person falls into one building with tenants, but not by people, but animals. It should also pay attention to the general atmosphere that reign in the house, and on the emotions that the dreams are experiencing. If the feeling of fear and anxiety does not leave, then in a short time, a person who saw this dream will cover a strip of failure from the past. If the animals living in the old house are attacking the dream, and he managed to win them, sleep promises getting rid of old problems. What dreams the old home of someone else's or dwelling of friends? Such a dream can be a rapidness of subconscious problems and complexes to free the soul of a person from old anyone who does not need problems.

Wooden house

What the old wooden house is dreaming is able to bear controversial meaning. The interpretation of this sleep can begin with good-natured children's memories, to terrible and even nightmarish images from childhood. To gain complete confidence that there is a similar dream, it is worth paying attention to the details of the structure, its internal and external state, as well as to the territory around. Of particular importance is attached to the emotional background of sleeping.

If a person in joyful and raised mood walks through the dwelling and its surroundings, it promises him a profitable purchase of new housing or decision apartment question. If the dream is all annoying, disturbing and scares, it is better to postpone the intended transaction to avoid problems in the future. A man in a dream buys a house? It promises him wealth and well-being.

Strong house

One who managed to see strong house, with well-kept walls and beautiful roofmay not worry about anything. This means that a person is determined and fate favors him. What dreams old house with strong walls? Such a vision is promoting well-being and good luck that awaits sleeping in the future.

In the soul of man reigns order and well-being. No problems can make sure it. This dream is interpreted as bright and harmonious, regardless of who is present in the room, happiness and peace reigns in it.

If the house is abandoned

What dreams old house with non-heavy walls and mud inside? This vision does not promise anything good. This means that in the life of a dream, who sees a similar dream, something goes wrong. If the dwelling is not as abandoned or destroyed, then the dream has every chance to correct and establish their affairs. Special attention It is necessary to pay health, usually on the subconscious level the body gives a picture of your own state, giving a person the opportunity to see all the sadness of what is happening.

Such a dream can demonstrate a mental state, similar to a destroyed born house. Perhaps a person who seems to be part of this housing is suffering from a protracted depression or apatine. If the dreams see how the structure collapses in his eyes, but at the same time he does not suffer from this, then all changes should happen by itself and in the near future. Life will change for the better.

Grandma's House

In a dream, man is happily torn to the house of his beloved grandmother? This may mean that he is dissatisfied with his life and the whole shower stretches to homemade Utu. and native hearth. If the dreams strive for the dwelling, and sees the destroyed or burnt building, it means that he lacks protection and confidence in the future. The answer to the question of what the old grandmother's house is dreaming, may depend on whether this room is empty or not.

If the house is empty and lonely, it promises the destruction of the planned plans, but when you are met with love and caress, this means that everything is scheduled to be implemented. If the dreams see how the housing, to which he fits, begins to collapse, it does not promise anything good. Such a dream can mean problems with the health of the very dream and his relatives. Possible losses and failures in all endeavors.

Interpretation by dreambooks

Open the unknown secrets will always help the dream book. What dream of an old house? Each individual dream book has its own vision of what is happening and its interpretation. similar sleep. Some dreams contradict each other, so before finding the right answers to your questions, you need to carefully examine them.

  • Freud's dream book - this interpreter believes that seeing the old house in a dream means an approaching disease. If a person begins to live in such a room, it means impending problems with a partner.
  • Dream Jose - believes that seeing an old destroyed house is to profit and success in affairs. And if the dreams sees how the building in which it is located, it collapses is the obertation of the disease.
  • Miller's dream book - interprets the old house as a messenger of good news. It all depends on the general emotional background of a person of a seeming such dream. If the dreams are saddled from being indoors, then it is worth waiting for troubles. And if you are glad and happy, it promises well-being and success.
  • Esoteric dream book - warns that if a person saw an old house in a dream, he needs to return and finish everything. If the dwelling is falling apart, then it is necessary to urgently clean the space from excess trash. If the dreams saw the housing that was falling apart, it is necessary to immediately pay attention to his environment.

Thus, it must be remembered that the main thing in sleep is the details, such as colors, sensations, the state of surrounding items. And the dreams should be interpreted, focusing on them.

Dream Interpretation Old House

Seen in the dream plots foreshadow the future, allow the dream to look into the most secret corners of the soul, and sometimes they return a person in his past.

What dream of an old house? Dreaming in which chief plot Closely interrelated with this vision may have a dual value. IN real life The house is primarily associated with memories of parents, relatives, loved ones, friends, also about childhood and all pleasant trifles associated with the house. Conducting the interpretation of the night plot. It is necessary to take into account all the details and even the little things that the dream is in a dream. Also making dream decoding remember:

  • What time of day was in the plot?
  • Where exactly was the house?
  • How did he look (dirty or neat)?
  • Whose was he?
  • Dreaved moving B. new house?
  • Do you happen to buy or sell it?

To proper interpretation of the night dreams, you need to use online dream book. Enter the old house in the search bar in the search string and you will be given a list of popular publications, with which you can solve even the most confusing vision.

General interpretation

If you have dreamed of an old house

What dream of the old house to see from the side? Interpretation foreshadows the emergence of difficulties in real life, it is worth understanding that they will be caused by experiences and unrest. A difficult period will quickly pass and will not harm a dream.

I happened to live in an old house and do the farm in it? Dream interpretation interprets this story as follows: the dream is disturbing the question and he does not leave a person alone. It is time to switch your attention to something else, and you will immediately find the way out of this situation.

To stand on the threshold of the old house - means you will need to make a difficult choice, as a result you will be financially secured, but morally exhausted.

Stand on the threshold of a snowy old house and feel the winter cold sign that you have made a choice that you now want to not remember.

Dream abandoned house and you knock in a dream in closed door - So, all efforts to win attention and succeed at the opposite sex will not have a positive result.

See the old house without windows and doors, means that your life is empty and aimless, urgently need to change your attitude towards the surrounding. Take care of sports, change the job, and maybe even start learning languages.

Looking from the old house window. A sign that soon changes to the better will occur in your life.

Alien House

He dreamed in the night plot: do not live in the house, but is visiting - relatives and friends trust you with their secrets and secrets, and they are waiting for moral support from you. In a dream, you are in an unfamiliar old house and the surrounding people are absolutely not familiar with the dream - the dream book foreshadows familiarity with interesting people.

What dream of the old house is strangers? Make an offense in real life, which will cause indignation of others.

Dunning House

To see the old house in which there was a chance to live - Dream Interpretation advises to be more careful in statements to relatives and loved ones, because it can provoke a quarrel and breaking relationships with them.

House grandmother

If the grandmother's house dreamed

To see the grandmother's house in a dream and entering it and saw in the plot, an empty room - a dream indicates that your inner emptiness.

In the house of her grandmother saw a richly covered table - expect profit from favorable deals.

A dream in which you saw the old grandmother's house has a controversial interpretation. In the interpretation of the plot, you need to accurately remember the whole dream.

Babushkin House was in the village? You lack banal heat and comfort. Greens of grandmother's apartment - to wealth in real life.

Old destroyed grandmother house foreshadows troubles in the life of a dream.

Purchase and sale of real estate in a dream

If in the night dream you made a sales contract worth exactly remembering your actions in a dream.


Buying an old abandoned house sign that in real life you will ask for help in solving our problems of foreign people.

Buy a house in which you feel very comfortable - a favorable vision, foreshadow and success in all endeavors.

In a dream, the purchase of real estate was dreamed, and in a dream they saw the old and abandoned house, but around which he was blooming garden, Green grass and brightly shines the sun - it promises many joyful and bright moments in life.


Sell \u200b\u200ban old house in a dream - it means you are ready to let go of my fears and start life from a clean sheet.

Appearance of the building

Remember how the house looked in your dream.

Beautiful and well-groomed

Old but well-kept

In a dream, your old house was beautiful and well-groomed, then in real life you will need to overcome many obstacles and make a lot of effort to achieve your goal.

Abandoned and dirty

Abandoned dilapidated house, stood in a dream on the outskirts - a dream warns, because of your character, you risk to face serious financial problems.

To see in a dream an old, similar to the castle house means that you do not cease to think about the past that does not leave you. After all, without resolving the past, you do not give a chance to fill your life.

To be in the Old, dirty house promises deterioration in health and inevitable misfortunes in the family.

The old house is old, but quite strong foreshadows good luck in all endeavors.

He dreamed of an abandoned house in which many vintage things - old familiar will appear in your life to help in a difficult life period.

Dreamed moving

Moving, to the old house, which you got inheritance, for example, from the grandmother, means that your marriage will be happy, and the chosen one or the chosen will be a true support for life.

In the night dream saw moving to a new home? Dream Interpretation advises to prepare for a new twist in life. Moving to new apartment - For unmarried, it foreshadows changes in personal life.

Redue moving from the old house to a new richly furnished apartment - to favorable changes.

In a dream, they made a moving to a unclean apartment - a bad dream, foreshadowed a difficult life period.

Moving to another country - predicts a favorable resolution of trouble at work.

Repair of the building in a dream

Repair, repair, patch the old house Warning about what many tails stretch behind you so that before you take for a new thing, you must bring all the cases started to logically.

If removed in the house

To remove in the old house in the night dream - it means that in real life a dream need to pay attention to your circle of communication, put your thoughts in order and accurately determine what you want to achieve.

Sweep the floor - unexpected guests will appear in your life, they will later become your loved ones or friends.

Wash the floors in the old house to serious illnesses in your family. In some cases, the dream foreshadows the death of loved ones.

How do the night plot of famous dreams interpret?

Milera's dream book

The famous American psychologist Miller peculiarly interpreted the dream, about the old house.

What dreams the old house on the interpretation of Dream Miller?

See in the night dream old and dilapidated houses - a dream has a bad mark and foreshadows in all endeavors, health problems, quarrels with loved ones. Dream Interpretation advises a dreamer of dreams to remember the details of the dream:

  • See the real old dream house - there are pleasant news and well-being in life.
  • If a night vision has dreamed: you can't find your home? Such a plot is a sign of the fact that in a short time you lose faith to others.
  • Stayed without a home in a dream? Troubles in all areas of activity, the result of which will be financial losses.
  • Moving, changing housing in a dream, means urgent trips and unexpected news.

Dream Vangu

The famous Bulgarian clairvoyant Wang indicates that an abandoned house seen in a dream foreshadows disappointment in life.

Dream of Freud.

Z. Freud interpreted the plot with the old house - indicates spiritual world Snnow. Look at him from the side - to the disease. To be indoors or live in a dilapidated house - to dissatisfaction in intimate life.

What dreams old house

Dream Miller

The old house is a harbinger of trouble, failures in all spheres of life, obstacles to a particular purpose. In a professional level, it may be stagnant, misunderstanding will be reigning in personal life, health can bring. But before you continue myself a lot of troubles and getting up to grieve, you should pay attention to the details from sleep, your emotions from the picture seen. For example, if the old house belongs to you, then I will get good news, heal a calm and measured life.

What dreams old house

Dream of Freud.

An old house? Freud basically considered the inner world of a person, therefore his house is associated, above all, with the identity of a dream. Dream Interpretation Old House, if you just look at him, hints that it is time to take care of his health. If you are inside a dilapidated building or live in it - I have no mutual understanding with a partner, you do not receive pleasure from a sexual connection with it.

What dreams old house

Dream Vangu

Sleep interpretation: Old house - to deprivation, difficulties in all spheres of life, disappointments, senseless troubles, wandering. Fate prepared you a difficult period of life, but God will be able to overcome the difficulties.

What dreams old house

Esoteric dream book

Old house is a sign that you are obsessed with old things and memories, you should get rid of them, start living in today's day, and not the past then breathe immediately. Old building can also point to cluster large number The cases that should be sorted out in the near future and bring started to the end. If the old house is destroyed in your eyes, then I expect the collapse in the affairs.

What dreams old house

Dream Interpretation Loffa

Old house indicates changes in life. You may have to move to another accommodation, you plan to leave to another city or even the country. Old buildings hint at instability in all spheres of life, the scalance of your position, problems with finance. What dreams of an old house that falls into two parts? This is a sure sign of the upcoming divorce.

What dreams old house

Dream Ezopa

Old house symbolizes your position in society, so from his external view Your prosperity depends on. Dream Interpretation Old House speaks of instability, uncertainty in his abilities and opportunities. If you are the owner of the dilapidated housing, and also invited guests to him - in a short time you can quarrel with friends and lose profitable old connections.

Sales and value of dreams

Sleep from Friday on Saturday

In the dream, the Council is encrypted, a hint on how to act in the future sleeping or his loved ones. Bright and pleasant sleep foreshadows good luck in current affairs and endeavors. Pictures in which obstacles or restrictions are present are inverse. Dreams on this day of the week - prophetic.

17 lunar day

Sleep with the correct interpretation may be meaningful for sleeping. Pay attention to your emotional condition After waking up. If it is good - you go to the right way, on which you are waiting for interesting dating and new business contacts. Bad Son. promises a shortage of communication.