Beautiful unusual roof. The roof of a private house - types of construction, the best design ideas and modern forms (75 photos)

The roof not only protects the house from external influences, but also emphasizes the individuality of the house in terms of architecture. It is worth noting that the types of roofs are diverse, a lot depends on their characteristics. First of all, the comfort of the residents of the house depends. The roof must be both visually attractive and reliable. Nowadays, architects offer a huge assortment of structures, one or another type is chosen depending on the location of the house, the volume of the building, the general design of the building.

Main functions

Naturally, the purpose of any roof is to protect the structure from external influences. The structure is the main element of any building. It must withstand various loads, and also look attractive. An element of architectural design must be impeccable, it must emphasize the overall style of the building.

It should be noted that modern roofs- these are high-quality materials, the latest technical solutions, which should improve the characteristics that affect the reliability of the structure. Of course, the types of roofs are varied, each owner selects one or another option, taking into account numerous factors. And, of course, for today beautiful roofs of private houses in the photo, which you will find in the article, allow home owners to present their housing not only reliable, but also visually attractive. It is worth noting that roof types are distinguished by design and by external features... At the same time, you can see what kind of roofs of private houses are in the photo, but you should really learn more about the characteristics.

There are types of roofs that are considered the most popular:

  • flat;
  • pitched.

The angle of inclination also determines what matters. If the slope is more than twelve degrees, then the structure is pitched and it also has subspecies. Knowing the types of roofs for a private house and their features, it will be much easier to choose the most suitable option.

Flat roof

It should be noted that this type is rarely used. And there is a reason for that. Flat pavements are more expensive. A durable reinforced concrete pavement is not cheap, and without it, the structure will not withstand, for example, snow loads. Moreover, if we talk about the service life, then the structure of this type will last longer. This roof design is very practical, because on a flat surface you can organize a sports field, a terrace, a gorgeous garden. Popular types of roofs for a private house include a flat design.


Roofs with a slope of more than twelve degrees are considered pitched. It is worth noting that the varieties of roofs of private houses, photos of which are presented by architects, simply amaze with their diversity. By the way, pricing depends on the shape of the roof of private houses - in the photo you can see the clear difference between them. Consider roof options for a pitched-type private house.

Single slope

Previously, it was believed that this type is only suitable for outbuildings in the yard. However, for example, in Germany and Scandinavia, many houses of this kind are being built now. This option is considered budgetary. In turn, the pitched roofs of private houses, the photos of which are below, look great.

It is worth noting that the use of this particular subspecies in the design allows you to create interiors of amazing beauty. The installation of stained glass windows is a priority. Of course, this solution is relevant in the design of the room, if there really is a picturesque landscape outside the window.


This roof subspecies is more in demand.

Design features:

  1. Consists of two equal slopes, they rest on load-bearing walls.
  2. It resembles a triangle in shape.
  3. A classic solution for many.

Gorgeous two pitched roofs private houses in the photo attract many fans of interesting and practical solutions... By the way, the gable roofs of one-story private houses in the photo are quite often present even in children's books. Often, a chimney and a neat column of smoke complement the composition. And no wonder, because gable construction Is a simple budget option. That is why he is so popular.

With an attic

The attic stands out kind of air gap between the living space and the outside. A house with an attic has many advantages. For example, if the roof needs to be repaired, the attic has access to the structure to carry out the necessary work.

The roof option with an attic is now common in modern cottage construction. In this case, the cost of work increases, but the pricing policy does not affect demand in this case. After all, the use of roofs with an attic is quite common.

Mansard roof

Nowadays roofs are really called mansard different forms... But at the same time they are united by a common feature - the shape of the slope itself is made broken in order to increase the height of the attic ceilings. It is worth noting that the mansard roofs of private houses in the photo look fabulous and are popular with fans of original solutions.

Thanks to this type of roof, you can arrange a full-fledged room in the attic. Looking through the shapes of roofs for houses with an attic photo, it is simply impossible to remain indifferent to these magnificent buildings.

It is worth noting that the installation of attic structures is complex, in contrast to roofs with a straight slope. Therefore, the work costs more. But at the same time, the height of the attic floor will increase, which means that the owner of such a house will receive one more full-fledged room. Types of attic roofs of private houses, the photos of which delight many, so if the budget allows, no one refuses an additional room. The money spent pays off due to the area received.

Gorgeous views of the roofs of private houses with an attic, a photo of which nowadays very many encourages to really fall in love with this type of construction. The building looks amazing.

Hip roof

It consists of two triangular ramps. In turn, the slopes are called hips. It is worth noting that the structure is quite complex, so the construction of such a roof should be trusted only by professionals. By the way, it is very resistant to external influences (strong winds, precipitation), debris and dust is very quickly blown off its slopes.


If the future home owner is attracted by interesting design solutions, hipped roof can be considered as an option. By the way, this type is considered a kind of hip construction.

Design features:

  1. All slopes are straight triangles.
  2. The roof is intended for square or polygonal structures.
  3. The design is symmetrical.

Interesting roof options for private houses in the photo include tent structures.

Complex shapes

Attracts fans of original solutions and complex shapes . These types of roofs are rare, however, those who really want to draw attention to the structure, preference is given to complex structures. The complex roofs of private houses in the photo look unusual, so fans of exclusive solutions choose this option. Let's consider the most popular ones.

Broken line (attic type)

The design has a large angle of inclination, which allows you to increase the area of ​​the attic. The original broken roofs of private houses in the photo look really interesting, so they cannot leave indifferent fans. non-standard solutions.


It is rarely used for arranging a private house. Often, rounded shapes decorate verandas. The coating looks stylish, but it is mainly used for the decoration of various buildings.


The design has a cylindrical shape. It should be noted that load-bearing elements such roofs are made from curved metal or shaped beams from laminated veneer lumber. Price for such original roof is too high, therefore this type of complex shape is rarely used.

"Salt shaker"

Has an asymmetrical shape. Design features:

  • two slopes;
  • one slope is longer than the other.

The "salt shaker" appeared thanks to thrifty Americans who tried to find a way to reduce taxes on their homes.

Today, the types of roofs for the roof of a private house are varied, everyone can choose the most suitable option for themselves, while it is worth considering some factors in order to make the really right choice.

Which option to choose

The most popular are pitched roofs. They are quite common and have a number of undeniable advantages. What is the reason for such an active demand for this particular type of roof?

Firstly, the design is really reliable and durable. It is worth noting that she becomes an excellent defender of the house from various external influences.

Secondly, the service life of the structure is quite long, therefore, giving preference to this option, you can forget about problems with the roof for a long time.

Thirdly, appearance the designs are magnificent, the architects offer really diverse options to the attention of buyers.

And, fourthly, you can make an attic or attic under the roof.

Of course, the appearance of such a roof is already considered a classic; it will not work to surprise with the originality of the design. Many strive for originality, so they prefer more complex forms. It is worth noting that you will need to pay much more for individuality. The more complex the design, the more expensive its cost will be.

Tastes are individual, the budget for construction work is also different. However, the main thing is that today you can really choose the optimal solution from a wide range of options.

Huge range of roofing materials for the roof country house often creates problems for inexperienced developers. They do not fully understand what factors to focus on and what affects the performance of materials. The roof performs not only a protective function, its significance is much wider. Selection mistakes can create significant problems later on.

The parameters of the rafter system have a significant impact on the choice of roofing, there are several factors that must be taken into account, this is the only way to guarantee a high-quality and durable covering of the house.

Flat roofs

The angle of inclination of the slopes is not more than 12 °. Such roofs are used during the construction of large country cottages, can be exploited and ordinary.

On operated flat roofs there are winter gardens, playgrounds for outdoor activities or walks.

There are options for arranging car parks on flat roofs. To create exploitable flat roofs, you should buy the most durable and reliable roll coatings or mastics. Currently, it is a polyester-based euroruberoid.

This material is distinguished by the highest indicators of strength, a service life of at least fifty years. As a waterproofing, modified bitumen is used, which does not lose its plasticity at low temperatures. On polyester roofs, you can install heavy structures, make strong concrete reinforced screeds, etc.

Second material for sealing flat roofs- liquid mastics. The implementation has big choice, according to their technical characteristics, mastics fully meet the existing requirements.

Pitched roofs

The number of slopes is from one to 5–8, it all depends on the complexity of the rafter system and the architectural features of the structure. All types of roofing materials can be used on pitched roofs: soft and hard, roll and piece, profiled and flat, modern and traditional.

Each type has its own characteristics, is selected taking into account the operating conditions, the chosen design project and the financial capabilities of the consumer. The cost of some types of roofing can be very significant, and most developers cannot afford them.

General characteristics of roofing materials

Regardless of the specific features and technical characteristics, all roofing materials have common assessment criteria.

  1. Maximum total loads... They must withstand snow cover, gusts of wind, and the weight of builders.
  2. Operational parameters. These include durability, ease of installation and maintenance, and original design solutions.
  3. Price. It is necessary to take into account not only the price of the material itself, but also additional elements, special nodes of the rafter system, requirements for the crate, and other conditions. In addition, the complexity of the installation has a significant impact, the amount of remuneration for roofers depends on it.

Due to the fact that the roof is constantly exposed to numerous negative factors, it must be resistant to mechanical stress, deformation, severe exposure to ultraviolet rays, and large temperature extremes. At the same time, for a long period of time, maintain the tightness and presentable appearance of the roof, do not require much time for maintenance, be repairable and replaceable.

Important factors are the durability and maintainability of the roof

What are the most popular types of roofing for a house

There is no unequivocal and universal advice on choosing the type of roof, each of them has its own strengths and weaknesses, many factors should be taken into account when choosing. And not all of them are objective, caused by the operating conditions of the building. Many are purely subjective, outside advisers cannot influence the choice, the final decision is made only by the consumer, taking into account his personal preferences.

Metal tile

Today the most used material for roofing buildings for various purposes... It is made of rolled sheet metal and has several layers of corrosion protection. On special equipment a profile with changeable dimensions is formed. Outer cover - extra strong polymer paints different colors. Warranty 5-15 years, in practice it is used for up to 30 years. It can have a glossy or matte front surface, on a glossy one less dust is retained.

Disadvantages - on complex roofs, the amount of waste increases to 15%. There is a high likelihood of purchasing substandard coatings due to the complexity of quality control by consumers. It is impossible to independently find out the thickness and uniformity of the zinc layer, it is difficult to determine the painting parameters. Another problem is that fire safety rules require the installation of lightning rods on all metal roofs, which complicates the installation of the roof.

Prices for metal tiles

Metal tile

Bituminous (flexible) shingles

It ranks second in popularity after metal coatings... It is made of durable bituminous roofing material on a polymer basis. Waterproofing layer - artificial bitumen modified by innovative additives, new manufacturing technologies increase the plasticity of the material even at negative temperatures, increase mechanical strength and resistance to sunlight.

The ductility of the base and bitumen makes it possible to easily compensate for minor temperature fluctuations of the roof elements. Upper layer covered with stone chips - the appearance improves, the indicators of resistance to various damages, the operating time increases.

The angle of inclination of the roof must be at least 12 °, the material can be used on roofs of complex geometry. Excellent technological characteristics minimize the amount of unproductive waste (no more than 5%).

Disadvantages - susceptibility to UV rays, over time mold and moss appear on the surface, which significantly worsens the appearance of the roof. Due to the fact that the laying technology requires continuous lathing and does not provide for natural ventilation, during the construction of the rafter system, it is necessary to use the most expensive waterproof OSB board, which almost doubles the estimated cost of the roof.

Prices for various types and manufacturers of flexible tiles

Composite polymer shingles

A rather complicated, from a technological point of view, roofing material is made of sand (up to 70%), polymers (up to 25%) and dyes (up to 5%). Resistant to negative influences of external factors, capable of withstanding significant mechanical loads. Weight up to 21kg, service life up to 50 years, warranty up to 15 years.

The material is not afraid of static and dynamic loads. According to these indicators, it significantly exceeds the indicators of natural ceramic tiles. Has a low thermal conductivity, which reduces the volume of condensate during temperature fluctuations. The absence of pores increases resistance to freezing / thawing, some species can withstand up to 200 cycles.

Disadvantages - high cost, complexity of installation, the coating is moderately flammable. the main problem- unscrupulous manufacturers. Such companies use recycled polymer, which is obtained after recycling. The quality of secondary plastic is significantly inferior to the primary one, respectively, the actual operational characteristics of polymer tiles do not correspond to the declared ones.

Cement shingles

Piece roofing, made of a cement-sand mixture. Various dyes are added to improve the appearance.

Cement shingles are heavy, which requires special preparation of the rafter system. It is the only roofing material that increases its strength over time. Maximum physical strength values cement mortar gains in a hundred years.

The roof is durable, holds the loads well, including shock ones. Withstands approximately 50 freeze / thaw cycles, is not afraid of sunlight. It is made from quartz sand and cement. Mineral dyes are added to change the color.

Disadvantages - complexity of installation, highly qualified roofers are required.

Over time, mosses and mold appear on the surface. During the purchase, one should carefully check the uniformity of dimensions, the slightest violation of technology or manufacturing on obsolete equipment causes deviations from the geometry. Cement is afraid of acidic environments; therefore, it is strongly discouraged to use cement tiles to cover houses located in large industrial cities.

One of the most expensive and difficult to install roofing. A piece of material, only the most experienced roofers are allowed to install. It is made from natural clay by pressing and firing. The technology is complex and expensive, it requires a lot of special industrial equipment and the proximity of a quarry with suitable clay for analysis. The lifespan is 70 years, but there are many examples of old buildings with preserved roofing.

Natural roof tiles are considered an exclusive material, used on prestigious buildings or during the renovation of historic buildings. It can be repaired, replacing tiles that are out of order for various reasons is not very difficult.

The main disadvantage is the high cost. The price is artificially overpriced, the production of the material does not require such large financial investments. The complexity of installation increases the cost of the rafter system by about 10-15%, the roof can only be mounted on slopes with a large angle of inclination.

Another drawback is that even minor violations of the laying technology will certainly make themselves felt during the operation of the building. It is difficult to check the quality immediately after the end of the work; you need to press up on the roof.

Comparative table of characteristics of different types of shingles

Average weight kg / m4–6 8–11 8–9 45–55 45–55
Resistant to open fireNon-flammableSupports open burningNon-flammableNon-flammableNon-flammable
Manufacturer's warranty period15–20 25–30 45–50 35–40 60–80
Average cost, rub.850–950 1050–1250 1250–1500 1150–1300 1600–1800
Approximate wages for roofers, rubles300–400 400–600 300–500 500–650 600–800
Approximate estimate of the roof, rub.1150–1350 1400–1850 1550–2100 1650–1950 2200–2600

Profiled sheets are just as popular as metal shingles.

Prices for various types of tiles


Profiled sheet specifications

Technical parameters slightly differ from metal tiles, service life 15–20 years. At a cost slightly lower than metal tiles, which makes it the cheapest modern roofing material, except for bituminous and slate. But bituminous coatings are very rarely used for pitched roofs. The professional sheet has various thicknesses and profile parameters, the color is classified according to international standards.

Decking as roofing

Disadvantages - the appearance does not meet modern requirements. This shortcoming is temporary, at present, manufacturers have learned to do very beautiful profiles with simple geometry. Another problem is high sound conductivity, but it only manifests itself in cases where the attic spaces are residential. A lot of noise occurs during heavy rainfall or hail, such precipitation rarely occurs in most regions of our country, the noise does not bring great inconvenience.

It is made on the basis of cellulose web, modified bitumen is used as waterproofing, the color is changed by pigments. It looks like a wave slate.

The warranty is 5-10 years depending on the type and manufacturer, but in practice it can last more than 20 years. It is resistant to hail blows, can bend and take the form of a rafter system. Special coatings inhibit the development of fungi and mold on the surface, do not worsen the original performance characteristics in the temperature range from -40 ° С to + 80 ° С. Frost resistance not less than 25 cycles, not afraid chemical compounds... For the price, it belongs to the category of budget roofing coatings.

Ondulin - budget roofing

Disadvantages: the color of the surface changes under the influence of ultraviolet rays, the edges are slightly curled. Ondulin is on fire and requires unconditional compliance with all fire safety rules. In terms of total quality indicators, it occupies the last positions among all roofing materials.

Prices for various types of ondulin

Galvanized sheet steel

Currently, it is rarely used and only in seam roofs. Installed on a solid crate, due to its flexibility, it can copy the shape of the roof. It is rarely used on houses, it is recommended for various sheds and outbuildings.

Disadvantages - the design does not meet the needs of modern developers; a continuous crate is required for the covering. Low indicators of bending strength exclude the possibility of arranging natural ventilation of the under-roof space. To increase the service life, all wooden elements the rafter system must be impregnated with antiseptics several times, if possible, use moisture-resistant plates.

Prices for galvanized steel sheets

Galvanized steel sheet


It is made of a special modified polymer with increased parameters of physical strength and resistance to UV rays. To reduce the cost, natural fillers are introduced into the composition, the color depends on the coloring additives. A relatively new roofing material, in appearance it resembles wavy slate. Has a variety of colors, service life of 30 years.

Does not absorb moisture, therefore, it is not afraid of freezing / thawing. Plasticity allows you to damp shock loads, the roof can be used in various climatic zones, except for the Far North. Easy to cut, there is no need to use special devices and tools during installation. The installation technology resembles the laying of ordinary slate.

Disadvantages - the high cost does not correspond to the same high performance characteristics. Under influence ultraviolet radiation plastic gradually loses its original properties, becomes brittle and cracks under minor loads. There is no point in repairing the roof; physical aging occurs throughout the entire roof area. The only way out is a complete replacement of the roof, which is expensive and time-consuming.

Asbestos Cement Wave Slate

Traditional roofing material made of cement and asbestos fillers. It can have a different number of waves, currently it is used only on non-prestigious buildings. In our country, slate is made from safe asbestos, which is not included in the list of carcinogens. The sheets can have a natural color or be painted in various shades. Despite the wide variety of modern roofing materials, traditional slate still occupies high positions in sales. The guaranteed service life is not less than 30 years, in practice it is used for more than fifty.

Several disadvantages - heavy weight and low performance mechanical strength... The large weight complicates the installation process and requires special measures to strengthen the rafter system. The slate cracks easily with minor changes in the linearity of the roof, the coating has to be repaired. If severe hail falls in the region, then the roof will have to be completely changed.

Slate roof - photo

Prices for various types of slate


Natural roofing natural stone, serves as an adornment of any prestigious building. It is characterized by excellent indicators of the duration of operation, it is resistant to the effects of chemical compounds, including aggressive ones. Is not negatively affected by urban smog.

Disadvantages - high weight, high cost, low physical strength characteristics. Exclusive coverage, very rare. It is recommended to be made to order, taking into account the architectural features of the roof. This approach allows you to reduce the amount of unproductive waste and has a positive effect on the cost of roofing.

Aluminum roof

Applied as sheet roof or material for the manufacture of piece shingles. The service life is practically unlimited. The coatings are easy to accept required forms, does not require additional processing of the front surface. It is laid only on a solid crate. Aluminum can be used for the manufacture of various profiles; there are options for covering the roof with even sheets.

Copper roof

Very beautiful, very expensive and very durable material. Over time, it becomes covered with a patina - a protective anti-corrosion film. The service life is not less than 100 years, it is not afraid of negative temperatures and heating.

The main disadvantage is the high cost. It can be made from 100% copper or alloys with tin and aluminum. Elite material, used only on the most expensive houses, historical or religious buildings.

Disadvantages - it is required to completely exclude contact with iron; with such contact, corrosion processes are accelerated by several orders of magnitude. Another drawback is that the color of the patina changes over time, areas with different shades may appear. Not all users like it.

Thatched roof

The traditional roofing of poor country houses from the last century is making a comeback today among the most modern developers. Used by lovers of natural eco-friendly houses, the roof gives the structure a unique look. Roofers of the highest qualifications are involved in the work; if all the rules are followed, the coating can last up to fifty years. The roof does not require additional thermal insulation, perfectly dampens noise. Due to the special laying technology, the fire safety characteristics are significantly increased.

Video - Characteristics of different types of roofing

Roofs for private houses differ in a variety of types. But in order for this design to fully meet all the necessary requirements during operation, you need to competently approach the issue of choice.

Roof functions and role

The primary function of the roof is to protect the house from rain, snow, cold and heat. But in order for the home to always be cozy and comfortable, the following aspects must be taken into account:

  • the roof must be properly designed;
  • correctly choose the structure and material for the roof, taking into account the architectural features of the house and the climate of the area in which it is being built;
  • carry out high-quality installation.

Do not discount attractiveness. After all, the roof can not only significantly improve the appearance of the building and give it originality, but also emphasize the status of the owner of the house.

Regarding the latter, the main thing is not to overdo it: the option you like may not always be suitable for a particular building, because a lot depends on design features the house and the material from which it is built. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to study the existing types of roofs, their pros and cons, as well as the features of construction and operation.

When choosing a roof shape for a house, you need to focus on the climatic features of the area

Roofs of houses: classification principles

Today, such a variety of roof shapes is offered that the average person is literally lost when choosing. Nevertheless, builders have a clear classification depending on certain criteria:

  • slope classification;
  • classification by constructive solution.

In addition, roofs are divided into non-attic and attic, exploited and unexploited, and are also classified according to the type of roofing material (tiles, corrugated board, slate). Correct selection of all parameters will affect how well the original option works for the home.

Video: roof types

  • flat roofs;
  • pitched roofs.

The first are simply flat roofs that are exploited, that is, equipped, for example, with a recreation area, or unexploited. Pitched structures are subdivided into subcategories by type of configuration.

The classification of roofs by slope is considered basic and divides structures into two types: flat and pitched

The most simple solution in every sense, but at the same time not very popular. The angle of inclination of such a roof is no more than 3%, and therefore one of the main disadvantages is the accumulation of snow and water on its surface. This is fraught with the appearance of leaks, and also forces the owner to manually clean the roof.

The main advantages of a flat roof: easy installation of the roofing cake and low cost compared to pitched structures

To provide such a design with a natural drainage of water, builders recommend pouring a layer of expanded clay onto the surface at a slight angle.

The main advantages of a flat roof are the ease of installation of the roofing pie and the relative cheapness in comparison with pitched structures. The load-bearing base is most often reinforced concrete slabs. Sometimes, for this, metal profiled sheets are also used, on which layers of the roofing pie are laid alternately, and then the selected coating.

The load-bearing base of a flat roof is reinforced concrete slabs or metal profiled sheets.

It is for these reasons that flat roofs in the private segment are usually used in the construction of garages and outbuildings. Recently, however, they have begun to be used a little more often in connection with the fashion to create terraces, sports grounds, lawns, and sometimes real gardens with an equipped recreation area on the roof of the house.

Photo gallery: how you can equip a flat roof

On a flat roof, if desired, you can break a lawn
A flat roof of a private house can be a great place to equip a recreation area with a fireplace.
The flat roof of a private house allows you to bring to life the most daring design projects
A small green garden can be arranged on a flat roof

Video: the advantages and disadvantages of a flat roof

Pitched roof

The roof got its name due to the fact that its surface consists of slopes, which are located at a certain angle of inclination. The latter is expressed as a percentage, and it is thanks to this that all precipitation is removed from the roof surface. On the basis of the design features of pitched roofs, the following varieties are distinguished:

  • pitched roofs;
  • gable structures;
  • hip roofs;
  • half-hip;
  • mansard roofs;
  • multi-pliers;
  • tent structures;
  • domed roofs;
  • vaulted roofs;
  • steeple-shaped;
  • combined designs.

Pitched roofs: description, construction features, pros and cons

It is pitched roofs that are most often used in private construction due to their wide variety and reliable design. To choose the right option, you need to carefully study all their varieties.

Shed roof

This is the name of the roof, which consists of one plane. The slope (from 4 to 6 °) is formed due to the fact that the rafters of the structure are supported by external walls at different heights. The simplest design in all respects, moreover, does not require large cash costs.

Small garden house, equipped with a pitched roof, looks compact and attractive

However, due to its simplicity, which is considered its main disadvantage, it is not popular and is usually used in the construction of small country houses and outbuildings.

The shed roof has more than enough advantages:

  • low cost of construction;
  • ease of installation;
  • the possibility of converting the roof;
  • use of almost any material for roof installation.

Due to their easy installation, pitched roofs are often used in the construction of small country houses, garages and outbuildings.

You can create unusual design residential building, placing several pitched roofs in different parts buildings at various levels.

By placing several pitched roofs at different levels, you can create an unusual design for a residential building.

The selected type of roof is of great importance. Only not from a functional, but an aesthetic point of view. For example, a house under a shed roof made of galvanized sheet will look more like a barn, while the same building covered with tiles will take on a very spectacular look.

Gable roofs

This is the most common option for the construction of private houses. The roof consists of two slopes supported by external walls of equal height.

Because of the triangular gable between the ramps, which resembles tongs, the gable roof is often called the gable

Due to the peculiarities of the configuration - a triangular pediment between the slopes, resembling tongs in shape - a gable roof is often called a gable roof. A very robust design that can withstand heavy rain and snow, withstand gusts of wind and protect from the cold. And it looks much more interesting than a pitched one.

The pluses include:

  • simple installation of the structure;
  • durability;
  • the presence of an attic from which you can easily make a living space;
  • the ability to use almost any material for the roof;
  • maintainability.

There are almost no downsides as such, except that it is not recommended to make such a roof in places where storm winds are raging - because of poor streamlining, it can simply be ripped off.

The slope angle of the gable roof is chosen based on the amount of precipitation in the region. The more there are, the stronger the bias should be.

As for the features of the construction, the main thing is to carefully observe the technology, since to create such a roof, a large number of elements are required, in addition to the basic rafters and Mauerlat: crossbars, stops, racks, etc. All components (including steam and waterproofing, insulation and type of roofing) must be taken into account when creating a drawing.

When creating a drawing of a gable roof, you need to take into account all structural elements, including insulation, hydro and vapor barrier

Asymmetrical roof

One of the options gable structure when the slopes either differ in length or are located at different angles of inclination. The visible advantages are unambiguously an unusual design, thanks to which you can stand out from the background of other buildings.

With regard to performance, such a roof will allow you to maximally adapt to the weather conditions of the area, especially if they are constant. The roof can be positioned so that there is a gentler slope on the side with which the winds most often blow, and a steeper slope on the leeward side, which will reduce snow loads.

An asymmetric roof can be positioned so that there is a gentler slope on the windy side and a steeper slope on the leeward side, which will reduce snow loads

Thanks to the asymmetric structure of the roof, the attic can be used much more functionally, especially if it is planned to equip it for living quarters. Moreover, it can cover a veranda or a garage attached to the house, which will significantly save financially.

Of the shortcomings, the complexity of the calculations and the installation of the structure itself should be highlighted. Competently calculating the number and pitch of the rafters, choosing the right material for the frame and roof is necessary even at the stage of project creation. In this regard, it is best not to do all the work yourself, but to turn to professionals.

Mansard structures

The main difference between this design is the presence of broken slopes. In this case, the upper slopes are created flat, the lower ones - falling. Thanks to this technique, you can significantly increase the area of ​​the attic, which will be called the attic.

The mansard roof will significantly increase the living area of ​​the house due to the large attic space (attic)

As a rule, architects do not pass by the opportunity to make the most of the usable area, therefore attics are most often equipped for living quarters. Difficulties with the construction of such a roof usually do not arise, but the problem of insulation should be given as much attention as possible.

If you have a small attic, you do not need to hem the ceiling. This will visually expand the room.

Hip roofs

This design has four slopes. Two of them - frontal - are triangular in shape (they are called hips), and the other two are made in the shape of a trapezoid. To the features of the construction hip roofs can be attributed to the need to install beams with double tightening and the installation of gutters on each slope at a mandatory angle of 45 °.

Hips are the frontal roof slopes in the shape of a triangle, the other two slopes are in the shape of a trapezoid

Of the advantages, it should be highlighted:

  • reliability of the structure;
  • original appearance and respectability;
  • the ability to use almost any roofing material for covering.

The disadvantages include:

  • the complexity of calculations and installation of the structure;
  • a large amount of waste when laying roofing, the laboriousness of the process;
  • significant reduction in the size of the attic space.

The hip roof looks respectable, but requires complex calculations and installation

Video: which roof to choose - hip or gable

Semi-hinged roofs

The difference between this design and the previous one is that the hips are noticeably shortened here and have a truncated appearance. In fact, this is the same double-leaf roof, the gables of which are covered with a hip, and the slopes at the same time acquire the shape of a trapezoid.

Due to the absence of sharp corners, half-hip roofs are suitable for windy regions

A construction that is quite complex in execution, requiring both professional skills and a large consumption of materials, which is one of its undoubted disadvantages. The positives are the same as for hip roofs. Plus, this design, due to the presence of fronts, allows you to equip the attic with windows.

Due to the difficulty of erecting half-hip roofs, it is recommended to give preference in windy regions. This is due to their special stability due to the absence of sharp corners.

Hip structures

What it is, you can understand from the name. Such a roof resembles a tent in shape, and its peculiarity is that all the slopes are symmetrical, have the shape of a triangle and converge at one point.

A hipped roof can only be erected on buildings with a regular square or polygonal shape.

It is possible to erect such a roof if there is one main condition - the box itself must have a regular square or polygonal shape. Sometimes the base can be rectangular. The main thing is that each of the roof slopes should look like an equilateral triangle, and their tops are connected in one center without a long ridge.

The design requires professional execution, as it has a very tricky rafter system. When choosing a roof covering for a hipped roof, it is recommended to avoid sheet materials, because the amount of waste will be enormous.

Of the pros, it is worth highlighting only the chic appearance.

Multi-gable roof, or valley

Used in cases where the project involves a polygonal complex shape houses with all kinds of outbuildings. Surprisingly beautiful, but at the same time the most complex construction.

The peculiarities of its construction are due to the presence of many joints, internal and external corners, kinks. All joints of these elements are potentially dangerous in terms of the likelihood of leaks, therefore, it is recommended to trust the installation of such a roof only to trusted specialists.

Multi-gable structures are the most difficult to implement due to the many joints, kinks, inner and outer corners.

The advantages of a multi-gable roof include:

  • multifunctionality;
  • strength (subject to compliance with the technology during the construction process);
  • the possibility of arranging attic and utility rooms;
  • unusually attractive and rich appearance.
  • complex and time-consuming construction process;
  • a large amount of roofing waste.

Dome structures

While not very often used, but a very interesting design, made in oriental style... The features of the construction include the need to use curved elements to create a frame and flexible or soft roofing material.

For the domed roof, curved frame elements and flexible roofing material are used.

Such a roof is usually erected over round buildings, and since houses rarely have such a shape, it is mainly used over individual building elements (such as turrets, round terraces or a winter garden).

Very beautiful and durable construction, which does not care about any whims of the weather. But it is extremely difficult and expensive to execute.

Vaulted roof

Another name is arched. It is mounted on arched rafters and requires a flexible roof covering. This is not to say that the design is not used in the construction of private houses, but still it is not very popular.

The vaulted roof is mounted on arched rafters and is able to give the house an exclusive look

Most often it is equipped with public and warehouses... As for private construction, in it the structure is used only to cover individual elements of a building or when erecting Art Nouveau houses.

There are no significant drawbacks to the vaulted roof, it is simply completely impractical for use in private construction. However, it can become a real decoration of any home with a well-executed design.

Spire structures

Due to very sharp slopes during installation, sharp corner, as a result of which a spire is formed. Undoubtedly, a beautiful construction in the Gothic style, but absolutely impractical, and therefore almost never used in the construction of private houses. It is relevant only as a decorative element that adorns all kinds of turrets on a house or a domed roof.

Spire Roofs Can Be Wonderful decorative element at home

Combined roofs

The design of such coatings includes several types of roofs at once. That is, due to a combination, for example, multi-gable, dome and hip (three in one, and sometimes more), a completely new roof shape is created.

By combining options, architects can create uniquely shaped roof structures

A building equipped in this way is very attractive and has its own flavor, nevertheless, it is worth remembering that the work on creating such a structure will require not only professionalism, but also very impressive funds.

Other types of roofs

Architects work tirelessly in their offices to wow clients unusual solutions... For this reason, it makes no sense to present all their delights, since they are practically not used in private construction. Of the more or less acceptable options, the following can be distinguished:

  • a sliding roof, which can be removable, sliding, partially sliding or completely movable. Used in the construction of verandas, swimming pools, garages attached to the house;
  • The Chinese Roof is a raised corners structure made of wood. Used in the construction of houses or gazebos in the Asian style.

Chinese architectural forms are successfully used in private construction

  • the trickier the roof, the more expensive it is. This should be borne in mind if the construction budget is limited. Most the best option in this case - single-slope (for a small house) or gable;
  • if you plan to make the roof with your own hands, but there is no special experience, it is also better not to swing at complex structures;
  • when choosing the type of roof, it is imperative to take into account the strength of the foundation and walls. After all, the more complex the structure, the more heavy rafter system it will require, which will entail an additional load on the house;
  • it is also recommended to take into account what is planned to be done on the second floor: will there be just an attic space or will it be residential. In the latter case, perhaps the most acceptable option would be a mansard roof;
  • what kind of climate prevails in the region also matters. Where the amount of precipitation, especially in winter, is very significant, a roof with a large angle of inclination (45-50 °) will be the best option. If the terrain is raging strong winds, then the slope angle should be no more than 10–20 °.

Choosing a roof depending on the type of building

In addition to general factors, individual moments also affect the choice of a roof: what kind of structure it is, what size it is, what it will be built from and for what purposes it is intended.

Frame house

The main feature of a frame house is its lightness. Therefore, it is not recommended to overload it with complex and heavy structures.

If you still want to make the roof unusual, then you should be prepared for the fact that you have to attach (anchor) the house to the foundation. The most acceptable options for a frame house are such types of roofs as gable and hipped. You can also consider a hip design as an option.


As a rule, one-story buildings are based on a lightweight foundation. Therefore, the roofs for them should also not be heavy.

For a small house, a lean-to design would be a good option, which will give the structure originality and at the same time will not require special costs for construction. In general, for one-story buildings, a gable roof is most often chosen. This is the most common option.

For one-story houses, a gable roof is most often chosen, this is the most common option.

Two-storey house

In this case, there are no special restrictions. The main thing is that the roof harmoniously fits into the overall design of the building and was chosen taking into account the climatic characteristics of the region. Otherwise, it all depends on taste, desire and budget.

Restrictions on the choice of roof for two-story house practically not, it all depends on the budget and preferences of the owner

Restrictions - zero. You can choose any roof - as you wish.

For a house from a bar, you can choose any roof option

Roof for garage and outbuildings

Naturally, no one will make a domed or multi-gable roof over a garage or utility block. In this case, it is worth proceeding from the cost and functionality.

Garage and utility block can be combined under one double roof

The most budget option there will be an ordinary flat roof. In second place, you can put a single-slope structure. The third option is gable. Such a roof will cost more, but the attic space, which can be used for household purposes, will become a bonus.

Video: variety of roofs of private houses

Today, the roofs of private houses are striking in variety. Options are available for the most sophisticated taste and for any climatic conditions... The main thing is to take a responsible approach to the choice. And then the roof will serve for a long time and reliably protect the house.

In the modern concept, the roof of a house is not only a covering, protection from snow, sun or rain. Now the roof is an architectural continuation of the building that can emphasize its individuality and originality, and change the visual perception of the house. It should also be noted that the type of roof will also affect the interior atmosphere, comfort and coziness.

Whatever it was, but first of all, the roof must be reliable, because beauty will not save you from snow or rain. In general, there are many types of roofs, but we will only talk about the most popular, reliable and practical options that are best used in the construction of a private house.

If we consider all roofs as a whole, then they can be safely divided into two categories: flat and pitched. Both one and the other have both advantages and disadvantages.

Flat roof

Flat roof although it is popular, it does not always find a place for itself in residential housing construction. The main disadvantage is the lack of inclination, and, consequently, the constant accumulation of snow on its surface and melt water... Because of this, the lifespan of a flat roof is drastically reduced, making it appear less acceptable than a pitched roof structure. Often, a flat roof is used only when its surface will be used (placing a front garden, pool or terrace).

Pitched roof

Pitched roof much preferable, because precipitation practically does not linger on its surface. In general, this type of roof is more reliable and attractive. Under such a roof, you can equip an attic space in the attic. The only drawback that you will have to face face to face is the increased cost of building this type of roof and its difficult to repair.

Roof with attic

Roof with attic very easy to build and install, you can build it yourself. Tilt angle attic roof directly depends on what material is used for its roof. You also need to take into account the maximum load placed on the roof, the cost of its construction and materials. It is convenient to repair such a roof, but even at the initial stages, you need to choose the optimal roofing material. An important point will be the decision on the attic, whether it will be used as a living space or not. Depending on this, the height of the ceiling, its quality and the materials used for its construction will be decided, as well as what the roofing cake should be, heat and waterproofing.

Attic (attic)

Attic (mansard) roof differs in that the outer mills will be roof surfaces located at a sharp angle. This roof is interesting externally, but the usable area of ​​the attic space will be slightly reduced, as needed good fastening roofs. It is almost impossible to build such a roof on your own; it is better to attract professionals.

In most cases, a roof without an attic has a kink, therefore, special support systems are installed from the inside, reducing the usable area of ​​the attic. Having imagination and design ideas, the props can be sheathed with plywood, after which niches and cabinets for seasonal things can be made there.

Shed roof

Shed roof - a cheap and easy-to-install option. In fact, this is a kind of flat roof installed on the walls. different heights... It is thanks to this that a natural slope of the roof is created at a certain angle to one side. This roof is comfortable and practical, but very boring in appearance, and you cannot equip an attic under it.

Gable roof

Gable roof - the most popular option in villages and small towns. This roof is one of the most ancient, but it is still relevant today. It is based on two slopes, connected at the top of the ridge. The gable roof can be either symmetrical or asymmetrical. All in all it is very user-friendly and practical option, an ideal solution for those who want to equip an attic.

Hip roof

Hip roof - variety hipped roof... The two slopes of this roof are trapezoidal, and the end planes (hips) are triangular. It is much more difficult to create and build such a roof, so it is better to turn to professionals. The advantage of the roof lies in its performance, because it is very resistant to the vagaries of the weather.

Half hip roof

Half hip roof - this is something between a hip and a gable roof. The lateral planes are truncated - they have a half-hip shape, their length is 2-3 times less than the main planes. On the pediment of the building, you can put vertical windows, and half-hips will become a decorative element.


Tent - the structure of this roof has 3 or more slopes, which are collected in one upper point. There is no “ridge” in the hipped roof, and the symmetry of the slopes pleasantly surprises. If the house has the right geometric shapes(square, polygon), then the hipped roof will become optimal solution... It is resistant to winds, is original in appearance and is able to reliably protect the house.

Multi-gable roof

Multi-gable roof - the most difficult, expensive, but at the same time interesting option... Ideal for polygonal houses where you want to create something special. The rafter system of a multi-gable roof is difficult to implement, so the involvement of professional builders and architects is mandatory here. If all goes well, you can eventually get your dream home.

Sloping roof

Sloping roof - variety mansard roof, because it is under it that the attic is often equipped. The upper part has a small angle of inclination, after which there is a break and the angle increases sharply, thereby the usable area of ​​the attic will practically not suffer, and its side walls will be reliably protected.

Conical and domed roofs

Conical and domed roofs - this is a very rare occurrence, because practically no one uses them. This type of roof is not easy to use and difficult to repair. It is best to use them just as individual elements that can be used to cover round verandas or create decorative towers.

Combination roof

Combination roof - difficult, but possible. This roof often combines such types of roofs as hipped roof, hip roof and multi-gable roof. It is logical that it is too difficult to calculate and build such a roof, so a professional architect must be involved to implement the project. By creating a combined roof, you can surprise your friends, cause envy among neighbors and delight among your loved ones. Having built such a roof, you need to be prepared for the fact that it is difficult to maintain it, and you need to spend capital on the implementation of this project, whether it is worth deciding only for the owner of the home.

For a private house, as for any structure, the roof is considered one of the most important architectural elements that affect not only the durability of operation, but also the quality of living, decorative appearance and specifications... These are very complex complex tasks, their implementation can only be ensured by well thought-out and perfect structures from an engineering point of view.

Modern roofing materials and innovative building technologies allow architects to bring even the most daring ideas to life. A large number of types of roofs puts inexperienced developers in a difficult position, they may like several options at the same time and make the final choice is very difficult. This article is designed specifically for such readers, here will be a brief description of the main types of roofs for a private house. At the same time, an objective characteristic of both the strong and weaknesses... Not only the architectural advantages or disadvantages will be taken into account, but also the possibility of erecting such roofs in different climatic regions of our country.

Three factors have the main influence on the choice of roof: reliability of the structure, comfort of living and design appearance. Ideally, it is very difficult to achieve a simultaneous optimal combination of all three; during the design process, architects try to make special engineering decisions in each specific case to minimize negative aspects. Existing options roofs are conventionally classified according to several criteria.

During the calculations, the individual characteristics of each building are taken into account, the requirements of the developers are agreed and technical capabilities applied building technologies and materials to ensure tightness, durability and safety of operation.

Flat roofs

On private houses, such options are quite rare; they are used only during the creation of exclusive projects of prestigious buildings. Overlapping most often of reinforced concrete slabs, both ready-made elements of factory production and pouring concrete of prepared sites directly during the construction of a house can be used. At the cost of manufacturing, such roofs are very cheap if they are ordinary non-insulated. But there are also quite expensive design options for operated inversion structures. Such roofs have not only effective insulation and very reliable expensive waterproofing: they house winter gardens, recreation areas on fresh air, swimming pools and even car parks.

The slope of flat roofs is not more than 10 °, the roof is only soft roll of the most modern materials using modified bitumen. As a base, synthetic materials of various strengths are used that are not afraid of moisture and can withstand significant mechanical loads. A common disadvantage of flat roofs is the lack of attic spaces.

Pitched roofs

A very large group of rafter systems with several ramps. The specific type of construction depends on their number, size and shape. The slope of the slopes is more than 10 °, any type of modern roofing materials can be used on them.

Table. Types of pitched roofs

Pitched roof typeBrief description of technical parameters and performance characteristics
The simplest and until recently the most used roof option, universal application, which can be installed in all climatic zones of our country without exception. The attic premises are mostly non-residential, but there are options for their reconstruction for the used ones.
Already more complex construction, resembles a gable. The difference from the first is that each slope consists of two parts, connected at different angles. Due to the original engineering solution, it is possible to significantly increase the height of the attic premises, it becomes possible to convert them into residential ones. It is these roofs that most houses with attics have. Hence the second name for sloping roofs - mansard roofs. The rafter system is more complicated than the gable system; there are specific requirements for the technology of laying roofing materials. Due to the fact that the slopes have an obtuse angle of inclination, there are no valleys on the roofs - the most difficult elements for sealing. It is here that leaks most often occur, and there are several reasons for this phenomenon, and most of them do not depend on the skill and conscientiousness of the builders.
Structures can be considered a kind of gable, ordinary or broken. The difference is that on half-hip roofs there are small slopes above the gables. These types of roofs do not have pronounced operational advantages over broken ones, but in some regions they are considered traditional and are found everywhere. Half-hip roofs have a more complex rafter system, the length of the ridge is reduced. Sizing calculations are made taking into account the angle of inclination of each slope.
Such roofs can be seen mostly in mountainous areas. The reason is that hip structures do not depend on the direction of the prevailing winds, they equally resist wind and snow loads... They can have a fairly high height of the attic, which makes it possible to adapt them to the attic. The rafter system is expensive and requires a large amount of very high quality sawn timber.
The most difficult of all types of pitched options. Only experienced craftsmen can install, constructions are used only on prestigious houses with exclusive projects. They have many valleys and junctions at various angles. All these elements belong to the category of complex ones, their sealing is performed according to a special algorithm and requires special additional elements for roofing materials.

Warm and cold roofs

The choice of a warm or cold roof depends on how you plan to use the attic space.

Cold roofs

Previously, in our country there were only such types, this is the simplest and cheap design... The rafter system does not provide for the presence of counter-battens, the attic space is ventilated through natural slots. There are no restrictions on the use of materials for covering.

When erecting a "cold" roof, the roof covering is attached directly to the sheathing boards

Important. Some builders, due to insufficient qualifications or a desire to earn more, mount vapor protection on ordinary cold roofs. Their actions not only do not give any positive effect, but also have a very negative impact.

Why it happens? It's simple. Even theoretically, it is impossible to make any vapor barrier completely sealed, steam is always put on slots, condensation will form. Installed vapor protection critically disrupts natural ventilation, condensation is very poorly removed. This means that the wooden elements of the truss system are used in a wet state for a long time. There is no need to talk about the consequences. It turns out that for their own money, developers worsen the performance of the house and shorten its life. It must be remembered that premature roof repairs are difficult and costly. Vapor barrier and wind protection are necessary only when the roof is insulated and mineral wool is used as a material. Only this material reacts very negatively to an increase in relative humidity and requires protection.

Prices for corrugated board

Corrugated board

Warm roofs

Nowadays, they are very widespread among home owners. Such roofs make it possible to use attic spaces as living spaces, these are the so-called. Appearance on construction market new technologies and materials made it possible to significantly improve the operational characteristics of structures, to increase the duration of their operation.

Warm roofs are quite complex structures from an engineering point of view and consist of several layers.

  1. Roof. All materials available today can be used.
  2. Lathing. The roof is attached to it, the specific type is selected taking into account the characteristics of the material.

  3. Counter grill. Provides effective ventilation of the roof space. The minimum distance between the counter grill and roofing at least five centimeters. This is a prerequisite, the only way to ensure the normal movement of air flows.
  4. Wind and waterproofing. It allows steam to pass through and protects the insulation from heat removal by air currents. You need to buy an expensive state-of-the-art membrane. It allows water vapor to escape, but does not allow condensate droplets falling from the coating to pass back. In addition, the membranes are not blown by the wind.

    Waterproofing and windproof membrane is an important element of the roofing pie

  5. Insulation. Foam or rock wool can be used. Polyfoam is used less often due to poor performance. But its modern types are allowed by regulatory organizations for insulating roofs (mainly from the inside), you just need to purchase the appropriate brands of insulation. Mineral wool can be rolled or pressed. All other insulation materials are not recommended to be used due to their low efficiency and great technological complexity.
  6. Steam protection. Reduces the amount of steam penetrating into the insulation. The vapor barrier should be installed as carefully as possible. The less moisture in mineral wool, the lower its thermal conductivity, and this is the main parameter of all heaters.

If the technology for creating a pie is violated, then big problems during the operation of the attic.

Prices for thermal insulation materials

Thermal insulation materials

Original roof construction solutions for private houses

Modern technologies and wide choose building materials allows you to embody a wide variety of ideas in the construction of roofs, therefore, along with everywhere there are non-standard, rather original designs.

  1. Hip-roof. According to the classification, these types of roofs can be classified as hip. The difference is that if simple hip slopes have four completely identical slopes, then tent slopes have three, five or more slopes. All ramps have one upper contact point and are completely symmetrical. They are used very rarely for several reasons: it is difficult to install, the number of slopes must correspond to the number of front walls. Residential buildings with three or five walls are rare, they are inconvenient for living, difficulties arise during the planning of interior premises. Only individual exclusive projects take into account this type of roof and, accordingly, the section of the house plan. Two more problems - a large percentage of unproductive waste of expensive roofing materials, the complexity of installation. An important advantage is resistance to strong multidirectional wind loads.

    Hip roof - outside and inside view

  2. Dome. They are very rare and have a rounded shape. Not all coatings are suitable modern materials, most often piece shingles or copper sheets are used. It is recommended that such a roof is not installed on the entire structure, but only on individual decorative architectural elements.

  3. Spire-shaped. They have a large number of slopes located at a large angle. Often they perform decorative tasks, they can be found on historical and religious buildings. Disadvantages - very difficult to design and build, labor-intensive construction. Masters with climbing equipment are allowed to work. Specially trained personnel can repair.

  4. Vaulted. The structures are parabolic or rounded. They are rare and only on individual projects, can cover houses with a large area. Architects recommend using such roofs when building cottage complexes.

The roof design must take into account not only the wishes of the developers, but also the requirements of building codes and regulations. In all cases, the safety and reliability of the roof comes first, only after solving these problems, attention is paid to the design look.

Prices for various types of timber

Video - Roof options for a private house

You have seen a short list of possible typical roof options for a private house. A wide variety of architectural solutions allows developers to choose a suitable option for themselves. We would like to draw your attention to another very original solution - a reed roof. You can read how to do it at.