Indigo children in astrology. BUT

Recently, I'm increasingly and more and more often addressed to me: "Is it possible to see the Natal Map of a person, is it Indigo?" And here, before answering the question, you need to decide on the term "indigo".

This term was first introduced by a woman-psychic Nancy Anne TEP, and denotes special color Man's auras. It is well known that every living person has a biofield, the radiation of which has different frequencies and is fixed by the effect of Kiryanian in the form of various color Gamm. surrounding the human body. Blue and purple shades of biopolis are referred to as the color of indigo, and this color of the aura is the most rare, but recently (since the 90s of the last century) has a tendency to increase the number of children with this color of the aura.

Further observations of the Indigo Children on the part of psychologists found some features of these children, among which most often found such as high level Intelligence and extraordinary sensitivity up to extrasensory abilities.

Interestingly, among the same psychologists, there is a large number of People who consider the indigo phenomenon with a certification actively implemented by supporters of the New Age movement. As for me, I am not inclined so radically draw conclusions, since the blue tones of the aura actually exist. On the other hand, we have no sufficient statistics that allows you to make such conclusions.

Nevertheless, the question "Is it possible to see on a holotal map of a person, is he indigo?" - There is also people waiting for him a response. I believe this question Justified and in this regard will try to give a response to him, based on the experience and observations that I have.

And in this regard, the first thing to pay attention to the reader is the possibilities of astrology regarding the diagnosis of the human soul, namely the presence of a certain experience that manifests in her life in the form of certain abilities and skills. And here the answer will be affirmative, since the essential advantages of the planets (properties and importance of the planet in the sign) are for the astrologer the main ingunifiers in a natal map symbolizing those or other properties of the soul with which it came to the current embodiment, and the presence of a particular aspect In the planets indicates the nature of the manifestation of these properties of the soul.

So, when we want to determine the child's presence of certain abilities and the degree of their severity, looking at his natal card, we are primarily interested in the essential properties of collective planets (Uranus, Neptun and Pluto). Why collective? Because it is these planets that testify to the involvement of a separate human soul to the collective experience of all mankind, or in other words, collective planets show the level of human soul development and the possibility of manifestation of this experience for the benefit of other people.

Thus, we look primarily the power of the manifestation of collective planets, which is determined by its finding in one or another sign of the zodiac. When the planet is in the monastery or in exaltation, we are talking about the strongly pronounced properties of the planet, when the planet is in imprisonment or in fall, we are talking about the weakly pronounced properties of the planet. If the planet is not in the abode, climax, fall or imprisonment, then we are talking about the average values \u200b\u200bof the energies of this or that planet.

In this regard, the status of collective planets is as follows:
Uranus in the monastery (domicile) - in the sign of Aquarius, retrograde uranium in the monastery - in Capricorn,
in the climax (exaltation) - in Scorpio, retrograde uranium - in the scales
in the fall (Fall) - in Taurus, Retrograde Uranus - in Aries
in imprisonment (excyl) - in Lev, retrograde uranium - in cancer.
Neptune in the monastery - in the fish, retrograde Neptune - in Sagittarius,
in the climax - to aquary, retrograde neptune - in cancer,
in the fall - in Lev, Retrograde Neptune - in Capricorn,
in imprisonment - in Virgo, retrograde Neptune - in twins;
Pluto in the monastery - in Scorpio, Retrograde Pluto - in Aries,
in the climax - in Lev, Retrograde Pluto - in Capricorn,
in the fall - to aquale, Retrograde Pluto - in cancer,
in imprisonment - in Taurus, retrograde Pluto - in the scales.

The next step to pay attention to is to find out the directions or retrogradity of the planet. And us here in more than Interested in the retrograde status of the planet, rather than the directive. The fact is that the main value of the retrograde collective planet is the indication that the soul, in the natal map of which there is one or another collective retrograde planet, already has certain efforts of the energy on this planet, but the retrogradity of its planet indicates that these developments In the past, they did not provide sufficient benefit to other people and were not applied in that direction, or in the right bed, but not to the extent that could be applied.

Finally, the third key link is to determine the corner standing of collective planets towards other planets and each other. Moreover, we are interested in both intense and harmonious aspects, since the energies of the planets located in tense aspects, often gives great results than working with the energies of planets in harmonious aspects. Moreover, it is also important to watch the aspect of collective planets with respect to other elements. natal map. For example, the presence of a trine of uranium with fortune may indicate that the soul will be accompanied by luck in the field of self-determination and mastering freedom, and most importantly - in the development of those areas of activity that for the bulk of humanity are completely new and unknown.

Thus, summing up a general result in our article, you can draw the following conclusions. Signifiers in Natal Indigo Children or Souls with special abilities and skills are the following key radix moments:
- finding a collective planet (or planets) in monastery or climax,
- Retrograde status of a collective planet,
- the presence of any aspect of the collective planet relative to other planets, each other, or other elements of the natal map (lunar unasas, Lilith, Selena, etc.).

A. Aastrogor - Indigo Children - Space Phenomenon

In addition to traditional approaches to Indigo children, there are spiritual and metaphysical. The school of Russian astrology "Volkhva" argues that the stars not only inclined, but also make us do what they are destined. With the help of astrology, we can not only trace the reasons for the appearance of Indigo children, but also to trace the further development of people of the new formation. And in all this we will have to make sure when we will study what is the cause of new turns in the development of humanity, technology, science and ro-mantle at the same time. Indigo's children's phenomenon itself was opened by a clairvoyant Nancy Ann TEPP, which sees a man's aura - the color of his fine life body. Indigo is a dark blue color. In this color, the sky and the sea, the height and depth merge into a single ensemble of the game of paints and feelings. On our planet, everyone already knows that humanity enters a new era - "Era Aquarius." Aquarius opens new intellectual horizons for people, and new people who think differently should appear for this. That is why Era Aquarius will be marked with new discoveries, there will be a new education, new Medicine, Other education, indigenous changes will occur in religions, there will be a qualitatively different culture of communication, will disappear in the armies, the borders of the state will be erased and a lot of things will appear on Earth, because people will live a new physical, spiritual and intellectual force on it. They already come to our life and name them - "Indigo Children". This phenomenon talks about a significant chance for the evolution of mankind, more important than just a change of millennia. Astrology shares indigo children into three basic groups: extreme, teachers and dedicated. Each child of these groups is under the direct and group influence of one of the transuran planets, namely: uranium, Neptune and Pluto. These planets purchased their the greatest strength With the "Planet Parade". Transuran planets have their own subtle and deep influence on consciousness, psyche and the will of a man. In addition, they involve people in mass, collective processes, globalize the problems involving huge masses of people in them. What are these groups, what are their distinctive features? Indigo-Extreme is under the control of the planet Pluto. Andigo-teachers are formed under the influence of the Neptune Planet. Indigo-dedicated - dial in the rays of the planet Uranus. Each Transurane Planet has landfills and conductors, assistants through which they can easier and easier to spend their reforms in the life of people and change the appearance of society and the planet as a whole. At Pluto, Assistants Mars and Saturn, Neptune - Jupiter and Venus, and Uranu - Mercury and Saturn. Knowing these cosmic laws, we can compare real events on the planet with a figurative and iconic language of astrology. This language will tell us about the essence of the problems and tasks that we need to solve in everyday life. Humanity has already adopted the term "children of indigo" and the classification that researchers problems have suggested. It is simple: There are four types of indigo children, each of which has its own defined life program: the first type - Humanists, the second - conceptualists, the third are artists, the fourth-living in all dimensions. However, we consider the cosmic, astrological picture of the vision of the children of Indigo, and therefore we will talk about three groupsInside which, of course, there are all four types of classification. In addition, we need to know and remember that Indigo's children come to us by waves in the algorithm of the motion of the planets and each wave has its own tasks. That is, inside each group there is their quality development waves that can be traced in the movement of the planets and predict situations so as not to be caught off by the depressing factors. Since the planets, moving out of the sign in a sign, create these waves of quality development, then we'll see the schedule of motion of the planets in order to really see what happened and what will happen.

Indigo Extreme

The first wave group of children Indigo - Indigo Extreme began to actively born when Planet Pluto entered his home - in Scorpio. This happened on November 6, 1983 and lasted until November 10, 1995: Pluto was in his own mark, which means that all children born during this period Pluto is in the center of his star formula, but not all of them are Indigo children. This is rather autumn-winter children, in the horoscope of which there is a "planet parade". Very few indigo children appeared at the end of the seventies and early eighties. It is worthwise dealing with the influence of Pluto, because 12 children were born under his symbol, a whole generation. Scorpio and his owner Pluto symbolize life and death, in their eternal movement on the Zodiacal circle Pluto (and other planets) makes intricate loops, which in astrology referred to the retro movement of the planets, or abbreviated "retro". 207 days a year, Pluto moves in the direct (direct) movement, and then 160 days five times back, i.e. It becomes retrograde. Each planet has its own retrograde cycle. If Pluto with direct movement thinks about the eternal, then Pluto Retro - thinks about the mortal. He is enjoyable, checking herself for survival. So it becomes clear to us why millions of children of this generation were on the street, in basements and attics. They filled the shelters and orphanages, colonies for minors, they were addicted to drugs, and this is also the effect of Pluto Retro. They passed the school early sexual reality. And how many of them voluntarily committed suicide, failed to withstand the trials in a collision with an adult world? What statistics need to give, what are the arguments need to prove the very prominent effect of the planets? Thus, in one generation, ministers of huge armies were born at the same time: destroyers and creators. Knowing when Pluto is retro, we can see the group of children's risk, with which you need a special job in order to warn, repay their destructive action. They are almost impossible to tear off the TV or computer screens, which are going on horror films, violence and sex, and computer games only with violence and murder. This amuses them and teaches. Astrology suggests that in these films they learn to survive and kill at the same time, for the retrograde planet Pluto lives so much. I could bring all the dates and years for these 12 years of Pluto's movement by Scorpio sign, denoting his retrograde cycle, but then you will begin to mark all the children with one stamp, and the correct astrology is always individual. This generation of children is most predicted and studied by astrologers. Indigo-extreme has accommodated all the performance of pluton. This is the most extreme group of children who has adopted a blow to adults for the right to live a new generation as it requires a new Space Space Community. Their cosmic task is to clear the space for teachers and dedicated. Their methods and receptions are our generation, not yet fully, but has already experienced. Indigo Extreme hit an adult, forcing them to think and engage in children in a different way. And this blow to adults went to the parents, and then in society. It is not difficult to guess and understand that when all this generation (first wave) comes to power, changes on the entire planet, in all countries will occur in the most severe and volition, breaking all the old. In essence, Pluto - Technyar, Military, Legist, which is why all technical, legal, military schools, colleges and institutions are experiencing mass influx of students. And in the army and the police "Tabuni" go girls-extreme. Scorpio is a sign of transformation, he suggests that everything that is born under his symbol is obliged to work for a change, transformation into a new quality. In the power of Pluto, the entire body of a person, his flesh, and the depth and strength of its impact on the human body reaches a genetic code, working on its change for the better or worse. Pluto and Scorpio - symbols of the most scrupulous scientists. Modern scientists have already opened them the road to genetics, and have done their irreparable affairs. In the future, all this will lead to the massive birth of mutant children, and Indigo Extreme is already accustomed to them: they grew up on telepusics, prechons and other "heroes" of cartoons, something externally resembling people. For them, mutant children will be the same natural phenomenon as the heroes of their children's cartoons. It is known that many children born in the eighties were infected with Parents AIDS, which is also controlled by the Scorpio mark and Pluto Planet. The first mention of AIDS is at the beginning of the 80s, and we already know that this time is subject to the strength and power of Pluto. It was not by chance that one of the working names of these children was "kids of AIDS". After a few years, doctors did not find signs of AIDS in all these children. Their immune system itself coped with the disease of the century, and in their DNA it turned out to be further on two or four codon processes than that ordinary people. Scientists already say that such an organism acquires full immunity to all diseases. There are assumptions that the immune system does not have new people, and instead of it will work endocrine. Pluto symbolizes old people and old souls. Since Indigo wise is often superior to the wisdom of parents, it is sometimes easier to communicate with older family members - grandparents than with parents, which is why these children live with old people. Indigo-Extreme is endowed with fearlessness. That is why they fearlessly experience adult patience: parents, teachers and educators. That is why they experience themselves to survive outside the house and school. These children are already destroying homeless people, considering them by garbage of society. Under the influence of transuran planets and the zodiac there are all modern flows of human thought, desires and actions. And the first to these influences are children, for they are children of their time, they live and argue for their new life. Transuran planets Any thought, or desire to turn into a massive effect with a strong updating effect. So there are massive youth associations: punks and cyberpanks, barcamovtsy and lemonic, flushmobists, anti-globalists and Greenspin and the like. Some manifest social activity, others - they lead a more internal study of their essence, without avoiding mass events.

Indigo teachers

In order for an indigo-teacher to appear, the corresponding spiritual and philosophical current, interest should be originated in society. People who will begin to actively open and develop this direction should be born. Since January 1970, these people began to come to Earth, and their settlement lasted until November 1984. The beginning of the 80s was marked by the rapid development of the occult and spiritual and philosophical information in our closed russian society. While all over the world she flourished calmly and multifaceted. Spiritual and philosophical development is much thinner and deeper, so it took a lot of time so that from January 1998, the Indigo teachers began to be born, the envisons of the first wave of spiritual rebirth of the whole society. At this time, the Planet Neptune entered Aquarius, where she exaltles that in the language of astrology means bright spiritual illumination through the awareness of ordinary truths. Aquarius and uranium are knowledge lying in different exercises and in another plane: Esoteric, and Neptune translates and binds them with the spiritual life of people. Neptune in Aquarius will be until 2012. During this time, a whole generation of Indigo teachers children are born, for which the authorities of the clergy will not play any role! Indigo teachers will not fight with priests, for they are idealists, but they will make Indigo Extreme for them. From 1996 and to 2008, Pluto is in the zodiac sign Sagittarius. Sagittarius seeks the spiritual world of people. Here is philosophy and religion, spiritual teachers and all the exercises that humanity lives and uses humanity. During this period, there will be a lot of spiritual entities in the lichni of the children of the Indigo Teacher. Under the sign of Sagittarius, an understanding of the unity of God is formed. That is why when the Indigo teachers grow up, the patriarchal forces of leading religions will not find the supports in them, and these religions will collapse or transform them, will take new doctrines, for example, about the secret of the degeneration of the soul, about the unity of God and the like. In the books of Vladimir Megre "ringing cedar of Russia" we find the information that Anastasia told him. She suggests that new children will appear on the whole of the earth, which will be endowed with such divine abilities that the whole world will qualitatively change. And it was said many years ago.


The first wave of indigo-dedicated began to be born since December 1988, and they should prepare intellectual soil for a qualitatively different wave of dedicated to those born since April 1995 to April 2003. During this period, Uranus entered first to Capricorn, and since April 1995 he had particularly influenced the birth of new children, for it was in his sign - aquare. Dedicated are people who open any secrets, they get insights only because they thought about some kind of topic. They are enough to see something or hear how thought herself illuminates their consciousness. Dedicated - these are those who know how to combine different knowledge and significance of knowledge into one shining crystal of the mind. Today, our little children dedicated to us that they know everything, but you need to think a little! Thanks to Indigo-dedicated all computer, space, aviation, robotic, television and radio-friendly systems achieved their highest perfection. But not only the scientific and technical transformation will occur on Earth, but also the spiritual and intellectual revolution will change the life of society. Indigo-dedicated to find any arsuchers, murderers, thieves and traitors, people will simply begin to be afraid of doing something wrong, for they are calculated and punished. The first wave of indigo-dedicated - the children of uranium are computer geniuses. They will transform the intellectual world of people, finding in it bliss, but will not particularly think about the spiritual side of their activities. This right will capture the second, but will defile the third wave (born since December 30, 2003 and until March 11, 2011) of Indigo-dedicated. For example, cyberpanks are the first wave. Cyberpanks appeared (began to be born) at the dawn of a new computer era in the late 80s, when Uranus entered the House of Capricorn, where he is the second ruler. And since 1995, Uranus entered his main house - Aquarius and a powerful boom of new technologies, the availability of a mass user began on a computer flank. Children received open access to what they were born. We will not forget that all of them Pluto is the strongest planet of the horoscope. Some of them amounted to a new youth layer - Cyberplans. My child gives me to read the Jacker magazine №4, 2004. And he says: "Here, dad, read who I am, what I want and what I want to dream about"! I read the article and that's what I understood. Members of this movement (cyberplates) unites detailed description The dark world of the future (Pluto), in which a large role is assigned to computers, a clear chopped syllable and proximity to punk looks. "We are the same, others," say Cyberpanks (Uranus). It makes it possible that Cyberpunk, rather, inspires the fear of progress, which contributes to him. Cyberpunk absorbed the Pankovskaya ideology of anarchy: a foxy love for freedom (uranium), apoliticality (Pluto), asociality, unwillingness to be like everything (Neptune). If Pankov was looking for freedom in urban slums and in the lumps (Pluto), the cyberpanks found it in cyberspace (uranium), in the heart of their enslavers - cars. The cyberpank hero is a single-single computer genius (uranium). He lives for himself, and he has no matter to society. Freedom of humanity cyberpank is not interested. But for the sake of freedom, he will turn over the world and between the case will save him (Uranus, Neptune and Pluto). Cyberpunk philosophy is also a new development of the ideas of trans- and postgunism, the desire of a person to go beyond its capabilities. Cyberpunk raises the problem of the existence of artificial and present. We are usually about cyborgization and cloning. The system penetrates the inside and makes people part of the machine, where the body is permeated with gaping holes nockets, to access virtual reality. Computer and network subculture - an integral part of cyberpunk. Looking for cyberplants on the Internet - the main place of their habitat. From April 2003, Uranus entered the zodiacal sign of fish, and unique children were born on the planet, whose Uranus and Neptune are in mutual reception. Such a position of the planets will last seven years, and children who go under their influence will change the world in spiritual and intellectual plan. This will be a new formation of people who are not yet invented, but the massive youth shares of collective unconsciously, they immediately manifested themselves in society, but about it below.

Transuranian suffering of mankind

And now let's look at one mass youthful phenomenon "Game", which was called "Flash Mob" - Flash Mob - so began to write it in Russian. It is registered in many countries of the world. Newspapers immediately dubbed this phenomenon as a new kind of madness (uranium). And they are right, for the mass unconscious (Neptune) will always affect those whose soul is empty, but there are many such. Uranus and Neptune swept these people. The participants of the Flash Mob movement say that it is just a fun, real adventure, it refreshes. Of course, refreshes the inner emptiness. Translated from the English Flash MOB something like "Instant Pilotment" (Pluto), although motion ideologues prefer to translate it as a "smart crowd." The essence of the whole game is that people who are unfamiliar with each other by e-mail, the mobile phone receive a small text message containing time, place and task for the next mob. Also, the coming game can be found on special sites. Tasks can be the most diverse, for example: to inflate balls, clap your hands, whistling, but you never know what a crowd can do. In general, by gathering in one, in advance of a conventional place, everyone starts to act according to the instructions, and at the end - instantly disappear. No goal is pursued by these shares. Rather, on the contrary, they are distinguished by their aimlessness and meaninglessness (Neptune). Everything is done for fun (uranium). "By joke" is the main condition of Flash Mob. Many attracts a certain element of secrecy in Flash Mob (Pluto). After all, you do not know who all this organizes, and who else will participate. Play or not in Flash Mob, everyone decides for himself. You, after reading the message about Mob, is not at all obliged to take part in it. But how astrology explains this phenomenon. From March 11 to September 17, 2003, the situation of the planets has greatly changed the global energy of our galaxy. And under this influence, naturally, our land got, and all the living on it turned out to be hostages of these energy influences. It was the first trial of energy forces to perceive their people on Earth. During this period, the first facilities of flashlights are registered. This once again confirms the cosmic truth that the stars are not only inclined, but also make us do what they are destined. There was no half a year as this idea spread across the planet. Those six months of which Astrology says. The thing is that the two transuran planets Uranus and Neptune formed, the so-called astrology, mutual reception is when Uranus entered into fish, and Neptune is in the Uranium House in Aquarius. Uranus and Neptune - these two transuran planets control the collective mind and collective psyche of people. These are very thin and deep energies that permeate the entire space through. Uranus is the depths of space and human intelligence (if it is, it does not have to drink iodomarine), and Neptune - the depths of the ocean and human psyche. Any planet, entering the stress aspect with one of these planets, will create force, to confront which almost no one can. Our task is to explore this phenomenon, give an analysis of their influence and prevent the consequences. If this is the influence of the planets, it ended in six months and no longer happened, then it would be possible to give it much. But such a position of the planets will last another seven years: from December 30, 2003 and until March 11, 2011. If there is a passion of flash movies, then a new one will appear, but, as a rule, worse and tougher before. Is it so much damned, how can we be small? Anyone who does not know how to manage their consciousness (Uranus) and the psyche (Neptune) becomes hostage to the influence of these planets. People are starting to be bored in flocks (Pluto) and do not know what they do. Here they are, they can pick them up with those who are dissatisfied with politics, religion, life who is morally and mentally unstable, but may affect politics through young people who will take it for the game. Thus, under the influence of planets and children born in their strength, the world will change completely. From today's generation adults will survive only those who loving helps these children find their unique path. So indigo children are messengers of space, which must radically change their lives on Earth.

In France, such children are called "Teflon", in the British Isles - "Millennium Children", in Russia they are "children of light". But most often they are called "Indigo Children".

What are they, these children indigo?

According to Dr. Psychology, Dorin Verche (USA), Indigo children are easy to distinguish from peers. These are children possessing creative in nature, high intelligence, decisive and persistent character.

They often see a more rational way to do something, but the surrounding perceive it as a violation of the rules. Former receptions of education for indigo children do not act - they absolutely do not react to strict educational measures, punishment, threats or humiliation.

Indigo children have a system of views that cannot be changed from outside. Attempting at least somehow influence the views of such a child leads either to aggression, or to a closure.

Unlike ordinary children, they do not have absolute authorities. Indigo children do not consider it necessary to explain their actions and rely on freedom of choice. At the same time, they are able to make faithful decisions, relying only for intuition.

In addition, the Indigo children often experience attachment to plants or animals and are simply in love with nature. They highly possess the ability to empathize and are in dire need of unconditional love loved ones.

Indigo children require a long attention, looking for a real, strong and sincere friendship. Being altruistic, they are burning with the desire to help the world in some great matter. Indigo children impress the impression of universal if they are not in the company of themselves like.

As a rule, the child Indigo feels his older than his years (as if he was not 13, and already 43). Indigo children are distinguished by high self-esteem, very self-confident, independent and proud. IN adolescence susceptible to depressive states.

Indigo children are capable of cruel actions, if they are stumbled on an irresistible wall of misunderstanding and indifference. They can not tolerate, when they are forced to do something simply because "so necessary" or "everything is done."

"Othere" - special conditions

In many developed countries in the world, Indigo children are engaged at the state level. And this is not a waste of time and strength. Perhaps it is precisely this "other" generation in the future will save our civilization from the growing crisis.

Where do the children of Indigo come from?

Indigo children really are not at all like us. In our eyes, the sprouts of the future appear for which it is necessary to create fertile soil.

Previously, the offspring strictly followed in the footsteps of the parents: the son of the artisan became an artisan, the son of the peasant - the peasant, and the son of a lawyer is a lawyer. However, the children of Indigo, the children of the new time are not much like their ancestors.

Humanity moves forward, and every subsequent generation turns out to be more developed. It has greater desires and aspirations, greater egoism than its predecessors. And adults are not knowing how to help this new generation, hurry to stick a label on it - the children of Indigo. In fact, we simply cannot provide children in Indigo with information that they need for arrangement in life.

How to educate them?

The essence of the child's upbringing is not to "pump up" his knowledge, but in tie it with a process called life. Indigo's children are persistently asked: what is the source of life? Why does everything happen as happening? What do we live for? And our task is to help them find answers to these questions.

The most important element of the education of children, including indigo children, is an example of adults. Only if we train our children with the laws on which nature is valid, explain where it leads us and what purpose is that we will be able to give them practical tools that will allow them to settle in the reality in which we live.

The main thing is that little man (Even if this is an indigo child) the correct, true perception of reality is built. Our children differ from us with you that they are ready to perceive our material world as the world of consequences, the world of reasons.

The modern child sees, it feels all the universe as a whole picture. And this, of course, is reflected on its relationship not only to its nearest surrounding, but also to the whole world.

Kabbalists say that only changing their internal properties by making them similar properties of nature, a person will be able to be equilibrium with it, which means safe and perfection.

And the child in the course of its development should receive knowledge of the nature of the universe, because only with their help can realize their internal aspirations. After all, if this does not happen, the internal crisis occurs. And as a result, a dismissive attitude towards teachers, meaningless cruelty and even drug use. We say: "Oh, these children are indigo!"

Training of the laws of nature must begin with early ageSince the man who is learned in childhood is poring through his life. Acquired knowledge makes it an integral part of nature, and therefore, to ensure their own security, he does not need to study the techniques of karate or judo.
If a person has not received these knowledge, nature is rebelled against him, and not " evil enemies"And fate. Educating the younger generation on these principles, we will give him the best of what the parents can give their children.

"Do not try to baptize the cat with water" (Eileen, 8 years old)
"People will be equal to the gods" - says Avesta, is it possible?

Looking in the annals very, very ancient historyPerhaps ... After all, "what happened, there will be after" and many modern spiritual leaders also argue about the arrival of a new super race. The era will change - the type of person will change during the maturity period of the Earth. People will see another reality - not only the dense state of matter, as we see, - all spatial-temporary changes will be subject to their consciousness. The sixth human race will be beautiful: people with ash rose skin (indigo aura), beautiful, with complete regeneration of body cells and immunity.

All the abilities that now unique: clairvoyance, telepathy, teleportation, healing - will be returned to people their natural abilities, because at present we use only 5% of our capabilities. The new race will communicate at the subconscious level, and the word will become magic signAs it was in magicians in ancient times.

Many of the currently living will bring to live among people - carriers of the future race. Currently, consciousness, practically, the whole society is not yet ready to rethink what is happening: fading the traditions, it is harder to fit into the stereotypes of society, the consciousness of the average man is taking place between the law and desire, and the desires are very strong. Ambivalence became the norm ... It's time to take up the development of spiritual qualities in itself. After all, if you plunge into the information of the adepts (dedicated), then the near future is already painted literally on the clock and it remained not so much time, "who did not hide, I'm not to blame." In the field of printing, the hysteria on the Mayan calendar, which "ends "In five years, that is, 2012 last year. Commands are very different: changing the poles, the end of the world, the dust cloud from a black hole, sweeping everything in its path, including the Earth, that is, it would be logical to assume the end of the existence of the Earth, but then how to be with the sixth race? Where and when will she come? And on it dedicated to there are answers ... I will open the Secret Doctrine accessible to all the second volume of Elena Petrovna Blavatskaya. (Mahatma Gandhi claimed that it would be joy to "touch the edge of Mrs. Blavatsky's clothes." Lama XIV in conversation with sun. Ovchinnikov, the browser "Russian newspaper" said: "I am glad that, finally, first met with the compatriot of Mrs. Blavatskaya, - Her works are our theologians highly appreciate")

She writes: "Everything follows the law of cycles, the evolution of man is as well as everything else, and the order in which it is born, is described entirely in Eastern exercises. (Vedas)

Mexicans (maybe E.P.B. means Maya) there is a legend about the four destruction of the world with fire and water, as well as His Egyptians had, and how to store him to this day.

The history of races begins with the separation of floors, after the previous, ovyproinny, androgic race quickly died, and the subsequent sub? The races of the third indigenous race appeared as a completely new race physiologically. It is this "destruction" allegorically called the great "Flood of Wivasvat Manu," and the record shows Vaivaswat Manu or mankind of the remaining lonely on Earth in the ark of salvation, inhibited Vishnu, in the image of monstrous fish, and "with him" seven Rishis. (Such a story about the flood everyone knows from the Bible)

The history of the third race or Lemuria, is given, as well as the history of the Atlantis-Chever race. It is said that Lemuria died about 700,000 years before the start of the fact that now is called the tertiary period (Eocene). During this flood, this time, indeed, the geological flood - Wivasvat Manu is also reassuring humanity allegorically - in fact only part of him, the fourth race, just as he saved the fifth race during the destruction of the last Atlanta, the remains of which were killed 850,000 years ago, after which there was no more flooding, it was known to the Egyptians only because the last flood occurred in such a relatively "recent time".

"Tradition, without taking into a consideration, the difference between the Sideral and Geological Time does not care about both" floods ". However, there is a huge difference. The cataclysm, which destroyed the huge mainland (Lemuria), the greatest residue of which is now Australia, has happened due to underground cramps and exploration. The bottom of the ocean. The same, who put the end of his successor, - the fourth mainland, occurred from? For a consistent disorder in the rotation of the axis. It began during the early tertiary periods and, continuing over the past centuries, consistently took the last trail of Atlantis, excluding, may To be, Ceylon and a small part of what is included in Africa. The cataclysm has changed the surface of the planet and there is no trace of memories of her blooming continents and the islands, about its civilization and sciences in the chronicles of history, excluding the innermost records of the East.

Lemuro? Atlanta built cities and distributed civilization. initial stage Anthropomorphism - Statues indicate the size of Lemuro Atlantov - Lemuria is destroyed by fire, Atlantis water. Flooding - the destruction of the fourth race and the last doping monstrous animals. Lemurians, built their first rocks? Shaped cities of stone and lava. One of these extensive cities of a primitive species was built entirely of Lava, about thirty miles to the west of the place where the Easter Island extends a narrow strip of fruitless soil; Subsequently, this city was completely destroyed by a number of volcanic eruptions. The oldest remains of the ruins of cyclopic structures were all the work of the last lemuries; The stone remains found by the captain of the Cook on a small piece of land, called Easter Island, were "very similar to the walls of the Temple of Pachakamak or on the ruins of Tia-Juanako in Peru."

Comments tell us that the third race was near the average point of its development, when:

"The axis of the wheel leaned. The sun and the moon did not shine more over the heads of this part later born; people learned snow, ice and frost; and people, plants and animals decreased in their growth. Those who did not die, remained as small children in their height and intelligence. It was the third Polaya Ras. "

This, again, means that our earth susceptible to seven periodic and complete displacements that accompany the appearances of new races. For the intimate doctrine says that during this circle there should be seven terrestrial prati caused by a change in the slope of the earth's axis. This is the law acting at its appointed time, and not at all blindly, as it can assume science, but in exact compliance and consistency with the law of Karma. "

(From the author - not about these displacements of the earth's axis write to the Russian readers Ernest Muldashev and the American author of Drunvallo Melchizedek, Nostradamus and American Casans Casey. The Grand Russian Astrologer of the 17th century Vasily Necchin, describing the future of Rosie also sharpens attention to some kind of cataclysm - " The stones of the heavenly and many lands will turn into the ground in the desert ... .. Encouraged the stone falls in the Great Steppe "and shines her for the fact that she" long deficiently the sky ", however, P. Globa - researcher Namina, promises a" small apocalypse "in 2023 year)

"The adepts, or" wise "people, the third, fourth and fifth races lived in underground housing, usually under construction, something like the pyramid, if not under the present pyramido. For such" pyramids "existed on the" four corners of the world "and never There were a monopoly of the country of pharaohs, they were scattered throughout both Americas, under the earth and above the earth, among virgin forests and under them, as well as in the valleys and plains. If there are no longer present, geometrically accurate, pyramids, then Nevertheless, many of the prescribed early neolithic caves, as well as the enormous triangular pyramidal and conical "mengirs" in Morbigan and in Brittany in general, and numerous "Danish cigars (Kurgans)", and even the "Graves of the Giant" in Sardinia, with their inseparable satellites "Nuraghi" - all of them represent more or less rude copies of the pyramids "

"After approximately 25,000 years, preparation for the seventh, the last race will begin; until the sixth race appears on the scene of our circle after cataclysms, the first series of which should destroy Europe and later the entire Aryan race (affected by both America), As well as most lands directly related to the borders of our mainland and the islands. Everything we know is that she - Race quietly starts its existence and, truly, so quiet that for long millennia, her pioneers are peculiar children who, who They will grow in peculiar men and women - will be treated as Lusus Naturael anomalies, as abnormal oddities, physically and mentally. Then, as they are reproduced, the number will increase them with each century, they, one day, will be mostly. Then The current type of person will be considered as an exceptional geek; as long as they, in turn, do not worry in civilized countries, persecute Judging only by small groups on the islands - the current snowy vertices - where they will be labored, degenerate and finally worry, maybe in millions of years, as it happened with the Aztecs. The race will go to the sixth on many hundreds of millennia, changing together with She, but much slower than her new succession, still changing and in growth, physically and mentally, as definitely, as the fourth race came to our Aryan race, and the third race on the race of Atlantov. "

It is very eloquently written, and most importantly, what Elena Petrovna wrote at the end of the 19th century is very timely ...

The idea to combine the arrival of a new race with cataclysms is logical. Earth is a living being and humanity by analogy with a living organism can act as a cell or blood when the body is sick or drains transformations, for example, the struggle of the whole organism for survival, who will win in this struggle is not known, but it is known that man's blood every nine years is completely updated, old cells die. Macrocosm and microcosm has a relationship. Representatives of the new race have already appeared, they are called Indigo children and 90% of children under 10 belong to this group and many modern parents have difficulty education of such children, especially if there are children in families who have grown in previous generations. The most common qualities of Indigo children:
1. They come to this world with the feeling of their royality (and often behave accordingly).
2. They feel that "deserved to be here", and are very surprised that others do not always share their opinion.
3. They do not doubt their importance. Often they inform parents, "who are they are."
4. They do not have absolute authorities, they do not consider it necessary to explain their actions and recognize the freedom of choice.
5. They are lost, contacting conservative systems, where instead of manifestation of creative thoughts, traditions are strictly observed.
6. They often see a more rational way to do something at school or at home, but the surrounding perceive it as a "violation of the rules" and their reluctance to adapt the existing system.
7. They seem noncommunicable if they are in the company of themselves like. If there is no one next to anyone possessing the same mentality, they are often closed in themselves, feeling that no one in this world does not understand them. Therefore, the establishment of social connections during the training period for them is considerable complexity.
8. They do not respond to accusations of discipline violation. For statements like "Wait, a father will come, he learns that you have done, then you will see ..." They remain deaf.

9. They are not shy, give you to understand what you feel. (

Psychics claim that their aura glows with a dark blue color - the color of Indigo, so they were given indigo nickname. Scientists believe that they have changed DNA, the DNA molecule contains 64 codon in itself, and the body's wave radiation is 3-10 times higher than the norm. The intellectual development coefficient of indigo-children today is average equal to 130, whereas earlier such an indicator was only one person out of ten thousand. The cerebral hemispheres is developed equally, which opens in front of them huge opportunities. Immunity of representatives of this race is much more perfect than that of ordinary people. There are cases when "Indigo" babies themselves ... heal from AIDS. Indigo includes 35 or more codons - units of genetic information encrypted in the DNA molecule. Conventional people have 20 codons. Obviously, "sleeping" 44 codon from 64 is a reserve. And if they "wake up", a person acquires new qualities.

The society is trying to apply stencils to new children, and for the "pro forma" hangs a label of autists or savants, that is, defective. Many professionals believe that indigo-children are a consequence of generic problems, find some clinical manifestations of MMD and moreover there is a question of devianity, schizophrenia ... autism and indigo - two intersecting (but not coinciding) sets. Those. An autistic child can be indigo, but maybe not to be. Aautic children are, perhaps one of the options indigo. In Western psychiatry, autism is not so much a disease, how much the condition of the soul (Bill Gates has talented self-programmers working in Areas of the highest information technologies). It is difficult to get enough new children in the "backward" society, growing up. They lose the meaning of their existence and sometimes they endorse the life of suicide, such was the premature coming of the nicknames of the turbine and Paul Konoplev, who was tragic from life at the age of 27 (the number of Pluton's death).

Schizoid, as a kind of behavior, is generally often found among intellectually and creatively gifted people. Explicit schizoomes were Nikolai Gumilev, Beremeyr Khlebnikov, Osip Mandelstam, Vladimir Nabokov, Dmitry Shostakovich, Joseph Brodsky, Boris Pasternak ... often meet schizoids among mathematicians, less often - among more specific physicists.
Blavatskaya was probably also indigo - the child foresaw it! Modern Prophet Kalil Jebrran, said about Indigo: "Your children are not children. They are sons and daughters of longing life for themselves. They come thanks to you, but not from you. And although they are with you, but do not belong to you. You can give you They are your love, but not your thoughts, for they have their own thoughts. You can give our bodies with their bodies, but not their souls, for their souls live in the house of tomorrow, where you can not even be in dreams. You can try to like On them, but do not seek to make them similar to themselves. You are onions, of which your children, like living arrows sent forward. "

Indigo's children's horoscopes often indicate the accumulation of planets in Aquarius, Mercury - the planet of the mind is either in retrograde movement at the time of birth, or has connections with top planets, That is, Mercury as it may have a non-traditional color. Eaps of Aquarius clearly indicates in horoscopes of such children the inclusion of this sign and the planet Uranus.

Unusual children often have problems in school, since they categorically reject authoritarian learning methods. Indigo often do not hear their teacher. They often have a blocking of an audible or visual information channel. Such children even began to divide:
Indigo Extreme is under the control of the planet Pluto.
Indigo teachers are formed under the influence of the Neptune Planet.
Indigo-dedicated - dial in the rays of the planet Uranus. Proserpina plays a very big role:

first - the ability to change the DNA code, i.e. mutation, hence both increased immunity;
secondly, Proserpina works as the highest Saturn - children simply do not need the framework of the society, in which they exist, they have other rules - higher with the transcelnist-object included to broadcast the play of other galaxies or other planets. Indigo does not need to disassemble the fighter on parts to understand the principle of his work. They understand it, in general. Neptune they have instead of Venus, Pluto - instead of Mars, and Jupiter and Saturn, as the planets responsible for the development of society they are not needed at all ...

Neptune in Aquarius will be until 2012. During this time, a whole generation of Indigo teachers children are born, for which the authorities of the clergy will not play any role! Indigo teachers will not fight with priests, for they are idealists, but they will make Indigo Extreme for them. From 1996 and to 2008, Pluto is in the zodiac sign Sagittarius. Sagittarius seeks the spiritual world of people. Here is philosophy and religion, spiritual teachers and all the exercises that humanity lives and uses humanity. During this period, there will be a lot of spiritual entities in the lichni of the children of the Indigo Teacher. Under the sign of Sagittarius, an understanding of the unity of God is formed. That is why when Indigo-teachers grow up, the patriarchal forces of the leading religions will not find the supports in them, and these religions will collapse or transform or transcend, will take the same doctrines, for example, about the secret of the degeneration of the soul, about the unity of God and the like. In 2008, Pluto goes to Capricorn - new future rulers and a new "system" of managing society will come.

The first wave of indigo-dedicated - the children of uranium are computer geniuses. They will transform the intellectual world of people, finding in it bliss, but will not particularly think about the spiritual side of their activities. This right will capture the second, and will develop to perfection the third wave (born from December 30, 2003 and until March 11, 2011) of Indigo-dedicated

From April 2003, Uranus entered zodiacal sign Fish, and on the planet began to be born unique children, whose Uranus and Neptune are in mutual reception. Such a position of the planets will last seven years, and children who go under their influence will change the world in spiritual and intellectual plan.

Boris Kipilinovich born in the 96th year spoke at eight months, he already read this year and a half. And in three years began to talk about the universe. He not only accurately listed the planets Solar system And their satellites, but also the names of the starry systems, the rooms of the galaxies. At first, the mother was frightened, finding it with nonsense. But, bypassing books on astronomy, found out that the child does not know a lot about the universe.

From five Boria, he began to talk about alien civilizations, about the race of three-meter people who existed once on Earth, that earlier he lived on Mars, and described in detail the spacecraft device. The child became hardly a prophet: he told people about possible household misfortunes and diseases, and his prophecies came true. Boris says that two catastrophes will occur on Earth: the first - in 2009, it suffers of some kind of large mainland ... The second, more powerful, - in 2013 Both will be associated with water. But people like to help him help people ... Well, let's hope that they will reach us a helping hand to us for a decisive hour, because " keyword "These children are the word - kindness.

Aforisms of indigo children

  • "Never instruct the dog to keep your food" (Patrick, 10 years old)
  • "When dad is angry and asks:" Do I look like a fool? "- Do not answer anything" (Khan, 9 years old)
  • "When mom is angry with dad, do not let her combing you" (Thail, 11 years old)
  • "Do not sneeze in my mother's side when you chew crackers" (Mitchell, 12 years old)
  • "Puppies stink from mouth, even if you feed them with" Tik-Such "(Andrew, 9 years old)
  • "Do not even try to hold a vacuum cleaner and a cat in your hands" (Kyei, 9 years old)
  • "A piece of broccoli in a glass with milk is not hidden" (Admir, 9 years old)
  • "To give you a kitten, start asking for a horse" (Lawrene, 9 years old)
  • "Do not stick to my sister when she has a baseball bits in her hands" (John, 10 years old)
  • "If I got a bad assessment in school, show my mother's diary when she chats on the phone" (Alyosha, 13 years old)
  • "Do not try to baptize the cat with water" (Eileen, 8 years old)
  • Darker everything in front of the ... Transition to "Summer Time"
  • Not Ruby bitch on which ... leaves
  • No elbow time bite ... they are dirty
  • Do not spit into the well ... if there is a number of urn
  • Not swarm other pit ... all get dirty
  • Two boots ... Shoes
  • What is the question, such ... and you
  • Not mistaken one who ... knew the answer
  • Do you like to ride, love and ... roll
  • Old friend is better than new ... Rollers
  • Live with wolves - ... you will wear
  • What is written in front ... not elapse elastic
  • Lazy mind ... use the calculator
The article used materials from different sources of the Internet, including materials from the site forum

Recently, it is increasingly and more often about consultation with the same question: "Is it possible to see a human natal map, is he indigo?" And here, before answering the question, you need to decide on the term "indigo".

This term was first introduced by a woman-psychic Nancy Ann TEP and denotes a special color of man aura. It is well known that every living person has a biofield, the radiation of which has different frequencies and is fixed by the effect of Kiryan in the form of various color hammies surrounding the human body. Blue and purple shades of biopolis are referred to as the color of indigo, and this color of the aura is the most rare, but recently (since the 90s of the last century) has a tendency to increase the number of children with this color of the aura.

Further observations of the children of Indigo from psychologists found some features of these children, among which most often found such as a high level of intelligence and extraordinary sensitivity up to extrasensory abilities.

Interestingly, among the same psychologists there are a large number of people who consider the phenomenon of indigo to the hoax, actively implemented by the supporters of the New Age. As for me, I am not inclined so radically draw conclusions, since the blue tones of the aura actually exist. On the other hand, we have no sufficient statistics that allows such conclusions to do this kind.

Nevertheless, the question "Is it possible to see in a natal map of a person, is he indigo?" There is, and people are waiting for him a response. I consider this issue justified and therefore I will try to give a response to him, based on the experience and observations that I have.

And in this regard, the first thing to pay attention to the reader is the possibilities of astrology regarding the diagnosis of the human soul, namely the presence of a certain experience manifest in it in the form of certain abilities and skills. And here the answer will be affirmative, since the essential advantages of the planets (properties and importance of the planet in the sign) are for the astrologer the main ingunifiers in a natal map, symbolizing those or other properties of the soul with which it came to the current embodiment, and the presence of one or another Aspects in the planets indicates the nature of the manifestation of these properties of the soul.

So, when we want to determine the child's presence of certain abilities and the degree of their severity, looking at his natal card, then we are interested, first of all, the essential properties of collective planets (Uranus, Neptune and Pluto). Why collective? Because it is these planets that testify to the involvement of a separate human soul to the collective experience of all mankind, or, in other words, collective planets show the level of human soul development and the possibility of manifestation of this experience for the benefit of other people.

Thus, we look, first of all, the power of manifestation of photocoligative planets, which is determined by its finding in a particular sign of the zodiac. When the planet is in the monastery or in exaltation, we are talking about the strongly pronounced properties of the planet, when the planet is in imprisonment or in fall, we are talking about the weakly pronounced properties of the planet. If the planet is not in the abode, climax, fall or imprisonment, then we are talking about the average values \u200b\u200bof the energies of this or that planet.

In this regard, the status of collective planets is as follows:

Uranus in the monastery (Domitsyl) - in the sign of Aquarius, retrograde uranium in the monastery - in Capricorn, in the climax (exaltation) - in Scorpio, retrograde uranium - in the scales in the fall (Fall) - in Taurus, retrograde uranium - in a decisive Exyl) - in Lev, retrograde uranium - in cancer.

Neptune in the monastery - in the fish, Retrograde Neptune - in Sagittarius, in the climax - in the aquare, Retrograde Neptune - in cancer, in the fall - in Lev, Retrograde Neptune - in Capricorn, in imprisonment - in Virgin, Retrograde Neptune - in Gemini.

Pluto in the monastery - in Scorpio, Retrograde Pluto - in the Aries, in the climax - in Lev, Retrograde Pluto - in Capricorn, in the fall - to Aquare, Retrograde Pluto - in Cancer, in Capacity - in Taurus, Retrograde Pluto - in the scales.

The next step to pay attention to is to find out the directions or retrogradity of the planet. And we are more interested in the retrograde status of the planet, rather than the directive. The fact is that the main value of the retrograde collective planet is the indication that the soul, in the natal map of which there is one or another collective retrograde planet, already has certain efforts of the energy on this planet, but the retrogradity of its planet indicates that these developments In the past, they did not provide sufficient benefit to other people and were not applied in that direction, or in the right bed, but not to the extent that could be applied.

Finally, the third key link is to determine the corner standing of collective planets towards other planets and each other. And we are interested in both intense and harmonious aspects, since the energies of the planets in tense aspects often gives great results than working with the energies of planets in harmonious aspects. Moreover, it is also important to watch the aspect of collective planets with respect to other elements of the natal card. For example, the presence of trine of uranium with fortune may indicate that the soul will be accompanied by luck in the field of self-determination and mastering freedom, and most importantly - in the development of those areas of activity that are completely new and unknown for the majority of humanity.

Thus, summing up a general result, the following conclusions can be drawn.

Ininifiers in the Natal Maps of Indigo Children, or Souls with special abilities and skills are the following key radix moments: finding a collective planet (or planets) to the monastery or climax, the retrograde status of a collective planet, the presence of any aspects of a collective planet relative to other planets, friend To a friend, or other elements of a natal card (moon nodes, Lilith, Selena Idr).