Structural plaster application technology. There are two ways to apply the backing to the wall

Structural plaster is durable, is not afraid of moisture and mechanical stress, looks impressive, is made from safe raw materials. It is not surprising that these materials are so widely used for interior and exterior surfaces. Among the many types of plasters on the market, everyone can find the one that optimally suits the performance requirements, aesthetic preferences and financial possibilities.

Structural plastering technology

The texture of the plastered surface depends on the grain size. The effect of a sandy surface creates a grain of 0.3 mm, an imitation of rough stone is obtained by using structural plaster with a grain of 1.5 mm. The well-known "bark beetle" - the effect of a grain of 2 mm, and a grain of 3 mm will give the surface the appearance of the bark of an age-old tree.

First of all, the walls are cleaned of visible dirt, large cracks and potholes are closed. It is not necessary to achieve a perfectly smooth surface - structural plaster perfectly masks minor defects. The cleaned base is carefully primed and after the primer has dried, a layer of plaster is applied with free movements of the spatula. The movements are performed in a cross direction, the ridges protruding from under the spatula form a pattern. Then the plastered surface is left to dry for at least 8 hours. Thick layers of plaster may take up to two days to fully harden. After the coating dries, the combs are sanded, and the dust is removed with a damp sponge or roller.

A little about tinting

The initial color of structural plasters is white. There are several ways to paint the coating. First, do it yourself. Just buy a pigment, add it to the composition and mix thoroughly. At the same time, there is a risk of not guessing with a touch. Secondly, when buying plaster, seek the help of a specialist and make a professional tinting. Thirdly, the technology of applying structural plaster also allows the application of color to the wall after the coating has hardened. To obtain color transitions, the color scheme is rubbed with a rubber sponge, if desired, you can form abrasions with a slightly damp foam sponge. When the tinted surface is dry, it is waxed.

Structural plaster is applied to untreated surfaces: brickwork, foam concrete, drywall, concrete. The technology of applying structural plaster, as opposed to, which requires ideally smooth walls, does not imply an obligatory surface putty, the main thing is that it is hard, visually even and dry. Work starts from the ceiling or top of the walls. Before covering the surface with plaster, it should be primed. The first layer of plaster is applied after the soil has dried by spraying and leveling it, straightening the cornices and corners. After the first layer has set, a second, covering layer is applied, leveled and rubbed. Then the surfaces of slopes, niches and recesses are finished in the same way. On the lower part of the walls, the coating is applied last.

In the video below, a quick guide to applying the composition.


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Instead of pleasant coolness, does the floor feel like a grave cold? This means only one thing - it's time to warm up! If you live in a private house, then the solution to this issue is more than relevant, because a significant part of the heat is escaped precisely through the floors of the first floor. As part of this review, we will give recommendations regarding the selection and installation of thermal insulation.

Our new article on structural plaster: what it is and how to apply structural plaster with your own hands. Photo and video. Review and characteristics of popular brands of plaster.

Structural plastering of surfaces has many undeniable advantages over other finishing materials and methods of their application. Such plaster is applied to almost all types of surfaces (brick, concrete, wood, drywall, etc.). Earlier we wrote about applying decorative plaster yourself.

The coated surface is resistant to various types of mechanical damage (impacts, cracks, scratches, etc.). In addition, these types of plasters can withstand significant temperature drops from -50 ° C to + 75 ° C, which significantly expands the scope of their application.

Structural plasters are characterized by high rate plasticity, therefore, on the surface of walls and ceilings, it is easy to reproduce any texture, even the most complex one. When conducting cosmetic repair surfaces are freely repainted in a different color and shade.

It is quite easy to care for such walls, since they are waterproof, then wet cleaning using special means household chemicals quite enough. From describing the advantages and benefits of structural plaster, you can go to the stages of its application on the surface.

How to apply structural plaster

At the beginning of the process, all contaminants are removed from the surfaces, then significant irregularities, potholes, cracks are eliminated. It is not worth persisting to make its plane perfectly flat, since structural plaster masks small defects and flaws.

Therefore, it is easy to do the work on the preparation of walls for applying textured plaster yourself.

After the surface to be treated is visually even, it is carefully primed; to increase the adhesion of the cladding and base, a soil composition is applied deep penetration... A special mineral primer must be used for wood.

For greater reliability, when the primer is completely dry, you can apply an additional coat of primer paint. In addition, the applied paint will further strengthen the joints of the joints of sheet substrates, for example, drywall, chipboard, OSB and others.

When the preparation of surfaces for finishing is completely completed, it is prepared plaster mix... To do this, you should familiarize yourself with the information provided by the manufacturer on the packaging (bag, container).

The indicated proportions of the dry mixture and water are thoroughly mixed with a construction mixer, you can also use a drill with a special attachment. After which the mixture is left for a while (10 minutes) for full maturation and then shuffles again.

If such a cladding is not foreseen on the ceiling, then the application of the structural coating must be started from the top of the wall. When applied to outer corners, the plaster is first applied on both sides of the corner and then finished with an angled trowel.

The first layer of plaster mix is ​​applied by spraying. It is leveled, corners and cornices are formed. When the first layer has set, you can apply and level the next layer.

When the next layer of coating is lightly set, using rollers with various reliefs, the plaster is given any texture. Also, its surface can not only be rolled, but also smoothed with a notched trowel, circular and geometric patterns can be applied using brushes and sponges.

In addition, the desired surface texture can be obtained by purchasing plaster with certain fractions of filler. So, in the popular plaster "bark beetle", the application technology implies the presence of a grain of 2 mm, and for the effect of a tree bark, a material with a filler of 3 mm is required. Thus, the room can be decorated in a special, individual and unique style.

When a drawing is applied to the plastered surfaces, it is necessary to allow time for drying (6-8) hours, and for the final hardening it will take 2 days. After that, the combs are sanded, and the dust is removed with a slightly damp sponge.

Concerning colors, then it must be taken into account that textured plasters are most often sold white... To give the coating the desired color, the desired colorant can be purchased and added to the mix. It is desirable that the mixture and dye are from the same manufacturer.

In order to avoid disappointment with the chosen color, it is recommended to try the veneer paint on separate sheet or a small area.

Surfaces can also be painted after the plaster layer has hardened. To create color transitions, the dye is often rubbed over the surface with a rubber sponge. When plastered and painted surfaces are completely dry, they should be waxed.

Overview and characteristics of popular structural plasters

ALPINA EXPERT structural plaster R20, "bark beetle" effect

Structural plaster of the Alpina EXPERT brand is ready-made solution for application, differs quite simple application... The result is a matt, water-repellent structural finish for the exterior (walls).

Alpina EXPERT is water-thinnable and the resulting material is very simple and economical to use. Structural plaster of this brand is ideal for use on concrete surfaces, on putty surfaces as well as on mineral plaster. In addition, Alpina EXPERT is suitable for application to facade thermal insulation systems.

RD10 has been specially designed for use on porous surfaces, aerated concrete walls, etc. The advantage of this brand of structural plaster lies in the possibility of its use as a primer, in the preparation of a surface for the application of synthetic plaster, and, in addition, for priming mineral substrates.

Before applying the plaster, the surface must be cleaned, leveled and dried and then primed.

How to apply structural plaster with your own hands VIDEO

Wall decoration has long ceased to be carried out with the help of wallpaper. Structural plaster is a modern and very practical design trend. Ease of application and a variety of textures allow you to create an exclusive and chic interior in any room. In addition, it is available for facades and other external surfaces.

Structural plaster is symbol finishing material that imitates various textures and creates a unique pattern. It is also called embossed, textured, textured, decorative. By its composition, it is a thick white mass interspersed with various materials- quartz, pebbles, shells, granules, wood fibers.

The foundation decorative plaster made from a lime-cement mixture, potassium silicate or synthetic latex are less commonly used. Depending on this, it is diluted with plain water or a special solvent. Available in buckets or cans of different sizes.

Textured plaster is initially a white substance that can be painted in any color and shade with a special dye. The pattern is obtained thanks to the grains, which can vary in size. So, small inclusions give a fine-grained plaster. At first glance, it is smooth, and only on closer examination can you see tiny corrugations. The coarse texture of the plaster consists of large granules. This is how a three-dimensional effect is achieved, images are created, materials are imitated.

Regardless of the structure, such a plaster is very plastic, amenable to any tools in the work. The material of the surface also does not matter, whether it is brick, metal, cement, concrete, drywall or wood. Decorative mass easy to apply, adheres reliably and stays on any surface for a long time. Therefore, the scope of application of structural plaster is wide. It is primarily used for interior decoration private houses, apartments, office space... And also it can decorate the facade of a building or a fence on the site.

The choice of types of plaster is very huge. This is an ordinary white fine-grained mass, and colored, as well as imitating stone, marble, wood, fabric, which makes it possible to create a unique bas-relief on the wall. Decorative plaster will organically fit into any interior and design style, will provide an opportunity for limitless experimentation.

Thanks to structural plaster, you can create a unique interior and exterior without resorting to great time and financial costs. In addition, it is strong, durable, wear-resistant and environmentally friendly.

Methods and rules for applying structural plaster

Structural plaster for internal works used in the decoration of the kitchen, corridor, loggia, bathroom. Even a non-professional can apply it to the walls. The work is carried out in several main stages.

  1. First of all, you should prepare the surface of the walls. The old coating is removed, the paint is peeled off. Old plaster it is also advisable to beat off to a brick or concrete slab... The wall must be clean and dry. Perfect evenness should not be achieved, because textured plaster will hide all the irregularities.
  2. The second step is to prime the wall for better bonding with the future coating. You can do this twice and leave to dry completely.
  3. The most important and time-consuming stage is the application of the plaster directly. Minimum thickness plaster should be 1.2-1.5 cm. This thickness of the plaster layer implies an almost perfectly flat surface of the walls. Usually a fine-grained mass is used. To hide strong irregularities and drops on the wall, you can apply a layer of up to 5 cm.It is important to remember that the maximum thickness of the plaster should not exceed the 7 cm mark.

Application methods and tools differ depending on the thickness of the plaster on the brick, the level of grain, the desired pattern. Usually a spatula or roller is used. Spray is also used to achieve a casual effect.

  1. We leave the walls to dry. The thickness of the wall plaster directly affects the duration of this final stage.

If there is no desire to understand the nuances of working with decorative plaster, then you don't have to bother. You just need to call a qualified plasterer who has experience in similar work and knows all the features of handling structural plaster.

Benefits of structural plaster

It is no coincidence that decorative structural plaster is popular among designers and ordinary people. Weight undeniable merits allows you to use it for any finishing works... What is so attractive about her:

  • the material is not afraid of temperature influence, precipitation and humidity, therefore it is used for facing facades and fences;
  • applied to any surface, be it concrete, brick, wood, drywall, metal, cement;
  • visually hides any irregularities in the walls and height differences;
  • plaster - a seamless mass for decorating walls, as opposed to wallpaper;
  • very resistant to mechanical damage and shock;
  • it washes well from dirt and grease using conventional cleaning agents;
  • available the widest choice various structures, textures, colors;
  • the ability to create a unique, exclusive drawing on the wall, visually recreate any material;
  • adequate ratio of quality and price.

Structural plasters are made on the basis of cement, lime, potassium silicate or latex. They are viscous mixtures in which various fillers are present: crumbs different types natural stone or wood fibers. As a solvent for such substances is used plain water or a solvent. Structural plaster for interior use should be water-based, as it is completely safe for health and does not take time to weather.

Structural plasters are divided into types depending on the size of the filler grains:

  • Fine-grained mixture - grains up to 1.5 mm.
  • Medium-grained - the size ranges from 1.5 to 2 mm.
  • Coarse - from 2 to 3 mm.

Also, these mixtures differ in the type of filler and binder. As for the colors, they are all made in white, therefore, colors are used for tinting.

Structural plasters are divided into types according to grain size

Advantages and disadvantages

If speak about positive aspects given finishing material, then the following are highlighted:

  1. Versatility. The mixture can be applied to internal or external surfaces made of bricks, different types and brands of concrete, wood, drywall and so on.
  2. Strength. The coating resists well to various mechanical influences.
  3. Ease of maintenance. After drying and curing, the surface can be washed warm water and non-aggressive cleaning agents.
  4. Temperature Range. Structural plasters can withstand temperatures from -50 to +75 ⁰С.
  5. Plastic. Thanks to this feature, it is easy to work with the material, and it is also possible to create relief patterns on the surface.
  6. Porous structure. The presence of pores in dried surfaces provides ventilation of the walls and ceiling, which significantly increases their service life.
  7. No need for thorough preparation. Such mixtures perfectly mask cracks, potholes, bulges and other small defects.

The main disadvantage is the need to add color. In addition, some structural plasters are susceptible to vibration and ultraviolet rays.

Application area

Mixes with coarse fillers are most often used for finishing plinths and facades of buildings or individual parts of surfaces indoors as design solutions... For basic work indoors, solutions with a fine fraction filler are used.

Silicate materials are well suited for concrete or shell walls, latex materials can be applied to any surface, provided that they have not been previously treated with a dispersion or water-based primer. Mineral mixtures suitable for walls finished with sandy plasters. Silicone compounds are versatile and can be applied to all types of surfaces inside and outside the home.

Structural material is used for indoor and outdoor use

Which plaster to choose

The main performance indicators of this material depend on the type of binder on the basis of which it was made. Therefore, when choosing structural plaster, it is important first of all to pay attention to this point.


They are mixtures of Portland cement and lime. Supplied dry in paper bags, and diluted with plain water. This material does not emit toxic substances, and also has good ventilation. A few more benefits:

  • The plaster does not burn and does not support combustion.
  • It is relatively inexpensive.
  • Pathogenic fungi and mold do not live on such a coating.

The main disadvantage is the complexity of the work. The material must be thoroughly mixed, so you will have to purchase an electric drill with a mixer attachment. Coverage requires finishing and poorly resists mechanical damage. The service life is only 10 years.


As the name implies, the main component in such mixtures is acrylic resin. Supplied ready-made in plastic containers of various sizes.


  • resistance to mechanical stress;
  • no need for preliminary priming;
  • elasticity;
  • health safety.

Acrylic decorative plaster

Disadvantages: Poor resistance to UV rays and a tendency to accumulate static electricity, which causes a lot of dust to settle on the surface.

Average service life is approximately 15 years.


Such plasters are made on the basis of polymer compounds. The most commonly used aqueous emulsion of potassium and sodium silicates. Supplied ready-made in plastic containers of various sizes.

The positive aspects are:

  • large margin of safety;
  • good ventilation;
  • resistance to water and ultraviolet rays;
  • long service life - up to 25 years.

The disadvantage is the high cost. In addition, such mixtures have their own specific and not very pleasant smell.

Important! You need to work with silicone plaster quickly, as it dries quickly. If you apply it on separate fragments walls, then after drying, their borders will be clearly visible.

Step-by-step instructions for applying structural plaster

To carry out this operation, you will need the following tools:

  • container for preparing the mixture;
  • scraper, trowel, scraper;
  • wide and narrow spatulas made of rubber and stainless steel;
  • brushes, rollers, brushes, combs;
  • stepladder and woods;
  • electric drill and mixer attachment;
  • surface cleaning tools.

Material handling tools

From the materials you will need the mixture itself, water for dilution, a putty for sealing cracks, masking tape, plastic wrap and a primer.

Decorative structural plaster is applied in several stages:

  1. Surface preparation. The old coating and all fasteners are removed from the walls. Then check the evenness of the surfaces with a level. If necessary, the walls are leveled and all defects are sealed with putty. Then the surfaces of the floor and furniture are covered with plastic wrap, and the ceiling area near the walls is sealed with masking tape. At the end, treat the surface with a primer and let it dry.
  2. ... The solution is taken on a spatula and applied to the wall, after which it is stretched over the surface with a trowel. A narrow spatula is used to form the corners. Usually, the mixtures dry out in a day, and it will take about 7 days to gain strength.
  3. Final stage. At the end, you need to treat the wall with wax for internal surfaces, or varnish for facades and plinths.

Stages of wall preparation and application of decorative composition

Basic application techniques

There are several techniques with which you can create various relief patterns:

  • Spray. This method requires a broom and a stick. The broom is moistened in a solution, after which it is brought closer to the wall. They hit the broom with a stick, as a result of which the solution falls into small drops on the surface to be treated (see photo). The procedure is repeated 2 times with an interval of 8-10 hours.

Structural plastering technique - spraying
  • First of all, according to the usual method, the starter is applied and left to dry for a day. After that, a second layer is applied and stretched with a spatula. Until he had time to grab, arbitrary lines are drawn with a trowel, forming a future pattern.

Using a trowel to create a relief pattern
  • Using a brush. It is necessary to repeat all the procedures listed in the previous method, only the pattern is applied not with a trowel, but with a brush with stiff bristles. After drying, the surface is treated with a soft brush.

Create an embossed pattern with a stiff brush
  • Stamping with a roller. For this, you can use conventional paint rollers, textured rollers, rubber rollers and foam rollers. The tool is applied to fresh plaster and left to dry. To simulate grass stalks, you need to wrap a regular roller with a thread and pass it over the surface.

Structural roller for drawing on plaster

Preparation of structural plaster

DIY structural plaster is prepared from the following ingredients:

  • 6 kg of dry putty;
  • 200 g of glue;
  • filler in the form of stone chips or flour, wood fiber (they are optional to add, you can be content with those in the dry putty).
  • 2 liters of water.

The first step is to mix the putty with water, then add glue to the mixture and mix thoroughly. At the end, fillers are added, depending on their fraction, it is obtained different drawings for example, grains of 0.3 mm are needed to simulate sandstone, and 3 mm to create a bark effect.

What the market offers

At the moment, the most popular plasters on the market are the following:

  1. "Stone". The material is produced in Russia. It can be used to create a surface that resembles natural stone, limestone, and so on. Can be applied to concrete, drywall, wood and starter plaster. The coating dries up in a day, and a full set of strength occurs in 10-14 days, depending on the humidity of the air.

  2. "Bark beetle" ("Ceresit" CT 64). Marble chips are used as filler. After drying, grooves are formed on the surface, imitating the results of the activity of the bark beetle. The material can be used on external and internal surfaces. It takes 24 hours to dry, and 5-7 days to cure.

    "Bark beetle" ("Ceresit" CT 64)

  3. "Wet silk" (WGT). This plaster, after drying, imitates the texture of the fabric. It is used only on interior surfaces made of concrete or plasterboard. Requires the addition of color. Good resistance to water.

    "Wet silk" (WGT)

  4. "Travertine" ("Derufa".). After dry this material becomes like limestone. It is made on the basis of acrylic resin. The main advantage is a large margin of safety. Dries up in 9 hours, gains strength in 3 days.

    "Travertine" ("Derufa")

  5. Encausto Fiorentino. This is a representative of the so-called Venetian plasters. After drying, it imitates the color and texture of marble. Can be used on all types of interior and exterior surfaces. It dries quite quickly - in about 2-3 hours, and after a day you can touch it.

    "Encausto Fiorentino"

  6. "Decor" ("AliMix"). Manufactured on cement base, supplied as dry powder in paper bags. Can be used for indoor and exterior decoration... Grips in 2-3 hours, dries up in a day.

    "Decor" ("AliMix")

  7. "Alpina Strukturpulz K15 Lamb" ("Alpina"). Scope - external and inner surfaces from concrete and brick. Can be applied over old paint.

    "Alpina Strukturpulz K15 Lamb" ("Alpina")

Plastering with structural solutions is a simple procedure that can be carried out independently, saving on the services of specialists. The main thing is to follow the instructions and advice of the manufacturers above.

There are many ways to decorate a house, but decorative plasters are becoming more and more popular lately. They are very diverse, they allow you to create walls and ceilings that are unique in appearance. Different types give different effects, plus the application of decorative plaster can also be different. The result is a huge number of variations for any interior in any style.

Types of decorative plaster

Decorative plaster - a marvelous interior decoration

Decorative plaster is used for finishing walls and ceilings indoors, building facades. The basis can be various substances of both natural (gypsum, cement, marble dust) and artificial (acrylic, silicone, silicate) origin. It is called so because it forms an attractive surface with a different texture - from smooth as marble Venetian plaster to embossed stone or "under a fur coat". The number of options is endless - the application of decorative plaster is a creative process and it is unlikely to be repeated exactly. This is another plus of this type of finish.

By the type of surface formed, the following types of decorative plaster are distinguished:

  • Embossed. After applying such compositions, some inhomogeneities and irregularities are often formed on the surface, that is, a relief is created. Their plus is the low requirements for the preparation of the base. It must be strong, must not crumble. There should also be no significant differences, but perfect smoothness is not required.
  • Smooth. In this category, there is only one subspecies - Venetian plaster, but they allow them to create surfaces with a different appearance. It is a plastic mass, often translucent. It contains dust of marble, malachite and others natural materials... It can be used to imitate marble, cork, leather, silk, precious woods, various metals, finishing with malachite, granite.

It must be said right away that textured and plastic plasters are often difficult to separate, since different techniques can be used on the same composition. The photo below shows options for only one type of plaster - different techniques for applying decorative plaster allow you to get surfaces that are very different in appearance.

Some decorative plasters are so flexible that they can be used to create a piece of art. The result is very beautiful and original panels.

A few touches ...

By changing the application of decorative plaster, all these various reliefs are obtained - from simple to complex.

It is worth considering their division according to the area of ​​application. There are two large groups - for outdoor and indoor use. There are also universal formulations, but rarely. Almost all the compositions mentioned above are for interior work. These are more interior solutions. Some are abrasion resistant, some can be washed detergents and even brushes, but they will not withstand the harsh outdoor conditions.

Some types of textured plaster are suitable for external use - bark beetle, for example. This type of finishing material is just one of the universal. It can also be seen on the facade, indoors. In apartments, these are usually corridors and, in offices and institutions, corridors or service areas can be decorated in this way.

An example of finishing a house with decorative plaster from the outside: on the plinth stone plaster, above - on the walls - bark beetle

Putties for outdoor use generally have a coarser structure, contain components that increase resistance to UV and other climatic influences. In this category there are specific plasters - stone. They are composed of small fractions natural stones in a binder solution. The application of this type of decorative plaster is simply a trowel or a stainless float. Other elements are rarely used. On facades and fences, creating reliefs is not best idea- dust will clog and spoil appearance and it is not easy to wash it out.

Surface preparation

Different types of decorative plaster require different degrees of surface preparation. But we can definitely say that it is necessary to remove everything that can fall off. The surface must be solid, dry and clean, and must not peel off. Also a mandatory step is a primer. And not with any composition, but with a special one, which creates a rough coating. It improves adhesion (adhesion).

For embossed (structural and textured)

For all embossed walls or ceilings, you can especially not level them. The composition is applied in a fairly decent layer - up to 1 cm, so it hides drops of up to 8-9 mm. But, in order to reduce the consumption of an expensive composition, it is still recommended to remove large irregularities. The protrusions are constrained, the pits are covered with suitable plaster. Next, an obligatory stage is coating with a primer. After drying, you can start applying the decorative plaster.

Structural plaster is usually applied in two layers. The first - basic - fits evenly and dries. The thickness of the layer is specified by the manufacturer, it is usually set with some kind of tolerance. This layer also serves as a leveling layer, but again, in order to reduce costs, it is better to level the surface first. The second layer is already applied a little thinner, and a relief begins to form on it.

But not all structural plasters are two-layer. On many, you can form a relief immediately after application, without a base coat. Usually the recommended layer is somewhat thicker in this case.

Venetian plaster

Compositions of this group require a perfectly flat surface. Not as smooth as paintable, but almost as smooth. Small differences are allowed - no more than 2-3 mm per square meter... standard - first, a layer of plaster (ordinary) is applied to the walls, a painting net is sunk into it. After drying, a leveling layer is applied - until a perfectly even state. Next - the primer, and after this layer has dried - the application of Venetian plaster.

Application techniques

It is impossible to tell about each method of applying decorative plaster - there are a lot of different details and nuances. The simplest case is with textured plasters... They are simply applied with a spatula. The whole difference is in the direction of movement of the spatula, in the depth of the barbs that leave blotches, and in color. But this is in the basic version. Nobody bothers to experiment with these compositions. Another thing is that the structural effect of the same actions is more impressive - more plastic compositions.

What can be used to create a decorative effect

The application of decorative plaster is possible with many tools and common household materials and devices made from them:

  • Metal trowels and floats. They are used not only to apply the composition in an even layer, but also to form geometrically chaotic patterns on it.

  • Construction floats made of plastic, polystyrene. They smooth out the freshly formed overly protruding relief.
  • Fine grit sandpaper. Also for leveling the relief, but on already dried material. Compared to the previous method, the effects are different.
  • Foam sponges. They are multifunctional. They can:
  • Cellophane films and bags. Also a multifunctional tool:
    • Spreading thin soft plaster on freshly applied decorative plaster plastic wrap, you can form a relief with your hands. It can be some kind of abstraction or something with some motive. When the relief is ready, the film is carefully removed, the relief is left to dry.
    • Crumpled paper is wrapped in plastic. A simple but effective tool for the formation of a non-uniform and chaotic pattern is obtained. Different application techniques can be used - circular motions, short "pokes", waves, strokes, comets, tails, etc.
    • Just crumpling cellophane, but already more rigid and "poking" it into the plaster, we get a surface that is somewhat reminiscent of the moon.
  • Rollers. Usual foam or fur rollers are used, as well as special ones with some kind of pattern. Regular are used to create a base relief, over which more pronounced strokes are then applied. The type and shape of the "basic" relief depends on the length of the pile. When rolling foam roller small protrusions-depressions are obtained. When rolling, shaggy - more pronounced. The longer the pile, the greater the differences.

    Different rollers, different surfaces

  • Hands in rubber gloves. any pattern can be made. The task is to repeat more or less similar on the rest of the plane.

  • Brushes. You can get stripes, waves and a bunch of other appearance options.

Principles of relief formation

Decorative plaster is attractive because it allows you to create a unique pattern - you can use your own imagination. In order for this drawing to look harmonious, you need to know some general rules... Have good producers in the description of each composition there are rules for working with it. It describes the procedure, methods of application, techniques for forming decorative surfaces.

A simple way - rolling with a roller with a pattern formed on it

Large firms (manufacturers or shopping centers) conduct master classes where everyone can try to work with a specific decorative plaster, which is also provided there, and not experiment "on the spot." Therefore, before buying, be sure to read the entire available material, watch the videos, which are also often available, and in a large number- there are really a lot of working methods. Describing in words is difficult and often incomprehensible. It's much easier to do everything in video format. We will try to briefly summarize the techniques.

    • When working with structured plasters, painted in the mass (color is added to the composition), first apply a thin base layer... It can be smooth, maybe - slightly textured - rolled with one of the rollers. This layer is allowed to dry (6-24 hours depending on the manufacturer). Then, with the same or clarified composition (an unpainted composition is added, obtaining a mass several tones lighter), one of the reliefs is formed. Further options:
        • Immediately after shaping, while the plaster has not dried, lightly smoothen over protruding parts with a stainless or plastic trowel.

      • Wait until the layer is dry. Sandpaper attached to the grip or wooden block, clean off some part of the relief.
    • Working with textured plasters, one layer is applied. Without waiting for drying, they immediately take the grout and form the desired relief. An example is working with bark beetle plaster. This composition is widespread, but basically all surfaces are made the same - with vertical strokes formed by blotches. There are some very interesting techniques in the video.

  • The hardest part is the technique of applying Venetian plaster. The layers are very thin, translucent, there are many of them and are applied in different ways:
      • Apply an even, thin base coat first. It dries up.
      • Thin chaotic strokes are applied, which gradually fill the surface. In this case, a certain, not very pronounced relief is obtained - different thickness strokes are obtained, different directions.
      • The layer is left to dry for 4-5 hours.
      • Take a large stainless spatula or grater and rub (iron) the surface. In this case, the sharp edges are slightly erased, the surface becomes smooth in places, velvety-looking in places. The "marble effect" begins to appear.
      • The next layer is almost the same, but you just need to level the surface as much as possible.
      • The layer is left to dry for 1.5-2 hours.
      • Smooth with a smooth, burr-free spatula with rounded ends (so as not to damage it accidentally). At this stage, the surface acquires a glossy sheen.
      • Finishing stage - decorative wax coating. This layer increases the moisture resistance of the coating, and the glossy shine becomes more pronounced.

Applying decorative plaster: video tutorials

Not all the nuances of finishing work can be clearly described in words. Previously, everything was passed from master to apprentice through an internship. Modern technologies allow you to make the process more widespread - video lessons and master classes give an idea of ​​how to move, which is very difficult to describe in words. This section contains several interesting ideas for decorating walls with embossed plaster.

As you understand, applying decorative plaster is a creative business. But without experience it is difficult to imagine the results of your actions. We look closely, trying to copy the movements. First, it is advisable to practice on a piece of putty drywall - to work out the technique. When the result suits you, you can start decorating the walls.