The main thing is to stay calm! Ways to calm down and be less nervous. How to learn not to be nervous about trifles and always be calm

There are two types of stressful situations. When we actually have something to worry about, and when there is no real reason to worry. If you are running through the forest right now from a wild boar, then any advice, no matter what we gave you, how to calm down and stop being nervous in stressful situations will hardly seem effective to you. It's very difficult to stay calm and cool at such a moment, isn't it? But in general, if you think carefully, the fact that at the moment you are experiencing severe stress is doing you a huge favor, because thanks to the release of adrenaline into your blood, you find the strength to run.

On the other hand, if you are sitting in an interview or you have a regular ordinary exam, and you are waiting for your turn in front of an audience, and nothing threatens your safety at that moment, but you feel that your hands are shaking, palms are sweating, you are pounding, you can't pull yourself together, then such stress can hardly be called natural. Because it is not experienced by all people. When you studied at the university, there were probably people in your group who absolutely did not understand what to worry about here at all, they ran the very first to answer questions and thanks to this they could leave before everyone else. So, such anxiety usually does not bring any benefit to a person. In order to figure out how to get rid of it, let's first talk about where it comes from, and then - what to do with it and how to defeat it.

Why are you so scared?

Physiological reasons.

1. Problems with the spine.

Pinched nerve roots can be a cause of anxiety. There are even studies on this topic showing a very clear relationship, for example, this study of Mood and anxiety disorders in patients with chronic low back and neck pain caused by disc herniation.

2. Endocrine disorders.

Diabetes mellitus, thyroid disease, etc.A drop in blood sugar can also cause feelings of fear and intense anxiety.

3. Nutrition.

For example, caffeine abuse.In the article, we said that people who drink a lot of coffee in the afternoon often complain about high level nervousness.

Psychological reasons.

1. The habit of worrying.

You probably have anxious parents. Children always copy their parents' model of behavior. It's hard to have a strong nervous system and not feel nervous if this is the pattern of behavior that you have been observing since childhood. Your parents, on the other hand, most likely adopted this from their parents, or acquired this habit due to other reasons, which we will describe below.

2. Bad experiences your brain has memorized.

Did you know that in order to remember something for a very long time, or even forever, you need to add emotional coloring to this event or information.
If a situation happened to you in which you experienced very strong discomfort and fear, and you did not have the opportunity to quickly stop this discomfort, for example, you were stuck in an elevator and turned off the light there. The dispatcher call button did not work, it was Friday and you were afraid that you would have to sit there all weekend. Then, of course, the next time you enter a closed room, you will be afraid of repetition.

Or, for example, at the school where you studied, your teacher, for some personal reason, disliked you and constantly ridiculed you in front of the whole class, and since a person is a social animal, the fear of being rejected by other people is quite strong in most people ... And therefore, giving a presentation at work or sitting on an exam, those emotions that you once experienced will remind of yourself again and again, because this situation will seem similar to the brain.

3. You have been trained. The onset of the end of the world.

There is another option associated with upbringing in a family. This is when the parents are not nervous, but too strict and aggressive. Well, for example, for a bad grade, you will always be punished.

Or your parents were inclined to exaggerate any of your mistakes, you tore your jacket - this is the end of the world, did not wash the dishes - a scandal, and now, even if no one punishes you for your mistake, your brain will feel anxiety. He's so used to it.

How to calm down and stop being nervous in stressful situations? What to do?

First you need to understand which of the reasons is yours. Sit down and remember. If you suspect that the cause of your unreasonable fear is physiological, then you should consult a doctor or adjust your diet, if it is the reason. If the reason is psychological, then having understood the reason, it may already become a little easier for you. And then you can use our advice.

1. In order to learn how to stop being nervous and worrying, you will have to be a little nervous and worried. Clinical psychologists will refer to this method as cognitive therapy, and ordinary people They will say that this method is called "look your fear in the eyes" (or in the face - how is it right?). The point is to put yourself in the situation that makes you anxious. But do not forget that we are talking about situations that are safe for you, in which you experience undue discomfort.Well, for example, you are very nervous during interviews, which means that in order to stop being nervous, you need to go through 20-30-40 interviews.

Or you are afraid to ride the elevator - you will have to ride it 10 times a day.
Those. if you had a bad experience or a pattern of behavior adopted from your parents, then you change it by creating new good experiences and new patterns of behavior.
It will be scary at first, but over time, the anxiety will subside and you will feel better.

2. Let the fear be. Do not fight it, but accept it. And ideally, even try to deliberately strengthen it. This method is called the paradoxical intention method. Those. if you are giving a presentation and it seems to you that you are going to faint with excitement, then you need to force yourself to faint. As you can imagine, no one can do this, and unreasonable excitement recedes by itself.

3. Actually try to breathe a little. Do not dismiss this option aside, because "even some kind of garbage." And slowly, over and over again, inhale-exhale, inhale-exhale. It helps a lot of people.

4. Engage in strengthening your nervous system as a whole.
Play sports. Don't overload yourself with negative information. Choose positive films, music. Learn not to get hung up, switch from problems to business - in fact, this is also a skill, a habit that anyone can instill in themselves if they wish.

I would like to leave one more piece of advice for the conclusion of this article. This tip is about another good way to stop worrying and worrying. In order to relieve anxiety, you need to get very angry with yourself and tell yourself that you really will allow silly fears and anxiety to constantly ruin your life. And if you really succeed, then perhaps you can finally achieve the long-awaited calmness and your fears will recede.

It so happens that we are looking for complex recipes to improve the quality of life. We think: "If I go to yoga, I will immediately become calmer." And of course, we don't go to yoga. And we have a sincere excuse - why we feel so bad. There is no good yoga in the area! Sadly...

Nevertheless, there are primitive, first-aid self-help tools that have been used from time immemorial for stress, irritation, frustration, in a situation where someone or something eats away at your brain.

They were used for recommendations by therapists (and not only) of the old school. Of those who took the patient by the hand, this already made it easier. Self-help advice has been taught by physiotherapists, massage therapists and sports instructors. Tips are now more expensive and more difficult to formulate. Self-help is suppressed, this is not a market approach.

Let's go back to the good old days when self-help was welcome.

Method 1 Get distracted by something

This way to relieve emotional stress is useful when you are trapped, cornered, and unable to escape. For example, sit in a planning meeting and listen to your boss, inwardly boil. You can't run away, but ... At the same time, being distracted by the contemplation of something foreign, neutral and being carried away by these outsiders is the best way not to wind yourself up over trifles.

For example: "What, however, is Masha's manicure ... I wonder how she did it?"

This only works if you yourself understand the benefits of such a strategy - do not look at the nasty things, do not listen to the nasty things. If you like to simmer and get into arguments - this is your right.

Method 2 Get out of an annoying situation (it is also an emotiogenic zone)

Did something sadden you on someone else's birthday? On a picnic? You can't stand some group, public, page in social network? Are you dreaming of removing an unpleasant person from your friends list?

So, quickly left the group for good. They banned a provocateur-disputant, a troll, a boor, a fool. Deleted your profile, if anything.

They quickly called a taxi (don't screw up, don't screw up) kissed the hostess and rush home - away from the party, away from the kebabs, away from the annoying, emotional zone.

Method 3 Drink some water

This is already the crown recipe of all genius therapists who do not sell dietary supplements from pharmaceutical corporations.

A glass of water, drunk slowly, stops all attacks known to science. The first thing that is offered to a person who is twisted by something terrible is a glass of water. Drinking water triggers the body's self-rehabilitation mechanism. Most often, people feel bad for two reasons:

  • hysteria (sympatho-adrenal crisis in a different way),
  • dehydration not noticed in time.

Since we do not listen to our body and do not teach OBZH, we drink tea, coffee and soda all day - we all have dehydration, and you have it too. Go have a glass of water right now, and then read on.

Method 4 Get involved in an exciting, interesting business

This method is suitable in a situation where you cannot “let go”. It is necessary to interrupt the stuck on chewing "And they, And me, and oh well, all of them" with something awesome, even if it is stupid and tasteless. Reading a detective. Computer game... Hunting and gathering. Tracking and tracking. An attempt to reveal someone's secret. Even peeping and eavesdropping, damn it.

You must be involved in intrigue, in a detective story, in the rapid development of events, in hunting, in a game, in courage, in flight.

Your ears should rise and your tail twitch.

You yourself know what can captivate and amuse you. Everyone has their own, individual. Just don't play this surveillance. Don't hurt anyone.

Method 5 Physical discharge

Everyone is familiar with this method, but, as usual, everyone does not care. And I remind you once again that rapid physical discharge, which includes:

  • walking,
  • swim,
  • spring-cleaning apartments (you can - someone else's),
  • sex,
  • trash destruction,
  • work in the garden,
  • dance,
  • washing floors and washing by hand

relaxes twisted muscles and relieves stress and frustration fantastically effectively. General washing with your hands even helps to cope with grief - again the advice of an old doctor, which I share with you.

Method 6 Get in contact with water

Washing the dishes is a free hypno-psycho-therapy session. The noise of a clean running running water removes our fatigue and takes away with it all the "dirt", not only everyday.

In addition to washing dishes, there is a well-known classic: take a bath, take a shower, go to a bathhouse, go early in the morning or in the evening to swim in the sea, on the river, on the lake, or on the spring. Refresh yourself, in short.

Method 7 Positive reframing of a stressful event

So much has been written about positive reframing (including me) that I don't want to repeat myself. Just to give an example:

“It’s so good that it so happened that this summer I’m not going anywhere! Finally I look like courses of English language, for fitness and also for self-development courses! When else would I allow myself such a “useless” luxury? And in summer, it is always off season and there are only discounts around. So I'll save some money! "

Method 8 Could be worse, others even harder

Are you not satisfied with the outcome of the event? Imagine what could have been a worse outcome. Imagine how bad some people around you are. If you master this art and stop turning your nose up at this strategy, then you will not need any psychotherapy at all.

Method 9 Laughter kills everything terrible and terribly important

Ridicule, decline, vulgarisation of something inflated and important is an old recipe of human culture, starting from the Neolithic. Thanks to grandfather Bakhtin for his term "carnival-laughter culture". Read, take an interest.

Or watch one of the SpongeBob SquarePants adventures. When he was terrified of speaking at a school seminar, a smart squirrel presented him with super glasses. Putting on these glasses, SpongeBob saw all the students and the teacher ... in their shorts. That was funny! True, out of laughter, he never read his report. And what were the teacher's cowards ... Mmm ...

Method 10 Counting to 10

Just read to ten. Slowly. Controlling your breaths in and out. To myself, not out loud. This is a recommendation from doctors and sports coaches.

Method 11 Cry

Crying relieves stress. With the lacrimal fluid, those toxic substances that are formed under the influence of stress hormones leave the body. If you can't cry about yours, come up with a pitying topic and cry over it on purpose.

Method 12 Verbalization of everything in the soul

Pronunciation or verbalization - putting a vague "something" in clear words. However, a great thing. Better yet, write it all down on paper, write a long letter.

Just don't send it anywhere!

Here are 12 tips for dealing with stress and illness that stress later causes.

These 12 are those that help us and do not require money for it. And the rest - for dear and for charlatans.

Have you often noticed irritability, anger, aggression and apathy behind yourself? Most likely, the reason for this is nervous exhaustion. If you want to put your nerves in order, then in this publication we want to give you recommendations on how to calm them down.
The content of the article:

How to determine if an unequal system is out of order

If you have problems with the nervous system, then this may be indicated by a number of signs.
Feelings of anxiety and anxiety
If you are constantly worried about something, the feeling of anxiety does not leave you, and there is no reason for this, then it is possible that your nervous system is not in order. This can be expressed in the fact that you constantly do not leave the feeling of anxiety: have you closed the door, forgot your phone, startled at loud sounds, etc.
When you are absolutely indifferent to everything, you are not interested in anything and you do not want anything - this is another sign of problems with the nervous system. An example of this is indifference to everything that previously interested you. You don't want anything and nothing pleases you, which used to cheer you up. You answer any questions with excuses and want to protect yourself from any information.
Another factor that may indicate disorders of the nervous system is uncertainty. You are constantly not confident in yourself and do not believe in yourself, if you are faced with any choice, then you do not know what to choose and doubt for a very long time.
Do you feel irritable about everything around you? - A clear sign of nerve problems. You are annoyed by the behavior or actions of other people, and you think that they are constantly doing everything wrong, you are annoyed by different sounds, signs, advertising in one word, absolutely everything.
Have you noticed that you have become very hot-tempered? To any harmless word or joke spoken to you, you show a negative reaction and start to quarrel, or someone accidentally touched you and you start a scandal.
Bad dream
Poor and restless sleep may indicate a nervous system disorder. You toss and turn for a long time and cannot fall asleep, often wake up at night, and you have nightmares.

If you constantly feel angry, then this is a direct sign of problems with the nervous system. The manifestation of anger can be expressed in any situation, for example, when something does not work out for you, when someone starts to contradict you, etc.

How to calm your nerves quickly

How to calm your nerves at home
There are many ways to calm your nerves. If you don't know how to calm your nerves, then the best way to do it is to be alone in a quiet and calm environment, so that no one bothers you. To do this, it is best to disconnect the phone and other means from the outside world.
Create a welcoming atmosphere in your apartment. Music will help you with this, soothing the nerves and a pleasant aroma in the room. As for music, tune the radio to a wave that broadcasts calm, relaxing music, or download songs of this genre to your computer. As for the scent, aroma candles or an aroma lamp will help to create it. Try to lie down, relax, and don't think about anything.
Try to do what brings you joy. Someone likes to play on musical instrument, someone loves to sing, someone to knit, and someone to tinker with something. In a word, do your favorite thing, which always calms you down and brings you joy. If nothing comes to your mind, then just go outside and walk, as Fresh air has a beneficial effect on the body, and during a walk you can be alone with your thoughts.
Healthy and full sleep helps not only to relax physically, but also mentally. Scientists have proven that the human brain is able to "digest" problems during sleep. Waking up, perhaps you will look at all the problems from the other side and be able to calmly solve them.
How to calm your nerves before bed
Take a hot bath with lots of aromatic foam. A hot bath is very relaxing not only physically, but also mentally. Take a glass of wine and fruit with you, put on some relaxing music and dive into the bathroom. Nervous tension will go away almost immediately, and calm music will relax and help you not to think about anything.
How to calm your nerves at work
Sit in comfortable armchair, sit back, place your hands on the armrests and close your eyes. Relax all your muscles and don't think about anything. Take a deep breath in through your nose and exhale through your mouth, all this should be calm and smooth. Do this 10 times and then just sit in this position for 10 minutes.

Calming Nerves

Medications can help calm your nerves quickly. If you are unsure of what to drink to calm your nerves, talk to your pharmacist. They generally recommend good sedatives that are suitable for absolutely everyone and have a general calming effect.
Nerve Calming Pills
Most effective medicines pills that help calm the nerves are: Persen, Novo-Passit and Valerian. As for the drops, here you can name: Valocordin, Corvalol and Novo-Passit. The products are absolutely harmless, and not addictive, and most importantly, they are made from natural ingredients.
Herbs that calm the nerves

Instead of drugs you can give preference folk remedies, namely herbs.
Most effective remedy to quickly calm the nerves is an infusion of mint. To prepare the infusion, you will need a tablespoon of dry mint leaves, which you need to fill with a glass of boiling water, after which we leave the drug to infuse for 40 minutes. Take 2 times a day, morning and evening.
In addition to the infusion of mint, it helps to calm the nerves - a soothing herbal preparation, which is sold in every pharmacy. The soothing collection is taken 3 times a day. This herbal collection includes the following set of herbs: valerian, peppermint, motherwort, oregano, St. John's wort and hawthorn. Some herbs may be replaced depending on the manufacturer.
What foods calm the nerves
The most the best products that will help calm down are fruits. Fruits contain vitamin C, which helps reduce stress hormone levels. Oranges and papaya are two types of fruits that contain large quantity vitamin C.
Low-fat yogurt and milk can also help calm the nerves. These foods contain amino acids that help calm the nerves.
In addition to fruits, foods containing magnesium are also useful for calming the nervous system: green vegetables, sweet potatoes, beans, etc.
Of course, here it is necessary to mention the wonderful soothing properties of tea.
Grain bread, oatmeal, pasta and cereal can help you feel calm and relieve tension and stress.


Enjoy life in modern world- a whole science that is not taught in school. Such a course is not included in a compulsory university program, such as a philosophy course. And in order to learn inner peace, many take time, and some begin to learn it only when stress becomes chronic.

How not to fall victim to time trouble and critical situations, says

How to become calm

Sometimes it happens that we simply do not accept our concern if it lasts for a long time, and in this state we resolve all issues. On the way, we break a bunch of firewood, which we ourselves then “stumble upon”.

The easiest way to calm your nerves is, of course, to tidy up the area of ​​life that followed stressful condition... But this, as you know, is not done quickly.

The first thing you should do is accept your nervous state and assure yourself that you will definitely deal with all your difficulties, but gradually and after you calm down, pull yourself together.

Decide for yourself that the nervous breakdown or stress you are currently experiencing is a complex cold, and you need a “sick leave”. Only after being “cured” will you have the strength to change something. In short, allow yourself a break from everything and free up time to calm down. V otherwise, everything else will be simply useless, because mentally you will always be with your stress, so no other ways will be able to relieve you of it

15 ways to stop being nervous

If you urgently need to calm down, one of the methods we offer will help you. You can use them both together under severe stress, or separately.

  • 1. Do breathing practices

Breathing affects our mood and health like nothing else. And if we were more observant, we would be able to notice that in different emotional states we breathe completely differently. In order to calm down, it is enough to take control of your breathing and perform simple techniques. Having done it once, you can get rid of short-term stress, while doing it regularly, you can great "patch up" your nervous system.

Deep Breathing: Straighten your back, straighten your shoulders, inhale deeply and exhale slowly fully, stretching the exhale out and making it longer than the inhalation. After exhaling, take a short pause.
Breathing technique from yoga "kapalabhati". She focuses on the exit, which helps to calm the nervous system (while inhalation, on the contrary, helps to increase the tone). How to practice correctly given view breathing, see the video:

Be careful with breathing exercises (do not do it for a long time or stop if you feel unpleasant sensations), do not get carried away with them if you have not previously practiced anything like this.

  • 2. Formulate a mental attitude
Without the right mindset, everything else is just short-term methods that will end in a well-defined time frame. But if you supplement them with a philosophical outlook on life, then you will definitely succeed in calming your nerves. Such attitudes, passed through myself and experienced as “everything is for the better”, “I can’t control everything and therefore let go”, “everything will be resolved over time”, “I still cannot influence it, so I will be calm”, “ I can always ask for help. "

In a word, you need to find some peace of mind, and even such simple installations that you need to believe in will help you a lot. If you adhere to a certain belief system, for example, a certain religion or belief system, then it will be even easier for you: you will definitely find there the answer to what is happening and what to do. Usually, just knowing what is happening and the reasons for it is enough to calm you down.

  • 3. Take a shower or bath

Contact with water is one of the most simple ways soothe your nerves and wash away the energy load of stress. Taking a warm shower, especially before bed, can help you cleanse yourself. It is better not to indulge in contrasting showers or douches so far, since they, on the contrary, act excitingly on the nervous system.

Read more

And if you have the opportunity to sit in the bath with your favorite aromas and favorite music, without thinking about anything, then be sure to do it. It is advisable to wear soft, natural fabrics or go to bed after taking a warm shower.

  • 4. Organize your comfort
Comfortable conditions - a comfortable place to sleep, fresh linens, a clean room will calm the nervous system and help you relax and, at the very least, make it easier to fall asleep and recuperate.
  • 5. Take “time for yourself”
Put off all the questions that concern you at least for a while, do not try to control everything. Take time just for yourself. This does not mean that you should go to salons and please yourself in every possible way (although, of course, you can). In a period of nervous tension, making time for yourself means simply allowing yourself to forget that you need to do something else: improve your personal life, solve problems at work and / or with your parents / family, look for a job, pay rent, etc.

With strong and constant stress on the nervous system, it is not a bad idea to go to a sanatorium or a resort - where you can do nothing and take care of nothing.

  • 6. Massage the head and face
Focused on the head a large number of nerve endings and many people unconsciously, nervous, run through their hair and do a light massage. Do it deliberately: “walk” your fingers like a comb along the scalp from the forehead to the back of the head. Massage your cheeks, forehead, rub your temples in a circular motion away from you.
  • 7. Eat something sweet
During times of stress, you can eat sweets “legally” - isn't that soothing? It is said that sugary foods are essential for the production of certain hormones in the body that help fight stress. Remember that sweet food is not only cakes, rolls and candies, but also dried fruits, candied fruits, dark chocolate.

In a word, do not get carried away and do not seize stress, otherwise, due to excessive enthusiasm for sweets, you may soon have a new reason to worry.

  • 8. Move
Any physical activity (especially targeted) will help blood circulate better, which will additionally supply your organs with the necessary substances. It also releases the clamps and allows energy to move better through your body.

You can walk, dance, do yoga, exercise, or stretch. But do not strain too much, your task is exclusively to shake yourself a little. Listen to yourself, if now you want to lie down more calmly, then it is better to postpone everything motor activities until you have strength on them.

  • 9. Rearrange
They say that if you rearrange 27 objects in the environment that surrounds you, this will help the energy around to circulate more freely, which will have a beneficial effect on your emotional state. In general, any activity related to organizing - sorting through clothes, books, cleaning the room will help you calm down. In addition, putting things in order in the outer space will psychologically tune you into the inner order.
  • 10. Draw, paint
Painting has long been known for its healing and sedative effects. But if for some reason you cannot draw even the simplest things, buy a children's coloring book and colored pencils and just color the pictures.
  • 11. Use aromatherapy

Essential oils of lavender, lemon balm, geranium, mandarin orange, basil, chamomile, patchouli, ylang-ylang, bergamot will help you stabilize your emotional condition... You can either simply inhale them using an aroma lamp, or take a bath with them, or do massages and rubbing. Read the dosage of the oil before use, as an excessive amount can have exactly the opposite effect.

  • 12. Sleep and eat right
Generally a dream and proper nutrition- the guarantee of the absence of stress for any person, but during nervous tension they are especially needed. Provide yourself with sleep as long as your body is resting. Eat healthy foods that, if not soothing, will at least not cause additional excitement.

A person who is accustomed to constantly keeping everything under control, even a small one nervous stress after a certain time (when the stability limit is over) can severely knock down.

  • 14. Take a sedative
  • Modern science offers many types of sedatives - pills, drops, infusions, teas, and herbs. Note that there are preparations created exclusively on herbs, and there are actually herbs themselves, and all this in the form of a course will be useful and healthy person for complete stabilization nervous state... Soothing herbs include valerian, St. John's wort, peppermint, lavender, and chamomile.

    However, try not to abuse this type of calming the nerves, because the phrase “calm like an elephant” was not invented at all without reason, and over time, a sedative can dull not only unwanted nervous reactions for you, but also necessary ones, which is unlikely to make your life easier and better.

    • 15. See a specialist
    If none of the recommendations helped you, it makes sense to contact a psychologist or psychotherapist. The doctor will talk to you, conduct tests, work with you stressful situations and their causes, and also show you how to effectively cope with nervous disorders.

    I will tell you how to learn how to remain calm and composure in any situations without using motherwort and any other pests. Applying the above techniques in practice, you will reduce the level of nervousness at times. It will be very interesting, but read a short introduction first.

    Over the past millennia, modern man has forgotten how to run for potential prey all day long and spend all his received calories, but he has acquired the ability to be very nervous about any trifle. Unrest, and, as scientists have already proved, entail SERIOUS CONSEQUENCES, of which most are fatal. And no matter how a person understands this, he still continues to be nervous even because of a broken nail.

    Why is a person nervous?

    We all experience strong internal discomfort when we are nervous, and usually the nerves are stretched when some important and responsible event or event is coming. For example, a karate competition, performing in front of an audience (dancing, singing, theater, presentation), interviewing, negotiating, and so on. All this makes us terribly nervous. But here it is important to take into account the physiological and psychological aspects of the personality. Physiological aspects are associated with the properties of our nervous system, and psychological ones are associated with the characteristics of our personality: a tendency to overestimate any events (swelling from a fly to an elephant), uncertainty, excitement for the final result, which leads to severe anxiety.

    As a rule, a person begins to get nervous in those situations that are considered dangerous for him or that threaten his life, or when he attaches excessive importance to a particular event. The first option disappears, since the threat in our life does not often loom before us. But the second option is just the reason for everyday nervousness. A person is always afraid of something: to hear a refusal, to look like an idiot in front of the public, to do something wrong - this is what makes us very nervous. Therefore, the causes of nervousness in to a greater extent plays a psychological attitude rather than a physiological aspect. And to stop being nervous, we need to realize the origin of nervousness, and, of course, begin to strengthen the nervous system. Having dealt with this, we will understand how to calm down.

    Symptoms of nervousness

    Do you think nervousness is a defense mechanism or an unnecessary hindrance? I think you will say both. When we are nervous, our palms and armpits begin to sweat, our heartbeats become more frequent, there is confusion in our head, it is difficult to concentrate on something, irritability and aggression appear, we cannot sit in one place, stomach pains and, of course, we want to go big. I think all this is familiar to you. These are all symptoms of nervousness.

    How to calm down and stop being nervous?

    Therefore, firmly understand that the tendency to nervousness is not a natural reaction of the body to some event or an incurable disease of your personality. My guess is that this is most likely a psychological mechanism that is firmly entrenched in your system of habits. Or it could be a problem with the nervous system. Nervousness is your individual reaction to what is happening, and whatever the situation is, you can react in every possible way. I am sure of one thing, nervousness can be eliminated and it is necessary to eliminate it, because when you are nervous:

    • Your thinking ability drops sharply, and therefore it is very difficult for you to focus on something specific, and this can only complicate the situation that requires clarity in your head. For example, on stage you may forget words, during an exam you may not remember the information you need, and while driving you may press the wrong pedal.
    • You lose control over your intonation, facial expressions, gestures, which can lead to an undesirable outcome on a date or negotiations.
    • Due to nervousness, you quickly get tired, and this has a very detrimental effect on your health. And if you are often nervous, you can become seriously ill, which is highly undesirable.
    • You worry about the little things, because of which you do not pay attention to the most important and the right things in your life.

    I am sure that it will not be difficult for you to remember the cases from your life when you were very nervous, as a result of which it had a bad effect on the results of your actions. I am sure that there have been moments in your life when, due to psychological pressure, you broke down, lost control of yourself. Hence, we can draw the appropriate conclusions:

    • Nervousness is of no use, it only interferes, and very strongly.
    • You can stop being nervous only by working on yourself.
    • In fact, in our life there are no real reasons to worry, since nothing threatens us and our loved ones, we are mostly nervous about trifles.

    I will not pull the rubber, and I will tell you about the first way to stop being nervous. This, which is considered one of better ways... Have you noticed that when you are nervous, you rush around the room, you move !!! This means that if you do a run, jump, sip an iron or punch a punching bag, you will stop being nervous and you will feel much better. After exercise, you definitely need to do breathing exercises (more on this below), or do yoga. helps and slows down the rate of aging. What is not a reason for you?

    Now let's talk about the unnecessary importance that we attach to certain events. Remember from your life those events that made you very nervous: you call your boss for a serious conversation, take an exam, invite a girl or boyfriend on a date. Think back and try to assess the level of their importance to you. Now think about your life plans and prospects. What do you want to achieve in this life? Do you remember? Now answer my question, is it so scary to be late for work and is it worth it to be nervous about it? Is this what you need to think about?

    After all, agree with me that in those moments when you are nervous, it is difficult for you to focus on the goals that are important to you. Therefore, instead of worrying about trifles, it is better to start thinking about your own people and think about the future, because this is what is really important to you. I am sure that after changing the focus from unnecessary to necessary, you will stop worrying.

    But no matter how positively we set ourselves up, no matter how we try to convince our mind that it is really not worth being nervous, the body can still react in its own way. Therefore, let's step forward, where I will explain to you how to bring your body into a state of relaxation and calmness before any upcoming important event, both during and after it.

    How to calm down before an important event?

    So how not to get nervous before an important event? With every minute we are getting closer and closer to a responsible event, during which our ingenuity, will, ingenuity will undergo a cruel test, and if we manage to withstand this serious test, then life will reward us generously, and if not, then we are in flight ... This event can be a final interview for a specific position that you dream of, the conclusion of an important contract, an exam, a date, and the like. And if you read the article carefully, then you are well aware that it is necessary to get rid of nervousness so that it does not interfere with focusing on the goal.

    After all, you perfectly understand that an important event awaits you not far off, but no matter how important it is, all the same, even the worst outcome of this event will not become the end of the world for you. So stop dramatizing and overloading the event... Understand that this is too important an event, and you must not let nervousness spoil it. Therefore, be collected and focused and do whatever is necessary for this.

    So, put all thoughts of defeat out of your mind... Try not to think about anything, free your head of all thoughts, completely relax, take a deep breath, and then exhale. As I already said, yoga will help you with this. Here I want to give you the simplest breathing technique.

    Here's how to do it:

    • Breathe in the air for 5 counts (or 5 heart beats),
    • Hold the air for 2-3 counts / blows,
    • Exhale air for 5 counts / beat,
    • Don't breathe 2-3 counts / blows.

    In general, as the doctor says: breathe - don't breathe. 5 seconds inhale - 3 seconds hold - 5 seconds exhale - 3 seconds hold.

    If your breathing allows you to take deeper breaths in and out, then increase the holding time.

    Why are breathing exercises so effective? Because during the breathing exercise, you focus exclusively on breathing. This is the kind that I talk about all the time. Meditation is very helpful in helping you to calm down and stop feeling nervous. Your head is in a state of emptiness, so you stop being nervous. By practicing breathing exercises, you will not only calm down right here and now, but also tidy up your nervous system, and this will allow you to be less nervous without exercise.

    So, here we prepared ourselves for important event... Now let's talk about how to behave correctly during any event, in order to be calm like a boa constrictor and relaxed like a vein.

    How not to get nervous during an important event?

    My first advice to you - radiate calm no matter what... If a positive attitude and meditation did not help you to stop being nervous, then at least try to externally portray calmness and serenity. The manifestation of external peace will be reflected in the internal one. It works on the principle of feedback, that is, not only your inner feeling determines your gestures and facial expressions, but also gestures and facial expressions determine your well-being. It is not at all difficult to verify this. When you walk down the street with a straight posture, straight shoulders and a confident gait, you are. If you walk stooped, barely move your legs, look at the floor, then the conclusions about you are appropriate.

    So watch your facial expressions, gestures and intonation, namely, eliminate all the movements of a nervous person. How does a nervous person behave? Poking in the ear, fiddling with hair, biting a pencil, stooping, unable to express a thought clearly, pressed against a chair. Instead, sit cross-legged, straighten your shoulders, straighten your back, relax your face, take your time with an answer, think first, then speak clearly and clearly.

    After a meeting or event, whatever the outcome, the same techniques will help you calm down as given above. It will be better if you stop playing fruitless thoughts in your head like if I said so ... and if I did that ... and it would be better if I kept silent ... and so on. Just stop thinking. You may not be able to do it right away, but over time you will still forget.

    Finally, I want to tell you that you should not create reasons for concern. Many people simply wind up such things in their minds that it is not even clear how they thought of this, especially women. Apparently, their fantasy is more developed than that of men, but they just need to direct it in the right direction. Before you start worrying, consider carefully whether it is worth it. If you can't calm down, then just accept your position and come to terms with it. Be nervous about your health, because sooner or later everything will end, and you will definitely calm down.

    how to stop being nervous, how not to be nervous, how to calm down
