The year with which the beginning of the Romanov dynasty is connected. Romanov dynasty - XVII century

Meeting the Great Embassy Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov and Inokine Martha at the Holy Gate of the Ipatiev Monastery on March 14, 1613. Miniature from "Books on election to the kingdom to the Alsi-Oil Throne of Velikago Russian Kingdom of Velikago Sovereign and Velikago Prince Mikhail Feodorovich All Veliky Russia Self-Uruder. 1673 "

It was 1913. The uniform crowd was met by the sovereign of the emperor who arrived with his family to Kostroma. The solemn procession was sent to the Ipatiev Monastery. Three hundred years ago, the young Mikhail Romanov was hiding in the walls of the monastery, the young Mikhail Romanov was crushed here for the kingdom of Moscow diplomats. Here, in Kostroma, the history of the service of the Romanov Fatherland dynasty began, tragically broken in 1917.

First Romanovs

Why, in Mikhail Fedorovich, the seventeen-year-old young people were responsible for the fate of the state? Rod Romanov was closely connected with the preferred Dynasty of Rurikovich: At the first wife of Ivan the Terrible, Anastasia Romanovna Zakharina, were brothers, the first Romanov, who received the name on behalf of their Father. The most famous of them is Nikita. Boris Godunov saw in Romanovs serious rivals in the struggle for the throne, so all the Romanovs were exiled to the link. Only two sons of Nikita Romanov were survivors - Ivan and Fedor, who was agreed into the monks (he received the name of Philaret in the monasticist). When the troubled time for Russia ended, it was necessary to choose a new king, and the choice fell on the young Son Fyodor, Mikhail.

Mikhail Fedorovich rules from 1613 to 1645, but actually the country was ruled by his father, Patriarch Filaret. In 1645, sixteen-year-old Alexey Mikhailovich climbed the throne. During his board, foreigners were eagerly called for service, an interest in Western culture and customs, and Alexei Mikhailovich's children experienced the influence of European education, which largely determined the further course of Russian history.

Alexey Mikhailovich was married twice: the first wife, Maria Ilyinichna Miloslavskaya, presented the king of thirteen children, but only two of the five sons, Ivan and Fedor, survived the Father. The children were painful, and Ivan also suffered a dementia. From a second marriage with Natalia Kirillovna Naryshkina, the king had three children: two daughters and son Peter. Alexey Mikhailovich died in 1676, the kingdom was crowned by Fedor Alekseevich, a fourteen-year-old boy. The reign was short-lived - until 1682. His brothers then have not yet reached the age of adulthood: Ivan was fifteen years old, and Peter is about ten. They were also proclaimed by the kings, but the government was in the hands of their recents, the princes of Sophia Miloslavskaya. Having reached the majority, Peter returned power. And although Ivan V also wore the royal title, the state of the rules of one Peter.

The era of Peter the Great

Petrovskaya Epoch is one of the brightest pages of domestic history. However, it is impossible to give an unequivocal assessment of either the personality of Peter I himself nor his board: despite the entire progressiveness of his policies, his actions were sometimes cruel and despotic. This confirms the fate of his eldest son. Peter was married twice: Son Alexey was born from the Union with the first wife of Evdokia Fedorovna Lopukhina. Eight years of marriage ended in divorce. Evdoku Lopukhin, the last Russian queen, sent to the monastery. Tsarevich Alexey, brought up by his mother and her relatives, was hostile to his father. Opponents of Peter I and its transformations were rallied around him. Alexey Petrovich was accused of treason and sentenced to death. He died in 1718 in the Petropavlovsk fortress, without waiting for the execution of the sentence. From the second marriage with Catherine I, only two children - Elizabeth and Anna - survived the Father.

After the death of Peter I, in 1725, the struggle for the throne began, in fact, by Peter Himself provoked: he canceled the old prone polling station, according to which the power would have moved to his grandson, the son of Alexei Petrovich, and issued a decree on which the autocrat could appoint himself successor, but did not have time to draw up testament. With the support of the guard and the nearest environment of the deceased emperor, Ekaterina I, I became the first empress of the Russian state. Her board was the first in a series of reigns of women and children and marked the beginning of the era of palace coups.

Palace coups

The Board of Catherine was short-lived: from 1725 to 1727. After her death, Eleven-year-old Peter II came to power, the grandson of Peter I. He ruled just three years and died of smallpox in 1730. It was the last representative of the genus Romanov on the male line.

The state management has passed into the hands of Peter the Great Petra, Anne Ivanovna, who ruled until 1740. She did not have children, and at her testament the throne went to the grandchildren of her native sister Catherine Ivanovna, Ivan Antonovich, a two-month-old infant. With the help of Guardsmen, the daughter of Peter I Elizabeth overthrew Ivan VI and his mother and came to power in 1741. The fate of the unfortunate child is sad: he was sked to the north, in Kholmogory. He spent his whole life in sharpening, first in the deaf village, then - in the Shlisselburg fortress, where his life was cut off in 1764.

Elizabeth rules for 20 years - from 1741 to 1761. - And died childless. She was the last representative of the genus Romanov in a straight line. The rest of the Russian emperors, though they wore the name of Romanov, actually represented the German Dynasty of Holstein-Gottorp.

According to the will, Elizabeth were crowned at the kingdom of her nephew - the son of Sister Anna Petrovna - Karl Peter Ulrich, in Orthodoxy received the name Peter. But already in 1762, his wife Catherine, relying on the guard, made a palace coup and came to power. Catherine II Rule of Russia more than thirty years. Perhaps, therefore, one of the first decrees of her son Paul I, who came to power in 1796, was already in adulthood, there was a return to the order of the throne of the father from the Father to the Son. However, his fate is also the tragic final: he was killed by the conspirators, and in 1801 he came to his senior son Alexander I.

From the uprising of the Decembrists - to the February Revolution.

Alexander I did not have the heirs, his brother Konstantin did not want to reign. The incomprehensible situation with the throne provoked an uprising on the Senate Square. It was rigidly suppressed by the new emperor Nikolai I and entered the story as the Decembrist uprising.

Nicholas I had four sons, the senior was asked for the throne - Alexander II. He ruled from 1855 to 1881. And died after the assassination of the people.

In 1881, the son of Alexander II was asked for the throne - Alexander III. He was not the eldest son, but after the death of Cesarevich Nikolai in 1865 he began to prepare for the civil service.

Output Alexandra III. To the people on the red porch after coronation. May 15, 1883. Engraving. 1883.

After Alexander III, he was crowned at the kingdom of his eldest son - Nicholas II. On the coronation of the last Russian emperor there was a tragic event. It was announced that on the Khodynskaya field will hand out gifts: a mug with the imperial monogram, the gram of wheat bread, 200 grams of sausages, gingerbread with the coat of arms, handful of nuts. In the crushing for these gifts, thousands of people were injured and received. Many, prone to mysticism, see the direct connection of the tragedy on Haymanka with the murder of the imperial family: In 1918, Nicholas II, his spouse and five children were shot in Yekaterinburg by order of the Bolsheviks.

Makovsky V. Khodokanka. Watercolor. 1899.

With the death of the royal family, the genus of Romanovs is not ugas. Most great princes and princess with families managed to escape from the country. In particular, Nikolai II - Olga and Ksenia's sisters, his mother Maria Fedorovna, his uncle - Brother Alexander III Vladimir Alexandrovich. It is from him that he heads the imperial house today.

Thanks to the marriage Ivan IV Grozny, with a representative of the Romanovsky Anastasia, the Romanovna Zakharia Zakharian-Romanova became close to the royal court in the XVI century, and after the branch of the Moscow branch, Rurikovich began to claim the throne.

In 1613, the grand-nephew of Anastasia Romanovna Zakharian - Mikhail Fedorovich was elected to the royal throne. And the offspring of King Mikhail, which traditionally accepted was called House Romanovs, Rule RUSSIA Up to 1917.

The long period of time is members of the Tsarist, and then the imperial family did not wear any names at all (for example, Tsarevich Ivan Alekseevich, "Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolayevich"). Despite this, the names of "Romanov" and the "House of Romanov" were made to use for the unofficial designation of the Russian Imperial House, the coat of arms of the Romanov was included in the official legislation, and in 1913 the 300th anniversary of the reign of the Romanov House was widely noted.

After 1917, the name of Romanov officially began to wear almost all members of the former reign house, and at present it is many of their descendants.

Kings and emperors of the Romanov dynasty

Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov - King and Grand Duke All Russia

Years of life 1596-1645

The years of the Board 1613-1645

Father - Boyarin Fedor Nikitich Romanov, subsequently became a Patriarch Filaret.

Mother - Ksenia Ivanovna Shestova,

in the ancestry of Martha.

Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov Born in Moscow on July 12, 1596. Childhood spent in the village of Domnin - Kostroma Votchin Romanov.

With the king, Boris Godunov, all Romanovs were persecuted due to suspicion of conspiracy. Boyar Fedor Nikitich Romanov, together with his wife, were forcibly tonsured in monasticism and were concluded in the monasteries. Fedor Romanov received the name when PhilaretAnd his wife became Martha's nun.

But after the Treatment, Filaret led an active political life: he opposed Tsar Shuisky and supported False Dmitry I (thinking that he was a real Tsarevich Dmitry).

Lhadmitriy I, after his top, he returned from the reference of the Romanov's surrounding members. Fyodor Nikitich (in Filaret Monastic) was returned with the wife of Ksenia Ivanovna (in Martha's monastics) and son Mikhail.

Marfa Ivanovna and Son Mikhail settled first in the Kostroma Votchin Romanov, village Domnin, and then hid from the persecution of Polish-Lithuanian detachments in the Ipatiev Monastery in Kostroma.

Ipatiev monastery. Vintage image

Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov was only 16 years old, when on February 21, 1613, the Zemsky Cathedral, which included representatives of almost all segments of the population of Russia, elected him to the king.

On March 13, 1613, a crowd of boyars and residents of the city approached the walls of the Ipatiev Monastery in Kostroma. Mikhail Romanov and his mother accepted ambassadors from Moscow with respect.

But when the ambassadors were awarded the nun Martha and her son, the diploma of the Zemsky Cathedral with an invitation to the kingdom, Mikhail was horrified and refused to be so high.

"The state is broken by Poles," he explained his refusal. - the royal treasury is cleaned. Serday people are poor than to kill them-feed? And how, with such a distinguity, can I, as a sovereign, to resist the poles against the enemies?

"And I can't bless the Misha to the kingdom," the son of Martha's nun erected with tears in his eyes. "After all, his father, Metropolitan Filaret, captives Poles." And as the Polish king recognizes that the son of his prisoner in the kingdom, so challenges the evil to teach, and even life will be deprived of life!

The ambassadors began to explain that Mikhail was chosen at the request of the whole land, which means, by the will of God. And if Mikhail refuses, then God himself imposes from him for the final ruin of the state.

Six hours continued their mother and son's persons. Singing bitter tears, Marfa's nun finally agreed with such a fate. And since this is the will of God, then she bless the Son. Mikhail after the blessing of the mother no longer opposure and accepted the Tsarsky Staff from the ambassadors as a sign of power in Moscow Rus.

Patriarch Filaret.

In the autumn of 1617, the Polish army approached Moscow, and on November 23, negotiations began. A truce Russian and Poles concluded 14.5 years. Poland received the Smolensk region and part of the Seversk Land, and Russia the breath you need from Polish aggression.

And only a year later, after the prisoner, the Poles were released from the captivity of Metropolitan Filaret - the father of Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich. The meeting of the Father and Son took place on the Presnya River on June 1, 1619. They bowed to each other on their feet, both cried, hugged and had long silent, he was from joy.

In 1619, immediately after returning from captivity, Metropolitan Filaret became the Patriarch of All Russia.

Since that time, before the end of the life, Patriarch Filaret was the actual ruler of the country. His Son - Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich - did not accept any decision without the consent of the Father.

The Patriarch peaks the church court, participated in the decision of the Zemstvo issues, leaving only criminal cases for consideration by national institutions.

Patriarch Filaret "There was a growth and completeness of medium, Divine Scripture was intelligible in part; The temper was appropriate and changed, and such a domineering that the king himself was afraid of him. "

Patriarch Filaret (F. N. Romanov)

Tsar Mikhail and Patriarch Philaret together looked at the affairs and accepted on them decisions, together the reception of foreign ambassadors, issued double diplomas and handed double gifts. In Russia, there was a droi, the Board of two sovereigns with the participation of the Boyar City Council and the Zemsky Cathedral.

In the first 10 years, Mikhail's rule rose the role of the Zemstvo Cathedral in the decisions of state issues. But by 1622, the Zemsky Cathedral was rarely convened and irregularly.

After prisoners of peace treaties with Sweden and the speech, the responding time for Russia came. Fucked peasants returned to their farms to handle abandoned during the University of Earth.

In the reign of Mikhail Fedorovich in Russia there were 254 cities. The merchants were distributed by special privileges, including permission to go to other countries, provided to trading as a statement, follow the work of customs and kabaks to replenish the income of the state treasury.

In the 20s and 20s of the XVII century, the so-called first manufactories appeared in Russia. These were large plants and factories, where the division of labor was existed in the specialties, steam mechanisms were used.

By decree, Mikhail Fedorovich managed to assemble the Masters-Protnikov and competent elders to restore the priority, which in troubled time almost ceased. The printed courtyard in the years of Troubles was burned with all typographic machines.

By the end of the reign of King Mikhail, the printed courtyard had more than 10 machines and other equipment, and in the printing house there were over 10 thousand printed books.

During the reign of Mikhail Fedorovich, dozens of talented inventions and technical innovations appeared, such as a gun with screw cutting, a clock with a battle on the Spasskaya Tower, water engines for manufactories, paints, olifa, ink and much more.

IN major cities The construction of temples, termes, differing from old buildings with elegant decoration, was actively conducted. Kremlin walls were repaired, the patriarn yard on the territory of the Kremlin was expanded.

Russia continued to explore Siberia, new cities were laid there: Yeniseisk (1618), Krasnoyarsk (1628), Yakutsk (1632), was built fraternal stort (1631),

Towers of Yakutsky Ostroga

In 1633, the father of Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich died, his assistant and teacher, Patriarch Filaret. After the death of the "second sovereign" boyars reinforced their influence on Mikhail Fedorovich. But the king was not opposed, he was now often not healthy. A severe illness, hitting the king, was most likely a water. Tsaristhesky Lekari wrote that the illness of Tsar Mikhail is "from a lot of seating, cold beytia and melancholy."

Mikhail Fedorovich passed away on July 13, 1645 and was buried in the Arkhangelsk Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin.

Alexey Mikhailovich - Quiet, King and the Grand Sovereign of All Russia

Years of life 1629-1676

Years of the Board 1645-1676

Father - Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov, King and the Grand Sovereign of All Russia.

Mother - Princess Evdokia Lukyanovna Streshnev.

Future king Alexey Mikhailovich Romanov, Senior son of King Mikhail Fedorovich Romanova, was born on March 19, 1629. He was baptized in the Trinity-Sergiev Monastery and ordered Alexei. Already at the age of 6, he knew how to read well. By order of his grandfather - Patriarch Filaret - a letter was created specifically for the grandson. In addition to the tsarevich letter, read the Psalrty, the Affairs of the Apostles and other books from the Patriarch library. The teacher of Tsarevich was boyar Boris Ivanovich Morozov.

By 11-12, Alexey had his own little library from books belonging to him personally. The library mentions lexicon and grammar, published in Lithuania, and serious cosmography.

Little Alexei from early childhood was taught to manage the state. He was often present at the receptions of foreign ambassadors and was a member of the court ceremonies.

In the 14th year of the life of Tsarevich solemnly "declared" the people, and at the age of 16, when his father died - King Mikhail Fedorovich died, Alexey Mikhailovich joined the throne. A month later, his mother died.

According to the unanimous solution of all Boyar on July 13, 1645, the whole court of knowing the cross of the new sovereign. The first person is surrounded by the king, according to the last will of Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich, Boyarin B. I. Morozov became.

The new Russian king, judging by his own letters and reviews of foreigners, possessed a wonderful soft, good-natured character and was "much quiet." The entire atmosphere, among which King Alexey lived, his upbringing and reading church books developed great religiosity in it.

King Alexey Mikhailovich sishe

Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, in all church posts, the young king did not drink anything and did not eat. Alexey Mikhailovich was a very zealous performer of all church rites and had emergency Christian humility and meekness. Every pride was confused and alien. "I am sinful," he wrote, "the local honor, aki dust."

But his good nature and humility was sometimes replaced by short-term flashes of anger. One day the king, who let the blood of German "Dohtur", ordered the Bokera to try the same tool, but Boyarin Streshnev did not agree. Then the king Alexey Mikhailovich his own "smirling" the old man, then did not know what kind of gifts to hide him.

Alexey Mikhailovich knew how to respond to someone else's grief and joy, and in his teaching character he was just a "golden man", besides, smart and very educated for his time. He always read a lot and wrote a lot of letters.

Alexey Mikhailovich himself read the petitions and other documents, wrote or edited many important decrees and the first of the Russian kings became their own sign. His sons of autocrats delivered a powerful state recognized abroad to her inheritance. One of them - Peter I Great - managed to continue the case of the Father, completing the formation of an absolute monarchy and the creation of a huge Russian empire.

Alexey Mikhailovich married in January 1648 at the daughter of a poor nobleman Ilya Miloslavsky - Maria Ilinichna Miloslavskaya, who gave birth to him 13 children. Until the death of his wife, the king was an exemplary family man.

"Salt riot"

B. I. Morozov, who, on behalf of Alexei Mikhailovich, began to rule the country, came up with a new taxation system that came accomplished on the Tsarist Decree in February 1646. At salt was introduced an increased duty to drastically replenish the treasury. However, this innovation did not justify itself, as the salt began to buy less, and the income in the treasury declined.

The boyars canceled salt tax, but instead they came up with another way how to replenish the treasury. The boyars decided to collect taxes, previously canceled, immediately for three years. There was also a massive ruin of peasants and even prosperous people. Because of the sudden impoverishment of the population, natural folk unrest began in the country.

The crowd of people tried to give the king of the petition when June 1, 1648 he returned from a manty. But the king was afraid of the people and did not accept the complaint. Tracks arrested. The next day, during the godfather to the king, people were again headed, then the crowd broke into the territory of the Moscow Kremlin.

Sagittari refused to fight for the boyars and did not oppose ordinary peopleMoreover, they were ready to join dissatisfied. The people refused to negotiate with the boyars. Then the frightened Alexey Mikhailovich came to the people, holding an icon in his hands.


The rebels across Moscow rolled over the rest of the hated boyars - Morozov, Plescheyev, Fuchaniotov - and demanded that the king issuing them themselves. A critical situation was created, Alexey Mikhailovich had to make concessions. The crowd of Plescheyev was issued, then Fuchaniotov. The life of the teacher of Tsar Boris Morozova was under threat of folk violence. But Alexey Mikhailovich decided to save his tutor at any cost. He tearfully begged the crowd to spare Boyarin, promising people to remove Morozov from affairs and send from the capital. Alexey Mikhailovich kept his promise and sent Morozov to Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery.

After these events called "Salt Bunt", Alexey Mikhailovich has changed a lot, and his role in managing the state has become decisive.

At the request of the nobles and merchants, on June 16, 1648, the Zemsky Cathedral was convened, on which it was decided to prepare a new arch of the laws of the Russian state.

The result of the huge and long-term work of the Zemsky Cathedral has become Clause Of the 25 chapters, which was printed by a circulation of 1200 copies. The imposition was sent to all local grades in all cities and large villages of the country. In the deposition, legislation on land tenure, proceedings, were abolished, the statute of the asksa of the raid peasants were abolished (than finally approved the fortress dependence). This set of laws has become a guiding document for the Russian state for almost 200 years.

Because of the abundance in Russia of foreign merchants, Alexey Mikhailovich signed a decree on expulsion of English merchants from the country on June 1, 1649.

Georgia, Central Asia, Kalmykia, India and China, and China, the countries that Russians tried to establish trade and diplomatic relations with which the Russians were trying to establish trade and diplomatic relations with the facilities of the Tsarist Government.

Kalmyki asked Moscow to allocate territory for them for settlement. In 1655, they swatched the Russian king, and in 1659 the oath was confirmed. Since then, Kalmyki has always participated in hostilities on the side of Russia, especially their help was tangible in the fight against the Crimean Khan.

Reunion of Ukraine with Russia

In 1653, the Zemsky Cathedral considered the reunification of the Left-Bank Ukraine with Russia (at the request of Ukrainians who fought at that moment for independence and those who hoped the protection and support of Russia). But such support could provoke another war with Poland, which, in fact, happened.

On October 1, 1653, the Zemsky Cathedral decided to reunite the Left Bank of Ukraine with Russia. January 8, 1654 Ukrainian hetman Bohdan Khmelnytsky solemnly proclaimed reunion of Ukraine with Russia At Pereyaslav Rada, and already in May 1654, Russia entered the war with Poland.

Russia fought with Poland from 1654 to 1667. During this time, Rostislavl, Druhobuzh, Polotsk, Mstislav, Orsha, Gomel, Smolensk, Vitebsk, Minsk, Grodno, Vilno, Kovno, were returned to Russia.

From 1656 to 1658, Russia fought with Sweden. During the war, several truivers were concluded, but in the end, Russia did not manage to return to the Baltic Sea.

The treasury of the Russian state melted, and the government after several years of permanent hostilities with Polish troops decided to go to peace negotiations that ended with the signing in 1667 Andrusovsky truce For a period of 13 years and 6 months.

Bohdan Khmelnytsky

Under the terms of this truce, Russia refused to all the conquests in the territory of Lithuania, but left Northshina, Smolensk and the left-bank part of Ukraine, and also two years old Kiev remained for Moscow. There was an end to almost a century of confrontation between Russia and Poland, it was later concluded (in 1685) the eternal world, according to which Kiev remained in Russia.

The end of hostilities was solemnly celebrated in Moscow. For the successful negotiations with the Poles of the Nobleman Ortsin-Nachchokin, the sovereign was in the rank of boyar, appointed him to the keeper of the royal press and the head of the Malorosi and Polish orders.

"Copper Riot"

To ensure constant income to the royal treasury, in 1654 a monetary reform was carried out. Copper coins were introduced, which should have appreciated on a silver, and at the same time a ban on copper trafficking was prohibited, since from that time she was all walked into the treasury. But taxes continued to collect only in silver coins, and the copper money began to depreciate.

Many fake meters that minted copper money appeared immediately. The gap in the cost of silver and copper coins every year became more and more. From 1656 to 1663, the cost of one silver ruble increased to 15 copper rubles. All commercial people begged to cancel copper money.

Russian merchants appealed to the king with a statement about dissatisfaction with his position. And soon the so-called happened "Copper Riot" - Powerful popular uprising July 25, 1662. The reason for the excitement was the lists with charges of Miloslavsky, Rtishchev and Shorin in treason. Then the crowded crowd moved to Kolomna to the royal palace.

Alexey Mikhailovich managed to convince the people peacefully disperse. He promised that he would consider their petitions. People turned to Moscow. And in the capital, in the meantime, the merchants and rich palaces were already looted.

But here the people were rumored about the escape of Shorin's spy to Poland, and the excited crowd rushed into Kolomenskoye, having met the first to the first rebels who returned from the king to Moscow.

Before the royal palace again there was a huge crowd of the people. But Alexey Mikhailovich has already called for the aid of the Street shelves. Began the bloody russell over the rebels. Many then people were drowned in the Moscow River, they had dug sabers or shook. After suppressing the rebellion, the inquiry was conducted for a long time. The authorities tried to find out who was the author of the leaves raised along the capital.

Copper and silver penny times Alexey Mikhailovich

After all the occurrence, the king decided to cancel copper money. This was stated by the royal decree of June 11, 1663. Now all the calculations were again made with silver coins.

With Aleksa, Mikhailovich gradually lost its meaning of the Boyarskaya Duma, and the Zemsky Cathedral after 1653 was no longer convened.

In 1654, the king created the "order of his great sovereign of secret cases." The order of secret cases delivered the king all the necessary information about civil and military affairs and performed the functions of the secret police.

At the time of reign, Alexei Mikhailovich continued the development of Siberian lands. In 1648, Cossack Semen Dezhnev opened North America. In the late 40s - early 50s of the XVII century, Zemlip V. Poyarkov and E. Khabarov They reached the Amur, where free immigrants founded Albazine Voivodeship. At the same time, the city of Irkutsk was laid.

In the Urals, the industrial development of mineral deposits and precious stones began.

Patriarch Nikon

At that time it became necessary to hold the church reform. The liturgical books to the limit were pulled out, a huge amount of inaccuracies and errors have accumulated in the texts of the texts. Often church Services In one temple, very much differed from the same service in the other. All this "non-confidence" was very hard to see the young monarch, which was always very good for the strengthening and dissemination of Orthodox faith.

With the Blagoveshchensky Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin was circle "Bogolyubtsev"where Alexey Mikhailovich was also included. Among the Bogolyubtsev had several priests, the igumen of the Novospassian monastery Nikon, Protopop Avvakum and several secular nobility.

To help the circle in Moscow, Ukrainian scientists who were engaged in the publication of liturgical literature were invited. The print yard was rebuilt and expanded. The number of published books intended for training is increased: "ABC", Psaltry, character; They were reprinted many times. In 1648, by order of the king, the "Grammar" of Pochotsky was published.

But along with the distribution of books, proceeds began on the crochets and folk customs, Going out of paganism. Folk musical instruments were withdrawn, the game on balalaiks was banned, masquerade masks, fortune telling, and even swing.

Tsar Alexey Mikhailovich has already matured and no longer needed anyone care. But the soft, sociable nature of the king needed advisor and friend. So "Squad", a Metropolitan Novgorod Nikon became especially a favorite friend for the king.

After the death of the Patriarch of Joseph, the king proposed to accept the Supreme Spiritual San to his friend - Novgorod Metropolitan Nikona, whose views Alexey completely shared. In 1652, Nikon became the Patriarch of All Russia and the nearest friend and the Counselor of the Sovereign.

Patriarch Nikon For more than one year, church reforms conducted the sovereign. These innovations caused many believers protest, they counted corrections in the liturgical books by the betrayal of the faith of their fathers and grandfathers.

The first to be open opposed to all innovations the monks of the Solovetsky Monastery. Church trouble went around the country. The enemy of innovations became the Avvakum Protopop. Among the so-called Old Believers who did not accept changes made in Worship by Patriarch Nikonom were, there were two women from the highest class: the princess of Evdokia Urusov and the fear of Feodosia Morozov.

Patriarch Nikon

The Cathedral of the Russian clergy in 1666 still accepted all innovations and book corrections prepared by the Patriarch Nikon. All starovrov Church betrayed Anathema (cursed) and called them raskolniki. Historians believe that in 1666 there was a split in the Russian Orthodox Church, it turned out to be split into two parts.

Patriarch Nikon, seeing the difficulties that his reforms are going, left the patriarchal throne. For this, for those who are unacceptable for the Orthodox Church, the "Miresk" punishment of Raskolnikov on the orders of Alexei Mikhailovich the Cathedral of the clergy of Nikon was deprived of Sana and sent to the monastery in Ferapontov.

In 1681, Tsar Fedor Alekseevich allowed Nikon to return to the Novojerusalem monastery, but in Nikon's road died. Subsequently, the Patriarch Nikon was canonized by Russian orthodox Church.

Stepan Razin

Peasant War under the leadership of Stepan Razin

In 1670, the peasant war began in the south of Russia. The uprising was headed by Donskaya Cossack Ataman Stepan Razin.

The object of the hatred of the rebels was a boyars and officials, royal advisers and other dignitaries, not the king, and they accused the people in all the troubles and injustices that were going on in the state. The king was for the Cossacks the embodiment of the ideal and justice. The church was betrayed by Anathema. Tsar Alexey Mikhailovich urged the people not to join the rally, and then the Razin moved to the YiK River, took the Yaitsky town, then robbed Persian courts.

In May 1670, he and his army went to the Volga, took the cities of Tsaritsyn, Black Yar, Astrakhan, Saratov, Samara. He attracted many nations: the Chuvash, Mordwo, Tatars, Cheremsov.

Under the city of the Simbirsk army, Stepan Razin was broken by Prince Yuri Baryatinsky, but the difference itself survived. He managed to run to the Don, where he was issued by Ataman Kornil Yakovlev, brought to Moscow and there is executed on the frontal place of Red Square

The uprising participants also dealt with the most cruel way. When conducting an inquiry to rippers, the most sophisticated torture and execution were used: cutting down the hands and legs, quarters, gallows, mass links, burning on the face of the letter "b", meaning involvement in the rebellion.

last years of life

By 1669, the Wooden Kolomna Palace of Fantastic Beauty was built, he was a suburban residence of Alexei Mikhailovich.

In recent years of life, the king was carried away by theater. According to his order, a court theater was founded, which represented performances on biblical plots.

In 1669, the wife of the king was died - Maria Ilinichna. Two years after the death of Spouse, Alexey Mikhailovich married the second time on a young nobility Natalia Kirillovna Naryshkinawhich gave birth to the Son - the future of Emperor Peter I and two daughters, Natalia and Feodoro.

Alexey Mikhailovich outwardly looked a very healthy person: he was Belyolitsy and Ruddy, Russola and Blue-eyed, High and Fat. He was only 47 years old when he felt signs of fatal disease.

Tsarsky Wooden Palace in Kolomensky

The king blessed the kingdom of Tsarevich Fedor Alekseevich (son from the first marriage), the guardian of the Minor Son of Peter appointed his grandfather - Kirill Naryshkin. Then the sovereign ordered to let go to the will of prisoners and exiles and forgive all debts in the treasury. Alexey Mikhailovich died on January 29, 1676 and was buried in the Arkhangelsk Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin.

Fedor Alekseevich Romanov - King and the Grand Sovereign of All Russia

Years of life 1661-1682.

The years of the Board 1676-1682.

Father - Alexey Mikhailovich Romanov, King and the Grand Sovereign of All Russia.

Mother - Maria Ilyinichna Miloslavskaya, the first wife of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich.

Fedor Alekseevich Romanov Born in Moscow on May 30, 1661. During the reign, Alexei Mikhailovich has repeatedly arose about the inheritance of the throne, since Tsarevich Alexey Alekseevich died at 16, and the second royal son Fedor was at that time nine years.

Still, Fedor was inherited by the throne. It happened when he was 15 years old. The young king was crowned at the kingdom in the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin on June 18, 1676. But Fedor Alekseevich did not differ in good health, since childhood was weak and painful. The country he ruled only six years.

Tsar Fedor Alekseevich was perfectly educated. He knew Latin well and spoke freely in Polish, knew a little ancient Greek. The king was sacrificed in painting and church music, had "great art in the sovereign and fair verse", trained in resentment, he made a poetic translation of Psalms for Psaltiri Simeon Polotsk. His ideas about the royal authorities were formed under the influence of one of the talented philosophers of the time of Simeon Polotsk, the former tagger and the spiritual mentor of Tsarevich.

After the top of the young Fedor, Alekseevich initially tried to lead his stepmother, N. K. Naryshkin, who managed to eliminate the deeds to the relatives of Tsar Fyodor, sending it together with Son Peter (future Peter I) in the "Voluntary Link" in the suburban village of Preobrazhenskoye.

Friends and relatives of the young king were Boyarin I. F. Miloslavsky, Princess Yu. A. Dolgorukov and Ya. N. Odoyevskaya, who in 1679 were changed by M. M. T. Likhachev, Publishing I. M. Languages \u200b\u200band Prince V. V. Golitsyn. These were "people educated, capable and conscientious." It was they who had an influence on the young king, energetically undertake to create a capable government.

Due to their influence with the Tsar Fyodor Alekseyevich, the adoption of important state decisions was transferred to the Boyar Duma, the number of members of which has increased from 66 to 99. The king was also inclined to personally take part in the management.

Tsar Fedor Alekseevich Romanov

In the affairs of the country, Fedor Alekseevich left a trace in the history of Russia by two innovations. In 1681, a project was developed subsequently a famous, and then the first in Moscow, Slavic Greco-Latin Academywhich opened already after the death of the king. Many figures of science, culture and politicians came out of its walls. It was in it in the XVIII century a great Russian scientist M. V. Lomonosov studied.

Moreover, representatives of all classes were to be allowed to study at the Academy, and scholarships were prescribed poor. The king's academy was about to transfer the entire palace library, and the future graduates could claim high government positions at the courtyard.

Fyodor Alekseevich ordered special shelters for orphans and teach them to different sciences and crafts. The sovereign wanted to arrange everything disabled in the alone, which built on his own funds.

In 1682, Boyarskaya thought once and forever canceled the so-called locality. According to the traditions existing in Russia, state and military people were appointed not in accordance with their merits, experience or abilities, but in accordance with locality, that is, with the place that occupied the ancestors assigned in the state apparatus.

Simeon Polotsky

The son of a man who occupied a low position, could never be higher than the son of the official who had occupied a higher position at one time. This state of things of many annoyed and prevented effective government management.

At the request of Fedor Alekseevich on January 12, 1682, the Boyarskaya Duma canceled the local industry; The discharge books in which "discharges" were recorded, that is, the posts were burned. Instead, all old boyars have been rewritten in special genealogians, so that their merits are not forgotten by descendants.

In the years 1678-1679, the Government of Fyodor was held a census of the population, the decree of Alexei Mikhailovich was canceled about the uncomplicated runaway, licensed in the root service, introduced a residential imposition (this immediately replenished the treasury, but strengthened the fortress oppression).

In 1679-1680, an attempt was made to mitigate criminal punishments to the European manner, in particular, he was canceled by cutting hands for theft. Since then, the perpetrators refer to Siberia with families.

Thanks to the construction of defensive structures in the south of Russia, there was an opportunity to widely do the nobles, striving for an increase in land ownership, estates and patrimony.

A large foreign policy action of the Tsar Fyodor Alekseevich became a successful Russian-Turkish war (1676-1681), which ended with the Bakhchisarai peace treaty, which secured the association of the left bank of Ukraine with Russia. Kiev Russia received even earlier under the contract with Poland 1678.

In the reign of Fedor Alekseevich, the entire Kremlin Palace Complex, including churches, was rebuilt. The buildings were connected to the gallery and transitions among themselves, they were newly decorated with carved porches.

A sewer system was arranged in the Kremlin, flowing pond and many hanging gardens with arbors. Fedor Alekseevich had his own garden, on the decoration and arrangement of which he did not regret funds.

Tens of stone buildings were built in Moscow, the five-chapted temples in the kitelniks and on Presnya. The sovereign issued a loan loan from the treasury to the construction of stone houses in China-city and many forgave the debts.

Fyodor Alekseevich saw in the construction of beautiful stone buildings the best way Protection of the capital from fires. At the same time, the king believed that Moscow is the face of the state and the admiration for its magnificence should cause respect for all Russia in foreign ambassadors.

Church of Nikola in Khamovniki, built during the reign of Tsar Fyodor Alekseevich

The personal life of the king was very unhappy. In 1680, Fyodor Mikhailovich was married to Agafey Semenovnya Grushetsky, but the queen died in childbirth together with the newborn Son Ilya.

The new marriage of the king arranged his closest adviser I. M. Languages. On February 14, 1682, Tsar Fyodor almost against his will married Matveyevna Apraksina.

Two months after the wedding on April 27, 1682, the king after a short illness died in Moscow at the 21st year of life, without leaving the heir. Fedor Alekseevich buried in the Arkhangelsk Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin.

Ivan V Alekseevich Romanov - Senior King and the Grand Sovereign of All Russia

Years of life 1666-1696

The years of the Board 1682-1696

Father - Tsar Alexey Mikhailovich, King

and the Great Sovereign of All Russia.

Mother - Queen Maria Ilinichna Miloslavskaya.

The future king Ivan (John) V Alekseevich was born on August 27, 1666 in Moscow. When in 1682, the older brother of Ivan V - Tsar Fedor Alekseevich - died, not leaving the heir, then the 16-year-old Ivan V, as the next to the seniority, was to inherit the royal crown.

But Ivan Alekseevich was painful since childhood and completely incapable of managing a country man. That is why the boyars and Patriarch Joakim were invited to remove him and choose the next king of his pylon brother of 10-year-old Peter, the younger son Alexei Mikhailovich.

Both brothers, one because of the unhealthy, the other because of the age, could not participate in the struggle for power. Instead, their relatives were fighting for the throne: for Ivan - sister, Tsarevna Sophia, and Miloslavsky, relatives of his mother, and for Peter - Naryshkina, relatives of the second wife of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. As a result of this struggle, bloody occurred riot Streltsov.

Sagittaking shelves with new chosen commander sent to the Kremlin, and crowds were walking behind them. Smeast Ahead of the Sagittariy shouted the accusations against the boyars, who allegedly poisoned the Tsar Fyodor and are already attempting to the life of Tsarevich Ivan.

Sagittarius made a list of the names of those boyars who demanded for massacre. They did not listen to any exhortations, and showing them on the royal porch of living and unavoidable Ivan and Peter did not make an impression on rebel. And in the eyes of Tsarevichi, Sagittari was thrown out of the windows of the palace on the spears of their relatives and boyars, familiar with them from birth. Sixteen-year-old Ivan after that, forever refused public affairs, and Peter for the whole life she hated the Streltsov.

Then the Patriarch Joachim offered to proclaim the kings at once both: Ivan - the oldest king, and Peter is the younger king and appoint the reserve (government) to be a reserve (government) to sister Sophia.

June 25, 1682 Ivan V Alekseevich And Peter I Alekseevich was married to the kingdom in the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin. For them, even a special throne with two seats was constructed, currently stored in the Armory Chamber.

Tsar Ivan V Alekseevich

Although Ivan was called the oldest king, he almost never engaged in state affairs, but he was engaged in only his family. Ivan V was a sovereign Russian for 14 years, but his rule was formal. He only attended the palace ceremonies and signed the documents, without understanding their essence. The valid rulers at it were first Tsarevna Sophia (from 1682 to 1689), and then the power passed to his younger brother - Peter.

Ivan V since childhood grew sickly, a painful child who had bad eyesight. Sister Sophia chose a bride for him, Beauty Praskovoy Fedorovna Saltykov. In 1684, marriage on it in 1684 was beneficial to Ivan Alekseevich: he loving and cheerful.

Children of Ivan V and Praskovia Fedorovna Saltykova: Maria, Feodosia (died in infancy), Catherine, Anna, Praskovya.

From the daughters of Ivan V Anna Ivanovna later became an empress (rules in 1730-1740). His granddaughter became the government of Anna Leopoldovna. The descendant of Ivan V was also his great-grandfather - Ivan Vi Antonovich (formally, the emperor from 1740 to 1741).

According to the memoirs of the contemporary of Ivan V, at the age of 27, he looked at the stray old man, saw very badly and, according to a testimony of one foreigner, was struck by paralysis. "Diveless, the Dead Statue on his silver chair under the images was sitting King Ivan in the monomakhov hat, stepped over his eyes, lowered down and did not look at anyone."

Ivan V Alekseevich died on the 30th year of life, January 29, 1696 in Moscow and was buried in the Arkhangelsk Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin.

Silver Double Throne Kings Ivan and Peter Alekseevichi

Tsarevna Sophia Alekseevna - Government of Russia

Years of life 1657-1704.

The years of the Board 1682-1689

Mother is the first wife of Alexei Mikhailovich, the queen Maria Ilinichna Miloslavskaya.

Sophia Alekseevna Born on September 5, 1657. She was never married and had no children. The only passion was the desire to rule.

In the fall of 1682, Sofya, with the help of the noble militia, suppressed the Streletsky movement. Further development of Russia required serious reforms. However, Sophia felt that her power was fragile, and therefore refused innovations.

In her rule, the suction of serfs was somewhat weakened, minor reliefs were made by Posad people, in the interests of Sofya's church strengthened the persecution of the Old Believers.

In 1687, the Slavic Greco-Latin Academy was opened in Moscow. In 1686, Russia concluded the "Eternal World" with Poland. Under the Treaty, Russia received "for eternal times" Kiev with the area adjacent to him, but for this Russia undertook to start a war with the Crimean Khanate, since the Crimean Tatars were subjected to a compudacercing (Poland).

In 1687, Prince V. V. Golitsyn led the Russian army camping on the Crimea. The troops reached the influx of Dnieper, at this time the Tatars set fire to the steppe, and the Russians were forced to turn back.

In 1689, Golitsyn made a second trip to the Crimea. The Russian troops reached the perk, but they could not take it and they were briefly returned. These failures strongly hit the prestige of the Sophia government. Many of the supporters of the princes have lost faith in her.

In August 1689 there was a coup in Moscow. Peter came to power, and Tsarevna Sophia was concluded in the Novodevichy Monastery.

The life of Sofia in the monastery was first calm and even happy. With her lived a cormality and maids. With royal cuisine, good food and various delicacies were sent to her. Visitors were allowed at Sophia at any time, she could at wish to walk throughout the monastery. Only at the gate stood the guard from the loyal Peter soldiers.

Tsarevna Sophia Alekseevna

During the stay of Peter abroad in 1698, Sagittars raised the next uprising to convey the Board of Russia again Sofye.

The uprising of the Archers ended in failure, they were defeated by the faithful Peter by the troops, the leaders of the Bunta executed. Peter returned from abroad. The execution of Sagittarov repeated.

Sophia, after personal interrogation of Peter, was forcibly tonsured in the nun as Susanna. There was a strict supervision behind it. Peter ordered to make the execution of the Sagittarius directly under the windows of Sofia Celi.

For another five years, her imprisonment lasted in the monastery under a non-primary supervision of the guards. Sofya Alekseevna died in 1704 in the Novodevichy Monastery.

Peter I - Great Tsar, Emperor and Autocrat of All-Russian

Years of life 1672-1725

The years of the Board 1682-1725

Father - Alexey Mikhailovich, King and the Grand Sovereign of All Russia.

Mother is the second wife of Alexey Mikhailovich, Queen Natalia Kirillovna Naryshkin.

Peter I Great - Russian King (since 1682), the first Russian emperor (since 1721), an outstanding statesman, commander and diplomat, all the activities of which are associated with radical transformations and reforms in Russia, aimed at eliminating the backlog of Russia from European countries at the beginning of the XVIII century .

Peter Alekseevich was born on May 30, 1672 in Moscow, and immediately around the entire capital joyfully rang the bells. To the small Peter put in different moms and nannies, singled out special chambers. The best masters produced furniture, clothing, toys for Tsarevich. Boy S. early age Especially loved toy weapons: bow with arrows, sabers, rifles.

Alexey Mikhailovich ordered for Peter the icon with the image on one side of the Holy Trinity, and on the other - the Apostle Peter. Icon was made in the growth of the newborn Tsarevich. Peter later always drove it with him, believing that this icon protects him from misfortunes and brings good luck.

Peter received a home education under the supervision of "Uncle" Nikita Zotov. He complained that Tsarevich was not told for 11 years in a literacy, history and geography, captured by the military "fun" at the beginning in the village of Vorobyev, then in the village of Preobrazhensky. In these "funny" games, the king participated specially created "Total" shelves (who became subsequently guards and the core of the Russian regular army).

Physically strong, movable, inquisitive, Peter mastered with the participation of Palace Masters joiner, weapons, blacksmith, hour, typographic craft.

The king from early childhood knew German, later he studied the Dutch, partly English and french.

I really liked the inquisitive prince of the book of historical content, decorated with miniatures. Especially for him, court artists created funny notebooks with bright drawings, portrayed ships, weapons, battles, cities - Peter studied in them.

After the death of Brother Tsar Fyodor Alekseevich in 1682, as a result of the compromise between the family clans of Miloslavsky and Naryshkina, Peter was erected to the Russian throne at the same time with his consolidated brother Ivan V - with the regency (country of the country) of the sister, the princes of Sofia Alekseevna.

During the years of her rule, Peter lived in the village of Village by Preobrazhensky, where "funny" shelves created by them were located. There, he met the son of the court gracious Alexander Menshikov, who became his friend and support for life, and other "young robusts of the kind of simple." Peter learned to appreciate the not agencies and birdlikeness, but the ability of a person, his smelter and dedication.

Peter I Great

Under the leadership of the Dutch F. Timmerman and the Russian master R. Kartseva Peter learned by the shipbuilding, in 1684 he made a swim on his boot on Jauze.

In 1689, the mother forced Peter to marry the daughter of the tricky nobleman - E. F. Lopukhina (who gave him a son in the year of Alexey). Evdokia Fedorovna Lopukhin became the wife of 17-year-old Peter Alekseevich on January 27, 1689, but the marriage almost did not affect him. Habies and inconsistencies their king did not change. Peter did not like his young spouse and spent all the time with friends in German Sloboda. In 1691, Peter met the daughter of the German artisan Anna Mons, who became his beloved and her friend.

A large influence on the formation of his interests was provided by foreigners. F. Ya. Lefort., Ya. V. Bruce and P. I. Gordon - Initially, Peter teacher in different areas, and in the future - its nearest associates.

At the beginning of glorious days

By the beginning of the 1690s, real battles were held under the village of Preobrazhensky with tens of thousands of people. Soon, two regiments, Semenovsky and Preobrazhensky were formed from the former "funny" regiment.

At the same time, Peter laid the first shipyard on the Pereyaslav lake and began construction of ships. Already then the young sovereign dreamed of entering the sea, so the necessary Russia. The first Russian warship was laid on the water in 1692.

Peter began to go to state affairs only after the death of the mother in 1694. By this time, he already built ships on the Arkhangelsk shipyard and sailed on them by sea. The king came up with his flag consisting of three stripes - red, blue and white, which decorate Russian ships at the beginning of the Northern War.

In 1689, removing sister sister Sofya from power, Peter I became actually king. After the untimely death of his mother (which was only 41th year), and in 1696 - and the brother-co-gentleman Ivan V Peter I became a self-container not only in fact, but also legally.

As hardly established at the throne, Peter I personally participated in the Azov campaigns against Turkey in 1695-1696, which ended with the taking of Azov and the yield of the Russian army on the shores of the Azov Sea.

However, trade relations with Europe could be carried out only by finding the access to the Baltic Sea and the return of Russian land captured by Sweden during the years of troubled time.


Under the guise of study of shipbuilding and maritime case, Peter I secretly traveled by one of the volunteers at the Grand Embassy, \u200b\u200band in 1697-1698 to Europe. There, under the name of Peter Mikhailov, the king was held a full course of artillery sciences in Königsberg and Brandenburg.

For half a year he worked as a carpenter on the shipyards of Amsterdam, studying the ship architecture, a drawing, then graduated from the theoretical course of shipbuilding in England. According to his order, books, devices, weapons were purchased for Russia, and foreign masters and scientists were purchased for Russia.

The great embassy prepared the creation of the Northern Union against Sweden, finally issued two years later - in 1699.

In the summer of 1697, Peter I held talks with the Austrian emperor and assumed to come back in Venice, but having received the news about the uprising of the Archers who were preparing in Moscow (Sophia promised to increase the salary in the event of the overthrow of Peter I to raise a salary), I urgently returned to Russia.

On August 26, 1698, Peter I began a personal investigation of the case of Streletsky Bunte and did not spare anyone from the rebels - 1182 people were executed. Sophia and her sister Marfa were tonsured in nuns.

In February 1699, Peter I ordered to dissolve the shooting shelves and start the formation of regular-soldiers and dragoons, since "before this africa, no infantry did not have a state."

Soon Peter I signed decrees, under the fear of fines and spanking, prescribed men to "cut beard", considered the symbol of Orthodox faith. The young king ordered everyone to wear the clothes of the European sample, and women to open their hair, previously always thoroughly hidden under scatters and heads. So Peter I was preparing Russian society for indigenous changes, eliminating the patriarchals of the Russian lifestyle.

Since 1700 Peter I entered new calendar With the beginning of the New Year - January 1 (instead of September 1) and the christies from the "Nativity of Christ", that he also considered how a step in the breakdown of obsolete morals.

In 1699, Peter I finally ruined with his first wife. More than once he persuaded her to accept the monastic stop, but Evdokia refused. Without the consent of his wife, Peter I took her to Suzdal, in the Pokrovsky maiden monastery, where she was tonsured in the nuns under the name of Elena. The eight-year-old son Alexei Tsar took to himself.

North War

The priority of Peter I was the creation of a regular army and the construction of the fleet. On November 19, 1699, the king issued a decree on the formation of 30 infantry regiments. But the training of soldiers was not as fast as I wanted the king.

Simultaneously with the formation of the army, all conditions for a powerful jerk in the development of industry were created. Approximately 40 factories and factories have arisen for several years. Peter I aiming Russian craftsmen to adopt all the most valuable among foreigners and do even better than them.

By the beginning of 1700, Russian diplomats managed to conclude peace with Turkey and sign treaties with Denmark and Poland. Encuting the Constantinople world with Turkey, Peter I switched the country's efforts to fight with Sweden, which at the time of the rules of the 17-year-old Karl XII, who was considered, despite his youth, talented commander.

North War 1700-1721 years for the exit of Russia to Baltic began a battle near Narva. But the 40-thousand untrained and poorly prepared Russian army lost this battle of Charles XII. By calling the Swedes "Russian teachers", Peter I ordered to conduct reforms that were able to make the Russian army combat. The Russian army began to transform into his eyes, the domestic artillery began to emerge.

A. D. Menshikov

Alexander Danilovich Menshikov

On May 7, 1703, Peter I and Alexander Menshikov on boats made a fearless attack on two Swedish ships at the mouth of the Neva and won.

For this fight, Peter I and his pets of Menshikov received the Order of Andrei First Called.

Alexander Danilovich Menshikov "The son of a groom traded in childhood with hot pies, raised from the royal junction to Generalissimus, received the title of the brilliant prince.

Menshikov was a practically the second person in the state after Peter I, his closest companion in all state affairs. Peter I appointed Menshikov the governor of all the Baltic lands disheveled from the Swedes. Menshikov intensified many strength and energy in the construction of St. Petersburg, and his merit is invaluable. True, with all its merits, Menshikov was also the most famous Russian casnocrad.

The foundation of St. Petersburg

By the middle of 1703, all lands from the sources before the mouth of the Neva were in the hands of Russians.

On May 16, 1703, Peter I laid on a fun island the fortress of St. Petersburg - Wooden, with six bastions. Next to her was built a small house for the sovereign. Alexander Menshikov was appointed the first governor of the fortress.

The king read Petersburg not only the role of the trading port, but after a year in a letter to the governor called the city with the capital, and to protect it from the sea ordered the sea fortress on the island of Kotlin (Kronstadt).

In the same 1703, 43 ships were built on Olonetsk shipyard, and at the mouth of the Neva, shipyards called Admiralteyskaya was laid. On it the construction of ships began from 1705, and the first ship was laid on the water already in 1706.

The bookmark of the new future capital coincided with the changes in the privacy of the king: he met with the launch of the Marthawn of the Spavronskaya, who got Menshikov as a "military trophy". Martha was captured in captivity in one of the battles of the Northern War. The king soon called it Ekaterina Alekseevna, neighboring Marta in Orthodoxy. In 1704, she became the Civilian wife of Peter I, and by the end of 1705 Peter Alekseevich became the father of Born Catherine Son - Paul.

Children Peter I.

The household deeds were very depressed by the Tsar reformer. His son Alexei showed disagreement with his father's vision of the proper management of the state. Peter I tried to influence him with persuasion, then threatened to sharpen it into the monastery.

Failure from such fate, in 1716, Alexey fled to Europe. Peter I announced the Son a traitor, achieved his return and sharpened in the fortress. In 1718, the king personally led his investigative work, seeking Alexey's renunciation from the throne and issuing his names of his accomplices. "Care of Tsarevich" ended with Alexei's death sentence.

Children of Peter I from Marriage with Evdokia Lopukhina - Natalia, Pavel, Alexey, Alexander (everything except Alexey, died in infancy).

Children from a second marriage with Martha Skabronskaya (Catherine Alekseyevna) - Catherine, Anna, Elizabeth, Natalia, Margarita, Peter, Pavel, Natalya, Peter (except Anna and Elizabeth died in infancy).

Tsarevich Alexey Petrovich

Poltava victory

In 1705-1706, a wave of folk uprisings was held in Russia. People were unhappy with violence, detectives and promoters. Peter I brutally suppressed all the excitement. Simultaneously with the suppression of internal riots, the king continued to prepare for further battles with the troop of the Swedish king. Peter I regularly offered Sweden the world, from which the Swedish king was constantly refused.

Karl XII with his army slowly moved to the east, going to take Moscow as a result. After the capture of Kiev, the Ukrainian Hetman Mazepa was to rule in it, which passed towards the Swedes. All southern lands, according to Karl plan, were distributed between the Turks, the Crimean Tatars and other supporters of the Swedes. The Russian state in the event of the victory of the Swedish troops was waiting for destruction.

On July 3, 1708, the Swedes near the village of the Gamina in Belarus attacked the Russian Corps headed by Repnin. Under the onslaught of the royal troops, Russians retreated, and the Swedes entered Mogilev. The defeat under the duct has become an excellent lesson for the Russian army. Soon the king was his hand "Rules of Battle", where it was about the resistance, courage and mutual execution of soldiers in battle.

Peter I followed the actions of the Swedes, studied their maneuvers, trying to lure the enemy to the trap. The Russian army went ahead of Swedish and by order of the king ruthlessly destroyed everything in his path. Bridges and mills were destroyed, the villages and bread were burned in the fields. Residents ran into the forest and took care of cattle. Swedes walked along the scorched, ruined land, the soldiers of the famine. Russian cavalry rented the enemy by constant attacks.

Poltava Batalia

Sly Mazepa advised Karl XII to capture Poltava, having important strategic importance. On April 1, 1709, the Swedes stood under the walls of this fortress. The three-month siege did not bring Karla Xii success. All attempts to storm the fortress were repulsed by a Poltava garrison.

On June 4, Peter I arrived in Poltava. Together with the warlords, he developed a detailed plan of action, which provided for all possible changes during the battle.

On June 27, the Swedish royal army was defeated by headlong. Found the Swedish king himself could not find, he ran along with Mazepa towards Turkish possessions. In this battle, the Swedes lost more than 11 thousand soldiers, of which 8 thousand were killed. Swedish king, running away, threw the remnants of his army, who surrendered to Menshikov's mercy. Charles XII army was almost destroyed.

Peter I after Poltava Victory Generously awarded the heroes of battles, he distributed ranks, orders and land. Soon the king ordered generals to hurry with the liberation from the Swedes of the entire Baltic coast.

Until 1720, military steps between Sweden and Russia were sluggish, protracted. And only the marine battle of Grengam, who ended with the defeat of the Swedish Military Squadron, put a point in the history of the Northern War.

The long-awaited peace treaty between Russia and Sweden was signed in Nesteadt on August 30, 1721. Sweden received back most of Finland, and Russia is to enter the sea.

For the victory in the Northern War of the Senate and Holy Synod on January 20, 1721, a new title of sovereign Peter Great was approved: "Fatherland father, Peter Great and Emperor All-Russian».

Forcing the Western World to recognize Russia with one of the great European powers, the emperor began to solve urgent tasks in the Caucasus. Persian campaign of Peter I in 1722-1723 consolidated by Russia the West Coast of the Caspian Sea with cities Derbent and Baku. There, for the first time in the history of Russia, constant diplomatic missions and consulates were established, the value of foreign trade has increased.


Emperor (From the Latin Imperator - Lord) - the title of the monarch, the heads of state. Initially in ancient Rome, the word Imperator marked the Supreme Power: military, judicial, administrative, which has the highest consuls and dictators. Since the Roman emperor of August and its receivers, the title of Emperor acquired a monarchical character.

With the fall of the Western Roman Empire in 476, the emperor title was preserved in the east - in Byzantium. Subsequently, in the West, he was restored by the emperor Karl Great, then the German king by Otten I. Later, this title was taken by the monarchs of some other states. In Russia, Peter the Great was proclaimed the first emperor - so it was now called.


With the adoption by Peter I, the title "Emperor All-Russian" rite of wedding for the kingdom was replaced by coronation, which led to changes in both the church ceremony and in the regalia.

Coronation -the rite of entry into the reign.

For the first time, the rite of coronation was performed in the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin on May 7, 1724, Emperor Peter I coroned his spouse to Ekaterina to the Empress. The coronation process was composed of wedding to the Kingdom of Fyodor Alekseevich, but with some changes: Peter I insulated the imperial crown on his wife.

The first Russian imperial crown was made of gold-plated silver according to the type of church wedding crowns. The cap of the monomach at the coronation was not pinned, it was carried ahead of the solemn procession. During the coronation of Catherine, she was awarded the Golden Small Power - "Globe".

Imperial crown

In 1722, Peter issued a decree on the throne, where it was said that the successor of power appoints a reigning sovereign.

Peter the Great made a will, where he left the throne with his wife Catherine, but he destroyed the will in a rustling of rage. (The sovereign reported on the treason of the spouse with the camera-junker Mons.) Long Peter I could not forgive this misconduct, and the new testament did not have time to write.

Indigenous reforms

Petrovsky decrees of 1715-1718 concerned all parties to the state of the state: leather business, shops that unite craftsmen, creating manufactories, the construction of new weapons, agricultural development and a lot more.

Peter the Great radically rebuilt the entire system of government. Instead of the Boyarskaya Duma, a near office was established, consisting of 8 trusted persons of the sovereign. Then, on its basis, Peter I established the Senate.

The Senate existed at the beginning as a temporary state management body in case of absence of the king. But soon he became permanent. The Senate has a judiciary, administrative and administrative and sometimes legislative. The composition of the Senate varied by the decision of the king.

All Russia was divided into 8 provinces: Siberian, Azov, Kazan, Smolensk, Kiev, Arkhanghegorodskaya, Moscow and Ingermanland (Petersburg). 10 years after the formation of the province, the sovereign decided to disparate the province and shared the country for 50 provinces led by the governors. Gubernia Preserved, but there are already 11.

For more than 35 years, Peter the Great was able to conduct a huge amount of reforms in the field of culture and education. The main result of them was the emergence of secular schools and the elimination of monopoly of the clergy for education. Peter the Great was founded and open: School of Mathematics and Navalskogo Science (1701), Medical and Surgery School (1707) - Future Military Medical Academy, Marine Academy (1715), Engineering and Artillery Schools (1719).

In 1719, the museum in Russian history began to act - Kunstkamera With a public library. Buvwari was published, training cards and in general it was necessary to start a systematic study of the country's geography and mapping.

The propagation of literacy contributed to the reform of the alphabet (replacement of civic fonts in 1708), the yield of the first Russian printed newspapers "Vedomosti" (since 1703).

Holy Synod - This is also an innovation of Peter, created as a result of the church reform. The emperor decided to deprive the church of his own funds. According to his decree of December 16, 1700, the patriarchal order was dissolved. The church no longer had the right to dispose of their property, all funds were now in the state treasury. In 1721, Peter I abolished the San of Russian Patriarch, replacing him with Holy Synod, which includes representatives of the highest clergy of Russia.

In the era of Peter the Great, many buildings were erected for state and cultural institutions, an architectural ensemble Peterhof. (Petrodvorez). Built fortresses Kronstadt, Peter-Pavel's FortressThe planned development of the Northern Capital - St. Petersburg, which began the beginning of urban planning and construction of residential buildings on typical projects.

Peter I - Dentist

King Peter I Great "On the throne of the eternal worker". He knew 14 crafts well or, as they said, "appliances", but medicine (more precisely, surgery and teeth healing) was one of his main hobbies.

During his trips to Western Europe, being in Amsterdam in 1698 and 1717, the king Peter I visited the anatomical museum of Professor Frederic Ryuysh and diligently took the lessons of anatomy and medicine. Returning to Russia, Peter Alekseevich established in Moscow in 1699 a course of lectures on anatomy for boyars, with a visual demonstration on the corpses.

The author of the "Story of the Acts of Peter Great" I. I. Golikov wrote so much about this royal passion: "He ordered himself to notify if he was in the hospital ... to anatomate the body or to do any surgical operation, and ... rarely missed such a case So as not to attend it, and often even helped operations. CO time acquired it in that so much the skill that very skillfully knew how to anatine the body, let the blood, pulled his teeth and did it with a great hunt ... ".

Peter I everywhere and always wore two set of tools: measuring and surgical. Considering yourself with an experienced surgeon, the king was always happy to come to the rescue, barely noticed from his approximate some ailment. And by the end of his life, Peter appeared an imaginary bag, in which 72 personally broken tooth were stored.

It must be said that the passion of the king with a lot of other people's teeth was very unpleasant for his approximate. Because it happened that he ripped not only sick, but also healthy teeth.

One of the approximate Peter I in 1724 he recorded in his diary that Peter's niece "is in a large fear that the emperor will soon be sick for her sick leg: it is known that he considers himself a great surgeon and willingly hesitate himself for any kind of surgery over patients" .

Today, we cannot judge the degree of surgical skill of Peter I, it could only appreciate the patient himself, and not always. After all, it happened that the operation, which Peter did, ended with the death of the patient. Then the king with no less enthusiasm and knowledge of the case began to prepare (cut) the corpse.

We must give him due: Peter was a good connoisseur of anatomy, in the public-free time he loved to cut anatomical model of human eye from ivory.

Today, by Peter I, the teeth and the tools with which he made surgical operations (without painkillers) can be seen in St. Petersburg Kunstkamera.

In the last year of life

The violent and crowded life of the great reformer could not not affect the health of the emperor, who by 50 years earned a lot of diseases. Most of all his kidney disease.

In the last year of life, Peter I went to be treated on mineral waters, but during treatment, he still engaged in severe physical work. In June 1724, at the Igor's factories, he opened several glazing bands, in August, attended the descent of the frigate, then went to a long journey along the route: Shlisselburg - Olonetsk - Novgorod - Old Russa - Ladoga Channel.

Returning home, Peter I found out the news terrible for him: the wife of Catherine changed him with a 30-year-old Willie Mons, the brother of the former favorite of the emperor - Anna Mons.

It was difficult to prove to grasp the wife, so Willie Mons was accused of bribes and embers. After the court sentence, he cut off his head. Catherine just gave up Peter I on pardon, as the emperor broke the mirror in the great anger in an expensive frame and said: "Here is the most beautiful decoration of my palace. I want - and destroy him! " Then Peter I subjected to the spouse with a severe test - brought it to watch a condensed head of the Mons.

Soon his kidney disease aggravated. Most of the last months of Life Peter I spent in bed in terrible torment. At times, the disease retreated, then he got up and left the bedroom. At the end of October 1724, Peter I even participated in a fire extinguishing on Vasilyevsky Island, and on November 5 he looked at the wedding of the German Bowlnik, where he spent several hours, watching foreign wedding ritual and German dances. In the same November, the king participated in the engagement of his daughter Anna and the Duke of Golucket.

Overdating pain, the emperor was and edited decrees and instructions. Three weeks before the death, Peter I was engaged in drawing up instructions to the head of the Kamchatka expedition to Vitus Bering.

Peter-Pavel's Fortress

In mid-January 1725, the attacks of kidney colic frequent. According to the testimony of contemporaries, Peter I shouted for several days so loudly, which was heard far around. Then the pain began to be strong that the king was only deeply moaning, biting the pillow. Peter I died on January 28, 1725 in terrible torment. His body remained not buried for forty days. All this time, his wife Catherine (soon proclaimed by the Empress) twice a day cried over the body of his beloved husband.

Peter the Great is buried in them itself laid down by the Petropavlovsky Cathedral of the Petropavlovsk Fortress in St. Petersburg.

The last 300 years of Russian autocracy (1613-1917) are historically connected with the Romanov Dynasty, which established on the Russian throne in the period called the name of Discharge. The appearance on the throne of the new dynasty is always a major political event and is often associated with a revolution or coup, that is, violent removal of the old dynasty. In Russia, the change of dynasties was caused by the suppression of Rurikov's ruling branch in the offspring of Ivan the Terrible. The Problems of the Prestolaution spawned a deep socio-political crisis, accompanied by the intervention of Inogensev. Never in Russia often did not change the Supreme Rules, each time he leads to the throne of a new dynasty. Among the applicants for the throne were representatives from different social layers, there were foreign candidates from among the "natural" dynasties. The kings were the descendants of Rurikovich (Vasily Shuisky, 1606-1610), then the immigrants from the nonetitular boyar environment (Boris Godunov, 1598-1605), then the impostors (Lhadmitry I, 1605-1606; Lhadmitry II, 1607-1610 .). Nobody managed to consolidate the Russian throne until 1613, when Mikhail Romanov was elected to the kingdom, and in his face, finally, the new ruling dynasty was established. Why is the historical choice fell on the genus of Romanov? Where did they come from and what did they imagine the time to come to power?
The genealogical past of the Romanovs clearly appeared quite clearly in the middle of the XVI century. When the elevation of their kind began. In accordance with the polynic tradition of the time of the genealogy, they contained a legend of "leaving". Breeding with Rurikovichi (see Table.), Boyarsky Romanov borrowed borrowed and the general direction of the legend: Rurik in the 14th "knee" was displayed from the legendary proud, and the novel by the Romanovs was recognized as a "pear". Schemetete, Kolychev, Yakovlev, Sunov-mare and other known in the Russian history are traditionally considered to be of one (from the legendary Cambyl).
The original interpretation of the origin of all kinders who have a legend about the departure "from the pear" (with predominant interest in the roused house of Romanovs) gave in the XIX century. Petrov P. N., whose work was reprinted with great circulation already in our days. (Petrov P. N. History of childbirth of the Russian nobility. T.1-2, SPb, - 1886. Reissue: M. - 1991.- 420c. ; 318 p.). He considers the ancestors of these births by Novgorod, who broke up with their homeland for political reasons at the turn of the XIII-XIV centuries. And left for the service to the Moscow Prince. The assumption is based on the fact that the Prussian street in Novgorod was a Prussian street from which the road to Pskov began. Her residents traditionally supported the opposition against Novgorod aristocracy and were called "Prussians." "What are you for what to seek other Prussians? ..." - asked Petrov P.N., calling "to dispel the darkness of the fairy-tale fictions that have been taught so far for the truth and who wanted to impose into the genus of the Romanovs of the non-Russian origin."

Table 1.

Genealogical roots of Romanov's genus (XII - XIVVV.) Dana in the interpretation of Petrova P.N. (Petrov P. N. History of childbirth of the Russian Twistness. T. 1-2, - St. Petersburg, - 1886. Reisd.: M. - 1991.- 420C.; 318 p.).
1 Ratsha (Radha, Christian name Stefan) - the legendary founder of many noble childbirth of Russia: Sheremethev, Kolychev, Nepful, Mobyl, etc. The leaving "from Pruss", according to Petrova P. N. Novgorodets, servant of Vsevolod Olgovich, and maybe Mstislav the Great; According to another version of Serbian origin
2 Yakun (Christian name Mikhail), Posadner Novgorod, died in monastic name with the name Mitrofan in 1206
3 Alex (Christian name Gorislav), in monastics Varlaam Sv. Khutynsky, died in 1215 or in 1243.
4 Gabriel, the hero of the Nevsky battle of 1240, died in 1241
5 Ivan - Christian name, in Pushkin's pedigree - Ivan Morkhin. According to Petrova P.N. GRAND Cambular Divonovich was called to baptism, "from Pruss" in the XIII century, the generally accepted source of Romanovs, was crossed.;
6 of this Andrei Petrov P. N. considers Andrei Ivanovich the mare, the five sons of which were the founders of 17 genera of the Russian nobility, including Romanovs.
7 Gregory Aleksandrovich Pushkin - the founder of the kind of Pushkin, is mentioned under the 1380 year. From him, the branch was called Pushkin.
8 Anastasia Romanova - the first wife of Ivan IV, the mother of the last king Rurikovich - Fedor Ivanovich, the genealogical relationship of the Rurikov dynasties with Romanov and Pushkin is established through it.
9 Fedor Nikitich Romanov (born between 1554-1560, mind. 1663) From 1587 - Boyar, from 1601 - he was tonsured to the monks named Filaret, Patriarch from 1619. Father of the first king of the new dynasty.
10 Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov - the founder of the new dynasty, elected to the kingdom in 1613 by the Zemsky Cathedral. The Romanov Dynasty occupied the Russian throne to the 1917 revolution.
11 Alexey Mikhailovich - King (1645-1676).
12 Maria Alekseevna Pushkin married Osip (Abram) Petrovich Hannibal, their daughter Nadezhda Osipovna is the mother of the great Russian poet. Through it - the intersection of Pushkin and Hannibalov.

Without discarding the traditionally recognized Romanov's attitude in the face of Andrei Ivanovich, but developing the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Novgorod origin of the "leaving of the pear", Petrov P.N. It believes that Andrei Ivanovich Mare is the grandson of the Novgorod Jaakinf of the Great and is related to the Ratchean family (Ratsha - decreasing from Ratislav. (See Table 2).
In the chronicles, he is mentioned under 1146 in a number of other Novgorods on the side of Vsevolod Olgovich (son-in-law of Mstislav, the Great Kiev Prince 1125-32). At the same time, GRAND Cambular Divonovich-Traditional Investment Blumbal, "Pruss Suit" disappears from the scheme, and until the middle of the XII century. The Novgorod roots of Andrei mare are traced, which, as already mentioned above, is considered the first documented ancestor of Romanov.
The formation of the reigning from the beginning of the XVII century. The genus and the release of the ruling branch seems to be in the form of a chain of mare - Cats - Zakhariah - Yuryev - Romanov (see Table 3), reflecting the transformation of generic nap in the surname. The elevation of the kind refers to the second third of the XVI century. and is associated with marriage Ivan IV on the daughter of Roman Yurevich Zaharin - Anastasia. (See Table. 4. At that time, it was the only untotted surname held in the first ranks of Staromoshkovsky Boyars in the stream of new titled servants, surgeon to the Sovereign Yard in the second half of the XV century. - The beginning of the XVI century (Princes Shui, Vorotnsky, Mstislavsky , Trubetsky).
The three-sister branch of the Romanov was the third son of Roman Yurevich in-Kharina - Nikita Romanovich (mind. 1586), the brother of Queen Anastasia. His descendants were already named Romanov. Nikita Romanovich - Moscow Boyar since 1562, an active participant in the Livonian war and diplomatic negotiations, after the death of Ivan IV headed the Regent Council (until the end of 1584). One of the few Moscow boyars of the XVI century, who left a good memory of the people: Name The folk epic preserved, depicting him a good-natured mediator between the people and the Terrible king Ivan.
From the six sons, Nikita Romanovich was especially given to the senior - Fyodor Nikitich (later the Patriarch Filaret, an unlawful co-cost of the first Russian king of the Romanovsky Romanov) and Ivan Nikitich, who was part of the seven-warehouse. Romanov's popularity acquired by their personal qualities increased by the persecutions that they were subjected to Boris Godunov, who saw potential rivals in their face in the struggle for the royal throne.

Table 2 and 3.

The election to the kingdom of Mikhail Romanova. Coming to power of a new dynasty

In October 1612, as a result of the successful actions of the second militia under the command of the Prince of Pozharsky and the merchant of Minin, Moscow was released from Poles. A temporary government was created and declared elections to the Zemsky Cathedral, the convening of which was planned at the beginning of 1613. On the agenda was one, but an extremely painless question is the election of a new dynasty. Of the foreign royal houses, unanimously decided not to choose, and there were no unity on domestic candidates. Among the noble candidates for the throne (Princes of Golitsyn, Mstislavsky, Pozhesky, Trubetskoy), there was a 16-year-old Mikhail Romanov from a long-standing Boyarsky, but neototilized genus. By itself, he had little chance of victory, but the interests of the nobility and the Cossacks who played a certain role in the period of Discharge came up on his candidacy. The boyars hoped for his inexperience and assumed to preserve their political positions that had strengthened over the years of the seven-bedrooms. There was a political past of the genus Romanov, which was mentioned above. We wanted to choose not the most youthful, and the most convenient. Among the people, campaign was actively conducted in favor of Mikhail., That also played a last role in his statement on the throne. The final decision was made on February 21, 1613. Mikhail was chosen by the cathedral, approved "all the land". The outcome of the case was decided by the note of an unknown Ataman, who said that Mikhail Romanov was closer to all the relationship to the previous dynasty and could be considered a "natural" Russian king.
Thus, in his face, the autocracy of a legitimate nature was restored (by law). The possibilities of the alternative political development of Russia, laid down in the period of Discharge, or rather, the traditions of the election (which means the replacement) of monarchs, was then lost.
For the back of the king Mikhail, for 14 years he was standing his father - Fyodor Nikitich, more famous under the name of Filaret, the Patriarch of the Russian Church (officially since 1619). The case is unique not only in Russian history: the Son takes the highest state post, Father is the highest church. It is hardly a random coincidence. On reflections on the role of the genus Romanov, in the period of the Troubles, some interesting facts suggest. For example, it is known that Grigory Fravev, who appeared on the Russian throne under the name of Falsitriya I, before the link to the monastery was the Halop of Romanov, and he, having become an impocated king, returned Filaret from Sulk, erected in San Metropolitan. Lhadmitry II, in the Tushinsky rate of which was Philaret, produced him in the patriarch. But be that as it may, at the beginning of the XVII century. In Russia, a new dynasty was approved, together with which the state functioned more than three hundred years, surviving ups and downs.

Tables 4 and 5.

Dynastic marriages of Romanovs, their role in Russian history

During the XVIII century. The genealogical relations of Romanov's houses with other dynasties were intensified intensively, which expanded to such an extent that, figuratively speaking, the Romanovs actually dissolved in them. These ties were formed mainly through a system of dynastic marriages, approved in Russia since Peter I. (see Table 7-9). The tradition of equivicary marriages in the conditions of dynastic crises, so characteristic of Russia in the 20s -60s of the XVIII century, led to the transfer of the Russian throne into the hands of another dynasty, whose representative opposed the dynasty of the Romanov dynasty (in male offspring - after death in 1730 Petra II).
During the XVIII century. The transition from one dynasty to another was carried out both along Ivan V - to representatives of the Mecklenburg and Braunschweig dynasties (see Table 6) and by Peter I - to members of the Hollytein-Gottorpian dynasty (see Table 6), the descendants of which occupied Russian throne on behalf of Romanov from Peter III Until Nicholas II (see Table 5). The Hollytein-Gottorpskaya dynasty, in turn, was the youngest branch of the Danish Dynasty of the Aldenburgs. In the XIX century The tradition of dynastic marriages continued, the genealogical relations have multiplied (see Table 9), having generated the desire to "hide" the ingenic roots of the first novels, so traditional for the Russian centralized state and burdensome for the second half of the XVIII - XIX centuries. The political need to emphasize the Slavic roots of the ruling dynasty found its reflection in the interpretation of Petrova P.N.

Table 6.

Table 7.

Ivan V was on the Russian throne of 14 years (1682-96) together with Peter I (1682-1726), initially in the reaction of his older sister Sophia (1682-89). There was no active participation in the management of the country, the descendants of the male family did not have, his two daughters (Anna and Catherine) were married, based on the state interests of Russia of the early XVIII century (see Table 6). In the conditions of the dynastic crisis of 1730, when the male offspring of Peter I was stopped, the descendants of Ivan V were established on the Russian throne: Daughter - Anna John (1730-40), great-grandfather Ivan VI (1740-41) in the reaction of Mother Anna Leopoldovna Representatives of the Braunschweig dynasty actually turned out to be in the person in the Russian throne. The coup of 1741 returned the throne into the hands of the descendants of Peter I. However, without having direct heirs, Elizabeth Petrovna passed the Russian throne to his nephew Peter III, on the Father belonging to the Hollytein-Gottornsk dynasty. The Aldenburg Dynasty (through the Holstein-Gottorpian branch) is connected to the Romanov House in the face of Peter III and its descendants.

Table 8.

1 Peter II - Grandson of Peter I, the last representative of the male floor from the genus Romanov (according to Mother Representative of the Blankenburg-Tolfenbutative Dynasty).

2 Paul I and his descendants who ruled Russia until 1917, from the point of view of origin to the nature of the Romanovs did not belong (Paul I - on the Father, the representative of the Hollytein-Gottorpskaya, for the Mother - Anhalt Cursk dynasty).

Table 9.

1 Pavlo I had seven children, of which Anna is the wife of Prince Wilhelm, and later the King of the Netherlands (1840-49); Catherine - since 1809 Prince's wife
George Oldenburg, since 1816 in marriage with Prince Wilhelm Würtemburg, later became the king; Alexandra - the first marriage with Gustav, IV, the Swedish king (until 1796), the second marriage - from 1799 with the Ersgertzoga Joseph, Palant-Tin Hungarian.
2 daughters Nicholas I: Maria - since 1839, the spouse Maximilian, the Duke of Leytenbergsky; Olga - Since 1846, the spouse of Württemberg Crown Prince, then - King Charles I.
3 Other kids Alexander II: Maria - from 1874 in marriage with Alfred Albert, Duke Edinburgh, later Duke Saxen-Koburg-Gothsky; Sergey - married to Elizabeth Fedorovna, daughters of the Duke of Hessian; Paul - since 1889 in a marriage with the Greek Royal Alexandra Georgievna.

On February 27, 1917, a revolution occurred in Russia, during which autocracy was overthrown. On March 3, 1917, the last Russian emperor Nicholas II in a military trailer near Mogilev, where at that time there was a bet, signed a renunciation of the throne. This ended the history of monarchical Russia, which was declared the republic on September 1, 1917. The family of the overthrown emperor was arrested and sent to Yekaterinburg, and in the summer of 1918, when the threat of the capture of the city of Army A.V. Kolchak was created, shot by order of the Bolsheviks. Together with the emperor, his heir was eliminated by the Minor Son Alexey. The younger brother Mikhail Alexandrovich, the heir of the second round, in whose favor Nikolai Ii renounced the throne, was killed a few days before Perm. On this, the history of the genus Romanov should end. However, excluding any legends and versions, it is reliably to say that this genus is not ugas. Side survivored, in relation to the latest emperors, the branch - descendants of Alexander II (see Table 9, continued). Grand Duke Kirill Vladimirovich (1876 - 1938) In the order of the Preconsession was next after Mikhail Alexandrovich, the younger brother of the last emperor. In 1922, after completion civil War In Russia and the final confirmation of information about the death of the entire imperial family, Kirill Vladimirovich declared himself a victim of the throne, and in 1924 he accepted the title of Emperor of the All-Russian, the head of the Russian Imperial House abroad. His seven-year-old son Vladimir Kirillovich was proclaimed the heir to the throne with the title of Grand Prince Heir Tsearevich. He inherited his father in 1938 and was the head of the Russian imperial house abroad to his death in 1992 (see Table 9, continued) was buried on May 29, 1992 under the arrangements of the Cathedral of the Petropavlovsk Fortress of St. Petersburg. The head of the Russian Imperial House (abroad) was his daughter Maria Vladimirovna.

Milevich S.V. - Toolkit According to the study of genealogy. Odessa, 2000.

400 years ago, the first ruler from the genus Romanov, Mikhail Fedorovich reigned in Russia. His climbing the throne marked the end of the Russian Discharge, and his descendants had to rule the state for three more centuries, expanding the borders and strengthening the power of the country, which thanks to them became an empire. We remember this date with the Associate Professor of the RGU, the head of the department of auxiliary historical disciplines, the author of the books "Romanov. The history of the dynasty, "" Genealogy of Romanov. 1613-2001 "and many other Evgeny Beehov.

- Evgeny Vladimirovich, where did the genus Romanov come from?

Romanovs are an old genus of Moscow Boyars, the origins of which will rise to the first half of the XIV century, when the most early ancestor of the Romanov - Andrei Ivanovich Mare, who served Semyon to proud, the oldest son of Ivan Kalita. Thus, Romanovs are associated with the birth of the great Moscow princes from almost the very beginning of this dynasty, this can be said, the "indigenous" genus of the Moscow aristocracy. Earlier ancestors of Romanovs, to Andrei Mare, unknown chronicle sources. Already much later, in the XVII - XVIII, when Romanovs were in power, there was a legend about their ingenic origin, and the legend did not create the Romanovs themselves, and their homogeneous, i.e. Descendants of childbirth, one root with Romanov - Kolychev, Sheremeteva, etc. According to this legend, the ancestor of the Romanovs allegedly left for Russia "from Pruss", i.e. From the Prussian land inhabited by the pruses - one of the Balt tribes. His name was the allegedly Glove of Cambil, and in Russia he became an Ivan the mare, the father of Andrei himself, who is known at the court of Semyon proud. It is clear that the Glove of Cambilo is an absolutely artificial name, distorted from Ivan mare. Such legends about the departures of the ancestors from other countries were commonplace in the Russian nobility environment. Of course, this legend has no real base.

- How did they become Romanov?

The descendants of the grandson of Fyodor Cat - Zakharia Ivanovich, were glazed by Zakharian, his son - Yuri, was the father of Roman Yurevich Zaharin, and on behalf of the novel, the name of Romanovs was formed. In fact, it was all generic nicknames that took place from the middle deficiency and Dedica. So the surname of Romanov has a pretty traditional origin for Russian surnames.

- Was there Romanovs in relation to Rurikov's dynasty?

They threatened with the dynasties of the Tver and Serpukhov princes, and through the branch of Serpukhov princes were in direct relationship and with Moscow Rurikovichi. Ivan.III He was the rightmark of Fedor Cat for Mother, i.e. Starting from him, Moscow Rurikovichi were descendants of Andrei mare, but the descendants of the mare, Romanov, were not the descendants of the genus of Moscow princes. IN 1547 . The first Russian king Ivan Grozny married Anastasia Romanovna Zakharian-Yurieva, the daughter of Roman Yuryevich Zaharin, who is often incorrectly called a boyarian, although he did not have this rank. From marriage with Anastasia Romanovna, Ivan Grozny born several children, including Tsarevich Ivan, who died in a quarrel with his father in 1581 ., And Fedor, who became the king in 1584 . Fedor John was the last of the Moscow Kings dynasty - Rurikovich. His uncle Nikita Romanovich, Brother Anastasia, enjoyed great fame at the courtyard of Ivan the Terrible, Son Nikita, Fedor, became the Moscow Patriarch Filaret, and his grandson, Mikhail - the first king from the new dynasty, elected to the throne in 1613 g.

- Were there any other applicants for the throne in 1613?

It is known that in that year, on the Zemsky Cathedral, who had to choose a new king, the names of several applicants sounded. The most authoritative boyarian at that time was Prince Fyodor Ivanovich Mstislavsky, headed by Semiboyarschina. He accounted for a long-range descendant IvanIII through his daughter, i.e. He was a royal relative. According to the testimony of sources, the leaders of Zemsky militia, Dmitry Timofeevich Timbeevich, also claimed to the throne (strongly spent during the Zemsky Cathedral) and Prince Dmitry Mikhailovich Pozharsky. There were other notable representatives of the Russian aristocracy.

"Why wasn't Mikhail Fedorovich?"

Of course, Mikhail Fedorovich was a very young man, they could be managed, and he stood out of the courtesy of court groupings. But the main thing is the relationship between Mikhail Fedorovich and Romanovs with the king of Fedor Ivanovich, the son of Ivan Grozny. Fedor Ivanovich was perceived at that moment as if the last "legitimate" Moscow king, the last representative of the real royal "root". His personality and time of the board were idealized, as always after the era of bloody crimes, and the return to the interrupted tradition as it would restore those quiet and quiet times. No wonder Zemskoye militia coins coins with the name of Fedor Ivanovich, by that time for 15 years as the deceased. Mikhail Fedorovich was the nephew of Tsar Fyodor - he was perceived as a kind of "reincarnation" of Fedor, the continuation of his era. And although direct relationship with Rurikovichi had no Romanov, great importance They had just characteristic and related ties through marriages. The direct descendants of Rurikovich, be it the princes of fire or princes of Vorotnsky, were not perceived as part of the royal kind, but only as subjects of the tsarist dynasty, in their status they raised over their homogeneous. That is why Romanovs and turned out to be the closest relatives of the last of Moscow Rurikovich. Mikhail Fedorovich himself did not participate in the work of the Zemsky Cathedral and found out about his decision, when the embassy came to him with an invitation to the throne. It must be said that he and especially his mother, Inokin Martha, stubbornly refused such honor. But then, yielding to persuasion, still agreed. So began the Board of the New Dynasty - Romanov.

- Who is today the most famous representatives of the house of Romanov? What do they do?

Now the genus of Romanov, we will talk about the kind, not very numerous. Lives more representatives of the 1920s generation, the first generation of Romanov, born in emigration. The oldest today is Nikolai Romanovich, who lives in Switzerland, Andrei Andreevich, living in the United States, and Dimitri Romanovich, who lives in Denmark. The first two not so long ago was 90 years old. All of them repeatedly came to Russia. Together with his younger relatives and some descendants of Romanovs on women's lines (as Prince Michael Kent, for example), they constitute a public organization "Association of members of the Romanov family." There is also a fund for the assistance of Romanovs for Russia, which is headed by Dimitri Romanovich. However, the activities of "association" in Russia, at least, is not too much felt. Among members of the association, there are very young people like Rostislav Rostislavich Romanov, for example. The noticeable figure is the descendant of Alexander II from his second, morganotic marriage, the bright prince Georgy Aleksandrovich Yuryevsky. He lives in Switzerland and in St. Petersburg, where it often happens. There is a family of the late prince Vladimir Kirillovich - his daughter Maria Vladimirovna and her son from marriage with Prussian Prince Georgy Mikhailovich. This family considers itself legitimate applicants for the throne, all other Romanov does not recognize and behaves accordingly. Maria Vladimirovna commits "official visits", complaints the nobility and ordinary old Russia And in every way represents itself in the form of the "head of the Russian Imperial House". It is clear that this activity has a completely defined ideological and political tint. The family of Vladimir Kirillovich seeks for himself some special legal status in Russia, the rights to which many very convincingly put into doubt. There are other descendants of novels, more or less noticeable, such as Pouli Edward Larsen, named after Pavel Eduardovich Kulikovsky - Little Sister of Nicholas II, Great Princess Olga Aleksandrovna. It often appears on numerous events and presentations as a guest. But as such substantive and useful activities in Russia, almost none of the Romanovs and their descendants do not lead.

Perhaps the only exception is Olga Nikolaevna Kulikovskaya-Romanova. According to its origin, it does not belong to the nature of the Romanov, but is a widen native nephew of Nikolai II - Tikhon Nikolayevich Kulikovsky-Romanova, the eldest son of the already mentioned Great Princess Olga Alexandrovna. It must be said that its activities in Russia, not as an example of its other relatives, is extremely active and efficient. Olga Nikolaevna is headed by the Charitable Foundation named after V.KN. Olga Alexandrovna, who was founded by her with her late spouse Tikhon Nikolayevich, who lived in Canada. Now Olga Nikolaevna is even more spending time in Russia than in Canada. The Foundation held a huge charitable work, during the years of its existence, having real assistance to many medical and social institutions of Russia, Solovetsky monastery, etc., up to individuals who needed such assistance. In recent years, Olga Nikolayevna has been carrying out greater cultural activities, regularly organizing in different cities of the country of artwork for the Great Princess Olga Alexandrovna, a lot and fruitful painting. This side of the history of the royal family until recently was completely unknown. Now the exhibitions of the works of Great Princess passed not only in the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow and the Russian Museum in St. Petersburg, but also in these centers distant from the capitals, like Tyumen or Vladivostok. Olga Nikolaevna rushed almost all of Russia, they know her well in many corners of our country. Of course, she is a completely unique person, literally charging with its energy of all who had to face it. Its fate is very interesting - after all, before the Second World War, she studied at the Mariinsky Don Institute formed before the revolution in Novocherkassk, following the example of the famous Smolny Institute of Noble Maiden, and in the emigration of the White Church in the Serbian city. A beautiful upbringing in the Russian family of emigrants of the first wave and education in this educational institution could not but affect Olga Nikolaevna's personality, she told me a lot about this period of their biography. She knew, of course, and the Romanov of the Older Generation, for example, the daughter of the Grand Prince Konstantin Konstantinovich, the famous poet K.R. - Princess Verra Konstantinovna, with which her and Tikhon Nikolayevich tied friendly relations.

Each page of history makes his lessons for future generations. How does a lesson give us the history of the Romanov's rule?

I believe that the most important thing is that Romanovs have made for Russia - this is the phenomenon of the Russian Empire, the Great European Power with Great Culture and Science. If they know Russia abroad (it is Russia, and not Soviet Union), then by the names of those people who lived and worked during this period. It can be said that it was at Romanovs that rose in one row with the leading world powers, and absolutely equal. It was one of the highest races of our country in the entire history of its diverse existence. And Romanov played a very big role in this, for which we can be sincerely grateful.

In the monks under the name of Filaret. When Archimandrite Filaret was erected in San Rostov Metropolitan, his Ksenia's wife, tonsured in a nun under the name Marta, together with their son, Mikhail, settled in the Kostroma Ipatiev Monastery, who belonged to the Rostov diocese. During the stay of the Poles in Moscow, Martha and Mikhail were in their hands and transferred all the disasters of the siege from the Nizhny Novgorod militia with them, and after the liberation of Moscow again retired to the Ipatiev Monastery.

Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov in his youth

The Great Zemsky Cathedral, convened in Moscow for the election of the king, after stormy disputes, disagreements and intrigue, on February 21, 1613 unanimously put the election to the kingdom of the 16-year-old Mikhail Fedorovich Romanova. The main reason that prompted the Cathedral to this choice was probably the fact that Mikhail on the female line had a nephew of the last king of the old dynasty, Fedor John. The victims of so much failure when choosing new kings during the University, the people were convinced that the election would only be firmly if it fell on the face, connected by more or less close relative communications with the ceased dynasty. Boyar, who managed the move on the Cathedral, could be inclined in favor of Mikhail Fedorovich also his young age and meek, mild character.

July 11, 1613, Mikhail Romanova was accomplished in Moscow. The first concern of the young king was the pacification of the state tormented by enemies from the outside and inside. By the end of the 1614, the state was purified from Cossack Shakes of Zarutsky, Balovna, etc.; The Lithuanian Rider Lisovsky was held longer, from which his sudden death relied rid of Russia only in 1616.

It was much more difficult to settle external affairs. With the Swedes, who seized Novgorod and continued offensive actions under the superior of the King Gustav Adolf, in 1617 the government of Mikhail Fedorovich Romanova concluded the Pillars world, according to which Russia gave Sweden Ivangorod, Pubs, Koporye and Nut, which again cut off Moscow from the shores of the Baltic Sea. An even more dangerous was the second enemy - Poland, putting the contender to the Moscow throne of the Koroleic Vladislav, whom Moscow called on earlier. But the Moscow all sorts of ranks, "without sparing their heads," made the last effort and beat off all the attacks of Vladislav. On December 1, 1618, a deululent truce was concluded with the assignment of Poland Smolensk and Seversk land, which Vladislav did not refuse from the rights to the Moscow throne.

Under this truce returned to Moscow (in June 1619), the father of Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich, Metropolitan Filaret, sent in 1610, to Poland for negotiations and detained there. Immediately after returning to the San of Moscow Patriarch with the title of "Great Soviet", he began to rule together with Mikhail: things were reported to both and were solved by both, foreign ambassadors were presented to both together, dual letters applied and drove double gifts. This drooplow continued until the death of Patriarch Filaret (October 1, 1633).

Patriarch Filaret. Artist N. Tyutryumov

In 1623, Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov married the princess Marya Vladimirovna Dolgorukova, but she died in the same year, and in next year The king married Evdokia Lukyanne Streshneva, the daughter of a minor nobleman.

The deulinist trucy was not firmly: Vladislav continued to wear the title of Moscow king, the Polish government did not recognize Mikhail Fedorovich, did not want to deal with him and insulted him in his gramons. In 1632, the second Polish war broke out, to which in Moscow was preparing for a long time. Began very successfully, the war was corrupted by the accident under Smolensk Boyarin M. B. Shein, who paid his head for failure. The government of Mikhail Fedorovich Romanova got rid of difficulties only thanks to the approach of the Turkish army to the Polish borders. Polanovsky Mir on May 17, 1634 left all cities in front of the Poles, except Serpenty, defended in a deulinist trucy; Russians paid 20 thousand rubles with money, and Vladislav refused their rights to the Moscow throne.

The Government of King Mikhail Fedorovich was forced to avoid wars in every way, so when in 1637, the Don Cossacks took the Turkish fortress of Azov (at the mouth of the Don), then, on the advice with the Zemsky Cathedral (in 1642), Mikhail refused to support them and ordered to clear the Azov, not Wishing and without having the opportunity to lead the war on the powerful Turkish Sultan.

Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich's seat with boyars. Painting A. Ryabushkin, 1893

Mihail Romanov's main attention was drawn to the inner structure of the state, to raise its economic strength and streamlining the financial system. From each city, it was ordered to take in Moscow for one person from the clergy, two of the nobles and children of Boyars and two of the Poshesky people who could inform the government exact information about the state of the regions and how to help ruin residents. Zemstvo Cathedrals, who, with Mikhail Fedorovich, there are about 12, significantly facilitated the work of the government, the need to strengthen the external position of the state forced in 1621-22, to analyze the military-serving class throughout the state; Even earlier, in 1620, a new cadastre was started. The decassive and new writer and sentries of this time give a curious description of the military and the fiscal and economic forces of the state who suffered from the storms of troubled time. Attempts to challenge the scientists of ingenians, the corrections of the liturgical books and the foundations of the government school in Moscow complement the overall picture of the work of the government of Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich.

Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov, the founder of the dynasty, died on July 12, 1645, leaving 3 daughters and the 16-year-old son Alexei Mikhailovich, who changed him on the throne.