What dreams of a steep mountain. Rise uphill in a dream

What symbolizes seen sleep (idiom dream book)

  • If the mountain dreamed, and you want to express your dream correctly, you need to remember what idioms you know are sustainable expressions with this word. Mountains in dreams are a symbol of your future increase in service or say that you will succeed in any activity - I went to the mountain.
  • To see the mountain of some things - sleep warns that you have a lot of trouble - a mountain of affairs.
  • On the contrary, if you have a complex troublesome period in life now, the mountain can promise that it will be very soon, the mountain from the shoulders.
  • What dreams of a mountain with a valid volcano - a dream warns of upcoming strong unrest, an unstable position, dangerous waiting - to sit like on a volcano.

We analyze the vision in which the elevation of the hill (the interpretation of the psychologist A.Megetti)

  • Mountain dreamed - this is a frequent image. By itself, it has no significant meaning. More important is the action that the image of a person at the top of the mountain is unfolding in this place indicates that this person is outside the achievement.
  • If a person falls, rolls down the mountain - it means that the object is achievable.
  • By dream, if you see in a dream of yourself falling from the mountain - this is a symbol of fear of loss of luck or the reflection of health problems.
  • What dreams of a mountain, the vertex of which should be overcome to increase the level of horizon review, signals the need for self-realization.
  • Climbing the mountain - indicates a repressed sense of satisfaction, the decomposition of some blocked functions or intensive interaction "In Syo" and the ego, which indicates a comprehensive increase in onto-impregnativeness.

Sleep value for children's dream book

  • When a child sees a mountain in a dream, a dream is a warning that he needs to begin to bring the first results of what has already been done.
  • If you dream of a mountain, you need to think about what you have committed good for yourself and for others for some time for this year.
  • Dummed Mount recalls that it is necessary to start building plans for the future, reflecting, determined with what you would like to do in your life.

Mount Major Veles Dream

  • What dreams of the mountain is high and snow-covered - the severity of the Great, grave, grief, troubles, troubles, obstacles.
  • Bald mountain in a dream - anxiety sign.
  • Fall from the mountain - a dream foreshadows a great mountain, a loss, failure, or from grief.
  • Woodland mountain, green and beautiful - means betrayal of loved ones.
  • See the climb of the mountain, climb on foot up - the sign is contradictory - to good, recovery; To the big sorrow, empty work, thin way.
  • Go down from the mountain - Introduce Luck or failure.
  • Walking along the ridges, the mountain is conquered by the climber - a bad sign, a lot of need to experience.
  • Stand on the mountain - the dream foreshadows a great honor, glory.
  • Lailed down the hills, dreamed of a mountain in a dream - it symbolizes the troubles, koi will turn to the benefits.
  • Climb on the very top, dream of a high snowy mountain - to good, a dream-designed dream.
  • Slow down the mountain with a stone extended road - there are an obstacle in front.

Easy interpretation of sleep about the Alps (according to the writer Ezopu)

Mountain - this symbol in the dreams is directly related to a lot of fairy tales and legends. The ancestors believed that the mountains were tali in themselves and served as a shelter for their owners. Many believed that the treasures were stored inside the mountains, which are not available to people, and bring misfortune to those who go on their search. For those who live near the mountains, there were no forbidden places that were not allowed to walk in order not to disturb perfume.

Slavic oral creativity interprets the mountains as eternal, non-lubricant human forces. Mountain is a big and serious obstacle on the way. There is a well-known expression: "Smart to the mountain will not go, the smart mountain will work" and one more thing: "If the mountain does not go to Magomet, then Magomet goes to the mountain," which means: it's not necessary to wait for the impossible, do it in vain.

  • What dreams the mountain to which you climb is - this means your desire to realize some idea.
  • Achieve the top of the mountain is to achieve the desired, to embody dreams in life.
  • It was noted that despite all your efforts, you cannot climb on the top of the mountain, this indicates that the exercise of your plans will prevent external circumstances, it is worth a wait for some time and again to repeat the attempt to achieve the goal.
  • See the mountain with two peaks white and beautiful - sleep predicts you success in some important matter, because you have support for an influential person.
  • The mountain is dreaming, and the river flows on the slopes, it means that there are many events ahead of you, but they will be small and insignificant, work will not bring satisfaction, but this period of feverish classes will end soon.
  • See the chain of mountains from stones is a sleep-warning.

See the mountain how to solve sleep symbols (for family dream book)

  • If a white mountain, the mountain chain blocks the road, then it means that you will come across insurmountable obstacles in our way.
  • If the snow-covered chain of dreamy mountains stretches along your path, then you will achieve the goal against the actions of ill-wishers.
  • What dreams the mountain with settlements on her slopes, then it means that you are surrounded large quantity Friends and good acquaintances that will help you in a difficult moment, which will not make yourself wait.
  • To see in a dream, as a person, if desired, moves the mountain from one place to another, - you are looking for forces to carry out the conceived, but do not overestimate your capabilities and do not hope for help from the side.
  • By dreams to see in a dream that you go to a mountain with a waterfall and understand that it approaches you myself - sleep means that the external circumstances will be collapsed favorably and you will get what has long been treated for you.
  • To see in a dream of a friend who came to the night looking to ask for help: you need to get a mountain, and you are going to help him without a delay, - this dreaming dream means that you do not spare yourself for others, but every day more and more disappoints in those every day Who helps and for whom you sacrifice yourself.
  • By dreams to see in a dream that the mountain comes in motion as a pregnant woman's belly, and after that there is a lot of mice in the district - you will prefer the uselessness of what are busy now and what your best forces leave.
  • To see Klyach, who barely drags the mountain, - endless hard work too tires you, so you do not see the lumen ahead; You have to darnate to complete what requires close attention.

Dreamed Sleep about Mountain (I decline in erotic dreams)

  • What dreams of the mountain? The meaning of sleep in which you saw the mountain should be disassembled together with the rest of its details. Dreamed the mountain, on which they climbed in a dream - to go along the path - great things will go uphill. Obviously, in the very near future, you will have a new object of hobbies, and feelings to it will capture you completely, you will simply swim in the sea of \u200b\u200blove and passion.
  • Mountain dreamed, rolling with her cubera or ride specifically - this is a symbol of what is especially raised in the eyes of his beloved person. And of course this situation will give you great pleasure.
  • But the dream in which you, on the contrary, descended from the mountains, run away from it or, even worse - fall - this is an alarming warning about the upcoming love lossies. Your relationship will be torn on the initiative of the opposite side, which will be disappointed for some reasons.

What dreams of you mountain in a dream (interpretation of Rick Dillon)

  • Mountain in a dream is a symbol of some big grief. Therefore, if the mountain is dreaming, you have seen it as if by the side - this is a sad omen. You have to survive some difficult and sad situation.
  • Worse, if in a dream you have seen that you climb the mountain on foot. A dream says that you are our own actions only aggravate your unenviable position.
  • To see that we go down with a steep mountain - this is a good sign, because he says that how difficult is your current state, the peak of your misfortunes is already passed, and you will gradually go out, get out of your grief.

Interpretation of the mountain from the Dream Dream of the Wanderer (Terentia Smirnova)

  • Big Mountain from Sand - A dream foreshadows upcoming difficulties. If you see similar Son.In which you dream of a mountain - means that you set yourself high, difficult to achievable goals, to succeed in which it will be very difficult.
  • He dreamed climbing the mountain of all his might - this will be the true meaning of your sleep.
  • What dreams of a mountain of a huge height, the top of which is hidden in the clouds - this means that you have to do a lot of responsibilities, you will have extremely many things. In this case, the Mountain acts as a quantitative measure of something.
  • Stand on top of a mountain in a dream is a good sign. You will be able to achieve the desired one to succeed in the case you are interested in. Sometimes sleep promises emergency recovery from the disease.
  • See that you are moving inside the mountain - an unexpected happy case.

See the dream about the mountain, what does this mean? (ABC Interpretation of Dreams)

  • See the mountain ranges, dream of the mountain - the value of your sleep is interpreted depending on where you were and what they did. If you dream in a dream, the path that has broken the way, you were at her foot, sleep warns about whether you will have to face a big obstacle. Is it necessary to move on in this direction? Do you need to watch a mountain without seeing anything, or can you somehow get around it? Is it, turn back and not to create additional problems in life?
  • If you dreamed in a dream that you are standing at the top of the mountain or managed to climb it - this is a positive sign that foreshadows you to achieve success, the implementation of some difficult goal.
  • What dreams of the mountain, and you fall from it in a dream - the prediction of the upcoming vitality.

Meaning of sleep about mountain arrays (Muslim dream book)

In accordance with the sacred Quran and the Sunny Mount, which you see, symbolizes a high-ranking person, ruler with a stone cruel cold heart. It is impossible to swear and uselessly begging him about some kind of mercy. If you dreamed in a dream that you walk on the top of the mountain, the dream predicts you success in your career, achieving your goals. The higher the mountain was on which you managed to rise in a dream, the greater the success and large heights you will be able to achieve.

If the dream has dreamed of Mountain (interpretation of the magician Yuri Longo)

  • What dreams the mountain to which you climb - wait for serious difficulties.
  • If you rose to the mountain with difficulty, constantly stumbling and remembering stopping in order to translate the spirit, then the solution to this problem will not come immediately and for a while you will find yourself in a dead end.
  • Mountain dreamed, and the rise was made to you easily - it means that you will soon be able to cope very quickly with difficulties, although it will take care of loved ones.
  • To see many ridges, a long mountain - a dream symbolizes your restless life, and the most unpleasant thing is that you do not feel confident, constantly doubt and wait for the trick. Is it no better to calm down and live without constant fear in the shower?
  • See how someone walks in the mountains - you have to take a difficult decision regarding your personal life. You feel offended, deprived of attention. If it turns out that you are right and you get a little, you should not make a speaker decision, otherwise you will regret, but the case will be done.
  • What dreams of a mountain with steep slopes, on which there are almost no vegetation - means that in reality those who surround you seek any questions to solve without your participation, although it seems to you that your opinion is very important for them. They are much easier to agree among themselves, without asking how you look at a particular event. Try to correct this position and be more active in situations when you need to solve something. Maybe friends do not listen to your opinion because they do not expect a valuable advice from you? But if you, at least a couple of times, manifest the prudence and wisdom, your loved ones will understand that you are a good adviser and your opinion they neglected in vain.
  • Fall in a dream from the mountain - in reality you make a dishonest act in relation to a person who does not know very well, but he himself belongs to you as it is impossible.

Mountain in a dream (Interpretation of Esoteric Dream Interpretation)

  • For a proper understanding of sleep, in which you have dreamed of the mountain, you need to remember exactly where the events unfolded in a dream. If you have seen a kind of mountain from afar - it is a sign that you will think about a new venture, set a new goal, to achieve it is not easy, but your efforts will be completed.
  • See that you get up to the mountain - already very soon your affairs will go to the way.
  • What dreams the mountain with which you descend is a bad omen speaking that all your attempts and troubles were vain.
  • A bad omen carries a dream in which you fell from the mountain, rolled out of it. He warns you that I need to be very careful, otherwise you can break the wings.
  • High mountain, which you personally own, predicts you to gain a high-face support.
  • To see in a dream that you have removed this mountain break, Introduces you gathered to offend our patron.
  • In the case when you dream that you decide to settle or already live on Mount, know: you have a high and powerful patron, which will help you to take the steps of the service staircase.
  • Glowing the mountain, making an ascent to her painful and long - it foreshadows grief, failure.
  • Easy climbing - you will quickly achieve fame and deuters. This is an indication of the possibility of a rapid approximation to the top of the city administration or even the whole country.
  • Drop down, the mountain dropped you - to the loss of the position you are in currently occupy.
  • What dreams of the mountain, you are on top of the mountain, but the mountain itself is black, beware: your life is threatened with a serious danger!
  • If the mountain is illuminated by an incredible strength, magical shine - you are destined to good luck in all your endeavors.
  • To see yourself at the bottom of the deep mountain gorge - to imprisonment or to the ambulance.

Meaning of sleep about the hill (Collection of the Interpretation of Zhou-Guna)

  • Penetrate the mountains inward - will be luck in affairs.
  • There is a high mountain, climbing, feel fear - there will be promotion in the service career.
  • Destruction and loss when lifting the mountains - foreshadows evil and misfortune.
  • You go on a tour of high mountains - in spring and summer foreshadows happiness.
  • What dreams of the mountain, you go on the slope, covered by the earth - will be thoughts about the disease.
  • You live in the high mountains - foreshadows a happy event.
  • Died a mountain and a great walk through it - foreshadows material profit, well-being, good luck.
  • Holding an object in the hands, rising in the mountains - the wife will bring a noble son.
  • To see among the mountains is engaged in agriculture - wealth in clothes and food, the subjects of the need.

Mountain - what dreams in a dream (Dream of the XXI century)

  • Dreamed the mountain in a dream is a labor sign and a character of hard work.
  • To see snow-covered white mountains in a dream - this means that there are difficult obstacles on the way to success.
  • Climbing a dream on the mountain, climbing up - it foreshadows difficulties on the path to success; Testing fear when climbing - means promotion on the service staircase, an increase in position.
  • Living in a dream high in the mountains - foreshadows a happy event.
  • What dreams of the mountain, walking in the mountains - the presenter of material profits, well-being.
  • Bringing off the mountain - symbolizes the deliverance from danger.
  • Dreamed Mount and drop from it - a dream symbolizes good luck in affairs.
  • Achieve in the dream of the top of the mountain - it means that I need to take care of your health.
  • Seen bald mountain without vegetation - bad Son.foreshadowing and obstacles in affairs. For a young girl, sleep is a warning that she is better not to communicate with a person who is trying to achieve its location. His insincerity and angry intent can bring her only trouble in the future.

Sleep value about mountain ranges (moon dream book)

  • You see the mountain, you need to consider the place on which it was located. It dreams that you climb the mountain, click on it, albeit on a narrow path or overcoming some obstacles - bushes, pit, stones, but continue to move towards the top - this is a good sign. Sleeping tells you that, despite all the difficulties, you will be able to succeed - "go uphill."
  • If in a dream dreams that you descended from the mountain, especially since they rolled out of it or fell, sleep foreshadows you full failure, the failure of the conceived. Or worsening your current position.
  • To be in a dream on a mountain pass - a signal that you are now at a turning point of your life, you have a difficult period.

Meaning of sleep about Sinai (message tarot cards)

  • What dreams of the Mount Sinai, stand on her top - to reach the reality of success, power, high position.
  • To see that the mountain is right in front of you - to achieve the intention you have to overcome serious obstacles.
  • To see yourself in a dream to the mountain, we go up - a good sign talking about what you are on the right, albeit a difficult path.
  • Glowing the mountain, how falling from it - sleep warns you that you behave too arrogant and arrogant. Already soon, you will have to suffer punishment for your actions.

What dreams of a mountain

Dream Khasse

See - get protection; walk on them and climb up - difficulties and obstacles; obsened - infidelity; with ruins - winnings; Furgents - a big danger; go down to the mountains - avoid ambushes; with snow vertices - sublime intentions; naked - anxiety; to be surrounded by mountains - use your abilities; Remiety and not have the strength further go - your company falls. See also Mount

What dreams of a mountain

Family dream book

Mountains - Mountain means an obstacle. The case you may have a long time and carefully planned, will remain an unattainable vertex for you. It is better to leave any senseless attempts to conquer her conquest and do something else. If the vertex, which you dream, is covered with a snowy cap, then you need to get together forces and by all means to achieve the goal. If there is no snow on top, it is better not to suffer and leave fruitless attempts. If you are climbing the mountain in a dream, this means that the goal is close and your efforts will soon be rewarded by a hundredfold. If you see yourself on top of the mountain - it means fate will soon make a steep turn (unknown, for the best or worse) and your life will change fundamentally.

Mountains - conquer the mountain peaks - to succeed. Cook in the mountains and see your blood - go to a dead end, solving production problems. Find in the mountains gemstone - Get an unexpected business offer. Turn when climbing - to fail in matters. Go to the mountain river - to look at the task in a new way.

What dreams of a mountain

Sonner Simon Kananita

Mountains - see - get protection - walk on them and climb up - difficulties and obstacles - flames - infidelity - with ruins - winnings - Furgents - a big danger - to go down to the mountains - to avoid ambushes - with snowy vertices - exalted intentions - naked - anxiety - to be surrounded by mountains - use your abilities - to go up and do not have the strength on to go - your company is high - hard work, sadness - reach tops - be happy

What dreams of a mountain

Dream Dream Eugene Tsvetkov

naked - anxiety;

wooded - infidelity;

climbing - success if you get;

see - difficulty;

descend - failure;

climbing the mountain for the patient - recovery

(Les long - very severe illness).

What dreams of a mountain

Akulina healer dream book

What do the mountains mean in a dream - you will be able to conquer all the vertices. Do not be afraid - risk, act, create. Everything will work out. This is your day. Imagine yourself standing on the top of the mountain, which offers stunning views.

What dreams of a mountain

Modern dream book

High Mountains - Heavy Labor, Depression

What dreams of a mountain

Large dream book

Mountains - naked - anxiety; wooded - infidelity; Climbing - Success, if you find a top; see the mountains - difficulties; descend - failure.

What dreams of a mountain

British dream book

Mountain - Mountains usually mean ambitions and obstacles to them, and if there are no mountains near your home and you are not engaged in mountaineering, the importance of the mountains in dreams is usually quite direct. The higher the mountain, the more ambition; The lightness or difficulty of lifting reflects your attitude towards how easy it will be to satisfy them. If you are standing on top of the mountain, looking at the view dropping in front of you, this means that in your feelings you have achieved the desired or close to it. If you do not have joy and celebrations, you should look close to your desires and Gresses. Perhaps, in fact, they are not yours - it may, these are the desires of the parents or partner who are realizing, and therefore your victories are felt empty. What dreams dream: did you carry you on the mountain? It means that you expect other people to clear your way to you, perhaps even making all of you necessary work. If you carry someone - you feel that you do this in one way or another in real life. See also subside

What dreams of a mountain

Dream name A.Mindel

You dreamed of a mountain - you rose in a dream to the top of the mountain and overlook the district - good dream; He testifies that the spirit of your high and thoughts are clean; Your role in society will be significant; You will take part in solving global problems. You are going to go, go to the mountain and do not raise to the top - you have a desire to achieve a high position in society, but life constantly puts any obstacles that you have to go around or overcome - waste time and strength; wait for the obstacle and in the near future

What dreams of a mountain

Big Dream Interpretation FEBE

You dreamed of the mountains - any vertices will be subject to you, you will achieve the goal. Imagine high beautiful mountains. You feel the purity of the mountain air and enjoy the magnificent scenery. MiG - and you are already at the highest top. Only the sky is above you, and below the horizon is spread to the horizon. You are overwhelmed by the feelings of the winner. You got to the most high vertexSo, any goal to you shoulder.

What dreams of a mountain

Psychoanalytic dream book

What does the mountain mean in a dream. 1. Dingked Mount usually symbolizes the obstacle that needs to be overcome. In an effort to conquer the mountain peak, we are trying to challenge our inconsistencies and free from fear. Achieve the peak of the mountain is to achieve your goal. Fall from the mountain - an indication of inattention, negligence. 2. We all have to deal with difficulties in life. And sometimes it is very important how we meet these difficulties. The mountain symbol has many interpretations, but always equally means that, thanks to a dream, you can work out best Plan actions in real life. 3. Mountain is an image with which you can work again and again.

What dreams of a mountain

Russian dream book

What do you mean in a dream of a mountain - grief; exorbitant pride, putting obstacles on the life path; reach the vertices - overcome obstacles and go to new level"may mean an increase in service.

What dreams of a mountain

Jewish dream book

You dreamed of the mountain - foreshadowing great work and grief. Fall from the mountain - big mountain or loss. Get up to the mountain - to the grief, however, if you manage to get to the top, you can wait honor. Walking in the mountains - to needs and anxiety.

What dreams of a mountain

Magic dream book

You dreamed of the mountains - the swords - disbelief in own forces. It is easy to climb a mountain - always to the rise in life, success, high aspirations, sliding or descending from the mountain - to miss your capabilities because of laziness. Lifting up the mountain with difficulty - in real life, all achievements are given with effort. Get up to the mountain, using equipment, - to avoid ambushes. Fall from the mountain - a sense of guilt. Stand on top of a high mountain - an unprecedented success, pride in its position.

Destroyed mountains - the end of the usual lifestyle. See the mountains in the picture or draw yourself - take protected close man. Mountains, crouched by forest, - to infidelity, collapsed mountains - disappointment due to loss. Mountains with snowy vertices - sublime intentions. Standing surrounded by high mountains - hardly use your capabilities.

What dreams of a mountain

Dream interpretation housewife

Mountain - greatness; danger; Holy Land; High aspirations.

What dreams of a mountain

Psychotherapeutic dream book

Mountains (hills) are difficulties and obstacles perceived as a social challenge. Body parts. Top of the mountain or hill. Peak individual claims in the pursuit of power and success. Top of experience and knowledge. Purpose. Climb the mountain. The first half of life, when difficulties must be overcome by the achievement of the vertices. Stage of individual or sentence of initiation. Go down from the mountain. The second half of life. Mountain protrusion and hill. Chest. Valley between two mountains or hills. Protection, Security, Comfort. Chest. Sacred mountain. The integration of the personality, over I, so ambiguously decrypt the dream that you dream.

What dreams of a mountain

Old Russian dream book

naked anxiety; wooded - infidelity; Climbing - Success, if you fit; see - difficulties; descend - failure.

What dreams of a mountain

Dream interpretation for women

Mountain means an obstacle. The case you may have a long time and carefully planned, will remain an unattainable vertex for you. It is better to leave any senseless attempts to conquer her conquest and do something else.

If the vertex, which you dream, is covered with a snowy cap, then you need to get together forces and by all means to achieve the goal. If there is no snow on top, it is better not to suffer and leave fruitless attempts.

If you are climbing the mountain in a dream, this means that the goal is close and your efforts will soon be rewarded by a hundredfold.

If you see yourself on top of the mountain - it means fate will soon make a steep turn (unknown, for the best or worse) and your life will change fundamentally.

What dreams of a mountain

Health Dream Interpretation

See high mountains with snowy vertices - you need to strive for sublime, spiritual values \u200b\u200bof life; Rocky Mountains - to the stress and anxious state of the psyche; Fire-drying mountains - a sign of danger; To diseases S. high temperatures, burns.

What dreams of a mountain

Dream of Yellow Emperor

You, climbing, go to the blue clutch. I returned to the road to Blue Mountain. Cloud with the mountain, it can be seen, it's time to part. Filled with tears dress his hermit. Maine Hoodejan (689-740) Primary elements - wood, metal / stone, water. Elements - wind, dryness, cold, humidity. Emotions - anger, sadness, fear, anxiety, depression. Organs - liver, bladder, gallbladder, kidneys, lungs, thick intestine. Planets - Jupiter, Venus, Mercury, Saturn. Explanation and interpretation of the mountain triggram is Han. We read the trigram from the bottom up: two in-piece (torn) features are based on - the foundation and safety of the causes of the situation, long and gradual formation of the current process; One Yanskoye is at the top - a symbol of the moment of the moment and the impassableness of external manifestations. All hidden manifests itself: a long peace, has the basis of a tendency to destruction and disappearance and gives early or late an outbreak of energy; The longer it was a stronger flash. The book of change states that Han is the Timgram of the northeast, where it is emerging and comes to an end all the existence: ends old and starts new coil Life (East -Zhizn, North -smer). Han is a stop, dog, hands, younger son and daughter, trail and road, guard, ring on the finger, rat, tongue, spiritual mediator between man and deity and the like. All related to the cripples and shifts of landmarks. Mountain - a symbol of duality of a person: inner gravity, weakness, traction to the ground, from which he is created, and the external desire for success, to the sky through the struggle and overcoming. The clearer the inner weakness of a person is revealed, the sophisticated attempts to appeal for the external manifestation of power are. However, everything that does not have internal strength is externally depleted and sooner or later disintegrates, contrary to all plans, and often - unexpectedly. True strong people Do not experience internal needs to exercise its strength without pressure of external circumstances. For specific situation The mountain is also symbolic: the peak of the mountain is the limit of development and maximum voltage situation, the highest point with which there is no place to go. A man on the mountain is a sign of complete self-destruction and immersion in yourself. Leaving each other reaches its own bottom (or vertex) - the highest, giving the only point of the point, because there is no opportunity for flight. After all, the external struggle - no more than a consequence internal contradictions and fears provoking external depression and depression or confidence and success. Mountains see / cross-Yang and Yin condition, their action is favorable together - in harmony and not favorable - separately, in disharmony. Mountains to see in a dream without overcoming them - with the image of our own internal problems and self-locking in the form of mountains: internal anger provokes external flareleading to depression, they are united by fear; All together they give rise to anxiety and deprivistities of distrust of others (home or colleagues). Internal self-blocking generate external troubles: when the inner state of the struggle is continuous, then all new and new phenomena are involved in the combat, without solving old problems. The doctor's council and the revision of vital landmarks are needed. Go to the mountains without the desire to overcome them and return back means care - a refusal of the world, breaking down possible consequences (Targeting relations, relationships, and the like.) Contempted mountain peaks with delight - to put a goal, predetermining perhaps long, but interesting and in the end a good path. Climbing in the mountains with effort - the impossibility and reluctance are further in this situation, the need to rise above it, in order to be able to considery from themselves. This is based on a favorable, but depends on further behavior in reality: inadequately perceiving the world a person will not be able to close the events to the right. It should be thoughtful and not to make speaking solutions. Overcome in the dream of a mountain - overcoming and taming destructive external manifestations and development; The manifestation of the intrinsic and internal basis is a sign of the beginning of the struggle for itself, the revision of the views, the refusal of anger and the demonstration of superiority is difficult, but correct recovery. Success in the future. Search and strive for the mountains with thirst for overcoming - __ Internally, a pre-prepared reference of landmarks; This image can mean and erected out from the outside of the walled will-absorption. Sleep is favorable: success, accomplishment, well-being in the house. Climb the peak of the mountain and contemplate surrounding with delight - the maximum of good luck (perhaps after a difficult beginning). To die in the mountains - the urgent change of life orientations, goals, plans and the doctor's council (see the body of the body indicated at the beginning of the chapter).

First elements -Om.

Elements - heat. Emotions - joy, hidden depression. Organs - heart. Planners-Mars. Mountains with fire and, perhaps, with smoke to see in a dream: the dream is interpreted differently than the vision of the transition of the mountains. Mountains with fire / smoke will shoot at a certain medical diagnosis - the void of the heart. Emptiness of the heart - the absence in the heart vital energy, state of weakness, fears for their own life, helplessness. In a dream, a person will try to fill himself, recreating the image of the mountains: the image of relics, calm and security causes a little relief. Fire and smoke in a dream in addition to the mountains - this is a feeling of your own body: a small exterior heat will create a vision of staying next to fire (fire), smoke and smell of Gary - these are smells of the body arising from the void of the heart (sweating and so on), in the afternoon Smells weak, and the smell of man is imperfect. But at night, all feelings are exacerbated. The dream reflects the desire of a person to trust the external forces, allegedly able to bring it out of the existing position, and reluctance to do something. The state of impotence, fear and submission can be interpreted as dangerous. Cardiac pains reflecting the exhaustion of the whole organism and psyche are possible.

What dreams of a mountain

Dream Taro.

Mountains and cliffs in Tarot usually mean obstacles and difficulties. If the mountains are much and they are cool (as in the back background of Arkana Emperor), it may say that there is a problem of problem to overcome with the help of the power of the will. In the head of the jester, the mountains also indicate problems, but these mountains are small and in the distant plan - a hint that, to grow up, you need to "fill cones", and that the character stands at the very beginning of the path. In the hermit, the character sits on the top of the mountain, thereby pointing out that he had to go long and heavy, albeit, overcoming many obstacles. From how strongly expressed mountains, the interpretation depends - from danger to serious problems. Soft rounded streamlined molds of mountains and their small size symbolize a hint of some danger (in the map Knight Cups). A peculiar symbol is double mountains or hills, especially if the road leads to them - this is a remote goal that can be achieved by passing a card lesson.

What dreams of a mountain

Ukrainian dream book

Mountains - Shot Mountains is a mountain, bad, difficulty. Mountains are naked - anxiety covered with forest -zmen. How to dream that we climb on the mountain, then it brings sadness; How to get out to the mountain and go, is good: a man got out of grief; And if we climb on the mountain and you will not get out, you will be afraid: you will go to the mountain - the difficulty is that you have, and how to get out, then good; We climb on the mountain, then it should be some kind of grief, but as a tree, it is grown; descend from the mountain - failure. Stone on the road (trail) in the mountain - obstacles. Going to the mountain with the precipice - to unhappy marriage.

Sales and value of dreams

Sleep from Tuesday on Wednesday

Sleep with pleasant images is considered good sign. He promises joy from successful changes in life and travel. A monotonous dream that could not be remembered in detail, talking about the low social activity of the sleeping. Predictions are embodied in the coming Friday or Saturday.

14 lunar day

Dream with its roots goes to the subconscious part of the identity of the dream and indicates his fears, expectations and problems. Seen images are usually intricate and not always amenable to logical analysis. With the right interpretation of such dreams, you can establish your life.

Waxing Crescent

The dream indicates the new turns of the events that will soon happen. It indicates the spheres of life and questions that need to do in the near future. Dreams on the growing moon - prophetic.

20th of March

Sleep pictures can have a different content. They carry a truthful meaning, which is reflected in reality. To bring the moment of incarnation of a dream, do not tell anyone about it.

  • This symbol is directly related to a variety of fairy tales and legends. According to the ancestors of the mountain, the mystery of the mountains was tali and served as a shelter for their owners. Many believed that the treasures were stored inside the mountains, which are not available to people, and bring misfortune to those who go on their search. For those who live near the mountains, there were no forbidden places that were not allowed to walk in order not to disturb perfume.
  • Slavic oral creativity interprets the mountains as eternal, non-lubricant human forces. Mountain is a big and serious obstacle on the way.
  • There is a well-known expression: "Smart to the mountain will not go, the smart mountain will work" and one more thing: "If the mountain does not go to Magomet, then Magomet goes to the mountain," which means: it's not necessary to wait for the impossible, do it in vain.
  • If in a dream you climb the mountain, then this means your desire to realize some idea. Achieve the top of the mountain is to achieve the desired, to embody dreams in life. If despite all your efforts, you cannot climb on the top of the mountain, this indicates that the implementation of your plans will prevent external circumstances, it is possible to wait for a while and again to repeat the attempt to achieve the goal.
  • Seeing the mountain with two vertices - such a dream predicts you success in some important matter, because you have the support of an influential person.
  • If the river flows on the slopes of the mountain, then it means that you are waiting ahead of the many events ahead, but they will be small and insignificant, work will not bring satisfaction, but this period of feverish classes will end soon.
  • See the mountain chain is a sleep-warning. If the mountainy chain blocks the road, then this means that you will come across insurmountable obstacles on your way. If the chain of the mountains stretches along your path, then this is a sign that you will achieve the goal against the actions of ill-wishers.
  • If you dreamed of a mountain with settlements on her slopes, it means that you are surrounded by a large number of friends and good friends who will help you in a difficult moment that will not wait.
  • To see in a dream, as a person, if desired, moves the mountain from one place to another, - you are looking for forces to carry out the conceived, but do not overestimate your capabilities and do not hope for help from the side.
  • To see in a dream that you go to the mountain and understand that she is approaching you herself - this dream means that the external circumstances will be more favorable and you will get what has long been due to merit.
  • See in a dream of a friend who came to the night looking to ask for help: you need to get the mountain, and you are going to help him without delay, - this dream means that you do not spare yourself for others, but every day more and more disappoints in those who Help and for whom you sacrifice yourself.
  • To see in a dream that the mountain comes in motion like the belly of a pregnant woman, and after that a lot of mice appears in the district, - you prefigge the uselessness of what are busy now and what your best forces leave.
  • See in a dream Klyach, who barely drags the mountain, - endless hard work too tiring you, so you do not see the lumen ahead; You have to darnate to complete what requires close attention.

In a dream, on foot climb the mountain - thanks to its hard work, freely overcome any turmoil. Lifting up the trail to the lurpping of the greenery, in reality, it will easily achieve wealth and respect in society.

In a dream, with difficulty climb the mountain - in reality you are trying to succeed. Everything will succeed, just wait a little.

lift upside down

Lifting up a coolest mountain and reach the top of the top - good luck will be in all of you.

Mountain is a goal in life, and for sleeping walking to the hill, means achieving unprecedented heights.

what dreams to climb the mountain on foot

Dreaming in which you walk up the mountain, means the desire to make a conceived. If you were able to climb the top, the goal will be achieved.

dreamed of climbing down on foot

When you climb a mountain for a very long time, and your exhaustive rise - such a dream will tear the lane of failures and adversity. And if the climbing is given without effort, then you are rapidly gaining popularity and succeed in affairs.

lift upside down

Climb the mountain on foot, and the mountain is cool - you are waiting for many barriers and tests. Lifting is not easy - your question is not immediately resolved, and you will temporarily find yourself in a difficult situation. Rising easily in the mountain - obstacles will help to overcome close.

what does it mean if you go upside down in a dream

Successfully climb the mountain on foot - a sign of prosperity and success. Lifting, could not conquer the vertex - your efforts are useless and in vain.

What dreams of the mountain

Dream of Freud.

Mountains - usually symbolize female body With obviously pronounced forms.

If you dream of mountainous terrain - you prefer figure skater women. You love to enjoy the spectacle of the naked female body.

A walk in the mountains for a man - symbolizes sexual intercourse, and for a woman - a tendency to lesbian love.

Snow or rain in the mountains - they talk about the desire to have children.

Hurricane or stonepad in the mountains - symbolizes the presence of health problems or in sexual sphere.

However, the lonely standing mountain is a phallic symbol with all the interpretation from here.

The process of lifting or descent from the mountain for a woman - symbolizes the desire to establish contact with a new partner, and for a man - a tendency to practice onanism.

A man who is at the top is satisfied with his sexual form, and a woman is dreaming of an ideal man.

What dreams of the mountain

Dream Khasse

Mountain see - get protection; walk on them and climb up - difficulties and obstacles; obsened - infidelity; with ruins - winnings; Furgents - a big danger; go down to the mountains - avoid ambushes; with snow vertices - sublime intentions; naked - anxiety; to be surrounded by mountains - use your abilities; go down and not have the strength further go - your company falls; Highland scenery - without great effort to benefit.

What dreams of the mountain

Dmitry Dream and Winter Dream

Mountains in a dream are a reflection of your work, designs and accomplishments.

To see them in the distance - a sign that a big and difficult job awaits you soon, which may take you.

If you get up to the mountain without fatigue - this means that the grand work that you took or are going to take, you are on the shoulder and promises to bring you to success.

Tired, rising in the mountain - means you have taken over too much. Perhaps you stand on time to postpone your affairs?

The long chain of the mountains - indicates that some kind of business will get its continuation.

Getting to the top and see the breakdown behind her - means that in some difficult act you have reached apogee and try to improve it should not be improved, it will only hurt you and your business.

The wooded slopes of the mountains - symbolize passing things that distract you from the main thing.

If the forest prevents to rise up - this means that for success you need not to be distracted by focusing on the main one.

To see an ancient ruins on Mount - foreshadows unexpected good luck.

Beautiful palace or castle on the top of the mountain - a sign that your efforts will turn to material benefit and glory for you.

However, if the castle has a gloomy, awesome appearance is, on the contrary, warns you from unnecessary ambitious plans.

What dreams of the mountain

Newest dream book Ivanova

Mountain - to succeed in the planned case, you need to make a lot of effort and find a patron.

What dreams of the mountain

Spring dream book

Mountain - dream of burning.

Go down from the mountain - get out of grief.

Climb the mountain - aggravate your already bad position in life.

See the mountainous terrain - to small trouble.

What dreams of the mountain

Summer Dream

See yourself climbing mountains up - good signYour financial affairs will recover.

What dreams of the mountain

Autumn dream book

Highland - to disappointment.

What dreams of the mountain

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

To see the mountain - get benefit or benefit, without spending effort.

To see the mountain landscape - to achieve your own, you will have to show a mixture, dodging and act at your own risk.

Lifting up the mountain - through the painstaking work to gain honored success. If you dream that you are driving along a narrow path riding a horse at the very edge of the mountain gorge - it means that I will achieve a very strong life situation.

See the bare slope of the mountain deprived of vegetation - foreshadows hunger and suffering.

Go down from the mountain - to a slight luck.

If you work in the mountains, getting some minerals - it means that after many unsuccessful attempts you will finally achieve the desired result in your business.

The jet of stones through which you can't get into the mountains is a sign that your life road will be uneven and difficult.

High rock mountains in a dream - the foresight of failures, quarrel, the offensive of the bad luck.

Alpinism - you will overcome a serious life obstacle to happiness.

If you dream that you are starting to climb the mountains and make your way on a laugant among the greenery of the Alpine meadows at the foot of the big peaks - it means that you will easily succeed in achieving welfare and fame in a respectable society.

Standing on the edge of a mountain cliff, looking down with horror, and at this moment wake up - the state of your, it would seem, the deplorable affairs will sound unexpectedly for the better.

Walking in the mountains in a bundle with native brothers or sisters - such a dream definitely foreshadows changes towards stability and well-being and at the same time warns about danger from imaginary friends.

If you dream that when climbing in the mountains, you walked out of the forces and are not able to move on - it means that you will be content with only a small product of what was expected to.

If you dream that you continue to rise in the mountain, but you can't reach the vertex - the dream foreshadows the most incredible conducts of your fate. If you do not succeed in a dream to reach the vertices - it will mean the collapse of all the hope of real life. In order to stand in it, you should post up to the last.

What dreams of the mountain

Dream "Fedorovskaya

If you have dreamed of Mount - Know, soon you will be done at first glance a favorable offer, but you should think ten times before taking it, because possible profit will not pay off those efforts that you have to make it to bring to the end.

You dreamed that the mountain stood before you - wait for an insurmountable obstacle in your business.

In a dream, you climbed the mountain - you will have big troubles.

You descended from the mountains - know: all your troubles behind, however, in order for luck to smile to you, it is worthwhile to work well.

What dreams of the mountain

Esoteric dream book

Mountains see - think about new enterprise, which will be successful.

Rise - your path leads to success.

Go down - unsuccessful efforts.

Rancing - you can "break the wings", calling for caution.

What dreams of the mountain

Dream Azara

mountains wander in the mountains hopeless mountain

mountains gravity to go to the mountains - difficulties and obstacles

What dreams of the mountain

Dream Dream Eugene Tsvetkov

Mountains naked - anxiety; wooded - infidelity; climbing - success if you get; see - difficulty; descend - failure; Climbing the mountain for a patient - recovery (long climb is a very heavy illness).

What dreams of the mountain

Modern dream book

To perceive the mountain seeing in a dream as an obstacle can not - since you do not notice that you yourself complicate your life.

Perceiving the mountainous as something ordinary, not to give it values \u200b\u200b- is a warning that it will be difficult for you to find a solution in the current situation, you will be in a dead end.

With difficulty climbing the mountain and do not reach the top - you are overloaded with monotony and can not allocate time on vacation. Your hopes will not be justified, perhaps you will begin the case that you can not finish.

Close to the top of the mountain - means to take an unexpected decision to all or take advantage of the favorable position of affairs.

Open a stunning look from the mountain - predicts that your future will bring many unrest related to well-being.

Disappointed with the view from the mountain - you should not look far forward, you need to prepare the soil for the future today, perhaps you are tormented by uncertainty.

What dreams of the mountain

Eastern Dream

Sleep, in which you rise to the mountain - symbolizes overcoming difficulties.

Rise - to suffering.

Go down from the mountain - to the completion of a difficult period in life.

What dreams of the mountain

School Schiller Dream

High mountains - hard work, sad fate; Achieve the vertices - overcome obstacles and be happy.

What dreams of the mountain

Noble dream book N.Grishina

Mount to see - a big obstacle, the upcoming works.

To climb it - overcoming difficulties.

Climbing, and in you on top of the stones fly - you need to get rid of danger.

Mountains with eternal snow in front of them see - difficult to surpose obstacle, which requires to subjugate your will and the life of a single goal.

To the top of the mountain climb, on top of standing, look at the view that opened before you is to achieve a goal, success.

But if something prevents to see - some obstacle's care / something overshadows your relationship with people.

What dreams of the mountain

Dream Stranger

Mountain pass is a difficult period.

Mount to see - a symbol of accomplishment, goals, difficulties; Quantitative measure of something in the sense of "very much".

Stand on top - success, achievements in person; recovery.

Move inside the mountain - an unexpected happy case.

What dreams of the mountain

Icelandic dreamy

Climb the mountain - to heavy work; From the mountains to descend - to the good leadership / accompaniment.

What dreams of the mountain

Dream interpretation of happy signs

Climb on a very high mountain or pass through it - to great success.

What dreams of the mountain

Dream Interpretary Prince Zhou-Guna

Mountain - penetrate the mountains inside. - Will luck in all matters. You choose the soil for yourself. - foreshadows money losses, humiliation. Fall from the ground to the mountain. - Lose job place. Lifting uphill, feel fear. - There will be promotion in the service career. Destruction and loss when lifting in the mountains. - foreshadow evil and misfortune. Going on an excursion to high mountains. - In the spring and summer foreshadows happiness. Going along the slope covered by the earth. - Thought about illness. We live in the high mountains. - foreshadows a happy event. Walk in the mountains. - foreshadows material profit, well-being, good luck. Holding an object in his hands, rising in the mountains. - Wife will bring a noble son. Among the mountains are engaged in agriculture. - Weight in clothing and food, essential items. The dried tree is greasy again. - Well-being and happiness for children and grandchildren. A pit in the ground appears in the indoor part of the palace. - foreshadows grief, loss of mother.

What dreams of the mountain

Old Parsida Dream Interpretation Tafleisi

Mountain - High mountain in a dream, which you personally own, promises you to gain a high-face support. If you dreamed that you were removed from this mountain, I would like to have something to offend our patron. In the case when you dream that you decide to settle or already live on Mount, know: you have a high and powerful patron, which will help you to take the steps of the service staircase. Climbing the mountain, painful and long, foreshadows grief, failure. Easy climbing is a sign that you will quickly achieve fame and deuters. Often this is an indication of the possibility of a rapid approximation to the top of the city administration or even the whole country. Falling from the mountain - to the loss of the position that you currently take. If you dreamed that you are on top of the mountain, but the Mountain itself is black, take care: your life is threatened with a serious danger! If the mountain is illuminated by an incredible strength, magical shine - you are destined to good luck in all your endeavors. To see yourself at the bottom of the deep mountain gorge - to imprisonment or to the ambulance.

What dreams of the mountain

Intellone dream

See a dream mountain - climbing the mountain - a difficult success; run from the mountain - get rid of danger; Be on the mountain - to earn respect.

What dreams of the mountain

Dream Interpretation Kolden Medea

Mountain - depending on the position of the dream, the mountain symbolizes a large obstacle in life or the top of the achievement in life. See the mountain in front of me - there are great difficulties. To the top climb - to achieve goal, success. Fall from the mountain - trouble.

What dreams of the mountain

Dream Dashka

high goal, dream; Large, serious obstacle.

What dreams of the mountain

Dream Cleopatry

This symbol is directly related to a variety of fairy tales and legends.

In the opinion of the ancestors, Mountains were tali in themselves and served as a shelter for their owners. Many believed that the treasures were stored inside the mountains, which are not available to people and bring misfortune to those who are going on their search. For those who live near the mountains, there were no forbidden places that were not allowed to walk in order not to disturb perfume.

If in a dream you climb the mountain, then this means your desire to realize some idea. Achieve the top of the mountain is to achieve the desired, to embody dreams in life. If, despite all your efforts, you cannot climb to the top of the mountain, it suggests that the implementation of your plans will prevent external circumstances, it is possible to wait for a while and again to repeat the attempt to achieve the goal.

Seeing the mountain with two vertices - such a dream predicts you success in some important matter, because you have the support of an influential person.

If the river flows on the mountain slopes, it means that you are waiting for many events ahead, but they will be small and insignificant, the work will not bring satisfaction, but this period of feverish classes will end up soon.

See the mountain chain is a sleep-warning. If the mountainy chain blocks the road, then this means that you will come across insurmountable obstacles on your way.

If the chain of the mountains stretches along your path, then this is a sign that you will achieve the goal against the actions of ill-wishers.

If you dreamed of a mountain with settlements on her slopes, it means that you are surrounded by a large number of friends and good friends who will help you in a difficult moment that will not wait.

To see in a dream, as a person, if desired, moves the mountain from one place to another, - you are looking for forces to carry out the conceived, but do not overestimate your capabilities and do not hope for help from the side.

To see in a dream that you go to the mountain and understand that she is approaching you herself - this dream means that the external circumstances will be more favorable and you will get what has long been due to merit.

See in a dream of a friend who came to the night looking to ask for help: you need to proceed the mountain, and you are going to help him without a delay, - this dream means that you do not spare yourself for others, but every day more and more disappoints in those who Help and for whom you sacrifice yourself.

To see in a dream that the mountain comes in motion, and after that a lot of mice appears in the district - you will prefer the uselessness of what are busy now and what your best forces leave.

See in a dream Klyach, who barely drags the mountain, - endless hard work too tiring you, so you do not see the lumen ahead; You have to darnate to complete what requires close attention.

What dreams of the mountain

Psychotherapeutic dream book

Mountain. Climbing the mountain - difficult success; run from the mountain - get rid of danger; Be on the mountain - to earn respect.

What dreams of the mountain

Dream Maya.

Good value, the top of the mountain is covered with snow, surrounding very soon will appreciate you. Mix the whipped egg white whipped eggs every morning and drink this drink.

Bad denied at the top of the mountain someone is, prepare for the fact that someone will try to take your place. To protect yourself, put your nails in a cloth with your left hand and the left leg, add a strand of your hair there and jump on the sunset.

What dreams of the mountain

Dream of winged phrases

Mountain - "went to the mountain" - an increase in service, success in any activity; "Mount of something" - big bile, very much, quantitative measure. "Mountain with shoulders" - the end of concerns; "Sit both on a volcano" - strong excitement, dangerous wait.

What dreams of the mountain

Male dream book

Combine mountain peaks - seek success. Cook in the mountains and see your blood - go to a dead end, solving production problems. Find a precious stone in the mountains - get an unexpected business offer. Turn when climbing - to fail in matters. Go to the mountain river - to look at the task in a new way.

What dreams of the mountain

Italian dream book Meneghetti

Means the desire to see from the top something new, expand the horizon of its own onntic vision (holistic vision of reality), indicating the need for self-realization, so the ascent to the top symbolizes the elimination of all possible displacements, the release of depressed functions and, above all, the high degree of interaction of the In-CE And "I", in which the extension of the boundaries of the understanding of the nature of things up to the occurrence of an ontical vision.

What dreams of the mountain

Dream Svuvalova

The mountains will take off very often. The most important thing in such dreams is the action that unfolds in the mountains. If you climb the mountain - it speaks of unsatisfied need for self-realization. What did you always want to do, but did not do? It's time to start doing your dreams! If you see yourself falling from the mountain - it symbolizes the fear of losing good luck and position in society. Why are you afraid of this? Look for the reasons in the past - when you were deprived or tried to deprive what you were with difficulty achieved? If you see on the top of the mountain of another, a person familiar to you - this says that you unsuccessfully strive to establish mutual understanding and closer relationships with him. Or some unattainable image of the past stands before your mental look still and prevents everything from life on. Your goal in this case is unattainable, and it is better to abandon it, it's not too late, otherwise you risk spoiling your life. If this person goes down to you from the mountain - it means that it remained in the past of his inaccessibility for you and comes the moment when you can change something in your relationship for the better.

What dreams of the mountain

Muslim dreamnik

See the mountain - means the Great Tsar with a stone heart.

If anyone sees that he walks on the top of the mountain - this mountain is there is an omnory of a person's career who saw such a dream, and in accordance with the height is seen in the mountain of the mountain, it will achieve a more or less high position.

What dreams of the mountain

Explanatory Dreaming Dictionary

Climbing the mountain - difficult success; run from the mountain - get rid of danger; Be on the mountain - to earn respect.

What dreams of the mountain

Dream of Future

Mountain - hard work or difficult situation.

What dreams of the mountain

Idiom dream book

"I went to the mountain" - a promotion, success in any activity; "Mountain of something" - a big bunch, a lot, quantitative measure; "Mountain with shoulders" - the end of concerns; "Sit both on a volcano" - strong excitement, dangerous wait.

What dreams of the mountain

Dream of Past

The mountains will take off very often - the most important thing in such dreams is the action that unfolds in the mountains.

If you climb the mountain - it speaks of unsatisfied need for self-realization. What did you always want to do, but did not do? It's time to start doing your dreams!

If you see yourself falling from the mountain - it symbolizes the fear of losing good luck and position in society. Why are you afraid of this? Look for reasons in the past when you were deprived or tried to deprive what you could hardly achieve?

If you see on the top of the mountain of another, a person familiar to you - this says that you unsuccessfully strive to establish mutual understanding and closer relationships with him. Or some unattainable image of the past stands before your mental look still and prevents everything from life on. Your goal in this case is unattainable, and it is better to abandon it, it's not too late, otherwise you risk spoiling your life.

If this person goes down to you from the mountain - it means that it remained in the past of his inaccessibility for you and comes the moment when you can change something in your relationship for the better.

What dreams of the mountain

Italian psychoanalytic dream book A.Berti

Mountain is a frequent image. By itself, it has no significant meaning. More important is the action that unfolds in this place.

The image of a person on the top of the mountain - denotes that this person is outside the achievement.

If the object falls, rolls down from the mountain - it means that the object can be achievable.

If the subject sees himself falling from the mountain - this is a symbol of fear of loss of good luck or reflection of health-related problems.

The image of the mountain, the vertex of which should be overcome to increase the level of horizon overlooking - signals the need for self-realization.

Climbing Pa Main - indicates a repressed sense of satisfaction, the decomposition of some blocked functions or intensive interaction "In Syo" and the Ego, which indicates a comprehensive increase in onto-imprecy.

What dreams of the mountain

Dream interpretation for the whole family

Mountain - means an obstacle. The case you may have a long time and carefully planned, will remain an unattainable vertex for you. It is better to leave any senseless attempts to conquer her conquest and do something else.

If the vertex that you dream is covered with a snowy cap - you need to get together and for anything to achieve the goal.

If there is no snow on the top - it is better not to suffer and leave fruitless attempts.

If you are climbing the mountain in a dream - this means that the goal is close and your efforts will soon be rewarded by a hundredfold.

If you see yourself on top of the mountain - it means fate will soon make a steep turn (unknown, for the best or worse) and your life will change fundamentally.

Combine mountain peaks - seek success.

Cook in the mountains and see your blood - go to a dead end, solving production problems.

Find a precious stone in the mountains - get an unexpected business offer.

Turn when climbing - to fail in matters.

Go to the mountain river - to look at the task in a new way.

What dreams of the mountain

Online dream book

To see a mountain - means that you have some obstacles in your life or you will see the end of your success. It all depends on your location in relation to this grief.

If you are standing in front of her - wait for huge problems if you fall

Dream how you climb hard on the mountain - you need to rise above the current situation, to find from finding top Methods For its overcoming.

Dream Interpretation says that if you are very easy to climb it - it is very soon you will not only become famous, but also rich.

In a dream, you still can't get to the very top of the mountain - in reality, all your dreams will not fit. To resist afloat, you should go to the last. If there is a convergence from it

I dreamed that you died in the mountains - you should so much to change all goals in life, principles, intentions and turn to the doctor.

It dreams like from the tops the magnificent panorama opens - the dream foreshadows you in life a lot of trouble about money. If you do not like this panorama

Sleep in which you live very high in the mountains - predicts you some kind of joyful case, if you walk on them in a dream

Dreamed how you fell from it - in reality you can incorrectly go to your close to you.

Walking high in the mountains in a dream - sleep promises you wealth, success in work.

It dreams to roll from the mountain - make a variety in your gray everyday validity and will soon see how life is not divided only on black and white.

To go to the mountain - to take everything you can move forward to the target.

To climb the mountain - you will have to cope with various kinds of obstacles on your way.

Sleep, in which you have to fall from the mountain - the luck is accompanied by the life path at this interval, use the established favorable setting.

Climbing the mountain - you will be able to fulfill our desires, all the outlined will come true, the plans will be brought to life.

The top of the mountain, according to Dream Interpretation - a symbol of high energy lifting, at whose peak you are now. This mood will help in solving important issues.

Ice Mountain, according to the designation of dreams - look at life through the prism of false arguments and views. We will have to reconsider the look at those or other ways to achieve conceived.

Stand on the mountain - past merit will not be ignored, the period comes to collect the fruits of their work.

Snow Mountain - you will receive a well-deserved award and additional bonuses for the perfectly performed work.

Lifting uphill - a symbol of what you really chose the path for your development. Now it's all about your abilities, skills, perseverance.

Descent from the mountain - thanks to his skill and erudition, you can get out of any hopeless situation.

High mountain - reality to get a strong defender and wise patron. It will be possible not only to fix things, thanks to him, but also to learn something new for himself.

Dreamed to see the Green Mountains - search for a real feeling of real love. In the work you move in the right direction, make sure solutions.

Climbing on the mountain - some voltage and unpleasant premonition of the problems are not allowed to focus on performing the task. Doubt doubts aside, try to solve problems as they arrive.

Jump from the mountain - persistent activity will be quite fruitful so that you feel the taste of success.

Riding uphill - Waiting pleasant surprises, unexpected turns of events, exciting meetings with friends.

What dreams of the mountain

Universal dream book

Why in the ancient world people believed that the gods live in the mountains, because there is so cold and windy? If you were God, did you live in the bugs?

If in a dream you climb the mountain - it means you want to take some new height in life. How high the mountain is, and how did you seek the rise?

Close easily or are you with difficulty overcome obstacles? - What prevents you from reaching the vertices?

Mountain also - symbolizes high expectations. Do you have high expectations regarding yourself or another person, or who else is waiting for too much from you?

The mountain can also - symbolize the dramatization of events. In real life, do you dramatize something too much?

Mountain in your dream symbolizes a miracle - are you ready to move the mountains for something?

To see in a dream of a mountain - also a sign of changing attitudes towards something or change in behavior, since if the mountain does not go to Magomet, then Magomet goes to the grief.

What dreams of the mountain

American dream book

Mountain - achieving a goal or opportunity, spiritual rise and inspirational experience.

Ascent to the mountain - indicates your movement towards the goal.

Monasteries and the monastery of Lam are located in the mountains, as the mountains - the best place For spiritual maternity.

What dreams of the mountain

Health Dream Interpretation

See high mountains with snowy vertices - you need to strive for sublime, spiritual values \u200b\u200bof life; Rocky Mountains - to the stress and anxious state of the psyche; Fire-drying mountains - a sign of danger; To diseases with high temperatures, to burns.

What dreams of the mountain

Dream Solomon

High mountains - hard work; Achieve the vertices - overcome obstacles.

What dreams of the mountain

Vintage English Dream Interpretation

If you dream that you climb a cool Rocky Mountain - this dream means that your life will be filled with hard work and many sophors. All your attempts to achieve for yourself the best fate under pressure from unforeseen circumstances. And there are concerns that you will never be able to rise due to disasters, which will fall on you, unless you make patience and philosophical attitude towards what is happening, thanks to which you will overcome everything.

What dreams of the mountain

Lunar dream book

In the mountain climbing - success; Go down - fail.

What dreams of the mountain

Medieval dream book Daniel

Lifting up the mountain - to works or to the alarms.

Go down from the mountain - to joy and fun.

Get up to the mountain - to good.

What dreams of the mountain

Russian dream book

Climb the mountain - to great failures, difficulties, heavy strip in life; Go down - profits, luck, solving problems that seemed insoluble in your favor.

What dreams of the mountain

Russian dream book

Mountain - High goal, dream; Large, serious obstacle.

What dreams of the mountain

Dream of Yellow Emperor

Mountain - a symbol of duality of a person: inner gravity, weakness, traction to the ground, from which he is created, and the external desire for success, to the sky through the struggle and overcoming. The clearer the inner weakness of a person is revealed, the sophisticated attempts to appeal for the external manifestation of power are. However, everything that does not have internal force in itself is externally depleted and early or later disintegrates, contrary to all plans, and often unexpectedly. True severe people do not experience internal needs to show their power without pressure external circumstances.

For a specific situation, the mountain is also symbolic, the peak of the mountain is the limit of development and the maximum of the situation, the highest point with which there is no place to go.

A man on the mountain is a sign of complete self-destruction and immersion in yourself. Leaving each other reaches its own bottom (or vertex) - the highest, giving the only point of the point, because there is no opportunity for flight. After all, the external struggle is no more than a consequence of internal contradictions and fears provoking external depression and depression or confidence and success.

Mountain see / cross-Yang and Yin condition, their action is favorable together in harmony and not favorable separately, in disharmony.

Mountains to see in a dream without overcoming them - to face the image of their own internal problems and self-locking in the form of mountains: the inner anger on itself provokes an external outbreak leading to depression; they are combined; All together they give rise to anxiety and deprivistities of distrust of others (home or colleagues). Internal self-blocking generate external troubles: when the inner state of the struggle is continuous, then all new and new phenomena are involved in the combat, without solving old problems. The doctor's council and the revision of vital landmarks are needed.

To go into the mountains without the desire to overcome them and return back means care - a refusal of the world, a break of cases with all possible consequences (a break of connections, relationships, and the like.)

Contempted mountain peaks with delight - to put a goal, predetermining perhaps a long, but interesting and eventually a good path.

Climbing in the mountains with effort - the impossibility and reluctance are further in this situation, the need to rise above it, in order to be able to considery from themselves. This is based on a favorable, but depends on further behavior in reality: inadequately perceiving the world a person will not be able to close the events to the right. It should be thoughtful and not to make speaking solutions.

Overcome in the dream of a mountain - overcoming and taming destructive external manifestations and development; The manifestation of the intrinsic and internal basis is a sign of the beginning of the struggle for itself, the revision of the views, the refusal of anger and the demonstration of superiority is difficult, but correct recovery. Success in the future.

Search and strive for the mountains with thirst for overcoming - internally pre-prepared reference of landmarks; This image can mean and erected from the outside, someone else's will obstacle. Sleep is favorable: success, accomplishment, well-being in the house.

Climb the peak of the mountain and contemplate surrounding with delight - the maximum of good luck (perhaps after a difficult beginning).

Perhaps in the mountains - need urgent change of life orientations, goals, plans and a doctor's council.

What dreams of the mountain

Chinese dream book Zhou-Guna

Penetrate the mountain inside the mountain - will be luck in all matters.

You choose the soil for yourself - foreshadows money losses, humiliation.

Fall from the ground to the mountain - you will lose job.

Lifting uphill, feel fear - will be promotion in the service career.

Destruction and loss when lifting the mountains - foreshadows evil and misfortune.

You go on a tour of high mountains - in spring and summer foreshadows happiness.

You go on the slope covered by the earth - thoughts about the disease.

You live in the high mountains - foreshadows a happy event.

Walk in the mountains - foreshadows material profit, well-being, good luck.

Holding an object in the hands, rising in the mountains - the wife will bring a noble son.

Among the mountains are engaged in agriculture - wealth in clothing and food, subjects of essentials.

The dried tree again green is well-being and happiness for children and grandchildren.

A pit appears in the indoor part of the palace - foreshadows grief, the loss of the mother.

What dreams of the mountain

Altercore 1829.

Mountain in a dream to see - marks the obstacle in affairs; Close up to the mountain - a vain work and effort of an empty and difficult enterprise, also unfavorable travel; Go from the mountain - there is a sign of unimportant success in an insignificant enterprise.

What dreams of the mountain

Psychoanalytic dream book V.Sammukhalova

Mountains - difficulties and obstacles perceived as a social challenge. Body parts.

The top of the mountain or hill is the peak of individual claims in the desire for power and success. Top of experience and knowledge. Purpose.

Climbing the mountain is the first half of life, when difficulties should be overcome by the achievement of the vertex. Stage of individual or sentence of initiation.

Go down from the mountain - the second half of life.

Mountain protrusion and hill - chest. Valley between two mountains or hills. Protection, Security, Comfort.

Sacred Mountain - the integration of the person, over I.

What dreams of the mountain

Springpers Dream Interpretation Taflisi

High mountain in a dream, which you personally own - promises you gaining a high-face support.

If you dreamed that you were removed from this mountain, Introduce you, it seems to have gathered to offend our patron.

In the case when you dream that you decide to settle or already live on Mount - Know: You have a tall and powerful patron, who will help you to take the steps of the service staircase.

Climbing the mountain - painful and long, foreshadows grief, failure.

Easy climbing is a sign that you will quickly achieve fame and deuters. Often this is an indication of the possibility of a rapid approximation to the top of the city administration or even the whole country.

Falling from the mountain - to the loss of the position that you currently take.

If you dreamed that you are on top of the mountain, but the Mountain itself is black, take care: your life is threatened with a serious danger!

If the mountain is illuminated by an incredible strength, magical shine - you are destined to good luck in all your endeavors.

To see yourself at the bottom of the deep mountain gorge - to imprisonment or to the ambulance.

What dreams of the mountain

Dream Sheremeinskaya

Mountain peaks - anxiety due to unknown; See the mountains - difficulties.

Close to the mountain - success in any endeavors; For the patient - recovery.

Go down from the mountain - failure.

Mountains covered with forest - mean infidelity.

What dreams of the mountain

Dream Taro.

Sinai Mountain - Power, High Position

What dreams of the mountain

Dream interpretation for bitch

Mountains are complex affairs and troubles.

High mountains are difficult and hard work, requiring large spending time and strength.

Climb in a dream to the top of the mountain - you will successfully cope with all the difficulties and obstacles on our way, and you will be happy and pleased with the results.

What dreams of the mountain

Dream of the XXI century

Mountain in a dream - a symbol of hard work.

To see the snow-covered mountains in a dream - a sign that difficult obstacles on the way to success await you.

Climbing a dream on the mountain - a symbol of difficulties on the way to success, to experience fear at the same time - means promotion on the service staircase, an increase in office; Bringing off the mountain - getting rid of the danger, falling from it - good luck in all matters.

To live in a dream high in the mountains - to a happy event, a walk in the mountains - to material profits, well-being.

Achieve the top of the mountains in a dream - it means that in reality you need to take care of your health.

Seen in a dream Bald Mountain in general without vegetation - a bad sleep that foreshadows and obstacles in matters. For a young girl, such a dream - may be a warning that she is better not to communicate with a person who is trying to achieve its location. His insincerity and evil intent - can bring her only trouble in the future.

What dreams of the mountain

Dream Interpretation Loffa

Mountains - can symbolize greatness, danger or sacred land. You may just like to be in the mountains, and for this reason you can see them in a dream.

Mountains also - can make a sense of love for nature, life and a feeling of revival. Sometimes you need to cross the mountain yourself, whether on your own choice, or because you turned out to be there as a result of a not always understandable circuit of circumstances. You should remember who you were forgiven before the start of the campaign, why we decided to leave and what to expect to meet in the mountains of your dreams. Within a long time, the top of the mountain was taken for an idiomatic image of all the best, which could offer life. Are you looking for something, or feel the impossibility of achieving success in a sphere of real life, or have you ever achieved a vertex?

What dreams of the mountain

Dream Ezopa

Mountain - this symbol is directly related to a variety of fairy tales and legends. According to the ancestors of the mountain, the mystery of the mountains was tali and served as a shelter for their owners. Many believed that the treasures were stored inside the mountains, which are not available to people, and bring misfortune to those who go on their search. For those who live near the mountains, there were no forbidden places that were not allowed to walk in order not to disturb perfume. Slavic oral creativity interprets the mountains as eternal, non-lubricant human forces. Mountain is a big and serious obstacle on the way. There is a well-known expression: "Smart to the mountain will not go, the smart mountain will work" and one more thing: "If the mountain does not go to Magomet, then Magomet goes to the mountain," which means: it's not necessary to wait for the impossible, do it in vain.

If in a dream you climb the mountain - this means your desire to realize some idea.

Achieve the top of the mountain is to achieve the desired, to embody dreams in life.

If despite all your efforts, you cannot climb the top of the mountain - this indicates that the implementation of your plans will prevent external circumstances, it is possible to wait for a while and again to repeat the attempt to achieve the goal.

Seeing the mountain with two vertices - such a dream predicts you success in some important matter, because you have the support of an influential person.

If the river flows along the slopes of the mountain - this means that there are many events ahead of you ahead, but they will be small and insignificant, work will not bring satisfaction, but this period of feverish classes will end soon.

See the mountain chain is a sleep-warning.

If the mountainy chain bargains the road - this means that you will come across insurmountable obstacles in their path.

If the chain of the mountains stretches along your path - this is a sign that you will achieve the goal against the actions of ill-wishers.

If you dreamed of a mountain with settlements on her slopes - it means that you are surrounded by a large number of friends and good friends who will help you in a difficult moment, which will not wait.

To see in a dream, as a person, as desired, moves the mountain from one place to another - you are looking for forces to carry out the conceived, but do not overestimate your capabilities and do not hope for help from the side.

To see in a dream that you go to the mountain and understand that it is approaching you myself - this dream means that the external circumstances will be collapsed favorably and you will get what has long been due to merit.

See in a dream of a friend who came to the night looking to ask for help: you need to bury the mountain, and you move away to help him without a delay And for whom you sacrifice yourself. IN

To see in a dream that the Mountain comes in motion as the belly of a pregnant woman, and after that many mice appear in the district - you will prefigure the uselessness of what are busy now and what your best forces leave.

See in a dream Klyach, who barely drags up - endless hard work too tiring you, so you do not see the lumen ahead; You have to darnate to complete what requires close attention.

What dreams of the mountain

Dream Longo

Climbing in a dream on a cool mountain - wait for serious difficulties.

If you rose to the mountain with difficulty, constantly stumbling and remembering stopping to translate the spirit - it means that the solution will not come immediately and on time you will be in a dead end.

If the rise has passed you easily - it means that you will soon be able to cope with difficulties soon, although it may be necessary to help close.

See many mountains - sleep symbolizes your restless life, and the most unpleasant thing is that you do not feel confident, constantly doubt and wait for the trick. Is it no better to calm down and live without constant fear in the shower?

See how someone walks in the mountains - you have to take a difficult decision regarding your personal life. Perhaps you feel offended, deprived of attention. But even if it turns out that you are right and get a little, you should not make a vacant decision, otherwise you will regret, but the case will already be done.

Cool mountains, on which there are almost no vegetation - they say that in real life those who surround you seek any questions to solve without your participation, although it seems to you that your opinion is very important for them. In fact, it is much easier for them to agree with each other, without asking how you look at a particular event. Try to correct this position and be more active in situations when you need to solve something. Maybe friends do not listen to your opinion because they do not expect a valuable advice from you? But if you, at least a couple of times, manifest the prudence and wisdom, your loved ones will understand that you are a good adviser and your opinion they neglected in vain.

Climbing the mountains - testifies to your movement towards the goal.

Design from the mountain - a symbol of removal from the target.

Mountain image - can also marvel spiritual lifting and inspiring experience. Monasteries and the monastery of Lam are located in the mountains, as the mountains are the best place for spiritual indity.

The mountain can - serve both the symbol of the barrier and the symbol of the opportunity to be opened depending on other signs associated with this way.

If you feel as if you are trying to conquer the unattainable top - remember that you are able to do it. And do not forget to enjoy the path leading to the goal, as well as its achievement.

What dreams of the mountain

Dream Veles.

Mountain - the severity of great, grave work, grief, troubles, troubles, obstacles; bald - anxiety; wooded - betrayal; Fall from the mountain - a great mountain, loss, failure, you will choose from grief; And if there was nothing fell - nothing, everything will cost; to go to the mountain - to good, recovery / big grief, empty work, thin way; descend - luck / K Houdo, failure; walk in the mountains - experience a lot of need; You stand on the mountain - great honor, glory; climbing the hills - troubles, koi will turn to the benefits; To climb the mountain - a hard, but good deal, sadness; To climb, do not climb - you will be honored; climb on the top of the mountain - to good, conceived will turn; along the path of the fault - there will be unhappy marriage (women); The road is stone in the mountain - obstacles.