How to conquer Aquarius to Aquarius? Is compatibility in the love of Aquarius with Aquarius possible? How to attract, please and conquer an Aquarius woman.

As already mentioned, norms, orders, boundaries are alien to her. She is not interested in the opinion of others, whether she is doing the right thing or not. She will act in her own way, especially since she believes that every person has the right to live as he pleases, which she does. Actions, behavior, communication are guided by logic, not emotions. And they are fueled by a thirst for knowledge of everything new. And she really needs someone who can satisfy her thirst for knowledge.

What to do to conquer an Aquarius woman

For acquaintance with her, however, as well as for the development of relations, traditional, classical methods are not suitable. But an unusual, unconventional approach will immediately attract attention.

  1. The main thing is that she sees you as a sociable person, intelligent, who knows a lot of interesting things. Conservative men, silent, not talkative, have little chance of reciprocal sympathy.
  2. Stimulate her sense of cognition by discussing different topics. She wants to know everything that is happening around, to understand, analyze, experiment, if possible.
  3. She feels happy when she can experience something new and unusual every time. It's easier to charm her that way.
  4. To conquer such a woman, you have to be sociable. Therefore, your communication should be intense and constant.
  5. Don't leave her alone for long. She does not think of herself alone. Adventure is what she really needs. Involve in your life, the main thing is that there are fewer dull, gray days in the relationship.
  6. It is also desirable to learn to understand her changing desires. She is not characterized by constancy. If today she wants one thing, then tomorrow she may lose interest in this, and she will want something else, more attractive and interesting.
  7. You also need to take into account that it can be unpredictable, and can avoid responsibility and seriousness.
  8. In intimate relationships, too, there is nothing forbidden, she loves various experiments.
  9. She hates it when her freedom is limited. She will always do what she wants. So, if you do not want to destroy the relationship, you cannot put restrictions. Otherwise, the rebellious spirit of Aquarius will immediately manifest with terrible force.

How to fall in love with an Aquarius woman

If you adhere to the above rules, do not limit anything, support her knowledge of new things, participate in her experiments, arrange fascinating conversations, then you can expect that her freedom-loving nature will get used to you. And this is already an important step to conquer it.

What to do to fall in love with an Aquarius woman

Like all women, she wants love, to be loved. But she is not expecting trivial displays of love, but something unusual, as mentioned above. If your dates, relationships become too traditional, then interest in them will quickly disappear.

  1. It is also better to choose compliments that are unusual, not standard, so that they do not look like well-known cliches and hackneyed expressions. Otherwise, she will get bored.
  2. It is also better to diversify dates, visit together unusual places... She will be happy to listen to unusual music, try unknown, exotic dishes, for example, Japanese cuisine. But everything is traditional, she doesn't like it at all.
  3. And don't even try to tie her to household chores. She believes that there are more interesting things to do in life than standing by the stove all day and that's it. free time to devote to home. Moreover, there are special requirements for home comfort no.
  4. Meeting new people, communication is one of her favorite hobbies. Friendship with men is fine with her, but, as a rule, she is friends until they fall in love with her, then she loses interest in them. Therefore, there is no point in being jealous of her. Her frivolity does not allow her to linger for a long time in communication with the same people.
  5. To fall in love with an Aquarius woman, you must also become a loyal and irreplaceable friend. Because from friendship, affection and love are manifested in her.
  6. Do not rush things, she does not need a stormy relationship. Moreover, at first, she can keep her distance, show coldness in order to get to know a person better. But on the other hand, it is difficult to understand what is really on her mind, since her thoughts are as unpredictable as herself.

It is worth noting that this article contains only a description of the zodiac sign, that is, only the position of the sun in the zodiac sign is described. When there are many other planets and aspects involved in the formation of character, behavior, habits, a person. If you need the help of an astrologer or want to find out more detailed information about yourself or the person you are interested in, use the astrological services on our website.

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If you are the kind of guy who loves to travel and communicate with interesting people, then try to find your chosen one among the girls born under zodiac sign Aquarius. Aquarius girls are unpredictable and freedom-loving personalities, even after marriage and the birth of children, no one can force them to give up interesting walks and distant travels. Walking, holidays and entertainment are the favorite pastimes of Aquarius, but this does not mean that the representatives of this sign are alien to such character traits as the ability to love and remain faithful.

The Aquarius girl hates theatricality and ambiguity in her actions, so to make her fall in love with you, don't give her any reason to doubt the sincerity of your feelings and intentions. She is simple and trusting in dealing with people, but she loves to embellish everything in stories about herself. This is due to the fact that Aquarians are naive and self-confident. Anyone who tries to make acquaintance with them, they want to shock with their intelligence and originality, which makes them slightly exaggerate those aspects of their life that they lack.

Feelings of guilt and remorse are alien to the Aquarius girl. In her dreams, she is ready to help and do something pleasant to everyone who asks her about it, but in fact she is not able to do anything without benefit for herself. In other words, the Aquarius girl is full of good intentions and generous in soul, but not free from the burdens of the material world. She is not ready to make sacrifices even for the sake of great love, if this leads to a deterioration in her life and financial situation.

Do not be afraid to get rejected by deciding to invite an Aquarius girl on a first date. She will gladly agree, if she does not even have tender feelings for you. Due to the gullibility and curiosity of her nature, it is difficult for her to refuse everything new, especially if the guy invites her to go to the cinema, theater, museum or restaurant, where she has never been. However, everything old and monotonous to the girl Aquarius quickly gets bored, which makes her break off relations with a guy who has become uninteresting to her.

Aquarians consider themselves different from others and want everyone to love them. Therefore, while communicating with the Aquarius girl, do not try to tell her what to do or criticize her appearance. Let her feel superior to others, admire her, and compliment her appropriately. It is useless to forbid and demand her, she will not tolerate any instructions and doubts about the impeccability of her reputation.

Aquarius girl is not the owner beautiful appearance, but knows how to attract attention with an unusual way of dressing and behaving. An extraordinary appearance and lack of complexes make her a charming seductress in the eyes of men, and communication with her is never boring. Thanks to an optimistic outlook on life and the ability to withstand any difficulties in life, the Aquarius girl has many friends and girlfriends, but only the guy who is ready to sacrifice his freedom for the sake of his beloved woman succeeds in winning her heart.

In their youth, Aquarians learn well and work hard, trying to show their talent and use their creativity. However, over the years, they often begin to change their profession, if they do not see career prospects in their previous job or it already seems uninteresting. It is useless to persuade an Aquarius girl not to quit school or not change her profession, as well as not to get married without a stable income. The Aquarius girl will not listen to anyone, she does everything as she sees fit.

In the character of the Aquarius girl there are many positive sides, which for most men are the most important when choosing a life partner. This is independence, lack of complexes, ease of recovery, financial independence and cheerfulness. And yet, the Aquarius girl has no inclination to be jealous and suspicious of her men. She will never ask you why you looked after the girl you met, rummaged in your pockets and check the list of calls in your mobile phone.

After marriage, the Aquarius girl will not allow herself to be tied to home kitchen and load yourself with household chores. Trying to infringe on her freedom and re-educate her is useless, as well as to sort things out with her in high tones. She will not conflict and prove her innocence, but will simply leave home to spend time interestingly in the company of girlfriends, friends or relatives.

The Aquarius woman rarely cheats on her partner if he meets her expectations. If she decides that her chosen one is not able to provide her with the life she dreamed of since childhood, then she will first leave the family and only then start an affair with another man. It is impossible to keep an Aquarius woman nearby with empty promises and threats. She can easily break off her old relationship and adapt to a new life, even if she has to start everything from scratch in her.

To understand how to behave in order to please Aquarius, when communicating with her, always remember that she is a representative air sign... The Release of Air makes her very amorous. Falling in love with an Aquarius girl is not difficult, but keeping her close is a difficult task. Relations with her will immediately collapse if you accidentally defend a rude word in her address or commit an act that she regards as a betrayal. The Aquarius girl likes guys who strive for excellence and know how to keep their promises. To keep her near you for a long time, you will have to constantly develop, surprise her with your successes and demonstrate your masculinity.

Aquarius is one of the most amazing signs of the zodiac, combining sometimes diametrically opposite qualities. Women born under this sign are contradictory, freedom-loving and unusually complex, so much so that indecisive men do not even think about how to win their heart and how to conquer an Aquarius woman.

However, having found the right approach to this eccentric nature, you can attract her attention and interest, from where there will not be so much left before creating a bright and emotional relationship with her.

Why is an Aquarius woman attractive?

This charming representative of the fair sex conquers those around her with her eccentricity. She is smart, erudite, sociable and friendly. Finding herself in an unfamiliar company, an Aquarius girl can instantly win over those around her, demonstrating her extraordinary abilities and ability to communicate on almost any topic.

But do not flatter yourself, as soon as it seems to you that during the conversation you managed to find a common language with her. Even if at the beginning of her acquaintance she will rate you as a pleasant interlocutor, this does not mean at all that after the conversation she will hasten to declare you her friend.

How to fall in love with Aquarius ♒ Aquarius is the first date with a boyfriend or girlfriend. Love horoscope

Aquarius woman ♒ Astrological love horoscope... The nature and sexuality of a woman - Aquarius

How to charm an Aquarius? // Truthful astrology.

Such women are characterized by the following advantages and disadvantages, which you should be aware of, intending to create with Aquarius love relationship or family union. We are talking about such qualities of her character as:

  • selectivity in the choice of people for their close environment;
  • increased demands on others (such women are immensely demanding of themselves and are just as picky about others);
  • the ability to get involved in several things at the same time (surprisingly, some Aquarius girls do it quite well);
  • a tendency to outrageous, extravagant acts;
  • wild imagination, fantasy and great memory;
  • decisiveness and determination.

Alas, as is often the case with Aquarius, the qualities presented often accompany diametrically opposed traits that confuse the people around them. And indeed, who would be surprised by the fact that the Aquarius woman, having a phenomenal memory, is sometimes absent-minded and uncollected? And her decisiveness in actions is very often preceded by uncertainty and confusion.

She can nurture an ingenious idea for months, think it over to the smallest detail and never implement, considering it as a result unnecessary, absurd or uninteresting. According to astrologers, it is this tendency to indecision that does not allow talented Aquarius of both sexes to truly reveal their full potential.

How can you conquer an Aquarius woman? What kind of men does she like?

If you are seriously interested in the question of how you can conquer an Aquarius girl, then it is important to consider that, with all her impetuosity and assertiveness, she is unusually conservative and cannot stand any pressure on herself. A person who will try to control her will eventually have to say goodbye to this ungrateful undertaking, since a typical Aquarius woman will never allow restrictions on her freedom.

She likes imposing men, whom society considers interesting and outstanding people. By the way, the girls of this sign belong to the element of air, which often makes them very amorous. Alas, she will not burn the object of her adoration with a loving gaze for long. Such a relationship can inevitably collapse after an accidentally dropped rude word or deed against her, which she can regard as betrayal. It is important for her that a man knows how to keep his word and keep his promises, in otherwise she will be deeply disappointed in him.

An Aquarius woman is attracted to men striving for perfection, because next to them she experiences a constant stimulus and need for self-development. If her chosen one suddenly stops in her development at some period of time, she will lose interest in him. To keep her close to you, you need to be able to constantly surprise her, do unexpectedly pleasant things and demonstrate your masculinity by the ability to solve any problems.

Constellation named famous Greek philosopher and the mathematician Ptolemy, who lived in Egypt, although even early civilizations associated Aquarius with rains, and the symbol of this zodiac sign in the form of two curved lines presumably also appeared in Egypt and depicted the flow of the Nile. It is known that the Sumerians correlated the constellation Aquarius with the god Ana, who generously irrigated the earth with the waters of immortality.

Aquarius is patronized by Saturn and Uranus, thanks to which people born under this sign are distinguished by an eccentric character, sociability and determination, which are combined with loyalty, stability and constancy. Aquarians are selective about their surroundings, it is important for them that others correspond to their intellectual level, share interests and understand all their ideas. If this does not happen, then the behavior of Aquarius becomes defiant, aggressive and annoying.

Aquarians can be both strong and weak, diametrically opposite traits easily coexist in them. So, people of this sign hate theatricality and show, but love to shock and attract attention. They do not recognize conventions, but in the family they are conservative and old-fashioned, they want to be free from material vanities, but they are in dire need of success, dear and beautiful things and recognition. In a word, Aquarius people are contradictory and complex, but they are so charming and sociable that it is pleasant and always interesting to communicate with them, although not everyone can figure out how to win the heart of Aquarius and create strong relationships.

How to conquer an Aquarius man

The Aquarius man is charming and immediately attracts attention, his temperament and willful character attract romantic girls like a magnet and create the image of a dreamer and ideal lover. He does not tolerate lies, hypocrisy, tries to be as straightforward as possible, but at the same time he lives in his own illusory world and is often alone. Men of this sign do not get a stable relationship, even when it comes to friendship, they are constantly "rocked" from positive to negative and vice versa, although everyone around is his friends, comrades and acquaintances. Aquarius easily gets to know people, even more easily forgets them for the sake of new hobbies. The man of this sign loves to flirt and dizzy girls, but a monogamous relationship with a woman is possible only if the partner can cope with the difficult nature of this air sign, and winning an Aquarius man is not as difficult as keeping it.

A new relationship for an Aquarius man is always associated with unusual and often uncomfortable experiences. He loves control, and his feelings prevent him from thinking logically, which often causes irritation and detachment, although Aquarius can go crazy with love and desire. No, Aquarius is eagerly fond of light intrigues, but it is very difficult for him to decide on a serious relationship; in order to win his heart, he will have to throw a real challenge. Such a man in the appearance of girls is attracted not so much by elegance and taste as by originality. His curiosity needs to be constantly warmed up with eccentric actions, impulsive behavior, spontaneous romantic antics. Flirt boldly and boldly, surprise him, shocking Aquarius men acts hypnotically. If your imagination does not run out, then in the near future Aquarius will begin to respond, and he knows how to look after and pleasantly surprise like no other.

Despite the active interest, the feelings of the Aquarius man can "sleep soundly" for a long time, so be patient and be consistent, because this is how he reflexively protects his vulnerable child's soul. A life partner for Aquarius is both a fighting comrade, and a cheerful friend, and a gentle lover, these men need everything without compromise. Aquarians love female society, but, being in a relationship, even sultry beauties will communicate exclusively in a friendly manner, so do not make scenes of jealousy when you see another fan circling around your man.

His "freaks" should be treated condescendingly and calmly, refrain from criticism, do not try to limit his freedom, otherwise the relationship will be over. You can achieve your goal with benevolence and affection, since Aquarius is defenseless against tenderness, tact and gentleness. If you are counting on a long relationship, then let the Aquarius man understand that your intentions and feelings are 100% sincere and disinterested, in this case the most wonderful facets of his personality will open up for you, and the relationship will only bring joy and pleasure.

How to conquer an Aquarius woman

The Aquarius woman is Difficult person with wild imagination, hundreds of interests and hobbies. She loves to be in the spotlight, loves compliments, courtship, new acquaintances and flirting. An Aquarius girl cannot be won over with promises of marriage and a quiet family life, since routine and monotony depress and annoy her. Even if she starts communicating with a balanced, serious and pragmatic man, her interest and patience will be enough for a couple of meetings, after which the "airy" Aquarius woman will again go in search of new impressions. In a relationship, women of this sign can be fantastically stubborn, categorical and intractable, they demand from a partner 100% dedication and loyalty, although they themselves do not accept any encroachments on their freedom. For Aquarius women, emotional attachment is formed for a very long time, and its interest can easily be lost due to any thoughtless word or deed.

An Aquarius girl will be attracted by a man capable of crazy romantic acts, adventures and exploits for her sake. She will also appreciate a genuine interest in her hobbies and beliefs, whether it's mountain climbing or cross-stitching. Most The best way To "hook" an Aquarius woman is to captivate her with his hobby, since a man-mentor in some interesting business will excite her consciousness for a long time and may even become the center of her small universe. For Aquarians, their own circle of friends and hobbies is very important, so you will have to conquer not only a woman, but her whole world and environment, since Aquarians often sacrifice relationships for the sake of friendship. This is exactly what you don’t need to do, is to bind the Aquarius woman to yourself with a sense of duty or some kind of strict obligations, just the thought of lack of freedom and other people's rules causes protest and aggression in them.

Each horoscope is based on a vast experience of observation and study of people of a particular sign, but each person is unique, so you need to create relationships based on his unique character, your own sincere feelings and mutual respect.

The Aquarius woman is a multifaceted nature. She is unpredictable and interesting. Such a lady becomes a difficult prey for the stronger sex.

How to conquer an Aquarius woman

To win the heart of such a lady can only unique person... He must be serious, self-sufficient and share the views of his beloved. For a representative of this zodiac sign, it is important to see a like-minded person and a true friend in the person of the gentleman.

Such a young lady will instantly be attracted by the eccentricity of a man. Cavalier with non-standard ideas she will give preference more readily than an ordinary and boring admirer.

An Aquarius woman needs a strong partner with strong feelings. dignity... He should not limit her freedom and control everything. Such a young lady will not want to follow his lead. She is also not interested in the absolute submission of a man. In a relationship with such a lady, both parties should retain some personal independence. The representative of this zodiac sign is used to trusting her life partner and will demand the same from him. She will not tolerate excessive suspicion and attempts to violate her personal space. With such a mutual approach, the union with her will be long and happy. But noticing the lies and hypocrisy on the part of the partner, the woman will quickly end the relationship with him.

How to keep an Aquarius woman

The Aquarius woman is windy and fickle. She values ​​her freedom, so she rarely seeks a serious relationship. The one who will completely conquer her heart will be able to keep her, but only on condition of "playing" according to her rules. The main requirement is not to try to control the lady and not be violent towards her. Mutual trust will be the key to a long and harmonious relationship with this woman. Such a young lady will not interrupt communication with her former social circle for the sake of a partner. A man should be ready for this. Jealousy or complaints about this will cause serious conflicts. Any pressure can cause aggression in an Aquarius woman.

The representative of this zodiac sign values ​​friendship with a partner. It is important for her to feel understanding and support. Sex alone will not be able to keep such a lady. They will give her real pleasure harmonious relationship with a friendly, democratic and condescending person who shares her interests. He should not overreact to her desire to retire and take him to heart.

To keep the Aquarius woman, the companion needs to maintain their originality. The original lady will quickly lose interest in an overly conservative man.

How to get an Aquarius woman back

The Aquarius woman reacts sharply to criticism, claims and reproaches. They are the ones common reason conflicts with her, because they cause great irritation to the representative of this zodiac sign. A man who wants to make peace with her should not arrange "debriefing" during a conversation and discuss her mistakes. This behavior will backfire.

To return an Aquarius woman, a partner should not show their emotions too openly. It is typical for such a lady to reason, and not completely surrender herself to feelings. Words of apology will not be superfluous, but everything should be in moderation. A sincere apology without deep digging in a quarrel will help the gentleman regain the trust of his beloved. Being inherently peaceful, the young lady will quickly make contact, if only her initial interest in a man has not had time to fade away.