Orchid dies how to save without leaves. How to distinguish live roots from the dead? Care during extension

Despite the rather exquisite and aristocratic look, phalaenopsis - unpretentious plants Orchid family. On a 10-point scale of the complexity of crop production (10 points - the maximum level of wisdom), the complexity of the care of the orchids of this species does not exceed two points. True, there is one nuance - it is necessary to ensure comfort. Otherwise, this handsome man will not stay for a long time in your collection.

Root Phalenopsis System: Problems

The reasons for rotting the roots are several: excessive watering, the hyproofing of the roots, inappropriate capacity, bad ground. Many novice flowerflowers, remember that phalaenopsis come from the tropics in a hurry to moisturize the soil of plants as much as possible and more abundant, thereby causing the plant more harm than good. Orchid really loves moisture, but in an excessively moistened soil mixture, the roots are deprived of the oxygen necessary for their development and begin to rot. Therefore, it is better to water more than once every two weeks and that if we noticed that all the roots in the pot became light silver.

Watering is carried out through immersion in water package bigger size. Living moisture should be so much so that it is overflowing through the edge into a pot with a flower. It is desirable to. The duration of the procedure is not more than 30 minutes. Excess fluid from the pallet necessarily drain, after which the pallet wipe dry.

It is not necessary to have a transparent vase, but it is more convenient to monitor the condition of the root system of phalaenopsis in the substrate. It should be a pot with a plurality of holes with a diameter of 0.5 to 1.5 cm. Often in flower shops sell a soil who does not particularly suit orchids. He quickly "blooms" and zaksats. The thing is that phalaenopsis refers to epifats. Their root system is represented in the form of air roots absorbing moisture directly from atmospheric air. Nourishing substances "Epidendrum Adorable" receives when watering. The substrate more serves to give a plant stability and growth in a vertical position.

What substrate best suits the colors? For this, the bark is quite suitable for you. It can be bought in any specialized store, or prepare yourself.

Tip 2. Before use, the collected boron should be boiled to destroy possible fungal infections and pest larvae. In addition, after boiling, the moisture intensity of the crust increases.

Used to germinate the roots of children, and it is better not to add it to the substrate for an adult plant. It can cause stagnant concentration, lack of oxygen and creating an acidic medium.

In addition, the cause of root rotting can be various fungi and bacterial diseases. But I will tell about this next time (the material is preparing). I will only note here that when you first suspicion of infection -, insulate the patient plant from healthy. Carefully inspect your collection to prevent the epidemic among the colors.

Salvation operation

But if you have noticed that at the same time several leaves lost elasticity, and the roots are massively shrouded, then hurry to extract the "butterfly" from the vason. Inspect it, thoroughly rinse all the "air", cut dry and rotting roots, clean the stem from the scales of dry leaves, dried flowers. On the plant mold? Place the flower for several minutes into a weak solution of manganese.

At this time, prepare for orchids a new "house". For example, take a plastic glass, for stability, pour on the bottom of the pebbles, fill with water. Water should be so much that the flower can not touch the surface of the water.

Tip 3. To "Moth" not fail, build supports from the girlfriend.

If you have enough dry air in the room, then evaporated in the glass of water will not be enough. To enhance humidity, some flower plants are placed in the polyethylene package, make holes in it for ventilation. Periodically, the package is open, ventilated. Often in such a "bath" the process from excess moisture begins to mold, so you follow the walls of the greenhouse for too much water condensate.

Orchid Phalaenopsis is an unusually delicate and beautiful flower. In the genus of phalaenopsis approximately 70 species of plants without stem. Many of them can only grow to specialists and professional florists.

Heat foliage forms a socket in the root system. High bending branches are collected in the brush. Very often orchid flowers are compared with butterflies, because they are very similar in shape and appearance. Spread slowly and bloom a rather long period of time.

It is similar to the butterfly that determined the name of the orchid - phalaenopsis, which means "similar to it." Native edges of this beautiful flower - Tropical forests with abundant rains. For example, Indonesia, Asia, Malay Islands, Australia and Philippines, New Guinea.

Orchids are distinguished in size and form, as well as in colors. Plant can bloom purple, green, red, white, pink and even brown flowers. Compare them also with tropical moths.

Flower roots provide its structure nutrient substances and water. The roots serve to fix the plant. Basically they are about 8 millimeters in diameter. These flowers grow, leaning down the book or horizontally.

Orchids are greatly leaving at home, if you follow all the rules of landing and care. Although Falenopsis Orchid is from the tropics, but they can be used to grow and success at home. Grow all year. When vegetation occurs, new leaves may appear. In flower shops you can choose different kinds Orchids, however, the hybrids are common.

Before making a purchase, inspect the plant carefully. It is worth alert if it is:

  • unstable is in a pot;
  • stains on the leaves;
  • large cracks.

If you notice something like this, do not risk getting a flower, because these are the calls that the roots are bumping. In the event that the plant is in a transparent container, you can see and see root system. Colors depend on age. For example, a young flower has greenish-silver roots, and older - yellowish. As soon as you purchase a flower, be sure to pass it. After all, the sale is often carried out in one-time containers with large quantity moisture.

At home, many flower products cannot grow a normal healthy flower. Often, the plant remains without the root system, subsequently drying out, loses the leaves. In such a situation, it is necessary to take steps to resuscitate orchid. The most dangerous period is autumn and winter. After all, there are no such temperature differences in the tropics.

When warm weather, orchid is growing actively and rapidly, can transfer the absence of lighting, heating and moisturizing. In winter, the situation changes as follows:

  • height ceases;
  • less digested nutrients;
  • the water is poorly absorbed.

If on time at home is not to resuscitate orchids without roots, the flower will simply die.

Salvation with rotten roots

If on your eyes the leaves of Falenopsis faded, they sank, and orchid looks sluggish and does not help anything in it, you have to work hard to revive it. To begin with, carefully inspect the roots of the plant to get more information about the state of orchid.

If the roots are all right, you will see the following picture:

  • dense roots of a light-fledged shade (if the plant is young);
  • if the roots are old, they are gray or brown. To the touch smooth and dry.

What to do next, it will become clear only after washing the underground part and remove the substrate. It is worth alert and urgently do intensive care if the roots have dark color, near the mucous places appeared, pressing the root, the water flows, and they themselves look like a thread.

Often to the question of how to reanimate orchid, if the roots rotted, it is almost impossible to answer due to the neglence of the situation. Maximum what can be done is to cut them off. The same thing is worth doing with dry rhizomes. If the plant loses several roots, save the flower will still succeed.

If the question concerns not only the plots, but also the entire plants, then the question is what to do if the orchids rotted the roots, makes you think, really or not. It is necessary to act in the same way: remove all the rotten areas and work out the remaining tissues crushed into the powder activated carbon. Also a good helper is hammer cinnamon.

These actions are necessary for disinfection. After the procedure is performed, and the roots will be dry, lower them in a fungicide for 15 minutes. This will protect a weak and large plant from fungi. After that, the plant in the root area is recommended to treat growth stimulant.

If you need to take care of the flower, it is revived and will rejoice again. There are several ways to prompt how to do it:

  • with the help of home greenhouse;
  • regularly water and dry;
  • place into a simple substrate.

First you need to understand what is happening with the plant, and how bad it is its condition. For example, in the case of loss more than half the roots with due care, it is possible to restore health for 30 days. If the orchid is completely devoid of the root system, it may not be enough for the restoration of the year. How fast the situation is resolved, depends on the health of the plant, the number of foliage and their condition, as well as the presence of adventures of new roots. Of course, the colorland is obliged to take care of due conditions that will help in restoring the plant.

The increment of root

Excellent option will be if there is a greenhouse window type. There must be increased humidity. Under such conditions, even a plant in a deplorable state can be saved.

If the roots are rotten, pour into the container for rooting:

  • a little clay;
  • topped with sphagnum.

Next, moisten the substrate and place the sheet outlet there. It is necessary to wait until the roots are growing at least up to 3 centimeters. Plant must be covered.

Make sure that the temperature remains stably up to 28 degrees, and humidity from 70 to 100%. Lighting should be bright at least 12 hours a day. The substrate must be moistened, and to ventilate the greenhouse for better air circulation. The ventilation for resuscitation is better to arrange at night. This will allow the root system to develop faster. A flower outlet needs to be constantly checking in order to not form areas with rot. In most cases, orchid is restored after a couple of weeks. Once the roots reach 3 centimeters, they are transplanted and transferred to the usual home conditions.

Using a glass vessel

There is another way to build roots in orchid: for this it is necessary to root it preferably at a temperature of from 20 to 27 degrees. Straight sun rays should not fall on orchid. You can reanimate the plant without greenhouses. Another way is to transplant into a glass container. It must be deep enough. Each morning it is necessary to pour boiled or filtered water. Watch that the water does not touch the leaves. So the flower must have to breathe about 6 hours. After that, water can be drained, and the orchid dried until the next day.

Also in this case will help you special mix. In the water you need to add a spoonful of honey or sugar syrup. It is also recommended to apply:

  • special fertilizers;
  • feeding;
  • growth regulators.

Of course, it is easier to restore the plant that lost not all the roots, because then it can independently absorb the necessary substances.

Orchid salvation without leaves

It happens, the problem lies in unhealthy leaves. For example, most often occurs that leaves:

  • yellow;
  • become sluggish and lowered downwards;
  • spots and holes appear on the leaves.

One of the reasons for such problems can be the usual overheating. Note where the orchid is located. Perhaps she became a victim of the scorching sun or suffered from the heat of the battery. To start eliminate possible reasons Flower damage. Transfer the pot to another place and wait a few hours. Let the flower be fully cooled. If this is not done, orchid may turn completely, but the fabric will die. Do not water and do not irrigate the leaves all this time. After an hour 3, you can make a flower with water.

However, the rapid recovery will not happen, it will take time. The first results are possible in 4 days in best case. To continue not to repeat such errors, avoid such conditions and take care of the plant from overheating. Please note that the long exposure from the Sun of Orchid does not like, so put it away from the window.

In structure and appearance of orchid leaves, it can be argued that these plants are perfectly adapted to the environmental conditions.

Orchids growing in arid regions have a dense and fleshy sheet. Plants living on the scorching sun have thickened leaves.

Orchids loving shadow, slim and folded sheet. The color of the leaves of this flower is mostly green, you can rarely meet the motley shades.

Due to the leaves, photosynthesis, breathing and evaporation of moisture are carried out. The roots of orchids are also endowed with many features.:

The roots of the plant are covered with a special fabric - veladen, which consists of dead cells. Such a fabric is filled with air, and like a sponge, can, how to absorb, so accumulate moisture. Velamen provides protection to roots from mechanical effects and drying. The more arid conditions for the flower, the thicker layer of Velen on the roots.

It often happens that the leaves and roots of the plant dry or rot. This affects not only the appearance of orchid, but also affects its further growth and flowering. So that such problems have not led to death, you must urgently take action.

The main task is to find out for what reason the root loss occurred. Orchid is tropical plantAnd such conditions contribute to the oppression of the roots:

  1. Insufficient lighting. To form new cells, as is known, photosynthesis should occur, which is not possible without good lighting.

    With a lack of light, the plant "falls asleep", the water is not consumed, which accumulates in the porous root tissue, due to regular irrigation.

  2. Cold. The reduced temperature under sufficient lighting is not harmful by orchid, on the contrary improves the flowering process. But in the case when the plant does not absorb the incoming moisture, the cold is danger. Under conditions of low temperature, the evaporation process is braked excess moisture From the substrate, the development of fungi and bacteria and the root system begins to rot.
  3. . The upper root layer of orchid, like a sponge, continuously absorbs moisture, even if the stem and leaves do not need it. Due to the stagnation, moisture in the substrate multiplies pathogenic microorganisms.
  4. Fertilizer abuse. The roots of this flower is very gentle and sensitive to the excessive amount of macroelements, especially as for phosphorus and potassium. Increased dose or large fertilizer concentration can lead to a burn. After that, drying and dying roots occurs.
  5. Fungal diseases. Under conditions of constant dampness, the plant is subjected to fungal diseases. With rapid reproduction, fungus, live orchid fabrics are dying.

One of the reasons for the loss of leaves may be defeated by such a disease as a fusariosis (learn more about the diseases of the green cover of orchids, and also see photos of the affected leaves can be). This fungus has a high degree of distribution, and needs to save orchid quickly. Disease occurs due to salinization of the substrate and lower temperature. The appearance of fusariosis after constant and excessive irrigation is not excluded. Once in the tissue of the plant, the fungus clogs his vessels, and the leaves die even without having time to handoke (about why the leaves and the roots of orchids are black and how to help the plant, read).

If only the root system is preserved

  1. Remove the affected plants, capturing a small part of healthy fabrics. Healthy fabrics have a green color.
  2. Proceed by orchid with a solution of fungicide.
  3. Pere out the flower to the new substrate.

When the resuscitation no longer makes sense?

If the flower is weakly kept in the vase and it can be easily sought in different directions - hurry to remove it from the pot to determine the state of the roots. When the slug, soft and complete water is detected or the root mucus - be sure it is rotten fabric. The living root system to the touch is solid, dense and has a light brown color.

In case the roots or sheets did not have accepted, this means that resuscitation measures began too late. Most of the root system or the leaf fabric was significantly atrophing, and it is impossible to restore its vital processes.

Orchids are pretty leaving plants, and if there is at least one living kidney, it is worth trying to fight for her life. With the right rehabilitation process and further care Orchid necessarily "will revive" and will go into growth.

Caring for the patient orchid should be particularly attentive. Need to make a plant daily baths.

When detecting from the favorite orchid, problems with leaves or roots are not worth a hurry and throw out the plant. After all, treatment is not much labor. And timely and correct treatment will lead to the fact that your favorite will delight the eye with beautiful bloom.

House orchids are quite capricious plants. This is due to the fact that their fatherland is tropical jungle. It is quite difficult to maintain a suitable mode for flower in room criteria. Incorrect care can lead to the fact that in a few weeks you will think of how to reanimate orchid from the consequences. Very often, orchids begin difficulties with roots. Do not lose heart.

Important! The conceived plant, even with rotten roots, can be reanimated.

How to reanimate orchid?

In order to understand how to resurrect the dying plant, it is necessary to deal with the factors of problems. It is often that the roots rot, it is necessary to blame the wrong care. Orchid adores scattered light. Very often difficulties with the root system of orchids begin in autumn-winter period. Therefore, from September to March, it is extremely closely to care for plants. With a lack of lighting, it is worth applying additional lighting and phytolampa (in the figure below shows a flower that lacked light):

On a note! In case of little light, the plant flows into a kind of hibernation.

It falls asleep and stop pulling water from the pot. As a result, it turns out that the fluid absorbs into the upper layers of the root system, but does not go to the leaves. There is a stagnation of water - the flower elementary does not pull it further. As a consequence - the roots begin to die. After a while, the barrel of orchids may be broken.

How to understand that something is wrong with the plant?

Orchid will definitely give you warning signals and first of all it will be:

  • dried and fading leaves;
  • bad growth.

In this case, only the immediate replacement of conditions and resuscitation will be able to help and give the flower to the second life. The first thing to do before reanimate orchid is to check the roots. Ideally, the processes are required to be light color. From above, they are covered with greenish substance - velamen.

The shell performs several functions. Protects a thin long root from different damage and participates in "feeding" plants. Unarmed eyes are visible by small commens of processes. They absorb water from the substrate.

Step-by-step orchid resuscitation instructions

To understand how to reanimate orchid, you need to perform a simple sequence:

  1. Pull out the flower of the pot. Wash out the substrate from the roots, dry them. In the summer it is allowed to do, putting orchid on the newspaper for a couple of hours. In winter, the plant dries slower. Do not be afraid, not the slightest damage from the long drying. After the orchid became dry, it is worth looking to look around the roots. Them appearance - The best health rate.
  2. Check out young processes (required to be light white color). It is worth placing them into the water, and they will get a greenish tint. Old roots light-brown. If the processes are dark (or in general black), then, most likely, they rotted. Check it extremely simple: spend your fingers on the surface of such a roof. A rotted process may be slippery. Sometimes he disintegrates. Inside you can find a long white "thread." Resuscitation of orchids without roots begins with the fact that all rotten shares are removed.

  1. If, as a result, the plant lost 75-90% of the root system, then it is necessary to act immediately: cut the roots and disinfection sections. You can use special means for plants or pour them with cinnamon powder or thussed activated carbon. The remaining roots are soy for the day in a strengthening solution type "Kornin". Pere out orchid to a new substrate and cover it with moss. Change the space of the location - Light is obliged to be quite different in orchids dry out and fall out of unacceptable buds!

How to reanimate orchid without roots?

Family lovers, cultivating orchids, know that the plant can live in 2 modes. The most interesting and useful for the resuscitation of orchids is one that leads to the allocation and exchange of carbon dioxide. It is still referred to as C3C4. With it, the plant begins to develop a rapid pace. For a month, orchid grows a few centimeters and throws a couple of leaves. This mode is indispensable when you think about how to save orchid without roots.

In order for the plant to switch to it, it is necessary to create the desired humidity and maintain a temperature of 25-28 °. Therefore, after resuscitation it is worth putting the flower in a mini-greenhouse. It can be bought in flower shops or make it yourself. Do not throw out transparent boxes from large cakes - they may need. You can easily determine the plant in a round pot and cover the packaging from above. Another option to reanimate orchid - put a box with orchid under the glass sheet.

If you decide to hold the flower in the greenhouse, it is allowed to land and close with a special kind of moss - sphagnum. It is selling there, where they sell aquariums. Drainage falls on the bottom of the box, put a wet moss, and on it - orchid. Make sure that the sphagnum is not wet. Otherwise, the roots will begin to die again. Also standing at times to ventilate our greenhouse.

On a note! Average deadlines that occupy orchid resuscitation in such a method are from 1 to 12 months. It all depends on its initial state, but in the end you can achieve the same brilliant results:

What if the orchids dry the roots?

In order for orchids, the roots did not rot, a number of rules must be observed:

  1. Provide regular light conditions. If you are not yet familiar with how to reanimate orchid at home, remember - the lighting is obliged to be scattered, but not extremely bright.
  2. Watering orchids must be unmistakable. It depends on the size of the root system and periods of activity. If the roots are huge, then orchid should be watered and more abundant. At the same time, the substrate is obliged to dry, and not be continuously humid. When the plant is in a state of calm, watering must be reduced. Transplanted flowers can not watered!
  3. In order to heat the roots normally, use sphagnum or pine bark in the quality of soil. Periodically check the state of process. To do this, land orchid in a pot with transparent walls. So you do not need to remove it. Use root feeding.

This problem is also common in the midst of flower water, as well as rotation of processes. Its factor is poor care. Drying is associated with missing watering. From this, before only, the upper air shoots are tormented. Roots at the bottom of the pot can enjoy their portion of water, but before the top, the liquid does not reach. If the orchid does not assist on time, then it can aby. First you need to remove the flower from the pot and wash the roots. Then the process is worth looking. Perhaps visible to come. Next, it is necessary to decide whether the resactance of orchids is worth it all or can it be elementary to transplant.

Sometimes dry air shoots after some time give the latest roots. In this case, the flower increases the root system faster than when trimming huge number shoots. If you decide to remove dry parts, do not forget to treat cuts. You can use thustenance activated carbon. After that, the orchid is planted into a new substrate. After some time (2-3 days), it is watered. The amount of water depends on humidity. If in the room is dry, then it must be more.

What to do so that the orchid does not hurt?

A very simple list of tips will help you follow your favorite plant and not bring to that condition when I need resuscitation of orchids:

  • Water flower in the morning. The sun can cause burns with wet leaves.
  • Choose the right space. The plant adores confused bright light and does not tolerate drafts and frost.
  • Place the pot away from batteries!

  • In periods of calm orchids, cut watering and feeding.
  • Love your plant and treat him with all the soul and you will never need to think about how to reanimate orchid!

Now the most popular gift for all holidays is a charming orchid bush. Sometimes the owners of the newly acquired or presented for Holiday colors face that it is either frozen, or strongly filled with not experienced vendors in the store and flower is required to help immediately, so as not to give it to finally grown.

The resuscitation of the flower is sometimes necessary, because because of incorrect care Various parts of the plant are lost:

  1. Root system.
  2. Leaves.

Orchid could be hyphotomed during transportation from the store home, it is possible when not compliance with the rules of care to pour out that it will cause rotting and it will begin to die. But always if you detect a disease there is a chance to revive flower.

How to save phalaenopsis without roots or roots rot

If the flower inspecting was sluggish and without roots or roots are strongly amazed by rot, it is necessary to carry out an operation to remove these roots and all roting places, otherwise the rotting does not stop. The rot is cut out with a sharp knife, which must be disinfected with alcohol.

All sections on the flower are processed with a crowded activated carbon or sprinkled with cinnamon and left for a day for drying. Next proximation to the reanimation of the roots.

The best thing resuscitation spend with the help of greenhouse. To do this, take a transparent container, for example for food and the bottom of the drainage layer is laid out. You can use purchased clay, but it is necessary to displaced it before use, by throwing it with boiling water.

The following is a layer of moss sold in flower shops called "Moss Safagnum". It is important to understand that the moss collected in the wild will be unsuitable, since in it there may be larvae of pests and the resuscitation of orchids will not lead to anything. The moss is slightly moistened with boiled water, and the chest of orchids are laid on the nonsense without the root system.

The greenhouse is covered either with a lid from the container, or put in a transparent package. The established greenhouse conditions will help grow new roots, which will already be clearly visible in a couple of weeks.

When the roots rise to 5 cm long. Orchid are planted into the substrate for orchids.

How to revive the dying orchid

So that resuscitation has passed faster and gave nice results you can use feedingconducted on a sheet mass, for example Dr. Foli Orchid.

Also a good stimulator for increasing the root mass is succinic acid . It is sold in human pharmacies and is released in tablets without a doctor's prescription. For this purpose take 2 Tablets and dissolve in 500 gr. boiled outstanding water. After that, the wrath was wiped with a wrath and leafy orchid leafy plates. Do all this so carefully so that there is no extra moisture in the sinuses of the sheet plates.

Yet good way In the help of flower resuscitation it is mixed vitamins Group B. and liter. boiled water And wipe the same places as with amber acid.

This operation is carried out after sunset, since the sun's rays destroy the effect of vitamins. In the morning after such a procedure, trees with extra amber acid.

How to save the plant without leaves

If for some reason the orchid phalaenopsis remained without leaves, you can always try to save the flower. For this flower roots are processed by the drug Kornin. In order not to get and not injured the sick flower, it is possible to simply spill the water and corneser solution. Dilute as indicated on the packaging of the drug.

After that, the pot is lowered into hermetic container with a transparent lid. If there are no covers, you can use the home food filmwhich is also capable of hermetically close the container with the pot. The whole design is to install on a light and warm place, but without direct sun ray capable of calling a burn on newly emerging young leaves of orchids.

Do not forget to ventilate the greenhouse once a day and remove the condensate falling on the surface of the lid.

So that the plant is fully restored and the beginning of a new flowering will be held a year and that the restoration went in the active phase on young sheets is carried out. extra-corner subordinate. The feeding is performed only by fertilizer for orchids and the dilution rate is doubled. At the same time, it is necessary to follow the soil in which the orchid is growing, he should not dry.

How to disinfect the plant

Actually, to save your orchid from poor care. First you need get rid of rotten parts plants. For this operation you need to have with you:

  1. Activated carbon.
  2. Charcoal.
  3. Fungicides.

Owners of orchids often arise the problem of waving or rotting roots. This is due to incorrectly selected soil or excessive watering plus reduced room temperature where flower lives.

To determine the rotten roots or not, it is enough just to take a look at them through a transparent pot. If they are green or grayish and they grow the tip, it means everything with the root system in order. If they have a brown or black color, then the roots must be saved immediately from their complete die. Therefore, the roots are shortened to a healthy green cloth.

Trimming make sharp disinfected in alcohol scissors. Slices are saturated wood coal Or if it is not, then activated, acquired in the human pharmacy.

If after seizures the root system of orchid from the pot, fungal was seen in the form of sage (black) accumulations, then the whole flower bathe in warm water and processed sections of cuts, as it was written above, and then soaked in any fungicide From the listed:

  • Tolclofosmethyl.
  • Boscalid.
  • Pencycuron.

Fungicides are treated twice, so you should not rush to plant a flower immediately into the ground. Make a weekly break and re-process. So that the roots are not too moving, they are sprayed from the sprayer, and covered with cotton cloth.

What to do after recovery

Orchid comes to life not immediately, but depending on the time of year and the premises where it is located. If the flower has been reanimated in spring or autumn and the actions were correct, then the recovery will be faster, enough for the month.

And it happens on the restoration of the flower sometimes takes up to six months. Always more chances if the trouble happened in the spring months. Since in the spring, all plants are trounded into growth, and the vegetative mass is increasing and the orchid is not an exception.

After resuscitation, the flower is not worth it to watered it so as not to provoke new foci of infection with rot, the orchid soil must dry.

As soon as the roots begin their active growth, should stop all feeding. After the roots grow up to 6 cm. The bush can be transplanted into a slightly larger in the diameter of the pot. After transplanting, the bush is fixed by making a wire frame so that the chopping is not hacked. So he adapts faster and will increase the root system faster.

If you discovered from a beautiful and beloved flower, some problem do not rush to throw it away right away. After all, to cure a green friend is not as difficult as it seems. The main time to start his treatment in a timely manner, and he will still delight his master with his beautiful white, yellow or other bright. This may take a long time, but the result will justify all the expectations when reanimized orchid will throw out a new floral arrow, thanking this for all efforts to save.