Unusual horoscope: What are the signs of the zodiac? What is afraid of the signs of the zodiac.

Fear is a feeling with which it is very difficult to cope, probably because fears are the natural component of human nature. The location of the stars at the moment of the birth of a person determines in many ways his character and fate. It also affects the fears with whom the people of different signs of the zodiac have to fight all their lives.


Perhaps the most decisive of all zodiac signs. This is usually a man of business. Therefore, people born in late March-April have fear of inaction. In addition, Aries are very communicable, so they are afraid to stay alone, it is unnecessary. There is another fear that the first sign of the zodiac cycle is experiencing is the fear of closed spaces.


Very homely, calm sign, loving stability and comfort. Fear calves of everything that can break the established harmony with the world. And they are still stronger in the depths of the soul and do not always seek to make new acquaintances, as they are afraid to seem uninteresting others.


Weak place twins - nervous system. They have a pain threshold lower than that of representatives of other signs. Therefore, the twins hardly tolerate pain.


Very impressionable and perceive the opinion of others about their own person too close to the heart. I am not afraid of mockery and easily finish with complexes. Cancers - record holders in the number of phobias among all the signs of the zodiac. Often they are afraid of change.

a lion

Lion - a sign that gives his wards pride and feeling own dignity. Lock him in the eyes of others - the biggest fear of the lion. Another brave lion is afraid of "white bathrobes", as it does not endure medical manipulations.


Very self-critical, so any criticism from the side is perceived by them very painfully. They are afraid of public condemnation, often complex on the slightest occasion. At the physiological level

Dev, as a rule, fear of various unpleasant insects.


Sighs are characterized by constant doubts and fluctuations that often develop in fear do not right choicewill not cope with the vital task, to be insolvent in the established situation. More scales more than other signs are afraid of death.


Scorpio sign gives people fearless. Scorpions are lovers of all mystical. And fears, which sometimes overcome scorpions, are very exotic and unattended surrounding. However, scorpions usually hide them carefully.


Usually active, possess a lot of perspective character. They are afraid of life failures, defeats, situations in which they look not in the best way. Freedom-loving Sagittsov sometimes has the opposite direction - the fear of imprisonment in a closed space.


In childhood and youth, Capricorns often suffer from complexes about their appearance and other drawbacks, mostly fictional. But in the mature age, these fears pass, and completely others appear - fear of losing friends, to remain without money, lose the fruit of many years of work.


Most of all are afraid to be incomprehensible close people and friends. For representatives of this sign, mutual understanding is vital, sometimes flowing into understanding of each other without words.


Fish - the most vague of all signs of the zodiac are most afraid of peaceful loneliness, the lack of understanding of loved ones. In addition, fish are susceptible to criticism, they are afraid not to please others.

Many people believe in horoscopes, looking for themselves and loved ones, find compliance. Indeed, horoscopes help us to learn better and understand each other.


Aries bold and decisive. He loves to take the initiative, his fearless behavior looks like a recklessness. Aries is confident that he is a sea of \u200b\u200bknee and always, even despite fatigue, brings the matter to the end. They are strong and soul and body, sincere and generous.

However, they also have their own fears. Aries are afraid of closed spaces. The elevator will prefer the staircase. They are also very communicable and afraid of loneliness. Aries are quite self-confident and stubborn, never listen to someone else's opinion, and when they doubt their judgments fall into rage. They like freedom and independence, avoid serious relationships.


Taurus are friendly and friend. Nevertheless, they open their feelings not every person. Only close relatives and friends know what is happening in the soul of the Taurus. Also they are quite biased on emotions. Representatives of this sign are often domical, love comfort and comfort. Non-conflict, avoid scandals and quarrels. They do not believe in supernatural, they do not scare their ghosts and vampires.

However, if they encounter something that cannot be logical explanation, they can be afraid and will try to forget about it as soon as possible. The taltsov rarely noted any phobias, due to the fact that they are not focused on the trifles and their fears. The only thing that truly scares them is to remain without livelihood.


The most inconsistent and complex sign of the zodiac. Their mood can be compared with the weather - the same variable. From joy to sadness, from love for hatred. Gemini can express their thoughts in the most prominent form. Thanks to this property, they get rid of fears and experiences. They love to come to the bottom, they are looking for rational grain. Can not only cope with the fear of darkness, depths and closed spaces. Representatives of this sign do not endure routines and monotony, it scares them and tires. Gemini have a very unstable emotional background, weak nervous system. It is very hardy in physical terms, while the pain threshold of sensitivity is reduced, therefore not even insignificant pain.


Representatives of this sign are very shy, vulnerable and impressionable. The most emotionally unstable sign. Sometimes "go to yourself." Since childhood, they develop various phobias. Cancer's fears full set: claustrophobia (fear of closed spaces), Vienistraphobia (fear beautiful women), Androfobia (fear of men). Well, it was not from the classical fears of people, such as darkness, depth, height and performances in front of the audience. Cancers are very oppressive, very afraid that they will be fun on them. It can even turn into pathology. Panically afraid of high speeds and flights. As for personal relationships, everything is stable here in cancer, can maintain affection for one person all his life.

a lion

Brave, strong, noble, energetic zodiac sign. Always achieves the goal. What can scare this person? Just these advantages and there is a reason for fear of Lviv. They are afraid that the surrounding people will question his quality, which will greatly offer the pride of the lion. The lion is afraid of losing its dignity. Sometimes it develops into an obsessive idea. Vividly pronounced vanity. According to Leo, he is worthy of the highest marks and bowl into your address. Despite such a courage, this sign is afraid of pain and in general all that is associated with medicine and of different kind manipulation. Before visiting the dentist, the knees are shaking. Also, lions are afraid of closed spaces.


Representatives of this sign are very modest and sophisticated. Prefer a narrow circle of friends with great and noisy companies. Have a sober, cold mind. Always collected and almost do not know how to relax. They have many fears, in particular, they are dependent on other people's opinions. They are afraid to become a gossip and ridicule. Of these, bad chiefs are obtained, since they cannot do a lot of things immediately, slow and non-package. Men of this sign are often afraid of beautiful women. Virgin is not romantic, they do not believe in love, consider her fiction. For both floors of this sign, Hamophobia is inherent - fear of marriage and marriage. They are overcome by panic fear at the sight of spiders, cockroaches and other insects. Virgo may even experience the fear of what is scared of something (phobophobia).


Scales are in harmony of souls and bodies, but they do not always manage to keep the balance in their feelings and experiences. Looking for everything golden middle. For them we are familiar with the change emotional state. Then they have a deep depression, they poured laugh and immensely happy. Scales are very charming and discusses, are considered with the opinion of other people. Very afraid of various insects, especially snakes and frogs. Do not tolerate pain and fear doctors, turn to them only in extreme cases. Very suffer alone. They try to associate themselves as soon as possible. Even for them is characterized by the fear of death.


Scorpions energetic and purposeful sign. They are distinguished by dignity, endurance, willpower. Not deprived of various talents. Spripions are quite well developed intuition, they feel the mood of others and can predict what a person will say in the next moment. Representatives of this sign are malicious, can be offended for years, and at the most unexpected moment to take revenge. The family is the main factor in the life of scorpion, they are very attached to relatives. Scorpions are rarely afraid of, but there are also their fears and phobias that are very original. For example, fear of angles, gamblingAlbinos. One of the biggest fears is experiencing scorpion when it is afraid that his mystery will be revealed.


People of this sign are very assertive and purposeful. Very friendly and sociable, not coward. Cheerful and carefree, possess a good sense of humor. They can arrange people to themselves, often become a soul of the company. Straightforward, they say what they think, and do not like when they are suspected of lies. Love all extreme. Risk playing important role In the life of Saglots. The signs of the sign of the Sagittarius are very bold personals - are not afraid to look into the eyes of the enemy and accustomed to count only on themselves. Of the flaws of the Sagittarius, it is possible to distinguish severe waste. Do not know how and do not like to save, love to spend money on trifles and unnecessary things. Very love freedom, so among them there are people with claustrophobia.


Since childhood, success is hand in hand with Capricorn. Very hardworking sign. Life and work is the same for them. Steel inside, with gloomy and apathetic. Loneliness loves and enjoy them. Often they are compacted, and have many fears. Also Capricorns are very careful, the mind is above the feelings. Do not show jealousy, laziness, impulsiveness and disadvantaged. It is an obstacle for them before reaching the goal. Cossacks have a tendency to such phobias as: airfobia and agoraphobia (fear of clusters of people).


This sign is very inquisitive, with developed intuition and imagination. Lot famous people Born under this sign - artists, writers, musicians. Calm and balanced to offend them need to try hard. Love to communicate with people, strive to have more friends, but periodically "go to ourselves" and want them to be left alone. Also, they are peculiarity. But this does not concern personal life. In the marital life they are faithful and loving. They are afraid of pain and loneliness.


The sign is very wounded, dreamy, sensual and soft. These people are very mysterious, it is difficult to understand what they really are. Pretty balanced, but it happens that they go out of themselves. Love to be alone with you. They are also romantic and indecisive nature. Fishes are endowed with artistry and good intuition. Believe in all mystical, supernatural and magical, so afraid unclean power - Ghosts, witches and even aliens. Fish has a very wound character, they are afraid of punishment. If they were severely punished in childhood, it can grow into pathology - Mastigophobia (fear of corporal punishment)

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You have a weak link, your vulnerable point, due to which you turn into paranoid. And now everything will be recognized about her!

Fear of parting

You are not afraid of anything at all: not a big shark, nor evil peoplenor old age, no dismissal. And why? Because you are a hero who in his free time protects the weak, teaches the life of illiterate, punishes unfair. For all this, you do not need any fee, but only praise and diffilams. But it is worth someone to stop to believe in you, as in Santa Claus, you immediately upset and go in ack or depression. And the sharper you are worried about the gap with friends and loved ones: you were for them the guardian angel, and they died to throw you, ungrateful?

Fear of poverty

You will drink Valerianka for a week and write to a consultation to a psychologist, if you see a dream, as if you were deprived of award. Suddenly, fate hints so much that soon you will have to relax on the Black Sea and buy products in the supermarket? It's the bottom! And you are accustomed to the comfort and modest charm of the bourgeoisie, sprinkled with black caviar. For you, every penny is like a nervous cell, the loss of which is not restored, so you guard your financial stability somewhere in the Swiss bank and are terribly afraid to lose everything.

Fear of imperfection

You have a disease, called the Sindergone Syndrome. It occurs with you hard, with complications. You are at every step that you are a charlatan and a deceiver. You are already three diplomas about higher education They got, and abroad were in danger, and the dissertation was defended, and everything does not leave you feeling that you don't know anything and do not know how. Because of this, you usually cram around the career ladder and inferior the road to younger (and more stupid).

Fear of loneliness

It seems to you that when you do not need you, you do not exist. To strengthen your foundation and become indispensable, you are planning to travel a husband and children from independence. Without your hint, they will not find the kitchen and in the summer will come to the street in the boots. At work, you are also considered an indispensable person, because the subbotnik, and the accounting report, and the monthly plan can be performed only under your supervision. (And after all, no dictate on your part. Only love, only guardianship, only hardcore!)

Fear of ignoring

You are entering, it means that all this in white, on the legs of Labutena, on the head of the crown. And no one turns into fainting from delight does not fall. Do you then go out and appeals before the public again, suddenly you will notice this time and start applauding? And again silence. "This is a fiasco, bro," say you yourself and straight go to the monastery. Your life can only be good when you run a crowd of fans and servants who are ready for your order at least from the window to jump, even though manna Kishu. With foam eat.

Fear of chaos

Your personal hell is a black T-shirt that fell into a stack with white things. You have things laid down in colors, books are in growth and even dust, if it happens to fall on polished furniture, sorted in size. You are so afraid of confusion that you are ready to conduct virtual family lifeIf the man did not move towards you and did not indulge the mess. Loud sounds, sudden meetings, spontaneous trips, a change in the bus schedule call you panic attacks and attacks of aggression.

Fear of critics

You are generally a peaceful person, but everything changes, it is worth someone to come on your ego. In your interlocutor, the knives fired immediately fly and sharp words. And why? You are striving for the ideal, you constantly seem to be that you are almost at the goal: they could become the most well-developed, harmonious personality. And then suddenly the mother-in-law is dissatisfied with your borsch? To save self-esteem, on any remarks you answer the hard attack.

Fear of intimacy

You have such a complex tangled world, which, compared to him, the Minotaur Mabyrinth seems to be a children's toy. Therefore, you are afraid to let people: come, you understand, you will not understand the intricacies of your soul, they will nag. Even if you finally choose a friend or lover, we regularly repeat: "No, he does not understand me at all." And at this moment you feel so sorry that you start hating everyone. Just.

Fear of loss of control

You use freedom, love yourself, sneeze on everyone. And in one day you have a child - and starts to dictate you when you get up in the mornings or when to go with him for a walk. It annoys it terribly. You have just been the Lord of the world - and suddenly lost everything. At this background, the claustrophobia is developing and mania of persecution. Therefore, you prefer not to be indebted to people so that they do not interfere with you to live as you please. Or at least pretend that you have no obligation to anyone.

Fear of failure

You have a problem: you workaholic. Not that you like to work a lot, but you want a lot to get and be the subject of envy. And it is not so easy for you, like every twin or hairdies. You for each increase to the salary account for your fingers to wash on the keyboard and the forehead break about the door to the bosses. Each obstacle turns for you to Everest: And forward to go is afraid, and it is impossible to retreat, and you don't want to dance along the way.

Fear of powerlessness

In general, you are in complex situation: You want your loved ones to be all the best. And since there are no clear criteria from the "best", then you all think that you do not cope. Clouds did not spread with hands, a silver spoon for a child in his mouth at birth was not put, old age on the bugs did not provide. At this point, you bring yourself to depletion (emotional and physical) and dream of staying alone. Later the Force come back, and you love everyone again. These moments, when the batteries are completely discharged, you are afraid most, because you can block the wood: divorce, go to the army or even the house set fire.

Fear of responsibility

You are a feast person who is not particularly adapted to weekdays. You are suffering due to the fact that life is brighter in your most modest fantasies and rushing than it really is. Because of this, you are truth and increasing sabotage any attempts to impose on you everyday life, cooking, office work. You S. early years Anxiety was waiting for adulthood - and now they are trying to escape from it. Only here is where? Someone from the representatives of your sign falls into the Ashram, someone in the club of anonymous alcoholics.

Astrologer Marina (Skadi) Sokolova called what is most afraid of different signs Zodiac. It turns out that the twins are more often frightened by darkness, and scales are loneliness. It was its forecast for "facts."

What is afraid of Aries

Singleness of loneliness pushes Aries on reckless actions. They often provoke those around the reaction, but do it not to offend or harm: in this way they save from depression and loneliness.

They are also afraid to seem insufficiently smart, in this regard, they can first go to the conflict and convince in their rightness until the loss of the pulse.

The monotony in work, relationships and in everyday life are oppressed by Aries and they try to avoid it any way - they will finish everything better than they will endure the routine and boredom.

What is afraid of Taurus

Financial unrest and crises deliver a lot of experiences to calves. In addition, they are afraid that their work will not be assessed by justice and they will get less than that.

There are fear and in the face of natural cataclysms.

What the twins are afraid

There is a fear of dark and closed spaces.

They fear gossip and rumors, deceptions and intrigues. The accusation of wastelife and nonsense for the twins is very painful.

However, they like no other can abstract from gloomy thoughts, thanks to which they save themselves from many experiences and fears.

What is afraid of cancer

Cancers more than the other signs of the zodiac are subject to fear and phobiam. They are afraid to become the object of ridicule, fear speeds and heights. But the biggest fear is the collapse of the family, serious trouble from relatives.

Inhibits them and publicity: they do not like to be in sight of unconscious people.

What is afraid of Lev

They are afraid of doctors, hospitals and all kinds of medical manipulations. But this is nothing for them compared to losing admiration in the eyes of others. Lions are confident - they must be loved by everything. They are very afraid to be ignored and stayless.

Lviv often has obsessive fear of being ridiculous, unpleasant and incomprehensible. The lack of invitations to public events and interest in their own person is very frustrating.

What is afraid of Deva.

Virns are afraid of insects and reptiles. They cannot calmly look at the mess in the house.

Virgo is afraid of marriage and especially men. They are consciously afraid not only external imperfections, but also their own internal defects and disadvantages.

What are afraid of scales

Scales do not tolerate loneliness, they often suffer fear of staying without a life satellite, and they try to marry as soon as possible and create a family.

They are afraid to get involved in some coarse dialogue and make themselves an unpleasant impression. In addition, the weight of death is very characteristic of weights.

What is afraid of scorpion

Scorpio is a rare sign that is almost never afraid. But those few phobias that can still disrupt their peace are very original, for example, they are afraid of the corners. The horror is afraid to seem weak and defenseless.

Scorpions - Persons are hidden, they are scary afraid that their secrets can be disclosed. However, the biggest fear of scorpions is still betrayal and treason on the part of a loved one.

What is afraid of Sagittarius

Sagittarius believe in mysticism and fear unclean strength. Very freedom-loving sign, so there are often claustrophs among them.

Sagittarius do not bring pessimism in all its manifestations and are most afraid of situations of hopelessness, lack of perspectives. Always aimed at new accomplishments and achievements, they are very concerned about stagnant in affairs, the despondency and despair of close people, since these moods are easily transferred to them themselves.

If the Sagittarius stays in the sad state of the spirit for a long time, then it urgently needs a new goal - bright and worthy of moving towards it, despicable all obstacles on the way.

What is afraid of Capricorn

This sign is afraid of instability, the Capricors are experiencing that their goals will be unattainable due to external circumstances and realities of life.

There is a fear of height, as well as a large cluster of people. They are afraid of manifestations of such feelings as jealousy, laziness, impulsiveness and negligence, considering their weakness and an obstacle to the goal to achieve the goal.

What is afraid of aquarius

The fear of loneliness and non-recognition of his talents, very strong in Aquarius. Aquarity is most feared to be incomprehensible close people and friends.

For water uniform, mutual understanding is vital. They are often ahead of their surroundings in their thoughts and therefore have every reason to fear that their reasoning will seem distant from life, frivolous and not practical.

What are afraid of fish

Rudeness, rudeness, anger, hypocrisy - all this causes fear among representatives of the sign of fish. They are afraid of such situations, because it is not able to give an appropriate rebuff. Dreamy and sentimental fish are often afraid to show these qualities of their nature. Often these fears are manifested in relations with the most close people. Fear of ridicule and censure - all this makes the fish thoroughly hide their weaknesses and try to look stronger than they really are. The fish believe in all the mysterious and mystical, so all their life may be afraid of unclean power.

According to astrologers, the date of birth is affected not only on the character of a person or another, but also consists of phobias. The factory signs in life and love are afraid of the signs of the zodiac in life.


For Aries it is easier to climb on foot to the 60th floor than to take off there on the elevator, because they are panicly afraid to lose freedom and control over what is happening

Energetic representatives of the fiery sign are not deprived of weaknesses, including fears. The most powerful congenital phobia of most Aries is claustrophobia, closed spaces forcing them tremble and soul, and the body. The militant Mars is dominated by the people of this zodiac symbol, making them freedom and thirst for independence. That is why the Aries do not tolerate any oppression, and a tough restriction in movements and actions for them is a daytime nightmare.

Aries - inborn leaders, to realize their potential they can exclusively surrounded by other people. Obviously, loneliness for them is equal to the absolute absence of opportunities: with fear of isolation from society (isolofobia), many Aries are familiar not to beyond. People of this sign, as a rule, lead a dynamic lifestyle. Sitting without affairs causes panic from typical representatives of the fiery element, from here and steady fear sit down to sit down or sit, otherwise Katovofobia. And the excessive initiative of the Aries and the desire to be in the first place in everything can lead to the development of paralympobia (an obsessive state associated with the alarming thoughts on unfulfilled obligations and promises).

As for the romantic sphere, here these fervent and persistent personalities are most afraid to be incomprehensible and rejected. Aries strive for a long, serious relationship in which they will be able to take a dominant position.


Fears of Taurus are dictated common sense And quite justified

Despite the fact that typical representatives of the earthly sign do not make sense in extreme activities and risky behavior, they suffer from any deep phobias rarely. However, calves can feel the alarm and certain discomfort associated with their astrological characteristics and the influence of external factors. For example, the landmark and relief of constancy often leads to the fear of exiting their own comfort zone: everything is unusual and new can introduce these stubborn natures into the most real stupor.

Such representatives of the zodiacal pantheon with paranormal phenomena and mystical entities definitely not to scare. Even a personal acquaintance with something inexplicable will not produce a shocking effect on them. Most of all, in the light of these hardworking and values, the material sustainability of Natur bothers their own financial position: to trembling in the knees, the shoulders are afraid of lack of money.

Venger-driven Taurus is extremely sensitive and emotional in relation to loved ones and beloved, it is strongly tied to those who are expensive to him, his feelings are stable and endless.

According to astrologers, it is one of the most vulnerable zodiac symbols in the love sphere. Operations of this sign constantly worry about the fact that they will cease to love, appreciate and take, and parting with the second half for them is death like.


If love reaches the twin and his hearts, she will help him in the fight against fears and doubts

The many-sided representatives of the air symbol are truly a storehouse of complex and even logical explanation of personal contradictions. Phobia twins are so diverse that this can be written a whole book. Some of them are terrified at the form of spiders, and someone tolerate may not be dark, the rest with waters belong to water and height ... The random number of fears is due to psychological lability, the emotional preciousness of these outstanding natures.

Multiflowed, possessing non-standard thinking representatives of the astrological circle need one hundred percent self-realization, they are always looking for public recognition. At the same time, they are difficult for them to make the right choice, because they are afraid to miss a favorable chance. And also panic before the consequences of the final decision, because personal freedom for them is above all.

Common among typical twins is a problem of decides - panic decision making. Meanwhile, this feature of most twins prevents them from build full-fledged, harmonious relations With the opposite sex.

Disconnection to ordinary and routine is characteristic of all twins without exception. In the love sphere, they cannot transfer monotals, and the prospect of the loss of personal space and inner freedom makes them especially disturbing.


An impressionability, shyness and closure in herself from the young age provides cancer the development of various phobias. No other zodiac sign can "boast" such an assortment of fears

In the number of all sorts of fear, the impressionable cancers survived even twins. The fear of the dark, depth, closed space, public speeches and ridicule of others are far from the whole list of their phobin reactions. Increased emotionality and imperidity peculiar to people of the watermark are becoming a favorable soil for the development or strengthening of fear of high speeds (tachofobia), air transport flights, increased anxiety for their health (noseophobia).

In a personal life, these models may experience significant difficulties when communicating with the opposite sex: Men-Cracks cannot overcome the tear before the lady liked the lady of the heart, and women crayfare are experiencing pathological fear at the sight of a suitable cavalier.

In addition, in the established unions, the representatives of the sign are constantly concerned about their own position in a pair: whether they really do it, whether they care whether they can be carefully trusted, it is possible to trust the second half. Even if there are no objective reasons for such an analysis, they still can be afraid of the fact that in one moment their happiness and tranquility will come to the end.

a lion

In any life situations Lions carry themselves restrained and adequately, they are proud and self-sufficient. But the nature of the character turns around for them by the main fear in life - the lions are afraid to look ridiculous

The royal representatives of the fiery element are accustomed to being in the center of attention and afraid to lose their majestic status to horror. They will never tell you about their secret phobias and anxieties, because their most important goal is to look invulnerable and fearless in the eyes of others. Meanwhile, most lions suffer from pathological fear of failures, or athihifobia, and they also have painful distillations about their own significance: they are frightened by the prospect of unsuccessfulness and incomprehensibility, they are afraid to remain unpleasant and unnoticed.

Another skeleton in a typical lion closet is an unreasonable fear of people in white coats. Medical institutions These pride are bypassing as long as, as they say, does not take place. Special mandndage of fiery representatives of the astrological circle cause surgeons and dentists.

Born under the constellation of Leo is vital to occupy in the heart of the partner the most exclusive niche. The idea that they are able to disappoint the object of their adoration leads them to horror.


The Virgin of both sexes rarely believe in clean love, and therefore may well suffer to gametophobia (fear of marriage or marriage)

People of this earthly sign are distinguished by emotional maturity and practicality. But at the same time, public opinion has a significant impact on typical maidens, so they are afraid to become a so-called whipping boy. Sleeve, shovels behind his back and even unstable abandoned joy - one of the most unpleasant nightmares for all representatives of the astrological symbol.

Virns do not know how to relax, and the accumulated voltage serves as the impetus to the appearance of various phobias. For example, these materialists are trembling when meeting with ordinary insects, and sometimes fall into fainting . The strongest uncontrolled disgust they are tested to spiders and cockroaches. Not according to the stories they are familiar and phobies (hostility to loud sounds), and phobophobia (fear of probable fright). Most people born in the constellation of the Virgin are inherent in perfectionism. They are painfully reacting to mess, sharp smells, dust and dirt.

Constancy and reliability - this is what the earthly personality is expected from love relationship. They are afraid of betraying and disappointments, try to avoid pain and suffering, so very often on the soil of fear themselves become initiators of parting.


The dominant phobia of the scales is the fear of loneliness. It is so strong that people of this sign hastily get married and marry, just to fill in the inner emptiness

People born under the constellation people are not tolerated conflicts, they are looking for all conscious life with harmony with them and the outside world. Meanwhile, this air sign is characterized by mood differences and depressive states. They chain from the words "isolation" and "loneliness" are afraid to offend their relatives and make them unhappy. Scales with unhealthy squeamishness belong to snakes and frogs. And also do not digest doctors and inadequately react to painfulness. But the most frightening phenomenon for these ambiguous natures is death.

In love, scales, as a rule, are not very picky. On the one hand, typical signs of the sign are ready to instantly enter into a serious relationship with a unconscious man, just to remain alone. But, on the other hand, they are afraid of the slightest misunderstanding and disharmony in relationships, afraid of unfortunate family life.


Hidden Scorpions are afraid that people will learn about their hidden motives and desires, because it will make them vulnerable and unprotected

Yes, the dangerous scorpions themselves want to scare, but also these insightful and life-in-law are thoroughly hidden fears. Unusually, but the fact: Scorpion phobius reactions are truly outstanding, for example, they can avoid acute corners, keep track of dwarfs or albinos and even pathologically scared gambling institutions and gambling.

The bustling representatives of the water symbol are similar to the lions: they will also never reveal their surrounding weak sides, and phobias are so more harmful to the most inaccessible place for an extraneous eye. And also they do not want to look ridiculous in the eyes of other people. In the depths of the soul, all scorpions fear ridicule and oblique looks.

People of this symbol fascinates all the mysterious and unknown, but from the routine and monotony they shake like from the fire: therefore typical scorpions do not seek serious relationships and family life.


Lovers travel, to know the world, comprehend and open something new, Sagittari are afraid to imagine that one day such a lifestyle may change by 360 degrees

These optimistic people will not call the panties. Typical fittings are true connoisseurs of extreme pastime, they enthusiastically go to risk and in general perceive life as a kind of adventure. But also in such courageous natures there are reasons for concern and panic. Nature endowed them difficult, very controversial thinking: they sincerely believe in mystical manifestations and fear of curses, damage, the tricks of the unclean.

Careful control, obligations, thousands of rules - all this kills the internal potential of adventurous firing. They do not tolerate morals, and also fear restrictions in everything, so closely familiar with the claustrophobia.

In personal relationship, people of the fire element claim the role of an indispensable and unique life satellite. Sagittarius immediately ruins the relationship and disappear, if aware of his own unnecessaryness. After all, his strongest fear is not the only one in her way, to become for the object of love like everything.


Typical Capricorns are confident that they do not know how to find a common language with people. Such a judgment provokes the fear of public speeches, causes the Capricarians to protect himself from society, taking a circle of communication to a minimum

Thoughtful and purposeful Capricorns are often suffering from the complex of inferiority, and indeed, the people of the earthly sign are inherent in the whole bouquet of complexes and distillations. They are excessively critical in relation to themselves, they focus on their own shortcomings, and personal merits are often disregarded, therefore the strongest fear is disapproval and rejection by the surrounding.

The priority sphere for these restrained natures is a career, they live work and for the sake of work, it is important for them to achieve success on a professional field. A strict attitude to his own person and the rabid rhythm of life, of course, leave a noticeable trace: Throughout the life of the Capricorn fights with the fear of open spaces and a large cluster of people, with Hypochondria and the fear of flights.

It is worth noting that the judgmental representatives of the earthly element are able to take the top over the most deep phobias, if a similar goal is given.

In the romantic sphere, the people of this symbol are extremely picky. It is easier for them alone than to live with anyone. Most of all, Capricorn is afraid of the fact that he will not be understood and will not support him.


Social organization and orderliness scare and repulse windy water: if they could, they would not be happy to go to school (Didaskalenophobia) or to work (Ergofobia)

From the early ages of this air sign Persecuted sustainable phobias is the fear of emotional and physical pain and the fear of loneliness. Aquarius are outstanding, capable personalities, they are sociable and inquisitive, however, practically not adapted to the realities everyday life. They masterfully cope with Handra attacks, but again and again return to their fantasy world. Having provided alone with himself, the Aquarius suffers and suffer, even short-term isolation for him is unbearable.

In personal relations, such nature suffered the loss of individuality, their inquiry. They may avoid serious relationships for a long time, and they are married with painful caution.


Pisces psychologically all their lives remain children: they believe in the cast, Yet, witches, spirits, aliens and turning

These representatives of the water element are a real mystery and for others, and for themselves. They believe in unknown and often tremble before inexplicable, and with all seriousness belong to the signs. The subtle spiritual organization and sensitivity of fish contribute to the manifestation of peculiar phobin reactions. For example, being adults and wealthy people, they, as if small children, may be horror in front of probable punishment (mastigophobia). Typical representatives of the sign of the zodiac are concurrent, so often concerned about the state of loved ones and beloved without visible reasons.

In the personal life of fish expect from the second half unconditional love and absolute adoption. They dissolve in the object of adoration and open him the most secret doors of their soul. It is intended to worry about the fact that the beloved person will not always understand them, love and show care.

The behavioral features of any zodiacal symbol can be explained by unconscious phobias and disguised fear. Therefore, it is not worth judging strictly either yourself nor others ....