What the godfather should do when baptism. What should the godfather before the sacrament of baptism

Baptism Baby - an exciting event!

How to prepare for him so as not to miss anything

Do not disrupt the tradition so that all the rules?!

What should the godne need to know? An Orthodox Christian who adopted the Holy Baptism and the Neighborhoods following God's commandments can be performed. The godfather should prepare for the ritual in advance. Her duties conclude not only to know the prayers when baptism, but also with all the awareness refer to what is happening the rite. Most often, Russian Orthodox churches Expose use the following prayer For the baptism of the child: "Virgin Delo, rejoice"; "King Heavenly"; "Our Father". It is also important to be able to read the faith symbol. These prayers need to know not only the godfather, but also to every Orthodox Christian. They express the essence of faith, help to turn to God, cleanse from sin and gain power to overcome barriers to life paths. The godfather must realize that modern world It is not easy to raise a believer man in a child. However, sincere love and attachment to the kid will help to instill top Qualities and features. It is necessary to rely not only for their forces, but also to ask the Lord about helping in this difficult work.

What should the godp should buy? Based on its own capabilities, the godfather is obliged to help parents prepare for the ritual and celebration. She should buy a kiss kiss and chain, an icon of a patron saint, a horse. This question is quite individual and is solved together with the father and mother of the child. In addition, she needs to undergo a special interview with the priest before the christening.

What should the godfather do? Of course, the main responsibility during baptism is in a hot prayer that the sovereign to take advantage of the holy grace. You need to contact God in the request to give it to her and blood parents and wisdom to raise the child according to church commandments. During the baptism process, the godfather takes her on his hands after immersing in the font. When the boy is sacred, then, on the contrary, - before dipping. It is very important to establish a connection with the baby to the ritual so that it felt calm and safe. Perhaps you will need to move the child or shake. Captures pass in several stages. First, parents, a priest and the godfather read prayers, and dive into the font. Then the world-matting of the oil of the world is carried out. Batyushka crucifably smears the baby forehead, eyes, ears, chest and says: "Print of the Holy Spirit. Amen". At the next stage, there is a cross-shaped skin of the hair on each side of the baby's head. It symbolizes the humility to the Lord and is presented as a certain sacrifice. You need to dress on christening modestly and neat. It is impossible to come in pants, and the skirt must be necessarily below the knees. The scarf is an unchanged attribute for a hike to church under any circumstances.

Celebration of events After church rite Family and guests go to the child's house. Traditional is festive tableon which bid must be needed. In antiquity, a sweet porridge with butter and milk cooked specifically to such a holiday. This dish can be replaced by more modern, for example, cereal-based casserole with the addition of berries or fruits. But for the dad cooked a special porridge - very salty, sharp and burning. He had to eat a dish that symbolized the difficulties of childbirth in a woman. Thus, the father partially separated it. Well, if children are invited to visit of different ages. It was also a tradition in ancient times. For them, there must be many different sweet treats on the table.

According to the custom of the Russian Orthodox Church for the baptism of the child, one criste of the same sex, for the girl - the godfather mother, for the boy - the godfather dad. But at the request of the parents of the godfall can two. The sign of one sex with the child will be a susceptible from the font, and the duties of the godparents are divided in half.

Choosing the godfather for the Son, it is worth thinking seriously: how do you want to see your child in the future, what kind of character traits develop in it over time, and in general, what stands for you for the words "be a Christian"? The godpan can have invaluable help in the education of his son. It is important to remember that the godfather and the sovereign must trust each other, be friends. Experienced priests advise to choose in the godfather those who successfully raises their own children.

A good godf has something to learn, and he himself knows how and loves to teach. Remember that the godfather is designed to help in the Christian education of the child, and not just to be supporting the family in different situations. Ideally, the godfather should an example for the whole family - in faith, honesty, kindness. Another important circumstance is desirable that the godfall is not a newcomer in the church, he must understand the meaning of church life, to know and loving services in the temple.

Spiritual relationship is a robust connection between two souls for life. Having found a decent godfather for a child, you will make him an invaluable gift, which he will appreciate it, becoming adult.

What you need to prepare a crossed to the rite of baptism

The godfather chooses in advance and buys a native cross for the future kiss, a chain to him, or a laugh for a baby. Also, ahead of time it is necessary to take care of the acquisition. baptismal icon Guardian angel. It is also accepted to give the baptism of the icon of the holy patron of the child, in honor of which the name is given in baptism. She can buy, by agreement, child parents or godpa.

The godp can order for the child to the day of the baptism of the measuring icon - the icon of the Saint patron, the length of which is equal to the growth of the child at birth. The measured icon is a valuable gift and a special blessing from the godfather in the christening.

Traditionally, baptismal clothes - a shirt and a diaper with a cross - buys a godmother. In the case when the boy has one congestion, the baptismal accessories can be chosen together with his mother's baby - Mom is always more visible that better suitable to kid. For baptism, the boy will need a white shirt and a baptismal diaper or a large, white, a new towel in which the godfather is taken from the font. As a gift of the scene's family, you can prevent any icons. If there are no icons in the apartment of young parents, it will be very good if the godfather will give them the main holy images that should be in the house of each believer - the icons of the Savior and Mother of God.

The concern of the godfather is to give a child a children's Bible. This can be done on the day of baptism or for the first year of life of the baby, to any festive date. Good gift There will be any spiritual literature for family reading, as well as prayers with prayers for children, in a good, leather binding, a gift edition.

Preparing for baptism, it will be necessary to talk with a priest, and find out what else is needed to make a rite in the church - how many candles will need, which icons can be put on an anal and t. All this should be found in advance in order not to fuss and not waste time in Solemn day. The duties of the godfather also includes the payment of baptism's rite in the temple.

What should the godfather do during the sacrament of baptism

During the baptism of baptism, the godp holds a child in his arms, if this is a baby, since about two years old, children stand alone, ahead of the godfather, while reading a prayer.

After the vows of denial from the evil forces that the godfather gives for the child is read by a prayer symbol of faith. This prayer reads the godfather, in the sign of the confession of faith and guarantee for the kid.

Before immersion in the font, the godfare frees the child from the diaper, or helps the baby to remove clothing, and transfers his priest for immersion. The godpie takes a child from the font in a white baptismal canvas, in ancient called "schism" or "hrying". The priest with the help of the godfather is falling in a white baptismal shirt. At the end of the sacrament of the godfather with a child in his hands three times around the aalo, the gospel is read, a rite of hair takes a ride, in the sign of the goddarius of God.

Personal preparation for christenings for the godfather

According to the rules of the Russian Orthodox Church, the godparents and parents of the child must listen to the obligatory course of public conversations before baptism. In each temple, there is its own procedure for the public conversations. You can learn about this from the candles, written on baptism.

Baptism - great sacrament orthodox church. It should be prepared by post, confession and communion to participate in the sacrament of an updated and clean soul. You can compete on Sunday service, on the eve of baptism. In many temples, children are taken to baptize on Sundays, after Liturgy.

If you participate in the sacrament of baptism for the first time, you need to get acquainted with the chinostreal of the sacrament - what clerks and prayers are committed and in what order to do to make the crossed during the rite. This can be told with the priest during the public conversations or personally, in the temple.

Responsibilities of the godfather

The main thing is to be an example of decent male behavior. To do this, it is necessary to communicate more often with the godfather when he grows up, talk to different topics. Christian education assumes that the godfather will periodically walk with a child in the temple, an affordable language to explain the essence of what is happening in the temple, to ensure that the sickness regularly confessed and gently.

Need to be ready to help the advice of parents in any complex situationAnd if necessary - materially. When a child becomes a schoolboy, the godfall record him in Sunday School.

IN old Russia there was a custom for which the godfather was engaged in the choice educational institution For a child, and then - helped in the device of personal life.

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In the life of every child, his parents are the most important people. After all, it is the parents that are the people who give us life, love, care and attention. This fact is indisputable and known to us all since childhood. However, do not forget about spiritual parents or, as we used to call them about the godf.

The question regarding the choice of the godpieces and the very procedure of baptism was always and remains relevant, since both the godfather dad and the godfather is given to the child alone and for life. Moreover, it is before spiritual parents that the most important task is to bring up a baby in accordance with the generally accepted norms of morality and, of course, faith. Well, today we will talk in detail about all the nuances of the baptism procedure and the choice of godparents, so that you no longer have to worry about this.

What are the godparents?

Are many people know why baby needs godparents? How many are thinking about this issue? Unfortunately no.

  • Most couples, choosing the godfather to their children, think absolutely not about what it would be worth it.
  • We are taken to take people in Kumany people who are familiar to us. Most often these are friends or relatives. Not the last factor when choosing the godfather is and their financial condition, while you need to pay attention to completely different things.
  • I must say that talking about the question: "Why do the godparents need?" It is standing after the answer to the question is: "Why do why baptize the child?". Agree, it is quite logical. Here we will start with this.
  • According to Orthodox beliefs, each person comes to this world with original sin. This is a violation of the ban on Adam and Eve. So this original sin is a kind of congenital illness, without getting rid of which the baby will not be able to grow healthy and happy.
  • Remove this sin, perhaps only accepting faith. Many parents try to chrish the baby as soon as possible, but in principle they do not understand why it is necessary to do this. Here you are the answer, the kids are as soon as possible that they were with God, and he gave them to all sorts of benefits.

Now we go to the question, why do we need a godail:

  • As a rule, each person's congestion almost immediately after birth. By virtue of its age, the kid, and in principle, and the teenager cannot objectively assess the importance of this step, as well, and cannot follow this faith, because they simply do not know it.
  • It is for this that we all need a godfather. The godfall perceive the kids straight out of the fonts and become full-fledged spiritual parents (godparents, perceivers).
  • The second parents must teach the child to live "according to the rules". In this case, we are not so much about the rules of life in society, how much about the basics of the Orthodox faith. The goddes must instruct the baby on the way true, take care of him and love him as a native child, and in the event that the skeleton once gets sharpened - to stretch his help hand. Also, perceivers should always pray for their scene and ask the Lord to be favorable to him.
  • Based on the foregoing, it can be concluded that choosing the godfather for your child, it is necessary to look at the presence of money and opportunities with them, but what way of life these people lead and whether they are actually believers.

How to choose a godfather and godfather for a child: rules who can be a godfather, meter and how many years?

Choosing the godfather for the baby, few people think about how he should be. We are more likely to evaluate the future perception of other criteria: a friend, a relative, responsible or not, lives in this city and can often see with a child or not, etc. However, the Church puts forward its rules and they need to follow.

Important: Of course, the godfather should be baptized. This condition is mandatory and any discussions are not subject to. After all, how can a unresolved person who does not believe in God and, accordingly, does not understand the commandments, according to which everyone should live, who came to this land, to teach this whole little child? The answer is obvious.

  • Moreover, the perception must be choking. However, in our time, few people know even the meaning of this word. If we talk simple words, then a person who is not just baptized, but really believes, lives in Christian and tries to follow all the basics of his faith.

  • Regarding age. There is no clear boundaries here, but the church is inclined to the fact that the perception must be adult. Why is that? The point here is not in 18 years, but the fact that adults are considered quite adults and responsible for such a serious step. By the way, we are not talking about civil majority, but about the church. Despite this, the godfather can also be before, but this question needs to be discussed with the father, which will give permission to this.

The godmother should choose analogous to the crossed father:

  • The spiritual mother must necessarily be a believer Orthodox Christian, respectively, it must be baptized.
  • It is also necessary to take into account how a woman lives. Whether she believes in God whether he goes to church whether the kid can raise the believer Orthodox Christian.
  • In addition to church restrictions, future parents should pay attention to other things. Choosing a godfather to your baby, you must understand that in fact this woman will be the second mom for your child and, accordingly, you must trust it.
  • Do not take into the godfather for the baby unfamiliar or dubious people. Cross must be responsible and proven people.

Who can not be taken to the godfather to her child?

If you really have taken care of this question, then we recommend that you consult with the priest, as no one knows the answers to all your questions. However, if we speak in general, the church forbids taking such people to the godparents:

  1. Monk or a monk. Despite this, the father can become a toddler perception.
  2. Native parents. It would seem, well, who are the parents themselves can give the child the best upbringing and assist? But no, the parents are strictly forbidden to baptize their babies.
  3. A woman and man who are married. The church does not just approve, namely strictly prohibits the ignore this rule. Because people who cross the baby become relatives on the spiritual level and accordingly, to keep worldly life after that they will not be able. It is also forbidden to marry the already authorized coumen - it is considered a huge sin.
  4. It is clear that it is impossible to take people who suffer from psyche disorders and are seriously ill.
  5. And one more rule, which we previously spoke in brief. Great age. In addition to the majority, there are two more age thresholds: the girl should reach 14 years old, and the guy is 15. In principle, it is not worth a lot about this condition, because it is clear that the child cannot educate the child, so taking into the godparents of such age Categories can not.

How many times can you be a godfather, godmother? Is it possible to refuse to be a godfather, the godfather?

The church does not give a clear answer to the question of how many times you can baptize the child and it is quite logical:

  • Perception is very big responsibility and the more children you baptize, the more this responsibility becomes. That is why a person must answer this question himself. Ask myself a question: "Will I be able to give so much attention to this kick, how much will it take?", "Do I have enough spiritual and physical forces to raise another child?", "Would you have" breaking "between all the gods?" . That's when you honestly give yourself answers to such questions, then you will understand whether you can paint another kid or you have to refuse.
  • By the way, many wonder: "Is it possible to refuse to be a godfather, the godfather?". The answer is, moreover, it is even necessary if you do not want to do this or cannot for some kind of reasons.

  • The man who was offered to baptize the kid should clearly understand that after the sacrament of baptism, he will be a native man for a child, his second parent, and this implies a lot of responsibility. This is not just to come for a birthday, congratulate a Happy New Year or the Saint Nicholas, no, it means to constantly participate in the life of the baby, develop it, help him in all his endeavors. Are not ready for such responsibility? Refuse immediately, because this is not considered a sin and something shameful, but to become a perception and not to fulfill his direct responsibilities - this is a church sin, for which God will definitely ask.

Is it possible to baptize a child without the godfather, the godfather mother, the godfather, with one godfather?

In the old days of the child, only one perception was baptized. Boys - man, girls - woman. This is due to the fact that once for a long time, everyone was baptized by adult people and, accordingly, in order not to be shy, took themselves into the godfather of the same sex with them.

  • Now that baptism occurs at that stage, while the baby is still completely inconspicuous - two perceivers of different sex can be baptized.
  • At the request of parents, baptize the newborn can either only a man or only a woman. For boys is a man, for girls - a woman, respectively. The church does not prohibit such practice, moreover, it was originally done that way.
  • There are situations where parents want to hold the sacrament of baptism at all without perceivers and this is quite possible. In this case, congestion without the godfall at all. However, initially this nuance should be discussed with the priest, so that you did not have any surprises.

Is it possible to be a godfather, the godfather in two or several children in one family?

The church very concisely gives an answer to this issue. You can and need if you suggested that, and you want it. There are no prohibitions to be a godfather / godfather at once in two children in the family, no, and this phenomenon is completely common. The main thing, taking such a decision, objectively assess its capabilities and if you are ready for such responsibility - forward.

Can a pregnant one who is unmarried to be a godfather from a foreign child?

How much disputes is the question, and superstitions by the way too:

  • For some reason, we assume that a pregnant woman does not have the right to baptize the baby. However, this statement is completely unreasonable. The church in no way forbets the future mother to become a perception of a newborn, moreover, it is believed that for a pregnant woman it is even useful. Therefore, you should not believe in prejudice, if you encountered such a situation and do not know how to do it right, just contact the church, everything will explain in detail there.
  • The same applies to unmarried woman. The fact that a woman is not married does not mean that she will not be able to be a good perception for the baby.

Could be a godfather and godfather grandfather grandfather, grandchild, granddaughter? Can a native, cousin, a native, cousin be a godfather, sister's godmother, brother?

Most often, we choose as our friends and buddies as the godfather, however, some people reveal the desire that their children baptized their children.

  • Orthodox faith does not prohibit grandparents and grandfathers to become the godfather for their grandchildren. Moreover, purely from the point of view of education is very good. Grandmother and grandfather lived life, have a rich life experience, and grandchildren are holy for them, so someone who will be able to raise a newborn in accordance with all the rules and foundations of Christianity.
  • Battlements for baptism did not touch the brothers / sisters of the newborn baby. The church allows and approves the baptism of children with their relatives and cousins \u200b\u200band sisters.

  • Everyone knows that younger kids always want to be similar to their older brothers and sisters and imitate them in every way. In this case, the subject of the imitation will have to help your goddly in every way and show only a positive example.
  • The only thing about how to think is about the age of possible godfall. After all, perceptions must be responsible and relatively experienced people.

Could there be a godfather husband and wife, have one child? Can the godparents get married?

Regarding this issue, the church is very strict. It is strictly forbidden that the child is baptized married couple. Moreover, future kums are also forbidden to marry further. If we speak simple words, there should be only a spiritual connection between people who cross the same kid (godfather), but not the "earthly" (marriage). In this case, in this case can not be.

Conversation Before baptism for the godfather: What does the father ask before baptism?

Few people know, but in front of the sacrament of baptism, future perceptions should go to special conversations. In practice, we can see that sometimes such conversations are not conducted at all or are conducted, but not the number of times necessary.

  • As a rule, during such conversations, the priest explains the Futive Cross of the Basics of Orthodox faith, talks about what responsibilities they will be in relation to the gossip.
  • Those who do not know the foundations of Christianity are advised to read the Holy Scripture. This will help future spiritual parents to understand the faith and, accordingly, understand that they are required in the upbringing of the baby.
  • Also, the father tells that the perceptions should withstand a 3-hdnerable post, and after that confess their sins and compete.
  • Directly on the very sacrament of baptism, the father asks for future godfall about whether they believe in God, whether they are opposed to the unclean and are ready to be perceptuals.

Boy and girls christening: requirements, rules, responsibilities and what you need to know for the godfather?

If you were offered to become a child's godfather, it is a great honor and responsibility. Therefore, you need to know the following rules and requirements for you:

  • Of course, the main requirement for a woman who will baptize the child is to be baptized and sincerely believe in God.
  • Next, a few days before the celebration you need to confess and compete. It is also worth refrain from any carnal joy. And in addition to all this, you should know the prayer "Symbol of Faith." You will read this prayer when baptism you will only if you baptize the girl.

Your duties before the baby as a godmother:

  • The godfather takes responsibility for the education of the child
  • Must teach it to live in accordance with Christian rules and stands
  • Must pray for him before God and help the baby in everything
  • Also the godfather should led the child to the church, do not forget about the day of his birth and baptism
  • And, of course, there must be a good example to him

What else do you need to know the godmother? You can, perhaps, only duties regarding organizational issues:

  • It is believed that it was the spiritual mother who should bring a child a kick (a special baptismal towel) and a baptismal set, which, as a rule, consists of a shirt, hats and socks or socks, sweaters, hats and socks.
  • It is important to know that the kryzhma should be new, it is in this towel of the new-stop child will put the father. This attribute is a kind of protection for the child and can be used later as the overag.

Captures of the boy and girls: requirements, rules, duties and what you need to know for the godfather?

The future godfather is also important to know certain rules And the duties associated with the rite of baptism of Baby:

  • Just like with mom, the godfather must be an Orthodox Christian and be baptized.
  • The main responsibility of the spiritual dad is a worthy example, most importantly, if a child who is conceding - a boy. He must see a decent example of male behavior. Also, the godfather should drive a kid to the church and teach him to live in peace with all the people around them.
  • It is accepted that the future perception should buy a kid and a chain or a thread, which will be wearing a cross. It is also not superfluous to acquire a baptismal icon. It was the godfather that should pay all the costs of baptism, if any.
  • All these worries and troubles are better to solve in advance, in order not to do everything at the last moment.

The bars of the boy and the girls: what should the mother mother do in the christening?

Immediately need to clarify that the future godfather should be present on the christening, but the Godfather may be present in absentia.

  • Directly on the christenings themselves, the godmother will take the godfather after immersion in the font. Hold your baby initially, most likely there will be a godfather dad.
  • After the child is given to the godfather, she must wear a girl in a new outfit.
  • Next, the perception holds the baby and while the priest reads prayers, and then when it makes a world-making.
  • Sometimes priests are asked to read prayer, but most often they do it themselves.

  • Everything will be like a boy, but after dipping him to the font, he will be passed to the hands of a cross father. Also, when baptized the boy, it is defined for the altar (after 40 days from birth).

The bars of the boy and the girls: what should the godfather do in the christening?

The duties of the godfather are not much different from the duties of the godfather:

  • Spiritual dad can also keep baby.
  • After the priest receives answers to all traditionally asked questions, perceptions will be asked to tell a special prayer. But again, most likely it will make the father himself.
  • The godfather dad helps to undress the child before diving into the driver, and after wear. If a child who is conclusive girl, then after this rite will be passed to the hands of the godfather, if the boy is to keep the godfather.

Is it possible to change the godfather, the godfather, the godfather mother of a child, boy, girl ?

All people come to this world only once, exactly the same amount is allowed to be baptized.

  • The church prohibits changing the godfall parents, moreover, in fact there is no such possibility, because there is no such rite.
  • That is why it has repeatedly appealed to the fact that the baby is baptized - this is a huge responsibility, from which after you can not just take and refuse.
  • Gasps do not change under any circumstances. Even if over time you stopped communicating with Kumany, even if they left and cannot often see the baby, they still remain his godfather and bear responsibility for him.

How many crosses should have a child if there can be two godfather moms and two godfather?

Previously, we have already discussed a little bit:

  • Nowadays, most often take into the godfather of two people: the godfather and great Mother. However, you can do in a different way.
  • You can take in Kumany only the Cross Pope or the Cross Mom. It should be remembered that the presence of perception is more important for a newborn baby, and for the boy is still a perception.
  • If for some reason you do not want to take the godfather in general, well, or just take you no one, then you can drink a child and without perceivers at all.

  • Moreover, you can ask for the father to become a godfather to your baby, but you must consider the fact that a person has hardly removed from your family can pay due attention to the child.
  • Maybe there are 2 godfather moms or 2 godfall dads - a rhetorical question. It is necessary to specify directly in that church in which you want to baptize the child and the priest who will hold the rite. Cases are known, however, different churches, no matter how strange it sounds, can give you a different answer.

Can there be a Muslim process of the Orthodox?

The answer to this question is very obvious. Never there. After all, how can Muslim be able to teach the child of the Orthodox faith? In no way. The only thing that can make a Muslim is to stand in the church during the sacrament of baptism if it is committed on his relative.

As you can see, the question regarding the baptism and the choice of godded parents is very relevant and is actively discussed. There are many rules and prejudices, which in our time for some reason stand at one stage with church customs, which is why if you do not know how to do the right thing in a particular situation - contact the church, you will explain in detail all the moments that interest you.

Video: On the baptism of babies and about the modern lifestyle

Traditionally, the church advised his parishioners to baptize the newborn 40 days later from the moment of his appearance. Moreover, this period is not mandatory, but simply coincides with another tradition concerning the feminine. It is believed that precisely after forty days a young mother will get rid of the natural female weakness (bleeding), and can visit the temple.

Today, rarely, who of parents holds such a church recommendation, focusing on their convictions, opportunities or needs. If this requires the physical condition of the baby or religious beliefs of his relatives, the rite can be carried out literally the day after permission from the burden. Of course, in this case, the mother will not be able to visit the church along with his chance, but its presence is not at all mandatory.

It is quite understandable, from a small creature is irrational to repentance and faith, which is the main condition for reuniting with God. That is why the godfather appeared, for the faith of which will be baptized by the baby. But what are her responsibilities before, during and after the sacrament? About this, and not only, you read below.

What obliges status

The godmother for a boy or a girl is a kind of spiritual mentor of a child who will deal with his spiritual and physical education after the probable death of his parents. In fact, this woman becomes the second mother for the baby, and she should be ready to take over part of the duties for maintenance and care, if the urgent and critical need arises.

Based on this, the godded mothers can not be:

  • a pair of marriage or intimate communication;
  • children who are not yet able to vouch for the kid;
  • people who are not confessing Orthodoxy;
  • immoral and mindless personalities who cannot vouch for the future gosson due to a bad physical condition or an unworthy lifestyle.

What you need to do the godfather

At the time of the procedure of baptism, the second named mother takes the baby from the hands of the priest, who just visited the font. From this point on, all the responsibilities of the godfather begins, which adopted the need to raise a girl or a boy in the best traditions of Orthodoxy.

On the day of the commission of such a church sacrament, the duties of the godfather for a girl or a boy comes to the need to present the future ward a baptistic dress in the form of a shirt, cap and towels.

The latter does not need to be washed after use, since it is able to provide the healing effect on the child, helping it easier to move the disease or emotional shock. The clothes in which Chado survived the rite is also not erased, and stored throughout life.

Life credo of the godfather

So, if you are invited to become a godfather for a baby, in no case refuse, without having a very good reason. In fact, the duties of the godfather for a boy or a girl are not heavy, and bring present spiritual satisfaction.

So what will need to do:

  • Pray for a gosson and instruct it in the spiritual sphere of his life;
  • When a child reaches conscious age, he will need to be intelligently and interesting to convey the basic concepts and traditions of Orthodoxy, to teach him to pray and behave in the temple;
  • The godmother or boy provides parents in raising and lifting the child;
  • On the days of Orthodox celebrations, a gym should be attended and giving it purely symbolic presents. So, for example, in Easter Sunday, you can prevent cake or painten;
  • The godfather must necessarily visit the wedding day of his spiritual ward. As a gift, she should bring his own guards made by all those present;
  • The second mother should periodically drive a kid in the temple, putting him love for religion and confessing habit.

What do you need to wear christening?

So, if you are preparing to become a godfather, you need to comply with a certain church dress code, namely:

  • put a sanctified native cross;
  • cover your head with a handkerchief or golk;
  • put on a dress that will close the shoulders, and cover your knees, have a modest coloring and style;
  • do not come in shoes on high heel. In the church it will look extremely inappropriate, and the samping ceremony itself takes more than an hour. Throughout this time, it will be necessary to keep the child in hand, without having to sit down;
  • for other cases, postpone bright makeup, catchy decorations and other accessories.

It is worth noting that all these archaic traditions are not able to burden, so the fashionable haircut and the current wardrobe should be plucking for the subsequent festive feast.

What you need to know about the bottom of baptism and about the rite

Since all churches are usually crowded at the time of celebrating Trinity, Christmas and Easter, then these days are not to make the baptism of the child. Also, it is not necessary to worry about the employment record on the ritual, because by the temple schedule, the rite begins immediately after the morning service, daily, after 10 am.

If the parents pursue a desire to paint their Choo without foreign witnesses, they need to contact the priest, discuss with him the right date and time, not forgetting to agree on them with the mother of the kid. The fact is that a woman is forbidden to enter the church if she has monthly.

It is also worth remembering the following:

  • before baptism you need to have time to come and confess;
  • need to start fasting a few days before the significant date;
  • a day, when a child to baptize, the godfather and parents is forbidden to have sex and eat;
  • prayer "Symbol of Faith" is mandatory for study. If a boy is baptized, her goddes reads her if the girl is a godfather;
  • the tight rule is that it is the godfather parents take on all financial questionsrelated to the organization of the rite. If there are no official rates for the provision of such a service in the church, they must make a donation.

Signs and superstition

Different sources frighten future godparents and parents with an incredible number of restrictions and taboos, which are sometimes impossible.

We offer only the most common signs who arrived among people:

  • The godfall can not be a pregnant or menstrual woman;
  • Do not wear merco-black clothes. Baptism is a real holiday that needs to be found in a beautiful outfit;
  • Invalid presence in the temple of an odd number of visitors, guests or relatives combined. It is desirable that the rite see as little man as possible. No need to tell everyone about what is going to paint Chado;
  • To kid, growing, did not feel constrained in the means, be sure to recalculate all the money in the house before you go to church;
  • The godfather mother for a little girl and a boy, with whom the most unusual signs are connected, should not quarrel or swear on the day of the ritual.

Remember, the rite cannot take place if you have not learned the desired prayer and did not have a child in the appropriate robe. The church gives you and the parents of the kid enough time for full preparation, awaiting responsibility and obedience.

In order to choose good shaft parents to choose the parents themselves understand the duties of the shaft, whatever they could be an alleged godfather to immediately say about the responsibility that is assigned to them. Everyone knows that now in order to start the sacrament of baptism, you must first go through the preparatory conversations, and parents consider it often the most important task among loved ones or familiar to those people who will agree to pass these conversations.

Great parents Responsibilities before baptism in Orthodoxy

And the fees found are considering the most important thing to go through this period of preparation for baptism, and they consider that their duties are exhausted. It will correctly be on the part of the parents immediately explain the estimated crumbs about their responsibilities, about their responsibility. It must be said that the decision to become a shaft is a new stage in their lives, deciding to become ancient one you will have to pray every day for your godfather, you will have to read evange daily, at least one chapter a day, you should come to the temple every Sunday day, as well as You will need to reject all the superstitions, appeal to grandmas, astrology, chambers, you will have to study the commandments of God, in the execution of which you will need to regularly draw strength in the sacraments of confession and communion.

You will need to seek time to teach spiritual instructions to your kiss, you will have to instruct it in the basics of Orthodox faith, in the study that you yourself will need to regularly participate throughout your life. If the gentle is married, it is necessary that the marriage is registered, because the gentleman must be a model in all the actions for his scene. Where to find this? If there is such among loved ones or acquaintances, then you need to choose it, but most often among familiar and loved ones there are heat-charmed and lazy Christians who do not have consistency in circulation in the temple, they do not read the Holy Scriptures, these duties should be immediately with them stipulated.

It is also necessary to understand for two preparatory conversations with a priest or with a church employee. Of course, the person will not study all the foundations of his faith, will not be a professional, but on the preparatory conversations he needs to take a good overclocking, so as not to stop in the study of the law of God, do not count Sufficient brief review of the faith symbol on the preparatory conversations.

Why does husband and wife can't be shaft?

Many are interested in the question "Why can't her husband and wife be shameful?" Or why the godfather and shag can not be combined with a marriage in the future? Can not because they acquire spiritual relationship, that is, they are like a brother and sister, as a brother and sister are not combined between themselves in marriage, as well as gem and shaft, such rules of the church.
What frequency it is necessary to pray for a gosson, maybe on birthdays or large church holidays Or on the occasion when a person enters the temple. Of course you need to pray daily, you need to seek purposefully for prayer in the morning and in the evening, and so that the prayer has a great power, for this you need to fulfill the commandments of God. The Lord says: What do you call me Lord, Lord, and your commandments do not perform. In order for the prayer to have a greater coup, you need to reconcile with God, and we reconcile with God on the sacrament of confession.
The listed duties of shaft parents are not less related to parents in the flesh. I wish everyone God's help In all your affairs.

Articles on the topic: Children