What dreams a tiger woman is unmarried. What dreams of a tiger in the house? Who dreamed of tiger

In the article on the topic: "Dream Dream Tiger in a Woman's dream" - represented current information on this issue for 2018.

Tiger is the largest and fierce representative of the Feline family. Meet him in a dream - means a possible victory over the enemy, or, on the contrary, a complete defeat.

The appearance of a tiger in a dream indicates the strength of character, the power of temperament and the ability to act on the basis of their desires. To see this ferocious cat in a dream means to get under the patronage strong Mira of this Or, on the contrary, to become one of them. Especially if in a dream it was possible to kill the tiger.

Detailed interpretation of symbolism

In order to get the most accurate interpretation What dreams of a tiger, you need to remember:

  • the atmosphere of the meeting - Tiger attacks, passes by or falls at his feet;
  • place - in the forest or at home / at work;
  • tiger color - black, red, white or albino;
  • the fight was whether the battle was, and who was defeated.

Animal meeting and behavior

Made with animals - to possible overcoming difficulties. If you see it from afar, simply watching the tiger's everyday life - you will have to solve a lot of bureaucratic issues - this is what the tiger is dreaming. Many tigers among foliage - you will have to visit the society that is radically different from the dream of a dream.

The Tiger striker is a symbol of a serious and strong opponent. And if european traditions, for example, interpretation in the dream book Miller, gives the beast to cunning and cunning (like a cat), then muslim dreamnikOn the contrary, speaks of his nobility, wisdom and the future feature of the dream is in this person.

If the tiger is affectionate and falls at the feet - very good sign. Public recognition and wealth will not make himself wait. It is possible that this will not happen without the participation of a high-ranking patron.

Ride on the tiger and ride on it - fate will present a unique chance to advance through the career ladder and gain high status. It is necessary to navigate in time and not to give up tempting proposals, even if you have to use the protection.

To see the beast in a cage - restriction of the own freedom of thought and freedom of action, in favor of public stands.

Habit and color of the beast

See a white tiger - to the good West

To see a tiger in the forest, walking in the desert or steppe - will bring to visit the meeting of people involved in politics.

If a woman dreamed of a tiger in own home - To new relations with a stable wealthy person. Perhaps marriage with the powerful special, much older than it.

For a man similar Son. Means the opponent. If the tiger attacks the dream house - such a dream means a quarrel arising from the inheritance. If the animal happened to kill - it means that the opponent will be defeated and no one can break peace of this house.

The black beast dreams to disadvantaged events. The opponent will be dishonest and cunning. To achieve your goal, he is ready to go practically to all. And the nobility of the dream will not stop his gloomy plans.

Redhead tiger - the classic of Eastern tradition in the interpretation of the symbol as the accumulation of energy, which is ready to build. This big beautiful beast will definitely bring good luck and happiness - promises Muslim dream book.

White tiger - good news. In the image of this animal, invisible assistants can come, which will lead real people, which will contribute to the solution of all important dream issues.

All positive interpretation of dreams, which belongs to the red tigra - is transferred to a more subtle mental and intellectual plan. This is fame for musicians and composers, big and eternal works for writers.

Tiger albino with red eyes warns that something in life will go wrong. To see him in a dream means that surrounded by a dream, a person will appear who will make a mess in business. But out large number hassle, the rational grain will be chosen, which will quickly give useful searches - in the form of unexpected profits.

Fighting tiger

Heavy emotional dye coloring, in which you have to fight a tiger. Being confident in your abilities - a sufficient number of experience and knowledge for serious projects that should be implemented soon.

What did you do with a tiger

They fear a tiger, to run away - too strong rival, which, thanks to the desired relations, will leave a dream at the very bottom of the career ladder. After the elevation, he, most likely, does not give hands at the meeting.

Start with a tiger to death - the dream has all the deposits and opportunities for working on themselves. number vital energy Skeins, it means that it is time to go to more high leveland not staring in place.

To defeat the tiger, kill him - a full advantage over the opponent. It was accustomed to the years of hard work, and now it allocates a dream from those who used the protectorate, and not experience and knowledge. This means that in a short time, it will be possible to gain a new status and public recognition.

Tiger, which runs away - enemies will not hold out your pressure. In this fight, the winner is only a dream, and no obstacles are terrible.

Different dreams - Interpretation of an image of a tiger

The emergence of dreams with the participation of a tiger means emotional, personal and financial development. This is a symbolism of inexhaustible energy that you need to put into the useful course.

Since the beast is predatory, it has sharp teeth and claws, which means obstacles, the way to implement himself on a career or personal front will be hard and ternist.

Almost every dream book, including interpretation online, has two sides of the values \u200b\u200bof this beast (both positive and negative), then one of important factors is an emotional coloring. Tiger, seen in a dream, can mean a senior patron person, enemy or a dream itself. To fully understand the interpretation of dreams, if a tiger appeared in one of the dreams, you can only relying on the personal perception of seen.

Dream Miller

Seen the prey of the tiger - to profit

European interpretation to what the tiger is dreaming is traditionally. Tiger - big evil predator, the most important role which is mining meat. So Miller's dream book, placed online, warns about dangerous situationwhich unfolds surrounded by a dream.

  • Dreamed Tiger - warning about danger.
  • In a cage - enemies will not be able to harm you.
  • Runs - a brilliant public victory over the ill-wishers, you will be able to plunge into the censure.
  • Kill - the dream has qualitative advantages over competitors.
  • With mining in the teeth - an unexpected premium and praise bosses.
  • Attacks - an unexpected failure of the case, which seemed advantageous.

Dream of Freud.

The psychotherapeutic quests of Freud divided the symbolism of dreams on large three parts: symbols of the outside world, symbols of the inner world, arresting sexy symbols. The most accessible today has become the last part, so the Freud Dream Dream Tiger, which was in a dream, interprets as a bright aggressive way of manifestation of the identity of a dream.

  • If you had the opportunity to see a tiger in one of my dreams - unbridled sexual energy, a thrust for unusual manifestations of sexuality - sadism, masochism.
  • Fighting animals - pleasure on the verge of law.
  • Rastered prey - it means that a dream will be held right in front of the nose.
  • Dream girl - as a possible symbol slow marriage And staying in the House of Operations with high status, patron, senior person.

Muslim dreamnik

Eastern nations are more bicked by what to dream Tiger. They have this animal more positive, tigers will be held up to enhance the service, possible patronage or obtaining desired fame .. Timing the East Dream of Tiger, as a cluster of energy that is ready to feed all the bars in human energy.

  • Meet the tiger - to know yourself, the possibility of developing and receiving position.
  • Many tigers in the house - communication with wealthy people, and perhaps one of them will become the patron saint of a dream.
  • Play with a tiger - great achievements, career growth.
  • Kill the beast - will lose their assistance, perhaps wealth is acquiring dishonest labor.
  • Feed meat - get rid of competitors with the help of the power person.

After analyzing the details of the dreams, it is safe to say that there is no unambiguous interpretation. It is important to focus on possible assistance in a dream with animals and your own worldship. But in general, with a pleasant awakening and a clear perception of sleep, the image is positive.

Interpretation is good but not all options are clear that you will not think of everything.

Dream Interpretation Tiger, what dreams Tiger in a dream to see

From this article you can find out what the Tiger is dreaming for dreams of different authors. Which means seen telling the analysis of dreams on the maps Lenorman. And even more precisely, the moon calendar will help to understand sleep.

What dreams Tiger: Interpretation of sleep for 75 dreams

Why do you dream of a tiger in a dream?

Tigers woman are your enemies. If tigers approach you from all sides - the enemies surrounded you. If the tigers are waiting in the ambush in a dream - your enemies are waiting for a convenient case to harm you.

tigers to a woman - fight a tiger, kill a tiger in a dream - to defeat your enemy. Tigers in a dream for a woman mean a difficult period to combat hostility towards her.

What dreams a tiger in a dream?

What does Tiger mean - a sudden attack will be committed.

Tiger to what dreams of summer?

Tiger - You will have a strong patron.

What dreams of a child a tiger, interpretation of sleep:

Tiger - betrayal close man For a long time will choose you from the rut, it is a interpretation of what dreams of you at night.

What dream of a woman tiger, what is this dream?

Tiger - If in a dream you see how a tiger is coming on you, - you will be happy to annoy your ill-wishers. If the tiger attacked you - you are in desperate because of some serious failure. If in a dream you reflect the attack of a tiger or even kill it - success will accompany all your endeavors. To see in a dream of a running tiger - the fores of the victory over the enemies, strengthening your position at work or in society. Tiger in a cage is a sign that you will be able to confuse your opponents. Tiger skins in a dream foreshadowed exquisite pleasures.

Tiger which means and what dreams of:

Tiger - visible in a dream marks the enemy of evil, insidious, irreconcilable; to plunge him to earth means success in affairs; To kill him there is a sign favorable, promising great wealth, so deciphering what dreams of you in a dream.

What dreams a tiger in a dream?

Tiger is a symbol of power and power. If you have dreamed of a tiger hunter with a game in my teeth or paws, you can hope for an unexpected encouragement of the authorities. Tiger vacationer means peace in a personal and professional plan. If you dreamed of yourself in the image of a tiger, then soon you will probably have to start the fight against higher persons who infiltrate you.

Dream Interpretation Esoteric E. Fallet

What dreams of a tiger in dreams?

Tiger - danger, it is a trigger tiger in the dream.

What is the dream of a tiger, according to the folk beliefs of Malorussia:

Tiger - an evil enemy.

Dream Interpretary Prince Zhou-Guna

Tiger in a dream, if you dream?

Tiger - fierce tiger ruins loudly. - foreshadows the position.

Tiger - traveling on a tiger. - The unpleasant situation is resolved. Tiger enters the dwelling. - foreshadows appointment to an important position.

Tiger What dreams of spring?

Tiger - on your way - a dangerous enemy.

Dream Wander (T. Amplanova)

Tiger - danger; disease; evil person; Feeling revenge, in the next interpreter you can read another interpretation of what you dream.

What dreams and how to interpret the tiger in the dreams?

Tiger - a dreaming tiger - warns against the goats of your enemies. Bail in a dream Tiger - to successes, kill the tiger - the forever of happy fate.

Dream Interpretation Kolden Medea

What dreams and how to interpret the tiger?

Tiger - a sign of physical energy, activity, the enthusiasm of the very dream. Kill a tiger or run away from him - to defeat the enemy, success. To see how the tiger tears someone, - to be accused of unemployed behavior.

Dream Interpretation Psychologist Miller

What dreams Tiger in the dream book:

Tiger - if you dream of a tiger going on you - it means you will be in every way to annoy your enemies. If a tiger attacks you in a dream - it means that the upcoming failure will turn you into despair. If in a dream you reflect the attack of a tiger or kill it - it means that all your undertakings will be extremely successful. To see the tiger running away from you - foreshadows your victory over enemies, strengthening your position. If in a dream you see the tiger in the cage means. You will be able to confuse your opponents. Tiger skins promises exquisite pleasures.

Biblical dream book Azara

Tiger for spiritual sources to what dreams?

Tiger - Dangerous Enemy

Dream Interpretation Medium Hasse

Dream of a tiger, what?

Tiger - you will have an evil opponent.

Tiger What dreams, interpretation:

Tiger - see negotiations with higher persons. Stroking the tiger to please the management. Aggressive, attacks reprimand, discontent chief or commander.

Dream Dream of the Apostle Simon Channel

What dreams of a tiger in the dream book?

Tiger - you will have an evil opponent

What dreams of a tiger by day of the week:

The night vision will come true, not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and at what time of day a dream was dreamed.

  • If a tiger is dreaming in a dream from Sunday for Monday
  • What dreams of a tiger in the dreams from Monday to Tuesday
  • If a tiger is dreaming from Tuesday to Wednesday
  • If a tiger is dreaming of a dream from Wednesday to Thursday
  • What dreams Tiger from Thursday to Friday
  • If a tiger is dreaming in a dream from Friday on Saturday
  • What dreams a tiger in a dream from Saturday to Sunday

Fri Decept 22, 2017, 15:56:01

Sat October 14, 2017, 10:32:42

FRI SEPTEMBER 22, 2017, 16:11:36

Sat August 19, 2017, 00:33:17

WED JUNE 14, 2017, 19:06:56

Tiger in the dream. Tell your sleep:

Mandatory fields are marked with a sign *.

Tiger in the dreamplace

The appearance in a dream of a tiger is often a warning about terrible danger. For the correct interpretation, what dreams of a similar thing is, it is important to recall, in what kind of predator appeared before you, what were his intentions, peacefully or threateningly it was configured. This largest cat in the world symbolizes strength, courage, power, rapidness, at the same time cunning and hostility, but the dream book considers the animal primarily on the basis of the situations in which you saw it.

Universal dream book

If a manual affectionate representative of the Feline family, responding to stroking, would soon be possible to rise up to the career ladder or make friendship with an influential and powerful person. The universal dream book promises that you will be under his patronage. Also, it is possible that you will be able to pacify the outbursts of anger, animal instincts, get rid of negative energy.

Having dreamed of aggressive, fierce, an attacker, a biting beast - a harbinger of collision with a detractor, an enemy or a competitor, the miscarishes of worship and envious. The universal interpreter believes that the Tiger attack dreams of the upcoming bitter failure leading to despair.

To more accurately disappear seen in the dream, use the color of the wool. White color promises good luck and luck; black - threat, awakening the evil forces living inside you; Blue - generosity and moral greatness, unprecedented luck, a rare chance. To see Albino - to surprise, surprise, amazement.

Digested the number of tigers will tell me how much patrians or enemies will appear, depending on how animals behave: together or hostile.

Freud's opinion and Miller

Freud's dream book is convinced that, like any other predator, a tiger symbolizes sexual excitability, excessive sensitivity and carefully hidden complexes associated with violence.

In some cases, Freud regards the tiger as a hint of sexual dissatisfaction, possibly sadistic inclinations, the desire to realize the desires an unusual way, suppress bold fantasies. The identification of himself with a tiger indicates the disappointment of the real state of affairs, longing for unfulfilled desires.

Explanation, what dreams of a tiger, there is also a Miller's dream book. If in a dream you reflect the attack or kill this creature, then Introduce your arrows very successfully implemented. The tiger running in a dream will proper an ambulance victory over attackers, strengthening your position.

If in a dream, the striped beast was sitting in a cage, then you will not be difficult to confuse the enemies.

Predictions of Zhou-Guna and Medele

The Chinese dream book Zhou-Guna believes that the loud roar of the angry and indomitable tiger predicts the increase, the riding travel is the settlement of the annoying situation. If it dreams that the representative of the Feline family entered the house or was killed, expect an appointment for a prominent post.

According to Medele, the tiger is a sign of energetic, enthusiasm, distillation, temperament of the very dream. Watch in a dream, as the most terrible and big cat bursts someone, means in real life We are charged with inconsistency, quick-temperedness, inappropriate behavior.

Family interpreter

Dream Interpretation for the whole family, believes that the predator who has segged with the game promises to receive a notice of an unexpected remuneration from the leadership.

If you have dreamed that the beast rests, then I will have peace and pacification, both in a professional and personal plan.

Hello, I dreamed of a glass school and there was a lot of water as if this building worked at the expense of this and there were people there, they were afraid of cats. I decided to catch them when I hit them that I saw the blue tiger and not one saw me, but did not touch it as if they were saved from people, they had enough of them and dragged them somewhere, the next tiger attacked a man I wanted to pounce on tiger, but I was stopped by the fact that the man turned into a cyclope and he was gray as if he had smoked, and in his place his eyes was a bright white light, but I was sure that it was Cyclops, then I'm vaguely remember ... whether I was told or i Tira took cyclops then. That's all I remember.

Dreamed a dream in which two tigers lie, turning away from me, and the third tiger bites me to pain, and I hide with my head under the blanket.

I saw the seven tigers, two little crucibles, the girl was all white with blue eyes.

Ukryla Tigra Odejalom Ot Holoda V Kamere, No Vse Ravno Opasalas Ego, Cherez Nekotoroe Vremja Ja Ushla I on Proshel Mimo Menja Vosvojasi.

Tamed a tiger, he even performed the teams, together ran away from the employees of the zoo, but later he disappeared, we thought that I ran into the forest, took my dog \u200b\u200bwith you too (which was my dog \u200b\u200bin the way), but the tiger and the next washed ... for me Mount was losing one of the pets ...

I dreamed that I ruin the tigers and feed them with puppies.

I dreamed that my enemy follows me and I run, hiding, but at some point, I turn into a tiger and run to the enemy without fear and when I resort to the enemy, then a lean on him loudly. What could mean?

Dreamed the tiger at first he chased after me, then I distilled him.

I saw two tigerits and one lion behind a grid enclosing me and my mom. I was afraid of them. Only Tsigritis, the lion was aggressive, watched peacefully, but we left them might be so seemed to me.

Tiger, which I feed, and then the same tiger licks my hand so carefully that I feel the roughness of the language.

I dreamed that I was a tiger and two of my friends, too, tigers and we went hunting. What does this mean?

I dreamed that I run across the forest, heard a shot very far running another meters 50 I heard the cat purr, but I turned loudly and saw a tiger who did not see me, but only went to me in the footsteps. I saw the river with the flow and dived into it, after which I woke up. What could it be?

Tiger attack on a horse, but the horse won it and he ran away.

I dreamed that I would take birth to Tigrius and is born a lot of crucible, beautiful and large. What does my dream mean.

I had a tiger with gorgeous wool. I was afraid of him, but some voice said to me: And you foster him, and I stroked, feeling the well-groomed wool him, and he began to rub on my hand.

I dreamed that the tiger killed the animal and there was it, and then he stopped and suggested to join him, but before that he scratched my hand to blood and his own too, his blood from his paws and mine mixed, he said that now we are one blood And what can I split my meal with him. To which I agreed and eating raw meat with a tiger, I felt the taste of blood and the smell of raw meat, so strong that already became applied.

What dreams Tiger: Danger or good sign?

Appearing in a dream, the tiger makes it very colorful, because he is a proud and beautiful beast. It is a symbol of danger and aggression, but then it turns out that his appearance in a dream is bad sign? This article will tell about what the tiger is dreaming.

What dreams Tiger: Interpretation in dreambooks

  • Was there a meeting with the beast, or just looked at him?
  • Feeling man during a meeting with animals.
  • Behavior and location of the beast, etc.

If a man dreamed of a tiger, it can be interpreted as follows:

  1. The key moment of the dream is the skin of the beast. Watching how the tiger washes himself or enjoy the beauty of his skins, it means to receive pleasure from life. Such a dream says that the dream will have to plunge into the atmosphere of pleasures and the fulfillment of his desires.
  2. If a man in a dream hears a tigrine roar - this is an increase at work. Moreover, the stronger the beast growls, the better the new position will be.
  3. To see in a dream of a white tiger or Tigra-Albino - to the hypocrisy from close friends. A person should think about his surroundings, most likely, for his back someone's intrigue.
  4. The dreaming cute tigering means that there is a very strong and powerful personality next to the dream, which has an impact on his fate. But you should not remove from this person, because it makes no sense to wait for some trick.
  5. To see in a dream as a proud, beautiful and graceful tiger goes on the road - to a long and strong friendship.
  6. It is believed that tiger in a dream can dreamed when a person has gained a strong patron.
  7. If the beast is angry on a dream or going to attack it, then this means that he will soon have to face the betrayal of that person from whom this was not waiting for this.

The scared of something tiger symbolizes his own fear of man. Most likely, very soon a dream will be in such a situation when not the best qual qualities will be manifested.

What dreams Tiger (video)

What dreams of a tiger woman?

If a woman had to be seen in a dream of a tiger, then it is possible to interpret it as follows:

  • If she dreamed of a tiger impending on her, whose thoughts are not clear, then in real life, the girl will face ill-wishers.
  • A dream in which the woman was attacked by this beast, foreshadows despondency due to conflicts with other people.
  • If a woman dreamed that she won in a fight with animals - she would be good luck in all of her endeavors. The same interpretation of a dream, in which the beast had to run away from the dreams.
  • But if a woman dreamed of a gentle cute tiger, this suggests that her current chosen one is not honest. Perhaps she knows him badly.

See in a dream as a tiger attacks

The attack of anyone or anything in dreams is always associated with long experiences and stress in real life. Such a dream is for a dream by a precursor that soon he will have to make maximum effort to achieve the goal.

So, a dream in which the tiger attacks, growls and attacks a person, is interpreted as follows:

  1. If a person conceived on the eve of such a dream, it is not necessary to expect a favorable event of events. Failure and the inability to influence the situation - this is what the dreams come up with.
  2. A large impending tiger symbolizes the image of the enemy. The dreams should be afraid of his enemies, because one of them can harm his reputation.
  3. The attacking beast is associated with despair and depression. If the tiger attacks in a dream, a person will be subject to attacks from other people, it will significantly affect his self-esteem.

What dreams of a tiger in the house?

If the dream had to see a tiger in the house - this can be interpreted in two ways:

  • On the one hand, a person awaits success, happiness and positive emotions. The fact is that if such a big and terrible beast, like a tiger, is in the home environment, it is associated with a sense of security. A person in real life will be comfortable and good.
  • On the other hand, a rather large load of responsibility will fall on a person. As you know, for everything good in life you need to pay, including for comfort.

The main thing is that the dreams should understand after such sleep is that it is necessary to make every effort to achieve success.

Kill a tiger in a dream

  • If a man had to kill a tiger in his dream, it says that he comes to his goal, despite all obstacles. In such a dream, the image of the tiger is associated with the image of a non-sranny. Therefore, the interpretation is quite simple: a dream will be able to win over those who prevent him from achieving the desired peak.
  • If the day before this dream has a person conflict situation, he will certainly come out of her winner.
  • If a dream in life occurs some trouble, he will cope with them without a significant effort.
  • All their secret enemies and unfriendly people can figure out and limit their influence on himself.

It turns out that in the dream of the murder of a wild cat is a very good sign that foreshadows a lot of positive events and emotions.

Tiger value in Miller's dream book

Miller pushes the image of a tiger as the image of the enemy.

  • The impending tiger is associated with the approach of stress due to conflicts with the enemy.
  • The attackers of the beasts will dream that the dream will turn into stress communication with a bad and evil person.
  • However, if in his dream, a person was able to win over a wild cat - he is awaiting success and victory over the enemy.
  • Tiger is fleeing - a person cope with all failures and problems.

Stroke in a dream gentle, good tiger

If a person had to stroke a good tiger, feed him or play with him, then this means that in real life it will be useful to someone. If, during the stroking, the dreams are embarrassed or fears, causing him to be bosses.

Generally a good beast always dreams of something good. If a person managed to establish contact with him, then in real life people will surround it, communication with which will be very pleasant. Also, such a dream can fill a meeting with a true friend.

What dreams of a tiger in a cage?

In this dream, it is very important to pay attention to the emotions arising from a person while he looks at the drunk wild beast.

How many people are so many dreams. How many dreams are so many possibilities, sometimes omitted. The meaning of sleep is hard to understand without considering all his aspects, the personality of a person and the context. In order to find out what really means sleep - write an expert of the site, it's free!

  1. If the dreams sees a tiger in the cell, which he himself drove himself - in real life, he expects a vacation and triumph. The symbol of the tiger in the cell is associated with the victory over the ill-wisher and the achievement of the goal. If man had competitors on the eve of sleep in some kind of activity, they will certainly go to the background.
  2. Dream book tiger in a dream woman

Sometimes in a dream we manage to do what in reality will never work. We can travel in different countries, fly, fight aliens on other people's planets, touch wild animals. Such dreams inspire, surprise and amaze.

One of these dreams may be a dream in which you see a tiger. Dreams with a tiger usually exciting and interesting. After all, this predator in ancient China It was considered a symbol of courage, valor and courage. To see a striped animal was very honorable. And the question is what the tiger is dreaming, Shamans did not arise.

Today everything is a bit otherwise, and dreams give a lot of interpretations to this image. After all, for exact prediction It is necessary to take into account all the circumstances of your sleep.

  • Age and dream sex.
  • Colors.
  • Which atmosphere saw a predator.
  • Behavior of him in relation to you.
  • Your actions.

So what is the dream of a tiger who has brewed a woman. Usually such a dream speaks about the emergency with a bright, powerful, valiant man. Who is unlikely to be singing serenades under the moon, he immediately will declare you about his desires, and it will be quite difficult to resist such a pressure.

If a man dreamed of a tiger, then this indicates the appearance of the opponent, and perhaps the spiritual enemy. Some person will try to break your faith in yourself and dedication. Be alert and do not enter into battle without need.

If you have dreamed of a little tiger, then your strength is still insufficient for the jerk forward. You need to gain courage, and most importantly - knowledge. Slavic Dream Interpretation, answering the question of what the tiger is dreaming, draws attention to the fact that this dream can be a harbinger of replenishment in the family. Also, the option, what is the dream of a tiger, suggests the Dream Healer of Evdokia - such a dream says that your enemy does not sleep, but as long as you are safe, since he has not gained strength and power.

If you dream of a tigress, then a purposeful, tricky and calculating woman will appear in your environment, which will be able to achieve its goals in the ability to achieve your goals in a blink of an eye. Such a woman will have something to learn.

Coloring and animal behavior

Tiger in a dream of a standard color foreshadows bright adventures in your life. You may experience something new, and even extreme, from which you get a lot of positive emotions.

But the white tiger is a spiritual symbol. Such a dream foreshadows you energy lift and access to new level. Perhaps you have a spiritual growth. Look at the Chinese Dream Interpretation: Tiger Albino is a symbol of good luck and well-being, it is a unique opportunity to connect to an endless energy source of the universe.

Often in dreams a white predator is like a kind, enlightened old man. Therefore, what dreams of a white tiger is almost always clear, is an energy and spiritual ascent. And if you dreamed of small white tigers, it foreshadows well-being for you, but also for the whole of your family.

To see the tiger of an unusual colors - to an unexpected event of events. Perhaps you are ready for a certain development of the situation, but do not relax, because everything goes quite differently.

If the predator is kind, gentle and he goes to meet you, then, it means that you do not threaten anything to you and you can move to your goal without obstacles. Moreover, you will have a decent and powerful patron. If a tiger dreamed at absolutely not good, but angry, then, then you have made a mistake somewhere and you will need to fix it, otherwise the problems in the form of an evil leader or the failed project will be provided with you.

If the predator attacks you, then wait for an attack in reality. Someone plans to influence your career, so try to calculate each step. Always analyze in detail what the tiger is dreaming, which attacks, because it can be like a real attack and loss of self-control.

If the predator is manual, he plays and gives himself to touch, then, it means that you will have the opportunity to take advantage of a unique chance. Soon the Bird of Good luck will fly next to you, your task is only to grab it in time.

Sleep furnishings and details

If you are shooting predators in the wild, it means that everything goes with their guys and events develop as it is necessary for future success. If you have a striped animal in your house, then, it means that you snatched your enemy in your environment, and if he seems to live in your home, then this is someone from relatives or loved ones.

Tiger in a dream in a cage says it is worth taking off his quick temper, because she can play with you an unpleasant joke. Let's look at the Spring Dream: Tiger in the cage also suggests that your enemies are controlled. But do not forget, sometimes your most serious enemy is you yourself. If a tiger dreamed of a circus, then this means that you do not do your work. You need a job in which you can show all your strengths and leadership qualities.

If you touch, state a predator, then you will be given the opportunity to get the desired with minimal cost. If you are riding an animal, you will receive such a profit and power that did not even think about. Soon everything will change in your life, and you will appear for those surrounding in a new light.

A dream in which the tigers were very useful to you, because the tiger brings with him the nobility and honor, and the knowledge of what the Tiger dreams will allow you to be more cautious on the one hand and more bold and brave - on the other.

I will plunge you in despair.

If in a dream you reflect the attack of a tiger or kill it - So, all your undertakings will be extremely successful.

See the tiger running away from you - foreshadows your victory over the enemies, strengthening your position.

If in a dream you see a tiger in a cage - So you will be able to confuse your opponents.

Tiger skins

Sonniest Medea

Tiger - a sign of physical energy, activity, enthusiasm of the very dream.

Kill a tiger or run away from him - defeat the enemy, success.

See how a tiger tears someone - To be accused of unemployed behavior.

Dream of Freud.

Tiger, like any other predator - symbolizes increased sensitivity, sexual excitability, various complexes that are associated with violence.

Dmitry Dream and Winter Dream

See in a dream tiger - This is a warning that I could have been looking at some danger. Most often, such dreams suggest that you can get involved in some risky enterprise or to conflict with a cunning and ruthless opponent. Alas, the image of a tiger suggests that it can turn into a great misfortune.

Defeat a tiger in a dream - Means that in reality you are ready for a fight with the enemies, no matter how degraded and strong they are.

See in a dream trained tigers - foreshadows in a dangerous case, in which you will need an excerpt and discipline. At the same time, if the action takes place on the circus arena - Sleep suggests that there will be no benefit or benefit to you.

Jewish dream book

Tiger - Dangerous enemy.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

Tiger - Symbol of power and power.

If you dreamed of a tiger hunter with a game in teeth or paws - You can hope for an unexpected encouragement of the authorities.

Tiger resting - means peace in person and professional plan.

If you dreamed of yourself in the image of a tiger - Soon, you will probably have to start the fight against higher persons who infiltrate you.

Dream interpretation for bitch

Tiger - Danger.

Kill - The work started will be successful.

Tiger - You can inform your opponents.

Tiger skins - You are waiting for sophisticated pleasures.

New family dream book

If you dreamed that a tiger is coming on you - Your enemies will build a goat against you.

A dream in which the tiger attacked you - Failure fraught.

If you were able to overcome a tiger or kill him - All your undertakings will be successful.

Running tiger - symbolizes victory over the enemies and strengthening the situation in society.

Saw a tiger in a cage - You can deceive your opponents.

Sleep about tiger skins - promises exquisite pleasures.

Modern visible dream book

See in a dream the tiger approaching you - Means that the enemies will be pursued and torture.

If the tiger attacks you - Failures will fill your life with darkness and despondency.

Drive or kill tiger - A sign that you will extremely prosper in all your endeavors.

See the tiger running away from you - Good omen. You will defeat all your enemies, overcome all the difficulties and take a worthy position in life.

See a tiger in a cage - Means you confuse plans of your enemies.

Sleep in which you see a tigry skin - predicts that you are on the way to carefree life, joy and pleasure.

Newest dream book G.Ivanova

Tiger in Zoo - Damage aggression against colleague. Tiger on the will - Mental attack will be performed on you.

Children's dream book

Tiger - The betrayal of a loved one for a long time will throw you out of a gauge.

Full dream of a new era

Tiger - Reflection of intelligence (also the need for it).

Dream Birthday Birthdays May, June, July, August

Tiger - A strong patron will appear for you.


Tiger - A sudden attack will be committed.

Dream Birthday Birthdays January, February, March, April

Tiger on your way - Dangerous enemy.

Dream Khasse

Tiger - You will have an evil opponent.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

See in a dream tiger behind bars - To complicate relationships with colleagues. Fight with tigrome - To love joy, ride on it with riding - collapse of all hopes. Get a head in a tiger - Introduce a serious danger. Kill tiger - foreshadows rich inheritance.

See in a white tigra albino - To successful endeavors in any business. Tiger running away from you - means a complete defeat in a competitive struggle, thrown on you - Show nobility and generosity to disadvantaged.

Female dream book

If in a dream you see how a tiger is coming on you - You will be in every way to annoy your ill-wishers.

If the tiger attacked you - You are in desperate because of some serious failure.

If in a dream you reflect the attack of a tiger or even kill it - Success will accompany all your endeavors.

See in a dream running tiger - forever victory over enemies, strengthening your position at work or in society.

Tiger in a cage - A sign that you will be able to confuse your opponents.

Tiger skins in a dream - foreshadows exquisite pleasures.

Total dream book

If you dreamed of tiger - You will get acquainted with a person who will be at all at all as you thought.

Hunt to tiger - To get acquainted with an amazing person.

You dreamed that you turned into a tiger - In the near future, you will make an act that will greatly surprise your acquaintances.

Dance Deniz Lynn

Tiger - this is bright symbol Energy, strength and talentedness. Words from William Blake's poem: "Tiger, tiger, burning bright ..." are an excellent illustration of the incredible, dynamic energy that tiger radiates. Such energy can be used both in constructive and destructive purposes. Declare yourself: "I always use energy in constructive purposes."

Dream lovers

Tiger - This symbol came to us from India. Usually, the tiger skin depicted a female hatching of the god-destroyer of Shiva.

In the dreams of Europeans, it, naturally, will not appear, but a woman sitting on a tiger skin has the same meaning - these are human passions that a woman can be asked and awakened.

Sleep in which a woman sees himself on the skin of the tiger - may mean that she is skillful in ancient art seduction and capable of gaining power over any man

Islamic dream book

The growl of tiger - symbolizes the speech of the larch and mercenary person.

Chinese dream book

Fierce tiger ruins loudly - foreshadows the position.

Travel on a tiger - The unpleasant situation is resolved.

Tiger enters the dwelling - foreshadows appointment to an important position.

Sonnik Interpretation of dreams

Tiger seen in a dream - marks the enemy of the evil, cunning, irreconcilable; put it on earth - means success in affairs; to kill him - There is a sign favorable, promising great wealth.

Dream Stranger

Tiger - danger; disease; evil person; Feeling revenge

Dream of Gypsy

Tiger - Brutal enmity. Hostility towards a separate person.

Hunt to tiger - Means that the drone was supplied for you, but you recognized it and went around.

Kill tiger - win the victory over your enemies.

Noble dream book N.Grishina

Tiger - Meeting with an explicit enemy / spiritual forces that attract you to sensual life, laziness and solingist, the power of these spiritual impulses, the inclination refined to enjoy life.

Esoteric dream book

Tiger - See negotiations with superior persons.

Stroke tiger - to please leadership.

Aggressive, attack - reprimand, discontent chief or commander.

Ukrainian dream book

If a bad dream dreamed:

Do not be discouraged - it's just a dream. Thank you for the warning.

Waking up, look out the window. Tell me in the open window: "Where night, there and sleep. All good stay, all the bad go. "

Open the faucet and tell the sleep of flowing running water.

Surride three times with the words "Where the water flows, there and sleep leaves."

Throw into a glass with water pinch of salt and tell me: "As this salt melted, so my sleep will leave, it does not bring harm."

Spread bed linen inside out.

Do not tell anyone bad Son. before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

That predators symbolize a man having an unlimited power over a dream, written almost everything modern dreams. Tiger for a woman is simultaneously a tyrant, and a defender. To correctly decipher what he dreams, pay attention to the details seen in a dream.

What guarantees ancient and modern interpreters

What the tigers are being shot, psychologists and esoterics explain, given the actions of the dream:

  • feed - to acquaintance with a rich and influential person;
  • hunt - to conception of a healthy and strong baby;
  • run away and hide - to restriction of freedom;
  • stroke - to a dangerous connection on the side;
  • kill - to the celebration of justice;
  • lying on the skins - to get a gift.

Hurry up to meet fate

Seeing a tiger in a dream woman - a fateful sign. Meeting with an independent, authoritative man will become significant.

If you dreamed that you were fed with the hands of the beast - your feelings will be mutual. In the usual acquaintance will soon be followed by a marriage proposal. Family dream book It prophesate a prosperous and long joint life.

Women's happiness near

What dreams to hunt in more often, haunt a predator, well describes a psychologist Gustav Miller. The young lady will be pregnant and endure a strong kid.

The ability to conceive the offspring will appear in those who have already managed to despair. The child will acquire the very top QualitiesSuccessfully manifest itself in business, politics.

Try not to distract a man on trifles

Trying to hide from an aggressive tiger woman - to some difficulties in relationships. Your man will manifest himself a tyrant and a real tormentman.

Some girls will suffer from jealous, others - from greedy, nimble husbands. In any case, Dream Deskkova recommends not to annoy his companion so as not to lose it forever.

Get rid of extramarize relationships

Stroking, caress the owner of the jungle in a dream - a dangerous sign. Secret things will definitely become obvious.

Dream Interpretation Frothy warns that the novel on the side will open, problems will begin in the family and at work.

Act brave

What dreams to kill a tiger woman will clarify the dream book Hasse. If you were illegally offended, insulted, the providence itself intervenes in the process. The offender will soon be punished.

But with enemies and competitors will have to be dealt personally. Do not be afraid to start litigation - truth will triumph.

Take a well-deserved surprise

Lying in a dream on the skull of the killed king jungle - to get a gift from an influential person. It will not necessarily be a precious thing.

Most likely, the fan will prevent real estate as a gift, or it will help to boil along the service staircase, break into the scene.

Tiger is a symbol of the desire for goal, activity, endurance, strength. But at the same time it is aggression, cruelty, stubbornness and danger. The duality of this sign makes the interpretation of sleep in which this animal is present. Great value In the definition of sleep, the color of the tiger is, and its behavior is equally important.

What dreams Tiger in the dream of Miller

Tiger, from you in frightening proximity, warns that in of real life You will be pursued and expressing enemies. And if the tiger will be able to pounce on you, failures will completely imply you.

If you manage to drive a pursuing tiger, good luck will accompany all your ideas. Especially favorably see in the dream of a tiger running away. It can fill an incredible luck in life: you will wage all our competitors, make a stunning career and get the fulfillment of all your desires.

The tiger sitting in the cage shows your enemies in an uncomfortable position. Stroking the tiger skin in a dream - it means to step on the path of pleasure, joy and carefree life.

Tiger - Dream Vanga

Hunting or absorbing prey Tiger dreams - despite all the difficulties, you will come to the long-awaited victory and get everything you're.

Sleep, where you see a resting tiger, may impose a surprise that confuses your plans, overshadows thoughts and will be immersed in despondency.

The trained tiger in a circus in a dream, as it were, it warns that it is possible to achieve a lot with the help of tact and delicacy.

What dreams Tiger on the noble dream book N. Grishina

Tiger in a dream is an inevitable meeting with a tary enemy or a desire for life pleasure, laziness and solingist.

What dreams Tiger in dreams for the whole family O. Smurova

Dinking Tiger seems to say that in reality you purchased worst enemy And you threaten a serious danger. Thieves tiger in a dream, you will handle all the difficulties and conquer respect from former ill-wishers.

If in a dream you learn on a tiger skin, then in life will become owner big wealth. Sale of tiger skins foreshadows victory over enemies. But if the skin is damaged or eatened with moth, the victory will be temporary.

What was the tiger on the interpreter of dreams L. Moroz

Sleeping with a tiger always calls for caution not only in actions, but also in random words.

If you fell in a dream into a cage with a tiger, then in my life, let's face the forehead in the forehead with enemies or problems.

Tiger in a dream in the dream book ibn sirin

By the nature of the tiger's growls in a dream, you can predict the outcome of the conversation with a person who are pushing mercenary purposes.

What dreams of a tiger on esoteric dreamy

To be near the tiger in a dream - to communicate with those above you on the position. Stroking him - to serve or please leadership. When an aggressive tiger attacked you, you threaten a reprimand from bosses or even dismissal.

What does it mean a tiger tiger doniz Deniz Lynn

Tiger is the energy that can be creative or destructive. Seeing in a dream of a tiger, tell me that you want to use the energy given to you only in creative purposes: to entertain your talent, make a good deed, help weak.

What is the shooting tigers for Hasse's dream book

Tiger dreams of a meeting with a decent, but evil opponent.

What dreams a tiger bites, attacks

When a tiger in a dream attacks you or even bites, it may be a warning about the hazard attacking. Perhaps the enemies were placed against you unkind.

What dreams of tigers and lions are shot, a lot of tigers

Many tigers or lions symbolize the enormous strength with which you will have to face your way. Perhaps you are waiting for relationships with a very influential person or you yourself will enjoy great authority.

What dreams good tiger

Good tiger in a dream - the symbol of power, influential manwho will experience sympathy for you. Probably, you can wait for an increase in position. Also to see a good tiger in a dream means a victory over the aggression masters.

What dreams white, redhead, big tiger

If you dreamed of a white tiger, you can wait good luck and luck absolutely in all your affairs. By tradition, animal white color - This is a very favorable sign. You can meet a powerful patron or understand finally with all misunderstandings. Also tiger albino in a dream - the harbinger of the strongest surprise.

Redhead tiger, on the contrary, the symbol is negative. He always foreshadows any threat. To understand what kind of threat it is, you need to analyze the behavior of the tiger.

Big Tiger - big power. Moreover, the nature of this force depends on the color of the animal.

What dreams to feed, iron, kill tiger

To stroke a tiger in a dream - it means to pacify your animal instincts, to cope with negative emotions. It may also impose the conquest of the location of an influential person.

To feed a tiger with a hand, tame it - to cope with difficulties, get support from a decent person.

The dream in which you kill a tiger can symbolize the victory in some important matter. It can be a career, achieving a personal goal or fighting bad habits.