Search for Jurlitz. Unified State Register of Legal Entities (EGRUL)

Identification of taxpayers of both individuals and legal entities introduced in 1993. The obvious reason for such a step was the need to make a transparent accounting of tax payers in the state and facilitate the work of the tax authorities.

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Proper decoding of the term - " taxpayer Identification Number" The task is implemented by the assignment of a unique number of taxes to each tax collector to create a clear structured accounting of all enterprises and individuals involved in entrepreneurial activities in Russia.

For what purposes may be needed

The identifier is assigned to the enterprise at the time of registration and accompanies him all the time of existence. In accordance with his name, this number is an integral sign as a legal entity and at any time can confirm its identity. For example, with multiple companies with the same name. Their registration is not excluded at one address, but the presence of two enterprises of one identifying feature is excluded.

Inn for enterprises and organizations consists of a dozen digits: Aaaabbbb10, where the first digits (AAAA) correspond to the code tax divisionThis number assigned to the legal entity, the second four digits (BBB) \u200b\u200bcorrespond to the recording number in the accounting registers assigned to this and only this company, the number 10 at the end is the calculated number that is derived from a specific algorithm.

The division of the tax authority indicates the number when issuing a certificate (or directs mail) that the enterprise is assigned to tax accounting. In addition, this number must be specified in each issued to the tax authority.

Thus, the Inn is universal distinctive feature any legal or individual. It is assigned when creating an enterprise and there is all the time of the functioning of the enterprise. To terminate its activities in installed manner This number is declared non-existent.

This indicator is necessary to clarify the data on the enterprise - a potential partner, to maintain tax accounting and carrying out settlement operations, being a mandatory bank details.

On how to clarify the INN of organizations

There is a significant difference between the identifier of an individual and it also for legal. It is that the Inn Physly is personal data and is not published. The identifier of the legal entity can be made public and find it, if necessary, is not difficult.

Information about the full data of Jurlitz can be found on the Internet.

Inn is unique to all organizations and it is possible to clarify the compliance of the declared data. If you need to conduct a transaction through the banking institution you need to specify the INN. In the absence of such information, it can always be clarified on the network.

To do this, you will need much less time than the call to the organization of interest, especially since the employee who took the phone may not know the number you are interested in. In addition, it may randomly or deliberately mistaken during transmission.

The identifier by name can be obtained by visiting the nearest compartment of the FTS. Despite the fact that these data are freely available, before going to the tax, you need to capture your own documents with you. For information you are interested in:

  • arrive at the office of the FNS authority;
  • introduce themselves to presenting documents;
  • ask a responsible person to check the Inn of the organization you are interested in.

That's all you need to do. However, if, due to some circumstances, it is uncomfortable or undesirable to appear in the tax service office, such information can be found online and free. On the FTS website there is a page where all data about any enterprise can be obtained by its name:

  • site address;
  • on the site belonging to a single federal register of legal entities, you can also get the necessary data.

Methods for receiving data on both sites are the same, but the information of the FTS is fuller.

The algorithm for obtaining information on these sites by name is simple:

  1. Go to one of the specified addresses.
  2. On the FNS website in the "Search by" field to choose the "Name of Jurlitz". On the site Fedrestra this should not be necessary.
  3. In the "Search" field, enter the name of the enterprise.
  4. When searching in the FTS website, you will need to enter a number from the image.
  5. Press the "Login" or "Search" button.

As a result, data will be obtained in which all search words will be displayed. There are several such names of organizations. The FNS website makes it possible to narrow the search by entering additional information, such as the address of the organization, codes, the abbreviation form of the property. The most reliable result can be obtained by specifying the address: region, city, etc. The essence lies in the fact that in one region you can not register two enterprises with one name.

The way the definitely correct information will be obtained.

Search by enterprise

You can learn the INN and the name of the organization, knowing only its address. For this, there are also two options:

  1. Visit the Tax Inspectorate. In the framework of the FTS, there are not only INN, names of organizations and other information, but also enshrined the addresses. It is necessary:
    • Arrive in the office of the FTS.
    • Presented and present documents.
    • report the company's address responsible employee and ask to clarify the Inn. The requested information will be provided.
  2. To search at the address on the Internet you need to contact the site Fedrestra indicated above.
    • In the "Address" string, you need to specify the address that is available.
    • Press "Search".
    • As a result, all data on the organization located at the specified address will be issued.

If there is no confidence in the accuracy of the name of the enterprise, but the address is known, it is better to introduce it to a simplified way. The names of the streets can be identical to the names of the alleys, deadlocks and so on, so it is easy to make a mistake. An address with certain conventions should be introduced, for example: "Tver Decembrists 12", and having received a list of possible options, choose the appropriate data.

In the case when there is no company name in the options found, you need to look at the type of activity. As a rule, this data is enough.

Definition of INN BIC Organization

Beach - bank identifier. There is no direct search by this code, but it is not difficult to find it by the neighbless ways:

  • if there is a bik, most likely, the name of the bank is also known. It is enough to call to this bank and ask to clarify the necessary data;
  • when the bank is unknown, you need to enter this code in the search engine as "Beach ...... .." and the system will issue the name of the bank and all details associated with this code, including the INN.

Identifier in the code of OGRN

Codes and Inn are interrelated as closely. Find out the OGRN identifier is available on the same sites as the name of the company. For this, enough:

  1. Log in any of the sites that are indicated above.
  2. If the search is carried out on the FTS, dial in the "Search by" option "OGRN / INN". In this field, enter the OGRN code.
  3. On the FNS website, repeat the numbers from the picture.
  4. Press "Search" ("Log in").
  5. The search result will be reliable data on the organization that interests seekers, including the Inn.

An indication of the incorrect TIN, intentional or involuntary, may be part of the scam when concluding contracts for one or another. The reason for checking can serve:

  • an indication as a legal address of the residential apartment, as a rule, enterprises prefer to have their own office;
  • if the owner of the enterprise takes several responsible positions in it, the more related to the material responsibility, for example, the Director and the Chief Accountant;
  • if the organization is registered immediately before the conclusion of the transaction, such a "office" may be an ordinary company - one-day.

Search by OKPO code

It should be considered the fact that this identifier is assigned only to persons, enterprises and organizations that do not form a legal entity. In this case, you can clarify the INN of such education. Knowing needs to be requested and obtaining data on enterprises and information on accounting reports within 15 minutes.

Check validity code

The correctness of the identifier can be checked independently by calculating the two recent figures according to the appropriate technique. However, it is much more convenient to take advantage of the features of the site http: //www.egruul.ru_test.inn.html. For this you need:

  • enter in the TIN field;
  • press the "Check" button.

The system will show the result of the test. If everything is fine, then you can check and all other data of the organization.

It should be remembered about the importance of the correct indication of the INN, it is impossible to save time and not to check the identifier of the deal partner, it can get rid of unplanned losses and associated with such a situation of trouble.

Where to apply to solve such a task

The above describes step-by-step actions to clarify or clarify the Inn. The choice of options is small, it is:

  • official sites of the FMS or federal registry;
  • personal visit to the tax service authority.

On sites you can quickly and without special efforts Get full information about objects of interest.

With a personal visit to the FNS department, you may need to write a statement about issuing such a reference. The answer will have to expect about three days or get by mail within five days. The way to get the answer will need to be specified in the application.

All information is provided free of charge.

If you know the Inn Counterparty, the - the official website of the Federal Tax Service of Russia - allows you to learn quite a lot about Jurlice, a merchant or the usual individuality with which you intend to cooperate. What and how to learn from this portal, let's tell later.

Mandatory stage

The ability to test the counterparty on Tax on tax.Ru firmly entered business practices. Moreover, on the one hand, this is your right, but on the other - and the obligation to exercise the necessary prudence when choosing business partners.

In the case of checking the counterparty on the Tax. The tax. It is possible to be sure that you get reliable information from official sources. In particular, they enable:

  • make the conclusion about the solvency of the counterparty, including for compulsory payments to the treasury;
  • can it be attributed to one-day;
  • learn Legal Address and Fm.o. Head of the organization of interest.

Meanwhile, in practice, checking the counterparty on the Tax. The tax does not always give a sufficient amount of information to confidently conclude about the degree of reliability of the counterparty.

Main online service

First of all, in order for to check the counterparty on the INN on the following link:

To learn the counterparty on the Tax. The following actions should be taken as described in the table.

It looks like this:

It should be noted that the Federal Tax Service of Russia updates information from this service every day. With the help of the, the search for a counterparty on the INN allows you to be aware of:

  • names of the organization, its legal address;
  • state registration dates;
  • termination of activity (with date);
  • recognition of registration invalid (with date).

In addition, from this service you can download and print an extract from the register with more advanced information about the counterparty you are interested in. In particular:

  • on the magnitude of the authorized capital;
  • founders / participants;
  • persons who can act on behalf of the organization without a power of attorney;
  • types of activity in OKVED, etc.

A complete list of data about the organization and IP, which FTS lay out in its open bases, is given in the order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 5, 2013 No. 115n.

Corporate History

On the site Check the Counterparty on the INN means also to know its corporate history. It helps in this publication of the tax service of Russia "Bulletin of the State Registration". You can find it on the following link:

Here you can find various reports of companies that they by virtue of law are obliged to post publicly. First of all, these are facts of decision making:

  • about closing;
  • reorganization;
  • reducing the authorized capital;
  • buying 20% \u200b\u200bof the authorized capital of another society, etc.

Threat exclusion from the register

With regard to inactive organizations that do not show any business activity, FTS may decide on the future exception to the EGRUL. Such data is also reflected in the publication of the State Registration Bulletin. But the reference to them is somewhat different:

When there is no connection with the Juralle

The FNS actualizes the base daily, where companies appear with which it is impossible to come to contact according to the legal address declared with the State Registration. This account on the site to check the counterpart in the Inn here is here:

Tax debts of counterparty

To find out the debt of the counterpart in Tax Taxes, you must use the following link:

This service makes it possible to get information about the company if it is:

  • over 1 year does not pass tax reporting;
  • as of April 1, 2017, its tax duty to the budget over 1000 rubles and the procedure for its forced recovery was initiated.

This is a completely new service of the Site of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, so while it works in test mode. Taxists promise to update it once a month.

It is difficult to say what kind of situation a citizen may need to find an INN of a legal entity. The variants are many, and the most popular of them will be shown below. But it is possible to assert with full confidence that the most popular, and a simple search method - by company name: it is much easier than to look for the necessary information on more rare statistical codes like OGRN or at the registration address.

Thanks to the development of information technologies, any person has access to a computer, a laptop, a tablet or smartphone connected to the Internet, can use the online services presented on the global network, and learn the Inn Organization by entering its name in the search bar. About the most reliable and simple ways To get the necessary information we will talk.

What is TIN and what is it needed for?

The INN, or the taxpayer identification number is ten- or twelve-digit numeric code (cipher) assigned to a voluntary basis or compulsory each person obliged, according to Russian legislation, pay taxes, fees, contributions and other deductions.

Despite the widespread misconception, the taxpayer number is not generated randomly: although this approach would have led to an increase in the number of possible options, it would greatly difficult to finite identification. As a result, on each request (and there are several thousand per day) I would have to carry out a "cross-cutting" search in the all-Russian base, which would lead to colossal loads on computing equipment.

Inn, issued by organizations and individual entrepreneurs, consist of ten characters; ordinary citizens from twelve. This order is strictly defined and changed cannot be: a private person does not have the right to receive the "shorter" room, and ooo or IP is simpler to memorize, but the "long" code.

To streamline the assignment of the taxpayer identification number, the following system is used:

  • the first two digits of the code indicate the region's registration region (Autonomous District, Republic, region, region);
  • the next pair is the number of the tax inspection department in which the document was issued;
  • further five digits - Actually, the unique number of the taxpayer (for individuals is used six characters);
  • the last symbol is controlling that allows you to verify the correctness of the entire code (two) are provided for simple citizens of the final digits).

According to the provisions of the Tax Code Russian Federation, in particular, Article 84, and the order of the Federal Tax Service of June 29, 2012, No.MB-7-6 / 435 "On approval of the procedure and conditions of assignment, application, as well as changes in the taxpayer identification number", legal entities and private entrepreneurs are mandatory Must stand up for tax accounting until the expiration of 10 days from the moment of their registration. Upon completion of the procedure, a new taxpayer is assigned to the specified INN algorithm and a paper document is issued with this number.

Important: The identification number is assigned to an ordinary citizen or company once and for all. The "constancy" of the Inn is especially important if you consider that the other codes used to identify the codes are inextricably linked to it. Thus, it is possible even after the most serious structural changes.

As mentioned, receiving the taxpayer identification number is the obligation of a legal entity provided for by law. Inn is necessary for him at:

  • conclusion of transactions and registration of contracts with counterparties (companies, IP and ordinary citizens);
  • transfer of accounting reports to supervisory and regulatory bodies;
  • intention to participate in state bidding;
  • receiving bank loans and loans.

When is it required to get the company?

Persons, one way or another cooperating with a legal entity or IP, may need to find the number of the company in the following cases:

  1. Counterparty - To check the fact of registration of the company and the correctness of the information provided by the company (in parallel with the Inn interested party, data is usually issued about the registration address, founders, as well as other statistical codes).

Council: Although even minor errors in the documents offered by the potential business partner are notachable for a solid organization and unacceptable, it is not necessary to immediately refuse a profitable deal, noting a typo or a mistake in one digit - with the greatest probability, this is a human factor, and not the fraudster's mistress. If, according to the results of the search, the company, the company was discovered on its name, which do not fully coincide with the legal address, the names of the founders, the form of activity or other statistical codes, the refusal to conclude a transaction will be for the future counterparty guarantee of its own financial security.

  1. Ordinary person - To verify the reliability of the organization, the services of which he intends to take advantage. Simple example: production company plastic windows It offers attractive discounts on the terms of prepayment of works and materials. But a citizen who decided to find the Inn firms according to its name, learns that it or not at all registered in the registry, or when registering it, there was a completely different address and full name. The conclusion is obvious: even if concrete person Invalid information, the organization of fraudulent action does not plan in the contract (however, how do you know?), I should not trust it - if only because, with poor performance, the company will return their money, presenting claims formally a non-existent legal entity, it will be extremely difficult.
  2. Employee - To check the employer (it is carried out according to the principle previously described), as well as to provide information about it in various state and financial institutions. The most common case is to receive a loan or loan in a bank. Require TIN or not, each credit institution solves independently; General List necessary documents does not exist. However, it is precisely on the identification number of the organization a bank can test existence and reliability indicated by a potential creditor in an employer's questionnaire and, based on the information received, adopt a positive or negative decision on request. And although nothing prevents the Bank to know the INN of the Organization for its name, in practice, this duty shifts them on the credit consuits themselves - perhaps in order to save resources, and maybe due to the lack of serious interest: the flow of those who want to take money does not dry out, And most of them will easily agree to not the most equitable claims of the lender.

How to find out the name of the organization by name?

Consider the most popular and reliable ways.

Service ""

The first way is to take advantage of the wonderful service "" offering a visitor, in addition to checking the counterparty, services for the release and maintenance of keyword keys digital signatureautomated electronic trading platform With transparent trading and lending, as well as the publication of information on reorganization, liquidation or bankruptcy in official publications and fully complying with the current legislation.

To learn the Inn Company (employer or counterparty) by its name using "", it is necessary:

  • Enter the address in the search bar and confirm the transition to any affordable way (by pressing the left mouse button, the ENTER keys and so on). On the page that opens, find an empty text field (it is located at the top of the screen right under the inscription "Checking counterparties") and enter the name of the organization, and then click the "Find" button placed nearby.

Important: The system helps the user, showing during information possible options. You can choose from them without using the above button

  • Although the service proposes to obtain comprehensive information to register in it or enter personal AreaThis step can be skipped by clicking on the cross at the top of the pop-up window.

  • The next step is to choose the desired organization from the list (of course, provided that the user is not offered only one position). Finding the organization you are interested in, you should click on the left mouse button on its name, dedicated blue. However, if a citizen is needed exclusively inN, OGRN or OKPO, you can already know them already in the issuance window - and, if necessary, copy, highlighting and pressing the Ctrl + C key combination or using the context menu.

  • Basic information, including full and short name, address and statistics codes, will be available to the portal visitor to the newly opened page. If you plan to get more detailed data using the service, you will have to place a paid subscription.

  • By clicking on the link on the right, a citizen can familiarize himself with the list of all changes made to the invoice relating to the desired legal entity.

  • As you can make sure how serious these changes were, the Inn always remains the same, issued by the organization. On this search for the identification number on the site "" can be considered finished.

Important: It is not recommended to draw up a paid subscription on sites offering such services without examining the pre-supply of competitors and state structures. For example, on the website of the Federal Tax Service, all the "reference" data is in open and completely free access.

Service "Konurfokus"

The functionality of this site is significantly wider than the above. In addition to finding an INN of a legal entity by name, the portal visitor can:

  • get all the data on the organization or individual entrepreneur one click;
  • find contractors and "daughters" of the company;
  • subscribe to the newsletter on the bankruptcy of partner firms;
  • track the debts of legal entities on taxes and fees;
  • be aware of the solutions of arbitration courts;
  • learn the latest data on government contracts;
  • receive information about planned checks.

To find the Inn company, the portal visitor is necessary:

  • Go to the site Find a text field located under the heading "Fast check of counterparties", and add available information to it (name of the organization, its address, statistical code, IP name), then click on the mouse in the same gray loupe (or press the Enter key ).

  • In the list that opens, from several items, choose the company that is interested in, clicking on its name. If the user needs only Inn, it is possible to find out (and copy) it can be directly from the issuance, as well as the OGRN placed next to him.

  • On the page that opens, as in the previous case, will not be presented all information, however, the main information, including the INN, OGRN, OKPO and OKATO, as well as the address of the company's registration of the company visitor to find out the site.

  • If you want to find more data (about arbitration, collateral, finance of the organization and verification), you can buy full access or use the free demo proposal in force during the day.

  • To obtain a demonstration access, you will only need to enter the phone number, confirm your belonging to the world of people and click the "Send Password" button.

  • Now it remains to wait until a text message with the code will come to the specified number, enter it into the appropriate window and click on the "Log in to Service" button. The functions of the service will be available in full within one day.

Important: One-time password is disposable in the full sense of the word. If for some reason the user failed to immediately log in, the second attempt will not be. We have to or use another phone number, or still buy a subscription.

Service "My business"

A little less convenient, but quite popular online resource, primarily offering organizations and individual entrepreneurs a full range of accounting services.

To find the company's portal in its name, you will need:

  • Enter any convenient browser on the website. On discovered main page Find the "Other Services" header and, by building a mouse pointer to the next arrow, call the drop-down menu.

  • Go to subparagraph "Checking counterparties", clicking on it with left mouse button. After waiting for the download of the new page (it will require some time), enter the name of the organization or the name of the individual entrepreneur in a single search bar and click on the "Check" located next to the red button. As in previous cases, the interested person can go to others by learning the indicated data through the INN: it all depends on the information available at its disposal.

  • Unfortunately, the search for the database without a subscription to the service service is impossible. However, the user can get free demo access by entering its phone number in the pop-up window and pressing the huge red "Register" button.

  • After waiting for SMS with a one-time code, enter it into the text field and click on the "Sign in Service" button.

  • Select from the list of organizations presented on the new page the desired and click on its name left mouse button. You can already know the Inn already at this stage: it is placed, along with the address and OGRN, right under the name of the company.

  • Now the user can familiarize himself with comprehensive information about the employer or counterparty, including the phone and email address.

  • To use offline data (without connecting to the Internet), the user can download PDF-extract from a single state register of legal entities (EGRUL), climbing on the relevant reference.

Important: The certificate obtained can only be used for informational purposes: it will not have legal force due to the lack of EDS.

Site FNS.

It is here that you can, entering the personal account, learn about your (identification number is used for authorization on the site; it is not necessary to re-enter it). Sale service, unfortunately, does not currently offer: the taxpayer will have to rely on his strength or trust the experienced accountant.

But finding the company in its name on the FTS portal even without logging into your personal account. Need to:

  • Go to the official portal of the tax by entering the browser, confirming the action and waiting for redirects to the regional page. When searching for the Inn organization, the region does not have the importance, so it can not be corrected, even if it is incorrectly defined by the service. Next - to find on the main page of the portal link "Business risks: Check yourself and counterparty" and click on her left mouse button.

  • An identical result can be achieved by moving the "Electronic Services" link at the bottom of the page and selecting the point of the same name.

  • On the new page with the title "Information about state registration of legal entities, individual entrepreneurs, peasant (farmer) farms "find the search criteria window and note the desired tab:" Legal entity "(default) or" Individual entrepreneur ".

  • In order to learn the INN of an employer or counterparty on its name, it is necessary to highlight the mouse with a mouse "The name of JUR. Persons. " Now it remains to enter the name of the organization in the upper (text) field (for greater accuracy, you can put a checkbox in the checkbox "Search by accurate matching the name"), and in the lower - choose the region in which the company has been registered.

  • Now it remains to enter numbers in the bottom line from the picture, thus passing the protection against robots, and click the blue button "Find".

  • The next step is to choose from the list of the list of the desired organization presented on the list, which is required to find out. By the way, you can copy it right here, like OGRN with the checkpoint.

Council: Climbing the left mouse button on the highlighted blue name of the search company, the user can download PDF-extract from an incorporation, fully identical to those described in the previous paragraph and, unfortunately, also not having a legal force. If an error was made during filling in text fields, you can fix it, returning to the beginning (blue button "Back to search criteria").

"Fed Grazurs

Very convenient and easy-to-use service that allows you to learn the INN of an employer organization or a business partner on its name literally in one click.

To find the required information, the site visitor is necessary:

  • Go to the site Slightly by srolling the page down, find the title "Search for information about the subjects of economic activity" and enter the name of the organization that is located directly under it. Next - to click on the on the right of the lines of white loupe on an orange background.

  • On a new page with search results, choose by pressing the left mouse button needed company. As usual, TIN and OGRN can be copied directly from the results of the issuance, not moving further.

  • Most full list Data that can be found on the site also includes the full name of the legal entity, the physical address, e-mail, telephone, statistics codes, as well as the name and personal Inn founder.

Council : information can be exported to pDF fileBy clicking on the appropriate link to the right at the top of the screen.


It is worth noting immediately: to find the INN of the Organization for its name on the website of the Federal Bailiff Service will not work. In addition, the service provides information exclusively about individuals and legal entities ever in contact with the bailiffs. All that the site visitor can squeeze out of it, is the address of registration and information about tax debts, fines and other fees. Information, of course, modest, but sometimes it is enough to give it to expenning the prospects for cooperation with the employer or counterparty.

An interested person is necessary:

  • Go to the site for reference Located right under the title page of the window "Learn about your debts", select the "Advanced Search" by clicking.

  • Mark the desired circle in the window (in this case it is a "legal entity"), enter the name of the organization in the top field, and in the lowest select the region in which it is registered. After that, click on the yellow button "Find".

  • If the company has debts that are engaged in bailiffs, they will all be listed on the page with the search results called "Bank of EXECUTIVE PRODUCTIONS". Here you can find out the mail address of the debtor, as well as the cause of the debt: no more information about the search company does not provide.

Important: Do not call on the phone "Attached" to the company of the bailiff - it has no right to disclose information about the debtor, whatever the cause of the arrears.

Mobile app

For a rarity, a convenient way to obtain information about the company or an individual entrepreneur, allowing you to learn the INN of a legal entity without binding to a computer or laptop. Just a smartphone connected to the Internet, and installed program "Information from EGRUL / EGRIP", download which you can official store Google Play (or using any other trustworthy source, the benefit currently has enough them in the global network).

Having coped with this task, the user who wants to find the Inn organization by its name should:

  • Go to your mobile application. In the start of the search bar, enter the name of the company or the name of the individual entrepreneur. You do not need to click on the search button: the system after accessing the single database itself will give all possible options on the screen.

  • From the list of the list, select the desired option by clicking on it. On the main tab of the new page, detailed information on the organization will be presented, including a brief and complete name, address and date of registration, TIN, OGRN and CAT. If you wish, you can add the company to "Favorites" by clicking on the flush-placed on the right to the right.

  • Turning to the "Finished Documents" tab, the owner of the smartphone can download an extract from the EGRUL or JRIP in pDF format - The same as described in previous paragraphs. Legal force She, as before, will not have, but it is quite suitable for data verification. To get a document, you must click on the topmost button "Download an extract from EGRUL / EGRIP".

  • Now you need to enter a six-digit code in the next page in the next page, consisting of numbers presented in the picture, and click the Download link button. The finished document will automatically open in the PDF reading program installed on the smartphone.

  • Other data, including the participation of the company in arbitration courts, are available only by paid subscription, as reported in the program.

  • To purchase access to all system functions, you must click on the "View subscription options" button and follow the further instructions of the system.

  • If necessary, you can always return to the results of the previous search by selecting the "Last viewed" item in the side menu (three horizontal strips) and the corresponding line.

Let's sum up

It is not possible to learn the INN of the Organization for its name: just enter any of the sites listed above and enter the available data in the search bar.

At the same time, it is not worth spending money on sites offering paid services: all information necessary for checking an employer or counterparty, not to mention the INN, presented on the official website of the Federal Tax Service - it is recommended to use first.


First of all, you need to make sure that the company is registered in the prescribed manner and maintains activities. This can be done in different ways.

Check Inn

Make sure that the INN supplier is not a random set of numbers, but a real digital code that belongs to the company offering a transaction.

Check it is very simple, since the Inn has its own algorithm, and the fake number is most likely there will be no match. Recognize an error in the Inn can be in any program to prepare information about the income of individuals by entering the number in the "Inn Employer" field. If the number does not satisfy the algorithm, an error message will appear.

At the same time, to establish the authenticity of the INN and the affiliation of this or that company can be installed on the FTS website or using the counterparty verification service.

Request a copy of the certificate of state registration (or a list of records in the register)

Certificate of State Registration confirms that the counterparty exists as a legal entity and accounts as a taxpayer. From January 1, 2017, when registering legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, instead of the certificate of state registration, a list of records of the desired registry - Ergul or Jarip are issued. Thus, the record sheet is a document confirming the fact of making an entry in the register or the EGRIP.

In accordance with paragraph 13 of the Rules of Keeping, the registry list of the state registry is included in the registration case of a legal entity. In accordance with paragraph 19 of the rules of maintenance, the Head of the State Register's record is included in the registration case of an individual entrepreneur.

Get an extract from EGRUL / JRIP

Fresh extract from the EGRULA confirms that the counterpartier is registered and at the time of its receipt is not removed from the record. In addition, vipitskaya EGRULES You can check the details specified by counterparties in contracts and other documents.

An extract can be requested directly from a potential partner or using the FTS service.

The balance allows you to make several important findings about the company at once:

  • First, he confirms that the company gives reporting.
  • Secondly, it allows you to establish whether economic activities have been organized.
  • Thirdly, from accountability, you can learn about the "portfolio" of the funds with which the company has. If the company has a practically zero value of assets, substantial debt obligations and authorized capital of 10,000 rubles. - This is an occasion to think about whether to give such a company, for example, a trade loan. Too low compared to the amount of the expected turnover transaction can also testify that the supplier shelters part of the income. In this case, the transaction is better to refuse.

Based on accounting data, it is easy to make a financial analysis that will show the dynamics of the company's activities and will allow its financial stability to assess its financial stability. In the company's card service, you can find links to accounting reports and minimaliz, which will immediately see the key points in builds without the need to explore the large and complex financial report on the company.

Information on legal entities with debt on paying taxes and / or not representing tax reporting for more than a year can also be obtained on the FTS website.

Additional analytics

It is necessary to make sure the conscientiousness of the counterparty and collect evidence that you carried out the necessary verification. Why is it important? In the case of a trial, this will allow you to confirm that your company has shown.

From the point of view of tax authorities (), the company did not show proper care if she does not have:

  • personal contacts of management in the contracting company when discussing the terms of delivery and in the signing of contracts;
  • documentary confirmation of the powers of the head of the contracting company, copies of the document certifying his identity;
  • information about the actual location of the counterparty, as well as the location of warehouse, production, retail space;
  • information on the method of obtaining information about the counterparty (advertising, recommendations of partners, official website, etc.);
  • information on state registration of counterparty to the register;
  • information on the cost of the counterparty the necessary license (if the transaction is under licensed activity), certificate of admission to a certain type of work issued by a self-regulating organization;
  • information about other participants in the market of similar goods, works, services, including those who offer lower prices.

Information about the company

Mass address of registration

The mass address is one of the signs of one-day firms. At the end of 2017, the Ministry of Finance released, in which he warned that in the presence of confirmed information about the inaccuracy of the submitted information about the address of the Jurlitz, the registering authority is entitled to refuse registration. According to the document, the facts include information about the addresses of the mass registration is the basis for verifying the accuracy of the data in the register. Thus, registering companies to the mass address, Jurlso or IP risks getting a refusal to register.

But the tightening of control of mass addresses concerns not only business-new business, but also of already registered companies: the tax sends the letters to companies that need to be provided to the registering authority of reliable information about their address. Ignore the notification of the tax authorities will not be able to ignore: if the address is not confirmed, the documents submitted do not correspond to the reliability, then the EGRUL is making an entry on incorrect information about the address, which may entail an exclusion of the organization from the registry, according to. To conclude contracts with counterparties registered by mass addresses, the more dangerous.

How to check the "Massiness" addresses? First, a service is available on the FTS website, which is what user entered the address with the list of mass addresses entered. Secondly, it shows which companies are registered on the same address as the user of the counterpart, service. In some cases, such a "neighborhood", even if we are not talking about the mass registration, it may be essential.

The actual location of the counterparty

In itself, the incomprehensibility of the actual and legal address does not characterize the counterparty. According to the FTS, almost 80% of Russian companies are not located at the legal address specified during registration. But tax recommends checking the actual location of the counterparty along with other data.

Such information can be obtained by leaving the legal or actual address of the alleged partner. This will not only clarify whether the counterparty office is in reality, but also take a look at the room, production or retail space, talk to the staff and neighbors office building. Especially productive may be such a visit if you apply it incognito, under the guise of a buyer or a potential partner.

In the contour. Focus you can examine the panorama of buildings and surroundings to the specified legal entity. This option is called.

Putting the terms of the contract for the counterparty

It is necessary to have obvious evidence that the counterparty has a real opportunity to fulfill the terms of the contract. First of all, the time spent on the delivery or production of goods, work or provision of services is taken into account.

Violations of tax legislation

The taxpayer has the right to request the tax authorities about paying taxes by counterparties. At the same time, it will not be fundamentally, will the inspection respond to the company's request. The Code did not establish the obligation of the tax authorities to provide taxpayers at their requests information on the execution by counterparties of the duties stipulated by law on taxes and fees, or violations of the legislation ().

As the arbitration practice shows, the company's due diligence is evidenced by the very fact of contacting the tax inspectorate with a request to assist in verifying the conscientiousness of counterparties.

In order for the fact that the inspection appeal was recorded, the request should be sent by registered mail With a receipt notice (you have one instance of the inventory and returning a notification) or submit a request personally to the Tax Inspection Office (in this case, a copy of the request with a note mark remains in your hands.

Arbitration cases

"Blacklist" on the FNS website

We are talking about the register of disqualified persons. Disqualification is an administrative punishment, which is to deprive the individual of certain rights, in particular, the right to hold senior positions in the executive body of the legal entity, enter the board of directors (Supervisory Board), to carry out entrepreneurial activities for managing a legal entity.

The basis for disqualification may be deliberate or fictitious bankruptcy, concealment of property or property obligations, falsification of accounting and other accounting documents, etc.

To avoid cooperation with companies, the head of which was disqualified, it suffices to check the potential partner through a special service on the FTS website. The search is carried out by the name of the legal entity and OGRN.

By the end of 2018, FTS launched a transparent business service in test mode, which can be used to collect comprehensive information about the taxpayer - organization and manifestation of due diligence.

If you enter into the search for INN, OGRN or company name, then the following information will appear:

  • the date of the State Registration and the Basic State Register Number of the Jurlitz, the method of formation of legal entities and the name of the registering authority;
  • information about accounting for the organization in the tax authority;
  • a state of legal entity;
  • address of legal entities and information about the address of the mass registration;
  • OKVED;
  • the size of the authorized capital;
  • unreliable data on the company's head, managing the activities of many other legal entities;
  • category of small and medium-sized entrepreneurship.

You should pay attention to a triangle sign that may appear in the section as a warning. This means that information requires special attention.

Personal Person Signing Documents

The Ministry of Finance recommends when checking counterparties to receive documentary confirmation of the authority of the head (his representative). If the documents sign a representative of the company, you need to get a power of attorney from a counterparty, authorizing a person to sign documents on behalf of the company.

The Ministry of Finance recommends that taxpayers request documents identity documents from the head of the counterparty company. This will confirm that the documents sign exactly the person who has the powers. In addition, there may be cases when the counterpartier is registered on the lost or stolen passport. It is possible to find out this on the FMS website.

Information about the transaction

Confirmation of personal contacts when conclusted

The lack of personal contacts at the conclusion of the transaction may indicate that the taxpayer did not show due diligence. The collected data about the circumstances of the conclusion of the contract with the counterparty will help to prove the opposite (who participated in the negotiations who let go of the goods and Ave.).

Check documents on the transaction

This procedure avoids not only the claims of tax authorities, but also possible litigation.

  • check the address specified in the counterparty documents, in particular, in accounts;
  • make sure that the supplier documents do not contain logical contradictions and correspond to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and other laws;
  • match the signatures of employees on the documents to exclude the situation when different signatures are put on behalf of one person (such documents it is better to exclude that the IFTS does not focus on their fictitiousness).

The list of "filters" is incomplete. In other ways, you can also show care in choosing a counterparty and get the most complete information about it.

The legislation does not oblige them to check the counterparties, are rejected by the courts, since when ... liabilities. Not exercising measures to verify the counterparty, documents on his behalf, is ... assess the measures taken by the taxpayer when checking the counterparty at the stage of its choice. It is important ... inclined to testing only the legal advantage of the counterparty does not testify that ... it will be easier to independently check the reliability of a potential counterparty. Important! In addition to tax ...

  • One action - two results, or once again about checking counterparties

    The implementation of the verification of counterparties performs two main objectives: - ... guarantees, etc.). The implementation of the check of counterparties performs two main objectives: ... to confirm the conscientiousness when choosing a counterparty and reality of the discretion of the statement ... An unreasonable tax profit was obtained: controversial counterparties do not have the main means, ... with the applicant. In addition, counterparties were represented by the tax authorities ... Regulations, here, we check the counterparties. " Yes, with papers you look ...

  • What is an exit tax check

    Appointment of an on-site tax audit. It is necessary to carefully check the counterparties and follow the ... services from the company "1C" ("1c: counterpart" and "1spark risks"). It is important ... You can also develop a special regulation of counterparty checks and not forget to maintain ... alternative suppliers; long-standing relationship with the counterparty, etc. Such preparation ... All questions "depended" with the counterparties. However, and here you need to stay ... Attempts to coordinate their actions with counterparties. FTS has the right to request from employees ...

  • Features of modern work with counterparties

    The tax authority understands the verification: powers of persons acting on behalf of the counterparty; the presence of the corresponding ... characterizing the business reputation of a partner; counterparty solvency; risk of failure to fulfill obligations and providing ... their execution; availability of the counterparty necessary labor and production resources ... exists large quantity services for checking counterparties that allow with that ... contract; On the proper execution of the counterparty of the taxpayer's responsibilities, including ...

  • What should the tax authorities in disputes on one-day counterparties
  • Protection against tax disputes about unfair counterparties

    And caution is evidence of a counterparty check on various criteria. Next, we ... evidence of their holding: a) checking the conscientiousness of the counterparty as a taxpayer: Certificate of ... information. This will prove that the control of the counterparty was carried out before the conclusion of the contract with ... Information on the instruments of counterparty checks. Date (period) Check: 20.11.2016- ... Counterparty, which managed to get when checking. Information about the contact persons of the counterparty; About counterparty specialists ...

  • For what period of tax may request documents when checking the counterparty?

    The body conducting a tax audit is entitled to refer to the counterparty or other ... From the issue, the organization's counterparty conducts a tax audit. Therefore, by virtue of ... whether the claims in the frame check of documents in counterparties under Art. ... And, according to the courts, the counterparty of the taxpayer's verifiable is not entitled to evaluate ... non-stations by the taxpayer or non-treatment from the counterparty, or the expiration of the storage period). ... It is about correspondence with the counterparty on business issues. ...

  • One-day company: how to reveal a dangerous counterpart?

    Powers, information on the actual location of the counterparty, as well as the location ... Real economic operations with its counterparties with signs of nominal activity (... showed due diligence when choosing counterparties. The tax inspectorate immediately revealed ... Even recommends companies to implement the verification regulations Counterparty as part of the schedule of document management in ... maximum documents when interacting with counterparties that will serve as evidence of manifestation ...

  • Checking counterparty

    Confirmation of the powers of the head (representative) of the counterparty, copies of the document certifying it ... copies of documents confirming the cost of the production capacity of the necessary licenses, ... collected by the taxpayer on the activities of their counterparty. Important! Most of the ships are adhered to ... A12-34319 / 2015). Algorithm for checking a potential counterparty based on the explanations of the tax ... judicial practice, Introducing the algorithm for checking the counterparty for the purpose of manifestation of due ...

  • Tax flaws? The court recognized the costs of "gray" firm

    Gray "Counterparty - reason to admit the fictitiousness of the transactions? As a result of the departure check of the company ... "Features" of the counterparty served for additional investigations. After analyzing the activities of a strange firm, ... Cheat sheet on checking counterparties. Taxpayers are advised to check against the counterparties the presence of the necessary ... prudency when choosing counterparties; Check from counterparties the presence of the necessary property, ... to evaluate the business reputation, counterparty solvency, as well as the risk of non-fulfillment ...

  • Interrogations in the tax audit: features and recognition of the company one-day

    Fullet from the head for the choice of counterparties, the procedure for signing contracts, accounting ... Founders? 9. You agree on the choice of counterparties or the costs that it is necessary to produce ... identification of the personality of the counterparty and the business reputation of the counterparty organization. 25. A sign ... The progress of the inspection is investigated by the attitude of the taxpayer and its dubious counterparties. Leaders of such counterparties ... evidence, among which the absence of a counterparty workers, property, office, lack of ...

  • Representation of documents within the framework of cameral checks

    Documents within the framework of the cameral verification of a specific tax return (probably ... Documents are needed to the tax authority to verify the validity of the stated expenses ( tax deductions... The face of the tax authority, conducting a tax audit, has the right to refer to the inspected person ... The term of the documents requested in the framework of the tax audit (the non-direction of the notification of the impossibility ... the declarations of the organization and its counterparty (persons attracted by the counterparty for the fulfillment of obligations on .. .

  • Definitions I. step by step instructions According to the counterparty check ... it seems they would be right, but ... provided a regulation on the selection of counterparties and a questionnaire of the counterparty check according to official sites ... in the tax authority; verification of the fact of enlaring information about the counterparty in the incorporate; Getting ..., then the commission Mahal handle counterparty. If the inspection confirmed the impeccable present and ... Lifehaki can be foreseen for impeccable control of counterparties? Control sheet of contracts. In the document ...

  • "Robots are robots, not a person": "Interior cuisine" of the presverrose analysis

    The information on counterparties and counterparty counterparties are also provided; Conclusions (of course it is ... in minimum, As part of counterparties there are potential one-day, there are no resources ... It is taken for the counterparties of the "problem" supplier, and then counterparties of the counterparty and so on ... court. Thus, if the counterparties of the taxpayer's verifiable are absent in the database ... Request documents on transactions with counterparties ...; Conduct the following activities: ... 4. ...

  • Work on ahead: How and why prepare for the tax audit?

    About the taxpayer coming from counterparties or from service banks ... On the taxpayer coming from counterparties or from service banks ... Counterparties still at the presumptuous analysis stage, and during the inspection, ... due diligence. The check can go in several directions: counterparties in the most ... consulting and other services), checking the largest counterparties (according to the volume of taxpayer revolutions ... This check should be carried out before conclusion of contracts with counterparties. ...