How to Become a Good Station Master. How to lead a team without experience

Why do I want to achieve a managerial position? This is the most important question you should ask yourself at the very beginning.

Why do I want to achieve a managerial position? This is the most important question you should ask yourself at the very beginning. For a big salary? High position or connections? Or to achieve more freedom? To stop obeying the leadership? In order to become a top manager and head a key division, first of all, learn to manage yourself. Building your own career is your first project.

Project "I am the top"

The development and implementation of your own promotion should be well thought out:

  • Assess the resources available - knowledge and skills.
  • Analyze your own strengths and weaknesses.
  • Outline goals and objectives.
  • Think over tactics and strategy, determine the time frame for implementation.

Many companies educate their employees to middle and senior managers. It is always better than inviting specialists from other companies to take on leadership positions. But the demand for highly qualified managers in many industries today significantly exceeds the supply. And they are required here and now!

That is why young ambitious managers can reach the top of their careers in such conditions much faster. Sometimes it is enough to implement the first project, and recruiters will start hunting for your knowledge and skills.

A top manager is the one who once received a challenge and accepted it. This is a man who knows how to take risks. Of course, there is luck here. But it also depends on the personality of the person. Each company employs many talented middle managers, but not all become bosses.

What have successful managers, and what is missing from those who remain in the middle positions?

Dream great and act

Set ambitious plans for yourself from the very beginning of your career. Implement them actively. See difficulties as opportunities. They are a chance for further development and growth. Then you will achieve what you want. This is what they do in life and at work. successful people.

When career growth in a company is not as rapid as we would like, change employers. The secret to success is quite simple: to have a strong motivation to achieve the goal, making every effort to this.

Learn to communicate

A diploma of higher education is not enough to take the position of a top manager. A sociable person will climb the career ladder faster. The ability to build relationships with management, employees, customers, partners is even more important than others professional quality... It is communications and building relationships that take up to 90% of a top manager's working time.

Develop character

For a top manager, it is necessary to develop some character traits:

  • Assertiveness, the ability to break through in any situation and insist on your own.
  • Self-reliance - the ability to accept and embody independent decisions without prompts.
  • Reliability. Ask yourself, would you trust yourself to run a company or a large department? The ability to keep their word and do everything efficiently and on time is what distinguishes outstanding managers.
  • Resistance to stress, and there will be many of them, is necessary to maintain composure and clarity of thought. Don't be afraid of stress.
  • And, of course, optimism! Think about the pleasant, look for the good always and in everything. Are you in a lot of trouble? Decide how they can help you or how to overcome them successfully. Think about overcoming problems, not about them.

All these character traits - essential properties a good leader. They will give you a career, and without them you are unlikely to become a good leader, because a leader's job is almost all of communication.

Learn and develop

Grow and develop constantly. For example, get the second higher education... Knowledge may be lacking for successful career advancement. Therefore, it is quite possible that you will have to go to a higher educational institution for them again.

Improve your professional skills and abilities. If a manager wants to take the position of director, he must go from bottom to top of the entire department that he plans to head.

One or more degrees will, of course, shorten the path to the top of the organization. But there are many companies where top managers have technical education, but more than compensate for this with practical experience and self-education.

If you want to get into a Western company, then the MBA degree will serve as your additional competitive advantage... Companies of this type look up to this diploma.

Be active

A rolling stone gathers no moss. If you want to become a top manager, be active in this direction. Meet with recruiters, go through interviews, assess weaknesses and strengths proposals of potential employers.

Management experience

Where is the best place to build a career?

Depends on what you want. It's easier to build a successful career in a small and medium-sized company than in a large one. There are fewer employees and less internal competition.

Better to be first in a small company than second in a large one. And even if the scale of her activities is small for you. Leadership experience and new resume entries will help you later rise to the highest level in a large corporation.

Try to look for a project where it will be comfortable and pleasant to work with. Individual results are seen better than team results, and therefore you will have more opportunities to open up for leadership. Even from the position of a manager, you can declare yourself as a highly qualified specialist.

Learn to be an independent and organized person. And also to show initiative in the affairs of the company and to achieve their own and its goals.

Are you ready to become a top manager if:

  • you are attracted by the opportunity to work exclusively for yourself;
  • you strive to control all processes in the company and make fateful decisions regarding the strategy of its development;
  • you are ready to take responsibility for your own company.

Having these qualities, it is worth thinking about your own business. Many people do this. If an independent business does not appeal to you, and you prefer the option of a highly paid hired employee, then build your career vertically.

Occupying ever higher positions within one company or by moving from one firm to another, you have a chance to reach the top manager's chair.

A successful career begins within a person and depends entirely on working on oneself and constant professional growth.

Add your price to the base

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“If you work actively for 8 hours a day, you will be made a boss, and then you will start working already for 12 hours,” says office wisdom. However, many diligent employees have learned from their experience that even if they work from morning to night, promotion is not at all guaranteed. How do you become a leader? What qualities need to be demonstrated so that the management sees you not only as a responsible executor, but also as a promising manager? How to make a career? To do this, you just need to decide and follow your decision. Career growth, job promotion, how to achieve it - short, clear instructions.

Promoted or fired?

Hands-on tasks, deadlines, new projects, struggle for a client - during your work in the company you have gone through fire and water. However, the management does not seem to see that you have long been ripe for a more responsible position. What's the matter? There may be several possible reasons.

First, not all companies form their own talent pool. According to a survey by the Research Center of the portal, almost a quarter of employers (24%) recruit managers in the open labor market, rather than “growing” them within the company. Another 34% of companies prefer to select candidates whom they can invite, if the need arises. Fewer than half of employers (47%) are ready to “grow” management personnel on their own.

Given these statistics, take a closer look at your place of work. Do you know of examples of the career development of colleagues within the company? What position did your current leader take in the organization - did he become a boss as a result of several years of successful work, or did he take his chair immediately after the interview? The answers to these questions will help you define your own prospects in your home company.

The second possible reason lack of career growth for a responsible employee - lack of growth for the organization itself. If the company is stable, all management positions are occupied, and there are no new areas of work, then you will have to wait for a promotion for a long time - at least until your current manager decides to quit. Whether it makes sense to work in a company with no growth opportunities is up to you.

It may also happen that an employee who is aimed at career growth, for some reason, does not correspond to the ideas of his management about an effective leader. For example, if all middle and senior managers in a company are over 45 years old, and you are 30, then most likely you will be considered insufficiently experienced. Or if the CEO is convinced that only a man can lead a team of 10 people, while you are a woman. In such cases, it will be difficult or even impossible to take a leadership position.

Catch fish where it is

Choosing the right place to work is the most important step in your career. There are tons of companies in which the corporate culture is not conducive to a career. All the seats are occupied, all the chiefs of all levels are holding on to their chair, they are afraid of new, any development. Stability erected in main value... Such companies often function quite normally, pay a decent salary, but they will not suit you. If your goal is a career, look for another job immediately and without regret. This is not the place for a careerist. In a career, as in many other things, it is very important to learn how to achieve your goals in a given time frame.

Another option is that the company is dynamically developing, but categorically underestimates its staff. All leadership positions involve outsiders. Their employees almost never get promoted. In such a company you can work for experience, it is good to come from outside to a managerial position, work there, make a project, go for promotion to another company. Decide for yourself why and how long you will work for such a company. Work exactly as much as you decide, and not during the day more.

There are many companies and organizations where the career ambitions of employees are welcomed and encouraged. Go to work there, you can quickly make a career there.

Build a network of contacts

The work of a clerk is bad for starting a career, not only because it is very difficult to prove yourself on it, but it is easy to ruin your reputation, but also because it does not at all contribute to the development of a network of contacts. This kind of work doesn't suit us.

We need work that does not interfere, or even better, directly requires building a network of contacts, meeting people, discussing professional topics. The development of a network of professional contacts is facilitated by participation in professional communities, conferences, seminars, infrastructure and commercial projects in which many people are involved. How many colleagues' phone numbers do you have in your notebook with whom you can discuss professional issues?

Be a public person in your professional community, come up with initiatives, proposals, participate in the training of young professionals. Build a reputation with as many people as possible as a problem solver, not a problem solver. Then you will be constantly offered participation in various projects and interesting positions. By the way, training young professionals is a great way to develop a network of contacts. After all, these specialists will not always be young, some of them will take key positions in a couple of years, and you will be a guru in their eyes. You will definitely be called if a serious project appears. And the rest, who will not be nominated, will be your talent pool. You, coming on good project, you will be able to attract your best students who have not yet made enough progress and are waiting for their chance.

Helpful but interchangeable

Do your job well, but don't be too self-conscious about it. The best way to save a place for yourself - to confuse everything so that no one even thinks to replace you. For a careerist, on the contrary, one must be useful, but easily replaceable.

  1. Firstly, you are more willing to be promoted in your company if your affairs in the same place can be painlessly transferred to a successor. Put yourself in the place of your leadership, whether it will promote a person who has turned everything into himself, but he (the management) is just scared to think what will happen when this person leaves the position where he is currently working. Better to promote another, albeit less suitable, but less important employee.
  2. Secondly, the order in business tells your superiors that you are psychologically ready to leave for another company at any time if you receive a favorable offer. You are not afraid or shaken for your place. This means that the bosses need to think about how to keep and promote you until you leave.
  3. Thirdly, it will be easy and pleasant to leave.

Change jobs regularly

It is beneficial for a career to change jobs regularly. Of course, you shouldn't be a flyer. Coming to a project, working for three months and, without finishing, leaving for a new place - this approach is unlikely to brighten your reputation. But to come, make a project, and then, after successful completion, leave for a new one is a great strategy.

The employer usually takes advantage of the natural human reluctance to change something in his life. A careerist must be ready for change. Promotion is the change we are striving for.

You need to accustom yourself to regularly move to a higher position. If the company you work for provides you with such an opportunity - great, if not, then you need to look for another company. When you get fired, you go to look for a job. Dismissal is an unconditional reason for looking for a job. For a true careerist, the same unconditional reason for looking for a job should be lagging behind in career advancement from the goals that the careerist has formulated for himself.

Monitor your health

A career can only be made when health allows. Active strenuous work presupposes certain physical condition of your body. Your health should not let you down. Take care of yourself, lead healthy image life, treat everything with humor, have a good rest. You shouldn't take anything to heart at work. If you constantly experience your successes and failures, an active career will ruin you. Career is a cool game, but not the last frontier of your life. A career can be ruined, started again, done successfully, quit, do something else, come back, and so on.

Remember, you only owe what you promised. If you undertook to make a project, then these are your problems. But if your bosses think that you will stay and switch to monotonous, non-promotional, monotonous work, that is their problem. You may have completely different plans.

Be flexible

This doesn't happen all too often these days, but healthy ambition is a very useful (and in some cases even vital) trait to be a business leader. Part of being ambitious and aggressive in advancing your career is being open about accepting offers you might not expect. At the very least, stay open to suggestions for a change in activity or location if it provides you with a promotion. If you take the opportunity to become a branch manager somewhere in another city, you will probably jump over others who will hesitate about it.

  • After working in a company for 1-2 years, if you feel that you are not being promoted, check the job listings regularly and apply for any positions that will be a big step up for you. Many executives began their careers as managers and junior vice presidents in two or three related companies before becoming the head of their own company.
  • Don't be afraid to go into business. Leaders and entrepreneurs have many general qualities and a person planning to become a leader can get a great start by becoming an entrepreneur. If you see an opportunity to start your own business and it looks like a better progression towards a management level than your current path, don't be afraid to change your career. Building successful company with zero level is an impressive item on any corporate resume.

If possible, become a member of the board of directors of a respectable company. This will provide you with valuable experience that can be used to interact with the Board of your own company as you become a leader. It will also be a great point in your career, as nearly half of all CEOs in the United States have served as a board member at some point in their careers before becoming a CEO.

How to Become a Good Boss: Is It Difficult?

Many aspiring careerists don't think about whether they can manage. They just want power and a big salary, indulging themselves with the thought: "Ay, then I'll learn everything I need."

Of course, a reasonable person can master a lot in a fairly short time, even bears are taught to ride a bicycle in a circus, but at the same time you need to have the necessary character traits or at least be ready to develop them.

“A person's potential as a leader depends on their ability to change. Perhaps this is generally the most difficult thing in life: change is always scary. But in an ever-changing business, change is necessary. A leader must encourage his employees, try new things and take risks - no matter what area he works in ... Another essential quality of a good leader is to give his employees the opportunity to be fully responsible for what they do. This is possible and necessary if you have managed to find strong professionals. You have to let them make their own decisions. I believe that you need to support them as much as possible and interfere with their work to a minimum. "

A. Calter

Qualities required for a competent leader

Before you aspire to a managerial position, consider whether you have the knowledge and qualities required for a successful career advancement.

100% responsibility

As a subordinate, you can always disown the unsuccessful outcome of the deal by simply following the instructions of your superiors. Once you become a leader, this opportunity will no longer exist. Here, either pan, or disappeared. You will be fully responsible not only for your actions, but also for the results of the activities of the entire team. The decisions you make will determine the course of all further work, and only your deep knowledge, confidence, and sometimes intuition will help to avoid mistakes. Throwing blame on subordinates is the quality of a lousy leader. You will have to take responsibility for all troubles and mistakes.

Ability to make quick decisions

A good leader is a leader, and a leader simply has to make decisions quickly and confidently. If you belong to the category of people who are constrained by fear in such a situation, if you are scared to death of making mistakes and “getting into a puddle” - perhaps the position of a leader is not for you. A good leader not only knows how to deal with his emotions and make serious decisions, but also knows that if he fails, the mistake can be corrected.


You will be surprised, but the ability to masterfully master speech is far from the very last place on the list of advantages that can help you become a boss. Even Napoleon said that a person who does not know how to speak will never make a career. You really need to learn correct, literate speech. To do this, you should constantly replenish your vocabulary, learn the methods of adjusting your speech to the target audience. Believe me, an employee who looks straight in the eyes during a conversation and clearly expresses her ideas is hard to miss.


A good leader manages to redo a thousand urgent matters, submit a myriad of reports on time, and always knows exactly what work lies ahead for the next day. Least. If you are a terribly disorganized and disorganized person, then it will be very difficult to stay on as a leader. Can you imagine what stress awaits you if you do not keep up with anything, get bogged down in unfinished reports and reprimands about eternal delays from the higher management? In order to avoid such troubles, urgently accustom yourself to order and organization. Create a diary, draw up a schedule of all upcoming affairs and events - this will help not only to have time to complete all the work on time, but also to find time for rest.

Stress tolerance

Imagine the situation: your boss at a general meeting announces that sales have fallen sharply, that the entire department is deprived of bonuses, and suddenly begins to sob, wiping her eyes with her hands. An incredible picture, isn't it? And all because "such people are not taken into astronauts." Resistance to stress is one of the main requirements for a job seeker for the position of a leader or top manager. The very fact that the boss has to constantly take risks, making important decisions, resolving conflict situations, dismissing workers and fining them, suggests that weaklings have no place here. Only an emotionally balanced person, capable of being calm in any critical situation, can win the lasting authority of a leader.

If you think that you do not possess some of the above qualities, then do not despair: they can and should be developed. In addition to hard work on yourself, you are not prohibited from attending special seminars that help people increase their own potential. In addition, you can attend various trainings designed to improve your professional skills. Constant self-improvement will certainly help you climb the career ladder, because the roads open exactly to stubborn and purposeful people.

5 mistakes of a leader, or what prevents you from becoming a boss?

Mistake # 1. Hasty reactions

Managers live at a fast pace. All day long, the manager continuously receives and sends e-mail, answers phone calls and resolves urgent issues - and all this requires him to act quickly. Quick reactions are often necessary, and they work well when you have the opportunity to pause to see the big picture and react intelligently to it.

Mistake # 2. Inflexible thinking

One experiment involved adult males who were strong supporters of the Democratic or Republican Party. They were allowed to listen to several statements by the presidential candidate they supported and the candidate of a rival party. Then they listened to statements in which each candidate changed his position to the diametrically opposite one. Both Democrats and Republicans sharply condemned not their candidate for changing positions and justified theirs. The same data on competing candidates was interpreted in such a way as to correspond to the views of the participants in the experiment. Once a person has formed fundamental beliefs, it becomes difficult to change them with information that is interpreted in accordance with his views.

One reason for this strength of beliefs is that the conclusions that the mind makes are fixed in emotions. An instinctive response is an instantaneous response of sympathy-antipathy (or yes-no), which then receives a cognitive justification to support what your gut initially liked the most. Changing our positive or negative inner feelings is not easy ... it is no easier than making you fall out of love with your favorite drink and fall in love with the drink you cannot stand the taste of. These preferences persist for a long time and force you to choose the new information that confirms your beliefs.

Mistake # 3. Desire to control

Chris Arjiris's research on managerial defenses has shown that organizational hierarchy often engenders control struggles. In a so-called decentralized company, central office managers used to say to divisional leaders, "You are in charge of everything." The business leaders liked the idea and responded to it accordingly: "If you trust us, then don't interfere with our work." After that, the problems started. Central office managers did not want to be limited to receiving standard reports. The heads of the divisions opposed any attempts to interfere with their work. Arjiris noted that even when central office managers and divisional leaders were swapped, the dynamics of control remained the same.

Your inner leader can satisfy people’s need for control so that they feel safe, happy, and motivated to achieve great results. You need to rely on your inner leader to transfer control functions to other people. Ford CEO Alan Mullali loved to tell the story of how he first took over as chief of engineering. He had to accept the work of other engineers. After the fourteenth change that Mullali demanded to be made to the report, one engineer quit. When Mullali asked him why he was leaving, he replied that over time, Mullali might become a good leader, but personally he no longer wants to endure such strict control. This experience helped Mullali understand that his job as a leader is to see a bigger picture of the mission and purpose of the company and to let people take control of their work (the internal leader).

Mistake # 4 Exaggerated hopes for the future

Unreasonably optimistic predictions for the future are relevant to the issues of avoidance and attraction we discussed earlier. Everybody had to make excessively high promises and demonstrate unreasonably low results. Hofstädter's Law states (and mathematically proves) that each task takes more time than originally thought, even when you have a slack to accommodate the law. For example, to-do lists and project plans are notorious for being over-optimistic and rarely get done as they were originally intended. Plans are often based on the most favorable scenarios, which in the end give rise to natural disappointments.

Mistake # 5 Seeking Unjustified Rewards

Edward Deci was one of the first to experiment with intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. He gave the participants in the experiment the task of completing four difficult jigsaw puzzles. One group of subjects was not promised any reward, and the second group was promised to pay a certain amount of money for completing the puzzles. Both groups then spent some time in a “free choice” room where they could engage in a variety of activities, including jigsaw puzzles. The non-paid group consistently showed a stronger interest in puzzle-making than the paid group.

Deci concluded that financial reward was the main reason for the lack of interest in the paid group. The members of the paid group saw jigsaw puzzle as a way to get rewards, not as a source of fun and satisfaction. Deci repeated the experiment with university newspaper students, whom he encouraged to come up with newspaper headlines. Those who wrote headlines for a fee showed less intrinsic interest in completing the assignment. Apparently, their minds believed that completing a task for money meant that the task did not give them much pleasure.

Few of the ordinary workers do not dream of becoming a manager. Wouldn't someone be happy about the prospect of being a boss, handing out tasks to subordinates, pointing out mistakes to them, and enjoying their new position?

However, as you know, a new responsible position is not only unlimited power, but also new responsibilities, great responsibility and the need for constant monitoring of the work of the team.

How to learn to lead correctly? How to find an approach to each employee so that the atmosphere in the team is calm and harmonious, and everyone, without exception, listens to your opinion? Below are the ten golden rules for becoming a successful leader?

One of the negative traits of many managers is the inability to clearly formulate and convey the task to the subordinate. When a manager does not know what he wants, then, most likely, he does not understand what he will get as a result, having unleashed his anger on a bad, in his opinion, employee.

Clearly set goals, as well as the order of completing tasks, will significantly facilitate communication between the boss and subordinates and speed up the process of completing the work.

Scold only in private

If a person has not coped with the task at hand, then in no case should you scold him at a general meeting or in front of other subordinates. This move can significantly spoil your relationship with him and offend the person. Tell him all your complaints without fail, but face to face. In addition, this will allow you not to make an enemy in the team.


Most managers very generously scold their subordinates for misconduct and poor-quality performance of work, at the same time forgetting to praise them for good result... Meanwhile, we all know that praise is usually a better incentive than censure, and makes a person do the job much better. If you have something, be sure to praise your employees and you will see how their attitude towards you and work will change.

Friendly atmosphere in the team

The manager sets the tone for the development of relationships between employees. You will certainly achieve success if you create a warm and friendly atmosphere in the team, in which there will be no place for squabbles and intrigues. Plus, the workers will be very happy if you hold scheduled weekly meetings with coffee and biscuits or pizza.

Teach employees to independently control the process of their work

First, establish a rule: every day at the end of the working day, each employee of the company should make a small report of his work so that both he and you can understand what he did during the day. You shouldn't force people to write tons of explanations. An oral answer will be sufficient. Soon it will become a habit and work will be more productive.

Clear organization of the workflow

Your subordinates should know that with a boss like you, you need to do the job quickly and efficiently. Let them know that you intend to control all stages of the work, and in case of any problems, you are ready to help.

Keep calm

There is nothing worse at work than hysterics and a manager's shouting at subordinates. Often it is not entirely justified, and in almost 100% of cases it is absolutely unnecessary. Everything can be settled through a calm dialogue. This will help keep good relationship with people and correctly find out the situation.

Don't be afraid to take responsibility for the failures or mistakes of your subordinates.

In the end, it was you who controlled how the work was done, and since you could not track the quality, then you need to be responsible for this. You will significantly add points to yourself in the eyes of your subordinates if, when talking with your superiors, you take all responsibility on yourself, and later, at a meeting with the team, you will work on mistakes. Nobody likes people who shout about their importance, and when it comes time to take responsibility for work, they hide behind the backs of workers.

Be an example to others

When a person sees in a boss not only a leader, but also an intelligent, developed, charismatic person, he is doubly pleased to work with him. It is very important that authority is earned not only thanks to the position, but also to personal qualities. When employees are proud of their boss, they will try to do better work.


Avoid being familiar with yourself at work. You are the leader, period!

Improve constantly

If you really want to become a successful leader, you must constantly develop as a person, improve your leadership skills, you must become a team leader who takes responsibility for the productivity and success of his subordinates.

Be sure to read business books, books for leaders, on the psychology of relationships - a leader is also a psychologist who knows how to find the right approach to his subordinates, knows how to properly motivate his employees, create a favorable atmosphere in the team.

Below are the courses and trainings for leaders:


  1. Secrets of motivation. 15 ways to retain a valuable employee. Go to.
  2. Three tools of point motivation. Go to.

Personnel Management

  1. The secrets of personnel management in large company. Go to.
  2. How to manage employee engagement. Go to.
  3. Development of company personnel with minimal costs. Go to.
  4. Building an effective management team. Go to.

To the leaders

  1. Maximum efficiency of the leader. Go to.
  2. Leadership skills 3.0. Go to.


  1. Innovative leadership. Go to.
  2. Leadership vertical development. Go to.

Negotiation vision

  1. Verbal Aikido. How to use the power of your opponent in negotiations. Go to.
  2. How to Conduct Constructive Negotiations: Strategy and Error Analysis. Go to.
  3. Games and scenarios of hard bargaining in sales. Go to.
  4. Effective commercial negotiation skills. Go to.
  5. The art of negotiating. How to get the most out of your opponent? Go to.


  1. Business e-mail: the rules of the game. Go to.
  2. Problematic correspondence from A to Z. Go to.

It is not easy to become a successful leader, however, listening to some advice and your team, you can find an approach to each employee.

What skills, knowledge and personality traits do you think a successful leader should have? Share your opinion, and perhaps experience, in the comments to this article.

Good luck and see you in the next article.

In this article, you will learn:

  • Who can be the best leader
  • How to Become a Better Leader
  • How to Become a Better Woman Leader

A real leader has many qualities that allow him to be a professional in his field and a person who is trusted by his subordinates. Leadership can look different - you can sit in the boss's chair or be the captain of a football team. In this article, we'll show you how to become a better leader.

How to Become a Good Leader

How to Become a Better Leader? What qualities do you need to possess and which ones are better to get rid of in order to feel like a really good leader?

Of course, not all people can be bosses. After all, becoming a leader means taking responsibility, being an expert, building the right relationships with all subordinates. Not everyone is ready for this. But the phrase that arouses the sincere envy of others: “I have the best leader!” Is a real recognition.

If you want to reach the top of the career ladder, then, first of all, think not about how to quickly get to the peak of Olympus, but about how to become a better leader. After all, the main thing is to understand that a leader is an effective manager who should not know and be able to do everything in the world. Its main qualities:

  • be able to organize the work of narrow specialists so that they can do their job as efficiently as possible;
  • solve all the problems that arise so that the work is not interrupted.

How to become a real leader, not in words, but in practice? Take part in

If we consider this on the example of the editor-in-chief of a newspaper, then the best manager should not have a brilliant pen, although he probably has journalistic experience, take reportage photographs, create a newspaper layout, own specialized computer programs and be able to fix office equipment.

But if he wants to become a good leader, he must know and be able to many other things.

  1. The best leader knows which text and photos will get the greatest response from the readers of the publication.
  2. He is able to solve the problems of the organization, providing employees with the necessary resources, from pens and pencils to company vehicles.
  3. The best leader is also a psychologist. He must maintain a positive microclimate in the team.
  4. The leader must be able to negotiate difficult interviews.
  5. The best leader knows who to turn to for resolving broken equipment problems, water pipe etc.
  6. The manager must be ready to protect his employees from those who may be dissatisfied with the publications, or just readers.
  7. The manager always monitors financial contributions - salary, bonuses, bonuses.

Many careerists who dream of being a leader don't think about whether they can actually manage. They just dream of a large amount of money bank account and believe that they will learn everything necessary already in the process.

Of course, a smart and purposeful person in the position of a leader will be able to master new knowledge in a short time, but for this you need to have a certain character and be ready for development.

As you continue to answer the question of how to become a better leader, look at the qualities that will hinder you on your path to success:

  • laziness;
  • tendency to squabbling;
  • pickiness;
  • irritability;
  • imperiousness;
  • inability to reason sensibly;
  • indiscipline;
  • rancor;
  • indifference.

10 effective tips on how to become a good and classroom teacher

Usually, all novice leaders make similar mistakes. Let's discuss some of them.

  1. Never say the phrase "I am a young leader" even in your mind.

When you use such an expression in your address, you seem to justify your mistakes in advance. You might think: “Why do everything possible and impossible to achieve the set task, to become the best, if I am a“ young leader ”? Or perhaps you think that you will be forgiven for all your mistakes just because you just entered this position? These are completely wrong thoughts. You will be subordinate to people who depend on your decisions from day one. Find yourself a mentor, an advisor among experienced leaders who will help prevent failure; read special literature; get better; develop and forget the phrase "I am a young leader."

  1. Don't abuse power.

There is a proverb that makes you think about power: "Give a slave a whip, he will beat other slaves to death." Of course, when you are appointed as a leader, along with your position, you also receive job responsibilities, a team, certain powers, a sweet "carrot" and a terrible "whip". You need to be extremely careful with the tools at your fingertips if you want to be a better leader.

But do not use extreme measures on a daily basis, this is not the best way, especially if you are just starting your journey. Remember, only weak people solve problems with threats. The most important skill that a manager needs to acquire is the ability to communicate with employees, build partnerships, learn to negotiate in any situation.

If you show emotions and complexes, even the most loyal employees can leave you. Consider whether the person who gives the cuffs qualifies as "best leader".

  1. You shouldn't do the work for your employees.

This is one of the most common mistakes managers make at any level. How to Become a Better Leader? When you are appointed to a specific position, you must decide general issues this unit to show the result of the correct organization of labor. Then you can be proud of being the "best leader" and be proud of your achievements. And if you are still trying to do everything with your own hands, then soon your ship may go to the bottom.

  1. Protect business interests.

When you were in the place of a subordinate, you probably tried to be noticed and appreciated. You did your job well, gave all your best, and you certainly discussed with your colleagues:

  • what an incompetent leader you have;
  • how many mistakes he made in building business processes;
  • how illogical your responsibilities are distributed, etc.

When you were on the other side of the barricades, you probably knew the best way to optimize all processes. Now your colleagues have remained in the same positions, and you were able to become number one, so all these complaints will be directed towards you. You will need to be a better leader than your peers think you are. And here you will find a difficult choice.

You can support your old views and criticize senior management, or you can understand the company's activities, see the interconnectedness of the internal life of departments within a large enterprise and begin to defend the more global interests of the corporation in front of your former associates. How to Become a Better Leader? Understand that you are now a representative of the authorities in your organization and you should work for the good of the company and protect its interests. Even if recently you criticized the system and the people at the head. Now the head is you.

  1. Remember - everything is just beginning.

Do you think getting a leadership position is an excuse to calm down and relax? You think: “I worked as a specialist for so many years, didn’t raise my head, worked hard to get the position and finally achieved it! You no longer need to prove anything to anyone and work overtime. Now you can sit in a leather chair, wait for admission large sums into the account and order business cards with the inscription "The best leader"? Similar thoughts come to minds of those who do not see themselves as a real leader, do not want to become better.

Yes, they will get the opportunity to attend courses for the best leaders, a few people in the department, a separate parking space and other things that are outward manifestations of the new status. But it is worth remembering that there is always a struggle for leadership positions. If the leader calms down and is no longer effective, the chances of those who crave the position are much better. How to Become a Better Leader? To perceive any step in a career not as a finish, but as a start. You must learn everything and even more again, prove your competence again, overcome thousands of difficulties again, fight again and win again.

  1. First of all, you manage people, not reports.

Theoretical numbers and calculations in business are certainly important. Therefore, many employees spend time and energy studying quantitative indicators of work, building charts, discussing existing reports and development prospects.

But all these numbers are more a result of your ability to manage people than your ability to operate with data. It is known that the best and effective method improve performance - improve employee productivity.

  1. Don't show your emotions.

Everyone understands perfectly well that the leader bears the burden of responsibility and suffers from a lack of time. They also understand that the boss has to account for failures, mistakes and voice bad news, so he can be upset, disappointed and angry. How to Become a Better Leader? The best way is to learn how to suppress the urge to make a caustic or stinging remark that will remain in your memory for a long time. No one expects ideal behavior from you, but try not to make your emotions worse for those around you.

  1. Evaluating your performance is your worst employee.

Quite often, leaders judge their success by the performance of successful front-line workers. But best employee- this is not your merit. His performance is the result of his work and success, not yours. How to Become a Better Leader? Equate your managerial talent with the worst performer with the lowest performance level. This will show what you are willing to put up with and what you will expect from other employees.

  1. Don't forget about the promotion.

You should not consider the cost of employees as expenses that need to be minimized in order to increase profits. There is a fair comment in the business world about the average wages you get average workers. Perhaps before the Internet, salaries for specialists were a secret. Now anyone can find out what the adequate price of his work is.

  1. Become a role model.

To earn respect and become the best leader, you need to be a true professional in your field. Then your colleagues will respect you, listen to your opinion, and think that you are the best leader.

Discuss your experience as a manager. The best way to build trust in your community is to share what has happened in your career. If they can see why you are in this position, what path you have come and how much you continue to work, they will admire and rejoice at the opportunity to work under such a leader.

Act professionally. Especially now that you are a leader, the requirements for professional behavior become more stringent, because you must become a role model. You should look presentable, show up for work on time and develop a professional manner of communication. The head is the face of the company.

Individuals who refuse to live by the rules and change the world are always of interest to other people. What are the qualities that make you successful, stand out from the crowd and create something truly unique?

How is a genius different from a layman? To answer these questions, it's worth learning more about Apple creator Steve Jobs.

Shortly before the release of the movie "Steve Jobs" in cinemas in Russia, a book by journalist Brent Schlender is published.

What a real leader should be

The word "leader" literally means "leading by the hand."

For every organization, it is necessary to have someone responsible for overseeing all departments as a whole, and not just completely absorbed in performing specialized tasks.

This kind of responsibility - to look after the whole - is the essence of a leader's job. The head performs the main management functions: planning, organization, motivation, control over the activities of subordinates and the organization as a whole.

How to become a leader with gentle character

When traditional ways incentives for subordinates no longer work; regular assessment of employees' performance becomes a medicine for increasing the interest of the team in work. To master this art and get a unique tool for managing staff performance, you need to learn a few simple but important rules.

People don't always behave rationally.

Aries are always bright individuals. First of all, they are distinguished by tireless activity.

activity: life without movement is impossible for them.

Outstanding mental ability. and the ability to grasp everything new on the fly allows Aries to take matters into their own hands.

How to get promoted in Aries? Aries chefs often overstep all the boundaries of reason in their hard work. therefore, under the leadership of Aries, in no case should you be lazy and hackneyed - they will not tolerate idleness on the part of their subordinates.

Hardness as a personality trait - the ability to overcome instability, emptiness; on the basis of faith and asceticism, consistently and persistently achieve goals, defend their views, show invariability of intentions, stability of convictions, be strong, decisive and unshakable.

Muhammad once said to Vabishah: - Isn't it true that you came to ask me what is good and what is evil? - Yes, - he answered.

Women who conquered business

Having analyzed 3,400 companies around the world with a total number of managers of about 27,000 people, experts found that in 17% of companies women are employed CFO, in 10% - they are in charge of business divisions and only in 4% have achieved the position of the general director (CEO). There are other numbers (which seem exaggerated to me) for 2015.

They claim that our country is the world leader in the number of women leaders.

If you still set out to conquer the career Olympus, then I hope that you will think, first of all, about how to become a good leader. and not how to quickly climb to the top, not really straining at the same time!

The main mistake people make when trying to get into a director’s chair is that they simply don’t understand: a leader is, first of all, an effective manager.

How to communicate with an angry boss

At the beginning of my professional career, I had the experience of interacting with such a leader. Despite his tough demeanor, I am very grateful to him that he believed in me, entrusted me to lead a large and serious startup, and taught me a lot.

We called him a tyrant among ourselves, because, firstly, he was aged and did not really understand professional issues, had conservative convictions: for example, he considered the words “marketing” and “PR” abusive.

How to become a leader without experience?

The work of a leader is not only a high salary, his own office and subordinates. This is a huge responsibility, because the success of an enterprise largely depends on the personal qualities of the director. Previously, in order to be promoted to the position of a boss, it was necessary to work in the company for many years, develop their skills, and seek a career advancement. And only after passing this long and difficult path, a person could get a job as a head of the company. As a rule, by this time he was no longer young and rather tired. Young people today do not have time to move up the career ladder. They use not so much experience and knowledge as calculation and connections. At the same time, the question of how to be a leader without experience and at the same time successfully fulfill your duties is very relevant.

How to become a competent leader?

Of course, being a leader is not easy and very responsible. To have a successful experience, it is important to prioritize wisely, inspire enthusiasm in others, and overcome many challenges.

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To become a leader, you need to speak like a leader.

Possess lexicon, vocabulary typical for a leader. Read Bernard Shaw's classic English play 'Pygmalion' on the importance of knowing the right vocabulary.

You can master the leader's vocabulary by reading professional literature and periodicals. Vocabulary and the knowledge gleaned from there will propel you forward.

From my own experience, I will say that at the very beginning of my career, when I decided to drastically change my field of activity in connection with the economic transformations in our country, I began to go to interviews. But no one offered anything interesting or promising. Then, in a month, I shoveled through a bunch of literature and periodicals on business topics. A mess formed in my head, but I began to manage to maintain a conversation on business topics. Interviews have become much more successful. A suitable job was found quickly.

Thinking like a leader

To become a boss, you need to see yourself as a boss. At first, I did not attach due importance to this. But then I noticed an interesting fact.

I am doing career and management consulting.

I sometimes go to interviews to stay in shape. Of course, I do not agree to work, I just monitor the situation. During interviews, I am always offered leadership positions, even if I do not explicitly indicate that I am interested in a leadership position. Even if they refuse me, they usually formulate it like this: 'we have a job for a simple performer, it will not work for your level'.

While my clients complain that they are not perceived as leaders, they offer the lowest positions.

I noticed that I speak as a leader (we have already discussed this), think like a leader, discuss topics specific to a leader. Then I began to discuss with clients some questions, practical examples, solve problems for the manager, make them get used to the boss's skin. I especially do this before the interview. There is an effect. So I conclude: to become a boss, you need to mentally be a leader, to prove yourself as a boss.

The conversation is not about theatrical performance, imitation. There are very few good actors even among the graduates of the respective universities. A common person unable to play a given role well. If you manage to play a leader, then go to the theater or cinema, there you will make an excellent career. There is absolutely no need for you to become a department head. For the rest, there is only one thing left - to actually become the leader in your head. Only then will you manifest yourself as a leader.

Even if you have not yet become a leader, take an interest in the problems and theory of management, read about business, planning, budgeting, motivation, work with personnel, analyze how you would act in different cases. Participate in professional online discussions. Knowledge will come first, then position.

Summary. Be the most suitable candidate for a leadership position.

If you master the vocabulary of leaders, and will perceive yourself as a leader, think like a boss, then people around you will see you as a leader, remember you when they say ‘you need a good leader’. Then you will be quickly offered a leadership position.

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How not to take fatal steps to failure if the leadership was entrusted for the first time? Take on popular advice for young leaders with commentary from Marina Kirilina, CEO of independent art project MediaNovation.

Climbing the career ladder, our students often become leaders of different levels. And being a good leader is not at all the same as being a good specialist... On the Internet, you can find a lot of advice for novice managers, but you always want to know the opinion of a real practitioner.

Therefore, we took one such article devoted to the mistakes of young leaders and asked Marina Kirilina, CEO of the independent art project MediaNovation, to comment on it from the height of her 15-year management experience (Marina's comments are in italics). So, let's begin.

Leading people is probably the most difficult of all management sciences. Sometimes you want to exclaim: "Urri, well, where is his button?" How to spread the straw? How not to take fatal steps to failure if the leadership was entrusted for the first time? Let's figure it out.

Mistakes at the beginning of a career are inevitable for almost all managers. However, the main danger here is that the newly-made boss may completely ignore his own mistakes. Which?

1. I am the same as you

Yesterday you spent all the evenings together in small cafes, and today you have to wave your pointer and line up your friends-comrades in a row at attention. But you really want to remain an ideal friend - to understand, forgive and "enter the situation." It's great when the position does not change the human essence, and you remain the same sweetheart. But with such a peacekeeping attitude, one can easily stumble upon a familiar attitude towards oneself, and turn corporate meetings into friendly gatherings. Maintain subordination - it is not necessary to spoil friendship with workers' clarification of relations, but it is also impossible to make constant allowances for warm relations with subordinates, letting go of the shortcomings of “friends” -colleagues on the brakes.

Leader-friend: what could be more absurd? We often lay this time bomb under ourselves. Friendship and work are incompatible concepts. Come to work to be friends is not worth it. I have seen such examples many times in my career, when a leader just got into desperate situations and practically did all the work himself. Yesterday's friends were in no hurry to help him.

2. Palace coups

When “fresh blood” rushes into a mature team, with long-established rules and unspoken laws, it often begins to break all the established traditions almost from the doorway. Revolutionary processes, even if they turn out to be for the better in the distant future, cause stress and rejection for most people. If innovations are inevitable, then at least first try to explain their necessity to your subordinates, so that the reorganization does not look like a barbaric seizure of power.

This advice would not have brought Catherine II to power, but seriously, carpet bombing and sweeping operations are still not worth organizing. However, there is always a "but". In this situation, the "but" will tell us that it is worth acting according to the circumstances. If you have at your disposal a team that has long turned into a sleepy swamp, where the IT department comes to work to play "tanks" over the network, then in this situation, going along an evolutionary path means that the system will begin to devour you.

The system does not tolerate change. This is especially true for companies with a functional structure, which used to be, for example, ministries or state departments. When one of my colleagues gets into a similar situation, I always sincerely wish good luck, because there is already someone who is here: either a newcomer's system, or a revolution is really necessary for the life of the company, and then there are chances that the system will retreat.

3. The smartest

This reappraisal affects not only newcomer leaders, but also venerable leaders of power. Even without understanding the abilities of their subordinates, they rule the company under the motto "Nobody but me knows how to work properly." The rationality of the "knowledgeable in all spheres" of the leaders is clouded by "omniscience" so that they manage to give advice even to those specialists about the specifics of whose work they have not the slightest idea. Do not forget that everyone should do their own thing, and not only do you strive to make a career, work in the field that you like, and get paid for it, but many of your subordinates are also interested in taking the initiative and taking responsibility for what they do. Encourage initiative, set interesting tasks and trust professionals, because growing leaders is a useful and profitable business.

It should be added here that the correct decomposition of tasks is the basis for the success of any project. The team values ​​the leader if he respects each of its members. Give your employees one simple idea: you have recruited real professionals whom you value into the team and are ready to rely on their opinion.

4. Personal example

While some leaders like to get involved in absolutely everything, others rush to the opposite extreme - let everything go by itself: “It seems that everything works by itself - and it’s good. And I am the boss, my job is to harvest and control everyone and everything. " But a lot in a company, from corporate culture to success, depends on the leader. It is difficult even to accustom subordinates to order if the leader himself constantly leaves trash behind him. And it is difficult to instill a love for a common cause and infect with enthusiasm, if the leader is the standard of laziness and carelessness.

Personal example is probably one of the most important components of a project's success. It is also worth adding this advice: fall in love with what you do in an amicable way. A leader who does not like what he does is unlikely to be able to rally a team of like-minded people around him. Find creativity even where, it would seem, it does not exist. Take boring projects as a challenge!

5. Total control

A young leader sometimes tends to doubt the reliability of employees, relying on spy methods. Cameras in offices, surveillance programs for personal computers, control of the time of arrival and departure to work, almost a daily interrogation report on the work done ... In a word, total control instead of simply establishing trust and respect by talking with subordinates. With this control attack, bosses only get backlash from the staff.

On the whole, it is true, but it often happens that an office is already equipped with this spy arsenal, and "surveillance" is being conducted on you as well. Unfortunately, such measures are often justified. So if you work in a place like this, look for balance. Of course, nothing should be turned into paranoia.

I will give an example of one large trading company, where additional control measures were applied to employees forcibly, t. to. downstairs, under the offices, there was a store, and employees could enter the trading floor through the back door. Everyone knows that the percentage of theft of goods from the shelves by the workers themselves is very high, and not only visitors, but also employees steal from stores. Since it is obvious that the temptation to take goods from the warehouse in this case was very great, the measures taken for additional security were fully justified.

6. My favorites

Winning the trust of the entire team at once for a young boss is almost an unbearable burden, so a novice boss often chooses one or two favorites, who begin to play the role of “their people” in the team. Having your own people is, of course, good, but a competent leader will not make favorites based on the principle of acquaintance or who is easier to find language with and who is easier to manipulate. The benefits usually go to those workers who prove themselves to be true professionals.

In my many years of practice, I have never seen such a leader not single out anyone. Charm, communication and relationship building are not always the same as manipulation.

Complex and, most likely, not applicable in practice advice. Here it is worth remembering once again that it is dangerous to be friends at work, everyone comes to work to work. We are surrounded by colleagues, not friends.

7. Ban on criticism

And there are spots in the sun, and bosses are wrong. Especially young and inexperienced, who almost feel their way to career heights. In this matter, the ability to admit one's mistakes and adequately perceive constructive criticism is very important and valuable. After all, this is the only way to grow in the professional field, constantly improving your skills and working on the mistakes of the past.

The key word in this advice is constructive criticism, the ability to bring a negative situation and conflict into the mainstream of dialogue. This should be given a lot of attention to any leader, not just the young and the beginner. Don't be afraid to listen to opinions that are the opposite of yours!

Of course, you can really learn to manage only by accumulating enough experience and collecting your own suitcase of mistakes. However, I would like to believe that these tips with comments from an experienced leader will help students and all novice managers get around the biggest and most difficult rakes.

How to Become a Successful Leader?

The job of a leader is not as easy as some people think. Not everyone succeeds in organizing and guiding people, finding and developing hidden talents in them, as well as motivating them to work. We will tell you how to become a successful leader, or at least get started in this direction.

Each boss has his own style of leadership, now more and more often managers are quite loyal, try to maintain friendly relations with subordinates, make concessions and take into account the opinion of colleagues, making final decisions. But one cannot but agree that in some teams there is simply no other way out but to become a tough leader. When choosing an authoritarian management style, keep in mind that you yourself will have to be an impeccable specialist. Such a leader does not make exceptions for anyone, he always communicates with subordinates only in a business tone, he certainly points out the shortcomings, but does not forget to emphasize the dignity of the employee, if he has any. If you want to be just such a strong leader, be a highly competent employee who cannot be taken by surprise.