Hi-tech is a modern solution for decorating the office of the head of a successful company! Hi-Tech style executive offices Modern high-tech style office.

Trends in the development of modern interior design do not stand still, forcing the owners of successful companies to match the achieved level. That is why many successful heads of large organizations prefer to change office furniture and equip the executive's office in high-tech style. This stylistic solution makes it possible to take full advantage of the opening opportunities in order to create a functional and stylish space that will meet all the requirements of an active and business person. Translated from english word high -tech stands for "high technology", which is reflected in every piece of furniture present in the interior of the office.

High-tech style features

Some people consider the interior design in this style boring and not interesting, due to the fact that it completely lacks any decorative elements. However, supporters of minimalism prefer it to many others. design solutions... Here, unlike the usual classicism, you will not find any bulky massive furniture and other similar things. In such a room, a sense of style and modernity is felt in every detail. Its owner knows his own worth very well, he is sure of own forces and highly appreciates the people with whom he works, thanks to which he is respected not only among his subordinates, but also among clients, as well as among his business partners.

The distinctive features of high-tech are:

  • Complete absence of unnecessary details and decorative elements.
  • High functionality and practicality of office furniture.

And also this style involves the use of elements made in a single color scheme. In this case, the products present in the room can be made of materials such as metal, chrome, glass and plastic, depending on the user's personal preferences.

Wide selection at reasonable prices!

If you decide to buy a manager's office in a high-tech style, then we can offer you a lot of options for various models of office furniture, which are available both individually and in a ready-made set. At the same time, you can always choose the fullness of the set yourself, based on the area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe room and personal preferences. The products presented for sale in our online store compare favorably with such advantages as:

  • High quality and durable service.
  • Presentable appearance corresponding to the chosen style.
  • High ergonomics and versatility.
  • Convenience and practicality during operation.

We value the trust of our customers dearly, therefore we cooperate only with trusted suppliers of office furniture. This enables us to guarantee the high quality and practicality of each product. We can always find high-tech executive offices available at a very affordable cost with prompt delivery to absolutely any region of the country.

Over time, our life and the space in which we live, the things we use, change. High-tech, as the style of the interior of the office, is a consequence of such changes. Computers, plasma screens, digital technology fit perfectly into modern design... If you want to show that you are in step with the times, hi-tech style is for you.

Hi-tech - a window to the future

Hi-tech is rightly considered the style of the future. It is difficult to think of something more technological than a table made of polished metal, except perhaps tables hanging in the air and furniture that can be moved remotely.

Indeed, properly designed high-tech cabinets resemble spaceships - a lot of light, glass and metal, smooth and even surfaces. Silver and chrome details of the decor, furniture elements enhance the futuristic effect.

High-tech office interiors

To some, a high-tech executive's office may seem boring and uncomfortable. But this is only due to the incorrect design of the office and the selection of furniture items that do not match with each other.

It's not enough just to buy a metal rack, a table with iron legs, put a computer and a futuristic lamp on it, hang glass shelves. It is also necessary to play it competently.

It is possible to combine several styles in one room space. This is called eclecticism.

  • A table with a glass top on metal legs is hi-tech. But if the corners are rounded, the presence of neo-modern is already guessed.
  • Metal wall racks are high-tech again. But the walls themselves are lined with undecorated bricks - this is already a loft.
  • The style of the office of the director of a fashion house or the head of a design bureau has signs of high-tech ( glass tables chairs made of transparent or black plastic) and pop art (bright posters, mannequins dressed in colorful fabric, bright spots on the walls, the same upholstered furniture).

And there can be many such design examples. It all depends on the imagination of the designer and the wishes of the client. Want to know more? Please contact our specialists. They will show you existing high-tech interiors projects and develop an original sketch for you.

Basic principles of style

Hi-tech style will do modern people, on "you" communicating with computer and digital technology. This trend is often confused with minimalism. They really have a lot in common, but hi-tech is more technological and categorical in color.

  • Lots of light. Ideally a large window. But you can also get by with lamps - point, central, table.
  • Chromed metal: furniture fittings, legs of tables, armchairs and chairs, legs of lamps.
  • Metal furniture such as shelves or shelves with a glass surface and a metal frame.
  • Minimalism. Lack of unnecessary items, hot spots.
  • High-tech office furniture consists only of the necessary elements.
  • Convenience and orderliness. Each item lies in its place and is easy to get.
  • Plenty of free space.
  • Laconic decor. No floral ornaments, no wood carvings, no lush fringed or ruffled cushions on the sofa.
  • Monochrome in colors.

Hi-tech in modern interior highlighted by plain walls (brick or metallic paint). Furniture details (tabletops, legs, shelves, facades) made of glass, metal bring even more light into the high-tech interior.

Furniture for the head office is selected stylish, functional, but simple in form. Due to the absence of carvings on the facades, countertops, and expensive wood inserts, you can buy it at an affordable price.

Where to buy office furniture in Moscow?

Are you looking for where you can buy hi-tech workrooms? Come to the showroom or make purchases in the Express Office online store. Manufacturers guarantee high quality of products, and low price office furniture is due to direct supplies from them.

All groups of furniture for office and home offices are represented in our store.

  • Head offices.
  • Cabinet furniture: shelves, wardrobes, tables, chairs, cabinets, etc.
  • Soft group: armchairs, sofas, poufs.
  • Metal furniture: safes, open shelving.
  • Accessories in different styles.

Payment for the goods is possible by any in a convenient way... Delivery to any corner of Russia by transport services. In Moscow, an order can be picked up from a store or from a warehouse.

The leading materials in the design of the office are wood and glass, characteristic of the style. high tech(high tech).

  • Two hall options

The long hall is proposed to be sheathed with narrow horizontal wooden slats, tinted to choose from in two color variations: stricter dark brown or brighter sandy yellow. In both cases, the carpet used in the lobby and offices with workstations will make a vivid contrast to the palette. Each rail is decorated decorative overlays in the form of nail heads, this technique helps to dilute the monotony of the same type of coating.

Door portals are arranged in niches, as if hidden from view, allowing attention to focus on large transparent partitions in the walls of the hall. The facades of the doors are made of the same slats as the wall cladding, plus models without platbands are used, due to this door structure completely merges with the wall.

  • Reception

The reception desk is oriented parallel to the lobby and is located in a wide niche lined with wooden slats. The upper part of the wall in the depths of the niche is occupied by a mirror panel; a linear lamp is built into the ceiling.

U-pillar design symmetrically combines parallel planks different lengths, leaving through gaps. The case seems lightweight and very stylish.

  • Workplaces

According to the design project of the office, the places of employees are arranged in separate offices designed for several people. Such a division would be logical with an extensive system of departments. At the same time, the interior retains a sense of integrity and openness of the entire office space: thanks to panoramic glazing of offices from the street side, internal huge transparent partitions on the border with the hall, as well as floor mirrors.

The walls of the offices are decorated with compositions of slats, their geometric pattern is picked up by wooden blinds... A small meeting room occupies a separate room and is decorated in the same way.

  • Meeting rooms

In the design of large meeting areas, the authors of the project were guided by the principle of maximum openness, which the customer's company professes. The areas for business discussions are fenced in with transparent partitions framed by thin plinths. The doors are also made transparent. Placed in glass cubes, these areas are separated from extraneous noise and at the same time fully participate in the life of the office.

  • Head office

The interior of the office adopts the basic techniques working area (wood paneling walls and ceiling, panoramic glazing, design of hinge-legged chairs), however, the task of the furnishings is to emphasize the high status of the owner. The floor is covered with squares of tiles imitating beige marble. A contrasting dark edging creates a tile with a pattern of wood texture. Meeting table with original design made of composite material, the massive base is finished in milky marble.

  • Bathroom

The walls and floor of the dressing room are tiled with matte metal effect tiles in gray-purple tones, which are beautifully combined with chrome elements plumbing. Each of the wash areas is accented with a round mirror.

The Hi-Tech office design project actively uses wood and transparent glass surfaces (partitions, panoramic windows). Warm shades, pleasant to the eye woody texture and cold smoothness of glass combined into a full sunlight business interior. The arrangement of the interior of offices and meeting rooms with transparent partitions in the spirit of hi-tech makes the space open, combining the pieces of the puzzle into a big picture.

Since the study performs several functions at the same time, the requirements for it are usually extremely high. First, a study should, by definition, set its owner in a working mood. Secondly, the office must be presentable, visitors and business partners can be invited to it without hesitation. And most importantly, the owner should feel cozy and comfortable in his office. Since the lion's share of the time passes in the office, then in relation to the interior you should approach very thoroughly, because it is you who will suffer, then from the feeling of discomfort. The furnishings of the office should emphasize the individuality of its owner, so the furniture from the store, made of chipboard, and a simple office chair will look completely tasteless and shabby. You can work in such an office only temporarily, until the moment when you change such an office to something more decent, and the sooner the better. Interior designers, based on the main psychological types of managers, have developed several options for solving the design of workrooms.

Cabinet in the style of maximalism

Most often, this style of furnishing an office occurs when the owner himself equips the office, without consulting anyone. For a person without proper qualifications, it seems that absolutely everything in the office is necessary. As a result, the interior becomes cluttered, and the office turns into a set of furniture without meaning and without a system. The second variant of maximalism is overkill in organizing an office with electronic novelties, as a result, the same situation with oversaturation. Designers refer to maximalism and excessive saturation of the cabinet with active color shades, sometimes even without a combination with the general colors... However, for a certain category of people, only such an office provides comfortable conditions for work.

In an office in the style of maximalism, there should be everything, well, almost everything ...

Minimalism in the office

The style took shape in the 60s of the twentieth century. Characteristic feature style a complete lack of frills. The office has elegant and minimal functional furniture. The spaciousness in the office provides space for thoughts, in such an office it is easy to breathe and think easily. Of the design features of the cabinet in the style of minimalism, the presence of one or two primary colors with accents in the form of simple lines.

One of the features of the minimalism style is the unity of color.

Home office "A la writer"

For creative individuals, an office with elements of romance and adventure is suitable. For example, a study might be furnished like a tropical villa. Wicker furniture, antiques, bamboo blinds, Cuban cigar boxes. Such an office was created for inspiration and for creative nature is simply necessary.

Modern office in high-tech style

For those who cannot imagine themselves without technical innovations, gadgets and devices, a high-tech study will be quite natural. The presence of a large number of metal parts, chrome furniture accessories, the design of the furniture itself in a futuristic tradition and a lot of disguised as old-fashioned ultra-modern technical innovations, these are the main features of high-tech.

A lot of chrome metal and a futuristic design are the main features of hi-tech

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