What is the largest passenger plane in the world? The largest planes in the world.

The time of fanatic designers has sunk into oblivion. Now it is even difficult to assume that at one time someone invented various objects just out of love for mechanics or wanting to set a record and get into the news.

Today's high-tech mechanisms, which can be called the most qualitative and quantitative in terms of their characteristics, are designed for the implementation of certain tasks. And here the largest aircraft in the world are no exception.


The heaviest, also the most cargo-lifting aircraft in the world is called An-225 "Mriya". It was developed in 1984-1988 at the Kiev Aviation Scientific and Technical Complex. Antonov. The aircraft flew for the first time on December 21, 1988.

The largest aircraft in the world includes a six-engine turbojet high-wing aircraft, which has a two-fin tail and a swept wing. During the creation of the An-225 aircraft, the An-124 heavy transport aircraft was taken as a basis. In turn, the history of the appearance of the last giant is closely related to the Buran space program, which was implemented in the Soviet Union. Then, for transportation from the assembly site to the launch site of the spacecraft and heavy parts of the launch vehicle, an overload transport was needed. It was assumed that a similar aircraft would be used for the first stage of the spacecraft launch system. According to the assignments, the carrying capacity of the aircraft must be at least 250 tons. It is this weight that the An-124 plane could lift, but it was transported with an external load. But the design feature of the spacecraft and the launch vehicle were such that the transport was required to replace the tail unit. In this case, the designers considered it necessary to develop a new model of the aircraft, but take the An-124 as a basis. Then new model would ideally fit the purpose.

The An-225 has the following dimensions of the cargo compartment: width 6.4 meters, length 43 meters, and height 4.4 meters. And above this cockpit is the cockpit for the crew members. It can accommodate 6 people. In addition, there is room for 88 people on board, these are those who accompany the cargo.

Control systems have a fourfold redundancy. The aircraft itself can transport equipment on board the most different sizes... However, it can be placed in the cargo compartment, as well as mounted outside the fuselage. The maximum load weight can be up to 250 tons.

The wingspan of the largest aircraft in the world is 88.4 meters, its height is 18 meters (this is more than the height of a five-story building), and its length is even more - 84 meters. In total, specialists laid down two planes. And they managed to finish building only one. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the engines were removed from the operating aircraft. Therefore, the An-225 stood mothballed for a long time. However, after 7 years, the giant aircraft saw the sky again.

History of the legend

Now An-225 is making commercial cargo flights. Transportation is organized as part of the air transport division of the Antonov complex, this is Antonov Airlines. Are carried out in the same way design work to use a huge aircraft for a flying launch pad for aircraft systems.

The Antonov plant plans to complete the construction of the second plane. The so-called twin brother of the largest aircraft in the world. Its readiness is estimated at 70 percent. By the way, today the completed An-225 is almost a quarter of a century old.

Airbus A380

But this is already the largest aircraft in the world, which is intended for passenger transportation. The double-deck liner has the following dimensions. Its height is 24 meters, the wingspan is 79.4 meters, and the length is 73 meters. The Airbus A380 seats exactly 555 passengers, but the charter version can accommodate 853 people on board. Such an aircraft can make non-stop flights over fairly long distances, up to 15 thousand kilometers.

It should be noted that the Airbus A380 is also the most economical airliner of this class. It consumes only three liters of fuel per passenger and per hundred kilometers.

We have been developing this aircraft model for ten long years. The costs were also impressive - 12 billion euros. The aircraft was initially announced as an alternative to the Boeing - 747. Before the Airbus A380 appeared, the ship was the largest airliner for 35 years. But the novelty from Airbus immediately removed the American competitor from the podium. And it's not even about efficiency. The Boeing is capable of carrying approximately 400 passengers and is 15 percent more expensive.

Airbus A380 in all its glory

The greatest achievement of the Airbus A380 designers is that they were able to significantly reduce weight. And this happened thanks to the use of a new and unique composite material. Wings and fuselage were made of it. The largest plane for passengers is almost half, namely 40 percent, made of graphite.

After Airbus introduced the A380, the company also offered a freighter version of the A380F. The aircraft can carry 150 tons of cargo over a distance of 10 thousand kilometers.

By the way, the A380F has recently started to go on sale. However, there are already those who want to acquire the record holder. And not only airlines, but also private individuals want to own such spacious airliners. For example, Prince Al-Walid bin Talal bin Abdul Aziz Al-Saud is the king's cousin Saudi Arabia don't mind paying $ 500 million to reach developers. However, only 320 million of this amount was given for the car itself. The rest of the money is the cost of finishing, the prince wants to see his plane gorgeous - to cover the outside of the fuselage with gold leaf. Inside, a luxurious lounge-living room, baths with a sauna and a jacuzzi, a dining room for 14 people, as well as bedrooms, a gym and a cinema are expected.

Russian billionaires are not lagging behind foreign oligarchs. For example, Roman Abramovich also bought an Airbus A380. His liner costs less, "only" $ 300 million. As soon as the businessman took over the aircraft, he immediately ordered Lufthansa Technik to re-plan the cabin. It is not known what exactly Roman Abramovich wanted to see on board, but most likely the same comfort and luxury as the prince of Saudi Arabia.
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Air travel is considered safe and affordable means for traveling. It takes a decent amount of fuel to lift one liner into the air, so designers are constantly fighting to reduce fuel consumption. Large-capacity liners have shown themselves as effective remedy, capable of transporting large volumes of cargo and serving large passenger traffic.

The largest passenger plane

The largest passenger aircraft in the world is the Airbus A380. The airliner is produced by a group of European companies in several countries of the European Union. The wingspan of this giant is 80 meters, which makes room for large reserves of fuel and makes it possible for long non-stop flights.

The A380 has incredible technical characteristics:

  1. Number of passengers: 850 people
  2. Max. flight speed: 1020 km / h.
  3. Max. flight distance: 15,200 km, more than any member of this class.
  4. Max. takeoff weight: 575 t.

Application composite materials allows the aircraft to weigh significantly less, which helps to gain the desired altitude with minimal acceleration.

In the aircraft design, engineers managed to combine knowledge in the field of engineering and aerodynamics.

Liner capacity

The model has a large number of modifications, however, on average, an airbus can accommodate about 555 people. The plane is different the highest level comfort. The liner is in operation on all continents. Airbus is renowned for its good handling and almost zero accidents.

Not every engine is suitable for lifting such a colossus into the air, because in addition to the passenger seats on the liner there are:

  1. Recreation areas.
  2. Sleeping cabins.
  3. Bars and more.

Only 4 Rolls-Royce motors, manufactured by special order, are capable of lifting this mass to the height.

In Russia, the largest passenger aircraft is actively operated by the country's main airline, Aeroflot. A380 has a significant share in the carrier's fleet.

Largest cargo plane

An 225 - "Mriya" rightfully holds the title of the largest aircraft in the world. The aircraft is 73 meters long and has an incredible 88 meters wingspan! The plane exists in a single copy and is operated by the Ukrainian company "Antonov Airlines". In theory, this aircraft can be classified as a transport aircraft, but its original purpose was to transport a spacecraft. reusable"Buran".

After the collapse of the USSR, the largest cargo plane in the world went to Ukraine, but it was not used for a long time. The engines and all valuable equipment were removed from the liner. It was only in the early 2000s that there was a need for such an "air truck" and the aircraft was modernized to meet international aviation standards.

Now the largest aircraft, An, has been adapted for commercial transportation. The aircraft's carrying capacity is about 250 tons.

Important: in fact, there is a second copy of "Mriya", but it is not completed. Project readiness is estimated at 70%. To complete the construction, about $ 100 million is required, which no investor is yet ready to provide.

Liner records

An - 225 has broken many lifting capacity records. The largest cargo plane in the world has an absolute record for lifting cargo into the air - 253.5 tons. The air record holder has repeatedly entered the Guinness Book of Records.

In the next ten years, hardly anyone will be able to build a project of this scale, so the liner for the next ten to fifteen years will hold the palm in the nominations "largest aircraft in the world" and "heaviest aircraft".

The largest military aircraft in the world

The largest aircraft in the world is used for peaceful purposes only, but many of its smaller counterparts are used to transport military supplies. The most successful countries in this area are Russia and the United States. Cold war spurred the arms race and government funding poured into the defense industry.

The production of one model required a huge amount of money, so each project was thoroughly tested before flying. The commissioning time for this kind of equipment is about 5 years from the beginning of the design.

An 124 "Ruslan"

This military transport liner is one of the few representatives of the aircraft industry giants in Russia. The development of the project and the first flights were carried out in the era Soviet Union, but technological solutions designers were really ahead of their time and therefore remain relevant to this day.

The name "Ruslan" was given to the liner by combat pilots, but journalists liked it so much that it appears with this abbreviation in all tops and ratings. The nickname has become an integral part of the aircraft.

The aircraft has a wingspan of about 80 meters and a length of 73 meters. The maximum flight range is more than 15 thousand kilometers. More than once, during their flights, these airliners skirted Earth with a minimum amount of refueling.

The Ruslan is operated in Russia and Ukraine, and not only for military cargo transportation.

Lockheed C - 5 Galaxy

The Lockheed C-5 Galaxy is the American response to domestic heavy lift projects. The scale of this monster is impressive: in a military configuration, it can carry 275 fully equipped soldiers, and when used in civil aviation, it takes 75 passengers on board. In the initial project, it was assumed that the board is capable of carrying intercontinental ballistic missiles.

10 largest planes in the world

Since the inception of aviation, aircraft have become more reliable and increased in size. In every era, there has been an aircraft that is a technological breakthrough. For you, we present the top 10 aircraft that influenced the development of world aviation.

Tupolev ANT-20 "Maxim Gorky"

Built in honor of a significant event in the biography of M. Gorky - the 40th anniversary of the beginning of his literary career, the plane was striking in size. This eight-engine giant housed a printing house, laboratory and library. For full use, a flight staff of 20 people was required.

The fate of the only released copy is tragic - on May 18, 1935, an accident occurred that led to a catastrophe. However, this aircraft became the prototype for the creation of heavy domestic aircraft, such as Ruslan and Mriya.

Important: in the mid-30s of the 20th century, it could rightfully be called not only the largest Russian aircraft, but also the largest cargo aircraft in the world.

Hughes H-4 Hercules

It is no coincidence that "Hercules" occupies a place in our top. Even today, it is the largest transport aircraft with the ability to take off and land on the water surface.

The project was funded by the American tycoon Howard Hughes, but was completed only in wooden version... This is due to the fact that the construction period fell on the Second world war, so all the metal went to military needs. The estimated capacity of 750 people would make it the largest passenger aircraft ever built.

Boeing 747

Each of us has seen this plane in one way or another: live, in a photo or on video. For 37 years, the Boeing 747 held the title of the largest civilian aircraft, until the Airbus A380 appeared. Used all over the world. It was used to deliver the space shuttle from the production site.


  1. Length from nose to tail: 76.4.
  2. Wingspan: 68.5.
  3. Crew: 2 pilots.
  4. Number of passengers: 600 people
  5. Max. flight speed: 1100 km / h.
  6. Flight range: about 14,000 km.
  7. Max. takeoff weight: 448 tons.

The following models are also in the top 10 largest aircraft in the world, but their place on the list is deserved primarily for their reliability and performance.

Boeing 777-300ER

The largest Boeing aircraft. The device has a wide space inside the casing and is capable of transporting up to 70,000 tons of commercial cargo.

Airbus A340-600

Released in the amount of 97 copies, which allows it to be called one of the most demanded aircraft, it is capable of taking on board 450 passengers. Discontinued in 2011, but continues to be used everywhere.

Boeing 747-8

The extended version of the liner tops the honorable list of the longest aircraft (76.4 meters). V international classification has the name "Intercontinental".


Medium-passenger mainline liner, which is rightfully considered one of the best in Russia. This model attracts not with a huge volume inside, but with a decent speed for its dimensions - it can reach up to 950 km / h.

Dry "Superjet" -100

The Russian aircraft is the foremost swallow of the domestic aircraft industry. It has the most modern digital filling and is capable of transporting 100 people. It is actively purchased in Asia; Sukhoi plans to enter the US market.

Irkut MC-21

This airliner is not yet in production and is getting a seat on our list in advance. Despite not the largest dimensions of the project (length - up to 40 meters), which will not allow it to displace the largest aircraft of the West from the first lines, it is able to save Russia from the domination of foreign manufacturers.


The plane was the beginning of a sharp surge in the construction of supersonic passenger airliners. A recognizable silhouette with a pointed nose is easily recognizable in photos and videos. It was used for 27 years, which allowed it to become the record holder for the transportation of passengers - 3 million people.

Every manufacturer wants to be called an industry giant. In the aircraft industry, there is no equal Airbus with the A380 model yet. The largest passenger aircraft in the world has been produced for several years and is constantly being modified. The time is not far off when one plane will take on board more than 1000 people.

The Russian heavy aircraft market is not going through better times... Old Soviet models are in operation. Gradually Russian manufacturers trying to catch up with colleagues from Europe and America, but this takes time.

Each of the described liners can weigh tens of tons, but the coefficient of utility is estimated by the formula: 1 kg of dead weight per amount of weight lifted.

In one of our articles, we talked about the world's largest cruise ship. Let us remind you that this is the "Oasis of the Seas". Today let's talk about which winged aircraft the status belongs to: "The largest aircraft in the world."

Meet the plane "" (An-225), the development of the Kiev Aviation Scientific and Technical Complex named after Antonov. It is also the heaviest, most cargo-carrying aircraft in the world, which was first launched into the air on December 21, 1988. The project manager was Victor Tolmachev.

Initially, this aircraft was created exclusively for the needs of the Soviet space industry, in particular for the transportation of the Buran spacecraft. At the same time, in the course of development, specialists laid down two aircraft, but managed to complete only one. After the collapse of the USSR, the engine was removed from the operating aircraft and Mriya was mothballed for a long time. However, seven years later, the air giant saw the sky again. Today the An-225 aircraft is used exclusively for carrying out cargo commercial flights of Antonov Airlines.

To understand how huge this aircraft is, let us give the dimensions and characteristics of the AN-225.

1. Dimensions of the cargo compartment:

  • width - 6.4 m;
  • length - 43 m;
  • height - 4.4 m.

At the same time, the aircraft's cargo compartment is completely sealed, which makes it possible to transport a wide variety of cargo. Judging by the size of the cargo compartment, it can easily carry 16 standard containers or the entire Boeing 737 hull.

2. The cockpit for crew members can accommodate up to 6 people.

Please note that a special staircase leads to the cabin.

3. There is also a separate room on board for 18 people (as a rule, these are people who accompany the cargo). Here you can relax, hold negotiations, conferences.

4. Maximum cargo weight - 250 tons.

5. Wingspan: 88.4 m, height -18 m, length - 84 m.

6. The launch is carried out by 6 engines, each of which develops a thrust of 23.4 tons in take-off mode.

7. Fuel mass in tanks - 365 tons. Mriya can stay in the air for 18 hours and cover a distance of 15,000 km, but when fully loaded, the plane is in the sky without refueling for about 2 hours. It takes up to one and a half days to refuel this aircraft, and from 7 to 70 tankers.

8. The total number of wheels is 32. Every 90 landings the wheels require replacement.

9. Cruising speed - 850 km / h. Takeoff / landing speed - 240-280 km / h.

In total, the An-225 has about 250 world records. The most famous is transportation:

  • the heaviest cargo -253 tons;
  • the heaviest monolithic cargo - 188 tons;
  • the longest load.

For example, loading a cargo weighing 170 tons from Zurich to Bahrain with refueling in Athens and Cairo.

The farthest point that the An-225 managed to visit is the island of Tahiti (16400 km). Considering the high fuel consumption and expensive operation, cargo transportation on this aircraft is rarely carried out when it is not possible to deliver the cargo by sea. Financing of $ 120 million is required to complete the construction of the second Mriya.

And such traces remain on the strip during the takeoff of this air giant.

The largest passenger aircraft

But the largest aircraft for carrying passengers is the Airbus A380. Its parameters:

  • heights - 24 m;
  • wingspan - 79.4 m;
  • length - 73 m;
  • capacity - 555 people, but the charter version can accommodate up to 853 people.

In addition to the impressive spaciousness, the Airbus A380 also has a low fuel consumption: 3 liters per 100 kilometers. Moreover, this aircraft can make non-stop flights up to 15,000 km. This second aerial giant took 10 years to develop and spent 12 billion euros.

But, perhaps, the designers decided not to stop there, and at the end of May 2017, the largest aircraft in the world, The Stratolaunch, left its hangar. Judge for yourself:

  • wingspan - 117 m;
  • height - 15 m;
  • weight - 226 tons;
  • carrying capacity - 250 tons.

According to experts, this plane is longer than a football field, heavier than a blue whale, and is launched using six engines, the power of which corresponds to the power of the Boeing 747 engines.
This development belongs to a private American company headed by Paul Allen, who at one time was one of the founders of Microsoft Corporation.

This super giant was created for one purpose only - this is the launch of launch vehicles to a great height, from where they can continue their flight, which in turn will make it possible to reduce the cost of launching spacecraft.

However, despite this development, the AN-225 aircraft, better known as the Mriya, remains the largest aircraft in the world, since its competitor The Stratolaunch has never taken off the ground, and its first demonstration flight is scheduled only for 2019 year.

Aviation has long been included in our life, air transportation, like airplanes, has already become something common and familiar. However, there are planes that will impress anyone who sees them. These are the largest planes. Their apparent power, wingspan, size are amazing.

The brightest representatives

The largest aircraft in the world, of course, is not a combat vehicle, fighter jet or attack aircraft, but a transport aircraft. Its task is to deliver oversized and heavy cargo by air, or a sufficiently large number of passengers. Among the dozens of giants, there are both military aircraft and huge passenger liners. In the top there are cars that have remained only in history, but most of the places were occupied by modern aircraft successfully plying the air.

It is the largest aircraft built before World War II. It was made by Soviet aircraft builders. Its wingspan was 63 m, and the length of the vessel was 33 m. The release of ANT-20 was timed to coincide with the 40th anniversary of the literary career of the famous writer. Its crew consisted of 20 people, and greatest number passengers - 70 people. For the first time, this passenger plane saw the sky on 06/17/1934 during a test flight.

Internal arrangement the ship included not only ordinary passenger seats, but also such delights as a library, laboratory, printing house, sleeping places inside the giant's wings. The plane was set in motion by 8 engines, capable of accelerating it to 275 km / h and providing a flight over a distance of up to 1,000 km. Its maximum take-off weight was 53 tons.

The main directions of its use were:

  • Passenger Transportation;
  • campaign flights;
  • entertainment flights.

The fate of the ANT-20 released in a single copy is tragic - in 1935 it crashed, all passengers and crew were killed.

In terms of wingspan (98 m), this seaplane, mostly made of wood, still holds the record. This 136 ton colossus was adapted for long-distance transport of an entire army - 750 soldiers with full equipment. It owes its creation in the 40s to the eccentric tycoon Howard Hughes. The use of wood was caused by a shortage of aluminum. The seaplane made its first flight in 1947. Currently, its only copy has turned into a museum, which is visited by hundreds of thousands of people every year.

For the American army, this military aircraft has long become a living legend. For the first time, the "Stratospheric Fortress" of the US Air Force took off in 1952, while the aircraft is planned to be removed from service only in 2040. The B-52 was originally designed as a strategic nuclear bomber. Subsequently, it was modified, and it turned into a multifunctional aircraft. Its maximum take-off weight is 220 tons, and its wingspan is 56.4 m.

This is one of the Russian-made air combat vehicles that have made it to the list of the most prominent representatives of military aviation. Currently Tu-160 or "White Swan" is considered the most powerful and largest supersonic aircraft. It is also the largest bomber ever. It is the largest aircraft with variable wing geometry. This military giant has a record take-off weight for this class of aircraft - 275 tons, and its wingspan is 55 m.

A total of 16 Tu-160s are in the ranks of the Russian air force. The main armament of the White Swan is long-range cruise missiles with nuclear warheads. It is also possible to equip the vehicle with free-fall bombs. The maximum flight range without refueling is also impressive - almost 14 thousand km.

This is the largest passenger aircraft (serial), the capacity of this colossus is 853 passengers for cars with one class of service and 525 passengers for cars of liners with three classes of service. Its largest take-off weight is 575 tons. This huge liner with a length of 73 m and a wingspan of about 80 m made its first flight in 2007.

To reduce the weight of an aircraft, parts made of composite materials are widely used in its manufacture. It is considered the most economical large liner, as it consumes 3 liters per 100 km per passenger. Airbus A-380-800 is capable of non-landing flights up to 15 thousand km long.

Before the advent of the Airbus A-380, it was the largest double-deck wide-body passenger airliner. The aircraft of its latest, longest modification 747-8 (76.3 m), can accommodate up to 581 passengers, it is the longest passenger airliner in the world. 747 Boeings have been flying for 45 years.

The maximum take-off weight of the Boeing 747-8 is 442 tons. For its size and shape, the aircraft received the unofficial name Jumbo Jet. The flight range of the aircraft with the maximum load is about 14 thousand km. The giant's wingspan is 68 m.

The An-22 Antey wide-body turboprop cargo aircraft is still the largest in its class, despite the fact that it made its first flight back in 1965. Its wingspan is 64 m, the largest take-off weight is 225 tons. military equipment) with accompanying specialists, wounded, paratroopers, soldiers.

Until the giants of the Antonov Design Bureau came along, the Lockheed C-5 Galaxy was the largest cargo aircraft. The military transport aircraft made its first flight in 1968. Currently, the Americans are in service with 19 C-5M Super Galaxy transports, their number is expected to increase to 53 by 2018. The wingspan of the aircraft is 67.9 m, and the length of the vessel is 75.5 m. Its maximum take-off weight is 381 T.

The answer to the question of which aircraft was able to take the palm from the Lockheed C-5 Galaxy lies on the surface. Of course, this is a machine constructed by a competitor on the world stage at the time. In 1982, the American record was broken by the brainchild of the Soviet military-industrial complex, the An-124 Ruslan. Its maximum take-off weight is 392 tons, and its wingspan is 73 meters. It is currently the largest military aircraft.

10. An-225 "Mriya" (Dream)

Today it is the largest transport aircraft and the largest aircraft in the world. The wingspan of the giant "Dream" is 88.4 m, and the length is 84 m. It was built for the transportation of the space shuttle "Buran" at the end of the existence of the USSR. The maximum take-off weight of this colossus is 640 tons, which is significantly higher than that of all previous TOP-10 models. True, at present, only one operational copy of the An-225 is in operation, and then not for its intended purpose, but for commercial purposes.

Video about An-225:

As can be seen from the above list of the largest aircraft, most of them appeared as a result of competition or confrontation between states. Probably, new flying monsters await us in the future.

To increase the efficiency of flights by reducing the cost of services, the greatest passenger aircraft in the world, accommodating several hundred people. Giant luxury liners are able to cover huge distances without refueling, thanks to their voluminous fuel tanks. High carrying capacity ensures transportability a large number luggage.

The model replaced the outdated A300, which consumed too much fuel and had a small capacity. New modification capable of simultaneously lifting 295 people into the air, and is classified as a wide-body airliner. The length of the car reaches 59 meters, and its width is 63 meters. The maximum flight range with a full load does not exceed 10,500 m. The cruising speed reaches 870 km / h. The maximum takeoff weight is 233 tons, and the wingspan is 60.3 meters. Fuel tanks are designed for 97,000 liters of fuel.

Certainly not the largest passenger aircraft in the world, but one of the most demanded airliners among airlines. Operation began in 1995, the car has established itself as highly reliable. Modification 777-200LR, capable of performing the longest non-stop flights. It was this model that was first developed without the use of traditional paper drawings, but only with the use of computer three-dimensional graphics. The airliner is capable of covering 17,000 km without landing at a cruising speed of 905 km / h. The vehicle simultaneously transports 301 passengers and has a wingspan of 64.8 meters.

The upgraded version rightfully entered the rating of the largest passenger aircraft in the world, thanks to the ability to carry up to 467 people. The airliner covers a maximum distance of 15,000 km and is actually considered the longest aircraft on Earth. The vehicle differs from its worthy predecessors in its elongated fuselage. Engineers installed new motors, fenders and an onboard system. The set of updates made the liner much quieter and more economical. International name new version- "Intercontinental".

One of the largest passenger aircraft in the world began to operate in 2002. The modification differs from its predecessor in larger fuel tanks and engines, with increased power. Serial production of the model was stopped in 2011; in total, the company produced 97 of these liners. The wingspan is 63.5 m and the maximum capacity reaches 440 seats. The airliner is capable of overcoming 14 800 km without refueling, moving luggage and passengers total weight 373 tons. The giant's wing area is 437 meters. Despite being discontinued, the vehicles continue to successfully transport passengers around the world.

It was included in the list of the largest passenger aircraft in the world and the Boeing 777-300ER. The airliner is recognized as the largest 2-engine aircraft for civil aviation. The modification is different from old version 777-200 with a longer fuselage that can accommodate up to 550 passengers. The 777-300ER version is not considered basic and has been in operation since 2004. The advantage of the model is the increased flight range. Moving at a cruising speed of 905 km / h, the car is able to cover 14,600 km without additional refueling, transporting up to 68,500 tons of commercial cargo.

It turned out to be in the ranking of the largest passenger aircraft in the world and a military copy, capable of transporting both people and goods. The liner is capable of transporting 270 military personnel and can be equipped with standard passenger seats - 75 units. The car was classified as a giant, due to its impressive dimensions. The aircraft is 75.5 meters long and 68 meters wide. The aircraft can overcome 5,600 km at a speed of 920 km / h without refueling. The maximum height gained by the giant reaches 10 km.

The Russian Ruslan is rightfully considered one of the largest passenger aircraft in the world, as its wingspan reaches 73 meters and its length is 69 meters. The machine is distinguished by a colossal cargo compartment, reaching 1050 m 3 in volume. The maximum range of the liner does not exceed 7,500 km, and its cruising speed is 850 km / h. The machine is mainly used for the transport of goods, but is capable of transporting military personnel. The total carrying capacity of the modification reaches 120 tons. The flight life does not exceed 45 years.

Since 2007, the largest passenger aircraft in the world has been the Airbus A380, first purchased by Singapore. The airliner flies all over the world and has an incredible level of comfort. The car is capable of transporting 555 people, but if desired, the number of passengers increases to 700. The double-deck cabin is equipped with sleeping cabins, there are also recreation areas, there is spiral staircases and comfortable bar counters. The wingspan of the aircraft is 80 meters, and the area reaches 845 m 2. Only 4 Rolls-Royce engines can lift the car into the air.

Historically, the largest passenger aircraft in the world was recognized in 1947 as the Hughes H-4 Hercules. The model stood out for its fantastic wingspan, reaching 98 meters, thanks to which the modification was recognized as the most wide-body. Two machines of this type were made, but now there is only one. The vehicle carried 750 troops and is now in the Long Beach Museum Foundation, where it was moved in 1993. Large quantity passengers have not been transported by any aircraft in history.

Perhaps the largest passenger aircraft in the world at the moment is the Mriya. Initially, the project was developed as a cargo one and was used for the transportation of the Buran spacecraft. Subsequently, the Ukrainian company "Antonov" adapted the vessel to commercial needs. The giant's wingspan is 88 meters, and its length reaches 73 meters. The airliner has set several records for carrying capacity. Now it exists in a single copy and is operated by Antonov Airlines. The airliner has proven itself reliably in practice.