The best fights here are on drum tanks. Which drum weight is cooler? How to play drum tanks anyway


In the last article, we talked about the fundamental possibility of creating new submachine guns for a completely unusual cartridge, and the bullet in this cartridge was completely unusual. But so far, such exoticism is hardly worth counting on. Therefore, the creators of new submachine guns today go in two ways: the first is new design, facilitating the use of weapons, and the second - the original internal filling. There is a third, the most banal, but also having the right to exist.

Submachine gun yesterday, today, tomorrow. Submachine guns different countries and continents are often very similar, like twin brothers. But they say about each that it is he who is better than all the others. Today we will be looking at CBJ-MS submachine guns in 6.5x25 CBJ-MS Swedish company CBJ Tech AB and CPW Kinetics, which is offered by ST Kinetics from Singapore, and in several calibers at once: 9x19mm Parabellum, 5.7x28mm and 4.6x30mm.

Submachine gun: yesterday, today, tomorrow. What parameters should effective bullets for submachine guns, the purpose of which is the fight against terrorists, have? If the ShA-12 submachine gun achieves a striking effect due to the 12.7-mm caliber, then is it possible to create something different, based on data not only from modern technology, but also from historical science?

Submachine gun yesterday, today, tomorrow. In the future, submachine gun cartridges may become even more specialized and turn into something completely fantastic today. Why? Yes, it's just all about that. As protection improves, so do the means of overcoming it. It was not for nothing that 12.7-mm ammunition and the SHA-12 assault rifle appeared. This tool will immediately solve all the problems of combat at a distance of up to 100 meters. But is it the only way to go in this direction?


Which drum weight is cooler?

There are only three heavy tanks in the game that have drum-loading guns: Т57 Heavy, AMX 50B and Kranvagn
1) T57 Heavy - melee tank. This doesn't mean it's not melee-piercing, it means it's not hitting with ranged combat. He has not the worst accuracy among those gathered (it is extremely the same for them), he has the worst mixing at 2.9 seconds and poor stabilization. If you want to shoot into the distance, you will have to freeze and wait a very, very long time. The tank reloads its drum rather quickly. this is generally the fastest drum in the wild west, and everything inside the drum is also very fast. The problem is that at a long distance we do not have time to realize our rapid-fire drum due to the long mixing. It is also worth noting that after shooting the entire drum, the enemy rarely rushes you, as he knows that you have a fast reload

What is good about the Swedish tank Kranvagn? First of all, he has a very solid and small tower - this is his bright and calling card, and as a rule, if there is a relief somewhere, then it is better to take it on Kranvagan. a relief that allows you to hide the hull and stick out only with a tower. For many other tanks, this would also be great, but for example, in the same ISA-7, the gun does not bend down that much, although the tower is also strong. And here it bends very strongly, by as much as twelve degrees. Sometimes this is enough, and sometimes this is not enough when you completely overestimate your tank. That's all, that's all the bright advantages of Kranvagan. The rest of the tank is rather controversial. I would say in Russian, without any wagging, "I don't like him at all" and I also don't really like his branch that needs to be downloaded in order to get it.

Well, the star, the star of many "cyber cutlets" and the star of many who generally love drumming, is the French AMX 50B heavy tank. What is it good for and what are its main advantages. He is the fastest tier ten heavy tank plus has a drum. As a result, we do not have much armor, but sometimes it is found in places. If we have a hundred millimeters in the tower, then it becomes about one hundred and fifty millimeters given there, sometimes something will bounce off, there are quite a lot in the hull different thicknesses. In short - the armor is situational. Most importantly, the tank has amazing stabilization and fast aiming time. How not to turn this tank for both accurate long-range shooting and accurate close-range shooting. Another important plus is the speed of the shells of our tank, both armor-piercing and sub-caliber shells fly very quickly

Having played on a tank with a loading drum, it is impossible to remain indifferent. The ability to leave the enemy almost dead in a few seconds, as well as inflict a bunch of HP on him, has always attracted players. However, playing drum tanks is a very complex process. Most of them have no armor, and the 40 second reload time, like the AMX 50 100 or T54E1, does not give you the opportunity to relax, since during this period you can do anything with you.

If the French tanks have good speed, which allows you to run into cover while reloading, then American tanks are completely devoid of this advantage. However, they do not remain without their fans due to excellent stabilization and high speed of aiming guns. By the way, it is especially convenient to control them on a game console (if not, you can buy it on the website

How do you play drum tanks anyway?

First of all, you need to understand that you cannot take damage yourself, for this you need allies. It's good to know how long your reload lasts, and what reload the enemy has. Time the distribution of the drum well so that it does not receive retaliatory damage. It's better to shoot 3 times out of 4 and not get a response than to give the whole drum and hit half the hit points. It is also worth noting that drum tanks have very poor mixing, so they, with rare exceptions, do not have time to converge between shots. And the exception is the T57 Heavy, which, with the “Call Box”, ventilation and combat brotherhood, is reduced just by reloading inside the drum.

The most important thing on a tank with a loading drum is to find a convenient position from which you can distribute the drum and hide to reload. This is the most difficult task, so drum tanks are not recommended for beginners. However, if you still decide to test your strength on this type of technique, you should study all the available cards well, since you will have to attack opponents from the second line of attack for half the battle.

Features of French and American tanks in WoT

American tanks are characterized by fast reloading, both of the whole drum and inside it. The advantages include both quick aiming and excellent stabilization of the gun on the move. Even American tanks often beat off shells, because they have such a hull structure.

French tanks have a huge amount of damage in the drum, which the Americans cannot boast of. Also, cassette French have good speed and do not experience problems with penetration. However, the French tanks, compared with the American ones, have a significant drawback. They have a much higher reload inside the drum, which greatly reduces the rate of fire when you are already loaded. On French tanks, you will have to stand under enemy fire for longer, and their cardboard armor does not at all conducive to this.

6 years and a month ago Comments: 2

Now in the World of Tanks game, there are quite a lot of drummers (that is, tanks with automatic loaders) in the game. Most of them are among French tanks (for example, amx 13 75), although a branch with American vehicles equipped with automatic loaders has also appeared relatively recently. The developers are planning in the foreseeable future the second branch of the German tank destroyers, at the tenth level of which the vehicle will also be located with an automatic loader. Currently, there is only one tank destroyer with a drum in the game, this is a French vehicle of the tenth level.

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Features of "drummers"

Playing tanks with a loading drum is quite different from other types of vehicles and involves special tactics. The drum allows you to inflict very significant damage in a short period of time (about ten seconds), but then you need to go on a long (sometimes very long) cooldown. If reloading between shots is only a couple of seconds, then reloading between reels can take twenty or even forty-five. All this time the tank is defenseless.

Thus, a drummer can be both very dangerous and practically useless, it all depends on whether the drum is loaded or not. This makes a tank with an automatic loader extremely dependent on the team. Allies should both cover you while you're on cooldown and distract the enemy so you can deal maximum damage to them. Without proper cover and support, the formidable drummer turns into easy prey.

If you look at the Wargaming league records, you will see that tanks with automatic loaders usually make up more than half of each team. But why aren't there so many of them in random battles? The point is that the drummer becomes a formidable force in the team played, and in random battles he is often simply defenseless if he does not go to reload in time.

Playing tanks with an automatic loader is not easy

Playing drummers is quite difficult, as you have to literally learn some aspects of the game all over again. It will no longer be possible, for example, to confidently push through the direction alone if you are opposed by several tanks below the level. Of course, you outnumber them with firepower, but during the long reload time of the drum, you can be destroyed.

Thus, you need to ride with a group of allies who will cover you if necessary. One of the downsides of many drummers is the relatively small . For example, for the top gun T69, a medium American tank of the eighth level, it is 173 mm. For the eighth level, this is clearly not enough; it will be problematic to break through many opponents of their level in the forehead. Few can afford to use "gold" ammunition all the time.

It is obvious that the ability of tanks with an automatic loader to inflict big damage for a short period of time is compensated by such a small penetration. This forces and shoot him in the side or stern. And here again, allies will be indispensable, because they must distract the enemy so that he does not turn around to you with a strong forehead.

You can ride the Drummer alone without much fear, only if you play a light tank. He has high speed and maneuverability, which allows you to simply drive away from the enemy after you have shot the drum. In general, the tactics of playing tanks with an automatic loader involve precisely such unexpected raids on an unsuspecting enemy, the rapid consumption of the entire drum and a hasty retreat.

Distinctive feature - weak armor

This tactic also works well because drummers are poorly armored. The "paper" armor of the French has long been the subject of many jokes, even heavy tanks high levels this nation easily breaks through in almost any projection, you can only hope for. The branch of American drummers also cannot boast of thick armor. The only exception here is the French tank destroyer of the tenth level, but it only holds a blow with its forehead, while the sides are covered "French cardboard" in 40 mm.

At the same time, discharging the entire drum into the enemy and not taking damage yourself is usually not easy, even if you went to the enemy immediately after he fired. For example, if there are five projectiles in the drum, and the reload between shots is two seconds, then it will take ten seconds to empty the entire drum. This is a fairly large period of time. The enemy may have a shorter reload time, other tanks can cover him, etc., so even in these ten seconds you can take damage.

Thus, you need to learn to guess the moment when you should leave and start unloading the drum. If you are attacking a group of enemies from several tanks, then you need to act especially carefully, even if they are distracted by allies. If you are noticed, then you should not be greedy, it is better to hide behind cover and go to reload than to put the last projectile into the enemy and take damage yourself.

Target - single tanks

The ideal target for the drummer is a lone slow opponent, often in random battles you can meet heavy tanks that have strayed from their team and are an easy target. It remains only to discharge the entire drum in them and hide in search of a new victim.

In general, a tank with an automatic loader can be effective both on an open map and in the labyrinths of streets. Drummers perform well both in attack and in defense. But they are best suited, of course, for quick and unexpected, unexpected defense breakthroughs, when you need to inflict the maximum amount of damage in the minimum amount of time.

What skills to explore?

Of the skills and abilities, camouflage is often useful for drummers, as it allows you to hide in the bushes, wait for right moment and surprise the enemy from an unexpected direction. Although it is difficult to advise something here, since the game is various types technology is very different.

In this article, we will consider all 10 drum tanks World level of Tanks and make a comparison between them.

Performance comparison of Kranvang, AMX 50B, T57 Heavy

The main characteristics of heavy tanks with a drum loading system, no matter how trite it may sound, are the speed of reloading the drum, the speed of reloading between shots, DPM and the maneuverability of the tank. After all, having issued a full drum on the enemy, you also need to get out of the shelling, and so: The image shows all the necessary values. Let us analyze in more detail the time spent on reloading a full drum, where the Swedish Kranvang takes an honorable second place and is the golden mean between the top TTs, and it is 27,41 seconds.

Reload between projectiles 2,75 sec is the longest among drums, but you can still get used to it. The T57 Heavy is clearly the leader here, with a 2 second reload time between projectiles and 23.44 seconds for the entire drum. It is worth mentioning the aiming speed of the gun, because on the T57 Heavy it will not be possible to throw the drum from the “turn”, it is necessary to reduce, with the exception of head-on collisions with the enemy. Swedish and French heavy tank comfortable in this regard. The dispersion of the Swedish is not very good, and at long distances it will be very problematic to target the enemy's vulnerable points. The mobility of the Kranvang is very similar to the AMX 50B, where the T57 Heavy clearly loses here.

Armor comparison Kranvang, AMX 50B, T57 Heavy

Compared with the existing drums, the armor tower has a very high performance, and if you take into account the reduced armor when firing from behind the terrain, using your UVN, only the main thing is that a random suitcase from artillery does not fly in.

Should I download Swedish TT level 10 Kranvang

You are probably also wondering: Should I pump out the new Swedish Kranvang heavy tank?» The answer is obvious, yes worth it. Moreover, do not forget that the drum tank also takes out damage! And this means passing LBZ, especially TT 15, or it will be possible. We provide a screenshot of the battle on the mines map:

So, draw your own conclusions, but remember, a Swedish TT appeared showing the maneuverability of the AMX 50B and plus an armored turret.