What diseases of broilers cause the most damage to farms and how can they be avoided. Diseases of broiler chickens and their treatment

Boilers differ from ordinary layers big amount meat and more large size... Their weight before slaughter should be 5 kilograms. If they weigh less, then mistakes were made in their content. These birds are characterized by a phlegmatic character, and it is difficult to understand from the behavior of broilers whether they are happy or lacking in something.

Experienced breeders know that in these birds it is the young animals that most often die from not proper nutrition and content. Indeed, their productivity and health are greatly influenced by living conditions and the quality of feed. If chicks are properly fed, they will quickly gain the necessary weight.

The main causes of poor growth

A healthy bird should increase its weight in a month and a half. Feeding the birds with grain will not give the desired result. This is the first reason broilers gain weight poorly. The growth of chickens and the formation of muscles depend on a properly selected diet.

Specificity big size broilers has its own characteristics. They have an increased appetite and special requirements for food. It must be saturated with protein - necessary building material for a set of muscle tissue. If the chickens are not gaining weight well, action must be taken urgently. The slow weight gain of the young is dependent on poor nutrition.

Main reasons:

  1. 1. The feed contains insufficient amount of protein. Small chicks need protein from the first days of life. If they lack protein, muscle mass will be weak and undeveloped.
  2. 2. Low in vitamins and minerals. Chicks should immediately be given additional feeding.
  3. 3. Problems with digestion. The reason lies in poor quality feed and infectious diseases. You should consult your veterinarian about feeding and treating sick chicks so that other chicks do not become infected.

Broilers should not be hungry and should always have feed in their feeders.

Nutrition control, in accordance with the standards, helps to monitor the weight of the chicks, as well as correctly calculate the feed and monitor its consumption. Approximate consumption of compound feed in different periods of growth:

Other reasons broilers do not gain weight well include poor bird management:

  1. 1. Failure to comply with the temperature regime. Broilers should be kept in a warm environment. If chicks are freezing all the time, their immune system will weaken and they will definitely get sick. The first two weeks it is necessary to maintain the temperature within 30 degrees Celsius. Then you can lower it to a comfortable 25 degrees.
  2. 2. Youngsters are not enough sunlight... For the first two weeks, young chicks need 24/7 light. It should be soft and not very bright.
  3. 3. There is little room air. Ventilate the house regularly without creating drafts.
  4. 4. Failure to comply with sanitary standards. In chicks, the litter should be regularly changed, which should not be too thin and not very wet.

Associated reasons

If ordinary chickens need a place to walk, then birds bred by crossing different meat breeds need to move as little as possible. Therefore, broilers are not allowed out for a walk. There are several breeds, many of which are stunted. With this in mind, you don't have to worry - the time will come when the chicken will gain the necessary weight.

One of the reasons for poor growth is dyspepsia in chickens. Young animals react to feed changes and feed quality. Loose stools are due to premature feeding based on curdled milk. In such a situation, it is necessary to save the chicks by adding ascorbic acid and glucose to the diet, dissolving them in water. You can also use a weak solution of manganese for treatment.

Necessary measures to combat poor chick growth

To be happy with the poultry results, disease and poor weight gain must be prevented in the first days of life for all young flocks. For the entire month and a half, broilers should receive enough vitamins and protein and grow in appropriate conditions.

If broilers do not grow well, you need to:

  1. 1. Review nutrition. Check if the feed is correctly calculated, if there is enough complementary foods and necessary additives. Chicks should be given additional feeding in the form of fermented milk or cottage cheese. In the second week, you need to introduce fish by-products and herbs into the diet: nettle or alfalfa. It will not be superfluous to give chickens a gram of baker's yeast every day.
  2. 2. It is necessary to properly observe the feeding regime and check whether it is appropriate for the age of the chickens.
  3. 3. It is necessary to monitor the water in the drinking bowl: monitor its purity, add water in a timely manner and prevent it from disappearing.
  4. 4. Monitor house temperature and avoid sudden changes.
  5. 5. Remove the cage or poultry house by changing the litter in a timely manner. It must remain dry to prevent the growth of germs and harmful viruses.
  6. 6. Make sure that daylight hours for broilers are at least 17 hours. To do this, it is better to install blue or red light bulbs, as they improve growth and stimulate weight gain.
  7. 7. Despite the contraindications to walking, chickens need fresh air. Therefore, it is necessary to ventilate the house or move the cage to fresh air. The main thing is not to leave them in a draft.

It will not be superfluous to invite a veterinarian once a month to examine broilers. He will help identify the cause of underweight and poor growth and control what the chickens eat.

Feeding chickens
With a dry method of feeding, chickens are fed with specially prepared compound feed. Scientific institutions have developed several recipes for mixed feed for chickens. Each compound feed recipe is assigned a specific number. The following order of numbering of compound feed recipes for chickens has been established: laying hens - 1, chickens aged 1 to 30 days - 2 young growth from 31 to 60 days - 3, young growth from 61 to days - up to 120 days - 4, broilers from 1 to 30 days - 5 broilers from 31 to 56 days - 6, young chickens from up to 180 days -7.
The composition of feed for poultry includes mainly grain feeds (60-75%), including grain legumes, vegetable protein feeds - cakes and meal, animal feed, feed yeast, grass flour, mineral feed, feed fat, Into the premix.
For good productivity, the bird should receive in the diet, albeit in very small doses, iron sulfate, manganese, zinc, copper, cobalt chloride, potassium iodide. Since their presence in plant and animal feed does not provide the required rate, in the manufacture of poultry compound feeds, they are enriched with the necessary microelements.
And for those poultry farmers who cannot buy compound feed, the industry offers vitamin and mineral premixes, ready for the preparation of full-fledged compound feeds directly in their homesteads: Ryabushka for laying hens, Solnyshko for chickens.
With an annual productivity of 120 eggs with a live weight of 2 kg, the formation of one egg will require 338 g of compound feed, with 180 eggs - 25; G, with 240 eggs productivity - 207 g.
With wet and combined methods of feeding chickens in the diets, the main feed is cereal grains - corn, wheat, barley, millet, oats. From legumes - peas. Chickens are not averse to feasting on some wastes from the oil mill production - oilcakes and meal. Animal feed is always desirable for them: waste from the fish and meat industry, dairy processing.
From vitamin green feed, chickens willingly eat grass alfalfa, clover, green onion feathers, beet tops, 4 carrots. Feeding red carrots, sugar beets, cabbage leaves, pulp of yellow pumpkin varieties and boiled potatoes will also be very useful.
He willingly eats poultry and kitchen waste. V winter time green vitamin feeds can be successfully replaced by dried nettles, hay of leguminous herbs, flour legumes, coniferous flour.
Chickens react sharply to the lack of such necessary for them in the diet. chemical elements like calcium, phosphorus, involved in the formation of bone tissue and strong egg shells. Table salt is also constantly needed.
With a combined type of feeding, chickens of general-use breeds with an annual productivity of 160 eggs per year will require about 47 kg of grain feed, 52 kg of dry protein feed of animal origin, cake and meal - 35 kg, grass flour - 2.5 kg, yeast - 2 kg, green and juicy feed 17, 6 kg per year per head.
Chickens have a very poor sense of smell, and she cannot timely recognize the quality of the feed offered to her. Even after trying moldy and rotten food and having paid with a violent reaction of the gastrointestinal tract, the bird will peck on unsuitable food.
Oxidized fish oil, meat, bone and fishmeal (with the smell of old bacon) also should not be fed, since they neutralize vitamins, which inevitably leads to vitamin deficiency.
Feeding some feeds to poultry should be approached very carefully. Rye, although in limited quantities, is introduced into the diet - for chickens from 1, 5-2 months of age, no more than 5%, for adults - up to 7-8% of the total amount of cereals. This supplement is optional, but forced when grain supplies are limited. The restriction of rye is determined by the fact that it causes indigestion and reduces the acceptability of other feeds. Moreover, freshly harvested grain contains 2.5-3% mucus, which quickly swells in the body and causes diseases of the digestive system. Therefore, it is permissible to use grain only three months after harvesting.
With about the same precautions, bean grain (vetch) is fed - three months after harvesting, and fed in crushed form in a mixture with other concentrates and no more than 5-10% of the volume of grain-flour feed. The presence of hydrocyanic acid in it, which can cause poisoning, excludes feeding it to young animals and parental herd during the breeding season.

When compiling a diet for chickens, you can focus on the proposed approximate composition of feed. But it must be borne in mind that among the many breeds there is a significant variation in live weight, productivity, temperament and behavior of the bird. Therefore, when drawing up a feeding recipe for each breed, one proceeds from observations and analyzes of the state and productivity of the breed, which makes it possible to more accurately establish quantitative and qualitative boundaries.
An approximate diet for laying hens of meat and egg breeds, per head per day:
Whole grain (3-5 types) - 50
Grain mixture (3-5 types) - 50
Wheat bran - 10
Oilcake, meal - 12
Meat and bone meal (fish) - 5
Herbal (hay, coniferous) flour - 5
Table carrots, cabbage leaves, pumpkin - 40
Crushed shell or chalk - 5
Table salt in solution - 0, 7.

Depending on the season, up to 30-40 g of boiled potatoes are introduced into the diet with a simultaneous decrease in cereals in the diet. In addition, grass of leguminous herbs and garden residues are introduced into wet mash.
Care should be taken when switching to a different feed type or feed. New feeds are introduced in small doses, gradually, over 4-5 days.
When feeding salted fish products, salt is excluded from the diet.
Feeding chickens during the selection of eggs for incubation.
To produce eggs with high incubation qualities, chickens must receive feed balanced in all nutritional parameters. One third of the protein fed should be of animal origin. During this period, excess feed is worse than lack of food. At correct feeding the hen may lay fewer eggs, but they will be suitable for incubation. Meat and fish feed is fed no more than 10 g per head per day. During the breeding season, the laying hen must be fed with feed rich in vitamins, germinated grain. The daily dacha of carrots can be increased to 35 g, well-preserved shade-dried hay - up to 10-15 g.

Feeding roosters
To increase the fertility of the eggs, the roosters are fed with a special feed mixture from separate feeders. To do this, at a height of 40-45 cm from the floor, special feeders (corners) are attached to the wall at the rate of 10-15 cm per head. For feeding, a feed mixture is prepared: germinated wheat - 50 g, cottage cheese or fish meal - 5-7 g, red carrots - 15-20 g, fresh baker's yeast - 2-3 g, fish oil - 1 g.

Feeding chickens during molting.
Before the onset of natural molt, the bird must feed intensively, acquire good nutritional status.
To speed up the moulting process, chickens are fed daily up to 50-60 g of corn
turf and feed rich in protein and sulfur; peas - up to 15 g; cake - 10-15 g; meat and bone meal - up to 10 g.
The fast growth of feathers is stimulated by sunflower seeds, sprouted oats, green fox cabbage and yeast feed. Mineral feed, including table salt, is fed within the normal range.

Feeding chickens when pecking
To stop pecking, several increased doses of table salt are used for a short period, increased doses of protein feed: cake, meal (up to 15-17 g), oats - up to 30
In case of poor plumage, I give chickens 15 mg of sulfuric acid daily (10-15 days), take a break for 10 days and continue to feed until pecking stops.

Feeding with poor appetite.
Chickens lose their appetite with monotonous feed (1-2 types of cereals), the absence of table salt in the diet with a large supply of feed rich in fiber (oats, barley, millet, hay flour from coarse greens), with high temperature environment, lack or lack of water.
To increase appetite, add table salt to the diet in the range of 0.7-1 g per head per day. They immediately organize the germination and yeast of feed, diversify the diet as far as possible, introduce lactic acid feed, boiled potatoes, green onion feathers.

Watering poultry.
Chickens react painfully even to a temporary lack of water. If they are deprived of water for half a day, egg production stops and is restored only after 20 days. Adult chickens require up to 1 liter of water per day.
Drinking water should be running, clean and cool.

Feeding mode.
Adult chickens are usually fed 2 times a day, and in winter they need to feed grain at night, as it is slowly digested.
The basic rules of hygiene for feeding chickens are as follows:
It is undesirable to give dry grain in a mixture with other feeds, since the chickens choose grain from the mixture and leave the rest of the feed unmixed.
The feed should be fresh, not musty, not sour.
After feeding the bird soft boiled feed, the feeders must be cleaned of feed residues and washed.
In the morning it is better to give soft food - a mixture of flour, boiled potatoes, fodder beets, in the evening - a grain mixture.
It is advisable to add to soft food mineral dressing(shell, shell, chalk, etc.).
It is desirable to have a small mound of gravel mixed with sand and limestone near the poultry house.
To distribute green fodder, it is necessary to make a feeder in the form of a box, in which the walls are a coarse mesh through which the chickens peck the fodder. Such a feeder prevents scattering and trampling of feed.
Large root crops and cabbage are hung on a nail driven into the wall of the house.
All animal feed that has not been cooked must be boiled before feeding.
One of biological features chickens are the ability to eat their own droppings (about 1.5 g per day), so it is better when the bird pecks the droppings with litter (peat, straw).
When feeding animal feed (meat, fish), it is necessary to check them for the absence of sharp bones, which can lead to perforation of the stomach of chickens.

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Breeding broiler chickens, like any other business, has its own nuances. Even with all the observance general requirements to the content of poultry, difficulties may arise. It is especially upsetting for farmers when broilers do not gain weight well. After all, they are kept precisely because this cross is different. rapid growth, and therefore the owners reduce maintenance costs. How can the situation be rectified?

The most common causes of poor typing

When rearing broilers, it is very important to control their growth rate.

  • After 2 weeks, the chicks should weigh 0.5 kg.
  • In 1 month. - 1.5 kg.
  • At 2 months. - 3 kg.

If it is decided to continue growing for another month, then live weight should be about 5 kg. Of course, in practice, the numbers may differ, but not much. Most owners plan to slaughter after 50 days, because further the growth rate decreases.

In the case when the indicators are far behind the schedule, it is necessary to identify the causes and eliminate them as soon as possible. Long-term maintenance is not profitable, because when growing for meat, a large livestock is usually purchased. Why is the growth retardation manifested? This is most often caused by maintenance errors:

  1. insufficient temperature in the hen house. A bird kept in the cold will not grow actively - all calories are spent on heating the body. Young animals are especially sensitive to weather changes.
  2. too spacious walk. Unlike other breeds, broilers do not need to provide ample walking space. The less energy the chicks spend on movement, the greater the growth. For 1 sq. m. can accommodate up to 10 heads.
  3. more often than not, broilers do not gain weight because they lack protein. Protein is not necessarily meat or fish products. It is also found in vegetable feed. Review your diet.

There are other factors as well:

  • When chicks are large, but visually it seems that they do not have enough muscle tissue, the reason for slow growth is not due to mistakes in grooming. It lies in the fact that you have acquired a specific cross that grows slowly. Clarify all the details about chickens before buying. But if this has already happened, it is necessary to grow the bird further, according to the characteristics of the breed.
  • Violation of the light regime. The first week of the brood requires round-the-clock lighting. As they grow older, it is gradually reduced and brought up to 14 hours a day. Better to use red or of blue color... Too much lighting can provoke fights.
  • Clean indoor and outdoor areas regularly. Remove all dangerous items.
  • Feeders and drinkers are better to be strengthened on an elevation so that pets do not carry dirt there.
  • Take out the trash from the territory in a timely manner, do not offer moldy foods to chickens, clean up rotten food waste.

The poultry house must be ventilated daily. Fresh air necessary for correct development and disease prevention. Experienced farmers advise limiting walking space. It is generally better to keep broilers in cages, where they quickly come to the required shape. Although even with this lifestyle it is advisable to occasionally release pets, only the walking area should be fenced off.

To prevent diseases in the first week of life, a course of vitamins and antibiotics is recommended for babies. This will save them from the most dangerous infections that can affect the entire herd in a matter of days.

Correct feeding

The reason broilers do not grow is often due to inadequate nutrition. It is a mistake to think that poultry can only be raised on food waste. You will have to invest in the purchase of special feed - otherwise it is useless to wait for record results. The chicks will of course grow up, but it will take much longer.

Nutrition should be age appropriate and change as the charges grow. For day-old babies, special food is purchased from small granules. It is believed that at first it is not worth limiting the amount of food, so that the mass gain goes faster. It is impossible to overfeed adults, this leads to obesity, a decrease in the quality of the carcass.

Dairy products can be given from the first days, just start a little and watch the reaction. You can add only one new product per day. Otherwise, it will be more difficult later to understand what the undesirable reaction has arisen, if it appears. Boiled grated egg, cottage cheese, porridge are all part of the traditional chicken diet. This menu is also suitable for broiler chickens.

Feathered newborns need food every 2-3 hours. It is better to steam the compound feed warm water- dry granules can clog the goiter and the baby will die. Two-week-old chicks are fed every 3-4 hours. When the month is reached, four feedings are sufficient.

Compound feed - how to choose and give it

Sometimes the reason that broilers eat poorly lies in poor-quality nutrition, so you need to approach the choice very carefully. Fortunately, the market today is huge and it will not be difficult to find a responsible distributor.

Many owners of private farms start meat chickens in the spring, so manufacturers produce special formulations just for them - with a high amount of proteins. Mixes for layers or other poultry will not work.

The finished feed is replaced as the herd grows. But first you need to make sure of the quality of the offered product.

The seller must have Required documents, which indicate the expiration date and composition, the manufacturer's address, on the bag - marking with the name and expiration date.

  • From the moment of birth up to a month, they use the so-called starter (starting compound feed). It can be alternated with natural products.
  • Fattening - allows you to gain the required weight in the shortest possible time. Muscle tissues have time to mature properly, which gives them a delicate taste.
  • Finish - intended for adults. proteins are not so large, but there are a lot of vitamins and minerals.

Sometimes, when changing the formula, pets eat poorly. This is because they need to get used to the new taste. The solution is simple - mix both types of feed and gradually change the ratio in favor of the new one. Usually, in a few days, it is possible to completely transfer the wards to the desired mixture.

Natural products

What else can you feed broilers? Of course, grain. It is not worth transferring exclusively to natural food - it will be very difficult to dial the desired parameters in a short time. Most farmers use a combination feed, alternating between plant mixes and cereals.

Different cereals are used, they are mixed in a certain ratio:

  • wheat - up to 30% of the diet;
  • corn - up to 1/4 of the total;
  • soybean meal - 10%;
  • barley - no more than 15%.

When the pets grow up, you should add fishmeal, yeast (no more than 5%).

The approximate composition of the mash from one week of age:

  • boiled barley;
  • boiled oatmeal;
  • shredded wheat;
  • cottage cheese;
  • fish flour.

All this is poured with milk whey or meat broth. Upon reaching three weeks of age, meat by-products and fish are added to the diet. They are boiled, crushed, fed together with broth.

Even if the bird feeds on compound feed, one should not forget about vitamin and mineral supplements. Purchase bone meal, yeast, small shell rock. With the onset of spring, it is easy to mow nettles - it is very useful for chickens. Carrots are introduced from the first days of life at the rate of 5 grams. on the chicken. You can give potatoes, but only without the peel, in a boiled form.

Fine gravel should be placed in a separate box so that chickens have constant access to it. Without it, the digestive tract will not be able to work normally, food will be poorly absorbed.

Broiler chicken diseases

Arrest in development is sometimes not at all related to the conditions of detention - simply there are health problems. Broilers are considered a very “capricious” breed, especially if they were initially kept in factory conditions. Therefore, regular inspection is required.

  • Dispersion is a disease of the digestive tract. More common in newborn chickens. It consists in a violation of the acid-base balance, which occurs against the background of improper nutrition. Poor quality or rotten feed may be the cause. Symptoms are loose stools, lethargy. Treatment is prescribed by a veterinarian. Also, glucose and potassium permanganate are dissolved in water, all livestock are soldered.
  • Colibacillosis - pathogens are in environment, they are activated if hygiene is not observed. All internal organs are affected, body temperature rises, lethargy and refusal to eat are observed. The treatment is carried out with antibiotics - they are added to the water - and lasts 5 days. Prevention - vaccination.
  • Rickets - provoked by a lack of calcium, vitamin D. Most often young animals are affected by it. Symptoms are falling to feet, apathy, developmental delay. Prevention - exposure to the sun, the addition of special vitamin preparations to the feed.

Related articles - what diseases broilers have and how to treat them. What to do with diarrhea in broilers.

Some diseases are similar in appearance. For an accurate diagnosis, it is best to consult a veterinarian. Not all ailments are treatable, in some cases it is necessary to arrange an unscheduled slaughter. To avoid this, it is better to vaccinate in advance against the most dangerous diseases, keep the cells clean, and give only high-quality feed.

It takes a lot of effort to grow well-fed birds from tiny fluffy clumps in a few months. Novice farmers will find it especially difficult. But the result is worth it - the family will have high-quality tasty meat on the table.

You need to try to take into account all the main factors: prepare the poultry house, make a ration, deliver vaccinations on time, regularly put things in order in the chicken coop and inspect the livestock. Then the result will definitely please.

Source: https://pticevodam.info/brojlery-ploho-nabirayut-ves/

Why broiler chickens die, what to do so that the bird does not die at the age of one month, video

Facing the massive and unexplained death of young poultry farmers, especially beginners, ask themselves the question: "Why are broiler chickens dying?" There are many reasons for this phenomenon, but most often the loss of chickens is associated with a violation of the conditions of keeping and feeding, as well as with the spread of infections that are deadly for poultry.

Why broilers are dying: the cause is disease

A prerequisite for a strong beef chick population is careful selection of chicks when purchased or taken from the hatchery. Weak, sickly birds can be seen immediately. They are less active than their healthy counterparts, eat worse, and move less.

All this is dangerous not only for weakened birds, but also for quite viable chicks.

One of the most formidable reasons why broilers die different ages are diseases of birds. All diseases are especially dangerous for young animals, since chickens still have poorly formed immunity, and very little time is needed to deplete the body.

Therefore, even infections caused by E. coli and in adult birds that are easily treatable, in young animals, they lead to rapid dehydration, weakening, intoxication and death.

For example, avian cholera or pasteurrelosis takes the lives of chickens in 5-6 hours, accompanied by:

  • a sharp rise in temperature;
  • the appearance of mucus flowing from the nasal openings;
  • a type of droppings uncharacteristic for healthy birds;
  • discoloration of the beard and ridge;
  • wheezing and shortness of breath.

Death with this disease is almost inevitable.

Treatment and prevention of diseases of broiler chickens

What to do if broilers die? If the poultry farmer has noticed formidable symptoms, then immediate treatment is carried out with the help of potent antibiotics. Injections are given to all individuals contained in the chicken coop. Dead birds must be disposed of.

In most cases, pasteurellosis and other diseases cannot be quickly recognized. In order to prevent the death of the bird, the main focus is not on the fight against problems, but on their prevention!

It is possible to stop the infection of many diseases by strictly observing the cleanliness in the poultry houses. Cages, brooders, chicken coops, paddocks and other places where broilers are kept are thoroughly washed, cleaned and disinfected. All equipment, feeders and drinkers are sanitized. It is important to regularly wash, wash and disinfect the shoes and clothes of the breeder in which he works in the chicken coop.

Why broiler chickens die: lack of attention and care errors

The largest percentage of broiler chick deaths occurs in the first days of chicks' life. Moreover, this is not due to infections, but to the banal inattention of the poultry farmer. Why do broiler chickens die, because yesterday they were completely healthy and active? The answer to this question of a novice poultry farmer may contain several reasons.

One of the most common is a violation of the temperature regime inside the brooder with chicks or in the chicken coop, where the grown young growth was transferred.

For chicks in the first days of life, an elevated temperature is extremely important, simulating being under a hen. Therefore, the brooder maintains a mode close to 29 ° C, and then day after day the temperature should drop to 24-23 ° C.

Even short-term hypothermia of chicks, as well as overheating, is fraught with loss of livestock.

The crowded content, as well as the lack of ventilation, which causes rapid reproduction in warmth, contributes to mass mortality and the development of infections. humid air viruses and bacteria.

Fast growing broilers may be deficient in nutrients, minerals and vitamins. For example, if vitamin D is deficient, poultry will show signs of rickets.

Lacking protein feed, birds gain weight poorly. Improper nutrition and maintenance in too bright light can cause attacks of cannibalism in chickens.

Stronger individuals pluck feathers or even peck at weaker brethren.

Why broiler chickens die: poor-quality and improperly selected feed

If the poultry farmer is tormented by the question: "Why do broiler chickens die at the age of one month or more?", Obviously, poor living conditions, unbalanced, with a small amount of minerals and vitamins, or poor-quality feed are to blame.

Many poultry farmers prefer to feed broilers with ready-made feed. With such a diet, it is important that the mixture is fresh, without signs of mustiness and mold, and made by a trustworthy manufacturer from quality raw materials.

When wet mash is included in the menu of chickens, they should be given to the bird only fresh, and not eaten away, so that the chicks do not gnaw on fermented or rotten food.

Why do broiler chickens die if they are kept in excellent conditions and fed in combination with all vitamins? It is not enough to give the bird a high-quality mixture and vitamin supplements, it is necessary that all the feed received is age-appropriate and can be well absorbed.

Grain for broilers and young stock of other breeds is crushed, the vegetables given are chopped or rubbed in order to avoid such a phenomenon as fatal blockage of the goiter and esophagus. To prevent this phenomenon, improve digestion and satisfy poultry in microelements, small gravel, chalk, ash, crushed shells are poured into separate feeders for broilers.

In no case, especially in the hot season, should broilers be left without clean drinking water.

On walking areas, when distributing green fodder, it is necessary to exclude poisonous plants from getting to curious birds.

And here are grated carrots, cut pumpkin, chopped forage turnip, nettle, green onions and other garden crops - very useful for chickens.

They will not only become a welcome addition to the menu, but also replenish vitamin reserves, and onions will become a safe and effective antihelminthic agent.

Careful attention to the wards' conditions of their keeping in most cases helps to prevent the death of chickens, or at least prevent the deaths from becoming massive.

What to do when broiler chickens die?

How to find out why broiler chickens are dying, and what to do after the death of a bird?

A complete sanitization of the poultry house territory, disinfection of chicken coops and equipment, replacement of bedding and treatment of walls and floors with slaked lime is mandatory.


Broilers are the same chickens, only they are raised purely for meat and eggs. The difference is that they grow rapidly and can reach 1.5 kilograms in 2-3 months.

But this will of course only be with proper care. In addition to proper feeding and maintenance, it is imperative to monitor the health of the bird. Broilers, like chickens, are susceptible to infectious diseases, the appearance of which can completely kill all individuals.

Therefore, when the first symptoms of the disease are detected, appropriate treatment is immediately started. In this article, we will take a closer look at broiler diseases and their treatment at home. We will find out why broilers wheeze, sneeze, go blind and what to do while doing this.

During the breeding and raising of broilers, it should be borne in mind that the bird is highly susceptible to various diseases, especially in the first days of its life up to one month of age. First of all, attention is paid to the suspicious behavior of the bird.- lethargy, decreased appetite, apathy. Perhaps this is a temporary phenomenon and after a certain period the bird will regain appetite and mood. But not always. Sometimes this condition gets worse and causes severe symptoms. So how is it determined whether a bird is sick or not?

Newbies often have problems. In this case, pay attention to the first symptoms.

The first symptoms of diseases are determined by outward appearance birds. For this reason, they do a regular inspection of the individuals and the poultry house itself. Timely detection of the disease will protect against unpleasant consequences.

In addition, it is worth paying attention to common symptoms that can be the causes of infectious diseases:

What to do if chickens sneeze?

Let's start with the most common problem - why do chickens and chickens sneeze? Broilers can sneeze when different diseases, usually this symptom is caused by viral colds. It is better to call a veterinarian when a sneeze occurs and conduct an examination so that he has already established the cause. In the place where birds are kept, all drafts and dampness should be eliminated.

It is advisable to install a ventilation system, install heaters. The lamps should be at a certain level above the heads of the broilers, but never at or below them. Often, improperly installed lamps lead to overheating of birds, and then, when individuals leave for a while to eat, their body cools down and as a result they catch a cold.

Broiler chickens treatment

Why chickens and broiler chickens sneeze, we figured out, now we will find out what to do. If sneezing has just appeared, then it is advisable to immediately powder the nostrils with streptocide powder. To do this, the powder is collected with a cotton swab and rubbed well into the nostrils of the bird. This will prevent the infection from spreading further into the bronchi and lungs. Additionally, broilers need to be drunk with antibiotics - chloramphenicol and tetracycline. For 1 liter of water, add 1 tablet. They are given antibiotics for 4 days.

But nevertheless, when a sneezing appears, it is worth contacting a veterinarian, because a similar symptom can be the cause of dangerous diseases such as bird flu, aspergillosis, chicken pox and other serious illnesses.

Why do chickens cough?

Now let's move on to the question of why broilers and chickens are coughing and what to do? Broilers can cough for a variety of reasons. Sometimes a cough is caused by a cold due to drafts or increased dampness. In these cases, it is better to insulate the house, install an additional heater and provide adequate ventilation. Additionally, the bird is fed with vitamins and antibiotics.

But the cough is not always accompanied by colds, this symptom can be the cause of a serious and even fatal illness - bird flu, aspergillosis and other pathologies.

Why do chickens wheeze?

Now let's figure out what to do if the chickens wheeze and even die. Wheezing, like coughing and sneezing, is accompanied by a cold. In these cases, the place where broilers are kept is checked for drafts and dampness. If these malfunctions are found, the poultry house is brought back to normal, additional heating means are installed.

The bird is given vitamins and antibiotics until symptoms disappear.
But do not be sure that wheezing, coughing, sneezing are signs of a cold. Quite often, the symptom indicates the occurrence of a serious illness, which can be determined by a veterinarian. And if the disease is triggered, the bird can begin to die.

Wheezing in adult broilers

Why do chickens vilify?

The appearance of diarrhea can be the first signal that the bird is affected by infectious diseases. It is worth paying attention to the composition and type of liquid stools. If it has a light mucous membrane with impurities, and later a greenish color appears, then this indicates the presence of an infection.

In these cases, you need to immediately provide appropriate treatment, because the infection can instantly affect the entire livestock. Broiler chickens begin to feed with such infectious diseases as salmonellosis, colibacillosis, bird flu.

If diarrhea occurs, you need to immediately check the chicken coop for compliance with all relevant hygiene standards, and also see what kind of food, whether it is of sufficient quality. From time to time they disinfect and clean the chicken coop. Diarrhea can be caused by over-fortified feeding and excessive amounts of mineral supplements.

Runny nose

A runny nose in birds is usually due to a cold, but not always. Usually, when a runny nose occurs, a complete check of the chicken coop is done, and all possible drafts and dampness are eliminated. Also, in case of a cold, the birds are given vitamins and appropriate antibiotics.

Be sure to contact a veterinarian when a runny nose occurs, he conducts an examination and, in the presence of serious diseases, provides appropriate treatment. What diseases can be accompanied by a runny nose: colicbacteriosis, Marek's disease, chicken pox, bird flu and others.

Symptoms of Broiler Leg Disease

Sometimes birds may have pain in their legs, this symptom is determined by the behavior and gait of broilers. Individuals can simply fall on the spot, with their legs spreading to the sides. This is a signal that the bird has a serious illness that has caused leg problems.

Together with leg disease, poor appetite, lethargy, and weakness are observed. When this condition appears, you should immediately contact your veterinarian, because leg problems are the cause of serious pathologies. Often leg diseases are observed with salmonellosis, rickets, Marek's disease.

What if the chickens start to go blind in one eye and die?

Sometimes broilers develop blindness. A chicken can even go blind in one eye. Blindness is a cause of serious infections and should be treated immediately if they occur. V otherwise the infection can instantly affect other individuals.

Blindness occurs with salmonellosis, Marek's disease.
However, it is not enough to know the reasons, you need to have an idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe treatment of serious diseases. Many pathologies can cause serious harm up to the death of the entire livestock. Therefore, in order to prevent unpleasant consequences, appropriate treatment should be provided in time.


Colibacillosis: antibiotic treatment, prevention for chickens and adults

This is a dangerous disease that completely affects all individuals. The fact is that the causative agents of colibacillosis are constantly present in the environment. If hygiene is not observed, bacteria can develop actively, which in this case will infect almost all internal organs of individuals.

Symptoms of the disease:

  • disorders of the digestive tract;
  • loss of appetite;
  • the occurrence of an increase in body temperature;
  • lethargic and depressed state.

For the treatment of colibacillosis, antibiotics are used - terramycin and biomycin. These products are added directly to the feed as a powder. Together with antibiotics, it is recommended to give vitamins every day and premixes together with feeding 1-2 times a day. Treatment is carried out 4-5 days until complete recovery.

To prevent this disease, only fresh and balanced feed is introduced into the broiler diet. For prevention, the entire chicken population is vaccinated against this disease.

Colibacillosis in broilers

Salmonellosis: what is it, how to cure chickens and adults

Salmonellosis is a disease of the gastrointestinal tract. The causative agents of the disease are Salmonella bacteria. It is transmitted by airborne droplets from infected birds to healthy ones. Birds often become infected through feed. This infection affects juveniles.


  • the eyes become swollen and watery;
  • the cloaca becomes inflamed;
  • there is no appetite during heavy drinking;
  • diarrhea occurs;
  • swollen legs;
  • the growth and development of chickens is slowed down.

How is treatment and prevention carried out?
As soon as salmonellosis is diagnosed, treatment is started immediately. Treatment is carried out with a course of furazolidone and streptomycin. For chicks, it is recommended to carry out prophylaxis - vaccination with immune serum is done.

Broilers with salmonellosis


It is a viral disease that affects Airways young individuals. It belongs to the most dangerous infections.


  • a state of apathy and lethargy;
  • wheezing appears;
  • sometimes coughing and sneezing;
  • lack of appetite.

Treatment and prevention
This infection can only be treated with antibiotics. Medicines and the dosage is prescribed by your veterinarian.
Preventive measures should be aimed at improving conditions of detention. Perhaps there are drafts, dampness in the chicken coop, so all this should be eliminated. The room needs to be insulated, it is advisable to install a heater and establish a ventilation system.


This infection is caused by a bacteria called Bacillus pullorum. It is very difficult to define this disease, because at the first stage it almost does not manifest itself in any way and can begin to develop already in the egg with the embryo.

If, nevertheless, you managed to determine that the bird is sick, then it must be urgently removed from healthy individuals. This will help stop the spread of the infection.


  • the occurrence of white diarrhea;
  • rapid and labored breathing;
  • there is an exhaustion of young individuals, broilers often fall;
  • birds have constant thirst.

Affected individuals are placed in isolated rooms and treated with biomycin. All broilers, regardless of whether they are sick or not, add furazolidone to the feed.

As a preventive measure, constant ventilation of the broiler housing is carried out. It is also necessary to isolate infected individuals in time.


This disease occurs in chickens. It appears due to a lack of calcium and vitamin D.


  • the chicks' legs give up and when they walk, they fall on them;
  • there is a slowdown in growth and development;
  • chicks become depressed, lethargic, apathy appears.

Treatment and prevention
During the treatment of this condition, vitamin preparations are prescribed. Various premixes with a high calcium content are added to the feed.

Be sure to follow preventive measures - it is not advisable to contain a large number of young animals. In addition, you need to carry out periodic walks in the fresh air.

Marek's disease: what is it, treatment, care and prevention for chickens at one month of age

This pathology is mainly found in adult broilers. The virus infects the nervous system and the eyes of the bird.


  • there is a modification of the iris of the eye and the pupil. As a result, complete blindness occurs;
  • coordination of movements and motor functions is impaired. Broilers have leg pain and limp when walking;
  • during the illness, goiter paralysis occurs, which leads to complete exhaustion;
  • mucous membranes become pale.

How to treat and prevent
Since this is a serious and dangerous disease, it cannot be cured, therefore it is important to make an accurate diagnosis. After determining the disease, the bird must be slaughtered immediately.

Since the bacteria of the disease are highly persistent and can remain on the feathers and down of a bird for a long time, the hacked carcass must be burned.

Bird flu

This is a dangerous viral infection. It affects the respiratory tract and the gastrointestinal tract.


  • cough, runny nose, sneezing;
  • high body temperature;
  • a state of apathy and lethargy;
  • diarrhea.

How to treat and prevent
This disease does not respond to treatment. After bird flu is detected, the bird is immediately killed.

As a preventive measure, strict adherence to hygienic and sanitary standards for keeping poultry is necessary. It is worth remembering that bird flu is especially dangerous for the human body.

Chicken pox: raising healthy chickens


  • sneezing, runny nose, cough;
  • v open places the body may develop clear spots of red color, which subsequently transform into scabs;
  • an unpleasant odor emanates from the affected birds;
  • the affected individuals have heavy breathing and difficulty swallowing;
  • there is a state of weakness, lethargy and depression.

How to treat and prevent
This disease is treatable only in the initial stages. Therefore, you should not immediately slaughter a bird, but carry out medical procedures with glazolin, boric acid, furacilin solution.

As a preventive measure, it is necessary to periodically disinfect and clean the house.

Broiler diseases are almost the same as chicken diseases and infections. The only difference is the spread of infection in broilers is fast, this is due to the fact that the birds are kept in limited space... For this reason, it is imperative to conduct regular veterinary examinations and carry out appropriate prophylaxis.

If you want to get the maximum income with minimum costs, then start raising broilers. It is especially beneficial to raise broiler chickens of the SOBB 500 breed. universal option, both for farmers and for personal use.

Healthy broilers

But sometimes it happens that broilers do not grow well and do not gain weight. It is important to identify the reasons why this is happening.

This problem is common today.

To solve it, it is necessary to pay attention to the observance of three factors: nutrition, maintenance and diseases.

This is where the reasons for poor chick growth are hidden.

Poor feed causes poor growth

Good nutrition is central to the fight against poor broiler growth. It must comply with the following standards:

  • Broiler feed should be fortified. Contains minerals and calcium. The lack of them can be replenished by adding chalk to the feed and eggshell... Such additives should be present in food around the clock. The lack of vitamins E, A and D causes various diseases in poultry. With a lack of water and sufficient food, the body of broilers uses the internal reserves of the body. They are spent on the development of internal organs, and there is no energy left for height and weight.
  • The stomach of broilers is designed in such a way that to increase gastric motility, they need to consume gravel. Its presence is mandatory in the chicken coop, but it is not recommended to give them clean sand. Shells can be added to the feeders, they must first be finely crushed. This allows the food to be better absorbed and the broilers grow better.
  • For the normal development of broilers, it is recommended to feed them with a special compound feed. Which contains all the necessary supplements, the main of which is protein.
  • For good growth, feed for chicks, in the first seven days, should be given 8 times throughout the day. They feed them six times from the 2nd week, and switch to 4 meals a day from the third. Cobb broiler growth depends on the presence of green feed in the diet. They are the main sources of vitamins.

Broilers need quality nutrition

The dependence of broiler growth on their maintenance

  • It takes time to raise chickens. If this is a Cobb broiler breed, then 35-40 days are enough, for other breeds - no more than 80 days. Further maintenance is already characterized by a decrease in weight.
  • Growth problems in broilers occur if the building is poorly heated. Especially when caring for a bird in winter and in early spring... The growth of chickens will stop if there are low temperatures in the chicken coops. It is necessary to equip additional heating, installation oil coolers and electric heaters. The use of infrared lamps gives a good effect. They perform both lighting and heating functions.
  • Formation immune system broilers occurs during the first 2 weeks. Chicks develop normally and gain weight only at a temperature of 30⁰С. After 14 days, the temperature may drop to 25 ° C.
  • Regular airing of the room helps to get rid of excess moisture and the occurrence of infectious diseases. Airing should not provoke drafts. Since they are dangerous to the health of chicks and adult birds.
  • Bird growth is impaired due to lack of adequate lighting. If the daylight hours are short, then low lighting is organized. The length of daylight hours should last approximately 17 hours. In the early days, light lighting should be around the clock. Do not use too bright lighting. It is not recommended to use it due to the fact that it can irritate broilers and cause them to bite. Better to do soft lighting. It has been found that the use of red and blue lamps has a positive effect on the growth of birds.
  • Dry litter is essential for the healthy development of broilers. It should be deep enough. Broilers are cleaned daily. Dirty litter provokes disease and mortality of young animals.

Dry litter is the basis of bird well-being

Danger of disease

Various diseases pose a threat to the growth of broilers. If these are Cobb chicks, then they are more resistant to disease than others. Compliance with sanitary standards is strictly necessary, since:

Proper care and maintenance of broilers is essential for their good growth. Broilers SOVB 500 show excellent performance in this area. as soon as possible get the most profit in the form of the highest quality white meat.

Cobb broiler

It will take 35 days to get 1.9 kg of weight gain. The weight will literally increase by 500 grams in each subsequent week. Cobb chicks are disease resistant, gain weight quickly, and have a high survival rate. It is about 96%. Their content is beneficial because:

  • The cost of meat production for Cobb broilers is the most attractive.
  • Productivity does not depend on the composition and quality characteristics of the compound feed. Prices for it can be the lowest.
  • The highest competitiveness of the SOVB 500 breed. This leads to their predominance in the sales markets.
  • Economical production of cobb broilers. Enterprises, slaughtering 1 million birds per week, receive a profit of $ 2 million per year. Small farms and private owners also benefit from keeping this bird.
  • SOVV 500 chickens are advantageous with their purchase prices. The price of day-old chicks does not differ from the prices of simple broilers.

Eliminating the reasons affecting the growth and development of broilers makes it possible to profit from this type of activity. And given that SOBB 500 chickens meet all market requirements, the benefits of breeding and keeping them are obvious.