Interior of an apartment of 20 sq m. Secrets of interior design of a studio apartment

Recently, a studio apartment of 20 sq. m.

This is a completely new format of housing, which combines such important characteristics, how:

  • multifunctionality;
  • original design;

Recently, a studio apartment of 20 sq. m.

  • comfortable interior;
  • compactness and much more.

But, of course, one should not forget that the level of comfort of housing depends on how competently the main interior design of the apartment will be thought out. Indeed, in fact, this is a rather small apartment in which you need to competently equip all the zones necessary for life. This is especially true for the living space where the whole family lives. For such people, the process of arranging an apartment of 20 squares is a real problem.

If you adhere to the rules for arranging the interior, which are prescribed for a studio apartment, then even from a room of 20 squares you can make a very cozy and comfortable apartment

It is for this reason that almost all designers unanimously claim that the best option the interior is considered in the style of open space. Definitely, only a studio apartment of 20 sq. m can be quite comfortable and spacious for a family of 3 people. Only in this case it will be possible to equip your home with everything you need.

On a note! If you adhere to the rules for arranging the interior, which are prescribed for a studio apartment, then even from a room of 20 squares you can make a very cozy and comfortable apartment.

Moreover, all these tips can be implemented independently. The main thing is to take this process as seriously as possible.

So, to begin with, it is actually much easier to make repairs in a small apartment than to equip a house that has several bedrooms. The thing is that such a repair takes a little time, the most important thing here is to correctly calculate the amount square meters to be allocated to different zones. Let's say the size of the kitchen is often increased by reducing the hallway. And the room is divided into a sleeping area and a living room.

The size of the kitchen is often increased by reducing the hallway.

But, of course, in order for the result to really turn out to be of high quality, you must immediately take into account all the pitfalls that exist in this matter. The main task of the owner of the premises is that he must think over all the nuances of arranging his home and correctly place the bedroom, living room, study, kitchen and bathroom in one single room, and not forget about the hallway. It is difficult to disagree here that such a task will turn out to be rather difficult. It is very good when the apartment requires a loggia. Then this space can be profitably used for the implementation of the design intent.

You need to start, first of all, with the arrangement of furniture. There are several options, each of which makes it possible to use the entire housing space to the maximum. The first option involves the use of a partition, in this case a studio apartment of 20 sq. m will have a design in which several separate zones are formed in the room, which are separated from each other by mobile or stationary structures, a photo of such an interior is easy to find on the Internet or in specialized information sources. The result will be an apartment in which the sleeping area and the living room will be separated by a certain structure.

The main task of the owner of the premises is that he must think over all the nuances of arranging his home and correctly place the bedroom, living room, study, kitchen and bathroom in one single room.

If we are talking about the living room, which is connected to the kitchen, then between this space and the bedroom it is enough to install glass door on wheels or a bar counter. Of course, it is best to use a structure made of glass for this purpose. Moreover, from one side it will be transparent and can be used as a door. You also need to take into account that furniture such as a wardrobe is located in the corridor. For this, it is best to use built-in wardrobes. A small sofa can be installed in the room, coffee table and TV.

Living space arrangement option

No less popular is the layout, which assumes that the studio apartment is 20 sq. m will have a partition with which the living room is separated from the kitchen; a photo of such an interior is also easy to find on the Internet. Of course, a bed should not be installed in such an apartment; it is enough to place a sofa here, which, if necessary, can be transformed into a bed. You can also put a transforming cabinet in the room, they hide a bed in it, which has a special trigger, and at the same time it is used to store other necessary things.

Transforming table for a studio apartment

It is very good when such an apartment has a loggia. Then you can install several chairs on it, it is best to use pear chairs for this purpose. By the way, these chairs are the most popular for this type of apartment. After all, they are very easy to transfer from one place to another, and, if necessary, they can be used as an additional sleeping place.

You can put a transforming cabinet in the room, they hide a bed in it, which has a special trigger, and at the same time it is used to store other necessary things

It is very important to understand that the interior design of a studio apartment is 20 sq. m, which assumes the presence of a wall or a mobile partition between the living room and the kitchen, should be based on several rules:

  • correctly selected furniture (it should be multifunctional and take up very little space);
  • an ordinary bed and bulky wardrobes should be abandoned;

All furniture should be made in the same color scheme.

  • all interior items must be correctly combined with each other;
  • all furniture should be made in the same color scheme.

By the way, if we talk about the color scheme of such a room, then it is best to use light shades. They will be able to visually expand the room and make it more spacious. If you use dark colors, then the room will seem even smaller than it really is.

It is also very beneficial to use various mirrors or mirror-image furniture for decoration.

On a note! Such a trick will help to visually increase the space of a small apartment.

Kitchen area space

If the sleeping area and the living room are already dumb, then the kitchen still needs to be dealt with. It is important to understand here that the overall design of a studio apartment is 20 sq. m should assume the presence of a kitchen that is small space will be able to accommodate all the necessary equipment and at the same time remain as comfortable and cozy. And if you take into account the fact that in most cases this area is connected to the living room, then the arrangement of the kitchen should be carried out in accordance with certain established rules.

It should be understood that the overall design of a studio apartment is 20 sq. m should assume the presence of a kitchen that, in a small space, can accommodate all the necessary equipment

So, the main tips for arranging a kitchen in a studio apartment are as follows:

  • leave enough space for the entire necessary equipment and other kitchen accessories;
  • think over the availability of sufficient space for the realization of all the creative fantasies of the owners of the premises;
  • to realize the maximum household amenities.

The correct layout assumes that as a result, a studio apartment of 20 sq. m, which has a combined kitchen, will be very cozy and convenient for the life of not only one person, but even a small family.

The correct layout assumes that as a result, a studio apartment of 20 sq. m, which has a combined kitchen, will be very cozy and convenient for the life of not only one person, but even a small family

Of course, as in any other repair, here you will also have to face some difficulties. For example, these can be various problems associated with the coordination of redevelopment. Obtaining all the necessary permits is very often delayed indefinitely. But do not get upset right away, if you initially seek help from specialists who are involved in coordinating such issues, you will be able to reduce the time to solve such difficulties and thereby preserve your nervous system.

Moreover, in the future, the specialists of this company will be able to perform all renovation work in the apartment. True, before starting cooperation, you should carefully study all the information about a particular company. Otherwise, you can get caught by scammers.

So when with permits already figured out, you can start studying the tips for arranging communications. Here, too, you need to understand that the interior of a studio apartment is 20 sq. m, in which the kitchen is connected to the living room, presupposes a very good and modern ventilation system. And also all other communications.

The entire layout of the apartment depends on where exactly the ventilation will be located.

It is good ventilation system will allow you to use the room as efficiently as possible. And, by the way, the whole layout of the apartment depends on where exactly the ventilation will be located. Also, at the very beginning, you should think about exactly where all the sockets in the apartment will be located, where to install the tap for water supply, drain and everything else. By the way, it is important to initially think about how to connect the sewer from the bathroom and kitchen.

After all the above questions have been thought out, you can start planning the arrangement of furniture.

Only after all the above questions have been thought out, you can start planning the arrangement of furniture. After all, it should not interfere with the placement sewer system, plumbing and do not restrict access to the outlet.

An experienced designer will be able to properly plan the installation of the entire necessary furniture and communication systems

Important! To a studio apartment of 20 sq. m was as practical and comfortable as possible, it is better to entrust the design of the design to professional specialists.

An experienced designer will be able to properly plan the installation of all the necessary furniture and communication systems.

What is the sequence in the design you need to adhere to?

It was already mentioned above that the interior of a studio apartment is 20 sq. m assumes compliance certain rules, this is evidenced by the photos of such housing, which are available on the Internet.

Studio with an area of ​​20-25 sq.m. - this is a fairly small apartment, which may seem quite tiny to someone, but such apartments are sold annually in our country great amount, and thousands of our compatriots live in such a small area.

It is much easier to renovate a small apartment than to equip a spacious apartment with several bedrooms. Such repairs do not take much time and require less money, but there are pitfalls in this business. The apartment owners are faced with the task of placing several zones for various purposes in one single room: a kitchen, a bedroom, a dining room, an office, a living room - all this must somehow fit into 20 square meters, and even so that the apartment is comfortable to live.

In the photo above, you can see two small apartments with a fairly common layout. Each of them includes one room, a small corridor, a combined bathroom and a loggia (a nice addition).

How to place furniture in a small studio apartment?

I decided to experiment and arrange furniture in this type of apartment in different ways, and one helped me with this popular game... It is great when you can visually assess the interior of your apartment when it is just matured in your head.

The first option assumes that small kitchen will be combined with the dining room. There is also a small sofa, sitting on which it is very convenient to watch TV. The sleeping area is partially separated by a thin partition. This does not have to be a wall, it can be any structure that will visually divide the room into two zones. It will be great if a small climb leads to the bed for the same purpose. A thin and wide wardrobe in this apartment is located in the corridor. You will find a variety of sliding wardrobes and other furniture at

In the second case, at first, the person who enters the apartment enters the living room area, which is separated from the kitchen by a small and thin wall... There is a small sofa in the living room, you can also use a convertible wardrobe, which contains a bed with a trigger. The kitchen is small. There are two pear-shaped chairs on the loggia. In general, in a small apartment, a pear chair is simply an irreplaceable purchase. It is lightweight, it can be safely carried from place to place and removed if desired.

Studio interior 20 sq.m.

The kitchen can also be separated from the seating area by a high bar counter. Quite a common solution.

Looking at this charming studio square shape and you can't say that its owners lack space.

Even in the smallest apartment, comfort and space can reign.

When choosing colors to decorate your apartment, remember that light colors visually increase the space, while dark ones will make your apartment visually even smaller. When finishing small studio also actively use transforming furniture and mirrors.

The problem of lack of free space in last years is becoming more and more relevant, especially when it comes to cooking and receiving guests.

An excellent way out of the situation is to connect these rooms, which increases the living area and there are a lot of options for creating a harmonious interior. Sufficiently spacious kitchen-studio of 20 sq. meters can be equipped in full accordance with the personal preferences of the owner, while the money and time for repairs will take very little. The main thing is to be responsible for planning and find good masters, although, in principle, you can do the alteration yourself.

The immense popularity of the concept of a united space has led to the construction of residential buildings with studio apartments, in which there is no separate hall and room for culinary experiments. Instead, there is a room that performs several functions at once.

Choose a kitchen design for a studio of 20 sq. m, you can see the photos below. If finances allow, then you can contact a professional designer who will take over the design and selection optimal materials... Among the advantages that such an organization of space gives, it is worth noting:

  • availability of space for the location of equipment and accessories
  • room for the realization of creative fantasies
  • maximum household convenience

To achieve that the kitchen in the studio is 20 sq. m looked organic, and you could cook food and communicate with guests without any problems, you need to take care of its decoration.

What will you have to face during the renovation?

It is possible to fully appreciate the advantages of the combined premises only on condition of careful preparation, which includes the solution of bureaucratic formalities. It's one thing if you are decorating a kitchen in a studio apartment of 20 sq. m, and quite another - when it is necessary to break partitions in ordinary housing, which implies the coordination of repairs in the BTI and a number of other authorities. So as not to waste own time and nerves, it makes sense to use the services of architectural companies, although then the material costs will be much higher.

According to current legislation, to demolish any interior partitions you need official permission to change the configuration of the apartment. Starting repair work without approval is fraught with significant fines and administrative sanctions.

One of the key issues that need to be addressed when arranging a kitchen studio is the layout of communication systems. It will be very problematic to use the room without a good hood and water supply. You also need to think about where to place furniture and kitchen electronics in such a way that they do not restrict access to water supply, sewage and outlets.

Despite the presence of certain organizational and technical difficulties, it is quite possible to equip a combined room, especially since a lot of ideas from qualified designers are at your service.

Sequence of registration

When it comes to choosing a kitchen design in a studio of 20 sq. m, you need to remember that each room has certain configuration features. That is, not all the recommendations that are on the Web are universal, for example, some have to start repairs by dismantling partitions, while others can immediately start finishing.

Direct work on the interior design of the kitchen-studio begins after a single space has been formed.

For the convenience of further zoning, you can leave a part of the partition, which can later be decorated with decorative elements and organically fit into the overall concept.

The transformation process is carried out in stages:

  • first, communication systems are laid, in particular, electrical fittings, an exhaust duct and a pipeline are installed

Both from a practical and aesthetic point of view, it is more convenient to perform hidden installation, skirting boards, etc.

  • the arrangement of the ceiling is in progress ( optimal choice- suspended and tension structures)
  • wall decoration is carried out - in the interior design of the studio kitchen 20 sq. meters, it is better to use light colors that visually expand the space
  • the floor covering is selected and installed - can be used ceramic tiles, linoleum or laminate (carpet is not suitable because it strongly absorbs odors)

Living room video

Finishing touches

On the last stage all that remains is to take care of decorative design... Ways to create a cozy and at the same time functional room quite a lot - you can make sure of this by all sorts of photos of the design studio of 20 sq. m.

Rooms with a single row and corner layout, where there is a sufficiently large working area and at the same time you can safely put the furniture. The main task is to delimit the space and at the same time make it stylistically unified. This can be achieved using zoning, and use as delimiting elements:

  • the preserved part of the interior partition
  • bar counter
  • dinner table
  • translucent structures
  • kitchen island
  • gypsum plasterboard partitions with rounded shapes

In some photos you can see the interior of a kitchen-studio of 20 sq. m without dividing elements - in such rooms zoning is achieved through the use of different textures and colors finishing materials... In this case, the arrangement of the furniture is of particular importance, so as not to create a feeling of cluttering the space. If for some reason it is not possible to independently decide on a furniture set and accessories, then it makes sense to consult with a specialist.


22-06-2015, 19:46

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Design studio apartment 20 sq. m. represents a completely new format of housing, which combines all the important components and is different original interior, versatility, compactness and comfort.

Studio layouts 20 sq.

The layout, as a rule, depends on the format of the apartment, for example, if the studio has a rectangular shape with one window, it can be easily divided into several parts, which include a corridor, bathroom, kitchen and living room area.

In the case of a square room, for more free space, they are limited by a partition, with which the toilet is isolated, and the guest and kitchen sectors are left combined.

There are also studio apartments irregular shape, they do not fit into accepted standards and often have beveled corners, curved walls or niches. For example, recesses can be equipped with a dressing room or a hidden wardrobe, thereby turning this architectural element into an obvious advantage of the entire interior.

The photo shows the layout of a studio apartment of 20 sq. m., made in a modern style.

That's enough small space, making repairs is much easier and faster. The main thing is to competently prepare for it, create a project and accurately calculate the area of ​​each proposed site. It is necessary to develop a technical plan in advance and decide where the communications will pass, where ventilation, sockets, taps, etc. will be located.

In the photo there is a design of a studio apartment of 20 square meters with a kitchen by the window.

Studio zoning 20 squares

For zoning a room, use mobile partitions folding screens or fabric curtains that create an intimate atmosphere without affecting the surrounding design. Also, various pieces of furniture are preferred as a visual divider, for example, it can be a sofa, a wardrobe or a multifunctional rack. No less effective method is a variant of delimiting a room, due to color scheme, backlight or podium equipment.

How to furnish an apartment with furniture?

In the design of this space, bulky furniture and structures in too dark shades should not be present. Here, it is reasonable to use transformable furniture items, in the form of a sofa bed, wardrobe bed, folding tables or folding chairs.

It is also advisable to give preference to built-in appliances and storage systems equipped in drawers under the sofa or in a free niche. For kitchen area the quietest will do Washer, dishwasher and extractor hood, which should not only work quietly enough, but also be very powerful. The sleeping place can be either a bed or a compact folding sofa chick.

In the photo, a variant of the arrangement of furniture in the interior of a studio apartment of 20 sq. m.

For a studio apartment of 20 sq. m., it is better to select mobile and portable furniture on wheels, which, if necessary, can be easily moved to Right place... The most correct solution is to place the TV on the wall. For this, a bracket is used, which also allows you to unfold the TV device so that it is comfortable to watch from any area.

The choice of colors for the design of a small studio is a rather significant and decisive factor, therefore, it is advisable to take into account the following nuances:

  • It is preferable to decorate a small apartment in light colors with the use of small bright and contrasting accents.
  • It is not advisable to use a colored ceiling, as it will visually look lower.
  • By decorating the walls and floor in the same color, the room will look rather narrow and give the impression of a closed space. Therefore, the floor covering should be darker.
  • In order for the interior decor to stand out against the general background and not give the room a cluttered look, it is better to choose furniture and wall decoration in white shades.

In the photo there is a design of a studio apartment of 20 sq. m., decorated in light gray colors.

Lighting options

For a design studio of 20 square meters, it is advisable to use better quality lighting in sufficient quantity. Depending on the shape of the room, too dark corners may appear in it; it would be better to equip each of them with additional lighting fixtures, thereby endowing the environment with air and volume, while making it more spacious. In order not to spoil the aesthetic appearance of the room, you should not install too many small lamps or bulbs.

Kitchen design in the studio

In the kitchen, a set is mainly placed along one wall or an L-shaped structure is installed, which is often complemented by a bar counter, which is not only a place for a snack, but also a conditional separator between the culinary and living areas. Quite often in such an interior there are retractable, folding tabletops, roll-out tables, folding chairs and miniature appliances. In order not to visually overload the room, for lunch group, choose lighter or transparent furniture made of plastic or glass.

The photo shows the interior of a studio apartment of 20 squares with a light kitchen set L-shaped.

Do not use excessive amounts of decorative elements, and all kitchen utensils are best placed in cupboards. In order for this area not to look unnecessarily cluttered, they also use lockers in which small household appliances can be placed.

The photo shows the design of the kitchen area, made in light shades in a studio apartment of 20 square meters.

Arrangement of a sleeping place

For the sleeping sector, choose a bed equipped with drawers in which you can conveniently store bed linen, personal belongings and other things. Also, quite often, the bed is equipped with a rack and various shelves, which give this area a special functionality. A fabric partition or a not too bulky cabinet, which does not reach the ceiling in height, is appropriate as a space delimiter. The sleeping place should be characterized by free air circulation, not too dark and stuffy.

In the photo there is a single bed placed in a niche in the interior of a studio apartment of 20 sq. m.

Ideas for a family with a child

In creating the border between the nursery and the rest of the living space, various partitions are used. For example, it can be a movable structure, a tall piece of furniture in the form of a rack or cabinet, a sofa, a chest of drawers, etc. No less high-quality zoning is obtained using different wall or floor finishes. This area should be located near the window so that it receives enough sunlight.

For schoolchildren, get a compact desk or integrate the window sill into the countertop, complementing it with corner cases. Maximum rational decision will become a loft bunk bed, with a lower level equipped with a table or cantilever table top.

In the photo is a studio of 20 sq. m. with a children's corner for the student, equipped near the window.

Working area design

An insulated loggia can be converted into a study, so the studio will not lose useful area... The balcony space is easily decorated functional table, a comfortable chair and the necessary shelving or shelves. If this solution is not possible, various narrow, compact designs or transforming furniture are used, which can be folded at any time.

In the photo there is a design of a studio apartment of 20 sq. m. from working area with a narrow white table complemented by shelves and shelving.

Bathroom decoration

This small room requires the most functional and appropriate use area. Modern shower cabins with glass design are quite an ergonomic option that gives the atmosphere a feeling of airiness.

The design of the bathroom should be made in light shades, be distinguished by smooth color transitions and a sufficient amount of lighting. For unrivaled ambiance and magnification interior space, pick up white hinged sanitary ware, showers with beveled corners, a thin heated towel rail, large mirrors and install a sliding door.

The photo shows the interior of a small bathroom in beige colors in the interior of a studio apartment of 20 square meters.

Photo studio with a balcony

The presence of a balcony provides additional space that can be effectively used. If, after dismantling windows and doors, a partition remains, it is turned into a tabletop, a fully integrated loggia, without dividing structures, occupied by a kitchen set with a refrigerator, equipped with a space for a study, a recreation area with soft, comfortable chairs and a coffee table, as well as organize a bed with a bed on it or have a dining group.

With the help of such a redevelopment and the combination of a loggia with a living room, an additional space is formed, reminiscent of a bay window ledge, which not only provides an increase in the studio area, but also makes it possible to create a rather interesting and original design.

In the photo there is a design of a studio apartment of 20 sq. m., combined with a balcony, converted into a study.

Examples of duplex apartments

Thanks to the second tier, several functional areas are created, without losing extra space apartments. Basically, the upper level is equipped with a sleeping place. It is most often placed over a kitchen area, bathroom, or over a sofa bed. In addition to its practical function, this structure gives the design a special originality and uniqueness.

Interior options in various styles

Scandinavian design is distinguished by its snow-white, it is quite practical and cozy. This direction involves the use of decor, in the form of black and white photographs, paintings and furniture from high-quality natural materials such as wood. The eco-style also has a special naturalness, which is characterized by soft light shades, living green plants and wooden lattice partitions, which form an extremely serene atmosphere.

In the photo there is a two-level studio apartment of 20 sq. m., made in the loft style.

The main feature of the loft style is the use of unplastered bricks, deliberately rough beams, the presence of materials in the form of glass, wood and metal. Lamps with long cables or soffits are often used as lighting decor, which look especially advantageous in combination with concrete walls.

The distinctive elements of the high-tech trend are the interior in gray tones in combination with metallic and glossy surfaces. For minimalism, plain finishes and furniture that are distinguished by simplicity and functionality are appropriate. Here, structures in matte design, in the form of closed shelving and all kinds of open shelves with a moderate amount of decor.

The photo shows the interior of the studio 20 squares, decorated in scandinavian style.

Photo gallery

Taking into account certain rules, it turns out to achieve an ergonomic design of a studio apartment of 20 sq. m., adapted according to personal needs and turn it into a stylish living space, both for one person and for a young family with a child.

Today, a very urgent problem is the design of small and small rooms... The question, the question of how it is still profitable to equip a small living room or bedroom, is asked not only by household members, but also professional designers... Next, you will find out what interesting tricks you should use to furnish a room of 20 sq. m, and also get acquainted with interesting interiors such premises. In addition, the issues of zoning rooms and correct selection materials and furniture to different styles.

A little about the layout

Such a room can be planned in different ways, everything will depend on which zones are in priority for the tenants:

  • Hall studio apartment it can also be a sleeping room for household members.
  • The living room is very often combined with a kitchen, an office and even a bedroom.
  • Kitchen, living and dining areas in small spaces most often include a seating area.

  • Small families have a bedroom in the living room, using a free layout, which can be changed over time. For this, decorative partitions are most actively used.
  • Many tenants who work from home have to common room equip a multifunctional study. Some people get out of the situation by taking it to the balcony, however, only if it is heated and there is enough space for a full-fledged workplace. V otherwise workplace can only be accommodated in the common and guest room.

There is a huge variety of layout options for small rooms. They can be found on the Internet or you can use the services of professionals and order your personal project.

Nevertheless, if you are going to combine several rooms in one room, you cannot do without zoning. And it is best of all to reproduce the preliminary drawing, plan, arrangement of rooms and furniture in a computer form, or at least on paper.

Zoning of premises

Many owners of small apartments are thinking about how it is profitable to combine several rooms in one room, or, more precisely, functional areas. And for this they come to the rescue modern methods which are especially popular. Dividing a room with decorative partitions allows you to place several functional zones in one room without resorting to demolishing and moving the walls of the apartment or house itself. This technique has enjoyed particular popularity over the past few years, although before that it was used no less often.

Zoning can most often be carried out independently, without resorting to the help of specialists in the development of the project and installation already finished materials. You can separate functional areas in a small living room using:

  • Decorative partitions, for example, made of glass, as well as with the help of ready-made screens and small cabinets. In addition, today it is very popular to perform zoning with the help of fireplaces and greenery, which can easily revive any interior.
  • It is possible to separate one or another functional area by using contrasting finishing materials. If your studio apartment combines a kitchen and a living room, then you can arrange the kitchen in light shades, and the rest area itself in darker and more saturated ones. In addition, zoning can be supplemented with different floor coverings.
  • The separation of functional areas can be done using different lighting. In addition to the main one, point and additional lighting is very often done on the ceiling and in niches.

Please note that if you divide the room using different colors finishing materials and using a decorative partition, do not forget that the colors of the two functional areas should not contradict each other.

General interior the room should be harmonious and perfectly matched. The zones must be skillfully combined with each other.

We design a combined living room

You can decorate the living room in the most different styles... It can be everyone's favorite classics, and, of course, fashionable modern ones. However, for small rooms, designers recommend staying on exactly the style that will be the most functional and comfortable for all household members.

For small combined halls and living rooms with bedrooms and kitchens, the following modern styles are suitable:

  • minimalism;
  • high tech;
  • futurism.

Of course, these styles require special finishing materials and furniture. Talking about style high tech, it can be noted that it is dominated by gray shades, white and some dark scales flowers. Only modern and multifunctional models are used as furniture. Metallized and glass surfaces are very popular. Special attention paid correct lighting and even zoning with it.

For style minimalism, as is clear from its name, is characteristic the minimum of all that is superfluous and the maximum of all that is necessary. It is especially important to install a folding sofa or sofa bed in a small living room in this style. It is best to use light shades with a glossy effect as finishing materials for ceilings, walls and floors. Anything variegated, bright and acidic should be excluded.

Combined with different functional areas living room can be decorated in scandinavian style where cold shades also prevail. And mainly wooden options are used as furniture.

If you like a very cozy and homely atmosphere, then you can arrange a combined living room country and provence... These styles are very fond of beautiful finishing materials and antique-styled furniture. In addition, if it is profitable to beat the interior of these styles, you can get a very cozy room, like in French Provence.

Classic directions often assume the presence of very expensive and bulky furniture. It is quite difficult to bring pompous baroque or rococo to life in a small room, as a result of which many experts recommend choosing these styles only for very large rooms.

  • Try to avoid dark and gloomy shades in the choice of finishing materials, as they constrain the space. For his visual magnification it is best to use light and nude shades with soft patterns.
  • The same goes for furniture: very rich dark and black shades do not always suit small living rooms and bedrooms. It is recommended to choose light options for cabinets, sofas and tables. Particular attention should be paid to glass furniture, which creates a cozy and airy atmosphere in the room.
  • If the walls and ceiling are made in very light shades, then as floor coverings it is worth choosing options for natural wood... 20 squares allow the use of not very dark shades of oak or walnut.

  • Textiles should match the style of the interior as much as possible.
  • Try not to clutter a small living room with an abundance of furniture, decor and accessories.
  • When combining a hall or living room with a bedroom, if possible, it is best to place the sleeping place as far as possible from the entrance to the room. This is done so that the main and walk-through part of the room is used for receiving guests.
  • To save space, it is best to use wardrobes with mirrors. Many experts are sure that with their help you can also visually enlarge the space. The main thing for this is to choose the right options.