Repair Chainsaw Partner 350. Repair Chainsaws with your own hands: analysis of the main breakdowns and methods for their elimination

Today, almost every household there is a chainsaw, which is a worthy substitute for axes and manual Pilam. The ideal solution For people living in a private house, or engaged in construction, it will be a manual chainsaw "Partner 350". This tool of the Swedish manufacturer is very convenient and compact, so suitable for any work on the household plot.

but wrong care And the intensive exploitation of the unit can lead to its breakdown. At the same time, it is not necessary to immediately contact the service workshop. Many faults can be eliminated with their own hands. To do this, it is enough to study the saw device and video instructions for its repair.

Constructive features Chainsaw "Partner 350"

Reliable and easy-to-use saw of this model has a gasoline engine with power of 1300 W. It is easy to launch, which is carried out by the built-in professional fuel pump and electronic ignition system.

Chainsaw is equipped with a protection system that automatically activates the dual inertial chain brake. Chain lubrication also occurs automatically. Change the tension of the circuit of this unit is very easy to use only two keys.

The chainsaw is equipped with a fuel primer, so it is easy to start at any time of the year. The tool starter drum is equipped with a special impeller, with which it is cleared of contaminants.

Filter with CCS system Can delay all residual particles. In addition, such a system allows for a long time to use the air filter, while saving fuel consumption.

Manufacturers of chainsaw "Partner 350" equipped the walls of the cylinder of the piston group by a chromed coating, which significantly increases the service life of the tool.

Main faults Chainsaw "Partner 350"

Most often, the reason for the breakdown of the tool is associated with interruptions in the operation of the engine or other nodes and systems. Demolition is required to eliminate any faults. To make everything right, you need to know constructive features Chainsaws and the main reasons for her breakdown.

Check the ignition system

First of all, with malfunction any chainsaws, you should explore the spark plug. To do this, the wire is first disconnected, and then the candle itself is turned off using a special key. According to her appearance, you can understand the cause of the problem:

To check the performance of the ignition candle, it is necessary to wear the ignition cable, connect the pliers cylinder and the candle nut, and start the starter. If there is no spark. then the candle must be replaced.

Repair of the fuel system Chainsaws

Reasons why fuel-air the mixture does not fall into the cylinder. There may be several:

To diagnose the clogging of the filter or a sapuan, you just need to disconnect the hose and see how fuel flows. Trickle from the tank should pour out good head. If it is intermittent and weak, the filter needs to be pulled out through the tank and rinse or replace or replace, and the breathing is cleaned with a needle.

Carburetor Chainsaws is a rather complex device equipped with a set small details. Therefore, its disassembly and repair is better to entrust specialists.

If a carburetor filter is clogged, then it can be carefully removed, shaken, rinse with detergents and put in place.

With your own hands, the carburetor can only be adjusted. This is done three screws strictly according to the instructions.

Cleaning the muffler

In some cases the engine begins to chop And smoke on large turns. At the same time, it works fine on small turns. Most likely the reason is that the silencer is clogged with combustion products.

To eliminate this malfunction, the muffler is removed, disassembled and using detergents cleared from Nagara. After that, it needs to be dried with a hairdryer and install in place.

While the muffler will be removed, the outlet of the saw must be closed with a clean cloth.

Repair of the cylinder-piston group

In this group, malfunctions are quite rare. When a breakdown of any element is most often replaced with a new one.

The main malfunctions of the cylinder-piston group:

  1. The engine power can be lost due to low (about 5 atm) pressure in the cylinder. To measure it, a special pressure gauge is needed, which is called a copressometer. Normal operating pressure of cylinder 8-9 atmospheres.
  2. If hot gases are thrown into the engine crankcase, then the piston rings are most likely.
  3. Pressure loss and gas emissions through slots may indicate the destruction of the cylinder head sealing gaskets. They must be replaced.

Fully evaluate the status of all elements of this group only visually, through a hole from the filmed silencer. If it is possible, the cylinder head or the entire cylinder is removed.

If the reason for the breakdown chainsaw is insignificant, it does not matter - by Russian, or Chinese manufacturers a tool is made. Disassembly and repair of the unit can be easily made with their own hands, after studying its design and video instructions for troubleshooting.

Repair Chainsaw Partner 350 DIY - Video

Today, during repair or any kind of construction, it is impossible to do without chainsaws. From the quality of its work will depend on the entire process of separating wood and the implementation of the planned project of the building. That is why it is worth carefully treating the choice of high-quality chainsaws, which will allow practical and more qualifying the process of dividing construction elements based on wood.

An excellent example can be the acquired chainsaw "Partner 350". But, like any other type of chainsaw, it can come into disrepair and demand repair. To accomplish it, it will be important to correctly understand the cause of the breakage and correctly replace the elements exhausted its resource.

As a rule, the repair can be made independently, it is only necessary to understand where it is better to start. Given the work of the oil pump or the existing carburetor. To do this, it will be necessary to explore the device and the principle of work chainsaw "Partner 350".


Use chainsaw "Partner 350" with an engine with a capacity of 1.8 hp Allows you to not worry about the charging of the chain, letting the necessary volumes of work on wood harvesting or maintenance construction work. This is ensured by the automatic inertial brake and lubrication chain during operation.

The CCS system with a powerful air filter allows the aggregate timely and does not allow it to overheat. The saw has a low production noise due to the correctly designed body, which is quenched.

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An existing chain step at a 3/8 inches allows you to evenly distribute the applied load. The fuel tank capacity of 0.4 liters provides required amount Fuel for long work, and does not waste the design of a saw of 4.7 kilograms. The engine volume is 34 cc.

Advantages when using this model

When using chainsaws Partner, you can guarantee the perfectly produced cutting and separation of wood. With all this, you can mark some benefits, namely:

  • ease of service and service repair can be performed almost any person;
  • reliable case and practicality of use due to lightness chainsaws;
  • minimal consumption of fuel and oil;
  • ergonomics of each of the chainsaw elements;
  • the possibility of using high and low temperatures air.

These criteria make it possible to talk about widespread benzopils: under difficult weather conditions with a large amount of work in minimally taken time time.

Technical nuances, device and adjustment of the carburetor

When adjusting the carburetor, it is important to perform a detailed disassembly and clean it from the available dust and dirt. Establishing additional care for connecting elements and housing.

Chainsaw "Partner 350" has several levels of protection, both for the oil pump and for the carburetor. This allows you to say that it is necessary to carry out the adjustment and configuration of the carburetor operation, taking into account future hardware.

It's important to know: In the process of disassembly, the removable elements of the chainsaws must be sequentially decomposed in a separate place so that later in the same sequence could be collected without losing a single element from the components.

When disassembling chainsaws, it is important to correctly disconnect the carburetor so that after it is adjustable. By accessing the internal component, the fuel hose and drive thrust are separated.

The cable tip is disconnected. On the left plot from the fitting you can remove the chain of the benzing.

As a result, a perfectly removed carburetor will be obtained, which can be fixed and adjusted in detail.

There is an interesting article on how to make a garden drill with your own hands.

If you are interested in knowing how to sharpen chain chainsaws at home, then you can read in detail about it in our article.

Instructions on disassembly chainsaw "Partner 350"

First of all, the top cover of the chainsaw housing is removed, then it will be possible to begin the separation of the foam rubber on the surface of the air filter. All device and elements are attached to bolts, which makes more practical use Aggregate without fear of damage at large loads.

With the help of tuning screws, the carburetor is adjusted, each of which performs its function:

1. Helps to adjust the upper speed.

Tip: For the first time, the adjustment is better to hold under the supervision of an experienced specialist in order to avoid the tool breakage.

Essence settings: Clockwise increase the number of revolutions, against - reducing.

It should be noted that the overheating of chainsaws is excluded, even with a large amount of work performed, due to a powerful air filter and base metal in the carburetor housing.

A practical and simple device allows the use of "Partner 350" chainsaw in a wide variety of conditions. However, to extend the life of it, it is necessary to use high-quality lubricants (They are more expensive than Chinese analogues on a couple of hundred rubles).

Spare parts for chainsaws

But the damage caused due to the use of unsuitable oil can cost you the cost of the chainsaw itself. Also, do not forget to merge the remains of fuel from the tank, if you do not plan to work over the next week.

Below, we suggest you watch a video about how to repair chainsaw partner your own hands:

Repair Chainsaws Country 180 DIY - Video

Repair Chainsaws Huskvarna 137, 142, 240, 365 do it yourself - video

Repair chainsaws do it yourself at home - video

How to remove an asterisk with Huskvarna chainsaws, partner, chat with do it yourself

Repair chainsaw "Partner 350" with their own hands. Malfunctions and ways to eliminate them

Saw "Partner 350" has decent power and is very convenient to use. However, the flywheel in this model is not designed for long work. If the motor overheats, various breakdowns may occur. In order to independently make repairs, you need to know the device chainsaw "Partner 350".

Starter malfunctions

Starter often fails. In this case, the repair of chainsaws "Partner 350" with your own hands should be started with the following: unscrew the side cover, which is located next to the gearbox. The starter at the saw presented is near the engine. In order to inspect this item, the air damper is first removed.

Next, you need to disconnect the carburetor. The starter in this model is connected to the throttle. To split them, you need to use a screwdriver. If the starter is visible to the nagar, this item will have to be completely replaced. In this case, an ordinary modification is established, and it is not difficult to find it in the store. However, the best spare parts on the chainsaw "Partner 350" to acquire in specialized workshops. After replacing the starter, it will only be left to screw the throttle and put the carburetor with the lid.

Flywheel does not work

Flywheels in this saw break quite rarely. Most often, this is due to the overheating of the engine. In this case, the repair of chainsaw "Partner 350" with their own hands should be started with removing the protective cover. After that, the engine is first viewed. In some cases, the tire can overcome. If there are no darkens on it, it means that you can immediately twist the flywheel.

In order for it easier to get it, you must first disconnect the crank. It is directly over the flywheel. To do this, you will need a cruciform screwdriver. After that, the flywheel can be easily unscrewed from the panel. Particularly carefully consider its head. If it is deformed, then the flywheel will have to be replaced. In this case, it is necessary to say the exact diameter of the head in the store.

Repair of the Barabana

The battery breakdown in the saw is accompanied by a loud sound when turned on. In this case, the repair of chainsaws "Partner 350" should be started primarily from the inspection of the fuel system. The problem can be in the carburetor breakdown. In some cases, the drum flies due to a crank, which comes out of the grooves. In order to inspect it, you need to open the protective cover. Next, the throttle is removed and the fuel system is checked.

All tubes must be connected. After that, it is necessary to inspect the crank, which is above the carburetor. If he flew out of the grooves, it can be installed independently. However, if it is strongly deformed, it will have to be replaced. The drum in this saw is located near the air damper. When he beats about the coupling, his protective ring is damaged. If it is completely overcome, it means that the drum will have to be completely changed. In this case, you need to know the product labeling. In the installation, the drum is pretty simple, and you can cope with installation yourself. In this case, it is important not to damage the fuel system when repaired.

Replacing the connecting rod mechanism

The connecting rod mechanism is quite complex has a chainsaw "Partner 350". Its malfunction is often accompanied by loud operation of the motor. It should also be noted that when the connecting rod mechanism fails, the carburetor often comes out. In this case, the repair of chainsaws "Partner 350" with its own hands to start with inspection of the ignition module. It will also be necessary to fully check the coupling. In particular, the state of centrifugal clutch deserves attention.

In order to examine it, it is necessary to remove the top cover. Immediately the coupling for this model is located near the carburetor. To get to the centrifugal clutch in a saw, the flywheel is removed. Next, the carburetor head is disconnected. In this case, it is important not to damage the fuel system. The centrifugal grip on the bolts is attached. Disconnect this detail You can with the key. If there are cracks under the cylinder, it means that the grip will have to be changed. However, some experts advise not to rush. If the cracks are shallow, you can try a little strain the surface with a file.

Sanding Sapuna

Sapun in the presented model clogs when low-quality fuel is used. In such a situation, the repair of piston chainsaw "Partner 350" must be started with the inspection of the carburetor. In order to see it, you will have to remove the top cover of the device. Next twists the ignition module. After that, it is important to disconnect the crank immediately. In this case, you will have to use keys. The next step is disconnected by the drum.

Immediately behind it is the carburetor. You do not need to remove it for inspection. First of all, the throttle is checked. In some cases, the problem may be in it. If the throttle is fine, you need to look at the bus. When it is damaged, the sides are a little shot down. Cracks can also be observed in the central part of the tire. If the item is deformed, it will have to be replaced. Spare parts for chainsaw "Partner 350" to acquire better in specialized workshops. On your own tire on the carburetor is quite difficult. In such a situation it is more expedient to contact a specialist.

Cleaning carburetor

The fuel is very demanding chainsaw "Partner 350". The repair of the carburetor is produced when its nozzles are contaminated. In this case, all internal mechanisms should be inspecting. When fuel leak occurs, they should be trail. If everything is in order with the hoses, you need to inspect the carburetor directly. To do this, the cylinder is first removed. This is further important to remove the crank, which is located next to the coupling.

After that, it will be possible to look at the carburetor. It consists of the lower unit, as well as the top with the ignition system. To unscrew the item, you have to use keys. After disconnecting the carburetor, it is necessary to view its base. If it is not deformed, then the problem is in the ignition system. In particular, they can face contacts. Separately, they, unfortunately, are not replaced. In this case, you will have to buy a new carburetor. Install it will be quite simple.

Chain problems

To control the chain, a special trap is applied, which has a chainsaw "Partner 350". Type faults are a consequence of improper operation of the device. As a result, the chain can be saved after a while. In such a situation, the saw repair should be started with an inspection of an aspect. It is located near the handle. It is not necessary to shoot it in this case. If the cloves of the asterisks are not deformed, you can simply try to lubricate them with machine oil.

Then it is important to inspect the trap. In the device it is quite simple and is a set of rollers. When the trap fails, they are knocked out from the chain. It is impossible to correct them yourself. The only option is to put a new trap. To do this, a screwdriver is used. Locking it is carried out on three nuts. When installing a trap, it should be noted that the rollers are located at the top and must be near the chain.

Repair choke

If the chainsaw "Partner 350" does not start, perhaps the problem lies in the throttle. In this model, it connects directly with the coupling. When it turns out a large load on the engine, it does not withstand and burst. In such a situation, the saw repair should be started with the inspection of the coupling. In order to get to it, you will need to unscrew the protective cover of the model. Next will only have to remove the crank.

After that, it will be possible to explore the coupling and choke. In some cases, it flies out of the clamp. In such a situation, nothing needs to buy. However, if a gap occurred, then a new throttle will be required to repair the saw. In order to install it, it is important first to unscrew the clamp. It is fixed with just one bolt.

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The best info about adjusting carburetors on a chainsaw

Greetings to you dear and the most faithful readers of my blog. In today's article, I decided to consider how to adjust the carburetor on a chainsaw. After all, it seems to me, you have repeatedly come across the problem that your "darling" led you when it was necessary. And since we are economical and do not want to spend money on what we can do, then let's learn how to regulate the carburetor on our chainsaws with your own hands, without attracting professional repairmen. And how will you see soon, it is quite easy to do it. You even do not need anything special, perform. I specifically considered the adjustment of the carburetors of all famous brands of drank, each of which has its hectares and nuances and in my opinion this is the best information online!

So let's start!

What do you need?

  • First, the instruction manual for the device itself.
  • Secondly, tachometer. For what exactly we need, consider a little later.
  • Thirdly - screwdriver.

Oddly enough, it's all that we need.

To start carefully read the device of your saw. What you need to make the first thing is to determine where the carburetor jets are located, and even more importantly, the jaws are adjusting screws. Usually, there must be two or three screws. One of them regulates idle speeds, and two others are low and high.

It is them that you will need to regulate, or twist, or unscrew to enrich or detect the fuel mixture.

If you need to lunch the mixture, then simply turn the knob clockwise, if you enrich, then according to.

To adjust the speed of rotation at idle, the screw, which is responsible for it, also need to either twist clockwise in order to increase the frequency of revolutions, or, as you have already guessed, in the opposite direction to reduce them.

But I want to warn you, be careful when setting up the carburetor. Therefore, as depletion, and enriching the fuel mixture, as well as a game with frequency of revolutions, has very serious consequences.

And now let's consider the features of adjustment different modelslike more modern and domestic, and more familiar to us.

When you need adjustment

With proper use good chainsaw Country 180 (or any other) should serve for a long time and well. But all because it happens ...

The most common reasons:

  1. Locked locking screws
  2. The engine was worn out (in this case, the adjustment of this chainsaw, like the Goodlak, or the assault helps only for a while, ideally, it is better to immediately carry to repair)
  3. The carburetor clogged (in this case it will have to be cleaned).

Step-by-step setting

"Partner 350" is regulated similarly to many chainsaw models.

In this model we have three regulators:

After the production from production, these chainsaws are configured to enter the mixture more than necessary. So it should be only in the first hours of work.

When the motor will warm up to reconfigure it. At idle, twist the screw m counterclockwise until the chain stops, after which you set up each of them in order: L, H, T.

Screw L need to turn counterclockwise on the turn of the turn at the moment when the biggest turns will begin at idle.

The H screw is adjustable: heating the crooked and rotate counterclockwise to ¼ turn. To determine whether you need a tachometer in order. Turns should be the same as the maximum chainsaws in the passport.

Your actions should lead to the engine immediately accelerate and noisy as a fourfold.

The Khuskvarna carburetor is also configured.

Partner 351 differs only by the fact that his factory settings initially fed the optimal amount of the mixture, that is, everything should immediately work correctly. But, if necessary, the above instruction will help you configure the carburetor correctly.

Ural adjustment

It is slightly different in that it should be carried out not on sharp maximum speeds, but to watch the chain pick them up quickly, but smoothly, without moving along the tire.

In any case, it is very serious about the adjustment, because if it is not allowed to spend incorrectly for a long time with you will not remain. Take care of your tools and if you are not sure about your abilities, please take a professional.

Any of them, even a fixed friendship, needs attention and care. And then chainsaw will be your faithful assistant for many years.

By acquiring the HUS365 chainsaw, you should be prepared for the fact that after a month of its use, you will not want to deal with whatever saw, except for this brand. This is explained by its reliability, affordable price, and most importantly - ease of management.

Video for a snack

Good luck to new meetings! With you was Andrei Noak.

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Instructions for repairing carburetor chainsaws do it yourself

How is a chainsaw carburetor?

The main purpose of the carburetor is to mix fuel with air in the necessary proportions. If the latter are violated, it almost instantly reflects on the operation of the engine.

Carburetor Chainsaws Stihl MS 181 C Be

Chainsaws of carburetors may differ in design. However, their basic elements and the principle of operation remain approximately the same.

This is an aerodynamic tube, the across the air damper is located - with it, the air supply intensity is adjusted.

This part is where the base tube is syrupted - here the airflow speed increases, i.e. Air is always served in a carburetor under some pressure.

In this area, contact fuel with air flow occurs. The fuel sprayer gets from the float chamber through the jets (dispenser).

This is a container that allows you to keep the fuel mixture in a stable state.

Constructive scheme of carburetor chainsaws

A chainsaw carburetor works on the following principle:

  • when the engine is started, the main flap opens and the air jet is supplied to the air channel at a certain speed;
  • the speed of the air flow, as well as the float level in the chamber is adjusted by the position of the damper, namely due to the pressure difference in the float chamber and the air canal;
  • the fuel from the float chamber is absorbed into the jetwork, and from there - to the diffuser;
  • passing through the diffuser, the air captures the fuel incoming there;
  • the resulting mixture is supplied in the cavity of the cylinders in the inlet channels.

The principle of operation of the carburetor chainsaws

The pressure in the float chamber is approximately an atmospheric, but in the air canals of the carburetor when the engine starts, the chainsaws occur. The opening of the flap leads to an increase in the intensity of air supply. As a result, more fuel enters the carburetor, and the number of engine rollets is growing.

What is the primary adjustment for?

In the first hours of operation 2-stroke engine chainsaws require running, from which its quality depends further work. In the process of running, the primary adjustment of the carburetor is performed - the optimal parameters of the preparation and supply of the fuel mixture are set.

Primary rowing chainsaw: work with a thin material

Most modern chainsaws come on sale adjusted. However, the quality of the factory settings does not interfere with check - in the end, it is necessary to work with the tool.

When you first start, the chainsaw should work in a gentle mode. Therefore, over a few hours after the start, it is recommended not to overload the engine and perform cutting only small branches and stems with a thickness of up to 10 cm.

Progress from the failures in the work of the carburetor, chainsaws will help simple rules:

Chainsaw must start correctly, ensure the stable speed of rotation of the stars and the smoothness of the increment / downturn. When the engine is running, there should be no extraneous stuffs, cotton and noise.

Professional manual chainsaw in work

The main thing for the primary run-in tool to ensure that the fuel consumption is consistent with the power used, i.e. In practice, the saw should not go out, "sneeze", smoke and work with jerks.

How to recognize crashes in the carburetor?

Typical violations of the carburetor work is easy. They are expressed in the fact that the engine chainsaws will start and immediately stalls or does not give signs of life at all. Well, or in all the way, it consumes fuel, instead of the laid power, producing clouds of black smoke and aggressive vibrations.

Scheme of the chainsaw carburetor

The settings of the carburetor can be violated at:

Discovered problems should be eliminated immediately. But how to determine what is the case in the carburetor? To do this, make sure your tool works.

The list of typical signs that the karburetor settings have begged, include:

As a rule, the reason for this is the use of an incorrect (depleted) fuel mixture.

It is expressed in the increased highlight of the exhaust exhaust, which are purchased black. This means that the fuel is not fully consumed, i.e. Mixed mixture.

The carburetor is configured correctly - the saw will start the first time

  1. Arbitrary motor power changes

Can be associated with damage to the mounting of the adjusting screws or a protective cap.

  1. Increased fuel consumption, accompanied by vibrations and cotton

Speaks of critical wear of the piston group, so the adjustment of the carburetor will move overhaul Only for a while.

Such a picture is observed when casting the channels of the carburetor or the malfunction of its filters. In this case, the adjustment should be carried out only after a thorough washing of the node.

Fuel filter chainsaws

Despite the fact that the carburetor is the most complex part of the engine, when the failures are detected in its work, it is not necessary to be upset. Instead, you need to arma some tool, constructive scheme node and healthy logic.

Carburetor Chainsaws in repair

Disassembly with your own hands: nothing complicated

First of all, you need to prepare a place to disassembly. It can be a workbench or normal table. In addition, you need a rectangular piece of fabric or cardboard - on it you will carefully fold the details of the carburetor. And finally, the tool: for disassembly, you will need a set of horn wrenches and screwdrivers, a special cleaning composition and an ultrasonic cavitation bath.

Tool for repair of a chainsaw carburetor

Initially, you will have to disassemble the carburetor chainsaws. This is done in that order:

Disassembly of the carburetor must be carried out in the manner prescribed by the design and functional solutions of its elements. Details of the carburetor chainsaws are not distinguished by dimensions, so it is necessary to put them carefully and in order, trying not to lose anything.

Disassembling carburetor chainsaws in the photo

After disassembly, it is necessary to carry out a defect and replace damaged or worn items. Next, the whole set should be rinsed with special tools, dry and wipe with a dry lobby cloth. Jets and tubes knots need to blow compressed airor, in order to more carefully remove formations on their inland surfacesBefore you treat ultrasound.

Customizing Carburetor: Highlights

The reverse assembly of the carburetor is carried out only after complete cleaning, drying and purging with compressed air. At the same time, do not forget that some gaskets and seals even in the absence of damage to be replaced.

You can proceed to adjust the carburetor under the condition of its correct defecting, high-quality assembly and impeccable reverse engine mounting.

The principles of the carburetor setting:

The overall adjustment algorithm looks like this:

Upon completion of the adjustment, it remains back the lid of the chainsaw with an insulating gasket, after which you can start to the main work. If the settings are correct, the engine chainsaw will receive the optimal fuel mixture. This will provide its normal efficiency, as well as the overall comfort and safety of working with the tool.

Repair and configuration of carburetor chainsaws in details on video

ATTENTION, only today!

This ownerdo without chainsaws? This is nonsense! Many small and not very affairs without this tool will stop: heap branches, trimming bushes, small carpentry repair, etc. What to say, you yourself know better how hard you need.

AND Popular benzaw The partner is called so no coincidence - it is not worse than the partner helps in the farm. And if this chainsaw breaks - it is very difficult without it. Fortunately, for chainsaw partner, repair can be tried independently. Let's see, in what cases it is possible.

Chainsaw Partner 350: Characteristics and Features

Motor Partner 350. Refers to the class of household, or amateur manual gasoline saws. Amateur - means not a "club for the interests" of amateurs of motorcons, but denotes the power and capabilities of the unit. This saw is one of the best in its class and is optimally suitable for short-term garden work. cottage plot etc.

With it, you will cut the bushes, harvest the twig for the mantle and wood for repair, spire a small church. All this is possible at the expense of such technical parameters:

  • Weight: 4.7 kg
  • Power of the two-stroke engine - 1.8 hp (1300 W)
  • Engine volume: 34 cc.
  • Electronic ignition system.
  • Butter tank capacity - 0.2 l, fuel - 0.4 liters.
  • Chain step: 3/8 inches.
  • Maximum chain length - 41 cm, optimal - 35 cm.
  • Primer for starting a cold engine.

Benefits Chainsaws Partner 350 consists in its compact size and convenient operation. It has a built-in security system: a double inertial brake works automatically as soon as it occurs. emergency situation. Potentially dangerous for saw operator.

Lubrication chain Also carried out automatically. In this case, the fuel is spent very economically, and the air filter serves longer thanks to the CCS system. It is even surprising that with such high engine speeds, the saw works relatively quiet. As a pleasant "bonus" - the cylinder walls are covered with special protective compositionAnd the anti-vibration system is built into the handle.

Concerning flaws of chainsaws Partner 350, then they are eloquently thanks to the forums. It turns out that this model was first released in 2012, and then re-released in 2015. According to the documents, the updated model is perfect. But in practice, instances of the first episodes are more reliable and break less often. In addition, this saw is not equipped with a shock absorber - it is felt with long work.

Chainsaws Rartner.
Releases Swedish Concern Husqvarna, well-known users for the garden, country and forestry. Plants for the production of equipment "Partner" are not only in China, but also in the US, Italy, the UK.

In spite of this, price Chainsaw Rartner relatively low. Spare parts are also available. In Western countries, this brand is very popular thanks to a win-win combination of price and quality. But even Swedish quality sometimes gives a failure.

Common breakdowns saw Partner: Diagnostics at home

Petrol Power Partner can not be called unreliable. For many users, she works without any problems in winter and in summer, over the years. But others complain about the same typical problems:

  1. Chainsaw will not start.
  2. Chainsaw starts, but stalls.
  3. The fuel does not fall into the cylinder.

All these problems have Internal causes in details and tool nodes. It means to get to the essence and eliminate the breakdown, you will have to disassemble the electric saw. It is not as difficult as it may seem, because manufacturers always take into account this possibility.

For self-diagnosis Multiplements at home should be understood that the common chainsaw problems in the overwhelming majority of cases are caused by the same causes. Therefore, already on the symptoms you can assume where the source is a problem.

For example, if the chainsaw does not start, then the reason is likely to lift in the ignition system, namely in the candle. If the air is seeping into the cylinder, then you need to search for a defect in the fuel system. A contaminated filter makes the engine stuck and smoke, and so on. Let's look at these cases in detail so that you feel confident during the independent repair of chainsaw partner.

What to do if chainsaw Partner 350 does not start

Now that you know what caused breakdown, it's time to move on to business. A faulty ignition system can only be repaired after parsing. To do this, remove the remains of fuel from the tank. Then carefully disconnect the wire and remove the ignition candle (a special key is provided to retrieve it).

In addition, in any case it does not prevent to make sure whether the carburetor chainsaw is adjusted correctly. Do not start adjustment until you clean the air and fuel filters. If the filters are in order, use the adjusting screws.

One of them (s) designed for idling, Two others - for maximum (H) and minimal (L) revolutions, respectively. Gradually rotate the screws clockwise. After completing, make two turns in the opposite direction.

Problem: Chainsaw stalls after launch

Common Situation: A chainsaw partner stalls on large circulation, although it starts before that, it works on average gas. Sometimes on average, it also works with interruptions - but it immediately stalls at full gas. With this problem, many users are collected on high-quality fuel.

Non-quality gasoline Easily pollutes the details of Nagar. In this case, the check of filters (air and fuel) will not prevent. Moreover, the silencer suffers from the bad fuel and the nagar educated by him.

The products of combustion of dirty fuel are simply clogged by forming an impassable tube from Gary. This plug strongly reduces the power of the engine. Gasoline is consumed in large quantities, but no result in power. Check and clean the muffler:

  1. Remove the fuel residues from the tank.
  2. Remove the muffler and disassemble it on the part.
  3. Do not leave the exhaust opening open - cover it with a napkin or lid.
  4. Clean the entire nagar from the silencer using the cable and / or detergent. According to reviews, the "Mr. Muskul" has proven well established for pipes or similar household chemicals.
  5. Pure washed muffler need to dry. For the speed of the process, you can make it a hair dryer.

We repair the fuel system chainsaw

When the fuel supply is broken, it is not surprising that chainsaw does not work. Moreover, the problem in this case is one: the cylinder does not flow fuel. And there may be several reasons for this problem, and you have to find the very reason.

To begin with, try disconnectingthe fuel hose and watch the fuel pressure. The weak, intermittent flow signals the clogging of the filter. Remove it, rinse and dry, and if you can - replace the new filter. Sapun (valve) Clear clogging too.

Check the condition of the filter Carburetor and, if necessary, rinse it thoroughly, dried and install it back. We were told about the adjustment of the carburetor in detail above, and these actions in this case will not be superfluous too.

If the reason is not in a sapoon And not in the carburetor, then everything can be banal. Make sure the tank is enough fuel.

Also possible malfunctions in the cylinder-piston group (abbreviated CPG) chainsaw partner. This breakdown can be considered serious, because the cylinder and piston is the base of the engine. Therefore, the CPG is the expensive component, the value of which reaches half the value of the entire instrument.

From coordinated cylinder work And the piston directly depends the power of chainsaws. During operation, especially in violation of the rules of operation, cylinder, piston and rings can wear out. In this case, only the replacement of parts will help.

Details of CPG can be damaged mechanically. These defects can be diagnosed independently. Remove the muffler. You can see CPG in the hole. Scratches and jackets on the surface of the cylinderlocated chaotically, occur when trash, fragments, solid foreign particles.

If the cylinder is darmedAnd this defect is observed on the whole of its surface, then, in all likelihood, you fled the chainsaw by poor-quality fuel. Bad gasoline also affects engineering rings.
The scratched surface of the cylinder from the silencer is a sign of critical overheating chainsaws during operation.

Minor mechanical damage
It is possible to correct the replacement of bearings, rings, etc. But with deep jackets, the CPG will have to be completely replaced by contacting the workshop on the repair of chainsaw partner.

How to prevent breakdown chainsaws

Repair chainsaw In some cases, it may be very expensive. This can be avoided if it is enough to pay attention to the prevention and control of the state of the instrument and all of its parts. Especially since it is not difficult to fulfill this condition - it is enough to use the instruction manual and adhere to rational accuracy:

To maintain it in working condition, it is only necessary to clearly follow the instructions and comply with some general rules:

  1. Do not overheat the engine, make pauses in operation so that it can relax and cool.
  2. Do not load chainsaws over those capabilities that are provided for by its class. For example, if you use the saw partner of a 350 household class, then it is simply not designed to work over 40 minutes a day.
  3. Daily check the health of the chain brake (this is done at the maximum acceleration).
  4. Observe the manufacturer's requirements for quality, fuel mixture.
  5. Weekly check the state of the ignition candle and, if necessary, clean the electrodes.
  6. Before using saws, make sure that the chain is shaped and correctly installed. Pay attention to the wear of the cutting links and drag in a timely manner. Follow the appearance of cracks and breaks on rivets.
  7. Properly stretched chain does not sane, but it can be moved by hands. Never do it with a hot chain! Cheaper and / or pull it after replacement.
  8. When refueling chainsaws, make sure that the dirt and other foreign particles do not get along with the fuel to the tank. Pour the oil and gasoline carefully, do not spill them.

Often, when contacting the service center, it turns out that a chainsaw partner broke due to improper launch of the tool. Therefore, the universal solution when the saw breakdown is only one thing: contact her correctly, and most problems will be able to avoid.

And in the event that you are interested in, the second popular brand together with the partner, the next article is about this.

And for lovers know more, we suggest familiarizing with the video about the repair of chainsaw partner

In a ruralized house, in the country, an inexpensive and trouble-free chainsaw partner 350 has replaced a two-handed tool and hacksaw. Initially, the Swedish brand handed over the right to mark Electrolux with a manufacturing platform in Russia. Therefore, with proper quality, the tool is inexpensive. For amateur use, the model is as convenient as possible. Price chainsaw Partner 350 from 5 to 9 thousand rubles, depending on the configuration, acceptable.

Principles of choice of chainsaws

So, I got the question of which saw to choose for work on the summer site. Of course, it should be chainsaw, as it is mobile, does not depend on the source of energy. Such a device can be used in a tourist journey to collect wood residues in the forest.

Quality products, not only saws, are determined by well-known brands. But there is a danger to get to the replica created in the handicraft. Therefore, it is worth seeing to look more carefully. More often fake expensive tools of world leaders of Stihl, Husqvarna, Echo, Solo, as expensive brands. Therefore, a chainsaw partner 350 from the manufacturer can be purchased with a smaller risk.

Warning ratio has a direct dependence. therefore professional instrument For exercise, it is not always suitable. Choose a home assistant with a small power margin. 45 cm tire size on amateur saw is marketing running, Reduces the engine resource, the saw device will stretch with the jail.

Chainsaw is a tool of increased danger. When working it is necessary to ensure inaccessibility to the place of work of children and animals. Cutting minor boards is better to lead on specially equipped racks. For their own safety, working in fascinated clothing, glasses and protective gloves. On the legs should be comfortable stable shoes.

Vibration Gas Options, easy launch, convenient chain stretch, air filter availability creates additional convenience when working tool. From domestic budgets, the rating of the most popular in the fifth place is called a chainsaw partner 350 S. and at a ratio of price - quality, this is the best mechanism.

Technical characteristic Chainsaws Partner 350

The most common saw from a number of "partner" is considered to be partner 350 S. This model is used for longitudinal and cross-saw wood. The tool is designed for a bus length 40 cm. From the options, the device is equipped with:

  • inertial brake chain and built-in switch;
  • electronic ignition;
  • spring for lightweight engine start;
  • vibration damper;
  • automatic lubrication chain.

Main settings:

  • power - 1, 5 kW;
  • the angular velocity of the shaft is 13000 rpm;
  • the working volume of the combustion chamber is 40 cu. cm;
  • tire length - 40 cm;
  • chain step - 3/8 inches;
  • total weight - 4.7 kg.

Practical Tips for Operation Chainsaw Partner 350 are presented in video:

After proper running, regulation, the working saw mode allows you to perform a large range of works, including longitudinal cuts of wood.

Studying instructions for use Chainsaws Partner 350

Work on complex household appliances without having studied the device and rules of operation, is unacceptable. The instruction from the manufacturer in Russian translation includes topics:

  • list of component components and parts;
  • information, how to correctly read characters on the equipment;
  • safety technique when working with saw and compliance with wood sawmills;
  • instructions for the tool assembly;
  • the correct composition of mixtures of fuel and requirements for lubrication of chains;
  • instructions in maintenance individual nodes;
  • table of troubleshooting and ways to eliminate them;
  • specifications Chainsaw Partner.

Official documents developed to help the owners of technology carry out comprehensive information on the proper operation of the saw.

On the tool it is necessary to use only a saw chain with low rebound. Due to the reise depth limiters, it is safer in amateur use.

Conditions of independent repair Chainsaw Partner

For the owner of the tool having repair skills household appliances, eliminate the malfunction yourself, after the end of the warranty service is available. First you need to explore the technique. Experienced masters believe that the repair of chainsaws partner 350 begins with proper diagnosis. To determine the nature of the repair, it is necessary:

  • check the ignition system;
  • perform diagnostics of the carburetor;
  • efficiency of the fuel system;
  • clean the muffler;
  • determine the performance of the piston system;
  • control the chain lubrication;
  • determine the wear of nodes and the parts required for the chainsaws partner.

Sophisticated questions need to be resolved with the involvement of specialists for consultation.

If you refuse to start the engine, first check whether the candles are working. They should be dry and have a contact clearance of 0.5 -0.65 mm. At the state of the outstanding candle, it is possible to determine the signs of problems in the fuel system and the operation of the equipment.

Check the condition of the candle, connecting through a pad with a starter, and put on the cylinder body. Candle is working if it gives a spark on the body when the starter is twin. If there is no spark, it is a defective or candle of flooded, or has worked its resource.

A lot of worked saws may experience a carburetor. But first should be adjusted by the carburetor chainsaw partner 350, as shown in the video:

Carburetor repair can extend the engine operation time. The running holes in the carburetor can cling to poor-quality flammable or through a loose air filter. When parsing the node, it is necessary to rinse and blow all the details.

Repair and adjustment of the carburetor, as the most responsible node, better entrust the master.

If it does not come fuel in the cylinder:

  1. You can clean the fuel filter after you have seen that the hose is small fuel consumption. Depending on the degree of charge, it needs to be cleared or replaced new.
  2. When a injection break - remove the hose, clean the needle hole.
  3. A little air hits the carburetor through a crab air filter. The supply of the mixture into the engine is disturbed.
  4. Improper control of the carburetor will lead to the same result.

The chain is not lubricated. To avoid overheating of the chain and pulling it, the lubrication to the working unit should be automatically. But since the oil is served through the channels, they can be clogged with shallow woody dust. After each cycle of work, the cloth and the gaps need to be cleaned of dust and dirt. If the oil leaks, you need to check the hose integrity and tightness of the connection with a tank. Faulty hose Replace or shower a hole with a sealant. Perform the repair of the oil pump.

For malfunctions, chainsaws Partner 350 refer to the failure of the details of long-term use. If an asterisk, a tire, rubber anti-vibration seal, or a chain fastened, should be taken on time. In the rigid operating conditions, they must be controlled, replaced, hurry, pull up on time.

Chainsaw Partner 350 in work - Video

One of the reasons for the improper operation of the engine chainsaw partner 350 is incorrect adjustment of the supply of fuel mixture into the combustion chamber. In the article, consider how to adjust the carburetor to the partner 350, without contacting the service center.

In order to be able to independently adjust the carburetor on a chainsaw partner 350, you need to know how it is arranged.

The partner 350 has a carburetor made by Walbro. On the housing original product There is a WT-891 marking, which can determine its quality. The room is also required when ordering spare parts or completely Remkomplekt.

The WT-891 carburetor is made according to the classic scheme and has several basic elements:

  1. Fuel pump.
  2. Main camera with membrane.
  3. Throttle.
  4. Air damper.
  5. Screw quality adjustment.
  6. Screw adjustment quantity.
  7. Screw idle setting.

The carburetor body has technological channelsThrough which the fuel mixture is moving.

Principle of operation

The work of the carburetor chainsaw partner 350 begins from the moment the pulse is supplied from the engine crankcase to the fuel pump, which makes it work the membrane and pump fuel into the pump. Further, through a needle valve that is controlled by a diaphragm, fuel enters the main chamber. From the main chamber, on special channels and via the notch valve, in the cylinder.

Adjusting the position of the throttle, the operator increases the amount of fuel entering the cylinder. The closing of the air damper means that even more fuel will fall into the cylinder, which will have a positive effect on the launch of cold chainsaws.

Adjusting screws of quality and quantity, work on the principle of valves, reducing the bandwidth of the channels by which the fuel enters the cylinder.

The nozzle valve has a fixed bandwidth and transmits fuel only in one direction. The second function is to prevent air from entering the main chamber of the carburetor.

What you need to have to regulate

Those who are going to independently regulate the carburetor for a partner 350 or 350s need to be stock electronic meter The speed of rotation of the crankshaft (tachometer).

Screwdriver will also need. Adjusting screws in the WT-891 carburetor are made under the usual slotted, which is available for each owner of chainsaws.

Before conducting the tool setting, it is necessary to replace the air and fuel filter, since it is one of the conditions that must be followed to obtain the highest quality results. For this reason, in stock it is necessary to have a set of filters.

Self adjustment of carburetor partner 350

Getting Started by Chainsaws Partner 350, it is necessary to extach it as much as possible from dirt and dust in the carburetor area.

Most easy way Cleaning chainsaws from small chips, it is used by the compressor by installing a purge gun or a nozzle on it.

First stage adjustment

The partner 350 provides special holes on the left side of the top cover through which you can access the adjusting screws, but if you are adjusting the chainsaw for the first time, then the lid is better to remove. It will be more convenient, since you will see in what position the heads of the adjusting screws are located.

If you are adjustable when lid removed, it is necessary to remember that the left screw is a screw screw, respectively, right quality. In order to be easier, the manufacturer inflicts the carburetor body, under each of the screws, labeling (L) and (H). (L) - quantities. In some manuals, it is also called a screw that is responsible for the craving on low and medium turns. (H) - quality of fuel, regulates the number of maximum revolutions.

Also, on the carburetor there is a third adjusting screw, which is indicated by the letter (T). It is necessary to adjust the position of the throttle in idle mode.

Tip: If the carburetor for some reason does not have the designations of the adjusting screws, it is possible to distinguish the screw (T) on the spring installed on it, which is necessary in order to prevent spontaneous spinning when working. He also has a hat under a crusade screwdriver.

Second phase

After the screws are installed in the required position, the chainsaw partner 350 must be launched and allowed to work for a few minutes, since the adjustment should be carried out on a hot engine. As soon as the cylinder becomes warm, you can start setting up the number of the number of the quantity, for this it is necessary to twist it clockwise until the engine is to give out maximum turnover, then immediately unscrew the screw in the opposite direction per quarter.

In such a position of the screw (L), chainsaw should work confidently at idle. If idle is strongly much or a little, then they are adjusted using the throttle valve position screw (T).

Important: It is worth remembering that proper adjustment The maximum number of engine speed is possible only if there is a tachometer. On the hearing, it is possible to determine the number of revolutions only approximately. Exceeding the maximum number of engine speeds will inevitably lead to the Zadiir of the CPG and the premature destruction of the crankshaft bearings, the connecting rod.

According to technical characteristics Partner 350, it is possible to install 12,500 revolutions to the min.

Adjustment without tachometer

Adjusting the carburetor without a tachometer, it is necessary to navigate the sound of chainsaws and its exhaust. If sawing strongly smoke, this is a sign of incorrect adjustment. To eliminate, it is necessary to slightly spin the quantity screw (L). If the chainsaw is poorly gaining maximum turnover, but it works well at idle, then it is necessary to slowly twist the screw (H) slowly, until the saw will do it easily.

The video below provides instructions for self-adjustment Carburetor saw partner 350 without applying a tachometer. This video shows not a professional master, but an ordinary user who uses the correct algorithm, qualitatively adjusted its chainsaw.

Repair carburetor partner 350 do-it-yourself

Having certain skills and special tools, for example, a different size or ultrasonic bath, repairing a carburetor partner 350 comes down to replacing Repair Kit.

The repair kit of the WT-891 carburetor may consist only of gaskets and aperture, and may include a complete set of all replaceable elements. It:

  • needle valve;
  • rocker, pin, needle valve spring;
  • jet;
  • mesh filter;
  • aluminum plug.

Replace full set, not possessing experience and tool can not, so when independent repairs, it is better to choose the first version of Repair Kit. If, after replacing the repair kit and adjust the carburetor, the chainsaw partner 350 shows signs of malfunction, then to solve the problem, it is better to refer to specialists.


Knowing how much carburetor is on a chainsaw partner 350, any owner of this saw before changing the node completely, trying to repair it and adjust yourself. Often, such repairs lead to the complete death of the carburetor, and in the case of adjustment, engine death. In order to avoid such problems, you must familiarize yourself in advance with the process of repair and adjustment, but the best wayThis is entrusting the repair and customization of the carburetor chainsaw partner 350 professionals.

Chainsaw Partner 350 is one of the most common gasoline saws. Very often, their owners ask questions about how to repair a partner 350. After reading the article, you will learn answers to questions about how to diagnose malfunctions into a partner, as well as how to eliminate them yourself.

Proper definition of malfunction, it is more than half of the repair. In terms of faults associated with the fact that the saw does not start, the essence of the diagnosis is to check the spark and the presence of fuel in the cylinder, since in a chainsaw or there is nothing to burn, or there is nothing to get risk.

Check sparks

To check the spark, you must unscrew the candle, install it in the cap of the high-voltage wire and attach to the cylinder (there should be a mass on the candle). Next, several times pull the starter, while carefully look at the candle. Sparks will not be if in a chainsaw partner 350 such malfunctions as:

  • defective candle (eliminated only by replacement on knowingly good);
  • cutting wires in the system;
  • fault of the ignition control buttons;
  • defectory ignition coil;
  • lack of gap between the coil and flywheel;
  • pickup breakdown between crankshaft and flywheel.

Check fuel

The first sign is that the cylinder does not receive fuel, it is a dry spark plug. Having found a dry candle, the following that needs to be done for a more accurate determination of a malfunction is to try to start a chainsaw partner 350 bay into a cylinder, through a candle hole, no more than 5 ml of gasoline. If the chainsaw after that does not start, then most likely, there is no compression in it or it is not enough to run the engine. The reasons:

  • wear of the CPG;
  • cylinder or piston thermal thirs;
  • zadira because of the foreign bodies in the CPG.

If, after gasoline flooded under the candle, the saw started, then the problem in the carburetor or fuel line of the partner 350. It is necessary to carry out the full diagnosis of the fuel system.

Diagnosis of bearings

Conducting the diagnostics of chainsaws must be checked for the possess of the crankshaft bearings. To do this, you need to shake the flywheel upwards. If there is a backlash, the bearings are subject to replacement.

Also, do not forget to check the play of the crankshaft roller. For this, the piston must be stroke in the upper position and gradually shake the flywheel left to the right, imitating his natural movement. If there is a backlash, then the crankshaft partner 350 is subject to replacement.


In order to disassemble a partner 350, several specific tools will be required:

  1. The clutch key (you can buy or make yourself from the head of the appropriate size).
  2. Piston stopper.
  3. Torx hexagon set.
  4. Fucking soft metal.

Special clutch


For ease of disassembly, the partner 350 will need a tweezers and a medical clamp. From conventional tools, you must have a screwdriver or a battery drill with a set of nozzles, hammer.

Algorithm and description of the disassembly process

If you need to fully disassemble a chainsaw partner 350, the first to make a disassembly, it is cleaning the saw using the compressor. Next, the nodes of the chainsaws are removed in the following order:

  • chain brake cover and saw headset;
  • top cover;
  • handle saw;
  • starter.

After the first stage of disassembly is over, repeatedly clean the chainsaw with the help of a compressor, since there is already access to air ducts that in most cases are strongly contaminated with woody dust.

At the next stage, it is convenient to remove the air filter housing and the carburetor partner 350.

After removing the carburetor, the inlet window of the cylinder must be plugged with a rag, it will protect it from foreign items in the engine crankcase.

The silencer can be removed either immediately after the carburetor is removed, or after the engine is removed. The graduation window is also closed with a rag.

To do this, you will need to apply the piston stopper by setting it into the candle hole.

The clutch on all chainsaws partner 350 is unscrewed along the movement of the chain, this is done so that it does not spin during operation. The flywheel nut has a standard thread and unscrewed with the head to 13, counterclockwise.

After removing the clutch, access to the oil pump appears, it is also necessary to remove it.

On the last stage You need to unwind the engine screws and remove it from the housing.

Instructions for removing the flywheel from the crankshaft

To remove the flywheel, you will need to use a special puller, but most of the masters are used from a soft metal, because with its help the removal process is significantly accelerated.

The essence lies in the fact that the flywheel nut is twisted until the moment is not painted with the shaft plane, and then with the help of a hammer and a flushing mounted on a nut, one sharp blow, the flywheel is removed from the shaft.

The method is a bit barbaric, but tested by time and recommended by many masters as the most practical and reliable.

Build partner 350.

In order to properly collect partner 350, it is necessary to set all the elements in the reverse sequence of removal.

If you first faced the repair of chainsaw partner 350, then when disassembling, lay the items in the order in which they were filmed. This will not allow not to get confused and not forget to install any node.

An important feature of the engine assembly chainsaw partner 350 is that the cover of the crankcase is installed without gasket. Instead, it uses a red sealant, which is applied with a thin layer on the installation site of the crankcase. Before applying sealant, it is necessary to degrease the crankcase cover and its place of installation, for better grip sealant.

Installation of the shutter of the flywheel and coil (ignition adjustment)

In the process of assembling chainsaw partner 350, if it was filmed not only the flywheel, but also the ignition coil, it is necessary to put a gap between them. To do this, the flywheel is first installed, then a piece from one and a half liter is placed on it. plastic bottleAnd then the coil is placed and fixed by two fastening screws, while the flywheel must be rotated to the coil with magnetic contacts.

After adjusting the gap, turn the flywheel. If he does not touch the contacts of the coil, then the clearance is set correctly.

Replacing a piston group

If you need to replace the cylinder and piston chainsaw partner 350, it must be disassembled according to the algorithm described above. The piston is fixed at the top point of the crankshaft connecting rod with the piston finger. A separator with roller bearings is installed between the finger and the connecting rod.

To replace the piston and cylinder, it is necessary to remove the piston from the cylinder and remove it from the crankshaft, for this, on one side of the piston using a bustard and a small screwdriver, the piston finger stopper is removed.

Then, from the opposite side, it is squeezed with a small screwdriver. If the finger comes out tight, it can be slowly knocked out with the help of a hammer and a flipper suitable in size, but less than the diameter of the piston finger diameter.

The new piston is installed on the crankshaft in such a way that the arrow existing on the piston lid has docked in the direction of the chain movement.

To check the correct installation, it is necessary to take a crankshaft with a piston installed on it in such a way that the shaft is installed on which the flywheel is installed in the left hand, and the arrow should look from you.

After the new piston is mounted on the crankshaft, the ring is installed on it, after which the piston is inserted into the cylinder, while the parts must be lubricated with engine oil, which will not allow the ring and facilitate the process. Next, the Carter is installed.

Masters service centers I use the algorithm for replacing the piston group, which allows you to work without full disassembly chainsaw partner 350. How such a replacement occurs on the video.

Where is Sapun

In a chainsaw partner 350, as in other chainsaws there are two Sapuna. One is responsible for alignment of pressure in the oil tank, the second - fuel. Oil tank sapun is set next to its lid, and a special disposable metal plug, transmitting air, is installed on top of the sapun.

Sapun fuel tank Partner 350 is located in the area of \u200b\u200bthe installation of the carburetor, as well as the previous closed using a plug.

Tip: Sapins are subject to replacement when vacuum and fuel supply and oil stops in the tanks.

Repair of the oil pump and replacement of the leading sprocket

Repair of the oil pump on a chainsaw Partner 350 is needed if the oil supply is fully or partially stopped. The mechanism of the oil pump includes the pump itself and a gear with a worm transmission, which is driven by an asterisk conjugate with adhesion.

The most common malfunction of the oil pump is the lack of thread and slots on the gear or shlits in the worm gear. Correct the situation can be replaced by the details on new ones.

To remove the oil pump to the partner 350, it is necessary to remove the side cover and the chainsaw bus, after which the piston is stored and with a special key or homemade key from the head to 24 unwind the clutch.

The grip has a high time of the stretch, so you need to use the knob and twist strictly clockwise. Do not try to unwind the grip using a hammer and chisel, often it leads to a breakdown of the mechanism, and also badly affects the state of the crankshaft bearings.

To replace the leading sprocket, partner 350 you need to simply promote the clutch, remove the old item and install a new one. The asterisk is installed on the shaft through the needle bearing. When replacing the asterisk it must be checked for the presence of defects and lubricate. For lubrication, you can use a regular litol or any other withstanding high revs.

The process of replacing the leading asterisk is shown on the video, looking at which you without much difficulty can repeat the seen on your chainsaw.

Elimination of common faults

Partner 350 has popular faults that the owners of these saws can independently diagnose and eliminate. Consider more popular malfunctions and ways to repair them with your own hands.

Stall when pressing gas

If the partner 350 stalls when pressed for gas, then most likely the problems with the fuel system. The most common breakdown, it is an incorrectly adjusted carburetor or its malfunction, as well as an extraneous air seats.

Tip: If the chainsaw stalls with increasing revolutions, you should not immediately adjust the carburetor. Start by checking the engine for existence of extraneous air. One of the signs of air supply is an enlarged idle.

Start and stupid

If the partner 350 starts and immediately stalls, as in the previous case, the reasons may be somewhat, but the most common, this is a difficult fuel supply. Start troubleshooting is worth checking the state of the fuel filter and highways. If the fuel comes normally, then check the spark and try to start chainsaw on new candle, T. K. Saw can sall because of interruption with sparking.

It is also necessary to check the air damper craving. If it does not open the air damper or does not fully open, the engine can sulk from excessive fuel enrichment.

No lubrication chain

The reasons for the lack of lubricant in the chainsaw partner 350 are somewhat and in this case we can list them all.

  1. Tarve the oil line.
  2. Oil filter block.
  3. Defect gear worm drive.
  4. Mastery of the highway or pump.

How to solve the problems of the oil pump is described above.

Pours candle

Highly frequent problem With which you have to face the owners of a partner 350. The first to start checking is the replacement of the candle on knowingly good. If it did not help, the spark is good, but the engine floods, then the cause is hidden in the settings of the carburetor. Instructions for diagnostics and there are on our website.


Partner 350 is not bad household chainsaw, which it is possible to repair independently. For proper repairs, you need to know the algorithm for which there is a disassembly. Have required tool And understand how this chainsaw is arranged. If you are not sure about your abilities, we advise you to contact the service center.