Need overhaul of the apartment. Where to start repairs in the house and apartment - step by step instructions


Sooner or later everything is carried outrepair in an apartment or house do it yourself. Therefore, the question is: "How to start repair?" - Very relevant, and to his decision, it is necessary to come seriously.

We start repair. We plan and think about the upcoming work

Photo 1 - Stages of repair of the apartment with their own hands

Before proceeding to independent repair Apartments, you must first draw up the plan of all rooms, indicating the place of placement of furniture and equipment. Thus, it will be possible to determine where the outlets will be located, ceiling lamps etc. It must be done to correctly design pipe and wire wiring. From how correctly it will be completed will depend on the ease of operation of the room in the future.

In case you do not like the existing planning of the apartment, then it is necessary to start repairs with the demolition of the walls or from their erection.

The stylistics of the future room, which may be united for all rooms or have cardinal differences. If it is difficult to decide on this issue, you can resort to the services of a designer who will take into account your preferences and features of the apartment.

Thinking well and weighing all moments, you can proceed to calculate the number of necessary materials and their acquisition. Repair work is better divided into steps that give the process a certain planity.


It is impractical to start repairs from the passage room or the corridor, because work in other rooms may adversely affect their appearance.

Implementation of the main work on the repair of the apartment

Start repairs with so-called dirty works:

The first stage. Dismantling of old coatings

Photo 2 - first stage of repair - remove old wallpaper from the walls

It is necessary to remove old wallpapers, blots, tiles and others decoration Materials. If the floor did not come to full disrepair, then it should not be touched. In the case when the replacement is not provided, it should be carefully covered polyethylene film, and securely fix its edges with a painting ribbon. To protect the floor from mechanical damage, it is better to use cardboard, it is much more reliable paper.

To do not settle dust on the doors and windows, the dismantling of old doors is better to leave for later. You only need to replace the offices.

Second phase. Electrician and plumbing

Photo 3 - the second stage of repair - the walls of the walls under wiring and pipes

This work is the most dirty, but at the same time responsible. Alterate such work then, it will be very difficult, and sometimes impossible without new overhaul.


Save on plumbing, just like the electrician is not reasonable. Wire hidden and pipes are impossible to repair.
The walls of the walls should be performed according to the scheme that will need to be saved to then accidentally do not drive the nail in a dangerous place.

It remains to lay the wires of the desired section and pipes, better propylene and gently close the shoes.

Third stage of repair. Preparatory-installation

photo 4 - Third Stage Repair Stage - We dismantle old windows and doors

It is characterized by consideration, since it is now necessary to dismantle the old windows and install new ones.


To protect new windows from dust and random splashes, they can be protected by film. There is another way - to use the blinds from paper from paper, which looks more aesthetic and is inexpensive.

Next you need to execute black finish, that is, to prepare the floor and the ceiling to finish finish. Such works include:

  • Grout of seams and cracks;
  • Putty.


The material for draft works is selected depending on the type of purple. Specialists are not recommended to save on these materials.

The fourth stage of repair in the apartment. Padding

Photo 5 - Fourth Stage Repair Apartment - Protecting All Surfaces

Printing the primer allows you to make the wall or ceiling is much stronger. The primer includes elements that have the ability to penetrate the deep-treated surface and combine small particles. Now you need to wait for a complete drying and you can start painting the ceiling.

Stage fifth. Paul alignment

Photo 6 - Repair of the apartment with your own hands. Paul alignment stage

If the old floor remains, then this step you can skip. IN otherwise It is necessary to pour the base from a modern training solution, or spend work on the screed. Only after complete drying can be moved to other works.

Stage Sixth. Wall decoration

Photo 7 - Sixth Stage Repair - Wall Decoration in Apartment

Depending on its preferences and financial capabilities, material is purchased for wall decoration. You can break the wallpaper, the choice of which is extensive not only in the color decision, but also by material, invoice, size. For example . Many options involves painting as well decorative plaster. There are also more exotic finishes, it all depends on your desire and general style of the room.


Folk wisdom says: Sweet residues. This means that you can purchase remnants of wallpapers whose price will be lower and create an original combination.

Seventh stage repair of an apartment. Flooring

It's time to proceed to laying the coating on the floor. For this purpose, you can use: linoleum, carpet, piece parquet or more modern optionparquet board And other materials. If it is decided to lay outdoor tilesthen it is started to install it only after the completion of all works with the ceiling.

The final stage of repair with your own hands

Photo 7 - the last stage of repair - installation of interroom doors

Thresholds, plinths, etc. At the same time, cabinets are collected, furniture is disposed, and decor elements are added.

Now you need to spend thorough cleaning in all rooms and you can enjoy the result.

Last updated: 12-10-2019

Also take into account, in connection with the fluctuations in the course of the currency, seasonal discounts, etc. It may turn out that the same building materials will be much more expensive after a couple of weeks.

Do not forget to make discount cards Building stores, it will save.


If there is no shield in the apartment, then put.

Make a separate line for the refrigerator, separate for the boiler, separately light, separate sockets, separately the stove. This is done for convenience in the future.

For instanceWhen in the summer we turn off the water, I can't use many devices at the same time. Either boiler + kettle, or kettle + iron, etc. Otherwise knocks out.

In an apartment with a draft decoration, these works will cost cheaper and faster.

We make floors in the bathroom

Door installation

Order is best in advance, along with the entrance. To do not pick up the color.

My wife and I somehow did not think about it and bought the laminate of reddish-brown first. When they started picking the doors, they realized that it was easier to change the laminate than finding the right door color.

Glue wallpaper

Wallpaper 0.5 meters glued long, it is better to immediately take meter. Some vinyl wallpapers can smell strongly and for a long time (there were almost a month from some wallpapers), and some very soft and they remain dents, it is easy to damage during stickers. Consider this when choosing.

Now there are many alternatives to wallpaper (wallpaper for painting, decorative plaster, decorative rock Etc.), it all depends only on your financial opportunities.

Installation of furniture

If you need to collect or somehow it is difficult to install, it is better to order this service. The same applies to the closet of the coupe. It seems simple, but you can carry not one day.

Repair of the apartment with their own hands where to start - this question at least once in his life asked himself every owner of the housing. As a rule, positive emotions are the upcoming event for those who first received or acquired their own housing. Those who have already come across the work on bringing apartments in order, knows how many trouble they bring, and how much effort will have to be attached to achieve the desired result.

But, if it came time to do an apartment updating, you will have to be patient and the decent amount of which depends on what kind of repair is made decision to hold.

Repair types in the apartment

Repair can be capital or cosmetic, cover the entire apartment or separate rooms. But you should know that repairs in some rooms can become more laborious and will require high costs and forces than work in other rooms.


Capital work implies repair "from scratch" in new apartment Or redevelopment with replacing or transfer of installed elements in old housing. The scope of work will depend on what changes are decided to produce in the apartment.

The total amount of work may consist of the following events:

  • It may include demolition or installation of partitions, a combination or separation of rooms, transferring or expanding door openings. If at least one of the listed actions is scheduled, then it is necessary to consult with a specialist who will determine whether it is possible to produce this process. Everything repair workrelated to the dismantling or installation of walls in a multi-storey building must be confirmed by the permission of the Commission of the Management Organization.
  • Replacing and moving plumbing devices, radiators, electric sockets, Conduct additional lighting.
  • Replacing windows and doors.
  • Replacement old finish Ceiling of walls and floors.
  • Embedding furniture if this process is included in plans.

Capital alteration in the apartment is a long-lasting process that cannot be made in two days or a week, while you will have to free the rooms from furniture and all things, as they will interfere with work or can be corrupted by building materials. May have to be repaired alternately in each of the residential rooms, in this case, will have to take care of the purchase of a dense polyethylene film to heat the doors from building dust and dirt. But, as a rule, overhaul Nevertheless assumes that the family will have to live in another place for this time.


Cosmetic repair usually implies the replacement of decorative trim in one, several or in all rooms. Perhaps, removing the old coating, you will have to adjust the corners, the surfaces of the ceiling, walls and floor.

When performing a cosmetic version of the repair, surface preparation for new decorative materials You can call one of the most important processes. Whatever expensive, neither the selected wallpaper, linoleum or paint, if they are laid or applied to uneven with sherbinki surface, the expected effect will not work. Therefore, to decorative finish looked properly, without alignment of surfaces with a putty or bulk sex, can not do.

By choosing a repair option that is suitable for a specific apartment, you can move to further work.

Drawing up a repair plan

The first thing you need to do is to draw up a plan of an apartment in which the exact data on the area and the height of the ceilings of each of the rooms will be displayed, with or without partitions, in one word - in this form, which one should appear an apartment after repair work.

General Repair Planning Rules

The designer project should be shown in the desired color of floor coverings, wallpaper, as well as at least the approximate placement of furniture. Using this project plan, it will be easy to calculate the necessary building materials and accessories for each of the apartments. Of course, everything will not take into account, but it will save from some mistakes that are typical for non-professional masters:

  • Given the placement of furniture and various household equipment, you immediately need to determine the location and number of electrical sockets and switches.
  • It is necessary to try to avoid the shortage of certain finishing materials, since if they have to arrive, it will be very difficult to find the shades of the same tile or wallpaper.
  • Having made the project in color, you can visually be convinced by the correctness of the color of decorative coatings, and in how they will harmonize with the shades of furniture.

In the process of drawing up a similar plan, many ideas may appear on the design of the premises, so it is recommended to make a project in several colors, and then choose the most liked option.

The plan can be compiled with computer Program Or on the usual sheet A4. It is necessary to perform it necessarily in compliance with the size corresponding to the present, but on a reduced scale.

If the plan is drawn up manually, then drawing it once, then you need to make several photocopy on which you can apply different shades or various furniture alignment.

Availability graphic Plan allow you to "play" with finishing styles and with furniture arrangement

You can create a plan for the whole apartment to see her color solution Fully or make a design design of each room.

In addition, it is very convenient for each of the plans to put the number of the stage, and each of them plan a certain job. For example, on one of the drawings you can show re-planning walls, on the other - electrical wiring and placement of sockets, as well as the connection of various devices, on the third - the future placement of furniture and the color solution.

Room division

To know where to start repairing each room, it is necessary to determine what will be located in it.

  • In the children's room, it is desirable to separate if the area allows sleeping place from game zone or from a child's place.
  • The kitchen must be spacious, so it needs to be correctly divided into zones, having determined the working and dining place, as well as the installation of various devices.
  • If you plan to separate or combining the bathroom, then on the first drawing it is worth measuring and specifying its size and alignment of accessories.

  • If the start with the desire to divide it into two separate rooms, it is necessary to measure it very carefully both in the drawing and in place. In this case, you need to immediately determine the thickness of the partitions, as they also occupy a certain area.

Sometimes such redevelopment can affect the hallway, as in some apartments it occupies a fairly large area. It is important to determine here what kind of construction is the partition separating the hallway from the rest of the rooms. If it is capital, then without permissive documents It is impossible to touch it.

  • If there is no possibility to divide the room by partition for some reason, you can install a wardrobe or rack as a "barrier". It is also worth noting on the plan.

Selection of materials for decorative trim

The next plan drawing should be dealt with finishing material and its color, since the comfort of being in the room will depend on these factors. By defining the finish, you need to choose it competently. Naturally, the safest person is natural material, such as a plug, wood, paper, ceramics and them like, however, some species are not always applied due to the high price or inconsistency of the selected design. So, what materials can be applied to different rooms:

  • Children's room and adult bedroom. For the premises of such purposes, you must maximize natural finishnot caused by allergic reactions, "breathing" and possessing soundproofing qualities. If overhaul is made, then before mounting the decorative finish, the walls can be equipped with a sound insulation layer - for this, such materials as "Texound", acoustic drywall, traffic jam and others will be suitable. As decoration of the walls and the ceiling, it is best to use plastering and coating with paint-based compositions on a water basis or pasting with paper or skil wallpaper. Today in construction stores these materials can be found for every taste and color.

  • Living room. For this room you can choose a wider range finish. Linoleum, laminate, parquet, carpet, traffic jam, and other modern materials may be on the floors.

What you need to know about linoleum?

Despite the fact that many new flooring appeared, the linoleum is not going to pass its position in popularity. Useful information about posted in a special publication of our portal.

To design walls, plaster and painting, cork, cork, paper, fliesline, vinyl, textile, glass, and other options can be used.

Ceiling can be plastered, closed stretty ceiling, single or multi-tier suspended design or also plated wallpaper.

Modern solution - suspended ceiling!

In this matter, perhaps there are no borders for the imagination of creative owners. In a special article of the portal dedicated to, you can learn a lot of useful information and it is possible to choose one of the options for the design of your own apartment.

  • Hall. Materials for the walls and floor of the hallway should have a pronounced abrasion, and be easy to clean, as dirt and dust from the street first fall into this room.

Linoleum may be on the floors or ceramic tiles are laid.

Walls are falling vinyl wallpaper Or are squeezed by plastic, wooden or laminated clapboard.

The ceiling in the hallway needs to be made light, as there is no natural light in this room most often. Therefore, the suspension ceiling of light color is perfectly suitable here with the built-in backlight.

  • Bathroom. or separate bathroom should have a moisture-resistant finish that is easy to succumb wet cleaning and not afraid of funds household chemicals. Traditional material For these premises is a ceramic tile - it does not plunder the already small area of \u200b\u200bthe rooms, and is also a durable, non-abrupt and easily washing material. Ceramic tile is perfect for finishing both walls and gender.

In addition to the tile, plastic panels are increasingly used to cover the walls of the bathrooms, especially since today there are a wide range of this material in construction stores.

The ceiling in the bathroom can be made of the same plastic panels, moisture-resistant drywall under painting, but the most optimal option For a bathroom or combined bathroom will become a stretch ceiling.

Special requirements - to the ceiling in the bathroom!

Increased humidity, high likelihood of direct water jets - all imposes specific requirements for finishing. How to decide on the type - read in the special article of our portal.

Color spectrum

An important role in B. design decoration The rooms of the apartment is a color scheme, as it must fully contribute to creating a comfortable environment. Therefore, this factor must be thought out very carefully.

The harmony of the design of the rooms will depend on the shades properly selected for each other. In this process, you can focus on this table.

So that the room was light, you should select soft white-beige warm shades. This is especially true of the ceiling surface, as its light color enhances electrical lighting. So quite often in modern interiors Plafones lamps and chandeliers turn down, towards the room, and to the ceiling.

Children's room always want to make bright so that her coloring caused joy and optimism. However, it is impossible to be carried away, it is necessary to remember that the child will not only play in this room, but also rest, so the recreation area is recommended to issue in more relaxed tones.

The bedroom for adults should have to rest, and therefore it is recommended to arrange it in pastel soft and fairly light shades, which in the evening will help to fall asleep pleasantly, and in the morning - wake up with an optimistic setting.

The color selection affects the psychological and physical condition of the body, as if a person does not fall out or does not rest properly, its life activity and immunity decreases, therefore, the selection of shades should be taken to the selection.

Dark shades in combination with more light colors You can only be used in a well-lit room, otherwise they will act on the psyche, especially children's, very depressing.

Deciding with the materials and their colors, they measure all surface areas on which the selected finish will be made. Next, a list of necessary materials is drawn up indicating their quantity.

With a composed list, you can go shopping the necessary materials.

  • Immediately need to say that it is not necessary to purchase everything you need for repair on the spontaneous building markets, where, although lower prices, no one will give quality guarantee. Holding on such "economy", sometimes you have to pay a double, or even a triple price. Cheap Material, applied to the wall or laid on the floors, is unknown as behaving behavior, and maybe they still have to replace it with high-quality. And this is not only extra spending, but also lost time and strength. Cleaning the surface from a new low-quality finish is an extremely unpleasant lesson, as the mood will be completely corrupted. Therefore, it is recommended to acquire building material from a proven seller who can provide quality certificates for all products.
  • Purchase material is needed with a margin, about 15% of its total calculated volume. Such an approach will help to perform work calmly, not afraid of something that is not enough. By the way, you can immediately clarify whether the store takes the remaining surplus back - this approach is often practiced.
  • When choosing products in quality, it is worthwhile to examine them very carefully, as well as explore the certificates that you need to request from the seller. For example, purchasing such materials such as ceramic tiles, laminate or wallpaper, you must check the batch number in the packaging - it should be the same, otherwise the products can be significantly different in the shade and even in quality. This difference can sometimes be seen only in the process of work, aligning near piece copies or canvas from different parties - this moment can also complicate the quality of quality repairs.
  • Very seriously, it is necessary to approach the choice of new doors and windows, as it will be replaced later, it will be quite difficult and expensive, since this process will definitely affect the recently renovated surfaces.

Reliable entrance door - safety and comfort guarantee

The entrance door not only protects against the unreasonable "guests", but also provides maintenance of a comfortable microclimate in the premises. She should not allow not allowing mistakes when, read the useful information in a special article of our portal.

  • Carefully choose and accessories for the bathroom. It is not necessary to succumb to the flow of fashion to acquire plumbing items made from new-water materials, as they may not always be suitable for specific cases. First, it is recommended to study their characteristics and calculate all the "pluses" and "minuses".
  • Heating radiators are carefully selected. Nowadays, you can find these devices made from different materialsbut not any of them can be suitable for installation in central System Heating. By purchasing radiators, it should be relying not only to their operational capabilities, but also pay attention to the manufacturer and the availability of a quality certificate.

Useful information about heating radiators

These heat exchange devices cannot be chosen only in terms of their external view - It is necessary to take into account their operational capabilities and thermal powerdepending both from the area of \u200b\u200bthe room and some others important criteria. All this - in a special publication of our portal dedicated to .

  • Several words should also be said about the compositions that will be necessary to process surfaces before assessing the finishing materials on them are various primers and antiseptic solutions. Such means will create better adhesion between the materials and protect the walls and the ceiling from the occurrence of plates of mold.

After necessary materials Acquired, repair can be started by phased repair.

Stages of repair and construction work

Preparation of surfaces

One of the most important stages in carrying out any kind of repair is the preparation of surfaces, as it will depend on it, how neatly and firmly hold onto the walls and the ceiling of finishing materials. IN preparatory stage There are activities such as cleaning surfaces from old coatings and seal detected flaws that could appear during the operation of housing.

1. The first step from the walls are the old wallpaper or paint.

Wallpapers can be removed in several ways, depending on how tightly they adjacent to the wall:

  • With a spatula, which are praised by the canvas and are neatly removed completely or large pieces.
  • If the wallpaper is glued reliably and do not want to break, they need to wash it with a roller with water, and to carry out these manipulations several times. When paper gets, it can be easily removed by a spatula.

  • The third option will suitIf vinyl wallpapers are reliably pasted on the walls that are sufficiently resistant to water. In this case, they can be sipped using a special device - ironing or steam generator. If there is no such device, but there is an iron with a sweeping function, you can use it, but apply metal surface It is impossible to vinyl. It is brought to a distance of 100 ÷ 150 mm to the wall and processed by ferry. After that, the old decorative coating It should move away from the wall and can be carefully removed with a spatula.

Paint coating is removed using construction fabric Or grinders with a mounted brush installed.

2. Next, you can move to cleaning the ceiling. If the ceiling plaster has cracks and chips, and it is not planned to do the suspension ceiling, then the old blame, and sometimes the plaster will have to be removed. This process is quite laborious, and it is also carried out with the help of water, which internally wash the surface, and then remove the old coating with a spatula or a grinder with an iron brush.

"Weak spots old plaster Be sure to read

If it is mounted suspended design, It is optional to remove the coating from the ceiling - it will be enough to treat the surface with antiseptic and strengthening primer.

3. The next step is removed from the floor. However, producing redecorating, Sometimes this process is not carried out, especially in cases where the floor is in good condition and is quite satisfied with the owners.

4. After removing old coatings, cracks or other large defects are defined on the walls and joints of the planes. They must be embellished, otherwise they can manifest themselves through a new decorative decoration.

For this, small cracks are expanding, drunk and closed cement solutions, putty or sealant. which sometimes appear at the joints of the surfaces, can be filled with mounting foam.

5. After cleaning the walls, a layout is made electric cableIf planned reinstalling sockets. To lay the cable in some rooms, you may have to cut the shoes in the walls to hide them.

6. If the heating circuit is replaced, then at the time when the walls are cleaned, there is a markup for the brackets for radiators, and the holes are prepared in the walls. It must be done on the walls without finishing, so that it is not ruined.

Replacing windows and doors

The process of removal and installation of these interior elements is usually produced by specialists, as it is quite a time-consuming work that requires certain skills and accuracy, special tools. Therefore, if there is no such work experience, it is better not to take on a similar work.

Installation entrance door It is also better to entrust qualified specialists, because the safety of housing will depend on the reliability of its installation.

Interior doors are installed at the final stage of work, so this work can still be postponed.

Dismantling and installing partitions

The next step is to dismantle or install a partition, if it is planned and permissions are obtained for these works. As the construction and demolition of the wall can be carried out independently.

How difficult to build a light interior partition?

When knowledge of technology and accurate execution of work with a similar task, you can quite cope with your own. How to spend, and what materials are necessary for this - this information with detailed instructions Can be found in a separate publication of the portal.

Dismantle the partition between the bathroom and the toilet can also be independently if it is erected from the brick or gypsum plates. For this process, a hammer, a sledgehammer will be required and, possibly, a Bulgarian with a metal disk - if the partition is reinforced by the reinforcing grille.

It is impossible to say that this work will be easy, but as a result you can get a fairly large room in which it is quite possible to carry out a refreshing redevelopment.

Leveling ceiling and walls

When windows and doors will be installed, and the sealed cracks and the gaps are completely dried, you can move to. This process is simple, anyone can perform it - the main thing, to carry out it gently, not passing a single area of \u200b\u200bsurfaces. The primer is carried out by roller, and inaccessible places processed with brush.

Then, after complete grazing of the projected walls and ceilings, they need to be aligned. To accomplish this work, you need a certain experience, therefore, before breeding a large number of putty, you should try your hand at little plot Walls, applying a little solution.

If the walls have a sufficiently smooth surface with small flaws, it will be enough to use a putty composition. But in the event that the surface has large distortions, the alignment will have to be carried out on beacons. However, if the area allows the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, the alignment of the walls can be performed by sheets of plasterboard.

Very laborious, but very an important stage - Alignment of walls

For whatever technology, neither the process of alignment of surfaces, after drying the layer of plaster and putty, walls and ceiling should be shortened again.

The ceiling requires the perfect alignment if it is not planned to close the tension or suspended ceiling.

How to highlight the ceiling surface?

The process of holding is quite complicated and requires special skill. Therefore, if it is decided to make this work independently, it is worth paying attention to the recommended article of our portal.

The process of alignment of surfaces also includes finishing of slopes on window and doorway. They can be created by plasterboard, plastic panels or shuttering.

Paul alignment

The next, the fifth stage is the surface of the floors. This process in the apartment can be held different ways - This is a bulk self-leveling solution, dry screed or flooring on lags, followed by closing with plywood or other sheet material.

All these processes can be performed independently, after a thorough study of technological instructions that can also be found on our portal.

The use of self-leveling building compositions

One of the methods of alignment of the floor surface is the use of special construction mixes. About technology is described in detail in the relevant publication of our portal.

If there is no confidence that it will be possible to qualitatively cope with such work on its own, then it is better to contact the specialists.

Decorative wall decoration in residential rooms

The next step is made by decoration of the walls - pasting them with wallpaper or painting. These works are not so complicated, and may well be fulfilled on their own, so they can be saved on them.

If the finish is carried out with wallpaper, and they have a specific drawing, you need to immediately calculate its step so that the ornament is ideal on the wall.

Before chopping the canvas, the wall markup is made vertically and horizontally. The lines are littered with the painted cord along the ceiling and one of the corners. The first vertical wallpaper will be aligned on the vertical extreme line, and the subsequent are already focused on it and on the upper horizontal color strip.

If the walls are planned, it is carried out using a roller, which is worn for convenience on a special bar.

Primpted and dried wallpaper on the walls are machined along the top line by foam or paper border, which gives the completeness to the overall design of the room

Installation of floor covering in rooms

The process of laying an outdoor coating should be carried out very carefully, so as not to damage and not stain the decorative wall decoration. If the linoleum or carpet or carpet is laid on the floor, then before fixing it on glue or under the plinths, it is unfolded and left for about a day in order for it to dealt. The cloth of this material is cut in length, about 10 ÷ 12 mm less than the length of the room, and the width is laid by 5 ÷ 7 mm from the wall. Such gaps are necessary for the free temperature expansion of the material.

It should be noted that any material laid on the floors should have similar gaps. So, when laying a laminate, special inserts are used, which are removed only after the completion of the flooring coating throughout the area of \u200b\u200bthe room.

The installation of flooring installation of plinths is completed.

Installing interroom doors

Interior doors are installed at the last stage of work, so as not to be mistaken in the height on which the door will be installed, since the leveling layer and flooring Rock the floor will change the floor level.

In the transfer of the stages of work, the issue of repairing in the bathroom was deliberately omitted. This event has its own nuances that need to be considered separately.

Such is the approximate procedure for preparing for repair in the apartment and its step-by-step. It is clearly understood by the desire of the owner of the housing to fulfill it with minimal cost, hoping for own forces and abilities. But still it is necessary to soberly assess your capabilities - it is possible that optimal decision He will appeal to specialists.

At the end of the publication - an interesting video with the advice of a specialist in carrying out the initial stages of repair in the apartment.

Video: Where to start repairing in the apartment

Do you associate with your difficult, costly and long-processing process? Our site "Repair" will prove to you the opposite! You do not believe, but the repair process can deliver true pleasure if turning enough boring and difficult lesson in a simple and exciting process.

If you think about how to make repairs in the apartment with your own hands, then the first thing you need to observe is the sequence of all actions, and all stages should be held one by one, according to a pre-prepared plan.

So, if you configured and seriously thought to make repairs in the apartment with your own hands, then you should adhere to the following steps:

Global preparation.

Replacing glass windows.


Wiring of electrical communications, plumbing work.

Paul preparation.

Finish finish.

Indeed, you can make the apartment repairs with your own hands without resorting to the help of professionals if you adhere to a clear scheme and carefully examine each of the stages that we will talk more about.

List of tools required for repair apartment with your own hands

  1. Ladder. Perhaps someone may seem that it is not the most necessary tool in the list, but it is not.
  2. Special markup tools:
  • roulette for 10 or 2-3 meters;
  • corolnic;
  • metal ruler per meter;
  • carpenty hydraulic level - use for more accurate markup of horizontal surfaces;
  • cord - on a stretched cord set lighthouses for alignment;
  • the plumbing - ensures the evenness of the walls during the plaster - the surface is killed.
  1. Manual tools (you can buy them with whole sets or separately):
  • a hammer;
  • ax - Believe special attention on the sharpening of the blade (under the left or right hand) and the ax itself, which should sit as closely at the construction;
  • hoven - the thickness of the canvas from 1 mm with a well-polished plane;
  • chisel - up to 10 mm (it will be necessary in woodwork);
  • logboard;
  • a chisel width of 20 mm (used for wood);
  • scissors for metal;
  • cutters.
  1. Power tools:
  • electrode with a perforator (necessary both during repair and after its completion);
  • a corner car can be used when grinding surfaces and angles, as well as during cutting stone and metal;
  • shuriprowing (for this you can use a drill on small revolutions);
  • electric jigsaw.
  1. Tools for other works:
  • paint bath (Capacity for paint, glue, primer, etc.);
  • scrapers, spatulas (for applying plasters, maps, putty and removal of old wallpaper and paints);
  • rollers (big shaggy, small porolone) and "rod" to them;
  • brushes (round and flat);
  • schucker (different graininess) - designed to smooth surfaces;
  • syringe pistol (for extruding various cunning mixtures) plus a tool for cleaning a pistol;
  • painting tape (used for neat painting).

This is a minimum list required tools For those who plan to repair the apartment on their own.

Preparation for repair of an apartment: video, photo

Each repair, be it a capital or cosmetologist, begins with global training. First of all, you will need to fulfill all dismantling work: removal of plaster, blots, wallpapers, door blocks, flooring and, if necessary, you need to disassemble partitions, as well as their permutation.

Often there are such situations that at the end of repair and finishing, you will find something forget to dismantle. In this case, you have to redo the considerable part of the work, and it is neat, slowly to minimize new destruction.

For this reason, by completing the dismantling of the entire old, unnecessary and not subject to replacement, carefully inspect and analyze the results of your work. Think if you did everything right.

Replacement of glazed windows in the apartment

This is enough dirty jobespecially her first part when you have to dismantle old window blocks. Upon completion of the window installation and window sill, close them with a polyethylene film so as not to smear and not scratch during further work.

Plastering in the apartment: video, photo

Performing plastering, It is necessary to observe such a sequence of actions: markup for beacon profiles, damping of walls, installation of a beacon profile, plastering walls, slopes. Moreover, plasterboard walls are not subject to plastering. Work on the plaster ceiling, installation and installation of suspended and stretch structures It is worth making, after you complete the wiring on the ceiling of the electrocabilities, ventilation and other communications.

Wiring of electrical communications and implementation of sanitary work

All activities at this stage are reduced to one - responsible action: installation or replacement of heating radiators, gasket and wiring of electrical cabbages, low-current profiles (ground cables, telephone, Internet, alarm, TV).

Before you start laying the cables, make the output of switching and sockets on the walls. Then proceed to the shocking of the grooves and holes for cables, distribution boxes, Podcelings, take care of the installation of an embedded electrical block.

Be sure to draw a schema electric wiring: It will take that in the future do not let go to the place where the wire is laid where you will drill a hole, as well as clog nails. It is important in the toilet, kitchen, bathroom in front of the installation of electrical wiring to produce pipes, as well as all the works that are connected with them.

Floor preparation in the apartment: photo, video

Warm floor, screed and alignment. As soon as the screed is laid, aligned, you need to wait until it dry out. For various materials offered different time Drying, which means you should carefully familiarize yourself with the description on packaging or instructions.

Finishing work

Once the floor is prepared, you can install the doors, then start finishing. And the sequence of all finishing work Directly depends on the materials used and the choice of technologies. So, painting and whitening the ceiling is performed first, and the suspended ceiling is best to mount when the walls are performed. Laying the floor covering, whether it is a tile, linoleum or parquet, is made when ready and ceiling, and walls.

Attention! If possible, it is better to repair the entire apartment at once. Similar stages of work is, first of all, relevant for "dirty", to which removal old bliss, installation of windows, not to mention the dismantling and permutation of partitions, if it makes sense to perform in different rooms At the same time, to prevent this when the carpet is set in one room, and in the neighbor you just started removing the old blame from the ceiling.

If you are not able to repair the entire apartment of the whole apartment, you can start it with the longest room and gradually approach the exit. Repair of the corridor and the hallway is carried out last. This is a rather obvious rule: It is clear that by only the repaired rooms to carry bags with the construction garbage and buckets with a solution - not the most the best decision. But be that as it may, in practice, this rule is violated very often.

It is worth moving from the hotel that removed from the hallway and when repairing the apartment is entirely. First of all, it concerns the last stage Repair apartment with your own hands - finishing.

We have led the plan to repair the apartment on their own. Those who prefer viewing video, we suggest familiarizing yourself with the visual videos, where all processes are clearly considered.

As you can save on the repair of the apartment with your own hands

If you want to repair your housing, but at the same time do not spend a lot of money, then do not think that you can save only on the materials and services of specialists. Actually secrets budget repairs not so much.

  • Start repairs in winter. You can hire experienced workers at a lesser price, as they have no work in the Dead Season. Sometimes discounts can reach up to 40%. But at the same time do not forget that winter climatically conditions are unfavorable for repair and construction workAnd most people are resolved for repairs in the summer.
  • You can save on the materials used, replacing imported expensive cheaper domestic analogues. Imported materials are far from always justifying expectations, but they are much more expensive than materials of domestic production.
  • Most costs fall on materials. If you replace vinyl wallpapers on paper, which today may not be less beautiful, then save on the decoration of the walls in two or three times. Well, instead of mounted or plasterboard ceiling, you can use paint, which will cost you much cheaper. Of course, in cases where the ceiling alignment needs, it is not worth saving and perform it better from drywall.
  • Sometimes specialist services are expensive than the materials themselves with whom they work. For this reason before choosing construction brigade Look a few sentences and do not hurry to contact the first experts.
  • To do cheap repair In the kitchen, use vinyl wallpaper or fiberglass wallpaper. They need to be glued to the ceiling itself and perform the finish of the zone kitchen Apron ceramic tiles. If you want to save even more, replace ceramic tiles plastic panels imitating tile, and working area Kitchens are caught by a self-adhesive film.
  • If there is not enough money on expensive bathroom tile, the walls in this room can be saved by washing vinyl wallpaper or acrylic paint. Also very beautifully looks and the wall PVC panels for the bathroom look, the cost of which you will be pleasantly surprised.
  • Planning inexpensive repair Apartments do it yourself, you are not with the hands of buying an expensive plumbing. Therefore, if the old plumbing devices look badly, then you can clean them or paint. However, if plumbing went cracks, then only their replacement remains here. You can also save on the removal of the construction trash, if you organize it on your own.

What should not save, performing repair on your own?

In no case do not save on the pipe or electrical wiring. Engineering communications must have high quality and be sure to fit specialists. If we talk about finishing, then even the most expensive decorative finish will look bad if you lay it out with gaps or ugly.

The only stage of repair, with which it will be difficult to cope on their own, alteration of electrical wiring. For those who plan to save, the exit is offered and here - agree with the electrician who serves your home. Such a master will be interested in high quality of his work, as he will have to serve your home and further. It is not necessary to save on the wiring itself, because the safety of your family directly depends on its quality. Well, you can easily install the sockets yourself, saving money.

If you do not have tools for repair, you will have to buy them or rent them. However, a more economical option is to ask for familiar or neighbors. We recommend the list of all necessary tools in advance so that in the process of repairing do not stay without sweater.

Is it worth afraid of overhaul? Think, because it is performed by the same people, only they clearly know how to do it. So, and you repair work will be ranked. Listen to the masters' tips - and everything will work out.

What you need to know about repair

First - repair is required. Scientists in the course of many years of experiments and observations came to the conclusion that a person cannot be in a room for a long time, which is not repaired for a long time. Because the type of destructive changes in residential rooms Causes stress, psyche disorder, reduces performance, prevents living and positively perceive the surrounding. And the gaps, cracks, of which blow, mold and the microbes falling in the walls lead to diseases.

The second - the repair is on duration, monetary and physical investments are different: capital or cosmetic.

If you decide to change the wallpaper, flooring, plinth, something to cut or refresh - this is a cosmetic repairs. It is usually taken to do every five years. He will not hit the wallet so much.


But your desire to radically change the apartment, for example, to make a kitchen and room studio, change the wiring, doors, plumbing, align the walls and cover them venetian plasterwill require capital cash investments. Such repairs are necessary in twenty years.

Of course, you can invite specialists and they will do everything themselves. Yes, only the cost of services in two or three times will exceed the value of materials. That is, everything you bought to repair the room, multiply by two or three - this will be the amount that will be required for the construction services. Now it is clear how to make repairs independently? Of course, without certain skills, it will not work quickly, but this is the only minus.

Where is the most common overhaul? First of all, in new buildings and very old apartments that require replacement of wiring, pipes, windows and doors. When buying such apartments, it is better to immediately perform the necessary work. In other cases, it is possible to do with cosmetic repairs.

Where to start overhaul

1. First of all, transfer your desire for paper. Make a plan diagram with dimensions that there are walls, communications, sockets and switches, doors, windows, plumbing, water lining. Then sketch the plan, as the apartment should look like, where the main structures will be, how the wiring passes, water pipes - In general, everything is up to the smallest detail. Know that it is necessary to coordinate the repair, which will affect the demolition of the walls and the union of the premises, in Santsans, the fire service, housing office, BTI. Then you need to collect a package of documents for redevelopment, to obtain the conclusion of the expert commission on the technical condition of the apartment, order a project that has the right to make only an organization licensed. And only after that you can start re-planning.

2. Make a list of necessary building materials and tools. Before making overhaul of the apartment, do not forget to consider required amount Bags for garbage, gloves, protective glasses, respirators, clothes, films to protect ready-made objects. Consider the consumption of materials Painting, it will be easier, do not miss anything and you will not buy.

3. Release the room or part of it. Remove cumbersome things, you can move them into the center, cover the construction film to protect against dust and solutions. Agree on the removal of unnecessary furniture, construction trash.

4. Warning neighbors about temporary inconveniences that they have to suffer. By the way, maybe someone from the neighbors will be very useful to you: will give you professional advicewill share tools, take temporarily some things, and for the period of dismantling the water supply will even shelter.

5. Make a replacement of windows and the front door, if necessary, but better let it make installers so that you do not deprive the warranty.

Phased overhaul of the apartment with their own hands

Any repair work begins with communications and upper sections, such as a ceiling, and gradually move down. That is, first the wires, pipes, ceiling, walls, only then the floor.

Imagine: If you make the floor, and then repair the walls, sexual coating may suffer. And the painting of the ceiling will definitely leave traces on the walls, drops will, even if you work the roller.

Council.Be sure to disconnect the machines on the meter before dismantling work, shut off the water so as not to flood the neighbors, close the gas crane.

Step No. 1.

To make a new one, you need to remove the old - it is known to everyone. So, we start repair from dismantling. We are not enough for everything immediately - we produce overhaul in each room gradually.

We remove the chandeliers, we remove the old wiring: insert the places of laying of wires, we connect new, having gone loaded on each point and the entire system as a whole. Change switches, sockets.

We start working with the most difficult places - the kitchen and the bathroom, because there are the repair of the most painstaking.

Step number 2.

First, dismantle the sink in the kitchen, carefully unscrew the cranes, pre-break the overall crane. Remove the door with the loops, we remove the old Lutka. Change pipes, prepare for a new connection. We disassemble, observing safety techniques, a interior partition that is not carrier, we combine the kitchen with the living room.

Step number 3.

We make dismantling partition between toilet and bathroom, making general room. We dismantle the bathroom, toilet, washbasin, old pipeline. We change old pipes on durable plastic. Remove the tile from the walls. If the floor is smooth and without flaws - we leave, but we dismantle the plinth.

Step number 4.

It is very important to align the walls in the bathroom, the type of facing will depend on it. Covered with a putty ceiling and painting with water-emulsion. Align the walls, carefully close all the cracks and cracks, we are waving a new tiled.

On the smooth old tiled flooring are stacked. Now you can install the shower, toilet, washbasin, connect the washing machine.

Step number 5.

In the kitchen, we dismantle the old flooring, trying not to hurt, remove the apron. We update the ceiling, align the walls, cover the scene in the sink and a cutting table with tiled, which will protect the wall from water and steam.

Less floor with a special solution, give him time to stand out. Mobile walls, put the laminate, not forgetting about the substrate. Connect the sink. The gas furnace at the time of work is covering or dismantled, and then the service service produces a new connection.

Step number 6.

In the room, which was now combined with the kitchen, make dismantling of doors and gender. Preparation of the premises to decoration are starting with the plaster ceiling and walls. If necessary, mount the soundproofing panels.

Install new door on foam. Only after the door is well fixed, there will be no less than a day, plastering around the ladder. After graduation preparatory work glue wallpaper, then lay a new floor and screw the plinth. You can roll chandeliers and sconces.

Council.Do not forget to enjoy when working with chemicals Gloves and respirator. When you paint, stick the mounting tape to protect the adjacent surface.

Step number 7.

We remove the old flooring in the hallway, pour the floor by self-leveling solution, we give time toas.

We repair the ceiling, close up of gaps and cracks. Align the walls, we go primer well, since the room is a passage, there may be dampness from the street. Fill new floors, laying them on a soft substrate. Now you can cover the walls with wallpaper or other facing material, for example cork panels.

As you can see, overhaul, though troublesome business, expensive, but your health and psychological comfort is more expensive. And if you do repair yourself, then still save, heavily expenses several times.