How to melt the candle and make a new one. Making candles at home

Per last years Attitude to the candles, as a means of lighting a house in the absence of electricity, has completely changed. How to make a candle at home so that this item becomes an exquisite decor and emphasized the individuality of the house design?. For many, the manufacture of candles has become the basis of a small business.

In recent years, attitudes towards candles, as a means of lighting a house in the absence of electricity, has completely changed

Candle made own hands- This is a wonderful gift to friends and relatives. By the way, such a gift to make a loved one for Valentine's Day.

Seeing a beautiful candle in the souvenir shop, many light up the desire to make a similar one. Most of those who want never try never, as they think that this is a complex occupation, and without special training to make decorative candles with their own hands they will not work.

It turns out that this is not the case, and anyone who wants to learn can do it. The main thing is to start, and eventually an understanding of the process and skill will come.

Making candles at home does not require large number Materials and tools. This allows faster to study the candle proceedings, and this lesson is not too expensive for the family budget.

For beginner candles of masters, you need to purchase the following materials and tools:

  • wax, paraffin, candle gel;
  • capacity for melting wax and paraffin;
  • natural cotton threads or ready-made wicks for candles;
  • wands, minimum 2, for stirring the base of the candle and fastening of the phytyl;
  • several forms for candles;
  • materials for decorating;
  • saucepan for water bath;
  • wax crayons;
  • water thermometer.

Beeswax can be purchased from beekeepers. Paraffin is sold in stores for needlewrites or in the economic departments of supermarkets. Materials can also be ordered online.

Seeing a beautiful candle in the souvenir shop, many light up the desire to make a similar

To start making their first candles at home, you can collect paraffin from the spars. Candle gel is purchased in stores for creativity or it is not difficult to make it yourself.

As a form for candles, any cups, glasses, various plastic or metal tanks, any remedy, which are not deformed from heated to high paraffin or gel base temperatures are used.

Start the manufacture of candles yourself is better from paraffin. Beeswax - natural material, but it does not fit for the manufacture of decorative candles. It is not amenable to staining and aromatization.

To cut the paraffin, you should take paints on an oil basis. Color good quality You can get with the help of children's wax chalk. In stores for needlework, special pigments are sold in pills for painting paraffin. Some craftswomen use lipstick and shadow for this purpose.

How to make candles with your own hands (video)

Candles from wax and paraffin

To make a neat candle from wax with your own hands, it is necessary to properly carry out the melting process. The same remark can be attributed to the candles from the paraffin. Material for the basics melts at high temperatures. It is necessary to adversely prone and act quickly, because melted wax and paraffin cool quickly and pour badly. Due to the high melting temperatures in working with these basics, security rules must be followed.

Step-by-step instructions for the manufacture of candles.

Habitual beeswax Little is used for the manufacture of decorative candles. As noted above, it is impossible to make flavored and beautifully painted products from such wax.

Instead of beeswax, decorative candles are made with their own hands at home made of soy gel. This is the most popular material for the foundation. It is characterized by environmental purity and slow burning.

The first stage in the production of candles is preparatory. All necessary ingredients, tools and devices are purchased and prepared. A professional master class on the topic is selected on the Internet, with photos and descriptions or video.

Before the start of melting in the cooked container poured warm soap mortar. It may be needed to collect wax in case of spraying or spilling molten mass. Nearby have a cardboard and a towel or a cloth napkin.

Directly melting the wax is categorically impossible. This process should flow slowly so that the wax does not burn and evaporated. Therefore, melting the basics lead in a water bath.

Water bath is built of 2 saucepans. In the container bigger size Up to half pour water. It is inserted into it another pot, preferably with handles. It is needed for melting wax.

The second stage is the manufacture of phytile. For this, the cotton thread is taken. It looks original with wick from colored threads Moulin.

The type of wick depends on the base material. For wax candles It is made of thick, slightly twisted threads. For paraffin and gel products, the threads interstate tight so that the candle does not smoke with burning. From thick wick, the candle will be very quickly burning and smoked, and from thin - badly burn and go out.

In addition to the simple twisting, the threads can be twisted with the pigtail or weigh the crochet lace. Before the fill of the candle, the wick is impregnated with wax or paraffin.

The third stage - the choice of form. How to make a candle at home without special forms? It all depends on the fancy of the master. The candle form may be any capacity and packaging that maintain high temperatures molten wax. Since the wax flare is poorly removed from the dishes, it is better to choose unnecessary consumables as forms.

Fourth stage - melting material base. The melting point of the wax candles depends on its type:

  • paraffin wax has a swimming point of + 50 ... + 60 ° C;
  • bee - + 62 ... + 79 ° C;
  • soy gel can be melted at temperatures not higher than + 80 ° C.

On the Internet a lot of workshops, how to melt wax. Melting temperature control can be conducted using a confectionery thermometer or a meat thermometer.

Wax or paraffin crumble into small pieces, as large pieces are melted for a long time. The ground mass is placed in the upper saucepan of water bath. When water in the lower pot boils, the fire is slightly reduced to maintain a uniform melting point.

Flavoring is added to the molten wax if flavored candles are manufactured. The mixture is well mixed. Then the dye is added and stirred again.

Fifth stage - Casting wax or actually creating a candle. Fitil is fixed in the form center. His tip must be fixed on a wooden wand. It is placed on top on the form in such a way that the thread was exactly in the middle of the form. At the free end of the phytylka tie a nodule. The length of the thread should be such that it relies on the bottom of the tank.

Further fill the wax in the form and give it to cool. If the candle mold has a hole in the bottom, then the wax is poured by several starts. You need to pour the molten base carefully, so as not to burn and do not move the wick to the side.

The flooded shape is left for cooling. The product should be cooled at least 24 hours. Some try to speed up the cooling process by placing the form in the freezer. This is better not to do, as such candles are badly burning. The material with natural cooled is evenly compacted and supports high-quality and long burning.

Gel candles

To make a gel candle with your own hands, you need to have the following materials:

Soy gel is a natural, absolutely non-toxic substance. It is used for the manufacture of decorative and aromatherapy candles. The substance is well kept essential oils and better give them when burning. The smell will be richer and brighter.

The addition of essential oils into the wax allows to reduce its melting point. The impregnation of phytile soy gel allows you to get smooth and pure burning. When burning, soot and carcinogens are not highlighted, which will not tell about paraffins, and even more so about stearines.

Aromatic candles with their own hands (video)

Making gel wax at home

To establish the production of candles from a soy gel is easy, as they can be found at home. How to make a soy gel yourself, you can read on the forums of masters by hand Made. Standard recipe:

  • gelatin - 5 g or 1 tsp;
  • tanin - 2 g or on the tip of the knife;
  • water - 20 ml or 4 h.;
  • glycerin - 35 ml or 1 tbsp. l. and 2 h.

Tanin is dissolved in glycerin when heated. Continuing to heat the mixture, gelatin add to it. The resulting solution should be transparent. It add a prescription amount of water. Stirring, the mixture is brought to a boil. When putting water, the solution can be poisoned, but with further boiling it will be cleaned. The mixture is boiled to completely evaporate water.

The finished gel is poured into a predetermined refractory form with a fityl fixed in it. Gel made with your own hands is not inferior to the quality bought in the store.

Production of Aromosvest

If there are skills to make wax candles at home, then it will not be difficult to solve the task how to make an aromatic candle. Aromasveti homemade manufacture Have many advantages against shopping products. The main advantage is that they are environmentally friendly, the components are harmless to produce them.

To aromatize products from wax, any natural essential oils can be used. But it should be borne in mind that when combustion, some of them can change their smell. Before making aromatic substances, they should be heated to understand what will smell from the burning candle. Fragravase waxes can be exotic spices, tea mix, grain coffee.

Decoration of candles

Decorate homemade candles can different ways. The very first is the form of products, it can be unusual and unexpected. Different stickers apply. Interesting way Finishes - Decoupage with napkins.

The decorating pattern can be made using dried flowers, herbs, fruits, citrus, coffee beans, pebbles, seashells, petals and other elements. In the decoration of decorative products, everyone is used, which prompts the craftsmen of fantasy.

Decorations should be fixed in the form before the fill of the melted base. Fill the hot mass must be carefully not to shift the pattern.

ATTENTION, only today!

Church candles are an important attribute of any temple worship service. For believers, the burning candle symbolizes the divine light, and three candles in the candlestick, which can often be seen in the church, personify the trinity of God.

The rules for the manufacture of church candles say that such candles should be made exclusively from natural wax. Wax candles look very beautiful, exuded soft pleasant light and feature a noble aroma. Observing some rules and techniques, this candle is quite possible at home.

For the manufacture of wax candle, there will be special foundry that can be purchased in specialized stores. Some craftsmen replace these forms with imaging objects with similar outlines, such as a thin rubber hose, which are cut along the pouring along, due to which the candle thickened it easier. Before starting work, you need to lubricate with oil before working, and even better - a tool for washing dishes.

Floating wax is best done in a metal assistant with a narrowed "nose" - it will simply pour wax into the form. Due to the compliance with the rules of security, the wax should be heated in a water bath. After it reached a temperature of 80 degrees, it can be poured into a form. Before the fill, take care of the candle wick. It is made from natural materialsFor example, several bored cotton threads. Fitil is placed in shape to wax pouring. In special forms to fix the phytel, there are holders intended for this, which in self-made form It may notice the usual wooden wand to which the wick is tied, and they are fixed on top of the form. Selecting the wick, need to be considered, its length should be slightly larger than the length of the candle, approximately 5-8 mm.

As mentioned above, church candles Made predominantly from wax. However, for best result It is recommended to mix it with paraffin, approximate proportions is 52% wax and 48% paraffin.

Besides traditional fashion The manufacture of wax church candles by smelting and fill the wax in shape, such a candle can also be obtained by repeated wetting of the wick in hot wax. For such a job, you will need a special container - deep and narrow. Fitil is tied to a stick and dip in wax until the desired thickness is formed. This method of manufacturing wax candles is very ancient, however, today it is rarely applied, as it requires patience and dexterity.

For the manufacture of church candles, not only wax can be applied, but also a natural massacre. It is very important that she was clean yellow color, without any pollution or dark spots, otherwise, such a candle can burn badly. Warfare sheets twist them before heating them, and thus get a candle. Fitil is placed before twisting on the sheet. You need to twist the massacre under constant pressure so that all layers firmly fit together.

Create masterpieces with your own hands for family and friends with the site.

Hello, my darlings! Six months ago, I was fascinated by such a kind of craftsmanship as a sparkling. Of course, the master in this business is difficult for me, but nevertheless, I already know something. Basically, I make them for myself, as a gift to loved ones and friends. I want to say that from the entire process of making a candle, I get a huge pleasure.

Quite a little bit of stories ......

Candles appeared in everyday life in the Middle Ages. They had only rich people, since their value was very high. They were made from different materials - Paper, papyrus, plants, fat. Later, American colonists invented the technology of receiving wax. Next, some research and experiments were carried out, but everything was not that. While in the twentieth century, a group of chemists invented paraffin. Since then, this is the most common material for the manufacture of product data. The most common, but not the only one ...

This article is suitable for newcomers, people who just want to start making candles with their own hands. Experimental masters This article is most likely not interesting. But do not rush to close the page, at the end of the text you can see the slide video with the ideas of the decor. I hope you will enjoy!

First of all, I want to briefly tell you from what candles are made, what materials and substances are used for their manufacture.

Variety of candles

Wax - As can be seen from the name, made entirely from the beeswax, this group also includes church candles (long and thin), created for a certain ritual. When burning, you can hear crackle. They are considered the most useful, because for their manufacture, the material of nature itself is used. They do not contain harmful impurities, even dyes there are nothing. Candles from beeswax have a yellowish color, and a pleasant fragrance exudes with burning. In addition, they are useful to light at walled diseasesfor cleansing and disinfection of air. Recently, natural and environmentally friendly steel are very popular candles from the coaster. This is the same beeswax, only with the extruded pattern of cells. The wax melting point is about 60 degrees. But the higher the wax quality than the melting point is higher. You can store them with decades, and the quality of this will not suffer. In my opinion, such candles do not need decoration. The only minus is the high cost.

Paraffin - Made from a fairly cheap material - paraffin. This substance is the product of oil refining. Most candles on sale are made from it. It is believed that they are strongly inferior to wax. For their manufacture, only the highest quality and purified paraffin should be used. He has white color And it does not have a pronounced smell. But, unfortunately, our industry is neglected and often sells us a cheap mass of paraffin. When burning, carcinogenic substances that poison our body are distinguished. They burn much less in time than wax. Most often decorated and flavoring precisely such a kind of candles, which is greatly popular. There is no limit on fantasy in this matter.

Gel candles Basically poured into transparent, glass containers. They look very beautiful and modern, and decorations for them are beads, seashells, flowers, etc., which are added to the candlestone. The main plus is the duration of burning, transparency, the absence of any unpleasant odors during combustion. They are completely safe for humans. The jelly mass with burning completely evaporates, leaving a small precipitate that is easily washed with water. Their duration of use 4 times more than the paraffin candle.

What form to take for the manufacture of candles?

It can be different, depending on what size and form you prefer. For these purposes, glass transparent tanks, tea cups, baby food jars, tight cardboard boxes, plastic cups (from yogurt, cottage cheese, cookies, etc.), orange peel, aluminum forms (for tea candles) ....

Wick do it yourself for candles

It can be purchased ready, take from the finished candle, if you overpay it or do yourself.

For this we need:

  • claywood chopsticks or bamboo
  • olive or sunflower oil
  • scissors
  • slippet.

Cut the wand of the desired length, place it in olive oil for 20 minutes. It will prolong the burning time of the phytyl. Remove them and blot with a paper napkin.

And the second version of the manufacture of wicks from cotton thread. We need:

  • cotton thread, you can take threads Moulin
  • salt
  • water
  • bura

Cut a few strips of x / b threads. In a glass of water, mix 1 tablespoon of salt and 3 tablespoons of the boos. Put the threads there and leave them to cry for 12 hours. Next, give threads to dry completely.

Several dried threads twist together. Get them in molten wax or paraffin. Let go well. Fitil is ready.


Essential oils are ideal as flavors. After evaporated, they are saturated with air notes of fragrance, which act on our body is healing. Optionally, it is possible to make a mixture of oils for a specific purpose, for example, for relaxation, excitement, lifting mood, air disinfection, etc. The more you add essential oils into the candlestone, the smell will be more intense. In addition, it is better not to use them in candles from beeswax. Synthetic liquid and dry flavors I do not recognize, only plants esters. But if you are not against their use, then pay attention to quality and naturalness. As they say not harm!

The combination of essential oils for aromatic candle


The next component for the manufacture of candles-pots. It is also not a mandatory ingredient. You can safely do without it. As a dye, an ordinary wax chalk for children can perform. It should be erased in a small crumb and add to the already melted candlestone. Liquid food dyes will not suit, as they are made on a water basis. Replace them can serve oil paints or special, intended for the spuriousness.

How to make a candle with your own hands at home?

So, with the shape, dyes, flavors and the most candle mass we decided. It's time to do the product itself.

We will repeat what we need:

  1. paraffin or wax
  2. the form
  3. flavors (if necessary)
  4. dyes (if necessary)
  5. pan with water and metal tank for melting base on a water bath
  6. wick
  7. adhesive Pistol
  8. wands to maintain phytel

The first thing you need to do is install wick in the container where we will fill wax or paraffin. With help adhesive pistol We glue it to the bottom of the cans and fix with wooden stick (Pencil).

On the water bath we melm the candlestone. As soon as it takes a liquid look, you can add dyes and flavors.

Fill it into shape. Let cool a few hours. Cut your wick as you need.


As decor you can use great amount material. Some of them are easily harvested on their own. For example, dried citrus fruits are suitable for aromasvines: oranges, tangerines, grapefruit. To do this, cut them on the slices, on the baking sheet of laying paper for baking and put them in one layer. Install the degrees in the oven 60-70. It is at such a temperature that the fruits will not be drunk, but to dry. When notice that the blanks purchased the view of the dried fruit, you can get it.

Another embodiment for candles is tapes, lace and decorative threads. Since these are flammable materials, you need to be careful. Refine, attach better to the candlestick itself.

Cinnamon sticks, whole grains of coffee, cones and shells are perfect for this purpose. The main thing to show fantasy and creativity. As for gel candles, there can be no restrictions here.

In order for you to play fantasy and inspiration came, look at the video presentation that I specifically prepared for you. I am sure you will find a sea of \u200b\u200bideas for my work.

If you prefer aromatherapy and plan to make candles with the smell, I advise you to use good quality essential oils, and not cheap flavors. Esters are capable not only to give a charming particular atmosphere due to their smells, but also to benefit.

That's it! Now you know how to make candles with your own hands. Enjoy your creation! I hope you understood my master class! Leave your comments at the bottom of the page. All the whole! Bye Bye!


Previously, the candles were used only in prosperous families in order to illuminate the premises. Today, many are interested in how to make a candle as a scenery with their own hands. It is possible to realize the conceived at home, the main thing is to prepare everything you need. Let's start!

How to make a candle with your own hands - necessary materials


First of all, take care of the presence of paraffin. Buy it in the stores "Everything for needlework" or in economic supermarkets. You can also get paraffin from the underworked old candles that stayed at home.

Wax (instead of paraffin)

The analogue of paraffin is bee wax. It is a fully natural composition, which in the process of burning cleans the air indoors. But the wax can not be exposed to flavors or staining. If you prefer this component, choose soy wax.


In addition to the main component, wick will be required. It can be in the form of a paper harness or a thin rope.


Prepare space for work. Ideal at a flat table lined with a linen or newspaper. You can make candles with your own hands only with high-quality lighting at home.

Additional tools

You will need a mixer capacity, saucepan for the heating of the components on the water bath, the thermometer for measuring the melting point of wax / paraffin (sold in the needlework stores, is designed to create candles).


If the manufacture of candles of a certain shade is supposed, dyes will be required. For this purpose, the pigment is not suitable for this purpose. Choose oily dyes.

Essential oils

Since it is possible to make a candle with your own hands with a certain smell at home, purchase essential oils. They are sold in pharmacies and any cosmetics stores.


If a goal is to do a beautiful decorative candle, you may need coffee grains, beautiful pebbles, seashells and other elements.

Form for candles

As a form, use a glass, a cup, a cropped can, a square heat-resistant container and other technician tanks.

General technology for creating a candle with their own hands

In this section we will present general scheme, Detailed recipes you will find below.

Step number 1

First build a water bath: fill with water with water, wait for boils. Paraffin / wax can not be melted on an open fire to avoid burning.

Step number 2.

Prepare a container smaller in size than a saucepan. Take the paraffin into it using a small grater. Install this dishes in the pan so that water does not hit the paraffin. Reduce the power of the slab, expect melting.

Important!In the process of tomation at hand, it is necessary to keep a soap solution and wet gauze, folded in several layers. If suddenly paraffin stain the table, you need to instantly clean the surface.

Step number 3.

Arm yourself with a thermometer that is sold in needlework stores. It is designed to measure the melting point of wax. Paraffin melts about 84-90 degrees. Do not overheat it, measure the indicators. Do not allow boiling.

Important! So how to make a candle with your own melting hands it will not work, follow the safety technique at home. Tomorrow on the water bath can lead to a fire. Carefully follow the temperature. When using the residues of old candles, it is necessary to first remove all of them.

Step number 4.

Continue tomorrow until the paraffin will find a liquid structure. At this stage, essential oils for smell and oil dyes are added for color. You can make a multicolor candle, adding at the same time many pigments of different shades (do not mix hard).

Step number 5.

Take the shape for pouring the candle. Place the pencil on her sides. Prepare the wick, tie it in the center of the pencil. Lower the tip of the wick in the form so that the rope is located exactly all over the height of the tank.

Step number 6.

If some scenery is used, it's time to send them to the mold. It is better to lay decorations on the sides and the bottom of the tank, so that they clearly break the wax after soak.

Step number 7.

It is time to pour the melted paraffin / wax into the mold. Manipulations are carried out by a thin weaving so that the wick does not break aside.

Step number 8.

When you fill the form, leave the candle at room temperature. It will freeze after 10-14 hours. It is not necessary to withstand the products in the refrigerator, otherwise it will burn badly. Before use, cut your wick, remove the product from the mold or leave inside.

Preparation of gel candles

Gel decorative candles began to use great demand. The transparent foundation can be easily decorated with various elements of the decor. Consider how to make a candle with your own hands without difficulty at home.

1. Visit the craft store and purchase a special gel-based mass. It can be colored or transparent. The gel base for candles can be mixed with each other to achieve the desired shade.

2. Melt the gel according to classical technology (like paraffin), observing temperature mode (90 degrees). As a result, it turns out a liquid mixture. Prepare the mold in advance and install wicks in it.

3. Place the bottom of the tank decorative elements At your discretion. Fantasy no limit, improvise! The main thing is that such decorations are not flammable. They need to be flushed in advance and dry.

4. It is recommended that part of the accessories are placed on the bottom, and others are added as the container filling. As a result, elements will look in a state of care. Also, they should not be close to the fit (at least 1 cm), it is important.

5. To avoid the formation of bubbles in the finished candle, the filling form should warm up. It is enough to use a hairdryer or boiling water. Lower the vessel into the liquid. Write the tank dry.

6. You can enter in a different way and give a candle a more "playful" view. To increase the amount of bubbles, the form is pre-cooled in the freezer. As soon as you poured a candle, she needs to stand at least a day.

Creating aromaslets with your own hands

1. It is not difficult to guess how to make the Aromasveche with your own hands, so that it pleases in the home. Undoubted plus Such products are the fact that you will be fully confident in the environmental friendliness of the components.

2. So that the candle gains a pleasant aroma, to the base, no matter, gel or paraffin, you should add a few drops of any essential oil.

3. Take into account the features of each ether. Some compositions when heated becomes hard and pronounced. The rest of the procedure is carried out by classical technology.

Original ideas when creating candles

1. To make the candles really unusual, try to take the basis different colors. Pour them in layers. It is best to carry out the procedure with a gel base. It is enough to pour the layer and wait a bit. As soon as he grabbed, Leite further.

2. Play P. color gamut. Gel different shade layer behind the layer. As a result, you can create a beautiful rainbow candle. So that the transition was smooth, expect the frozen of the previous layer less.

3. Color formulations will be just connected on the border. To understand how to make a rainbow candle with your own hands on such technology at home, follow the rules.

4. You can prepare a natural candle from citrus zest. Cut away any cytrus and carefully remove the pulp. Mount the base and enter a few drops of lavender ether into it, dried cloves and rosemary branch.

5. Pour the melted gel in a genuine mold and wait for cooling. The result is an unusual cytrus candle with a thin aroma.

Homemade candles are pretty simple. Having made several copies, you can proceed to more complex tasks. Add something new and decorate the candles to your liking. Do not be afraid to experiment!

Making candles with your own hands very interesting! This will confirm any needlewoman, which at least once melted the paraffin, added aroma-oil or dyes to it and poured all this magnificence into a variety of jars and flashes) on their own experience (albeit not very large) I can say that by making one candle, right there I want to take for another. Well, there is something mysterious and attractive in this process) if you do not believe the word, then try to make your first decorative candle!

So, we need The following materials:

  • sparks of candles and all kinds of their remnants (can be one color or different colors, but still it is better that they were shades of one color, for example, white, pink and red)
  • candle pouring form (plastic, paper, glass, etc.)
  • paraffin melting vessel (I have a tin jar from green peas)
  • water Bath Capacity
  • cornish sticks
  • flavored tea, dried berries, etc.
  • vegetable oil
  • fitil from finished candles or threads Moulin for phytyl
  • several toothpicks (pencils, tassels, etc.)

Prepare everything necessary materials, proceed to the preparation of paraffin to melting.

That's how my old candles looked:

Those in glass cup holders, I put a few minutes on a water bath, and after the paraffin melted, poured it into a tin jar. Naturally, removed from the old wick.

The rest of the candles just put in hot waterSo that they soften and easier to cut them into small pieces.

As soon as the candles become warm and soft, take them out and cut into small pieces to melt faster (my big candles inside were white))

Next we fold pieces of paraffin into a melting jar and put on a water bath. True, I safely forgot about it and put a jar right on the fire) nothing terrible happened, the paraffin quickly melted.

Until paraffin melts, proceed to the preparation of molds for the fill. I used glass candlesticks, which also had no little accumulated)

In the mold, at first I put cinnamon sticks.

Then he smeared the inner walls with vegetable oil and sprinkled with tea with tea. Tea is the most ordinary, strawberry)

By the way, if you want to make an aroma candle, then choose an aroma suitable for the color of the candle so that there is no disharmony in sensations.

As a result, it turned out like this:

Meanwhile, the paraffin is most likely melted and it will be possible to fill it. Do it neatly using tape and stand.

Fill in the bottom with a small amount of molten paraffin, proceed to the fixing of the wick. If you want to use the candle directly by purpose, i.e. to light it up, the wick is better to attach to the bottom of the mold, so that the candle evenly burned to the end. I originally made a decorative candle, so I had a wick rather for clarity to clearly it was that this is a candle)

As a result, from a heap of old candles, I got 5 new and sort of even beautiful)

The time to rework the candles is really a bit. Try and you make decorative candles with your own hands!