Properly vaccinating mandarin at home. How to grow a tangerine from a bone at home

Home-grown citruses have long ceased to be a rarity. Many crops are grown from seed and produce good harvest, if the landing and care are correctly followed. Tangerines are no exception, but in order for the desired fruits to appear on the tree, vaccination is necessary. This procedure has its own rules and subtleties that need to be considered.

The importance of vaccinating indoor tangerines

When planting seeds citrus plants, you can really grow a beautiful tree that is unlikely to bear fruit - in best case it can be sour, practically not edible wild fruits. In this case, there is no need to wait for a normal harvest. To get fruits of the same variety from which the seeds were taken, you will have to carry out vegetative propagation, usually this is cuttings and grafting.

This event is the combination of several parts of a plant - the stem or foliage of one tree with the stem of another, as a result of which fusion occurs, which has a beneficial effect on fruiting. In this case, the tree to which the grafting is done is considered a stock, while the attached part of another plant is a scion.

For a tangerine, the scion can be any one-year or two-year-old similar fruit. These plants are needed for cuttings and buds. The stock can be a wild, indoor tangerine tree, more precisely, its seedling.

This vegetation gives undoubted advantages:

  • the possibility of rapid reproduction and crossing of different citrus crops;
  • the onset of flowering and the formation of ovaries in a short time;
  • resistance of the tree to negative external influences;
  • improving the external characteristics of the plant;
  • high quality and quantity of formed fruits.

Mandarin vaccination has its own characteristics and different variants execution, and it is quite simple to carry out at home.

We plant only high-quality seedlings

To obtain normal varietal fruits with acceptable sizes and good taste, first of all, it is necessary to properly grow a tangerine from a seed, and only then make a connection with a scion from an already fruiting tree. Growing a quality seedling can be considered preparatory stage to plant grafting, which is at the same time a guarantee of further normal fruit formation.

Experienced gardeners advise:

  • plant several seeds at once;
  • for this purpose, take only ripe, even overripe fruits;
  • take planting material from fruit just before disembarkation;
  • do not use spoiled and rotten tangerines.

Place the bones on a saucer with gauze soaked in water and cover with the same damp material. The swollen bones are ready for planting, and they are moved into separate cups with soil, and with the development of the root system, into a more spacious container. Do not forget that the soil for the plant is light and nutritious - for this, humus, compost and sod land are combined in equal parts, and good expanded clay drainage is also required.

For further growth, the tree will need regular watering without waterlogging, diffused light, and regular ventilation of the room. Novice gardeners will have to be patient, since the plant grows at home for a long time.

Features of the procedure

According to agrotechnical rules, you can plant a tangerine at home, starting with it two years of age, because until this moment the plant has not yet been fully formed, and, therefore, is not ready for reproduction. It is desirable that the size of the shoot is 5-7 mm in diameter.

Better process in early spring(early April) or late summer (last week of August). True, some experts in this field believe that the best time for this procedure is May, and if the plants are planted in a greenhouse without heating, then even later - in June.

A special technology is provided for during vaccination:

  • all conductive cuts must be perfectly smooth;
  • before joining the graft site must be treated with a fungicide and soapy water;
  • for work, pre-disinfected tools are used and sterile gloves;
  • it is better not to touch the cut areas with your hands;
  • the process must be carried out in a short time so that the plant tissues do not have time to oxidize when exposed to air.

A week before vaccination, abundant watering of the tree is necessary. You will also need to take care of the availability of a variety that will become a scion - a cutting with 2-3 buds will be required from it.

Manipulations are best carried out at high humidity in the room, thereby preventing the drying out of the grafting site.

Basic methods

There are several vaccination techniques that can be used to carry out transplantation. The simplest way, in which plants are least damaged, is called budding. His characteristic feature- T-shaped cut on the main tree, in which the bud-eye (scion) is placed.

In this case, the following requirements must be observed:

  • before the procedure, you need to wipe the bark of the original plant with a damp material;
  • the cut is made 4-7 cm from the ground, it should be about 3 cm long and 1 cm wide;
  • the edges of the cut are expanded by inserting the scion;
  • a paste based on wax and propolis is applied to the site and fixed with a special grafting tape.

To be on the safe side, you can get two vaccinations at once.

After 30 days, the upper process of the rootstock can be shortened by 10 cm. If the plant is grafted different varieties citrus fruits, it is possible to get the fruits of different crops on the same tree. The fact that grafting was unsuccessful may be indicated by the appearance of a black bloom at the grafting site.

Copulation provides two options for action.

  1. In the first case, both parts of different plants are selected with an identical shoot diameter. In both, oblique cuts are made, vertical notches are made in their center. Both parts are then combined and matched optimally.
  2. An alternative method involves making two incisions on top of the plant material. Next, they will need to be tightly connected.

At the end of the work, a special tape is used, a dense film is additionally fixed on top to create a microclimate. Splitting grafting is recommended for novice gardeners.

The procedure provides for the following sequence of actions:

  • the vaccination site is treated with a damp cloth;
  • using pruning shears, the shoot of the main plant is cut horizontally;
  • the center of the stock is cut to a depth of 3 cm;
  • the scion is sharpened using two slices of the same length;
  • all that remains is to place the scion in the split incision, then apply it with putty and tighten it with garden tape.

Two or three scions can be placed in one stock at once. For the correct work, it is necessary to use such means as PVC tape, putty and special garden tools for vaccination. If the seedling was grown from a fruit seed indoors, it is necessary to carry out the grafting process in a slightly different way.

First, the bark is peeled off from the main plant 100 mm above the soil, an incision is made on the hemp, and a plant graft of a scion with several buds is inserted inside. It is important that the complete compatibility of the plant parts is maintained.

Newbies in gardening should be aware that there is no 100% guarantee that the plant will take root, but the grafting procedure can be repeated.

A successfully grafted plant will be able to give a full harvest in 2-3 years, but for this it needs to create comfortable conditions... The room should be warm, humid (more than 50%), a lot of air and light, excluded direct sunlight. If possible, then after vaccination, it is better to temporarily transfer the pot with the seedling to the greenhouse. But you can also take care of the greenhouse climate at home by covering the container with the culture with a transparent plastic wrap.

Other points related to caring for tangerines are also important.

  • It must be watered regularly using only filtered or settled water. In summer, watering is carried out up to 3 times a week, in winter time once in the same period is enough. Treatment with a weak manganese solution will be required twice a month.
  • The culture requires periodic spraying with ordinary water, in the summer - every other day, and in the winter - once every two weeks.
  • Up to four years, the plant must be replanted annually, adult trees - every two years. For a room culture, each transplant is carried out in a pot that is about 5 cm larger in diameter than the previous one. An earthen lump must be preserved, otherwise, the mandarin root system may be damaged.
  • As for feeding, organic fertilizers compost-based, horse manure, humus and mineral supplements should be applied throughout the spring and summer with a frequency of 2-3 times a month.

It is important to monitor the condition of the citrus crown. To do this, not only shorten the trunk and cut off the damaged branches, but also pinch young shoots as soon as 6 leaves are formed on them. This is necessary so that the strength of the plant is directed towards fruiting, and not towards growth. Ideally, the shape of the tree should be round. In winter, the plant rests, it needs cool air (+14 degrees) and rare watering.

For information on how to grow a tangerine from a seed, see the next video.

Probably, many would like to have a lemon tree at home, flowering and bearing fruit. But wait until it grows from the bone adult plant too long, and it will begin to bear fruit only after 8-10 years. Or maybe not at all.

Another option is to purchase a varietal plant that begins to bloom and bear fruit at home much earlier, for example, like Pavlovsky for 3 years.

But what to do if it has already been planted, grown and develops beautifully, but does not bear fruit. In this case, it is necessary to graft varietal branches on such a wild citrus plant, then it will be possible to get fruits on them. Vaccination of lemon and tangerine at home is not such a difficult process., it is available even to a non-specialist, it is important to just observe certain rules set out below.

Vaccination in horticulture

Grafting is a widely used method of plant propagation in horticulture., in the process, several parts of plants are combined (for example, stems or leaves of another plant are grafted to the stem of one plant), and these parts subsequently grow together and become one plant. As a result, it is sometimes even difficult for a non-specialist to see that a vaccination has taken place. This can only be understood by a scar or thickening on the cortex at the transition site.

The part of the plant that joins the whole (it can be a stalk or a bud) is called a scion, in our case it is some kind of varietal lemon or tangerine. And the plant to which part of the other will join is the stock, that is wild plant with a good and strong root system.

With successful cuttings, the grafted branches will have color and fruits, like a varietal plant

Subsequently, both parts grow together and become one plant, they begin to positively influence each other. The plant after grafting becomes more resistant to negative influences environment , it improves appearance, mechanical damage and wounds on the tree are eliminated.

A plant of the same species or closely related species can participate in the grafting.
This method has whole line advantages:
- this method is considered one of the most quick ways reproduction;
- a significant approximation of the first flowering and fruiting;
- an opportunity for another citrus plant (for example);
- fruits of higher quality, their number increases significantly;
- the availability and simplicity of the method (subject to the technology).

Basic rules for grafting indoor citrus fruits

In order to vaccinate correctly, it is important to follow some basic rules:

    ... All your actions must be precise, quick and confident. If you do it too slowly, the plant tissue will oxidize under the influence of oxygen, and the graft may not take root. First, you should work out the skill on the least valuable plants.

    All instruments used for inoculation, as well as hands, must be clean, it is better to use surgical gloves - the ingress of bacteria and fungi will lead to infection and death of the stock.

    Slices on the scion and rootstock must be made smooth. Avoid contact of hands and any things with the cut.

    The place on the rootstock where the grafting will be carried out, as well as all the cuttings, must be wiped with a damp cloth, and it is better to wash it with soapy water and treat it with a fungicide the day before.

    The most optimal times for grafting citrus plants are May and June. You should work on a rainy day or humid room- an increased moisture content in the air increases the likelihood of success of the operation - it will have a beneficial effect on the scion and prevent it from drying out.

    After vaccination, the plant must be placed in a mini-greenhouse, at home or in the country, for this, a shelter under a transparent plastic bag is suitable, glass jar or a cut-off plastic bottle. The creation of such a wet "bath" will protect lemon Tree from drafts and from sudden temperature fluctuations.

For a successful vaccination, operations should be performed quickly and accurately, with all the necessary tools at hand.

The crown and the ground should be constantly moist, but it should not be watered, but sprayed from a spray bottle, a sign that it is time to repeat the spraying procedure is the absence of droplets on inner surface greenhouse. From time to time you need to let the tree breathe and ventilate by removing the can or bag. The main danger is that mold can start and develop quickly in such an environment, if this happens, then the plant should be treated with fungicides.

Vaccination technology and methods

One of the keys to a successful vaccination is the right set of tools.... For this procedure, you need to prepare a sharp blade or a convenient knife with a thin sharp blade that will make all the cuts, as well as the secateurs. To process the plant after the grafting procedure, you will need a special tape to tighten the contact point, a garden pitch for processing the incision. It is better to purchase this in advance at the garden center.

A good pruner and a sharp knife are the key to a successful vaccination

To create a plant optimal conditions for scion engraftment, prepare a plastic wrap in advance, you can just cut a transparent bag plastic bottle or a jar, they will be needed to create a mini greenhouse. Decide what to cook based on the size of the plant.

Also prepare a clean, damp cloth to wipe off the plants at the grafting site, and alcohol to clean the instruments before proceeding. Cleanliness is one of the main keys to success.

For the scion, it is best to take a stem or bud from a mandarin or lemon tree one to two years old.
As a rootstock, it is best to consider strong and healthy, aged from a year or more, or is best suited for this role. If the grafting will be done on an adult plant, it is important that the thickness of its trunks and branches should be at least 5-7 millimeters.
For rootstock, seedling lemons that have been grown from seeds are best suited because they are the most resistant.
There are several methods of inoculation: budding, copulation, graft into cleavage.
Let's take a look at each of these methods.


It is believed that this method is the least traumatic for the plant and the easiest for beginners. Its meaning is that an incision in the shape of the letter T should be made on the rootstock tree, and a scion in the form of a bud-eye should be inserted into it.

Grafting a branch of a plant by budding

First, wipe it off completely with a damp cloth. Use a blade or a special knife to make a T-shaped incision about 5-6 centimeters from the ground. Horizontally, the length of this cut should be 1 cm, and vertically - 2.5-3 cm. It is important to do everything carefully, without touching the core. Carefully bend the edges of the vertical cut with a blade so that a small hole is formed at the top. Further, the scion must be introduced into this formed "pocket", the petiole must adhere tightly to the wood.
At the end of the procedure, the procedure site is wrapped with a special grafting tape. Additionally, it is better to cover all the cuts with garden pitch.

To increase the survival rate of the grafted cuttings, it is better to do not one, but two.
After inoculation, the petioles turned yellow, did not turn black and look healthy - this means that they have taken root and the procedure was carried out correctly. A month after inoculation, the apical shoot from the stock is removed by about 10 centimeters.

An engrafted lemon twig grafted by budding

In the same way, it is possible on a large shoot of a citrus tree of another species (for example, an orange). Then, if the bud takes root, your tree will be able to produce fruits of two types - lemons and oranges.


For the next method, the graft and rootstock of citrus need to be selected approximately the same diameter. Approximately the same oblique cuts are made on them, they should be even, without tubercles. Shallow (about 1 cm) vertical cuts are made in the middle of these cuts. Then both cuts must be connected in such a way that both cuts are well combined and fit into each other. The site of the procedure at the end is tightly wrapped with grafting tape.

In the copulation method, the accuracy of hitting and tight alignment of the cuts is very important.

Vaccination with the same method can be done in a slightly different way. In the upper parts of the rootstock and scion, 2 cuts are made. After that, they need to be inserted into each other, trying to combine them with each other as much as possible. After completing these steps, the vaccination site is wrapped with grafting tape or cloth. From above it needs to be wrapped plastic wrap to create greenhouse conditions.

The procedure for this vaccination method is as follows.
The site of the vaccination is wiped with a damp cloth. The stock is cut horizontally with a pruner at a distance of 5-10 cm from the soil. Further, in the middle of the stem with a sharp blade, a cut is made about 2-3 cm deep.After that, the scion is prepared: two wedge-shaped cuts 2.5-3 cm long are made on it. sides, this will increase the likelihood of survival). At the end, the vaccination site is tightly wrapped with grafting tape, and all the cuts made must be treated with garden varnish.

Inoculation by the splitting method, you can take several rootstock cuttings

If you want to graft with a graft as a cuttings grown from a bone, then the process will be slightly different. It is important that it is healthy and well-matured.

In this method, the scion is inserted under the bark of the rootstock.
First, the rootstock stem is barked at a height of approximately 10 cm from the ground. Then you need to cut the stump in half so that you get a split 3 cm deep, a scion shoot containing several buds is inserted into this cut. It is necessary to pay attention that at least one of the sides of the bark of the rootstock and the scion coincides with each other.
The vaccination site is tightly wrapped with grafting tape and then with polyethylene. died, you can try to get vaccinated again. Vaccination is a rather laborious method and requires a certain skill. But with the right effort, you end up with a healthy and fruitful lemon tree.

Note that Pavlovsk lemons and tangerines do not require vaccination, they develop well and bear fruit on their own roots and are well adapted to growing at home. At the same time, if you have a lemon tree grown from a stone, the so-called "", there is an article about this on our website: then grafting the branches of a varietal plant on it will allow you to get fruits from it.

Since mandarin is an evergreen plant, each leaf, on average, lives in nature for about four years. The tangerine tree grows slowly, up to 25 years old it can reach 3-3.5 meters in height. The crown of an adult plant can be about the same in diameter. Mandarin blooms very beautifully, its flowers are large, bright white, have a pleasant spicy aroma, so at home, mandarin can also be grown as an ornamental flowering plant.

Suppose you come across a mandarin that is full of seeds, and you have the desire to plant it. The ability to grow your own tangerine tree from an ordinary seed is great, but be prepared for the fact that you have to be patient - the tangerine grows extremely slowly. In addition, you will have to learn how to plant a tangerine and learn how to do it practically.

Why Citrus Grafting

It is worth noting that a tangerine grown from a seed produces fruits after grafting, but they are not similar to those from which the seeds were originally taken. In order for the tangerine variety to repeat, it is necessary to propagate it vegetatively - by cuttings, grafting. However, what turns out, in any case, will pleasantly surprise the grower.

In order for the grown tangerine to start bearing fruit, it is necessary to be vaccinated.

Very often, flower growers plant citrus seeds, sometimes just out of curiosity. These seedlings germinate superbly, live at home, the tree looks very beautiful, but does not bear fruit. So, what you grow at home in a pot of tangerine seed is wild. Just as only a tree can grow from an apple bone, which at best gives wild sour fruits if it is not grafted, so a tangerine without grafting will not bear normal fruits.

So, in order to get a real fruiting tangerine, a plant grown from a seed should be inoculated from a fruiting tree, the citrus variety does not really matter.

We plant the tangerine correctly

First of all, you need to prepare the planting material - a tangerine seed. It is best to immediately plant about ten seeds so that your efforts are suddenly not in vain. For planting, seeds obtained from ripe fruits are suitable. You can give the fruit a little overripe so that the seeds are definitely ready for planting and further growth. But don't let the tangerine rot, it can be bad for the seeds too.

Important. It is necessary to get seeds from the pulp immediately before planting, dried seeds are no longer suitable.

The already swollen mandarin seeds are planted in the ground.

Take a saucer, cheesecloth, or cotton wool. Pour warm water on the bottom of the dish, put the material on top, let it soak in moisture, and put it on top tangerine seeds, cover them with the same wet cloth or cotton wool. When the bones are very swollen, they can already be planted in the ground. When you see green growth, it's time to send tangerine crumbs to the ground.

Any commercial citrus soil or just a light nutritious substrate is suitable for planting. You can also prepare the soil yourself, for this you need to take from one part of leafy land, sod land and compost.

Sprouted seeds are best placed in a greenhouse - for this, good drainage is made in a spacious pot, soil is poured and plants are planted. The greenhouse should be placed in a bright place in the house, but not under the straight lines Sun rays, you can additionally illuminate the seedlings with a lamp. It is also necessary to regularly ventilate the greenhouse to prevent rot and mildew. With a harmonious ratio of light, moisture and heat, the mandarin will grow quickly and will require a separate pot.

Features and conditions of mandarin vaccination

So, the tangerine has grown and got stronger, it is in a separate pot. Now you need to make sure that it bears fruit. First, you need to think about the presence of a tree that bears fruit for grafting (you will need a cutting with two to four buds).

Important. You should not try to plant a plant that is less than two years old.

Some time before vaccination, you should begin to water the plant abundantly, then check how the bark is lagging behind the tree by cutting the bark just above the place where the grafting will be done. In order to properly plant a tree, it is very important to follow a number of rules.

It is necessary to act accurately, quickly and confidently. If you work slowly, the tissues of the plant can oxidize under the influence of oxygen, in which case the grafting simply will not take root.

Without vaccination, a tangerine grown at home will not bear fruit.

You can train on plants that do not grow so slowly and are therefore less valuable. Hands and all instruments must be perfectly clean, ideally wearing sterile surgical gloves. Otherwise, bacteria and fungi will simply destroy young plant... You need to try not to touch the cut with your hands, and wipe the grafting site and cuttings with a damp cloth, or (ideally) treat it with a fungicide.

The most optimal and correct timing for vaccinating citrus fruits, including indoor plants- this is spring and early summer (May or June). For grafting, it is better to choose rainy weather, open a window, since the high moisture content in the air has a good effect on the condition of the scion, not allowing it to dry out excessively.

Truth, experienced florists grafted in room conditions citrus fruits (including tangerines) practically all year round... Tangerines, as a rule, have two waves of full growth, the second is late autumn. Therefore, even at the beginning of winter, you can also graft the plant. It is important to provide him after the procedure normal humidity in the air and backlight.

You can plant an indoor tangerine with an eye or a handle. Cuttings can be stored in the refrigerator in sawdust or peat.

Mandarin can be grafted with a handle or eye.

Let's take a closer look at two methods of vaccination:

  1. How to inoculate a tangerine with a kidney or an "eye". Vaccination techniques indoor tangerine the same as in conventional gardening. The only difference is in the size of the "tree". A healthy and mature kidney must be selected for the mandarin vaccination. First, you should clean the trunk of your rootstock (not grafted tree) from dust and dirt by lightly wiping the surface with a moistened cotton swab. Then, taking a sharp knife, very carefully make an incision in the shape of the letter "T" on the bark of the stock, without touching the wood. Corners should appear on the bark. They are slightly bent and a peephole is inserted there.
  2. Inoculating a mandarin with a cuttings. First, the stem is lightly wiped, dust is removed and horizontally cut off at a height of five to seven centimeters from the ground surface. In the downward direction, you need to make a small (about a centimeter) incision along the bark, slightly move the corners at the bark, where to insert the prepared cutting. Good stalk should have two or three nodes with full buds and several cuttings from leaves. Pressing the handle, smooth the corners and edges on the bark, press the bark to the handle. The vaccination site is properly wrapped, and the top is covered (for example, with garden varnish).

Tree care after vaccination

After the vaccination, the mandarin needs care.

In the warm season, the tangerine grown from the bone and grafted is best sent to Fresh air, but in the hot summer heat, the tree should be slightly shaded. In summer, especially if it's hot, it is imperative to periodically spray the entire crown with slightly warm water, or wipe the leaves with a damp sponge.

The tangerine tree needs a normal light source, it needs to be placed on the south side, but from the direct rays of the hot sun, the plant may get burns on the leaves. You need to feed the tangerine in the summer once every two weeks. In addition to special feedings that are sold in the store, you can also use organic ones. For prevention, once every two months, the earth is spilled with a very weak manganese solution or iron sulfate.

The resting period for tangerines begins at the end of November and ends in February. During this period of time, you should lower the temperature in the room where the tangerine tree, up to 14 degrees with a plus sign, sending your citrus to a warm veranda or balcony. If this is not possible, choose the coolest windowsill and place the plant closer to the window pane. Watering must also be reduced (no more than twice a week).

A tangerine, which has not yet reached the age of four, should be transplanted annually at the onset of spring, mature tree can be replanted after a year. The diameter of each subsequent pot becomes larger than the previous one by five centimeters. During transplantation, you need to be careful and keep an earthen ball, in order to avoid damage to the roots.

Agronomists advise to spray the tangerine grown at home.

Experts who constantly grow citrus fruits from seeds, including tangerines, advise:

  • Sprinkle rainwater on a tangerine tree once a week.
  • The plant will feel great if a small indoor decorative fountain is installed in the room in which the tangerine stands.
  • In order for your tangerine to not grow much, and to give more strength not to the leaves, but to the fruits, you need to pinch all the young branches after the formation of six leaves. A perfectly formed crown of a citrus tree has a slightly rounded shape, and the plant itself in an adult state can reach one and a half meters
  • If you were able to grow a young tangerine in a pot, you should take care of buying a cultured normal scion, it is better to purchase it in a botanical garden. When placing an order online (on the Internet), make sure that your sprout is properly "canned", since only freshly cut and healthy material should be taken for inoculation.

By the way, in China the tangerine tree is a symbol of success, prosperity and well-being. Just like us New Year we don't celebrate without a tree, the Chinese don't celebrate it without a tangerine tree. So the time will come, and a small tree with real fruits will decorate your festive table.

On the video you can see detailed process vaccinations of mandarin at home.

This plant is a popular indoor crop, but not all lovers of bright orange citrus dare to plant this exotic tree in their home, because they do not know how to grow a rather whimsical tangerine. Meanwhile, it is not difficult to grow it and, subject to all the rules of planting and care, the tree will begin to bring a good harvest already for 3-4 years.

Reproduction of tangerine

There are several main ways of tangerine propagation at home: seeds, grafting, cuttings, layering. The easiest and most common way is to plant seeds. However, in this case, fruiting will occur only in the 6-7 year of the tree's life. For planting, take large seeds of ripe fruits, wash in warm water and let it dry a little. Then placed in a glass of water room temperature and put away in a warm place, for example, on the sunny side of a windowsill. After a while, the seeds will swell and hatch. After that, you can plant them in the ground.

How to plant a tangerine and which potting soil should you choose? For planting, take a small pot with a diameter of 5-7 cm. At the bottom, a drainage layer is made of small stones or shards. A soil mixture is poured on top, consisting in equal parts of leaf and sod land, a small amount of rotted manure and river sand... You can use a store-bought citrus potting pot mix. The seeds are placed in the soil to a depth of 1 - 1.5 cm and lightly sprinkled with earth, then watered. The pot is covered with a film or glass jar, thus a greenhouse is built and placed on a window on the south side. In the afternoon for 30 min. the greenhouse should be opened so that moisture does not accumulate. The first shoots will appear in 2-3 weeks. After 5 leaves are formed on the seedlings, they can be transplanted into larger containers.

Vaccination: how to plant a mandarin (with video)

To speed up the onset of fruiting will help inoculating a mandarin with budding (with an eye). This will require a young tree with a trunk diameter of at least 6 mm and a cutting from a 1-2-year-old branch of a fruiting citrus taken immediately before grafting. The best time for this work is April - May, that is, the period of sap flow. You can perform this procedure in August as well.

Before planting a tangerine, prepare a scion and a stock with ripe wood. The stock is the plant that is being grafted onto. It can be a lemon, orange, or grapefruit seedling.

A graft is a stalk or "eye" that is grafted onto the stock. The spines and leaves are removed from the scion, leaving only the petioles located next to the buds.

Budding (inoculation on the "eye") is performed as follows. Clean the rootstock trunk from dust with a damp cloth; at a distance of 7 cm from the ground with a sharp knife, carefully make a T-shaped incision in the rootstock bark, trying not to touch the wood. The length of the horizontal incision is 1 cm, the vertical one is 2-2.5 cm. The edges of the bark are folded back with a knife, an “eye” is inserted into the incision, holding it by the leaf petiole located next to the bud. At a distance of about 1.5 cm from the kidney, two horizontal notches are made on the bark, after which an oval of the bark with the kidney is cut off between these notches. When cutting the "eye" one should grab one bark, and cut off the area under the bud with a part of the wood (with a shield).

The oval cut with the bud is covered with the edges of the rootstock bark, ensuring close contact and quick accretion. The vaccination site is wrapped with electrical tape so that only the bud and leaf petiole remain free, after which they are covered with polyethylene to create a mini-greenhouse. If after a while the petiole turns black, then the vaccination was unsuccessful. A yellowed or fallen petiole testifies to an engrafted kidney. With a successful inoculation, the tape is loosened, and later removed completely.

When a sprout emerges from the bud, you can begin to air the grafted plant more often. When the shoot grows from the bud, the stem of the stock is cut obliquely slightly above the base of the shoot. The cut is treated with garden pitch.

In order for the young shoot to stretch upward, it is tied to a stick installed nearby.

The video below will tell you more about how to plant a tangerine:

Care: how to care for a tangerine

The grafted mandarin should be cared for daily and very carefully. This is necessary in order for the young citrus to quickly gain strength and develop. The main condition for its full development is bright lighting throughout the year. In the warm season, it is recommended to take the tree out to fresh air. In extreme heat and sun, create shading. Provide protection from wind and drafts. Watering should be abundant and regular. On hot days, the crown should be sprayed with water at room temperature. It is helpful to periodically wipe the citrus leaves with a damp cloth or cotton swab dipped in water.

When growing this culture, it is important to know how to care for tangerines in winter, because during this period the plant enters a state of dormancy and gains strength for future flowering and fruiting. The plant should overwinter at a temperature of 12-14 ° C. In cool conditions, flower buds are laid on ripe buds. For wintering, a balcony, loggia or winter Garden... With a lack of light, artificial lighting is used so that the tangerine's daylight hours lasts at least 12 hours. The number of waterings is reduced to 1 - 2 times a week. They monitor the drying of the earthen coma. The soil should be moderately moist, but not overdried. An excess of moisture will negatively affect the condition of the roots and the tree as a whole.

In the absence of a cool wintering, the mandarin lives for no more than 4 years, gradually weakens and dies. The dormant period lasts from November to February.

Planting: how to plant and transplant a mandarin

How to transplant a tangerine correctly should be known to every gardener who grows this crop, since the citrus root system is very sensitive, and careless transplantation is fraught with the death of the plant. Transfer young tangerine under 3-4 years of age is held annually. This work must be done in the spring, when the plant begins to grow actively. The tree is transplanted into a larger pot, 3-5 cm in diameter larger than the previous one. When transplanting, they use the transshipment method, trying to preserve the old earthen lump as much as possible so as not to damage root system... In no case should you rinse the roots, except for their defeat.

Fertilizers for mandarin

Many nutrients citrus is required during the period of its growth and fruiting, therefore the tree is abundantly fed during the growing season (from March to October) 2-3 times a month, for this they use organic and mineral fertilizers for tangerine. You can combine spraying the crown with foliar feeding... It is enough to carry out this procedure once a month. It is useful to use fertilizers containing copper, manganese, iron, boron, magnesium, zinc, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, sulfur, nitrogen. It should be borne in mind that this culture needs a large number nitrogen.

Also, once a month, citrus is watered with a solution ferrous sulfate... This procedure will help prevent chlorosis.

During the dormant period, feeding is not necessary. In addition, it is impossible to feed a heavily crumbling plant, since the cause of leaf fall is far from always due to insufficient tangerine nutrition, and an excess of fertilizer in the soil can aggravate the situation and lead to a burn of the root system and death of the tree.

The most obvious sign of excess fertilization is the formation of a dry border around the edges of the leaves.

In some cases, the plant reacts negatively to new fertilizers. In this case, the soil is washed big amount water, after which in the next month they use only foliar dressing.

Growing tangerine

When growing tangerine, an important role is given to pruning. In the first year of a tree's life, its "skeleton" is formed. When the side branches grow, the largest of them are selected, the rest are removed.

Pruning an older tangerine is necessary to accelerate the onset of fruiting and give the crown a compact, beautiful shape. The best time for this - the beginning of February, that is, the end of the dormant period. The apical shoots are pinched at the tree so that the bush begins to branch, weak and thickening branches are removed. In the summer, too long and fattening shoots are shortened.

Tangerine tree: home care

Citrus fruits can be easily cultivated and propagated in a private house or apartment. Growing a tangerine at home is not a very difficult process if you adhere to the correct agricultural technology. These trees take root well and do not require particularly careful maintenance, while delighting with their green foliage and delicious floral scent.

Growing a tangerine at home from a bone

If you set out to grow a tangerine from a seed at home, all you need is to buy well-ripened, soft fruits of your favorite variety and select a dozen whole large seeds from them. Next, they must be laid out on a cotton cloth or gauze, placed in a container and periodically moistened with water so that they slightly swell and hatch.


With the appearance of the first shoots, you can proceed to the planting stage. Many novice gardeners are faced with the question of how to grow a tangerine at home correctly, and what are the main causes of plant death. The answer lies in the wrong soil selection.

Suitable soil is citrus substrate, which is sold in specialized stores. But if this is not found, you can always cook it yourself, using in equal shares:

  • deciduous and ordinary humus;
  • sod land;
  • compost.

When planting plants, one should not forget about the drainage from a special sealant (expanded clay). Having done everything according to the rules, after a couple of weeks, shoots will appear, but in the future you will have to be patient, since the tangerine does not grow quickly at home. The content of this southern "inhabitant" will be simple, but will require the knowledge of some important points.

Tangerine tree photo at home, care features

Having grown a tangerine tree from a bone at home, it is necessary to provide it with the most comfortable atmosphere.


The key to caring for citrus is to keep it spacious and well lit. Daylight hours should be at least 12 hours. But growing a tangerine home care such a plan is rather difficult to implement. In a situation where the desired lighting cannot be achieved, it is recommended to use special phytolamps that successfully replace natural sunlight.


When caring for tangerine trees, in the warm season it is necessary to water them with filtered from impurities or boiled water so that the soil in the flowerpot remains slightly moist. V winter period watering should be reduced, but without allowing the soil to dry out.

Systematic spraying will also be beneficial for the leaves, compensating for the excessive dryness of the air. With included heating devices use a humidifier or a water-dampened towel left on the battery.

Transplant and fertilization

The tangerine tree home care you are just starting out involves periodically replanting in a larger container as it grows. The ideal time for the procedure: late February - early March (the period of the beginning of the phase of active growth). When transplanting a tangerine, try not to shake off the earthen ball so as not to damage the roots of the tree. The plant should be placed in a flowerpot in such a way that its root collar remains at the same level as it was before transplanting.

A home tangerine with a fragile root system is better to leave for some time in the same land and transfer the transplant, but be sure to change upper layer soil and drainage. And citrus fruits that are already bearing fruit must be transplanted every 2-3 years.

Growth activation can be repeated several times a year, as a rule, in spring and summer, which means that at this time it is especially important to pay attention to fertilizing using mineral and organic fertilizers.

How to plant tangerine at home

Growing trees like tangerines at home from seed is only half the battle. In order for the citrus to bear fruit and delight you with an excellent harvest, it is grafted. It is best to do this in April or the first half of May, when the movement of sap through the plant is fastest.

  • PVC tape;
  • grafting knife;
  • a special putty known as garden var.

How to vaccinate tangerine at home video and vaccination scheme

It is quite simple to plant a grown tangerine from a bone at home. No special skill or talent is required from you here. First, you need to mark a height of about 6-7 centimeters on the seedling from the ground and thoroughly clean the stem of dust and other contaminants.

Then, with a sharp knife, an incision is made 2.5 cm long and up to 1 cm wide in the shape of the letter "T", which does not touch the wood itself. After that, the bark must be lightly pressed with the tip of a knife, and the stock should be placed in the hole formed. Then carefully cover it, grease it liberally with garden varnish and wrap it with PVC tape. You can watch all the stages in more detail in the video.

How to care for tangerines at home after vaccination

Growing a tangerine from a bone at home after vaccination requires special conditions. It is advisable to place it in a small greenhouse for a month, or create a greenhouse environment by covering the pot with a transparent plastic bag. Regular airing should be carried out in order to see the cherished moment of germination of the "eye".

If everything went well, during this time the petiole should turn yellow and fall off. And when it dries up, but at the same time remains in the same place, the vaccination, most likely, will have to be repeated.


Growing a tangerine at home is not much more difficult to care for than any other citrus crop. Having considered the peculiarities of the maintenance and breeding of these heat-loving trees, as well as with a little effort, even with the help of an ordinary seed, excellent results can soon be achieved.