Fortune telling tarot that he feels. Fortune telling on the thoughts, feelings and intentions of a person

What does he think about me: loves or not, loves or only pretends, keeps loyalty or in secret looks at the other? Surely, every girl in love or even a married woman would like to get exhaustive answers to these questions! To open the veil of secrets will help the online divination "what he thinks about me." To get an answer, click on the image of the magic mirror, and wait a few seconds until the fog of uncertainty is dispelled.

Click on the mirror to get the answer!

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The fortune telling "what he thinks about me now" was very popular at all times. Which only fortune-art technicians did not use the ladies who wish to learn about the feelings of their cavaliers! Someone applied to the Gypsies to, someone spent rites with a candle and a mirror. The most courageous girls even appea unclean power ("Damn damn, show what is thinking about me cute tell me!").

If you set the goal to find out, "what a person thinks about me," then the divination online will be the most simple way do it. You do not have to pay for fortune tellers, nor to organize complex and not always safe rites. Everything that needs to be done is to mentally imagine a loved one and click on the image of the mirror.

How to use online fortune

1. If you are not tuned seriously, then the answers will also be comic. The fortune telling "what he thinks about me" is desirable to use only once per person. If you wish to "double-check" the result, then you can get a completely different answer. And it is unlikely that he will be sincere.

2. Online divination "What a person thinks about me" is only responsible for love questions. With it, it will not be possible to find out how the boss belongs to you, or what opinion about you relatives (if you need answers to these questions, then go). Therefore, guess only on your loved one.

3. To get the most accurate answer, focus on a man who is guessing. You must present his face, pronounce his name, remember his voice. Only then ask the question of interest to you ("Does it love me?", "Do I like him?", "What does he tell me when I'm not there?", "Does he think to marry me?" And T .P.).

4. If you wish, you can create a suitable atmosphere to tune in appropriately. If the divination falls on evening time, Turn off the artificial lighting and burn the candle. If in the morning or in the afternoon, then linger the curtains. It is desirable that no one distract you, prevented you to think about the beloved.

From which the precision prediction depends

Secondly, sometimes astrological factors affect the result - the unsuccessful position of the planets. And each person has such a "unsuccessful" combination individually to calculate it, you need to have astrological natal Mart. However, the likelihood that you use online fortune telling "What does he think about me?" It was in the "unsuccessful" day, very small. But if you still have doubts as a result, try to fare of the next day.


How does he relate to me? Fortune telling for thoughts, feelings, subconscious.

In many life situations The client is interested in how one or another person belongs to him, and this is not idle curiosity. From what are the true thoughts, feelings and subconscious intentions towards it, the well-being and safety of man dependes. But most often we will all be asked: "What does he think about me about me in fact?", "Has he's sincere feeling (she) is experiencing to me?" It is in personal relationships. Alien soul - Potomka, but fortune-telling on the Tarot maps will help shed light on such questions, and then thoughts, feelings and subconscious of our visa will become much clearer. But do not forget that the world of experiences and reflexes in a person is moving, so the fortune telling talks about the attitude towards you - here and now. If necessary, you can make these layouts at least every day, but you should not turn the fortune telling into the attraction - the measure of necessity each determines for itself (however, it concerns any layouts in any situations).

Why three cards?

The alignment of three positions can be called universal, it does not matter what the question is asked about. When placing cards - for the past, present, future, or cause, consequence, the conclusion is used by the logic of simultaneous simplicity and harmony of conclusions. The three phases of the moon are also an excellent predictive plot!

So, universality, simplicity and variability (depending on the type of relationship) make the alignment "Thoughts, feelings, subconscious" by one of the most popular.

Positions in the Slade:

Calculation when you fortunate for three cards

Maps are laid out from top to bottom, from the plan of thought through emotions to the subconscious. If we want to clarify the attitude of one person to us or cvers - we post one sequence of cards; If we are interested in relationships in a pair - respectively, three cards for each partner vertically.

Top card

The upper card is "that a person on the mind" reflects the thoughts of man, his reasoning, a logical assessment. This card will show which beliefs and mental installations determine the attitude of a person to you that he consciously permits or prohibits in this relationship.

Suppose, in this position a senior arcan star fell. Even with a superficial look at the map it becomes clear that "on the mind" has a person harmonious thoughts and hope for a happy team. Does he doubts you in you, does it give a low estimate if something negative in relations? No, on the contrary, the card symbolizes the positiveness of thinking, the inner conviction that the meeting with the partner is good luck, a happy case, and assesses you as a whole very positive. True, there is in this assessment the share of infantilism: responsibility for the future, measured and complete rainbow plans is most likely shifted by a partner.

If we see the priestess, it is worth thinking about the fact that we almost do not repeal in the thoughts of our partner. He pays attention to his own "rich inner world", and calmly and rapidly looks at our relationship. There is - good, no - even better.

Tip: Pay attention to the mailing of the card in this position, it can give an additional shade of interpretation.

Swords as suit is responsible for the intellectual sphere of man, talking about the rapidness of mental reactions and in general about the cold mind. If you see in the thoughts of your partner a map of this suit, know - in relation to you, whatever decisions are taken (and, as a rule, the swords do not alienate anything good) - these are weighted solutions dictated only with cold, as steel, arguments - nothing personal, only common sense.

Cups, on the contrary, say that it is difficult for a person to think logically, he is inclined to trust the feelings and take advantage of the feelings for the voice of the mind.

Average map

The average map is "that a person in the heart" is an emotional-sensual plan. He does not order a heart, as they speak in the people, but looking at this position in the scenario, it can be understood that he is disturbed or pleased with what impulses - joy or sadness - it reacts to you. This position helps to answer the questions: what real emotions are experiencing a person to you, which actually feels. Sometimes it happens - our partner seems cold and indifferent, in fact he just does not know how to express his feelings, and the other way around - the character of a person outdoor, emotionally movable, but inside him personally he is not located, just he is a merry and good guy .

In this position, it is preferable to see such senior arcanes as in love, the sun, the world, as well as most of the cups of the cup. But other cards do not talk about the lack of feelings, but paint them into various shades: from bright positive (4 staffs) to frankly negative (9 swords).

What can I say, for example, about 8 pentacles in this position? Despite the fact that this is the maturity of the material world, that is, it does not directly talk about feelings, it creates a very favorable impression, positive emotional background. 8 pentacles may indicate the relationship built on respect and some mutual benefit, pleasant to both sides. The map speaks of the pleasure of doing a favorite thing, and this good sign - A man relationship with you brings joy. Although it is worth a reservation - perhaps this is the very case when "on the heart" man is equally warm and from the calculation, and from love.

Council: If you are guessing a couple, it is very important to compare cards in the position of feelings. Already at this stage, it can be seen how much the union is harmonious, and whether the feelings of partners are coincided or there is an insurmountable abyss between them.

Lower position - "What is hidden" - indicates the deep subconscious motives. With this card, customers get access to the information that they are not realized, but is an inner tape recorder of all their actions, desires, fears and ambitions.

When laying out cards on thoughts, feelings, the subconscious is this aspect - the unconscious - it causes the most objections, especially if the devil or the moon hid the psyche in the secret labyrinths. But this is the meaning of fortune telling - to see what actually stands for the thoughts and feelings of man.

Tip: If you fortunate the partner, it is sometimes useful to start with yourself. Because it is our relationship hidden to him, and then awareness of this motive can completely turn the picture of our relationship.

If you are worried about relationships with a partner if you are confused in feelings for him and do not understand what he wants and how he applies to you, ask the question: maybe there is something in me what I don't know? Maybe there is something secret in me, what do I need to realize? And realizing - change?

To answer this question, you can use a special alignment.

In this small review, it is impossible to highlight all the subtleties of fortune telling on the sphere of feelings, thoughts and unconscious, so extensive and in each particular case are unique. The number of defold variants is also calculated with tens. "Train Station for Two" or "Compatibility" is built on the same principle, with insignificant refinements of positions. So learn the cards, practice, and then the reasons for the external and internal manifestations of a person will become more understandable for you. The main thing is to use this for the benefit.
Successes in the development of tarot!

From the moment of the origin on our sinful and beautiful land of the first gentle feeling, every girl would like to know what her boyfriend is thinking about her. Curious would be expensive for such information. In search of a response to this issue, like on other questions, for example: He loves me or not, the weak floor applied to the witches, the vigays, fortune tellers and the predictions of all the masters. Some really were lucky and they learned the truth, others, passing all the circles of hell, and remained in the chain paws of Prokhindeks, holding their "sacrifice" on a short leash: "Treatment" from non-existent diseases, false advice and invalid spells and as a total of innumerable money infusion. Why is sin, all this exists now. Charlatans did not translate, like those who are in endless search for answers and tips.

However, the current girls are much easier, now there is a gorgeous opportunity without leaving own house, just open the Internet and start in the search engine: "fortune telling on your loved one." And voila! The World Wide Web will immediately offer a lot of esoteric sites. Including our moguer. Scrolling a little down page you can choose those fortune-judicia for love that fully comply with your current need for information and advice.

Our great-grandfather, probably, would die of envy, find out that sitting on a sofa in your favorite cafe, you can repay online and find out what's loved. Fiction! For them - yes, for us it is a reality in which there is nothing unnatural. Not only modern technologies They give such chances, so also you do not need to pay anyone. Everything is free!

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On a date

What do you think, what fortune tells the most visited on the site might? Of course, those who help to know what the day coming to us is preparing, especially if on this day you have to go for a love date. What to wait from the meeting? What note will we part? How will everything go? Does it like me (a)? Million questions, the answers to which will prompt or time, or our free and indispensable car accurate divination on a date!

Crown of love

The Crown of Love is the fastest, most sincere and accurate fortune telling for love. This is exactly the case when you need to put a decisive point in the relationship. No incomprehension and wires, feelings of your election as on the palm!

Gypsy tarot

This online divination combines centuries-old traditions European tarot cards and very distinguished gypsy predictors. A rare deck has an exclusive design, as well as a unique interpretation of individual senior and younger arcanes.

What does he like in me?

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Scandinavian runes

Is there a fortune telling more ancient and proven generations than scandinavian runes? There are few, even less fortunes that combine exquisite simplicity and versatility. Scandinavian divination on one man is a universal recipe for all occasions. Ask your question, ask and runes will certainly answer you.

Fortune telling Berendev

A long time ago, in the trident kingdom, the thirtieth of the state, and Berrendian kings were living in the Slavic lands, and they had their birch kingdoms. Nobody does not know anything that it caught up with them, only the epics, wise fairy tales, initiatives and fortune telling along woody sheets reached this day.

Love Solitaire

The best barometer of love weather is, of course, a special solitaire, which will give the most accurate forecast about the coming change in the personal front. Do you know what to expect from the closest weekend, the upcoming vacation or series of chosen? It's time to decompose the solitaire cards!

Love does not love?

We all come from childhood. That time when it was customary to guess on the chamomile. "Loves? Does not love? - We asked her a question, ruthlessly tearing the gentle white petals. " Let's coast a nature and pay online on the mog.

Well, when people understand each other without words or may feel each other at a distance. Free online divination: what he thinks about me now will help you penetrate your beloved thoughts. Conducting a divination of the girl was recognized than engaged in their beloved. And today we often face conflict, inaccurative situations, when only magic can help. On our site we picked up several options for this fortune telling at 36 playing cards, Tarot Maps and Maria Lenorman.

Simple fortune telling on playing cards

Divination: What he thinks about the playing cards is the simplest and easy. You just need to mentally choose one king from the deck and mentally associate it with your beloved. Next, the deck is thoroughly stirred and then lay a stack of one picture up.

Conducting fortune telling on a person over each card say alternately the following words:

"My cute misses - about a date it dreams - I don't want to see me - Tom's black jealousy - it thinks that I don't want to live without me - it's thinking what to surprise - I want to stay with me - he burns from love - His feelings are high - he wants to part But he does not know how to confess - he wants to call, but he is hesitating to say - his thoughts are far away, he is in work entirely - his thoughts do not know, it is not possible to repay him later .... "

You need to repeat these words "in a circle" until the map you have revealed. The phrase on which your map fell and is the answer to the question of love.

Tip: It is worth saying that to spend the fortune telling "what he thinks about me" Online can also men on their favorite woman, and find out what she is doing at the moment. Single adjustment: you need to choose not the king and a lady!

Fortune telling tarot

The second version of this fortune telling is more complex and is carried out on Tarot maps. This is a very interesting alignment that allows you to understand what is thinking about you beloved in the three spheres: conscious thoughts, emotional attitude and subconscious attitude.

Card value:

  • First Card: First impression, conscious attitude to you;
  • Second map: emotional attitude, feelings that he is experiencing to you;
  • Third Map: Subconscious attitude towards you, then what he is possible and himself can not give a report;

Tip: In this fortune, you will have to pay quite a long time to interpret the values \u200b\u200bof each card. Do not hurry, read the complete description of each card and try to interpret them to the scenario.

Fortune telling on the maps Lenorman

There is another less famous fortune telling on Lenorman's maps per person who we think about every day and want to know what he thinks about us. Having spent the fortune telling "what he thinks now", you can find out what plans this person has in relation to you. In addition, if you have problems with your loved ones, you can try this fortune telling and solve a lot of problems to see an objective picture of your life partner.

Card value:

  • First Card: The place you occupy in the life of your loved one;
  • Second map: feelings that partner is experiencing to you;
  • Third Map: How darling calls about you in people (in conversation with friends, relatives)
  • Fourth Card: What is planning your beloved in the near future towards you;
  • Fifth Card: Lenorman Decay Council.

Comments from site visitors

    Interesting fortune telling, just how to find out true or not? I will guess when we are fine and when we repay. Then compare the results. Maybe someone checked this fortune telling? And interestingly, only on the beloved you can either on any person? I will try to check too) It would be good at least to know what he thinks.

    It is relevant to me, more than ever, my favorite went to a long-term business trip, and at home constantly worried about the thought, how he does not change me, whether it misses me and home, whether everything will be good on his return ... I'm afraid to ask questions personally, Suddenly you screwed or bend it with your hyperzabota and excitement, thanks to this fortunely, I calmly calmly mentally

    And please tell me which of the fortunes is the most effective? Divided with a guy, but I want to test his feelings and intentions to me, maybe not all finished and makes sense to cross the pride and try to revive relationships. But while because of the uncertainty in his feelings, I am afraid to take the first step.

    Recently, there are often some quarrels with her husband, swear because of everything. It is impossible to conceive a child - this is the main problem and reason for swearing. But I have recently crushed the thoughts that he just doesn't like me and maybe he has someone except me. The fortune telling above a little instilled hope, I will definitely try to do them, maybe the cards will be able to answer our difficult situation.

    "I am friends" with a young man already figs how much time. But I believe and know that friendship does not happen, at some point one of the parties falls in love with another. And here I began to appear feelings, I really trust and appreciate a person, I believe that relations based on friendship are doomed to success and long-term. Made a layout on the cards, it turned out that reciprocity would succe, but not right now. I will wait, I want a relationship with him.

    He helped his girlfriend to survive a hard parting with a guy according to the desperation described here, very girl was worried, just did not find his place, could not take parting it. The results were true, even though she was hard to reconcile with them. Tell me, but there are similar fortune telling on girls? I would like to try to do.

    Interesting fortune telling. You can learn not just what he thinks about me now, but also what he tells others about me, which plans in the future. I wondered online and did not fall out good maps. The first thunderstorm fell out - the storm, the gap in the relationship. I know that, so it (but well, that he paid out, it will fight me to actions to improve our relationship.

    This is the best year for the girls! We always wonder on simple maps. And Tarot and Leronman we have no cards, how will they hurt? Are these some special cards for gadas? Do us mom often goes, just my name I'm not telling her) you have a lot on the site good fortunes, we have already tried all. But it is easy, so we like it.

    Well, it is not only for young girls. I retired and started going to the club who for 60. there is a lot interesting men, everyone behave correctly. Except one. He will cast me to hug me for the waist, pinch. And pretends that nothing happens. What I just did not see in this life, but how to understand such behavior - I do not know. It seems to pay attention to me, but some strange. So guessing on the maps to figure out.

    I love Tarot's cards, but I did not know all the values, but here everything is written and in detail. That's right now, I need to find out what you think about me. So as he recently was corporate, and I expressed the boss as it belongs to subordinates, in a very rough form. I look forward to dismissal, but I will hope for the best.

    I wondered on the tarot on my lover, the quarter coins came out. It denotes a long level of rich, when a person thinks everything and hesitates, marry him or not, admit to him in love or so far. Well, this is direct about us for 10 years, but there is no wedding and speech. I myself hint and said but not later and then ...

    I used to guess before, when we were still girls. It was very interesting. We sit in the evening and guess on the boys. Only the Internet was not. only books, and now you will enter the Internet and what only the fortunes are not, all such interesting, and simple. Soada asks to buy her Tarot cards. Wants to learn to guess, your site will help her to help.

    Tarot cards have long been. Once upon a time, a girlfriend presented, for a birthday, I did not open them, because I did not know how to guess, and that you can learn from these cards. I saw a link to the site from a friend, and rewrote. So my cards were useful. At least I find out what my husband thought when he left me to another ...

    Sita wondered on the guy on tarot. Suddenly he went and joined. Now together we guess and learn, he is ahead of me, though teaches less me, maybe he has a gift, because he already knows all the meanings. And he wondered about me badly. Maybe we part with him, otherwise he constantly calls me a dumb, and I always take cards.

    I want to try to repay in different relationships, if you can put it on: when we are in a quarrel when we are together when we are not crowded when it is on a business trip. I want to see what will give cards and then it will be easier for me and it is more expensive to compare the values \u200b\u200bthat have fallen. So yet no conclusions have done

    I have on former husband Distinguished the four coins. And by the way, yes, married essentially a proposal from him, we just somehow talked and decided that it was necessary to marry. In love, I was the first to admit. Apparently, therefore we divorced (too, I was the initiator of the divorce, by the way) because I ran away and decided, tired. A familiar lives with a guy for more than 10 years, about the ring speech does not go until), too, probably, the four coins of them

    To me, in another fortune, it fell that I had a change ahead, literally standing on the threshold of a new life (it seems like everything is issued in a positive key), maybe finally a man will appear in my life? Already watched the future, like in 2019 they were married to get out to go out, so it would be time to go to the relationship. And then on this fortune investment even to anyone to repay now (

    And we, too, with a guy we wonder, by the way. Only in contrast to your situation, my boyfriend himself dragged them home (his mother was kept once, and now it is no longer alive). In general, they also started joint training, more general topics appeared, less quantities. I don't even sit down for them, if the guy is delayed at work. I am waiting for him

    Foreign such an exciting actually. I do not understand people who are afraid of fortune-law, cards, grandmothers. No harm does not cause anyone, in general, everyone's personal case - to believe or not what the cards will say. Those who are afraid you need easier as a game of cards and everything. There is no dark, black in it. I generally sat down at fortune telling specifically already) Hobbies

    If we talk about the strong energy of the cards, then the best of all make cards yourself (dear authors, maybe you have information on this score? My friend said that it is better to make your cards, but I don't know how to organize everything correctly). And the fortune telling is really an interesting thing, only it is necessary to treat him seriously.

    For three years now, as I appeal at your leisure to online fortune telling. Including on the relationship with men, although now the question is more relevant. At first I wondered purely of curiosity and interest. But when the results began to come true, the fortune telling more seriously and studied them a little more detailed. Learn how to guess correctly.

    Here in mostly girls, therefore I will turn this: girls, dear, who would not be wondering, and despite the method you choose from the above, in any case you take a photo of a person, energy is intensified, the deck is better configured to it. And thoughts are very important to attract too, think about this man constantly!

    I wondered about the relationship with my husband, asked such a question to the cards: what will be the husband in our relations over the next three months? It was not a great desired result, upset after divination. Maybe to go to break. Dear readers and authors, tell me, can somehow be smoothed this result?

    What needs now to understand how to be. With one pepper, friendship has been driving enough long ago. But you can not man and the lady just be friends, someone always has feelings. So I flew out. I want to be with him only, no one else needs. And he is free now, so I'm in your hands and do this fortune telling. And after divination - conclusions.

    Lyuba, I also have such a situation. A friend helped after parting with a guy (for 2 years almost met, was very worried, he threw me) And after a while she understood that he had already fallen in love with this friend, the boy's boyfriend was forgotten. I hope that something will be, because in friendship to build the union is very cool and promising. But he does not yet take the first steps, probably, so I'm on this page now))

    No, here not only girls are present. You are not alone suffering from unrequited feelings :) I worry about the girl of his present, and I am very worried. Otherwise, would not appear here. It seems to me that she is very cold with me and hidden in feelings. Not some sincere. Can I apply this fortune telling for men in relation to girls?

    Interesting fortune tells you see. I learned about the future and about his attitude towards me. Only I didn't really like the layout for the future, the present it was, but in the future it is not very good waiting for us. And you can guess many times on the same person or just alone? I did not trim all fortune telling, but some are simply easier in performance, and do them

    Please explain what is the difference between 2 card (emotional value) from the 3rd (subconscious)? By emotions in our relationship straight a squall, passion. Very actively and with feelings. Is it possible to differ from the fact that he has in thoughts about me and us in general? There was no fortune telling yet, but I'm going to turn to a knowledgeable person.

    Applying experienced peculosions more than once, I believe Tarot's cards, I don't see anything bad in them, and that bad can be. In many forums, people write what is having harm to health, aupt the negative for your family. I do not believe and recommend everyone not to believe, it's just a card, not magic. And the simple skill competently decrypt their value.

    Girlfriends with friends with someone's home after couples. A compash of 4 girls, guys have no one and of course we are worried about some individuals with your attitude to us)) I know about the card tarot, but fortune-mood on simple. Maybe you can tell where it is better to buy them? And Leronman, too, for the first time I hear about such. We would have bought and tried

    Girls, such a problem, I do not know if the cards will be able to help. At the moment I meet with a new guy (secured, with my business, cares very beautifully), but suddenly one and a half months after parting is announced old. It seems I am satisfied with the new, but the old feelings are still alive, there is a pity ... What fortune telling it is better to do in my situation? Thank you in advance: *

    My husband is very sought in himself. A couple of times managed to talk to him in souls, and then it was under the influence of alcohol. I love him, I got used to it, I want to continue to be. But all the time, the layout that he does not agree to me something and hides something from me ... I don't like divination at all, but my thoughts make them contact them. Thanks for the article online for me optimally.

    My classmate, that's how in books they write, honestly! He writes that she misses and wants to see at home (lives in Germany for a couple of years already), and, apparently, he drank, writes that he had long wanted to confess, but lacked courage. And now I was decided, I was not ... I sit in shock, because of the year 4 ago the familiar girl did on Tarot layout. And issued there the following "who is your destiny, are not far from themselves, he is not the first year already" ... I sit in shock, honestly. Suddenly he really?

    I tried online fortune telling on the maps on the feelings of my beloved, everything seems true. I learned that the cards at certain places are interpreted in different ways. How do gypsies look so fast and say? I tried myself and looked at your site that which card means. It is very difficult, but as I want to know love or not.

    And I wondered several times, about the one and also it turns out) And to other guys, just a sympathetic me, you can guess or better not to tempt fate? I heard somewhere that you can only guess one time, because the remaining results will be incorrect. It's true?

    I had a situation in my life, when everything seemed to be well in a relationship with a man, but at the same time in my head I fastened some doubts about the sincerity of his feelings. Did not trust him, jealous and did not understand what it would lead to everything. He helped the old acquaintance, made a layout on the maps on the feelings of him to me and a little opened his eyes. I believe the maps and believe in what they say.

    Ohh, this is our favorite with girlfriends hobby was in adolescence! Which then the experiences were about the boys, how it all seemed interesting and important at the time ... We were going to our company, took the decks of cards and laid out for the relationship of the boys to us. Thanks for inspired about youth reminders)

    Girls, as by the way, I am now this article came to your eyes! With my husband, the month is full of break, and I do not understand why. I don't seem to be exterminating and I do not end it the brain, he constantly finds some reason to find fault to me, to the food that I cook, to get to my friends ... Hands are already lowered, maybe he got someone on the side and is looking for a reason Get away from me? I will do this fortune telling, but, honestly, I'm afraid to learn the truth.

    Always skeptically referred to such divisions of the layouts. I trust the numbers and numerology, even the same chiromantia (reading lines in your arms) I also believe more. But the familiar was a non-standard situation, to describe for a long time, but the point is that the cards on my surprise very exactly everyone gave out what was at that moment, and a little even even advised how to act. Tell me, is there any other fortune telling? Maybe it really works ..

    Lady of worms - symbolizes a young girl. It's funny, but my colleague, I just signed in the phone, I do not even know why. Somehow, he began to call me as a joke and went, went, clikuha attacked. Divination is now not practiced, because pah pah with a guy in a relationship is fine. But there were situations in which the cards opened a little eyes on a man and his feelings to me.

    Once he does not want to confess, I will guess what feelings he has for me. I use all fortune telling, because it is so interesting, know what a man is silent. We always disguise with girls on new guys and decide who is more suitable for the name, by nature, on fate. And then when you meet all these good, and how you know closer ..)

    And you can guess the guy? What feelings does she feel to me? I now wondered and fell that she perceives me as a lover. I came across your site - there is just a store of fortunes and conspiracies. I will be my princess now to try. She says something will never be with me. So let's see how magic is valid.

    Very interesting article, and online divination is easier than simple. Now you can at any time, anywhere to guess) I noticed that the cards are issued in different ways when we quarrel in a quarrel, and when we are fine. I still use many other online fortune telling On this site - both in the name, and at the date of birth and yes.

    I gave me a fortune telling not exactly what I would like ... Tell me, I can try to try somehow a situation? Or divorced once and does not change anymore? I stumbled upon you on conspiracies, so the tank is demolished from feelings to the boy, which would love to be kept)

    Started reading the article and realized that when I moved to new apartment I do not remember cards in baggage! And I had a deck, I remember exactly! Another old one, grandmother Got, .. I often did fortune telling on it and the solitaire laid out sometimes from boredom) but I look, I can not really steam - everything can be done here now)

    I was very laughing when I came across the "lady of worms"))))) When we met my husband, he just wrote me on the phone, because I got acquainted with friends away, played into the cards, and I beat him in a fool, The victorious card was exactly the lady of worms)) the fortune telling is preserved, but we have love, I do not need it yet)

    Yes, I also wonder if it is possible to guess a man for a similar fortune study, only a girl? I am achieving it for a month, but she plays with me, or I don't like me, but it is afraid to say and offend. Somehow and time I do not want to waste, but the girl is very standing, if there is a chance, I will continue.

    Well, that and what remains when you are to him and with a soul and with the body, as they say, and it is cold as Iceberg in the ocean ... and does not write first, and does not greet on breaks. or score or try, I will try to turn to the cards .. as they say, it can still try "everything will be worth it only to swallow"?) Men infuriates sharp ignore after all

    For me, generally the guy is perfect enough for words. A man should not throw a little tongue, well, it is desirable high, rolled up dark-haired and cute ... But from these figs you will wait for a clear understanding of them to your relationship! So I sometimes appeal to fortune telling when such "objects" appear

    girls, I do not understand your boyfriend ... Or he is not even a guy to me, but just a romantic friend. When we spend time with him (and more often he invites me to see), I feel sympathy and tremble towards yourself, gentle touch, gentlemen. ..cored .. I am afraid to write to him. What is better to do from gadas in this case?

    The guy appeared weeks 3 ago. And now disappeared somewhere! And everything was fine, communicated, began official relations (offered to meet), we have a candidate and bought a beautiful period, but suddenly he just turned off his mobile and stopped contacting. Upon gadania, it turned out that he had feelings. I do not know what to think now and what to do

    I do not understand how gypsies or some predictors instantly speak the future cards. I watched fortune-telling from this article on the value of cards, and I myself understand that in order to express their meaning to know a lot. Even tritely answered the question "He loves me or not."

    And here I seem to meet with a guy, it seems like everything is in order. But sometimes such doubts are clogged in mind about his feelings and sincerity in relation to me! I had to search through the familiar fortuneral, because at the same time I simply wound myself so that the nervous breakdowns went. I knew B before that online, too, you can get an answer, I did it here, now it is already irrelevant.

    Tell me, is it possible to guess repeatedly on the same guy? I guess several times on my current Uhager, in principle the results were approximately the same, so I chose to believe the prediction of cards in your fortune telling. But will I not smooth this prediction if you guess re-?

    Oh, as we got rich after lessons! There was no social networks, it was not so popular and necessary for the life of the Internet, as today. Opened our magical book, took a deck and went in a row on all boys from our class, with parallel ... as I remember, it becomes so funny)

    Very time stumbled upon your site on this article, I really want to check the feeling of my own husband. Dada, a few years later, marriage can be doubted in his sincerity and loyalty. Began late to look for reasons for a quarrel. It clings because of any garbage, or the crisis of the average (but somehow more early), or who found someone ... It's easier without men going to live (

    A couple of weeks as we meet with a guy, saw each other, but I do not understand why, suddenly he stopped calling and writing to me. Replies on calls, says normally, but a lot of things, loaded, and so on. I worry, suddenly what happened, began to dig and remember the latest meetings ... No, I could not spoil anything or push it with something. Thanks for the fortune telling, I will do and hope so calm down.

    And in general, I still can not understand who we come to each other with my current "friend." No, this is not a friendship, we spend so much time. We can kiss and shook each other on your shoulder, but I do not understand what's next. Such a compound he, and so worried now. From this uncertainty hesitates and breaks sometimes, I'm afraid to do fortune telling, because I can not get what I want to hear.

    Online fortune telling is easier than simple) I'm going home on the train, I open, I read the layout and I read, decipher, looking for an application for your situations) in fact, the values \u200b\u200bwill differ depending on the current relations with my MCH. Sometimes on your site I appeal to the "coin" fortuneteller, as I call it - yes / no that answers)

    I found a link to this article in the history of the browser) my favorite was soldered, I hope I wondered to me, and not on someone on the side. Tell me, and there similar fortune telling For men on girls? There was a fear that my girl she still loves someone, she wound up so many thoughts of bad ..

    I thought that I had no whole deck at home. Somewhere some cards are missing, I will have to buy) I think that more efficiently when you hold the cards in your hands, they somehow do you still absorb your energy, I think this alignment will be more correct in the end. Tell me, with which shirt it is better to acquire a deck of cards for fortunes? Or does it matter?

    I have a wonderful lover, but I want something more. And his campaign suits everything. I'm afraid to insist on something more, and not the girl should be clone to a more serious and regular relationship, but I want to go to a new stage. Let me help me. They say no, I will forget about him.

    I love silent men. Silence-gold, love a few, conversations clearly in fact, without empty words, without "water." Yes, honestly, and the baptial women do not like, most often it turns into the bazaar. But from such a perfect man for me hard to achieve truth about feelings.

    I am from a pretty well-friendly family, I don't need anything a lot of guys with all the normal relationships, almost friendly and all of them also do not live badly. Together we hang out, and rest your company. But the guy was stuck to me from a poor society, he is so much anything constantly asks for him for her husband. I wondered but his mercenary intentions.

    I really like to guess all my friends, they come and ask for a guy or a few. But lately it became less likely to come. My cards began to lie or lay out. Here I bought new cards and train on my relatives. With the help of your article. Thewives that everything is true.

    Very often we guess with girlfriends on guys. There are a lot of layouts on guys. On their feelings for the girl and intentions, for future. We always use this defold, it is very accurate and true shows the guy's attitude towards you, and future problems are also very clearly visible. I recommend to guess everything here.

    My husband and I are divorced. I have long come out for my husband, I live very happy. But here is my former thing, and I did not find myself a soul mate. Constantly comes to me home. Already rushed with my husband, together on football go and often sit and chat. But he does not breathe deeply. It constantly hugs, it will pour. I wondered here he loves the monochief.

    We are in the office after the New Year holidays with colleagues, hooked for fortune telling online. That's just like a lunch break, we immediately get in the office with tablets and guess. There are a lot of fortunes. How good that Ulyanka found this site. Now they hang all the offices here, even time is missing for lunch, very tightened.