Treatment of trees and shrubs in spring urea. What is sprayed with autumn urea, iron and copper vitriol plants in the garden

So that your garden looks well maintained, beautiful shrubs, fruit trees were healthy and in summer Dali good harvestIt must be prepared correctly for the season. One of such important events, in addition to whitewashing and trimming trees is their spraying, and the most effective means for this is the carbamide (urea). Treatment of urea trees decides several problems at once.

Urea refers to nitrogen fertilizers of the highest concentration - almost 46%. Some novice gardeners confuse her with Selutyra, which can be dangerous for foliage trees. A carbamide is produced in the form of granular crystals of white and yellowish shades, absolutely not having nasty smell, without problems dissolves in water (in hot to + 80 ° C, the process is faster) and is excellent on the processed areas. Due to their hygroscopicity, it must be stored in hermetic containers. Gardeners appreciate the urea not only for the large content of nitrogen in it, but also for high digestibility by plants. This is especially effective when dealing with harmful insectsWhen the road is every minute.

When working with urea, consider the following:

  1. The carbamide refers to organic compounds, but is considered to be a mineral nitrogen-containing fertilizer.
  2. The effect of urea begins immediately and has a long period.
  3. The urea for the garden as a fertilizer is brought directly into the ground, since it has properties to disperse.
  4. It is used in any soil, including in conditions of protection (in greenhouses and greenhouses).
  5. Shows good efficiency on the moistened soils.
  6. In soils having high biological activity, the carbamide loses less nitrogen, which cannot be said about alkaline and neutral soils.
  7. Finding into the soil, the urea is converted into carbon dioxide (ammonium carbonate).
  8. Is the most efficient and safe nitrogen fertilizer for garden plants in summer period - Does not burn foliage even with incorrect dosage.
  9. Another one of the very useful properties urea is that it slows down the growing season - the flowering of trees begins later, and it helps to avoid the death of barriers from spring frosts. This is especially effective for the early varieties of peach, plums, apricots.
  10. In the period when kidneys are formed on trees, urea treatment solves the problem with many pests and various diseases.
  11. Spring treatment of urea garden helps protect the trees from frost.
  12. The urea is useless when dealing with old stumps, it is not capable of destroying them completely, but only contributes to rotting.
  13. In no case do not mix carbamide with other fertilizers and minerals - chalk, simple superphosphates, lime.

Preparing the garden for processing

Before you begin spraying the garden in the spring urea, it is necessary to take into account some recommendations:

Treatment of the garden in spring from diseases and pests of urea is carried out as follows:

Processing of fruit trees

  1. Urea garden treatment can be started if you have properly prepared trees to this - they dreamed of the ground under them, removed frnit and damaged branches, chosen trees trunks.
  2. For work will suit Sunny and, especially important, windless day. If the weather is hot, it is desirable to spend the spraying in the early morning or evening after sunset.
  3. Prepare solution and spraying itself is necessary in protective clothing, mask, glasses and gloves.
  4. Especially effective in the fight against insects urea will be in conjunction with copper vitriol - 700 g of carbamide, 50 g of copper mood and 10 liters of water. Such a composition decides at once two problems - destroys pests and fertures the soil.
  5. For spraying, it is best to use a special sprayer. With it, you can process even very high trees.
  6. Processing trees, do not spare the solution, it is impossible to harm.
  7. The second processing of the garden can be carried out already during the flowering of trees, and the third immediately after the vessels of the flowers.
  8. If there is precipitation after spraying, it will be necessary to repeat the procedure, otherwise everything will be in vain.
  9. The root feeding of fruit trees during the fruiting period is carried out in the ratio: cherry and drain trees will need from 120 to 150 g per 10 liters of water; Apple trees will require 230-250 g per 10 liters of water.
  10. You can not prepare a solution, but to plug urea in dry form, but in this case you need to thoroughly pour trees with water.
  11. In the case of feeding trees with organica, the urea application rate must be reduced by 1/3 or half, it depends on the amount of organic feeding.

Processing of other plants and shrubs

Surely, many gardeners in the garden are growing not only fruit trees, but also other plants, shrubs both fruit and decorative. They are also treated and feeding the carbamide, which is also used as a fertilizer, and as a means of combating diseases and pests.

  1. The active feeding of plants is carried out in the case of nitrogenous starvation, which is manifested as follows:
    • the plant begins to lag in growth;
    • the leaves are yellow and twisted into the tube;
    • bloom is weak, without barring;
    • fruits and berries appear in small quantities and quickly appear.
  2. For work is preferably morning or evening time day. During the precipitation period, it is not conducted.
  3. For the preparation of the solution, 30-40 g of urea on 10 liters of water is necessary.

Norms for root feeding:

  • for cabbage and onions of any variety, beets, tomatoes, sweet peppers and potatoes take 20-25 g per square meter. m.;
  • under beans and cucumbers - 5-8 g per square meter;
  • to feed strawberries, blackberries, strawberries and vegetables such as cabbage, cucumber or tomato - 20-30 g per 10 liters of water. Under each bush or plant, 1 liter of solution is necessary;
  • the gooseberry is fed in a ratio of 10 g on 10 liters of water;
  • on currant take 20 g on 10 liters of water;
  • patchsons, eggplants and zucchini require 10-12 g per square meter.

To date, urea is the most popular tool to feed trees, shrubs and other plants - approximately 35% of all nitrogen-containing fertilizers. It can be bolded to call one of the effective and safe, which confirms the high and ever-growing demand. The cost of the carbamide is slightly higher than that of other nitrogen-containing fertilizers due to the fact that it is not natural, but is obtained as a result of synthesizing from ammonia and carbon dioxide. But in this case you can safely say - the price justifies quality.

Treatment of the garden urea. Video

Preparation of the garden for winter familiar to each owner of the cottage. It depends on it, in what condition will be the garden in the spring and how much will bring useful fruits. If you do not make the garden processing in the fall of pests and disease, then with the arrival of spring, various infections are activated and damaged by trees. That this does not happen, caring gardeners each autumn is carried out preventive work.

Preparatory work

In the soil, fallen leaves and the core hide insects. They are trying to fall there, and with the arrival of spring are activated. Bacteria begin to actively multiply, a passage appears, spotty and various putrefactive diseases. That is why the processing of trees and shrubs are made before in winter, and not at another time. First of all spend preparatory work, and then begin to spray them . Preparation is carried out in stages:

  • Most of the various microbes and causative agents are under the crust of adult trees. Therefore, all plants, which for more than 6 years, remove the bark and lichen. To do this, use a steel brush or scraper.
  • After removing the bark, make the first spraying.
  • When all the leaves fall out of the trees, spend the second spraying.

At the beginning of winter, when the first cold come, they remove the fallen leaves, branches and weeds. At this moment, fruit trees can be sprayed for the third time.

Tools for processing

There are many different compositionsintended for spraying the garden in the autumn period. Each of them carries its purpose and struggles with a certain threat. Most popular substances:

The drug is chosen depending on what pest should be destroyed. Experts advise to make a spraying at once with several substances.

Bordeaux liquid

Bordeaux liquid is effectively fighting with rust, moniliosis, spotty and other diseases. The drug is able to protect the plant within one month. Preparation of 1% solution:

The finished solution is filtered and poured into the sprayer. They use for 12 hours. The solution is applied to the leaves with a uniform layer.


Iron vigor is an antimicrobial agent that is actively struggling with fungal diseases and prevents the appearance of mold. This is a unique preparation, its composition includes iron. It is successfully used in gardening for more than 10 years. The lack of iron strongly affects pears, apple, plums and other fruit trees. Vegetable cultures and shrubs also suffer from a shortage of this trace element. The crop becomes less and its quality deteriorates.

When the growing season is over, and the plants will begin to prepare for winter, they begin to spray them. The substance is bred in the following proportions:

  • Young plants spray with 1% solution, 100 g of iron mood is used to prepare, which is dissolved in 10 liters of water.
  • The concentration of substances is 3 times longer if the fertilizer is used for adult plants.
  • Iron vigor can be added to Belil, when packed garden.

The solution is prepared in plastic or glass container. The substance is quickly dissolved in water and immediately ready to use. It is prepared immediately before use, since the iron is oxidized in air, while losing its properties. It is impossible to add lime to the Iron Court, it is used only with copper vigor.

Copper Kuner

Copper vigorous is a fungicide, which is actively fighting with rot, spots and mildew. Substance treated not only trees, but also others garden plants. If the plant grows on sour or sandy soil, then due to the lack of copper it fades and grows poorly. For the prevention of the soil, every autumn makes a copper vitriol. With it, pears and apple trees will be protected from pasta, moniliosis and philosticosis. And pears - from curlyness, moniliosis, klyasterosposition, kokkkomicosis. Treatment of trees with copper vigorous autumn, proportions that will not harm the plant:

  • On one adult plantWith which 6 years and more, it will take about 10 liters of solution.
  • On one young plant About 2 liters of solution are used by age up to 6 years.
  • For draining and apricot prepare a solution: 50 g of substance is dissolved in 10 liters of water.

Urea treatment

Urea (carbamide) is a granular fertilizer, which includes 46% nitrogen. It refers to concentrated nitrogen fertilizers and is often confused with Selitra. Granules have a white or yellow shade and easily dissolved in water. Fertilizer is kept for a long time, as it does not absorb moisture. Pros and cons substances:

Fertilizer needs to be stored correctly, otherwise it will lose its properties. It is impossible to mix the solution with other substances. And one more disadvantage you need to know, the germination of seed will decrease several times if the urea concentrate is too large.

Usually, the spraying of urea in the fall begin to do in the first days of October. Second processing is carried out late in autumn. Tips for processing:

  1. Eliminate all the larvae and pests will help a highly concentrated agent. Therefore, it is used at the first spraying.
  2. In the autumn period, when half of the leaves occur, the trees are treated with a solution of medium concentration. For this, 500 g of urea is dissolved in 10 liters of water. This concentrate is increased by 7% and spray seedlings to them when the leaves from the trees will completely fall.
  3. For shrubs, other proportions are used: 40 grams of urea are divorced in 10 liters of water.
  4. For blackberries, strawberries and cucumbers use a solution: 25 grams of urea are dissolved in 10 liters of water.

For fruit trees Too much urea concentration threatens burns. Because of this, the leaves will fall before the time, and the frost resistance of trees will decrease several times. So that this does not happen, the solution is prepared carefully. Fertilizer make the processing of trunks, it is applied to the branches and land.

Subtleties of autumn work

Special devices helps evenly to spray the substance. They are manual and mechanical, the pump includes a pump. Most convenient deviceThis is mechanical. Unlike manual modelsThe mechanical devices do not need to constantly pump fertilizer. Accordingly, the price of such a device is several times more. What you need to know to correctly treat the garden:

Each autumn trees are customized. But pruning is carried out only in the southern regions, in northern regions Cropped plant is likely to freeze.

Each owner of the cottage or private house must be prepared for winter period. Your future arrangement of cases in spring depends on this training. Processing the garden in the fall of various diseases and pests, you send your strength to more in extent on the purification of pests and to combat harmful insects, various microorganisms that excite all sorts of diseases, rodents and the influence of weather conditions. Autumn trees are carried out with the purpose of struggle with fungal and bacterial diseases, as well as with some pests. This event is considered preventive. Different infections that have survived from the fall, with the onset of warm days will be re-activated, so caring gardeners carefully study how to treat the garden in the autumn urea and iron vitrios from diseases and pests.

The timing of spraying fruit trees

Autumn spraying should be made immediately before the winter attack when all the leaves are already faltered. Earlier processing can lead to negative consequences, such like a burn of leaves and their late aficulate.

This not only does not bring a positive result, but will lead to a weakening garden that did not have time to get everything. nutrients And properly prepare for winter.

You need to start spraying in November, when there is no danger to damage the leaves chemical preparations. Before starting processing, old trees need to withdraw lichens and an old bark with a metal brush.

How to spray bushes and trees in the fall

Among the gardeners are the most popular processing of plants after harvesting with 1% burglar liquid. This tool helps to destroy dangerous fungi - paste pathogens, muced dew, Rotina and other diseases. With a special cylinder under pressure or sprayer, it is carefully sprayed with all fruit trees, berry shrubs (including a strawberry), as well as perennial decorative cultures.

After a leaf fall, but no later than the end of October, the kronu of bushes and trees and soil is sprayed with a solution of urea (carbamide). This is an excellent prevention of pasta and spottedness.

Autumn garden treatment with iron vigor

Iron vigoros is antiseptic, fungicidalallowing you to fight rotten, mold, mushroom diseases of plants. This drug is the only fertilizer containing iron available for plants. With insufficient arrival of such a trace element, premature yellowing and dying of young shoots take place. Most of the lack of iron suffer from fruit trees: pears, apple trees, plums, cherries and others. Sensitively react to the lack of sulfate sulfate peach, rose, raspberry shrubs, as well as vegetable crops - cabbage, tomato, potatoes.

If the plantings are old and their concerns such problems as the presence of moss and lichen, then the autumn garden treatment with an iron vigorous concentration of 5-7% will help get rid of them. The main difference between the autumn processing by iron vitrios from the processing of the Bordeaux liquid - it is forbidden to add lime.

The effect of treatment with iron vitrios is significantly less than that of previous methods, but there are also its advantages - this is the saturation of trees with iron, and a distinctive impact on oxidation processes.

For the prevention and treatment of some vegetable diseases, it is used with others chemicals For complex therapy of plantations. Insecticides can be added to the solution, which will allow unsubstantiated harmful insects.

Autumn garden processing with copper vigor

Autumn spraying with copper vitriol pursues preventive purposes. By the time, the kidneys will be blossomed, the trees will already be protected from diseases. The copper sulfate solution will help to prevent the occurrence of rotting fruit, mildew and brush.

The drug is considered a fungicide to combat the diseases of berry, fruit (seed and bone), decorative cultures. This is a good prophylactic different species fungal diseases on plants. The concentration of copper sulphate is chosen depending on the type of plant. So, for spraying an apple tree and pears, as well as quince, it is necessary to make a concentration at the rate of 100 g of the preparation on 10 liters of water. And for bone crops, such as plums, cherries, cherries, as well as peaches and apricots, use another concentration - 50-75 g per 10 liters of water. This concentration is used for spraying berry Sustainers. Spraying with copper vitriol is better to carry out in the fall, since the spring high-concentrated solution hurts young foliage. But it is possible to do this no before November, as a chemical burn is possible when processing on leaves.

Garden treatment in autumn urea

This is a highly efficient granulation Fertilizer containing in a digestible form necessary for the growth and development of plants nutrient element of nitrogen. The mass fraction in its fertilizer is 46%. Urea The most popular spraying agent. It can be used both in autumn and spring. In the autumn period, a concentration is taken at the rate of 500-700 grams per 10 liters of water.

At the same time, it burns around many fungal diseases, even part of pests that are trying to winter on fruit trees. Garden processing in autumn urea is chemical treatmentrather than fertilizing trees. It is held throughout the crown of the tree or berry bush and necessarily sprinkles next to the adjacent land around the tree. The urea is sprayed with virtually all seed and bone cultures, as well as berry bushes.

What you need to know with the autumn processing of the urea garden

Working with urea autumn, remember:

  • carbamides are organic fertilizersbut their composition is determined by mineral nitrogen-containing components;
  • this is a high-speed concentrate, whose properties are preserved for a long period;
  • fertilizer will quickly disperse, therefore requires irrigation directly soil, including greenhouse and greenhouse;
  • the connection is effectively on the converted areas;
  • biologically active soil retains nitrogen more than alkaline or neutral soil environments;
  • nitrogen-containing feeders are more efficient and safe for the garden in the autumn period, when the foliage does not burn with a concentration violation;
  • the carbamide slows down the growing season, delaying the flowering from the sovereign frosts for the bunch of spring frosts. This fruitfully reflects on the preservation of early precipitated varieties of plums, peach and apricot, and the fruit trees themselves retain the emerging kidneys;
  • after spraying in the fall die garden pestsand also eliminate various diseases gardening crops;
  • after connecting to the ground, the carbamide turns into carbonate ammonium;
  • nitrogen-containing compounds do not accept connections with chalk, lime and simple superphosphates;
  • urbamide helps to get rid of old stumps, provokes their rapid rotting;
  • autumn garden treatment with nitrogen concentrate protects garden plants from early frosts.

For feeding of garden and decorative crops are necessary nitrogen fertilizers. With their help, the plant is intensively rolled into growth, large leaves of saturated color are acquired. In this article - all about the use of urea, which improves the growth of green plantings in the city and rural greenhouses. Virtually meet S. proper feeder Urea plants, you can, looking at the video.

Urea: What and why?

The first of the synthesized protein connections is a carbamide. Such a scientific name is urea - fertilizer for feeding garden and decorative crops, which is used to accelerate growth. Belongs to the carbamide to the group of nitrogen fertilizers applied in agriculture From the 18th century.

The product is produced by synthesizing from inorganic substances, is a granular mass consisting of their rounded granules of dairy color, sometimes translucent. Currently, the industrial production of the carbamide is adjusted in the form of tablets.

Urea can be purchased in the form of granules

By chemical composition, urea almost half consists of pure nitrogen, which is dissolved without a residue in any liquids, including in water.

When introduced into the soil, the granular carbamide gradually dissolves in water, which the plants are obtained during watering. Slowly entering the plants, dissolved urea feeds the roots for a long time, gradually, on the entire period of culture culture. In the soil, nitrogen changes the chemical composition, it goes into ammonium from the amide form, and then to a nitrate. Slow change chemical composition Guarantees the prolonged nutrition of plants necessary for the growth of substances.

Nitrogen fasting manifests itself in plants in slowing growth, yellowing of leaves, oppression of the development of the plant and complete death. The urea is shown when forming in fruit trees and berry shrubs of unnaturally thin and short branches with small discolored leaves. The lack of nitrogen is expressed at the beginning of the leaf fall in the summer, when most of the leaves on the plants turn yellow at an earlier term than in nature. In the spring on plants with a lack of nitrogen, weak, underdeveloped kidneys are formed.

It is allowed to feed the urea fruit trees and shrubs, effectively fertilizer for strawberries, strawberries, all vegetable crops, including cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, carrots, etc.

Urea - how to apply fertilizer correctly

When performing feeding with nitrogen fertilizers, in particular carbamide, several types of plant feeding should be allocated:

Premodest treatment - The granules of the carbamide are introduced with a spring plowing in a furrow. The depth of injection of urea into the ground is at least 4 cm.


Urea feeding during sowing eventsoptimal option It is the use of the composition in a complex with potash fertilizers. It is not allowed that the granules are mixed with seeds, it is necessary to provide a layer from soil soil between granulated fertilizers and sowing material.

Fertilizer in the period of height - Most effective method is an extra cornering subcortex Landings. For this, the carbamide is dissolved in water, spraying on the green mass is carried out in the early morning clock or at sunset, in the windless weather.

Important! Extra-cornery urea feeders are not recommended in days when precipitation is observed.

The aqueous solution of the carbamide does not burn the leaves, it is convenient to spray plants with special pumps. The usual rate for breeding a solution of 9 to 15 g of carbamide for 10 liters of water, while the treatment of which plants is planned - herbaceous plants are sprinkled with a more gentle composition, trees and shrubs - concentrated. Adult apple and pears need feeding in the ratio of 200 g of dry urea on the water bucket. For cherries, drain and apricots, urea consumption will be 120 g / bucket.

Important! One art. A spoon accommodates 10 g of urea; Matchboxes - 13 g; A faceted glass is 130 g of carbamide.

Pest treatment of urea

Effectively helps spraying urea when combating pests of plants. Spraying in the spring, when setting a permanent average daily temperature +5 C. It is important to carry out a procedure before waking up the kidneys, then all the pests, wintering in scales and under the crust, will be guaranteed.

The urea solution to combat pests is prepared at a concentration of from 50 to 70 g per 1 liter of water. A spraying of urea helps to destroy TRU, weevils, copper and a lot of other pests.

Garden treatment with nitrogen can be carried out in the fall, and in the spring

In the fall, at the time of the first stage of the leaf fall, it is helpful to spy the trees with a solution of urea, on which traces of infectious diseases: a pass, all types of spotty, rust and others. The solid trees are treated in crown and sheet opead. Such treatment is very effective tool From infectious diseases of garden trees, the garden for the next year will not be affected by infections. Simultaneously with the treatment, the urea solution fertures plants.

Pros and disadvantages of filtering plants urea

The positive properties of urea are:

  • When fertilizing, the plant urea is easily absorbed by nitrogen, which has a positive effect on their growth and build up the green mass.
  • The processing of plant fertilizer on the leaves does not cause a burn plate burn, this extraordinary feeding is an effective and gentle means, which simultaneously with the fertilizer of plants, is able to effectively fight the pests of the garden and the garden, as well as pathogenic infections.
  • The urea solution is quickly absorbed by plants sensitive to increased pH indicators in the soil.
  • Excellent results are marked when fertilizing plants with urea at irrigated areas, as well as when the culture grown in the filling of the beds with water.

It is very important to comply with the dosage when making fertilizers

  • Guaranteed increase in the harvest in the garden or in the garden when filtering plants urea.
  • Easy and simplicity with extraxnealing processing of plants and mabamide into the ground.
  • Availability of fertilizer for the price and acquisition possibility.

The minuses of the urea feeding are the following aspects:

  • The strong concentration of fertilizer when entering into the ground when sowing seeds can affect the reduction of seeds and tighten their germination.
  • Urea requires careful storage.
  • The use of urea in a mixture with phosphoric fertilizers is possible only when mixing absolutely dry substances, the increased acidity from the effects of mixed feeding should be neutralized by entering into the ground of the chalk.

Tip! It is necessary to store granular urea in a dry place, otherwise the fertilizer strongly absorbs moisture and turns into a whisk.

The value of the resulting crop depends on each girlfriend. The timely and competent making of the feeding is able to ensure soil fertility and the complete return of garden and garden crops on the nutrients obtained on time.

Spraying garden urea: video

Urea as fertilizer: photo

Urea is one of the most effective nitrogen fertilizers. Produced in the form of small granules yellow and white colornot smell and soluble in water.

Advantages of such fertilizers and means against of various diseases And the pests are very much, so spraying urea trees and shrubs in spring and autumn is very popular. The main thing is to properly perform the procedure and select the optimal proportion for a specific task.

Urea (carbamide) is organic connectionwhich refers to the class of nitrogen-containing fertilizers. Nitrogen is necessary to all plants without exception, as it affects the speed and quality of the development of vegetables, fruits, berries.

If nitrogen deficiency is observed, the green mass is not so powerful, the height of the plants also does not match the normalization of the varieties, the fruits are minor, the leaves lose their color.

Receive useful cultures This is a substance from the soil and air. But if the soil is sandy or podzolic, then the concentration is low, respectively - insufficient for the full development of plants.

When embelling a carbamide to the ground, the substance is converted to ammonium carbonate literally in 2-3 days. This contributes to bacteria living in the ground. The resulting substance is easily absorbed by plants, does not cause adverse consequences if the rules of the extraxornal feeding are observed.

In addition, the processing of the urea garden allows you to prevent the attacks of insect pests and the development of infectious, viral diseases on plants.

Pros and cons

The benefits of processing the garden of urea is a lot. The main ones are:

  1. Instant action that remains a long period of time.
  2. Suitable for any type of soil, any conditions - greenhouses, open beds.
  3. High efficiency when chosen in the converted soil.
  4. Safety of application, including in the summer. Even if you accidentally violated the proportions of the preparation of the solution, there will be no burns of the leaves. This can only affect the efficiency of the method, but is usually not critical.
  5. When spraying urea trees and shrubs in spring for a while, the growing season is delayed. Thanks to this, the wounds are not dying with sudden frosts and it is advisable to use this tool in the early grades of fruit trees.
  6. The treatment of the urea garden during the renal formation helps to increase yield indicators, since the tool creates reliable protection Protects from diseases and pests.
  7. The carbamide allows you to quickly get rid of old stumps on the site, as it contributes to their accelerated rotting.

Some shortcomings of the spraying trees of the carbamide also have:

  1. It is impossible to mix urea and other nitrogen fertilizers, as well as lime, chalk.
  2. When suppressing the carbamide is very important to organize high-quality and regular irrigation, as the urea is disperse from the soil fast enough.
  3. The depositing of the carbamide contributes to the increase in the acidity of the soil. Therefore, sometimes, based on what plants are planted, which are already growing, additional measures are needed to neutralize the soil.

When is the processing?

Spraying trees and urea shrubs are performed in autumn and spring.

Spring treatment

In the spring, carbamide can be made immediately after thawing, and a little later - during and after flowering. It all depends on the population of foliage - than it is rich, the sooner it is necessary to complete all the procedures. With a young foliage, for example, on plums and pears, it is possible to process quite late in spring and even in the summer.

Use of such a means in early spring Allows you to achieve high efficiency of prevention from different pests and protect young shoots from freezing.

Autumn treatment

For autumn processing It is important that the solution falls on the entire crown of the whole, as well as on the soil in right Circle. In this case, it will be possible to support the immunity of plants and eliminate their death in winter, as well as neutralize all the foci of possible infections.

On plants with obvious signs of infection with various diseases, it is recommended to additionally process trunks, as well as a solution with a solution of high concentration. Optimal deadlines - November, after the second stage of the leaf fall. Previously, it is not worth doing, as the opposite effect may occur - the burns of the leaves, a decrease in frost resistance.

General rules for treating trees and shrubs in the urea garden are reduced to the following recommendations:

  1. The air temperature should be no lower than +5 degrees.
  2. All dead and frnit branches are preferably preferable to remove.
  3. Before spraying the garden of the urea early spring, it is necessary to break the soil and move it.
  4. If necessary, it is carefully cleaned with an expired bark on the trunks, in the cracks destroy pests.
  5. Favoring foliage is removed from under the trees so that the carbamide easily penetrates directly into the ground.
  6. Granules are necessarily bred by water in a suitable concentration, if the crown of trees and shrubs is treated. When processing soil, you can make a dry powder if it is provided for by the instruction.
  7. The weather should be windless. If it was rained immediately after processing, it will take a re-spraying of the garden of the urea.

Important! To increase the efficiency of the spring, the treatment of fruit trees with urea and copper vitriol is performed.

Processing against diseases and pests

Various pests deliver a lot of hassle to gardeners. In order to prevent their distribution in its area and facilitate their care for all plants, it is necessary to correctly apply the carbamide.

When combating the threes, a solution of 500-700 g of granules and 10 liters of water is prepared. The consumption of the finished means is 2.5 liters per 10 m2.

Important! This solution is effective and in the event that it is necessary to get rid of the weevil, the media, apple orchard.

In the fall, there will be more efficient treatment of fruit trees with urea and copper cune. For the mixture you will need:

  • 700 g of urea;
  • 50 g of vitriol;
  • 10 l warm water.

Important! Spray not only the crown, but also the foliage, carefully handle the trunks of the trees.

Colorado beetle

If you need to get rid of colorado beetle Or warn its appearance, it is enough to spray the potato urea potato. For this take water and powder in equal parts.

Early spring can also be made special bait, after which adult individuals of this pest will die. For this, several potato tubers are soaked in urea solution and unfold in the future landing zone.


Cysts of nematodes on the roots of potatoes
  1. Infected plants are usually digging together with the soil and burn or fall asleep in a special pit of the carbamide at the rate of 5 kg per 1 m3.
  2. The territory is treated with urea at the rate of 200 g per 1 m2.
  3. As a prevention in the fall at plowing of the Earth, urea is made at the rate of 100 g of powder per 1 m2.


The urea helps perfectly with purple spottedness, a brix, monilial burn. The optimal concentration of the solution is 500 g of granules on the water bucket.

Processing of fruit trees

To understand when the treatment of trees in the garden is urea, it is enough to focus on the following signs:

  • the trees were activated by ants that "grow" to the TRU;
  • trees began to bloom;
  • formed fruit marks.

Spraying in order to prevent the appearance of pests and increase the fertility of the soil is carried out only after you carefully prepared all the trees and they are in a satisfactory condition.

Important! It is best to perform the procedure early in the morning or in the evening when there is no scorching sunlight.

  1. You can perform root feeding. In this case, the plums and cherries are consumed at 120-150 g of granules divorced in 10 liters of water, on an apple - 230-250 g of powder on the same amount of water.
  2. You can plug dry powder into the soil in the rolling collar. The main thing with such technology is a thorough watering of the tree after sealing fertilizers.
  3. If organic fertilizers have been made to the soil, the amount of urea is reduced by 2 or 3 times.

Processing of other plants and shrubs

The urea is effective not only in the processing of fruit trees, but also when growing other cultivated plants.

It is advisable to do this if there are signs of explicit nitrogen deficiency, for example:

  • growth in growth;
  • yellowing leaves, their twisting;
  • small amount of inflorescences and weakness of the barring;
  • fast sweepability of fruits, bad yield indicators.

If a spraying of vegetables is performed, then 30-40 g of powder on 10 liters of water is used to prepare a solution. Under each bush, 1 liter of the finished mixture is introduced. A smaller concentration is needed when feeding the gooseberry is only 10 g per bucket of water.

If it is more convenient to apply fertilizer in a dry form, then the flow will be like this:

  • for tomatoes, beets, bulgarian pepper It will take 20-25 g per 1 m2;
  • for beans and cucumbers, 5-8 g per 1 m2;
  • for eggplants, patissons and zucchini in the ground, 10-12 g of urea are brought to 1 m2.


Despite the fact that urea is relatively safe tool, Precautions must be observed:

  1. The solution is prepared in suitable by volume and convenient for mixing the container.
  2. When spraying, it is important to protect yourself from the solution to the skin on the skin, in the eye, in the respiratory organs. Therefore, be sure to use gloves, respirator, glasses. After completing the procedure, well wash your hands and face flowing water, And put clothes.
  3. For plant processing, use a special sprayer to useful fertilizer Hit on all parts of the trees.

Urea - an excellent choice if you need to quickly increase the fertility of the soil and at the same time protect vegetable seedlings and fruit shrubs, trees from pests and diseases. Use this fertilizer as described above, and the positive results will not make yourself wait.