Regulations for the organization of control over the regulatory parameters of MN and NPS in operator NPS, dispatching points of RNU (UMN) and OAO MN. Vibration diagnostics of pumping units

Vibration standards are very important in the diagnosis of rotary equipment. Dynamic (rotary) equipment takes a large percentage in the total volume of equipment of the industrial enterprise: electric motors, pumps, compressors, fans, gearboxes, turbines, etc. The task of the service of the main mechanic and the main energy is the definition with a sufficient accuracy of the moment when conducting the PPR technically, and the main thing is economically justified. One of the best methods for determining the technical condition of rotating nodes is the Baltech ViberControl Vibrometers VP-3410 or vibrationality using Baltech CSI 2130 vibration analyzers, which allow you to reduce the unreasonable costs of material tools for operation and maintenance of equipment, as well as assess the likelihood and prevent the possibility of unscheduled failure . However, it is possible only if vibration control is systematically, then it is possible to detect the wear of bearings (rolling, slip), the inconvenience of the shafts, the imbalance of rotors, problems with lubricant machines and many other deviations and malfunctions.

GOST ISO 10816-1-97 has two main criteria for the overall assessment of the vibration state of the machines and the mechanisms of various classes depending on the power of the unit. By one criterion, compare the absolute values \u200b\u200bof the vibration parameter in the wide frequency band, otherwise, changes in this parameter.

Resistance in mechanical deformations (for example, when dropping).

VRMS, mm / s Class 1. Class 2. Class 3. Class 4.
0.28 BUT A. A. A.
1.12 B.
1.8 B.
2.8 FROM B.
4.5 C. B.
7.1 D. C.
11.2 D. C.
18 D.
28 D.

The first criterion is the absolute vibration values. It is associated with the definition of boundaries for the absolute value of the vibration parameter set from the conditions of permissible dynamic loads on the bearings and the permissible vibration transmitted by the opposite and the foundation. The maximum value of the parameter measured on each bearing or support is compared with the boundaries of zones for this machine. You can indicate devices and programs of Baltech's programs (choose) your vibration standards or to accept the standards of the international standards in the Proton Expert program.

Class 1 - Separate parts of engines and machines connected to the unit and operating in normal mode (serial electrical motors with a capacity of up to 15 kW are typical machines of this category).

Class 2 - Machine Machines (type electromotors with a capacity of 15 to 875 kW) without special foundations, rigidly installed engines or machines (up to 300 kW) on special foundations.

Class 3 - powerful primary engines and other powerful machines with rotating masses mounted on massive foundations relative to rigid in the direction of measuring vibration.

Class 4 - powerful primary motors and other powerful machines with rotating masses mounted on the foundations relatively supple in the direction of measuring vibration (for example, turbogenerators and gas turbines with an output power of more than 10 MW).

For a qualitative assessment of the vibration of the machine and making decisions on the necessary actions, the following state zones are established in a particular situation.

  • Zone A. - In this zone, they usually fall, as a rule, new cars, just put into operation (the vibration of these machines rations, as a rule, the manufacturer).
  • Zone B.- Machines falling into this zone are usually considered suitable for further operation without limiting the timing.
  • Zone S. - Machines falling into this zone are usually considered as unsuitable for long-term continuous operation. Typically, these machines can function a limited period of time until a suitable option appears for repair work.
  • Zone D. - Vibration levels in this zone are usually considered as sufficiently serious in order to cause damage to the machine.

The second criterion is a change in vibration values. This criterion is based on comparing the measured vibration value in the steady mode of operation of the machine with a preset value. Such changes may be rapid or gradually increasing time and indicate damage to the machine in the initial stage or other malfunctions. The change in vibration by 25% is usually considered as significant.

When detecting significant changes in vibration must be examined possible reasons Such changes in order to identify the causes of such changes and determine what measures it is necessary to be taken to prevent dangerous situations. And first of all it is necessary to find out whether it is due to the wrong measurement of the vibration value.

The users of vibration measuring equipment and appliances themselves often fall into a delicate situation when they are trying to compare the testimony between similar devices. The initial surprise is often replaced by perturbation when it is found not to match in the indications exceeding the permissible error of measuring instruments. There are several reasons for this:

Incorrect to compare the testimony of the instruments, the vibration sensors are installed in different places, even close enough;

It is incorrect to compare the testimony of the instruments, the vibration sensors of which have various ways to mount to the object (magnet, stud, probe, glue, etc.);

It is necessary to take into account that the piezoelectric vibration sensors are sensitive to temperature, magnetic and electric fields and are capable of changing their electrical resistance in mechanical deformations (for example, when dropping).

At first glance, comparing the technical characteristics of the two devices, we can say that the second device is significantly better first. Let's see carefully:

For example, consider the mechanism, the rotor rotation frequency in which is 12.5 Hz (750 rpm), and the level of vibration is 4 mm / s, the following instrument readings are possible:

a) for the first device, the error at a frequency of 12.5 Hz and the level of 4 mm / s, in accordance with the technical requirements, not more than ± 10%, i.e. the indication of the instrument will be in the range from 3.6 to 4.4 mm / s;

b) for the second, the error at a frequency of 12.5 Hz will be ± 15%, the error at the level of vibration is 4 mm / s will be 20/4 * 5 \u003d 25%. In most cases, both errors are systematic, so they are arithmeticly summed up. We obtain the measurement error of ± 40%, i.e. the indication of the device is probably from 2.4 to 5.6 mm / s;

At the same time, if you evaluate vibration in the frequency spectrum of the mechanism of the components with a frequency below 10 Hz and above 1 kHz, the readings of the second device will be better compared to the first.

It is necessary to draw attention to the presence of a medium quadratic detector in the device. Replacing the middle quadratic detector of the middle or amplitude detector can lead to an additional error when measuring the polyharmonic signal up to 30%.

Thus, if we look at the testimony of two devices, when measuring the vibration of the real mechanism, we can obtain that the real error in measuring the vibration of real mechanisms in real conditions is at least ± (15-25)%. It is for this reason that it is necessary to carefully refer to the choice of the manufacturer of vibration meter and even more closely to the continuous advanced training of a specialist in vibrationality. Since first of all, these most measurements are held, we can talk about the result of the diagnosis. One of the most effective and universal devices for carrying out the vibrational and dynamic balancing of the rotors in its own supports is the Proton-Balance-II kit produced by Baltech in the standard and maximum modification. Vibration standards can be measured by vibration and vibration accuracy, and the error of evaluating the vibration state of the equipment has a minimal value in accordance with international IORS and ISO standards.

See also:
  1. Case -Technologies as new tools for designing IP. Case - Package of Platinum, its composition and purpose. Criteria for assessing and selecting CASE funds.
  2. The Igroup - criteria based on discounted estimates, i.e, take into account the time factor: NPV, PI, IRR, DPP.
  3. Actinomycetes. Taxonomy. Characteristic. Microbiological diagnostics. Treatment.
  4. Anal crack. Causes, clinic, diagnosis, treatment.
  5. Anatomically narrow pelvis. Etiology. Classification in the form and degree of narrowing. Diagnostics. Rhodework methods.
  6. Angina: 1) Definition, etiology and pathogenesis 2) Classification 3) Pathological anatomy and differential diagnosis of various forms 4) Local complications 5) General complications
  7. Arbovirus. Taxonomy. Characteristic. Baboratory diagnostics of diseases caused by arbovirus. Specific prevention and treatment.
  8. Arteriovenous fistula, hemangiomas of the face and head. Clinic. Diagnostics. Treatment.
  9. Asynchronous machine. Definition. Purpose. Design. Main settings. Modes of operation of an asynchronous machine. The concept of sliding.

Vibrodiagnostics allows you to control the technical condition of the main and retaining units in the mode of continuous monitoring of the level of vibration.

Basic requirements for controlling and measuring vibrations of pumping units:

1. All trunk and retaining pumping units must be equipped with stationary controlling vibration equipment (CSA) with the possibility of continuous control in the operator current vibration parameters. The NPS automation system should provide light and sound alarms in the operator with an increased vibration, as well as the automatic shutdown of the aggregates when the emergency vibration is reached.

2. Sensors of control and signaling equipment are installed on each bearing support of the main and horizontal retaining retaining pumps to control the vibration in the vertical direction. (Fig) On vertical retaining pumps, sensors are installed on the housing of the support-resistant bearing assembly to control the vibration in vertical (axial) and horizontal transverse directions. (Fig)

Picture. Measurement points on the bearing support

Picture. Vibration measurement points on a vertical pump unit

The automation system must be configured to issue a signal when the warning and emergency levels of vibration of pumps in controlled points is reached. The measured and normalized parameter of vibration is the average quadratic value (SCZ) of vibrationability in the working strip of frequencies 10 ... 1000 Hz.

3. The values \u200b\u200bof the alarm and protection settings for vibration exceeding the approved map of the technological protection settings depending on the rotor sizes, the operation mode of the pump (feed) and the vibration norms.

Norms of vibration of trunk and retaining pumps for nominal modes of operation

Norms of vibration of trunk and retaining pumps for non-permanent operation modes

With vibration value from 7.1 mm / s to 11.2 mm / s duration of operation of trunk and retaining pumps should not exceed 168 hours.

The nominal mode of operation of the pump unit is the feed from 0.8 to 1.2 on the nominal feed (Q NOM) of the corresponding rotor (impeller).

When the pump unit is turned on and disconnected, the protection of this unit and other working units to exceed vibration at the time of execution of the start-up program (stop) of pump units should be blocked.

4. Warning alarm in the operator's local dispatching paragraph according to the "Increased vibration" parameter corresponds to the magnitude of the SCZ 5.5 mm / s (nominal mode) and 8.0 mm / s (non-mode).

Signal "Emergency Vibration" - SCZ 7.1 mm / s and 11.2 mm / s, immediate disabling the pump unit.

5. Control of the vibration of auxiliary pumps (oil pumps, leakage pumps for leakage, water supply, fire extinguishing, heating) should be carried out once a month and before conclusion in maintenance With the help of portable equipment.

6. For receipt for more information When vibrodiagnostics of trunk and retaining units, as well as for the period of temporary lack of stationary means for measuring and controlling vibration (calibration, calibration, modernization), portable portable vibro equipment is used.

Each vibration measurement with portable equipment is carried out in strictly fixed points.

7. When using portable vibro equipment, the vertical component of vibration is measured on the top of the bearing cover above the middle of its liner.

The horizontal transverse and horizontal-axis components of the vibration of horizontal pumping units are measured below 2 ... 3 mm from the axis of the pump shaft opposite the middle of the length of the support liner (Fig.).

Vibration measurement sites on the vertical pump unit correspond to the points 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (Fig).

Picture. Vibration Measurement Points on Pump Bearing Case without remote supports

Pumps that do not have remote bearings (such as CNS, NGPNA), vibration is measured on the housing over the bearing as close as possible to the rotor axis (Fig.).

8. To estimate the rigidity of the fastening of the frame to the foundation, the vibration is measured on all elements of fastening the pump to the foundation. The measurement is performed in the vertical direction on the anchor bolts (heads) or next to them on the foundation at a distance of no more than 100 mm from them. The measurement is carried out with a planned and non-planned vibrational control.

9. To carry out the vibrational control, the equipment is used to measure the average quadratic vibration value and the universal vibrationalizing equipment with the possibility of measuring the spectral components of vibration and amplitude-phase characteristics.

With the commissioning of the facility, it is necessary to examine the NPC by representatives of the fireguard and local government services of the Gosgortkhnadzor. The change in the category of power supply at the commissioning of the NPC is serviced with representatives of the energy sector of the district. After controlling the operation of the NPS, an act of acceptance of it is compiled.

13. Safety requirements for the operation and repair of mechanical technological equipment NPS

13.1. Operation, repair, installation of equipment of objects of trunk oil pipelines, carrying out technical diagnostics and control of equipment by non-destructive testing methods should be carried out by organizations that have a special permit (license) of Russian State University bodies for the specified activities. The issuance of licenses is made in the manner prescribed by the Regulations on the procedure for issuing special permits (licenses) on the activities related to the increased danger of industrial industries (objects) and works, as well as security when using subsoils "from 07/03/93 Register. № 296.

13.2. Operation, maintenance and repair of equipment of oil pumping stations (NPS) of main oil pipelines should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the "Rules for the technical operation of the main oil pipelines" [], "Security Rules for the operation of the main oil pipelines" [], "Fire safety rules under operationmain oil pipelines, "rules of device and safe operation of pressure vessels" and this manual.

13.3. Object managers are responsible for carrying out repair work and diagnostic controls of NPS equipment. The fulfillment of all types of work should be decorated to admission.

13.4. Employees of repair shops and sites should be provided according to the established listings and norms of individual protection (PPE), workwear, special purpose. Outstorming and footwear issued must meet the requirements.

13.5. Noise levels on workplaces of production and auxiliary premises and on the territory of the NPCs should correspond to the values \u200b\u200bspecified in. Zones with sound level or equivalent sound level above 85 dB must be indicated by safety signs. Working in these zones it is necessary to provide SIZ according to GOST 12.4.051-87.

13.6. Vibration levels at workplaces should not exceed the values \u200b\u200bspecified in.

13.7. Illumination of the territory of the NPC, as well as illumination within the industrial premises anywhere, must meet the established standards and guarantee the safety of repair work. Portable hand luminaires should feed from a voltage network not higher than 42 V, and with an increased risk of electric shock - not higher than 12 V. The use for portable lighting of fluorescent lamps that are not fortified on rigid supports is prohibited.

13.8. Lifting and transport machines and mechanisms used in the repair of NPC equipment should be operated in accordance with the requirements, PB-10-14-92.

13.9. Mechanisms and fixtures used in repair must be subjected to periodic tests. The list of mechanisms and devices, the frequency and type of tests must be determined by the heads of the relevant services and are approved by the main engineer of the RNU.

Foreign appliances, equipment, tools used during repair work and diagnostic inspections should have a permit for the use issued by the Gosgortkhnadzor of Russia in the manner prescribed by the RD 08-59-94 "Regulations on the procedure for developing (designing), admission to testing and serial release of a new drilling , oil and gas composition, geological exploration equipment, equipment for pipeline transport and designing technological processes included in the list of objects controlled by Gosgortkhnadzor of Russia "of 21.03.94.

13.10. Ventilation installations of industrial premises must be in good condition and operate according to the circuits automatic or remote control and reservations. In case of failure or ineffective work Ventilation of work cannot be carried out.

13.11. The air control system should produce a signal at the concentration of oil vapor and gases corresponding to 20% of their lower ignition limit. Stationary gas alarms must have a sound and light signal with access to the dispatching point and at the place of installation of the sensors, to be in good condition, and their performance is not checked at least once a month.

13.12. For temporary fireworks in explosion hazardous and fire-hazardous premises (objects), the outfit is made in all cases, which provides for the entire scope of work during the term specified in it. Before starting, after each break and during fireworks periodically (at least after 1 hour), it is necessary to monitor the state of the environment in the danger zone near the equipment on which the specified works are carried out, in the danger zone of industrial premises (territory) with help Portable gas analyzers.

13.13. When stopping the pump unit for the production of repair (short-term technical inspection), it is necessary to post posters with the inscription "Do not include, people work!" On a de-energized electric drive, starting device and closed valves at the exit (inlet) of oil from the pump, remove the fuses.

When the pumps are stopped in the automated pumping in the event of non-automation of the valve on the suction and injection pipelines, it is necessary to immediately close manually.

13.14. When repairing pumps with opening in the acting pumping electric drives, the valves must be de-energized, have a mechanical blocking (mechanical constipation) of the drive against their accidental opening. Work is allowed to be performed only by intrinsically safe (outlined, from beryllium bronze, etc.) tool.

13.15. When repairing pumping units associated with dismantling the diaphragm between the pumping room and the electromagus, or when removing the intermediate shaft "window" between the halls should be closed. When installing an intermediate shaft or a diaphragm, which is performed without stopping the working pumps, additional monitoring of the environment of the environment by portable gas analyzers should be carried out in the working area.

13.16. Starting to the work of the main and retaining pumping units without inclusion on the NPS corresponding protection is prohibited.

13.17. It is forbidden to start the commissioned new, after overhaul and non-exploited more than 6 months of the main and retaining pumping units of oil pipelines without checking the health of the instrumentation.

Checking the operation of blocking systems and automatic protection to the specified value must be carried out according to the graphics approved by the main engineer of the RNU and register in journals.

13.19. Measuring instruments of funds automatic control And the protection of the equipment of the NPC should have measurement limits corresponding to the range of controlled technical and technological parameters.

13.20. When performing repair work in the premises of manifold, pressure control nodes and wells should be systematically purified from stamping and check for the absence explosive concentrations vapors and gases.

The valves located in wells, cameras and trenches must have convenient drives that allow you to open (close) them without the descent of the service personnel in the well or trench.

13.21. Used during repair work and maintenance, the tool must be made of a material that does not give a spark; The shock and cutting tool when applied must be lubricated by consistent lubricants after each one-time application.

13.22. The discovery and closure of capacitive valves should be performed smoothly, without the use of levers.

In the event of freezing the reinforcement of containers, water pairs or hot water should be used for heating.

13.23. At the time of the repair work with the use of open fire, a fire post from employees of object fire safety should be installed on the production area and the number of fire extinguishing means was increased.

A safe method for performing fireworks in tanks (except for water) can be applied after their degassing using a special ventilation unit. Fire work is permitted only after taking air analysis inside the tank and laboratory confirmation of its safety to perform these works.

At the end of fire work, the place of their conduct should be carefully checked and cleaned from hot spars, scale and glowing objects, and if necessary, political water.

13.24. Operation and repair of boilers, steam heaters and economizers should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of [,].

Before inspecting and repairing elements working under pressure, in the presence of a hazard of people, people with steam or water boiler must be separated from all pipelines with plugs or disconnected; Disconnected pipelines must also be muffled.

On the valves, valves and valves when the relevant sections of the pipe, steam, gas pipelines and gas ducts, as well as on the launchers of the smokers, blowing fans and fuel feeders, the posters "do not include, people work!". At the same time, the starting devices of the specified equipment must be removed fused inserts.

13.25. In the production of works on conservation, it is necessary to comply with the requirements, methodological instructions of the Ministry of Health of Russia, when using corrosion inhibitors - sanitary standards.

13.26. When repairing mechanical technological equipment, measures should be taken to prevent direct and indirect environmental impact. It is necessary to strictly comply with the Law of the Russian Federation "On the Protection of the Environmental Environment" of 19.12.91, to comply with the requirements of the current regulatory and methodological documentation, to eliminate the consequences of pollution in a timely manner.

regulatory and technical documents used in the development of this RD

1. RD 39-0147103-342-89. Methods for evaluating the operational parameters of pump units of the main oil pipelines. - Ufa: VNIYPNEFT, 1989.

2. GOST 6134-87. Dynamic pumps. Test methods.

3. RD 153-39T-010-96. Forecotoscopy trees of trunk oil pumps. Technique and technology. - Ufa: IPTER, 1997.

4. E. Valves on the conditional pressure of the RU 25 MPa (250 kgf / cm 2). General technical conditions.

5. . Armature Pipeline shut-off. The tightness rates of shutters.

6. GOST 1770-74E. Merry laboratory glassware. Cylinders, mins, flasks, test tubes. Technical conditions.

7. Rules of device and safe operation of stationary compressor installations, aircases and gas pipelines. - M.: Metallurgy, 1973.

8. Rules of device and safe operation of steam and hot water boilers. - M.: NPO OUT, 1993.

9. Rules of device and safe operation of steam pipelines and hot water. - M.: NPO OUT, 1994.

10. RD 3415.027-93. Welding, heat treatment and control of pipe systems of boilers and pipelines when installing and repairing equipment of power plants (RMM-1C-93). - M.: NPO OUT, 1994.

11. . Methodical guidelines for the technical examination of steam and water-heating boilers, vessels operating under the pressure of steam pipelines and hot water. - M.: NPO OUT, 1994.

12. RD 39-0147103-360-89. Instructions for the safe conduct of welding work during the repair of oil and petroleum products under pressure. - Ufa: VNIYPNEFT, 1989.

13. Instructions on the technological process of capital repairs of oil pipelines with a replacement of insulating coating and simultaneously gluing with a reparation in a new trench. - Ufa: VNIYPNEFT, 1989.

fourteen. . Drinking water. Hygienic requirements and quality control.

15. Rules for the technical operation of water supply systems and drainage of settlements. - M.: Stroyzdat, 1979.

16. Rules for the protection of surface water from pollution by wastewater. - M.: Stroyzdat, 1985.

17. ESZKS. Temporary anti-corrosion protection of products. General requirements.

18. GOST 23216-78. Electrotechnical products. General requirements for storage, transportation, temporary anti-corrosion protection and packaging.

19. RD 39-30-114-78. Rules for the technical operation of the main oil pipelines. - M.: Nedra, 1979.

20. Safety rules for the operation of trunk oil pipelines. - M.: Subraz, 1989.

21. Fire safety rules for the operation of trunk oil pipelines. - Rosneftegaz Corporation, Transneft, 1992.

22. Rules of device and safe operation of pressure vessels. - M.: NPO OUT, 1994.

23. . SSBT Means of protecting working. General requirements and classification.

24. SSBT Noise. General security requirements.

25. . SSBT Colors signal and safety signs.

26. GOST 12.4.051-87. SSBT Individual protection of hearing organs. General technical requirements and test methods.

27. . SSBT Vibration security. General requirements.

28. . Safety in construction.

29. PB-10-14-92. Rules of device and safe operation of lifting cranes. - M.: NPO OUT, 1994.

30. . SSBT General sanitary and hygienic requirements for the air of the working area.

31. . Sanitary norms Design industrial enterprises. - M.: Gosstroyisdat, 1972.

32. PPB-01-93. Fire safety rules in the Russian Federation.

33. TU 39-00147105-01-96. Complex of the vibration insulating com pennsing system (VKS) of the nm main unit. Technical conditions for installation and acceptance.

34. EIMA.302661.012. Nozzle compensation. Technical description and instruction manual. Severodvinsk. According to Sevmash, 1993.

35. 1683.500 Ps, 1683.600 Ps, 1655.000 Ps, 1652.000 Ps, 1683.000 Ps, 1688.000 Ps. Passport and instructions for mounting coupling by elastic compensating UKM aggregates 16nd10x1, 14N12x2, NM 500-300, NM 1250-260, NM 3600-230 (NM 7000-210), NM 10000-210, respectively. Ufa, IPTER, 1995-97

36. Instructions for the use of welded rubber-metal arched-type shock absorbers on ships. Issue 9406, chipboard.

37. Instructions for the use of welded rubber-metal shock absorbers arched type APM on ships. Issue 11789, chipboard.

38. EIMA.304242.007 PS. Shock absorber AGP-2.1. Passport, installation and operation instructions. Severodvinsk. By "Sevmash", 1992

39. Rules of device and safe operation of steam boilers with a steam pressure of not more than 0.07 MPa (0.7 kgf / cm 2), water boilers and water heaters with water heating temperature not higher than 388 K (115 ° C). NGO OBT, Moscow, 1992.

40. Rules for the technical operation of municipal heating boilers. NGO OBT, Moscow, 1992.

41. . Typical technical conditions for the repair of steam and water-heating boilers of industrial energy. Applied. Gosgortkhnadzor RF 4.07.94

42. . Methodical instructions for surveying enterprises operating steam and water-heating boilers, pressure vessels, steam and hot water pipelines. Resolution of the Gosgortkhnadzor of Russia of 30.12.92 No. 39 NGO OBT, Moscow, 1993.

43. Regulations on the system of technical diagnosis of steam and water-heating boilers of industrial energy. Sughdle. With Gosgorthnadzor of Russia 15.06.92.

44. A-27750. Water boilers. Technical diagnostic instructions. Developed. NGO TsNTI, Doroborovsky Boiler Plant.

45. Regulations on the procedure for extending the timing of the service of the vessels at the energy enterprises of the Ministry of Power Energy of the Russian Federation. Coordinated with Gosgorthnadzor of Russia 09.02.93

46. \u200b\u200bMethods for predicting the residual resource for the safe operation of vessels and devices by changing the parameters of the technical condition. Developed: Centerchimmash. Accord With Gosgortkhnadzor of Russia 05.04.93

Development of recommendations to reduce the influence of vibration on the body of a locksmith V discharge of technological installations of LPDS "Perm" OJSC North-Western Railways of Oil

As mentioned above, on the main oil pipeline, production workers are influenced by many harmful and dangerous factors. This section will consider the most harmful factor of the head oil pumping station, which adversely affects the body - vibration.

When working under conditions of vibration, labor productivity is reduced, the number of injuries is growing. In some workplaces, vibration exceeds normalized values, and in some cases they are close to the limit. Usually, low-frequency vibrations are dominated in the vibration spectrum, negatively active on the body. Some types of vibration adversely affect the nervous and cardiovascular system, the vestibular apparatus. The most harmful effect on the human body has vibration, the frequency of which coincides with the frequency of its own oscillations of individual organs.

Production vibration characterized by a significant amplitude and duration of action causes irritability, insomnia, headache, and pain in the hands of people dealing with a vibrating tool. With long-term effects of vibration, bone tissue is rebuilt: the radiographs can notice the bands similar to the traces of the fracture - the largest voltage sites where bone tissue softened. The permeability of small blood vessels increases, nervous regulation is disturbed, skin sensitivity changes. When working with a manual mechanized tool, an acroasficcia may occur (symptom of dead fingers) - loss of sensitivity, sponge of fingers, hand brushes. When exposed to general vibration, changes are more pronounced by the Central nervous system: dizziness appear, noise in the ears, impairment of memory, violation of coordination of movements, vestibular disorders, weight loss.

The methods of combating vibration are based on the analysis of equations describing the fluctuations of machines and aggregates in production conditions. These equations are complicated, because Any type of technological equipment (as well as its individual structural elements) is a system with many degrees of mobility and has a number of resonant frequencies.

where M is the mass of the system;

q - system rigidity coefficient;

X - current value of vibration;

Current value of vibration

The current value of vibration;

The amplitude of the force;

Corner frequency forgoing power.

The general solution of this equation contains two terms: the first term corresponds to the free fluctuations of the system, which in this case are decaying due to the presence in the friction system; The second - corresponds to the forced oscillations. The main role is forced oscillations.

Expressing viburnum in complex form and substituting the corresponding values \u200b\u200band in formula (5.1) we will find expressions for the ratio between the amplitudes of vibration and forgoing force:

An expression denominator characterizes the resistance that the system has a generating variable strength, and is called a complete mechanical impedance of the oscillating system. The value is active, and the magnitude is the reactive part of this resistance. The latter consists of two resistance - elastic and inertial -.

Reactive resistance is zero with resonance, which corresponds to the frequency

At the same time, the system has resistance to generating force only due to active losses in the system. The amplitude of oscillations on this mode increases dramatically.

Thus, from the analysis of the equations of forced oscillations of the system with one degree of freedom, it follows that the main methods of combating machine and equipment vibrations are:

1. Reducing the vibroactivity of machines: is achieved by changing the technological process, using machines with such kinematic schemes, in which dynamic processes caused by blows, accelerations, etc. would be excluded or extremely reduced.

· Replacing riveting with welding;

· Dynamic and static balancing of mechanisms;

· Lubrication and purity of processing of interacting surfaces;

· Application of kinematic engagement of low vibroactivity, for example, chevron and osomospheric gears instead of sprinkling;

· Replacing rolling bearings on sliding bearings;

· Application structural materials with increased internal friction.

2. Adjusting the resonance frequencies: lies in changing the operation modes of the machine and, accordingly, the frequency of perturbing vibrosille; Own frequency of machine oscillations by changing the rigidity of the system.

· Installation of ribs hardness or change in the mass of the system by fastening the machine with additional masses.

3. VibrationMipfing: a method of reducing vibration by gaining friction processes that diffuse vibrational energy as a result of irreversible transformation into heat in the deformations arising in the materials from which the design is made.

· Application on vibrating surfaces of the layer of ex-off materials with large losses for internal friction: soft coatings (rubber, PKV-9 foam, Masty VD17-59, anti-vibrit mastic) and rigid (sheet plastics, glassizol, hydroizol, aluminum sheets);

· Application of surface friction (for example, adjacent to each other plates like spring);

· Installing special dampers.

4. Vibration Isolation: Reducing the transmission of oscillations from the source to the protected object using devices placed between them. The efficiency of vibration insulators is evaluated by the KP transmission coefficient equal to the ratio of the amplitude of vibration, vibration, vibrating the protected object, or the forces acting on it to the corresponding parameter of the vibration source. Vibration isolation only in the case reduces the vibration when KP< 1. Чем меньше КП, тем эффективнее виброизоляция.

· Application of vibration-insulating supports of the type of elastic gaskets, springs or their combination.

5. Vibration is an increase in the mass system. Vibration is most effectively with medium and high vibration frequencies. This way found wide application When installing heavy equipment (hammer, presses, fans, pumps, etc.).

· Installing aggregates on a massive foundation.

6. Individual means of protection.

Since methods of collective protection are irrationally apply due to their high cost consumption (for this, it is necessary to completely revise the plans for the modernization of equipment of the enterprise), then in this section we will consider and carry out calculations on the use of personal protective equipment to reduce the influence of vibrations on the body of production personnel serving the head pumping systems Oil Popper Station.

As a means of protection against vibration, we choose anti-vibration mittens and special shoes.

Thus, to reduce the influence of vibration, the worker must apply the following personal protective equipment:

Distinctive characteristics: unique vibration protection gloves from wide spectrum Low-frequency and high-frequency oscillations. Cuffs: Driving Crague with Velcro. Special resistance to abrasion, rupture. Outlobenzo-repellent. Excellent dry and wet (oiled) grip. Antistatic. Antibacterial processing. Lining: Gelform filler. Reducing vibration in a percentage ratio to a safe level (removal of vibration syndrome brush-forearm system): low-frequency oscillations from 8 to 31.5 Hz - by 83%, mid-frequency oscillations from 31.5 to 200 Hz - by 74%, high-frequency fluctuations from 200 Up to 1000 Hz - by 38%. Work at a temperature of + 40 ° C to -20 ° C. GOST 12.4.002-97, GOST 12.4.124-83. Model 7-112.

Coverage material: butadiene rubber (nitrile). Length: 240 mm

Dimensions: 10, 11. Price - 610.0 rubles per pair.

Anti-vibration semi-races have a multi-layer rubber sole. Such, for example, how boots rank Classic, which are recommended for enterprises of the oil and gas complex and industries, where aggressive substances are used. The top is made of high-quality natural water-repellent skin. Wear-resistant MBS, KSHS sole. Method for fastening Goodyear's soles. Side loops for comfortable putting on. Metal suspension strokes 200 J Protects the foot from shocking and squeezing. Reflective elements on the top visually denote the presence of a person when working in conditions of poor visibility or dark time. GOST 12.4.137-84, GOST 28507-90, EN ISO 20345: 2004. Material of the top: Natural facial skin, in. Sole: Monolithic Multilayer Rubber. Price - 3800.0 per pair.

Thus, using these personal protective equipment, it is possible to reduce the effect of vibration on the body of the worker. If you issue 4 pairs of gloves for one year and one pair of anti-vibration boots, then the company will additionally spend on each employee approximately 2000.0 rubles per month. These costs can be considered economically justified because they are prevention of occupational diseases. Such as, for example, a vibration disease is the reason for setting an employee for disability.

In addition, it is rationally to observe the working time mode. Thus, the duration of working with vibrating equipment should not exceed 2/3 of the working shift. Operations distributed between employees so that the duration of the continuous effect of vibration, including micropause, does not exceed 15 ... 20 min. It is recommended to take breaks for 20 minutes after 1 ... 2h after the start of the shift and for 30 minutes 2 hours after lunch.

During breaks, a special complex of gymnastic exercises and hydroprocessors should be performed - baths at a water temperature of 38 ° C, as well as self-massage limbs.

If the vibration of the machine exceeds the allowable value, the contact time of the working machine is limited.

To increase the protective properties of the body, performance and labor activity, special complexes of industrial gymnastics should be used, vitamin prevention (twice a year the complex of vitamins C, B, nicotinic acid), specialty.

Comprehensively applying the above methods, it is possible to reduce the effect of such a harmful factor as vibration and prevent its transition from the discharge of harmful hazardous factors.

Conclusions on the fifth section

Thus, in this section, the working conditions of the locksmith V discharge are considered technological installations LPDS "Perm" OJSC North-Western Railways of Oil.

The most dangerous and harmful factors at this workplace are: noise, vibration, evaporation of petroleum products, the ability to infection by encephalitis and borreliosis in a spring-summer period. The most dangerous of them is the impact of vibration. In this regard, recommendations were made to eliminate the negative impact of this factor. To do this, it is rationally for a period of 12 months to provide a working structure with individual means of protection in the amount of (based on one person) 4 pairs of anti-vibration gloves and one pair of anti-vibration boots, which will reduce the effect of the specified factor several times.

The graduation project contains 109 p., 24 drawings, 16 tables, 9 sources used, 6 applications.

Automation of the main pump unit NM1250-260, sensor, signal, SAU of the "Modicon TSX Quantum" series, vibration control, vibration control systems

The object of the study is the main pump unit of NM 1250-260, used in the Cherkasy LPDS.

During the study, an analysis of the existing level of automation of the unit was performed, the need to upgrade its management system is substantiated.

The purpose of the work is to develop a management program for the MODICON TSX Quantum PLC company Schneider Electric.

As a result of the study, a system of automation of the main pump unit based on modern software and hardware is developed. The ST program ISAGRAF program is used as the project software.

Experimental and technical and economic indicators indicate an increase in the efficiency of the upgraded management system of the main pump unit.

The degree of implementation - the results obtained in the Cascade vibration control system.

Effective effectiveness is based on improving the reliability of the MNA automation system, which is confirmed by counting the economic effect for the estimated period.

Definitions, notation and abbreviations ............................................. 6

Introduction .................................................................................... .. 7

1 Linear production dispatch station "Cherkasy" ... 9 1.1 Brief description of the linear production dispatching station "Cherkasy" ......................................................................................................................................... .. 9

1.2 Characteristics of technological equipment ............................... nine

1.3 Characteristics of technological premises ................................. 12 1.4 Modes of operation of LPDS "Cherkasy" .......................................... 13 1.5 Main pumping unit ................................................. 16 1.6 Bumping pumps LPDS "Cherkasy" .................................................. eighteen

1.7 Analysis of the existing automation scheme of LPDS "Cherkasy" ...... ... 19

2 Patent Strait ............................................................................. ... 22

3 Automation of LPDS "Cherkasy" ................................................ 27

3.1 Automation of the main pump unit ........................ .. 27

3.2 Anti-emergency protection system ............................................. 33

3.3 ACS TP based on Modicon TSX QUANTUM controllers ...................................................

3.4 Structural scheme ACS TP based on the Quantum system ..................... 39

3.5 Devices included in the system ..................................................... .. 42

3.6 Sensors I. technical means automation .............................. 48.

4 Choosing a MNA Vibrocontrol System ............................................................. ... 54 4.1 Vibromonitoring Control Equipment (AKV) .............................. 54.

4.2 Instrument control vibration "Cascade" ... ............................................... .. 56

4.3 Development of a pumping unit management program .............. ...... .. 64

4.4 Instrumental system of programming industrial controllers ............................................................................................ 65.

4.5 Description of the language st ...................................................................... 67.

4.6 Creating a project and programs in the ISAGRAF system .............................. 71.

4.7 Programming the controller ................................................ ... 73

4.8 Algorithm of alarm and control of the pump unit ............ ...... 74

4.9 The results of the program of the program ....... ......................................................... ... 77

5 Occupational safety and safety equipment of the main pump MNPP "Ufa-Western direction" .................................................................. 80

5.1 Analysis of potential hazards and production hazards ... 80

5.2 Safety Activities during the operation of objects of LPDS "Cherkasy" ................................................................................................ 85

5.3 Events on industrial sanitation .................................... 86

5.4 Fire safety activities ....................................... 89

5.5 Calculation of the installation of foam extinguishing and fire water supply ......... 91

6 Assessment of the economic efficiency of automation of the linear production dispatching station "Cherkasy" ......................... 96.

6.1 Basic sources of efficiency improvement ..................... 97 6.2 Methods for calculating economic efficiency ........................... 97

6.3 Calculation of the Economic Effect ................................................ 99.

Conclusion .............................................................................. 107

List of sources used ........................................................... ... 109

Appendix A. List of demonstration sheets ........................... 110

Appendix B. Specifications and Connection Schemes of Power Supply Modules .................................................................................... 111

Appendix B. Specification of the central processor device ... 114

Appendix G. Specification of I / O modules ........................ .. 117

Appendix D. Specification of the Advantech modules ........................... ... 122

Appendix E. Listing management program .............................. 125

Definitions, notation and abbreviations

Linear production and dispatch station

Automated jobs

Manual control unit

Ufa-Western direction

Automatic switching on reserve

Local dispatching

Main pumping unit

Trunk petroleum products

Microprocessor automation system

Fire safety standards

Oil drilling station

Software-logical controller

Electric motor

District dispatch point

Dispatch control and data collection

Cleaning and diagnostics

Programming language

Pressure Wave Smoothing System

High voltage switch

Communication device with object

Filters-dirt trap


Rules of the device of electrical installations

Building regulations

Labor safety standards

Information processing system


Automation of technological processes is one of the decisive factors to increase productivity and improve working conditions. All existing and building facilities are equipped with automation tools.

Transport of petroleum products - continuous production, requiring close attention to the issues of reliable operation, construction and reconstruction of oil refineries, overhaul equipment. Currently, the main task of transporting petroleum products is to improve the efficiency and quality of the operation of the transport system. To perform this task, it provides for the construction of new and modernization of existing oil pipelines, the widespread implementation of automation, telemechanics and automated control systems for petroleum products. At the same time, it is necessary to improve the reliability and efficiency of oil pipeline transport.

The automation system of the linear production dispatch service (LPDS) is designed to control, protect and manage the equipment of the oil pipeline. It should provide autonomous maintenance of the specified mode of operation. pumping station and its change to teams from the operator of LPDS and from the superior level of control - the district dispatching point (RDP).

The relevance of creating the automation of control systems on the Cherkasy LPDS has increased due to the low level of automation, the presence of morally obsolete relay schemes, low reliability and complexity of service. This requires replacing existing systems on the microprocessor system of automation.

The purpose of the graduation project is: improving the reliability and survivability of technological equipment and automation means LPDS; expansion of functionality; Increase periodicity maintenance and repair stations.

The tasks of the graduation project is:

  • analysis existing system automation of LPDS;
  • modernization of the pumping unit control system based on PLC;

Automation is the highest level of production mechanization and is applied in a complex of technological production processes. It opens up enormous opportunities to increase labor productivity, the rapid growth of production development rates, as well as the safety of production processes.

1 Linear Production Dispatch Station "Cherkasy"

1.1 Brief description of the linear production dispatch station "Cherkasy"

LPDS "Cherkassy" of the Ufa Production Branch of OJSC UralTransNefteprodukt formed in 1957 with the commissioning of MNPP Ufa - Petropavlovsk, Pump No. 1 and the RVS-5000 reservoir park in the amount of 20 pieces with a total capacity of about 57.0 thousand tons. The station is formed as the second platform of the Cherkasy NPS of the Ufa district oil pipeline management, which is part of the management of the Ural-Siberian main oil pipelines.

1.2 Characteristics of technological equipment

The composition of the technological equipment of LPDS "Cherkasy" includes:

Three pumps of the main NM 1250-260 on the nominal flow of 1250 m / h with pressure of 260 m, with electric motors of STD 1250/2 with a power of n \u003d 1250 kW, n \u003d 3000 rpm and one pump Main nm 1250-400 per nominal flow 1250 m / h with pressure of 400 m, with an AZMP-1600 electric motor with a power of n \u003d 2000 kW, n \u003d 3000 rpm, located in general shelter and separated by a firewall wall;

Pressure control system consisting of three pressure regulators;

The oil system forced lubrication of bearings of pumping units, consisting of two oil pumps, two oils, accumulating tank, two oil filters, two oil coolers;

A circulating water supply system consisting of two water pumps;

The system for collecting and pumping leaks, consisting of four tanks and two leakage pumping pumps;

Ventilation system consisting of a supply and exhaust ventilation of the pumping of pumps (two intiments and two exhaust fans); retaining ventilation of the separation of electric motors (one fan existing, the installation of the second is provided for the perspective for performing an emergency tool on the reserve (AVR)); retaining ventilation of unmixed chambers (two fans); exhaust ventilation of pressure regulators (one fan existing, the installation of the second is provided for the perspective for execution of AVR); exhaust ventilation of the camera on the scandalock of leaks (one fan existing, setting the second preview to the perspective for the execution of the AVR);

Electric drive valves on technological pipelines;

The filter system consisting of a filter dirt leader and two filters of fine cleaning;

Power supply system;

Automatic fire extinguishing system.

Pressure regulators chamber - Protected room: Brick walls. In this room there are 3 pressure regulators.

Leakage Camera - Protected Premises: Brick Walls. In this room there are 2 leakage pumping pump.

All actuators providing automatic work PS, must be equipped with electric drives. The valve valves of pipelines must be equipped with the alarm sensors of the extreme positions (open, closed). Automated equipment equipped

devices to install control sensors and actuators.

Technological scheme of the main pump MNPP "Ufa-Western Direction" No. 2 of LPDS "Cherkasy" is shown in Figure 1.1.

1.3 Characteristics of technological premises

The overall shelter of the pump consists of separating the pumps and separation of electric motors separated by the firewall wall. The premises of the pumping of pumps belongs to the explosive zone of the B-1A according to the rules of the installation of PUE electrical installations, (class 1 zone according to GOST R 51330.3-99), by fire hazard - to category A according to the fire safety standards of the NPB 105-95, according to the functional danger - to the category F5.1 in accordance with construction standards and rules SNIP 21-01-97. The room is subject to automatic fire extinguishing.

The space of the placing the separation of electric motors does not apply to an explosive zone. By fire danger, the premises of the electric motor separation refers to the category D. In the separation of electric motors there is an oil truck, referring to the fire hazard to category B according to the NPB 105-95. The oil worker is subject to automatic fire extinguishing. According to the functional danger of the separation of electric motors, refers to category F5.1 according to SNiP 21-01-97.

Pressure regulators chamber - Protected room: Brick walls. In this room there are 3 pressure regulators. The space indoors belongs to the explosive zone of B-1A according to PUE (class 1 zone according to GOST R 51330.3-99). According to the functional danger, to category F 5.1 according to SNiP 21-01-97). By fire danger - to category A according to the NPB 105-95. Pressure regulators chamber are automatic fire extinguished. The pipeline supply of the fire extinguishing substance is not provided. The automation system provides for the implementation of the automatic fire extinguishing of the pressure regulators.

Leakage Camera - Protected Premises: Brick Walls. In this room there are 2 leakage pumping pump. The space inside the room belongs to the explosive zone of the B-1A according to the PUE (class 1 zone according to GOST R 51330.3-99), according to the functional danger - to the category F5.1 according to SNiP 21-01-97, by fire hazard - to category A according to the NPB 105-95. The pipeline supply of the fire extinguishing substance is not provided. The automation system provides for the implementation of the automatic fire extinguishing of the leakage pumping chamber.

1.4 Modes of operation of LPDS "Cherkasy"

The automation system must provide the following pumping stations control modes:

- "Telemechanic";

- "Not telemechanic".

The selection of the mode is carried out from the automated workplace (ARMS) of the operator-technologist of the pump station of LPDS "Cherkassy".

Each selected mode must exclude the other.

Switching from the mode to mode should be carried out without stopping the working units and stations as a whole.

In the "Telemechanic" mode of the RDP of the oil product pipeline on the telemechanics system, the following types of television management are provided (TU):

Start and stopping auxiliary pumping stations;

Opening and closing valves at the entrance and outlet of the station;

Starting and stopping trunk pumping units on start-up and stopping programs of the main aggregate.

The control of aggregates and systems, including the auxiliary systems and valves at the input and output of the station, according to the telemechanics system, must be accompanied, in addition to the status message (position) of the unit, the message "is turned on - disabled by the pipeline manager" on the operator's arma screen and fixed in the event log.

In the mode, "non-telemechanic" provides control of technological valves, retaining and trunk pump units, units of auxiliary systems of the pumping station with general commands "Program Start", "Program Stop" of the main pumping units and auxiliary equipment.

Table 1.1 shows the technological parameters of the station. Table 1.1 - Technological parameters of the work of LPDS "Cherkasy"



Place of location of the station on the highway MNPP, km

High-height mark, m

Maximum permissible working pressure on the pumping of pumps (at the collector, to regulating eligibles), MPa

Maximum permissible working pressure on the arrogant station (after regulatory devices), MPa

Minimum and maximum allowable working pressure at the reception of pumps, MPa

The smallest and most viscosity of the petroleum products, which is distributed in the pipeline, mm / s

The limit for changing the temperature of the injected oil-product from tanks in MNPP, with

Type and Purpose Pump

NM1250-260 №1 Main

NM1250-260 №2 Main

NM1250-400 №3 Main

NM1250-400 №4 Main

Diameter of the impeller, mm

Type of electric motor

STD-1250/2 №1

STD-1250/2 №2

STD-1250/2 №3

4AsmP- 1600/6000 №4

Minimum pressure at the station reception, MPa

Maximum pressure in MNPP at the output of the standard, MPa

1.5 Main Pump Aggregate

Each MNA contains the following objects: pump, electric motor.

The MNA equipment is used by the Nm 1250-260 pump and the STD-1250/2 electric motor, and one pump Nm 1250-400 with the AZMP-1600 electric motor.

Centrifugal pumps are the main type of injection equipment for pumping oil through trunk petroleum products. They meet the requirements for MNA to pump significant volumes of oil for long distances. The main pumps must have overpressure at the entrance. This pressure should prevent a dangerous phenomenon - cavitation, which can occur inside the pump as a result of a decrease in pressure in a fast moving fluid.

Cavitation consists in the formation of bubbles filled with pairs of pumped liquid. When these bubbles fall into the area high pressureThey are collapsed, while developing huge point pressure. Cavitation leads to a rapid wear of the parts of the supercharger and reduces the effectiveness of its work. The NM Pump used is designed to transport oil and petroleum products on main pipelines with a temperature of minus 5 to + 80c, with a mechanical impurities in terms of volume not more than 0.05% and the size of no more than 0.02 mm. The pump is horizontal, sectional, multistage, single-door or double-circuit Nm, with the working wheels of one-sided input, with sliding bearings (with forced lubrication), with end-type end seals, drive from the electric motor.

The drive unit of a 1250 kW in explosion-proof version is used as a drive unit. It is installed in general with the supercharger of the hall. The explosion-proof version of the electric motor is achieved by forced air injection by the ventilation system for a protective drive casing to maintain overpressure (excluding penetration of oil vapor), as well as the use of an explosive shell.

Asynchronous high voltage electric motors are also used as a drive to pumps. However, when used asynchronous engines With a capacity of 2.5 to 8.0 MW, it is required to install in the premises of pumping expensive static capacitors of power (which during the oscillations of the station's load and ambient temperature often fail), as well as a complex of high-voltage equipment, complicating the power supply scheme.

Synchronous electric motors have the best sustainability indicators, compared with asynchronous, which is especially important if the voltage drops occur.

According to the cost of synchronous electric motors, as a rule, more expensive than similar asynchronous, however, they have the best energy characteristics, which makes them use efficient. It is believed that the efficiency (efficiency) coefficient of the synchronous motor varies slightly with loads close to the rated power of the engine. With loads constituting from 0.5 to 0.7 nominal power, the efficiency of synchronous electric motors is significantly reduced. The practice of operating oil pipelines showed that under the conditions of a constantly changing level of loading pipelines, it is advisable to use adjustable drives of pumping units. By regulating the number of turnovers of the supercharger's impeller, it is possible to smoothly change its hydraulic and energy characteristics, adjusting the operation of the pump to changing loads. DC motors allow you to regulate the number of revolutions by a simple resistance change (for example, the introduction of the rover in the engine rotor circuit), however, in such engines the regulation range is relatively narrow. AC motors allow regulation of the number of revolutions by changing the frequency of the supply current (from an industrial frequency of 50 Hz to a larger or less value, depending on whether the rotor shaft revolutions are required or reduce, respectively).

1.6 VPDS PUDS "Cherkasy"

The binding of pumps can be carried out sequentially, in parallel and combined method (Figures 1.2 - 1.4).

Figure 1.2 - Sequential pumping of pumps

Figure 1.3 - parallel pumping of pumps

Figure 1.4 - Combined pumping pumps

Serial connection Pumps are used to increase the pressure, and parallel - to increase the supply of the pump station, LPDS "Cherkasy", includes four main pumping units with electric motors located in the overall shelter of the oil-space. To increase the pressure at the output of the station, the pumps are connected sequentially (Figure 1.6), so that with the same supply of pressure generated by pumps, summed up. The pumping of pumps provides LPDS operation when entering the reserve of any of the station aggregates. A valve is installed on the suction and discharge of each pump, and in parallel the pump is the check valve.

Figure 1.5 - Pump Pump Bind

The check valve separating the suction line and the discharge of each pump passes the liquid only in one direction. When the pump is running, the pressure acting on the valve flaps on the left (discharge pressure) is greater than the pressure acting on this damper on the right (suction pressure), as a result of which the flap is closed, and oil goes through the pump. With a non-working pump, the pressure on the right of the valve flaps is greater than the pressure to the left of it, as a result of which the flap is open, and the petroleum product comes through KO-1 to the next pump, bypassing the non-working.

1.7 Analysis of the existing automation scheme of LPDS "Cherkasy"

Automated equipment is equipped with fixtures for the installation of control sensors and actuators.

All actuators are equipped with drives with electrical signals Control. The shut-off valve of pipelines of the external and internal strapping of LPDS is equipped with an alarm sensors of the extreme positions (open, closed).

When implementing the automation system, the following tasks are performed:

Analysis of technological equipment modes;

Control of technological parameters;

Control and control of valves;

Readiness control for the launch of trunk and retaining pumping units;

Processing of limit values \u200b\u200bof parameters on the main pump unit;

Management and control of the main and retaining pumping units;

Control and control of the receiving valve of the main pump unit;

Adjustment of adjustment setpoint when starting the main unit;

Setting adjustment settings;

Pressure regulation;

Management and control of oil pumps;

Management and control supply fan pumping compartment;

Control and control of the exhaust fan of the pumping compartment;

Control and control of pump pumping pump;

Processing measured parameters;

The application and transmission of signals in the system of telemechanics.

The state and parameters of the equipment of the LPDS equipment are displayed on the screen AWP operator LPDS in the form of the following video frames:

General scheme pumping station;

Scheme of individual trunk units and auxiliary systems;

Power plant;

Scheme of adjacent parts of the route.

A manual control unit (BRU) LPDS installed in the operator (schu) provides:

Light alarm from:

1) emergency pressure sensors at the input, in the collector and at the exit of the LPDS;

System channels fire alarm;

2) channels of gas supply;

3) the reservoir overflow sensor;

4) flood sensor pumping;

5) the accident relay of the CCR;

Control command button:

Emergency disconnection of LPDS;

Disabling trunk and pumping units;

Inclusion of main and pumping units;

Opening and closing the station connection valves.

Currently, with a constant decrease in oil production, the volume of pumped oil is reduced. In this regard, use the system of automatic regulation of pumping mode. The system is designed to control and regulate the pressure at the reception and at the output of pumping pumping stations of the main oil pipelines. The system uses regulating flaps with an electric drive to control the pressure at the reception and at the outlet of the oil pipelines by throttle the output stream.

2 Patent studies

2.1 Selection and justification of the search subject

The draft project discusses the draft modernization of the ACS TP of the Linear and Production Dispatch Station of LPDS "Cherkassy" OJSC UralTransnefteprodukt.

One of the measured parameters of the pump unit of the linear production dispatch station is vibration. For LPDS for these purposes, I propose to use the system for measuring the "Cascade" vibration system, so when conducting patent search, attention was paid to searching and analyzing piezoelectric sensors to measure vibration in technological objects of the oil and gas industry.

2.2 Patent Search Regulations

Patent search was carried out using the UGNTU Foundation for Sources of Patent Documentation of the Russian Federation.

Search depth - five years (2007-2011). The search was made by the International Patent Classification Index (IPC) G01P15 / 09 - "Measurement of acceleration and deceleration; Measurement of acceleration pulses using a piezoelectric sensor. "

At the same time, the following sources of patent information were used:

Documents of the reference device;

Full descriptions of Russian patents;

Official newsletter of the Russian Patent and Trademarks Agency.

2.3 Patent Search Results

The results of viewing sources of patent information are shown in Table 2.1.

Table 2.1 - Patent Search Results

2.4 Analysis of Patent Search Results

Patezoelectric Accelerometer Patent Patent No. 2301424 contains a multilayer pack of piezoceramic plates consisting of three sections. Sections include groups of three plates. The extreme plates in the group are equipped with diametrical groove filled with switching tires. One of the average plates is polarized entirely in thickness, the other two medium plates contain segments, polarized in thickness in opposite directions. Sections with segmented plates are rotated one relative to another 90 ° around the longitudinal axis of the package. The technical result is the expansion of the functionality due to the measurement of vibration discharge in three mutually perpendicular directions.

Patent vibration sensor No. 2331076 contains a piezoceramic tubular rod with electrodes, fixed in the housing by one end based on electrocontacts perpendicular to its surface, and on the other end of the rod, an inertial element made in the form of a mass-structure, which consists of a thin-walled cylinder whose cavity is fixed Filled with a fluid damping medium (for example, low viscosity oil) and single spherical cargoes, with the possibility of their free movement, while spherical cargoes have a different mass. Inside the housing is placed a damping element, which also uses a fluid to be used. The technical result is to expand the measurement range while increasing the sensitivity of the sensor.

The vibration formator for patent No. 2347228 contains a housing with a piezoelectric unit fixed in it, made in the form of a rectangular parallelepiped with a square base and with elements of the charge in the form of electrically conductive surfaces, fixed on its faces and electrically isolated from each other, conductors for removing charges and a dielectric substrate, On which the square base of the piezoelement is installed, the polar axis of which is perpendicular to the plane of its attachment to the substrate. Each conductive surface is made in the form of a plate with protruding on one of its sides beyond the corresponding face of parallelepiped with a petal made of isotropic copper foil and fixed on the edge of the parallelepiped by means of a polymerizable thermosetting conductive material, while each pair of adjacent plates petals are oriented towards different parallelepiped edges. , Each petal is a sparkle for fastening the conductor for removing charges, and the axis of each petal coincides with one of the symmetry planes of the corresponding plate. This design of the converter allows you to display the point of fastening the conductors to the elements of the charge, as the most pronounced voltage hubs, beyond the surfaces of the charge of the sensing element and allows you to implement the technologies for the manufacture of parts and install piezo-potatinet industrially, which minimizes inhomogeneration and mechanical stresses on the edges of the piezoelectric.

A three-component oscillatory acceleration sensor No. 2383025 contains a housing that is rigidly fixed on the base base and is closed with a cap. The housing is made of metal in the form of a triangular pyramid with three orthogonal planes, on each of which the console method is fixed by one sensitive element. Sensitive elements are made in the form of piezoelectric or bimorphic plates.

A device for measuring vibration patent No. 2382368 contains a piezoelectric converter, a tool amplifier and an operational amplifier, the output of which is the output of the device. The outputs of the piezoelectric converter are connected to direct and inverse inputs of the tool amplifier, the first input of the gain of which is connected to the first output of the first resistor. The output of the operating amplifier is connected to its inverse input through the condenser. The inverse input of the operating amplifier is connected through the second resistor with the output of the instrumental amplifier. The direct input of the operating amplifier is connected to the total tire. The device introduced an inductance that is enabled between the second output of the first resistor and the second input of the gain of the tool amplifier, and the third resistor is connected to the condenser in parallel. The direct and inverse inputs of the tool amplifier can be connected to the total tire through the first and second auxiliary resistors.

The essence of the piezoelectric measuring transducer on Patent Patent No. 2400867 is that it contains a piezo-converter and a preamplifier, the first part of the preamp is located in the converter housing and includes the amplification cascade on the field transistor and three resistors. The second part of the preamp is located outside the housing and includes a separation capacitor and a toxostabilizing diode, the cathode of which and the first output of the separation capacitor is connected to the source of the field transistor. The second output of the separation capacitor and the anode of the toxostabilizing diode is connected accordingly with the registrar and power source, the total point of which is connected to the flow of the field transistor. The converter also contains a successively connected first and second diodes. The cathode of the first and anode of the second diodes is connected respectively with the source and flow of the field transistor. Their average point is connected to a field of field transistor, with the first electro of the piezo-converter, the first output of the first resistor, the second output of which is connected to the first conclusions of the second and third resistors. The second output of the second resistor is connected to the source of the field transistor. The second output of the third resistor is connected to the second electrode of the piezo-conveyor and with the flow of field transistor. Technical result: simplification of the electrical circuit, reducing the level of one's own noise and protection against the breakdown of the field transistor.

Patent studies have shown that today there is a sufficiently large number of piezoelectric measurement of vibration measuring, diverse through its device and possessing both advantages and disadvantages.

Thus, the use of sensors to determine vibration based on the use of properties of piezoelectric crystals is quite relevant.

3 Automation of LPDS "Cherkasy"

3.1 Automation of the main pump unit

Automation of the pumping station includes control of trunk pump units in start-stop modes, automatic control, protection and signaling of pumping units and as a whole station controlled parameters, automatic stop-stop, control, protection, and alarm in the auxiliary settings of pumping stations.

The pumping unit control system operates in remote control modes, software starts for pumps, program stopping pumps and emergency stops.

In the remote control modes from the operator's shield, the operator is running the launch of the oil pump, the pump ventilation control, controlling the opening and closing valves on the suction and injection lines of the main pumping units.

In software start mode and stop MNA, all startup operations are automatically produced. The start of the electric motor depends on its type (synchronous or asynchronous) and is carried out by starting stations.

In general, the launch of the main pump unit is quite simple. When set by an electric motor of the nominal number of revolutions, suction and discharge valves open, and the unit enters into operation. The oil supply system at the modern pumping station is centralized, common to all units, which eliminates the control of pumps of the oil system and seals when starting-stopping the aggregate.

For pumping LPDS, the software launch of MNA has important. Available various schemes running pumps depending on the characteristics of pumps, power supply schemes and other factors. Sequential opening programs for valves and launch of the main unit of the unit are distinguished.

The aggregates translated into the backup position for the AVR system may also be included in the program at which both valves are opened in advance when switching the unit to the reserve, and the main electric motor is started when the working unit is turned off and the AVR system is turned off. This unit for inclusion of the unit is the best from the point of view of the hydraulic conditions of the main pipeline, since with such a switching of pressure aggregates on the suction and injection of the station, the station varies very slightly and the linear part of the main pipeline is practically not experiencing any loads due to pressure waves.

The shutdown program of the unit usually provides for the simultaneous shutdown of the main electric motor and the inclusion of both valves for closing. At the same time, the command for closing the valves is usually given a short pulse (Figure 3.1).

Protection of the pump unit according to the parameters of the flowable fluid is provided by pressure sensors 1-1, 1-2, 7-1, 7-2 (sapphire-22mt) controlling the pressure in the suction and injection pipelines. Sensors 1-1, 1-2 installed on the suction pipeline at the input valve, adjust pressure, which characterizes the cavitation pump mode. Protection for minimal suction pressure is carried out with a time delay, thereby eliminating the reaction to short-term pressure reduction when pumping and passing through the pipeline of small aerial traffic. Sensors 7-1, 7-2, installed on a discharge pipeline in output valves carry out the maximum pressure pressure. The maximum contact of the sensor 7-1 gives a signal to the aggregate control circuit, interrupting the startup process in case of exceeding the allowable pressure after opening the valve. Maximum sensor contact 7-1 provides automatic units stop if the signal in the unit control circuit is interrupting the startup process in case of exceedable pressure after opening

the startup process in case of exceeding the allowable pressure after opening the valve.

The maximum sensor contact 7-1 provides an automatic stop of the unit, if the pressure in the injection pipeline exceeds the equipment, reinforcement and pipelines permissible under the conditions of the mechanical strength.

In operation there are cases of a pump with a very small feed, which is accompanied by a rapid increase in fluid temperature in the pump housing, which is unacceptable.

Protection against increasing oil temperature in the pump housing is provided by the thermal converter of resistance 9 installed on the pump housing. Violation of the tightness of the pump shaft sealing devices requires immediate stopping of the aggregate. Leak control is reduced to level control in the chamber, through which leaks are discharged. Excess permissible level is fixed by the level 3-1.

Protection against exceeding the bearing temperature 2-1, 2-2, 2-3, 2-4 is carried out by the thermocoupleholder of the resistance of the TCMT type. The operator is triggered by alarm, and the unit is turned off by protection by means of a control signal from the controller.

Protection against increasing the temperature of the stator core windings is carried out by a resistance thermometer 10 TPP-P.-1. Control of air temperature in the motor housing is carried out and signal from the control signal from the controller.

The pressure in the systems of the sealing liquid and the circulation lubrication of the bearings of the pump and the electric motor is controlled by the Sapphire-22MT pressure sensor and the controller.

Vibrating signaling equipment 4-1, 4-2, 4-3, 4-4 controls the vibration of the pump bearings and the electric motor, and when it is increased to unacceptable values, turns off the unit.

Table 3.1 - List of selected MNA equipment





Sapphire-22MT pressure sensor

Manometer showing type ECM

Thermal converter resistance

platinum type TSP100

OMYEV 05-1 type warning

Vibration control equipment


The emergency stop of the unit occurs when appliances and protection devices are triggered. Emergency stops are distinguished that allow the re-launch of the unit and not allowing it. In the latter case, the reason that caused the stop is established and eliminates, and only after that it becomes possible to restart the unit. A stop with a resolution of the retrain occurs when the start-up start, that is, if the stop occurred due to the temperature of the product in the pump housing. Emergency stop with the prohibition of re-starting the unit occurs under the following parameters: increasing the temperature of the bearing of the electric motor, pump and intermediate shaft; increased vibration of the aggregate; an increase in leakage from the pump shaft seals; Increasing the temperature of the cooling air at the entrance to the electric motor; increase the difference in the temperature of the incoming and outgoing air cooling the electric motor; The operation of electrical protection devices.

The sequence of operations when stopping the units across the protective automation signals does not differ from the sequence at normal program stop.

In general, the pumping station also has a system of warning alarm and emergency protection the following parameters: The emergence of a fire, flooding pumping, unacceptable pressure on suction and discharge lines, etc.

The automatic stop of the station aggregates occurs sequentially according to the program, except for the case of triggering protection for gas supply. With an increased concentration of oil vapor in the pump room, it takes place simultaneously disabling all consumers of electricity, except fans and control devices. In the pump station automation scheme, fire hazard protection is provided (sensors react to the appearance of smoke, flame or high temperature indoors are installed, while they are turned off all electricity consumption without exception.

The list of devices used to automate the main pump unit is shown in Table 3.2.

Table 3.2 - Instruments used to automate MNA



Conditioning condition


Exceeding the temperature of the front bearings of the pump

Reducing the revolutions of Ed.

Excess the temperature of the rear bearings of the pump

Reducing the revolutions of Ed.

Excess oil product temperature in pump housing

Reducing the revolutions of Ed.

Exceeding the temperature of the front bearings of Ed

Reducing the revolutions of Ed.

Excess the temperature of the stator core windings

Reducing the revolutions of Ed.

Exceeding the rear bearing temperatures of Ed

Reducing the revolutions of Ed.

Exceeding the vibration of the front bearings Ed

Reducing the revolutions of Ed.

excess vibration rear bearings Ed

Reducing the revolutions of Ed.

excess vibration rear pump bearings

Reducing the revolutions of Ed.

excess vibration of the front bearings of the pump

Reducing the revolutions of Ed.

3.2 Anti-emergency protection system

Reliability of the functioning of safety systems of hazardous industrial facilities is entirely depends on the state of electronic and programmable electronic systemsSafety related. These systems are called anti-emergency protection system (grooves). Such systems should be able to maintain their performance even in the event of a refusal of other functions of the TP of the oil pumping station.

Consider the main tasks imposed on such systems:

Prevent accidents and minimizing the consequences of accidents;

Blocking (preventing) of intentional or unsighted intervention in the technology of an object that can lead to development dangerous situation and initiate the triggering of the groove.

For some defense, the presence of a delay between the alarm detection and protective disconnection. Turning off the main consignments, closing the valves of the connection of the NPC to the MN.

The pump unit is continuously controlled by a number of technological parameters, the alarms of which require disconnection and blocking the operation of the unit. Depending on the parameter or conditions for which the protection has worked, it can be performed:

Disconnecting the electric motor;

Closing aggregate valves;

Starting a backup unit.

For all protection parameters, a test mode is provided. In the test mode, the defense flag is set, the protection in the array of protection and the message is transmitted to the operator, but the control influence on the technological equipment is not formed.

Depending on how the controlled parameter is triggered by the generalization protection associated with the disconnection of pumping units, the system must be carried out:

Disabling one of the working MNA, the first in the course of the oil;

Simultaneous or alternate disabling all working MNA;

Simultaneous disconnection of all operating pn;

Closing the valves of the connection of the NPC;

Closing valves of FSU;

Disabling certain auxiliary systems;

Enable light and sound alarm devices.

The aggregate protection of the MNA and the PNA should provide its trouble-free operation and shutdown when the controlled parameters exit for the established limits.

The algorithmic content of the functions of the groove is to implement the following condition: when the values \u200b\u200bof certain technological parameters are released, characterizing the state of the process or equipment, for the set (permissible) limits should be shutdown (stop) of the appropriate unit or the entire station.

The input information for the emergency protection functions group contains signals about the current values \u200b\u200bof the controlled technological parameters entering the logical blocks (programmable controllers) from the corresponding primary measuring transducers, and digital data on the permissible limit values \u200b\u200bof these parameters entering controllers from the WPC operator console. The output of the anti-emergency protection functions is represented by a set of control signals sent by controllers to the executive bodies of protection systems.

The presence of feedback greatly simplifies the process of developing processor target tasks and user applications. On the other hand, this increases the invariance of the reaction of logical and computing algorithms on the test effect, carried out when checking the anti-emergency protection.

Such a check can not guarantee the repeatability of test results, since the state of memory of the processor under the control of feedback under all the same testing conditions will not be equally at different points in time.

3.3 ACS TP based on Modicon TSX QUANTUM Controllers

Automated control system technological processes (ACS TP) Oil Penciping Stations is based on a series of programmable controllers Modicon TSX Quantum, which is a good solution for management tasks based on high-performance programmable controllers. Quantum based system combines compactness, ensuring the efficiency and reliability of the installation, even in the most complex industrial conditions. At the same time, Quantum systems are easy to install and configuration, have a wide range of applications, which provides a lower cost compared to other solutions. Support for established products through the sharing of old technologies and this newest management platform is also provided. The design of the programmable MODICON TSX Quantum controllers allows you to save space in the shield. With a depth of just 4 inches (including screen), these controllers do not require large shields; They are placed in a standard 6-inch electrical cabinet, which allows you to save up to 50% of the cost of conventional control panels. Despite small sizes, Quantum controllers support a high level of performance and reliability. Management systems that use programmable MODICON TSX Quantum series controllers support various options Solutions from a single input / output / output panel (up to 448 input / outputs) to redundant processors with an extended I / O system with an input / output lines to 64,000, defined in accordance with the needs. In addition, the amount of memory from 256 KB to 2 MB is sufficient for the most complex control circuits. Through the use of advanced processor devices based on Intel chip, the speed of the Quantum series controllers and the I / O bandwidth is sufficient to meet the harsh speed requirements. These controllers also use high-performance mathematical coprocessors to ensure the best velocity of the algorithms and mathematical calculations necessary to ensure the continuity and quality of the managed process.

The combination of performance, flexibility and extensibility makes the QUANTUM series the best solution for the most complex applications and at the same time quite economical for simpler automation tasks. The ability to connect to the networks of the enterprise and the field bus is implemented for eight types of networks from Ethernet to Interbus-S.

Quantum supports five programming languages \u200b\u200bcorresponding to the IEC 1131-3 standard. In addition to these languages, Quantum controllers can perform programs written in the Modicon 984 relay-contact schemes, in the Modicon state language and in special languages \u200b\u200bfor specific applications developed by other firms.

In addition to the IEC languages, Quantum uses the advantages of an improved set of instructions 984 to perform on QUANTUM controllers written in MODSOFT or translated with SY / MATE. To the Quantum controller, it is possible to connect the Ethernet, Modbus and Modbus Plus Communications Main Networks.

No systemic architecture meets the needs of the modern control system market as a series of programmable MODICON TSX Quantum controllers. It is an alternative system in which the input / output nodes are separated by size, are spatially distributed and configured to reduce the cost of cables connecting the I / O nodes with sensors and actuating devices. The Quantum controller has the flexibility that allows you to combine local, remote, distributed input / output, peer configurations in configurations, peer configurations, as well as connecting to the I / O Field Tires. Such flexibility makes a Quantum a unique solution that can satisfy all automation needs. Using only one series of I / O modules, the Quantum system can be configured under all architectures and, thus, is suitable for controlling continuous processes, managing equipment or distributed control.

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