Parallel and consistent compound of heating radiators. Basic schemes for connecting heating radiators

Comfort, comfort and comfort again. This thought all the time accompanies us when it comes to living in the house. Agree - who does not want to always be comfortable and comfortable in the house? There are no such. And now the second question - what is the quality of accommodation depend on? There are many criteria, but one interests us first - it's warm in the house. It is provided by a competently created heating system, where the connection of radiators is plays an important role.

  • One-tube.
  • Two-pipe.

What do they differ from each other? The number of contours, and, accordingly, the volume of materials used.

One-pipe scheme

In fact, this is a ring of pipes, where the center is the heating boiler. This is the most simple scheme wiring that is best used in one-storey buildings where the system is applied natural circulation coolant. Or in multi-storey buildings with forced circulation.

Let's say right - this scheme is not the best, although very economical in terms of materials spent for its construction. But she has one big drawback - the inability to adjust the flow of heat. Installing some controlling probes in such a scheme problematic. Therefore, in homes where one-tube decoupling scheme is mounted, the thermal return indicator is designed. That is why it is important to correctly calculate this indicator.

Attention! One-tube heating admits only sequential connection radiators. That is, the coolant passes all radiators one by one, giving heat. And the further the device is located in the chain, the less heat it gets.

Two-pipe scheme

This scheme contains two contours - feed and reverse. In the first contour, the coolant enters the heating radiators (aluminum, bimetallic, cast iron or steel), and on the second it is allocated to the boiler. But what is surprising, the coolant is evenly distributed across all the batteries, which is a huge advantage of this connection scheme.

An important moment - with a two-pipe connection the ability to adjust the temperature in each separate radiator by opening or closing the passage to it. A conventional cutting valve is installed here, which allows you to increase or decrease the volume of the coolant in each battery.

Place Installation

It would seem that the place of installation of the heating radiator has long been determined. After all, its main function is the return of heat. But let's look wider on the task. Installation of radiators is serious. With their help, it is necessary to create certain temperature standards that will affect optimal mode in the apartment. So, they are best installed under the windows, where the cold air penetrates, or about entrance doors. That is, cut off the cold air zone is another task.

And again arises "but". Just to take and install the heating radiator under the window - it is half an end. There are certain norms that need to be taken into account. The correct connection of the heating radiator depends largely from these norms.

What do they turn on to themselves?

  • First, any batteries are aluminum, bimetallic, steel or cast-iron - should be mounted horizontally. A small deviation of 1 degrees is permissible, but it is better to set the devices exactly horizontally.
  • Secondly, the distance from the radiator to the window sill must be within 10-15 cm.
  • Almost the same distance should be from the floor to the battery.
  • From the wall to the radiator, it should not exceed 5 cm.

It is these norms that determine the most correct and efficient heat transfer of heating devices. Therefore, take them as a guide to action.

Ways to connect heating radiators

Now you can go to the main topic and consider the connection of heating radiators directly. There are three ways to connect the heating batteries correctly.

Method number 1 - lateral connection

Side connection radiators

The most common type of connection when it comes to the heating system in an urban apartment. IN apartment houses Pipe junction is configured vertically from the apartment to the apartment on the floors. Therefore, the vertical contours of the feed and returns are called risers.

These batteries are connected on the side, hence the name. Most often, the connection is carried out according to the scheme:

  1. Feed - to the upper nozzle.
  2. The return is in the bottom.

Although it is not so important if the question affects the scheme with the forced circulation of the coolant. True, experts argue that this scheme was not chosen in vain. If you change the batteries in places, then efficiency and coefficient useful action The heating device is reduced by 7%. This is a significant indicator, so it will have to be taken into account when the radiators are turned on into the heating system of the house. In the heating system there are no unimportant indicators or moments. A small deviation from the norm can lead to sufficiently serious losses and warm, and in fuel, and, accordingly, in the money.

And one moment. If the number of sections in the rhymer battery does not exceed 12 pieces, then side connection The heating system is optimal. If the number of sections is more, then applied diagonal connectionwhich is also called cross.

Method number 2 - Diagonal connection

Diagonal connection

Experts believe that the diagonal connection is ideal. For this, the heating contours are connected as follows:

  • Feed - to the upper battery pipe.
  • The return is to the bottom, but from the opposite side of the device.

That is, both contours are connected to each other through the radiator by diagonal. Hence the name. The advantage of this compound is that the coolant inside the radiator is distributed evenly, due to which the heat returns across the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe instrument. It is in this way that the substantial fuel economy is achieved.

METHOD №3 - Lower connection

This way to connect rhymer radiators to the heating system is extremely rare. FROM lower connection Many problems, and especially this concerns the uniform distribution of the coolant for all radiators. This species is used in a single-tube connection scheme, where radiators are set sequentially, and the coolant moves along a chain from one to another.

Lower connection of the radiator

By the way, the Leningradka scheme is one of the most common, if we talk about heating one-storey house. In essence, it is a sloped tube into which radiators are embedded. Connect them is quite simple - for this, pipes are discharged from the lower nozzles, which are crashed into the contour itself. It turns out that the coolant, moving in the circuit along a closed cycle, enters each radiator. But at the same time, the farther the heating device is located in the direction of movement. hot water, the less he gets warm.

What to do? There are two solutions to this problem:

  1. Increase the number of radiators sections located in the long-distance boiler rooms.
  2. Set circulation pumpwhich will create a small pressure inside the heating. It is it that will allow evenly distributing hot water around the premises.

By the way, the circulation pump immediately makes the system with volatile. This has its own minus. The fact is that the disconnection of electricity in many country villages is the usual matter. So the problem with the bottom connection remains. But that the coolant movement is effective even when the pump is turned off, it is necessary to take care of the bypass installation.

Conclusion on the topic

So, you were able to make sure that the connection of radiators (rhyphar and other types) is not easy and very serious. It is believed that in urban apartments the optimal option is a side connection. If it comes to private housekeeping, then diagonal scheme will suit the best thing. With the bottom connection too many problems. In addition, practice and testing have shown that this option is an incorrect approach to the organization mounting process It has too large thermal losses - up to 40%.

Depending on the planning, apartment area, the method of feeding the coolant and other parameters, the methods of connecting the heating devices may vary. Moreover, these differences are quite significant and significantly influence the total heat transfer of the entire system. With the unsuccessful installation of heat leakage, there may be up to 30 percent, and the consumer, ultimately, will pay for heat that does not receive. That is why it is not necessary to rely on the advice of neighbors and familiar in the matter of ensuring the warmth of their housing, it is advisable to independently understand all the nuances of such works or entrust it to those skilled in the art.

Factors affecting the effectiveness of the heating system

Before proceeding with the design of the system, the acquisition of batteries and necessary suppliesIt is necessary to consider the nuances that will largely affect the choice of one or another solution and help correctly connect radiators.

  1. 1. Number and location of risers from the highway central heating.
  2. 2. Places of location, size and amount of heating devices in the apartment.
  3. 3. The connection method, from which the final number of purchased pipes and fittings will depend on the installation.

A variety of radiators, usually aluminum, differing in many parameters, makes even a sophisticated buyer. Therefore, in the matter of choice, it is necessary to adhere to some of the fundamental rules. First, the connection method will depend on which coolant supply scheme is used in the household house. If every riser has only one pipe, then the connection will definitely be one-tube. If there are two pipelines in stock, then in the forces of the owner, if you wish, to connect both by one-tube and two-pipe schemes.

The second thing to pay attention to is to output holes in the radiator. The overwhelming majority of the devices used have their side location. If the apartment is planned to implement some designer solutionwhich can visually damage little aesthetic conclusions on the side of the heating device, will rationally be purchased the batteries with the lower connection. At the same time, pipelines can be hidden under the floor or spend on floor coating, minimizing the unwanted visual effect.

When planning the quantity and size of radiators, it is necessary to take into account that the weighted average rate of heat transfer from them according to existing rules must be at least 100 W on square meter premises. IN northern regionswhere temperature ambient In the cold season, it is lowered up to minus 40 degrees, it is necessary to increase this indicator twice. Generation of thermal energy various types The batteries are indicated in the product documentation.

Placing places for fastening devices, you need to follow the following rules:

  1. 1. The main locations are under the windows, in the corners of the room that go to outdoor Total houses, in storage rooms, in the entrances.
  2. 2. The distance from the wall to the heating device is at least 3 cm. otherwise flow warm air From the back of the battery will be lingering, which will reduce the effectiveness of heating.
  3. 3. The distance from the floor to the instrument is 6 cm and more. This will ensure the timely intake of cold air in the process of its convection in the room.
  4. 4. To the windowsill, it is necessary to leave a gap at least 5 cm.
  5. 5. For a better effect, it is advisable to place the heat-reflecting material for the heating device - the isospan, the foam or their analogue.
  6. 6. Place radiators from the bottom of the window opening so that the axis passing through the middle of the window coincided with the middle of the device.

Observing these rules, you can achieve the maximum thermal efficiency of the heating system of the entire apartment, which will ensure comfortable accommodation in any season.

One-pipe scheme

It is the most common in municipal houses due to the essential savings of consumables and the simplicity of installation. However, this connection option has several serious flaws, and the choice of such a scheme is recommended only if there is only one pipeline in the apartment that does not allow you to organize the connection of heating radiators otherwise.

A single-tube scheme involves alternately supplying hot heat carrier from one radiator to another, which is why the main minus of such a system is a gradual decrease in temperature as it removes from the feeding. That is, hot water coming from the central heating system, hitting the first radiator, and heating it, cools. And the second battery is already fed with insufficient temperature for complete heating. Therefore, it is recommended to choose this method for small rooms with one or two radiators with the number of sections of no more than 8.

The second disadvantage of the scheme with one pipeline is the impossibility of installing thermostatic devices for each battery. With a decrease in the supply of the coolant on one instrument, its intensity will decrease in the entire highway. For this reason, this scheme is advisable to use in utility houses with apartments having small rooms with one radiator, and the lower the floor, the large quantity It should have sections, since when the coolant movement is moving upwards it cools. In this case, the total length of the pipeline must not exceed 30 meters and have no more than five radiators.

A single-tube system can be implemented by the side, lower and diagonal connection method. If there is one radiator on the line, the connection will be one-sided side or lower. In this case, it is recommended to use bypass - the jumper between the feed and removal pipes and the cranes for repair or replacing the battery in the event of a malfunction. If there are two or more heating devices in the highway, it is advisable to select a diagonal diagram when the feed pipe is connected to the upper side input of the battery, and the output to the bottom on the opposite side of the device. Then the output tube is connected to the upper connector. next battery etc.

Dual Type Heating Scheme

It allows the method of connecting to two pipelines to more efficiently realize the possibilities of central heating in the apartment. In this case, 2 pipes are used to feed and remove the coolant. Thanks to this, hot water enters heating devices At the same time, with equal temperature, so all batteries are heated equally, regardless of the location and number of sections. Despite a somewhat greater consumption of materials, compared to one-tube, has a number of explicit advantages:

  1. 1. The same heating of all heating devices in the apartment.
  2. 2. The ability to adjust the temperature of each individual instrument.
  3. 3. Simple repair or replacement of the radiator in the event of a breakdown.
  4. 4. Smaller pipe diameter compared to a single-tube wiring, which reduces the difference in the cost almost to zero.

Similar to the above-described connection method with one pipe, two-pipe system Also implemented in several ways - diagonally, side (one-sided) or lower way. It is the most effective that the diagonal connection is considered, in which heat loss is minimal, it is during installation in such a way that manufacturers experience their products on heat transfer.

Side unilateral connection

Used when connecting one heating device to the riser of the heating system. Then the pipe feed water is connected to the upper hole of the radiator, and the output tube (reverse) - with the bottom on the same side. The scheme is widely used in apartment buildings of large and medium storeys, when the coolant is served vertically on several risers in each room. In this case, you also need to use bypass and overlapping cranes for safe operation Total riser if the battery is replaced.

It is worth noting that one-sided side connection is effectively only with a small length. heating deviceThe number of sections should not exceed 10-12. Otherwise, the hot heat carrier inside the radiator will move along the shortest path and the side of the battery, reverse connection, will warmly warm. It also concerns one-pipe scheme Connections.

Diagonal connection method with a two-pipe scheme

This type of connection is the most rational. The heat loss in this case is minimal, and the battery heating occurs evenly in all sections, so you can use radiators with large numbers. Need to remember what more sections In the device, the larger diameter There must be a feeding and discharge pipe.

Depending on the specific situation The diagonal layout is implemented in two ways:

  1. 1. Hot water is supplied to the upper hole of the radiator with one of the sides and, passing all the sections of the heating device, is displayed from the lower opening from the opposite side.
  2. 2. The coolant enters through the bottom inlet and goes through the top, from the opposite side.

Diagonal method Connections are implemented in any apartment with the presence of feed and reducing pipelines in the riser, but it must be remembered that according to the law, there is a restriction on the number of heating devices sections, and their excessive increase may result in a fine, disassembly and alignment with the norms.

Features of the lower connection

The bottom, it is also called the saddle, the connection is characterized by the lowest heat transfer coefficient and is used only when apparently needed, usually in order to conceal pipelines under the floor. Depending on the constructive features The radiators used are distinguished:

Comfortable living conditions in a country cottage cannot be created without a high-quality heating system. It should be quite effective and economical to during the heating period in residential roomsah was warm, and energy expenses did not go too high. To achieve this, you need to choose the right view of the heating system, and then pick up the most suitable option Connecting heating radiators in a private house.

Types of heating systems

The heating system in a private house can be:



Aerial system

This option Functions without coolant. Air in the house warms up directly from heating devices - furnaces or convectors. With such a system, heating radiators are not used. Air heating is convenient for compact heating country houses. For large cottages, it is extremely rare.

Electrical system

In such a system, heat is transmitted through current conductors. There is an electric warm floor on this principle. Heated with electrical system May be comfortable enough. But its arrangement requires increased attention to safety rules, and during operation he is expensive to owners at home.

Water system

The type of heating system at which heat is transmitted by water (sometimes steam) as a coolant. The coolant comes from the heating device through pipes into heating radiators. This option is considered the most convenient and practical. Most often in country houses, heating is shutd up in this way.

Types of heating boilers

The central element of the heating system is the boiler - the heating device in which the coolant reaches the desired temperature. The heating circuit in a private house depends largely on what kind of boiler is used in it.

By appointment, boilers are divided into two-circuit and one-connecting. The first option is the equipment, intended for heating, and for water heating. A single-mounted boiler warms only a heating coolant. By the installation method, they are divided into outdoor and wall.

The boilers differ and the type of fuel, with which the coolant is heated. There are boilers of the following types:

  • electrical;

    solid fuel;

    liquid fuel;


For the operation of solid fuel boilers, coal, firewood, less often peat and other variants of solid combustible materials are used. As liquid fuel For boilers of the appropriate type, diesel or waste oils are used.

Most country cottages heated gas boilers. In non-gasified localities, heating is often used using electricity. Completely independent of communication networks are solid fuel and liquid boilers. The first option is more attractive in that it needs traditional firewood and coal, and not dangerous combustible fluids.

The most prudent homeowners are installed in their homes combined boilersdesigned to work on different types of fuel. For example, you can install an electrocoon, complemented by the combustion chamber for solid fuelSo that in the event of damage to the power grid to the wood heating.

Double-circuit boilers that provide a dwelling with heat and warm water, it is predominantly gas devices. They are universal, as they deliver homeowners from the need to buy and install a separate water heating boiler.

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Device of heating radiator

The heating radiator consists of several heat exchange sections. The more sections, those, respectively, above the battery power. There are such models of radiators that can be "to grow" with new sections if necessary during operation.

Through all sections passes one collector at the top and one in the bottom. Each section has a vertical channel connecting the upper and lower collector. This applies to all sections, including extreme. Therefore, the radiator has 4 outputs, but only two of them are used. One connects to the pipe supply pipe, and the second serves to remove the cooled water back to the boiler. Unused outputs are closed with plugs. So the most radiators are arranged.

Types of pipe system

In the system of the heating system, a fundamental value of the supply of the coolant and the release of "returns" has a fundamental value. It depends on the direction of the coolant and from the type of pipe system.

Single pipe system

This is a simplified version of the recovery of heating in the cottage. This option is quite economical, as it requires less pipes for wiring and is carried out with less labor costs mounting work. The system is a chain of radiators connected by one pipe. The coolant heated in the boiler comes alternately into each radiator, flowing from one to another. That is, the "return" from one battery becomes the feed for the next, etc.

A single-pipe scheme for connecting heating radiators in a private house has one significant drawback - with it, radiators are heated unevenly. The hottest radiator will always be the hotter, and then the temperature will gradually decrease on the battery to the battery. Therefore, it is impossible to maintain the same temperature in all rooms by having one-tube heating.

With certain features of the planning, a single-tube system can be quite suitable. So if in small house The chain of radiators will begin with residential rooms and end technical premisesThis option may be optimal. But in spacious cottages it is better to install two-pipe heating.

Two-pipe system

More expensive in arrangement, but simple and easy-to-use option. In this system, two pipe lines are functioning simultaneously. The first serves hot water to each battery. That is, there is one pipe with an approach to each radiator. The coolant before getting into the radiator, regardless of its location in the chain, does not enter the adjacent radiators, but there is directly. The second pipe collects a reverse from all radiators and delivers it to the heating manifold.

The advantages of the bottom type of wiring is that in all points of heat exchange, almost one temperature is achieved. Such a system is better adjustable and ensures uniform heating of the entire building.

Raewi (collector) system

Collector Scheme is an option two-pipe connectionsBut with a more complex layout. Applied in cases where you need to hide pipes, for example under outdoor coating. In this case, two collectors are equipped - under the feed and under the return, and one pipe is stretched from each radiator to the first collector, and another one in the second.

In some connection schemes, two types of system are used. The entire house can be heated on a two-pipe principle, but for a separate section, such as a veranda or large living room, a bunch of several radiators along a single-pipe principle is used. When developing a two-rowing diagram of connecting heating batteries in a private house, the main thing is not to get confused in the feed and return collectors.

Diagram of connecting radiators to the heating system

The coolant moves through the pipes and battery channels thanks to two factors. The first is the desire of fluid to fill the voids. With absence aerial traffic A natural dynamic pressure of the coolant is created. The second factor is the flow of streams different temperatures. Hot water tends to upwards to the bottom stream cold.

Diagonal top connection

The diagonal connection of radiators with an upper feed allows you to equip the most efficient heating of the premises. Hot water is supplied to the top input, inside it spreads across sections, and cooling down, lowers down, after which it is supplied to the bottom input to the repetition manifold, located on the other side of the radiator.

Bilateral lower connection

The feed is carried out in the lower entry on one side, and the reverse is from the bottom input from the other side of the battery. Efficiency in this case is lower than in the previous embodiment. But such a connection allows you to maximize the pipes.

One-sided lower top connection

Used mainly in multi-storey houses. In cottages in 2 or 3 floors with single-pipe heating Also sometimes applied. The difference between the lower and the upper connection is that in the first case, hot water is fed to the bottom input, and is displayed under pressure through the upper input, and in the second case, it happens on the contrary. In both cases, the plant and the removal of the coolant is located on the one hand. It is worth noting that of all existing options The unilateral lower connection is the most ineffective.

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Which radiators connecting the radiators

Other options

Theoretically, you can also apply a diagonal connection with the feed from below or a two-way connection with the supply from above. These two options will also work if everything is done correctly. However, the functioning of the system will be very difficult due to the intersection of flows. Therefore, it is better not to experiment and take a diagonal top connection or two-way lower.

Location of radiators

For high-quality cottage heating, it is necessary not only to competently choose a heating scheme, but also correctly position the batteries in the premises. Installation of heating batteries in a private house is carried out on the basis of calculations made by experts. The number of radiators and sections for each radiator is determined taking into account various factors:

    the volume of rooms;

    level of heat loss of the building;

    radiator ripple circuit;

    which height will be installed batteries, and much more.

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Usually radiators are located under the windows. This creates a cold flow barrier to the window. In addition, the air coming from the window opening is "dried" with heat from the radiator, as a result, condensate is not going to the surfaces in the room. The battery should be a bit already the window, and it is necessary to have it in the center relative to the window opening.

The radiator should not adjust the upper part to the windowsill, since the process of heat distribution is complicated. From the floor to the lower level of the battery should be about 100 mm. Higher location will lead to the fact that the air directly above the floor will warmly warm. If installing radiators too low, they will be difficult to remove the accumulative dust.

When planning the installation of the batteries, it is necessary to take into account the features of the wall. Modern batteries are not very heavy, but in some cases the characteristics of the wall require an increase in the surface to be mounted bracket for heating elements.

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Installation of heating radiators

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The process of calculating, designing and installing the heating system can be trusted only by qualified specialists. But the very simple rules Connections of radiators should know every home owner. Effective Connection and Location Principle heating equipment - This is a guarantee that the house will always reign a favorable and comfortable microclimate.

The maximum return from the heating system in a private house will be if the owner chooses the optimally suitable radiators suitable and other characteristics, connect them to the correctly compiled scheme, and will ensure the appropriate operation and maintenance of the entire system. Developed by specialists schemes in a private house are directed to the selection optimal option Installation for any architectural solutions housing. General scheme pipe wiring and connecting heating devices, boiler and shut-off reinforcement For a single or two-story building may look like this:

Features of the installation of heating radiators

Everyone a private house - the structure is individual and unique, therefore specific scheme Connecting heating batteries in a private house is compiled, based on the realities of housing and its architecture. Installation impairment can lead to the fact that radiators will warm up uneven, air traffic jams will occur, the coolant movement will be difficult, and the efficiency of the boiler and energy consumption will be minimized.

The scheme can be made on your own, having at least some experience of home and construction workBut easier and more efficient to contact the appropriate company, providing organizations to take responsibility for the quality work of heating in your home. Working out and implementing a pipe wiring and installation scheme of all communications, you need to pay attention to such items:

  1. Check the matching of theoretical installation of pipes and radiators to the real characteristics of purchased instruments and materials, using calculations of similar schemes;
  2. Provide the correct and consistent connection of the component systems - these are pipes, a shut-off, controlling and regulating reinforcement, heating boiler and pumps;
  3. Choose materials, nodes and parts, best suitable for the selected scheme.

The next step is the choice of placement location and radiators connection scheme according to the existing SNiP:

  1. Between the floor and the lower edge of the battery should be a distance of ≥ 10-12 cm;
  2. Between the windowsill and the upper edge of the heating battery should be a distance of ≥ 8-10 cm;
  3. There should be a distance of ≥ 2 cm between the rear wall of the radiator and the wall of the house;
  4. It is undesirable to have radiators in niches or close their decorative screens.

IMPORTANT: If neglected by these simple rulesThe coefficient of heat recovery radiator will significantly decrease significantly, causing disorders in the work of the entire heating system.

Optimal place To install radiators in any room - under the window, and if there is no window - next to the door. That is, the heat source must stop outgoing cold air flows. If there are several windows in the room, then, if possible, radiators are recommended to be located under each window, connecting them sequentially. If the angular room, then several radiators should also be installed several. Such a system for connecting heating in a private house will not be much more expensive, but will provide a warmth any, even unsuitable for heating the room.

Modern heating schemes imply that each radiator has the option manual or automatic heating adjustment - valve or valves, automatic thermostators. These mechanisms allow you to adjust the heat transfer separately with the radiator in manual or automatic mode.

Types of pipe wiring

Connect batteries or radiators It is recommended in one of two options - it is a single-circuit (single-tube) and a double-circuit (two-pipe) diagram of connecting radiators. Heating for one contour is common in high-rise buildings, since in them hot water is first fed up, and after bypassing all radiators, it is supplied to the boiler through the feed feed pipe (reverse). Such a solution does not oblige the use of the circulation pump, since the water when applying from above itself creates pressure to advance the coolant. If the boiler is below the top floor, then the circulation pump must be connected.

Advantages of the pipe wiring single-circuit scheme:

  1. Cheap parts and scheme nodes, low labor costs, not a large number of materials used;
  2. Simple installation and maintenance of the system;
  3. The ability to combine with other heating systems - "warm floor" and non-standard heating devices - registers or homemade batteries;
  4. Installation in rooms with any architecture and geometry;
  5. Aesthetic minimalism in design.


  1. Complex hydraulic and thermal calculations;
  2. Pressure and heat transfer on a separate radiator can be adjusted, but at the same time changes in the heat transfer will affect other heating devices;
  3. The need to create high pressure In pipes - natural or compulsory way.

Important: When operating a single-circuit system, there are sometimes difficulties with free with hot water or antifreeze circulation, which are completely solved by inclusion in the pump circuit forced circulation coolant.

Connecting batteries for two pipes house is based on the principle of parallel connecting all batteries in the house. Thus, the feed tube is structurally not connected to the feed supply of cooled water into the system, and together the pipes are combined only at the end point.

The advantages of the two-circuit scheme:

  1. It is possible to install automatic thermostators for each radiator;
  2. Convenient maintenance and good maintainability of the system - any work can be carried out on the local area, without turning off all heating in the house;


  1. Installation of a two-pipe circuit is more expensive, the assembly time and setting of all elements and nodes is higher than that of the single-circuit of the heating.

Decisions on the connection of radiators

In addition to existing and tested solutions for pipe wiring options for heating, several working circuits are developed and implemented, how to properly turn on the radiators into the circuit. These are the following solutions:

Side or unilateral connection of radiators in the system: feed pipe with hot water And the reverse stroke tube of the coolant is connected on one side of the radiator. Such a connection solves the problem of the same heating of each section of the radiator, the cost of purchasing nodes and parts is minimal, the volume of the coolant in the system also strives to a minimum. Such a scheme is often used in high-rise buildings, where there is always a large number of batteries or radiators. If the radiator in the lateral diagram is multisective, then the long-range sections will warm up much weaker, therefore the optimal number of sections for any variant of the radiator or battery is 12. If such a solution is not suitable, it is better to turn on the device on a different scheme - with a lower or diagonal connection.

The diagonal or cross connection is suitable for heating devices with a number of sections greater than 12. Diagonal scheme It is called because the feed pipe is supplied from above, and the feed feed pipe is from the bottom, and both pipes are from the opposite ends of the battery. Here, the feed pipe is the same as in the previous connection scheme, it is connected from above, and the reverse tube is from the bottom, but they are summed up from opposite sides of the heating battery. When organizing such a connection, the device warms up in all sections evenly, which increases the return of heat throughout the system.

Lower connection or "Leningradka" is suitable for heating systems SO hidden pipes - in the walls or under the floors. Both pipes - and undermining, and the return - connect to the radiator from below, to the opposite sections on the radiator. The disadvantage of such a scheme is one - high heat losses that can reach 12-14%. Minimize heat leakage can be included in the air valves scheme that will remove air from pipes, increasing thermal power Radiator. In order for the radiator with such a connection to be repaired and servicing, the feed and reverse is equipped with special valves, and for regulation, an automatic thermostat that is crashed into the coolant feed pipe.

Installation of radiators

The heating system in his home can be developed and connected on its own without spending the services of professionals. Moreover, the connection schemes are simple and do not require the use of special tools and expensive materials. It is just important to comply with technology and a sequence of operations. If all connections are hermetic and collected according to the scheme, there will be no problems with the launch and subsequent exploitation of heating, and the cost of materials and work will be minimal.

The procedure for installing a new radiator:

  1. Before dismantling the old radiator and installing a new device, it is necessary to overlap the heating of the main valve on the boiler;
  2. Place the attachment points of a new radiator. Usually the radiator is hanging on the brackets running in the kit, which are attached to a dowel to the wall;
  3. The radiator is collected - the mounting holes are screwed onto the Fum tape or pass adapters, which are supplied with the radiator.

Important: Adapters for connecting the radiator should be four: two with left-threads, and two - with the right.

  1. Threaded holes in radiators that will not be used to connect, close: one - the crane of Maevsky, the rest - stop caps. FUM or Pacle wounds: on the right - clockwise, on the left - counterclockwise;
  2. Ball valves are connected to the connecting places to the pipes;
  3. The radiator is attached to the place with the help of brackets, and connects with pipes - do not forget to use a winding for sealing;
  4. The system is pressed, commissioning work is carried out.

Before connecting a battery or heating radiator to a system, organized according to any diagram, you must select the type of pipe wiring and the diagram of connecting pipes and radiators. Works on pipe wiring, assembly of the circuit and connecting radiators can be made with your own hands, correlating your own requirements for construction standards and installation technology.

  1. Work in the opposite direction - the feed pipe is confused with a reverse location. The error is visible when commissioning works - radiators are badly warmed, air traffic jams are immediately formed;
  2. Radiators are closed with decorative lattices and screens that make access to the thermostat. The movement of warm air is limited, the regulator can turn off the boiler with poorly heated radiators, which leads to a total of 20% of the loss of heat transfer. Therefore, the screens must be as lattice as possible, and not deaf. Without battery valves will warm up unevenly;
  3. Installing the head of the thermostat in a vertical position will cause interruptions in its operation. It is easy to correct the situation - it is enough to change the position of the head.

When it comes to providing the room with warmth, then first of all refers to. It depends on her comfort in the house, regardless of whether it will be a private house or apartment. Naturally, in our time this system should be economically beneficial. One of important moments The device is how to connect the heating battery correctly. With incorrect placement, heat consumption will significantly increase. In most cases, radiators are installed under the windows so that warm air is more efficiently connected to the air in the room.

It is necessary to properly approach the choice of radiators and think about how to connect the heating battery is properly. After all, if this is not according to the rules, you can get big trouble. Therefore, when installing, you need to know some parameters :, for cleanliness and temperature coolantAnd also take into account his design.

The connection of heating radiators can be divided into several stages:

  • Radiator mounting to carrier surface
  • Conducting installation work

Talk about it more.

Choosing a radiator installation site

The heating radiator in a private house can be installed almost anywhere. It all depends on the desire of the owner, its ideas about comfort and design. However, it is more expedient to install the heating devices "on the way" heat loss, which will not only reduce their magnitude, but will create a feeling of comfort.

The largest thermal losses in the house occur through the surface of the windows. Installing modern double-glazed windows, triple glazing and application newest technologies To reduce thermal conductivity, glass reduces heat loss level, but still thermal resistance of double-glazed windows is significantly lower than thermal resistance of the walls.

In winter, when minus temperatureEven with the complete absence of drafts, cold air flow comes from window Operactions. For creating comfortable conditions The room uses the shielding of the surface of the windows by ascending flows of warm air. For this, heating radiators are installed under the windowsill. Moreover, the width of the heating device must be commensurate with its width (the deviation is considered to be 5-10% permissible)

If the installations of radiators under the windows are not enough, they are mounted on the surface of the outer walls.

For normal operation of the radiator and ensuring free circulation of air flow, the heating device must defend from the wall at least 3 cm. Between the floor and the battery, as well as between the upper part of the radiator and the windowsill, there should be a distance of at least 10-12 cm.

Fastening radiators to carrier surface

Most manufacturers of heat engineering equipment in technical passport The radiator gives comprehensive recommendations for their installation and the method of fastening to the base surface. Brackets and all necessary component elements for proper Installation Radiator usually come in the kit.

The installation of the radiator begins with the wall markup, the surface of which should be fully decorated (painted and prepared for installation). Do any finishing work Under the already installed radiator is very problematic.

When installing heating devices with large internal volume and large mass, for example, cast iron radiatorsSpecial requirements are presented to the quality of the wall and the fastening method. To ensure greater reliability, pig-iron radiators are supplied additional supportinstalled on the floor.

Installation of pig-iron radiators only on the floor is not practiced: it is necessarily forged the heating device to the wall.

It is allowed to install on the floor (without fixing to the wall of the wall) specially intended for this radiators: most often the design of radiators in the form of benches, benches and layers.

Connecting batteries of heating pipes

Connecting heating radiators can be side or lower. Information about this is contained in specifications Heating device. To determine what exactly the heating device is in question, it is easy to simply inspect it: the radiator with the lower connection, the inlet and outlet are located close to each other and are located in the lower part of the housing.

Both pipes of the heating system (feed and reverse) are connected to the radiator at the bottom of the housing. Moreover, the feed is located closer to the center, and the reverse is shifted to the edge. The movement of the coolant inside the heating device with the lower connection can be compared with the movement of water in a circle. The movement of the coolant for such a complex trajectory inevitably leads to a decrease in its speed, which negatively affects KPD radiator. As a result, heat transfer device of heating with the lower connection is always below the heat transfer of a similar radiator with side connections.

However, the heating devices with lower connections allow you to get rid of heating pipes in the interior, by placing them under plinths or under false floors, which inevitably causes interest in them from the interior designers and explains the ever-growing popularity of this species of radiators.

Installing radiators with side connections

The usual radiator has 2 pairs of holes located with one and on the other side of the device, which allows you to connect their most in a convenient way Taking into account the real situation of installation of heating, which is especially important when the free space deficiency (for example, the radiator in the corner of the room can be connected only on one side).

If the situation allows you to choose the most effective ways to connect with minimal heat loss:

    Best and most effective method: The diagonal connection at which the feed is connected to the upper nozzle, and the return on the lower nozzle from the opposite (diagonal) side of the radiator. Such a connection provides maximum heat transfer of any heating device.

    The most unwanted connection option: the diagonal connection at which the feed is connected to the bottom nozzle, and the return on the top nozzle from the opposite (diagonal) side of the radiator. Such a connection provides minimal heat transfer to any heating device.

    The feed and reverse is connected from one side of the heating device. With this method of connecting, there is a decrease in the efficiency of the radiator operation by an average of 5%

    The feed and reverse is connected to the lower nozzles of the heating device. This method of connection reduces the heat transfer of the radiator on average by 10%.

Features of the installation of radiators in a single-tube heating system

A single-tube heating system can be vertical or horizontal. Its device is extremely simple: each heating device "replaces" a piece of pipe with a coolant without changing the direction of its movement. This means that when the radiator is out of failure (anything can happen: for example, a blockage that blocks the movement of water in the system) will stop the entire heating system, and this is already fraught with the defrost of pipes or boiling the boiler. To avoid this, radiators in one-pipe system Heating is installed with bypass, the diameter of which must be less than the feed diameter and return.

Connect ...

As mentioned above, all the components needed for installation are usually purchased along with the heating device. If they are not included, it is better to install all elements for mounting (futherki, plug and crane Maevsky) to buy the same brand as the heating device.

The connection of the radiator begins with the installation of the futurok, two of which are with the left outer thread, and two with the right thread. When screwing out, the main thing is not to be mistaken and not overdo it: if the item "does not go," do not need to make efforts and try to establish it in any way. Probably, she just has another thread. Especially careful need to be with aluminum radiatorsIn which the thread is easily breaking. The inner thread of all futurok right.

After connecting the radiator, two pipes will remain free, the Maevsky crane is screwed into the upper, which provides air stop dumping and eliminate the air stoppers, and the plug is installed in the lower.

Video instruction - how to install heating battery

Installing the radiator is over!

Types of heating systems

Before installing the heating batteries, it is necessary to clearly know which system it will be connected. It can be a single-tube and two-pipe.

The simplest way to connect is one-tube. According to this principle, a heating system is made in high-rise buildings, when the heated water enters up radiators installed in apartments. Such a system is inconvenient in that it has no devices that allow you to adjust the temperature of the heaters. Especially for this requires the installation of individual structural components.

Two-pipe system is especially good for those who think how to connect the heating battery in country house. Its work is based on the supply of hot water on one pipe, and its removal - on the other in the opposite direction. In this case, heat is distributed in the same way. It can be controlled by the valve mounted in the radiator pipe.

Types of radiators

When choosing heating radiators, it is necessary to know exactly where they will be installed, from which side, and whether to approach the design of the room. Moreover, in our time, the choice of this equipment is huge:

  • sectional;
  • lamellar;
  • tubular;
  • panel.

Sectional batteries are easily constructed from individual sections into the radiator of the desired length, depending on how much heat is necessary from them to get. In turn, they are divided into categories:

  • steel;
  • aluminum;
  • cast-iron;
  • combined (bimetallic).