How to clean ventilation in a panel five-story building. The reasons for the ineffective operation of the hood

Ventilation ducts in any building are primarily responsible for maintaining the cleanliness of the indoor air. Also, the hygienic component of the apartment depends on their condition.

The ventilation system removes dust particles, removes excess moisture and pathogens. With its help, the temperature inside the room is also regulated, as it helps to ventilate the rooms faster.

If fans are installed in the ducts, then cleaning should be done much less often.

A number of specific signs indicate that it is time to clean the ventilation. The easiest way to understand this is if around ventilation holes dust and small debris begins to accumulate.

Main reasons for cleaning:

  • in the warm season, the apartment heats up very quickly;
  • dust after the next cleaning appears almost immediately;
  • also the need for cleaning is indicated by the absence of drafts when ventilating the room.

Exists easy way checking the condition of ventilation ducts. To do this, you need to bring a lighted match to the hole. If the flame remains even and does not vibrate towards the ventilation grill, this means that the system is clogged and must be cleaned of accumulated debris and dust as soon as possible.

If the fire deviates or goes out, then the system is in good working order and no additional measures need to be taken. However, in the event that the cleaning was last carried out more than six months ago, you still need to repeat this procedure for preventive purposes.

Similar manipulations can be performed with tissue paper or newspaper. This method is even safer than the match option.

Contamination removal process

First of all, you need to check each of the vents in the apartment. In the event that the paper deflects when brought to them in different ways, this indicates the presence of a blockage in that part of the system, which is located directly in the apartment.

To remove it, just use a dish brush or a small steel cable as thin as possible. Ordinary aluminum wire can also be used as a tool.

Using one of the listed devices, cleaning is carried out ventilation duct as long as the length permits. The remaining small particles are very easy to remove with a vacuum cleaner, after removing the wide attachments from it. The video shows in detail how to carry out this procedure.

If the performed manipulations did not help, then the main air outlet channel is clogged. To fix the problem, you need to follow the same steps, but you need to prepare a larger tool. The cleaning procedure must be carried out with extreme caution, as there may be wasps, rats or other pests inside the ventilation duct.

It is important to remember that the state of the general ventilation in an apartment building is under the control of the management company, and apartment owners do not need to get involved in cleaning it.

Plastic windows

Often a situation arises when the ventilation system is cleaned, but the room is still poorly ventilated, various odors accumulate in it, the humidity rises and it becomes quite hot.

This can happen in an apartment building after installing new plastic windows. They adhere very tightly to window openings and themselves do not allow air to pass through, making the room hermetically sealed.

This becomes most noticeable with the onset of cold weather, when the rooms practically cease to be ventilated in order to keep the precious heat in the apartment.

To eliminate this drawback, it is enough to open just a couple of centimeters window frame or a vent so that the air circulation in the living space is resumed.

Hood installation

It happens that the ventilation system simply does not cope with its functions. Most often, this can be observed in apartment buildings of an old building, where all the channels are already so tightly clogged that it is almost impossible to clean them.

In such cases, additional equipment is installed - hoods. Traditionally, they are placed in the kitchen and in the bathroom. Such systems do not operate continuously, they must be turned on if necessary.

When installed in a bathroom, as a rule, they combine turning on the light and the hood, but you can also install separate switches. In the kitchen, such an air outlet is performed in the form of a wide socket directly above the stove, since its primary task is to remove the smells of cooking food from the room.

The installation of such equipment should not be carried out independently; you need to seek help from specialists in this field.

Supply valves

In the event that after the installation of a special hood the situation has not improved, you can resort to installing supply valves. This name means additional holes in the walls through which the required volume will flow into the room. fresh air ensuring proper ventilation in the home.

Such valves can be different, in most cases, they are located between the heating radiator and the window opening. It is this placement that allows you to make them as less noticeable as possible.

Special dampers are mounted in the holes, allowing you to adjust the degree of their opening, which will help regulate the humidity and temperature in the house. Outside, the tube is placed at an angle to the wall to prevent water and debris from entering the room. Additionally, from the side of the room, the valve is equipped with sound insulation.

The supply valve in the house can be installed with your own hands. This process does not require any special skills. These ventilation openings can be additionally equipped with a sensitive sensor that detects high humidity inside the house and automatically opens the plug to supply fresh air to the room.

Also, circulation can be impaired due to tight closed doors... In this case, it is better to either open them slightly, or increase the gap between door leaf and the floor, or make special holes through which air will pass.


Ventilation in an apartment building is extremely important, therefore, it is necessary to take all necessary measures to ensure that air flows freely in and out of the room.

In the process of air circulation, the apartment is enriched with oxygen, microscopic dust particles, harmful microorganisms, spores and fungi are removed, and the humidity in the room is regulated.

If signs of ventilation clogging appear, you must immediately take measures to clean it. If the ventilation system in a multi-storey building is not cleaned in a timely manner, then such a negligent attitude will inevitably lead to frequent illnesses tenants, an abundance of dust and the appearance of mold on the walls.

The management company is directly responsible for the condition of the general ventilation ducts, therefore, it is necessary to contact its employees to carry out scheduled cleaning of ventilation, if it was not done on time.

Historians claim that the concept of "ventilation" was first used in ancient Rome. They did not designate some complex system for them, but the usual ventilation of the premises. In those distant times, only ventilation was carried out clean rooms, for this it was enough just to open the window. For several hundred years, the process and equipment have made a huge technological leap forward.

In the 21st century, many owners of houses and apartments have an acute problem of cleaning air ducts, without which effective ventilation is impossible in principle. Cleaning of ventilation in an apartment or private house should be carried out with the utmost care and regularity. Not only the microclimate of the dwelling depends on this, but also the safety of the residents.

Cleaning process by a specialist

    Show all

    Historical glimpse

    Few people know that for the first time the inflow and outflow of fresh air into the room could be provided by the ancient Egyptians. In the famous pyramid of Cheops, scientists have counted more than 300 passages, channels and small tunnels through which oxygen passed. Cleaning the ventilation in those days was not carried out, since the system was organized in such a way that it practically did not clog.

    At the end of the 18th century, the first ventilation wells appeared in the houses, thanks to which the microclimate of the living space improved, as did the general health of the owners. However, the emergence of something new is certainly accompanied by the emergence of related problems. Therefore, it became necessary to regularly clean the ventilation ducts.

    At the end of the 18th century, the profession of a chimney sweep was one of the most honorable

    The brick wells did not have any protective filters. The surface of the masonry was distinguished by a pronounced roughness, which contributed to the retention of small particles in the form of dust, cobwebs and dead insects. There was a need for a new service for that time - cleaning of ventilation ducts. Dusty and not too pleasant work was done by the chimney sweeps. In fairness, it should be noted that their work was generously paid, and the specialists themselves were held in high esteem.

    How to determine when it is time to clean the ventilation system

    Most owners of houses and apartments are dismissive of dusty air ducts and completely in vain. For some reason, they forget that oily and dry dust ignites almost instantly, but in reality apartment buildings this is fraught with the spread of suffocating smoke, poisonous vapors. The ventilation ducts must be cleaned regularly and thoroughly.

    How to determine when it is time to clean the ventilation system

    The flow channels effectively remove invisible fungal spores, microbes and allergens from the living space. Gradually, they accumulate on the surface of the dust "coat", and then penetrate into neighboring apartments. The standard grill does not prevent them from spreading, people are actively breathing potentially hazardous air.

    The need to clean the ventilation in apartment buildings is signaled by such facts:

    • a large amount of fine dust and cobwebs on the ventilation grill, around it;
    • stuffiness uncharacteristic for a room in the summer;
    • 12-24 hours after wet cleaning dust accumulations are visible on the floor surface;
    • feeling of dampness in the room, condensation on the glass.

    The main reasons for the above are critical clogging of ventilation ducts and inoperative ventilation devices.

    Ventilation systems should be checked twice a year.

    Cleaning the ventilation in an apartment building should be carried out regularly and much more often than many owners believe. Specific deadlines are set by specialists after analyzing the condition of the air ducts. Recommended frequency of cleaning - 2 times a year (in summer and winter), preventive inspection - on a quarterly basis.

    The plot about the work of ventilation in apartments of residential buildings

    We check the performance of the ventilation duct

    It is possible to determine the operability of the supply and outlet ducts in an apartment with your own hands with the help of improvised means. This information will allow you to establish the state of the system and make a decision on the need to clean the ventilation ducts, replace filters.

    A lit match helps in checking if the ventilation is working

    1. 1. It is necessary to open a window in any room of the apartment.
    2. 2. Bring a flame (candles, lighters) to the ventilation grill in the bathroom or kitchen.
    3. 3. Deflection of fire into the grate exhaust system indicates that the system is working properly.

    note! It is not worth checking the ventilation in an apartment building yourself using this method, especially if the object is connected to the main gas supply. The slightest gas leak can cause an explosion or fire.

    It is much safer to use an A4 sheet of paper or toilet paper... The sequence of actions is preserved, and instead of a flame, thin papyrus is applied to the grate. If the system is cleaned well, then the leaf will be attracted to the surface of the grate.

    Security check

    In accordance with the Regulations, inspection and cleaning of ventilation systems is a specialization of licensed companies. If these are residential buildings, then measures are taken when a lack or shortage of traction is detected. The check is carried out also after repairs, internal reconstructions of the premises.

    And if the frequency of cleaning is 2 times a year, then for scheduled inspections, a more stringent framework is set - 3 times a year. Often choose the period before the beginning, in the middle and after heating season... The specialists conducting the testing activities use professional equipment that automatically analyzes the channel's performance.

    Cleaning equipment

    Duct cleaning companies use special equipment to clean the ventilation so they can quickly diagnose the degree of contamination. An important advantage specialized organizations - in the process of cleaning ventilation systems, people living or working do not feel any discomfort.

    Specialized cleaning equipment

    • powerful industrial blowers (vacuum cleaners);
    • electromechanical units;
    • air duct cleaning equipment chemical compositions, reagents;
    • pneumatic brush installations;
    • cleaning devices, consisting of several filters;
    • vacuum apparatus.

    The choice largely depends on the characteristics of the objects themselves. It can be as large shopping centers, warehouses, restaurants, and ordinary residential buildings.

    Also, for self-cleaning of small air channels, flexible shafts can be used, which are attached to the source of rotation (screwdriver, drill).

    Cleaning methods

    In accordance with the law, ventilation ducts must be cleaned by specialists of the UK. But the majority neglects the rules and regulations, employees may not appear in apartments for years. As a result, ventilation cleaning and related duties fall on the shoulders of the residents of the house.

    Self-cleaning of the air channel

    Advice! The hatch of the air handling unit is suitable for cleaning, provided that we are talking about small accumulations of dust and dirt. Otherwise, you cannot do without the help of specialists..

    So how do you clean the ventilation in your apartment? The sequence of actions is as follows:

    1. 1. The protective grill is carefully removed.
    2. 2. Before washing off the grease, dirt and dust are scraped off the surface.
    3. 3. The metal frame is immersed in warm water with detergent for more effective removal residual products.
    4. 4. A vacuum cleaner hose is inserted into the air duct to be cleaned (the unit switches to "blowing" mode) and interior the channel is processed for at least 5 minutes.
    5. 5. Upon completion of the work, wipe the hole with a damp cloth.
    6. 6. The protective grill is placed back.

    You can also use the flexible shaft described above.

    The difference before and after cleaning the canal

    Attention! Self-cleaning of the ventilation system should be carried out without the use of aggressive chemicals, foreign objects that can get stuck inside the structure.

    For stagnant fatty deposits, it is advisable to use dry cleaning, since it is practically impossible to remove such contaminants mechanically (without the use of chemicals).

Ventilation is the only way to remove increased moisture from the room. Not only moisture leaves, but also stuffiness, fresh air comes in. Of course, you need to regularly ventilate the rooms of the apartment, but ventilation still bears a great responsibility. In the apartment, ventilation is located in the toilet, bathroom and kitchen.

If the ventilation ducts in the toilet are clogged, it begins to work in the opposite direction: not only will unpleasant odors not be removed from you, but all the "aromas" will come from the bathroom of your neighbors on the riser.

In the event of a blockage in the bathroom, taking a bath or shower, the room is steamed, moisture does not leave, hot air, all this dries out slowly, and this increases the likelihood of mold and mildew on the walls and ceiling.

As for the kitchen, odors will not go away there, as well as the consequences of use. gas stove- combustion products. It is imperative to install a hood and regularly clean the ventilation ducts.

Cleaning is done regularly, at least once every six months, but you need to do it as needed. In order to find out the need for cleaning, it is necessary to carry out the following procedure in stages:

  1. Remove the grate on the wall, unscrew, rinse it from howling and dirt. And then put it back in place.
  2. Attach a piece of paper to the ventilation grill, after opening the doors, window, etc. If the leaf is attracted, the traction is good and everything is fine; if it is not, there is a blockage.
  3. Another reason for the lack of traction, other than blockage, may be in the redevelopment of the room from the neighbors on top. If the fact of such self-righteousness is confirmed, you will have to call specialists and write complaints. It may be ugly, but their complacency will lead to many problems. Better to get them to fix the problem than to constantly mess with the fungus.
  4. If the ventilation in the kitchen has poor draft after cleaning, and the neighbors have nothing to do with it, then the matter is most likely in the newly installed plastic windows. Sudden tight sealing requires ventilation at least occasionally.

How do I clean the ventilation? Of course, you are not allowed to do the entire amount of work yourself, but everything that depends on you must be done, in addition, a sudden check can write you a fine for blockage and dirt.

To clean the ventilation shaft to the common house, first, protect the plumbing from dirt, cover, move possible furniture... Remove the grate, rinse it, degrease it, you can replace it if it is worn out. We cover the gloves and carefully remove all the debris from the ventilation duct. We clean the walls of dust and cobwebs with a spatula. We do everything carefully so that insects do not suddenly run out, do not stumble upon a sharp one. You can clean the channel with a vacuum cleaner. Now we put the grate in place, open the windows and doors and check the draft.

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15 november 2016
at 13:31 The plastic grill installed on the kitchen ventilation has to be periodically removed and cleaned of dirt by yourself. Ventilation is noticeably improved.

But every few years it is necessary to clean the ventilation ducts. What services should be doing this?

15 november 2016
at 14:05 Ventilation cleaning in an apartment building should be carried out by the management company and the homeowners' association, or by another organization that has the function of managing the household of the residential building. Cleaning is carried out in a planned manner, and, if necessary, at the request of residents.

November 29, 2016


November 29, 2016


November 29, 2016

November 29, 2016

Dear guest, stay!

Who should pay for the cleaning of ventilation - I or HOM?

Cleaning ventilation in the apartment

The apartment is our cozy corner where you can hide and relax from the bustle of the city. Is our home safe? Unfortunately, not always!

This is how the ventilation duct looks like in one of the apartments in the Moscow region before and after cleaning:

Air flow rate:

  • before cleaning - less than 0.3 msec.
  • after cleaning - 1.5 msec.

Bacteria, fungi and germs are one side of the coin. Another is the lack of normal air exchange in the room.

The price of cleaning ventilation in the apartment

If there is absolutely no motivation (draft) in the ventilation duct, this indicates a blockage of the duct. The cost of removing the blockage is assessed individually, based on the results of a video survey.

When it's time to clean the ventilation


  • You clean regularly, but the next day you notice a thin layer of dust on the floor.
  • A day later, clouds of dust and lint formed in some corners.
  • The ventilation grill is overgrown with dirty scabs.
  • V summer period the apartment has high temperature and stuffiness.

Do not be lazy, take a piece of paper and bring it to the ventilation grill, it should at least tilt in its direction, and at best, be attracted to it. If this does not happen, it is time to call the ventilation duct cleaner, who, using a special device (Anemometer), will check the presence of draft, air speed, temperature and humidity, determine the reasons for the poor-quality operation of the ventilation system and, of course, clean the ventilation in the apartment.

Types of ventilation ducts in apartments

V different types apartment buildings exist different kinds ventilation systems with separate ducts or central risers. Apartments with separate ventilation shafts require access to the roof of a residential building in order to carry out cleaning work, therefore, before placing an order, please check with the operating organization for the possibility of obtaining access.

Ventilation cleaning is carried out with special equipment, a team of qualified cleaners of smoke and ventilation ducts with appropriate certificates.

Many believe that the operating organizations (ZhEK, ZhEU, HOA) should clean the ventilation. Yes, this is true, but in practice this does not happen. Whether or not to clean it yourself is up to you, but know your health is at stake!

Special offer for housing offices, management companies and homeowners' associations - Cleaning ventilation shafts!

Residents of apartment buildings do not always agree to carry out work on cleaning ventilation in their apartments, therefore, in order to comply with the rules and regulations of the fire department, as well as the requirements of sanitary services, we offer cleaning of ventilation shafts, without branches to apartments.

To receive additional information about the service and ordering, call us and our specialists will advise you on all questions of interest.

Who should clean the ventilation ducts in multi-storey buildings?

Forum / Ventilation and air conditioning / Who should clean the ventilation ducts in multi-storey buildings?

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Why are we so sure of this? Because we pay them for it!

15 november 2016
at 13:31 The plastic grill installed on the kitchen ventilation has to be periodically removed and cleaned of dirt by yourself. Ventilation is noticeably improved. But every few years it is necessary to clean the ventilation ducts. What services should be doing this?

15 november 2016
at 14:05 Ventilation cleaning in an apartment building should be carried out by the management company and the homeowners' association, or by another organization that has the function of managing the household of the residential building.

Ventilation: what, how, why, when and who?

Cleaning is carried out in a planned manner, and, if necessary, at the request of residents.

November 29, 2016
at 11:34 I was also tormented by vague suspicions that cleaning the ventilation ducts should be done Management Company... But when I turned to them with this question, I was told that this is not part of their responsibilities, and homeowners should be engaged in this.

November 29, 2016
The ventilation system refers to general building systems as well as plumbing risers, electricians to meters, gas pipelines, garbage chutes, elevators and much more. The list of works on these systems is also provided for by the Resolution of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation of September 27, 2003 N 170 "On the approval of the Rules and norms for the technical operation of the housing stock". If the management company has drawn up a management contract, excluding certain mandatory items for the maintenance of the house, it should be changed, those who wish to take its place today are quickly found, and if it does not want to do what it should, contact the housing inspectorate, which just controls the fulfillment of the requirements of the above rules.

November 29, 2016
at 15:20 At one time I was paying two bills for the apartment, one in the condominium, the other in the housing office. So one of the services that the ZhEK paid for was cleaning the ventilation wells of the house. But they did not clean themselves, they cleaned Gorgaz, under an agreement with the ZhEK.

November 29, 2016
The management company is engaged in cleaning the ventilation; this work is included in the list of planned ones carried out at the house. The frequency should be determined by the tenants, or rather their representatives. The whole question is in the quality of work.

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Natural ventilation in an apartment building

Organized natural ventilation in a residential building is air exchange that occurs due to the difference in air density inside the building and outside, through specially arranged exhaust and supply openings.

For ventilation of premises in a residential apartment building, it is provided natural system ventilation. Let's see how it works and how it works.

Natural ventilation device

At each entrance from the first floor to the last there is a common ventilation duct that runs vertically from the bottom, upwards with an exit either to the attic or directly to the roof (depending on the project). Satellite channels are connected to the main ventilation duct, the beginning of which is located, as a rule, in the bathroom, kitchen and toilet.

Through these satellite channels, the "exhaust" air leaves the apartments, enters the common ventilation shaft, passes it and is discharged into the atmosphere.

Everything seems to be extremely simple and such a mechanism should work flawlessly. But there are many points that can interfere with the normal operation of ventilation.

The most important thing in the work of natural ventilation is that sufficient air must enter the apartment. According to the projects, according to SNiP, this air must flow through "leaks" window openings as well as by opening the vents.

Excerpt from SNiP 2.08.01-89 (parameters of the minimum air exchange for an apartment).

But we all understand that modern windows when closed, they do not allow sounds or even air to pass through.

How is cleaning and checking ventilation in an apartment building

It turns out that you need to keep the windows open all the time, which is naturally not possible for a number of reasons.

Causes of disruption of natural ventilation

  • Re-equipment of ventilation ducts
  • It happens that ventilation stops working due to active neighbors, who could simply break the ventilation duct to expand the living space. In this case, ventilation will stop working for all tenants whose apartments are located below.

  • Garbage in the ventilation duct
  • It often happens that something gets into the ventilation shaft and simply does not allow the air to move freely. If this happens, then you need to contact the appropriate structure, it is forbidden to climb into the ventilation duct on your own.

  • Incorrect connection of the exhaust hoods
  • It is also a common problem to connect high-power kitchen hoods (hoods) to a satellite channel that is not intended for this. And when such a hood is turned on, then a airlock that disrupts the entire system.

  • Seasonality
  • Unfortunately, the operation of the natural ventilation system is also influenced by temperature regime, in the cold season it works better, and in summer, when the temperature rises outside, it works weaker. Added to this are several negative points described above, and the work of the entire system comes to naught.

And, of course, there are mistakes during construction made by the contractor for one reason or another ... Only the installation of supply and exhaust ventilation equipment will help here.

Natural ventilation works all year round 24 hours a day. Therefore, a round-the-clock air flow into the room is required. If it is not there, then in winter at closed windows possible condensation, increased humidity up to the formation of mold, to avoid this, install supply valves, it will improve ventilation in the room and get rid of excess moisture.

To organize good air exchange in the apartment all year round. Installation of a ventilator is required. Thanks to this device, you do not have to open windows, and fresh and clean air will always flow into the apartment.

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How to clean ventilation in an apartment building

Sample statement (complaint) if ventilation is clogged

(name of the body, full name of the head)
From ________________________________________
Tel ._______________________________________
E-mail _____________________________________

A statement on the commission of an administrative offense under Article 7.23 of the Administrative Code "Violation of the standards for the provision of the population utilities»

At ________________________, the management organization violates the norms of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation and the Rules for the Provision of Utilities, namely in the apartment: ventilation does not work.

In accordance with paragraph 5.5.6 of the Rules and Norms for the Technical Operation of the Housing Stock (approved by the Resolution of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation of September 27, 2003 N 170), the organization for the maintenance of the housing stock must maintain ventilation ducts and chimneys in a technically sound condition. At the same time, the calculated temperatures, frequency rates and air exchange rates for various premises residential buildings must comply with the established requirements. Natural exhaust ventilation must ensure the removal of the required volume of air from all premises provided for by the project at current outdoor air temperatures of 5 C and below. Staff, system maintainer ventilation of residential buildings, is obliged to carry out: routine inspections and elimination of all identified system malfunctions; replacement of broken exhaust grilles and their fastening; elimination of leaks in ventilation ducts and mines; elimination of blockages in the channels; elimination of malfunctions of gates and throttle valves in exhaust shafts, umbrellas over shafts and deflectors.

In accordance with clause 31 of the Rules for the provision of utilities to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings adopted by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 6, 2011 N 354, an organization providing utilities to the consumer is obliged to independently or with the involvement of other persons carry out Maintenance in-house engineering systems, using which utilities are provided to the consumer, as well as recalculate the amount of utility bills, including in connection with the provision of utilities of inadequate quality and (or) with interruptions exceeding the permissible duration.

In accordance with article 154 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the payment for a residential premises includes a payment for maintenance and Maintenance common property in an apartment building, as well as utility bills.
In this regard, the performance of work to eliminate this violation does not require additional funding from the owner.

Article 2 of the "Provisions on State Housing Supervision" approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 493 dated 06/11/2013 states: citizens established in accordance with housing legislation, legislation on energy saving and on increasing energy efficiency requirements for the use and safety of the housing stock, regardless of its form of ownership, including the requirements for residential premises, their use and maintenance, the use and maintenance of the common property of owners of premises in apartment buildings, the formation of funds overhaul, creation and activities legal entities, individual entrepreneurs managing apartment buildings, providing services and (or) performing work on the maintenance and repair of common property in apartment buildings, providing utilities to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings, specialized non-profit organizations that carry out activities aimed at ensuring the overhaul of common property in apartment buildings, as well as the requirements for energy efficiency and equipping the premises of apartment buildings and residential buildings with metering devices for used energy resources. "

In addition, in accordance with Article 28.4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, the Prosecutor's Office has the right to initiate a case on any administrative offense.

Clause 149 of the Rules establishes that the contractor, an organization providing utilities, is liable for violation of the quality of the provision of utilities to the consumer, including administrative ones.
Violation by the persons responsible for the provision of utilities of the standards for providing the population with utilities constitutes an administrative offense, the responsibility for which is provided for by Article 7.23 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation.

In connection with the above, on the basis of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 26, 1994 No. 1086 "On the state housing inspection in Russian Federation", The Federal Law" On the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation ", the Federal Law" On the Procedure for Considering Appeals of Citizens of the Russian Federation "I ask:

- organize an on-site check of the stated facts;

- issue an order on the implementation of the necessary measures and work to eliminate the violation and recalculation, set the deadlines for their implementation;

- initiate administrative proceedings under Article 7.23 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, identify the perpetrators and bring them administratively liable.

(date) (signature)

You can file complaints about the inaction of your Housing Office, Criminal Code and Homeowners' Association in the field of housing and communal services to the Prosecutor's Office or Rospotrebnadzor of your region.

Alexandra Kapelina
How to deal with other people's smells in your apartment? Apparently, your ventilation is wrong in your house, and smells, instead of the street, are drawn into your apartment. The only way out is to tightly close the ventilation and make a forced (with a fan) exhaust hood from your bathroom-toilet, with ... Definitely ventilation, put it in the hood fans, I have them in the toilet, bathroom and kitchen Damn, how interesting in this matter)

Alexander Richter
Mold After drying and ventilation. treat with anti-mildew. Process the special wall. formulations, remove the mold mechanically Eliminate the cause of the dampness of the wall, otherwise it will reappear, it is extremely difficult to completely destroy the mold, to prevent dampness is a condition for mold growth, to ventilate ... Perhaps the hood should be cleaned in the bathroom. To remove moisture. Eliminate the reason first, only then fight it

Victor Malas
How to remove the smell of burning from the apartment Let Harry take a bath! GY-GY The first step is to clean and restore the ventilation system, as this is the first assistant in the fight against unpleasant odors. Open all doors and windows in the apartment. If you have a purifier ...

Pavel Dengin
Black mold in the bathroom. V rented apartment there is a lot of black mold over the bathroom how to get rid of it? It is necessary to wash, clean with a stiff brush, ventilate more often so that there is no moisture Scrape off everything, smear with a special Anti-Mold liquid, paint. Eco-friendly tiles / plumbing, cleans perfectly, you will find on the Internet Copper sulfate will help, and this is not mold, but fungus. Wash the walls with a hot solution of baking soda.

Maria Trofanova
I noticed that a black fungus appeared in the bathroom, probably due to dampness (Komet needed there special composition for bathrooms antifungal. They are smeared with the affected areas of the walls and ceiling. The fungus can be removed with special antifungal agents, but this will not solve the problem, you need to eliminate the source of dampness. Check and clean the ventilation and the hood, if there is no fan, then you need to install it, maybe you have a leak ...

Victoria Kuykova
How to get rid of fungus in the bathroom? First, you need to repair the ventilation (including cleaning the vein well) so that there is no dampness. On the topic of fungus infa

Albert Yasaulov
How to remove mold from tiles and tile joints in the bathroom? It is necessary, if the seams are not very moldy, to clean them with any detergent. If there is strong mold - Sikagard - 905W, from Sika. Then dry and treat with Kiilto-Seal seam protection with a regular brush, smear with the ready-made composition of the above ... Check ventilation - attach A4 sheet - if it hangs - normal draft if not - go to deal with the neighbors

Denis Andreychikov
Where to go to clean the ventilation in the bathroom? I applied to the housing office. cleaned and it became so good To a neighbor, if by no means! Housing and communal services are responsible for the maintenance of ventilation ducts, they take money from us for this, that's all the questions for them. You have not written about which dwelling in question. If this is an apartment building, then contact your management company, write a statement, and there they will decide for themselves whether to clean the ventilation ducts on their own or submit an application to a specialized organization.

Alexey Sukin
Smell from the sink in the sink. Cause of education and remedies bad smell... The corrugation under the sink should be curved so that the water stands there and the smell from the drain does not leak out. Either you have an illiterate drain (there is no water seal), or the top of the riser is clogged / closed, and the water seal breaks off. It became so after the cap. renovation in the house, when all metal pipes replaced with plastic. I buy Tiret from the smell and use it periodically. Moreover, this garbage is only in the kitchen, but everything is fine in the bathroom.

Evgeniya Podomareva
How to keep the house clean how to keep the house always clean Order both in the house and around it depends mainly on our attitude to cleanliness, more precisely, on the attitude of every family member towards it.

Ventilation in an apartment building: types, schemes, features

Therefore, it would be good to think about what everyone can do to maintain order in the house…. Where does the dust come from, and where does the money go. DO NOT LITTER! Oh, I also always ask myself this question! It is necessary to immediately clean up everything after itself, here is the guarantee of cleanliness. and not leave for later! I know the rule. but I don't always use it)

Margarita Ermolaeva
How do you take care of your bathroom? How often do you wash everything in the bathroom? I understand that you are renting an apartment. Then do it like this. Try not to close the door to the bath for some time to remove dampness. Possibly a ventilation problem. Clean the bath with Persol, Komit, and then treat it with drinking soda gruel ... Once a week I clean it thoroughly, but I just maintain it every day. There are so many cleanliness products now.

Albert Taborsky
How to get rid of condensation in the bathroom? Clean the hood. Establish ventilation

Stanislav Chermnoy
In the bathroom, as if someone is dead. Maybe it smells like that from the plum? It’s autumn now, the mice are dying, and the ventilation may also be, the same mouse died or the bird got into the ventilation and also died, although we had such a stench once until it turned out that our neighbors Kirghiz were drying meat in the kitchen, and it smelled in everything entrance ... It all starts from the basement. If the house is multi-storey and you are on the lower floors, then most likely from the ventilation it carries from the basement

Vadim Bobchikhin
How or how to remove mold from the bathroom and permanently? whiteness or what? A solution of soda and powder, 1 to 1 mu! Now there are a lot of funds from it - they kill immediately and forever. A special drug is needed (ask in the store), this infection is terrible Copper sulfate Search for sulfur. put a piece in a jar and e-mail. tiles. let it all burn out. the stench will be horror! but get rid of mold and all kinds of insects.

Irina Lopatkina
The towels in the bathroom do not dry out. How to be? 1 Clean the ventilation. But this will not necessarily help, often neighbors from the upper floors drown it out because they have a very strong draft. 2 Install an electric fan in the air duct so that the air goes there faster. To the heater, there is no other way out, otherwise they will go out Check ventilation. IT probably needs to be cleaned. The coil is either on the heater! Indeed, check the ventilation - you need to attach a sheet of paper to the outlet and, if the paper is attracted, then there is a draft; if not, call a specialist, let them clean the ventilation. And leave the door open after washing.

Many residents multi-storey buildings, especially old buildings, can tell about what culinary preferences their neighbors have, what they pampered themselves with for dinner and what they served for lunch. However, we are not talking about telepathy, the neighbor's menu can be recognized simply by the smell that is felt in the apartment.

If this happens all the time, then it is necessary to clean the ventilation, which has ceased to cope with the functions assigned to it. Our recommendations will help to restore normal air exchange in the apartment. Minor blockages can be eliminated on their own, and to solve more complex problems, you will have to call specialists.

We will tell you how the ventilation system at home works, what are the causes and symptoms of its failure. Here you will learn how to arrange the exhaust air removal and the supply of fresh air. For visual perception, photo collections, diagrams, videos are attached to the article.

The air we breathe in the apartment only seems clean. In fact, it absorbs all the smells coming from the kitchen, carbon monoxide from the stove. It gets dust particles, lint from clothes, carpets, pet hair.

Harmful microorganisms and bacteria accumulate in the air, which contribute to the development of serious diseases, moisture and steam coming from the bathroom, cause the formation of fungus and captivity. All this negatively affects the microclimate of the room, contributes to the appearance of lung diseases, allergies and other ailments.

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Ventilation helps to avoid negative health effects, which performs several important functions:

  • ensures the supply of clean air to the apartment,
  • allows you to remove odors, dust, bacteria, carbon monoxide and other harmful components from the room;
  • regulates the level of humidity.

Ventilation is one of the vital engineering communications apartment building... The State Commission will never accept an object in which the ventilation system is absent or faulty.

With insufficient air circulation and poor ventilation, mold and mildew can form on the walls of the room.

The device of the general ventilation system

Indoor ventilation is difficult engineering system, its arrangement depends on a number of factors, among which the most important is the total number of storeys of the building.

Ventilation shafts in multi-storey buildings are made, for example:

  1. Each apartment has its own exhaust duct with access to the roof.
  2. Exhaust ducts from the apartments are connected into one horizontal box, which collects all the incoming air, and then through a common duct leads to the roof.
  3. Exhaust satellite channels leave each apartment in a common shaft leading to a warm attic, which is used as an intermediate chamber. In the attic there is one large extractor hood to bring all the air out to the roof.

Ventilation performed according to the first scheme is effective for low-rise buildings. It was very common in the old days, when houses were mainly built no higher than four stories. The arrangement of such a system requires a lot of space, and it is impractical to use it for tall houses, therefore today it is practically not used.

The second scheme was widely used in Khrushchev houses and in houses of 9-16-storey buildings. In new buildings, the latter scheme is most often used, which is considered the most efficient ventilation system for high-rise buildings.

The figure shows four schemes used to equip an exhaust system in apartment buildings. The first is used in 3-4-storey buildings, the second and third are used in 5-9 buildings, the fourth scheme is used in modern high-rise buildings (+)

Natural air exchange in the apartment

There are a number of requirements that ventilation in living quarters must meet.

In accordance with GOST 30494-2011, it must provide:

  • air quality indoors not lower than permissible limits (up to 1000 СО2 cm3 / m3);
  • optimal humidity premises within 30-60%;
  • air flow speed no more than 0.2 m / s.

Natural ventilation is used in apartment buildings. In each apartment (bathroom, toilet, kitchen, closet) there are exhaust ducts through which the exhaust dirty air leaves the room. Streams of clean air enter the apartment through the vents, cracks in the windows and doors.

So that air can circulate freely throughout the apartment, between the floor and interior doors leave small gaps of 1-2 cm

Such a ventilation scheme was previously used everywhere in the construction of five and nine-story houses. In the old days, houses were installed wooden windows which due to a large number the slots did an excellent job with their function.

However, in new houses, this scheme works ineffectively, since metal-plastic window constructions are sealed and do not allow air to pass through. V modern buildings systems are installed forced ventilation and various, which ensure optimal operation of indoor ventilation.

The supply ventilation unit can be located directly above the glass unit, as in the figure, or on the wall in the immediate vicinity of the window structure

The reasons for the ineffective operation of the hood

Problems in the operation of the exhaust system are not by hearsay familiar to the owners of apartments built in the Soviet era. Residents of new buildings for the most part are deprived of the pleasure of attending a meal of neighbors, since new houses are equipped with modern forced ventilation complexes.

Such systems do not allow extraneous odors into the apartment.

Cobwebs, dirt and dust accumulated in the exhaust duct are one of the main reasons for insufficient air circulation in the room.

Reason # 1. The decline in ventilation efficiency in old houses is, in principle, a fairly predictable process. The main reason is a banal clogging of the ventilation duct, in which debris, dirt, dust and other waste coming from the room accumulate over time.

As a result, the outlet narrows and becomes unable to fully process the intake of dirty air.

In apartment buildings, united by a common ventilation shaft, pollution from individual ducts enters the common building system. Gradually, the mine becomes clogged with debris and can become completely clogged. A process lasting for years can lead to the fact that the functioning ventilation system will be paralyzed.

This problem can be solved by eliminating the root causes of their partial or complete blocking.

Reason # 2. Another prerequisite contributing to the deterioration of air exchange is the presence of a powerful kitchen hood in the neighboring apartment. However, this is understandable. Intra-house natural ventilation is designed for an air flow rate of up to 90 m 3 / hour.

One hood creates an air flow of more than 1000 m 3 / hour, naturally, adjacent ventilation ducts that go into a common shaft suffer from this. And if the hood is not one, but every second neighbor? The answer is obvious.

The hood significantly improves the microclimate in the neighbor's kitchen, but it can also provide Negative influence for the work of natural ventilation in other apartments connected by a common ventilation shaft

Reason number 3. Replacing wooden windows with metal-plastic ones is also a factor that negatively affects the performance of the ventilation system. It turns out that the tightness inherent in modern double-glazed windows does not always play into the hands of residents of old houses.

In Soviet times, only the lazy did not scold the builders who made mistakes in the installation of windows and doors. As it turned out today, the "guilty" worked strictly according to the instructions for the benefit of the residents, since for the full functioning of natural ventilation, gaps are necessary, which were in abundance in old wooden windows.

The holes provide a constant flow of fresh air from the street, and the sealed metal-plastic structures, on the contrary, block it. As a result, humidity rises in the room, the windows fog up, mold and mildew form on the walls.

Modern double-glazed windows cannot provide full air exchange in the apartment. multi-storey building, which uses a natural ventilation system. Misted windows indicate excessive humidity in the room and the need to use forced ventilation devices.

Reason # 4... To a large extent, the operation of the ventilation system depends on the season. Most often, problems with the hood manifest themselves during a hot period, while in winter the exhaust hatch functions properly.

The fact is that the efficiency of a system with natural ventilation is in direct proportion to the difference in temperature inside and outside the building.

In summer, the temperature outside and in the apartment is almost the same, which is why problems appear. According to the old SNiPs, it was assumed that in hot weather, air exchange would be carried out by ventilating the room with open windows.

Signs of an imminent need for cleaning

The reasons listed above for poor ventilation indicate one thing - the system needs constant monitoring and periodic cleaning.

You can understand that the ventilation duct needs to be cleaned by the following signs:

  • dust, cobwebs, debris have accumulated near the exhaust hole;
  • the ventilation grill is covered with black bloom, soot and grease;
  • in the summer, the apartment began to heat up very quickly;
  • after wet cleaning, dust reappears after a short period of time;
  • drafts that occur in the apartment when opening front door are much weaker than before.

To finally make sure that the ventilation needs to be cleaned, you can use each ventilation hole. This can be done quite simply with the help of available tools. When checking the draft, it is necessary that at least one of the vents in the apartment be open.

Such a grill clearly indicates that ventilation in the apartment practically does not work, and the exhaust hole requires urgent cleaning.

Home methods of checking the performance of ventilation ducts:

  1. Bring a burning candle, lighter or lighted match to the ventilation grill. If there is good draft in the duct, the flame will be directed towards the hood. A fire burning evenly indicates a lack of ventilation.
  2. Take a piece of paper or newspaper and attach it to the hole. During normal operation of the ventilation system, the paper is attracted to the grate, and it does not fall.

If it turns out that the ventilation is not functioning at all or is working extremely poorly, it is necessary to clean it. Cleaning of ventilation ducts in an apartment building is performed by specialized services. In their arsenal there are ventilation ducts.

But if the need arose, each tenant of the house can clean his own section of the duct on his own.

When testing draft with an open flame, be very careful not to accidentally ignite the cobwebs and accumulated debris inside the vent. This is especially true for residents of gasified houses, where a fire may occur due to a gas leak in one of the apartment buildings.

Ventilation inspection by licensed services

The ventilation system is a common property, the management company is responsible for its maintenance and safe operation. The Government Decree No. 410 developed the rules that should be followed by the Criminal Code when checking and cleaning indoor ventilation ducts.

According to the Rules, the inspection of chimneys and ventilation, as well as their cleaning, must be carried out by specialized, licensed companies. The check is carried out at any reorganization or repair of the system, as well as if a lack of traction was detected.

Diagnostics of the exhaust duct functioning is carried out by a special device - an anemometer, which measures and analyzes the air flow rate

The frequency of the scheduled inspection is three times a year (before, after and in the middle of the heating season). The specialists have professional equipment, with which they check the performance of the ventilation system.

A pneumatic brushing machine is used to clean the dirt. In addition, the canals are disinfected.

Self-cleaning of the ventilation duct

In spite of existing rules, many management companies do not appear in the apartments of tenants for years to check the performance of the ventilation system. Therefore, residents of high-rise buildings are forced to periodically diagnose and clean their exhaust openings on their own.

For lightly soiled exhaust air, results can be achieved with a conventional brush.

The ventilation hatch can be cleaned with insignificant contamination, but if the dirt has accumulated in it for years, then it is better to call specialists all the same.

Self-cleaning is carried out as follows:

  1. Remove ventilation grilles, they are well cleaned of dirt and dust and washed under running water.
  2. They clean the walls of the ventilation duct that you get to. For work, use a metal brush or wire.
  3. Clean the hole from debris with a vacuum cleaner.

Actually, this is where all the homework to clean the ventilation holes ends. If there is a back draft in the duct and the smells of neighbors reach the apartment, you can replace the old ventilation grill with.

If they did not lead to the desired result, and the draft in the channel remained at the same level, then there is a blockage in the common shaft. This is the work of special services that can be called through the UK.

Licensed companies use professional equipment and special cleaning technologies, which are selected after a thorough examination of the canal and taking into account its current state

System upgrades to improve performance

In old houses, mechanical cleaning of the ventilation shaft, even by specialized services, does not always bring the desired effect. However, it is possible to increase air circulation in the apartment. There are several quite affordable ways to improve ventilation.

If you decide to replace old wooden windows with modern metal-plastic structures, choose double-glazed windows equipped with a micro-ventilation function. If purchased with regular plastic windows, on them you can install additional devices providing fresh air from the street.

For example, there are, you can additionally purchase special fittings that allow you to loosely close the windows.

Accessories for multi-stage ventilation will allow you to organize more efficient ventilation in the apartment

To enhance air circulation in the room, special supply and exhaust fans allow. There are window, ceiling and. The toilet and bathroom can be directly at the entrance to the ventilation duct instead of a decorative grill.

The organization of a forced exhaust system, the functions of which are performed by an ordinary fan, will help to solve the problem of ventilation in the bathroom.

The fan is powered by an electrical network, it can be connected to a general switch and then it will turn on together with the light. You can draw an additional line and connect the device to a separate switch so that it works autonomously.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

How to independently check the operation of ventilation in an apartment, you can find out from the video plot:

What to do if home ventilation does not work well, restoring the exhaust duct to work:

How is the professional cleaning of ventilation shafts in apartment buildings carried out:

Ventilation plays a leading role in ensuring safe living in an apartment. A careless attitude towards this system and neglect of the rules of care can lead to health problems, and for residents of gasified houses it can result in even more serious consequences.

Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the state of ventilation and, if necessary, contact specialized services.

If you have experience in cleaning the ventilation duct of an apartment, please share this information with our readers. Leave comments and ask questions on the topic in the form below.