Main characteristics of mineral wool. Technical characteristics of mineral wool density slag

Preface. In an effort to live warm and comfort, every first thing is trying to protect the house from the cold and foreign horses from the street. People always searched for heat protection in summer and winter cold. If the insulation of mineral wool insulation is used as thermal insulation, then you can escape from frost in winter and from the scorching heat meter. In this article we will look at the main technical characteristics of the Minvati.

Minvata technical characteristics of which, we will consider today has several varieties and well-known manufacturers, each of the species has advantages and disadvantages. Next, consider which thermal insulation materials can be considered mineral wools so that when buying heat insulation to make right choice In accordance with the requirements of the requirements.

Main types of mineral wool

According to GOST 52953-2008, the Minvat class includes three material: fiber from slags, glass fiber, as well as stone cotton wool. All materials have a different structure - the length and thickness of the fibers, differ from each other according to the characteristics of resistance to loads, thermal conductivity, moisture resistance and the ability to resist the open flame. Let's talk in detail about each type of Minvati and list their characteristics.

Glasswater. Specifications

Glasswater consists of a fiber from 15 to 50 mm long and a thick fiber thickness from 5 to 15 microns. Flakes elastic and durable, but it should be careful working with the material, because Fragile glass threads, can dump the skin, get into the eyes or accidentally ingate into the lungs, biting the mucous membranes. When working with insulation, you need to wear a protective suit, gloves, glasses and a respirator.

The main characteristics of fiberglass minvats:

The thermal conductivity coefficient is from 0.03 to 0.052 watts per meter on Kelvin.
The permissible heating temperature is up to 450 degrees Celsius.
Gigroscopicity - average.

Slag. Specifications

The insulation is made from domain slags, the fibers are slaging have a length of 16 millimeters and a thickness of 4 to 12 microns. Slags have residual acidity and wet room Can affect metal surfaces. Slokovat well absorbs moisture, so it is unsuitable for thermal insulation of the steaming, the facade of the house, insulation water pipes. In addition, the material is fairly fragile.

The main characteristics of the Minvati from slag:

The thermal conductivity coefficient is from 0.46 to 0.48 watts per meter on Kelvin.
Permissible heating temperature - up to 300 degrees Celsius.
Gigroscopicity is high.

Specifications Minvati. Table

Stone wool. Specifications

W. stone wati Fibers in size approximately like slaging. But the insulation has a significant advantage - he does not olk. Working with stone wool is more convenient and much safer than with fiberglass or slag material. This is the most popular form of mineral wool today and if the "Minvat Technical Specifications" is said, then we are talking, as a rule, about a stone cotton.

The main characteristics of mining of rocks:

The coefficient of thermal conductivity is from 0.077 to 0.12 watts per meter on Kelvin.
The permissible heating temperature is up to 600 degrees Celsius.
Gigroscopicity - average.

Mineral wool brands

Mineral wool manufacturers are offered in the form of plates, rolls and mats. The material successfully insulate the roof of the house, ceilings and cearsal overlaps, Inner walls and partitions. Difficulties when using the material does not occur. The density of basalt wool may be different, release several of its brands in accordance with this parameter. Next, consider each of the brand.

Mineral Wool P-75

The density is 75 kilograms on cubic meter. Insulation is suitable for insulation of horizontal planes that are not exposed to large loads - attic rooms and some types of roof. This brand of basalt minvati is used to wrapping the pipes of heat center, gas and oil pipes. Minvatu less density is used where there is no loads.

Mineral Wat P-125

The density is 125 kilograms per cubic meter. The insulation has good sound insulation properties, it is suitable for the insulation of the floor and the ceiling, thermal insulation of the walls inside. Can be used as internal insulation walls in brick houses, foam block or aerated concrete. Using this material, you can not only warm the facade under siding, but also get excellent sound insulation.

Mineral Wat PJ-175, PPH-200

The density is 175 and 200 kilograms per cubic meter. The insulation is not only dense, but also has increased rigidity, which means abbreviation. It is used for thermal insulation of overlaps and walls from reinforced concrete or sheet metal. The Basalt Wool PPH-200 brand can be used as an additional protection of residential premises from fire.

Today they produce Minvatu excellent quality, such famous manufacturerslike "URSA", "

Learn in which direction the fibers of mineral wool are located. If the fibers are located vertically, the insulation will be better to save heat if the fibers are arranged chaotically, the material becomes more durable, withstanding considerable loads.

Slag and glass gamble differ low pricesBut before you acquire them. These materials do not differ in improved thermal insulation, and there are enough problems with installation - if the glass gamble falls on the skin or mucous membrane, then the affected place will be hidden for a long time.

Mineral wool refers to the category universal insulation. because of huge number Its advantages it has unlimited use. There are several varieties of this material. We will talk about their features and on the benefits of mineral wool as insulation further.

Mineral wool: origin and features of manufacture

Mineral wool is called material intended for thermal insulation, which consist of thin, intertwined fiber-shaped fibers. They are manufactured in the process of spraying a certain kind of slag, stones or basalts. The quality and density of mineral wool depends on the length and diameter of the fibers. The process of producing mineral wool is based primarily on obtaining minimal fibers that are connected to each other with a binder.

In order to better understand the properties of mineral wool, it is necessary to carefully examine the process of its origin. Making mineral wool is conventionally divided into such steps:

1. Determination of the type of raw material and its preparation for melting.

At this stage, the composition of mineral wool is determined, in which a certain proportionality of the ingredients is observed. It has a name - bat. Most often in this composition there are two, maximum three components. Each of the mineral wool manufacturers has its own proportions of ingredients in this composition. It is from the proportionality and the type of mineral wool ingredients, its further multifunctionality depends, resistance to moisture, temperature differences and compression. In addition, the product must have high thermal insulation properties. The quality of mineral wool defines first of all its fiber, its size and chemical components. Before mixing the ingredients, they pass the grinding and drying procedure. Already in the dosage chamber, they are selected according to the specified proportions.

2. Component melt procedure.

After all the ingredients are perfectly mixed with each other, their melting is produced at a temperature of about a half thousand degrees Celsius. This stage is the main part of the mineral wool production process. It is from the temperature in the furnace that the consistency of the resulting mixture and the length of the fibers of the finished product depends.

Most often, for heating such a furnace is used fuel in the form natural Gas, It is with his help manage to achieve such high temperatures.

3. Production of fibers of material.

The molten mass, which has a certain viscosity turns out to be on the fiber formation site. For these purposes, special devices have been developed in the form of multiple centrifuges and fiber distributors. The composition falls on the roller, which rotates at a very high speed. As a result, the formation of fibers in which are also added of different kind Additives and water repellent mixtures. The fibers are then in the chamber of their cooling and form a homogeneous cloth.

On a special kind of machine, a special processing of fiber orientation is undergoing. Due to this, the mineral wool is distinguished by almost zero shrinkage.

4. Polymerization procedure.

The canvas turns out to be in the heat treatment chamber, where it is frozen. All binders are endowed with certain physical properties, It is this process that further affects the quality of finished products.

5. Definition of the form.

Mineral wool is produced both in the form of plates and in rolled version. At this stage, it produces its cutting and packaging in size.

6. Packaging.

Last, the final stage It assumes the packaging of the finished material and its shipment for sale.

Characteristics of mineral wool: the advantages and disadvantages of the insulation

To begin with, you will get acquainted with the benefits of mineral wool:

1. Good thermal insulation characteristics.

Due to the fact that fibers heat insulating material They have a special subtlety, it is a universal and very good thermal insulating material. If you compare the indicators of its thermal conductivity with other alternative insulation, the mineral wool will certainly benefit.

2. Fire safety.

Mineral wool is used on any sites whose temperature does not exceed 1000 degrees. Up to reaching this temperature, the mineral wool is not able to melt. Therefore, it is an excellent option for insulation of walls, floors, ceiling and inter-storey overlaps. Using mineral wool, to some extent, it is possible to prevent a fire, as it is not capable of spreading fire.

3. Stability to chemical compositions.

This property also expands the scope of use of mineral wool. Its composition is absolutely resistant to a different kind of chemical influences.

4. Biological stability.

This advantage is determined primarily by the fact that mineral wool is not eating such rodents as rats or mice, unlike foam. And, it means, throughout the entire period of its operation, it remains unchanged both in shape and in composition. In addition, due to good moisture resistance, mineral wool is resistant to fungus and mold, which is especially important to ensure a healthy atmosphere and a microclimate indoor.

5. Excellent soundproofer.

The chaotic location of mineral wool fibers allows us to use it not only as a heater, but also for sound insulation of the premises. Mineral wool is used even to install on the doors, as it is not able to skip outsided sounds into the room.

6. Ability to cope with static loads.

Because of the good density, the mineral wool is perfectly withstanding statically loads, so it is used for insulation of floors, overlap and other kind of responsible elements. Even after the expiration of the 40 years of its operation, the mineral wool does not give a shrinkage. And on the inclination of the insulation to deformation depends the duration of its operation. Since shrinkage, leads to the appearance of cold bridges and to increase thermal losses.

7. Paropropusk characteristics.

Due to the fact that mineral wool passes air, a healthy atmosphere is maintained indoors and a natural air exchange occurs.

8. Environmental safety.

The composition of the mineral wool is a binder, based on formaldehyde resins, however, in the process of manufacturing the insulation, this resin becomes absolutely harmless, and during further operation, does not distinguish harmful substances.

9. Long term use.

Mineral wool's service life is over 45 years. Since this material is practically not amenable to shrinkage, it tolerates well high humidity, sharp temperatures and atmospheric phenomena, it is able to maintain its characteristics throughout its term of use.

In addition, the mineral wool is an excellent insulation for facades, as it is characterized by high durability to rupture. This material Simple in processing and installation.

Despite this, mineral wool has several drawbacks, among which should be allocated:

  • mineral wool is able to function normally as insulation, exclusively in the complex with additional materials vapor insulating and waterproofing nature;
  • in the process of working with mineral wool, it is necessary to use protective gloves, mask and glasses, as there is a risk of entering the smallest fibers on the skin and its irritation;
  • it is not recommended to allow constant contact of mineral wool with moisture.

Sphere of use of mineral wool for insulation

Thanks to its versatility and large quantity Positive characteristics, mineral wool is different wide spectrum Applications, namely:

  • in the process of insulation of ventilated facades;
  • in the arrangement of three-layer masonry;
  • insulation of walls, ceilings, floors, inter-storey floors;
  • production of roofing pies in the process of arrangement of high-quality roof;
  • as thermal insulation material for the roof;
  • with the outer insulation of the walls;
  • in the process of manufacturing products from reinforced concrete;
  • with thermal insulation of communication systems: pipelines, gas pipelines, etc.;
  • in most building structures;
  • when insulating balconies and attics, as well as loggias.

Types of mineral wool and their characteristics

In the ratio with the peculiarities of the production of mineral wool, it happens three types:

  • based on fiberglass;
  • based on slag;
  • stone mineral wool.

Each of the materials is characterized by individual features, and in particular the length and location of the fibers, different resistance before deformation, moisture, loads, etc.

Mineral wool based on fiberglass or glass wool has fibers whose thickness is not more than 14 microns, and length up to five centimeters. This material is characterized by the highest strength and elasticity. Note that it requires the use of special protective equipment When working, since small glass particles are able to fall on the skin and cause it irritation.

Glasswater is characterized by a good coefficient of thermal conductivity, it is able to withstand temperatures up to 450 degrees of heat and 50 degrees of cold.

The second option is to use slag. For the manufacture of this insulation, a domain slag is used, the fibers of which do not exceed the thickness of twelve microns, and in length, no more than one and a half millimeters.

Slag unstable in front of an acidic environment, so it has limited use on metal surfaces. In addition, this insulation is distinguished by high hygroscopic ability, so it cannot be used in the process of insulation of facades and other external structures. The cost is coated an order of magnitude lower than, for example, glass gambles. Due to its fragility, it is not used when insulating pipelines and communication systems.

Slotovat is able to withstand temperatures up to 300 degrees of heat, when exposed to higher temperatures, it loses its properties of thermal insulation. In addition, it has high hygroscopicity, which significantly limits its scope. The greatest advantage of this insulation is its lower cost, compared with alternative options.

Stone or basalt mineral wool - is characterized by the same small fibers as slag. However, this material is not inclined to cause irritation or allergies. In addition, it has high thermal insulation indicators, the most the best option Stone wool is material based on basalt rocks. This material is withstanding the temperature to a thousand degrees of heat and to two hundred degrees of frost, without changing thermal insulation characteristics.

Basalt stone cotton wool is sold both in roll and slab option. It is very convenient in operation, is not inclined to deformation, not prone to burning. This option mineral wool is the most the best choice To use it as insulation.

Heat-insulating mineral wool: choices

In order to buy mineral wool, it is enough to contact any construction store or supermarket. On mineral wool, the price is determined primarily by her view, the cheapest slag, slightly more expensive, and the most expensive version - basalt stone wool.

Mineral wool thickness is different, its choice depends on the type of coating on which the insulation will be installed.

In addition, in a ratio with the size of mineral wool, various kinds of plates and rolls also allocate. Each of the manufacturers has its own dimensional grid finished products.

Stone wool is divided into such subspecies:

  • granulated - manufactured by a special compressor installation, relevant for places in which the installation of a conventional insulation is not possible;
  • in the form of plates coated from bitumen - excellent option under the laying of roofing finishing materials;
  • in the form of lamellable plates, it is distinguished by the presence of fibers that are not located in chaotic, but perpendicular to the order, has good elasticity and flexibility, suitable for thermal insulation of pipelines.

We offer to familiarize yourself with the main manufacturers of mineral wool:

1. Mineral wats Rockwool - the material has a low coefficient of thermal conductivity, perfectly passes the air, does not absorb moisture, differs in neglect. In addition, the mineral wool of this manufacturer is resistant to mold, insects and rodents, environmentally friendly and has good sound insulation characteristics. Among the huge range of products there is an opportunity to choose exactly the type of mineral wool that is suitable under individual characteristics Plot requiring insulation.

2. Mineral wool "Eau return" - is made in the form of plates, rolls or mats, has two forms: rigid and semi-rigid. The material is used in the process of insulation of the roof, inter-storey floors, floors, facade parts of the building or walls. The material is 99% kept air, so during operation, its thermal conductivity quality is only increasing.

3. Mineral wool URSA - the basis of this insulation is fiberglass or quartz glass. The material is characteristic of good fire safety, He is practically no combustible, in addition, the Minvat of this manufacturer is environmentally friendly to health.

Before buying mineral wool, you should also explore the recommendations for its choice, which are presented below:

1. Pay attention to the place and storage conditions of the material. All products should be stored in such a package, in which it was packed at the factory.

2. If mineral wool is sold in boxes, then it should be minimized to its contact with moisture or with a wet environment.

3. Even in small money, no wet wool should not be purchased, since after drying it loses its properties.

4. Determine several manufacturers for yourself, read about them, and then make a purchase decision.

5. Pre-calculate the right amount Wool, in a ratio with an insulated area area.

Mineral wool video:

Mineral wool (stone, basalt) consists of arbitrarily oriented fibers, which are made from melt of rocks, erupted volcano. Also, according to GOST 31913-2011, this term should include glass gambler (from molten glass) and slag (from the blade furnace slag). The technical characteristics of Minvati have a beneficially distinguish it from most insulation. According to the criteria of thermal conductivity, sound insulation, vapor permeability and flammability, it exceeds them. Checking all listed characteristics in the manufacture of stone wool is made according to GOST 4640-93.

Today, most companies that implement the material offer several forms of release, but the properties of stone wool are slightly different:

  • Mats (rolls). Intended for roofing cake, walls, inter-storey floors and other unloaded structures, since they have small density characteristics.
  • Plates. Minvat on a basalt basis of this species is manufactured with a maximum density of 220 kg / m. Cube, which significantly expands the above list of application. Such material is laid under concrete screed, on the roofs that are supposed to be used for car parking, organizing pleasure zones and other places where the insulation must withstand considerable weight.
  • Cylinders. One of the few options that can be isolate pipelines is minvata - stone wool in the form of an oblong cylinder having inside the hole, ideally copes with the task.


The technical characteristics of mineral wool determine its popularity and a wide scope of application. Consider the main properties:

1. Treatment.

This is a value that shows how many thermal energy is transferred through the material of a unit density with a single temperature difference. It is measured in W / (M * K) or W / (M * C). Technical description Minvata indicating the characteristics of thermal conductivity is always painted on the package. In GOST 1995-01-01, it is indicated that, depending on the thickness of the mineral wool fibers, this indicator can vary in the range from 0.041 to 0.045. Due to technological triggers, some manufacturers manage to achieve a coefficient of 0.032 W / (M * C), which causes certain doubts.

2. Density.

The number of minvati contained in 1 m cube finished product. The Density of Minvati is measured in kg / m 3. On average, it is produced with parameters from 20 to 220 kg / m 3.

Size 3.

Depending on the destination, it can fluctuate. For instance:

  • For plates, sizes are characterized from 5 to 20 cm in thickness and 60 x 100 in the plane. These indicators make them convenient in circulation, besides, 60 cm is the most common value of the step of the rafter system.
  • The properties of mineral wool in rolls do not allow it to use it as wide as the plates, therefore, it is characterized by the dimensions that allow it to close the heated area: from 50 to 150 in thickness, 60-120 cm in width and up to 9 m in length.
  • Insulation in the cylinders is produced with a diameter of 2 to 27 cm and a length of 1 m. Minvata thickness is 2-10 cm.

4. flammable.

This indicator is the subject of special pride of the manufacturer. Minvata refers to non-flammable speciesTherefore, it can be insulated with a temperature of up to 600-650 degrees. Materials with a foil layer have a gramifications class G1 (weaklyor) due to the fact that the impressive part of the thermal energy they reflect back the inside of the room.

5. Noise isolation.

Due to the chaotic structure of fibers, the insulation of mineral wool is also performed very often. BUT large companies Like Rockvul launched a separate line of goods, intended for soundproofing and quenching various vibrations.


Overview of the insulation Minvati will be incomplete if not mentioning its price. We will conduct a small review of popular manufacturers in the market. Since the cost is more convenient to consider in rubles per 1 m3, we will adhere to this:

  • URSA - rolls and plates. The first cost 1,000, the second - from 1 200 rubles.
  • Knauf. Relatively expensive, however the price is still lower than that of Rockvul. You can buy Knauf Minvatu in rolls from 1,300, in the plates - from 1,400 rubles / m3.
  • Rockwool. One of the most serious brands of basalt wool. The price begins with 1 600, mats cost 2,800, and cylinders - from 380 rubles per m3.
  • TechnoNIKOL. The cost of Minvati TechnoNikol is at the average level. Plates are 1,400, rolls - from 1,000, the price of cylinders begins with 50 rubles / m3.
  • Isover is an inexpensive minvat, worth 1,200, in rolls - from 1,000 rubles.

Minvata. different marks by appearance Practically no different. There are natural questions: "Why pay more?" And "What is the difference?". It consists primarily in the limitations of their foundation, which affects the experience of production, fame, reliability of published characteristics. All this leads to a change in product value. For example, Rockvul and TechnoNikol produce cylinders, which indicates the functionality of their products, but the URSA and the carrier are 20-30% cheaper with almost the same characteristics.

  • First of all, focus on the scope of application that the manufacturer indicates, and if it is written that this is the Rockwool Minvat Facade of Batts, it is not necessary to use it on the floor or roof (lead to premature loss of characteristics).
  • You need to pay attention to the probable loads that carries the insulated surface. To avoid the seal of the insulator, and, accordingly, to reduce its thermal conductivity coefficient, acquire the plates of high density.
  • For the insulation of the roof on the inner layer, foil isolation is used to reduce the loss of "radiating" heat. For these purposes, as well as thermal insulation chimney pipe You can choose materials, one side of which is covered with foil.
  • Pay attention to the thermal conductivity, since some companies are chitryat, trying to specify the lowered indicators, not denoting the temperatures at which they are correct. For different marks Thermometer The value of the coefficient will differ in any insulation.
  • Manufacturers indicate a different service life of materials produced by them. For metal tile or slate, it is not critical, but for more durable types of roofing, extra 10 years - quite a few.

10.08.2017 0 comments

Mineral Wat - one of the most popular insulation On the market building materials. It is used almost everywhere from private houses to water supply highways. This is not surprising, the material is cheap, easy to install and efficient, but is it just like it? Let's discern what mineral wool is how to choose it correctly and apply.

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Types of mineral wool and features of production

Despite the fact that several insulation are immediately called mineral wool, they all differ in the composition, and in their properties. These include:

  1. Slag.

As can be seen, the composition of mineral wool varies greatly, but what does it unite it? First of all, this is the structure of the material. Minvata consists of thin fibers woven with each other. They are tightly tamped to increase strength. As a result, it turns out a flexible and strong structure with an empty space between the fibers. It is filled with air, which provides thermal insulation. The Density of Minvati remains rather low, which greatly facilitates its installation and transportation.

Glasswater is the most famous, but far from the most popular appearance of the insulation. It is made of recycled glass with the addition of sand, lime and several other chemical reagents. The mixture is covered in the furnace, where it is melted to the fluid homogeneous mass. The resulting substance is blowing under high pressure or with the help of a centrifuge through a small lattice, and thin fibers are formed.

Rassed threads are settled in a special chamber where large-scale is formed of them. In this state, they are not yet interconnected and easily disintegrated. To fix the structure on the fiber uniform layer spray a binder mixture. Most often, phenol formaldehyde resin is used for this. The resulting structure is pressed and going to cool. So wata acquires a familiar look, but it is not ready for use. It is covered with a polymer composition and sent to the oven to repeated heat treatment, but this time is softer. The last 2 operations give plates from mineral wool high strength and resistance to permanent temperature drops and high humidity.

The production technology of two other types of minvati is similar, the difference lies only in the composition. Basalt rocks are used as the basis as the basis, and for the manufacture of slags, black metallurgy is used. It is clear that the structure of insulation based on mineral wool remains the same, but what the composition affects, we will understand.

The most flexible view of Minvati. Features of the composition allow the material of different density. Because of this, the density of mineral wool based on rocks is much varied. More denser material is used in cases where high strength is required. She is trimmed metal constructions In the industrial premises, pipes, loaded structures from reinforced concrete and other elements subject to constant fluctuations or temperature differences.

Mineral wool from stone breeds is released both in rolls and in rigid forming. If everything is clear with the use of the first type of material, the molded insulation is used to close the pipes and vibrating elements. It provides a more dense contact of minvati with a surface, which ensures noise insulation. In this case, it is necessary to choose not only the brand of material, but also its shape so that it coincides with an insulated surface.

Stone Minvatu is used in cases where high strength is not required from it: in collectors, on technical floors, roofs. In addition to the lower price, its advantage is also in the fact that flexible material is easier to mount.

Another plus insulation on a stone basis - resistance to temperature up to 800 degrees. Therefore, it is used not only as a heater, but also as a fireproof coating.

In some cases, stone mineral wool is released with foil. The thin layer of metal significantly increases the strength and durability of the material, and also improves moisture insulation.

The cheapest type of thermal insulation, characterized by a characteristic yellow tint. It is used in cases where enhanced requirements are not presented to the strength of the coating.

Essential lack of glass gamble - barbed surface. The insulation consists of a plurality of the finest pieces of glass that are dug. Small length does not allow them to cause serious harm to man, but the pieces of glass after contact remain on the skin, which can lead to a chemical burn. Because of this, it is impossible to work with it without gloves, and it is advisable to use also protective glasses. Glasswater can not be used in residential premises and spaces where people are constantly working.

Most often, glass-based mineral wool plates are mounted under ventilated facades. There, they remain protected from the mechanical impact and contact of a person or an animal with them. It is often used for thermal insulation of pipes. In this case, mattes of mineral wool are used, which are wound on the cylindrical surface. Outside, they are squeezed with a dense mineral cloth and fixed with wire or harness.


Material that is applied less and less. It is made of slag formed after metal smelting in a blast furnace. It is not difficult to guess, it significantly reduces the cost of the insulation, but also the properties are not the best. He suffers from both thermal conductivity and chemical resistance of the material.

Slag mineral wool is released only in rolls. Because of the low rigidity, the material does not hold the form, so the plates from it are not formulated. The main drawback is slag - vulnerability to moisture. Under the action of water in it begin to occur chemical reactions, and the integrity of the fibrous layer is violated over time. Over time, slag under open sky Just turns into rags. How easy it is to guess, the service life of the Minvati from slag is significantly lower in comparison with the analogues. They produce slag less and less, and it is usually used only for the insulation of warehouses and garages due to the low cost of the insulation.

The main characteristics of Minvati

Immediately select several main criteria for which thermal insulation is selected:

  • thermal conductivity;
  • combustion;
  • density;
  • vapor permeability;
  • noise isolation.

The main indicator is the thermal conductivity coefficient of mineral wool. It is measured in W / (M * C) and usually varies from 0.03 to 0.045. The lower the value - the better. It is the thermal conductivity of mineral wool that characterizes its main function - the ability to reduce heat flow through an insulated surface.

Often, the quality of waterproofing is also important. It is characterized by an indicator of vapor permeability, which is measured in g / (m * h * GPa). The higher the value, the better the isolation misses moisture, and it is not so unambiguous. Somewhere required good ventilation, and somewhere on the contrary. Initially, Minvat skips well, so in cases where waterproofing is required, it is necessary to use foil mineral wool.

Thanks to the fibrous structure of Minvat, it copes well with the junction of sound oscillations. The quality of noise insulation is indicated on the packaging of AW marking, the value of which varies from 0 to 1. The closer the indicator to one, the better material Dims sound waves.

Soundproofing and insulation concrete overlap Minvata.

The density of mineral wool affects all the above characteristics, but it is specified on the package not for this. The indicator is used to calculate the weight of the structure, so that other things being equal to the smaller density is plus.

The last significant characteristic of mineral wool is combustible. Material refers to non-combustible and has a good heating resistance. It holds the structure and does not secrete toxic substances at a temperature of up to 650 degrees, and to enhance the fire safety, a special resistant minvat is produced with the corresponding marking on the package.

Choosing Mineral Wati

We have already figured out the peculiarities of the production of mineral wool and its properties, it remains to understand which criteria to choose the heat insulating material. One of the key criteria is always the price. Easy to choose qualitative materialBut why pay for those properties that you will never need?

First, decide where you are going to use the insulation. Minvat from glass under the plaster is an excellent option for the insulation of the facade. As well as glass gamble can be used in technical premises Or for insulation of pipes. Despite more low cost, it copes perfectly with the tasks.

For production premises And the internal insulation of houses. Manufacturers recommend using mineral wool based on stone rocks. It is completely safe for a person and tolerate constant vibrations well. In places where waterproofing is required, it is better to use Minvatu with foil.

As for slag, it is better not to buy it. The material is outdated and does not justify even its low cost. Saving on thermal insulation, you risk in the future to face the need to redo it.

It is worth remembering that the main indicator to which you should look when choosing a material is the thermal conductivity of Minvati. You buy a product for thermal insulation, and it is this parameter that characterizes. The remaining indicators are already selected under the definite object.

Now you know almost all about mineral wool, its features and what it is. It remains only to choose the appropriate brand of thermal insulation and the store. In the event that you are not sure that you definitely need, it is better to turn to builders or an experienced designer for advice.

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Attempts by many households to improve the comfort of living in winter time Motivated installation efficient heating systems. But the stable temperature in these cases is bordered by increased costs of energy salary. And the whole house solves both two problems at the same time - and maintain stable temperature mode and minimizing heating costs. At the same time, a good sound insulation is achieved.

Technical characteristics of mineral wool

Minvat is known for which it has one of the most effective indicators of thermal conductivity. If you compare it with similar parameters of other insulation, then minvat is located in a single row of efficiency with foam and significantly exceeds many other insulation.

  • The coefficient of thermal conductivity of mineral wool for different options varies in the range of 0.036-0.042 W / (M * K). This parameter affects the density of the insulation
  • The Density of Minvati is set by the manufacturer depending on its functional purpose and release form. Standard indicators - 100,150,200 kg / m3. The higher the density, the more effective the ability of the material to hold heat
  • One more an important characteristic Mineral wool has its ability to resist the effects of biological forms. Possessing convection in sufficient volume, the Ministry of Service is not optimal Moz for the development of fungal forms and mold
  • The property of mineral wool relative to hygroscopicity also plays a role in its functionality. Moisture does not accumulate on its fibers and freely penetrates through them. This circumstance gives reason not to be afraid about shifting the dew point in the thickness of the insulated surface. In addition, relative hygroscopicity allows the use of material for the device of ventilated facades.

Important! Although the fibers of the Minvati and do not absorb moisture in itself, they are able to maintain it in the structure of the material between the fibers. Therefore, it is recommended to use this material only with the insulation of the outer part of the structure or inside the design of the walls.

  • An important positive property of mineral wool has its resistance to high temperatures. Fireflowing material is practically excluded, since phenol formaldehyde resins, included in its composition, do not tend to burning. Even with the risk of fire, the Fiber Minvati does not light up, but only slightly melted, withsting the temperature to 800 degrees.
  • Regarding heat capacity and ability to maintain heat indicates the fact that minvat without consequences withstands the temperature drop of up to - 160 degrees.

However, with the insulation of the minister of any structural surfaces, it is necessary to keep in mind that minvata over time exposed deformation, forming the bridges of cold. However, such manifestations can be expected after 8-10 years of operation.

Another disadvantage of mineral wool is that its fibers are available for rodents. And although they are not interested in the material as a meal, but they may arrange their nestings in the thickness thicker.

Mineral wool is used to insulate not only private houses, but also apartments, as well as individual parts. If you live on the first floor and know, you can insulate it outside Minvatu.

For inland walls The balcony is more often used by foam. Read about what is better (foam or minvat). The article presents a detailed comparison of these two materials.

What types of mineral wool are produced today

Production of this insulation is based on the use of mineral components having identical properties. The structure of each type of mineral wool is a chaotic interweaving of the fibers, which contributes to the adhesion strength and insulating properties.

The most common types of minvati today are:

  • Stone Vata.
  • Glasswater
  • Shagkovat

Despite the general parameters, these categories of Minvati have some features.


This category of mineral wool is made by melting several components:

  • Sand
  • Limestone
  • Dolomita

The result is a material with a thermal conductivity coefficient of 0.038-0.040 W / m * to. In this case, the resulting length of the fiber reaches 0.5 cm, and their thickness is 12 microns.

Glasswater is one of the first materials of this category. It has all the inherent dignity, but has one significant drawback.

Fiberglass in the structure of the fibers contains the smallest particles of glass, which are very often wounded by workers in the process of insulation, so the main requirement when working with the Minvata is observance of precautions.

Otherwise, this material is suitable for insulation of floors, walls, roofing structures.


The characteristics of this type of mineral wool are somewhat modest. The reason for this is its existing components. Slagovat is made of damage waste. Exhaust slags pass the same stages of processing as in the production of glass gambles. At the same time, fibers are formed up to 15-16 mm long and a diameter of 5 to 8 microns.

  • Components slag contained increased residual acidity capable of reacting with metal components and cause corrosion
  • Thermal conductivity slag slightly higher and is 0.048-7-0.052 W / (M * K). Less attractive and refractory parameters - slag capable of to withstand temperatures up to 400 degrees, after it starts to deform

Stone Vata.

IN last years This material became the most popular among the analogues. Stone wool is made from basalt rocks. , More precisely, the thermal conductivity indicator itself is the most effective - from 0.032 to 0.038 W / (M * K).

Stone wool and sufficient density, which increases its period of operation to ten years. It is less prone to deformation and does not have any danger in environmental terms. Resistance to temperature is also high - withstands up to 900 degrees.

When choosing minvatu for insulation, it is necessary to take into account the conditions for its operation and place of placement. The insulation in the form of mats will last longer and provide greater level of heat capacity.

It is necessary to pay attention to the density and thickness of mineral wool. The price of Minvati is often substantiated by its technological characteristics, but this is not a decisive sign in the choice of material.

When buying, it is necessary to pay more attention to the indicators of thermal conductivity and vapor barrier.

And then it will be confidently located for many years in a comfortable setting with a stable temperature with any frost outside the windows.

Video about the characteristics of mineral wool

Characteristics of stone wool Rockvul. The advantages of stone wool.

How to make glasswater. The process of manufacturing fiberglass thermal insulation in production is shown.