Lesson in the senior group is my name. Summary of GCD in the senior group on the topic: "You and your name"

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten combined type No. 68 "of the municipal formation


Summary of the gaming circle of communication

"Our names"

Preparatory group

Prepared by:

Sysoeva O. M.


Bratsk - 2013.

Tasks : Self-knowledge. Formation of adequate forms of behavior.

Improving self-esteem.

Material : Toy - heart, cube, musical accompaniment, sheets of paper with letters (names of children), crayons, wax crayons, easel.


Guys, I wonder, do you recognize each other by their voice? Check it out! Let's stand in a circle. Everyone will close their eyes, whom I touch, he opens his eyes, says the phrase: "My name is!", And we guess who it is (game "Whose voice?").

Wonderful, you know each other very well by their voices. I have a heart (toy) in my hands. Feelings such as love, kindness, tenderness live in a person's heart. I offer it to you! We will pass this heart in a circle, and call our name affectionately.

And now we pass the heart in a circle to each other, repeat the affectionate names of all previous neighbors and call our affectionate name.

True, it is nice to hear your name, immediately your heart becomes warm and joyful.

Time will pass, you will become adults, and you will be called by name and patronymic. The one who heard his name and patronymic will greet us with his hand (like this - the show): Alexey Nikolaevich, Selina Sergeevna, Arkady Alekseevich, Kirill Andreevich, Yulia Olegovna, Sergey Mikhailovich, Nikita Maksimovich, Rinat Takhirovich, Vitalina Alekseevna, Daniil Vladimirovich).

Today I invite you to greet each other in an adult way. To the music, we just walk around the hall, as soon as the music stops playing, we find ourselves a mate and shake hands (like this - the show), calling our name and patronymic: "Hello, I ...".

Now let's sit on the carpet so that everyone is comfortable (reducing the dynamics of the voice and giving it mystery). We already know that we are all different and each of us has his own opinion on any question. Please answer that you liked hearing your affectionate or adult name better? (I listen to the opinions of children).

You are still children, so you love it when they call you tenderly and affectionately, but the time will come and you will be pleased to hear your big adult name.

Each name has its own song. Come up with a song for your name, and sing it to us, and we will repeat the song of each name.

- Let's find out who was the most attentive: whose names are similar, the song sounded the same? (Julia - Rinat - Kirill - Sergei; Selina - Nikita - Arkasha - Alyosha).

- What name has the longest song? (Vi-ta-li-na).

- Raise your hands those whose names are similar to my name Olga?

Guys, imagine if your name could be touched with your hands, what would it feel? (I listen to children). And if your name could be sniffed, what would it smell like? If your name could be tasted, what would it taste like? And if your name were colored, what color would it be?

Here are the leaves with the names, you yourself wrote them yesterday on a stencil, I suggest you color them, the letters can be of the same color or different, in a flower, in a strip, in a box; orange, like orange, yellow, red, like apples or others. As you imagine them ... (children draw to calm music and hang drawings on the board).

The names turned out to be different, because you are all different, but I know that we have wonderful children in our group - smart, attentive, kind, observant.

Now let's play the game "Listen and remember." I will speak about you, the one who found out that I am talking about him will raise his hand. Others will remember what I said.

This boy loves to paint, especially marine life... He has two brothers, one older and the other younger (Rinat).

He loves to assemble the constructor. He has an older sister, she goes to first grade (Seryozha).

This girl loves to paint and sculpt. She has a younger sister who goes to our Kindergarten(Julia).

This boy loves to build buildings with bricks. He has an older brother (Alyosha).

She loves to play on the children's computer. She has no brother or sister (Vitalina).

This boy loves to play with small toys - dinosaurs. He has an older sister and a younger brother (Arkasha).

This girl loves to play mother and daughter. She has two sisters: the older and the younger (Selina).

This boy loves to collect Lego blocks. He has no brother or sister (Daniel).

He loves to build buildings with wooden blocks. He has two older sisters (Cyril).

And now I will ask questions, and you answer them:

Who likes to build buildings from cubes (Alyosha, Kirill)

Who likes to play mother and daughter? (Selina)

Who has no brothers and sisters? (Vitalina, Daniel)

Who has two older sisters? (Kirill)

Who loves to play with dinosaur toys? (Arkasha)

Who likes to paint? (Julia, Rinat)

Who has one older sister? (Seryozha)

Who has a younger brother who goes to our kindergarten (Nikita).

How well you know each other. There is a reason to have fun, we will arrange a disco (put a cube in the center of the circle). While the music is playing, we dance the way we want. But as soon as one of us stands on the cube and begins to dance there, we all turn to face him and perform the movements that he shows us. Everyone can stand on the cube in turn, as soon as he feels that he wants it. Attention, the disco begins ( children are dancing).

I liked it, did you? (if the children interrupt each other - let's first listen to Kirill, ...).

What is your mood? (children's answers). Great, charged up with a joyful, perky mood for the whole day!

Lesson topic: "Name"



Comprehension of the origins of the spiritual and moral life of a person in the world around us.


· To form in children respect for the name as a heritage of the past.

· To acquaint students with the origin of names.

· To introduce what role the name plays in a person's life.

· Learn to listen to the words of the interlocutor.

Equipment and materials:


· Posters " Your name”,“ Take responsibility for your name ”,“ Take care of your name ”.


· Dictionary of Russian personal names,

· Book "Lessons of Ethics"

(Children at the beginning of the lesson sit on chairs in a circle)

I. Joining the topic

On the desk: « It's good here and there, where the name is called»

Do you agree with this wisdom?

Why do you think a name is needed?

(Children reason, everyone expresses their thoughts)

Yes, living without a name is very inconvenient. Let's pretend that none of us has a name. How should you contact me?


There are many of you in the class, how can I contact you in the lesson?

You can show it with your hand.

Well, if we are in the forest, we scattered in all directions, and I need to call one of you. How could I do without knowing your names?

Indeed, a very difficult situation. We are convinced that it is inconvenient to live without a name.

Names, like all words in a language, have their own biography, history, and their own adventures. Its own destiny. The science that studies names is called anthroponymics from the Greek word anthropos - "man", onoma - "science." Exists

special dictionaries of Russian names . (Show Dictionary)

It contains about 2,600 Russian personal names. With them, patronymic forms, diminutive and affectionate forms are given. Indications of the origin of names.

You know from the Bible that on the sixth day God created man.

Remember what he called the first man?

Adam - "taken from the earth" because God created him from the dust of the earth.

What name did God give to Adam's wife?

Eve - "the mother of people"

At the moment of birth, each person receives a divine gift - a name. This is the most beloved and pleasant word of a person.

Try to name the person affectionately. (Children take turns calling)

Then he experiences incomparable feelings of gratitude and joy, the more pleasant and easier it will be to communicate with him.

The name is not given by chance - which of you was baptized in the temple?

In ancient times, different gods were worshiped in Russia, there was a pagan faith. But by order of Prince Vladimir in 988, all Russian people were baptized, and our distant ancestors converted to the Christian faith. After baptism, people were given Christian names. They were different in origin: Greek, Latin, Jewish. All of them were included in the calendar of names in the church calendar. The names had their own meaning. Vitaly (lat.) - vital, Vladimir (other Russian) - owns the world, Victor (lat.) - the winner, Vasily (Greek) - Tsar, Andrey (Greek) - courageous, brave, Galina (Greek) - calmness, Catherine (Greek) - pure, Irina (Greek) - peace.

The name was given to a person after baptism. In the church calendar, it is dedicated to some saint. When a child was brought to the church to be baptized, the priest asked what date he was born. I looked at the calendar, found the name of the saint, and gave the same name to the child, and this day was considered the name day, that is, the birthday of the name. We all know our birthdays because they are celebrated in the family.

And who of you knows your second holiday - name day? Do you celebrate your name day.

Today you will find out from your parents or grandmothers when you have your name day, and I will name just a few of them: Svetlana-April 2, Vera, Nadezhda, Lyubov, Sofya - September 30, Lyudmila - September 30, Ksenia - February 6, Andrey - July 13 , Ilya-2 August.

It used to be a favorite family holiday. The fragrant scent of the birthday loaf filled the whole house. For the birthday boy, the birthday song sounded "How we baked the name day ..." This song has survived to this day. Do you remember this song?

Even in Russia, the tradition of naming has existed since ancient times, and has survived to this day. The baby could be named after his father, mother, grandfather, great-grandfather. Generic names appeared.

Trace the history of your kind, maybe you bear such a name, or maybe you were named after the saint on the day you were lucky enough to be born. It will protect you throughout your life.

You bear the names of many great and glorious people, Do not disgrace your name, remember the wise traditions, continue the glorious deeds of your ancestors.

II. Resource circle.

The first in the circle says his name and good quality, passes the word to the one sitting on the left. The second student repeats the name and good quality of the neighbor on the right, talks about himself and passes the word on to the one sitting next to him. The third repeats the names and good qualities of previous students and passes the baton on. The last in the circle, the teacher, reproduces his information, addressing each student, and ends with a word about himself.

What feelings did you get during this session?

Expert review.

1) Working in pairs. Emphasize what words a birthday cannot do without? Explain why you chose these words? (Family, friends, song, gift.)

2) It may seem strange to you, but a person's name often reflects character and influence on him

Remember the names of the lazy and stupid in fairy tales?

Emelya, Ustya, Foma, Martyn.

And what is the name of the good fellows?

Ivan, Savva, Egor.

This is reflected in proverbs and sayings. Let's play the proverbial lotto. I will divide each proverb into two parts. I will keep one with myself, and the other I will give to one of you. Together with you we must collect a proverb. To do this, I will read the first part of the proverb, and you, having chosen the meaning, will read the second.

Meli Emelya, your week.

Good Ivan - both to people and to us, and thin Ivan - neither to people nor to us.

Martyn joked, but hid under the tyn.

Poor Makar is getting all the bumps.

(Checking proverbs from the board)

III. Reflection.

What topic was discussed in the lesson?

What does the name mean?

The name is the distinctive name given at birth.

Each of us has one name throughout our lives, and they call us differently in different ages... For example, a girl's name is Katya, when she grows up, she becomes a girl - Katerina, then Ekaterina Anatolyevna or, for loved ones, Aunt Katya. But each of us has our own name, the name that our closest people call us: Anna - Annochka - Annushka - Anyuta - Anya –Nyura - Nyusha - Nyusya. Probably, having heard such an attitude towards yourself, you are more willing to respond to the request. Guys, listen again, how beautiful, affectionate, melodious your names sound: Helen, Anyuta, Ksyusha, Kolenka, Nikitushka, Seryozhenka. So let's not distort them, do not offend the music of their sound. Let's take care of our name and the names of other people, this is our value. We inherited the names, they have come a long way until they reach us. The names are worthy to be treated with care. I think today's lesson taught us a lot.

Abstract of GCD in preparatory group on the topic

"What Our Names Mean"

(the material is designed for 2 lessons or 1 lesson and conversations

in the morning and evening times)

Tasks: To give children the knowledge that each person has his own name, which distinguishes him from other people, to tell about how names were given in Russia and what they meant.

Develop interest in this topic, word creation.

Foster a sense of pride in your name, respect for the names of others

Vocabulary work: nameless, patronymic, pledge (to deposit), words (fame, celebrity), full name, patron - (guardian angel).

Preliminary work: examining illustrations, reading stories, poems, memorizing counting rhymes, nursery rhymes, teasing.

Material: timeline (pictures or illustrations of historical events starting with the primitive social system, slaveholding, capitalist, revolutionary, socialist), collections of Russian oral folklore.

The course of the conversation.

Children, pay attention to the group photo.

How are you alike and how are you different?

Children's answers:

V- Despite the fact that you have a lot in common, nevertheless, everyone has something that cannot be seen, but this distinguishes him from the other. - How can you single out an individual child?

Children's answers:

V- Try not to use names in your speech at least for one day, and you will see that this is impossible: either they will not understand you at all, or it will be so difficult and verbose to describe people who can be called by name. For example: “A girl from another group, which is located opposite our group, will come to visit us: but you can say:“ Nastya Ivanova will come to us ”it is much more convenient. Because they have several more girls in the group, and then we will need to clarify who exactly will come.

Why do we need names?

Children's answers:

V- There is not a single person who does not have a name. The name is given to a person at birth and throughout his life.

"There are no living people, and there can be no nameless: At the very first moment by birth, each poor and noble, the Name as a sweet gift, from his loved ones".

How do you understand the word nameless?

Children's answers:

What can names tell us?

Children's answers:

V- By name you can learn a lot about a person: a man or a woman, a girl or a boy, a young man or an elderly person, to determine a person's belonging to a particular nation. Such a common name: how Ivan in England will sound like John, in France - Jean, in Spain - Juan, in Germany - Hans, in Italy - Giovanni, in Poland - Jan.

What are names?

Children's answers:

V- Names are words, but special. The name of a person is one of the components of his personality. And therefore it stands in front of the surname. In ancient times, our ancestors endowed the name with a special magic power considering it as component part faces and hid from enemies with a mask. In some ancient communities, a person could "lay", i.e. leave your name as a pledge, as now they leave especially valuable things or papers. And until the return of what was taken, no one could call him by name. Warriors, going into battle, left their names, deposited, hid. The name of the person did not arise by chance: years passed, than they came up with a way to distinguish an individual person from the crowd, referring to him by name. The path of names was long, some names were forgotten, new names came to replace them. And today you and I will go back in time when people lived in tribes and had no names. Pay attention to this timeline. It depicts historical events taking place in our country for many, many years. The history of the origin of names can be traced along the timeline.


V- In ancient times, when people lived in tribes, in order to distinguish themselves from each other, they invented nicknames for themselves and others. As a rule, such nicknames reflected some kind of main dignity of a person: "Kind Heart", "Brave", "Sharp Eye". Calling a person like that, people seemed to immediately give him a characteristic, which he must confirm throughout his life. - Therefore, nicknames were not given immediately after birth, but among individual peoples, or even more.


V- As time went on, people's lives changed, and people became more and more. Therefore, the newborns began to be called not by names, but in simple words... Words were given for various reasons: some were called by the name of fish, birds, animals, insects, plants, although they did not have any similarity in appearance.

What do you think, what names of animals, birds, fish, insects were given to people and children?

Children's answers:

V- Parents hoped that boys named wolves or bison would grow up

strong and resilient. The hare and the squirrel are fast and dexterous, the eagle and the falcon are impetuous and sharp-sighted, you want to hear how it sounded. From ancient documents it is known that there was such a trader Ruff Visloukhov, landowner Som Ivanov, blacksmith Okun Fedorov, Kon Sidorov, Zayats Nekrasov. They seem funny to us now. They tried to give such names to those that expressed the most characteristic signs or external features... Names based on hair and skin color were very popular. - If a person has blond hair, what was he called? And if black, red?

Children's answers:

V- there was a white whale, a light firefly, a light, light beluga whale, a black dark-haired, a redhead, a mushroom. The names were assigned according to their height, especially those physiques: Tolstoy, Dry, Mal, Malyuta, Bolshoi, Head, Lyuban. Sometimes in large families, children were named in the order of their birth from 1 to 10: First, Pervunya, Vtorunya, Vtorunya, Tretyak, Chetvertyak, Pyatak, Shestak, Semyak, Vosmyak, Devyatko, Desyatko. Separate names characterized the times of the child's birth (Winter, Vesnyak), natural phenomena (Blizzard, Snow, Wind, Porosha).

Other names reflected any peculiarities of the newborns: Piskun, Lubik, Jumper, they called the children and the names were not very attractive: Nevens, Nekhoroshko, Nekrasiv, Kriv, etc. Their parents called them so that the evil spirits, evil spirits did not destroy them. There were also such names as: Kislokvas, Cucumber, Wear, Kovriga, Tyurya.

Where did these names come from?

Children's answers: food names.

V- Why then there were no such names?

Children's answers:


V- Pay attention to this illustration.

Who is pictured here?

Children's answers:- blacksmith, hunter, fisherman.

V- In ancient Russia, along with words-names, nicknames were given. They

reflected their occupation. Angler, Hunter, Blacksmith, Clerk, Buffoon,

How do you understand the meaning of these words?

Children's answers:

V- There were also such nicknames as Selyanin, Novozhil, Nesvoy, Tatarin.

Why were people given such nicknames?

Children's answers:

V- These nicknames indicate a person's place of residence or nationality. Children, these names seem strange and even funny to you and me.

Children's answers:

V- And in those distant times, these lingual names were attractive and natural.


V- Names - nicknames were replaced by names that were selected for children according to church calendar... The name was given to the child in the temple during the baptismal ceremony. They called him that. what was the name of the saint with whose name this day was associated. The saint became an invisible patron, protector of the child, or, as they say, a guardian angel. And the day, the name - the nouns were called name days.

Are the birthday and birthday the same date or different?

Children's answers:- different, birthday - when was born, and name day - when baptized.

V“Many of you are also baptized.

Do you know the name of your guardian angel?

Children's answers:

V- The names of the guardian angels are very complex and difficult to remember. It can be Akkaki, Mokkiy, Sossia, Khozdazat, Dula, Trifiliy, Eulantius, Photius.

These names live to this day, they are given to you at baptism. Whoever is baptized has two names, one is called by the parents, and the second is given by the priest at baptism.


V- Looking at this picture, we see the life of people in distant times, unknown to us. Then there lived good fellows, girls - beautiful girls. And they had kind mothers, bearded wise priests. They left to plow and mow, to chop at home, knew how to weave canvases, embroider patterns. And their names were Vlas, Gavrila, Yermil, Yakim, Silantiy, Savely, Matryona, Orina, Akulina, Fekla, Fedosya, Nemila.

Have you heard such names in our time?

Where? When? Who is that name?

Children's answers:- the works of "Fedorino Gore", in the fairy tales "Emelyushka",

tiny little Khavryushechka, teasers, nursery rhymes, games, or at the grandmother's or grandfather's.

B - The game "Releasing"

Everyone stands in a circle alone in the middle, everyone says the words “grandfather Tryphon

seven children,

Seven children and all sons

They don't drink, they don't eat, they look at each other,

And everyone does it like this. "

The driver in the middle shows the movement and everyone repeats it. Whoever was late or did it his own way gives the feint.

V- Let's remember the wonderful Russian names that, unfortunately, are not often found now. Proverbs will help us with this. I will read proverbs to you and you name.

V- A hat for Senka, a caftan for Timoshka.

Children: Semyon, Timofey.

V- Tugi nuts tireshki.

Children: Terenty.

V- They sing bitterly about bitter vodka.

Children: Egor.

V- Now let's remember the teasers.


V- In this illustration, we see gallant Russian soldiers fighting the enemy. Therefore, their names were from the word "Glory" Svyatoslav, Yaroslav, Lyuboslav, Gremislav, Metislav, Rastislav, Goreslav. - What does the name Rostislav tell us? (grow what?), Gremislav (sin what?).

Q - Our ancestors were attentive to the choice of names for their children, they wanted their children to grow up strong, strong, kind, brave and strong.


V- Along with Russian names, they began to penetrate into ancient Russia

foreign names that have come down to our time. Elizaveta, Maria, Ivan, Fedor, Natalya - these were the names they called people of a difficult peasant life, these are workers, oppressed people working for whom?

Children's answers:


V- Looking at these people, do not imagine them to be exhausted working in the field or starving. - Who is depicted here?

Children's answers:- nobles.

V- At baptism they received the same names as the peasants, but they were pronounced in the French manner - and then Peter became Pierre. In what fairy tale did we meet this name?

Children's answers:

V- Natalia - Natalie, Ekaterina - Kitty, Daria - Doli, Nikolay - Nicolas. V- Do we come across such names - Elizaveta, Nikolay, Natalia, Ekaterina, Daria, Olga.

Children's answers:

V- That's right, when they call by name, patronymic.

What are the children called?

Natalia - Natasha,

Nikolay ............................

Valentine ...................................


Gregory ....................................


Vladimir ....................................



Daria .....................................


V- Natalia, Olga, Sergey are not full names. Liza, Zhenya, Vova short names incomplete.


V- Along with these names, others appeared, this is understandable, it began new life, parents wanted the fate of their children, who were born under Soviet rule, to be completely different from the difficult fate before the revolution. People wanted life to be beautiful and they tried to give new names, unlike the old ones. Children were named after heroes, freedom fighters. Names appeared, created by the name of the revolutionary months: November, October, May were called boys, and girls were called Oktyabrina, Noyabrina, Maya. The following names also appeared: Zvezda, Zarya, Rocket, Bulb, Electric Train, Freedom, Victory, Labor, Peace. With these names people glorified labor and achievement: Gertrude is the heroine of labor, Lucia is the revolution, Miriuga is the world. But these names had to be quickly parted.

Why do you think?

What would the name, patronymic sound like?

Children's answers:- Zvezda Ivanovna, Andrey Raketovich.

V- Sometimes you can hear such a name as Vigilant, Stars.

V- Who do they call that?

Children's answers:

V- A lot of Russian names are known to us only from old documents, they disappeared after living for centuries or, on the contrary, existed for a very short time, meeting in single cases, some long old names were replaced by people with shorter ones, removing the end or beginning of the name, or replacing the letter in the middle of the word. Fedul - Fedya, Selantiy - Semyon, Metislav - Mitya, Gremislav - Grisha, Rostislav - Slava.

V- Many female names descended from masculine ones with the addition of the sound "A" at the end of the word. Paul - Paul,



July ................................

Valentine .............................

Valery ..............................

The history of each name has evolved in different ways, some have lived a long and difficult life Before they reached our time, some names have disappeared, others have appeared quite recently. - What do you think, from what words did the names of fairytale heroes come from?

Aibolit ...............................

Nesmiyan ..............................

Snow Maiden...........................

Dunno ..............................

Snow White...........................

V- You see how many interesting things we have learned about names, and next time we will talk about the origin of your names.

  • Familiarization with others

  • Development of speech

Me and my name

Target: Provide insight into the importance of naming rights. To acquaint children with the right to a name. Build personality. Enrich children's knowledge about folk tradition, holidays (name days). Develop creative activity, auditory attention. Activate gentle and affectionate words in the speech of children. Foster feelings of self-worth and respect for others

Course of the lesson

(The teacher forms a circle with the children.)

Educator: Guys, look closely at each other and tell me, how are we similar and how are we different? (Answers of children)

Educator: Clever girls, they told you right. It turns out that we have a lot in common, and yet everyone has something that cannot be seen, but that distinguishes him from others. What is it? (Children: Name.)

Educator: There is not a single person who does not have a name. What are names? Names are words, but special. They mean a lot. I will tell you how names were given in ancient times. Our ancestors were attentive to the choice of a name for their children. They wanted their children to grow up strong, sturdy, kind, sweet. So they gave names such as, for example: Dobrynya (doing good), Lyubomir (loving the world, people), Lyudmila (dear to people), Vera, Nadezhda, Love.

Educator. Do you know what your names mean? I'll tell you now, and you remember:

  • Alexandra - "protector"

  • Nikolay - "the winner of the peoples"

  • Daria is the "winner"

  • Elizabeth - "the oath of god"

  • Dmitry - "related to Demeter"

  • Tatiana - "organizer"

  • Maria - "beloved, desired"

  • Olga - "saint"

  • Ivan - "the gift of God"

  • Ksenia - "guest"

  • Valentine - "healthy"

  • Taisiya - "wise"

  • Artyom - "healthy"

  • Yaroslav - "strong"
Educator. Well, guys, we met again, heard your names and found out what meaning our ancestors put into names.

Five years ago, your parents had children - boys and girls. Who is this? You! The moms and dads gave you names. Do you like your names? Did you want to be called by a different name? How?

(One child stands with his back to the others. Children take turns calling him by name using a diminutive form. The child must guess who called him.)

Educator. Each of us has our own name. Someone's name is Alexander, someone is Maria, someone is Catherine. All these names are very beautiful. And they are given to a person for a reason. After all, these names are not only the names of your friends or dad and mom. So once, a very long time ago, the saints were called. Saints are special people. They lived righteous lives. Everyone, everyone was loved and forgiven - even those who offended them. But they themselves have never offended anyone. Always helped the poor. They prayed to the Lord for themselves and for the people who lived next to them, so that everything would be good for everyone. The saints especially pray for those people who bear their name. For example, Saint Nicholas especially prays for boys named Kolya. And the holy great martyr Tatiana - about the girls Tanya. (showing an illustration from the magazine "Shishkin Les" No. 11, 2006, p. 5).

Each of us has our own saint - our heavenly patron, a prayer book before the Lord. Children, do you think there are holidays of names? That's right, they are called name days, or Angel Days for boys and girls. Saints are remembered these days.

For example, December 13 - the day of remembrance of the holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called - is the Day of the Angel of all Andryushek, and February 6 - the day of remembrance of the holy blessed Xenia of Petersburg - is the Day of the Angel of all Oksanas.

Guys, do you know when you have Angel Day - your heavenly patron? If not, ask your dads or moms about it.


Educator. You can learn a lot about a person by name. For example, having heard how they addressed a person, you can say what kind of person they are. For example, one person was called “Andryushenka”, and another “Anna Petrovna”. What can you say about "Andryushenka" and about "Anna Petrovna"? Who are they? (Answers of children)

Educator: Right. If the child was called "Kolya", and the other "Tanya". What can you say about these children? (Children: You can say that it is a boy and a girl.)

Educator: Well done boys. By name you can find out who you are, a girl or a boy, a man or a woman, a young man or an elderly person.

Educator: Guys, tell me, who can you contact simply by name? (Children: By name you can refer to a friend, brother, sister.)

Educator: That's right, just by name you can refer to a peer. And who is addressed by name and patronymic? (Answers of children)

Educator: That's right, by calling an adult by name and patronymic, you are showing respect for him. But not to know the names of your loved ones, friends, is impolite. That is why you need to remember the name, patronymic and surname of your relatives, acquaintances, friends.

Educator: Guys, how do you know why we were talking about names today? I wanted to introduce you to the new right of all children - is this a right to a name?

Educator: Yes, guys, the Convention on the Rights of the Child states that every child has the right to a name. As soon as the baby is born, the parents give him his first and last name. The name, patronymic and surname of the child are recorded in the registration book and the parents are given the first document of the child, "Certificate of Birth". (Show document). This document contains the name, patronymic, surname of the child; day, month, year of birth of the child; Place of Birth; Acting F. mom and dad. Each of you has such a document. When you get home, ask Mom or Dad to show this document and read all of its points. You will once again hear how your full name sounds, how the names, patronymics and surnames of your parents sound.

Educator: Today in the lesson we learned about the new right of children. What is this right?

Answer: Every child has a right to a name.

Educator: What did you like in class today? What was difficult?

Methodical development.
Item: The world
Class 3
Educational complex "School of the 21st century"
Teacher: Bratanova Tamara Alexandrovna,
MBOU "Tashebinskaya NOSH" Republic of Khakassia
Lesson topic: Name, patronymic, surname.
Targets and goals:
 to acquaint students with the origin of names, surnames,
with the meaning of a name for a person.
 develop cognitive and Creative skills children,
Foster a sense of belonging and positive
psychological microclimate in groups;
 to cultivate pride in your family, the desire to glorify your
name, leave good fame about him, respect for traditions and
customs of the people.
Lesson type:
Methodological techniques: verbal, illustrative, creation
situations of success, play.
Forms of work: group, individual, frontal.
Views learning activities: listening, storytelling, messages,
answers to questions, independent work, ICT.
1. Lesson summary, presentation.
2. Computer
3. Messages from children.
4. Cards with tasks.
Predicted result:
Students will gain a broader understanding of history
the formation of names, surnames, patronymics, will enrich their communication experience,
vocabulary will increase self-esteem.
Formation of UUD
Cognitive UUD:

we form the ability to extract information from diagrams, illustrations,
we form the ability to identify the essence, features of objects;
we form the ability to draw conclusions based on the analysis of objects;
we form the ability to establish analogies;
we form the ability to generalize and classify according to characteristics.
Communicative UUD:
we form the ability to listen and understand others;
we form the ability to build a speech utterance in accordance with
assigned tasks;
we form the ability to formulate our thoughts orally;
we form the ability to jointly agree on the rules of communication and
Personal UUD:
we form the ability to identify and express the simplest, common
rules for all people;
develop the ability to evaluate life situations from point of view
generally accepted norms and values;
we form the ability to make a choice in the proposed situations, which
act to commit.
Regulatory UUD:
we form the ability to determine the goal of activities in the lesson;
we form the ability to determine the success of our task in dialogue
with a teacher.
1. Organizing time(teacher).
Here the bell rings again
Lesson begins!
... We will work actively, creatively, with interest and pleasure.
They smiled at each other and our guests.
2 Knowledge update. Creation of a problematic situation.
I want to start the lesson with a poem by Yuri Blagov. You
listen carefully and think about what will be discussed at
today's lesson.?
Grandfather, trying for the granddaughter,
Picked up from different places
A number of names that ring out loud:
Toby ... Muzio ... Sven ... Orestes ...

The son-in-law decided during the debate
Turn the question squarely:
let's call it more modern -
Helium ... Atom ... Cosmodrome ...
A daughter caught up in an argument
Climbs noisily on the rampage
With a whole import set:
Edwin ... Melvin ... Selvin ... John ...
Grandmother with infidels to know
Doesn't want to, and herself
Contributes, looking at the calendar:
Psycho ... Sysoy ... Kuzma ... Thomas ...
By wise writing
Exciting four of us,
We had a bet at night, and in the morning
The boy was named Peter.
What were the parents arguing about?
What names were suggested?
What name did you stop at?
Why was this name chosen? _ (answer options)
By the end of the lesson, we will try to find the answer to this question.
2. New material.
What do you think is the topic of our lesson?
We live in a world of names.
There are no living people, and there can be no nameless;
At the very first moment of birth, everyone is poor and noble,
The name as a sweet gift, he receives from his relatives ...
This is what the legendary poet said three thousand years ago
Ancient Greece Homer. At all times, as soon as a person
comes into this world, it is given a name.
What do you think is a name?
Learn the answers.
And here is how the explanatory dictionary explains it to us.
In modern explanatory dictionary Russian (reading from

Name is the name of a person given to him at birth and
distinguishing him from others.
Names, like everything else in the world, have their own history. She is closely related to
history of the people and their language. Names arise, change
disappear and can be reborn again. To find out the meaning and
to understand the origin of the name, it is necessary to return to the distant
the past, to the origins of the development of the Russian language. Ancient Russians
names were peculiar characteristics of people. The name was given
a person as a sign by which he could be distinguished from
family and clan.
In some cases, a person was characterized by external
characteristics or character, in others by status in the family, by
the attitude of his parents to him, sometimes indicated the time and place
birth, or in general by the resemblance to any animal.
Now, you will try to divide the old names into groups.
and determine how these names came about.
Children group cards with names on the board.
Oblique, Mal, Curly, Chernysh, Milava. (Person's appearance)
Molchan, Kind, Clever, Nesmeyana. (Trait)
Zhdan, Menshak, Tretyak, Second (Place in the family)
Saturday, Winter, Road (Place and time of birth)
Guys, what are these names like?
Indeed, ancient names are not at all similar to modern and
more like nicknames and nicknames. What do you think, what
happened and why modern Russian names are completely
(Children make guesses.)
To figure this out, we need to return to Ancient
Russia, in the 10th century, when Prince Vladimir ruled.
Who can say what a momentous event
what happened in Russia at that time?
(Children talk about the baptism of Rus.)
Before this event, Russia was pagan, i.e. people believed in many
gods: god of wind, sun, earth, etc. In a word, people saw the gods
in all natural phenomena and worshiped them. Now to replace
many of the old gods came to believe in one God.

And how many knows what the baptismal ceremony is,
conversion to the Christian faith? The baptismal ceremony was
that the inhabitants of Russian villages were driven in droves into the river, there they
washed the body three times to wash away the "filth" of the pagan faith and
old "pagan" name. Standing on the shore, Christian
the priests blessed each with a cross and gave a new name. So,
Zhdany and Brave, Nesmeyany and Swans became Vasily and
Cyril, Anna and Evdokia. New names came from
other languages ​​of European and Eastern peoples.
2.2 Working with new information
The most popular names that parents gave
to their children in 2015:
Among male names in Russia
traditionally the name of Alexander is in the lead. In second place is Maxim,
then there are Artem, Mikhail, Daniil, Ivan, Dmitry, Kirill,
Andrey and Egor.
The most popular names among newborn girls are
Sophia and Sophia. And the names Maria and Marya, which are considered
the most widespread, in 2015 they took only the second
a place. Followed by Anna, Anastasia, Victoria, Elizabeth,
Polina, Alice, Daria and Alexandra.
Rare names: Dobroslav, Vladamir, Svyatozar, Amelia, Evdokia,
Lyubava, Praskovya, Aksinia, Indira, Cheslava.
So our names are mostly Greek and Roman
origin, but for us they became "Russian" and very close.

2.3 Physical minutes.
Guys now we will check who was attentive in the lesson, and for
After this, we will perform the following task.
I will call names, and you, if you hear male name ­
sit down, and if a woman's hands are raised up.
(Masha, Petya, Sveta, Sasha, Vasya, Vera, Lena, Zhenya)
2.4 Completing the task on the cards.

1) Before you are cards on which complete and
abbreviated names, write them in pairs. (Sasha, Vanya, Tanya, Nina,
Alyosha, Alexander, Tatiana, Alexey, Ivan)
What is the name left without a pair? (Nina)
This name has only one form, which is considered complete.
2) The next task is to divide the names into two columns: names
boys and girls names. (Sveta, Kolya, Zhenya, Lena, Valya, Sasha)
What names did you write in both columns? (Zhenya, Valya, Sasha)
Ophthalmic physical minute for the eyes. (Catch a snowflake)
2.5Individual work to fill your chamomile:
1. The sheets contain information about the meaning of the names. Read the meaning of your
2. On each petal write your name as they call you
mom, dad, grandmother, grandfather, brother or sister, and on the last
petal the way you would like to be called.
3. Protection of your work. Grading and commenting on grades.
Why was the boy named Peter in the poem?
2.5 Teamwork
Now listen to Z. Alexandrova's poem "Eight
Tan "
There are eight Tan in the first class
This is a direct punishment!
After all, they have, wherever you look,
Tanya, Tanya, Tanya are everywhere!
If they say: "Tanya, get up!"
Eight Tan will stand up at once.
But you can very simply
Understand newbies ...
What are people with the same name called?
How can you tell these girls apart? (By last name)
Yes, every person at birth receives not only a name, but
the surname worn by members of his family.

The word "surname" in Latin means
"a family". The surname is given to a person and passed from parents to
children. The surnames did not appear immediately. Common people: peasants and
workers received their names only in the middle of the 19th century.
They sound like music, like a verse,
The surnames are simple.
Look closely and you will see in them
History of Russia.
This is how the poet Graudin wrote about it.
Who was your great-grandfather in Russia?
Ask your name!
There is Kuznetsov in the class,
Who is Kuznetsov's great-grandfather?
He was from the line of blacksmiths,
Father's father's father.
Goncharov's great-grandfather knew
Potter's wheel and clay.
I drove the tar at Degtyarev,
I hunched my back in tar.
Perhaps young Stolyarov
And it won't cope with the chisel,
But my great-grandfather was one of the carpenters,
He was a great-grandfather.
Pilshchikov was friends with the saw,
Crumpled Kozhemyakin skin
I went to the attack of the Warriors
Streltsov fought too.
Try to guess who your ancestors were. (Several
Remember how in Ancient Rus names were formed. Similar
surnames were formed. Some are from the names of the professions, while others ...
Now you yourself will try to determine how it happened.
some surnames.

2.5 Group work
The class is divided into groups and each group gets a list
Group 1: Zavolgin, Nagorny, Nizhegorodtsev, Rostov,
(From place of residence)
Group 2: Khudobin, Kosykh, Zubatov, Shustrov, Lobanov, Veselov.
(From nicknames that characterized external features or
Group 3: Lebedev, Romashov, Volkov, Sobolev, Ryabinin.
(By the names of animals and plants)
Group 4: Ivanov, Mikhailov, Petrov, Semyonov, Antonov. (From
Group 5: Laptev, Smolin, Shilov, Melnikov, Sapozhnikov,
Merchants, Soldatov. (From the type of activity)
Group 6: Voznesensky, Rozhdestvensky, Uspensky,
(Church ministers got their names from titles
church holidays or those temples where they served.)
Do you think nicknames are needed modern people?
Why do some children come up with nicknames for each other?
But it happens that people themselves invent fictional
first and last names pseudonyms? For what? (Journalists,
writers, singers, politicians For example, Korney Chukovsky -
oa Daniel Kharms - Daniel
Nikol i Vas lievich Korneichuk,
Ivanovich Yuvachev, Lenin - Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov)
3. Summing up.
Collect a proverb. Collectively at the blackboard. (Words are pasted on
the whole class)

Colors, not a name, but, a person, a name, a person
It is not a name that paints a person, but a person's name.
Whatever names we carry, whatever our predetermined
names, we always remain the masters of our destiny. Only from us
depends on what mark our name will leave on Earth. I think that
each of us would like his name to be associated in people with
something good, kind, light. Thought and dreamed about it
different people at different times.
Our name connects us with our family, with our friends and
acquaintances, with our small and large Motherland and with the history of our
What new have you learned in today's lesson?
Why do we need this knowledge? Where can you apply them?
What do you remember the most?
4.A faceless alien has landed on your desks
color it according to your mood and give it a name of a resident
22 century
5 teacher assessment
Thank you for the lesson!
Vii. Homework
Prepare a retelling of the text of the textbook, come up with a story about
how did the surnames come about
Peskarev, Pechnikov, Veselov, or your own surname (optional).
2.6 Working with the textbook. (p. 4142)
Guys, let's go back to the times of Ancient Russia and
let's talk about epic heroes.
Consider Vasnetsov's painting "Heroes". What's the name
Why do you think the heroes have such nicknames? What kind
could the last names come from these nicknames? (Nikitin, Muromtsev,

And who knows what patronymic Ilya Muromets had?
Listen to the words of the epic and the answer will become clear.
In an open field, dust rises
Ilya Muromets, son of Ivanovich,
Solovyov's nest is approaching ...
What does the word "middle name" mean? ("paternal name")
Why do you think modern man patronymic?