Imitation of stucco masonry. Imitation of stone with decorative plaster

Masonry, fashionable in finishing design natural stone used for cladding facades, interior walls, fireplaces, stoves. The work can be significantly accelerated, simplified and cheaper. For this, an imitation of masonry on plaster is used, which is carried out by two different methods... One of them involves the use of stencils, and the other method does not require any special devices. It is about him that is described in the article.

Surface preparation

Preparation consists in leveling the walls in a standard way: using plaster or starting putty. After complete drying, the wall is treated with a primer and again they wait until it dries. Further, the boundaries of the future "masonry" are designated. This can be easily done using adhesive masking tape, applying it to the surface strictly vertically and horizontally, or according to the design of the future finish. If a novice master does the work with his own hands, then it is better to divide the designated area into several small zones in order to have time to do the work on time.

Stage one: markup and texture

For work, use a finishing or starting putty. If the surface needs the graininess that distinguishes the starting putty, then it is better to take it. Such a solution is more suitable for imitation, despite the fact that the texture will be additionally created. If you need to portray facing brick, take finishing putty providing a perfectly smooth surface.

A layer of mortar 0.5 cm thick is applied to the wall and evenly distributed. A roughened surface is created immediately. For this, simple materials are used:

  • foam sponge,
  • a roller with a hard nap,
  • hard cloth folded into a ball,
  • a metal washcloth for cleaning kitchen utensils.

With short jerky touches on the wet putty, they leave traces, filling the prepared area with them. This technique gives the surface the realism that is characteristic of rough natural stone.

Stage two: drawing the seams

Quickly, until the putty is dry, indicate the seams of the masonry. This can be done with a pencil or any object that can leave a furrow behind. First, you can outline future seams with a spatula-iron. It is better to use it for even distribution of the solution at the 1st stage of work. So it is easier to make an imitation with your own hands, since the drawing will be carried out along the marked lines.

The dimensions of the "stone" depend on which natural mineral is to be depicted. For example, sandstone is made according to the size of an ironing spatula. average size... Vertical and horizontal stripes are pressed through its ribs. The rules for laying in a dressing should be observed, that is, the vertical seams of each next row should be outlined in a checkerboard pattern relative to the previous one.

Then the seams are drawn. The tool used to do this determines their width and expected decorative effect... Can be used:

It is important to draw with your hand without using a ruler. It should not be perfectly flat, on the contrary, if the hand trembles slightly from tension, the lines will turn out to be more realistic. At the end of the work, wait until the surface is completely dry and prime it.

Stage three: decoration

For staining use acrylic paint or acrylic-azure of a suitable color. For example, for sandstone it is better to take a light brown or yellow paint, and for granite it is better to take a gray one. The paint is applied not with a roller or with a wide brush, but with a narrow brush. She will be able to provide an uneven layer, which is required in this case. You can do it differently: first apply white paint, and after it dries - suitable in color. This is required for a high-quality imitation of the erased surface, which is done after the paint has dried.

To do this, take a fine-grain sandpaper and lightly process the surface with it. On the convex fragments of the texture, a white layer begins to show through, effectively bringing the artificial pattern closer to the natural one. Further, the wall is covered with wax for decorative plaster. He also chooses a suitable shade, and apply it soft cloth... After the wax has dried, you can lightly treat the wall again. sandpaper to add antiquity. The seams are painted over with paint to match, if desired, or left as they are.

Modern technologies in construction area allow you to partially or completely replace natural materials artificial analogs of high quality.

Use a natural stone or artificial today is equally prestigious if the analogue has almost indistinguishable external and functional characteristics.

Material for stone

Do-it-yourself stone imitation when creating a harmonious look at home allows you to experiment with decor.

Special preference has always been given to stone in construction. With the help of this material, you can create a unique style, add a presentable appearance to the structure, and an unsurpassed charm to the interior with stone trim.

The stone is used for both constructive solutions when building a house, and in interior design. Lovers of natural stone: sandstone, granite, marble and other rocks, of course, will make their choice in favor natural origin material.

Those for whom such a question is not fundamental can be advised to purchase artificial analogs of proven brands in specialized stores.

Very high requirements are imposed on modern artificial stone, therefore many experts recommend using this material on their site today.

Materials used as substitutes

Simulated stream bed

Cast stones have become widespread in recent years. This also includes granite and marble. In terms of structure, such a material is produced using natural stone chips with the addition of a binder polymer element.

The mixture is processed according to modern technologies with holding a certain temperature and pressure. This is how the main technical specifications material.

As a result, up to potential buyer comes construction material with outward signs natural stone, but having more practical qualities - minimum fragility and maximum elasticity.

The resulting material is, in a sense, even more attractive to buyers than the usual stone. He sometimes looks brighter and more presentable outwardly.

Imitation of natural stone refers to inexpensive technological production. After all, it is no secret that large sums of funds are required for the development of a quarry and the extraction of natural rocks.

During the work, the stone often cracks, as a result it does not come to the manufacturers in an attractive form, additional funds are spent on its processing.

During all technological processes a lot of excess crumbs are formed. It is she who goes into processing when mixed with a polymer substance. The result is a so-called analog natural material.

This type of activity has recently become so profitable that many enterprises have abandoned the development and extraction of rock and started production on the basis of stone chips.

Fully artificial stone is obtained from concrete. This material has very high quality characteristics in terms of strength and durability.

Since this way of getting artificial stone is not something new in construction, the technology for the production and processing of completely artificial substitutes includes the use of sand, cement, pigments, dyes, water, plasticizer.

This set is a filler for concrete as such, but in this case there is also an additional special processing of the material, which makes it possible to obtain a really very strong and durable artificial stone that can imitate almost any rock: from granite and quartz to malachite.

It is not difficult to use such a building material at home, therefore, decorating a house or building a structure using an analogue or artificial stone is quite possible with your own hands.

In this regard, an interesting option is to use a material that imitates a stone for interior design in a house.

Wall decoration with artificial stone

Rockery do it yourself

The traditional interior of the walls in the house can get bored very quickly, so the application of new trends in interior decoration brings a note of novelty and creativity in design solutions.

The use of imitation stone for wall decoration is not a new idea, only before it could not always adequately satisfy the creative impulse due to the elementary lack of high-quality material.

Today this problem has been fundamentally solved. There are several types of room imitations.

There are no restrictions on style, the main thing is to choose your own version. Transforming your room with new décor is another way to change your life for the better.

What do you need to work?

  • Acrylic paint different shades despite the fact that the room will be designed in a single color scheme;
  • Marker;
  • Roulette, flat plate, fine texture brush;
  • Pencil, sponge for painting, sponge, container with water;
  • Disposable gloves;
  • Fabric for the ability to protect the surface from stains;
  • Large feather.

Do-it-yourself imitation of a wall under a stone

Wall decoration with stone

In the beginning, as with any finishing work, everything unnecessary is removed from the walls, including the surface layer.

The fabric can be laid out on the floor or the furniture can be covered. Everything that is possible must be protected from paint ingress.

The appropriate size of the stone is selected in the form of slabs with an imitating structural pattern.

The size of the interval on the wall between laying is determined. The result should be a single harmonious composition.

It is interesting to note that in some cases, to embody the design idea, the wall is not completely covered with stone, and the edges of the slabs are left slightly careless, even neatly chipped off. Only with such work is it necessary to take care of your hands.

Using a ruler, a horizontal line is first drawn on the wall, then vertical markings are made. Marks are made on the wall in several places, and the points are then connected to each other.

Similar markings are made to split the existing markings in half. In the same way, markup is created for the next row. When marking on the walls, it is important to apply very clear lines so that subsequently the masonry flows smoothly, without displacement.

A little paint is poured onto a flat plate, which is mixed with a small amount of water with the color that you plan to apply. You can mix the paints in equal proportions to simulate the uneven color of the stone.

With the help of a sponge, paint is applied to the stones randomly to get a color close to the natural color. After that, the paint is rubbed in with a sponge and spread over the edges with a thin brush. It is important to soften the contours to create the appearance of natural stone.

For more effect, you can create the appearance of cracks on the wall. To do this, you need to use a large nib. It creates the effect of a non-ideal surface in the form of rough lines. This design trick is often resorted to, even in the most respectable houses you can find a "subtle fake".

Diy stone dyes

Next, you should paint the edges of the stones with a marker and a pencil. This produces a simultaneous effect of delineating the boundaries and shaded texture of the stone. With careful work, the result is very expressive and realistic.

It is important to note that, following the example of working with artificial stone indoors for wall decoration, you can clearly show how, using imitation materials, little tricks and creativity, you can turn a dull artificial appearance of a house into an attractive "live" appearance.

At exterior decoration imitators of a stone can get no less presentable look. Only there are some differences in the technology of work.

Natural natural stone is used for many types of work. This is not only the device of paths, but also the cladding of external and internal walls, the manufacture of window sills, countertops and much more. But the cost of a natural mineral is very high, so today a variety of its imitations have become popular. Let's find out what types of such artificial products are and how to make an imitation of a stone at home with your own hands.

Artificial stone is the most popular all over the world. It is inexpensive, practical, durable and looks like its artificial product appeal. As for the style itself, it all depends on the choice of natural material for imitation.

Types of artificial stone

Today, numerous types of tiles are used that mimic the surface of natural stone. The most simple options consist of concrete and plaster, but there are also more expensive materials, for example, based on acrylic. Let's consider the main varieties:

  1. Ceramic tiles are a material that imitates the surface of natural stone and is produced on the basis of clay. After the mass has been formed, the tiles require firing at high temperatures.
  2. Shaped gypsum tiles intended only for indoor spaces... It is easy to do it at home, the costs are also low. This material, which imitates the surface of natural stone, is used for wall decoration, fireplace decoration.
  3. Concrete artificial stone is slightly more expensive than gypsum, but such an imitation may well be used for facing facades. At home, on the basis of concrete, you can make such imitating natural stone surfaces as sawn slabs, boulders. It is also quite possible to make cobblestones for the garden.
  4. Polyester stone with mineral fillers is produced by vacuum hardening at high temperatures, that is, it cannot be made at home. Such a product is distinguished by its high quality, excellent appearance.
  5. on a gel basis. This version of the imitation of natural stone is highly durable. It is used most often to create countertops, decorative elements fireplaces, marbled panels. Often it is from acrylic imitation of natural stone that artificial species translucent onyx used for wall panels.

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How to make an artificial stone at home?

The path, paved under the imitation of natural stone: a - decorative coating, b - concrete, c - formwork from a hoop.

For cladding internal walls and performing various decorative elements, gypsum products are most often used, which are very easy to do with your own hands at home. Pure gypsum is not used for this, but there are special modified varieties on sale that differ in the necessary strength characteristics, repeating the qualities of natural stone.

Manufacturing technology is not complicated, the cost is lower acrylic models, imitations of translucent onyx, marble. For work, you need to prepare the following materials and tools:

  • gypsum mixture of white;
  • container for mixing components;
  • special pallet;
  • wide table, rolled polyethylene;
  • polyurethane matrices (molds);
  • drill;
  • corrugated glass;
  • water-based pigments (today you can buy special dyes for artificial stone).

Before making a stone, you will first have to prepare a place for work. This mainly concerns the cleaning of the table surface and the preparation of the forms.

You can take polyurethane or silicone matrices, but metal, wooden, from ordinary plastic are not suitable.

Next, we begin to prepare the plaster dough. We make the amount of solution in such a volume that there is no excess left, since it will simply solidify, become unsuitable for further use. Making an artificial stone is as follows: pour water into a container, add plaster mix and stir until the solution is thick enough. Too liquid gypsum dries for a long time and does not hold its shape well.

To increase the strength, approximately 10% refined sand can be added. The matrices must be lubricated with a surfactant. It is a simple 7: 3 mixture of turpentine and wax. We add coloring pigments to the gypsum, thoroughly knead the mass again. After that, the solution is poured into molds. Using a spatula, level out the mass, cover the forms with corrugated glass, put them on a pallet and send them to a special vibrating table for 2 minutes so that air bubbles come out of the solution.

Further, the process of making an artificial stone is reduced to solidification of the mass, it takes about 20 minutes, after which you can remove the glass, carefully remove finished tiles from the molds, leave to dry on outdoors before final hardening.

You can diversify your interior different ways... For example, the creation of original textures and volumetric drawings on. For these purposes, fit special mixtures which mimic different ones perfectly. Decorative plaster, when applied correctly, will create an imitation of masonry. This finish is usually used for, but can also be used in the house. It all depends on your capabilities and desires. You can create a stone effect in different ways, we will talk about them below.

But do not apply this paint with spots, but only paint over all the resulting empty stripes.

Thus, an overflow of different shades is obtained. Next, remove excess paint from the wall, this will help to show the texture. All white seams should be painted with a darker paint. After that, a small amount of light paint is applied to the stones, for a more distinct highlighting of the texture. Next, you need to paint shadows on the stones using dark paint.

The end result is a masonry wall made of decorative plaster.

Stencils for imitation of stone and brickwork

Currently, there are other techniques for simulating stucco masonry. These are special models and forms made of plastic.

Forms like this are easy to work with. A certain layer of mortar is applied to the wall, and then, while it is not dry, it is applied to it plastic mold... By creating pressure on the shape, it turns out to squeeze out a certain profile of the stones.

Forms on the market different sizes, for example, one stone or several pieces at once. Of course, with a large shape, getting relief is much easier and faster. And stones in these shapes can be large or small.

Layouts are used to create not three-dimensional, but flat relief. These layouts have rectangular shape even masonry or the shape of an uneven stone.

The look of the whole house largely depends on the appearance of the building's basement. The most popular and desired decoration option is natural stone. It is, of course, beautiful, but rather expensive. How you can make a high-quality imitation of a stone, thereby significantly saving money, is described in this article.

Nothing gives more solidity and solidity outward appearance buildings like natural stone on a plinth. It would seem, what is easier, buy required material- natural or artificial, glued to concrete or brick base cap and finished. However, there are often cases when such an option is simply unacceptable, both from a constructive and financial point of view. It is quite clear that ready-made stone slabs are initially quite expensive pleasure, and if it is also necessary to prepare a special base for them, for example, if the basement is insulated from the outside, then all this will eventually cost a pretty decent amount. You can save a lot and at the same time get a result that is almost the same both externally and to the touch from a natural stone, if you make an imitation of it. We will describe how this is done further.

As a role model, let's take this option for finishing the basement with chipped granite slabs:

As a result, if you do everything in accordance with the instructions given, you will get the following result:

As you can see, the result is almost identical to the reference one.

Materials and tools

To carry out the work, we need the following materials:

  1. Plaster mix - one 25 kg bag for about 5 m 2. Price - 4 USD e.
  2. Front primer - 0.5 kg per 1 m 2 of one layer. A 25 kg bucket costs about $ 20. e.
  3. Front paint - 1 kg. For 1 m 2 of one layer. A 25 kg bucket costs about $ 50. e.
  4. Decorating paints - base paint plus colors. In total, it will take about 2 cu. e. for 1 m 2.
  5. Plaster mesh. The thing is pretty cheap - about 0.4 cu. e. for 1 m 2.
  6. Covering film is the thinnest.

The use is not even initially cheap quality materials gives savings in comparison with natural stone at times!


  1. Scallop for priming (not plastering).
  2. The roller is not fluffy, for example, a felt roller for rolling film and smoothing seams.
  3. Fluffy paint rollers.
  4. Flat, thin brushes.
  5. Spoon.
  6. Stiff brush for washing bathtubs, to give additional texture to stones.
  7. Mixer for dry mixes.
  8. Sandpaper.

We make an imitation of a stone on a plinth

All work can be roughly divided into three stages:

  • preparation of the foundation;
  • making imitation stones;
  • decoration.

So let's get started. We have a plinth insulated with polystyrene plates. We prepare the base.

1. Knead the mixture.

By the way, the same mixture is used for false stones.

2. Apply in a layer of about 3 mm, having previously putty the seams.

3. Cut off a strip of the reinforcing facade mesh of the required length.

4. Apply the mesh and smooth it with spatulas, with your hands, whatever, but so that not a single bubble remains. Cut the junctions from above and below to a width of about 1 cm, the mesh should not tuck.

5. Apply a second layer of the mixture 2-3 mm thick and leave to dry completely.

6. We prime the surface with primer for outdoor work, with deep penetration on loose surfaces. We prime the entire basement. Leave to dry for at least three hours in dry weather.

7. Knead the same mixture as for the mesh. Apply on a primed base.

We make the mixture quite dense, it should not flow. Apply in a layer up to 3 cm. After drying - another one. As a result, we get 6 cm of the final thickness. It's not worth doing a lot at once, a couple of square meters.

8. While the mixture is sufficiently wet, apply a thin film to cover the furniture, previously soaked in water. If the film is not moistened, then you run the risk of tearing off the entire mixture.

On the surface of the base, wrinkle the film, as it turns out, and roll it with a lush, but not very soft roller - a rope or felt will do. We ride hard enough.

As a result, we get the following surface:

9. Remove the film with a sideways motion. We get the texture of a natural stone.

The film must be wetted before each gluing.

10. We proceed to the next stage - making false stones. With the flat end of the brush, apply a pattern of joining. We try not to cut through to the very ground. Where it is convenient, we help ourselves with a spoon.

11. Wet the roller used to roll the film in water and roll a little at the edges of the seams to smooth them out. Then we go through the seams with a wet brush. This will make them neater.

12. For additional texture, you can punch the surface with a brush. We leave to dry.

13. After drying, knock down the debris and burrs with coarse sandpaper,

14. We prime the resulting surface. This should be done crosswise.

15. Apply base paint.

16. We color the "stone" slabs. A complex process, but quite fun, it does not require certain conditions and artistic skills. To imitate live chipped granite, use red, brick, dark brown, black and white for lightening.

Colors are mixed directly on the base. Repeat the stained seams with the same base paint.

17. When everything is dry, we give the effect of aging and hide the flaws. We take a thin flat brush, stain it with a light tone and touch the surface of the stones with an edge or very tip. When the paint on the brush ends, we dip it in the paint again, beat it with the end on the cardboard, so that the excess is removed so that bloopers do not turn out, and we apply it to the stones. It is better to repeat several times in one place than to overdo it with white.

In close-up, the surface should look like this:

18. If you want to give a gloss to the surface, then you can varnish over the stone. No varnish is required to fix the paint, modern facade paints persistent and serve for many years.

19. You can highlight the seams with dark paint. Get a more expressive surface. In the photo, the seams on the left are light, on the right are dark.

20. Upon completion of all work, you will receive an almost natural stone on the foam surface of the basement insulation.

Evgeny Dubinin, (based on materials from user LiLi4ita)