Penetrating waterproofing to protect concrete. Penetron penetrating waterproofing: characteristics, application, consumption and prices

To solve an acute question of the restoration of the waterproofing of basements and other long-term exploited rooms of a bellped type, traditional bituminous, inlet and plaster waterproofing is applied less and less. Newly replaced with obsolete materials came new technical solutionsembodied by penetrating waterproofing.

Principle of operation of penetrating waterproofing

The waterproofing compositions of the penetrating action include two groups of materials: special surface coatings with penetrating effect and injectable hydroactive solutions.

  • Part waterproofing coatings Supply chemically active additives. The waterproofing compositions apply to the peres and capillaries of concrete to form insoluble crystals.

During the operation of structures in the occurrence of new contacts, the water molecules with concrete resumes a chemical reaction with the development of sealing structures.

  • Hydroactive injection formulations are used to eliminate leaks in building structures. Basically, these are single-component polyurethane fluids having a low viscosity.

While contact with water, polyurethane compositions are expanding in volume. Distribution occurs injection waterproofing throughout the design. At the same time, water in the cavities is replaced by waterproof polyurethane aggregate.

How does penetrating waterproofing acting - video

And this video will clearly show how penetrating insulation materials work:

The advantages of penetrating waterproofing

An important advantage of penetrating waterproofing materials is their environmental friendliness. These compositions provide waterproof while maintaining vapor permeability. This property contributes to preservation. performance characteristics Building materials - concrete, brick, stone - and the health of people living in such a building.

The benefits of penetrating waterproofing include its ability to form a single integer with a construction structure.

The use of penetrating waterproofing has a positive effect on frost resistance and concrete strength. This is due to the fact that with constant filtering of water through concrete, the components of the cement stone are washed. With a loss of 20% calcium hydroxide, concrete loses up to 30% of the initial strength. As a rule, such serious consequences are observed at long operation - About 40 years old. Usually there is a loss of strength - 2-5%. But even such a weakening of concrete is eliminated in the depth of construction, not all waterproofing materials may not be. Restoration of the strength characteristics of concrete and iron concrete structures Promotes an increase in the frost resistance of the material.

Frost resistance itself waterproofing materialAt the same time, the values \u200b\u200bdo not play because it is a single whole with concrete.

"Eternal" methyl acrylate injection waterproofing

Penetrating waterproofing on the basis of methyl acrylate gel is quite widely used in foreign countries. This material refers to injecting compositions, deeply penetrating the building material in the thickness of the waterproofing characteristics.

The process of using methylacrylate injection waterproofing is as follows:

  • In problem places concrete or brick walls drill holes in which the gel is injected.
  • After the introduction into the building material, the methyl acrylate gel applies to deploy, displacing moisture and blocking pores. Over time, the gel goes to the outer surface of the structure and completely covers its protective dense layer.

The additional advantage of the methyl acrylate gel is its ability to penetrate into the depth of the plots adjacent to the construction construction, strengthening and protecting them.

A distinctive feature of this injection material is a high speed of its action. When choking the leaks in the basement by injection of gel, water after a few seconds ceases to leak into the room.

To create a reliable protective layer in the basement, at the beginning of the gel injections in the most problematic places, and then plastering the walls with cement-sandy solution with gel additives.

Methyl acrylate gel is used to waterproofing basements and other underground structures, including the metro.

However, in penetrating waterproofing compositions based on this gel there is a significant minus - the high cost of work. It is not possible to perform this elegidro-insulation with your own hands, since it will require a special pumping unit. Such equipment is available only in fairly large construction organizations. But, on the other hand, the use of methylacrylate gel injections will allow you to get rid of bad waterproofing problems forever.

Waterproofing materials Surface application penetron system

Penetron Releases wide spectrum Materials of penetrating action, both for waterproofing coatings and for injections.

Penetron compounds for applying a protected design have a number of unique qualities:

  • These compositions are applied to a wet surface that does not require pre-drying, which significantly accelerates and reduces the cost of waterproofing work. Application is carried out with a brush (on the smooth surface) or a spatula (on uneven surfaces).
  • With the materials of the Penetron system, it is easy to work, you only follow the rules described in the instructions.
  • It is possible to use these materials from the inner, and from the outdoor side of the structure, regardless of which the direction is water.
  • The use of PENETRON compounds makes it possible to significantly increase the brand of concrete on waterproof, increase the characteristics of the strength and frost resistance of concrete and reinforced concrete elements.
  • With mechanical damage to the processed design, the increased operational properties purchased by it are saved. The application of the compositions of this brand provides the ability of concrete to "self-defense".
  • Processing this system of materials allows one to get rid of bad waterproofing problems forever
  • Concretes coated with PENETRON waterproofing layer maintain vapor permeability.
  • The material can be used for both the facilitated structures under construction under construction.
  • The use of waterproofing compositions of this group makes it possible to prevent corrosion destruction of reinforcement.
  • Waterproofing can be used even under high hydrostatic pressure.
  • Characteristics purchased building material Due to penetron processing, even with intense radiation exposure.
  • Waterproofing compositions of this group are allowed to use in drinking water tanks. They are not toxic, relate to non-combustible materials, explosion and radiation safe.

The shelf life of waterproofing materials in the factory package is 18 months.

Penetron is a dry construction mixtureconsisting of cement of special brands, quartz sand of a certain particle size distribution composition, active chemical additives manufactured by the patent of the company.

This waterproofing material has a wide range of applications:

  • Processing monolithic and precast concrete and reinforced concrete structures. It can be used on surfaces covered with cement-sand plastering.
  • To cut off the capillary supply, penetron is used in combination with a monnetrate. Also, the complex of these materials is used for waterproofing slots, seams, adjoints, joints, seats input of communications.
  • Penetron, together with Pranklag or Waterplag, is used to combat pressure leaks.

PENETRON system waterproofing materials are able to protect the design from the impact of ground and wastewater, salty water, alkaline and acid compositions.

Application of waterproofing Penetron: video tutorial

If you are planning the use of penetron penetration waterproofing, we advise you to view this video:

Reviews of penetrating waterproofing Penetron

Injection waterproofing system Penetron

The Injection Waterproofing of the Penetron line refers to a complex of two-component resins of Peppelitesil. It includes two resins: slow and fast-acting.

The main purpose of using the injection complex is to stop the flow of water into the cavity of static and moving cracks, thereby creating protection of reinforcement from corrosion.

In the case of pressure leaks, it is used in conjunction with Pheepourf.

The waterproofing composition can be used in complexes with perforated hoses located in the seams of construction during its construction, in brick and stone facilities To eliminate capillary supply.

Features of waterproofing Peppelitzil:

  • it has good interaction with concrete, polymeric materials, metal;
  • after polymerization, the formation of highly elastic material;
  • does not have solvents;
  • works can be carried out at temperatures (+5) - (+ 35 0 s), and the operation of processed structures is in the range from (-50 0 s) to (+150 0 s).

The brands of the waterproofing compositions of the penetrating action presented in the domestic market

  • Comparison with Penetron adequately withstand such compositions of penetrating actions like a calm pathron, aquatron, Lakhta. They are widely used for waterproofing hydraulic objects, pools, wells, transportation facilities, energy complex, housing and industrial construction facilities, premises.
  • The compositions of "Hydrothex-K", "Hydrothex-B", "Hydrothes-y" are waterproofing materials for the internal and outer waterproofing Concrete and stone facilities. "Hydrotects-B" is recommended for use in places of beugoned and semi-breeded type, operated under conditions of constant infiltration of groundwater.
  • The penetrating effect has a brand of compositions of Ceresit - CR 90 Crystaliser. This material is used for waterproofing of undetected grounds made from mineral Materials and non-exposed deformations. It can be used in a complex with elastic waterproofing ribbons.
  • Hydrochitis penetrating - dry mixture used for waterproofing of concrete and reinforced concrete. If necessary, it is used to eliminate the pressure of the "hydraulic seal".

Prices for penetrating waterproofing

See prices in this table to choose a product that has an optimal price-quality ratio for you:

The task of preserving the fundamental funds of the state is directly related to the health and well-being of people. One of the effective and reliable ways Its solutions is the use of high-tech modern waterproofing materials of the penetrating effect.

Penetrating waterproofing - general information and applications, 3.8 Out of 5 Based On 5 Ratings

Reliability of the house begins with the foundation. In the rainy, moisture will certainly penetrate the basement at home, and then through cement seams - to the room. Than better defense Basics from moisture and weather factors, the longer the building will simply.

If in advance when built at home, measures were not taken, it would eliminate the problem after the penetrating waterproofing of concrete from the inside of the dwelling. Therefore, the main focus of builders are made on high-quality waterproofing. Recently, the penetrating waterproofing has become popular.

How it works

The main function on the protection of walls from moisture is performed by special additives for mixtures of high-quality cement and quartz sand. The principle of operation is as follows: after applying, the chemical components of the composition begin to spread over the capillaries. And then, facing water, they turn into insoluble crystals, filling the most vulnerable places - microcracks, pores, etc.

Compared to other methods of waterproofing, for example, polymer-rolled mastic, it has significant advantages, in particular:

  • improving the waterproof of concrete;
  • layer layer of material directly in concrete;
  • it is possible to process outdoor and internal surfaces Regardless of water pressure.

Application area

Accelerate the appearance of moisture protection crystals can be through the application of the waterproofer to the wet surface. Such protection is capable of withstanding fluids penetrating out. That is why it is often used to reconstruct premises, in which the waterproofing of another method is no longer possible. Penetrating waterproofers have proven their effectiveness when erecting residential buildings and other objects subject to high humidity (wells, bathrooms, cellar).

Many builders have not yet been aware of the existence of such a method, preferring mastics based on bitumen. They have a significant drawback - when applied from the inside, mastic is unable to resist water, losing their function. And any soil shrinkage leads to the dissent of the entire layer.

Despite its positive characteristics, the action of the mixture in some cases does not have a proper effect. In particular, it concerns the walls of foam blocks and other large-scale materials and prefabricated foundations.

Work algorithm

Now consider in detail the method of applying penetrating waterproofing for concrete. First you will need to prepare the surface under waterproofing. It can be performed by chemical means Or with the help of water jet cars. The key goal of the employee is to eradicate the zip (the raid, which prevents the ingress of waterproofing in the concrete).

Methods of application

The chemical method implies the use of special solvents. Manual searches are carried out hand tool (Drills or Bulgarians). The use of machines producing a stream of water under pressure is more advanced and fast way Elimination of heights on a large area. The most economical, but more laborious is considered mechanical method. Chemical reagents are expensive, and renting waterways is also not always justified.

Nuances and effect

Next, it should be especially carefully moistened with a pulverizer. It is necessary to do so patiently, in several occasions until each 1 m2 of the surface does not build at least 5 liters. water. The interval between the repetitions of the procedure is identical to the time of concoction. The finishing stage is to apply the mixture itself according to the instructions on the packaging.

If there is no instruction, the process is broken into two stages. First, the mixture is applied with a rigid brush or sponge. After drying, perpendicular smears are applied another layer with a spatula or brush. After about an hour, the surface is moisturized.

Ideally completed waterproofing on long years Ensures you from problems caused by the penetration of moisture. In addition, concrete becomes impenetrable to the action of water to a depth of up to 40 cm. And the number of cycles of resistance to temperature fluctuations increases several times.

Use for bricks

The effect of penetrating waterproofing is designed for concrete, but sometimes it is necessary to apply it for insulation of brick walls. Only in this case it will be about a special waterproofing plaster. Make her master will not be much difficulty. The procedure is carried out in three stages:

  • secure plaster grid (cells 50 × 50 cm) on brickwork so that the distance from the wall does not exceed 15 mm;
  • turn it out only sand-cement mixture. The thickness of the layer should be at least 40 mm. Actually, it determines the insulation depth;
  • after a day, apply penetrating waterproofing.


The leading positions on the market occupy domestic manufacturers - Penetron, Lakhta, Kalmatron, etc. They are the leaders of sales of building supermarkets. Consider the features of each of them.

Primary insulation stamps

The Penetron manufacturer refers its mixture to the primary waterproofing group of concrete. The principle of its action is aimed at increasing the atmospheric stability of concrete. In addition, its corrosion resistance increases. The composition includes sand, cement and active additives. The dry mixture is divorced in a ratio of 2 parts of water to 1 part of the penetron. Service life is declared as unlimited.

Marks Calmatron

Concrete waterproofing "Calmatron" modifies the surface on molecular level. Due to this, moisture resistance is improved several times. The varieties of the mixture are successfully used at all stages of construction - from the foundation bookmark to finish finish. It includes portland cement, special granulated sand and patented reagents that take on the main blow when in contact with water.

The degree of concentrations are different that formed three types of goods:

  • basic variant "Calmatron" for isolation of structures, incl. having direct contact with water;
  • "Colmatex" is characterized by adding white cement for aestheticness;
  • "Calmatron Economy" - a budget option Composition with the same properties. It can be used both in direct appointment and as a plaster composition of brick.

Complex products

Another manufacturer who deserves attention is "Penetrat". It offers not just a waterproofing product, but a whole complex. Each element of the chain has its own destiny. Without one of them, the stability of the protection action may break. In the range of complex products following types:

  • preparation "Penetrat" deep penetration eliminates the seeping of moisture through the pores and microcracks of the surface of the concrete;
  • "Penetrat seam" seals seams, joints of the plates, cracks in buildings through which moisture can penetrate;
  • "Penetrat Aqua Stop" will stand on the way of fountaining leaks arising from the guns of thermal and plumbing communications;
  • additive to the "Penetrat Mix" mixture increases frost resistance, waterproofiness and strength of concrete;
  • "Penetrat Injection" will be useful in the case of shut-off waterproofing;
  • Penetrat Hydro makes protection against moisture more efficient.

Active Chemistry

The last manufacturer, to which I would like to pay attention to - "KTTRON". Its mixture includes chemically active particles. Combining with sand and cement, they create a solid foundation that protects concrete. The mechanism of action is:

  • the solution is absorbed into the body of the industrial concrete due to the opposite diffusion of components and solvent molecules (water), pushed by osmotic pressure. The maximum penetration depth is about 600 mm;
  • when liquid contacts with heavy metal molecules, crystallohydrates are formed. They serve a shield for the respiratory organs and concrete cracks;
  • the surface tension of liquids does not pass moisture and increases the resistance to evaporation.

The presented brands and manufacturers of penetrating waterproofers are just a small part of a wide range of outlets.

IN modern construction Various waterproofing materials are used, one of which is the so-called penetrating waterproofing. Waterproofing materials of penetrating action are produced both domestic and foreign manufacturers. The choice of materials is due to their technical characteristics and tasks that facing builders.

The idea of \u200b\u200busing penetrating waterproofing (penetration) was born in the 50s in Denmark. The first waterproofing of this type was released by Vandex, the same name received and novelty. The development of Danish scientists served as the basis for the appearance of similar penetrating systems in different countries. This appeared waterproofing of the penetrating effect Xypex (Xaipeks, Canada), Drizoro (Spain), Penetron (Penetron, USA).

Later, the release of penetrating waterproofing was also adjacent to domestic producers. Among the well-known products of domestic production: Aquatron, Hydrochitis, Kalmatron, Lakhta, Coral, Hydrothex, Wascon, etc.

Penetrating waterproofing is reliable and effective materialproviding protection against moisture penetration

Be expenditivity of penetration of concrete surfaces

How efficiently and it is advisable to use the material, consider on the example of waterproofing the foundations, basements, mixtures and wells.

Made of concrete, which has a capillary-porous structure, these structures are amenable to aggressive exposure to water and other liquid substances, which leads to their destruction. At the same time inside the basements and semi-open rooms are observed high humidity, deformation and disposal of finishing materials. Rolled waterproofing materials in this case are not solved, they are ineffective, laborious and short-lived. When using bitumenting mastics, problems also arise, but for another nature. Nevertheless, all these materials are applied and at present, delivering a lot of trouble to the owners of structures.

Is it possible to solve the problem by using penetrating materials? Yes, perhaps, but only if its solution is integrated, with a properly selected system of materials. The protective mechanism of penetrating waterproofing is based on occurrence chemical reaction Between active reagents and calcium hydroxide (free lime) with capillary water in the structure of concrete. As a result of the interaction, hydrosilicates and calcium hydroallyindates are formed, which are difficult soluble products that bind the structure of concrete, sealing and strength increasing.

Penetrating waterproofing, applied to the surface with a brush or sprayer, has the ability to deep penetration into the material

Scope of application of penetrate compositions

Materials this type Indispensable to ensure waterproofing protection:

  • basement;
  • moorings and ports;
  • pools;
  • coastal structures;
  • reservoirs for drinking water;
  • wells;
  • claimed facilities;
  • parking;
  • roofing;
  • bridges.

Area of \u200b\u200buse this material Not much wider and is not limited to the list presented.

Penetrating waterproofing is used to treat surfaces inside and outside the house

Advantages of using penetrating waterproofing

Penetrating waterproofing of concrete has a number of benefits.

Due to its use, it is provided:

  • bulk waterproofing;
  • self-defense;
  • an increase in the strength and frost resistance of concrete;
  • durability and reliability;
  • vapor permeability;
  • resistance to mineral oils, sea water and other aggressive environments.

It is important to know! The material has a high penetrating ability to reach a dozen centimeters. Can be used on wet surfaces, with internal and outside, with positive and negative water pressure.

The effect of penetrating waterproofing continues and amplifies after applying the composition on the surface.

How to properly prepare the surface to process

Preparation for the work on the application of the protective layer includes a number of events. They are as follows:

  • initially, it is necessary to organize the drain;
  • possible leaks must be blocked using hydrophrom (Peneplag, Carat-Fix, Waterplag, Hydrothex B);
  • loose concrete to remove, stamp, carry out the repair of destroyed surfaces using a non-changing composition (in some cases a new screed is placed, plastering and leveling surfaces with crack-resistant mixtures);
  • if necessary, on reinforced concrete, open capillaries;
  • eliminate fungal and mold formations, moss, etc.;
  • make the stroke of the seams and cracks of more than 0.3 mm in size, to close them with the materials of the penetrating action (Carat-ST, Xaipes patch of the plag, monnetion, hydrothex W);
  • seat the entrance places of pipes and other communications with sealants.

Elimination of leaks of waterproof or parapgigan

These rules are common and may vary depending on the object on which work is carried out. Upon completion of all these events, waterproofing is carried out according to the instructions on the package. For applying a protective layer, a brush or sprayer is used.

Methods of brick masonry penetration

If the previously penetrating waterproofing was used exclusively for concrete, today it is used for brick masonryUsing for this two options:

  • The first option is shut-off waterproofing. Lies in injection of liquid substance under pressure. The holes (step 250 mm, an angle - 30-45 degrees from the horizon) are drilled in a checkerboard. Then, in accordance with the instructions, penetrating waterproofing is applied.
  • The second option was called the "Flap shirt". When using it, the brick is partially cut down, the laying seams are expanded and seeded with suture materials. Then the plaster layer is applied using penetrating action additives, and from above - penetrating waterproofing.

It is important to know! Brickwork protection works need to be applied special equipment And performed only by specialists.

Using the brush for applying brickwork waterproofing is ineffective, the greatest effect can be achieved when using professional equipment.

Waterproofing penetrating actions of Lakhta

One of the most famous domestic brands is penetrating waterproofing of Lacht. Represents a single-component composition in the form of a dry mix gray. It consists of active chemical additives, quartz filler and portland cement. The material of the material is to fill the pores and microfucts in concrete crystals, insoluble in water, resulting in the interaction of chemical components, cement stone and water phases.

It is used for concrete waterproofing, reinforced concrete, for the arrangement of shut-off waterproofing, in masonry from silicate, refractory, chamotte and ceramic brick, as well as boob stone. Protects against penetration of water, acids, alkalis, oil and its products. It has the effect of "self-deficing", which is that the crystals cease to grow in the absence of water, and resume their growth in its appearance, continuing to compact the structure of concrete.

It is important to know! Thus, the material turns into composite part Concrete, forms a solid vapor-permeable connection with it. The depth of penetration of the material is 12 cm.

Dry waterproofing mixture of penetrating action of Lacht sold in various packaging weight

Distinctive features The waterproofing of the penetrating action of Lakhta are the following:

  • the absence of toxic components and the possibility of contact with drinking water;
  • the ability to perform their functions under high hydrostatic pressure;
  • the treated surface becomes resistant to corrosion;
  • preserves the air permeability of the insulated material, increases its strength and frost resistance;
  • the waterproofing properties of the structure are not violated in the case of mechanical damage;
  • acquired properties are preserved throughout the service life of concrete;
  • used on the facilities under construction and commissioned;
  • suitable for use in various climatic zones.

The use of material has limitations, it is not used for:

  • concrete with waterproof W2 (including for cellular concrete);
  • for FBS (foundation blocks of prefabricated);
  • for lime, gypsum and cement-lime plasters;
  • for dry surfaces;
  • for weakened and fragile surfaces.

To injected liquid waterproofing under pressure used professional equipment.

Waterproofing work using penetrating material requires knowledge of technology and professional skills. In some cases, the use of special equipment is required, so it is recommended to hire specialists when conducting this kind of work.

Dry waterproofing penetrating action "PLOMBIZOL penetrating" production "TechnoProcks", designed for the impregnation of concrete of various building structures From the inside and outside the building. Including penetrating seals is used to obtain a hydrophobic coating in rooms below the ground level for resistance to water outside.

"Plombizol penetration" is a dry mix on cement basedwhich, after mixing with water, is used for penetrating (safety) concrete waterproofing. The mixture is applied in the absence of active leaks.

If a jet of water is already driving from the wall of the basement, then penetrating waterproofing will not help. In this case, first-in-idle, the fountain should be "turned off" by clogging it with a plug of hydroplomes.

PLOMBIZOL penetrating (penetrating mixture) increases the waterproofability of the structure of concrete due to the cologancy of pores by water-insoluble complex compounds formed in the pores due to diffusion of saturated solutions inside the porous structure. Microcracks are also heated with insoluble crystalline complexes. Sealing the microstructure of concrete due to the overtention of capillary pores contributes to increasing its durability.

The composition and properties of the waterproofing of the penetrating action

The basis of the dry waterproofing of the penetrating action "PLOMBIZOL penetration" is a mixture of portland cement brand 500 with quartz sand and additives. Bulk density 1.1 kg / l.

Penetrating waterproofing mixture Used in the form of an aqueous suspension, which is applied to the insulated surface.

It helps to increase the waterproof of concrete by 0.6-0.8 MPa in a few weeks. For example, the waterproofability of concrete with the original W4 brand after 28 days after coating the surface of the suspension "PLOMBIZOL penetrating" rises to W12 - W14.

The strength to compress samples prepared from a thick water suspension of a dry mixture "Penetrifier" mixture is after 7 days 18 MPa, after 28 days - at least 25 MPa.

  • Consumption with brushing: 0.8 - 1.2 kg per 1 m2 of the surface.
  • Consumption when applied with a sprayer: 0.8 kg per 1 m2 of the surface.

Increasing the waterproofability of the porous structure of concrete, the waterproofing of the penetrating action "PLOMBIZOL PENERATING" along the way increases the frost resistance of concrete.

All work related to the performance of penetrating waterproofing is made only at the plus temperature, since water in the pores of the concrete should be in the "drop-humid" state. The processes of suction in capillary pores and falling into them water-soluble complexes in winterIn connection with the freezing of water, temporarily suspended and renewed after stripping ice. Detailed recommendations for the use of penetrating waterproofing for concrete are set forth on the WWW page page.

Store the penetrating waterproofing mixture "PLOMBIZOL penetrating" follows in a closed container in dry conditions. The guaranteed shelf life in the undisturbed factory package is 12 months. The material comes in a plastic container of 5 and 15 kg. Each bucket is infusing detailed instructions for use.

Penetrating waterproofing underground part of buildings from the inside

It should be noted the possibilities of the penetrating mixture for waterproofing from the inside. Here it should be understood that waterproofing from the inside of the underground premises has its own specifics. Therefore, the easiest way and most reliable to make underground waterproofing outside. For example, at the stage of building a house, the foundation isolate outside, for which liquid rubber is well suited.

The simplest, inexpensive and fast alternative is the treatment of basements from the inside dry waterproofing mixtures of the seal. In essence, the task is reduced to "plastering" walls expanding and / or "staining" penetrating waterproofing for concrete.

In fact, the waterproofing of the penetrating action. PLOMBIZOL is "insurance" that the basement will always be dry. If there is no confidence in the quality and reliability of the outer waterproofing of the foundation, it makes sense to apply a seal penetration on the walls, even if they are dry. Dry they are today, and tomorrow (after heavy rains or abundant snow) will be wet. And then the moisture or water will be poured into the jet. To avoid this, everything is enough concrete surfaces basement (or underground parking or tunnel or other room below ground level) from the inside to process waterproofing penetrating action.

Penetrating waterproofing of containers with liquid from the inside and outside

Very often, waterproofing of concrete pools, tanks, wells, reservoirs, etc. Moreover, the application of the protective layer is possible both outside and from the inside. Waterproofing of the penetrating action is excellent for this task.

If the reservoir is new and the water has not yet been filled, it will be quite reasonable to process the floor (bottom) and the walls of the bowl of the penetrating composition. This is a kind, - the guarantee so that water from there is not redeeming. And does not have difference: this is a well from concrete rings, Pool with drinking water or fire tank. Just apply a fill with penetration from the inside before filling with water for the first time.

If possible, it makes sense to treat concrete and outside. This will protect the design from moisture from the outside. But still, the main "load" on the concrete will be due to a fluid that is constantly in the bowl, therefore, to handle from the inside - it is necessary, and it is desirable outside.

For waterproofing outside at the construction and repair phase (if there is access outside), liquid waterproofing materials (mastic and emulsion) and dry waterproofing mixtures are used.

More difficult, if the container is already operated and access is not possible, and the water from the concrete bowl "leaves". In this case, the repair of concrete is required. Water should be merged. Then the visual inspection to detect damage in concrete. All holes, cavities and cracks should be sealed with pressure seals (hydroplated). Then the entire surface is to lose the expanding composition. Then treat concrete penetrating waterproofing.

Therefore, it's easier, faster and cheaper to process a new reservoir concrete before starting operation penetrating waterproofing, rather than casting water and repair consistently pressure, expanding and penetrating compositions.

Penetrating waterproofing seals for concrete is used for tanks various destination, as for household needsand for drinking water and aquaculture. This mixture is environmentally friendly. Certificate can be found


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When repairing or restoration of concrete or plastering The penetrating waterproofing of concrete is used. This material contributes to the improvement of the quality characteristics of concrete and makes it moisture-resistant. About how to choose where to buy penetrating waterproofing of concrete Consider further.

Penetrating waterproofing of concrete: features and characteristics

Penetrating waterproofing is called material, which includes portland cements, fillers and active chemical additives. As additives, saline elements of alkali, alkaline-earth metals or polymers protrude.

main feature The penetrating waterproofing consists in the principle of the solution of the solution: the chemical additives applied to the surface, incurred by concrete, while moving through the capillary pores filled with water.

The moisture protection function consists in the interaction of calcium compounds, which are the main component of cement with the additives of penetrating waterproofing, while the pores that are on the cement surface are reduced and do not let the water.

The scope of use of penetrating waterproofing applies to:

  • repair and waterproofing of concrete surfaces;
  • restoration of constructions from reinforced concrete;
  • restoration of cement-sand coatings.

In addition, the use of penetrating waterproofing is associated with waterproofing:

  • concrete or brick basements;
  • cellars;
  • foundations;
  • pools;
  • terraces;
  • garages;
  • viewing pits;
  • object objects;
  • water tanks;
  • well.

The elements, the main components of which foam concrete, ceramzite concrete and other types of porous concrete and materials from asbestoscertic, are unsuitable for applying penetrating waterproofing.

The main difference of penetrating waterproofing from rolled materials is that waterproofing is valid throughout the area and the thickness of the concrete structure, and rolled materials Protect concrete only at the place of their installation. In addition, rolled materials are not able to make constant contact with water, so their installation in pools, water tanks - ineffective. Penetrating waterproofing has an unlimited period of action, and performs its functions until it collapses itself concrete coating.

Restrictions in the use of concrete waterproofing

The use of penetrating waterproofing becomes a rather popular process, but there are cases when the materials are used by ignorance or by lack of experience, these materials are used in cases where their use is inappropriate. Therefore, we propose to consider cases in which concrete waterproofing is necessary.

The use of penetrating compositions is reduced to their use as one of several waterproofing options or the main waterproofing material.

In the process of waterproofing the foundation, which is constantly in contact with water, the use of rolled waterproofing is not always effective. To further enhance the waterproofing characteristics of this kind of structures, it is recommended to use penetrating waterproofing, which can provide internal protection against moisture.

The principal difference of penetrating waterproofing from an alternative option is its ability to penetrate concrete. Some types of penetrating solutions are able to ensure waterproofing of concrete deep to forty centimeters.

It is recommended to use penetrating waterproofing materials to protect structures from concrete or reinforced concrete, for waterproofing surfaces that are constantly in contact with moisture, in the process of waterproofing the foundations, if the level groundwater too high.

The main advantages of buying waterproofing waterproofing materials:

  • an increase in water-repellent characteristics of concrete structures;
  • the formation of a durable layer of waterproofing throughout the thickness of the concrete product;
  • the ability to work on the inner and external parts of the design;
  • the possibility of applying to wet surfaces;
  • no need for drying concrete.

The main advantage in the purchase of penetrating materials is their ability to protect the inner part of the design from external influence moisture. This explains the widespread use of this material during the restoration of premises, such as basements in which there is no possibility in conducting outdoor waterproofing.

In addition to a large number of advantages, penetrating waterproofing is characterized by such disadvantages:

  • concrete structures that have or subjected to the formation of surface cracks will not be protected from moisture impact, therefore, the use of penetrating waterproofing is associated only with crack-resistant structures;
  • provides only superficial protection brick buildings, since the brick is missing for the substance necessary for the reaction;
  • not suitable for waterproofing porous concrete bases;
  • not applied to the foundation blocks.

Principle of operation additives in concrete for waterproofing

First of all, the waterproofing mixture is mixed with water, and covers a wet surface concrete base. The waterproofing effect occurs due to the fact that the pores of the concrete are gradually filled with waterproofing solution.

Due to the fact that there are a large number of active chemical additives in the material, they begin to interact with elements in concrete composition, while the crystallization process is obtained, and a solid barrier is created that concrete moisture resistant.

The flow of the sealing of a concrete solution occurs due to the presence of water. If there is no water in the solution, the process stops, if there is water, it is renewed.

The penetration of waterproofing in concrete reaches thirty - forty centimeters. The presence of micropores, capillaries and microcracks filled with crystals increases concrete water resistance several times. In the completion of this process, a concrete base is obtained, in the form of a compacted waterproof coating.

Penetrating waterproofing rightfully refer to unique materialsSince in the process of treatment of concrete, with the help of these solutions, there is interaction between chemically active substances and cement stone. As a result, an insoluble filamentous crystal coating is formed, which is stable not only before moisture, but also before the influence of aggressive substances.

Constructions that have been processed with penetrating waterproofing are resistant before exposure to chemical reagents, aggressive stimuli, saline solutions, stock waters and other aggressive components, from ambient.

The use of penetrating waterproofing is positively affected by the frost resistance of concrete, ensures its protection against the effects of wind, mechanical impacts, precipitation and prevents the process of oxidation of reinforcement reinforced concrete.

Crystal compounds are characterized by the presence of the smallest pore, through which water does not pass, but at the same time concrete does not lose the characteristics of air or vapor permeability. Thus, the concrete coating "breathes", but does not miss moisture.

To form crystalline compounds on the surface of concrete requires moisture, so perfect option For the operation of penetrating waterproofing materials - a newly installed concrete base. When working with dry concrete, it requires advanced moisture.

In addition, among the main advantages of penetrating waterproofing:

  • compaction of concrete structure;
  • cracking seal to four millimeters;
  • lack of need for the processing of concrete base by primer;
  • stability before the bunch, separation or separation from the surface;
  • no need for protection in the process of retrofing.

The most effective is to use penetrating waterproofing at the use of concrete structures from -30 to +10 degrees.

The use of penetrating waterproofing ensures the protection of concrete from chemical exposure, chlorides, from metal corrosion. At the same time, concrete is not exposed to moisture and ultraviolet. Also, penetrating action materials have good resistance, differ in resistance to loads, strength to compression and resistance to radiation.

Penetrating waterproofing of concrete: materials, selection process

Before penetrating waterproofing for concrete to purchase recommendations to help choose right view The solution suitable for a certain stage of the waterproofing process.

The use of penetrating waterproofing based on cement is relevant in the processing of external walls, floors, basements, foundations, containers for storing liquid, sewage systems, tanks, tunnels, mines, wells, automotive parking, technical buildings, water dams, pools.

We offer to consider the main manufacturers of penetrating waterproofing products:

1. "Osmoshil" is the Italian penetrating waterproofing. The material looks like a finished mixture of which underlies the use of osmotic waterproof cement, with high-strength protective composition and with special filled impurities.

The use of "ocked" is associated with the conduct of internal and external waterproofing works on the processing of the foundation, the bases of the building. It is recommended to use material in the premises of mines, elevator, when arranged drainage system and water tanks, when repairing a shower or bathroom. The application of the material is possible both from the inner and from the outside. "Osmoshil" is applied on the basis of a stone, concrete or brick composition. The main feature is a preliminary shockting of the surface. It is not recommended to use waterproofing on surfaces that are subjected to a constant shrinkage or vibration. In this case, it is recommended to add to the latex based additives. The coating treated with this waterproofing material is recommended to operate in temperature range from -35 to +85 degrees. The performance of waterproofing work is carried out at temperatures above five degrees of heat. The finished coating is subjected to load no earlier than after two days.

2. "Hydrotect" - the waterproofing of the penetrating action into the composition of which includes sand, cement and penetrating additives. There are two types of this waterproofing: "Hydrotect" B - used with internal waterproofing, "hydroex" y - with external.

Scope of the material:

  • concrete and stone structures;
  • concretely blurred or semi-brewed bases;
  • basements, garage premises;
  • repository;
  • tunnels, mines;
  • sewer, water systems;
  • pools, water tanks, etc.

Products of production "Hydrotect" argue that their materials are able to penetrate the concrete to a thickness of up to one meter. Not used "Hydrotex" on stone concrete structures, which are characterized by the absence of capillaries.

Features of the use of penetrating waterproofing

1. Basement.

Protection of the basement from the accumulation of moisture implies not only the use of good waterproofing, but also the proper construction of the walls and their support in the form of a foundation. The positive effect of penetrating waterproofing will be achieved if the walls will be present the minimum number of joints, the materials will be entered directly in concrete solutionand drawing will be both internal and external.

2. Potatoes.

If you do not provide for protection against moisture on this object, It will be filled with water and potatoes - deterrent. Therefore, to ensure high-quality waterproofing potatoes, it is necessary to use special in the construction process concrete plateswho have waterproofing characteristics or take care of the organization of waterproof using special waterproof materials.

The use of dry mixtures makes it possible to prevent film coating, as they are used directly in the solution itself and operate throughout the perimeter of concrete. Using dry mixes is the most optimal option Waterproofing of this kind of structures. The main advantage of such waterproofing is the absence of the need to dry the surface before applying. The mixture is applied to a wet coating.

Such waterproofing is applied with a brush, and immediately interacts with the surface of the concrete. In addition, the solution contributes to the filling of the microcracks, while the wall does not let moisture, but passes the air.

3. Foundation.

Waterproofing foundation is a necessary part of the construction of the house. Since it is the foundation that is most affected by the environment. Therefore, this part of the building requires protection against the effects of water and soil, as well as harmful substancesfalling from groundwater. At the same time, the penetrating action materials are absolutely harmless to people, but very effective for the building. It is recommended to use such waterproofing when building buildings of any destination, ranging from public and industrial, ending with private and social. Since the building is exploited not one dozen years, even if the groundwater level is low in the construction of its foundation, then after a certain time, changes are possible that, with poor waterproofing, will significantly affect the entire building and lead to its destruction.

4. Wells.

The use of penetrating waterproofing during work on improving the water-repellent characteristics of concrete in the well allows you to start working without surface preparation, while there is no need for the walls of walls, moisturizing concrete and waterproofing.