How to stew a burning vertical surface. Types and types of fire extinguishers, their use and purpose

Instructions for actuator carbon dioxideand tactical extinguishing receptions with it

1. Scope of fire extinguisher

1.1. Portable carbon dioxide fire extinguisher Upset type, designed to extinguish such fires (fires in initial stage their development):

Solid combustible substances (fire class a), incl. valuable subjects (documents, books, paintings, etc.), since after evaporation of the fire extinguishing agent (carbon dioxide), there are no traces from it;

Tanned clothes on a person, as carbon dioxide has a reduced temperature and contributes to the fastest localization of the burn in the victim, and also does not create a powder cloud, whose powder could get into airways the man on which the clothes caught fire in contrast to the powder fire extinguisher;

Electronic equipment (computers, televisions, etc.);

Electric machines of the collector type (electric motors, electric drills, etc.), since the fire extinguishing agent (carbon dioxide) is not electrically conductive and after evaporation does not leave any electrically conductive substances;

Electrical installations, electrical receivers, electrical fittings and external wiring, which are under voltage up to 1000V (fire class E).

1.2. A carbon dioxide fire extinguisher is not recommended to stew:

Substances whose combustion can occur without air access (aluminum, magnesium and their alloys, sodium, potassium, termit, celluloid and

Ethyl alcohol (carbon dioxide is well soluble in it).

1.3. The carbon dioxide fire extinguisher is designed to extinguish fires both in rooms and in the open space at temperatures. ambient from -20 to + 50 ° C.

1.4. Specifications

The name of indicators

Nominal value




1. View of the fire extinguishing agent

Carbon dioxide liquid, low-temperature, higher or first grade according to GOST 8050-85

2. Case capacity, l

2 +0,2

3 +0,3

5,0 +0,5

3. Mass of fire extinguishing agent, kg

1,4 -0,070

2 -0,100

3,5 -0,18

4. Fire extinguishing ability

21 V (0.66 m²)

21 V (0.66 m²)

34 V (1.07 m²)

5. Duration of bringing fire extinguishability, with, no more

6. Mass of the fire extinguisher full (without bracket), kg, no more




7. Range of operating temperatures, with

From minus 20º to plus 50ºС

8. Operating pressure in the fire extinguisher housing (calculated at a temperature of 20ºС), MPa (kgf / cm)

5,8 (58)

9. Operating pressure in the fire extinguisher housing (calculated at 50 ° C), MPa (kgf / cm)

15 (150)

10. Strings length of a fire extinguishing substance, m, not less




11. The duration of the release of fire extinguishing agent, with

no less

no more







12. Assigned service life, years

13. Pressure pressure of the safety membrane, MPa


14. dimensions, mm

no more













2. Procedure for the action of fire extinguisher

2.1. Laying the fire extinguisher to the place of ignition at a distance of 1.5m from the windward side.

2.2. Holding a fire extinguisher with one hand for the handle, the other is to sharply pull the safety lock (check) so that the seal mounted on the rod of the safety retainer has retired.

2.4. Press the hand down on the locking device lever and release it.

2.5. Ensure that the fire extinguishing agent falls on the focus of fire. If necessary, bring the fire extinguisher closer to the heart rate.

2.6. Make sure that there is no "outstanding" of the fire extinguishing agent (carbon dioxide, coming out of the conversion, hit the surface, reflected from them and hit the stew). In the event that a carbon dioxide was formed, it is necessary to immediately move away from the focus of fire to the distance, excluding carbon dioxide entering.

3. Tactical Fire Extinguishing Takes

3.1. When extinguishing solid combustible substances, it is necessary:

3.1.1 Direct the fire extinguishing agent into the base of the flame with short and accurate jets with a fully pressing lever of the locking and starting device, controlling the results of extinguishing and the efficiency of using the fire extinguishing agent from the fire extinguisher 6 ÷ 9 seconds.

3.1.2 move the socket so as to cover the entire burning surface and create the greatest concentration of the fire extinguishing agent in the burning zone.

3.1.3 Feeding a fire extinguishing agent must be carried out by moving forward and leaving behind himself and on the sides of the unintended areas.

3.1.4 Start the extinguishing of fire in one place and methodically, without scattering the fire extinguishing agent throughout the heart rate; Only having exhausted the fire in one place can be moved to another area.

3.1.5 After the flame is shot down, and if there is a charge in a fire extinguisher, it is necessary to additionally cover those areas of the extinguished surface, which tend to re-fire.

3.1.6 After extinguishing combustible materials capable of tar (wood, paper, fabric, etc.), in order to prevent re-inflammation, it is necessary to apply the coolant fire extinguishes (aqueous, foam fire extinguishers, water).

3.2. When extinguishing liquid combustible substances, it is necessary:

3.2.1 Submit a stream of fire extinguishing substance, first of all, on the nearest edge of the fire focal, moving the socket from side to the side to cover the hearth across the width.

3.2.2. Direct the streaming of the fire extinguishing agent on the burning surface, and not on the flame, at an angle of about 45 ° to it; It is forbidden to stew liquid combustible substances, directing a stream of fire extinguishing substance from top to bottom;

3.2.3 Contribute to the fire extinguishing agent continuously, moving forward and leaving behind himself and on the sides of the unintended areas.

3.3. When extinguishing gaseous combustible substances, an extinguishing substance should be directed into a gas stream in almost parallel to the gas stream, creating a cloud from a fire extinguishing agent.

3.4. When heating electrical installations, electrical drivers, electrical fittings and an outer electrical wiring under voltage up to 1000V, the extinguishing substance should be directed directly to the base of the flame from a distance of at least 1 m from the termination and the fire extinguisher housing to the current-baking parts.

3.5. When heating electrical installations with a voltage of 1000V to 10000V, quenching is made from a distance of at least 2 m from the termination and the fire extinguisher housing to the current-carrying parts.

3.6. When extinguishing the clotted on a person, it is necessary to direct the extinguishing agent jet regarding the body of the victim to eliminate the fire extinguishing agent to the victim, the nose, mouth, ears. Best of all, in such a situation, I will give the team to the victim to lie down or with the use of force to put it on the floor, the earth and extinguish the clothes torn on it, directing the fire extinguishing substance from the side of the head towards the feet of the victim.

3.7. When extinguishing fire, it is necessary to choose this position to see the fire center and go, as far as possible, towards the fire, and not after it.

3.8. The burning vertical surface must be extinguished from bottom to top.

3.9. Stew the firefighter is necessary in such a sequence to limit its spread to the side, where there are evacuation outputs, flammable and combustible materials, cylinders with gases, surfaces painted with combustible paints, valuable documents and equipment.

3.10. In case the fire has a tendency to spread to a narrow section of the room (for example, a corridor), in which the only spread of fire is a wooden floor, and the walls and the ceiling are made of non-combustible materials, the fire extinguisher must be activated by sending it to the floor of this area of \u200b\u200bthe room. , in order to prevent or slow down the further spread of fire.

3.11. When extinguishing, it is necessary to ensure that the path to evacuation exit remains constantly free from fire and smoke for personal evacuation of stewing.

3.12. If there are several fire extinguishers and people, it is necessary to use fire extinguishers at the same time, and not one.

3.13. After the fire has extended, it is necessary to ensure the observation of the fire for 5 hours to prevent repeated occurrence Fire.

4. Security measures during the operation of the fire extinguisher

4.1. When operating a fire extinguisher, it is prohibited:

4.1.1 Operate the fire extinguisher when dents appear, blinking or cracks on the housing, on the shut-off device, as well as with a disruption of the tightness of the connection of the nodes of the fire extinguisher.

4.1.2 To make cases of falling the fire extinguisher and apply shocks on it.

4.1.3 Hold for the fire extinguisher's fire extinguisher to avoid the frostbite of the hands, since the temperature on its surface is reduced to minus 60 ° C.

4.1.4 Disassemble and repair the fire extinguisher, as the repair of fire extinguishers should be carried out in specialized organizations.

4.2. In the case of the use of fire extinguisher in closed and small space It is necessary immediately after the end of extinguishing to leave this room and check it, since carbon dioxide, although it is not a poisoning substance, can have a suffocating effect if it is inhaling in sufficiently large concentrations during a certain time.



Arising suddenly. It is conjugate not only with material damage, but also with risk to life and health. In this case, it is important to prepare in advance.

The presence of a nearby fire extinguisher and the ability to use them correctly help prevent the spread of small fire and avoid large negative consequences. Fire extinguishers have their own qualifications depending on the means of fire extinguishing - foam, powder, CO 2.

How to use them?

Consider what features in the use of each type of device to eliminate fire exist, and how correctly and quickly with the help of them to cope with the fire.

Foam type

This device is forbidden to use in a situation where the fire originated on electrical installations or wires under voltage. This is due to the fact that the composition of the foam includes water, and water and electricity are a very dangerous combination. The foam fire extinguisher has a nozzle and a special gas cylinder. It is he who gives pressure, under the action of which the foaming agent from the cylinder rises up, a foam is formed when interacting with air.

  1. Cut the seal or pull the check. It protects the device from accidental response.
  2. Flavor (nozzle) Direct on fire
  3. Press or turn the lever (depends on the type)
  4. When the fire is eliminated, the lever should be returned to its original position.

To use the fire extinguisher to be safe and efficient, it is necessary to repair it and recharge only in special places (stations). It is also important to send a device to regular checks.

The results are recorded in the accounting log. The use of fire extinguishers is 10 years old when complying with checking and recharging (annually).

Be sure to check the license or certificates that give the right to organize such devices.

A good fire extinguisher of the check and a seal should not have damage.

Powder type

The activation scheme for this device is exactly the same as that of the foam type. The first action consists in delivering from the lock - blocker (checks or seals). Next, click on the button or use the lever. They are on the top of the case. Some models have a valve for starting a gas generating device.

In the types of S. gas cylinderBefore proceeding with the liquidation of the flame, you need to wait a few seconds. This time is necessary in order to occur in the cylinder body the gas reaction with a powder layer of fire extinguishing matter. Powder is inverted and assembled at the top of the tank. By sending a fire extinguisher's barrel to fire, click on a special trigger.

  1. When liquidation of fire on the street, use the viewed side
  2. When extinguishing or combustible materials, the trunk is guided first to the front edge of the fire, i.e. On the burning surface, and not the fire itself.
  3. Start the resulting burning liquid to eliminate from above.
  4. If the fire is covered with a wall or any vertical surface, then it is necessary to stew from below and move upstairs.
  5. If possible, use several fire extinguishers at the same time. This will speed up.

Even if you finally coped with fire, never lose vigilance and do not turn back to it. It takes some time to trace behind the steady place of the fire, since there is a possibility of re-ignition.

Taking advantage of the fire extinguisher, do not forget to recharge it. Check this type follows every year. Send to recharge (even if you did not use it) it follows every 5 years of storage.

Carbon dioxide

Such devices are characterized by the fact that the fire extinguishes in them are invariably under pressure from their own vapors or compressed gas. They are universal. You can use them almost with any kind of fire. Especially effective to extinguish electrical installations. Exceptions only make up those types of substances that can burn without oxygen. These include gases (natural, industrial) and alkali metals.

When operating, it is impossible to be taken behind the socket with unprotected hands, i.e. without gloves. Due to the strong cooling effect, the squabble temperature can drop to - 70 degrees. Thermal skin burns are possible.

Actuation of carbon dioxide fire extinguisher

They are two species: manual and mobile. Consider how you need to use them.

  • Remove the manual fire extinguisher from the place of attachment.
    1. Cut the seal.
    2. The skin must be in a horizontal position.
    3. Click on a special lever.
    4. Select the resulting stream of stewing substance on the fire center.
  • Actions with a mobile carbon dioxide fire extinguisher
    1. Unlock rubber hose
    2. Take a convenient position to eliminate fire
    3. Remove the seal, turn the lever to yourself
    4. Flavor direct to fire

Check them follows every year. Typically spending. Recharge also follows every 5 years.

It will also be useful for you to familiarize yourself with the materials about fire extinguishers in our article:

Procedure and rules of application

Regardless of the type of stewing substance and the type of fire extinguisher, some general recommendations should be adhered to. This will make their use more efficient.

  • Try to direct the socket always directly to the fire center. Do not make quenching, while at a long distance from fire. The optimal is the distance corresponding to the minimum strength of the jet (indicated on the label).
  • Do not forget about the valve or check.
  • The wind must blow back. Take into account weather conditions. Strong wind will bloom the flame. It is optimal here to work with several fire extinguishers from different sides.
  • When extinguishing burning items under electric shock It is necessary to supply stewing substance with parts with interruptions of 5 seconds.
  • Observe the safe distance in the elimination of ignition on electrical installations - 1 m.
  • Using a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher, wear gloves to avoid injury.
  • Stew oil compounds below.
  • Start the fight against the fire with your neighboring the edge of the fire. As the fire sinks, move on.
  • Do not rush, make quenching gradually, without sharp jerks.
  • Use all fire extinguishers that are in stock. It is advisable to do it at the same time, if there are still free people.

Rules of action by the barrel when steaming fire

After it is occupied by the position and prepared the necessary stock of the sleeves to promote with the trunk forward, the model reports the commander about the preparedness of the trunk to the action and the possibility of supplying water (foam) from the pump.

The further task of the deliner is that the fire entrusted to him is exhausted to him, it is possible faster and with the lowest cost of fires (water, foam, etc.). Success now depends mainly on the degree of skill and energetic actions of the model.

There are a number of generally accepted rules verified in practice. These rules should be remembered when working with the barrel.

1. To ensure the best enclosure of water jets (or foam) on burning items (designs, materials), it is necessary to approach them as close as possible and take a position at the level or above the burning center. A close approach to the burning area is also needed better use strength jet. It should be borne in mind that the first half of the jet is the strongest.

2. Serve water follows only on visible burning structures and objects, and not by smoke. The feeding of the jet for the smoke will not lead to the extinguishing of fire, and only an inexpedient will cause, I sometimes and harmful water spending.

3. Act a jet should meet the greatest spread of fire and simultaneously maneuver the jet so as to limit its spread to all other parties.

4. Promotion forward with the barrel is necessary, it is possible faster, but not leaving the fire on the way the fire is not fastened. Move forward, you need to extinguish the fire, directing the jet to the place where the burning is the strongest.

5. When moving forward with the trunk, it is impossible to cross the sleeves (burning tissue, punctuate, the action of acids or caustic substances). To this end, it is necessary to carefully put out the fire where the sleeve line will be held, do not pull the sleeves through the plots where there are diverse designs With sticking nails or any sharp metal surfaces.

6. Direct the jet is not necessary in flame languages, but directly to the last-minute items (designs, materials)

in the place of the strongest burning.

7. When extinguishing fire on vertical planes (walls, partitions, supports), the jet should be directed from top to bottom so that water flowing from above contributes to the extension of the fire below.

8. When extinguishing fire on the surface of horizontal structures on different planes (floor and ceiling of one floor), the water jet should first be directed up (in this case to the ceiling) to suspend the spread of the fire into the overlying floors, protect themselves from falling the ceiling designs, When burning them, and use water flowing from above to extinguish fire on the floor surface.

9. Direct the jet to meet the spread of fire and first of all on those parts of the design, combustion or change in the strength of which when heated can cause collapse of the entire design or part of the structure.

10. With fires in hidden structures (In the hollow partitions, in the voids of overlaps and coatings, in interpolar spaces, etc.), stealing fire is made with simultaneous disassembly of structures.

11. Fire extinguishing in vertical hollow structures, ventilation canals and hollow coatings need to be made from above. With horizontal hollow structures (for example, river-space), the jet is guided to meet fire from the other side where it can spread first of all by the greatest stretch stretch.

12. If there are in designs (floors, supports, stairs, etc.) metal parts (beams, columns, farms) must be paid special attention On the need to protect their water jets to avoid destruction.

If before being filed, the water jet into the place of fire, metal parts of the building structure, as well as concrete, reinforced concrete and brick coatings turned out to be strongly heated, they need to cool gradually, since rapid cooling can cause deformation or collapse of structures.

Recognize the degree of heating of metal or other structures by short-term direction on them water jets. With a strong heating, the contact of water with metal design Causes a rapid vaporization.

13. In cases where there are openings or holes (doors, windows, hatches, holes, holes for the passage of shafts, windows, hatches, holes in the floors, windows, hatches, holes, maneuvering it so that the fire cannot spread Through these openings and holes in other rooms, both horizontally and vertically.

14. If the trunk's position showed a risk of collaboration (for example, overlaps), the model must immediately report this to the commander, and with an explicit threat of collapse, change the place of work with the barrel. The most secure in terms of collapse are door and window openings in capital walls, platforms staircases, zones, as well as firemair (at positions on the roof).

15. When working with a barrel, designed to protect against fire located next door of the premises and individual parts of the building, the jet must be sent to those of them threatened the greatest danger, and first of all, to the upper parts of them.

16. When opening or disassembling structures, the salvation of people and evacuation of property should be jet to protect people employed in these works, from high temperatures and fire.

17. If necessary, to increase the sleeve line in the trunk to advance with it forward, it is necessary to stop the operation of the pump or reduce the pressure, then near the trunk to make the sleeve room, to spit the trunk and increase the sleeve. When operating several trunks through branching, it is possible to increase the sleeves from one of the trunks, without stopping the pump, without reducing the pressure, and breaks the corresponding valve on the branch.

18. When working with the trunk, a jet should be directed so. To do not hide anyone.

19. When changing the position of the existing trunk, it is necessary to translate the barrel lowered down or overlap it.

20. When working on steep roofs, at large altitudes and potted stairs It is necessary to be securely secured and fix the sleeve line.

21. It is impossible to touch the water (foam) on the electric pipeline and electrical installations itself and directly directly.

22. In the presence of a fragile or glass Tara Fire extinguishing should be made not compact, but sprayed jet.

23. When protection against fire tanks with easily flammable liquids, cylinders with compressed gases, you need to evenly cool the heating surfaces of the tanks (cylinders).

The strongest cooling should be in places where foam is supplied. This is done in order to reduce the decomposition of foam from the temperature of the heated walls of the tank.

24. With the simultaneous operation of foam and water trunks, it is not recommended to direct the water jet at the foam feed.

25. If when working under conditions of low temperatures, it is necessary to temporarily stop the water supply, it is necessary, not overlapping the trunk, to bring the last outward to such a place so that the jet does not enter the fire and technical armament or on neighboring buildings; When working with trunks on the roof, it is impossible to pour the roof surface to avoid its icing. If the roof is icised, it will make it difficult to promote the personal composition of fire units on it and can lead to accidents.

26. When working with a foam trunk, it is necessary:

when fire extinguishing in containers with petroleum products, it is supplied only after exiting the trunk of a good foam;

supply foam to the burning surface of the liquid so that the foam does not break into the thickness of the liquid;

send foam to one point so that it breaks up, gradually covered the entire burning surface of the fluid;

at. Carrying foam foam solid materials to the trunk to maneuver so that the entire burning surface is covered with a layer of foam.

oHP-10 fire extinguisher need:

1. Raise the handle up and cross it up to failure, then shake

fire extinguisher several times and the foam foam formed foam

directly on the burning of the surface.

2. Raise the handle up, cross it up to failure, then turn over

the bottom of the burning surface.

3. Raise the handle up, cross it up to failure, then turn over

fire extinguisher upside down and the foam streams formed foam

the top of the burning surface.

4. If there is a vertical surface of burning electric

wiring first to extinguish them as the main source of combustion.

Having exhausted burning clothes on the victim, it is necessary:

1. Lubricate the burn surface with whale, barzuchery, bearish

fat or sprinkle with starch, soda, flour, then close the burn

surface dry sterile sheets, give the victim 2-3

tablets Analgin and offer abundant drink.

2. Try to remove remnants of clothes and dirt, open the burns

bubbles, rinse a burn surface with a weak solution

permanganate potassium, close the damaged surface with a clean cloth

and before the "ambulance" arrive to ensure the victim of peace.

3. To cover the burn surface of a dry sterile sheet or

diaper, fill with snow, ice or cold water Polyethylene

packages, plastic bottles and put them a burn surface

on top of a dry sheet or diaper, give the victim

painkillers, provide the victim full of peace until

the arrival of ambulance, offer abundant drink.

Aviation events are divided into:

# 7 Company



terrestrial incidents


Aviation Accident This:

it is impractical.

Aviation breakdown is:

1. Aviation accident that did not result in the death of members

crew and passengers, but led to complete destruction or

severe damage to the aircraft, as a result of which

restoration it is technically impossible and economically

it is impractical.

2. Aviation incident that entailed the death of members

crew or passengers when destroying, damage or loss

aircraft, as well as the death of people from the wound gains,

coming within 30 days from the moment of the incident.

3. Aviation incident, followed by the death of members

crew and passengers, resulting in damage to the aircraft,

the repair of which is possible and economically appropriate.

Aviation incident This:

1. Event in which the health of at least one of the persons who are

on board, harm or circumstances of the incident caused

indicate that the aviation accident almost occurred.

2. The event associated with the flight operation of the aircraft,

which could create or threatened its integrity and / or life

persons on board, but did not end with aviation


3. Event not related to aviation, and operation related


Fire extinguishers- technical devicesdesigned to extend fires in the initial stage of their occurrence. Several types of fire extinguishers are isolated.

Fire extinguishers foam. Designed to extinguish fires with fire extinguishing foams: chemical (OKHA fire extinguishers) or air-mechanical (OVP fire extinguishers).

Chemical foam is formed as a result of the reaction between alkali and acid in the presence of a foaming agent. When using OKHA, you can get a chemical burn. Air-mechanical foam is a colloidal substance consisting of gas bubbles surrounded by liquid films. Obtained as a result of mixing water and foaming agent with air.

To actuate the fire extinguisher OCP : To bring the fire extinguisher to the fire center, raise the handle and transfer to the failure, turn the fire extinguisher to the bottom and shake, direct the jet to the hearth.

Fire extinguishers carbon dioxide (OU). Used to extinguish combustible materials, lighting on electrified railway and urban transport, electrical installations under a voltage of no more than 10,000 V. Fire extinguishing means of OU is a snowy mass of carbon dioxide at minus 80ºС. When extinguishing, the snowy mass reduces the temperature of the burning substances and reduces the oxygen content in the combustion zone.

To actuate the OU fire extinguisher, disrupt the seal, pull the check, direct the socket on the flame, click on the lever.

When steaming the Fire, the following rules must be followed: You can not keep the fire extinguisher in a horizontal position and turn the head down, you can not touch the bare parts of the body to the squabble, since the temperature on its surface is reduced to minus 60-70ºС. When extinguishing electrical installations, it is prohibited to bring the fool to them and the flame closer than 1 meter.

Carbon dioxide fire extinguishers are divided into manual (OU-2, OU-3, OU-5, OU-6, OU-8), mobile (OU-24, OU-80, OU-400) and stationary (OSU-5, 511).

Powder fire extinguishers (OP). Designed to extinguish gases, wood and other carbon-based materials. These fire extinguishers are used in eliminating fires and sunbathing alkali metal, aluminum and silicone compounds, as well as electrical installations that are under voltage up to 1000 V. Fire extinguishing substance of OP is a powder based on bicarbonic soda with additives. Powder fire extinguishers equip cars, garages, warehouses, agricultural equipment, offices and banks, industrial facilities, clinics, schools, private houses.

To actuate the fire extinguisher of the op is necessary: To pull the check, press the button (lever), send the gun to the flame, to stew the flame from the distance of no more than 5 meters, when extinguishing the fire extinguisher to shake, in the working position fire extinguisher to keep it vertically, without turning it.

Fire extinguishers aerosol (OA). Intended for extinguishing lvzh and combustible liquids, electrical installations under voltage. As a fire extinguishing agent, steam-forming halogenated carbs are used (ethyl bromide, chladone, a mixture of chladone or a mixture of ethyl bromide with chladone).

Liquid fire extinguishers (coolant).Designed to extinguish wood, fabric, paper. As an extinguishing agent, water or water is used with the addition of a surfactant, which enhances its extinguishing ability. It is impossible to extinguish petroleum products, and not to use when minus temperature (t. K. Water freezes).

In order to prevent fires, the preservation of life and property must adhere to the following rules and recommendations:

1. Do not store houses flammable and combustible fluids, as well as prone to self-burning and capable of explosion. If such substances are at home, then they need to be stored in small quantities in tightly closed vessels, away from heating devices, not to be shaking, shocks, spill.

2. It is necessary to observe special care when using items. household chemicals, not to drop them into the garbage chute, do not warm up mastic, varnishes and aerosol cans on the open fire, do not wash the laundry in gasoline.

3. Can not be stored on staircases Furniture, combustible materials, clutch attics, basements and balconies.

7. You can not dry the underwear over the stove, furnace and heaters with an open spiral.

8. Observe care when handling festive fireworks, crackers and candles.

9. It is impossible to leave young children unattended, allow them to play with matches, turn on electric heating devices and light gas.

10. It is forbidden to clutter the access roads to buildings, an approach to fire hydrant, lock the doors of common hallways in apartment houses, Make heavy items easily developed partitions and balcony hatches.

11. It is necessary to monitor the serviceability of fire automation tools and contain fire detectors, smoke system and fire extinguishing equipment in good condition.