Capillary control. Capillary flaw detection

Capillary control. Color defectoscopy. Capillary method non-destructive testing.


Capillary flaw detection - The method of flaw detection, based on the penetration of certain contrasting substances into surface defective layers of a controlled product under the action of capillary (atmospheric) pressure, as a result of the subsequent processing of the developer, the light and color infrastructure of the defective area is relatively intact, with the identification of a quantitative and qualitative composition of damage (up to thousandth fractions millimeter).

There is a luminescent (fluorescent) and color methods of capillary flaw detection.

Basically, the technical requirements or conditions it is necessary to identify very small defects (to hundredths of the millimeter) and identify them with the usual visual inspection with the naked eye simply impossible. The use of portable optical devices, such as a magnifying magnifying glass or microscope, does not allow to identify superficial damage due to insufficiently distinguishability of a defect against the background of metal and lack of field of view with multiple zooms.

In such cases, the capillary control method is used.

With capillary control, the indicator substances penetrate the cavity of the surface and passage defects of the material of control objects, in the consequence of the resulting indicator lines or points are recorded by a visual way or using the converter.

Controlling control method is carried out in accordance with GOST 18442-80 "Inspection control. Capillary methods. General requirements."

The main condition for detecting defects such as disruption of the solidity of the material by the capillary method is the presence of cavities free from pollution and other technical substances having free access to the surface of the object and the depth of the occurrence, several times higher than the width of their output disclosure. To clean the surface before applying the penetrant, a cleaner is used.

Appointment of capillary control (capillary flaw detection)

Capillary flaw detection (capillary control) is intended for detecting and inspection, invisible or weakly visible for the unarmed eye of surface and cross-cutting defects (cracks, pores, non-removal, intercrystalline corrosion, shells, fistulas, etc.) in controlled products, determination of their consolidation, Depths and orientation on the surface.

Application of the capillary method of non-destructive testing

The capillary control method is applied when controlling objects of any size and forms made of cast iron, black and non-ferrous metals, plastics, alloyed steels, metal coatings, glass and ceramics in power engineering, rocket technology, aircraft, metallurgy, shipbuilding, chemical industry, in the construction of nuclear reactors, in mechanical engineering, automotive, electrical engineering, casting production, medicine, stamping, instrument making, medicine and other industries. In some cases, this method is the only one to determine the technical condition of parts or installations and access to work.

Capillary flaw detection is used as a method of non-destructive testing also for objects from ferromagnetic materials, if their magnetic properties, shape, type and location of damage do not allow to achieve a magnetic powder method required according to GOST 21105-87, or a magnetic control method is not allowed to apply on the technical conditions of operation of the object .

Capillary systems are also widely used to control tightness, together with other methods, while monitoring responsible objects and objects during operation. The main advantages of the capillary methods of flaw detection are: easy operations when conducting control, ease of appliances, a large spectrum of controlled materials, including non-magnetic metals.

The advantage of capillary flaw detection is that with uncomplicated method Controls can not only detect and identify surface and cross-cutting defects, but also obtained by their location, form, length and orientation over the surface full information about the nature of damage and even certain causes of its occurrence (the concentration of power stresses, non-compliance with the technical regulated in the manufacture, etc. ).

Organic phosphors are used as exhibiting liquids - substances with bright self-radiation under the action ultraviolet rays, as well as various dyes and pigments. Surface defects are detected by means of removing the penetrant from the cavity of the defects and detect it on the surface of the controlled product.

Instruments and equipment used with capillary control:

Sets for capillary flaw detection Sherwin, Magnaflux, Helling (cleaners, developers, penetrant)
. Pulberizers
. Pneumohydropistolets
. Sources of ultraviolet lighting (ultraviolet lights, illuminators).
. Test panels (test panel)
. Control samples for color flaw detection.

Parameter "Sensitivity" in the capillary method of flaw detection

The sensitivity of the capillary control is the ability to identify the unstinuations of this size with a given probability when using a specific method, control technology and penetrant system. According to GOST 18442-80, the class sensitivity class is determined depending on the minimum size of the detected defects with a transverse size of 0.1 - 500 μm.

Detection of surface defects having a disclosure size of more than 500 μm, not guaranteed capillary control methods.

Sensitivity Class Width of Defect, MKM

II from 1 to 10

III from 10 to 100

IV from 100 to 500

technological is not rationed

Physical bases and methods of capillary control method

The capillary method of non-destructive testing (GOST 18442-80) is based on penetration into the surface defect of the indicator and is designed to identify damage having free output to the surface of the control product. The color defectoscopy method is suitable for detecting discontinuities with a transverse size of 0.1 - 500 μm, including through defects, on the surface of ceramics, black and non-ferrous metals, alloys, glass and other synthetic materials. Found a wide application when monitoring the integrity of adhesions and a weld.

Color or coloring penetrant is applied using a brush or sprayer to the surface of the control object. Due to the special qualities, which are provided at the production level, the choice of physical properties of the substance: density, surface tension, viscosity, penetrant under the action of capillary pressure, penetrates the smallest uninstalities having an open output to the surface of the controlled object.

The developer applied to the surface of the control object through a relatively short time after cautious removal from the surface of the non-refined penetrant, dissolves the dye inside the defect and due to the mutual penetration of each other "pushes" the penetrant remaining in the defect to the surface of the control object.

Available defects are visible quite clearly and contrast. Indicator traces in the form of lines point to cracks or scratches, individual color points - for single pores or outputs.

The defect detection process with a capillary method is divided into 5 stages (Conducting capillary control):

1. Pre-clean surface (use cleaner)
2. Applying Penetrant
3. Removal of excess penetrant
4. Applying developer
5. Control

Capillary control. Color defectoscopy. Capillary method of non-destructive testing.

Capillary control of welded compounds is used to detect external (superficial and cross-cutting) and. This method of verification makes it possible to identify such defects as hot and, income, pores, sinks and some others.

With the help of capillary flaw detection, it is possible to determine the location and the magnitude of the defect, as well as its orientation on the metal surface. This method is used both and. It is also used when welding plastics, glass, ceramics and other materials.

The essence of the capillary control method consists in the ability of special indicator fluids to penetrate the cavity of the defects of the seam. Filling defects, indicator fluids form indicator traces, which are recorded in visual inspection, or using the converter. The procedure for capillary control is determined by such standards as GOST 18442 and EN 1289.

Classification of methods of capillary flaw detection

Capillary testing methods are divided into basic and combined. Basic meant only capillar control of penetrating substances. Combined are based on the joint use of two or more, one of which is capillarous control.

Basic monitoring methods

Basic control methods are divided:

  1. Depending on the type of penetrating agent:
  • checking with penetrating solutions
  • check with filter suspensions
  1. Depending on the method of reading information:
  • brightness (Achromatic)
  • color (chromatic)
  • luminescent
  • lumine-colored.

Combined capillary control methods

Combined methods are divided depending on the nature and method of exposure to the verifiable surface. And they are:

  1. Capillary and electrostatic
  2. Capillary-electric induction
  3. Capillary magnetic
  4. Capillary radiation absorption method
  5. Capillary radiation radiation method.

Technology of Capillary Defectoscopy

Prior to the capillary control, the verifiable surface must be cleaned and dried. After that, an indicator fluid is applied to the surface - panetranta. This fluid penetrates the surface defects of the seams and after some time the intermediate cleaning is performed, during which the excessive indicator fluid is removed. A developer is applied to the surface, which begins to pull the indicator fluid from welded defects. Thus, on the controlled surface, the defect patterns appear visible to the naked eye, or with the help of special developers.

Stages of capillary control

The control process of the capillary method can be divided into the following steps:

  1. Preparation and preliminary cleaning
  2. Intermediate cleaning
  3. The process of manifestation
  4. Detection of welding defects
  5. Drawing up a protocol in accordance with the results of the verification
  6. Final surface cleaning

Capillary Control Materials

The list of necessary materials for the capillary flaw detection is given in the table:

Indicator fluid

Intermediate cleaner


Fluorescent liquids

Colored fluids

Fluorescent colored liquids

Dry developer

Oil-based emulsifier

Water-based liquid developer

Soluble liquid cleaner

Water developer in the form of a suspension

Water-sensitive emulsifier

Water or solvent

Liquid Water or Solvent-based Developer for Special Use

Preparation and preliminary cleaning of the surface

If necessary, with a controlled surface of the weld remove contamination, such as scale, rust, oil spots, paint, etc. These contaminants are removed using mechanical or chemical cleaning, or a combination of these methods.

Mechanical cleaning is recommended to be carried out only in exceptional cases, if there is a loose film of oxides or exist on a controlled surface sharp drops between the seam rollers, deep cutting. Limited use The mechanical cleaning was obtained due to the fact that during it, the surface defects are often closed as a result of rubbing, and they are not detected when checking.

Chemical cleaning occurs using various chemical cleaners, which are removed from the test surface, such pollution such as paint, oil spots, etc. The remains of chemical reagents can react with indicator fluids and affect the control accuracy. Therefore, chemicals after pre-cleaning should be washed off with the surface with water, or other means.

After preliminary cleaning Surfaces it must be dried. Drying is necessary in order for the outer surface of the seam to be checked, neither water nor the solvent or any other substances remains.

Application of indicator fluid

Application of indicator fluids on a controlled surface can be performed in the following ways:

  1. Capillary way. In this case, the filling of welded defects is spontaneously. The fluid is applied using wetting, immersion, jet, or spraying with compressed air or inert gas.
  2. Vacuum way. With this method in the cavities of defects, a discharged atmosphere and pressure becomes less than atmospheric, i.e. It turns out a kind of vacuum in the cavities that sucks the indicator fluid.
  3. Compression method. This method is opposite to a vacuum method. Filling defects occurs under the influence of a pressure indicator fluid exceeding atmospheric pressure. Under high pressure, the liquid fills the defects, displacing air from them.
  4. Ultrasonic way. Filling the cavities of defects occurs in the ultrasound field and the use of ultrasonic capillary effect.
  5. Deformation method. The cavities of defects are filled under the influence of the indicator fluid of elastic oscillations of the sound wave or with static loading increasing minimum size Defects.

To better penetrate the indicator fluid in the cavity of defects, the surface temperature should be within 10-50 ° C.

Intermediate surface cleaning

Apply substances for intermediate surface cleaning should be in such a way that the indicator fluid is not removed from surface defects.

Water purification

Excess indicator fluid can be removed by spraying, or wiping with a wet cloth. At the same time, mechanical impact on the controlled surface should be avoided. The water temperature should not exceed 50 ° C.

Cleaning solvent

First, the excessive fluid is removed using pure fabric without a pile. After that, the surface is purified by a cloth moistened with solvent.

Cleaning emulsifiers

To remove indicator liquids, water-sensitive emulsifiers or oil-based emulsifiers are used. Before applying the emulsifier, it is necessary to wash off the surplus of the indicator fluid with water and immediately then apply the emulsifier. After emulsion, the metal surface is necessary to rinse with water.

Combined water purification and solvent

With this method of cleaning, with a controlled surface, the excessive indicator fluid is washed with water, and then purify the surface with a lint-free cloth with a solvent.

Drying after intermediate cleaning

To dry the surface after intermediate cleaning, you can apply several ways to:

  • wiping a clean dry non-blur
  • evaporation at ambient temperature
  • drying at elevated temperature
  • sushka B. aircraft
  • combination of the above drying methods.

The drying process must be carried out in such a way that the indicator fluid does not dry out in the defects cave. For this, drying is performed at a temperature not exceeding 50 ° C.

The process of manifestation of surface defects in the weld

The developer is applied to a controlled surface with a smooth thin layer. The process of manifestation should be started as quickly as possible after intermediate cleaning.

Dry developer

The use of dry developer is possible only with fluorescent indicator fluids. Dry developer is applied by spraying or using electrostatic spraying. Controlled sections should be coated uniformly, evenly. Local developer accumulations are not allowed.

Water suspension based liquid

The developer is applied uniform when immersing the controlled compound or spraying with the help of the device. When using the immersion method, for the best results, the duration of the dive should be as short as possible. After that, the controlled compound must be dried by evaporation or blowing in the furnace.

Solvent-based liquid developer

The developer is applied to the controlled surface in such a way that the surface is evenly moored and a thin and homogeneous film was formed on it.

Liquid developer in the form of a water solution

Uniform application of such a developer achieves the help of immersion of controlled surfaces into it, or with spraying with special devices. Immersion must be short-term, in this case the best test result is achieved. After that, the controlled surfaces are dried with evaporation or blowing into the furnace.

Duration of manifestation process

The duration of the manifestation process continues, as a rule, for 10-30 minutes. In some cases, an increase in the duration of manifestation is allowed. The countdown of the manifestation begins: for dry developer immediately after its application, and for liquid developer - immediately after the end of drying the surface.

Detection of welding defects as a result of capillary flaw detection

If possible, the inspection of the controlled surface begin immediately after applying the developer or after it is drying. But final control occurs after the completion of the manifestation process. As auxiliary devices, with optical control, magnifying windows, or glasses with magnifying lenses are used.

When using fluorescent indicator fluids

It is unacceptable to use photochromatic glasses. It is necessary that the eyes of the controller are adapted to the dark in the test cabin for 5 minutes, at a minimum.

Ultraviolet radiation should not fall into the eye of the controller. All controlled surfaces should not fluoresce (reflect light). Also in the field of view of the controller should not fall objectives that reflect the light under the influence of ultraviolet rays. You can use overall ultraviolet lighting so that the controller can easily move on the test chamber.

When using color indicator liquids

All controlled surfaces are inspected in daytime, or artificial lighting. The illumination on the surface was checked should be at least 500lk. At the same time, the surface should not be glare due to reflection of light.

Repeated capillar control

If there is a need for repeated control, then the entire process of capillary flaw detection is repeated, starting from the pre-cleaning process. For this you need, if possible, provide more favorable conditions Control.

For re-control, it is allowed to use only the same indicator fluids, one and the same manufacturer as at first control. The use of other liquids, or the same liquids, but different manufacturers, not allowed. In this case, it is necessary to make thorough cleaning of the surface so that there are no traces from the previous check.

According to EN571-1, the main stages of capillary control are presented in the Scheme:

Video on the topic: "Capillary flaw detection of welds"

Capillary control (capillary / luminescent / color flaw detection, penetrant control)

Capillary control, capillary flaw detection, luminescent / color flaw detection - these are the most common non-destructive testing of penetrating substances, which are most common in the medium specialists. penetranta.

Capillary control method - Optimal method for detecting defects overlooking the surface of products. Practice shows the high economic efficiency of capillary flaw detection, the possibility of its use in a wide variety of forms and controlled objects, ranging from metals and ending with plastics.

With a relatively low cost of consumables, equipment for luminescent and color flaw detection is simpler and less expensive than for most other non-destructive testing methods.

Sets for capillary control

Sets for color defectoscopy based on red penetrate and white developers

Standard set to work in the temperature range -10 ° C ... + 100 ° C

High-temperature set for work in the range of 0 ° C ... + 200 ° C

Kits for capillary flaw detection based on luminescent penetrant

Standard set for working in the temperature range -10 ° C ... + 100 ° C in visible and UV light

The high-temperature set for operation in the range of 0 ° C ... + 150 ° C using the UV lamp λ \u003d 365 nm.

A set for controlling particularly responsible products in the range of 0 ° C ... + 100 ° C using UV lamp λ \u003d 365 nm.

Capillary Defectoscopy - Overview

Historical reference

Method for studying the surface of the object penetrating penetrantwhich is also known as capillary flaw detection (Capillary control), appeared in our country in the 40s of the last century. Capillary control for the first time began to apply in the aircraft industry. His simple and understandable principles remained unchanged to the present.

Abroad, about the same time was proposed, and a red-white method of detection of surface defects was patented. Subsequently, it was named - the control method of penetrating fluids (Liquid Penetrant Testing). In the second half of the 50s of the last century, materials for capillary flaw detection were described in the US military specification (MIL-1-25135).

Quality control penetrating substances

Ability to control the quality of products, parts and components of penetrating substances - penetranta It exists with such a physical phenomenon as wetting. The flaw detection fluid (penetrant) wets the surface, fills the mouth of the capillary, thereby creating the conditions for the appearance of the capillary effect.

Penetrating ability is a complex property of liquids. This phenomenon is the basis of capillary control. Penetrating ability depends on the following factors:

  • properties of the surface under study and the degree of cleaning of pollution;
  • physico-chemical properties of the material of the control object;
  • properties penetranta (wettability, viscosity, surface tension);
  • temperature of the object of the study (affects the viscosity of the penetrant and wettability)

Among other types of non-destructive testing (NK), the capillary method plays a special role. First, on the totality of qualities, this is the ideal way to control the surface for the presence of an invisible eye of microscopic discrepancy. From other types of NK, portability and mobility, the cost of controlling the area of \u200b\u200bthe area of \u200b\u200bthe product, relative simplicity of implementation without the use of complex equipment is distinguished. Secondly, capillary control is more versatile. If, for example, it is used only to control ferromagnetic materials having a relative magnetic permeability of more than 40, then the capillary flaw detection is applicable to products of almost any shape and material, where the geometry of the object and the direction of defects are not playing a special role.

Development of capillary control as a non-destructive testing method

The development of methods of flaw detection of surfaces, as one of the directions of non-destructive testing directly related to scientific and technical progress. Manufacturers industrial equipment Always were concerned about saving materials and human resources. At the same time, the operation of equipment is often associated with elevated mechanical stages on some of its elements. As an example, we give the blades of the turbine aircraft engines. In the mode of intensive loads, it is the cracks on the surface of the blades are a certain danger.

In this particular case, as in many others, the capillary control turned out to be as impossible by the way. Manufacturers quickly appreciated, it was put into service and received a steady vector of development. The capillary method was one of the most sensitive and in-demand methods of non-destructive testing in many industries. Mainly in mechanical engineering, serial and small-sector production.

Currently, the improvement of capillary control methods is carried out in four directions:

  • improving the quality of flaw detection materials aimed at expanding the range of sensitivity;
  • reducing the harmful effects of materials on the environment and humans;
  • the use of electrostatic sputtering systems of penetrant and developers for more uniform and economical application to controlled parts;
  • implementing automation schemes into a multi-functioning process of diagnosing surfaces in production.

Organization of the sector of color (luminescent) flaw detection

The organization of the sector for color (luminescent) flaw detection is carried out in accordance with industry recommendations and enterprise standards: RD-13-06-2006. The site is fixed behind the laboratory of non-destructive testing of the enterprise, which is certified in accordance with the rules of certification and the basic requirements for laboratories of non-destructive testing of PB 03-372-00.

As in our country and abroad, the use of color defectoscopy methods in large enterprises is described in the internal standards, which are fully based on national. Color flaw detection is described in the standards of Pratt & Whitney, Rolls-Royce, General Electric, Aerospatiale and others.

Capillary control - pros and cons

Advantages of the capillary method

  1. Low costs for consumables.
  2. High objectivity of control results.
  3. It can be used for almost all solid materials (metals, ceramics, plastics, etc.) with the exception of porous.
  4. In most cases, capillary control does not require the use of technologically complex equipment.
  5. Control in any place under any conditions, including stationary with the use of appropriate equipment.
  6. Due to the high performance control, a quick check of large objects having a large surface area has been possible. When using this method at enterprises with a continuous production cycle, it is possible to stream control of products.
  7. The capillary method is ideal for detecting all types of surface cracks, providing a clear imaging of defects (when controlling properly).
  8. Perfectly suitable for controlling products with complex geometry, light metal parts, such as turbine blades in the aerospace industry and energy, engine parts in the automotive industry.
  9. Under certain circumstances, the method can be applied to tightness tests. For this, the penetrant is applied to one side of the surface, and the developer to another. In place of leakage, the penetrant is pulled out to the surface of the developer. Sealing control for detecting and determining the location of leaks is extremely important for products such as tanks, containers, radiators, hydraulic systems, etc.
  10. In contrast to X-ray control, capillary flaw detection does not require special security measures, such as the use of radiation protection products. During research, the operator sufficiently exercise elementary caution when working with consumables and use the respirator.
  11. Lack of special requirements for the knowledge and qualifications of the operator.

Restrictions for color flaw detection

  1. The main limitation of the capillary control method is the ability to detect only those defects that are open to the surface.
  2. A factor that reduces the effectiveness of capillary testing is the roughness of the object of research, - the porous surface structure leads to false testimony.
  3. Special cases, although quite rare, should include a small wettability of the surface of some materials by penetrant as a water basis and on the basis of organic solvents.
  4. In some cases, the complexity of the implementation can be attributed to the disadvantages of the method. preparatory operationsassociated with removal paint and varnish coatings, oxide films and drying parts.

Capillary Control - Terms and Definitions

Capillary non-destructive testing

Capillary non-destructive testing based on penetration penetration in cavity, which form defects on the surface of the products. Penetrant is a dye. Its trail, after appropriate surface treatment, is recorded visually or using instruments.

In capillary control Various testing methods are used, based on the use of penetrant, materials for surface preparation, developers and capillary studies. Currently, the market has a sufficient amount of consumables for capillary control, which make it possible to make a choice and development of techniques that satisfy, in essentially, any requirements of sensitivity, compatibility and ecology.

Physical foundations of capillary flaw detection

The basis of capillary flaw detection - This is a capillary effect, as a physical phenomenon and penetrant, as a substance with certain properties. The capillary effect is influenced by such phenomena as surface tension, wetting, diffusion, dissolution, emulsification. But in order for these phenomena to work on the result, the surface of the control object should be well cleaned and degreased.

If the surface is properly prepared, a drop of a penetrant, which fell on it quickly spreads, forming a stain. It speaks good wetting. Under wetting (adhesion to the surface), the ability of a liquid body to form a stable surface of the section on the border with a solid body is understood. If the interaction forces between fluid and solid body molecules exceed the interaction force between the molecules inside the liquid, then the surface of the solid body is wetted.

Pigment particles penetranta, many times less in size than the width of the disclosure of microcracks and other damage to the surface of the object of the study. In addition, the most important physical property of penetrates is low surface tension. Due to this parameter, penetrates have sufficient penetrating ability and wet well. different kinds surfaces - from metals, to plastic.

Penetrant penetration in uninstaluation (cavities) of defects And the subsequent extraction of the penetrant in the process of developing occurs under the action of capillary forces. And the decoding of the defect becomes possible due to the difference in color (color flaw detection) or the luminescence (fluorescent flaw detection) between the background and the surface area over the defect.

Thus, under normal conditions, very small defects on the surface of the control facility, the human eye is not visible. In the process of phased surface treatment special compositionson which the capillary flaw detection is based, the defects are formed easily readable, contrast indicator pattern.

In color flaw detectionDue to the action of the developer of the penetrant, which "pulls" penetrant to the surface of diffusion by the diffusion forces, the size of the indication is usually significantly larger than the size of the defect itself. The size of the indicator pattern as a whole, subject to the control technology, depends on the incomplete volume of the penetrant. When evaluating the results of the control, you can conduct some analogy with the physics of the "reinforcement effect" of signals. In our case, the "output signal" is a contrast indicator pattern, which in size can be several times more than the "input signal" - an uninstalistic image of a uninstantity (defect).

Detectoscopic materials

Detectoscopic materials For capillary control, this means that are used in controlling liquid (penetration control) penetrating the superficial uninstalities of the checked products.


Penetrant is an indicator fluid, penetrating agent (from English penetrate - penetrate) .

Penetrates are called capillary flaw detectoscopic material, which is capable of penetrating the surface uninstalities of the controlled object. Penetrant penetration into the cavity of damage occurs under the action of capillary forces. As a result of small surface tension and action of wetting forces, penetrant fills the emptiness of the defect through the mouth, open to the surface, forming, while concave meniscus.

Penetrant is the main consumable material for capillary flaw detection. Penetrants are distinguished by the method of visualization on contrasting (color) and fluorescent (fluorescent), according to the method of removing from the surface to the water-water and removed by the cleaner (post-emulsifiable), by sensitivity to classes (in descending order - I, II, III and IV classes GOST 18442-80)

Foreign standards MIL-i-25135E and AMS-2644 Unlike GOST 18442-80, the levels of sensitivity of penetrates per classes are in ascending order: 1/2 - ultra-low sensitivity, 1 - low, 2 - medium, 3 - high, 4 - ultra-high .

Penetrant are presented whole line Requirements, most importantly, good wettability. The next, important parameter for penetrates - viscosity. What it is lower, the less time is required for the complete impregnation of the surface of the control object. In capillary control, such properties of penetrates are taken into account as:

  • wettability;
  • viscosity;
  • surface tension;
  • volatility;
  • ignition point (flash temperature);
  • specific gravity;
  • solubility;
  • contamination sensitivity;
  • toxicity;
  • smell;
  • inertness.

The penetrant is usually included in high-boiling solvents, dyes (phosphors) based on pigment or soluble, surfactants (surfactants), corrosion inhibitors binders. Penetrates are available in ballons for aerosol application (the most appropriate form of release for field work), plastic canices and barrels.


The developer is a material for capillary non-destructive testing, which, thanks to its properties, retrieves a penetrant to the surface in the cavity.

The developer of a penetrant, as a rule, has a white color and acts as a contrasting background for an indicator image.

The developer is applied to the surface of the control object with a thin, uniform layer after its purification (intermediate purification) from the penetrant. After the intermediate cleaning procedure, a certain amount of penetrant remains in the defect zone. The developer, under the influence of adsorption, absorption or diffusion (depending on the type of action), "pulls" to the surface remaining in the capillaries of the penetrant defects.

Thus, the penetrant under the action of the developer "Tin" sections of the surface above the defect, forming a clear defectogram - an indicator pattern that repeats the location of defects on the surface.

By type of action, the developers are divided into sorption (powders and suspensions) and diffusion (paints, varnishes and films). Most often, the developers are chemically neutral sorbents of silicon compounds, white. Such developers, covering the surface create a layer having a microporous structure into which, under the action of capillary forces, the coloring penetrant easily penetrates. At the same time, the developer layer above the defect is painted in the color of the dye (color method), or wetted with a liquid with the addition of phtorefor, which in the ultraviolet light begins fluorescent (luminescent method). In the latter case, the use of the developer is not necessary - it only increases the sensitivity of control.

The correctly selected developer should ensure a uniform surface coating. The higher the sorption properties of the developer, the better he "pulls" the penetrant from the capillaries during the manifestation. These are the most important properties of the developer defining its quality.

Capillary control suggests the use of dry and wet developers. In the first case, we are talking about powder developers, in the second on water-based developers (aqueous, water-visible), or on the basis of organic solvents (not aqueous).

The developer in the composition of the flaw detection system, as well as the remaining materials of this system, is selected based on sensitivity requirements. For example, to identify a defect having a disclosure width to 1 micron, in accordance with the American standard AMS-2644 to diagnose the moving parts of the gas turbine unit, a powder developer and a luminescent penetrant should be used.

Powder developers have good dispersion and are applied to the surface with an electrostatic or vortex method, with the formation of a thin and uniform layer necessary for the guaranteed pulling of a small volume of the penetrant from the cavities of the microcrack.

Water-based developers do not always provide the creation of a thin and uniform layer. In this case, if there is on the surface of small defects, the penetrant does not always go to the surface. Too thick developer layer can mask a defect.

The developers can chemically interact with indicator penetrates. By the nature of this interaction, the developers are divided into chemically active and chemically passive. The latter got the wider distribution. Chemically active developers react with penetrant. Detection of defects, in this case, is made according to the presence of reaction products. Chemically passive developers act only as a sorbent.

Penetrant developers are produced in ballons for aerosol application (the most appropriate form of release for field work), plastic canices and barrels.

Penetrant emulsifier

The emulsifier (penetrant damper according to GOST 18442-80) is a flaw detection material for capillary control, used for intermediate surface cleaning when using a post -multiped penetrant.

In the process of emulsification, the remaining penetrant interacts with the emulsifier. Subsequently, the resulting mixture is removed by water. The purpose of the procedure is to clean the surface from an excess penetrant.

The emulsification process may have a significant impact on the quality of imaging of defects, especially when controlling objects with a rough surface. It is expressed in obtaining a contrasting background of the necessary purity. To obtain a well-readable indicator pattern, the background brightness should not exceed the indication brightness.

Lipophilic and hydrophilic emulsifiers are used in capillary control. The lipophilic emulsifier is made on an oil basis, hydrophilic - on water. They differ by the mechanism of action.

The lipophilic emulsifier, covering the surface of the product, goes into the remaining penetrant under the action of diffusion forces. The resulting mixture is easily removed from the surface with water.

The hydrophilic emulsifier acts on the penetrant in a different way. When it exposeds, the penetrant is divided into many particles of smaller volume. As a result, the emulsion is formed, and the penetrant loses the properties to wetting the surface of the control object. The resulting emulsion is removed mechanically (washed off with water). The basis of hydrophilic emulsifiers is a solvent and surfactants (surfactants).

Penetrant cleaner (surfaces)

The cleaner for capillary control is an organic solvent to remove excess penetrant (intermediate purification), cleaning and degreasing surface (pre-clean).

An essential effect on surface wetting is provided by its microrelief and the degree of cleaning from oils, fats and other contaminants. In order for the penetrant to penetrate even the smallest pores, in most cases, mechanical cleaning is not enough. Therefore, before conducting control, the surface of the part is treated with special cleaners made on the basis of high-boiling solvents.

The degree of penetration of penetrant in the cavity of defects:

The most important properties of modern surface cleaners for capillary control are:

  • degreasing ability;
  • no non-volatile impurities (ability to evaporate from the surface without leaving traces);
  • minimum content harmful substancesaffecting a person and the environment;
  • operating temperature range.
Compatibility of consumables for capillary control

Defectoscopic materials for capillary control on physical and chemical properties Must be compatible both among themselves and with the material of the control object. Components of penetrant, cleansing agents and developers should not lead to the loss of operational properties of controlled products and to damage the equipment.

Table of compatibility of consumables Elyitest for capillary control:

P10 R10T. E11 PR9. Pr20 PR21 Pr20T Electrostatic deposition system


* according to GOST R ISO 3452-2-2009
** It is manufactured according to special, environmentally friendly technology with a reduced content of halogen hydrocarbons, sulfur compounds and other substances that negatively affect the environment.

P10 × × Bio Cleaner **, Class 2 (Non-Algered)
R10T × Purifier High temperature Bio **, Class 2 (non-algenetized)
E11 × × × Emulsifier Hydrophilic Bio ** for cleansing penetrates. Divorced in water in proportion 1/20
PR9. Manufacturer powder white color, shape A
Pr20 White-based white-based developer, form d, e
PR21 Solvent-based White Developer, Form D, E
Pr20T × × Developer high-temperature solvent based, form D, E
P42. Red Penetrant, 2 (High) Sensitivity Level *, Method A, C, D, E
P52. × Red Beo Penetrant **, 2 (High) Sensitivity Level *, Method A, C, D, E
P62. × Red penetrant high temperature, 2 (high) sensitivity level *, Method A, C, D
P71 × × × Lume. Penetrant high-temperature water-based, 1 (low) sensitivity level *, Method A, D
P72. × × × Lume. Penetrant high-temperature water-based, 2 (medium) sensitivity level *, Method A, D
P71k × × × Concentrate Luma. High-temperature Beo Penetrant **, 1/2 (ultra-low) Sensitivity level *, Method A, D
P81 × Luminescent penetrant, 1 (low) sensitivity level *, Method A, with
Luminescent penetrant, 1 (low) sensitivity level *, Method B, C, D
P92. Luminescent penetrant, 2 (medium) sensitivity level *, Method B, C, D Luminescent penetrant, 4 (ultra-high) sensitivity level *, Method B, C, D

⚫ - it is recommended to use; - can be used; × - can not use
Download the compatibility table of consumables for capillary and magnetic powder control:

Equipment for capillary control

Equipment used with capillary control:

  • reference (control) samples for capillary flaw detection;
  • sources of ultraviolet lighting (UV lights and lamps);
  • test panels (test panel);
  • pneumohydropistrents;
  • pulselizers;
  • cameras for capillary control;
  • electrostatic deposit systems of flaw detection materials;
  • water purification systems;
  • drying cabinets;
  • tanks for immersion penetrant.

Revealed defects

The methods of capillary flaw detection make it possible to detect defects that goes on the surface of the product: cracks, pores, sinks, non-removal, intercrystalline corrosion and other unpaid disclosure widths are less than 0.5 mm.

Control samples for capillary flaw detection

Control (standard, reference, test) Samples for capillary control are metal plates with artificial cracks (defects) of a certain size applied to them. The surface of the control samples may have roughness.

Control samples are manufactured in foreign standards, in accordance with European and American standards EN ISO 3452-3, AMS 2644C, Pratt & Whitney Aircraft Tam 1460 40 (standard of the enterprise - the largest American manufacturer of aircraft engines).

Control samples are used:
  • to determine the sensitivity of test systems based on various flaw detectoscopic materials (penetrant, developer, cleaner);
  • for comparing penetrant, one of which can be taken for exemplary;
  • to assess the quality of flauntability of fluorescent (fluorescent) and contrasting (color) penetrates in accordance with AMS 2644C norms;
  • for a general assessment of the quality of capillary control.

The use of control samples for capillary control in Russian GOST 18442-80 is not regulated. Nevertheless, in our country, the control samples are actively used in accordance with GOST R ISO 3452-2-2009 and enterprises (for example, PNAEG-7-018-89) to assess the suitability of flaw detectoscopic materials.

Capillary control techniques

To date, it has accumulated a fairly extensive experience of using capillary methods for the purpose of operational control of products, nodes and mechanisms. However, the development of the working method for the capillary control often has to be carried out separately for each specific case. At the same time, factors are taken into account as:

  1. sensitivity requirements;
  2. state of object;
  3. the nature of the interaction of flawectoscopic materials with a controlled surface;
  4. compatibility of consumables;
  5. technical capabilities and conditions of work;
  6. the nature of the expected defects;
  7. other factors affecting the effectiveness of capillary control.

GOST 18442-80 determines the classification of the main capillary control methods, depending on the type of penetrating substance - penetrant (solution, or suspension of pigment particles) and, depending on the method of obtaining primary information:

  1. brightness (achromatic);
  2. color (chromatic);
  3. luminescent (fluorescent);
  4. luminescent-colored.

GOST R ISO 3452-2-2009 and AMS 2644 standards describe six basic methods of capillary control in type and groups:

Type 1. Fluorescent (luminescent) Methods:
  • method A: Washing (Group 4);
  • method B: subsequent emulsification (group 5 and 6);
  • method C: Organic (Group 7).
Type 2. Color Methods:
  • method A: Water-based (group 3);
  • method C: subsequent emulsification (group 2);
  • method C: Organic (Group 1).

Control non-destructive testing

Color method for monitoring compounds, weld and base metal

Leader: general director of JSC "VNIIPTHIMNEFTECEAAPS"

V.A. Panov.

Head of Standardization Department

V.N. Zarutsky

Head of Department No. 29

S.Ya. Lucin

Head of Laboratory No. 56

L.V. Ovcharenko

Development Manager, Senior Researcher

V.P. Novikov

Lead Engineer

L.P. Gorbatenko

Engineer technologist II Cat.

N.K. Lamin

Standardization engineer I Cat.

PER. Lukina


Head of the Department of OJSC Niichimmash

N.V. Himchenko


Deputy General Director
on scientific and production activities

V.V. Rakov


1. Developed by OJSC Volgograd Research and Design Institute of Technology of Chemical and Oil Appliances Building "(JSC" VNIIPT HimneftApprants)

2. APPROVED AND INTRODUCED TECHNICAL COMMITTEE No. 260 "Equipment chemical and oil and gas processing" by a list of approval from December 1999.

3. Activated by a letter to Gosgortkhnadzor of Russia No. 12-42 / 344 dated 05.04.2001.

4. Instead of the OST 26-5-88

1 area of \u200b\u200buse. 2.

3 General. 2.

4 Requirements for the control section of the Color Method .. 3

4.1 General requirements. 3.

4.2 Requirements for the workplace of control Color method .. 3

5 Detectoscopic materials .. 4

6 Preparation for monitoring the color method .. 5

7 Methods of conducting control. 6.

7.1 Application of an indicator penetrant. 6.

7.2 Deleting an indicator penetrant. 6.

7.3 Application and drying of the developer. 6.

7.4 Inspection of a controlled surface. 6.

8 Evaluation of the quality of the surface and the design of the control results. 6.

9 Security requirements. 7.

Appendix A. The norms of roughness of the controlled surface. eight

Appendix B. Service Norms when controlling color method .. 9

Appendix B. Values \u200b\u200bof illumination of a controlled surface. nine

Appendix G. Control samples to test the quality of flaw detectoscopic materials. nine

Appendix D. List of reagents and materials used in the control of the color method .. 11

Appendix E. Preparation and rules for using flaw detectoscopic materials. 12

Appendix J. Storage and testing of the quality of flaw detectoscopic materials. fourteen

Appendix I. Norms of consumption of flaw detectoscopic materials. fourteen

Appendix K. Methods for assessing the quality of degreasing of the controlled surface. fifteen

Appendix L. Form of the Control Magazine Color Method .. 15

Appendix M. Form of conclusion according to the results of control by the color method .. 15

Appendix N. Examples of abbreviated control of the control of the color method .. 16

Appendix P. Passport on the control sample. sixteen

OST 26-5-99

Sectoral standard

Date of introduction 2000-04-01


This standard applies to a color method for controlling welded compounds, welded and base metal of all steel grades, titanium, copper, aluminum and their alloys.

The standard operates in the chemical, oil and gas engineering industry and can be used for any objects controlled by Gosgortkhnadzor of Russia.

The standard establishes the requirements for the preparation and control method with a color method, controlled objects (vessels, apparatuses, pipelines, metal designs, their elements, etc.), personnel and workplaces, flaw detection, assessment and design of results, as well as security requirements.

2 Regulatory references

GOST 12.0.004-90 SSBT organization of learning work of labor safety

GOST 12.1.004-91 SSBT. Fire safety. General requirements

GOST 12.1.005-88 CSBT. General sanitary and hygienic requirements for air working area

PPB 01-93 Fire safety rules in the Russian Federation

Rules for certification of non-destructive testing specialists approved by Gosgortkhnadzor of Russia

RD 09-250-98 Regulations on the order of safe carrying out repair work on chemical, petrochemical and oil refineries, approved by Gosgortkhnadzor of Russia

RD 26-11-01-85 Instructions for controlling welded compounds inaccessible to radiographic and ultrasound control

CH 245-71 Sanitary norms Designing industrial enterprises

Typical instructions for carrying out gas-hazardous work, approved by Gosgortkhnadzor of the USSR 20.02.85.

3 General provisions

3.1 Color non-destructive testing method (color flaw detection) refers to capillary methods and is designed to identify defects such as uninstaluities overlooking the surface.

3.2 Application of a color method, a control volume, a defective class establishes the developer of design documentation on the product and reflects in the technical requirements of the drawing.

3.3 The desired class of control sensitivity to the color method according to GOST 18442 is ensured by using the appropriate flaw detectoscopic materials when performing the requirements of this standard.

3.4 Control of objects from non-ferrous metals and alloys should be carried out before their machining.

3.5 Control of the color method should be carried out before applying paintwork and other coatings or after their complete removal from controlled surfaces.

3.6 When the object is controlled by two methods - ultrasonic and color, the control of the color method should be carried out to ultrasound.

3.7 The surface to be controlled by the color method should be cleaned from metal splashes, nagar, scale, slag, rust, various organic substances (oils, etc.) and other contaminants.

In the presence of metal splashes, nagar, scale, slag, rust, etc. Pollution surface is subject to mechanical stripping.

Mechanical stripping of surfaces from steel carbon, low-alloyed, and the mechanical properties close to them should be produced grinding machine With an electrocorundum grinding circle on a ceramic bundle.

It is allowed to clean the surface with metal brushes, abrasive paper or other methods according to GOST 18442, providing compliance with the requirements of the application A.

Cleaning the surface from fat and other organic contaminants, as well as from water, it is recommended to carry out the heating of this surface or objects if the objects are small, for 40 to 60 min at a temperature of 100 - 120 ° C.

Note. Mechanical stripping and warming up the controlled surface, as well as the cleaning of the object after the control in the duties of the flaw detection is not included.

3.8 The roughness of the controlled surface must comply with the requirements of Appendix A of this Standard and be specified in the regulatory and technical documentation for the product.

3.9 The surface to be controlled by the color method must be accepted by the SW result according to the results of visual control.

3.10 In welded joints, the surface of the weld and adjacent sections of the base metal with a width of no less thicknessed metal thickness adjacent to it, but not less than 25 mm on both sides of the seam with a metal thickness to 25 inclusive and 50 mm - with a metal thickness Over 25 mm to 50 mm.

3.11 Welded compounds, more than 900 mm long, should be divided into areas (zones) of the length of the length or area of \u200b\u200bwhich must be installed so as to prevent the indicator penetrant to dry out until it is re-applying.

For ring welded joints and edges for welding, the length of the controlled area should be with the diameter of the product:

up to 900 mm - no more than 500 mm,

over 900 mm - no more than 700 mm.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe controlled surface should not exceed 0.6 m 2.

3.12 When controlling the inner surface of the cylindrical vessel, its axis should be tilted at an angle of 3 - 5 ° to horizontal, providing stock of waste fluids.

3.13 Control of the color method should be carried out at a temperature of from 5 to 40 ° C and relative humidity no more than 80%.

Control is allowed at temperatures below 5 ° C using appropriate flaw detectoscopic materials.

3.14 Conducting the control by the color method during installation, repair or technical diagnostics of objects should be issued as gas-hazardous work in accordance with the RD 09-250.

3.15 The monitoring of the color method should be carried out by persons who have passed special theoretical and practical training and certified in the prescribed manner according to the "Rules of Certification of Non-Device Control Specialists" approved by Gosgortkhnadzor of Russia and having appropriate certificates.

3.16 Service standards in the control of the color method are given in Appendix B.

3.17 This standard can be used by enterprises (organizations) in the development of technological instructions and (or) other technological documentation for monitoring the color method for specific objects.

4 Requirements for the control area with color method

4.1 General requirements

4.1.1 The control unit with a color method should be placed in dry heated, isolated premises with natural and (or) artificial lighting and supply-exhaust ventilation In accordance with the requirements of CH-245, GOST 12.1.005 and 3.13, 4.1.4, 4.2.1 of this standard, far from high-temperature sources and sparking mechanisms.

Passionate air with a temperature below 5 ° C should be heated.

4.1.2 When applying flaw detectoscopic materials using organic solvents and other fire and explosive substances, the control section should be placed in two adjacent rooms.

In the first room, technological operations of preparing and conducting control are carried out, as well as an inspection of controlled objects.

In the second room there are heating devices and equipment on which work is performed not related to the use of fire and explosive substances and, according to safety conditions, it is impossible to be installed in the first room.

It is allowed to control the color method on production (assembly) sites in full compliance with the methods of monitoring and safety requirements.

4.1.3 On the area for controlling large-sized objects, if the norms of the permissible concentration of vapors of the used flaw detection materials are exceeded, stationary suction panels are installed, portable exhaust umbrellas Or suspended exhaust panels, reinforced on a rotary single or two-hinge suspension.

Portable and suspended suction devices must be connected to ventilation system flexible air ducts.

4.1.4 Lighting on the control area with a color method should be combined (general and local).

It is allowed to use one overall lighting if the use of local lighting is impossible for production conditions.

Used lamps must be in an explosion-proof version.

Light values \u200b\u200bare given in Appendix B.

When using optical devices and other means for inspection of the controlled surface, its illumination must comply with the requirements of the instruments of these instruments and (or) funds.

4.1.5 The control unit with a color method should be provided with dry clean compressed air pressure 0.5 - 0.6 MPa.

Compressed air should go to the plot through the moisture meter separator.

4.1.6 On the site there must be a cold and hot water With stock into the sewer.

4.1.7 Paul and walls in the area of \u200b\u200bthe site must be covered with easily washing materials ( metlah tiles etc.).

4.1.8 The site should be installed cabinets for storing tools, devices, flaw detection and auxiliary materials, documentation.

4.1.9 Composition and placement of the equipment of the control section of the Color method should provide a technological sequence of operations and comply with the requirements of section 9.

4.2 Working Playback Requirements Color Method

4.2.1 Workplace To control should be equipped:

supply-exhaust ventilation and local hood is at least with a three-time air exchange, (an exhaust umbrella should be installed above the workstation);

lamp for local lighting, providing illumination according to annex in;

source of compressed air with air gearbox;

heater (air, infrared or other type), providing a drying of the developer at temperatures below 5 ° C.

4.2.2 In the workplace, the table (workbench) should be installed to control small objects, as well as a table and a chair with a grille under the legs for a flaw detection.

4.2.3 In the workplace should be the following instruments, devices, tools, devices, flaw detection and auxiliary materials, other accessories for controlling:

kraskoraspyliters with low air flow and low performance (for applying an indicator penetrant or developer with spraying);

control samples and fixture (to test the quality and sensitivity of flaw detection materials) according to the application r;

loupes with 5 and 10-fold increase (for general inspection of the controlled surface);

loupes telescopic (for inspecting controlled surfaces located inside the design and detected from the eye of a flaw detection, as well as surfaces in the form of sharp two-man and multifaceted angles);

sets of standard and special probe (to measure the depth of defects);

metal rules (to determine the linear dimensions of defects and markup of controlled sites);

chalk and (or) color pencil (for marking controlled sites and marks of defective places);

sets of painting hair and bristled brushes (for degreasing the controlled surface and apply an indicator penetrant and developer on it);

a set of bristle brushes (for degreasing the controlled surface, if necessary, use them);

napkins and (or) Ribs from cotton tissues of the Bruming Group (for wiping a controlled surface. It is not allowed to use napkins or rags from woolen, silk, synthetic, as well as darous tissues);

loop witch (to remove mechanical and other contaminants with a controlled surface, if necessary);

paper filtering (to test the quality of degreasing controlled surface and filtering prepared flaw detectoscopic materials);

rubber gloves (to protect the hands of a flaw detection from the materials used in control);

cotton bathrobe (for a flaw detection);

cotton costume (for work inside the object);

apron rubberized with a bib (for a flaw detection);

rubber boots (for work inside the object);

respirator filtering universal (for operation inside the object);

lantern with a lamp by 3.6 W (for work in the installation conditions and with the technical diagnostics of the object);

tara is tightly closed, unbreakable (for flaw detectoscopic materials on 5

disposable work, when conducting control using brushes);

laboratory scales with a scale of up to 200 g (for weighing the components of flaw detection materials);

set of multiple up to 200 g;

a set of flaw detection materials for monitoring (may be in aerosol packaging or in a tightly unbreakable container, in the amount of calculated on a single work).

4.2.4 The list of reagents and materials used for control by the color method is given in Appendix D.

5 Detectoscopic materials

5.1 A set of flaw detectoscopic materials for control by the color method is:

indicator penetrant (s);

penetrant cleaner (m);

manifier penetrant (P).

5.2 The choice of a set of flaw detection materials should be determined depending on the necessary sensitivity of control and conditions of its application.

Sets of flaw detection materials are shown in Table 1, the formulation, cooking technology and the rules of their use are given in Appendix E, the storage rules and quality control - in Appendix F, the cost of the consumption - in Appendix I.

It is allowed to use flaw detection materials and (or) their sets are not provided for by this standard, subject to ensuring the necessary sensitivity of the control.

Table 1 - Sets of flaw detection materials

Sectoral designation set

Purpose Set

Destinations set

Terms of application

Detectoscopic materials

Temperature ° S.

features of application




Firewood, toxic

at RA? 6.3 microns

Malotoxic, fireproof, applied in closed rooms requires careful cleaning from penetrant

For rough welded seams

Firewood, toxic

at RA? 6.3 microns

For layer-by-layer control of welds

Fire-hazardous, toxic, no deletion of developer is required before the next welding operation

Liquid K.

at RA? 6.3 microns

To achieve high sensitivity

Fire-hazardous, toxic, applicable to objects excluding water contact

Liquid K.

Oil-kerosene mixture

at RA? 3.2 microns


Environmentally and fireproof, does not cause corrosion, compatible with water

According to the manufacturer

Any application

at RA \u003d 12.5 μm

For coarse welds

Aerosol method for applying penetrant and developer

According to the manufacturer

at RA? 6.3 microns

at RA? 3.2 microns


1 Dial designation in brackets is given by its developer.

2 Surface roughness (RA) - according to GOST 2789.

3 DN-1TS sets - DN-6Ts should be prepared according to the recipe shown in E. Appendix

4 Liquid to and paint M (manufacturer Lviv paintwork plant), sets:

DN-8C (Manufacturer of IFH UAn Kiev), Dn-9c and Tsan (manufacturer Nevinnomyssky NHC) - are supplied in the finished form.

5 The developers are shown in brackets that are allowed for data indicator penetrates.

6 Preparation for controlling the color method

6.1 With mechanized control, before starting work, it is necessary to test the performance of the mechanization and the quality of spraying of flaw detectoscopic materials.

6.2 Sets and sensitivity of flaw detection materials must comply with the requirements of Table 1.

Checking the sensitivity of flaw detection materials should be made by Appendix J.

6.3 The surface to be controlled must comply with the requirements of 3.7 - 3.9.

6.4 The controlled surface should be degreased by the corresponding composition of a particular set of flaw detection materials.

It is allowed to be used for degreasing organic solvents (acetone, gasoline), in order to achieve maximum sensitivity and (or) when conducting control under reduced temperatures.

No degreasing kerosene is allowed.

6.5 When conducting control in premises without ventilation or inside the object, degreasing should be carried out aqueous solution The powdered synthetic detergent (CMC) of any brand is 5% concentration.

6.6 Degreases should be carried out with a rigid, bristing brush (brush) corresponding to the size and shape of the controlled zone.

It is allowed to degrease the napkin (rag), moistened in the degreasing composition, or by spraying the degreasing composition.

Degreasing small objects should be dipped into the corresponding formulations.

6.7 The controlled surface after degreasing should be drained with a stream of pure dry air with a temperature of 50 - 80 ° C.

It is allowed to dry the surface to produce dry, clean cloth wipes with subsequent shutter speed for 10-15 minutes.

The drying of small objects after degreasing is recommended to be heated to a temperature of 100 - 120 ° C and shutter speed at this temperature for 40 to 60 minutes.

6.8 When conducting control under low temperatures, the controlled surface should be deguted with gasoline, and then dry alcohol using dry, clean cloth wipes.

6.9 The surface that has been subjected to etching, should be neutralized with aqueous solution of soda with a concentration of 10 - 15%, rinse with clean water and drain the stream of dry, clean air with a temperature of at least 40 ° C or dry, clean cloth wipes, and then process accordance with 6.4 - 6.7.

6.11 The controlled surface should be placed on the sections (zones) according to 3.11 and marked in accordance with the control card by the method adopted at this enterprise.

6.12 The time interval between the end of the facility preparation to control and the application of the indicator penetrant should not exceed 30 minutes. During this time, the possibility of condensation of atmospheric moisture on a controlled surface should be excluded, as well as to enter her various liquids and pollution.

7 Monitoring Methodology

7.1 Application of an indicator penetrant

7.1.1 Indicator penetrant should be applied to the surface of a soft hair brush prepared according to section 6, corresponding to the size and form of a controlled section (zone), spraying (by the skewer, aerosol) or dipping (for small objects).

Penetrant should be applied to the surface of 5 to 6 layers, preventing the drying of the previous layer. The area of \u200b\u200bthe last layer should be a slightly larger area of \u200b\u200bpreviously applied layers (so that the penetrant fry from the contour was dissolved last layer Without leaving traces, which after applying the developer form a drawing of false cracks).

7.1.2 When monitoring under conditions of low temperatures, the temperature of the indicator penetrant should not be lower than 15 ° C.

7.2 Deleting indicator penetrant

7.2.1 Indicator penetrant should be removed from the controlled surface immediately after applying its last layer, a dry, clean cloth with a lounge fabric, and then a clean napkin moistened in the cleaner (under conditions of low temperatures - in a technical ethyl alcohol) until the painted background is completely removed or any other way according to GOST 18442.

With roughness of the controlled RA surface? 12.5 μm Background formed by the residues of the penetrant should not exceed the background set by the control sample on Appendix G.

The oil-kerosene mixture should be applied with a bristle brush, immediately after applying the last layer of penetrating fluid to, not allowing its drying, while the area covered with a mixture should be somewhat larger than the area coated with penetrating fluid.

The removal of the penetrating fluid with the oil-kerosene mixture from the controlled surface should be made dry, pure rag.

7.2.2 Controlled surface, after removing an indicator penetrant, you should dry dry, clean with lounge fabric.

7.3 Application and Drying Developer

7.3.1 The developer should be a homogeneous mass without lumps and bundles, for which it should be mixed thoroughly.

7.3.2 The developer should be applied to the controlled surface immediately after removing the indicator penetrant, one thin, smooth layer providing detectability of defects, a soft hair brush, corresponding to the size and form of a controlled area (zone), spraying (spray gun, aerosol) or dipping (for small objects).

The developer is not allowed to the surface twice, as well as its influx and implications on the surface.

With an aerosol application method, the spray head of the bracket with the developer should be purged by freon before use, for which turn the balloon upside down and briefly press the spray head. Then, turn the spray head with a spray head and shake it for 2 to 3 minutes in order to mix the contents. Make sure the quality of spraying by pressing the spray head and sending a jet aside from the object.

With a satisfactory spraying, without closing the spray head valve, the jet of the developer should be transferred to the controlled surface. The spray head of the spray should be at a distance of 250 - 300 mm from the controlled surface.

It is not allowed to close the spray head valve when the jet direction is on the object to avoid entering large droplets of the developer to the controlled surface.

Spraying should be finished by sending a jet of the developer away from the object. Upon completion of spraying, the valve of the spray head is repeated again.

In the case of clogging the spray head, it should be removed from the socket, washed in acetone and bleed with compressed air (rubber pear).

The paint M should be applied immediately after removing the oil-kerosene mixture, the sprayer, to ensure the greatest sensitivity of the control. The time interval between the removal of the oil-kerosene mixture and the application of paint M should not exceed 5 minutes.

It is allowed to apply paint with a hair brush when the use of the sprayer is impossible.

7.3.3 The drying of the developer can be carried out due to natural evaporation or in a stream of pure, dry air with a temperature of 50 - 80 ° C.

7.3.4 Drying of the developer under conditions of low temperatures can be performed with the additional use of reflective electric heating devices.

7.4 Inspection of the controlled surface

7.4.1 Inspection of the controlled surface should be carried out after 20 - 30 minutes after the developer drying. In cases of doubt when examining a controlled surface, a magnifying glass 5 or 10-fold increase should be used.

7.4.2 Inspection of the controlled surface with layers should be carried out no later than 2 minutes after applying the developer on an organic basis.

7.4.3 Defects identified during the inspection process should be noted in the manner adopted at this enterprise.

8 Evaluation of the quality of the surface and registration of control results

8.1 Assessment of the quality quality according to the control results, the color method should be carried out in the form and size of the figure of the indicator track in accordance with the requirements of the design documentation on the object or table 2.

Table 2 - norms of surface defects for welded compounds and base metal

View of Defect

Class defective

Material thickness, mm

Maximum permissible linear size indicator trace defect, mm

The maximum allowable amount of defects on the standard surface area

Cracks of all kinds and directions


Not allowed

Separate pores and inclusions that revealed in the form of spots of a rounded or extended form


Not allowed

0.2S, but not more than 3

No more than 3.

0.2S, but not more than 3

or not more than 5

No more than 3.

or not more than 5

0.2S, but not more than 3

or not more than 5

No more than 3.

or not more than 5

or not more than 9


1 In the anti-corrosion surfacing of 1 - 3 classes of defectiveness defects of all kinds are not allowed; For grade 4 - single frames are allowed and slag inclusions up to 1 mm in size not more than 4 in the standard portion 100? 100 mm and not more than 8 - on the plot 200? 200 mm.

2 Standard section, with a metal thickness (alloy) to 30 mm - a portion of the weld with a length of 100 mm or the main metal area of \u200b\u200b100? 100 mm, with a metal thickness Over 30 mm - a 300 mm weld section or the main metal area 300? 300 mm .

3 for different thickness The elements are welded, the definition of the size of the standard section and the surface quality estimate should be made by the element of the smallest thickness.

4 Indicator traces of defects are divided into two groups - extended and rounded, extended indicator trail is characterized by the ratio of length to width greater than 2, rounded - the ratio of length to width is equal to or less than 2.

5 Defects should be determined as separate with the distance with a distance between them to the maximum magnitude of their indicator track greater than 2, with the ratio equal to or less than 2, the defect should be determined as one.

8.2 Control results should be recorded in a journal with mandatory fill in all its graph. The shape of the log (recommended) is given in Appendix L.

The magazine must have through the numbering of pages, be laid and fastened by the signature of the non-destructive test service manager. Corrections must be confirmed by the signature of the head of the non-destructive testing service.

8.3 Conclusion According to the results of the control, must be drawn up on the basis of the record in the journal. The form of concluding (recommended) is given in Appendix M.

It is allowed to complement the log and conclusion by other information adopted in the enterprise.

8.5 Conditional designations of the type of defects and control technology - according to GOST 18442.

Examples of records are given in Appendix N.

9 Safety Requirements

9.1 The work on the control of the color method is allowed by persons certified in accordance with 3.15, which have passed a special instruction in accordance with GOST 12.0.004 according to safety regulations, electrical safety (up to 1000 V), fire safety according to the relevant instructions in force in this enterprise, with a record of Instructing in a special journal.

9.2 Detectoscopists performing control by the color method are subject to preliminary (when entering work) and an annual medical examination with mandatory color vision verification.

9.3 Work on the control of the color method should be carried out in overalls: a bathrobe (suit) cotton, cotton jacket (at temperatures below 5 ° C), rubber gloves, headdress.

When using rubber gloves, your hands should be coated with a talc or lubricate with a vaseline.

9.4 In the control area, the Color Method must be followed by fire safety rules in accordance with GOST 12.1.004 and PPB 01.

Not allowed smoking, the presence of open fire and all kinds of sparks at a distance of 15 m from the place of control.

At the place of work, posters should be posted: "Flameless", "not enter with fire."

9.6 The number of organic liquids on the control section of the color method should be within the interchangeable need, but not more than 2 liters.

9.7 Combustible substances should be stored in special metal cabinets equipped with exhaust ventilation or in hermetically closed, unbreakable container.

9.8 Used Material Material (Napkins, Rag) must be kept in a metal, tightly closing container and periodically subjected to recycling in the order installed at the enterprise.

9.9 Preparation, storage and transportation of flaw detectoscopic materials should be performed in the unbreakable, hermetically closing container.

9.10 The maximum permissible concentrations of vapor of flaw detectoscopic materials in the air of the working area - according to GOST 12.1.005.

9.11 Control of the inner surface of objects should be carried out at a constant supply of fresh air inside the object, in order to avoid clusters of the vapor of organic fluids.

9.12 Control of the color method inside the object should be carried out by two flaw detection, one of which, being outside, ensures compliance with security requirements, serves auxiliary equipment, supports communication and helps a flaw detection operating inside.

The time of the continuous operation of the flaw detectionist inside the object should not exceed one hour, after which the flaw detectoscopists should change each other.

9.13 To reduce the fatigue of flaw detection and improving the quality of control, it is advisable through every hour of work to take a break of 10 - 15 minutes.

9.14 Portable luminaires must be in explosion-proof performance with a power supply voltage not more than 12 V.

9.15 When monitoring an object installed on a roller stand, a poster "Do not turn on, people work" on the booth control panel should be posted.

9.16 When working with a set of flaw detection materials in aerosol packaging, it is not allowed: spraying compositions near open fire; smoking; The heating of the cylinder with the composition is above 50 ° C, its placement near the heat source and by direct sunlight, the mechanical effect on the balloon (blows, destruction, etc.), as well as throwing up to the full content of the content; Fit compositions in the eyes.

9.17 Hands, after conducting control by the color method, should be immediately washed with warm water with soap.

It is forbidden to use kerosene, gasoline and other solvents for washing hands.

When hand dry after washing, it is necessary to apply mitigating the skin creams.

No food is allowed on the control area with a color method.

9.18 The control portion of the color method should be provided with fire extinguishing tools in accordance with the existing rules and rules of fire safety.

Appendix A.


Rough roughness of the controlled surface

Object control

A group of vessels, apparatuses on PB 10-115

Sensitivity class according to GOST 18442

Class defective

Surface roughness according to GOST 2789, μm, no more

Spades between rollers of welded seam, mm, no more

Welded joints of vessels and apparatuses (ring, longitudinal, welding of bottom, nozzles and other elements), edges for welding


Not treated

Technological formation edges for welding

Anticorrosive approach

Sections of other elements of vessels and devices, where defects are detected during visual control

Welded connections of pipelines R slave? 10 MPa

Welded joints of pipelines R slave< 10 МПа

Appendix B.

Service rates when controlling color method

Table B.1 - Control volume for one flaw detection in one shift (480 min)

The actual value of the service rate (NF) taking into account the location of the object and the conditions for conducting the control is determined by the formula:

NF \u003d but / (KSL? Kr? Ku? KPZ),

where but is the service rate on table B.1;

KSL - the complexity coefficient according to the table 2;

CR - accommodation coefficient B.3;

Ku - coefficient of conditions according to Table B.4;

KPZ - the coefficient of preparatory and final time equal to 1.15.

The complexity of monitoring 1 m of the weld or 1 m 2 of the surface is determined by the formula:

T \u003d (8? KSL? Kr? Ku? KPZ) / but

Table B.2 - the coefficient of complexity of control, DR

Table B.3 - coefficient of placement of control objects, kr

Table B.4 - coefficient of control conditions, ku

Appendix B.


The lighting values \u200b\u200bof the controlled surface

Sensitivity class according to GOST 18442

Minimum defect dimensions (cracks)

Illumination of the controlled surface, LC

width of disclosure, μm

length, mm.


from 10 to 100

from 100 to 500


Not normalized

Appendix G.

Control samples for testing the quality of flaw detection materials

G.1 Control Sample with Artificial Defect

The sample is made of corrosion-resistant steel and is a frame with two plates placed in it, pressed against each other (Fig. G.1). Contact surfaces of the plates must be fit, their roughness (RA) is not more than 0.32 μm, the roughness of other surfaces of the plates - not more than 6.3 microns according to GOST 2789.

The artificial defect (wedge-shaped crack) is created by the probe of the corresponding thickness placed between the contact surfaces of the plates from one edge.

1 - screw; 2 - frame; 3 - plates; 4 - Prope

a - control sample; B - Plate

Figure G.1 - Control sample of two plates

G.2 Control samples of the enterprise

Samples can be made of any corrosion-resistant steel by the methods adopted at the manufacturer.

Samples must have defects such as unbranched dead-end cracks with disclosures corresponding to the used control sensitivity classes according to GOST 18442. The width of the crack opening should be measured on a metallographic microscope.

The accuracy of measuring the width of the disclosure of the crack depending on the class of sensitivity of the control according to GOST 18442 must be for:

I class - up to 0.3 microns,

II and III classes - up to 1 microns.

Control samples must be certified and subjected to periodic verification depending on the production conditions, but at least once a year.

The samples should be attached a passport in the form given in Appendix P with a photo of a picture of the identified defects and an indication of a set of flaw detection materials used in control. The form of the passport is recommended, and the content is mandatory. The passport is issued by the non-destructive testing of the enterprise.

If the control sample as a result long operation It does not correspond to passport data, it should be replaced with the new one.

G.3 Technology manufacturing control samples

G.3.1 Sample number 1

Object of control from corrosion-resistant steel or its part with natural defects.

G.3.2 Sample number 2

The sample is made of sheet steel 40x13 size 100? 30? (3 - 4) mm.

Along the workpiece should be placed with argon-arc welding without the use of the additive wire in mode i \u003d 100 A, U \u003d 10 - 15 B.

Billet bend on any device before cracking.

G3.3 sample number 3

The sample is made of 1x12 nmmf sheet steel or from any nitrogenable steel size 30? 70? 3 mm.

The resulting workpiece to rich and grind to a depth of 0.1 mm with one (working) side.

The workpiece is nitrified to a depth of 0.3 mm without subsequent hardening.

Working side of the workpiece to grind to a depth of 0.02 - 0.05 mm.

1 - fixture; 2 - test sample; 3 - vice; 4 - Puinson; 5 - Skoba

Figure G.2 - Sample Making Device

RA surface roughness should be no more than 40 microns according to GOST 2789.

The workpiece is placed in the device in accordance with Figure G.2, the device with the workpiece is installed in vice and smoothly clamp until the characteristic crunch of the nitrated layer appears.

G.3.4 Control Sample Background

On the metal surface, apply a sequencer layer from the used set of flaw detection materials and dry it.

An indicator penetrant from this set, diluted with the appropriate cleaner, was once again applied to the dried earlier.

Appendix D.


The list of reagents and materials used in the control of the color method

Gasoline B-70 for industrial purposes

Paper filter laboratory

Winning (sorted) cotton

Substance Auxiliary OP-7 (OP-10)

Drinking water

Distilled water

Fluid penetrating red to

Kaolin enriched for cosmetic industry, grade 1

Wine Acid

Kerosene lighting

Paint M manifesting white

Dye fat-soluble dark red (Sudan IV)

Dye fat soluble dark red 5c

Dye "Rhodamine C"

Dye "Fuchene sour"

Ksylol coastal

Transformer TK transformer

MK-8 oil

Chalk chemically precipitated


Sets of flaw detectoscopic materials Table 1 supplied in the finished form

Sodium caustic technical brand A

Sodium nitric acid chemically clean

Sodium phosphate threeness

Sodium Silicate soluble

NEFROR C2-80 / 120, C3-80 / 120

Noriol brand A (b)

Soot white brand BS-30 (BS-50)

Synthetic detergent (CMC) - powder, any brand

Skipidar Livichny

Soda calcined

Ethyl alcohol rectified technical

Fabrics Cotton Bumping Group

Appendix E.

Preparation and rules for using flaw detection materials

E.1 Indicator penetrant

E.1.1 Penetrant I1:

dye fat-soluble dark red (Sudan IV) - 10 g;

sKIPIDAR WIRE - 600 ml;

noriol brand A (b) - 10 g;

nEFROR C2-80 / 120 (C3-80 / 120) - 300 ml.

The dye to dissolve in a mixture of turpentine with noriol on a water bath with a temperature of 50 ° C for 30 minutes. Constantly stirring composition. To the resulting composition add nenets. To withstand the composition to room temperature and filter.

E.1.2 Penetrant I2:

dye fat-soluble dark red (Sudan IV) - 15 g;

sKIPIDAR WIRE - 200 ml;

kerosene lighting - 800 ml.

The dye is completely dissolved in the turpidar, to introduce kerosene into the resulting solution, the container with the prepared composition is placed in a boiling water bath and to withstand for 20 minutes. Filtering to a temperature of 30 to 40 ° C.

E.1.3 Penetrant I3:

distilled water - 750 ml;

substance Auxiliary OP-7 (OP-10) - 20 g;

dye "Rhodamine C" - 25 g;

sodium nitric acid - 25 g;

alcohol ethyl rectified technical - 250 ml.

Dye "Rhodamine C" completely dissolve in ethyl alcohol constantly stirring the solution. Sodium nitric acid and auxiliary substance is completely dissolved in distilled water, heated to a temperature of 50 - 60 ° C. The resulting solutions merge together constantly stirring composition. To withstand the composition for 4 hours and filter.

When monitoring the III class of sensitivity according to GOST 18442, it is allowed to replace "Rhodamine C" to "Rhodamine F" (40 g).

E.1.4 Penetrant I4:

distilled water - 1000 ml;

wine acid - 60 - 70 g;

dye "Fuchin sour" - 5 - 10 g;

synthetic detergent (CMC) - 5 - 15 g.

Fuchin sour dye, the acid wine and synthetic detergent dissolve in distilled water, heated to a temperature of 50 to 60 ° C, to withstand to a temperature of 25 to 30 ° C and filter the composition.

E.1.5 Penetrant I5:

dye fat-soluble dark red w - 5 g;

dye fat-soluble dark red 5c - 5 g;

cyllol coal - 30 ml;

nEFROR C2-80 / 120 (C3-80 / 120) - 470 ml;

skipidar is a gas 500 ml.

The dye is dissolved in a turpidar, dye 5c - in a mixture of nephres with xylene, the resulting solutions merge together, mix and filter the composition.

E.1.6 Liquid penetrating red K.

Liquid K is a low-grade dark red liquid that does not have separation, insoluble precipitate and suspended particles.

With long-term (over 7 hours), the effects of negative temperatures (up to -30 ° C and below) in the liquid, the appearance of a precipitate, due to the decrease in the dissolving ability of its components. Such a liquid before use should be withstanding at a positive temperature for at least a day, periodically stirring or scolding to completely dissolve the precipitate, and to withstand at least one hour.

E.2 Indicator penetrant cleaners

E.2.1 Cleaner M1:

drinking water - 1000 ml;

substance Auxiliary OP-7 (OP-10) - 10 g.

Substance auxiliary fully dissolve in water.

E.2.2 Cleaner M2: Ethyl alcohol Rectified technical - 1000 ml.

The cleaner should be used at low temperatures: from 8 to minus 40 ° C.

E.2.3 Cleaner M3: Drinking water - 1000 ml; Soda Calcinated - 50 g.

Soda dissolve in water with a temperature of 40 - 50 ° C.

The cleaner should be applied when controlling indoors with increased fire hazard and (or) small volumes that do not have ventilation, as well as inside objects.

B.2.4 Oil-kerosene mixture:

kerosene lighting - 300 ml;

transformer oil (MK-8 oil) - 700 ml.

Transformer oil (MK-8 oil) mix with kerosene.

It is allowed to deviate the volume of oil from the nominal in the direction of the decrease in no more than 2%, in the direction of the increase - no more than 5%.

The mixture should be mixed thoroughly before use.

E.3 Indicator Indicator Penetrant

E.3.1 Developer P1:

water distilled - 600 ml;

kaolin enriched - 250 g;

ethyl alcohol Rectified technical - 400 ml.

Kaolin enter into a mixture of water with alcohol and mix until the homogeneous mass is obtained.

E.3.2 Developer P2:

kaolin enriched - 250 (350) g;

ethyl alcohol Rectified technical - 1000 ml.

Kaolin mix with alcohol to a homogeneous mass.


1 When applying a developer with a paint-sprayer, 250 g of kaolin should be administered to a mixture, and when applied with a brush - 350 g.

2 The developer of P2 can be used at a temperature controlled surface from 40 to -40 ° C.

It is allowed as part of the developers of P1 and P2 instead of kaolin to use chalk chemically precipitated or tooth powder on a chalk basis.

E.3.3 Developer P3:

drinking water - 1000 ml;

chalk chemically deposited - 600 g

Mel mix with water to homogeneous mass.

It is allowed instead of the chalk to use dental powder on a chalk-based basis.

E.3.4 Developer P4:

substance Auxiliary OP-7 (OP-10) - 1 g;

distilled water - 530 ml;

soot white brand BS-30 (BS-50) - 100 g;

alcohol ethyl rectified technical - 360 ml.

Substance auxiliary dissolve in water, pour into a solution of alcohol and enter South. The resulting composition is thoroughly mixed.

It is allowed to replace the substance auxiliary on a synthetic detergent of any brand.

E.3.5 Developer P5:

acetone - 570 ml;

nefras - 280 ml;

soot white brand BS-30 (BS-50) - 150 g

Introduce into a solution of acetone with nephrase and mix thoroughly.

E.3.6 White manifesting paint M.

Paint M is a homogeneous mixture of a film former, pigment and solvents.

When storing, as well as during long-term (over 7 hours), the effects of negative temperatures (up to -30 ° C and below) the pigment of the paint m falls into the precipitate, so before using it and when overflowing to another container, it should be mixed thoroughly.

Warranty shelf life of paint M - 12 months from the date of release. After this period, the paint M is subject to checking on the sensitivity according to Appendix J.

E.4 Compositions for degreasing controlled surface

E.4.1 Composition C1:

substance Auxiliary OP-7 (OP-10) - 60 g;

drinking water - 1000 ml.

E.4.2 Composition C2:

substance Auxiliary OP-7 (OP-10) - 50 g;

drinking water - 1000 ml;

monoethanolamine - 10 g

E.4.3 Composition C3:

drinking water 1000 ml;

synthetic detergent (CMC) of any brand - 50 g.

E.4.4 The components of each of the compositions C1 - C3 to dissolve in water at a temperature of 70 - 80 ° C.

The compositions C1 - C3 are applicable to degreasing any brands of metals and their alloys.

E.4.5 Composition C4:

substance Auxiliary OP-7 (OP-10) - 0.5 - 1.0 g;

drinking water - 1000 ml;

sodium caustic technical brand A - 50 g;

sodium phosphorous threeness - 15 - 25 g;

sodium silicate soluble - 10 g;

soda Calcinated - 15 - 25 g.

E.4.6 Composition C5:

drinking water - 1000 ml;

sodium phosphate three-stage 1 - 3 g;

sodium silicate soluble - 1 - 3 g;

soda Calcinated - 3 - 7

E.4.7 For each of the compositions C4 - C5:

the soda is calcined to dissolve in water at a temperature of 70 - 80 ° C, in the resulting solution, in the specified sequence, enter other components of a particular composition.

C4 - C5 compositions should be used when controlling objects from aluminum, lead and their alloys.

After applying the C4 and C5 compositions, the controlled surface should be washed with clean water and neutralized with 0.5% aqueous sodium nitrite solution.

It is not allowed to enter the compositions of C4 and C5 on the skin.

E.4.8 is allowed in the compositions C1, C2 and C4 to replace the substance auxiliary on a synthetic detergent of any brand.

E.5 Organic Solvents

Gasoline B-70

NEFROR C2-80 / 120, C3-80 / 120

The use of organic solvents should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of section 9.

Appendix J.

Storage and inspection of the quality of flaw detection materials

G.1. Detectoscopic materials should be stored in accordance with the requirements of the standards or technical specifications that apply to them.

G.2 Sets of flaw detectoscopic materials should be stored in accordance with the requirements of documents for the materials from which they are compiled.

G.3 Indicator penetrates and developers should be stored in a hermetic container. Indicator penetrates must be protected from light.

J.4 The compositions for degreasing and developers should be prepared and stored in the unbreakable container at the calculation of the replacement need.

J.5 The quality of flaw detectoscopic materials should be checked on two control samples. One sample (working) should be applied constantly. The second sample is used as arbitration in case of non-detection of cracks on the operating sample. If there are no cracks on the arbitral sample, they are also not detected, then flaw detection should be recognized as not suitable. If the arbitral cutter is detected on the arbitral sample, the working sample should be carefully cleaned or replaced.

The sensitivity of control (K), when using the control sample in accordance with Figure G.1, should be calculated by the formula:

where L 1 is the length of the non-declared zone, mm;

L is the length of the indicator trail, mm;

S is the thickness of the probe, mm.

J.6 The control samples after their use should be rinsed in a bristing brushes or a brush or acer with a brush (sample in Figure G.1 Previously, it is necessary to disassemble) and dried with warm air or wipe dry, clean cloth wipes.

J.7 The results of checking the sensitivity of flaw detectoscopic materials should be listed in a special magazine.

J.8 on aerosol cans and vessels with flaw detection materials should be a label with data on their sensitivity and the date of the next check.

Appendix I.


Fire spending valves

Table and.1.

The estimated consumption of auxiliary materials and accessories per 10 m 2 controlled surface

Appendix K.

Methods for assessing the quality of degreasing controlled surface

K.1 Method for assessing the quality of degreasing of the solvent drop

K.1.1 on the skim surface of the surface to apply 2 - 3 drops of nephrase and to withstand at least 15 s.

K.1.2 Put the filter paper sheet on a plot with drops of drops and press it to the surface until the solvent is completely absorbed into the paper.

K.1.3 On another sheet of filter paper, apply 2 - 3 drops of nephrase.

K.1.4 to withstand both sheets until the solvent is completely evaporated.

K.1.5 Compare visually appearance of both sheets of filter paper (the lighting must match the values \u200b\u200bgiven in Appendix B).

K.1.6 The quality of degreasing surface should be assessed by the presence or absence of spots on the first sheet of filter paper.

This method is applicable to assess the quality of degreasing controlled surface by any degreasing compositions, including organic solvents.

K.2 Method for assessing the quality of degreasing wetting.

K.2.1. Degreased surface of the surface moisten with water and withstand for 1 min.

K.2.2 The quality of degreasing should be assessed visually in the absence or presence of water droplets on a controlled surface (the lighting must comply with the values \u200b\u200bgiven in Appendix B).

This method should be used when cleaning the surface with water or water compositions for degreasing.

Appendix L.

Control log form by color method

Date of control

Information about the object of control

Sensitivity class, set of flaw detection materials

Detected defects

conclusion according to the results of control


name, drawing number

brand material

No. or designation of the welded connection according to the devil.

No. of controlled site

with primary control

when monitoring after the first correction

when monitoring after re-correction

last name, certificate number


1 In the column "detected defects", the dimensions of the indicator traces should be given.

2 If necessary, make sketches of the location of the indicator traces.

3 designations of identified defects - by Appendix N.

4 Technical documentation According to the results of the control, it should be stored in the archive of the enterprise in the prescribed manner.

Appendix M.

Form of conclusion on the results of control by the color method


Name of the control object ____________


Head № ______________________________

Inv. № _____________________________

Conclusion No. _____ from ___________________
According to the monitoring results of the color method according to OST 26-5-99, the sensitivity class _____ A set of flaw detection materials

Defectoscopist _____________ / ____________ /,

certificate No. _______________

Head of the NK service ______________ / ______________ /

Appendix N.

Examples of abbreviated control of the control by color method

H.1 Monitoring

P - (and8 m3 p7),

where n is the second class of sensitivity of control;

And8 is an indicator penetrant and8;

M3 - M3 cleaner;

P7 - developer P7.

The sectoral designation of a set of flaw detection materials should be indicated in brackets:

P - (DN-7C).

H.2 Designations of defects

N - immersion; P - it's time; PD - sublica; T - crack; W is slag inclusion.

A - a single defect without prevailing orientation;

B - group defects without prevailing orientation;

B - everywhere distributed defects without prevailing orientation;

P - location of the defect parallel to the axis of the object;

The location of the defect is perpendicular to the axis of the object.

The designations of permissible defects with their location should be circled.

Note - a cross-cutting defect should be denoted with the "*" sign.

H.3 Recording the results of control

2TA + -8 - 2 cracks are single, located perpendicular to the axis of the weld, 8 mm long, unacceptable;

4PB-3 - 4 pores located by a group without a predominant orientation, with an average size of 3 mm, unacceptable;

20-1 - 1 A group of pores 20 mm long, located without a predominant orientation, with an average pore size of 1 mm, permissible.

Appendix P.

The control sample is certified ______ (date) ______ and recognized as suitable for determining the sensitivity of control by the color method for ___________ Class GOST 18442 using a set of flaw detection materials


The photo of the control sample is attached.

Signature Head of Non-Deficient Control Service


Russia Moldova China Belarus Armada NDT YXLON INTERNATIONAL TIME GROUP INC. Testo SonoTron NDT Sonatest Siui Sherwin Babb Co (Shervin) Rigaku Raycraft Proceq Panametrics OXFORD Instrument Analytical Oy Olympus NDT Nec Mitutoyo Corp. Micronics Metrel Meiji Techno Magnaflux Labino Krautkramer Katronic Technologies Kane Jme Irisys Impulges-NDT ICM Helening Heine General Electric Fuji Industrial Fluke Flir Elcomeer Dynameters Defelsko Dali Condtrol Colenta Circutor S.A. Buckleys Balteau-ndt Andrew Agfa

Capillary control. Capillary flaw detection. Capillary method of non-destructive testing.

Capillary Defect Research Method It is a concept that is based on the penetration of certain liquid compositions into surface layers of the required products carried out using capillary pressure. Using this process, you can significantly increase the light effects that are able to determine more thoroughly all defective sections.

Types of capillary research methods

Quite frequent phenomenon that can meet in DefectoscopyThis is not a fairly complete identification of the necessary defects. Such results are very often so small that the general visual control is not capable of recreating all the defective areas of various products. For example, with the help of such measuring equipment, as a microscope or a simple magnifying glass, it is impossible to determine surface defects. This happens as a result of an insufficient contrast of an existing image. Therefore, in most cases, the most qualitative method of control is capillary flaw detection. This method uses indicator fluids, which completely penetrate the surface layers of the material under study and form indicator prints, with which further registration occurs with a visual way. You can get acquainted with you can on our website.

Requirements for the capillary method

The most important condition for the qualitative method of detecting various defective disorders in finished products by type of capillary method is the acquisition of special cavities, which are completely free from the possibility of pollution, and have an additional output to surface areas of objects, and are also equipped with depth parameters that are much higher than the width of their disclosure. The values \u200b\u200bof the capillary research method are divided into several categories: basic that support only capillary phenomena, combined and combined using a connection of several control methods.

Basic actions of capillary control

Defectoscopy.which uses the capillary control method is designed to study the most secretive and inaccessible defective places. Such as cracks, diverse species corrosion, pores, fistula and others. This system is used to properly determine the location, length and orientation of defects. Its work is based on the thorough penetration of indicator fluids into surface and inhomogeneous cavities of the material of the controlled object. .

Use of capillary method

Basic data of physical capillary control

The process of changing the saturation of the drawing and mapping of the defect can be changed in two ways. One of them implies polishing upper layers The controlled object, which consequences etching with acids. Such processing of the results of the controlled object creates the filling of corrosion substances, which gives a darkening and then manifestation on the light material. This process has several specific prohibitions. These include: unprofitable surfaces that can be poorly disappeared. It is also impossible to use such a way to identify defects if non-metallic products are used.

The second process of change is the light output of defects, which implies their full filling with special color or indicator substances that are so-called penetrant. Be sure to know that if there are fluorescent compounds in the penetrant, then this fluid will be called luminescent. And if the main substance refers to dyes, then all the flaw detection will be called color. This control method contains dyes of only saturated red shades.

Sequence of operations with capillary control:

Preliminary cleaning

Mechanically, brushed

Inkjet method

Degreasing hot ferry

Cleaning solvent

Preliminary drying

Applying penetrant

Immersion in the bath

Brush applying

Application of aerosol / spray

Deposition by electrostatic method

Intermediate cleaning

Impregnated with water not a porous cloth or sponge

Impregnated with water brush


Impregnated with a special solvent is not a porous cloth or sponge

Dry air

Wipe off

Blur with clean, dry air

Dry warm air

Application of developer

Immersion (water-based developer)

Application from aerosol / sprayer (alcohol-based developer)

Electrostatic application (developer on alcohol basis)

Dry developer application (with strong surface porosity)

Surface check and documentation

Control in day or artificial lighting min. 500LUX (EN 571-1 / EN3059)

When using a fluorescent penetrant:

Lighting:< 20 Lux

UV intensity: 1000μW / CM 2

Transparent film documentation

Photo optical documentation

Documenting using photo or video filming

The main capillary methods of non-destructive testing are divided depending on the type of penetrating agent to the following:

· The method of penetrating solutions is a liquid capillary non-destructive testing method based on the use of a liquid indicator solution as a penetrating agent.

· The method of filtering suspensions is a liquid capillary non-destructive control method, based on the use of an indicator suspension as a liquid penetrating agent, which forms an indicator pattern from filtered particles of the dispersed phase.

Capillary methods, depending on the method of detection of the indicator pattern, are divided into:

· Luminescent methodbased on the registration of the contrast of the luminescent in long-wave ultraviolet radiation visible indicator pattern on the background of the surface of the control object;

· contrast (color) methodbased on registration of color contrast in the visible radiation of the indicator pattern on the background of the surface of the control object.

· luminescent color methodbased on the registration of the contrast of a color or luminescent indicator pattern against the background of the surface of the control object in visible or long-wave ultraviolet radiation;

· brightness methodbased on the registration of contrast in the visible radiation of the achromatic pattern against the background of the surface of the control object.

Always in stock! You can (color flaw detection) at a low price from a warehouse in Moscow: penetrant, developer, cleaner Sherwin, capillary systemsHellingMagnaflux, ultraviolet lights, ultraviolet lamps, UV illuminators, ultraviolet lamps and control (standards) for color defectoscopy CD.

Deliver consumables for color defectoscopy in Russia and the CIS transport companies and courier services.