Cleaning the heating boiler from scale. How often brush heat exchanger from scale

The most influence of scale is subject to heat exchangers and gas boilers, rigid water acts on them stronger than other water heating appliances. The problem acquires a global nature, since in the case of a boiler it may not be just a scale, but even limestone. In addition to the walls, the pipes are affected by which water is supplied and excreted, which will significantly complicate the cleaning process.

Despite the fact that the gas boiler is a seasonal business, for the period of its work, it performs the task every 24 hours, that is, the flare is postponed continuously. Therefore, upon completion of each heating period, it is necessary to wash the gas boilers from scale.

In order not to face the most unpleasant situations, we recommend reading further information and, armed with knowledge, prevent breakdown of important techniques.

Gas boiler is a complex and expensive system. If using the kettle or pots are easy to suspect forming education, then inside such a device, and even more so in the pipes, it is impossible to do it. However, it is not necessary to think that if the problem is unclear, it does not exist. Replace the same kettle will be much cheaper than changing one gas boiler.

Use them for heating the premises, water heating. Typically, fuel or electricity is involved in this process. Under pressure, the formation of a steam or heated water, depending on the type of device.

What is screaming? This is a solid precipitate, which consists of impurities in the liquid. Basically of salts, metal ions and other things. As mentioned earlier, the most dangerous is that the solid layer prevents not only the operation of the boiler, but also the passability of water through pipes, as it is simultaneously appearing everywhere. If you don't do clean, you can get acquainted with unexpected troubles. To heat the water, the heat exchanger will need more time and resources. In order to proceed with the heat of water, you need to warm yourself, and when there is an extra mineral layer, it requires temporary and gas (electrical) costs. With such expenses, operation will be too expensive.

In order not to fail, the gas boiler needs to be evenly heated, justically cool. Skipping it becomes impossible. Due to the clogging of the pipes, the load on the pump increases, which leads to its breakdown.

Ways to clean the gas boiler from scale

Clear gas boiler from scale can be several ways. First, it is mechanical methodIn which all formations are sulfted manually or using a special mechanical tool. Secondly, - chemical methodSkipping with acids.

Step-by-step instruction

If you chose the first cleaning option, you need to stock up with a metal scraper and brush. The advantage of special devices is large opportunities, as there are various nozzles that allow you to get into the most hard-to-reach areas. After such a procedure, the gas boiler is washed flowing waterIf required, then repeatedly reading.

For the second variant, technical hydrochloric acid will be required. It makes a solution depending on the thickness of the scale. For each millimeter, scale is needed 1% solution. Important conditionthat less than three percent and more than a decade should not be.

Heat or boil such a liquid is strictly prohibited. You need to perform all security measures, work in a well-ventilated area. So that the metal walls are not destroyed, a passivator is added to the solution (approximately 1/10 part). It is necessary to pump the active ingredient through the gas boiler. At this time, abundant hissing, gas release will be observed. When these signs stop, you need to add water and release everything into the sewer. Complete cleaning flushing clean water. This is a very dangerous way that it is better to trust a specialist or do it with your own hands under the supervision of an experienced chemist.

Prevention measures

Removal of scale from gas boiler Not the easiest task. However, it cannot be postponed for later and neglected regularity.

If you decide to do it yourself, you should be aware of the consequences. Applying an excessive force in mechanical cleaning, you risk a hook or pumping metal. And with chemical components, and especially with acids, everything is much more serious. The slightest error in the concentration or laying the solution is more than the time limit can cause significant damage. Repair, and even more so replacement will be a strong blow to the pocket. To prevent this, we recommend purchasing a special filter, cleansing and softening water, creating favorable conditions For the operation of heating devices.

Buing vacation homeEach person thinks about how to effectively warm his home.

To achieve this goal, the heating systems are mounted, the main element of which is the heating boiler. The stable temperature in the room largely depends on the uninterrupted functioning of the boiler unit.

In order for the boiler to work steadily, it is necessary to carry out regular maintenance of boiler equipment.

One of the species technical care It is the flushing of the bootaging from scale. In this article, let's talk in detail about what makes a scale, as well as how to efficiently get rid of its presence in boiler equipment.

Why the scale appears

This type of pollution is the main problem in the operation of the boiler. Skip is formed everywhere where hot water circulates.

In other words, it settles the hard layer on the inner walls of the boiler equipment.

What provokes the appearance of scale? The cause of this clogging is very banal - use as a coolant of rigid water, which is well saturated with magnesium ions, calcium carbonate, iron oxide, as well as other different impurities.

In the interaction of these elements with the inner walls of the heat exchanger, salts are formed, or bicarbonates, which are the source of the appearance of scale. It is also worth noting that important fact that on the walls that are covered by these pollution will appear even faster and faster.

The result of such a growing action will be the narrowing of the channels for circulating the coolant, and this, in turn, leads to the loss of heat transfer and to a decrease in pressure.

Important information: 1 mm scale leads to an increase in fuel consumption by 10%!

Also negative impact This pollution lies in the fact that particles of scale are freely moved by heating system And, falling into heating elements, can derive them from the working condition.

Therefore, the following recommendation is very important: the remote scale will be secure from breakdowns and crashes your heating boiler.

Signs of the appearance of scale

To understand when you need to wash the heating boiler from scale, you need to know the signs of its appearance in the gas or in another form of the boiler.

Such signs are the following important points:

  • fuel consumption significantly increases with the same boiler operation;
  • characteristic cracks and micro-versions are heard in the boiler;
  • the heat exchanger is significantly overheated (weak return inverse water does not cool this device);
  • heating elements of heating are unevenly heated;
  • circulation pump Works with effort;
  • small pressure warm water in the crane (this feature about the operation of the two-kilt);
  • increasing time to heat heating at the same outdoor temperature.

When you need to clean

For heating cottage or country house The bootaging works all heating season And at the same time - 24 hours a day.

This is quite a long period for the formation of a boundary amount of scale.

Also, unscheduled cleaning from scale can be carried out in the case when the above-mentioned signs have been discovered in the operation of the boiler.

How to clean

Cleaning the boiler from scale is called washing. There are two main techniques for washing the bootaging from scale:

  • collapsible;
  • damage.

When using the collapsible method, you can successively dismantle the parts that are contaminated with screaming. Then these parts are placed in a tank with a reagent for several hours. After that, these nodes are thoroughly washed with water, and then installed again in place.

The name of the unconnecting method speaks for itself, in other words, the flushing of the boiler from scale is carried out in place - without dismantling polluted parts. Cleaning the boiler from scale in this case is carried out using a special device called the booster.

This device consists of such components:

  • capacity for chemical solution;
  • electron heater liquid;
  • circulation pump.

Washing the boiler from scale with a booster is carried out in the following order:

  • shut down the boiler from fuel supply or in the case of solid fuel - give the device to cool;
  • the water from the boiler merges;
  • disconnected from the heating system;
  • booster connected;
  • this device begins to pump reagent through the boiler for 5-6 hours;
  • the exhaust liquid merges;
  • the boiler is washed and connects to the heating system.

It is also worth knowing that for effective removal Screaming with a booster, the entire volume of operations must be repeated several times.
The concentration of acid solutions for flushing should be 1% per 1 mm layer of scale!

In this article we tried to maximize in detail how the washing of the boiler from scale can be performed by itself. We hope that it will be very useful information for you.

See the video in which an experienced user explains how to clean the gas boiler from scale himself:

The essence of the operation of the gas boiler heat exchanger is heating and maintaining the stable coolant temperature - special antifreeze or water. Coolants, in turn, circulating on the heating system, heated batteries, thereby saturated inner space Housing with warmth and comfort.

With intensive operation of the gas boiler, there is enough on the walls of the heat exchanger a large number of scale or insoluble plaque, which may eventually cause it to breakage. In order to protect yourself from such a trouble, owners of apartments and houses with gas heating, produce flushing. There are two methods for washing a gas boiler - manual (mechanical) and chemical.

Manual way

A manual method of washing the heat exchanger is popular because of its cheapness. In order to solve the problem, you need to disassemble the boiler, extract the heat exchanger and rinse with it with special cleansing mixtures. After washing, we need to install the heat exchanger and collect the boiler.

Despite all its availability, this method is not optimal, since when disassembling the body and gas boiler mechanisms, it is possible to damage its sealing elements and other details. In turn, damage to the seals may disrupt the tightness of the household appliance, which is extremely undesirable from the point of view of safety.

Chemical method

Chemical method also allows you to produce effective cleaning The heat exchanger from the screaming on its walls. However, U. this method There is a significant advantage that is that when carrying out cleaning work, there is no need to disassemble the gas boiler and dismantling the heat exchanger.

This is smart I. safe method, though more costly financially. Its essence consists in connecting a special device to the gas boiler, which is functionally reminiscent of the pump. This device for some time chases the heat exchanger of the gas boiler special highly efficient chemical reagents.

Definitely, the chemical method is worth the money spent on it, since the reagents destroy not only the raid, which accumulated on the walls of the heat exchanger, but also effectively purify the tubes, cranes, circulation pump and other elements of the gas boiler.

- scale formed on the heat exchanger, the cleaning and flushing of which have to be done periodically. With increasing layer, the efficiency of the boiler is reduced. To increase productivity, you have to increase power. In this case, the fuel consumption increases and the depreciation of the unit is accelerated.

The scale of the scale interferes with full-fledged cooling of the heat exchanger. At one point, the unit will fail, either burn off the overload circulation pump. How is the washing of the heat exchanger, what means can you use?

The signal for the user is that the boiler is time to clean - decrease in heat transfer, increasing gas consumption (). But before that it is better not to bring: the thicker the layer of pollution, the more difficult it will cope with it on their own, and the cleaning of professionals will fly into a penny.

In normal conditions, cleaning the heat exchanger of the two-kilt boiler is carried out with their own hands every two years (). If the water is rigid - more often. Special attention A secondary heat exchanger is paid through which rigid tap water passes.

The second mandatory effect - the removal of soot, which is deposited on external surface Heat exchanger housing. There are no tough recommendations about the periodicity of cleaning - the amount of soot depends on the quality of the gas used, from the effectiveness of filters for the filter, from constructive features boiler, etc.

The need for cleaning can be determined visually, or to perform this work at the same time with the inner washing. Large accumulations of scale and soot in aggregate can lower the heat efficiency of the boiler twice.

If, instead of water, antifreeze is used in the heating circuit, the regularity of cleaning depends on its brand: some non-freezing fluids add chemical components that oppose the accumulation of plaque.

How to clean the heat exchanger of the two-kilt boiler and how often it should be done, is indicated in the manual for the model. But these recommendations are usually designed for ideal operating conditions (composition of water, etc.), which in real life It usually does not happen.

Cleaning methods

How to rinse the heat exchanger of the two-kilt boiler at home? In some cases, the disassembly of the unit is obligatory, and others can do without it. The purpose of dismantling is to provide access to heating element. When cleaning with disassembly, you can do minimal costBut this is a long and time-consuming option.

Sometimes partial disassembly is performed - for example, for cleaning from the soot of the heat-tube heat exchanger of the floor boiler. The heat exchanger itself will not dismantle the heat exchanger, free access to it: remove the cover with the discharge nozzle of the chimney.

How to remove the heat exchanger from the wall mounted gas boiler? First de-energize the electrical block, overlap the water supply, drain the water from both contours and an expansion tank. After that, they dismantle the heat exchanger.


How to clean the heat exchanger of the gas boiler from screaming with your own hands? With a small amount of plaque inside, you can do the handwash using a solution citric acid.

With a thick layer, screaming will need a flushing installation that will provide circulation detergent for a few hours. For this purpose, a 10-liter tank with pump is suitable (you can use the circulation pump from the contour). Two hoses from the pump are connected to two heat exchanger pipes.

Three cleaning methods are distinguished:

  • mechanical;
  • chemical;
  • hydrodynamic.

In the first case, you can use the brush, scraper, vacuum cleaner to remove the plaque. Details of the heat exchanger are soaked in advance in solutions of cleaning agents.

For chemical processing The system with a booster is pumped with an acidic flushing solution and are driven over a heat exchanger for several hours. Acid solutions well remove iron and carbonate precipitate. At the end of purification, the remedy is drained and the neutralizing substance is poured.

The hydrodynamic method is the injection into the water pressure system with abrasives. Thus, the inner surfaces are cleaned mechanically, but the cleaning efficiency is higher than when handling manually. Wash can be done without dismantling the system, but it costs quite expensive. When self-cleaning, you need to monitor the pressure in the contours to avoid the heat exchanger break.

Chemical compounds

What to wash the gas boiler heat exchanger? The safest variant is citric acid. Industrial means To wash the gas boiler heat exchanger - Cillit, Detex, Sanaks.

Salonic acid is more efficient. But its use is more dangerous for the user, and for the system. Concentrated acid can destroy the inner protective layer of heat exchanger, as well as to increase the fragility of the metal.

Outdoor treatment of contaminated parts is performed by special stores to remove soot and nagar. As a last resort, you can use household detergents.

Video about washing the gas boiler heat exchanger.

Cleaning boiler - mandatory procedurewhich must be performed regularly. At the same time you need to know how to clean the gas boiler from soot and scale. Scale is going in the passages of the heat exchanger, and the soot - in the chimney of the canals of the boiler itself and chimney. Thus, to maintain heating equipment in working condition, you need to clean the heat exchanger, and smoke canals, as well as gas duct and burner.

How to clean the heat exchanger?

Cleaning the heat exchanger depends on its design and on what water is used in the system: prepared - with special additives - or unprepared.

By design, the heat exchanger can be one of three types:

  • bitermic;
  • lamellar;
  • wheatube.

The plates are divided into another two species - primary and secondary (for water heating). The heat-tube heat exchanger is installed in outdoor bolery, and bitermic - in compact attachments or floor models.

Cleaning can be done in the following ways:

  • mechanical;
  • chemical;
  • electrical discharge;
  • hydrodynamic

Service gas equipment, including boilers, should be carried out by specialists with appropriate education. If you do not have enough technical skills, it is better to invite the masters.

How to clean the carbon tube heat exchanger of a single-mount boiler?

Cleaning floor boilers with a winter-tube heat exchanger differs from a similar procedure for hinged equipment. Here, the heat exchanger is not removed here for the procedure, but only access to it is provided.

To perform work, you will need such tools:

  • wrench cargo keys;
  • metal brush-ersh;
  • manual metal brush;
  • screwdriver;
  • brush from a natural pile or cape.

The first mandatory action is to overlap the gas supply faucet. Next, you need to perform three stages of work - ensuring access to the heat exchanger, cleaning parts, assembling the boiler. The disassembly / assembly stages depend on the specific model. How to clean the boilers models Lighthouse - 12 ks, you can see in detail in the video.

Cleaning dual-circuit boilers

For boilers with a water heating circuit, washing of the secondary heat exchanger from scale inside. Moreover, its cleaning should be carried out more often, since the stream of unprepared water passes through it and the solids (mineral sediments) are actively sedired on the walls. The same applies to the bittermic heat exchangers. Cleaning of dual-circuit boilers is performed in two stages. The first is the mechanical cleaning of the outer surface of the parts and smokers from soot, the second is a chemical, hydrodynamic or electrical washing from scale.

Mechanical cleaning of lamellar heat exchangers

Clean the boiler from soot can, without removing the heat exchanger. To do this, it is enough to remove the cover, we arm a rigidly pouring brush and close the gas nozzles so that the dirt does not get there. Vividly the whole process is shown in the video:

If the soot come to the surface and is not deleted when mechanical processing A brush, the heat exchanger is removed and soaked in special detergent solutions for several hours. Such funds are available on sale in a wide range, as an example, you can bring Fauch and Mazbit + tools. But you can use and household chemicals - Gellets for cleaning grills, ovens.

Before disassembling the boiler, it is necessary to turn it off from the gas, and the fire is from electricity. In addition, it is necessary to drain the water from both contours and expansion tank. The first heat exchanger is removed, it is immediately behind the cap of the boiler. Primary (main) relieve problematic, as it will have to disassemble the combustion chamber.

How to clean the inner surfaces?

Flushing internal surface Plate, winter-tube or bitter heat exchanger is possible only with the help of special equipment.

  • Pump high pressure - hydrodynamic flushing. Used to remove small deposits. Benefits - the speed of the procedure and the possibility of cleaning without removing the heat exchanger.
  • Booster (acid-resistant pump) - Acid (chemical) flushing. Removes even the soothed scale. Advantages - removes scale, which cannot be removed by other methods. Disadvantages - with the improper selection of reagents (acids and neutralizers) reduces the service life of the heat exchanger.
  • Complex "Streamer" for electrical cleaning. Used to remove scale any strength. Benefits - Metal heat exchanger is not destroyed, a high degree of purification is ensured. Disadvantages - noise and duration of the procedure.

Of all the listed methods at home, only chemical cleaning is possible, since the factory booster can be replaced by a slight pressure pump. The rest of the equipment and expensive, and volume, so that such a flushing of boilers can be made only by service centers.

Chemical cleaning

If there is a booster, the flushing can be performed independently. The booster can be made with your own hands - this is a pump and a capacity of 10 liters with two hoses. So that the procedure helps to remove scale, but did not damage metal surfaceIt is important to choose the acid. If the boiler is cleaned regularly, small deposits on pipes, then best output It will be the use of citric acid. The concentration of the solution is up to 200 g of acid at 5 liters of water.

If the scale is long or used unprepared water with a high content of minerals (rigid water), you need to take more radical means - compositions based on orthophosphorous, sulfuric or hydrochloric acid. Use a solution of hydrochloric acid without corrosion inhibitors is not recommended, as this may result in damage to the equipment.

After treatment with acid, it is necessary to wash the heat exchanger with a neutralizer. The alkaline composition is selected based on the acid used. For example, after lemonic acid, the usual food soda is quite suitable. If the washing fluid is bought, then it is better to immediately purchase a neutralizer: usually firms that produce acid formulations offer and alkaline - for neutralization.

Video about washing:

How often do you need to clean the boiler?

IN technical documentation The boiler indicates how often it is necessary to carry out its service. For closed contours with the addition of reagents ( single-mount boilers Heating) Cleaning required less often. It can be performed 1 time in 2-3 years. The Bi-Letter and secondary heat exchanger must be flushed every year, and under difficult operating conditions ("bad" composition of water) - twice a year.

Signs that the boiler urgently needs cleaning:

  • the boiler slowly gains temperature;
  • insufficient thrust;
  • the burner does not burn or burn well;
  • with the same gas consumption, the return of heat is less;
  • traces of soot or partially burnt paint in the area of \u200b\u200bthe viewing window.

Do not neglect preventive measures, because the result of this can be not only broken equipment, but also the threat of the safety of all residents at home. Crashing smokers and firing pipes inside can become causes of serious accidents.