Short stories for children about mom. Stories about mom to children

Ancient Chinese medicine discovered the acupuncture points of the ear, which are responsible for the health of a specific organ or organ system of a person. It is known that the right effect on these points has a healing effect for the whole organism.

Ear massage not only relieves of many diseases in the presence of indications, which we will discuss below, but is also used for preventive purposes - on awakening for vigor, to stimulate blood circulation in the upper respiratory tract, improving hearing acuity and other other circumstances.

An interesting fact is that by the shape and changes in the skin of the auricle, a specialist can determine the state of health of internal organs and prevent serious diseases.

Consider the benefits of using this technique, as well as methods of influencing the auricle.

By massaging the auricles daily, you can achieve energy and tone felt by the entire body. After the procedure, a person feels strong, healthy, energetic.

On the internal processes, massage affects the improvement of blood circulation, the work of the excretory systems, including the lymphatic.

Also, the effectiveness of the method is noted during colds and inflammatory diseases.

Diagnostics of health by auricles

As a result of the observations of doctors, it was possible to establish what changes in the skin on certain parts of the body indicate the presence of a disease in the body or a predisposition to it.

The appearance on the skin of the ear of rashes, peeling, discomfort may indicate the imminent development of the disease. You should take a closer look at the state of your health during this period.

Execution technique

To perform a healing ear massage, it is important to know the secret points of the ear: where they are located and for which organs are responsible. It is better to conduct medical practice together with a specialist; you can learn the preventive method of exposure on your own.


This massage is used for tinnitus, headache, fatigue, apathy, laziness, reduced immunity. The technique is quite simple and consists in rubbing auricles at an intense pace, while not causing painful sensations.

Stick to the following sequence:

  1. Pulling movements of the ear in a circle - up, back, down. This and subsequent movements are performed from 10 times until the moment of burning.
  2. The vacuum of the auricles with the palms.
  3. The tragus of the ear is pressed from the inner and outside alternately.
  4. The ears are tightly covered with the palms, the fingers of the palms are directed back to the crown and perform tapping movements on the back of the head.
  5. Vigorous rubbing of the shells from top to bottom.

Contraindications to self-massage are abdominal pain.

Therapeutic technique

The author of this method is reflexologist Pere. He claims that this massage is able to cope with soreness in a particular organ.

To determine the necessary point for impact, Pere advises to apply gentle pressure along the entire length of the shell and determine the most painful point of the ear.

All attention is directed to this area. Massage actions are performed clockwise and with a symmetrical point, on both sides of the sink.

Main points

Three critical systems the human body - endocrine, vegetative, central nervous system.

The technique helps to cope with:

  • metabolic disorders;
  • reduced immunity;
  • allergies;
  • diabetes;
  • being overweight;
  • depression and bad mood;
  • apathy;
  • irritability;
  • headaches;
  • memory and sleep disorders;
  • spasms of blood vessels and internal organs;
  • arrhythmia;
  • constipation;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • asthma;
  • menstrual irregularities.

These affection points are located as follows:

  1. The endocrine system point is located at the base of the earlobe. Perform 30 presses with a pause until pain occurs.
  2. The impact on the central nervous system and the brain is performed at a point behind the protruding ear tragus.
  3. Massaging along the outer rim of both shells contributes to the normalization of the vegetative system.

All exercises are performed in a circle for 10 minutes.

How to massage your ears and which zones to influence, see this video:

Other organs and systems

Organ Point Action on the body
Heart and lungs At the entrance to the ear canal, 1 cm closer to the back of the head. Helps with arrhythmias, angina pectoris, asthma, hypertension, pneumonia, nicotine addiction.
Gastrointestinal tract 1 cm up from the level of the heart muscle - a depression under the tubercle. Eliminates digestive problems.
Loin, sacrum, neck Behind the protruding tragus of the ear is the lower back and sacrum, 1 cm above the point of the tragus is the cervical region. Removes back pain, neck pain, osteochondosis,
Relaxant Triangular fossa of the upper part of the concha of the ear cavity. Relieves stress and tension, helps to overcome depression and bad mood.

The implementation of massage techniques should be done when you do not experience exacerbations of diseases of the organs on which the massage effect occurs.


Ear massage, used for diseases of ENT organs and for healing the whole body, shows positive results together with complex therapy prescribed by a doctor.

As a complementary measure, treatment is a means of increasing protective forces organism.

The best person in the world is, of course, mom. Why do we love our mother? For the fact that she is affectionate and kind, for the fact that she knows how to touch us and pity us, for the fact that she is beautiful and smart.

Mom knows how to cook delicious food and it is never boring with her. She knows a lot and will always help us. Mom gives us a feeling of happiness, worries about us, supports us in difficult times. But, most importantly, we love her because she is just a mother.



A story about mom to children

The best person in the world is, of course, mom. Why do we love our mother? For the fact that she is affectionate and kind, for the fact that she knows how to touch us and pity us, for the fact that she is beautiful and smart.

Mom knows how to cook delicious food and it is never boring with her. She knows a lot and will always help us. Mom gives us a feeling of happiness, worries about us, supports us in difficult times. But, most importantly, we love her because she is just a mother.

Mom is the dearest person in the world. As soon as a person is born, he sees the kind eyes of his mother. If she goes somewhere on business, then the baby will cry inconsolably, having lost her. The first word spoken by the baby is usually the word "mom".

The child grows up and his mother takes him to kindergarten, then to school. And now mom is our best advisor and friend. We share with her our thoughts and ideas, talk about our feelings, about what we have achieved, and what we still need to work on.

Mom can be demanding and strict, but we do not take offense at her, because we know: she only wants the best for us.

Mom's smile is the dearest in the world. After all, when she smiles, it means everything is fine, and any difficulties can be surmounted. We are glad when mom supports us in good endeavors and gives us advice.

A parental blessing means a lot. It seems as if wings appear behind your back, you want to race in full sail, striving to achieve your goal. "Mother's blessing does not sink in water, does not burn in fire"- says folk wisdom.

Mom's hands are golden. That only she does not know how to do! Cooking, cooking, gardening, sewing, knitting, cross-stitching, cleaning the house, babysitting. Mom also knows how to work on a computer, write poetry and dress beautifully.

How many wonderful words poets and writers have dedicated to mothers. Read a poem by the Lithuanian poet Kostas Kubilinskas. How much tenderness and warmth are in his lines.

Mom, very, very
I love you!
I love so much that at night
I don't sleep in the dark.
I stare into the dark
I am in a hurry to dawn.
I keep you all the time
Mommy, I love you!
So the dawn is shining.
It's already dawn.
No one in the world
There is no better mom!

We pronounce the word "mom" with special trepidation. Mom is the closest and dearest person. The role of the mother has always been recognized and honored.

There are many relatives, but the mother is the dearest.

There is no dearer friend than dear mother.

Without a mother and father, the hut is not red.

A kind mother teaches kindness.

The child does not cry, the mother does not understand.

Native land is mother, stranger is stepmother.

The mother feeds the children like the earth of the people.

Motherland, know how to protect it.

One in man own mother, he has one homeland.

It is warm in the sun, good in the mother.

Where is mother, there is a child.

The bird is happy with spring, and the baby is happy with its mother.

Each of us appreciates the mother. So it was a thousand years ago and now. Every baby lies down and wakes up with the word "mom". And as we grow older, we never forget about the person who gave us life. A lot of proverbs have been invented about the mother. The language of proverbs is rich artistic images, juicy, varied.

Mother's heart in children.

Whoever respects mother and father will never perish.

Wife for advice, mother-in-law for greetings, but not dearer to his own mother.

Every mother loves her child.

Without a father - half an orphan, and without a mother, and all an orphan.

Mother's affection does not know the norm.

You will find bird milk even in a fairy tale, but you will not find another father-mother in a fairy tale.

You will find everything in the world except your father and mother.

Without a mother, bees are lost children.

A blind puppy is crawling to his mother.

Do not leave your father and mother in old age, and God will not leave you.

Mother is righteous - the fence is made of stone.

The mother's word by (to the wind) does not say.

The mother is hardworking and the children are not lazy.

Motherland cannot be replaced by anything.

The mother is scratching the coat, and the stepmother is against the coat.

The swarm cannot survive without a mother.

Warm, warm, but not summer; kindness, kindness, but not a mother.

The cheese is whiter, and the stepmother's mother is nicer.

It is difficult to give birth, to teach good is even more difficult.

Beloved homeland - dear mother.

To live with a mother is neither boredom, nor grief, nor to know.

God reigns in mother's words.

Not the father, mother, who gave birth, but the one who gave drink, nurtured, and taught good.

Without mother, dear and half joy.

My dear mother is an inextinguishable candle

Mother's heart better than the sun warms.

Homeland is a mother to all mothers.

The most valuable and precious thing in the world is mother and father.

A mother loves a child, and a wolf loves a sheep.

Where is my mother, my dear friend, there is my boot.

Knowledge of proverbs about the mother, like many other serious proverbs, plays an essential role in the cultural and moral education of children.

Congratulating mothers on the 8th of March, of course, we never forget to congratulate our grandmothers. The older generation has a lot of worries on the shoulders. They always find time to work out with their grandchildren, bake a delicious cake, caress and savor, sing a lullaby.

I would like to congratulate my grandmother,
I love my grandmother very much.
Always be healthy, be always with me
Let the troubles and adversities pass.

Grandma is good
- My sweetheart.
- The most beautiful, -
I think so.

We congratulate you
Tomorrow is Women's Day.
For you, dear,
Sing a song.

For mothers and beloved grandmothers,
We will find the best words
And we will definitely tell them,
Happy Women's Day.

We wish you health, happiness,
Success, joy, victories,
To make children, grandchildren happy.
From the generous sun - hello!

Alteration verse for grandmother
Alteration author:
Iris Revue

Granny beauties
Eat jam
You will like it very much,
Our treat.

We get together,
We'll bake you a cake.
We will buy sweets -
Tell me the grade!

Two grandmothers on a bench
We sat on a hillock.
Grandmothers told:
- We have only fives!

Congratulations to each other
They shook hands with each other
Although they passed the exam
Not grandmothers, but grandchildren.

"Grandma Dina" N. Nosov.

It happened in kindergarten before the celebration of the Eighth of March. Once, when the children had breakfast and were getting ready to paint flowers, the teacher Nina Ivanovna said:
- Well, children, which of you will say what holiday is coming soon?
- March 8. International Women's Day! - Sveta Kruglova shouted and, jumping up from the chair, jumped on one leg.
Sveta knew by heart all the holidays of the year, because for each holiday she was given some good gift... Therefore, she could even count on her fingers: “ New Year"," Eighth of March "," First of May "," Birthday "and so on, until it comes to the New Year.
Of course, all the other children - both boys and girls - also knew that March Eighth was coming soon, and they also shouted:
- March 8! March 8! International Women's Day!
- Well, good, good! - said Nina Ivanovna, trying to calm the guys. - I see that you know everything. Now let's think about what we will do for the holiday for our mothers. I propose to arrange an exhibition. Let each of you ask your mother to give her a photograph, and we will make frames, hang them on the wall, so there will be an exhibition.
- Aren't we going to learn rhymes for the holiday? Tolya Shcheglov asked.
He was a smart boy, he went to kindergarten from the age of three and knew very well that he had to learn some rhymes for every holiday.
- We will also learn poetry. We have enough time for that. And the cards must be prepared in advance.
Nina Ivanovna said that correctly. She knew that some of the mothers might not have a good card and someone would need to go to a photo studio to take pictures.
And so it happened with Natochka Kashina. That is, not with Natochka Kashina herself, but with her mother. Natochka's mother was even unhappy with the whole idea.
“I’m always nasty in photography,” she said. - I don't have a single good card.
And Natochkin's dad laughed at her and said that this was the only way it seemed to her. Mom eventually even took offense at him. And dad then advised her to go and withdraw, so that at last there was a new, quite good card.
Mom did just that. I went and took a picture. But for some reason she liked the new card even less, and my mother said that on the old cards she was much more beautiful. Then dad said that she should give some old card to the kindergarten.
Mom obeyed and gave Natochka the oldest card. That is, it was only said that she was old. The card was completely new, only it had been removed long ago, even when my mother was very young and had not yet married Natochkin's dad.
In general, in every family there was a lot of talk about these cards. Vladik Ogurtsov's mother said that she was not an excellent student at all, not a leader in labor, and therefore there was no reason to hang her portrait somewhere. But Vladikin's dad said that this is International Women's Day and that all women are placed at an exhibition in a kindergarten not because they are leaders in labor, but because they are kind, good mothers who love their children.
“After all, we have your photograph on the wall in our room,” said Vladikin's dad to mom. - Why can't children hang portraits of their mothers at least for a holiday? If I were the director of a kindergarten, I have not only on holidays, but all year round portraits of all mothers would hang on the wall.
Vladikin's mother grinned, but did not argue anymore. In general, everything turned out well in this matter. All the mothers gave their portraits. And then each of the guys drew little white daisies with long petals on a large red cardboard, so they got real frames. Portraits of mothers were glued onto these frames. All the portraits were hung in two rows on the wall, so it turned out to be a real exhibition of paintings.
The guys sat on chairs in a row and admired their exhibition. Everyone was glad that their mothers were hanging at the exhibition. And everything would be fine if Natochka hadn’t suddenly said to Sveta, with whom she was sitting next to:
- You know, Svetochka, your mother is very beautiful, and my mother is very beautiful, but my mother is still more beautiful than your mother.
- Ha ha! - Svetochka said loudly, although she didn’t want to laugh because of the offense. - Ha ha! My mother, if you want to know, is a million or even, if you want to know, a hundred times more beautiful than your mother. Let Pavlik say it. Tell her, Pavlik.
Little Pavlik got up, looked carefully at his mother and said:
- Your mother is beautiful, and your mother is beautiful, and the most beautiful is my mother.
- Some kind of stupid! - Nata said angrily. - They ask him who is more beautiful, Svetkina's mother or mine! Who is the prettier of the two? Understood?
- Understood. Of these two, my mother is the most beautiful of all.
- What with him, you fool, talk! - Sveta said contemptuously pouting her lips. - We'd better ask Tolik. Tell me, Tolik, whose mother is more beautiful?
Tolik went to the wall where the portraits hung, pointed to his mother and said:
- My mother is the most beautiful.
- What? - shouted Nata and Sveta, and Pavlik with them. - That's who is prettier! My mum! My!..
All three jumped up, ran to the portraits, began to point fingers at their mothers. Then the rest of the guys jumped out of their seats. There was a terrible noise. Each one pointed a finger in the face of his mother and shouted:
- My mom is better! My mom is prettier!
Vladik tried to push Nata away with his hand, but Nata pressed her finger tightly to her mother's face and tried to shove Vladik with her foot. Nina Ivanovna ran to the noise. She found out why all this screaming, and ordered everyone to sit on chairs. But no one wanted to leave the exhibition, and everyone shouted that his mother was prettier.
Then Nina Ivanovna noticed one of the little boy, who did not shout, did not squeal, but sat quietly on his chair and with a calm smile looked at the whole performance. It was Slavik Smirnov, who recently entered a kindergarten. Nina Ivanovna praised Slavik for the fact that he does not make noise, does not shout, and said to the guys:
“Oh, you silly, foolish little creatures! How can it be that everyone is the most beautiful? Here's a look at Slavik. He is the smallest, but the smartest, because he does not shout, squeal and does not point his finger at the card.
- This is because he is new with us and has not yet become bold, - said the black-eyed Ira.
“No, not at all because,” objected Nina Ivanovna. - He understands that the most, the most, the most beautiful is always someone alone. Let Slavik say which of our mothers is the most beautiful, and we will give the most beautiful mother this wonderful bouquet of mimosas.
Only then everyone saw that Nina Ivanovna had a huge bouquet of fragrant mimosas in her hands, but no one noticed him before, because everyone was just arguing among themselves and looking at their mothers.
- Let's! Let's! - shouted all at once. - Let Slavik speak. He sat quietly and did not climb forward with his mother. He will tell the truth.
- Well, go and show which mother is the most beautiful, - said Nina Ivanovna to Slavik.
Slavik got up, slowly walked to the exhibition and pointed to a card on which an old woman in an old quilted wadded jacket and an ugly black shawl on her head was filmed.
“This is the most beautiful one,” he said.
What was there! What a cry went up! Everyone began to shout that Slavik had told a lie. And some laughed so loudly that their hair began to shake.
- And there is nothing to laugh about, - said Slavik. - She's just taken off in ugly clothes. Her uncle Vasily took off in overalls at the factory. And when she puts on a beautiful dress on a holiday, she will not be recognized!
- It is he who deliberately says that his mother is the most beautiful, so that she can get a bouquet! - the guys shouted. - Nina Ivanovna, don't give his mother the bouquet!
- Is this my mother? - Slavik was surprised. “This is not my mother at all. It's just Grandma Ding. And my mother is even prettier than Grandma Ding.
- What other grandmother Ding? - the guys shouted.
- Well, grandma Dina, - explained Slavik. - When I was little, I could not say "Ding", and just said "Ding". Since then, Ding’s grandmother has become Ding’s grandmother. Mom and Dad left for two years to work in the North, and I live with Grandmother Ding. Grandma Ding is good. She is kind and always plays with me. And now he even gives toys. Now I have grown up and went to kindergarten, so Ding’s grandmother returned to the factory and, when she received her paycheck, bought some present for me. I have a lot of toys now. I keep them, because my grandmother Ding gave them to me.
And then Nina Ivanovna said to the quiet guys:
- You see, my little mice. Each of you seems to be more beautiful than your own mother, because each of you loves his mother. This means that the most beautiful person for us is that person whom we love most of all in the world. It doesn't matter if he is old or young, adult or child.
- And to whom will we give the bouquet, if it so happens that all are beautiful? - asked Nata.
And then Nina Ivanovna said:
- Let's give the bouquet to Grandma Ding, since we agreed so. In addition, many mothers will come to our holiday, and Grandma Ding will be alone. We will give her this bouquet for being the oldest among mothers. Do you agree?
And they all agreed. And so they did. When the mothers came to the kindergarten for the holiday, grandmother Ding came with them. And everyone saw that she was in a beautiful, festive dress, and her hair was completely white, there were many wrinkles on her face, and her eyes were kind, affectionate.
Then everyone read the poems prepared for the holiday, and when the poems were finished, everyone gave his mother her portrait in a beautiful frame with little white daisies. And then Sveta gave a bouquet of mimosas to Din's grandmother. Nina Ivanovna said that the children decided to give a bouquet to Ding's grandmother, because she is the oldest among mothers.
Grandma Ding thanked the children, but did not take all the flowers for herself, but gave each of them a sprig of mimosa. And everyone to whom she gave flowers, she stroked the head with her hand. And when she stroked Sveta's head, Sveta felt that Grandma Ding's hand was soft, affectionate, just like Sveta's mother's. And Sveta was not at all sorry that the flowers went to not her mother.
And Vladik said:
- On next year my dad will go on a trip to the Kuril Islands, and when it is International Men's Day, I will bring a portrait of my grandfather to the exhibition. Then we will give a bouquet of mimosas to my grandfather.
And Nata said:
- Stupid! There are only international women's days, and there are no international men's days.
And Nina Ivanovna said:
- We should say "days", not "days". There really are no international men's days, but that's okay. We will arrange one such day in our kindergarten so that dads and grandfathers would not be offended.
Then all the mothers laughed merrily. And grandmother Ding laughed the happiest of all, as she was glad that she got a bouquet of mimosas.

Mom - gifts

I am beloved mom

I will give gifts:

I will embroider her a handkerchief.

How alive, a flower!

I will clean the apartment cleanly -

And there will be no dust anywhere.

Delicious bake cake

With apple jam ...

Only mom is on the doorstep -

Here and congratulations!

You are my mummy

I congratulate you:

Happy this holiday,

Happy spring,

With the first flowers

And with a good daughter.

* * *


Crunches outside the window

Frosty day.

Stands on the window



The petals are blooming

As if it were really

Lights came on.

I water it

Its shore,

Donate it

I can’t help anyone!

He is very bright,

Very good

Very much like my mother

Looks like a fairy tale!

* * *


Who to me

Will he sing a song?

Who is the shirt

Will it sew me up?

Who me

Will the food be tasty?

Who laughs

The loudest

My hearing

Ringing laughter?

Who is sad

When I'm sad?..


* * *


You guys don't meddle with us.

I wash with my mom together.

To make the dress cleaner

And the handkerchief was whiter

I rub, not sparing the soap,

I do it, sparing no effort.

Panama has become clean.

"Come on, mom, look!"

Mom smiles at me:

“Strongly, daughter, not three.

I'm afraid that after washing

I'll have to mend holes. "

* * *


Who came to me in the morning?


Who said: "It's time to get up"?


Who managed to cook the porridge?


Tea - pour into a bowl?


Who braided my braids?


The whole house was swept up alone?


Who picked flowers in the garden?


Who kissed me?


Who kiddies love to laugh?


Who is the best in the world?


* * *

Conversation with daughter

I do not have enough warmth, -

She told her daughter.

The daughter was surprised:

You freeze

And on summer days?

You won't understand, you are still small

The mother sighed wearily.

And the daughter shouts:

I realized! -

And drags the blanket.

* * *

I love my mom

Mom brings me

Toys, candy,

But I love my mother

Not at all for that.

Funny songs

She hums

We are bored together

It never happens.

I open it to her

All my secrets.

But I love my mother

Not only for that.

I love my mom

I'll tell you straight

Well, just for

That she is my mother!

* * *

Multicolored gift

I am a multi-colored gift

I decided to give it to my mother.

I tried, painted

With four pencils.

But first I'm on red

I pressed too hard

And then for red right away

Purple broke

And then she broke the blue one

And the orange one broke ...

All the same, the portrait is beautiful,

Because this is mom!

"If I were a girl ..."

If I were a girl -

I would not waste time!

I wouldn't jump on the street,

I'd wash my shirts

I would wash the kitchen floor

I would sweep in the room

I would wash cups, spoons,

I would peel the potatoes myself,

All my toys myself

I'd put them in their places!

Why am I not a girl?

I would help my mother so much!

Mom would immediately say:

"You are a fine fellow, son!"

* * *


Mom's dresses -

Well straight


Blue is

And there is green

There is blue

WITH big flowers -

Each one serves

In my mother's way.

This goes away

She's to the factory

In this to the theater

And he goes to visit,

Sits in this,

Busy with drawings ...

Each one serves

In my mother's way.

Thrown carelessly

On the headboard

Old, shabby

Mom's robe.

I serve it

Take care of mom,

And why -

Guess yourself:

If he puts on

Colored robe,

So the whole evening

Will stay with me.

* * *

That would be like mom

My mom is singing

Always at work

And I always

Helping with the hunt!


Like mom

I become.

I'm learning to iron

And cook,

And wash,

And I wipe the dust

And I sweep the floor ...

I dream.

I dream.

I dream

I dream ...

I dream

Like Mom,

Be able to do everything,

And maybe

Like Mom,

I will learn to sing.

* * *


It was quiet in the house in the morning,

I wrote in the palm of my hand

Mom's name,

Not in a notebook, on a piece of paper,

Not on a stone wall,

I wrote on my hand

Mom's name.

It was quiet in the house in the morning,

It got noisy in the middle of the day.

What have you hidden in the palm of your hand? -

They began to ask me.

I opened my hand:

I kept my happiness.

* * *


And what a gift to mom

Will we give it on Women's Day?

There is a lot for this

Fantastic ideas.

After all, a surprise is prepared for mom -

It is very interesting...

We will knead the dough in the bath

Or wash the chair ...

Well, I'm a present for my mom

I'll paint the wardrobe with flowers

Well b and the ceiling ...

It's a pity I'm short.

* * *


Mom has a job.

Dad has a job.

They have for me

It remains Saturday.

And grandmother is always at home.

She never scolds me!

Will seat, feed:

Don't be in a hurry.

Well, what's wrong with you,


I say, and grandma

Doesn't interrupt

Grains of buckwheat

Sits fingering ...

We feel good - like this, together.

Without a grandmother - what kind of house?

* * *

Poems about grandmother

I love my grandmother very much!

I help her.

I'll buy everything in the store,

I sweep the house -

I will weed and a vegetable garden,

I apply water.

And when the moon rises

I will dream of a fairy tale.

This fairy tale by the window

Grandma will tell you.

I fall asleep, and she

She knits socks for me.

So that in a frosty winter

Legs are not frozen

Me, her dear

And beloved crumbs!

To grandmother, mother, Alyonka-sister

Sasha has been preparing presents for a week.

He needs to be in time for women's day,

Grandpa and Dad are happy to help him!


Once Sasha was called by his grandfather and dad: “Soon our girls have a holiday. Will you help me make them a present? " they asked. Sasha was surprised: "What holiday?" Dad replied: "The best spring holiday is International Women's Day!" And then he and his grandfather told the story of this holiday. Sasha listened and thought what could be done for his dear grandmother, mother and sister.

Why is International Women's Day celebrated on 8 March? What's the story of March 8th? Earlier, in many countries, women did not have the right to vote, they could not study. The girls were not allowed to go to school. Of course, it offended them!

Then the women were allowed to work. But the working conditions were difficult. Then in New York (a city in the United States of America), more than 150 years ago, female workers marched through the "march of empty pans." They loudly beat empty pans and demanded higher wages, better working conditions and equal rights for women and men. This surprised everyone so much that the event was called Women's Day.

Then, for years, women staged protests. They demanded an electoral vote, opposed the terrible working conditions. They especially protested against child labor. Then it was decided to choose one common women's day for many countries. Women different countries agreed that it was on this day that men would be reminded that women must be respected.

For the first time, International Women's Day was held on March 19, 1911 in Germany, Austria, Denmark and some other European countries. This date was chosen by the women of Germany. In the Soviet Union, March 8 was a regular working day for a long time. But on May 8, 1965, on the eve of the 20th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, International Women's Day has been declared a holiday.

In 1977, the UN (United Nations) declared March 8 as the day of the struggle for women's rights - International Women's Day. This day is declared a national holiday in many countries. Therefore, mothers and grandmothers on this day can relax a little, go to a festive concert, talk to their children.

This is the first holiday of spring - the most beautiful time of the year. March 8 we alwayscongratulations our mothers, grandmothers, who devote so much time to our upbringing, as well as sisters and girls we know. On this day, dads congratulate their wives and mothers, give them flowers. And you can make a gift with your own hands -paper flower , postcard, drawing. Mom and grandmother will love everything that you give from the bottom of your heart.

And how and when do they congratulate mothers and girls in other countries? After all, not everywhere March 8 is an official holiday.

Mother's Day is celebrated in the United States and Western Europe in the spring. Earlier, on the fourth Sunday of Great Lent, people brought gifts to the local ("mother") village church. Nowadays, children give their mothers greeting cards and gifts, arrange a “day of obedience”.

The Spaniards celebrate Women's Day on 5 February. This is the day of remembrance of Saint Ageda - the patroness of women.

The peoples of South and North India worship the goddesses of happiness, beauty and home Lakshmi and Parvati. These days are celebrated in September-October. People decorate houses with flowers, give gifts to women.

On March 3, the Japanese celebrate Hina Matsuri, a girls' holiday. This day is also called the peach blossom holiday. In ancient times, a doll was cut out of paper on this day. Then the toy was burned or thrown into the water. Fire and water were supposed to carry away all misfortunes. But over time, they stopped destroying the dolls. Now they are made of clay and wood, dressed in silk dresses. Sometimes they even organize exhibitions of dolls.

In ancient times at the beginning of March in Ancient rome the feast of matronalia was celebrated. On this day, matrons (as the Romans called free-born, married women) received gifts from their husbands and were surrounded by attention and love.

Gifts, but less valuable, were received by the slaves. The mistress of the house gave the slaves a day off on that day.

Dressed in smart clothes, with fragrant wreaths on their heads, the Romans went to the Round Temple of the Guardian Goddess Vesta hearth and the hearth of the Roman community.

In the XIX century. that the fair sex had some rights, and there could be no question. Women were forbidden to participate in elections and hold leading positions. Female labor was considered less skilled, they sometimes worked 16 hours a day, while receiving pennies.

In 1908, the first March demonstration of women took place in New York, demanding equal rights with men. The inspiration and ideologist of this movement was the German communist Clara Zetkin. The decision on the annual celebration of International Women's Day was taken in 1910 at the II International Conference of Women Activists of the Socialist Movement in Copenhagen.

The exact date was not set then. And only three years later they decided to celebrate this holiday on March 8th. This proposal sounded like a call to all women in the world to join the fight for equality.

In Russia, for the first time, International Women's Day was celebrated in 1913 in St. Petersburg. On March 2, 1913, 1,500 people gathered in the building of the Kalashnikovskaya Bread Exchange on Poltava Street. The agenda of the scientific readings included the following issues: the right to vote for women; state support of motherhood; about the high cost of life. The following year, in many European states on March 8 and other days close to this date, women organized marches in protest against the war.

In 1917, Russian women took to the streets on the last Sunday of February with the slogans "Bread and Peace." This demonstration preceded the change of power in the country - four days later, Emperor Nicholas II abdicated the throne. The Provisional Government that came to power guaranteed women the right to vote. This historic day fell on February 23 according to the Julian calendar, which was used in Russia at that time, and on March 8 according to the Gregorian calendar.

International Women's DayMarch 8 from the first years of Soviet power it became a public holiday. Since 1965, this day has been declared non-working. There was also his festive ritual. On this day, at solemn events, the state reported to society on the implementation of state policy towards women.

After the breakup Soviet Union dayMarch 8 remained on the list of public holidays Russian Federation... It is also celebrated in many CIS countries.

Much water has flowed under the bridge since the advent of the holiday. The need for women to fight for their rights in our country seems to have disappeared. Women have achieved a lot in this struggle - they lay the asphalt, and carry such weights that not every man can handle, and work on tractors, and play football ... It seems that there is nothing to fight for - at least cancel the holiday! But for some reason they do not cancel.

Well, if without irony - this holiday has long lost its political coloring, and we celebrate it as a holiday of Spring, Love, Beauty.

In the family, traditionally, women are freed from household duties and presented with gifts. On this day, there are especially many flowers on the streets and in houses. Indeed, flowers are a wonderful gift. But since Women's Day is a spring holiday, off-season roses and carnations are better served another time. And on this day, let the long-awaited fresh scent of spring come to the house along with daffodils, hyacinths, freesias, cyclamens, tulips.

The story "Portrait of my mother"

Kasymzhan Zukhra, student of grade 8 "A", secondary school No. 35, Pavlodar city, Republic of Kazakhstan.
Supervisor: Aubakirova Manat Kamelyevna, teacher of Russian language and literature, secondary school No. 35, Pavlodar city, Republic of Kazakhstan.
Work description: the author creates a verbal portrait of his mother. In the portrait, the author through the exterior shows the inner world, conveys the uniqueness of the image of the mother. The portrait was painted with great love. This story can be recommended to schoolchildren for reading.
Goals: the formation of the artistic culture of the personality of schoolchildren on the basis of humanistic values; educate spiritually - moral qualities the personality of schoolchildren.
Tasks: develop creativity, speech, attention of students: foster a conscious sense of respect, love for the mother.
The story "Portrait of my mother"
Mom, - no friend is more expensive -

Do you believe in our every takeoff!
Who else will help you ?!
Who else, like you, will understand ?!
M. Sadovsky
I love all spring holidays. But the best thing for me is International Women's Day. In our family, we call this holiday “Mother's Day”. On this day, we not only congratulate mom on the holiday, give gifts, try to do something pleasant, but every time we come to the same thought that the most important person in our life is our mother.

Mom is the first word of the baby. And how much warmth, care and love are in this word! Mom gave us life! Any mother wants her child to become a real person. We overcome all obstacles in life together with our mother. Mom takes care of us all her life. Sometimes we do not understand, do not appreciate the mother, forgetting about the difficulties and problems that fall on the shoulders of mothers. In difficult times they are always there and ready to help. Nowadays women can do everything: run a business, drive a car, but they never forget the most important thing - to be a mother. Mothers do more than one job, and that's all for us. Only with mom do we share our innermost thoughts.
My mother's name is Aigul. My mom is 34 years old, but she looks younger than her years. Short stature, long hair, brooding brown eyes - this is my mother's portrait. She always dresses beautifully and stylishly. At my mom's modern look for life.

V free time my mom reads books on psychology by Louise Hay. She rarely watches TV when she has free time, and she has very little of it. My mother is very clean. Cleanliness and order are the most important rules her life. Each person has their own mother. We follow the example of our mothers. They teach us how to live, how to communicate with people, how to behave. If I have a problem, I immediately contact my mother. She suggests solutions. My mother graduated from the Karaganda Economic University, with a degree in economics. Mom is an analytical inspector at the city tax committee. Mom's work experience is nine years. In the team, the mother is respected and appreciated. At the moment, the mother is not working, as she is on parental leave. But our mother works as an accountant. Keeps records, sends a declaration. Has time everywhere. In the evening after work he does the cleaning, does the laundry, prepares the food. She is always hospitable and can meet guests with dignity. Sometimes I myself am amazed: where did she get so much strength.
My mother has five children: me and the younger brothers Adil, Ibrahim, Omar, Ismail. Mom loves us very much and tries to give us everything she can. Sometimes, of course, my brothers upset her with their actions, and she is very worried. We love her very much, because she feels with her heart whether we are good or bad. Our mother can understand and explain everything. She will caress when you feel bad, she will be a little upset if you did something wrong, but she will always advise and prompt. Our mother always knows what and when we need. Her brother Adil calls her a "psychic". She, not seeing us and being in another room, can know who is doing what, even who walks without socks. Mom always says that we are all different, that each is individual in its own way. Our mother is strict, she loves justice and does not like being deceived.

I want my mother to never be upset. But it doesn't work that way. Mom worries about everything: health, grades, food. We are happy children, as we have a mother who takes care of us. Now that I have grown up, I can help my mother around the house, look after my younger brothers. I love my little brothers. Therefore, it is a pleasure for me to spend time with them, play, watch cartoons, read books. In our family, everyone helps each other, tries to do something pleasant.

How much love and tenderness mom gives us so that we grow up happy. Mom is our pride, our support. We admire her. So fragile and courageous at the same time. She warms us with her warmth, love, care.
All the best, all the good in our life comes from our mothers.
"May there always be mom!"

In the evening, my mother had a headache.
At night Masha woke up and saw her mother sitting at the table under the lamp and with both hands squeezing her head at her temples, she was in so much pain.
Masha said half asleep:
- Dear mommy, I feel sorry for you.
And she fell asleep again.
In the morning my mother, as always, got up early. Misha and Masha lay and watched as mom combed her hair in front of the mirror, and then the kettle lid knocked in the kitchen, grandmother came in and said:
- Well, lazy people! Get up to work! Alive!
Masha said:
- We have no work: we are small.
Misha said:
“You’re small, and I’m big. I have a job: to shave off the stool. The cat tore her off with claws. You can, of course, scold her tomorrow ...
Masha said:
- I need to sew a dress for Matryoshka. Your stool is nonsense.
“Stop talking,” said the grandmother and pulled the blankets off the guys. - Mother will leave now.

Mom was sitting at the table, pale. She didn’t finish the cup of tea, and she didn’t finish the bun, but only said:

My dear comrades! If you knew how your mom doesn't want to go to work today.
“I don’t want to, and don’t go,” said Misha. - Stay at home.
“Of course, don’t go, since you don’t want to,” said Masha.
Mom looked at the guys in surprise and didn't even seem to understand what they were saying.
- And what about, my children, if necessary? - she said, hit Misha lightly on the back of the head, kissed both guys, got dressed and left.
The guys sat down on the sofa, wrinkled their foreheads and thought. They thought, and about what, who knows? .. Often, perhaps, they think like that.
“Go swab the stool,” said Masha.
Misha shook his head and said:
- I don’t want something.
“We must,” Masha said sternly. - Grandmother splintered her finger about her yesterday.
Masha was left alone. Should I sew a dress for Matryoshka or not sew it? Do not want. And it is necessary. Matryoshka can't go naked.


It seemed that spring had come at all, and suddenly the sky frowned and snow fell from above. Misha and Masha went to their grandmother's kitchen and stood for a long time near the stove and were silent.
- Well, - said the grandmother, - say right away what you need.
For some reason, the children did not know how to speak at once.

“You won't let us into the street,” Masha said.
- I won't let it go, - confirmed the grandmother.
“We’re not asking,” Misha said.
“It's dirty outside,” Masha said.
- Wet, - added Misha. - Coldly.
“It's boring,” Masha said. “There’s no one on the street.
- What smart children! - exclaimed the grandmother. “You don’t need to explain anything to them. They see everything, they know everything themselves.
- Dear granny, - said Masha then, - let me, please, we will invite Nyusha and Fedya.
- Hm! - said the grandmother.
“Please,” Misha said plaintively.
- We will not stain or break anything, - said Masha. - Let's sit quietly.
- What will you play? - asked the sly grandmother. - Football?
- Misha will tell us about his trip to Africa, - said Masha.
- Whose trip is about? - asked the astonished grandmother.
- About his own, - said Masha. - Very interesting.
Half an hour later, Nyushka and her brother Fedya were visiting Misha and Masha. Nyushka, when the scarves, shawls, fur coat and mittens were removed from her, turned out to be a very smooth, fat girl, and she and Fedya looked alike like two balls.
The children were really quiet in the room. Grandmother listened to the silence for a long time, incredulously, and then wiped her hands, put the soup off the burner and went to hear about the trip too.
Misha, it turns out, had already arrived in Africa and now walked in a dense rainforest and hunted wild beasts. Nyushka and Fedya listened to him in silence, with open mouths, and believed everything.
Misha told great things:
- I'm going - no one. I'll sit down - a lion! Sit down - a tiger with cubs!
- Ouch! - said Nyushka barely audibly. - I'm afraid.
Misha looked at her contemptuously.
“I’m going on,” he continued. - Again, no one. Sat down - a monkey, like Nyushka, hairy. Toque! Didn't shoot! I'm coming. I'm sitting down - a boa constrictor! Sit down - a hippopotamus! Once, and you're done!
“You should have stood, or something, rested,” said the grandmother, clearly feeling sorry for her grandson. - Is it easy to squat around Africa.
“You, grandmother, don’t understand hunting,” Misha explained sternly. - If you stand, the animals will not come close, they will see.
“Now I understand,” said my grandmother. - Of course, hunting is a delicate matter. Thank you, grandson, for the science. Just don’t offend Nyushka and don’t call him a monkey! Sit, sit, I'll soon give you tea with jam.
Grandmother retired to the kitchen, calmed and reconciled with Africa. Alas! The silence did not last until tea. Soon a terrible roar and howl came from the room, and a minute later a desperate cry from Nyushkin flew into the kitchen. It turned out that Misha had accidentally turned into a tiger, then back into a hunter, then from a hunter into a lion. The lion jumped on Nyushka and snapped his teeth ...
The rest of the grandmother did not need to be told. The lion got hit with a broom, Nyushka was given candy out of turn. The kettle did not have time to boil.
Misha decided to return from Africa. You won't get there soon. It's good that he had Mom's magic bed at hand with shiny nickel-plated balls at the head of the bed. On this bed, you can fly anywhere like on an airplane. You just need to turn two shiny balls in different directions, and the bed will fly out the window in no time. Better than any plane.
- Please! - Misha invited the audience to his mother's bed.
They cannot remain in African forests without Misha. It will be difficult only to keep the four of us on a spring mattress, after all, fly out from the third floor.
- Hold on tight! Climb! We'll get Nyushka on board.
Nyushka turned pale and said briefly:
- I won't fly!
Misha said:
- Nonsense. Fly!
Nyushka grabbed the sofa and the carpet on the floor with both hands. Her voice began to shift to a squeal, as if a car was slowing down on the street on the move.
- I won't. Do not touch. Ay!
Misha said loudly:
- Fedka! Help me get her off the couch.
Masha said:
- Weird! These are hunting stories. Nobody is going anywhere.
Nyushka screamed surprisingly, it didn’t look like anything.
The grandmother in the corridor dropped the kettle from her hands; it’s good that it’s not scalded. Nyushka was calmed down for half an hour.
In the evening, grandmother told mom categorically:
- Natasha! The bear must be flogged for lying. His tongue is not suspended like that of humans. With such a language, how long before the trouble. Today he scared Nyushka half to death.
The children behind the sofa listened with fear.
Masha whispered:
- Very much Nyushka screamed shrilly.
- Granny, of course, all the faith, - muttered Misha, listening. - Look you, he is painting.
Grandmother, meanwhile, was finishing the incident.
“But this, perhaps, is not a lie,” Mom said thoughtfully.
- And what? - asked the grandmother.
“Fantasy,” Mom replied quietly. - Fiction. Come here, hunters!
The children crawled out from behind the sofa and became "hands at the seams."
- How is the weather in Africa? Mom asked.
- Warm, - said Misha and winked at Masha: Mom understood everything.


It was such a miserable, bad day!
From morning to evening Masha was capricious, quarreled with her grandmother, did not clean the room, did not study to read, did not write anything in her notebook, but only sat in the corner and sniffled.
Mom came, and her grandmother complained to her: the whole day, they say, the girl is capricious and there is nothing to eat with her.
Mom asked:
- What is going on with you, daughter? Are you sick? - and put her hand on Masha's forehead.
Mom's hands were amazing: dry, a little rough, but so light and kind.
This time Masha just shook her head and shook her mother's hands off her.
“Ugh,” she said. - Fu, mommy! What bad hands you have.
- Well, - my mother was surprised. - We lived and were friends for so many years, and now I’m not good. Why didn't you like my hands today, daughter?
- Hard, - answered Masha. - They scratch.
Mom looked at her hands, Masha seemed sad.
- Ordinary hands, - said my mother. - Working hands. Nothing can be done with them.
She got up and went to the bathroom to wash and locked herself on the hook.
Masha suddenly felt sorry for her mother. She already wanted to run after her, her grandmother would not let her.
- Sit down! - said the grandmother menacingly. - Sit down! Mother offended for nothing. Your mother's hands are golden, everyone knows that. Mother's hands have done good - for ten people like you, that's enough: you can cover half of the earth with the linen that your mother has woven. For nothing that she is young, but dexterous. Your mother is not a white-handed woman, a worker, there is no harm in that. You will stand at the machines in your mother's place - God forbid you to be like that, offender!
“I didn't want to offend her,” Masha said, crying.
“I didn't want to, but offended me,” said the grandmother. - It also happens. Look for the language. Your mother's hands are true, that they are hard, but your heart is soft ... I would, in her place, pour you hot ones as it should be ... I would kick your ears.
Mom came back and heard grandmother grumble, and Masha was crying, and did not immediately figure out what was the matter.
“You’re not ashamed to offend your grandmother,” she said. - My grandmother's heart is easy-going. I would be in her place ...
- I know I know! - Masha shouted unexpectedly cheerfully and rushed to her mother to kiss and hug. - I know...
“You don’t know anything,” Mom said. - And if you know, speak up.
“I know,” Masha said. - You would have kicked my ears at my grandmother's place. I offended your hands.
“Well, I'll kick it,” Mom said. - So as not to offend.
“Grandma said,” Masha said from the corner, “that if she were in your place, she would kick. And on yours - you both cannot.
Grandma and Mom looked at each other and laughed.


What is happiness - who knows. Mom said: everyone has their own happiness.
So, probably, it really is.
Grandmother's happiness had served its time on earth and lay wrapped in a piece of paper in a big red box on grandmother's dresser. Misha and Masha once quietly climbed into a red box, when grandmother was not at home, and found two grandfather's medals and a thin gold ring in it. Grandpa was killed in the war. The children knew it. They wrapped grandmother's happiness back in a piece of paper, put the box in its place and sat all day different angles and thought again.
Children are used to believing in their mother's happiness. Their mother was happy. So today she returned from work, hugged her grandmother and said:
- Our Trekhgorka was awarded the Order of Lenin today. Oh, how glad I am!
Grandma asked:
- And you, daughter, were not awarded?
Mom answered cheerfully:
- I was not awarded this time. They say they write us the award list.
Grandma said:
- You have a character, Natalya, happy, you know how to rejoice not for yourself, but for others. It's good.
After three days, things got bad. Mom sat with grandmother at the table and drank tea, the children lay in their beds and quarreled in whispers. Masha today broke Misha's fishing rod - she took out a spool of thread from under the sofa with a fishing rod. Of course, Misha was angry. Masha gave Matryoshkin a blue jacket for the fishing rod, Misha did not take it and demanded two notebooks and a red pencil.
Suddenly my mother said:
- Such grief, such grief ... Katya fell ill.
Misha even jumped up on the bed and lay down again. So much for you. And they thought that a happy mother never had grief.
Grandma said in her own way:
- You, Natalya, do not be upset. Everything will be grinded, there will be flour. Katerina will recover, you'll see. This is not a tsarist time, when the working man did not have life. Cure. You just need to treat it wisely and with speed.
Mom said:
- The factory committee gave Katya a free ticket to the sanatorium, and tomorrow she is leaving. It's restless anyway.
- You have a bad temper, Natalya, - sighed the grandmother. - You grieve not for yourself, but for others.
“Katerina is my shift and friend,” my mother said sternly. - Who else grieve about her, if not me. The children will be left alone for a whole month.
“With such grief, you won't last long,” said grandmother.
“Enough and stay,” Mom said. - We are strong people.
- It will stay! - confirmed the children in a joyful chorus. - We are strong.
Mom even jumped up from her chair.
- Sleep now! - Mom was angry. - What are these tricks? That's really my grief.
“And yesterday she said it was joy,” Misha muttered. - Understand you.
The next day, my mother seemed to be cheerful, walked around the room and sang. Masha was now sitting at the table, gloomy and silent. Misha was chipping away at the stool in the corner.
Mom looked at Masha.
“Well,” she said, “what's the fog?
“I’m not fogged up,” said Masha. - Nyushka and Fedya were left alone. Aunt Katya left.
“What do you want,” Mom said. - She left and left.
“Nyushka is my friend,” Masha said. “Who cares about her if not me?
“Fedka has been crying since morning,” said Misha.
“Let's take Nyushka and Fedya to live with us until Aunt Katya returns,” Masha said.
- Of course, we'll take it, - said Misha. - Why worry in vain. They took it, and the business is over.
So they decided. We took Nyushka and Fedya. We all lived together for a whole month. Aunt Katya recovered and returned. Grandma said:
- Well. Grieved, and that's enough.


It was as if the misfortunes had ended, as if they had never existed, but still some kind of sadness did not run away from the house and hid somewhere in it.
Misha and Masha heard: when the light in the room goes out, mother sighs about something, and sometimes suddenly screams at night. Grandma then wakes up and says to mom:
- Sleep, Natasha, sleep, dear.
The children got worried and went to their grandmother: does mom have any other grief, how can they help mom?
“All right, comforters,” Grandma said. - Mother has no grief. She just missed Nicholas, your father, and worries about him. He swims, after all, not in a trough, but in the Arctic Ocean. There is now so much ice that even my father's icebreaker will not lay a road to the coast. Got it?
“Understood,” said the children. - And what should we do now?
“Do nothing,” Grandma said. - Mother does not upset and wait. By the sea of ​​weather and a happy return from my father.
All four of them no longer upset each other and waited. And then spring in the Arctic Ocean melted and moved a little ice, and the icebreaker broke through. In Moscow, grass was already appearing here and there and the buds were swelling on the trees, when Misha suddenly fell from the windowsill with a desperate cry:
- Dad has arrived!

MBDOU CRR kindergarten number 16 Belorechensk

Poems and stories about mom and grandmother

For children from 3 to 7 years old

If I sing about mom
The sun smiles at me
If I sing about mom
Flowers are smiling
If I sing about mom
The breeze flies through the window
And funny dragonflies
They chirp to me from above.

And nod their heads
I have roses in the front garden
The birds sing along
The cat sings it with me.

If I sing about mom
Everything sings with me too,
Even the sky is bluer
Even my balloon is blue!
K. Nosirova

Mom's palms
Warm and tender
They keep you warm
Like the sun of spring.

You are sad
Or is sick at times,
They touch -
Ailments down.

The clouds will hang
Thunder will thunder
But next to my mother
He sits with you.

Palm lightly
On the forehead will hold -
And the sun again
It will flash with rays.

Do not fade flowers
And away with sorrow,
When your mom
Next to you!
H. Saparov

I helped my mother unbutton her fur coat.
She came tired from work.
She said, shivering:
I chilled something.
It's so cold outside, son.

And I hurry her into the kitchen.
Put your hands on the battery.
And I'll warm my cheeks with my palms. -
Mom whispered:
- Sweetheart.
G. Grushnev

Spring day
Not frosty,
Happy day
Not mimosa -
It's mom's day.

Cloudless day
Not snowy,
Day anxious
And gentle -
It's mom's day.

The day is spacious
Not capricious
Gift day,
Surprise -
It's mom's day!
M. Sadovsky

Make in the world
We can do a lot -
In the depths of the sea
And in space too:
We will come to the tundra
And to the hot deserts,
Even the weather
Let's change it!

Affairs and roads
There will be a lot in life ...
Let's ask ourselves:
Well, where is their beginning?
Here it is, our answer,
The correct one is:
Everything we live with
from MOTHER!
A. Kostetsky

What's on our way
Scary pit
Or danger
From the corner -
If only mom
If only mom
If only mom
Was at home!

We're on top
Let's climb stubbornly
Will not scare
Steep rock, -
If only mom
If only mom
If only mom
I waited at home.

We trampled
There are many paths
Planet soon
Will become small, -
If only mom
If only mom
If only mom
She was with us!

Our mom is like spring:
How the sun laughs
How a breeze
It touches my head.

It will get angry a little
As if a cloud came running
How a rainbow it is:
You look - and it shone!

Like a spring worker
Will not sit down, will not get tired,
When she comes home, -
And immediately spring will come!
S. Muradyan

Who is the best in the world?
Anyone will answer you.
Our mothers, our mothers
The best in the world!
Our mothers are engineers
Our mothers are agronomists,
Chefs and vendors -
Our mothers are great!
P. Sinyavsky

My mum

Once I said to my friends:
There are many kind mothers in the world,
But I can't find it, I'm trying
A mother like mine!
She bought for me
On the wheels of a horse
Saber, paints and an album ...
Only is that the point?
I love her anyway
Mommy, my mommy!

N. Grozovsky

I'm running my mother's work,
I help as much as I can.
Today mom is for lunch
Prepared cutlets
And she said: "Listen,
Get it out, eat it! "
I ate a little
Isn't that help?

M. Yasnov

On the Eighth of March
I will draw for mom
Blue sea,
Sky with clouds.
Next to this sea
Dressed with foam
Draw mom
With a festive bouquet.

B. Emelyanov "Stories about Mom".


In the evening, my mother had a headache.

At night Masha woke up and saw her mother sitting at the table under the lamp and with both hands squeezing her head at her temples, she was in so much pain.

Masha said half asleep:

Dear mommy, I feel sorry for you.

And she fell asleep again.

In the morning my mother, as always, got up early. Misha and Masha lay and watched as mom combed her hair in front of the mirror, and then the kettle lid knocked in the kitchen, grandmother came in and said:

Well, lazy people! Get up to work! Alive!

Masha said:

We have no work: we are small.

Misha said:

You are small, and I am big. I have a job: to shave off the stool. The cat tore her off with claws. You can, of course, scold her tomorrow ...

Masha said:

I need to sew a dress for Matryoshka. Your stool is nonsense.

Stop talking, - said the grandmother and pulled the blankets off the guys. - Mother will leave now.

Mom was sitting at the table, pale. She didn’t finish the cup of tea, and she didn’t finish the bun, but only said:

My dear comrades! If you knew how your mom doesn't want to go to work today.

I don’t want to, and don’t go, ”said Misha. - Stay at home.

Of course, don’t go, since you don’t want to, ”said Masha.

Mom looked at the guys in surprise and didn't even seem to understand what they were saying.

But what about, my children, if necessary? - she said, hit Misha lightly on the back of the head, kissed both guys, got dressed and left.

The guys sat down on the sofa, wrinkled their foreheads and thought. They thought, and about what, who knows? .. Often, perhaps, they think like that.

Go swipe the stool, ”said Masha.

Misha shook his head and said:

I don’t want something.

We must, ”Masha said sternly. - Grandmother splintered her finger about her yesterday.

Masha was left alone. Should I sew a dress for Matryoshka or not sew it? Do not want. And it is necessary. Matryoshka can't go naked.


It seemed that spring had come at all, and suddenly the sky frowned and snow fell from above. Misha and Masha went to their grandmother's kitchen and stood for a long time near the stove and were silent.

Well, - said the grandmother, - say right away what you need.

For some reason, the children did not know how to speak at once.

You won't let us into the street, - said Masha.

I won't let you in, - confirmed the grandmother.

We are not asking, ”Misha said.

It's dirty outside, ”said Masha.

It's boring, - said Masha. “There’s no one on the street.

What smart kids! - exclaimed the grandmother. “You don’t need to explain anything to them. They see everything, they know everything themselves.

Dear granny, - said Masha then, - let me, please, we will invite Nyusha and Fedya.

Hm! - said the grandmother.

Please, ”Misha said plaintively.

We will not stain or break anything, ”Masha said. - Let's sit quietly.

What will you play? - asked the sly grandmother. - Football?

Misha will tell us about his trip to Africa, - said Masha.

Whose trip is about? - asked the astonished grandmother.

About his own, - said Masha. - Very interesting.

Half an hour later, Nyushka and her brother Fedya were visiting Misha and Masha. Nyushka, when the scarves, shawls, fur coat and mittens were removed from her, turned out to be a very smooth, fat girl, and she and Fedya looked alike like two balls.

The children were really quiet in the room. Grandmother listened to the silence for a long time, incredulously, and then wiped her hands, put the soup off the burner and went to hear about the trip too.

Misha, it turns out, had already arrived in Africa and now walked in a dense tropical forest and hunted wild animals. Nyushka and Fedya listened to him in silence, with open mouths, and believed everything.

Misha told great things:

I go - no one is there. I'll sit down - a lion! Sit down - a tiger with cubs!

Ouch! - said Nyushka barely audibly. - I'm afraid.

Misha looked at her contemptuously.

You should have stood, or something, rested, ”said the grandmother, clearly feeling sorry for her grandson. - Is it easy to squat around Africa.

You, grandmother, don't understand hunting, ”Misha explained sternly. - If you stand, the animals will not come close, they will see.

Now I understand, - said the grandmother. - Of course, hunting is a delicate matter. Thank you, grandson, for the science. Just don’t offend Nyushka and don’t call him a monkey! Sit, sit, I'll soon give you tea with jam.

Grandmother retired to the kitchen, calmed and reconciled with Africa. Alas! The silence did not last until tea. Soon a terrible roar and howl came from the room, and a minute later a desperate cry from Nyushkin flew into the kitchen. It turned out that Misha had accidentally turned into a tiger, then back into a hunter, then from a hunter into a lion. The lion jumped on Nyushka and snapped his teeth ...

The rest of the grandmother did not need to be told. The lion got hit with a broom, Nyushka was given candy out of turn. The kettle did not have time to boil.

Misha decided to return from Africa. You won't get there soon. It's good that he had Mom's magic bed at hand with shiny nickel-plated balls at the head of the bed. On this bed, you can fly anywhere like on an airplane. You just need to turn two shiny balls in different directions, and the bed will fly out the window in no time. Better than any plane.

Please! - Misha invited the audience to his mother's bed.

They cannot remain in African forests without Misha. It will be difficult only to keep the four of us on a spring mattress, after all, fly out from the third floor.

Hold on tight! Climb! We'll get Nyushka on board.

Nyushka turned pale and said briefly:

I won't fly!

Misha said:

Nonsense. Fly!

Nyushka grabbed the sofa and the carpet on the floor with both hands. Her voice began to shift to a squeal, as if a car was slowing down on the street on the move.

I will not fly. Do not touch. Ay!

Misha said loudly:

Fedka! Help me get her off the couch.

Masha said:

Weird! These are hunting stories. Nobody is going anywhere.

Nyushka screamed surprisingly, it didn’t look like anything.

The grandmother in the corridor dropped the kettle from her hands; it’s good that it’s not scalded. Nyushka was calmed down for half an hour.

In the evening, grandmother told mom categorically:

Natasha! The bear must be flogged for lying. His tongue is not suspended like that of humans. With such a language, how long before the trouble. Today he scared Nyushka half to death.

The children behind the sofa listened with fear.

Masha whispered:

Nyushka was screaming very shrilly.

Granny, of course, all the faith, - muttered Misha, listening. - Look you, he is painting.

Grandmother, meanwhile, was finishing the incident.

But this, perhaps, is not a lie, ”Mom said thoughtfully.

And what? - asked the grandmother.

Fantasy, ”Mom replied quietly. - Fiction. Come here, hunters!

The children crawled out from behind the sofa and became "hands at the seams."

How is the weather in Africa? Mom asked.

Warm, - said Misha and winked at Masha: mom understood everything.


It was such a miserable, bad day!

From morning to evening Masha was capricious, quarreled with her grandmother, did not clean the room, did not study to read, did not write anything in her notebook, but only sat in the corner and sniffled.

Mom came, and her grandmother complained to her: the whole day, they say, the girl is capricious and there is nothing to eat with her.

Mom asked:

What is happening to you, daughter? Are you sick? - and put her hand on Masha's forehead.

Mom's hands were amazing: dry, a little rough, but so light and kind.

This time Masha just shook her head and shook her mother's hands off her.

Ugh, ”she said. - Fu, mommy! What bad hands you have.

Well, - my mother was surprised. - We lived and were friends for so many years, and now I’m not good. Why didn't you like my hands today, daughter?

Hard, - answered Masha. - They scratch.

Mom looked at her hands, Masha seemed sad.

Ordinary hands, - said my mother. - Working hands. Nothing can be done with them.

She got up and went to the bathroom to wash and locked herself on the hook.

Masha suddenly felt sorry for her mother. She already wanted to run after her, her grandmother would not let her.

Sit down! - said the grandmother menacingly. - Sit down! Mother offended for nothing. Your mother's hands are golden, everyone knows that. Mother's hands have done good - for ten people like you, that's enough: you can cover half of the earth with the linen that your mother has woven. For nothing that she is young, but dexterous. Your mother is not a white-handed woman, a worker, there is no harm in that. You will stand at the machines in your mother's place - God forbid you to be like that, offender!

I didn't want to offend her, ”Masha said, crying.

I didn't want to, but offended, - said the grandmother. - It also happens. Look for the language. Your mother's hands are true, that they are hard, but your heart is soft ... I would, in her place, pour you hot ones as it should be ... I would kick your ears.

Mom came back and heard grandmother grumble, and Masha was crying, and did not immediately figure out what was the matter.

You’re not ashamed to offend your grandmother, ”she said. - My grandmother's heart is easy-going. I would be in her place ...

I know I know! - Masha shouted unexpectedly cheerfully and rushed to her mother to kiss and hug. - I know...

You don’t know anything, ”Mom said. - And if you know, speak up.

I know, - said Masha. - You would have kicked my ears at my grandmother's place. I offended your hands.

Well, I'll kick it, - said my mother. - So as not to offend.

Grandma said, - said Masha from the corner, - that if she were in your place, she would kick. And on yours - you both cannot.

Grandma and Mom looked at each other and laughed.

I would like to congratulate my grandmother,

I love my grandmother very much.

Always be healthy, be always with me

Let the troubles and adversities pass.

Grandma is good

My sweetheart.

The most beautiful, -

I think so.

We congratulate you

Tomorrow is Women's Day.

For you, dear,

Sing a song.

For mothers and beloved grandmothers,

We will find the best words

And we will definitely tell them,

Happy Women's Day.

We wish you health, happiness,

Success, joy, victories,

To make children, grandchildren happy.

From the generous sun - hello!

"Two grandmothers"

Two grandmothers on a bench

We sat on a hillock.

Grandmothers told:

We have only A's!

Congratulations to each other

They shook hands with each other

Although they passed the exam

Not grandmothers, but grandchildren.

"Grandma Dina"

N. Nosov.

It happened in a kindergarten before the celebration of the Eighth of March. Once, when the children had breakfast and were getting ready to paint flowers, the teacher Nina Ivanovna said:

Well, children, which of you will say what holiday is coming soon?

March 8. International Women's Day! - Sveta Kruglova shouted and, jumping up from the chair, jumped on one leg.

Sveta knew all the holidays of the year by heart, because for every holiday she was given some good gift. Therefore, she could even list on her fingers: "New Year", "Eighth of March", "First of May", "Birthday" and so on, until it comes to the new New Year.

Of course, all the other children - both boys and girls - also knew that March Eighth was coming soon, and they also shouted:

March 8! March 8! International Women's Day!

Well good, good! - said Nina Ivanovna, trying to calm the guys. - I see that you know everything. Now let's think about what we will do for the holiday for our mothers. I propose to arrange an exhibition. Let each of you ask your mother to give her a photograph, and we will make frames, hang them on the wall, so there will be an exhibition.

And let's not learn rhymes for the holiday? Tolya Shcheglov asked.

He was a smart boy, he went to kindergarten from the age of three and knew very well that he had to learn some rhymes for every holiday.

We will also learn poetry. We have enough time for that. And the cards must be prepared in advance.

Nina Ivanovna said that correctly. She knew that some of the mothers might not have a good card and someone would need to go to a photo studio to take pictures.

And so it happened with Natochka Kashina. That is, not with Natochka Kashina herself, but with her mother. Natochka's mother was even unhappy with the whole idea.

I’m always nasty in photography, ”she said. - I don't have a single good card.

And Natochkin's dad laughed at her and said that this was the only way it seemed to her. Mom eventually even took offense at him. And dad then advised her to go and withdraw, so that at last there was a new, quite good card.

Mom did just that. I went and took a picture. But for some reason she liked the new card even less, and my mother said that on the old cards she was much more beautiful. Then dad said that she should give some old card to the kindergarten.

Mom obeyed and gave Natochka the oldest card. That is, it was only said that she was old. The card was completely new, only it had been removed long ago, even when my mother was very young and had not yet married Natochkin's dad.

In general, in every family there was a lot of talk about these cards. Vladik Ogurtsov's mother said that she was not an excellent student at all, not a leader in labor, and therefore there was no reason to hang her portrait somewhere. But Vladikin's dad said that this is International Women's Day and that all women are placed at an exhibition in a kindergarten not because they are leaders in labor, but because they are kind, good mothers who love their children.

After all, we have your photo on the wall in our room, - said Vladikin's dad to mom. - Why can't children hang portraits of their mothers at least for a holiday? If I were the director of a kindergarten, not only on holidays, but all year round, portraits of all mothers would hang on the wall.

Vladikin's mother grinned, but did not argue anymore. In general, everything turned out well in this matter. All the mothers gave their portraits. And then each of the guys drew little white daisies with long petals on a large red cardboard, so they got real frames. Portraits of mothers were glued onto these frames. All the portraits were hung in two rows on the wall, so it turned out to be a real exhibition of paintings.

The guys sat on chairs in a row and admired their exhibition. Everyone was glad that their mothers were hanging at the exhibition. And everything would be fine if Natochka hadn’t suddenly said to Sveta, with whom she was sitting next to:

You know, Svetochka, your mother is very beautiful, and my mother is very beautiful, but my mother is still more beautiful than your mother.

Ha ha! - Svetochka said loudly, although she didn’t want to laugh because of the offense. - Ha ha! My mother, if you want to know, is a million or even, if you want to know, a hundred times more beautiful than your mother. Let Pavlik say it. Tell her, Pavlik.

Little Pavlik got up, looked carefully at his mother and said:

Your mother is beautiful, and your mother is beautiful, and my mother is the most beautiful.

Some kind of stupid! - Nata said angrily. - They ask him who is more beautiful, Svetkina's mother or mine! Who is the prettier of the two? Understood?

Understood. Of these two, my mother is the most beautiful of all.

What to talk to him, you fool! - Sveta said contemptuously pouting her lips. - We'd better ask Tolik. Tell me, Tolik, whose mother is more beautiful?

Tolik went to the wall where the portraits hung, pointed to his mother and said:

My mother is the most beautiful of all.

What? - shouted Nata and Sveta, and Pavlik with them. - That's who is prettier! My mum! My!..

All three jumped up, ran to the portraits, began to point fingers at their mothers. Then the rest of the guys jumped out of their seats. There was a terrible noise. Each one pointed a finger in the face of his mother and shouted:

My mom is better! My mom is prettier!

Vladik tried to push Nata away with his hand, but Nata pressed her finger tightly to her mother's face and tried to shove Vladik with her foot. Nina Ivanovna ran to the noise. She found out why all this screaming, and ordered everyone to sit on chairs. But no one wanted to leave the exhibition, and everyone shouted that his mother was prettier.

Then Nina Ivanovna noticed one of the smallest boy who did not shout, did not squeal, but sat quietly on his chair and with a calm smile looked at the whole performance. It was Slavik Smirnov, who recently entered a kindergarten. Nina Ivanovna praised Slavik for the fact that he does not make noise, does not shout, and said to the guys:

Oh, you silly, foolish little creatures! How can it be that everyone is the most beautiful? Here's a look at Slavik. He is the smallest, but the smartest, because he does not shout, squeal and does not point his finger at the card.

This is because he is new with us and has not yet become brave, - said the black-eyed Ira.

No, not at all because, - objected Nina Ivanovna. - He understands that the most, the most, the most beautiful is always someone alone. Let Slavik say which of our mothers is the most beautiful, and we will give the most beautiful mother this wonderful bouquet of mimosas.

Only then everyone saw that Nina Ivanovna had a huge bouquet of fragrant mimosas in her hands, but no one noticed him before, because everyone was just arguing among themselves and looking at their mothers.

Let's! Let's! - shouted all at once. - Let Slavik speak. He sat quietly and did not climb forward with his mother. He will tell the truth.

Well, go and show which mother is the most beautiful, - said Nina Ivanovna to Slavik.

Slavik got up, slowly walked to the exhibition and pointed to a card on which an old woman in an old quilted wadded jacket and an ugly black shawl on her head was filmed.

Here is the most beautiful, - he said.

What was there! What a cry went up! Everyone began to shout that Slavik had told a lie. And some laughed so loudly that their hair began to shake.

And there is nothing to laugh about, - said Slavik. - She's just taken off in ugly clothes. Her uncle Vasily took off in overalls at the factory. And when she puts on a beautiful dress on a holiday, she will not be recognized!

It is he who deliberately says that his mother is the most beautiful, so that she can get a bouquet! - the guys shouted. - Nina Ivanovna, don't give his mother the bouquet!

Is this my mother? - Slavik was surprised. “This is not my mother at all. It's just Grandma Ding. And my mother is even prettier than Grandma Ding.

What other grandmother Ding? - the guys shouted.

Well, grandma Dina, - explained Slavik. - When I was little, I could not say "Ding", and just said "Ding". Since then, Ding’s grandmother has become Ding’s grandmother. Mom and Dad left for two years to work in the North, and I live with Grandmother Ding. Grandma Ding is good. She is kind and always plays with me. And now he even gives toys. Now I have grown up and went to kindergarten, so Ding’s grandmother returned to the factory and, when she received her paycheck, bought some present for me. I have a lot of toys now. I keep them, because my grandmother Ding gave them to me.

And then Nina Ivanovna said to the quiet guys:

You see, my little mice. Each of you seems to be more beautiful than your own mother, because each of you loves his mother. This means that the most beautiful person for us is that person whom we love most of all in the world. It doesn't matter if he is old or young, adult or child.

And to whom will we give the bouquet, if it so happens that all are beautiful? - asked Nata.

And then Nina Ivanovna said:

Let's give the bouquet to Grandma Ding, since we agreed so. In addition, many mothers will come to our holiday, and Grandma Ding will be alone. We will give her this bouquet for being the oldest among mothers. Do you agree?

And they all agreed. And so they did. When the mothers came to the kindergarten for the holiday, grandmother Ding came with them. And everyone saw that she was in a beautiful, festive dress, and her hair was completely white, there were many wrinkles on her face, and her eyes were kind, affectionate.

Then everyone read the poems prepared for the holiday, and when the poems were finished, everyone gave his mother her portrait in a beautiful frame with little white daisies. And then Sveta gave a bouquet of mimosas to Din's grandmother. Nina Ivanovna said that the children decided to give a bouquet to Ding's grandmother, because she is the oldest among mothers.

Grandma Ding thanked the children, but did not take all the flowers for herself, but gave each of them a sprig of mimosa. And everyone to whom she gave flowers, she stroked the head with her hand. And when she stroked Sveta's head, Sveta felt that Grandma Ding's hand was soft, affectionate, just like Sveta's mother's. And Sveta was not at all sorry that the flowers went to not her mother.

And Vladik said:

Next year, my dad will go on a trip to the Kuril Islands, and when it is International Men's Day, I will bring a portrait of my grandfather to the exhibition. Then we will give a bouquet of mimosas to my grandfather.

And Nata said:

Stupid! There are only international women's days, and there are no international men's days.

And Nina Ivanovna said:

We should say “days”, not “days”. There really are no international men's days, but that's okay. We will arrange one such day in our kindergarten so that dads and grandfathers would not be offended.

Then all the mothers laughed merrily. And grandmother Ding laughed the happiest of all, as she was glad that she got a bouquet of mimosas.