What you need to solder. How to solve a soldering iron wire: copper, aluminum

Each man wondered how to solder two wires. Performing such actions is required when repairing household and computer equipment, electronic devices and machines. Before you get an answer to the question, you need to get acquainted with the tools and materials necessary for work.

What will be required for soldering

Before starting to solder wires, you need to prepare:

  1. Soldering iron. it main tool To work with metal products. It is melted by solder, with which the elements of the chip are connected. The devices have different power. The higher this indicator, the faster the soldering iron is heated. It is recommended to choose a tool with a power of more than 60 W. There is a soldering iron from the mains 220 V.
  2. Solder. Under this thermal is meant tin-based alloy used to connect metals with a high melting point. Solder is a long wire, rolling with small pieces.
  3. Rosin (flux). Used to tinie the elements of the chip. Rosipol gives a reliable grip of metals with other materials.

Choose rosin and fluxes

The choice of flux or rosin depends on what materials will be saved:

  1. Tinted details. In this case, liquid rosin is applied. You can replace flux pasta that does not dry and does not require removal of residues. The gel rosin has a gel structure, the means is easily flushed with water.
  2. Work with small radio components. For this, activated rosifold fluxes are suitable, for example, LTI-120. Positive qualities Glycerin hydrazine paste has both. However, after using this tool, details need to be degreased.
  3. Soldering iron, brass and copper details of small sizes. Well copes with the task of liquid rosin suite.
  4. The connection of massive galvanized parts. In such cases, acid fluxes (orthophosphorous or soldering acid, FIM) are used. Acid formulations work quickly, so the metal does not need to heat for a long time.
  5. Soldering aluminum parts. To discharge the wires of such types, they used to usually treated the sting of the soldering iron. However, now for working with aluminum and copper use flux F-64, which provides good grip of metals. The means contains poisonous chemicals, so it is recommended to work in a ventilated room. The F-34 flux with less activity is more secure.

Additional materials

Additional materials that simplify work with a soldering iron include:

  1. Stand. Provides convenience and safety of work. It is made from a thin metal sheet.
  2. Braid to remove excess solder. It consists of thin copper-treated flux courses.
  3. Device with clips and magnifying glass. Provides convenience of working with small details and soldering iron.
  4. Clips, tweezers, pliers. Make it easier to work with heated details.

The process of soldering the electric pot

How to solder wires that you need to do for this:

  1. Make a soldering iron. To drain the sting you need to use sandpaper, which is working until the smooth shiny surface is obtained. After that, heated sting is immersed in rosin and solder. The tip is applied to a wooden plank. Manipulations are repeated until the sorry of the soldering iron does not acquire silver color.
  2. Wrong wires. They are cleaned from the braid and cover the rosin, over the tip of the soldering iron. After reflowing the flux, the wire is retrieved.
  3. Swipe the listed parts. The sting of the device is processed by the solder, the place of the soldering is warmed up to the desired temperature. After covering the wires, we avoid unnecessary movements. For quick cooling, a fan is used.

Features soldering when using flux

Soldering of parts using flux has the following features:

  1. The melting point for rosin should be lower than for solder. This condition is considered mandatory for durable details.
  2. Flux should not be contacted with molten tin. Each tool forms a separate coating that provides a reliable connection of parts.
  3. Rosin should be evenly distributed over the surfaces.
  4. Liquid flux must wipe all selected parts and have increased fluidity.
  5. It is necessary to choose a means dissolving and removing films appearing on surfaces from non-metallic materials.
  6. It is necessary to use a flux that does not react with the materials connected. It helps save the performance of the elements.

Soldering of stranded wires

Many are interested in the question of how to solder the soldering iron such wires. The connection is performed as follows:

  • wires are cleaned of isolation;
  • golden veins are cleaned up to a metal shine;
  • connection locations are processed by the solder;
  • parts are fastened by a twist method;
  • place soldering is being cleaned emery paper (borrowers should not be left, disturbing fastening strength);
  • the compound is covered by molten solder;
  • place of fastening is wrapped with a tape.

Is it possible to solder copper wire with aluminum

Aluminum and copper conductors can be sought. In this case, a special solder for aluminum is used. Copper wire should be advised to high quality. This is enough to prevent chemical reactions between copper wires and aluminum.

Soldering soldering iron belongs to the most common and simple soldering methods, but it has two significant limitations. First, the soldering iron can be soldered only by low-melting (soft) solders, and secondly, they can not (or, in any case, it is difficult) to solder massive parts with a large heat sink - due to the inability to heat them up to the melting point of the solder. The last limitation is overcome, heated by a soldered part by an external heat source - a gas burner, an electric or gas stove or in some other way - but it complicates the process of soldering.

Before soldering a soldering iron, you need to get everything necessary. To the main tools and materials, without which the soldering is impossible, the soldering iron, solder and flux refers.


Depending on the method of heating, the soldering iron is "conventional" -electric (with a spiral or ceramic heater), gas (with gas burner), thermo-high (heat transferred by air flow), induction. Massive hammer solders can warm up not only electricity, but also in the old manner - open flame.

How to use such a soldering iron, you can learn from the descriptions of tinning technology, it was there that they used most often. Nowadays, usually use electric soldering into force of their availability and convenience. But the first soldiers heated on the open flame.

The main parameter for which the soldering iron is selected is its power determining the magnitude heat fluxtransmitted to soldered details. For soldering of electronic components, appliances are used to 40 W. Thin-walled parts (with a wall thickness up to 1 mm) require the power of 80-100 W.

For parts with a wall thickness of 2 mm and more needaretners with a capacity above 100 W. Such are, in particular, hammer electric soldiers consuming up to 250 W and higher. The most energy-intensive soldering iron belongs, for example, the hammer solder of the ERSA HAMMER 550 with a capacity of 550 W. It is able to heat up to a temperature of 600 ° C and is intended for the soldering of particularly massive parts - radiators, machine parts. But he has an inadequate price.

In addition to the massiveness of the part, the thermal conductivity of the soldered metal also affects the necessary power of the soldering iron. With its increase, the power of the instrument and the temperature of its heating must be increased. When soldering the soldering iron parts from copper, it should be heated stronger than when solding is the same by weight of the part, but made of steel. By the way, when working with copper products, a situation may arise when due to the high thermal conductivity of the metal, when soldering there will be a decay of places performed earlier.


When soldering by electric soldering iron, low-temperature tin-lead (pos-30, pos-40, pos-61), tin-silver (PSR-2, PSR-2.5) or other solders and pure tin are used. The disadvantages of the soldiers containing lead include the harmfulness of the latter, to the merits - best quality soldering than in lead-free soldiers. For the soldering of the food dishes applied pure tin.


It is believed that tin, silver, gold, copper, brass, bronze, lead, nezilber. Satisfactory - carbon and low-alloy steel, nickel, zinc. Bad - aluminum, high-alloyed and stainless steel, aluminum bronze, cast iron, chrome, titanium, magnesium. However, without challenging this data, it can be argued - there is no badly soldered metal, there is a bad preparation of the part, incorrectly selected flux and incorrect temperature.

Pick up when soldered the right flux - it means to solve the main problem of soldering. It is the quality of the flux that determines the solution of one or another metal, the ease or difficulty of the soldering process itself and the combination strength. Flux must correspond to the material of the soldered products - its ability to destroy its oxide film.

Acidic (active) fluxes, such as "Soldane Acid" based on zinc chloride, cannot be used when soldering electronic components, as they are well conducted by electric current and cause corrosion, however, due to its aggressiveness, they prepare the surface very well and therefore indispensable When soldering metal structures, and than chemically more metal racks should be more active than the flux. The remains of active fluxes must be thoroughly deleted after the soldering is completed.

Effective fluxes for soldering steel are water solution Zinc chloride, soldering acids based on it, flux LTI-120. You can use other, stronger fluxes, which in the market are plenty.

The main difference of soldering by the soldering iron of stainless steel from the carbonaceous and low-alloy soldering is to apply more active fluxes required to destroy chemically resistant oxides, which are covered with stainless steel. As for the cast iron, it must be soldered by high-temperature soldering, and, therefore, the electric soldering iron is not suitable for this purpose.

Orthophosphoric acid is used for stainless steel. Well coped with a chemically resistant oxide film and specialized fluxes, such as F-38.

For galvanized iron, it is possible to apply a composition containing rosin, ethyl alcohol, zinc chloride and ammonium chloride (flux LC-2).

Auxiliary materials and adaptations

Without some devices and materials used by soldering, you can do, but their presence does work much more convenient and more comfortable.

Stand for the soldering iron It serves that the heated soldering iron does not touch the table or other items. If it does not fit with a soldering iron, it is purchased separately or done on their own. The simplest stand can be made of a thin sheet of tin, cutting out the grooves in it to lay the tool.

Wet viscose or foam spongelaid in the nest to prevent falling out, it is much more convenient to clean the tip of the soldering iron than an ordinary cloth. For the same purposes there can be brass chips.

Remove the surplus of solder from the surface of the parts can be using special suction or braids. The first appearance and design resembles a syringe equipped with a spring. Before use you need to weigh, drowned the head head. Apply the nose to the molten solder, the spring is descended, pressing the descent button. As a result of the solder surplus draws inside the removable head.

It is a braid from reflulated thin copper wiring. Having attached it to the end to the solder and pressing the soldering iron, thanks to the capillary forces, you can collect all the extra solder in it as a wet. The tip of the braid, booty, is simply cut off.

Very useful is the device called third hand (Third-hand Tool). When working with a soldering iron, sometimes catastrophically, "there is not enough hands" - one is occupied by the soldering iron itself, the other - the solder, and you need to keep the soldered parts in a certain position. The "third hand" is convenient because its clamps can be easily installed in any position relative to each other.

Holder for soldering "Third hand"

The soldered parts are heated to a high temperature, touching them can be burning. Therefore, it is desirable to have various clamping devices that allow manipulation of heated parts - pliers, pinzeti, clips.

Preparation of the soldering iron to work

When you first turn on the soldering iron to the network, it can start smoking. There is nothing terrible in this, they simply burn out the oils used to preserve the soldering iron. You just need to ventilate the room.

Before using the soldering iron, you need to prepare its tip. Preparation depends on its source species. If the tip is made of uncovered copper, its tip can be turned in a screwdriver, it complies copper and give it an increased wear resistance. It is possible to simply be sharpened on the sandpaper or a file, giving it the necessary shape - as an acute or truncated cone with a different angle, a tetrahedral pyramid, an angular bevel on one side. Metal coatings of nickel are used to prevent copper from oxidation. If the soldering iron has such a coating, it cannot be bought and sharpened to avoid damage to the covering layer.

There is a unified number of forms of tips, but can, of course, use any form suitable for specific work.

When soldering massive parts, the area of \u200b\u200bself contact with the detail must be maximum - to ensure better heat transfer. In this case, the coal sharpening of the round rod (2 in the photo above) is the best. If you are supposed to be sold small parts, it will suit an acute cone (4), knife or other forms with small angles.

Instructions for working with a soldering iron having a copper sting without a coverage contain one mandatory requirement - the congestion of the new soldering iron in order to protect against oxidation and wear. And this should be done at the first heating, not bag. Otherwise, the "sting" will cover the thin layer of scale, and the solder does not want to adhere to it. This can be done in different ways. Heat the soldering iron to the operating temperature, touch the "sting" to the rosin, melt the solder on it and lose the latter about the wood. Or wipe the tip heated with a rag, moistened with a zinc chloride solution, melted on it solder and a piece of ammonia or a stone cook salt to rub it up onto the tip. The main thing is that in the end of these operations, the working part of the tip was completely covered with a thin layer of solder.

The need to raise the sting is caused by the fact that the flux is gradually corrosive, and the sting dissolves the solder. Due to the loss of form, it is necessary to regularly sharpen the sting, and the more active the flux is more often, sometimes several times a day. Nickel plated nickel closes access to copper, protecting it, but such stals require careful circulation, they are afraid of overheating, and it is not a fact that the manufacturer made a fairly high-quality coating for which requires overpayment.

Preparation of parts for soldering

The preparation of parts to the soldering involves the implementation of the same operations regardless of what kind (low-temperature or high-temperature) solder is performed, and which source of heating (electrical or gas soldering iron, gas burner, inductor or something else) is used.

First of all, it is cleaning the details from pollution and degreasing. There are no special subtleties here - you need to clean the item from oils, fats, dirt with solvents (gasoline, acetone or other). If there is a rust, it needs to be removed by any suitable mechanical method - With the help of a emery circle, a wire brush or sandpaper. In the case of high-alloyed and stainless steel, it is desirable to handle the connectable edges with an abrasive tool, since the oxide film of these metals is specially durable.

Pike temperature

The heating temperature of the soldering iron is the most important parameter, the quality of the soldering depends on the temperature. Insufficient temperature manifests itself in that the solder does not spread over the surface of the product, but lies with a lump, despite the preparation of the surface of the flux. But even if the soldering externally turned out (solder melted and spread over the junction), the solder connection is obtained by loose, matte in color, has low mechanical strength.

The soldering temperature (the temperature of the soldered parts) should be 40-80 ° C to exceed the melting point of the solder, and the heating temperature of the tip is 20-40 ° C of the soldering temperature. The last requirement is determined by the fact that when contacting with soldered parts, the cooler temperature will decline due to heat removal. Thus, the heating temperature of the tip must exceed the melting point of the solder by 60-120 ° C. If a soldering station is used, then the required temperature is simply set by the regulator. When using a soldering iron without temperature control, evaluating its actual value, when used as a flux of rosin, it is possible by the behavior of rosin when touched the soldering iron. It should boil and abundantly allocate steam, but not burn instantly, but to stay on the tip in the form of boiling drops.

Overheating of the soldering iron is also harmful, it causes the combustion and charging of the flux until the surface is activated by the surface of the spa. Overheating is evidenced by a dark film of oxides, which occurs on the solder, located on the tip of the soldering iron, as well as what he is not held on the "blind", staining with it.

Engineering soldering soldering iron

There are two main ways soldering by a soldering iron:
  • Feed (drained) solder on soldered parts from the tip of the soldering iron.
  • Solder feed directly to soldered parts (on the site).

In any way, you must first prepare parts for soldering, install and secure them in the original position, warm up the soldering iron and moisten the place falling the flux. Further actions differ depending on which method is used.

When soldering solder from the soldering iron, it melts some amount of solder on it (to hold on the tip) and press the "sting" to the soldered details. At the same time, the flux will begin to pour and evaporate, and the melted solder moves with a soldering iron on the spay. The movement of the tip along the future seam provides the distribution of the solder on the junction.

Solder on jelly can be enough if the sting just acquired a metal shine. If the shaft shape changed noticeably, then the solder is too much.

When the solder is applied directly to the spike, the soldering iron first warms the parts to the soldering temperature, and then fed to the part or into the joint between the soldering iron and the part. Melting, the solder will fill the junction between the soldered items. To choose exactly how to solder the soldering iron - the first or second way - it follows depending on the nature of the work performed. For minor parts, the first way is suitable for large - second.

The basic requirements of high-quality soldering include:

  • good heating of the soldering iron and soldered parts;
  • sufficient flux;
  • input necessary number Solder - exactly as much as required, but no more.

Here are some tips on how to solder a soldering iron.

If the solder does not flow, but it is smeared, then the temperature of the parts did not reach the desired values, it is necessary to increase the heating temperature of the soldering iron or take the device more powerful.

No need to make too many solders. High-quality soldering assumes the presence of a minimum sufficient amount of material in the spa, at which the seams turns out slightly concave. If the solder turned out to be too much, it is not necessary to try to attach it somewhere on the junction, it is better to remove the suction or braid.

The quality of the falling says his color. High quality - Spay has a bright shine. Insufficient temperature makes the structure of spoing the grainy, spongy is a unambiguous marriage. The cheer's cheer looks like matte and has reduced strength, which in some cases can be quite acceptable.

When using active (acidic) fluxes, it is necessary to wash off after soldering their remnants - some detergent or conventional alkaline soap. Otherwise, it is impossible to give warranty that after a while the compound will not be destroyed by corrosion from the remaining acids.


The mud is the coating of the metal surface with a thin layer of solder - can be both independent, final operation and intermediate, preparatory stage of the soldering. When it is a preparatory stage, the successful logging of the part in most cases means that the most difficult part of the soldering work (the compound of the solder with the metal) is made, soldering irradiated parts to each other is usually no longer difficult.

Conducting wires. The end of the tips of the electrical wires is one of the most frequent operations. It is carried out before switching wires to contacts, soldering with each other or to ensure better contact with terminals when connected with bolts. From the irradiated stranded wire, it is convenient to make a ring, providing convenience when attaching to the terminal and good contact.

Wires can be single-core and stranded, copper and aluminum, lacquered or not, clean new or acidic old. Depending on these features, their maintenance is distinguished.

The easiest way to brude a single-core copper wire. If he is new, then it is not covered with oxides and even without stripping, you just need to apply a flux wire on the surface of the wire, apply a solder solder on a heated soldering iron and turn over the wire to the soldering iron, while turning the wire slightly. As a rule, the meturn passes without problems.

If the conductor does not want to imagine - due to the presence of varnish (enamel) - the usual aspirin helps. Knowledge of how to solder a soldering iron with a tablet aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) in some cases can be very useful. It is necessary to put it on a skip, press the conductor to it and heat it for several seconds by a soldering iron. At the same time, the tablet begins to melt, and the resulting acid destroys the lacquer. After that, the wire usually lights easily.

If there is no aspirin, remove from the surface of the conductor interfering with the mud of the lacquer helps and chlorvinyl insulation from electrical wires, which, when heated, sends substances that destroy the lacquer coating. You need to press the soldering iron of the wiring to a piece of isolation and several times to drag it between insulation and the soldering iron. After that, to lose the wire in the usual order. When scrolling from varnish with the help of sandpaper or knife, cuts and cliffs of thin live wires. When stripping by firing, the wire can lose strength and easy to break.

It should be borne in mind that melted polychlorvinyl and aspirin is distinguished into the air harmful substances for health.

More, for varnished (enamel) of wires, you can purchase a special flux that removes varnish.

The new stranded copper wire will also be easily easily like a single. The only feature is to rotate it in the other side, in which the wiring will be twisted, and not unwind.

Old wires can be covered with oxides that impede the suspension. The same aspirin tablet will help to cope with them. You need to break the conductor, put it on aspirin and warm up a few seconds by a soldering iron, moving the conductor back and forward - and the problem of irradiation will disappear.

For the suspension of the aluminum wire, a special flux will be required - for example, the one that is called "flux for soldering aluminum". This flux is universal and is also suitable for soldering metals with a chemically resistant oxide film - of stainless steel, in particular. When using it, you just need not to forget after cleaning the connection from the flux residues to avoid corrosion.

If during the logging of the wires, an excess of the surf was formed on them, it was possible to remove it by placing the wire with a vertically end and pressing the heated soldering iron to its end. Excess solder stalks from the wires to the soldering iron.

Lumping a large metal surface

The mud of the metal surface may be needed to protect it from corrosion or for a subsequent solder to another detail. Even if a completely new sheet is thin, which looks clean, foreign substances can always be on its surface - preservative lubricants, various contaminants. If the leaf covered with rust, then it needs to be cleaned. Therefore, the logging always begins with a thorough cleaning of the surface. Rust is extinguished by a sandpaper or metal brushed, fats and oils are removed by gasoline, acetone or other solvent.

Then a brush or other tool corresponding to the flux to the surface of the sheet, flux is applied (this may not be a pasty flux as in the photo below, but, for example, a solution of zinc chloride or other active flux).

A soldering iron with a relatively large flat surface of the sting is heated to the required temperature and solder is applied to the surface surface. It is desirable that the power of the soldering iron was about 100 W or higher.

Then the soldering iron is applied to the portion of the largest plane and keeps in this position. The heating time of the part depends on its sizes, the power of the soldering iron and the contact area. The achievement of the required temperature is evidenced by the boiling of flux, the melting of solder and spreading it over the surface. Gradually, solder is distributed over the surface.

After the concentration, the metal surface is cleaned from the residues of the flux with alcohol, acetone, gasoline, soapy water (depending on the chemical composition of the flux).

If the solder does not spread over the metal surface, then this may be due to poor cleaning of the surface in front of the tinning, poor metal warming (due to insufficient power of the soldering iron, a small area of \u200b\u200bcontact, insufficient heating time of metal parts), a dirty tip of the soldering iron. Another reason may be the wrong choice of flux or solder.

The logging can be carried out by applying a solder from the soldering iron and the distribution of its "stale" on the surface, or supplying the solder directly to the site - the solder is mowed from touching the parts to the preheated metal.

Soldering Sheet Metal Vange

When repairing car bodies, all sorts of tinkers there is a need for soldering sheet metal Lack. You can save the leaf parts by overlaying each other in two ways, - after overlooking them, or using a soldering paste containing solder and flux.

In the first case, overlapping zones of parts after mechanical stripping and degreasing are pre-lying. Then the compounds are applied to each other with irradiated surfaces, fixed with clamping devices and warm up with a soldering iron from different sides to the melting point of the solder. Evidence of a successful soldering is the leakage of the melted solder from the gap.

With the second method, after the preparation of parts, the contact zone of one of the part is covered by soldering paste. Then the parts are fixed in the desired position, tighten with the clamps and, as in the first case, warm the seam with a soldering iron from two sides.

When buying a soldering paste, you need to pay attention to its purpose, because Many soldering pastes are designed to solder electronics and do not contain active fluxes to solder steel.

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Suppose it is required to spare aluminum. Not everyone knows that the rosin takes exclusively copper and its alloys. Other need to solder with special fluxes, acids, soldiers. Even steel succumb to this science, if you approach with the mind. Consider how to solder a soldering iron.

Process characteristics

Inside the soldering iron is a TEN of a certain power, placed in an insulating shirt from ceramics or a different heat-resistant material. It is necessary that all the heat go inside, where the sting is located. The main difference of soldering iron in power and form. Depending on this, the wizard and decides that specifically to use.

Often work tool in electronics. In this case, it is important to not exceed the capacity of the dispersion of relatively fragile resistors, microcircuits, capacitors. If this happens, the work is reworn again. With the difference that the spoiled item will have to purchase in the store. Therefore, it is important to learn how to solder correctly.

It is difficult to say which power will be required in a particular case. Radioles are focused on dimensions.

Power of the soldering iron

Initially, the power of the soldering iron is estimated. It is clear that a 100 W aggregate to climb into the motherboard is simply dangerous. It is wiser to buy a soldering iron on 20 or 50 W. Please note that not all soldering tips are powered by a network of 220 V. Many examples of non-compliance with the rule. The manufacturer is guided by simple logic: for a low-power soldering iron, a twisted spiral is required, which makes large losses at a frequency of 50 Hz. It is more logical to move to a permanent current. In such a case, the inductance no longer plays a big role. If you include a low-power soldering iron for DC (extreme right in the photo) to the AC 220 V, the product is burning. But the Chinese produce small sized soldiers (second left). The presented in the photo shows the power of 40 W and eats from the standard outlet. Finally, by default, in the USSR, soldering tanks per 100 W (extreme left). How to determine power and supply voltage? This is the main difficulty: Often the soldering iron does not carry distinguishable designations. If you take the Chinese, it is glued with a red and white sticker (see photo) with information, and the device with a wooden handle is indicated on the fork. The protective casing of the 100-watt soldering iron is marked accordingly. It is indicated by GOST, information is possible to learn from the documentation. A powerful soldering iron per 100 W allows you to work with rude and large details, indispensable for solid soldiers.

Section of stala

Often the role is played by the size of the sting (metal rod for soldering). For example, a 100-watt soldering iron has a solid thickness of the copper stick. If you need to solder something more subtle, the sting change. At the soldering iron under consideration, it simply pulls out, and where to buy a spare is the second question. For example, sting are sold in special stores for radio amateurs and can cost a decent amount. The Chinese soldering iron on 40 W with excellent edge cost 40 rubles (FixPrice), and the sting of such a kind could cost separately and 300 rubles. Mounting system is different. For example, at the DC solder it is twisted, and the Chinese holds on the screws (as well as the device with a wooden handle). Material is possible different. The bulky sting of 100-watt solders are usually copper, and modest and miniature are made of alloy colored and ferrous metals. But both options allow you to work with all solders that can be melted.

Before the work of the sore, the soldering iron is inspired by the used materials and an oxide film with a file or supfil. It is clear that this is not the only way. For example, for such purposes it is allowed to apply heterogeneous fluxes. It is time for readers to find out how the item is preparing for soldering.

How to prepare the surfaces of the details and sting to the soldering process using fluxes

The surface of any metal (with rare exception) is covered with an oxide film. As a result, the solder simply does not lie down. A group of substances whose purpose is to remove the oxide film from the surface, is called fluxes. They are solid and liquid, and also sold in a mixture with a solder in the form of a paste. The first category includes rosin and a number of other substances. Liquid fluxes are often acidic, salts solutions. The basis becomes alcohol and other liquids.

It is important to understand - for various cases a special composition is applied. Difference only in the price where you need to keep saving. Under the action of high temperatures and rosin from the surface of the copper wire, the oxide layer is removed and the lacquer isolation dissolves, if any (this is characteristic of transformer windings). At the same time, flux improves the wettability of the surface. Due to this, the solder is easily spread, and then sticks and freezes. It is formed elastic, elastic and durable contact. Therefore, not only radio amateurs are used, but also representatives of other professions. Including for car repair.

For different types Surfaces for sale specific flux. For example, steel is etched with hydrochloric acid, zinc chloride is often used. It should be understood that after the soldering process, the surface is determined, otherwise its destruction will continue. Relief from the residues of fluxes with brushes, emery, often washed with a weak solution (5%) of soda, the place of exposure to acids, and then hot and cold water.

Pay attention to wettability: to solder aluminum, it is not enough to consider the top layer of the supfyl. This almost does not give the result, since the solder does not spread over the surface. Wettability is bad. After treatment with acid, the alignment of forces changes radically. As for steel, special acids have been created for it (see photo). Soldered and cast iron, separating the edges under the solder. Initially, the surface is processed by flux, then it is revealed. Further gradually the entire volume is filled with a closure with the surrounding surface.

A solution of ammonic alcohol with ammonia is often confused. The first is ammonium hydroxide (10-% solution), and the second is chloride. To the other to secure the wires in pure form It is impossible, but used for the manufacture of various fluxes. For example, the dilution of ammonia water allows to obtain hydrochloric acid. Here are already lovers invent their own recipes, many of them are possible to read in the open access. And also to solder aluminum soldering iron with aspirin tablet.

What is solder, species of solders

Solder is a mixture of metals. Main task: obtaining maximum strength and electrical conductivity at minimal costs. More often it is necessary to work with tin-lead solders, but zinc is also used to solder aluminum. The melting point of the latter is higher, and this is one of the criteria for which it is customary to be distinguished:

  • Opened - melting point index below 145 degrees Celsius.
  • Low-melting - melting point indicator above 145 degrees Celsius, but below 450.
  • Mid-slight - indicator of melting point above 450 degrees Celsius, but below 1100.
  • Highlating - melting point indicator above 1100 degrees Celsius, but below 1850.
  • In refractory solders, the melting point rate is above 1850 degrees Celsius.

Apply the burner is already at the top of the third group: the melting temperature indicator is high to pick it up. Add that specific electrical conductivity Tin above, rather than in lead, for this reason, compositions with a large metal content for soldiers are more expensive. But this is not the only reason. With a tinning, the saucepan is important to withstand the conditions for harmlessness for a person. It is clear that the lead in the case in question can not go.

The percentage of the content of more expensive metals usually appears in the name of the brand. For example, in the village (solder tin) it is possible 10, 60 or 90%. The composition often includes antimony. Its percentage is usually standing after a dash, for example, possesses 40-0.5. Antimo add, like many other impurities, to improve the qualities of the solder. In particular, it reduces melt oxidation, which leads to a high-quality appearanceAnd there is no need to protect the varnish joint. The antimony increases the heat resistance of the compound to the temperature above 100 degrees Celsius.

In Europe, the ban on lead-containing solders is now introduced. They are replaced with silver, although the melting point rate increases. And the cost increases, of course. But it is not necessary to think that a high price means indispensable quality. Tin expensive, but Scott's expedition to Southern Pole Died due to the tin plague in 1912. Already at a temperature of four degrees Celsius, negative changes are possible, but with a decrease in the process is aggravated. Imagine what is happening with a pure tin in the cold.

The process of plague thoroughly cannot explain. It is believed that tin needs to be infected, and then the solder seams are tremendous. The Scott Expedition took the combustion barrels soldier to the purest metal. Studies were conducted, and it was established that the addition of a small percentage of lead blocks the development of plague. Even PIC 90 is not afraid of frosts, but it is expensive, and the technique is often used in 40 and below, despite its relatively low electrical conductivity.

In addition to those listed, copper solders are applied in places. Their melting temperature indicator is relatively high, it is necessary to apply the burner. In such a case, the surface is usually poured (less often use liquid) flux for stripping. Then everything depends on the nature of the task. For example, for the soldering of the tip of the cable, the first is clamped in a vice flask up, and the crumb is embanked inside. All this heats up the burner. Then the cable is inserted inside, and outdoor isolation Help. The place is recommended to cool forcibly, for example, blowing.

Process soldering

Before starting work, we prepare a soldering iron. Initially, the sting is inspired. Dense Nagar is cleaned by a sharp tool. The photo shows a soldering iron, part of the sting is cleaned with a supfil. It can be seen that the surface has become uneven, buggy. It interferes in the process of soldering.

Weak Nagar is removed after heating. For this, the same acids and rosin are used. The task is to expose the sting. Often, a thick crust is falling down under the action of fluxes, with difficulty rated.

The insulation of the electrical storage shows the desired distance. Then she had been treated with rosal rosin or acid. This is done by the soldering iron, and in many cases it will be necessary for a good extract. For example, in industry often apply a pair of formic acid, but for a person this substance is of great danger. Before using the chemical, to discharge copper electric pipes, look closely on the Internet, which is said about the safety of such actions. On the nature of the effect of formic acid becomes terribly.

If the electric pipe is properly soldered, then in the process of removing the oxide film, it can be seen as the surface crawls. This is especially clear this can be contemplated on the back of the printed circuit boards. The tracks should be covered with a thin layer of solder. Those who think that for a long time to do is in vain. Literally, you need to bypass the installation of a steaming rose, and then pick up the solder, and it will leave the surface itself. For a typical time power supply, a few minutes are leaving. Entry fee B. copper Municipal longer.

We believe that readers have already realized that to solder aluminum tin is possible solely after removing the oxide film.

Soldering - technological process Compounds of metal parts that exist no one millennium. Initially, it was used by jewelers to create jewelry. After all, the birth welding already known in those days was not suitable for jewelry, and the process of the soldering of metals with the help of low-melting alloys-soldiers was not possible by the way. Gold soldered with the help of Silver-copper soldiers, silver - copper-zinc, and for copper the best composition was the alloy of tin and lead.

After time, with the development of electrical equipment, and then radio electronics, soldering began, and remains today, the main method of installing parts for creating various schemes. Robotic conveyor systems appeared, automatically, without the involvement of manual labor, producing hundreds of printed circuit boards and components of modern equipment, the main assembly method of which is soldering. But the good old hand soldering iron did not lose its relevance today.

And for many years he has undergone many changes and improvements.

  1. It all began with a long time ago with massive soldering iron-hammers heated on fire or coals. Widely distributed gasoline soldering lamps even had special holders from above to heat these hammers. Such a soldering iron was quite possible to panic a teapot or samovar. And fishermen amateurs, who independently made themselves all the equipment in those days, were made with their help glitter and smelters, which provided catches no worse than modern wobblers and twisters.
  2. In the 20s of the 20th century, when the widespread distribution of radio and electrical equipment began, the soldering iron was invented. At first, he also looked like a hammer, but then came to his classic core form, which still exists.
  3. It is a handle from the heat and electrically insulating material through which it passes electric wire, connected with a tubular heating element, fixed at its other end. In the tubular heater is inserted a sting rod, with the help of which, actually, and soldered. The nichrome spiral is traditionally used as a heating element, wound on a layer of asbestos insulator. Powered - copper rod, sharpened at the end accordingly.

  4. The classic design of the electric desk lasted for quite a long time. It is good for the heater capacities in the range of 25 ~ 200 W. But miniaturization of radio-electronic equipment has set new requirements before these devices. There was a need for small power tools, quickly heated and allowing instantly adjusting the temperature of the sting.
  5. Therefore, in a traditional electric staircase, the inertial nichrome thermoelement was replaced with ceramic. In such devices, the hollow from one end is sungled on a preheated ceramic rod. Due to good thermal contact and low heat scattering, the sting is heated almost instantly, and the temperature meter from it is in close proximity, allows you to establish a heating degree with high accuracy.

    In addition, these patterns of the soldiers are much more durable than usual, which is very important for the conveyor assembly of radio equipment.

  6. The very popularity of pulse solders were purchased, in which the sting is a part of the secondary transformer winding circuit, wound up very thick wire. The voltage in such a winding is very small, but it flows through it by force in several amps, which leads to a strong heating.
  7. They are usually performed in the form of a gun with a smoking toggle switch, which allows you to enable current passage for a few seconds. This is enough to exit sting at the operating temperature. The lack of such devices is the impossibility of accurate temperature adjustment yet for household use they are quite comfortable.

  8. A more exotic option is induction soldering, in which heating of ferrite thermal service is carried out by high-frequency induction currents. Adjusting the temperature in them automatically due to the change in the magnetic permeability of the rod when heated to the Curie point.
  9. The development of the initial idea of \u200b\u200bheating the burner of the solder lamp steel modern models gas solders. In them, the heating of the sting is carried out by a gas burner located directly in the body of the tubular rod. Gas comes from the refueling can be in the handle.
  10. They are good for autonomous work in the absence of electricity. Powers in such soldering iron lungs, when removing it, the device turns into a miniature gas burner, which can be soldered by high-temperature solder.

As mentioned above, the combination of parts for the soldering is made using special alloys of metals - soldiers, which there is a great set, for all occasions. But basically they can be divided into two large classes:

  1. Low-temperature or soft. Melting point is less than 350 ° C. In turn, are divided into several types:
  • Tiny-lead. The digit in their designation shows the percentage of tin: Pos-18 (melting point - 277 ° C), Pos-30 (256 ° C), PR-40 (235 ° C), Pos-50 (222 ° C), 61 (190 ° C), POS-90 (222 ° C). For the installation of radio-electronic products, POS-61 is most widely used, or its imported analogs, for example, 60/40 ALLOY. For other applications, including household, not requiring very high quality compounds, the POS-30 is used most often.
  • Wonderful - lead (327 ° C), lead-silver (304 ° C).
  • Lightweight - Woodwood alloys (60.5 ° C), d'Asanval (79.0 ° C), rose (97.3 ° C).
  • SpecialFor example, for soldering aluminum - air-1 (200 ° C), Avia-2 (250 ° C).
  • High temperature or solid. Their melting point is greater than 350 ° C, so they do not apply when working with electric devices. It is appropriate for soldering copper alloys, silver, steel. Give a very high strength of the connection.
  • Represented by several classes:

    • Copper (1083 ° C)
    • Copper-zinc or brass (830 ~ 870 ° C)
    • Copper-phosphorus (700 ~ 830 ° C)
    • Silver (720 ~ 830 ° C)

    Tiny-lead solders are most widely used in many areas of industry and life. They are produced in the form of rods or wire. For use in the installation of radio-electronic products, tubular solders are used in the form of a wire with a filler-flux in the middle.

    Fluses are special compositions intended for cleaning and tinnitus surfaces of parts connected by soldering. Lunetration is the process of pre-covering parts by a rotation that facilitates their final connection. It is necessary and recommended in the technology of soldering, since the surfaces covered with layers of oxides and contaminants will not give a reliable compound with the solder, but, it means a qualitative result of the solder connection. To remove such oxides and pollution and fluxes are used:

    1. Non-acid. The most famous and, perhaps, still one of the best fluxes and the usual rosin remains, or purified pine resin. It contains most of the special fluxes produced for use in the radio electronic industry. For soldering of electronic circuits, nothing is still invented. It is the rosin contained inside the rod solder. The advantage of her is that after soldering it is easily removed and does not create an aggressive medium, destructively acting over time on a soldering connection.
    2. Chemically active. It contains acids, so require careful washing of the connection after soldering. Most of the well-known compositions contain zinc chloride. It is used mainly to combine products from black and non-ferrous metals.

    To solder with rosinally, it can be used both in the original form and in alcohol solution. It is contained in the radiotechnical fluxes "LTI-120", "Kanifol-gel", etc.

    From active fluxes, F-34A, FSHL, Glycerin-hydrazine, etc. can be called.

    Auxiliary materials

    Getting started to solder radio components, you should carefully prepare workplace. It should be well lit and have good ventilation, since this work is usually distinguished by a lot of caustic smoke and gases.

    It is not bad to have small visks in tools, a magnifying glass with a clip "Third hand", vacuum suction for solder. You also need to keep the tweezers, spice, pliers or cliffs, pliers, picker, small file, slices, chips and sponge. Before starting the soldering, it is convenient to decompose all tools, devices and reagents in the workplace.

    Pike temperature

    The soldering temperature should not exceed 250 ° C, when soldering radio components, the heating of the sting should not rise above 300 ° C. A soldering iron without a temperature controller may, with long-term operation and jumps of the network voltage, heated to 400 ° C. If there is no special soldering station as part of the equipment, it is desirable to reduce the temperature to purchase an ordinary dimmer in the store of electrical equipment used to adjust the brightness of light. Especially since with a widespread transition to economylampa, which does not work with it, the demand for it, and respectively, prices are reduced.

    In the usual, copper, without a special coating of sting when soldering, especially at an overestimated temperature, the copper oxide formed on the rod is dissolved in a mixture of solder and flux. At the working end, letters and sinks are formed, due to which its destruction is even more accelerated, and the quality of the soldering is worse.

    Therefore, before working with the soldering iron and in its process they need to be deleted. To do this, it is necessary to clean the working part of the sting with a file, giving it the necessary form: a cone, a flat pumping or a bevelled cut.

    Turning on the soldering iron into the network and waiting for it warmly, stronged to the red copper color, you must regret. It is not so hard. Enough, dipping its working end in rosin, melt a small piece of solder, put on the soldering iron stand or another metal surface.

    Then in the molten solder to lose the structures of the stand in the metal, while the end of the rod does not cover the smooth and uniform layer of solder. The soldering iron must be warm enough, a sign of which it serves a light and fast softening, both rosin and solder.

    As soon as you start working the sting of the soldering iron gradually begins to burn, even if you do everything right. This is evidenced by its blaracing and the coating of the scale, so the process of cleaning and tinning should be repeated periodically. In order not to remove a lot of copper with a file, it is possible to clean the rod at this time, losing it on a piece of sandpaper, unfolded on the table, and then re-send.

    All this does not concern special elaborate rods. They cannot be cleaned with a file. More in addition, their nickel-plated brilliant layer is carefully protected from damage and scratches. Nevertheless, such soldering iron also need to be listed when working. But for them this procedure is not so simple and requires skill.

    To do this, it is necessary to clean them from the fall formed at high temperatures, highly losing about a special sponge, or a slightly wet piece of the terry towel, and then immediately dip in the rosin and in its melt, to lose the sting of the solder's rod.

    Preparation of parts for soldering

    In order to glue two details to high quality, you need to lubricate them with glue, wait a bit, lubricate again, and then squeeze hard. The same in the process of soldering: to obtain a high-quality connection, the details should first be fed - covered with a thin layer of solder. This process requires certain experience and knowledge. For each type of material connected by soldering, there is its own technology.

    Lunetration - an integral part of the process

    The conclusions of most radio components to facilitate their installation overlook the factory already listed. Nevertheless, before starting the installation on a board, they should be coated with a layer of solder. It is no longer necessary to inspire again, just taking a drop of solder on the sting of the soldering iron, evenly distribute it from the conclusions of the parts.

    In order to qualitatively and correct the copper wires, you should start with the mezzani without isolation. They should be predetermined by sandpaper, then lowering the rosin or, lubricating it with an alcohol solution, coat the molten solder.

    Copper wire in enamel isolation, it is necessary to pre-clean, removing the coating of sandpaper or scraping the knife blade. For thin wires to do it is not so simple. Their insulation can be burned in a flame burner or lighter, but it significantly worsens the strength of the wire itself.

    You can use the proven method: put the end of the wire to the tablet of the domestic aspirin (imported most often is not suitable) and pressing the heated steering of the soldering iron to drag several times on the molten preparation.

    I must say that such a procedure literally eats the sorry of the soldering iron. In addition, it stands out very caustic smoke, inspiring which you can burn the breathing organs, so you need to resort to this method in the most extreme case.

    For the fault of parts from ferrous metals, bronze and others it is necessary to use active fluxes. For such compounds, low-melting and high-quality radio engineering solders are not required - it is possible to use the usual, cheapest, pos-30.

    Thoroughly sanding the surface before soldering, you need to cover them with a flux, for example, a zinc chloride, warm and warm and highlight the places of compounds. After that, once again heating together both connectable surfaces, suck them, firmly pressing each other, and then fix the cooling of the solder. The more massive items, the more powerful you need a soldering iron. During the soldering, you need to try not to move them, as the massive parts hold the temperature for a long time.

    Aluminum should be sold by special solders using special fluxes. True, having a little experience, you can connect and the usual solder. But it passes only for pure metal, and many aluminum alloys are very difficult to solder.

    Consider the machine soldering soldering iron Read more

    Radio components, prepared for the soldering, insert into the holes of the board, to shorten the pads to the desired length and, warm the soldering iron along with the path of the printed circuit board, bring to them the solder bar, and when a drop of it will cut a smooth layer on the platform, remove the soldering iron and wait for the solder cooling, Trying also at this time do not move the details from the scene.

    The soldering of miniature transistors and chips should be performed especially carefully, trying to prevent their overheating. When installing chips, the pins and "land" are best soldered, wait for the reliable soldering of the solder and only then, touching the soldering iron and the solder bar for a split second, to spill all other contacts. You can pre-give the place of soldering with alcoholic rosin solution, it will significantly increase the quality of the compounds.

    The main conditions of high-quality soldering are good stripping and serving in front of the connection, good warm-up during it. Solder of the seats at the site of the soldering should be completely melted on both parts - it will ensure a reliable connection. But at the same time it should not be overheated. The skill of good soldering is to find that optimal balance that will ensure the highest quality of work.

    Safety measures for soldering

    The separation of caustic gases during the soldering has already been said. Place of work should be well ventilated and ventilated. The process of soldering can be accompanied by splashes of hot solder and flux, so burns should be watched, and especially to take care of the eye. It is best to use protective glasses for this. Yes, and simply with an unexpected touch of open parts of the body to a split tool, you can get a strong burn.

    Most electrical soldering plans, in addition to batteries and low-voltage, act from network voltage, so when working with them, it is strictly necessary to comply with all the rules of electrical safety.

    You should not disassemble the soldering iron - then, after assembly, there is a danger of impaired isolation and a high voltage breakdown on its body, and this is already extremely dangerous.

    When working, it is also necessary to monitor the power supply of the soldering iron. His getting on a split sting can cause damage to the insulation of the wire and the risk of electrical shock. It can also lead to a short circuit and to a fire.

    Learn to work correctly with a soldering iron from this video.

    The most interesting thing is that all the varieties of the soldiers that appear for all the time of their existence are applied today.

    How to combine soldering two massive parts in field conditionsWhen electricity is not available, or does not suitable electrical soldering iron? Helmet will be able to hammer soldering iron heated on the bore or with a soldering lamp.

    And the old 100-W dusty in the storage room, unsuitable for working with modern electronic circuits, is quite cope with the repair of brass or bronze products or jewelry.

    The same who is fond of independent manufacture Jewelry, an indispensable assistant It will be a universal gas soldering iron burner.

    Diverse methods and methods of soldering are always used to collect any electrical circuit, create a finished printed circuit board with radio elements so that all the parts are tightly kept in their places. Not only different wires, cables, but also light bulbs, resistors, transistors, diodes, chips, keys, buttons, bridge circuits, etc. Not everyone knows how to solder the wire to the wire, although such a skill is sometimes very necessary.

    Soldering you can come in handy even at home: if you have randomly buried the wire from the voltage drop in the network, or you decided to collect the amplifier to make your own hands to make music at your party.

    Soldering and other tools

    Before proceeding directly to the soldering, you need to choose a soldering iron and everything else that may be needed for work.

    First of all, the soldering iron is chosen, they differ in power. Therefore, it should be borne in mind what exactly needs to be soldered. If these are radio elements that are afraid of strong overheating, or chip, then the optimal power of the soldering iron will be 5-20 watts. To solder wire to a wire or terminal, a soldering iron with a capacity of 40-50 watts is suitable. To connect elements from metal, which have a thickness of 3 mm, you need to choose a soldering iron with a power of 50 watts. Also to work with the soldering iron you need to cook:

    Rosaphole, flux or soldering acid.

    How to prepare for soldering

    Before working the sting of the soldering iron is cleaned from Nagar by sweeping with a file. Then the soldering iron is connected to the network, heated and dip in the rosin.

    If you have never worked with a soldering iron and do not know how to solder wire to the wire, you need to practice.
    To do this, take a piece of unnecessary wire without isolation and divide by 12 approximately equal parts of 2.5 cm each. Using tweezers, soldering iron, solder and flux, try to collect from these pieces of the cube. It will be a good training for teaching soldering. After the design is ready, let it cool and check how tight all the connections hold. If something fell off - repaid.

    Before working, all the places where the soldering will be produced, you must regreg.

    Important rules soldering

    Soldering wires soldering iron requires compliance with certain rules so that the work is neat and reliable as a result. For soldering, the solder is necessary, the most commonly used by Pos-40, Pos-50, Pos-61. The latter is successful and most often applied in production. To make a soldering, you need to heat the place where the solder is applied, to that temperature, so that the solder can melt, and the wires did not overheat.

    All the work on spawning of wires consists of consecutive stages:

    Wires are prepared for soldering. The oxide film must be removed by wiping with soldering acid or rosin.

    A pre-heated soldering iron is brought to the shipment, it takes quite a bit to avoid large spills in the spawning places.

    The soldered wire to the wire is applied and the soldering iron is made to the place of their contact, which is necessary, to the solder remains at the place of the joint of the wires.

    You do not need a soldering iron too much to delay near the wires. There are enough pairs of seconds to solder the wires. After the sting is removed from the place of the soldering, the solder is frozen. So that the connection site does not have to be overwhelmed, and it turned out to be neat, the wires need to hold motionless until the solder solidification. If there was an oversupply of flux in the site - it must be removed. It is necessary that the place of soldering does not oxidize with time.

    Before you can practic personal experienceHow to solder wire to the wire, we give a few useful tips that you may need.

    During the soldering, you do not need to use a lot of solder, it is enough to be slightly slightly, so that the solder can get into the microcrums of the material and make the wires. This will be enough for the forces of intermolecular interaction begun to act.

    To remove the surplus of the solder, you can use the shielding braid taken from any cable. And also to use a soldering iron, which has a hollow in the stare, in which the extra solder falls when the spike place is touched.

    Too much of the solder can cause contacts.

    If you take too little solder to the tip of the soldering iron - you will not be able to unwind anything.

    If there will be a lot of nagar or flux on the soldering iron - the soldering will succeed in low-quality. The same will be if the soldering iron is not heated to the desired temperature.

    Do not forget that you need to solder with a good hood or in a well-ventilated room.

    Now you know how to solder the wire to the wire correctly.

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    7 parts of the body that should not touch your hands. Think about your body, as about the temple: You can use it, but there are some sacred places that cannot be touched by your hands. Studies show.

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    How to solder (attach) postings if there is no soldering iron?

    Usually torn wiring can be returned to working conditionIf you simply combine the two end of it at the break point - in the idea of \u200b\u200bthe electric current, it is not even necessary for the wire to be one and it will flow, even if the wiring will simply feel tightly to each other. Therefore, to resume the working state of our device, it is sufficient simply, for example, to twist the wiring among themselves (only when the electrical appliance is turned off, of course. For special security, you can even wear rubber gloves), and then wind the place of fastening isolant.

    If the wires are still needed, then in the absence of a soldering iron you can use soldering paste.

    Without having a soldering iron, you can firmly attach wiring wiring to further use it for the purpose.

    It is not news that the wiring can be twisted by hand, turning off their previously from the electrical network. Twisted wiring must be well insulated with insulating tape.

    But there is I. the best decision. Twisting electrical cables (their location) should be coated from above the molten plastic. On the market you can buy special finger plastics, which is melted using a special pistol and they are deprived of the seat of the twist. This plastic can be warm or lighter.

    And you can also buy a connector for wires in the store of electrical parts. Insert into it on both sides of the wiring and clamp the swamp bolts, and then exhibit this connection.

    There is at least several ways to attach wiring without a soldering iron. Here are just some of them:

    • with the help of isol
    • use hot glue. One of the advantages of this method is that it is not only gluits, but also isolates. By the way, keep in mind that pistols with hot glue produce professional and domestic.
    • with the help of "Clips". This method is the most "weak", but it is ideal as a temporary saving measure.
    • production method. The most effective, but for its implementation will need to acquire special tools and some experience. In any case, the instructions are written how to work with these tools.

    In no way. Personally, I had to solder the Square Soviet boiler, well, so the circumstances have developed. It was possible, because the end of the torn occasion and the contact site were generously died, they were only able to warm up and combine. But this, in my humble opinion, no one in everyday life of Extreme. Periodically had to save the wires with a lighter, in your case it will not work, you need skill and not everywhere it will turn out to solder. For example, the wire to the board will not be released.

    Conclusion: Such a pretty girl, like an avatar, is easier to find a guy with hands and a soldering iron than the soldering iron itself.

    My father had homemade Sarelwhich was a copper bar with a pointed end (he was with a matchbox) on a metal rod, which ended with a wooden handle. This soldering iron was heated with a gas stove and soldered the wires. But since you need to pour only one postings, you can even take advantage of a nail by closing it with pliers and cracking on fire.

    Soldering iron is just an electric heating element. Are you a soldering iron who soldered buckets and the pots saw?

    Such heated either in the furnace, or in the heat of the solder lamp, or in the preims. So here you can also go. Take a screwdriver, heat its end on the gas stove and solder the shift that is. If I feel like a screwdriver, take what is not sorry.


    Using soldering, parts are connected on the board - this is the most common way to connect two elements with each other. But sometimes it happens that it is urgent to make a connection of wires, and there is no soldering iron at hand. What can be done in such a situation, especially if you need to attach radio component to the board? It is for this question that we will try to answer today. But before proceeding with the soldering, you need to prepare the tools and make a mezzanius.

    What might need to work?

    To solder without the use of standard equipment, the following items will be needed:

    • tin solder;
    • rosin;
    • soldering paste;
    • piece of fabric;
    • fire source;
    • steel tank;
    • pliers.

    Depending on which connection method without a soldering iron will be used, this package is changing.

    Method of tinning

    If you want to solder two parts, connect them between themselves, then you need to put the surface on their surface. This also applies to wires, and radio components. The login is necessary in order to improve the contact properties of the surfaces of the connected elements. To do this, do not do without a soldering iron, which melts the solder, especially if you need to secure radio metal on the board. But today we will tell you how to do without it.

    To make a luggage without a soldering iron, a small metal vessel will be required. It can be a lid for a can or something similar. It is placed in her solder. No need to put large pieces. There are also placed pieces of rosin. It is better to use the solder from pure tin, the PC60 is perfect. After that, the composition is heated on gas or electric stove To full melting, and it can be used for its intended purpose - they can be soldered.

    Thus, you can quickly and easily inflate the wires or contact details before installing them on the fee. To do this, it is enough to dip contact into the resulting composition, then brought the wire along a wooden bar, so that the solder diverges through its entire surface, or wipe the surplus with a rag. This is the easiest way of tinning without a soldering iron.

    Foil as soldering method

    The connection of a pair of contacts without a soldering iron can be carried out using foil. Especially well this method is applicable to wires. To begin with, it is necessary to remove the insulating layer - about 30 mm, no more. Then the same operation is carried out, which was described above, it is easier to solder. But in this case, with the help of preheated solder, it is not a mezzani, but a soldering. If there is no electrical or gas stove nearby, you can use a fire, a candle or other source of fire.

    The wire stripped from the insulation is placed in the vessel with the molten solder, so that it is covered with an entire bare end. After that, the wire is removed, and the remnants of the solder are quickly wiped from it with tight fabric. The main thing about this is not to burn. On the surface there is only a thin and smooth layer of tin. Then this procedure is done with another wire, after which you can solder. It is desirable to press them with something, for example, pliers, but not much, only to have a clutch.

    If you need to solder or fill some flat surface, then everything is done differently. It is full of solder, pre-anent knife as small as possible, and put a small piece of rosin. The detail of the opposite side is made to the source of fire. When solder will start melting, it must be confused metal subject, knife or foil. With the help of a cloth, everything is deleted. And then we start to solder, that is, everything is done in the same way as described above.

    Soldering copper wires

    To combine the copper wires with a cross section of no more than 0.75 mm without a soldering iron, you can go to another way. The ends of the wires are pre-roaring, after which they must be twisted among themselves, they are wrapped with a foil, which prevents the wire overheating and damage to the insulating layer. The place you want to solder is warmed up until the solder starts to melt. In this case, the heating can be carried out using matches or lighters. That solder that was used during the tinning is melted and connects to each other 2nd. When it cools, the connection will be durable, as when using the soldering iron.

    Approximately the same when it is necessary to solder one contact to the middle of the wire. In this case, the end is wound on the desired connection location, the second wire, to which the first is attached, bends, and then everything is carried out according to the standard scheme.

    Alternative fashion soldering using foil

    There is another method, how to quickly solder with the use of foil. For this, it is cut out the unintent strip of the size of the compound. From this piece, a chute is made in which the twisted ends of the wires are placed. The login in this case is optional. In this gutter, the peelled solder and rosin is covered along the entire length of the connection. Then the foil is turned around (and sufficiently tight) around the contacts so that it does not fall out of it, and heats up to the melting point of tin.

    To firmly fasten foil, you can use pliers. When the solder starts to melt, heating stops. After the connection is cooled, the foil is removed. Subsequently, the excess solder is removed with a file or sandpaper, and it turns out a neat and durable link.

    Soldering parts to fees

    Such a process is more difficult and more serious than the methods described above, and without the soldering iron it is not so simple, but it is quite possible. In this case, to solder, the following tools will be needed:

    • autogenous lighter;
    • pliers;
    • clip;
    • brush;
    • flat screwdriver.

    This will be quite enough. But the most important thing, without which such a soldering will not be possible, is a soldering paste. This method to the board you can solder not only the wire, but even radio metal.

    To begin with, it is necessary to clean the site on the board in which the connection will be made, insulation is removed from the contact of the wire. Then paste is applied on the fee: for this it is used for a brush. Plot soldering heats up fire sources. Thus, the connection occurs, and as a result - it is possible to solder contacts. It seems to be nothing complicated in this process, but the heating should be carefully done, and it is desirable that the flames are directed, so it is recommended to use a autogenous lighter. The wire or item cannot be kept hands - for this, pliers or passage will fit. To connect the wires on the board and hold their retention to the final connection, a screwdriver or clip is used.

    How to make a homemade soldering device?

    Another way out of the situation when it is necessary to solder elements, and at hand there is no soldering iron - make a homemade device. All that will be needed for this is a copper cable, not longer than 10 cm and with a diameter of at least 4 mm. One of his end in the corners is stepping so that the form of a screwdriver tip is. On the other end there is a handle - it can be built from any piece of wood. To work with such a device it is necessary to warm up on fire.

    You can also build for him comfortable stand. It will take a flat tank made of metal for solder and rosin. Now you can unwind anything. The soldering should be done next to the source of fire - it can even be a street fire. The main thing when working with such a device is maximum caution and accuracy.

    Home »Electrician» Wire soldering soldering iron: how to make it right

    Wire soldering soldering iron: how to make it right

    One of the most reliable ways to connect wires - soldering. This process in which the space between the two conductors is filled with molten solder. At the same time, the melting point of the solder should be lower than the melting point of the melted metals. At home, the soldering iron is most often used - a small device operating from electricity. For normal operation, the power of the soldering iron must be at least 80-100 W.

    What you need for soldering soldering iron

    In addition to the soldering iron, you need solders, rosin or fluxes, it is desirable to have a stand. In the process of work, a small file may be required and small passas.

    Most often have to solder copper wires, for example, on headphones, when repairing household appliances etc.

    Rosin and fluxes

    To get a good connection of wires, it is necessary to clean them from pollution, including from oxide film. If mono-veins can still be cleaned manually, then the stranded conductors will not be able to clean normally. They are usually treated with rosin or flux - active substances that dissolve pollution, including oxide film.

    And the rosin and fluxes work well, only fluxes to use it easier - you can dip a brush into the solution and quickly process the wires. In the rosin it is necessary to put the conductor, then heat it with a soldering iron so that the molten substance wolves the entire surface of the metal. The lack of using fluxes - if they remain on the wires (and they remain), gradually corrosive the adjacent shell. That this does not happen, all places of soldering should be processed - wash off the remnants of flux alcohol.

    Solders and fluxes for soldering soldering iron copper wires

    Rosin is considered universal meansand fluxes can be selected depending on the metal that are going to solder. In the case of wires it is copper or aluminum. For copper and aluminum wires take flux LTI-120 or Buru. A homemade flux from rosin and denatured alcohol (1 to 5) is working very well, and simply make it with their own hands. In alcohol add rosin (better dust or very small pieces of it) and shake up to dissolve. Then this composition you can process conductors and twists before soldering.

    Solders soldering with a soldering iron copper wires are used by 60, piac 50 or pos 40 - tin-lead. For aluminum, zinc-based compositions are more suitable. The most common - CO-12 and P250A (from tin and zinc), brand A (zinc and tin with the addition of copper), Central Assembly (zinc with aluminum).

    It is convenient to use the soldier with rosin

    It is very convenient to use solders, which includes rosin (PM 61). In this case, it disappears the need to pre-process each conductor in rosin separately. But for high-quality soldering, the soldering iron must have a powerful one - 80-100 W, which can quickly heat up to the required temperatures place soldering.

    Auxiliary materials

    In order to solder the soldering iron wire, more needed:

    • Stand. It may be in a metal fully or on a wooden / plastic stand, metal holders for the soldering iron. It is also convenient if there is a small metal box for rosin.

    Soldering the soldering iron more convenient with the stand homemade and factory - not very important

  • File. Before work, the soldering iron is sharpening. It must be smooth and clean without traces of Nagar. Then rolls easily.

    So you need to sharpen the sorry of the soldering iron

  • Passatia. Hold the wires with your fingers during the soldering is difficult - copper and aluminum have high thermal conductivity, which leads to a rapid heating of nearby sites. Therefore, soldering a soldering iron wire is more convenient if they hold them the passage. Only a tool should be miniature, with thin handles and sponges. In principle, it is possible to use tweezers, but on its top (where it is held with your fingers) it is desirable to put on a heat shrinking tube - the steel is also quickly heated.

    Passatia - to hold wires

    For flux cleaning, alcohol may be required, for insulation - electrical tape or shrink tubes of various diameters. That's all the materials and tools, without which the soldering iron wire is impossible.

    The process of soldering the electric pot

    All soldering technology soldering wires can be divided into several consecutive steps. All of them are repeated in a specific sequence:

    • Preparation of conductors. When soldering wires, they are exempted from isolation. After that, the oxide film is removed from them to be mechanically removed. You can use a small piece of emery paper with small grain. Metal must glisten and be light.
    • Tinning. Heat the soldering iron to the melting point of rosin (when touched it starts actively melting). Take the conductor, bring to a piece of rosin, warm the soldering iron so that all the strongest part of the wire is immersed in rosin. Then on the sting of the soldering iron take a drop of solder and spread it over the treated part of the conductor. Solder quickly spreads, covering a thin layer wire. So that it is distributed faster and evenly, the wire turns a bit. After the tinning, the copper conductors lose redness, becoming silver. So handle all the wires that need to be soldered

  • The listed conductors are folded together, correcting them with their fingers - so that they feel tightly alone. If the soldering should be a big length, you can make a twist. Holding the conductors, on the sting they take the solder, press it to the place of soldering, applying some effort. At the same time, the place of the soldering is heated, begins to boil the rosin, the solder spreads. When he covers the entire zone, accounting between the conductors, it can be considered that the soldering iron of the conductors is completed. They are still held motionless for some time - while the solder does not cool down (to speed up the process to this place).
  • Here, in fact, all. In the same way, two or more wires can be soldered, a wire can be soldered to some kind of contact pad (for example, when soldering headphones - the wire can be soldered to the plug or to the site on the headphone), etc.

    After finished soldering the soldering iron wire and they cooled, the connection must be isolate. You can wind the isolate, you can wear, and then warm up the heat shrinking tube. If we are talking about wiring, you usually advise first to screw several turns of the tape, and on top to wear a heat shrink tube that warm it up.

    Differences technology when using flux

    If an active flux is used, and not a rosin, the meturn process changes. The purified conductor is lubricated with the composition, after which he warms the soldering iron with a small amount of solder. Further, everything is described.

    Skinger with flux - faster and easier

    There are differences and when soldering twists with flux. In this case, you can not twist each wire, but twist, then process the flux and immediately start to solder. Conductors can not even be cleaned - the active compositions energize the oxide film. But instead, the soldering site will have to wipe away - to wash off the remains of chemically aggressive substances.

    Features of soldering of stranded wires

    The soldering technology described above is suitable for monashed. If the wire is stranded, there are nuances: the wiring is spinned before the luggage, so you can enhance everything in the rosin. When applying solder, it is necessary to ensure that each posting was covered with a thin layer of solder. After cooling, the wires are twisted again to one harness, then you can solder the soldering iron as described above - dipping the sting in the solder, warming the place of the spike and apply tin.

    When tinning the stranded wires need to "fluff"

    Is it possible to solder copper wire with aluminum

    Aluminum connection with other chemically active metals cannot be done directly. Since copper is chemically active, then copper and aluminum are not connected and do not solder. Case in too different thermal conductivity and different currents. When the current passes, aluminum heats up more and more expands. Copper is heated and expanding significantly less. Permanent expansion / narrowing in varying degrees leads to the fact that even the most good contact is broken, a toxconducting film is formed, everything stops working. Because copper and aluminum do not solder.

    If such a need arises to connect copper and aluminum conductors, make bolt connection. Take a bolt with a suitable nut and three washers. At the ends of the connectable wires form rings in size of the bolt. Take the bolt, put on one puck, then the conductor, another puck - the next conductor, on top - the third washer and everything fixes the nut.

    Aluminum I. copper conductors You can not solder

    There are some more ways to combine aluminum and copper lines, but the soldering does not apply to them. You can read about other ways here. But the bolted is the simplest and reliable.

    Wire to the wire: how to solder and what

    Each man had something to solder something in life. Temperature effect on the parts for their subsequent connection is considered almost the most in a true way Attachment. It is believed that it is simple to solder, but it is impossible not to take into account the fact that for a successful holding of this procedure, you will need to have certain skills and experience.

    The article will allow users who do not have due experience and skills, familiarize themselves with the process of wiring soldering, and also helps to choose a soldering device. This can also cause certain questions from a person who will solder for the first time and simply does not know how to solder.

    How to choose a soldering iron

    Of course, it would be perfect if the user has a soldering station, and not just a soldering iron. But it is not always possible to purchase such a useful device, and the soldiers may well come up to solder wires.

    To begin with, we consider that the device is like a soldering iron. The soldering iron is called a device that is used for soldering using the temperature effect.

    The soldering iron is recommended to choose with a three-playing grounding plug. The advantage of such an appliance is that it allows you to prevent the dispersion of the voltage along the passage path. In principle, for a person who does not have experience in soldering, it is suitable for a soldering iron with a range from 15 to 30 watts, but it should be remembered that such a small tension is not enough even in order to solder an audio line. Car lubers can be recommended by 40 watt soldering iron, since such devices are the best option for using it in a car.

    Soldering Station

    Above the article mentioned such a device as a soldering station. This is a very interesting and productive device that provides autonomy of work, as it connects to the source of AC and is able to emit power up to 80 watts. Specialists argue that when using this device, a certain ease is observed, in contrast to the use of simple soldering iron.

    The advantages of such soldering plants can be expressed by a separate list:

    • The ability to regulate the temperature is almost up to degree;
    • With the help of a soldering station, you can even implement one of the most difficult and complex compounds of steel, stainless steel, aluminum, etc.;
    • Durability of the device;
    • The ability to easily solder polypropylene pipes, as well as plastic, since control over the temperature allows you to do this.

    But this device has its drawbacks. We must not forget that at least some initial skill and small experience should be for the use of a soldering station, otherwise difficulties may occur and even certain risks. In addition, soldering stations are quite expensive, and electricity consumes a lot. The user must weigh all the "for" and "against" before purchasing a soldering plant, since there are disadvantages with all available pros.

    How to get enough?

    After we looked at what solders exist, you should move to the immediate act of soldering the wires. But, first, you need to figure out the components of the process itself. Consider the moments relating to the features of the soldering and those things that will be needed by the user to carry out the soldering of wires.

    To solder two wires, you should send a soldering iron and wires to start. The fact is that if you ignore this procedure, the device simply will not solder, so it is extremely recommended to do it. By the way, if the user has a soldering station, not a soldering iron, then the login will not need.

    How to get a soldering iron?

    • For the logging of the soldering iron, you should take a file and attach the plafhmy to the cutting cutting cut. It is necessary to sharpen the sting until it becomes smooth, flat and brilliant.
    • Preheated sting should be immersed in rosin, and then in the solder (usually tin). Solder almost won't stick to the stall, so it follows after the procedure described above, make a sting for a plank of natural origin. It should be remembered that the chipboard board is not suitable for such purposes.
    • You should repeat these manipulations with a sting (immersion in the rosin - tin - the application to the plate) until it becomes completely silver from the solder, evenly covers it. This is called the "tinning" of the soldering iron. It's not so difficult to post the soldering iron, so that any user can perform this procedure, even the one that before with the soldering of the case did not have.

    How to get a wire?

    After the user climbed the soldering iron himself, he needs to fill and lead the wire before soldering.

    First you need to remove isolation from the wire. It is necessary to remove it all so much so that in the future there is enough space for subsequent soldering. Also control the removal process isolation, in order to then avoid short circuits.

    Of course, the wire is much easier. The fact is that under the insulation at the wire is pure metal, not oxidized. The cable wire should be dipped into the rosin already mentioned above, putting the sorry of the soldering iron from above (preheated). Then you should pull the wire from the rosin. After she starts to melt and smoke. This procedure is needed to ensure that the molten rosin wolves the wire, namely the contact part of it. Then it is necessary to enrich the sting of the soldering iron by the solder, using all the same tin, that is, touching it, after which you need to bring a sting to the rosin, sealed the wire.

    It is impossible not to mention the moment that if the wire is copper and clean, the logging will occur literally immediately. In the event that the congestion did not happen the first time, it is necessary to repeat the procedure, or use the special substance - soldering paste. Which is a very effective assistant in a soldering case, given the fact that it can also be sent even iron.

    How to solder the wire?

    In order to discharge two wires of special efforts no longer need. Perhaps the most difficult was already in the mezzanine procedure and one wire and the second.

    The spage process itself will be that it will be necessary to simply lower one listed part of one wire with a listed part of the other. Then, to the place of their contact should be launched a soldier sting. which previously had to be enriched by the solder. Solder should well and firmly crossed the lifted parts of the soldered wires. This will contribute to the rosin, which is beneficial participating in this process.

    After the wires were in the molten solder, you should try to avoid any movement so that the soldering passed successfully. You can also slightly at the place where the melted solder is located, until it becomes dark from the shiny, which will be evidence that the soldering is hardening.

    That's basically it. The user can be proud of the work done, especially if it is his first soldering, and he did everything as it should, following the above-described advice.

    Disappear wires. By the way, it also seems possible. If you suddenly needed to disappear two wires, you should do the same procedure, only by the opposite method. You just need to warm up the place of the soldering of the soldering iron stale. It should be reduced to the location of the wires and melted the hardened solder. After the solder melts, it is possible to simply disconnect the previously soldered wires. By the way, it is impossible to forget that during the disintegration of the sore of the soldering iron should also be in rosin.

    Shipping wires does not seem something difficult. Even a completely inexperienced user will be able to fulfill this procedure without any serious problems. It may seem that this is not such a light procedure, but mostly such thoughts appear due to the need for a mezzani of the soldier and wires. The meadow process itself is not completely complicated. But all these manipulations can simply turn out, especially if the user does not have experience at all.

    It should be remembered that the selection of the soldering iron should be carried out in accordance with the needs of the user. You need to know that devices with different capacities will be required for different operations. As mentioned above, the soldering iron with a range from 15 to 30 watts are too weak and can only be used in weak and lung soldering procedures. In addition, even a simple soldering of wires from audio equipment for such devices will be the task of exorbitant. It is recommended to use solders with power from 40 watts. They are optimal options for any users.

    Soldering stations are quite good and useful devicesBut they have a number of shortcomings. To use them requires a certain experience, they are energy-cost, and they are very expensive. As the advantages, you can mention their durability, as well as the ability to control the temperature up to the degree.

    The meadow procedure is very important in the process of soldering, so it is not necessary to neglect it and is not recommended. It is better to tinker with the rosin and solder, which is subsequently content with poor quality soldering.

    ATTENTION, only today!


    How to solder: 3 types of soldering tools

    Before proceeding with the soldering, you should study the theory of soldering - this is a technological process that consists in connecting two metal parts by the solder. There is this process for many millennia. Initially, it was used to create jewelry. For example, gold can easily be soldered with a silver-copper solder, and silver is copper-zinc, and the copper products are easy to save alloy from tin and lead. Years passed, new technologies appeared, but soldering a manual or impulse soldering iron to this day.

    The modern market can provide a huge selection of various soldering iron. To date, there are such varieties: hammer, gas and electric heating. All of them are good and each of them is used for different purposes.

    9 people are used by electric heating solders out of 10. They are the most sought-after and popular. They are widely used in everyday life to eliminate different damage.

    Choosing the device needs to pay attention to its power. The most optimal power is 20 - 40 W. Such a soldering iron is used both newcomers and specialists who are engaged in the repair of home electronics. Electric heating solders are distinguished by its type of heating element.

    Types of electric heating solders:

    • Ceramic;
    • Metal spiral;
    • Pulsed.

    When buying a soldering iron, it is worth asking the seller a certificate confirming its quality

    The pulse type is the most modern, its positive trait is the rapid heating and cooling of the device. The pulse soldering iron can be soldered wires, boards and chips. Soldering iron can be soldered even cellophane or covers for books from polyethylene film.

    Learning to solder a soldering iron: process preparation and technology

    Learning to use the soldering iron from scratch at home can be very simple. To do this, we need to be patient, the necessary tool and material, and then begin training. The soldering process itself is not difficult at all, making several attempts, you will become confident and experienced. You can also view the lesson for beginners on the Internet, where you will provide complete information, how to solder and how to choose and which machine to do this.

    A well-selected tool is a guarantee of the correct soldering. The variety of soldering iron is very large, so to choose the desired tool you need to know what he is useful for you. You can solder not only wires, but also fees, various microcircuits, electrical appliances.

    Newbies are best trained on stranded wires or with a large cross section, which can be found in each apartment or house. Take, for example, such wires that are intended for wiring, they are thicker and easier to work with them. Before you begin to work a soldering iron, you must prepare it first. To do this, you need to do the following actions: Clean the sting, make the mud in the rosin and then clean the surface under the solder. Box with rosin should always be near. After preparatory work You can proceed to the process itself.

    Soldering Technology:

    • Turn on the device into the electrical network;
    • Mock in rosin;
    • Connection places to cover the solder;
    • Connect products to each other.

    That's how we learn to solder. Thus, you can solder different wires or cables, with the necessary solder at the same time. The most common one is alloy, which includes tin and lead. Such a solder has a wire shape, the diameter of which is 2.5 mm, it is perfect for the soldering of the chip. But aluminum sticks only the same solder.

    Proper wiring: Flux and its variety

    Why can not be saved electrical wiring if it is energized? Those who are at least a bit disassembled in electricity can easily answer this question. If you try to start the solder, a short circuit will occur, and this is not very safe. Therefore, soldering power wires is not possible.

    Flux for soldering wires can be bought in a construction or specialized store

    Before starting to solder wires, they need to be cleaned of isolation. Predatory area of \u200b\u200bwire can be of different lengths. Its value can vary from 7 - 10 mm (wiring) to 10 - 15 cm if headphones are soldered.

    After removed the insulation, the wire should be cleaned of oxide film. For this, it is purified by mechanically emery paper or acetylsalicylic acid. Spike after that will be more reliable. If the wires enameled (lacquered), then they need to be cleaned with flux. Flux is selected special, which is suitable only for enameled wires.

    Varieties of fluxes:

    • The most common LTI-120;
    • Pos-40, 50, 60 soldered copper;
    • CA-15, CO-12, P-250A soldering aluminum.

    Then the wires need to twist and solder. Technique and scrolling scheme can be different, for example, thin wires can be crushed one around the other. In general, the sleeper of copper wires is the easiest, but with aluminum products you need to tinker. You can independently be free: headphones with a microphone, lengthen the cord designed for the electric guitar, connect the antenna with the USB cable or repair the microphone cable and proceed to the keyboard.

    How to solder fees: do it right

    The most complex soldering is working with a diode ribbon. This tape can be soldered, only after numerous workouts. This is a very responsible work that requires special attention and focus. The very first thing to do is to prepare the surface, it needs to be cleaned. For this you need an ordinary acetone.

    If the scheme has solid sediments, they must be removed by a special composition, which is found in any electrical store. The most good one is methyl hydrate, it is safe and has a neutral smell.

    The location of the contacts on the board must be recognized and in turn to solder. First, smaller parts are soldered (resistor), and then large (condenser, microphone or transistor). Such a sequence is a security guarantee of all elements.

    Basics of soldering fees:

    • Preparation;
    • Accommodation;
    • Heat;
    • Applying solder;
    • Removal of excess.

    How to solder fee, should know all men. Knowing how the fee looks like and, what to do with it, you can proceed to the microcircuit. You cannot disappear immediately, you need skill and experience. Using the knowledge gained, it will be possible to repair the plug, modem and even the radiator.

    Skipping of wires: Causes of poor-quality solder

    Why not the same item is soldered, the connection is broken, does not hold? This question is asked by many who are just starting in this matter. What can happen if everything seems to be done correctly, but something does not come out?

    The process of soldering is a very responsible and painstaking business. So that everything works out correctly and reliably, you need to follow clear instructions and perform everything clearly and consistently.

    We need to solder wires with good lighting

    If somehow the solder still does not stick, it is necessary to find out the reason why this happens and then eliminate it. If a soldering connection has occurred, then this process can be called cold soldering.

    Causes of not good soldering:

    • The amount of flux is insufficient;
    • Overheating tool;
    • Insufficient heating;
    • The surface of the device is not cleaned.

    For all these reasons, the solder will not hold on, contact connections will not happen. To correct all problems, you must first clean the surface of the soldering iron with sandpaper or solvent. This processing will remove fat deposits and the film, the tool will return the tool. Then you need to get it and warm it, but just now get to the soldering.

    How to learn to solder a soldering iron (video)

    The soldering iron today is one of the most widely used devices. Each owner of a house or apartment should own them. With it, you can eliminate the wiring and contacts of the broken outlet, repair different boards and chips, discharge the headphones and so on. And it does not matter whether you or a newbie, such a tool is useful to anyone.


    How to solder soldering iron, video, photo instructions

    Soldering iron is used for wide spectrum work. With the help of a soldering iron, you can repair headphones, connect the LED tape, repair the electrical appliances, chips and fees. Soldering with the help of a soldering iron is simple and at careful preparation does not cause difficulties even to someone who has never come across such work.

    Selection of tools

    Soldering iron is a tool with a heating element used to connect fusible materials. By the method of heating, they are divided into:

    • electrical;
    • thermo-high;
    • gas;
    • induction.

    Solders: 1-electric, 2-thermow-friendly, 3-gas, 4-inductive

    Electrical soldering plans are used to work with electrical circuits and SMD fees. On average, they possess a capacity of 15-40 watts. With the help of more than 100 W devices, large parts are soldered: radiators, copper tubes of different diameters, etc. Large hammers with a capacity of up to 550 W are used in various fields of industry: engineering, metallurgy, etc.

    It affects the choice of one or another tool not only the size of the details, but also the thermal conductivity of the material from which it is made. It is precisely it determines the heating temperature, and, consequently, the required power. For example, copper may require a greater heating temperature than the steel part of the same size. It is worth noting that when soldering copper parts may even occur when high thermal conductivity leads to the disintegration of the compounds performed earlier.

    The main element of the device (I remind you that we work mostly electric) is heating straightened. He is copper tube And the nichrome spiral wounded on it. On one side of the rod hidden in the handle of the device, there is a current, and on the other hand sting from the rolled copper rod. The tip of the sting is sharpened under the SCOS. The heating of the tip is due to the circuit rate on the nichrome spiral.

    For electrical work, a lightweight compact size tool with low heat capacity is suitable. To avoid dispersion of voltage, it is better to choose a model having a three-guide grounding plug. For a beginner electrical engineering, a model will be enough up to 30 W. If you plan to repair a car with a soldering iron, then it is better to turn 40-watt devices - to quickly connect wires of any type on a large area. For comfortable work solders in the car are sold special nozzles.

    Many electronics repair masters use a soldering station. This design includes a set of all necessary tools for soldering works: a soldering iron with replaceable tips, a stand, voltage adjustment unit, thermofen, cleaners and tin cover.

    Many are interested in the question whether it is possible to solder without a soldering iron. Yes, it is possible, in this case, the solder and items will have to be heated for the logging and soldering on the open fire. This allows you to create more or less high-quality compounds, but the technology is characterized by less security. In addition, a novice who does not have sufficient experience may arise great difficulties when working with such materials as copper, aluminum or stainless steel.

    Solders and fluxes

    Before soldering wires or electrical circuits, you need to choose a suitable solder. For this work, tin-silver and tin-lead solders, rosin. Solders with lead content provide higher quality soldering, but have a disadvantage consisting in the harmfulness of this metal. Tin use for soldering parts and materials requiring security for the body, for example, dishes.

    The labeling of the solders means the metals included in its composition and their content. So, for example, in the composition of the solder PR-40 includes tin and lead (solder tin-lead). Figure 40 speaks about 40% of tin content. The amount of lead in the coat of solder affects the color (becomes darker) and the melting point (rises). For electrical work, it is most often used by plates with a tin content of 30% to 61%, as well as PSR-2 and PSR-2.5. In the marking of tin-silver PSR-2.5, the digit indicates that 2.5 ± 0.3% of the solder is silver.

    To stripping the surface under the soldering from oxides is used special mixes - Fluses. They are among the most important factors affecting the quality of the soldering. Flux must be seamless to the properties of the soldered material, to be strong enough to destroy the oxide film. Active acid-based fluxes are forbidden to use for soldering chips and boards, since they cause corrosion and destroy contacts, however, when working with chemically resistant metals, they cannot do without them. Today, the soldering, as a rule, uses solder acid (zinc chloride), alcohol-rosphole solution of LTI-120 and drone (for soldering of metals such as copper, cast iron, steel, brass).

    If you are going to solder headphones, columns or contacts of the motherboard, you can use rosin as a flux. However, it should not be used to solder chip elements and boards. And pay special attention to the following: it is impossible to use rosin for musical instruments! She strongly pollutes the place of the spike.

    Preparation for work

    Of course, in order to become a master and perform the soldering of details of any difficulties, you need time and experience. However, in order to fix the headphones, attach the LED tape or at home to change the capacitors on the computer board do not need to possess special knowledge. Compliance with the instructions and rules of electrical safety will allow these works without difficulty.

    Great value For the quality and efficiency of the soldering has a condition of the sting. The process of care is called a tincture - the process of coating its surface with a thin layer of solder. This is done in order to be copper from which the tip of the soldering iron is not oxidized. A soldering iron with an oxidized stale interacts poorly with the solder and processed material. Each time, before soldering a soldering iron, it should be prepared. First, we process the sting of a cold soldering iron with a file, or a rigid brush, cleaning copper from dirt.

    Cleaning the soldering iron with a brush (you can use the file)

    Then, heating the soldering iron to the operating temperature, you need to touched the rosin alternately several times and then solder. The alloy must evenly cover the work part.
    Lower the soldering iron in flux.

    Below the video about how to get a soldering iron and cook it to work. Perhaps the video is even better visible than in our photos, so we recommend seeing.

    Soldering boards and microcircuits

    Very often electric solderingry are used to solder printed circuit boards. This will suit a special small medium power device. We recommend reading an article about choosing solders for boards and microcircuits.

    Below a video that visually describes the whole process: Such a soldering method allows a newcomer without much difficulty soldering a radiator to the diagram, to have a button on the modem, LED tape (it will be lower in more detail) or repair the plug.

    Soldering wires

    The skill of soldering wires can be useful in many situations. One of the most suitable examples can be called headphones from the fracture. Two main methods use for wire connection:

    1. The veins are superimposed on each other and solder with the help of solder.
    2. The conductors of the wires are pre-twisted between themselves and then they will be poured with the help of solder.

    In both cases, the rosin is used. If you need to clean the wires, a liquid flux applied using a brush. Other wires of spikes of wires are based on the two main, described above, and are presented in the following figure.

    Wire Spike Methods

    For soldering of radio elements without printed installation, it is resorted to two ways. The first (fine) is faster, and the second (twist) provides greater reliability of the connection.

    In order to fix the headphones, the second specified method will suit the best way (because ensure greater connection strength). The procedure for approximately the following:

    1. Find a damaged area of \u200b\u200bthe wire and cut it out. Clean the edges of the wires on sufficient length. To remove the insulation, it is best to use a heated soldering iron, or flat, not very sharp knife.
    2. Fold the wires with each other (in colors) and raise with rosin or FS-1 mixture.
    3. Take the processed place with a tape.

    If the wire is damaged from the plug itself or input to the headphones, it will be necessary to disassemble the case and solder the wires directly to the input contacts.

    Soldering LED ribbon

    Today, the LED ribbon is actively used to mount the interior lighting of various complexity. It gives broad design opportunities, has a small size and is not inferior on the operating characteristics to others. lighting devices.

    Regardless of the size and installation conditions, the tape is soldered by the same instruction:

    1. Cutting a ribbon to the desired length, the surface to which it should be attached, degrease and dried.
    2. Tinging the protective film on the reverse side, the tape is glued to the mounting surface.
    3. After that, the wires are soldered on input contacts, minor parts, dimmers, controllers. During operation, it is necessary to avoid overheating of the tape, it can lead to the exit of the diodes.

    Please pay the two ribbons! Plus, must go to the plus, and minus to minus!

    The soldering process is depicted in photos below:

    Fix LED tape (used tape)
    A little solder for each contact.
    We solder wires, observing polarity.

    To solder a diode ribbon, soldiers with a capacity of up to 40 W. It is best to use wires with a cross section of 0.75 mm. Reds are soldered to the positive contact, and black - to the minus.

    Roll lED ribbon.

    Now about how to solder LEDs directly on the fee to create lED backlight do it yourself. To do this, you will need diodes themselves, a piece of fees for them (you can buy in a radio shop) and soldering supplies. For cleaning from scale, we use the flux under aluminum, tin - as a solder.

    1. We insert the diodes in the fee so that the positive contacts (long "legs") were located on the one hand, and the minus - on the other. And bend contacts to the sides. Be careful - if at least one diode is connected incorrectly, everything burns.
    2. Processing the "foot" flux for them to the board.
    3. Cut off the excess length of contacts with bodies. We clean the wire feeds for a length equal to the length of the diode row, apply to the corresponding contacts and we sear.
    4. Ready! Now you can check the operation of the scheme, connecting the wires to 12 to the power source.

    Soldering aluminum

    It seems that in how to solder aluminum, there is no difficulty. After all, this material has a high thermal conductivity and is easy to handle. Despite this, for the processing of this metal, some features must be taken into account.

    Aluminum under the influence of high temperature very quickly forms oxidic films on the surface, and therefore for its soldering has to use special fluxes and soldering stals (steel coated). And if the processing of aluminum wires is practically no different from working with other metals, then soldering flat aluminum surfaces - The process is much more complicated. First of all, you will need a soldering iron with a capacity of 60-100 W, in order to warm up great details well.

    1. Before soldering aluminum, its working surface is cleaned from scale with a sandpaper or a file.
    2. After it is degreased by gasoline, acetone or another solvent. Then the connection site must be lubricated with a special flux.
    3. The sting of the soldering iron is descended into rosin or ammonious alcohol before the appearance of a light haze. This cleans copper from which the tip is made from the oxides of other metals.
    4. Further actions are practically no different from working with other materials: the sting is lubricated into the solder, after which its small amount is transferred to the place of digesons for brings. After that, the main layer of solder is applied.

    A similar way to solder a stainless steel - this process also requires thorough sweep Working surface before applying solder.