The abstract hours in elementary school "live without friendship is impossible .... Class hour in elementary school

Grade 3.

About road rules

C E L and: repeat and consolidate knowledge of students on traffic rules; Work out the ability to choose the right route through the streets of the city; repeat road signs; educate attention, the skills of the conscious use of knowledge of traffic rules in everyday life.

Form of: Relay "Red, yellow, green."

Equipment: PDP posters, road signs, cards with tasks for contests.

The move of the relay

The class is decorated with posters according to the rules of the road, road signs and drawings of children.

To the music, children enter the hall and seard to chairs.

1. Opening part.

Leading. Guys, we live in a beautiful city with green wide streets and alleys. A lot of passenger and trucks are moving along them, trams ride, buses. And no one bothers anyone. This is because there are clear and stringent rules for drivers of cars and pedestrians. Go on the one side of the street to another is not easy. It helps us in this three traffic signals: green, yellow, red. The controller follows the order. He controls the movement. In the hands of the regulator wand - rod.

Children, a guest from a fabulous flower city arrived to us, now it will appear. (Included Dunno). Do you recognize children, our guest? Who is it?

Children. Dunno!

In e d y u and y. But Dunno is confused, distressed. Tell me, Dunno, what happened to you?

Dunno. Once in a big and noisy city,

I was confused, I disappeared.

Not knowing traffic signs,

Slightly under the car did not hit!

Circle of machine and trams,

That suddenly the bus on the way.

Confess to honestly i don't know

Where the way I go.

Guys, you help me

And, if you can, tell,

Road how to move

To do not please under the tram!

In e d y u and th. Our children are already familiar with the most important rules of the road. They are me, Dunno, will show how to behave on the streets of the big city.

2. Speech by students.

Children overlook, in their hands hold road signs.

Children (alternately).

1. From squares and intersections

From the height looks in the focus

Seemingly formidable and serious

Very important traffic light.

He is polite, and strict,

He is known for the whole world.

He is wide on the street

The most important commander.

2. If the light fell red,

So move dangerous,

Light green says:

Pedestrians are open!

Yellow Light - Warning:

Wait for the signal for moving.

Need to obey without dispute

Instructions of traffic lights.

Need to rules movement

Perform without objection.

3. A pedestrian! A pedestrian!

Remember you about the transition!

Underground, terrestrial,

Similar to zebra.

Know that only the transition

From the cars will save you.

4. And prospectuses, and boulevards -

Everywhere the streets are noisy

Come on the sidewalk

Only on the right side!

Here is stitching, interfere with the people


Be an exemplary pedestrian


5. To teach

Pedestrian to order

The asphalt was distinguished

As a notebook.

Across the road stripes go

And behind the pedestrian lead.

6. If you go to the tram

And around you people

Not plowing without yawning

Come speed forward.

Ride "hare", as you know,


Give way to the old woman


7. Bypass the tram without looking

It will not allow the post.

Who tram comes from behind,

That risks head.

If you walk just,

Still forward looking,

Through noisy crossroads

Carefully pass!

8. Rules of the road in the world a lot.

Everyone would not hurt them to learn.

But the main rules of movement

Know how the table must multiply!

On the pavement - do not play, do not ride

If you want to stay healthy!

9. The city in which we live with you

You can rightly compare with the letter.

Here it is, the alphabet - above the pavement

Signs are shaved above their heads

Alphabet of streets, prospectuses, roads

The city gives us a lesson all the time.

Alphabet of the city remember always

So as not to happen to you trouble!

Leading. Well done!

N Ezn. Thanks guys!

I will obey without dispute

I am a traffic light signal.

I will be to the rules of movement

Treat with respect!

Leading. Dunno, the guys even know the song about the rules of behavior on the road. Let's sing, guys ...

Can we ask street

There are a lot of questions ...

1 We can ask Street

There are a lot of questions,

But the first thing you need to know

How to go the road.

I want to say in advance:

The road is not toys.

Here is the main attention

And the ears on the top.

2. In no hurry,

Let's leave all fun

And carefully look

Left and right.

To hide something could not

From pedestrian sight.

And to be, of course, should not

Interference to review.

3. The road will go

And right and simple

Where is a pedestrian crossing

As well as intersection.

That it is important to know

Let's not forget.

And the rules to observe everything

Of course, we will all.

In e d y u and th.Guys, the law of streets and roads are strict. He does not forgive if the pedestrian goes down the street as he will do, does not comply with the rules. But this law is very kind: he guards people from a terrible misfortune, protects their lives. Therefore, only constant compliance with the rules of the road allows us to confidently move the streets. Today you will show guests, you know 1 if you are traffic rules. (A team of 6 people are created from each class, the emblems, name and motto are ready.)

We will spend the run of the road sciences. The winner will be awarded a diploma "Excellent-Pedestrian",Competitions are rated the jury on the five-point system.

3. Representation of commands.

Team "Traffic light".

At any time,


On you three-chapted traffic lights -

Green, yellow, red eye.

He gives each order!

Team " Road sign".

The smallest road sign,

He is not just like that

Be, people, careful,

Respect every sign!

Team « Wet ».

At the post at any time

Defext is dressed.

He runs at once,

Who in front of him on the pavement !

4. Competitions

"Dorisui Road Sign"

In e d y u and y. Today we got this letter:

"We, residents of the country of road signs, are in trouble. we

captured to the obstacle. And now there are accidents in our country. Help us!"

Yes, guys, as you can see, a big misfortune happened. No road signs are very difficult and cars, and pedestrians. Do you agree to help residents of the country of road signs?

Each team receives a card with road signs where it is not necessary to draw the missing elements. Commands perform the task, and the presenter spends the game with fans.

Cards for the competition "Dorisui Road Sign":

"This is me, it's me, it's all my friends ..."

Leading. Ii will ask questions, and you where you need, you will have to answer: "This is me, it's me, it's all my friends!" Or silence.

- Which of you in the car crawled the old woman in the car?

- Who, let him honestly say, does not hang on the tram?

- Who flies forward so soon, what does not see the traffic light? (Children are silent.)

Which of you go ahead only there, where is the transition?

- Which of you, going home, keeps the path on the pavement? (Children are silent.)

Does anyone know that the red light is that there is no move?

- Who is the traffic police help, does the order observe?

The jury summarizes the competition.

"Collect cut cars"

Teams get a task. The team wins the team that will quickly collect a mosaic.

Competition for fans

The fans guess the riddles, the correct answer is obtained by a light response, the result is summarized (what class fans received more traffic lights, earn an extra point for their team).


I guys to you today

So hurry, so fled!

I ask me apologies

What is a little late.

I guys are very necessary

You puzzle to make riddles.

Because you guys

Rules should know everything.

    Different three has eyes,

But it will not open them immediately:

If the eye opens red -

Stop! It is impossible to go, dangerous!

Yellow eye - wait,

And green - pass! (Traffic light.)

    What a miracle is this house:

Windows glow around

Wears rubber shoes

And feeds gasoline? (Bus.)

    Red wagon on rails runs

Everyone, where, he quickly domic.

A slurred ringing like to children.

So what do we go through the city? (Tram.)

    From above - yellow, bottom - blue,

On his chest his star.

And over it is air lines

Called wires. (Trolleybus.)

    Look, stronghold what:

On the go of one hand

Stop accustomed

Five-tailed truck. (Posted.)

    In two rows of house stand.

Ten, twenty, one hundred in a row.

And square eyes

Every friend is looked at each other. (Street.)

    Canvas, not a walkway,

Horse, not horse - Sorry-tree

Along the path of that crawl,

The whole trip one is lucky. (A train.)

    Small houses

Running down the street

Boys and girls

The houses are taken. (Cars.)

    I do not need wires,

I can ride at least where.

Although on Thursday, and at least on Saturday,

I will take you to work,

To school, in nursery, in kindergarten,

I am very happy with passengers. (Bus.)

The jury summarizes the results of the fans contest.

"We go to school"

The teams are distributed drawing diagram "Page Pupil to School in the City", you need to show the correct route on it.

Sample pattern

Game with fans "identify the intruder"

Task 1. Scene-pantomime: The boy with the ball runs on the road and falls under the car.

Task 2. Scene-Pantomime: The boy sits, the old woman is standing nearby,

Task 3 .. Scene-pantomime: The boy nibbles seeds on the bus.

The jury summarizes the game. Children perform a song.

1. without rules of roads today

Neither go nor go.

Everywhere and everywhere they will

Assistants on the way.

Chorus we rules road

Great to know.

And to learn easy to

And how are they important!

After all, the rules of movement

No trifles at all

Worthy of respect,

Always need and everyone!

2. Whistle, brakes, prohibition understood -

Do not hide, offender, eyes.

You do not know the rules and violate -

So it is impossible to do!

5. Competition-game for captains. "There are signals of traffic lights, obey them without dispute"

The lead reads poetry, captains must guess the traffic light and raise corresponding to the color circle.

Burlit in the movement of the pavement -

Run cars, hurry trams.

Tell me the right answer -

What is the light on pedestrians?

(Show red signal.)

Red light tells us:

Pave! Dangerous! The way is closed!


Signal wait for movement.

Tell me the correct answer -.

What is the light on the traffic light?

(Show yellow.)

Yellow Light - Warning,

Wait for the signal to move!

Walk straight! You know order

On the pavement you will not suffer.

Tell me the right answer -

What is the light burning?

(Show green.)

Green light opened the road,

Passing guys can!

Performed song.

In the morning before expensive -

Fifteen times in a row -

Crow, Mom Strict,

She learned to be boring:

"While you do not master

How follows the flight

Must remember you

Road transition.

The road is not a path,

The road is not a ditch,

First see - left,

Then see - to the right.

Left loose and right Look -

And, if you do not know how to fly, go.

6. Final part.

In e d y u and th. Today you have repeated the rules of the road and learned a lot

new and interesting. GTDD is very important. Know them should every adult and every child. Do not disturb them, then we will not have accidents on the roads, and you will grow strong and healthy.

What is the mutual understanding

C e l and: Development of the ability to "enter into the situation of other people", it is better to understand their feelings, behavior motives; absorption of standard techniques of aesthetic forms of communication; Teach the ability to see the causes of the lack of mutual understanding.

Equipment: Posters with statements "Happiness - this is when you understand", "What is needed in order to establish mutual understanding?".

1. Opening part.

The word teacher. In life, we often have to suffer, to be offended by others for the fact that we misunderstood, we were carried out in vain.

- What is needed in order to establish mutual understanding?

Without understanding, there can be neither a full friendship, nor a creative community, nor simple normal communication. Understanding largely depends on how correctly we apply our comrades, we know them well. Let's try to find out how much we own the ability to judge people.

Task students "Lush portrait": Teacher gives a verbal portrait of one student from class and offers the guys to guess who it is. Odnoklassniki must learn about whom they are talking, and to evaluate how much a verbal portrait is consistent with the actual appearance of the student.

Note. The characteristic needs to reflect the physical data, appearance, behavior manners, temperament, positive traits, hobbies. Habits.

The word teacher. Understanding it is determined by the ability to observe people, the ability to the slightest movements of the person, the postures understand the mental state of others, their aspirations and desires.

Task students "What the eyes say": Look at your neighbor on the desk. Try to determine in which mood your friend, how he feels, what he thinks than is concerned. Exchange your observations, conclusions.

2. Games-situations.

Teacher. In communicating between people great importance It has the ability to accept a person as he is, to understand the image of his thoughts, put himself in place of another person in a particular situation. Let's try to do it.

Game 1.The roles of the teacher and the student are offered to two students. It is necessary to lose the scene of the teacher's conversation with the student about the deterioration of its progress and discipline.

The game2. Two student should lose the scene of the conversation of the teacher and the parent of one of the negligent students.

The same scene loses several times different students, then a discussion is the most successful options interaction between communication partners.

3. Conclusion.

The word of the teacher. You live among people. Do not forget that everyone is your act, every wishes are reflected in people around you. Check your actions as a question to yourself: Do you do evil, inconvenience to people? Do it all so that people around you are good.

Price slices

Objectives:expand knowledge about the benefits of bread, about his value, about the heavy work of Hlebboroba; Relieve a feeling of leaning towards bread.

Equipment: posters with quotes about bread, drawings of children or illustrations; Different types of bread (if possible): buns, white bread, rye products, gingerbread and so on.

Move classroom hour

In order to prepare children to perceive the material, it is advisable to start a class hour with reading poems or suggest children to guess the riddles ..

1. Opening part.

- Guess: Wide, not the sea,

Gold, not money,

Today on earth,

And tomorrow - on the table.


The word teacher. It was a long time ago at the time of the Stone Age. When heavy rain and cold came to the ground, there was nothing to man. And then he first noticed wheat spikeSo that the grains are comfortable are, wetted them with water. Then the man learned to rub the grain into flour. And once in one of the stone caves, a man left a pot with wheat porridge at the fire. The fire imperceptibly torn to the pot. The pot could not stand the heat and burst. The crash woke a man. He ran up to the fire and saw his food turned into a stone. When the stone was cooled, the man began to clean it and suddenly felt a landmark odor. Putting a piece in the mouth, a man climbed away from pleasure. So the night fire in the cave taught the bake bread.

For the first time, the word "bread" appeared in Ancient Greece. There were used for baking pots of the special form - "Clibaros". It is consonant with our word "bread."

Bread No price. Its cost is not measured by a penny.

Children read alternately poem about bread.

In it - health, our strength,

It is wonderful warmth.

How many hands rushed it

Guarded, Bererbed!

After all, the grain was not immediately

Bread - the fact that on the table,

People long and stubbornly

Worked on earth.

That's about it just

The story begins.

Tractor drivers risen,

Washed clean-clean.

In the steppe spring in the morning

Derived tractor.

The story continues

The harvest has slept with us.

Spare on expanses,

The wind song sings them

Combine captains

Looking from bridges ahead.

How from the spike tight

Grain is knocked out,

As please - ready,

In the box, it rolls.

Here on the mill wheat,

Here it is happening with her!

In turnover, they take

In the powder it will erase!

On a large bakery, you will become a dough, flour.

Test closely, little space,

"Oh, let me," whispers the dough.

Okay, let

In the furnace

Dressed a loaf.

Glory to the world on earth!

Glory bread on the table!

Glory to those who raged bread,

Did not regret the work and strength.

2. Teacher's story.

Bread never got to people in vain. After all, in paradise, as a farewell to the sinless Adam, it was said: "You will get bread in the sweat of your face." In Russia, they were always treated with awe with awe, even preserved the custom of honored guests to meet bread-salt. Look On the table. You see different varieties of bread:

Why is one bread black, the other is white? (Wheat and rye flour)

: What are the bran bread prepare from?

Mill mills are larger than grain on flour, flour sieves through the sieve, waste remains - the grain shell. It is bran, a wonderful healing agent. Bran is added to some varieties of bakery products, feed animals.

During the Great Patriotic War It was possible to meet4\u003e slogan: "The world of peoples, bread - hungry." The bats in the blockade Leningrad was such: serving - 125 g of bread, working - 200 g (show a piece of 125d) And 3 more macaronins, length in notebook, gray, clay, but desirable for each person. After all, it was necessary to work.

Reads student.

Military bread

I remember bread, military, bitter,

He is all almost from the swan.

In it in every crumb

In each crust

There was a bitter taste of human trouble.

On that mischievous

Hard bread of hard days

But as sweet was a minute,

When a piece in my hand

Pipping BM''1yshgdpsa salt,

The mamina tear is seasoned.

I wanted, and my mother with pain

The view took the party.

How Mountain was a guest frequent

(They were childhood days full)

I especially remember that happiness

There was a bitter bread of war.

A. Morozov

- And how much does bread need for your family?

- If the bread remains, what can be done with it? (Square to scales from the sides of water and put in the oven for 5 minutes or over a boiling saucepan with water. Saving crackers, make croutons.)

3. Quiz "Brainstorming".

Quiz questions:

1) What is the difference between winter and sneaker wheat? (Summer sow spring, winter - in the fall, in winter.)

2) Where are the grains are brought after cleaning? (On elevator - storage for grain.)

3) where are the grain turn into flour? (On the mill,)

4) What is a quasch? (Wooden jelly for dough, or yeast dough.)

5) what else can the yeast, boring the dough? (Opara)

4. Teacher's story (continued).

- What are you knowing the rules for using bread? (Children's responses.)

At h and t e l b. To make a delicious loaf every day we have on the table, we must determine for themselves clear p and in and l a:

    Take the bread as much as you eat.

    Learn to prepare out cherry bread Various dishes.

- Do you know that from one grain is about 20 ml of flour? This means that for baking one battle, flour from grinding 10 thousand grains is required.

5. Work with proverbs.

Teacher. Recall the folk wisdom of bread - proverbs. (Children's responses.)

3 A D A N E: Share the second part of the proverb.

* Not a fur coat warms, but ... (bread).

* On the road bread is not .... (Interference).

* There will be no bread, ..., (t there will be lunch).

* Without salt is not tasty, but without bread ... (unreleased).

* Who has bread, so and ... (happiness):

* Bread all ... (head),

* Without the stove coldly - without bread ... (hungry).

6. Final part.

The word teacher. And we will always remember the wise saying, which came to us from the depths of centuries, born by the folk experience: "Yes, the hand will freeze, throwing at the feet at least a bread crumb!"

Log in the Russian tradition of hospitality.

At the tower on the dish, crackers are treated, treat everyone '

Didactic material

About Bread

Grains of our days, glow

Gilding carved.

We say: "Take care,

Take care of the bread native! "

We do not dream of a miracle,

To our fields Live speech:

"Take care of bread you, people

Learn to Bread Berera »

N. Tikhonov

Hands of man

Bowed a hard head rye:

"Thank you, sun and affectionate rain!

Thank you land

What was my home,

And strong hands

My old familiar.

I remember the hands worked hard,

To sow amber grains in the ground,

And now they will remove the crop

Thank you, hands,

For good your work!

I lasted a long winter in the ground,

Junteled under the snow

From the jetty trembling,

But the sun was shredded for a long time,

And I brought the golden grain!

Who wants to taste rye bread,

And if you are posted again,

I will find the road under the snow again

And ear will become

And come to people. "

Ya. Duchetite

How the bread comes on the table

There is a proverb in the people -

"Bread - on the table,

and bloomed table. "

Well, however, how comes

Is this bread to you on the table?

It is born in grooves.

Look at the fields

After all, land

earth is not easy

And Kormilitsa Earth!

Gray friendly shoots.


see here

The most important work of the people,

The most necessary work in the world.

Bread ripened.

In the fields Motors

The song of the harvest.

In the steppe takes scraper

Field ships.

From the cars river flows

On state-owned gumno

Our gold - wheat,

Golden grain.

He became the windmill no longer -

Stall and small.

Replaced it today

Flower plant.

On the shops will pass - order:

Flour full of flour,

Grains chapel machines -

Very smart machines.

The machine will knead the dough

The machine will hang the dough,

The machine will damn dough

And send the dough into the oven.

There is a proverb in the people:

"Bread - on the table,

and bloomed table. "

Bread hard path passes,

To get to you on the table.

And in any piece of bread

You will feel always

Warmth of native sky

A taste of good work.

Conduct rules in the dining room

C e l and: To seek clarifying the rules of behavior in the dining room; Work on the rules of good tone at the table.

Form of holding: Workmanship.

Structure occupation

1. Analysis of behavior at the table of heroes fairy tale A. Tolstoy.

Teacher. Look at the Tolstoy Golden Key fairy tale. Listen and pay attention to how Pinocchio's table behaves.

... Pinocchio sat at the table, pulled down his leg. Almond cakes he stuffed in his mouth entirely and swallowed, not chewing.

In a vase with jam, climbed straight with his fingers and gladly sucked them. When the girl turned away to throw a few crumbs of an elderly bugger, he grabbed the coffee pot and drank all the cocoa from the nose.

Choked, shed cocoa on the tablecloth.

Then the girl told him strictly ...

- What comments made Malvina Pinocchio? (Children's responses.)

Answer: 1) Wash hands; 2) pull out the leg from under oneself and lower it under the table; 3) There are no hands, for this there are spoons and forks.

2, formulating the rules of behavior at the table.

- I invite you to "educational tea".

- Sit at the table. Stop!


1. The first girls are sitting at the table, and if you are visiting, then -Howers at home. It is not only for guests to be late, but also in the dining room.

2. Do not ring with spoons. Sugar is dissolved, even if it is quietly interfered. Remove the spoon from the glass and put, but not in the sugar, but on the saucer (plate).

3 . When I eat, I'm deaf and it. First, live, and then say.

"Bread to dinner to measure take. Bread - jewel, his take care. "

4. There is noisily and drinking is not reluctant, but also to blow food is not accepted, splashes can get to the neighbor. If you are hot, wait for when you cool.

5 . Do not move your dirty dishes towards the neighbor. Remove dishes.

6 . Thank you who fed you.

- Why do we need the rules of behavior at the table? (Children's responses.)

At h and t e l b. To others be nice to sit with you at one table, the main motto: think about others.

Some girls and boys love to do the opposite. They know that when meeting, you need to say hello, but this does not want to do; they know that before dinner it is necessary

wash your hands, but they do not wash them. The writer Gregory is a special way for such children wrote the book "Harmful Tips". Listen:


If the hands are at lunch

You stained salad

And shy about the tablecloth

Fingers wipe your own

Lower imperceptible

Them under the table and there calmly

Wipe your hands

About neighboring pants.

- Why don't you need to behave at the table?

- How to do in this case? (Children's responses.)

3. The game "Brainstorming".

1) Choose the right answer option.

- How to arrange hands, waiting for the filing of another dish:

a) hide under the table;

b) put on the table, as on the desk;

c) take a spoon and fork and beat it on the table, stating the dining room workers?

2) Choose the right answer, the sequence of exit from the table after meals:

a) quickly go to do not interfere with others;

b) push the chair;

c) remove the dishes on the wash;

d) Thank the dining room workers.

3) Choose a sure answer option.

How to take bread from a common bread box if it stands away from you:

a) fork;

b) hands through the entire table;

c) Ask for you to file bread?

4. Analysis of behavior at the table of heroes fairy tale A. Milna.

Teacher. Listen to the excerpt from the fairy tale A. Milna "Winnie Pooh and all-all-all." Find the errors that performed the hero.

And then he fell silent and did not say anything for a long time, because his mouth was terribly busy ... The Pooh got up because of the table, sincerely shook rabbit the paw and said he was time to go.

- It is time? - the rabbit asked politely.

It is impossible to challenge that he did not think about himself: "Not very polite from the guests at once, as soon as you walked." But aloud he did not say that, because he was a very clever rabbit ...

Questions for text analysis:

- Winnie the Pooh decided to reinforce at 11 am, is it correct?

- Visiting Rabbit What will appear, in your opinion, Winnie Pooh: Noisy, greedy, modest, etc.?

- Do I need to leave the guests at once, as soon as you sing? What did Winnie Pooh do?

5. Generalization.

The word teacher. I really wanted you to remember how to behave at the table. And when they invite you to visit, let everyone see that a studied person is sitting at the table, whom he wants to invite once again.


Purpose : Based on the analysis of familiar literary works to promote the formation of children positive traits Character, sense of responsibility for their actions.

Classroom time

1. Acquaintance with the concept of "responsibility".

On the board are written by proverbs:

* The rear mind of the case will not correct.

* After the case, the advice does not go.

In the question of the analysis of proverbs:

- How do you understand the meaning of the proverb?

- How to avoid mistakes in life?

- What's worse: inaction or error?

- What are the errors in life? (Corrected and irreparable.)

- Name examples from the life of corrected errors. (Two Po independent work, I was late for a music school, broke a glass, lost my wallet. d.)

- What can be attributed to irreparable mistakes? Why? (Loss of health, death, etc.)

- What error you will be harder to remember and talk? Why?

- What do you understand under the word "responsibility"? (Children's responses.)

The teacher tells.

A responsibility - This is the need, the duty is responsible for their actions, actions, as a person in society is clothed with many rights and obligations.

In the fairy tale of Antoine de Saint-Exupery "Little Prince" Fox says beautiful words: "Your rose is so expensive to you because you gave her all your days. People forgot this truth, but you do not forget: you are always responsible for all who tamed. You are responsible for your rose. " A person must be responsible even for the words he pronounces. Folk wisdom says: "The word is not a sparrow, I flew, you will not catch."

2. Fabulous journey.

At h and t e l b. Errors need to be able to foresee and avoid them. They say the diplomat first thinks twice before nothing says. Therefore, everything must be thought out a few steps forward, so that you will not regret your deed. Now remember the fairy tales ...

- What is the character of a red hat led to a tragic event in a fairy tale? (Chatter.)

- What a character trait left an old woman in a broken trough in a fairy tale A. S. Pushkin? (Greed.)

- because of what the hare lost lubyana hut? (Huroughness.)

- Because of what brother Ivanushka became a goat? (Disobedience.)

- because of what the dragonfly from Basni I. A. Krylova remained without heat and the bed? (Frivolity.)

- Because of what Pinocchio from the fairy tale A. Tolstoy remained without gold coins? (Stupidity.)

At h and t e l b. Such features of the character of a person, like stupidity, frivolity, disobedience, gloominess, greed, chatty, can lead to irreparable consequences. In order not to happen in the life of the trouble, it is necessary to foresee all the trouble in advance and responsibly refer to what is happening.

- Does the person who makes erroneous actions are worthy of respect, but recognizes his mistakes?

- How do you understand the meaning of the proverb: "The one who does nothing" is not mistaken "?

Recognize mistake bother

And apologize before any other.

Your will not fit at all.

F. Ginzburg

3. Generalization.

With l about in about the teacher, I. So, you can make you in D:

- errors are helpful if you study them;

- You must answer for your mistakes;

- You can always try, the main thing is to act;

- You always have a way out of the situation;

- You have a choice.


Purpose: to educate students positive characteristic character.

Classroom time

1. Staging and analysis of the story.

The teacher reads the story or children, prepared in advance, show the staging of the story.

Asked Lightning at the Sun:

- Tell me why people love you more than me, because I am also very bright?

- They love warmth and affection, - the sun answers,

- From my fires raging on Earth, a lot of heat, but this does not calm them!

- The thing is that good in your soul is enough only for a short flash. And all the troubles from envy.

In about p r about with s for analyzing the story:

- To whom from the participants of this conversation you are more sympathetic: lightning or sun? Why?

- What is the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe story?

- How do you understand the meaning of the word "envy"? (Children's responses.)

2. Acquaintance with the concept of "envy."

Teacher. In the dictionary S. I. Ozhegova, we read: "Envy - a sense of annoyance caused by the well-being, success of another."

Enlighten everything without exception, but many do not understand this, but to observe their thoughts and mental states. We admit that we are experiencing envy to someone. After all, to admit that you envy, it means agreed that another person is better, more interesting and lucky. Envy was born with us. It arises because of rivalry with classmates, with brothers-sisters. Always in life there is someone more beautiful, stronger, smarter and richer. The envy arises when you compare yourself with someone.

Recall the fairy tale A. S. Pushkin "On Fisherman and Fish".

- What does A. S. Pushkin teach us?

Envy leads us to the "broken trough."

Here's how Alexander Dolsky writes about this feeling:

But we proceed with tears -

Nicknote wings from longing.

This is envy. This is envy.

The heart is cut into pieces ...

The object envy is a person who has something that is not what you have. When you go to the route taxi, you envy the one who goes in "Zhiguli", you go to the "Zhiguli" - envy to those in the "BMW". Thickly envies thin, hungry - used, old - young. The Russian people did not pay attention to the human sense, created many proverbs and sayings. We will analyze them.

    Who wants someone else - Taiga will lose his own.

    Angry crying from envy, and kind from pity.

    Where happiness, there and envy.

    We will not transfer all the slosts, you do not endure all the good.

    Give the soul to the will, wanted to beat.

In antiquity, the pagans believed that happiness is the privilege of the gods, and people who desired the same should be punished so that it was no strong.

So, the envy come to the person:

death disease

lie Gore

- Think, envy is a positive or negative feeling? Why?

Surely you have ever heard the terms "black envy" and "white envy". Black envy is the most terrible. This is the lot of losers. A man is angry, tries to take something to the object envy failed. This envy provokes fights, squabbles, war and leads to death.

- How do you understand the expression "white envy".? This envy helps to attach a lot of effort and labor to achieve the same success.

- What kind of envy sings Alexander Rosenbaum?

She blacks with every hour ...

Calculates the souls, thoughts traverad,

Operates dreams.

3. Reading and analyzing the fairy tale L. N. Tolstoy.

At h and t e l b. Listen to L. Tolstoy fairy tale.

- What feelings do you have?

Protein and wolf

Squirrel jumped from branches on a branch and fell straight on a sleepy wolf. The wolf jumped up and wanted to eat it. Protein began to ask:

Let me in.

Wolf said:

- Well, I will let you out, just tell me, why are you, proteins, so cheerful. I am always bored, and you look at you, you are playing everything there and jump.

Squirrel said:

"Let me first on the tree, I'll tell you from there, otherwise I'm afraid of you." The wolf was allowed, and the squirrel went to the tree and said from there:

"You're bored that you are angry." You burn anger of anger. And we are merry because we do not do good and no one.

L. Tolstoy. Stories from "ABC"

- What reflections will bring you a fairy tale?

- What is the instructive meaning of a fairy tale?

4. Generalization.

The word of the teacher. If envy gives rise to the disease in our body, then what feeling will give inspiration?

Sincere admiration. This is the joy for other people's victories and achievements. Admiration will give us positive emotions. But not everyone may be happy to admire. Only good, weakfully people are capable of it.

I want a lesson to finish L. Tolstoy's aphorism: "Think well, and thoughts mature in good acts."

"Does not exist happy life, there are only happy days, "says the proverb. How to make the life of the baby who came to school was joyful? How to fill it with light, good? Each teacher day after day is looking for answers to these questions.

We will help you find answers to all these questions.

The task of the class teacher consists not only in controlling children, but also to communicate with them to be filled with deep meaning. Materials of this section will help make teacher elementary school Cool hour bright, memorable and helpful.

We offer you a variety of forms (conversations, games, competitive programs, correspondence travel and excursions), rich material, traditional and modern topics offered in the section will replenish the arsenal of methodical means not only a beginner, but also an experienced teacher.

This section presents creative finds of practitioners who managed to make the life of their students bright, saturated, useful.

Offered classroom development , varied on topics and forms of conduct, are intended for primary school students. Children of this age category are needed as trusting gentle conversations about the main (mother, family, home, homeland) and merry contests, holidays. Therefore, in the collection of this section contained guidelines For diverse events in the class team.

Intelligent games will support in children interest in knowledge, creative contests and quizzes will help open in each of the disciples, perhaps hidden abilities or a dormant talent, themed cool clock and warm atmosphere Holidays in a narrow circle will make children a little bit and kinder.

The class teacher who is conceived over the problems of cohesion of the collective, the educator, looking for a key to the soul of each child, will certainly find in this section interesting ideas. Some events are offered additional materialWhat will give the opportunity to the teacher, given the features of the student team, to make their own adjustments to the script.

Materials are designed to teachers primary classes, educators-organizers of extracurricular work, can be useful to students of pedagogical universities and colleges.

All these developments will help the creative teacher to do everything to walk through the country's knowledge to children and useful, and fun.

Cool clock in elementary school. Abstract

An abstract of the classroom in elementary school on the topic "Conflicts and ways to solve them" class: 3. Age: 9-10 years. Cool leader: Olga Mikhailovna Zavalishin, primary school teacher. Class hour "Conflicts and ways to solve them" passed in the form of a conversation with elements of testing and discussion. Classy leader of Zavalishin OM He told the guys about the causes of conflict relationships and ways to overcome them. The guys were offered various situations from which they found the right ...

Negative emotions and ways of their expression "The purpose of the lesson: to teach various ways to express negative emotions. Tasks: - to help the child to understand how anger is accumulating in a person and, as he then, pulling out, can injure others, and the person himself; - to activate the sensory channels of perception so that the child can see, feel, "hear", irritation and anger, and, thus, it is better to realize their nature and meaning; - show and teach children safe SPO ...

An abstract of the classroom in elementary school (grade 3) on the topic "Why a man mirror?" Description: This material Useful for primary school teachers for educators. Purpose: upbringing in children of goodwill, respect for each other. Tasks: 1. Contribute to cohesion of the collective; 2. Motivate children to commit good deeds; 3. Reveal the concept of "beauty" from different sides, consider the meaning of the mirror; 4. Form moral and value orientations. Equipment: Theater Shirm ...

The class hour in the 2nd class "All professions is needed, all professions are important!" Purpose: 1. Find out children with different species professions. 2. Show the value of labor activity in a person's life. 3. To bring up a valid and kind attitude towards people of different professions. 4. Develop cognitive interest and creative activities of children. The course of the training word of the teacher is expensive guys! Congratulations on the beginning of the school year. This year will be held under the slogan "The city begins with you ...

Class hour "Afghan pain", 4-6 classroom: Lutkovskaya Victoria Aleksandrovna, head of the branch, MUK "TSDB Yaroslavl" Children's library-branch number 5, leisure center "Zhuravlik". Material will be useful to teachers class leaders, librarians. Event for students 4-6 classes. It is aimed at acquaintance of children with periodic publications, the magazine "Murzilka". Purpose: Attract young readers to read the literature on history, to raise a sense of pride in the young generation ...

An abstract of the class hour in elementary school on the topic "Bread - the whole head" bread is a product of human labor, this is a symbol of well-being and prosperity. It is the bread that the most important place on the table and on weekdays, and on holidays. Without it, not a single reception of food. Many children do not know about the work of people growing, and relate to bread carelessly (thrown, play, crumble, pushing the figures, throw out insufficient pieces). The abstract of the class hour will help the elementary school teachers to pay attention to ...

Class hour abstract for primary classes "I am a citizen of Russia" goals: develop cognitive interest in his homeland; Relieving a respectful attitude to the symbols of your state, patriotic feelings, form a sense of pride for their homeland. * * * If the word "homeland" immediately gets up in the memory of the old house, in the garden of the currant, a thick poplar at the gate, at the river Berezka - a modest And chamomile hill. And others probably remember the old Moscow courtyard or steppe, o ...

Class hour abstract in grade 2. Topic: "Expensive Good" Goal: Create conditions for the formation of a value attitude towards friendship. Tasks: - introduce children with the rules of friendship. - develop responsibility for your actions. Equipment: Computer or Music Center, Friendship Song Phonograms, Posters Written, balloons, Friendship Rules, Book Exhibition, Labor Sheets, Pencils, Paints. The form of holding is a conversation - reasoning with gaming moments. Groove Glass ...

Cool hour on the burden in the elementary school "Firemen You can not be" Goals: To talk about the benefits of fire, about the rules of safe handling of fire, to bring up respect for the fire profession, content: 1. Conversation: Teacher: Guys, Guess the riddle: What is neither a measure or weight, no price in the world? Without hands, without legs, but everything eats? (Fire) The opening of the method of producing fire was a significant victory for a person over nature. This is how it says about the meaning of fire in Le ...

Class hour on traffic rules "Responsibilities of pedestrians and passengers" Crafts for Junior Schoolchildren Objectives: to form students some generalized concepts, to achieve their understanding and understanding, develop the ability to evaluate the actions of drivers, pedestrians, passengers as correct, safe and wrong - dangerous ; expand vocabulary According to the road vocabulary, using special tasks in the classroom - notebook. Equipment: books - notebooks, tables, road signs, disc from studies ...

"Good Lesson." Methodical development of an extracurricular event in the elementary school: Lychangin Lyubov Vladimirovna, primary school teacher MBOU SOSH No. 5 P. Leninsky Mo Alandansky District RS (I) Dear colleagues! I bring to your attention methodological development Lesson of mercy for elementary school children (grade 2). The publication includes my copyrighted aphorisms and new poems of kindness and people with disabilities. The material will be useful to teachers of primary classes ...

The abstract of the classroom in elementary school (grade 3) on the topic "kindness steps on the planet" Description: This material is useful for primary school teachers, for teachers of additional education. Purpose: Education in children positive qualities Character, contribute to the cohesion of the collective, motivate children to commit good actions. Tasks: 1. Relieve mutual respect, polite appeal, the ability to feel, understand yourself and another person. 2. Bring to the consciousness of children that ...

"Family together - and soul in place!" Creative report O. extracurricular event In elementary school, dear colleagues! I bring to your attention a creative report on the class hour "Family together - and a soul in place!", Conducted in the 2nd grade of primary school in the month of psychological health. In the publication, I included my fresh copyright poems and a new author's game of small mobility; described the most bright moments of the event. Material can be useful to teachers.

Class hour in elementary school "Travel to the city of tolerance" Description of the material: This class hour is useful for children to raise human-mindedness, kindness and empathy, attention to others, willingness to be tolerant, condescending to people of other nationalities. Purpose. - introduce students with the concept of "tolerance", with the basic qualities of the tolerant personality. - to promote the formation of a tolerant and respectful attitude towards people of different races and nationalities ...

Conversation on the topic: Zozhe for students of primary school "Let's say no smoking" Purpose: to promote a healthy lifestyle. Tasks: 1. Contribute to the formation of knowledge about the dangers of smoking. 2. To bring up responsibility for their health and negative smoker. 3. To form a conscious attitude towards the consequences of bad habits; the course of the conversation - Hello! - You will tell a person. - Hello! - He will smile in response, and, probably, will not go to the pharmacy, and will be healthy for many years. - And what's the meaning ...

Topic classroom watches in primary school.

1 class

Grade 2.

Grade 3.

4th grade

School behavior rules

Holiday Knowledge "You are a student!"

School behavior rules

Holiday "You are a student!"

Secure School Behavior during lessons and change

Holiday Knowledge "You are a student"

Holiday "Teacher's Day"

Excursions on vacation

Intelligent game "In the world of fairy tales"

Subject Olympiads

Holiday "Teacher's Day"

Excursions on vacation

Intellectual game "Proverb - All Affairs Affairs"

Subject Olympiad.

Train safety sites in school

Holiday "Teacher's Day"

Excursions during vacation

Intelligent game "Field of Miracles"

Subject Olympiad.

Methods for solving conflict situations

Holiday "Teacher's Day"

Vacation. Excursions.

Intelligent game "Entertaining Russian Language"

Subject Olympiad.

I and others.

Holiday "On the guests to the autumn"

Daily regime

Holiday "Outnaire"

Excursions on vacation

Holiday "Autumn Ball"

Excursions during vacation

Household and street injuries

Holiday "Autumn Ball"

Vacation, excursions.

Schoolchild Day Mode

Sub weeks

New Year holidays

Excursions on vacation.

Subject week

New Year holidays

Excursions on vacation

Subject week

New Year holidays

Excursions during vacation

Subject week

New Year holidays

Vacations, excursions

Clothes in autumn and winter. Clothing care.

Rules of behavior in public places

Holiday "Winter Fun"

Secure School Behavior

Intelligent game "50 questions about animals"

Christmas holiday

The structure of the human body. Health and illness.

Intellectual game "Obvious - Incredible"

Behavior in extreme situations

Holiday "How to meet New Year in different countries"

How to protect yourself from cold and influenza.

Intelligent game "Amazing Near"

Who can I call my friend?

The holiday "What our grandmothers played"

Subject week

Excursions on vacation

Subject week

Excursions on vacation

Holiday "Defender of the Fatherland Day"

Hygiene study labor and recreation

Subject week

Excursions during vacation

Holiday "Defender of the Fatherland Day"

Prevention of infectious diseases. Microbes.

Subject week

Vacation, excursions.

Holiday "Defender of the Fatherland Day"

Alone at home.

Farewell to "ABC"

Intelligent game "Well, ka, girls"

Harm tobacco smoke

Intellectual game "Well, girls!"

Power hygiene

Intellectual game "Well, girls!"

Nutrition is the basis of life.

Intellectual game "And well. girls!"

Proper nutrition - a guarantee of health ..

Excursions on vacation

Insect bites

Spring Festival.

Excursions on vacation

About the dangers of tobacco smoke

Holiday "Our Planet - Earth"

Excursions during vacation

Harm tobacco smoke

Holiday "Flight in the Star World"

Vacation, excursions.

Public Behavior

Holiday "Travel to the Future"

Holiday "Victory Day"

Health Day

Fundamentals of personal security

Results of the year.

Holiday "Victory Day"

Safety instruction in summer

Results of the year.

Holiday "Victory Day"

Safety instruction in summer

Basics of personal safety at home

The results of the school year.

Holiday "Victory Day"

Safety instruction in summer

The results of the school year.

On the reservoir, in the forest and in the mountains

Organization of leisure activities in elementary school.

Children should live in the world of beauty, games, fairy tales, music, drawing, fantasy, creativity.


The game is an eternal childhood satellite, creates prerequisites for the formation of a child's mental abilities.

The game for younger schoolchildren is a way to learn what no one can teach them, a way research and orientation in the real world. The game is born a fruitful competition subordinate to the socially significant idea - success common action and achieve the goal. During the game, personal responsibility for the entrusted business is brought up.

Jr school age is a period of intensive development.

Features of this age are important for:

The formation of the motives of the teachings, the development of sustainable cognitive needs and interests

Development of productive techniques and skills of educational activities

Disclosures individual features and abilities

Development of self-control skills, self-organization and self-regulation

Formation of adequate self-esteem

Assimilation social norms and moral development

Development of communication skills with peers.

In fact, the game of the game, children learn to live in the world of meanings of values, and at the same time they investigate, experiment, are trained.

The game "Journey to the Planet of Knowledge" is a sphere of cooperation and the Commonwealth of Children and Adults.

The main provisions of the game "Travel to the Planet of Knowledge"

1. Subscribe to the life practice of the younger student of educational tasks and educational and educational activities, disclosure of its own abilities.

2. In total complication of the learning tasks and the conditions of the game, the participation of each student in competitions, games, competitions, the inclusion of it in an active position: from the fan - to the participant - to the organizer (leader) - to the author of the game (st. Limited).

3. Creating conditions for selection by participants to play their participation in it, taking into account their interests, abilities and opportunities.

4. Award complication of requirements for the fulfillment of travel tasks, the development of individual and collective standards of relations.

5. Foundation of decision-making, educational, informative tasks.

6. Meeting with the activities of existing children's organizations and institutions.

Principles of children's leisure activities.

1. The principle of social significance, the public performance of leisure activities.

2 . Incinition of amateur and individual approach to participants of leisure activities.

3. The principle of entertainment, entertainment.

4. The principle of humanization of educational education.

5 . Projection collective creative business With an arising goal (Ivanov I.P.)

Program proposed creative development "Journey to the Planet of Knowledge" contributes to the organization at the school of extracurricular learning and educational work. The program is aimed at the development creative abilities Children and provides aesthetic, physical, moral, intellectual development, knowledge of life, themselves, other people with the help of active involvement of guys in a variety of gaming activities.

The game program contributes to solving the problems of social adaptation of younger students, providing the child with new opportunities for interaction within the school. It is a program of cooperation and community of teachers and pupils.

The program allows you to solve the main problem associated with the need to compensate for information overload, with the organization of psychological and physical recreation.


games "Journey to the Planet of Knowledge"

for students of grades 1-4.

The main directions of the game:

Development and consolidation of a children's organization as a basis for inter-seated constructive communication, socialization, social adaptation, creative development of each study;

The creation of a new style of relationship between adults and children, the style of joint, equal, interpretative, intellectual creative activity;

Use in everyday life of a variety of available and interesting forms and methods of work;

The development of the cognitive, communicative, moral, physical, aesthetic potentials of the child's personality;

Incorporating parents of students in the educational process;

Cohesion of the class team.

The purpose of the game: identification, study and development of creative abilities of students of younger school age.

Tasks of the game:

Attraction to participation in educational work and integrating the efforts of primary school teachers, parents, workers of out-of-school institutions;

Creating conditions for intellectual, moral and emotional self-expression of the identity of the younger schoolboy;

Development of fantasy, disclosure of individual creative abilities and cognitive interests of each child;

Creating conditions for the formation of a friendly class team and the development of the person in it;

Upbringing a healthy lifestyle;

Education of personal responsibility for the entrusted business;

Improving the system of work on raising a free creative personality;

Development emotional sphere Child as the basis for the formation of "culture of feelings";

Identification of new initiatives, ideas;

Attracting students to creative competitions outside the school.

Journey - this is the combination of boys and girls, dads and mothers, everyone who wants to spend their leisure with benefit, learn what he did not know before.

Journey - this is a game for everyone, the ability to unite for good and helpful things.

Journey - this is an obstacle, difficulties. Tests.

Traveler can be anyone who is ready to perform the rules of this game.

Travel includes:

Contests Allowing to see in a person what was not known earlier; choose the direction of the path; make a travel route;

Games who will teach and help learn a lot of new things will get acquainted with each other;

Holidays which are found guys from different crews. talk about themselves, about the path they passed, and how they succeeded;

Meetings, CompetitionWhere the winners are determined, the results are summed up, travel routes are applied.

The game "Travel to the Country Country" will help:

Become independent;

Find real friends and like-minded people;

Reveal reserves of their abilities;

Replenish your knowledge of curious and interesting facts;

Check your intelligence;

Become more sporty and tempered;

Respect the elders and protect the younger.

Forecast game results

1 . Readiness for the continuation of education:

The presence of sustainable cognitive interest, the desire for success;

The presence of knowledge necessary to successfully continue learning in the main school;

Possession of emotional-volitional regulation necessary for successful educational and cognitive activity;

The ability to find creative decisions of educational and practical tasks within educational programs elementary school.

2. Active orientation for socially significant values:

Availability of norms and rules of behavior at school, communication rules with peers and adults; the presence of desire and ability to follow them in practice; the ability to establish friendly relations with peers in the class team;

Possession of emotionally volitional regulation of its behavior in sharp conflict situations, the ability to confront the negative impact of peers and older schoolchildren;

The presence of initial knowledge about healthy education life and need to apply them in practice;

The presence of interest in participating in the life of the class team.


"Travel to the Planet of Knowledge"

  1. Station "Hello, School!" (September)

Knowledge Day (1-4 Classes)

Clock communication in grades on the topic "We-Future Travelers".

Starting rules in 2-4 classes.

Rule "Dedication to Travelers" (1 classes)

Health Day "Small Olympic Games".

2. Building "Autumn" (October). Week of environmental education.


1 Class: "Golden Autumn, Hello!"

2 Class: "The redhead is a guest"

3 Class: "Autumn leavefall"

4 Class: "Autumn ball".

Contests of drawings "Golden Autumn" (1-4 classes)

Competition Crafts from natural material "Human gifts" (1-4 classes)

Competition of poems about autumn.

Competition on best corner crew.

Competition for the best album "Crew business cards".

3.State "Crossroads" (November). Week obzh.


Grade 1: "Red, Yellow, Green"

2 Class: "Svetoforik"

3 Class: Zigzag Good luck

4 Class: "Friends of the Road"

Cool clock "Travel to the country of road signs"

Holiday "Himself - Rescuer!"

Meetings with traffic police inspector

Excursions during the holidays.

Holiday "School Birthday".

4. Involutionary "Samodelkin" (December).

Labor week and from.

1. Treasted:

1 Class: "Visiting Grandfather Frost"

Grade 2- Grade 3: "Winter Tale"

Grade 4: "Visiting the Snow Queen"

2. Current for the best new year toy.

3. "Santa Claus" workshop "

4.Discotek "And we have fun!"

5. Typhyria (January). Week of mathematics.

1.Contest-game program:

1 Class: "Twice two"

2 Class: "Star Hour"

3 Class: Small Olympiad in Mathematics

4 Class: "Mathematics - Queen of Science"

2. Intelligent game "The MOWER" (city event)

3. Schedule "Christmas gatherings"

4.Cliking, excursions.

6.Instation "Health" (February).

Fisculture Week.

1. Sport-gaming contests:

1 Class: "Strong, bold, deft"

2 Class: "Girls do not take with you"

3 Class: "Only the sea are bolder"

4 Class: "Forward, boys!"

3.Septions "Cheerful starts".

4. Shahmataya tournament.

7.St. "Game" (March). Reading week.

1. The holiday events and competitive programs for girls and moms.

2. Contest of young readers.

3. The organizing of the photo exhibition and exhibition of drawings about mom.

4. The sign "Znainka". Game "Cheerful Starts"

5.Cliking, excursions.


Week Russian language.

1. Treasted:

1 Class: "Roads of fairy tales"

2 Class: "Know and draw a native language"

3 Class: "Visiting a fairy tale"

4 Class: "Justice Adventure"

2. The compositions of the writings "My favorite fabulous hero."

3. The design of the drawings "in the world of fairy tales."

4. Constructive program "Miss - Spring ..."

9. Station "Hello, Summer!" (May).

Week of favorite lessons.

1. Chatting.

2. Projects for projects on the topic "Our Future Cases".

3. Speed \u200b\u200bin the shares "We are of the right faith" dedicated to the Victory Day.

4. Making a "gift veteran".

5. Transferred holiday with summing up for the year.

6. The holiday line "Hello, Summer!"

III . Opening a new knowledge. Primary consolidation.

Guys, in order to find out what person is called pupil, we need to go on a journey.

So, we go on the journey. First stationcity of magical words.

What polite words do you know?

Well done! How many magical words you know! Complicate task, name polite wordsin groups : Greeting, farewell, apology, please, thanks

Check, whether all the magical words you remember

Connect the line:

The game "Be attentive"

I will ask you to fulfill the task, but it is necessary to fulfill them only when I call the "magic word".

Stand upyou are welcome !

Raise your hands!

please , Praise in your hands!


Jumpyou are welcome.

Be kind , hands forward.

Lower your handsyou are welcome.

please , Tilt your head forward.

Tilt, back,you are welcome .



Be kind , Sit into place.

A brought up man should use these "magical words" as often as possible.

Guys listen to the song("What is kindness?") .

What do you think about what quality of a brought up man will we talk now? We go onisland of good deeds.

Guys, and what person do we call good? (Who loves people, animals, who are willing to come to the rescue at any moment who love and protects nature, a kind person tries to be polite).

Let's guys, let's remember what fabulous heroes did good deeds, brought joy to others. And it will help us in this fabulous chest you need to guess, about whom or what is the speech.

This fabulous hero wore a broadband hat. With an excellent scarmer, he walked around cities, singing and music mined her bread. He saved dolls from the evil Karabas-Barabas and opened a wonderful theater for them. (Dad Carlo)

This hero treated animals and birds, saved sick animals of Africa (Aibolit)

These were the favorite flowers of the girl who was stronger Snow Queen and saved his friend from ice captivity (Gerda)

This fabulous hero helped his owner to become Marquis, marry the princess and become the owner of a huge castle (cat in boots).

This dog was an inseparable friend of the girl, who helped the crash, the Iron Woodhouse and the cowardly Lion to find what they lacked in life (Tatoshka).

good person- This is the one who loves people and is ready to help in a difficult moment. A kind person loves nature and takes her. He loves birds, animals, helps them survive in winter strules.

We go incity of politeness

Guys, what does it mean to be polite?

"Politeness is the ability to behave so that others be nice with you." Listen to several rules of behavior of a polite person

What rules remembered? Let's play the game.

The game "politely is impolite."

Listen to the Rules of the game: if I read about a polite act - you slap into your hands 2 times. When I read about an ignorant act - you are writing my legs 2 times. Let's start.

Study at the meeting ..........

Push and not apologize ............

Whistling, shouting, noise at school ..........

Give way to senior .........

Do not get up for a teacher's appeal ............

Help climb the stairs ............ ..

Say goodbye to ............

So, a brought up man is a polite person.

We go incity of cultural people

Look carefully on the slide and determine where people come culturally, and where there is no.

So, a brought up man is a cultural person.

And the last stationisle of proverbs.

Collect proverbs.

Good word treats, and evil cripples.

Live kinder, you will be all a nail.

Life is given to good deeds.

Politeness opens all doors.

To good hello - a good answer.

What do these proverbs teach us?

1 class
Grade 2.
Grade 3.
4th grade

Cool clocks are held in our country's schools for a long time. Pedagogues use them in order to raise a person in each younger schoolboy, to make the values \u200b\u200bin his life, which he has not yet been known. Cool clock in elementary school - This is a particularly powerful form of educational activities, carrying children the possibility of self-education and self-realization. But, unfortunately, today is not all extracurricular work carried out in schools, performs functions and tasks assigned to it. And all due to the fact that such lessons are not interested in children.

Any junior schoolboy will be delighted with the class hour if the teacher spends it in gaming form Using the presentation for the starting school. But not all teachers know how to develop cool clocks so as to completely capture the attention of children, interest them. Teachers are often lacking for an impact of work with a computer to create a presentation of elementary school students, there is no work experience with children, does not take time or professionalism to develop.

Interesting personal-oriented topics for holding extracurricular activities today can be taken not only in specialized pedagogical literature, which extends to subscription, but also on the Internet.

Many class managers will help our site in preparation, on the pages of which they will be able to download absolutely free the following training materials:

  • interesting class watches for elementary school
  • presentations and development
  • topics for junior schoolchildren (beginning) classes and children

Each presentation of lessons for elementary school was developed by educators with solid experience behind the shoulders. Our base clock base will make it possible to pick up the teacher. good plan Class hour, reflecting the essence and the idea of \u200b\u200bthe thematic orientation of extracurricular work. Any of topics, presentations or developments can be the basis for creating a class of class hour. For this, teacher is necessary to make their own adjustments to the downloaded materials.

1 class

In the initial period of study, when children are only adapted to an unfamiliar environment, it is important to be able to organize exciting and informative cool clocks - 1 class of kids must remember both bright and joyful ...

Grade 2.

Dear site visitors! We offer you to download free presentations 2 class and class clock development in the second grade. Themes, scenarios and development are compiled, taking into account the current modern tasks of educating the best teachers of primary classes and the organizers of extracurricular ...

Grade 3.

Curiosity and excitement is collected on its first class hour in the new school year grade 3. Trekch graders are serious and extremely inquisitive people. They are few lessons, they absorb knowledge like a sponge. Information flow limit ...