The cultivation of basc cultures in the central regions of Russia. Grow watermelons and melons

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Oksana Kharitonova October 4, 2014 | 4531.

To enjoy juicy and tasty melon or watermelon wants everyone. How to grow these southern cultures in her garden? Learn from the article.

Under the Bakhchch, we take small plot 3 on 5 m. From the fall along the edges of the site, 2 trenches of the depth and width of the shovel, fill in half the vegetable residues, sprinkle the soil, leaving a decrease for snow and moisture.
In the first days of May, closing the dry seeds of the zoned varieties of watermelons and melons into gauze. I keep them under a jet of hot (60 ° C) water 30 seconds. Then the seeds soak in a strong heat transfer solution for 30 minutes.

Solo, I lower them by 10-12 hours into a solution of humate or another growth stimulator (on the tip of the knife by 0.5 cent. Water). After that, seeds, not washing, laying out single-layer bags in gauze. We put into the plastic plate a well-humidized foam rubber circle: it provides air access. On top lay out the bags, closing the film and put in a warm place (28-30 ˚С).

When the seeds proceed, landing into the cups. Soil I use the one that remains after the tomato seedlings, adding ash. I put the cups in drawers from under tomatoes and withstand at a temperature of 12-15 ° C until 1-2 leaves appear.

Seedlings in the boxes can be put in the film greenhouse, then it will be more hardened and will not stretch. I plant seedlings from May 15 to June 10. 2 weeks before that, filling the trenches by humus, sprinkle with fertile soil mixed with complex fertilizer and ash (1 handstone per 1 m trench). Before planting, shed trenches with warm water. Plants land one after 20-25 cm, watering. I install small wire alignments and cover the film, which I leave until the beginning of June. When the screens are formed, lifting one edge of the film and release them one way.

Melon prefer the organic, so we feed them simultaneously with cucumbers 3-4 times for the season with the infusion of Korovyaka (1:10). The wounds are formed on lateral shoots, so after the appearance of 5-6 sheets, pinch the central stem. Watermelons feather only with complex fertilizer and microelements (handy per 1 m trench). Picture the central stem after the appearance of 2-3 stocks. I appeal to the shoots very carefully: the plenty cannot be moved, they form additional roots, if they damage them - the plant can die.

For each fruit, laying the board, foam or brick so that the fruits do not start. Melon ripen in early September. Skin is covered with a mesh of small cracks, and with a slight pressure big finger On the place of attachment of the flower, it is slightly sprout. Overrevy melon loses his sweetness and becomes a watering taste. Watermelons ripen later. Relief signs - a ringing sound when tapping and drying the tail. I miss the end of ripening less - the fruits will be sweeter.

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Scorch. The land for seedling should be good, we need peat with pH\u003e 5.5, which necessarily contains agroperlitis, perlite or vermiculite. The earth needs to buy in advance and before the main landings check how watermelon is growing in this soil. If the watermelon is grown to 3 leaves, then most likely everything is in order.

  1. April 15.
  2. April 16-17, pelleen, or plant seeds of watermelon / melon in vermiculitis
  3. April 18 begins
  4. April 20-21 Pelane, or planting Lagenraian seeds in vermiculitis
  5. April 23-25 \u200b\u200bmake
  6. On May 10-15, watermelons \\ Melon should have 5-6 real leaves.

Seedling must be like this:

or such

It is extremely not desirable to plant plants into peat pots, with them constantly problems, the earth will dry, then the mold, then the roots in the walls are absorbed. It is necessary to plant in plastic cups, ideally 0.5 liters, minimum 0.2 liters

Good horse system, age seedlings 18 days:

Class volume for seedlings

The question is complex. On the one hand, the more topics better plantsbut at the same time takes more places and heavier to replant, because The roots will not have time to form a dense lump of roots. But if the roots go back too much, then such seedlings will start a long time when disembarking.

For example, in 2016, I planted on April 25 in a greenhouse two watermelons in cups 0.2 ml, 1st of May landed two watermelons in 0.5 ml cups. Seedling was one age, about one increase strength. As a result, on the state of mid-May, seedlings landed on May 1 overtakes the planted 25th. Watermelons from cups 0.2 ml days 10 simply did not change in size, and from 0.5 ml began to grow the next day. Please note that everything is planted in heated greenhouse, heated soil.

Now I see the following picture

Better, if 1000 ml cups are elongated.

Preparation of beds

In late April - early May, when the earth warms up, you can begin to prepare a garden. Watermelons love lung, air-permeable soil, i.e. what kind of B. middle lane And the suburbs usually not. Therefore, in Standard Suglocks, at a peroxide, you need to add a minimum of 6 sand buckets and 0.5 buckets with a square meter. The pH of the soil is optimal from 6 to 7. If necessary, add ash and dolomite flour.

I plant watermelons according to a scheme of 0.9 x 2.5 meters. It is not necessary to jump over the whole earth, it is enough to plow the rows of 1 meter width.

The beds need to be covered with black mulching material or black film.


May 15-20 landing plants on the garden. A week before the plant disembarking, it is necessary to start hardening, for example, to make a balcony.

When landing in the ground

  1. Pour Kornvin
  2. Spray epin \\ zircon.
  3. In the wells we introduce a comprehensive fertilizer, according to the instructions, for example,
  4. We hide with the concerning material 40 or 60.
  5. If the forecast is promised freezing, it is necessary to strengthen in two layers, 40 + 60 or 40 + 40. The most warm option Shelters is an agrososphere + film, withstands freezing to -4 degrees.

I watch the forecast on the website, in my opinion he is there the most accurate. Please note that at all sites the temperature forecast is indicated at an altitude of 2 meters, in May on Earth will be 2-3 degrees below. In May, the cloudless nights are especially dangerous. In May, when forecast in + 2 degrees, watermelons can be frozen under the material 40.

For one watermelon must be at least 2 square meters Square.

Shelter Arbuzov

Watermelons need to be kept covered before the onset of stable warm weather. In the agrospan, 40 watermelons feel perfectly well in 28 degree heat, nothing will be with them. For shelter it is necessary to make arcs, the cheapest and simple version is fiberglass fittings 8mm diameter, sold on building markets, in Obi, in Lerua. In mid-June, plants are already too huge and the material has to be completely removed.

Normalizing plants

Watermelons planted in ogs do not need to form, the more greenery, the greater the harvest. Week should be so much how much will grow. But with fruits more difficult. If the main whip is shorter than meter, all the zerozyes need to be mercilessly removed, it is definitely. Ideal when the first watermelon begin to tie on 2 metering weaves. For getting maximum yield Most of the varieties need to leave 3-4 fetas if you want a large watermelon leave one fruit. I consider the optimal time of the fruit tying on June 20-25. Watermelons faced after July 20 will not cause.

Melons are increasingly harder. In contrast to watermelons, they need to form them, the main stem is pumped after the 7th sheet, the second order stalks (grow from the main thing) are pumped after the fifth sheet. I don't do the normalization of melon fruit.

Under the fruits necessarily put the bakery, so as not to rot.

Usually watermelons and melons in the open ground are grown in the southern regions of our country. These Bakhchy cultures, grown in the Astrakhan and Volgograd regions, Krasnodar Territory and other regions, where similar climatic conditions are considered the best. After all, these plants are extremely sensitive to warmth and duration of the daylight.

Gorgeous cultures grow in the garden of garden sites and in the middle lane of RussiaHowever, due to a shorter warm period in these regions in open sad Plant the grown houses seedlings of watermelons and melons.

Basic varieties for open soil

Name of variety Main characteristics The ripening time of fruits Transportability
Variety Arbuzov
Honey giant Medium-power, fruit large, elongated form, fetal weight 13 - 14 kg Early (fetus aging period - up to 65 - 70 days) It tolerates transportation well, good footing
Sugar kid Large fruits, with dense leather and juicy scarlet pulp, the weight of the fetus is up to 5 kg Early (about 70 days) Good tolerate transportation
Gift Sun. Resistant to drought variety, fruits rounded yellow color, sharp shaky, sweet Ripening early (62 - 71 days) Transportation tolerates well
Prince Arthur 1. Hybrid variety, fruits oblong, light green with dark stripes, weighing up to 2 kg Ripening Early (about 70 days) Transporting tolerates well
Rafin Fruits rounded shape, peel dense light green, weighing up to 5 kg The ripening of fruits is early
Rosario F1. The fruits are large, the color of the peel - dark green, the skin is thin, the weight is about 5 kg Rannoveful Transport with caution
Variety Melon.
Cinderella Fruit coloring - bright yellow, oval shape, weight - up to 2 kg The ripening of fruits is early Well tolerate transportation
Story Fruits of an elongated shape with bright yellow paint peel, flew of gentle-cream color, the weight of the fetus - up to 2 kg Ripening early, friendly (about 2 months) Transported well
Galilee Fruits rounded shape, mesh, yellowish-orange color, weighing about 1.5 kg Refers to middle Litters. Well tolerate transportation
Assol Fruits have a rounded shape, covered with a grid, the color of the peel - orange-yellow, weight - up to 1 kg Spectacle fruit - early Well tolerate transportation
Zlato Scythians Fruits have a rounded shape, the color of the peel is bright yellow, the weight of the fetus - up to 1.5 kg Refers to the secondary varieties (up to 80 days) Well tolerate transportation

All of the above grades of mesh crops are suitable for growing in the open ground.

Growing seedlings of watermelons and melons

  • These heat-loving plants need first in good lighting During the day, as well as warm. If these two conditions are not observed, then healthy and strong seedlings are unlikely to grow.
  • Since the seedlings of these mudflows grows rather quickly - from the moment the seed landing before receiving the full seedlings goes around a month - it is important to plant the sowing material on time. In the conditions of the central regions of Russia, the Seeds of Bakhchykh cultures on the seedlings in the third decade of March are planted in the third decade of April.

  • It is better not to buy it from the hands of unknown manufacturers, but to buy in specialized stores. These seeds should be zoned for those regions in which they will grow.
  • The soil mixture in which the seedlings will grow should consist of one part of the soil and three parts of humus or compost. It is also necessary to add a complex preparation to this mixture, which includes fertilizers containing potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen. but you can buy an already ready-made soil mixture for basic crops in a specialized store.
  • Since the seedlings of watermelons and melons are very tender, it should not be subjected to picking. therefore seed seeds should one choose in peat pots. In addition, ready-made seedlings will be quite large in the amount, and if it is planted for several pieces into a container, these melting crops will interfere with each other in the process of growth. If there is no suitable packaging for planting a seed material, the semblance of cups can be made by cutting plastic bottles.

  • Watering seedlings need to dry out the soil. During the growth of seedlings, it can be watered with a cowhide solution a couple of times until landing in an open ground.
  • Seedling is considered to be sufficiently growing, if it has at least 5 real leaves.
  • In the conditions of the middle strip of Russia, plant seedlings into open ground should be when the danger passes spring frosts- In the third decade of May or in the first decade of June.

Seedlings for permanent location

Before planting seedlings, you must choose a place where these mudflows will grow.

The beds should be located in such a place where the sun will illuminate them throughout the light day. The place must be protected from drafts and strong winds.

How to plant watermelons (video)

Usually, watermelons and melons are planted with a square-nesting method. The distance in the rows between them should be about 0.5 m, the width of the rod - not less than 0.7 m. The soil should be easy enough and at the same time keeping enough to keep moisture.

After disembarking seedlings in open ground, each plant is covered plastic bottlewhere the bottom is cut. So for melting crops, the effect of the greenhouse is created so that they are acclimatized faster in a new place. In addition, this is a kind of precautionary measure so that the plants are not injured if the night temperature drops below 15 ° C. After 7 - 9 days, when the plant goes into growth, the bottles can be removed.

Growing from seeds

In the southern regions much earlier than in other areas of our country, it comes to heat. Therefore, there can be grown by seeds immediately in the open soil.

  • The landing place is selected in the same way as when the seedlings of these thermo-loving plants fall on the site - the main thing is that there is a lot of light.
  • Seeds before landing should be soaked for several hours in warm water In which special growth stimulants should be added. Then they can be planted in the wells.

  • It should contain two pieces of seeds in each yam.
  • When shoots appear, they are neatly distributed in different directions so that the bulk plants do not interfere with each other in the process of their growth.

Departure technology

These cultivated plants, like others vegetable cropsThey need regular irrigation, weeding, dipping and loosening. All these events are very important for the normal growth of watermelons and melons.

Watering watermelons and melons need carefully so that the moisture does not fall on the foliage. If the weather is dry, these plants are watered more than once a week, but abundantly. When flowers appear on the raids, the amount of irrigation should be increased. But during the aging fruits to water the mudflows are no longer necessary at all.

Also watermelons and melons in the process of their growth should be picked up several times during the season.

  1. The first time to make fertilizers under these plants should be immediately after they fit in the open soil. The composition of this feeding should include fertilizers containing P, K and N.
  2. When the screasts begin to grow, you should again feed the mudflows. This time you should use solutions based on organic fertilizers (chicken litter, manure), which add superphosphate and potash salts.
  3. For the third time, plants are required nutrientsWhen you begin to form a ovary. For this prepare a solution containing the following minerals: In the water bucket dissolve a teaspoon of superphosphate, a tablespoon of ammonium fertilizer and 1.5 tablespoons of any potash salt. Under each bush should be poured 1.5 - 2 liters of such complex fertilizer. The solution is poured into circular grooves located at a distance of 16 - 18 cm from the stems.

Growing vacations should be distributed in bed, removing weak shoots, as well as those that do not appear flowers and ovary. So form the scourge of watermelons and melons.

How to grow a melon (video)

Grow watermelons and melons in the open ground can be both in the southern regions of our country and in climatic conditions middle strip of Russia. Plants are demanding of heat and light. Observing all the rules for landing and care for these molecules, you can get good crops.

Since everyone else has been known since childhood that watermelon is southern culture, many gardeners do not even try to grow this large berry in their own area. And in vain, because watermelons and melon can be seeded at seedlings even in conditions of Siberia! The main thing is to choose suitable seeds, comply with the rules for growing the planting material and its landing in the ground, and then you will be able to enjoy independently agreed by the sources of vitamins. Healthy seedlings are a pledge of a rich harvest, so it is necessary to study all the subtleties of their cultivation.

Before dealing, how to find the seedlings, first it must be raised. And this fascinating process begins with a hike to the store to select seeds. The first thing to be done is to carefully read information on the packaging of an interested grade.

Large sweet watermelons can be grown on its plot

How to choose and prepare seeds

If you do not live in southern latitudes, choose early varieties with a crop maturation of 70-90 days. Usually, the seedlings are planted into the soil in May, so late satisfying varieties may not arm. Ask the Seller to help and ask what Bakhcheva varieties are buying most often. If you understand little in these cultures, such a prompt will help make a right decision. Do not risk buying landing material only because of the beautiful packaging.

Among the early varieties, the Watermelon "Spark", "Sugar Kid", "Chill", "Krymson Sweet" and "Astrakhan" remain popular. The term of their ripening is 65-70 days. Weight of mature berries - 3-5 kg. If you take a popular watermelon "chill" for example, then its fruits will weigh 4-4.5 kg. One such handsome is enough to enjoy the whole family at lunch.

This is how the ripe watermelon looks like "Spark"

As for the melons, one of the favorite varieties is considered a ground-wing melon. It matures for 90-110 days, has fruits slightly oval shape weighing up to 3 kg. This variety is characterized by a juicy dense pulp. Among the quickly ripening, it is also worth allocating the "Altai" varieties, "collective farmer", "Pineapple" and "Cinderella".

It is better to choose seeds that are collected 2 or 3 years ago. If there is a unbecable seed, there will be many male flowers in plants, and women's female needed.

Choose watermelon seeds need carefully

After purchase, it is necessary to prepare seeds of watermelon and melon to sowing seedlings:

  1. Preparation begins with soaking in a weak salt solution (100 g of water to take 0.5 h. Salt).
  2. Seeds that fell on the bottom, you need to rinse in clean water And let them dry.
  3. After drying, it is necessary to warm up 2-3 hours in water temperature 50-60 degrees.
  4. Then to withstand them in a manganese solution about half an hour. Manganese will kill microorganisms that got from the soil. In the future, such a simple action can save seedlings from diseases.
  5. Final stage Preparations - soaking until sprouts.

What did the proceed seeds look like

Preparation of soil and seedlings

Properly prepared primer for seedlings of watermelons and melon - already half of the success. You will need 3 parts of the cowhive humoring and 1 part of the turf (a layer of soil, which is cut along with roots of dry plants). The second option is to mix 3 parts of the low-lying peat with 1 part of the sawdust and 0.5 parts of humus. The last component is necessary that the land for seedlings of watermelons and melons had enough useful substances for rapid growth.

  • the pots are made out natural material;
  • peat serves not only with a capacity, but also fertilizer;
  • porous walls are easy enough to pass water, the air also passes through them;
  • roots can germinate through the pot without resting in the wall and not deforming;
  • the pot is strong enough, hold the form.

Cultivation of seedlings in peat tare

The rapid roots are very fragile, so they can break with an inaccurate transplant from ordinary glasses, which can lead to the death of the plant. When a peat pot goes into open soil, it protects root system Watermelons and Melon from mechanical damage. If you have little experience in resetting, use this idea.

Dates of sowing seeds of watermelons and melon on seedlings

Ogorodniki still begin to be interested when it is necessary to plant watermelons and melons to seed out this year to get good harvest. And this is correct - each region has its own characteristics of the climate, so the definition of forecasts will not be superfluous. So, the timing of watermelon and melon on seedlings in the middle lane and in Siberia is significantly different.

The optimal landing time is the end of March, the deadline is the beginning of April (approximately 27-30 days before landing in the soil). If you put seeds with a delay, you miss the time when it is better to plant watermelon seedlings in the ground. There is also a risk that they will not have time to mature until the beginning of the autumn. In medium latitudes it is very important, because the crop can spoil early frost. But in the southern regions a little late is not so critical.

Watermelons can be grown even in Siberia

If you are interested when we plant melons and watermelons to seed lunar calendar, Remember the most important rule - it is impossible to sow on the full moon. An excellent time, which promises a rich harvest, is considered the second quarter of the phase of the growing moon. This period when not only watermelons can be planted, but also other fruits with seeds (tomatoes, peas, bulgarian pepper other).

It is best to plant seeds into separate glasses, but if you plan to do it in the box, withstand the distance between the holes 10-12 cm. Fill sidebank On 2/3 of the prepared in advance of the earth. You can pour a little drainage to the bottom. For the landing, the proceeding seeds should be selected, immediately determining how watermelons are planted for growing seedlings.

Better grow in glasses, and not boxes

If you have a lot of seeds, put them in a pair of pieces to a depth of 3-5 cm. Later out of two shoots, you need to choose stronger, and weak - carefully cut off with scissors. Tear out young plant It is impossible not to damage the rapid roots of the neighboring watermelon that you leave. In principle, the depth of planting melon on seedlings is the same. Usually sprouts at home appear in 4-6 days.

How to care for seedlings of watermelons and melons at home

Well, the seeds are planted, you can now take care of future shoots. The first thing to be done is to wrap the pot of stretch film and ensure the correct temperature mode. Main nuances:

  • until the appearance of shoots, a stable temperature of 25-30 ° C should be maintained;
  • after seeding, the temperature is recommended to reduce to 18 ° C at night and up to 20-25 ° C in daytime.

How to water the seedlings of the Bakhchyev

Since mudflow cultures prefer a moderate level of soil moisture, watermelon seedlings and melons at home should be often and nonless. If you allow the drying of the soil in the landing pots, plants can get sick. It will be difficult to correct this lack, because fragile roots are sensitive to the slightest disadvantage of moisture. The same can be said about its excess.

Water shooting should be warm water so as not to cause shock. From iris cold water They weaken and may die. Optimal temperature Water - 25-30 ° C. If the pots stand in a heated room, shoots need not only to water, but also to properly spray warm water from above. When growing in a greenhouse, it is not necessary to do this - the humidity level is higher.

Healthy seedling Arbuzov

How to properly feed young plants

To obtain high yields and beautiful fruits weighing more than 2.5 kg of dynamy and watermelons should consume potassium, nitrogen, phosphorus, calcium and sulfur in sufficient quantities. The first feeder for seedlings of watermelons at home is necessary at the stage of appearance in plants of the first real leaflet. Prepare a solution from such components:

  • 15 g of superphosphate;
  • 6 g Selitera;
  • 7 g potassium (take the sulk acid, and not chloride).


  1. Prepare 10 liters of water with a cow (from 10 liters of cowboy there should be 2.5 liters, that is, one quarter of volume).
  2. If there chicken litter, add it in proportion 1: 7.
  3. Dissolve Potassium, Selitra and Superphosphate in the resulting mixture, then adopt the plants.

For feeding enough small packaging fertilizer

It will be an excellent foundation for active growth.

The second feeding is carried out 14 days after the first. The weight of the fertilizer specified above should be increased by 2 times. Plants will already be more developed, they will increase the number of leaves, so they will need more trace elements for growth. No need to buy other fertilizers - two feeding planting material will be sufficient.

Possible problems with the seedle and their elimination

Gardeners often do not understand why the seedlings of watermelons die, because they try to create everything for her the necessary conditions. There are several reasons, but the most common should be considered in detail.

What to do with the death of watermelon seedlings

The first reason for the defeat of young plants - wrong watering in the process of cultivation. Most often it is an excess of moisture, because many gardeners are too carefully approached to the question of the irrigation of seedlings and do not give the earth at all. because of excess moisture The vessels passing through the stalk of the plant are affected. In other words, fusariosis is developing - a dangerous disease. Provokes him as well low temperature.

If you notice signs of fusariosis, it is necessary to remove the plants that they get sick so that they do not infect healthy. Externally, this disease can be determined on the yellow shade of the leaves and the appearance of rot on the roar zone. When these features are found, do not delay with the removal of infected bushes - to save these young watermelons will not succeed anyway.

To avoid possible problems with young plants, follow several rules:

  • choose a disinfected ground for landing, disinfect the tools that will work, especially if they were used on the site;
  • support a stable temperature in a place where clashes are with culture;
  • protect plants from drafts;
  • observe the deadline for making feeding.

Weak seedlings of Bakhchev

Possible problems with melon

The reasons for which melon seedlings are also associated with irrigation, temperature and feeding. However, there is another situation with which you may encounter in your practice of the gardener - excessive pulling of stems. Experts believe that the deficit of light on the windowsill or other place allocated to grow seedlings. The duration of the daylight in April is insufficient, so you need to take care of additional lighting.

So that the stems stop reaching to the scattered light from the window, set one or more fluorescent lamps above them. Thus, you will extend the day day to the necessary 11-12 hours for the right growth and development of culture. Additional illumination may even be needed by plants that stand on the south side of the house.

The plant can too far to the light, if it is not enough

Looking out seedlings of watermelons and melon in open ground

So, when the seedlings were growing, and the temperature outside the window has stabilized and stopped falling below 13-15 ° C, it is safe to plant them into open ground. From the day of planting seeds in peat pots, 1-1.5 months passes to the peat pots. Before falling down, make marking on the bed to do everything right.

It is necessary to plant young watermelons in a chess order, making a distance between the pits a distance of 1.5 m. The depth must be sufficient so that the entire root of the plants is underground, and the seedy leaves remained above its surface. If you do not have a very large plot, planting seedlings are allowed at a distance of 1 m, but no less. In order not to make a mistake, you can watch a video with a demonstration of the process.

Video: Spacery planting in the ground

After falling asleep holes, it should be carefully tumped, so that the melon seedlings and watermelon remained in a vertical position. To prevent the spread of brown rot on the bed, pour around each seedlings a little sand. Then pick up the bed with warm water so as not to injure the treated plants. If necessary, organize protection from the scorched rays of the sun, until the leaves are elastic.

As you can see to taste watermelons grown on your garden or in a greenhouse, you need some patience and labor. Get the harvest can even newcomer in a garden. If in the process of growing seedlings at home questions will arise, you can always contact a specialist for the advice.

Who has a desire to enjoy sweet and juicy melons and watermelons? These fruits will be more tastier if they are engaged in themselves. But not to all lovers, and even more novice bacchivodam, it is possible to achieve glorious yields. Often they are unhappy with damaged and spelled shoots. To avoid many mistakes, it is worth listening to the advice of experienced farmers.

In Ukraine and in the south of Russia, planting watermelons and Melon usually begins by the end of April and ends at the first May decade. Usually by this time they begin blowing dry, and the upper layers of the soil have already frown well. Pay attention to the features of planting these crops. The most common and easy way is manual. This is a very interesting process.

Planting watermelons and melons

Before diging up the hole, it is necessary to rotate the upper dry layer of the soil and deepen the soup blade at a certain angle into the moistened soil. The well is done so that one of her edges go deep into 10 cm, and the second was on the same level with the surface of the soil. The bottom of the hole in length should be no more than 30 cm, width - from 5 to 8 cm. From the removed soil you need to make a mound from the northern side of the wells and save it until the next weeding to get the best soil warming.

A handful of complex fertilizers or mixed ordinary fertilizers pour into the cooked well. Fertilizers are mixed with soil. After that, evenly, from small to the deep edge, placed from 7 to 10 seeds, it is possible and more. Next, the seeds fall asleep with a layer of moistened soil (two or three centimeters) and be covered with foot or tamper with palm. On top of the intake layer, another six or seven centimeters of moisturized soil are poured, and after the ground is fully storm. Do not take too tightly, it will make it difficult for the appearance of sprouts. Landing the watermelon in open ground occurs in the same method.

Landing watermelons in the Urals

Such a seasonal culture as watermelon is grown in different places in Russia, and the Urals are no exception. It should be paid to the fact that watermelons are very fond of heat and grow best in southern sunny places.

To begin with, we take into account the fact that for not all varieties are suitable, but only early, because warm days there is not enough, but hot and less. These varieties like "light", "sugar kid" and "scary" maturation time is not more than 70 days. During such time, even in the Ural climate, watermelons manage to grow and hide.

Before boarding the seeds you need to warm up. Envelopes with seeds should be decomposed in a fairly warm place for a period of time. The most suitable period for landing comes in the last few days of April.

Planting watermelons and melons best justifies themselves in a greenhouse or greenhouse. The sequence is the same as under normal conditions. It should be done well and plant a few seeds into each. The depth to which seeds omit is from 1 to 1.5 centimeters. After landing, the well need to pour. As weeds appear, they should be deleted.