Landing autumn crocuses in open ground. Autumn Planting Crocuses - Pledge of Spring Blossom

The appearance of the spring of the first crocus flower (Latin name Shafran) is always welcome with gardeners with great enthusiasm and a considerable dose of optimism, as it invariably signals the arrival of spring and the opening of the country's season. Yellow, white, blue-purple positive flowers captivated by their tenderness, brightness, originality of a cupid form. That is why they can so often be seen on alpine Gorki, rockers, flower beds, in garden compositions. This plant is indispensable in containers, both in curbrad, and lawns. In addition, Saffron is simply doomed to success due to its bitter spicy taste and strong smell, as well as a yellow coloring agent that gets from it. How to plant and care for unpretentious flowerThis will be discussed in our article.

Popular crocus varieties

Crocus varies in blossom timing on:

The most popular autumn crocuses are:

Important! Spring crocuses are the most famous and common, so it will be more on their landing and growing.

When to plant crocuses in spring and autumn

Like almost all the bulbs, crocuses put it in the fall. As for certain autumn time disembarking in open sadthen it's about the second half of August - September,although landing can be postponed and until October.In general, it is best to plant bulbs for 2-4 weeks before the first frosts so that they definitely do not have time to germinate. So, you need to be focused on climatic conditions Your region of residence.

However, recently, these beautiful began to appear in the spring, so they began to be used to give them in vases on March 8.

So, after they are swinging, they can be quite successfully planted into the garden. In other words, crocuses can be planted and in spring, approximately in the beginning of April.

Tips for the choice of quality crocus bulbs

To in early spring Crocuses decorated your garden, you must choose the most quality Lukovitsa Plants, namely, before buying it is worth it carefully:

  • it should not be any signs of disease: mechanical damage, rot, spots and sores;
  • the bulb should be healthy: dense and well dressed, that is, covered with dry scales;
  • on the bulb should not be thrown roots and stalks;
  • it is better to choose the largest bulbs.

Planting crocuses in open ground

When planting crocuses to open ground, it is necessary to make focus on choosing the most suitable place in the garden, corresponding to the soil for landing on bulbs, as well as on mandatory preparation and processing of bulbs before planting.

Optimum place in the garden and suitable soil for planting bulbs

Despite the fact that crocuses are light-minded plants, they are often planted in flower beds and under the treesbecause they can bloom at the end of February-early March (some varieties later - in April-May), when there are no leaves on the trees, and accordingly, there will be no lack of sunlight either.

Especially beautiful to plant bulbs of saffron straight on, because, as a rule, it falls for April-May, and by that time crocuses will already be swathe, and their green mass will leave.

In general, it is better to choose the maximum solar place in the garden for saffron, without drafts, that is, closed from a strong wind.

As you know, the bulbous will not tolend the stagnation of water, because because of this, they begin to rotate. Therefore, the optimal soil for planting crocuses should be well drained and relatively light, that is, the loams or a sugary soil will be perfect.

If you are a "happy" holder of heavy (clay) or insufficiently fertile land, then for the successful growing of the saffron, it should be pretty preferred before planting colors.

In the clay soil with a peopling, sand or humus (per 100-15 kg per 1 sq. M.), peat (0.5 kg per 1 sq.m) and superphosphate (40 grams or 2 tbsp. Spoons on 1 sq.m).

If you have poor and sandy ground, then during the people, add peat, humid or compost to it (approximately 5-10 kg per 1 sq. M. M of the bed).

Note! To roots crocuses to be breeding, any soil must be switched for 20-25 centimeters (on the bayonet shovel)

Preparation and processing of bulbs before landing

All bully plants before landing on the garden need to be treated to prevent the formation of various rotors and other diseases. There are several means for routing crocus bulbs. The easiest processing method is a pink solution of mangartee, it is also possible to use special fungicides, such as Maxim Dachnik or Fundazole, and various growth stimulants, like "epin", "corneser" or "heteroacexin" will also go.

Important!As a rule, the average metering time of the bulbs is about 20-30 minutes, the rate of consumption of the drug - 2 ml per 1 liter of water, but first be sure to read the attached instructions.

Landing in autumn

Tip! Optimally for landing to choose cloudy morning or evening after sunset, Dry and sunny day - the most adverse time for landing almost any cultures.

Step-by-step instruction landing on the bulbs of crocuses in the open soil in the fall:

  1. Choose optimal place in the garden.
  2. Prepare a landing hole, rebuilding and supporting the soil.
  3. If the soil is very heavy, and there is a probability of stagnation of moisture, then put on the bottom of the sand layer.
  4. The bulb must be planted with a snap down, top-up, not on the side.
  5. The depth of planting crocuses, like all bully, - 3 heights of the bulbs, that is, it is about 5-7 centimeters.
  6. Saffron is a family plant, so the bulbs need to plant at a minimum distance from each other, that is, about 3-6 centimeters. However, if you plan to dig them, then it is better to plant.
  7. Fall off the earth and plenty.
  8. After landing, inspire the place with false foliage or pagan. It will be a kind of shelter crocuses for the winter.

Video: Two ways to plant crocuses in an outdoor soil in autumn

Spring spring

In order to transfer presented in spring crocuses from pot to open ground, you need to do the following:

  1. Crop all the flowers, the leaves are not needed.
  2. Pull out of the pot together with the ground and divide.
  3. Sprinkle at the same distance and at the same depth as when landing in the fall.
  4. Next, all manipulations are similar: fall asleep the earth, pour and inspired.

Video: Planting crocuses in spring

Caring for crocuses in open ground: growing rules

Special care crocuses do not require, so they can be called enough unpretentious flowers. However, so that they look more neat and abundantly bloomed, they still need some garden manipulations, namely:

  • if necessary, loosening and weeding from weeds (early spring and after flowering);
  • moderate watering;
  • timely feeding.

In the spring crocuses in watering practically do not need, but after they are swinging, it's closer to the summer, if the weather is arid, then at least once a week they should be slightly moistened (especially if the soil is too sandy), but neither In no, do not overflow so that the tubers do not start. If the autumn is dry, it will be perfectly implemented a couple of temperate irrigation.

A more productive development of plants may contribute to the timely introduction of mineral fertilizers.

Each year it is best to perform 2 crocus feeders:

  1. Early spring is still in the snow, that is, prior to the beginning of the growing season, nitrogen fertilizers are required, for example, urea (carbamide) or ammonium nitrate, and better - complex nitrogen-phosphoric feeders, such as nitroposki.
  2. Before or after flowering, the plant is reasonably easy to prevent any complex potash-phosphoric fertilizer, for example, superphosphate (better than double) or potassium monophosphate, also fade ashes (just sprinkle in a circle).

How to care for crocuses after flowering: Flushing and storage of bulbs

In one place, the saffron can be grown about 4-5 years. Digging or not digging crocuses on the bulbs depends on how the bushes rumbled. If the landings are too thick, the flowers can be fine, that is, in this case, it makes sense to get the bulbs. As a rule, the time of the digging occurs when the leaves of the plant will yellow and begin to shove out, that is, 2-4 weeks after flowering, tentatively in May-June.

Next, they need to go through, throw out too patients and damaged, remaining cleaning from the ground and put on drying a week. Then sort in size and put it on a storage in a cardboard box in a dry and well-ventilated room (at a temperature of + 15-20 degrees) to fall again at the end of the summer - early autumn.

Video: What to do with crocuses after flowering

If there is no need for reproduction, then after the crocuses are swinging, and the leaves will be buried, they should be cut and inspired - to cover it (if it was not done during landing).

By the way! Crocuses can be multiplied with seeds. Read more in the roller below.

Video: how to propagate crocuses seeds

Why crocuses do not bloom: reasons

Often, gardeners complain that their crocuses do not bloom. This may be several reasons:

  1. You may have planted early grades, so you simply do not have time to see their blossom, because the country bus can start walking enough late, for example, only from April, and they can have time to have time in March.
  2. On the contrary, you could land autumn crocuses, the bloom of which begins no earlier than September-October, but the leaves also appear in spring and die away by the end of May-beginning of June.
  3. Flower bulbs often love mice. How to deal with rodents on the household plot, told
  4. There was an excessive division of bulbs, which they simply could not bloide due to a banal lack of forces after the breeding process.
  5. Too deep landing was performed, or the soil is too heavy or clay, because of what the sprouts can not break into the light.

Decisive steps when planting crocuses in spring and autumn should be the right choice of place in the garden, choose suitable soilAs well as methods for proper preparation and processing of bulbs before landing. In addition, in the culture of novice flower flowes should be rational care in open ground and departure after flowering. And then captivating crocuses will only delight you!

In contact with

Crocuses - perennial tuberukovic plants, differ in gentle and sophisticated beauty of inflorescences. There are 2 types of crocuses: springwenty and osen-driving. If the flowers belonging to the first group are undemanding to the care, then instances blooming in the fall, have to pay more attention. They are heat-loving, require regular making feed and watering soil, so among the gardeners are not so popular. The primroses must be planted into the ground in the autumn so that on the background of snowy snowdrifts to contemplate the beauty of these small, but charming colors. How to plant crocuses in autumn on cottage plot? Beginning flower can not do without valuable tips.

What crocuses are suitable for landing in the fall?

The planting material is better to buy from reliable gardeners or in well-proven stores. Buying crocuses on the market, one can never reliably know what plant will be in reality. Perhaps the unscrupulous seller will fall, who, under the guise of springwenty, will offer the OssennetsNews. What and how to plant crocuses in the fall? Below are the most popular types of primroses.

  • Crocus Spring - Flowers are lilac, sometimes with purple streaks, in the wild growing in the meadows and forest glades in the Alps and Pyrenees.
  • Crocus two beds - Color is a snow-white or blue with a lilac with a lilac, outside the petals are found brown-violet strips.
  • Crocus Crimea - White flowers with a purple tump and bright yellow "throat." The outer side of the petals is inexperial, with gray-violet stripes.
  • Crocus Adam - color is different, from pale-lilac to a saturated purple color. It is found on the stony terrain and the steppe slopes of Transcaucasia, Dagestan, Iran.
  • Golden crocus - The leaves are narrow, underdeveloped, flower golden yellow color, can be browned outside. Distributed on the rocky territories of Malaya Asia and the Balkans.
  • Crocus yellow - Bright orange flowers, slim leaves, saturated green. The flower is interesting feature "The clubneelukovitsa is located in a film shell, which appears from the ground and gives the plant a form of a miniature bouquet.

When buying it is worth a preference to large bulbs, which is 9-12 cm dymeter. It is known that the larger the tuber, the more buds are formed in the spring.

Choosing a place on a plot for landing crocuses

How to plant crocuses in the fall, what should be aware of the choice of a flower bed? For spring-working species, a well-lit place is needed, with a lack of sunlight, flowers can fade, even without breaking. The most effectively flowering plants look at tightly planted glades in the form of a green carpet, in this case the landing scheme should be 3x3 cm. No less beautiful they look in rockers, on the background of strict stone, it makes their habitat conditions more natural. Gentle flowers are very fragile, easily lose the petals from the busting of the wind, so the landing should be protected from drafts.

To the composition of the soil plants are unpretentious, but it is necessary to protect the bulbs from water stagnation. If the soil on the site is too heavy, then the drainage is poured to a depth of about 20 cm. You can use shards, broken brick or fine river pebbles. To give the ground with a larger ease during the rescue, coarse river sand is made.

How to plant crocuses in the fall, do you need to put fertilizer into the soil? The preparation of the ridge should be done in advance, weeks for 3-4 to the planned landing date so that fertilizers can partially decompose. It is possible to increase the fertility of the soil using compost, humidiation and mineral compositions containing potassium and phosphorus.

Landing crocuses in autumn

When leaving the clubs of crocuses each gardener decides itself and focuses on the characteristics of the climate and the weather forecast. But it is impossible to delay with the procedure, because in a short time, fragile roots will appear in the stored tubers, they can be easily injured with a late landing. Most often, planting crocuses begins on September 10 (the northern regions of the country) and ends on October 5th. In the southern part of the country, landing can be carried out much later.

How to plant crocuses in autumn in open ground? On the prepared area, the wells dig up, their depth depends on the variety and size of the tubnelukovitsy, and on average ranges from 7 to 10 cm. The mechanical composition of the soil affects the depth of the bookmark, if the ground is heavy, then you can land the bulb for a couple of centimeters above. When boarding children, the depth of the well decreases to 4-5 cm. If the gardener wants to extend the flowering period of flowering flowering beds with crocuses, then you can resort to small tricks - to plant them at different depths. So, the specimens located closer to the surface will come and, accordingly, will bloom a few days earlier.

After landing, the beds are watered and mulched with wood sawdust or chips. And in winter, the plants are not extincting, on the eve of the cold, the surface of the earth is covered with a dry leaf (sufficient layer 15 cm).

Planting crocuses in the basket

Learning how to plant crocuses in the fall, it is worth considering the way to plant the clubnellukovits in special baskets. The advantages of such a landing are obvious - the basket will provide reliable protection against rodents and save the time of the gardener, because when growing it is much easier to carry out excavation with planting material.

The landing in the basket is carried out in the same way as in the open ground. The bottom of the substrate layer (you can take garden land, pre-mixing it with sand and humus), and then placed on the bulbs. Further, the basket is put in the pit shouting on the plot and put to the earth. After flowering, the basket with crocuses can be quickly digging, go through tubers and prepare them for the next season.

What should I know the gardener about leaving crocuses after flowering?

Some gardeners, once dropping crocuses to the site, do not bother with digging tubers after flowering. Subsequently, such a dismissive attitude leads to the grinding of flowers and tubers. Professionals recommend to dig plants at the end of the summer and to go through the bulbs who have formed kids. Besides this excellent opportunity To split another flower garden on the site or realize extra clubnellukovitsa neighbors or acquaintances.

How to plant crocuses in the fall, digged after flowering? The bulbs need to dig already in June and provide them special conditions storage (smooth decrease in temperature). The first 7-10 days should be added to open air, After that, decompose on the newspaper and put into the room where the air temperature is kept at +21 ° C. It is important that the room is dark and sufficiently dry. After another day, the tubers can be placed in a cellar or a vegetable store, where the air temperature will be 7-10 degrees below, residents of urban apartments can put crocuses in the refrigerator, on the shelf shelf of vegetables. In such conditions, tubers will be held until the autumn until the time comes to landing them.

As you can see, grow crocuses, putting them in the fall, quite simple. The cultivation of these elegant and undemanding colors will necessarily like both beginners and more experienced gardeners.

Video how to plant crocuses

Crocuses: Landing and care in open soil require specific knowledge to ensure that this fragile and gentle flower is rooted in the soil and delighted the eyes of the hosts with their motley petals. The name of the plant is saffron, and most gardeners believe that it blooms exclusively in spring time. However, breeders have long brought special varieties of crocuses capable of blossoming and autumn.

Saffers are distributed almost throughout Eurasia and feel well in moderate climate. But, before proceeding to the question of landing and care for crocuses in the open soil, you need to choose healthy plant bulbs and highlight the right place to disembark flowers in your garden.

How to choose viable saffron bulbs:

Even healthy parts of future flowers require pretreatment before planting. From the bulbs it is necessary to consider the old skin and disinfected them by sprinkling ashes or withstanding in the manganese solution.

Landing and care for crocuses in the open soil should occur on spacious flower beds (the flowers are able to take the entire area in a short time). They should be located in an open area, where many sunlight. Therefore, it is not recommended to plant saffron under trees with a thick crown.

Soil for crocuses of all subspecies should not be excessively wet. The structure of the soil should be loose, nutritious, light and not acidic. Do not be afraid if the land in the garden does not meet these requirements, it can be made suitable for saffron using non-hard ways. From excessive dampness will help get rid of large river sand, gravel or crushed stone, which is used as a layer of drainage. Soil acidity Neutralizes a mixture of peat and lime, ash or overwhelmed manure.

Landing time crocuses in the garden

When to plant crocuses in the open soil? It all depends on the grade of the plant, which chose a gardener, but they are all divided into flowers, blooming in spring or autumn.

Springnetswear plants include:

Since the flowering of these subspecies of the decorative flora falls on spring period, then there is a landing of crocuses in the open soil in the fall. It follows them from late September to the beginning of October.

If you plant spring-working varieties before the second half of September, then Saffron can bloom to the period of frosts and eventually die. And if you put a flower later than the first half of October, then the soil for bulbs will be too cold, they will not be able to root in it and simply frozen.

Saffron referring to the OssennetsNews:

Flowers bloom in the garden in the fall, and therefore the crocuses are planted in the spring of the spring (the end of May) or at the beginning of the summer (the first half of July).

How to care for saffron?

Saffron is not a flower that needs abundant watering. If autumn or spring (depending on which the grade of the flower is planted) were rich in precipitation, then they should only water when the soil becomes dry not only on the surface, but also in depth. IN otherwise Plants simply can be contrary.

Caring for crocuses in the open ground is sufficiently easy. Periodic it will be necessary to gour out floral rows, getting rid of weed grass. Soil (especially after rain) need to loose to root system Plants got access to air.

Like any decorative flowers, crocuses need feeding. However, it is not recommended to fertilize the saffron with organic mixtures. It is better to purchase a granular mineral feeder, enriched with potassium and phosphorus. Nitrogen-containing fertilizers should be made with caution, in small doses, as they can provoke the rising fungus on the bulbs of the plant.

The feeding should be made at least 2 stages: first fertilize the soil before planting crocuses, and then during their strengthened growth.

Below are photos of crocuses in the open ground:

Two ways to plant crocuses - Video

When on a string of bright fallen leaves, like small spring foresters, touching crocus flowers flashes, it seems that time flowed reversed. It is difficult to find a more delicate oxnywriter plant. The crocuses revealing their flowers at the end of the garden season are the closest relatives of universal spring lovers. They grow almost according to the same rules as ordinary crocuses, that's just the flowering of these plants occurs not after a long winter, but before it began.

Saffron, or crocus beautiful (Crocus Speciosus). © Meneerke Bloem.

Getting closer with autumn crocuses

Crocuses, or saffron - Favorite from primroses. They are easy to grow and even easier to care for them. But from 15 groups, including almost 40 species of crocuses actively used in gardening, not all - spring flowering plants.

Large group of crocuses blooms in autumn, under the curtain of the season. Autumn crocuses bloom after the start of the leaf fall, and this is a spectacle - the contrast of a typically spring miniature flower and fading the garden for winter - can not leave indifferent. Such species bloom as short as the spring species, but much more effectively.

Like spring species, autumn crocuses are suitable for cultivation and as a garden plant, and in a potted and even indoor culture. True, in the last rank they shift the periods of flowering and depend on when the bulb falls down, and not from the natural cycle. It is better to use them:

  • "Wild" stains under shrubs and trees;
  • as touching accents in small groups scattered in the garden;
  • in curbs and foreground, on the edge of the ragot;
  • in reservoirs and other water bodies;
  • for jewelry of lawn;
  • in the role of seasonal accent on alpine rols or rockers.

The best types of autumn crocuses:

1. The only yellow color crocus Sharojanwhose color is dazzling-shafran. He has wide leaves and a large, elegant flower that seems to be a little sun. This crocus blooms in September and October.

2. Crocus Hill (or Valley) The height will not exceed 12 cm, but long, up to 6 cm petals with dairy main color and purple stroke strips are decorated with charming orange divorces in Zeva.

3. Crocus Banatsky With beautiful linear autumn leaves up to 15 cm long and blossom stretched for a month, during which each bulb releases 1-2 flower to the height of the leaves. It has very large flowers, spectacular, little similar to irises, with long almost five-per-meter shares of the perianth, yellow-lilac anthers and a cold lilac color.

Saffron, or Crocus Banatsky. © Jim Murrain.

4. Pretty crocus With almost round shares of the perianth, a surprisingly magnificent bunch of stamens and a beautiful game of color - dark purple on large streaks and brighter, watercolor on the petals themselves. The leaves are dissolved only after flowering, tightened, exciting and September, and October.

5. Crocus Pallaswhose flowers seem wonderful stars. This is a plant with narrow, dissolving only in spring leaves, the flowers of which appear in the second half of September and even reach a height of only 5 cm, but very spectacular. By reaching almost 5 cm in diameter, they are highlighted by a lyilyevoid form and a very light, shining white-lilac color with a beautiful beam of the stamens.

6. Crocus beautiful - One of the largest Ossennetswate crocuses. The leaves develop in the spring and reach a length of 30 cm. But the present "show" begins in September, when tuberukovitsa produce flowers up to 7 cm in diameter, white or lilac, with surprisingly touching longitudinal veins, watercolor divorces, ideal shape wide, pointed on edge of petals and symmetric structure. In this crocus, everything is fine - and bright orange columns with yellow dusting in the center, and translucent textures of pearl petals. The Speciosus Crocus has a huge number of intensive and dark blue, blue, damp varieties. Among them are most popular:

  • sort "Oxynan" with dark purple, with ultramarine tump color of wide perisheries and elegantly pointed ends of petals;
  • albus variety with original cream tube and snow-white petals;
  • sassiope variety with amazing contrasting veins on gentle blue flowers;
  • aITCHISONU variety with large, more than 7 cm in diameter with lilac flowers;
  • sort "Conqueror" with azure-blue huge flowers;
  • aRTABIR grade with sky-blue color, underlined dark streaks.

Conditions, comfortable for autumn crocuses

Autumn crocuses differ much more plasticity in their requirements for illumination. Crocus Schroyan and Valley loves shadow or half, but the rest of the species are better to provide scattered lighting, sun and bright places or at least a half-walled location. For autumn crocuses, it is suitable for growing strategy with a sun-location in spring and autumn and privided - in summer.

Shafran Sharojan, or Crocus Scharojanii (Crocus Scharojanii). © desvil.

Crocuses do not like winds and drafts, so protected areas are chosen for them. The thing is that these plants have flowers are sensitive to cold autumn winds, and the greater defense they will provide "neighbors" - the better.

The place of landing crocuses of autumn needs to be selected with the calculation so that during the rest period they did not suffer from wetting, they grew into dryness and warmth. That is why you need to choose either raised, well-drained places (for example, on alpine rolled rockers). Another option is to lay drainage when disembarking.

Pay attention and soil. For crocuses, choose the lungs, loamy soils that are well passed water. The only exception is - -golland varieties and hybrids that endure even heavy soil. Be sure to make sure that the soil is not acidic and not alkaline: crocuses love neutral soils. But they are not so demanding towards fertility: for crocuses, the richest soils and rather meager soil are suitable.

Features of landing autumn crocuses

Before boarding crocuses, the platform for them needs to be prepared. To mix the sand or small gravel to improve the drainage, and make a mature manure, leaf soil. With gratitude, autumn crocuses will respond and on the introduction of phosphorus-potash fertilizers (instead of nitroposki, it is better to use superphosphate and potash salter). Peat is better not to use or extinguish its lime. On those sites on which high risk of wetting, make raised ridges or laid drainage at a depth of 30-40 cm.

Saffron, or Crocus Valley (CROCUS VALLICOLA). © oldtulips.

Autumn-driving crocuses require a slightly different approach to landing: if the spring is planted in August-September, then the oxnynets need to be bought before flowering, traditionally starting in September. Top dates For them - from June and to the end of the first decade of August. Do not buy blooming bulbs - they will be weakened, will require several years to restore.

In front of the landing again, inspect the bulbs: they should be heavy, with dense shells, not wild and soft, with clearly distinguished renewal kidney (small tuberculk). Autumnal blossom crocuses must soon "wake up", and if the kidneys are imperceptible on them, it is better not to land them at all or put in a pot and watch the signs of growth.

Autumn crocuses are planted only by bands from 5 pcs, placing plants at a distance of 5-6 cm between plants. Crocus bulbs are planted on a traditional depth equal to the twofold height of the bulbs themselves (from 5 to 15 cm). On heavy soil from the top of a bulWhi to the edge of the soil, leave the distance equal to the height of the bulbs. It is not necessary to strictly follow the centimeters: crocuses, unlike many bully, form retractive roots and young bulbs themselves will be in the soil at a comfortable depth. After landing, mulch the soil with sand to protect the slug. Place of landing Be sure to mark with chopsticks or other markers.

Caring for crocuses blooming in autumn

These small plants offering enjoy the spring blossom in an atypical season, just grow. Watering crocuses are not needed, with the exception of coincidence of minor winters and extreme droughts in spring, when during the active growth of autumn crocuses, the need for bulbs in moisture should be filled and at least several times to pour crocuses. Watering in autumn plants are not needed.

Saffron Pallas, or Pallas Crocus (Crocus Pallasii). © Dimìtar Nàydenov.

Through the entire phase of active development at the beginning of the season, crocuses need potassium and phosphorus. They can be filtered once in early spring. Caution make nitrogen for autumn crocuses: the rapid growth of greenery can accommodate flowering at the end of the season. Autumn fertilizers for crocuses do not contribute.

Fravel and transplanting autumn crocuses

You can transfer and transfer crocuses to a new place on the same time when they are landing - from June to August for OssennetsNews. Autumn crocuses (if you do not plan to increase the number of plants and multiply crocuses, give their friends-neighbors or sell), do not transplancent 3-5 years. Wait for signs of the "nests" overflow and only then dissolve bulbies. So blooming will be more beautiful, and bulWhi is stronger.

After the flashes, the bulbs need to be adding when room temperature In a well-ventilated place for 2-3 months. After drying, they remove the old roots and detached, bad scales, sprinkling all damage wood ash. The bulbs with the traces of rotes are better to immediately take.

Saffron, or crocus pretty, as beautiful, grade 'Zephyr' (Crocus Pulchellus). © Meneerke Bloem.

Preparation for wintering

Crocuses are frost-resistant bulbs and in no preparation for wintering do not need.

Diseases and pests

Autumn crocuses are considered to be plants more "reliable" than spring-working species. They most often suffer from rotors caused by excessive humidity of the soil, but less often amazed by other diseases. The new varieties have a dry rot, manifested at the beginning in small spots, then merging into whole foci. The bulbs affected by rotting must be immediately thrown and destroyed. They love rodent climbs, so when proximity to nests and high activity on the site it is better to plant bulwing on special grids.

Reproduction of autumn crocuses

Autumn species of crocuses are easier to propagate than spring: they form up to 7 subsidiary tuberukovichki annually. Autumn crocuses form "nests" - a group of related bulbs, which, after moving the old bulwing and the formation of the new, becomes independent plants. It is their best to use to increase the collection of crocuses, because only this method retains the varietal characteristics of plants. When digging and transplanting, subsidiaries are simply separated and used as independent. Since they bloom for 3-4 years, usually already in next year Most of the separated bulbs will delight blossom.

Saffron Banatsky, or Crocus Banaticus (Crocus Banaticus). © Jim Murrain.

Seeds crocuses can also be multiplied, but this method does not allow to preserve the features of varietal crocuses, and the fruction of autumn species is an irregular and dependent weather-dependent weather. Collect the seeds of autumn crocuses in the spring, after natural stratification, living in the same year in summer or in the fall. It is best to cross in boxes or pots, covering the nonwoven material or a black foam. The plants from the first year are cultivated cyclically, but they bloom only 4-5 years after sowing.

Crocus is one of the most beautiful primroses from the Iris family. But if you put it in the spring, you can get the second bloom in the fall. The process of growing crocuses in the open soil and care is quite simple. First bright flowers On the flower bed will appear as soon as snow comes. At this time, it is massively blooming from 2 weeks to a month. There are also autumn varieties.

Plant Description

Crocus or saffron is a perennial bulbous plant belonging to the Iris family. Stalver plants are not developed. Leaves straight, dark Greenlocated near the roots. They can appear both during flowering and after it. The root is a tuberukovac size up to 3 centimeters. It has a surplus shape, surrounded by flat scales.

Flowers crocuses

Flowers a cup of all single, large, they are surrounded by filmmatic scales. Have a bright color: from saturated purple to bright yellow, cream or white. Seeds small, angular shape. Collected in trudge fruits in the form of boxes.

Crocuses can bloom not only early in spring, but also in the fall. It depends on the specific type of plant.

Types and varieties

All types of crocuses can be divided into two main groups:

  • spring-driving;
  • ossennetsNews.

The most popular species blooming in the spring include:

  • spring. Plants up to 17 centimeters of height, have brightly purple or white flowers. One or two flower can develop from one clubnellukovitsa. The flowering period is up to 3 weeks;


  • golden. The plant with a height of up to 20 centimeters, blooming in April. Leaves are very narrow, long. Flowers bright golden. Blooms for 3 weeks, before the beginning of May;
  • two-color. It has the most diverse shape and painting of flowers. Zev flowers can be white or yellow. Petal coloring can be bright white or pins. It can be white with purple stripes or lilac with brown spots;
  • Tomazini. Unusual coloring have not only flowers, but also leaves. They acquire a gentle lilac-pink shade. Star flowers have bright white color. Up to 3 flowers develop from one tuberukovits.

Autumn varieties include:

  • beautiful. The plant reaches a height of 30 centimeters. Pinsy flowers have a beautiful lilac coloring with purple streaks. There are also varieties with blue, white, bright purple or gentle blue color.


  • banat. The plant was called in honor of the Banat region, nursing in Romania. Beautiful light lilac flowers have bright yellow anthers. The height of the plant ranges from 12 to 14 centimeters;
  • pretty. Plant height from 7 to 10 centimeters. Flowers have a beautiful lilac coloring with dark stripes.

Most popular varieties:

  • Naset. Spring grade with creamy yellow flowers. On the outside of the inflorescences there are purple stripes;
  • Blue bonnet. Spring-watering grade with beautiful gentle blue flowers;
  • Lilenk beauty. Spring-breathing grade with widely opened inflorescences. Their painting combines a lilac shade outside and bright blue inside.
  • And Ji Baulls. Spring-breathing variety having pretty large flowers bright yellow color;
  • Albus. Autumn variety having a pronounced white shade of flowers;
  • Oxyin. OssennetsNerry variety having a pedigree color of flowers. Inflorescences combine shades of lilac and blue with a dark perianth;
  • Artabir. Autumn variety with sky-blue flowers and dark bracts.

Wide distribution received Dutch hybrid varieties. They have particularly large and beautiful flowers. It can be:

  • Albion. Hybrid variety with white glassworm flowers;
  • Jubae. Hybrid variety having glazing flowers lilac color With a purple-purple tint.
  • Kathleen Parlow. Hybrid variety, allowing you to decorate a flower bed white color.

Best combine in landscape design At the same time, springwenty and oennunoxy varieties.

Many hybrid varieties in the spring can continue flowering up to the end of May.

Terms of cultivation

The timing of crocuses to open soil directly depend on the time of flowering of a particular variety. It may be:

  1. Spring varieties planted in an open ground in August or September. The plants overwhelmed in the open soil will bloom depending on the variety in early April or May.
  2. Autumn varieties. The landing in the ground takes place in May - June. Beautiful flowers at the flower beds will appear in September or October.

Spring varieties of crocuses are the most famous - one of the most beautiful primroses.


Crocus is a fairly unpretentious plant. Before flowering and during it, the care of plants is minimal. For cultivation, almost any soil will be suitable, but it is best to grow on lungs. It is undesirable to plant it on scyed or swampy soils. It grows very well on open, sunny sites.

Landing Lukovitz

To get healthy and severe plants, you need to choose planting material. Clubneelukovitsa should be:

  • without external defects (dark spots, mold traces);
  • mechanical damage;
  • traces rot.

Clubneelukovitsa before planting are necessarily freed from external film scales and old roots.

Autumn crocuses are sometimes sold in flower shops or nurseries with old flowers. Such a plant is rarely coming. It is best to acquire clubnellukovitsa who have not had time to bloom. Before planting poor nutrients, the soil should be fertilized by manure or compat.


  1. Dig holes with a depth of 10 centimeters;
  2. On the bottom of the wells are placed drainage from crumbs or sand;
  3. Skinnelukovitsa put in the wells and wrapped the earth.

If during the landing at the same time make feeding from a rewind peat, plants will be stronger. They will definitely reward bright and long blossoms.

Crocus refers to drought-resistant plants, but does not like excessive humidity. Water after landing need moderately.

Crocuses require leaving only in the vegetative period. It includes:

  • podrel. Spring varieties can be fed mineral fertilizers, For example, urea. They can be painted in March right on the snow, after which they themselves are absorbed with melt water. For this I use peat, manure and nitrogen fertilizers. The first feeding is made during the period of "crossing" sprouts. The second feeding is carried out during flowering period, and the third before the rest period;


  • watering. In it crocuses need only if there was little snow in the winter. Autumn varieties need to be moderately watered throughout the summer.
  • transfer. Once every 4 - 5 years crocuses must replant. This allows you to prevent the grinding of not only flowers, but also the bulbs.

During the period of peace, coming after flowering, crocuses do not require constant care.

Crocuses after flowering

After the spring flowering period ended, you need to properly prepare them for the rest period. For this:

  1. Trim dry inflorescences;
  2. When leaves dried, they are also cut. After that, the bulbs dig up for autumn landing into the ground.

Ossennets-driving varieties of crocuses do not necessarily dig up and transplant every year.

If the clubnelukovitsa is not needed like planting material, they are left to winter in the ground. To do this, they are enough to climb the peat or dry leaves.

Storage of Lukovitz

Before laying on storing the bulbs, sort and dry. The process of training the planting material includes:

  1. Cleaning. Clubneelukovitsa are thoroughly cleaned from soil pieces, old roots and scales;
  2. Sorting. Damaged pests or weakened tuberukovitsy throw away.
  3. Drying. Prepared clubnellukovitsa lay out for drying in boxes at a temperature not lower than 22 C.

The dried bulbs are stored in a dry and dark place.

At home, the bulbs of crocuses are stored at room temperature, indoors with good ventilation.

More details about growing crocuses Look at the video


Crocus, or saffron is a perennial bulbous plant that can grow in one place from 3 to 5 years. There are more than 15 types of crocuses, which can be divided into 2 groups: Springnetstelling and oxnynets. Crocuses are rather unpretentious to growing conditions. They are frost-resistant and drought. At the same time, the plant does not like strong humidity.

Crocus - small and fragile, but very beautiful flower. That is why it is necessary to know how to implement landing and care in open soilbehind them. Crocuses are still called Saffron. Most often they bloom in the spring, but there are already a lot of views that bloom in the fall. These are very popular flowers, gardeners and lovers often want to grow them. at home. Due to its diversity and nontrivial form, crocuses in the garden Frequent guests, they make a glance since early spring and late autumn.

Choosing bulbs and landing sites

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Most often, saffran on a moderate climatic belt are blooming, although there are varieties that feel comfortable in other localities. Before determined with the landing site, you need to select healthy crocus bulbs. To crocuses in the gardenthey grew up beautiful, it is necessary to choose a healthy material and choose the right place on the plot.

What should be viable and healthy bulbs:

  • There should be no extra sprouts and roots.
  • Healthy bulbs should be dense and solid. When they are soft and loose - most likely they will not germinate.
  • If dark spots are manifested in bulbs, then they are amazed by rot.
  • Mechanical defects also indicate the dissent of the material.

When the material is selected, it must be processed before landing. For disinfection, you need to remove excess skin from the bulbs and hold them in mangartee or shock wood ash.

Important!Crocuses are very loved by sunlight. It is necessary to plant them in spacious flower beds, as the flowers in a short time will take the entire area. Do not perplex crocuses under trees with a thick crown.

It is necessary to plant crocuses in a sweater, a short, slightly moistened land that must first thoroughly braid. If the land in the garden does not comply with the requirements for crocuses, it can be made suitable, applying several non-hard ways. In order to get rid of excessive moisture, you can use drainage from river sand, gravel or rubble. Adding to the soil a mixture of peat and lime, ash or overworked manure will help neutralize acidity.

Watch the video! Two ways to plant crocuses in the soil

When landing saffron

When is it necessary to plant crocuses in open ground? It depends on the type of plant chosen for landing. They are springwenty and autumn.

Springnetswear is:

  • Crocus Spring. Low flowers, up to 17 cm, have lilac or white boutons. Break into quality decorative flower from the 16th century.
  • Two-color. Motley and interesting view. Often the flower has a bluish color, and the surface of some sheets is brown. Or the flowers themselves can be white and decorated purple stripes.
  • Golden. The plant is in a height of about 20 cm, blooms with all the shades of yellow. The surface of the petals is glossy, sometimes with brown stripes.

Important! Species blooming in the spring are planted in an open soil in the fall. Optimum time Planting - the end of September - the beginning of October. If the timeline is shifted - the flower may suffer.

When it is planted earlier than the outlined period - Crocus can start blossoming to the first cold and then he will perish. If you sit down the bulbs later this period - the land will already be too cold, the flowers will not have time to root well and strengthen, so in the winter they will die.

Autumn crocuses- this is:

  • Crocus is beautiful. A rather high and large plant reaches a height of 30 cm. The buds are blue, lilac or white with purple streaks.
  • Crocus pretty. Frost-resistant subspecies. Pale-lilac flowers are covered with dark stripes and look very impressive.
  • Crocus Banat. It has unusual leaves with a silver tinge and bright lilac-colored booths.

Important!Since these types of crocuses bloom in the fall, put them in an open ground at the end of May or in the first half of July.

Basics of care

Saffers do not like strong watering and moisture. If the season, in which flowers are planted, is suggested by precipitation, it is not required for special irrigation. It follows to water crocuses when the earth dries not only on the surface, but also in depth. Otherwise, the bulbs of plants simply rotate.

Look after Saffers are easy enough, the main thing to fulfill the basic requirements:

  1. Regular weeds between floral rows regularly.
  2. Periodically loosened soil, so that the root system can better breathe.
  3. Feed, but do not use organic blends. A good fabric to fertilizer will become a mineral feeding with potassium and phosphorus content. Tools that contain nitrogen should be made with caution, since sometimes fungus is manifested from its excess on the bulbs.

You need to feed two times:

  1. Before landing the bulbs ferture the soil;
  2. The second feeding is carried out during the period of active growth.

Pests and disease crocuses

Viruses. If white spots appear on the leaves of the saffron, and they deform - this is the first sign of infection with viruses. In this case, it is necessary to destroy the already infected plant so that it is not a pedestal play of the virus to healthy flowers. The place where the affected plant grew is treated by manganese.

Fungus. Activate in warm and crude weather. The bulbs begin to soften and frowned. Often weird stains appear on them. The bulb, which is already amazed by fungus, is destroyed, and subsidiaries are dried in a cool place. Before disembarking, it is necessary to soak bulbs in manganese or in a 0.2% solution "Fundazola".

Chlorosis. The main sign of the lesion is the yellowing of the leaves. Often this happens because of the wrong landing site, drainage, not the lack of any nutrient elements in the ground or damage to the bulbs.

Mice and mouse. They can damage the tubers when they break through their underground transitions or even draw the bulbs into their holes, because it often uses them in food. It will help only the cleaning of the dryer in the radius of the 3rd from the place of landing of crocuses, so that they have not had to place the nests. Then 3 meters from the mouse nest do not go.

Caterpillars butterfly scoop. Insects brighten the roots and make holes in the bulbs, looking for a place where to pumped. Such bulbs together with the tracks need to dig and destroy.

Slug. You can get rid of them with the help of a special solution. As a prevention of slugs, when landing with saffron to the ground, around the bulbs make a "cocoon" from the sand.

Proper storage

After the flower blews, leaves are cut off. There is no special need to dig saffers every year for the winter. You can leave the bulbs in the ground, but they must be covered with a sweetheart. If the bulbs dig up for the winter, then they must be carefully overlooked, to discard bad, the rest of the cleaner from dead scraps. There are no longer copies of destroying, and bulbs with minor damage are treated with greenflaws or sprinkled ashes. Having processed them in this way, the bulbs are put on the shadow for 7 days to dry. The next step is sorting. They are divided in size and unfolded in tanks in which there are ventilation holes. Store homemade crocuses Until next landing in the ground.

Watch the video! How to plant crocuses

Perennials are attractive not only to the fact that care is somewhat simpler. If their tubers are in the ground or planted in it in the fall, then they please the owners by blossoming buds much earlier than most of the other colors. Many dacms are because they prefer to grow crocuses, which has already since early April (for middle strip) they become a real decoration of the site, while many decorative plants still in a state of vegetation. Consider the entire process of planting crocuses in the ground.

The classification of this representative of the family of saffron is so complicated that during the last pairs of hundreds of years has repeatedly revised. And although the overall order of autumn planting crocuses into the ground is the same for all varieties of this flower, the individual parts should be specified (for example, limitations) for a particular instance (if any).

Too often transplanting the bulbs should not. Crocus develops well in one place for 3 to 4 years.

And another important point regarding the purchase of bulbs. Crocuses in the period of flowering are divided into 2 groups - spring and autumn. If the planting material at the point of sale is labeled "Crocus Autumn Flowering", this means that in this case (for the admission room in the ground) it does not fit. Such plants are planted in the spring, since their buds dissolve only by the end of the summer.

It is clear that on each site - its specificity, and this should be considered.

The most favorable soil for crocuses - letters and loams. If the soil in the place allotted for this flower does not correspond to the designated requirement, it is advisable to remove part of it and download the new, prepared layer of the Earth. Or bring to the existing corresponding components. In the latter case, the feeders are scattered over the surface, after which the soil is drunk.

Options for the preparation of soil under crocuses:

  • In the sandstone deficiency of nutrients. It feels the manure, peat, compost, humid, wood ash. Approximate consumption - 6 kg / m². Here it is necessary to take into account those agricultural events that were previously held on this segment of the territory, their volume, and what culture was grown before it was decided to plant crocuses in this place. There are plants compatibility tables, they should be guided.
  • Characteristics clay soil Change somewhat differently. It is desirable to add sand of large fractions in it (approximately 1.5 buckets per m²), as well as any organic fertilizer at the rate of 0.5 kg / m². Additionally - lime (in the same proportion, but only if you need to reduce the acidity of the soil) and the superphosphate (40g / m²).

With autumn landing of any garden culture (and no exception crocuses) compositions with nitrogen content do not apply. The reason is this chemical element (as well as its compounds) initiates the development of greenery (shoots) and reduces the frost resistance of plants.

Good lighting area for crocuses

The argument is simple - the more shadow, the smallest the flowers, and the buds are disclosed much later.

Normal humidity

Crocuses are sensitive to her increased valueAnd the bulbs, most likely, in the spring will not give sprouts due to the rotation. For example, due to melting of snow. Therefore, low-albums are completely unsuitable for their landing, as well as areas on which underground aquifers to the surface are sufficiently suitable. What can be done?

  • Raise ground. Technologies for creating artificial beds, alpine slides are quite simple and described in detail in many sources.
  • Organize high-quality drainage. There are also many ways to be a lot of leaning channels, shallow wells, backfilling the corresponding layer into cooked wells, mixing the ground loaded in them with river pebbles or coarse-grained sand. By the way, the last option is the best, since the air permeability of the soil at the same time increases. So, the crocus flowers will turn out as large as possible and fluffy.

Many sources indicate that crocuses like wet soil. This is true, but it is necessary to make a difference between its normal meaning and redundant. What can turn it out, already noted. For crocuses that are planted in the fall, quite enough moisture produced by the bulbs from the melting of the snowy Nast.

Acid Alkaline Balance

For crocus, the optimal soil is neutral (pH within 6 - 6.5). The weakness is allowed. If it is necessary to bring this indicator to the norm, relevant activities are held. For example, the most common technique to reduce acidity - lime. The consumption of the substance is indicated above.

Sorting planting material

Basically, the requirements for it are the same as the tubers of other bulbous plants.

  • Sufficient density. At easy compression, the bulb should slightly "spring". If it is overhaul, then, most likely, the cold period in the soil will not survive.
  • Scales forming an outer shell must be dry. Even a small humidity is a reason for rejection, as this may indicate the beginning of the process of posting from the inside.
  • This is true in cases where there are dark splashes or stains on the club, mechanical damage - such material is not suitable for landing, regardless of the time of year. Darkening is often caused by some disease, and therefore the risk is the risk that "infection" will go to other crocuses, as the landing of this flower is quite dense.
  • Do not come for and bulbs with elongated roots or proof shoots. What kind of spring is suitable, for autumn, unambiguously - no.

Tea disinfection

This work is carried out immediately before landing crocuses. All bulbs are immersed half an hour in a solution of any of the drugs of the group of fungicides - manganese (made a weak concentration, pinkish shade) or purchased compositions ("Sorrow", "Maxim", "Fundazol", "Vitaros" and similar). Such treatment prevents the crocus on the bulbs of crocus after placing them into the ground.

On the packaging of each shopping antifungal agent, the recommended dosage is specified. As for the manganese solution, it is only only a pinch of substances on 1 l (only to cut water, no more).

In some articles of this topic, there are advice to additionally process growth stimulants. When landing crocuses, it is impossible to do this - only in the spring! Otherwise after graduation winter period If individual tubers give sprouts, they will be weak, and beautiful flowers are unlikely to appear.

Procedure for landing crocuses in the ground

Definition of time

One of the most interesting moments relating to the autumn planting crocuses. Opinions in this issue So contradictory that a person who took the time for the breeding of these colors for the first time cannot understand what he was guided.

Indicating certain months, their decades suitable for landing crocuses in the ground, most authors are involuntarily oriented with their own experience. Consequently, to its region. Therefore, all occurring discrepancies in terms are not an error. Only it is not clear for whom this recommendation is suitable.

How to proceed:

  • First of all, take into account the local specifics and forecast of weather forecasters. Crocus bulb enough couples weeks to adapt in a new place. Moreover, for it the most favorable conditions - a slightly moistened soil (and in the fall with this there is no problem) and its temperature of order is +4 ºС. When does it happen? For example, if the day of the thermometer bar shows +5, and at night it drops to -3 (and it is only on the surface). Since the crocus tubers are planted into the ground, and even with gluke, you need to focus on the first frosts, and the stable and without the onset of thaw. If there is a significant plus temperature on the street, the planting material will give sprouts, therefore, it will be ruined. But the frosts hinder this. The conclusion suggests unequivocal - the dates of planting crocuses into the ground must be determined by independently, not listening to the tips, which are given "at a distance", without taking into account local conditions.
  • Inquire who of the owners of adjacent sites grows crocuses, and not the first year, talk, clarify the incomprehensible moments on their autumn landing. Definitely use will be much more than from studying scientific works on this topic.

Fertilizer soil

If it is not specially prepared, it is necessary to organize feeding. The recommended compositions and their proportions are indicated above.

Preparation of soil

Partially about this is already said in terms of making feed. But even if this is not required, it is necessary to open up, and not less than a bayonet shovel. Do not everyone understand the meaning and necessity of this technological operation, so it is worth clarifying. This solves a dual task.

First, it is a more rational (uniform) distribution of the fertilizer across the area of \u200b\u200bthe segment allotted under the landing of crocuses.

Secondly, on any plot together with garden crops, the weed representatives of the flora are growing - it is not going anywhere. Even a regular weeding can not fully solve this problem, since when pulling the stem and the root, part of the dispute still remains in the ground. The peculiarity of most herbs is that their root system develops in the surface layer, the thickness of which is within 15 - 20 cm. This is commensurate with the length of the working part of the bayonet shovel.

The goal of re-pumping the earth is to detect the residues of weed vegetation and remove them, thereby reducing the number of consumers useful substances On m². This ensures that all the "food" will get lined with crocuses on this section. Yes, and in the spring work will take off, as it will not be necessary to spend time on a musting of the plots with these flowers.

Scheme of landing crocuses

They are mainly placed in dormitory, so that after the dissolution of the buds, the blooming "Polyanka" was formed. therefore general Recommendation Such is one tuber requires about 15 cm² free space (for example, 4 x4, 3 x 5). Based on this, and the distance between tubers and rows is selected, regardless of how the crocus landing scheme is composed.

Another disputed moment is the depth. Some point to 5 cm, others on 12. Again, such a discrepancy is caused by the fact that the size of the crocus bulb is not taken into account. The landmark is simple - its bullet is done on three heights of the tuber.

What to take into account:

  • The difference in the depths of the location of the crocus in the ground entails and unevenness in the development of the plant. If you have to land the "solid-caliber" tubers, it is quite possible that at the garden in the spring are formed propellars. Consequently, the planting material must be selected in magnitude.
  • The characteristics of the soil. If it is unnecessarily dense, then young shoots will be difficult to break through the thickness of the earth. Therefore, the indicated 3H recommendation is valid only for qualitatively prepared soil.

Warming of soil

In principle, the crocus tubers safely tolerate the period of cold weather even with our harsh winter. Therefore, mount some protective structuresHow it is practiced when disembarking in the autumn in the soil of some garden crops, no need. And, nevertheless, considering what surprises recently we began to present the weather, additional thermal insulation does not hurt. How and what? On this issue, opinions are also highly different, and it is simply necessary to clarify.

The technique is simple - to make mulching, that is, pour into the soil any kind of sweater material. If in winter snow, it is not enough, covered with snacks, dry branches, burlap. With heavy precipitation, this can not be done, since the snow is the perfect "blanket" for all plants sitting in the soil in the fall.

First, it is not for nothing that all the vegetable garbage after collecting on the site is recommended to immediately burn. It has a lot of pests or their larvae. If it is covered with crocuses in autumn such material with crocuses, then they are safely transmitted in it and with the advent of the first sprouts move on flowers.

Secondly, such a mulch accumulates moisture well. By the way, it fully applies to the shakes that some authors also recommend using for these purposes. Its in the spring crocuses is so enough (in the form of soil and mavel Water), And what will be the surplus will lead to, already said.

The best mulch, and not for some crocuses - organic. It is desirable for the beds, after the autumn planting of the bulbs in the ground, pour peat, compost, wood ash, chevy (but only pine, so it is easier to collect it in the spring). The feasibility of such a decision is obvious - in addition to the solar insulation, a similar mulch will bring to it (in the process of snow melting) a lot of useful crocuses of substances. And this initiates the rapid development of the flower and dissolving buds in early deadlines. What, in fact, expects each dachank.

Landing of any plant is a creative thing, and it is intended to approximately. If you, the reader, understood all the nuances of the location of the crocus bulbs in the soil in the fall, took into account all the recommendations and the features of their site, be sure - already early in the spring they will delight you with the magnificence of blossoming buds.

Beautiful garden to you!

When on a string of bright fallen leaves, like small spring foresters, touching crocus flowers flashes, it seems that time flowed reversed. It is difficult to find a more delicate oxnywriter plant. The crocuses revealing their flowers at the end of the garden season are the closest relatives of universal spring lovers. They grow almost according to the same rules as ordinary crocuses, that's just the flowering of these plants occurs not after a long winter, but before it began.

Saffron, or crocus beautiful (Crocus Speciosus). © Meneerke Bloem.

Getting closer with autumn crocuses

Crocuses, or saffron - Favorite from primroses. They are easy to grow and even easier to care for them. But from 15 groups, including almost 40 species of crocuses actively used in gardening, not all - spring flowering plants.

Large group of crocuses blooms in autumn, under the curtain of the season. Autumn crocuses bloom after the start of the leaf fall, and this is a spectacle - the contrast of a typically spring miniature flower and fading the garden for winter - can not leave indifferent. Such species bloom as short as the spring species, but much more effectively.

Like spring species, autumn crocuses are suitable for cultivation and as a garden plant, and in a potted and even indoor culture. True, in the last rank they shift the periods of flowering and depend on when the bulb falls down, and not from the natural cycle. It is better to use them:

  • "Wild" stains under shrubs and trees;
  • as touching accents in small groups scattered in the garden;
  • in curbs and foreground, on the edge of the ragot;
  • in reservoirs and other water bodies;
  • for jewelry of lawn;
  • in the role of seasonal accent on alpine rols or rockers.

The best types of autumn crocuses

1. The only yellow color crocus Sharojanwhose color is dazzling-shafran. He has wide leaves and a large, elegant flower that seems to be a little sun. This crocus blooms in September and October.

2. Crocus Hill (or Valley) The height will not exceed 12 cm, but long, up to 6 cm petals with dairy main color and purple stroke strips are decorated with charming orange divorces in Zeva.

3. Crocus Banatsky With beautiful linear autumn leaves up to 15 cm long and blossom stretched for a month, during which each bulb releases 1-2 flower to the height of the leaves. It has very large flowers, spectacular, little similar to irises, with long almost five-per-meter shares of the perianth, yellow-lilac anthers and a cold lilac color.

Saffron, or Crocus Banatsky. © Jim Murrain.

4. Pretty crocus With almost round shares of the perianth, a surprisingly magnificent bunch of stamens and a beautiful game of color - dark purple on large streaks and brighter, watercolor on the petals themselves. The leaves are dissolved only after flowering, tightened, exciting and September, and October.

5. Crocus Pallaswhose flowers seem wonderful stars. This is a plant with narrow, dissolving only in spring leaves, the flowers of which appear in the second half of September and even reach a height of only 5 cm, but very spectacular. By reaching almost 5 cm in diameter, they are highlighted by a lyilyevoid form and a very light, shining white-lilac color with a beautiful beam of the stamens.

6. Crocus beautiful - One of the largest Ossennetswate crocuses. The leaves develop in the spring and reach a length of 30 cm. But the present "show" begins in September, when tuberukovitsa produce flowers up to 7 cm in diameter, white or lilac, with surprisingly touching longitudinal veins, watercolor divorces, ideal shape wide, pointed on edge of petals and symmetric structure. In this crocus, everything is fine - and bright orange columns with yellow dusting in the center, and translucent textures of pearl petals. The Speciosus Crocus has a huge number of intensive and dark blue, blue, damp varieties. Among them are most popular:

  • sort "Oxynan" with dark purple, with ultramarine tump color of wide perisheries and elegantly pointed ends of petals;
  • albus variety with original cream tube and snow-white petals;
  • sassiope variety with amazing contrasting veins on gentle blue flowers;
  • aITCHISONU variety with large, more than 7 cm in diameter with lilac flowers;
  • sort "Conqueror" with azure-blue huge flowers;
  • aRTABIR grade with sky-blue color, underlined dark streaks.

Conditions, comfortable for autumn crocuses

Autumn crocuses differ much more plasticity in their requirements for illumination. Crocus Schroyan and Valley loves shadow or half, but the rest of the species are better to provide scattered lighting, sun and bright places or at least a half-walled location. For autumn crocuses, it is suitable for growing strategy with a sun-location in spring and autumn and privided - in summer.

Shafran Sharojan, or Crocus Scharojanii (Crocus Scharojanii). © desvil.

Crocuses do not like winds and drafts, so protected areas are chosen for them. The thing is that these plants have flowers are sensitive to cold autumn winds, and the greater defense they will provide "neighbors" - the better.

The place of landing crocuses of autumn needs to be selected with the calculation so that during the rest period they did not suffer from wetting, they grew into dryness and warmth. That is why you need to choose either raised, well-drained places (for example, on alpine rolled rockers). Another option is to lay drainage when disembarking.

Pay attention and soil. For crocuses, choose the lungs, loamy soils that are well passed water. The only exception is - -golland varieties and hybrids that endure even heavy soil. Be sure to make sure that the soil is not acidic and not alkaline: crocuses love neutral soils. But they are not so demanding towards fertility: for crocuses, the richest soils and rather meager soil are suitable.

Features of landing autumn crocuses

Before boarding crocuses, the platform for them needs to be prepared. To mix the sand or small gravel to improve the drainage, and make a mature manure, leaf soil. With gratitude, autumn crocuses will respond and on the introduction of phosphorus-potash fertilizers (instead of nitroposki, it is better to use superphosphate and potash salter). Peat is better not to use or extinguish its lime. On those sites on which high risk of wetting, make raised ridges or laid drainage at a depth of 30-40 cm.

Saffron, or Crocus Valley (CROCUS VALLICOLA). © oldtulips.

Autumn-driving crocuses require a slightly different approach to landing: if the spring is planted in August-September, then the oxnynets need to be bought before flowering, traditionally starting in September. The best deadlines for them - from June and to the end of the first decade of August. Do not buy blooming bulbs - they will be weakened, will require several years to restore.

In front of the landing again, inspect the bulbs: they should be heavy, with dense shells, not wild and soft, with clearly distinguished renewal kidney (small tuberculk). Autumnal blossom crocuses must soon "wake up", and if the kidneys are imperceptible on them, it is better not to land them at all or put in a pot and watch the signs of growth.

Autumn crocuses are planted only by bands from 5 pcs, placing plants at a distance of 5-6 cm between plants. Crocus bulbs are planted on a traditional depth equal to the twofold height of the bulbs themselves (from 5 to 15 cm). On heavy soil from the top of a bulWhi to the edge of the soil, leave the distance equal to the height of the bulbs.

It is not necessary to strictly follow the centimeters: crocuses, unlike many bully, form retractive roots and young bulbs themselves will be in the soil at a comfortable depth. After landing, mulch the soil with sand to protect the slug. Place of landing Be sure to mark with chopsticks or other markers.

Caring for crocuses blooming in autumn

These small plants offering enjoy the spring blossom in an atypical season, just grow. Watering crocuses are not needed, with the exception of coincidence of minor winters and extreme droughts in spring, when during the active growth of autumn crocuses, the need for bulbs in moisture should be filled and at least several times to pour crocuses. Watering in autumn plants are not needed.

Saffron Pallas, or Pallas Crocus (Crocus Pallasii). © Dimìtar Nàydenov.

Through the entire phase of active development at the beginning of the season, crocuses need potassium and phosphorus. They can be filtered once in early spring. Caution make nitrogen for autumn crocuses: the rapid growth of greenery can accommodate flowering at the end of the season. Autumn fertilizers for crocuses do not contribute.

Fravel and transplanting autumn crocuses

You can transfer and transfer crocuses to a new place on the same time when they are landing - from June to August for OssennetsNews. Autumn crocuses (if you do not plan to increase the number of plants and multiply crocuses, give their friends-neighbors or sell), do not transplancent 3-5 years. Wait for signs of the "nests" overflow and only then dissolve bulbies. So blooming will be more beautiful, and bulWhi is stronger.

After fishing, the bulbs need to be dried at room temperature in a well-ventilated place for 2-3 months. After drying, they remove the old roots and detached, bad scales, sprinkling all damage to wood ash. The bulbs with the traces of rotes are better to immediately take.

Saffron, or crocus pretty, as beautiful, grade 'Zephyr' (Crocus Pulchellus). © Meneerke Bloem.

Preparation for wintering

Crocuses are frost-resistant bulbs and in no preparation for wintering do not need.

Diseases and pests

Autumn crocuses are considered to be plants more "reliable" than spring-working species. They most often suffer from rotors caused by excessive humidity of the soil, but less often amazed by other diseases. The new varieties have a dry rot, manifested at the beginning in small spots, then merging into whole foci. The bulbs affected by rotting must be immediately thrown and destroyed. They love rodent climbs, so when proximity to nests and high activity on the site it is better to plant bulwing on special grids.

Reproduction of autumn crocuses

Autumn species of crocuses are easier to propagate than spring: they form up to 7 subsidiary tuberukovichki annually. Autumn crocuses form "nests" - a group of related bulbs, which, after moving the old bulwing and the formation of the new, becomes independent plants. It is their best to use to increase the collection of crocuses, because only this method retains the varietal characteristics of plants. When digging and transplanting, subsidiaries are simply separated and used as independent. Since they bloom for 3-4 years, usually next year most of the separated lukovki will delight blossom.

Saffron Banatsky, or Crocus Banaticus (Crocus Banaticus). © Jim Murrain.

Seeds crocuses can also be multiplied, but this method does not allow to preserve the features of varietal crocuses, and the fruction of autumn species is an irregular and dependent weather-dependent weather. Collect the seeds of autumn crocuses in the spring, after natural stratification, living in the same year in summer or in the fall. It is best to cross in boxes or pots, covering the nonwoven material or a black foam. The plants from the first year are cultivated cyclically, but they bloom only 4-5 years after sowing.