What plants are most typical for steppes. Presentation to the lesson on justice on the topic: Plants steppe

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Steppes are the richest community-resistant community-resistant plants - xerophytes. They are common where the climate is warm, but precipitation is not enough to grow the forest. Steppe - "The type of vegetation, submitted by the community from drought-resistant perennial herbaceous plants with the domination of turf cereals, less often in Oskock and Lukov." If you analyze the geographical location of steppe landscapes on globewill detect -

smiling that most typical steppes Formed in the internal areas of the mainland. Steppe zones of moderate belts of the northern and southern hemispheres, characterized by a dry climate, a loss of watersheds, the domination of grassy, \u200b\u200bmainly cereal vegetation on black earth, dark brown and brown soils.

According to the area, the steppes predominate, which are changed by the pasture digression and represent the low pasture communities with the dominance of Ticacher and wormwood. In small fragments, hay-axes of steppe are preserved, among which they distinguish the southern, northern and central version, which represents the transition between the Northern and South. In the steppes of the central version, if they are not violated by the grazing, ordinary, porous, Zelesky, narrowing. In addition, the Ticaccus is found and the difference is very abundantly. The steppe includes shrubs - Karagan, Spirea, Dark, Ratchnik.

In addition to the mountain steppes, the saltwatened steppes are preserved on the plain in small fragments, which are commonly wormwood Lerch, Kermek Gmelin, the East of Falconary. For the steppe on gransity soils characteristic

participation of species - Petrofitov, i.e., the confused - onosma of the simplest, thyme, the Mountains, Vasilka of Siberian and others. Such steppes are especially easily destroyed by a pasture digression. The yield of steppening seals - up to 4-5 c / ha

Hay, the productivity of steppe pastures as a result of a re-fall is low and is not more than 15-20 c / ha green mass

for the pasture period. According to the classification, according to the studies of Professor Mirkin B.M. All the steps of the Republic of Bashkortostan can be divided into two main types of meadow and typical. Meadow are common in the forest-steppe zone, and in the steppe zone they are touched by the slopes of the northern exposure.

Typical steppes occupy areas in the steppe zone of the republic.

Mordovnik Chairolar

Two-year or perennial grassy plant from the family of comprehensible. The height of the plant reaches 1.5 m. Stem is single, straight, above the branch. It is covered with ferrous hairs. Leaves twice crushed, large long from 10 to 25 cm and width from 4 to 10 cm. Outlet leaves with cushion, other seats, stems. They are green from above, and the bottom covered with white felt, there are small spines on the edges. Flowers are collected in spherical inflorescences, they are bluish-white painting. Character heads have a diameter of 4-5 cm. Fruits seed. Growing in the valleys of rivers, among shrubs, on the edges of island forests, on wasteland.

Population of plants on the hill Roman-Mountain is represented by single plants. Occasionally there are "islands" from 5-10 plants. In general, plants in good vital state.


A perennial herbaceous plant from the family of complex color. Plant with extensive stem. Under the conditions of the Republic of Belarus, height ranges from 48 to 72 cm. From thin crawling rhizome, several shoots of stalks are departed. The leaves are roasting - lanceal, bico-peristo-disseated on narrow small slices. Streamy leaves shorter, peristo-dissected.

Stem leaves shorter, half-disseated, divided into big number Polek. Inflorescence - shovel, consisting of a variety of flower baskets. Flowers are small, white, pink-purple or reddish. Flowers in June-August, very long time.

It grows on the hill everywhere, where there are sites of a meadow steppe. Especially often occurs from the south side of the slope on the gentle places, where cattle grasins it more often and closer to the Asl-Dycryak River.

Asparagus medicinal

A perennial grassy plant from the family of Lily. Stem in Asparagus, a reprehensive, reaching a height of up to 150 cm., Highly branched. Branches on the stem depart under an acute angle. The leaves are reduced to scales, in the sneakers of the stem, modified shoots resembling leaves are formed. Underground straw straight, smooth. It is juicy, etiolated, forming shoots, departing from the root. These stems are used as vegetable plant. Flowers small, greenish yellow. Perianth of six petals with 6 stamens. Fruit - a red spherical berry. Flowers in June - July. Asparagus grows in the meadows, among the thickets of shrubs, it is also in the steppe, on the slopes of the mountains.

It is quite rare on the territory under study. Detected in areas adjacent to the forest belt and located between the rows of trees inside the forest bar. The population is represented by single plants.

Adonis Spring

A perennial grassy plant from the Lutikov family. Adonis has a two-stroke development - at the beginning

Early bloom is distinguished, and then the formation of the stem and leaves is based. Color early in spring, from late April, in May. The bush in which there are up to 20-30 pieces of flowers, blooms from 40 to 50 days. The very first flowers, as a rule, are large, but they are pale yellow, golden, top, single, are richly visited by bees. The adonis at the beginning of flowering has a height of a bush from 10 to 15 cm, and in the fruction phase it reaches 30-70 cm. In each bush, there are from 2 to 15 generative and from 4 to 23 vegetative shoots.

It is found everywhere on the studied area. The population is more than 150 plants that are in good vital state.

Plushevoid bute

Perennial, herbaceous plant from the family of licorious. The boom has a creep and branching stem, it is rooted by forming new stems. Cube leaves, opposite, gorgeous-gear, rounded the honesty shape. They are covered with hairs. Flowers for 3-4 pcs. Located in sinuses of medium stem leaves, they are small, double, purple-blue or bluish-lilac color. The flower makers are 4-5 times shorter than the cups are equipped with private bracts. A cup is covered with a triangular hairs, thinly pointed. The height of the raising stalks ranges from 10 to 40 cm. The cup in May-June.

Growing along the ravine and on the south side of the slope. The numerous population was studied during the start of flowering.

St. John's wort

A perennial traumatic plant from the family of the Zheleysian.Tebel straight, from 45 to 80 cm high, naked, with two faces. Leaves are oblong-egg-shaped, all-acy, opposite, seating. On the leaves are scattered translucent point spacing, which resemble holes - from here and the name-trimmed.

Flowers are numerous, golden yellow colors, collected in a wicked, almost global inflorescence. Chassels are sharp with a solid edge. Petals are twice as long as a cup of petals, blooms in June-July. The fruit is a three-year multiferous basket, reveals with 3 sash. Rhizome is thin, a few stems depart from it.

Detected only in one place with the eastern gentle side of the hill. Presented 8-15 plants.

Veronica Dubravnaya

Perennial herbaceous plant. Saves green shoots round. The leaves are opposed, in the sinuses of the brush not the right flowers. In the flower 2 stamens and 1 pestle. The fruit of Veroniki is a flexible box.

Grows on the meadow sections of the steppe of the terrain. Plants are evenly distributed among other species. Often found on the outskirts of forest belts.

Boneless bonfire

Refers to the family of cereals. It has smooth stems, at the height reaching one meter. Flat and wide leaves. Spikelets are collected in the inflorescence - a sprawling belt. Bonfire is a good feed grass, blooms from the end of May and in June. From the crawling rhizoma, there are many high reprehension shoots of flowers.

In the plant communities, the hill is the forming medium, because It occurs evenly often almost everywhere.


Annual, herbal plant from a pretty family. A small plant height from 10 to 40 cm. He has straight stems, prostrate, branched. Elliptical leaves or lanceal, small, with a short root. Flowers are in the sinuses of the leaves, distributed evenly throughout the plant. Pale pink flower curler. Fruit-treadmill. It blooms from May to October. It grows on the roads, on the streets, in the courtyards, on pasty. In pastures, where there is a large load of livestock, all types of plants suffer, only the road remains.

This species is well expressed at the foot of the hill from the river and animal stall. In the main system almost never occurs.

Freedoma ordinary

Herbaceous plant from the family of cruciferous. Bright green rosettes of the bizarre lovoid. Peristo-disseated leaves in large quantities are visible on the fields poured last fall. Flowers in May-June. Upon the abundance of the sun and moisture from the snow by the snow, the flower escape with a brush of yellow flowers quickly pulls out. The fruit is multifamous, opening with two sash. Good honey.

In the vegetable cover, the hill is growing uniformly and is found in large way from the side of the field, located closer to the eastern slope.

Kozhelets purple

Seeds at the base with a flip of a swollen leg, 12 mm long, ribbed, light gray. Stems straight and lifting, furred, simple and branching. Burnt leaves on long stiffs, filament and dissected, with narrow linear side segments. Cylindrical baskets, wrapper weakly-web, then naked, sheets of her lanceal, sometimes with a hornkid appendering. Flowers are yellow, edge from the outside reddish.

Grows on a hill on the lawns between the trees of the forest bel. It is moderate often, the population consists of single plants, which are at a relatively short distance from each other - from 40 to 60 cm.


Refers to the bean family. Shrub with gray straight thin branches, with four frontal fined-eye leaves with a wedge-shaped base and spikes on the top; Golden-yellow flowers with a wide back-visual sail, a stupid boat, focused 2-3 on solitary blooms, which are twice as long as a cup, beans up to 3 cm long, naked, cylindrical, 1-4 seeds.

It grows mainly on the western slope of the mountain, in the ravine and the beam adjacent to it from the north side.

Nonon dark

Refers to the family of brown. All plant is covered with hoppy hard hairs and rare glands. The leaves are oblong - lanceolate, the bottoms are narrowed in the cutters, the rest of the seats, the flights. Bracts Lancing, longer than flowers, dark red-brown color. A cup of bell tower, overux to one part. Lancing cup shares. Network nuts.

The hill grows throughout, it was studied and determined during the beginning of flowering.


Belongs to the family of bells. Flowers are numerous, in a large branch of the inflorescence. Vidnicide curler, blue or white. Stem with thick foliage. Leaves are large, naked or pubescent.

It grows in communities of the studied plants between cereal plants. It is rarely found, in the population of only about 30 plants.

Veronica Longoliste

Belongs to the Norichnikov family. Leaves up to the top of the UAVNOPILE with finely pointed,

Simple or to the base of B.C. Double jar, oblong or linear lancing, sharp at the base of the heart-shaped or rounded, often mutual. Inflorescence-end thick brush lengthened up to 25 cm, sometimes with several lateral brushes; Flowers on flowers, almost equal to cups. Blue Blue is about 6 mm. Length, with hair inside the tube. All the plant is naked or short grayish.

The propagation of this plant in the ecosystem studied is moderately rare. Growing individual plants or 2-3 individuals.

Violet amazing

Refers to the violent family. Steel up to 30 cm. Height. Large-shaped staggers with large width-shaped staples, chosen leaves, fed down alone. Highlights of stem leaves are large, all-string, butter-large, rusty red.

The hill grows in places with low cereals or among low herbaceous cover, loves chicken surface areas.

Forest anemone

Family-Ranunculaceae family. Perennial. Stroke leaves are not fragile, similar to roasting, short-pole. Flowers are yellow-white.

Growing small "familys" between the pine rows of trees and separately on open slopes from the eastern and northern side of the hill Roman-mountain.

Field Bindle

Refers to the family binding family. Naked or scattered lowered plant with lying, fluttering or curly shoots. Flowers up to 3.5 cm. In diameter, usually collected 2-3 or single. Bract in the form of a pair of small linear leaves are located oppositely in the middle of the flowering, do not reach the cups. The pink crown, rarely white.

Grows in areas with other meadow plants from the ravine and river.

Onosma Prei Urals

Belongs to the bouquet family. The flower makers are very short, much shorter in colors leaves. All plant is rigid-rough. Straight straight, simple, less frequent branched, coated with rigid sparkles and thick fluff. Archive leaves are numerous, sweet, linear, stem, linear lanceal.

Loves open solar places with rocky soil. Grows crowded bushes. Very interesting during flowering. On the hill Roman-Mount not many plants on top of the south side. Numerical accounting showed about 20 plants.

Walinkle flat

It belongs to the family of comprehensive. Vertical root, rustic, developing branched colorless shoots and straight ribbed blundering branches color-bearing stem. The leaves of fruitless shoots and the lower stems twice-, the cherryistraysset, their slices are narrow-core 3-10 mm long, barely pointed, medium and upper stem leaves, colors are short, narrow poly. Outdoor leaflets Oval wrappers, almost rounded, convex, on the back of green, the inner edge is widely widespread.

Well expressed as a coating plant on the southern slope of the roman-mountain hill. Plants are lower than the usual size, which indicates the depression of pasture load.

World surrounding grade 4

Zone steppes

In the past in the steppe zone there were endless steppes. Now they are almost everywhere attenna, their place occupied fields. Preserved areas of steppes with their wonderful plant and animal world need to protect.

Using a map in the textbook, flooding on the contour map (the world around 4th grade, p.

Features of all sorts of plants in the steppe

36-37) Steppes zone. You can use the "key" below to select a color.

What zone located between the steppes and forest zones remained inextentated? Floating her at home.

Answer: Forest Supil

Our inquisitive parrot Something knows about the steppes. Here are some of his statements. Are they true? Circle "Yes" or "No". If not, correct errors (orally).

a) The steppe zone is located south of forest zones. Answer: Yes
b) in the steppe zone cold, rainy summer. Answer: No.
c) soil in the steppe zone is very fertile. Answer: Yes
D) Tulips bloom in the steppe in the midst of summer. Answer: No.
e) Drop is found in the steppe - one of the smallest birds of our country. Answer: No.

Mom Seryoga and Nadi wondered if you know steppe plants. Cut out drawings from the application and place them in the appropriate windows. Check yourself on the textbook. After self-checking pictures.

And this task prepared for you Dad Seryoga and Nadi. Learn animal steppes according to fragments. Sign animal name. Ask a number of sitting student to check you.

Make a diagram of a power chain characteristic of the steppe zone. Compare it with a scheme proposed by a neighbor in the desk. With the help of these schemes, tell about environmental connections in the steppe zone.

Kovyl - Flock - Steppe Lark - Steppe Eagle
Ticaccus - Hamster - Steppe Violeka

Think which environmental problems of the steppe zone are expressed by these signs. Word and write down.

Offer for discussion in the class of nature conservation measures that will help solve these problems.

Continue filling the "Red Book of Russia" poster, which drew Dad Sergei and Nadi. Find on the poster of the plant and animals of the steppe zone and sign their name.

Peony Thrinkled, Steppe Eagle, Drop, Steppe Dob

8. On the task of the textbook (p. 117), drew the steppe.

9. On the task of the textbook (p. 117), prepare a message about plants and animal steppes that you especially interested.

Subject Messages: Drop

Message Plan:

1) Preface
2) basic information
3) Conclusion

The darf is recognized as the most severe flying birds, this steppe inhabitant is mostly moving on the ground and runs quickly in case of danger. The individuals are considered omnivorous, in their diet, plant feeds (seeds, shoots, wild garlic) and animals (insects, rodents, frogs), in the marriage, males perform a spectacular dance.
Length: males up to 105 cm, females from 75 to 80 cm
Weight: males up to 16 kg, females - up to 8 kg
Life expectancy: 20-25 years
Drop is predominantly a steppe bird. It lives on open plains without armor, meadows and fields. This is explained by the caution of birds, as the free space is far visible there. During nesting, individuals stop in areas with high vegetation. There are cases when the drofs nest among crops of grain, sunflower and other crops.

Source (sources) of information: Internet, Encyclopedia

Steppe Plants: Photo and Names

What plants grow in the steppe?

  • Mountain, steppes with violent alpine vegetation and alpine, distinguished scanty and nondescript vegetation, mainly consisting of a groom and babble.
  • Meadow. Steppes, characterized by the presence of small forest arrays forming glads and edges.
  • Real. Steppes with growing on them in a large predominance of the pavement and the tanta. These are the most typical steppe plants.
  • Sasian - steppes consisting of plants adapting to dry climates, shrubs.
  • Desert steppes on which deserted herbs grow rolling-box, wormwood, prucunion
  • Also, it is also necessary to say a few words about the forest-steppes, for which the alternation of deciduous forests and coniferous boards with the plots of steppes is characterized, since the stepping plants and forest-steppe differ only in the subspecies.

The steppe has its embodiment on any continent, except Antarctica, and on different continents, it has its name: in North America, this is Prairie, in South America - Pampa (Pampas), in South America, Africa and Australia is Savannah. In New Zealand, the steppe is called Tussai.

Consider in more detail what plants grow in the steppe.

Types of plants Steppe

  • Roman. This is an annual plant of the family of cruciferous, growing on the risk-rich and in the tundra. There are about 100 varieties of the groom characteristic of our steppes. It is characterized by a branchy stem with oblong leaves, crowned with tassels of yellow flowers. The period of flowering April - July. In folk phytotherapy, the farm is used as a hemostatic, expectorant and diuretic.
  • Barrier It is also an annual plant, about 25 cm and oblong leaves, a plurality of flower arrows, each of which ends with a compliance consisting of tiny white flowers. The babble is used as anti-inflammatory, painful, diuretic and hemostatic, as well as an anticipant agent for epilepsy
  • Poppy. Depending on the view, this is an annual or perennial grass with floral buds on long bloomrs. It grows on stony slopes, mountain streams and rivers, on the fields, along the roads. And although pans are poisonous, they are widely used in phytotherapy as a soothing and sleeping remedy for insomnia, as well as in some intestinal diseases and bladder.
  • Tulips are perennial grassy plastic flortile plants with large and bright flowers. Basically they grow in semi-desert, deserted and mountainous areas.
  • Astragalus. This plant has more than 950 species of all sorts of colors and shades, growing and in desert and dry steppes, in the forest area and on the Alpine meadows. It is widely used at eats, water, gastroenteritis, diseases of the spleen, as a tonic, as well as with headaches and hypertensive disease.
  • Feather grass. It is also a variety of grass in your species. They are already more than 60, and the most common one is a camp peristically. This is a perennial plant of the family of cereals. Kovyl grows up to 1 meter high with smooth stems and ostic leaves. Kovyl applies like a decoction on milk at Zob and paralymp.
  • Mullein. This is a large (up to 2 m) plant with hairy leaves and large yellow flowers. Studies of the plant showed the presence of a set of beneficial substances in its flowers, such as flavonoids, saponins, coumarin, gum, essential oil, glycoside Aucin, ascorbic acid and carotene. Therefore, the plant is actively used as a food additive in salads and hot dishes, drink drinks, and also eaten fresh.
  • Melissa Drug. This is a long-term high grass with a pronounced lemon smell. Stems of the plant are crowned with bluish-lilac flowers that are collected in false rings. In the leaves, Melissa contains essential oil, ascorbic acid, some organic acids.
  • Camel Spiky is a semi-staple, up to 1 meter in height, with a powerful root system, bare stems with long spines and red (pink) flowers. The spindle camel is common in the criteria, grows along the aryks and canals, on wasteland and irrigated lands. The plant contains many vitamins, some organic acids, rubber, resins, tanning substances, essential oil, as well as carotene and wax. The plants decoction are used with colitis, gastritis and stomach ulcers.
  • Sagebrush. This is a herbaceous or semi-student plant occurring almost everywhere. The whole plant has a straight stem with thin half-twin leaves and yellowish flowers collected in inflorescences. Wormwood is used as a spicy plant, and the essential oil is used in perfumery and cosmetics. Also wormwood matters like a feed plant for livestock.
  • So, we have considered only some types of stepepe plants. And, of course, the differences in the landscape impose their imprint on the appearance of herbs growing on it, but, nevertheless, some common properties can be distinguished. So for plants steppe characteristic:
  • Branched root system
  • Root-Lukovitsa
  • Fleshy stems and thin, narrow leaves

Plants steppe zone

The vegetation of steppes consists of various herbs capable of carrying drought. In some plants, stalks and leaves are strongly published or have a developed wax; Other rigid stems are covered with narrow leaves, coagulated on a dry season (cereals); Third have fleshy and juicy stems and leaves with a marginal reserve. Some plants differ deeply going to the ground root system or form tubers, bulbs, rhizomes.

The steppe zone is one of the main sushi biomes. Under the influence, first of all, climatic factors were the zonal features of biomes. For the steppe zone, a hot and arid climate is characterized for most of the year, and in the spring there is a sufficient amount of moisture, therefore, for the steppes, the presence of large number Efemers and ephemeroids among plant species, and many animals are also confined to a seasonal lifestyle, falling into the hibernation in the arid and cold season.

Steppe almonds. Photo: Sirpa Tähkämö

The 13th steppes is represented in Eurasia steppes in North America - Prairies, in South America - Pampas, in New Zealand - Communities of Tusksov. These are moderate belt spaces, occupied by more or less xerophilic vegetation. From the point of view of the conditions for the existence of the animal population, the steppe are characterized by the following signs: a good review, an abundance of vegetable food, relatively dry summer period, the existence of a summer period of rest or, as it is now called a half-room. In this regard, the steppe communities differ sharply from forest, among the prevailing life forms of plant plants, cereals are distinguished, the stems of which are bored in the turns - turf cereals. In the southern hemisphere, such turns are called Tussa. Tussara is very high n leaves are less rigid than that of the ferris of the steppe cereals of the northern hemisphere, since the climate close to the steppes of the southern hemisphere is softer.

Rhizome cereals that do not form Dernovin, with single stems on creeping underground rhizomes widerly spread in the northern steppes, in contrast to the unnecessary cereals, the role of which in the northern hemisphere increases to the south.
Among the bipathic herbaceous plants, two groups are distinguished - the northern colorful dispersion and southern painless. For colorful disintegration, the mesophilic appearance and large bright flowers Or inflorescences, for southern, heartless disintegration - more xerophilic appearance - pubescent stems in the leaves, often the leaves are narrow or small, small-faceted flowers, neuropric.
Characteristic for the steppes annual ephemers, flowing in the spring after flowering, dying, and perennial ephemeroids, which, after moving the ground parts, remain tubers, bulbs, underground rhizomes. Unfortunate a non-lunist who develops the foliage in the spring when there is still a lot of moisture in the steppe soils, only underground organs, and in the fall, when the whole steppe looks lifeless, yellowed, gives bright lilac flowers (Hence his name).

For the steppe characteristic shrubs, often growing groups, sometimes single. These include spiries, caragans, steppe cherries, steppe almonds, sometimes some types of juniper. The fruits of many shrubs are eaten by animals.
On the surface of the soil, xerophilic mosies, bushy and precipitated lichens, sometimes blue-green algae from the genus of the Nostok are growing. On the air dry period, they dry, after rains come to life and assimilate.

In the steppes there are plants rather unbroken, maybe therefore many unfamiliar: the grooves and bars. They appear one of the first on dry desires, sandgrades, hills and swaths.

The corner of the family of cruciferous is most often found in the highlands and in the tundra. The total number of species in our country reaches a hundred. The most common is the Krupka Siberian (found on the meadows, in dry tundra, on the Alpine and subalpine lawns almost across the country, including the Arctic and Mountain Systems of Central Asia and Siberia), as well as the tip of the oak (distributed broadly, except for the Arctic, in the fields, dry meadows and in the steppes). Externally, these kraps are very similar to each other.

The tank of the oak - an annual plant with a branched, desirable stem up to 20 centimeters high, at the bottom of which there is a root rosette of oblong leaves, and in the upper - loose tastes of yellowish flowers. She blooms in April - July. The chemical composition of the krupping is weakly studied, it is only known that alkaloids are contained in the above-ground part. The plant was used in folk phytotherapy as a hemostatic remedy on a par with a shepherd bag. It is believed that the above-ground part together with seeds has an expectorant and antitussive effect, as a result of which it is used in the cough and various diseases of the bronchi, in the infusion of grass as an external agent for various skin diseases (rashes and others), especially allergic origin in children (at the same time adopt infusion Or the decoction of grass externally and inside - as a blood purity) o in Chinese medicine, plant seeds are popular, which are used as an expectorant and diuretic.

Siberian krukka - Perennial about dark yellow flowers. Deserves, like the grooves of the oak, study for medical purposes.
Prolorators from the family of semi-color numbers in our country 35 species commonly predominantly in the mountains of the Caucasus, Central Asia and Siberia. The most commonly encountered a barrier northern - small, up to 25 centimeters, an annual plant with a roar rosette of small oblong leaflets and, as a rule, numerous, up to 20 pieces, floral arrows up to 25 centimeters high, each of which ends with an umbrella inflorescence consisting of 10-30 Tiny white flowers. There is a barrier northern practically throughout the country - in the forest-steppe, steppe, forest and polar-arctic zones: on the sudidal and steppe meadows, rocky slopes, in rare-resistant pine and other forests, and especially loves.

Plant world Steppe

highly occupy as weeds plowing openings and deposits.

The plant has long been applied to the medicinal purposes by the people of our country. Recently, medicine has been studied the possibility of obtaining drugs of contrary (contraceptive) action. Conducted studies Dali nice results - The age-old people's experience of drinking babies was fully confirmed. It is believed that the babble has anti-inflammatory and painful properties, his decoction or paste is used in white in women and gonorrhea in men, hernia and zob, gastralgia, urolithiasis, especially widespread - with the inflammation of the throat (weigh the throat and take inside). It is known to use a barrier and as an anticonvulsant with epilepsy and eclampsia (attacks of convulsion, including children), as well as as a diuretic and hemostatic agent.

Tabs oak. Photo: Matt Lavin

A peculiar vitality of plants of the steppe is a roll-field. This vitality includes plants that are laid out at the root neck as a result of drying out, less often - overname, and transferred to the wind on the steppe; At the same time, then rising into the air, then hitting the ground, they dissipate the seeds. In general, the wind in the transfer of seeds of steppe plants plays a significant role. There are a lot of plants with stealing. The role of the wind is not only in pollination of plants, but the number of species, in the pollination of the insects, are less than in the forests.

Features of steppe plants:

a) Small leaves. The leaves of steppe cereals are narrow, not wider than 1.5-2 mm. In dry weather, they fold along, and their evaporating surface becomes even less (adaptation to a decrease in evaporation). In some steppe plants, leafy plates are very small (podmarniki, skachies, thymes, gerbils, saltwomen), others are dismembered on the finest lobes and segments (Zabritsy, Adonis, etc.).
b) Loyalty. A whole group of steppe plants creates a special "microclimate" due to heavy inglow. Many types of Astragalgov, Shalfeies and others are protected by sun ray And thus struggle with drought.
c) wax raid. Many use a layer of wax or other waterproof substance secreted by skin. This is another adaptation of steppe plants to drought. They possess plants with a smooth, shiny surface of the leaves: Mokhodi, Zharitsa, Vasilek Russian, etc.
d) the special position of the leaves. Avoiding overheating, some steppe grass (nucleotics, sulfuhi, chondrill) have their leaves with an edge to the sun. And such a steppe weed, like a wild latch, generally orienses the leaves in the vertical plane of the North-South, representing a kind of live compass.
d) coloring. Among the summer steppe herbs there are few bright green plants, leaves and stems from most of them are painted in dull, faded tones. This is another adaptation of steppe plants that helps them protect against excess lighting and overheating (wormwood).
e) powerful root system. Root system 10-20 times exceeding overhead organs. In the steppe a lot of so-called turf cereals. This is a nick, tichard, tonkog, a winter. They form dense turns having 10 cm in the diameter and more. The turf contains many residues of old stems and leaves and has a wonderful property to intensively absorb talua and rainwater and hold it for a long time.
g) ephemers and ephemeroids. These plants develop in the spring when the soil is sufficiently moistened. Thus, they have time to eat and give fruit to the onset of a dry period (tulips, irises, saffin, goose bows, adones, etc.).


Step plant plants

Steppe plants Extremely diverse, however, many of them can identify general signs. Among them are small, narrow leaves. Some species have the ability to turn around during drought to protect against excessive evaporation of moisture. The color of the leaves is more often grayish or sizo green: the usual eye bright green foliage here can be found rarely. The steepe plants are well tolerated by heat and lack of rain.

According to various directories, in the steppes you can see about 220 a variety of species Plants. Many steppe plants have an extensive root system, allowing them to extract moisture from the ground. In the floodplains of the flowing rivers, you can be found, and in those places where the groundwater is suitable close to the surface of the Earth - and other trees and shrubs: hawthorn, maple Tatar, wild grapes, and so on. In places having saline ground, grow Special steppe plants: Solonchard wormwood, Kermek, Choke, Solteros.

Envoy in most of the year, early spring steppe is transformed. At this time, prior to the start of the dry season, it is covered with a multi-water-drying plant. Tulips, irises, hyacinths, crocuses, poppies. From cultural varieties, these stepe plant plants differ primarily by smaller sizes. At the same time, their form may be more bizarre - like, for example, a tulip of a shrenca, one of the springchalters of cultural varieties of this flower. Due to the spread of the steppe, as well as the ruthless collection of colors, this species is listed in the Red Book of Russia. Dwarf Iris Steppe, as well as a tulip of a skrenon, can have flowers of various shades, from yellow to violet. This species is also ranked with disappearing.

Before the heat comes, bright steppe flowers have already managed to give seeds. Nutrients that will allow them to bloom next year in their tubers. There is a turn of plants who are familiar to drought: Tipper, nick, wormwood. Ticaccus (Valisaya oatmeal) is a reprehensive grain height up to half a meter. This plant serves as food for horses and small livestock and is one of the main pasture plants in the steppe zone (for the production of UPROs is unsuitable). Kovyl, a typical representative of the steppe flora - a long-term grass having short rhizome and narrow, long leaves resembling a wire. In total, there are about 400 species in this, some of them are protected. The main enemy of the Kovyl is an uncontrolled grazing of cattle, during which this plant is simply pulled out. As for the wormwood, in the steppe, along with other plants, there are almost all its species (all of them more than 180). The solid hollow thickets form usually low varieties - for example, the wander down, seaside and others.

Separate steppe plants (for example, kermek) after drying form the so-called rolling-field. At the end of the summer, the dried skell of Kermek, the wind rushing from the roots and rolls on the ground, dissipating the seed path. Other stems and twigs can be attached to it: as a result, it turns out a rather impressive dry com. Kermek ordinary flowers pink, purple or yellow small flowers. On its basis, many cultural varieties are currently derived, which are widely used in landscape design. The types of slander types are common in solonchard soils - mellite and quenching - are, respectively, a small shrub and an annual plant with red stems. They willingly eaten camels.

What plants are characteristic of the steppes zone

Like them, Soleeros also serves as feed for livestock in the autumn-winter season. From his ash earlier mined soda.

All plants of the steppe have their own characteristics that allow them to survive in conditions of heat and lack of moisture. These include powerful roots, early flowering in individual species, narrow leaves, etc.

Kazakhstan is the greatest state in a world that does not have access to the sea located in Central Asia. A large flat steppe (herbaceous land) prevails, extending from the Volga in the West to Altai Mountains in the East and from Plains of Western Siberia in the northern part to the desert and oases Central Asia in the south. The various climatic and natural zones of the country admit a wide range of species and structural diversity of the vegetation world of Kazakhstan.


Kazakhstan has a very clear division on soil and plant zones. In the north, for 52 ° latitude, a strip of ferrous soil occupies 9% of the total area of \u200b\u200bland sushi. This soil is relatively thin, almost unsuitable for agriculture without irrigation. The same applies to the southern belt of the dark chestnut-brown soil, on which a program of reclamation of virgin lands was implemented.

In many ways, most of Kazakhstan is poor on fertile soils. In the overall picture, gravel, sands and loams prevail, and the deserts, semi-deserts and steppes occupy 84% of the country's territory. However, vegetation perfectly adapted to harsh conditions.

Saksala ( Haloxylon.) - Shrub or woody plant with moist-absorbing needle leaves and long, deep roots, thriving in the desert. It grows slowly and produces extremely solid and resistant wood. If the plant becomes too dry, it drops its leaves. Unfortunately, this wood is systematically plundered for the preparation of kebab, and if the state does not interfere, the saxaul will soon be found only in reserves.

Karagach (Vykit) is a rather hardy deciduous tree, with 20-meter roots, similar to pile, and therefore landfit as a windproof strip in areas sensitive to erosion.

Tamarisk - the genus of shrub and wood plants with beautiful colors that are well adapted to life on scanty soils, and their charming flowers and berries adorning the yellow-brown landscape of the desert.

The bulbous plants will lose the harsh winter steppe and come to life in April-May, when melting water penetrates the soil. In this short period, except for small steppe tulips, you can see wonderful cysts, fuurules, eremurus, elegant lilies, crocuses and anemones; Even garlic has attractive flowers. Many cultural garden plants are descendants of the local flora - steppes and protected mountain valleys of Kazakhstan.

At the end of May, the strips of ordinary poppy covers a huge steppe as a purple carpet. Only a month later, when everything dries out, the time of more modest plants occurs. Many unassuming types of drought-resistant and hardy grass, sources and shrubs give the steppe characteristic.

In the foothills, herbaceous steppes are inferior to the hollow meadows. The meat of sheep grazing here is known for its exclusively fragrant taste, and these herbaceous areas are popular in many other herbivores. On numerous slopes of the highlands, elegant Tian-Shan Elegant spruce is growing like an arrow, and the valleys covers the juniper forest. Wild apple, pears, cherries and apricot trees that grow in the lower mountains are relatives of the usual fruit trees. On the mountain meadows under the glaciers, velvets, primrose, edelweiss and the guilty are growing abundantly. In the Alpine Zone Tien Shan contains twice as many types of plants than in the Alps.

A wide variety of plants flourishes in the fertile wetlands of the lower river valleys. Trugay forests border with rivers when those flow through semi-deserts and steppes. In some places, primitive millennial forests have been preserved. The most awesome is the forest located below the Charyn River, where mixed whale and ash survived from the time of the last ice age. It is also worth noting high pine forests in Ertice.

The vegetation of Kazakhstan has 5,700 species of plants, of which 700 are endemics, 2000 species of marine algae and 485 types of lichens. As an example, the following is a list of some native species for the country:

Cherry shrub ( Prunus fruiticosa.)

Cherry shrub, or a cherry steppe - type of shrub plants from Kazakhstan, Belarus, Germany, Italy, Serbia, Romania, Western Siberia, Xinjiang, China, Ukraine, Poland and the Czech Republic. It is best grows on loamy soils and requires a lot of sunlight. The plant has a dark brown bark, and its color leaves varies with dark green on yellow during the fall. White flowers in May, and red fruits ripen in early August. Cherry steppe grows on the outskirts of the forest, forming thickets. Fruits of plants of light dark red color with an acidic taste.

Iris Ludwig ( Iris Ludwigii.)

This plant mainly grows in East Kazakhstan, and it is easy to notice because of his crowding. Flowers vary from violet to blue. Iris Ludwig grows up to 30 centimeters on soils with good drainage and open areas to obtain sunlight, which replete places for grazing animals and agricultural activities. In late August - early September, the plant produces capsules with seeds.

Nedzhetsky Semirechenskaya ( Niedzwedzkia Semiretschenskia.)

This plant was named after Russian Botany Vladislav Nedzvetsky. It grows on dry and rocky slopes. At Nedzovetskia purple flowersthat appear from the end of April to August. It is found in the Altai Mountains of Kazakhstan, Siberia, Russia and Central Asia. The preferred habitat of the plant is the steppes, meadows, gravelly slopes and thickets. Nedzvetsky Semirechenskaya was introduced into the Red Book of IUCN, as a threat of disappearance. The main threats to the plant are excessive grazing of livestock and other types of agricultural activities.

StarRel Farm ( Damaceium Alisma.)

Starstellar separator - a plant of swampy places growing in Kazakhstan, Spain, Portugal, Great Britain, Russia and France. It has favorably growing on the swamps and ponds, where it grows up to half a meter in height. Flowers appear from June to August. In accordance with the Red List of IUCN, the species are classified as vulnerable. Populations of plants are very fermented and continue to decline due to loss of habitat, reduce growth area due to pastures and stabilization of water level. There is no evidence of a reduction in negative factors causing a decrease in the number of plants, and soon starfolder frequency can be eligible to the category under threat of disappearance, since 50% of the range and the former population number were lost.

Marenovoid strain ( Galium Rubioides.)

This species is found in Kazakhstan, Central Asia and Europe. Plant prefers wet areas such as swamps and streams. He has green leaves in the form of a needle, and flowers can be green, yellow or white. The Marenicoid Podmarnik is grown due to its pleasant fragrance and is widely used in the perfumery industry, as well as the production of beverages. The plant grows up to 100 cm in height with wide leaves, the length of which can reach 15-20 cm. Fruits and roots have a reddish hue.

Tulip Late ( Tulipa Tarda.)

Late tulip - a perennial plant with green leaves and yellow flowers. This species is native to Kazakhstan and other countries of Central Asia, grows in rocky areas. Flowers in April and May. Growing out of the bulbs and has a leather tunic. Flowers yellow with white tips, and stamens and pestles are yellowish.

Kazakhstan is a country with a beautiful environment, but most of its local plants are under threat of extinction due to such risks as cattle grazing and loss of habitat as a result of human activity. The best method of preserving local flora is the priority protection of plants with a high degree of risk of disappearance.

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Plants in the steppes are usually herbaceous. Their flora is characterized by a luxurious variety of species. The steppe is a plain with herbal vegetation, where there are rare shrubs. Trees are found only along the water bodies and forest belts planted with an artificial way.

Plants in the steppes are usually narrowed, with a rich root system, which allows you to withstand temperature differences, extreme weather conditions. Plant communities are formed from several environmentally friendly, vital species, and the formation of the community is associated with weather conditions and the type of particular site. The most typical for everyone is the presence of grass-xerophytes adapted to the arid climate. For the northern steppes, there is a difference, for the southern - community of cereals, for semi-desert steppes - the prizestness of shrubs capable of overcome strong desert winds.

Traditional steppe vegetation make up herbaceous plants, some of them are characteristic only for this area, and some part falls on the meadows, and in a wooded area. Features of the color of the leaves and stems (grayish, or gray-green) are connected with their ability to easily carry moisture deficiency, arid periods, the ability to turn into a period when there are no atmospheric precipitates. In the steppes of the moderate zone, plants can be found, characteristic more for the meadow zone, which is easily explained by the climate in which the humidity is higher.

In addition to the usual steppe plants in the steppes can be presented and those who have industrial significance. These include: corn, wheat, beets, barley, rye, feed crops that are used for pastures. The man is important and those herbs that are used in folk medicine, harvested for therapeutic purposes, are used in pharmacy preparations, folk remedies for treating diseases. In the Red Book of Russia, more than 45 types of orchid, 50 types of legumes, 20 species of lily and astronomes are made, which disappear due to human activity. Among them, Lilia Lilka (Tsaric Kudri), Dolomite Bell, Iris Yellow (Water), Yellow Waterwear.

The steppe, depending on herbs, is divided into 5 main types of vegetation:

  • mountain (croxserophilic);
  • different (mesoxeroil);
  • pickle (xerophilic);
  • deserted (halonophilic);
  • deserted (supercerophilic).

The main part of the steppes is between forest-steppes and semi-deserts, and the flora of these zones is represented mainly by cereals. The greatest spread in the steppes received various types of picky.

Flowering steppe plants

Steppe plants with flowers are so good that many of them are cultivated for the garden, are used in landscape design, for growing in flower beds. Such plants include Adonis Spring, AnaPhalis (350, Pearl), Goniolimon (Beautiful, Tatar), Kachiim (Bakery, Pacific, Creeping, Ostrolistic), Labacian (Vysolistic, Red, Purple, Kamchatsky), Hiacintis, Clematis (Lomonos) , Crocus and Narcissus.

The most beautiful steppe looks in the spring. Melting snow filled with water with water, and the sun is not very hot, so in April and May the spring steppe is a sight of indescribable beauty. At the beginning of the spring in the steppes blooming mustard, rape, kickl, tulips. In the northern steppes, due to certain climatic conditions, flowers are growing characteristic of meadows, such as Sage meadow, the flowers of which are assembled in the blurred inflorescences, noticeable from afar, thanks to intense purple-blue color. Taivat flowers beautiful other painting of white-pink flowerflowers, brightly distinguished against the background of green spring foliage, peony is thin-colored, growing in the northern steppes, is hardly more beautiful than his garden fellow, in natural conditions it has dark raspberry flowers. In the northern steppes, an Espartz is growing, which has a soft-pink inflorescence, in shape resembling the direction directed upward. It is used as a valuable feed plant.

Vegetation in the southern steppes is not so rich. Efemera plants that bloom in the southern steppe spring are low. Rograwan Sick-shaped, Veronica Spring, and some others have time for a short period not only to blow away, but also to form seeds before the upcoming summer period. The northern and southern steppes are 2 drastically different from each other with the type of steppe vegetation, and between them there are many different typesCombining 2 or more modifications: Watching steppes with disintegration, northern steppes with a macaw, steppes, intermitted with forest arrays. A growing carpet from grass and cereals strongly changes the appearance of the steppe depending on the coming time of the year.

Square tiled and other healers

A shinker tiled or wild gladiolus is usually growing in the meadows, but in the disintegration steppes you can also meet. The plant of incredible beauty, which creates entire populations in nature, the so-called gladiolous meadows, but, unfortunately, already refers to rare species. In the Kursk region, a slight plate is thin with a density of up to 160 plants per 1 m², the student expeditions of biologists ride admire it with blossoms. This is a grassy perennial belonging to the clubnelukovichny, with three sword-shaped leaves. The satellites are usually becoming a bell collar and carnation-herbanka. Square tiled can be found even in the Murmansk region and the Komi Republic, where he survives due to his rhizieu-tuber with reserves nutrients for the period of drought and in winter time. It is long used as a medicinal plant.

The tank of the oak and the corner of Siberian grow in Central Asia, Siberia, in the Caucasus. This is a high plant with a rosette of leaves, blooming with yellowish flowers, has the invaluable therapeutic properties used in the treatment of bronchi, cough, like a hemostatic remedy, is used to treat various skin diseases and rashes.

Northern barrier spread in many climatic zones, among other things, in the steppes. His decoctions have anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects, and official medicine uses extracts composition of contraceptive means. Almost in all steppes, the wild poppy, tulip, a korovyan from the Norichnikov family. The composition of biologically active substances contained in its flowers and stems is simply invaluable, and, due to the lack of harmful components, it is used as a valuable food additive. It is eaten fresh, drinks, salads, the infusion of the flower is prepared for diseases of the spleen, liver, intestines, is part of the chest, expectorant fees. The natural vegetable richness of the steppes is very large.

Holly grass

Wormwood spreads its own scent from early spring and to late autumn. After the nickname, this is the most characteristic steppe plant, the smell of which is associated with many people with the steppe. Essential oils that make up the main wealth of wormwood make up to 3% of the weight of the plant. Scientific research useful properties The wormies began a few decades ago, but it uses the impertons of the centuries as a medicinal plant.

This steppe grass has been used for a long time in food as a spice, it was used as a disinfectant, therapeutic, tonic, flavoring, and even anthelthic agent. Wormwood more than once helped to find deposits of minerals, because it changes their color and the shape of the leaves if it grows in places of natural wealth.

Plants are a storehouse of natural, useful, invaluable properties, a decorative spring carpet that can destroy human activity to develop them. Such natural complexes need to be protected.


Rostov region is occupied by two vegetation zones: Zone Kickle steppesand semi-desert zone, or mercenary Ticker Steppes. The first occupies most in the region, and the second is only the extreme southeast (in the upper reaches of Sala and Manany). Steppes Called extensive plain spaces covered with grassy vegetation, well adapted to the conditions of the arid climate. This is how A. P. Chekhov described them in the story "Steppe": "There was a wide, endless plain, intercepted by the chain of the hills before the eyes of the drowned. Tester and peeping each other, these hills merge into the elevation, which stretches to the right of the road to the horizon itself and disappears in the lilac Dali; You go, you go and do not discern where it begins and where it ends. "

Powpeople in the past occupied large spaces on Don. Currently, they are almost entirely unpaved. To restore the picture of real steppe vegetation, we must turn to those few plots of steppe virgin, which are still preserved in various parts of the region. Some of them are recorded and protected.

Vegetation map of the Rostov region

In the virgin steppes, it grows up to 400 species of a variety of herbs and shrubs. The main cover is formed dernovinny cerealsgrowing dense bobbin bushes: kovyi, tychak and kelia. Less meaning rhizome cereals: bonfires, pyrenei and mattik Nickname.

In addition, the steppes grow bean: yellow alfalfa, Vika Tricolous, sainfoin, licorice other. These are valuable feeding herbs. In large quantities in the steppes occurs distribution: sage Floins and reduced (cornflowers),adonis (Gorizvet),steppe Peony (Voronets), steppe Astra (Sage),tumbleweed: katrana, kermeki, kacimand others, but on the knocked places - flyer.



Sage Floins

The special group consists of early development plants with a short period of development: efemers (annual)burachki, Butterfishand others as well efemeroids (Perennials)mattik bulb (tonkonog),tulips, goose bows, crocus and some others.



Ephedra (Kalmyk Malina)

Mint on bulk (tonkonog)

Wild Almonds (Bobulk)


In the dryweight steppes are common polukstarnikiromantic (Pyrethrum) and prutniki (coach is sharp).

Of sustainers In the smooth places grow wild Almonds (Bobulk) and dereza (Sibirell),on beams - turn, and on dry places - shrub-ephedra (Kalmyk raspberry).

From the group of "lower" plants are found mossa, algae Nostok., lichens and mushrooms.

Steppe plants are well adapted to dry climate: they have a number of devices that reduce evaporation. At the same time, they strongly evaporate water, which protects them from the overheating by the sun. The powerful root system serves to supply water from great depths.

In the hottest hours of the day, evaporation exceeds the flow of water from the soil, and without protective fixtures, the plant may die. That is why some herbs have very narrow, hard leaves, which are coated in dry weather in the tube (Kickl, Tychak), other thick covered with hairs (steppe astro, wormwood) or wax. Only early plants have no devices for saving moisture. They finish the development before the onset of drought.

The zone of the naughty steppes on the Don is divided into two subzones. North and Western parts of the region takes the subzone of the dispensing steppes. Soil here is black earth, precipitation drops to 500 mm. In these steppes a lot of dispersion and legumes. Efemers are small. Herbs thick and high.

During the growing season, the steppe changes its appearance several times. There is a quick change of colorful paintings (a change of aspects). Already at the end of March-April, the yellow islands of Adonis (Gorizveta) and the yellow stars of the goose bow, a little later - purple and yellow irises (cocks), and in some steppes in some steppes, appear huge quantities Red and yellow tulips bloom.

From late April and most of May, the steppe is green. During this period, shrubs are blooming: wild almonds (bobuls), turn and deresses - pink, white and yellow spots. Film-red steppe peonies flourish. From the cereals at this time develops bulky bulbous.

Around May 20 begins mass blossom of nicks, and the steppe becomes white. With a large artistic force, M. A. Sholokhov reports in the novel "Silent Don" Beauty of the steppe at this time: "Rotted Kovyl. The steppe on many versts dressed dragging silver. The wind elastly primin him, swinging, rough, drove it to the south, then to the west of the SIZO-opal waves. Where there was a fluid air

the jet, Kovyl cloned prayerfully, and on his gray-haired His, the black trail was lying for a long time. " On a rowing background, big blue islands of sage sage and wiki, white scented balls of cathranes, pink flowers of the thyme and many other flowering plants.

In the second half of June, the cereals begin to be closed, but the steppe is still plead. Blue thickets of the sage of a decree, yellow thickets of alfalfa, pink islands of Espartza, balls of some rolling-field and a number of other plants.

In early July, most plants are fighting, and the steppe acquires a brown color. Only in the rainy years, when Tyrsil is strongly developing, it remains golden green in some places. At the same time, the late ride-field bloom: Curma's purple balls and others. In September, the steppe buoy. This monotony is disturbed by the flowering of steppe asters, the shelter and a few other plants. At the end of November - in December the steppe is covered with snow.

Kickl Lessing


Less colorful tits-Kickie Steppes. It occupies the eastern part of the region, with the exception of the Far Southeast. Soil here are dark brown and brown, precipitation falls from 400 to 300 mm.

From the cereal herbs they prevailed Ticaccus and noodles, a little disinterested. Ordinary semi-stabiliques, chammer and aged shit. There are significantly more ephemers. Herbage is rare and low. Thickets of shrubs are found only on the beams.

The southeastern regions of the region are occupied by a holper-tanta steppes, or semi-desert. The precipitation here drops a little - up to 300 mm. Light brown soils with spots of Solontsy prevail. Ticacles are growing, gray wormwood, daisy, steppe Astra, Pruth. Herbage Low and rare. In the salonts, the grass is even more revealed. Here are growing tits, white and black wormwood and others.

Westerns - Small rounded deposits - have dark colored soils and bright juicy greens. Herbage on them thick and high. Here they prevail the crawls, pontic, licorice.

Reed (reed)

Reich (Kuga)


Vegetable Pokrov donate floodplains (lending) Heterogeneous: grow here and meadow, I. swamp, I. water, I. saltic herbs.

The meadow vegetation consists of cereals, mainly spanning, various dying, legumes - wiki, clover, licorice and meadow dispersion - Cress, Plakuan Grass (Derbennik), sorrel.

Swamp vegetation It occupies large areas at the bottom stream of don and in the floodplains of other rivers. Reed (reed) and reich (Kuga) Formed here huge thickets. On wetlands grow also rogoz (Chakan), iris (Cockery),aIR, various oskoki other. For solonchakovformed in the floodplains of rivers and near salty lakes, are characteristic salteros, Minor, kermeki, solonchak Wormy, semi-shop sarsazan, shrub tamarisk and a number of others.

In river floors, part of the land is occupied under the hayflowers and grazes, and part of the decompanian under garden and other cultures. Some swamp trees are used for economic purposes: cane and reeds are made of cane and reeds and other construction Materials. From the cane, you can get a protein paste - valuable feed for animals, as well as cellulose.

Weighing plantswhich grow in the fields bring tremendous harm agriculture. it osima field, dross crazy, freedom (mustard field),kurai., mice, Shren, dodder, bind and many others. The main measures to combat them are the correct processing of the soil and care of cultural plants. Recently applied chemicals Wrestling weeds, so-called herbicides.



Many wild plants are used to make drugs. These include Ayr, Lily of the Lily, Adonis Spring, Celeneel, Slaughterhouse, Groceless Gray, Maltop, Dimony Drug, Altea Drug, Orezica, Mother, Benne Black, Nather High, Yarrow, Chamomile Drug, Coltsfoot, Drawberry Medicinal and Others.

Medonosa Serve: donnik, Lucerne, Esparcet, Clover, Furk, Sage, Chabret, Sinyak, Ore.

Forests There is little in the Rostov region: they only take about three percent of the territory. They grow in the northern part of the region, mainly in the upper reaches of the beams and the floodplains of rivers.




Dormon medicinal

Adonis (Spring)


Groceless gray



Forests located in the beams are called bairachny. They consist of oak, ash, maples, elm, limes, aspen, pears, appleas well as shrubs: worn, viburnum, crash, becklet, turquish, elderberry. The edges are growing, rosehip, hawthorn and others.

Wood forests According to the composition wood breeds Similar to bayrac. In more raw places grow ospen, Osokor, Alder and and you.

There is no bairan forest. On the shores of the rivers grow up here iW, and in beams - turn.

In the eastern regions of the forest area grow in the floodplains of rivers only in a few places. Bairan forests are not at all. Thickets of shrubs are found only on the beams.

Much attention on Don is paid to artificial forest area. Several forest areas, leshozes and more than three dozen forest planting stations of the region create new forests and forest belts on sandy arrays, shores of reservoirs, on the slopes of ravines and beams. The trees protect the fields from destroying Sukhovyev, help accumulate moisture in the soil, strengthen the shores of rivers and reservoirs, the slopes of beams and ravines, stop the movement of the sands.

Per last years Much made and on the creation of state forest bandswho pass in our area on the banks of Don (from Voronezh to Rostov) and the Northern Donets (from Belgorod to the merger with Don). The third strip goes on the watershed of two tributaries of Don - Hopra and the Medolitz - from Penza to Kamensk.

Forest plantings have great value. They not only have favorably affect natural conditions, but also reconcile and decorate the life of the Soviet person. That is why the law on nature conservation requires protecting and multiply wood and shrub vegetation.

Natural herbal vegetation also affects the climate, water water mode, enriches the soil.

It also has a lot of economic importance: serves as a feed base for animals, gives medicinal and technical raw materials. Therefore, in pastures it is necessary to comply with the dates of the grazing of the cattle, produce hurriches to improve herbage and so on.

Over the past decades, hundreds of thousands of hectares of virgin lands have been placed in our field. In these areas, wheat, gardens and vineyards are now spread.

But this does not mean that we are not valid by natural steppe vegetation, we do not protect it. Currently, reservations have been created in many areas of the region. Here you can only mow the hay. Such reserves are in Malchevsky, Salsk, Zimovnikovsky, repair and other areas. In addition, near the Persianovka station north of Novocherkasska on the territory of the Don Agricultural Institute there is a protected steppe plot.

Residents of cities and villages, and schoolchildren must first of all, should take care of the natural riches of the region, protect the forests from fires and predatory herb. Nature is popular wealth, and everyone should love and take her.

Questions and tasks.

1. In which plant zone is our area? Name the main types of natural vegetation.

2. What useful plants are available in your area?

3. What kind of wood rocks will consist of treating stripes and forests? Do you care for them, do they protect them?

4. Is there a place on the territory of your area that are declared reserves? Take a tour and collect plants for herbarium.

5. What events could your school on the protection of protected places?

https://linkyou.ru/ linkyou.ru.

What plants grow in the steppe?

  • Mountain, steppes with violent alpine vegetation and alpine, distinguished scanty and nondescript vegetation, mainly consisting of a groom and babble.
  • Meadow. Steppes, characterized by the presence of small forest arrays forming glads and edges.
  • Real. Steppes with growing on them in a large predominance of the pavement and the tanta. These are the most typical steppe plants.
  • Sasian - steppes consisting of plants adapting to dry climates, shrubs.
  • Desert steppes on which deserted herbs grow rolling-box, wormwood, prucunion
  • Also, it is also necessary to say a few words about the forest-steppes, for which the alternation of deciduous forests and coniferous boards with the plots of steppes is characterized, since the stepping plants and forest-steppe differ only in the subspecies.

The steppe has its embodiment on any continent, except Antarctica, and on different continents, it has its name: in North America, this is Prairie, in South America - Pampa (Pampas), in South America, Africa and Australia is Savannah. In New Zealand, the steppe is called Tussai.

Consider in more detail what plants grow in the steppe.

Types of plants Steppe

  • Roman. This is an annual plant of the family of cruciferous, growing on the risk-rich and in the tundra. There are about 100 varieties of the groom characteristic of our steppes. It is characterized by a branchy stem with oblong leaves, crowned with tassels of yellow flowers. The period of flowering April - July. In folk phytotherapy, the farm is used as a hemostatic, expectorant and diuretic.
  • Barrier It is also an annual plant, about 25 cm and oblong leaves, a plurality of flower arrows, each of which ends with a compliance consisting of tiny white flowers. The babble is used as anti-inflammatory, painful, diuretic and hemostatic, as well as an anticipant agent for epilepsy
  • Poppy. Depending on the view, this is an annual or perennial grass with floral buds on long bloomrs. It grows on stony slopes, mountain streams and rivers, on the fields, along the roads. And although pans are poisonous, they are widely used in phytotherapy as a soothing and sleeping remedy for insomnia, as well as in some intestinal diseases and bladder.
  • Tulips are perennial grassy plastic flortile plants with large and bright flowers. Basically they grow in semi-desert, deserted and mountainous areas.
  • Astragalus. This plant has more than 950 species of all sorts of colors and shades, growing and in desert and dry steppes, in the forest area and on the Alpine meadows. It is widely used at eats, water, gastroenteritis, diseases of the spleen, as a tonic, as well as with headaches and hypertensive disease.
  • Feather grass. It is also a variety of grass in your species. They are already more than 60, and the most common one is a camp peristically. This is a perennial plant of the family of cereals. Kovyl grows up to 1 meter high with smooth stems and ostic leaves. Kovyl applies like a decoction on milk at Zob and paralymp.
  • Mullein. This is a large (up to 2 m) plant with hairy leaves and large yellow flowers. Studies of the plant showed the presence of a set of beneficial substances in its flowers, such as flavonoids, saponins, coumarin, gum, essential oil, glycoside Aucin, ascorbic acid and carotene. Therefore, the plant is actively used as a food additive in salads and hot dishes, drink drinks, and also eaten fresh.
  • Melissa Drug. This is a long-term high grass with a pronounced lemon smell. Stems of the plant are crowned with bluish-lilac flowers that are collected in false rings. In the leaves, Melissa contains essential oil, ascorbic acid, some organic acids.
  • Camel Spiky is a semi-staple, up to 1 meter in height, with a powerful root system, bare stems with long spines and red (pink) flowers.

    The spindle camel is common in the criteria, grows along the aryks and canals, on wasteland and irrigated lands. The plant contains many vitamins, some organic acids, rubber, resins, tanning substances, essential oil, as well as carotene and wax. The plants decoction are used with colitis, gastritis and stomach ulcers.

  • Sagebrush. This is a herbaceous or semi-student plant occurring almost everywhere. The whole plant has a straight stem with thin half-twin leaves and yellowish flowers collected in inflorescences. Wormwood is used as a spicy plant, and the essential oil is used in perfumery and cosmetics. Also wormwood matters like a feed plant for livestock.
  • So, we have considered only some types of stepepe plants. And, of course, the differences in the landscape impose their imprint on the appearance of herbs growing on it, but, nevertheless, some common properties can be distinguished. So for plants steppe characteristic:
    • Branched root system
    • Root-Lukovitsa
    • Fleshy stems and thin, narrow leaves

Even more interesting

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What is the steppe?

Steppes are the richest community-resistant community-resistant plants - xerophytes. They are common where the climate is warm, but precipitation is not enough to grow the forest. Steppe - "The type of vegetation, submitted by the community from drought-resistant perennial herbaceous plants with the domination of turf cereals, less often in Oskock and Lukov." If you analyze the geographical location of steppe landscapes on the globe, will detect -

it is that the most typical steppes are formed in the inner areas of the continent. Steppe zones of moderate belts of the northern and southern hemispheres, characterized by a dry climate, a loss of watersheds, the domination of grassy, \u200b\u200bmainly cereal vegetation on black earth, dark brown and brown soils.

According to the area, the steppes predominate, which are changed by the pasture digression and represent the low pasture communities with the dominance of Ticacher and wormwood. In small fragments, hay-axes of steppe are preserved, among which they distinguish the southern, northern and central version, which represents the transition between the Northern and South. In the steppes of the central version, if they are not violated by the grazing, ordinary, porous, Zelesky, narrowing. In addition, the Ticaccus is found and the difference is very abundantly. The steppe includes shrubs - Karagan, Spirea, Dark, Ratchnik.

In addition to the mountain steppes, the saltwatened steppes are preserved on the plain in small fragments, which are commonly wormwood Lerch, Kermek Gmelin, the East of Falconary. For the steppe on gransity soils characteristic

participation of species - Petrofitov, i.e., the confused - onosma of the simplest, thyme, the Mountains, Vasilka of Siberian and others. Such steppes are especially easily destroyed by a pasture digression. The yield of steppening seals - up to 4-5 c / ha

Hay, the productivity of steppe pastures as a result of a re-fall is low and is not more than 15-20 c / ha green mass

for the pasture period. According to the classification, according to the studies of Professor Mirkin B.M. All the steps of the Republic of Bashkortostan can be divided into two main types of meadow and typical. Meadow are common in the forest-steppe zone, and in the steppe zone they are touched by the slopes of the northern exposure.

Typical steppes occupy areas in the steppe zone of the republic.

Mordovnik Chairolar

Two-year or perennial grassy plant from the family of comprehensible. The height of the plant reaches 1.5 m. Stem is single, straight, above the branch. It is covered with ferrous hairs. Leaves twice crushed, large long from 10 to 25 cm and width from 4 to 10 cm. Outlet leaves with cushion, other seats, stems. They are green from above, and the bottom covered with white felt, there are small spines on the edges. Flowers are collected in spherical inflorescences, they are bluish-white painting. Character heads have a diameter of 4-5 cm. Fruits seed. Growing in the valleys of rivers, among shrubs, on the edges of island forests, on wasteland.

Population of plants on the hill Roman-Mountain is represented by single plants. Occasionally there are "islands" from 5-10 plants. In general, plants in good vital state.


A perennial herbaceous plant from the family of complex color. Plant with extensive stem. Under the conditions of the Republic of Belarus, height ranges from 48 to 72 cm. From thin crawling rhizome, several shoots of stalks are departed. The leaves are roasting - lanceal, bico-peristo-disseated on narrow small slices. Streamy leaves shorter, peristo-dissected.

Strong leaves in short, half-disseated, divided into a large number of lobes. Inflorescence - shovel, consisting of a variety of flower baskets. Flowers are small, white, pink-purple or reddish. Flowers in June-August, very long time.

It grows on the hill everywhere, where there are sites of a meadow steppe. Especially often occurs from the south side of the slope on the gentle places, where cattle grasins it more often and closer to the Asl-Dycryak River.

Asparagus medicinal

A perennial grassy plant from the family of Lily. Stem in Asparagus, a reprehensive, reaching a height of up to 150 cm., Highly branched. Branches on the stem depart under an acute angle. The leaves are reduced to scales, in the sneakers of the stem, modified shoots resembling leaves are formed. Underground straw straight, smooth. It is juicy, etiolated, forming shoots, departing from the root. These stems are used as a vegetable plant. Flowers small, greenish yellow. Perianth of six petals with 6 stamens.

Fruit - a red spherical berry. Flowers in June - July. Asparagus grows in the meadows, among the thickets of shrubs, it is also in the steppe, on the slopes of the mountains.

It is quite rare on the territory under study. Detected in areas adjacent to the forest belt and located between the rows of trees inside the forest bar. The population is represented by single plants.

Adonis Spring

A perennial grassy plant from the Lutikov family. Adonis has a two-stroke development - at the beginning

Early bloom is distinguished, and then the formation of the stem and leaves is based. Color early in spring, from late April, in May. The bush in which there are up to 20-30 pieces of flowers, blooms from 40 to 50 days. The very first flowers, as a rule, are large, but they are pale yellow, golden, top, single, are richly visited by bees. The adonis at the beginning of flowering has a height of a bush from 10 to 15 cm, and in the fruction phase it reaches 30-70 cm. In each bush, there are from 2 to 15 generative and from 4 to 23 vegetative shoots.

It is found everywhere on the studied area. The population is more than 150 plants that are in good vital state.

Plushevoid bute

Perennial, herbaceous plant from the family of licorious. The boom has a creep and branching stem, it is rooted by forming new stems. Cube leaves, opposite, gorgeous-gear, rounded the honesty shape. They are covered with hairs. Flowers for 3-4 pcs. Located in sinuses of medium stem leaves, they are small, double, purple-blue or bluish-lilac color. The flower makers are 4-5 times shorter than the cups are equipped with private bracts. A cup is covered with a triangular hairs, thinly pointed. The height of the raising stalks ranges from 10 to 40 cm. The cup in May-June.

Growing along the ravine and on the south side of the slope. The numerous population was studied during the start of flowering.

St. John's wort

A perennial traumatic plant from the family of the Zheleysian.Tebel straight, from 45 to 80 cm high, naked, with two faces. Leaves are oblong-egg-shaped, all-acy, opposite, seating. On the leaves are scattered translucent point spacing, which resemble holes - from here and the name-trimmed.

Flowers are numerous, golden yellow colors, collected in a wicked, almost global inflorescence. Chassels are sharp with a solid edge. Petals are twice as long as a cup of petals, blooms in June-July. The fruit is a three-year multiferous basket, reveals with 3 sash. Rhizome is thin, a few stems depart from it.

Detected only in one place with the eastern gentle side of the hill. Presented 8-15 plants.

Veronica Dubravnaya

Perennial herbaceous plant. Saves green shoots round. The leaves are opposed, in the sinuses of the brush not the right flowers. In the flower 2 stamens and 1 pestle. The fruit of Veroniki is a flexible box.

Grows on the meadow sections of the steppe of the terrain. Plants are evenly distributed among other species. Often found on the outskirts of forest belts.

Boneless bonfire

Refers to the family of cereals. It has smooth stems, at the height reaching one meter. Flat and wide leaves. Spikelets are collected in the inflorescence - a sprawling belt. Bonfire is a good feed grass, blooms from the end of May and in June. From the crawling rhizoma, there are many high reprehension shoots of flowers.

In the plant communities, the hill is the forming medium, because It occurs evenly often almost everywhere.


Annual, herbal plant from a pretty family. A small plant height from 10 to 40 cm. He has straight stems, prostrate, branched. Elliptical leaves or lanceal, small, with a short root.

Flowers are in the sinuses of the leaves, distributed evenly throughout the plant. Pale pink flower curler. Fruit-treadmill. It blooms from May to October. It grows on the roads, on the streets, in the courtyards, on pasty. In pastures, where there is a large load of livestock, all types of plants suffer, only the road remains.

This species is well expressed at the foot of the hill from the river and animal stall. In the main system almost never occurs.

Freedoma ordinary

Herbaceous plant from the family of cruciferous. Bright green rosettes of the bizarre lovoid. Peristo-disseated leaves in large quantities are visible on the fields poured last fall. Flowers in May-June. Upon the abundance of the sun and moisture from the snow by the snow, the flower escape with a brush of yellow flowers quickly pulls out. The fruit is multifamous, opening with two sash. Good honey.

In the vegetable cover, the hill is growing uniformly and is found in large way from the side of the field, located closer to the eastern slope.

Kozhelets purple

Seeds at the base with a flip of a swollen leg, 12 mm long, ribbed, light gray. Stems straight and lifting, furred, simple and branching. Burnt leaves on long stiffs, filament and dissected, with narrow linear side segments. Cylindrical baskets, wrapper weakly-web, then naked, sheets of her lanceal, sometimes with a hornkid appendering. Flowers are yellow, edge from the outside reddish.

Grows on a hill on the lawns between the trees of the forest bel. It is moderate often, the population consists of single plants, which are at a relatively short distance from each other - from 40 to 60 cm.


Refers to the bean family. Shrub with gray straight thin branches, with four frontal fined-eye leaves with a wedge-shaped base and spikes on the top; Golden-yellow flowers with a wide back-visual sail, a stupid boat, focused 2-3 on solitary blooms, which are twice as long as a cup, beans up to 3 cm long, naked, cylindrical, 1-4 seeds.

It grows mainly on the western slope of the mountain, in the ravine and the beam adjacent to it from the north side.

Nonon dark

Refers to the family of brown. All plant is covered with hoppy hard hairs and rare glands. The leaves are oblong - lanceolate, the bottoms are narrowed in the cutters, the rest of the seats, the flights. Bracts Lancing, longer than flowers, dark red-brown color. A cup of bell tower, overux to one part. Lancing cup shares. Network nuts.

The hill grows throughout, it was studied and determined during the beginning of flowering.


Belongs to the family of bells. Flowers are numerous, in a large branch of the inflorescence. Vidnicide curler, blue or white. Stem with thick foliage. Leaves are large, naked or pubescent.

It grows in communities of the studied plants between cereal plants. It is rarely found, in the population of only about 30 plants.

Veronica Longoliste

Belongs to the Norichnikov family. Leaves up to the top of the UAVNOPILE with finely pointed,

Simple or to the base of B.C. Double jar, oblong or linear lancing, sharp at the base of the heart-shaped or rounded, often mutual. Inflorescence-end thick brush lengthened up to 25 cm, sometimes with several lateral brushes; Flowers on flowers, almost equal to cups. Blue Blue is about 6 mm. Length, with hair inside the tube. All the plant is naked or short grayish.

The propagation of this plant in the ecosystem studied is moderately rare. Growing individual plants or 2-3 individuals.

Violet amazing

Refers to the violent family. Steel up to 30 cm.

height. Large-shaped staggers with large width-shaped staples, chosen leaves, fed down alone. Highlights of stem leaves are large, all-string, butter-large, rusty red.

The hill grows in places with low cereals or among low herbaceous cover, loves chicken surface areas.

Forest anemone

Family-Ranunculaceae family. Perennial. Stroke leaves are not fragile, similar to roasting, short-pole. Flowers are yellow-white.

Growing small "familys" between the pine rows of trees and separately on open slopes from the eastern and northern side of the hill Roman-mountain.

Field Bindle

Refers to the family binding family. Naked or scattered lowered plant with lying, fluttering or curly shoots. Flowers up to 3.5 cm. In diameter, usually collected 2-3 or single. Bract in the form of a pair of small linear leaves are located oppositely in the middle of the flowering, do not reach the cups. The pink crown, rarely white.

Grows in areas with other meadow plants from the ravine and river.

Onosma Prei Urals

Belongs to the bouquet family. The flower makers are very short, much shorter in colors leaves. All plant is rigid-rough. Straight straight, simple, less frequent branched, coated with rigid sparkles and thick fluff. Archive leaves are numerous, sweet, linear, stem, linear lanceal.

Loves open solar places with rocky soil. Grows crowded bushes. Very interesting during flowering. On the hill Roman-Mount not many plants on top of the south side. Numerical accounting showed about 20 plants.

Walinkle flat

It belongs to the family of comprehensive. Root vertical, rustic, developing branched color-saving shoots and straight ribbed blush branchy flower stems. The leaves of fruitless shoots and the lower stems twice-, the cherryistraysset, their slices are narrow-core 3-10 mm long, barely pointed, medium and upper stem leaves, colors are short, narrow poly. Outdoor leaflets Oval wrappers, almost rounded, convex, on the back of green, the inner edge is widely widespread.

Well expressed as a coating plant on the southern slope of the roman-mountain hill. Plants are lower than the usual size, which indicates the depression of pasture load.

Plants steppe zone

The vegetation of steppes consists of various herbs capable of carrying drought. In some plants, stalks and leaves are strongly published or have a developed wax; Other rigid stems are covered with narrow leaves, coagulated on a dry season (cereals); Third have fleshy and juicy stems and leaves with a marginal reserve. Some plants differ deeply going to the ground root system or form tubers, bulbs, rhizomes.

The steppe zone is one of the main sushi biomes. Under the influence, first of all, climatic factors were the zonal features of biomes. For the steppes zone, a hot and arid climate is characterized for most of the year, and in the spring there is a sufficient amount of moisture, therefore, for the steppes, the presence of a large number of ephemers and ephemeroids among plant species is characterized, and many animals are also confined to a seasonal way of life, falling into the hibernation And the cold season.

Steppe almonds. Photo: Sirpa Tähkämö

The 13th steppes is represented in Eurasia steppes in North America - Prairies, in South America - Pampas, in New Zealand - Communities of Tusksov. These are moderate belt spaces, occupied by more or less xerophilic vegetation. From the point of view of the conditions for the existence of the animal population, the steppe are characterized by the following signs: a good review, an abundance of vegetable food, relatively dry summer period, the existence of a summer period of rest or, as it is now called a half-room. In this regard, the steppe communities differ sharply from forest, among the prevailing life forms of plant plants, cereals are distinguished, the stems of which are bored in the turns - turf cereals. In the southern hemisphere, such turns are called Tussa. Tussara is very high n leaves are less rigid than that of the ferris of the steppe cereals of the northern hemisphere, since the climate close to the steppes of the southern hemisphere is softer.

Rhizome cereals that do not form Dernovin, with single stems on creeping underground rhizomes widerly spread in the northern steppes, in contrast to the unnecessary cereals, the role of which in the northern hemisphere increases to the south.
Among the bipathic herbaceous plants, two groups are distinguished - the northern colorful dispersion and southern painless. For colorful dispersion, the mesophilic look and large bright flowers or inflorescences, for the southern, painless disintegration - more xerophilic appearance - pubescent stems in the leaves, often the leaves are narrow or small, small-faceted flowers, neuropric.
Characteristic for the steppes annual ephemers, flowing in the spring after flowering, dying, and perennial ephemeroids, which, after moving the ground parts, remain tubers, bulbs, underground rhizomes. Unfortunately, a non-lunist that develops in the spring, when there is still a lot of moisture in steppe soils, only underground organs retains for the summer, and in the fall, when the entire steppe looks lifeless, yellowed, gives bright lilac flowers (hence his name).

For the steppe characteristic shrubs, often growing groups, sometimes single. These include spiries, caragans, steppe cherries, steppe almonds, sometimes some types of juniper. The fruits of many shrubs are eaten by animals.
On the surface of the soil, xerophilic mosies, bushy and precipitated lichens, sometimes blue-green algae from the genus of the Nostok are growing. On the air dry period, they dry, after rains come to life and assimilate.

In the steppes there are plants rather unbroken, maybe therefore many unfamiliar: the grooves and bars.

They appear one of the first on dry desires, sandgrades, hills and swaths.

The corner of the family of cruciferous is most often found in the highlands and in the tundra. The total number of species in our country reaches a hundred. The most common is the Krupka Siberian (found on the meadows, in dry tundra, on the Alpine and subalpine lawns almost across the country, including the Arctic and Mountain Systems of Central Asia and Siberia), as well as the tip of the oak (distributed broadly, except for the Arctic, in the fields, dry meadows and in the steppes). Externally, these kraps are very similar to each other.

The tank of the oak - an annual plant with a branched, desirable stem up to 20 centimeters high, at the bottom of which there is a root rosette of oblong leaves, and in the upper - loose tastes of yellowish flowers. She blooms in April - July. The chemical composition of the krupping is weakly studied, it is only known that alkaloids are contained in the above-ground part. The plant was used in folk phytotherapy as a hemostatic remedy on a par with a shepherd bag. It is believed that the above-ground part together with seeds has an expectorant and antitussive effect, as a result of which it is used in the cough and various diseases of the bronchi, in the infusion of grass as an external agent for various skin diseases (rashes and others), especially allergic origin in children (at the same time adopt infusion Or the decoction of grass externally and inside - as a blood purity) o in Chinese medicine, plant seeds are popular, which are used as an expectorant and diuretic.

Siberian krukka - Perennial about dark yellow flowers. Deserves, like the grooves of the oak, study for medical purposes.
Prolorators from the family of semi-color numbers in our country 35 species commonly predominantly in the mountains of the Caucasus, Central Asia and Siberia. The most commonly encountered a barrier northern - small, up to 25 centimeters, an annual plant with a roar rosette of small oblong leaflets and, as a rule, numerous, up to 20 pieces, floral arrows up to 25 centimeters high, each of which ends with an umbrella inflorescence consisting of 10-30 Tiny white flowers. There is a barrier northern practically throughout the country - in the forest-steppe, steppe, forest and polar-arctic zones: on the sudidal and steppe meadows, rocky slopes, in rare-resistant pine and other forests, and especially loves. Highly occupy as weeds plowing openings and deposits.

The plant has long been applied to the medicinal purposes by the people of our country. Recently, medicine has been studied the possibility of obtaining drugs of contrary (contraceptive) action. The studies have gave good results - the century-old people's experience of drinking a babbling fully confirmed. It is believed that the babble has anti-inflammatory and painful properties, his decoction or paste is used in white in women and gonorrhea in men, hernia and zob, gastralgia, urolithiasis, especially widespread - with the inflammation of the throat (weigh the throat and take inside). It is known to use a barrier and as an anticonvulsant with epilepsy and eclampsia (attacks of convulsion, including children), as well as as a diuretic and hemostatic agent.

Tabs oak. Photo: Matt Lavin

A peculiar vitality of plants of the steppe is a roll-field. This vitality includes plants that are laid out at the root neck as a result of drying out, less often - overname, and transferred to the wind on the steppe; At the same time, then rising into the air, then hitting the ground, they dissipate the seeds. In general, the wind in the transfer of seeds of steppe plants plays a significant role. There are a lot of plants with stealing. The role of the wind is not only in pollination of plants, but the number of species, in the pollination of the insects, are less than in the forests.

Features of steppe plants:

a) Small leaves. The leaves of steppe cereals are narrow, not wider than 1.5-2 mm. In dry weather, they fold along, and their evaporating surface becomes even less (adaptation to a decrease in evaporation). In some steppe plants, leafy plates are very small (podmarniki, skachies, thymes, gerbils, saltwomen), others are dismembered on the finest lobes and segments (Zabritsy, Adonis, etc.).
b) Loyalty. A whole group of steppe plants creates a special "microclimate" due to heavy inglow. Many types of Astragalgov, Shalfeies and others, by the help of the omission, are protected from sunlight and thus fight drought.
c) wax raid. Many use a layer of wax or other waterproof substance secreted by skin. This is another adaptation of steppe plants to drought. They possess plants with a smooth, shiny surface of the leaves: Mokhodi, Zharitsa, Vasilek Russian, etc.
d) the special position of the leaves. Avoiding overheating, some steppe grass (nucleotics, sulfuhi, chondrill) have their leaves with an edge to the sun. And such a steppe weed, like a wild latch, generally orienses the leaves in the vertical plane of the North-South, representing a kind of live compass.
d) coloring. Among the summer steppe herbs there are few bright green plants, leaves and stems from most of them are painted in dull, faded tones. This is another adaptation of steppe plants that helps them protect against excess lighting and overheating (wormwood).
e) powerful root system. The root system is 10-20 times higher by the mass of the above-ground organs. In the steppe a lot of so-called turf cereals. This is a nick, tichard, tonkog, a winter. They form dense turns having 10 cm in the diameter and more. The turf contains many residues of old stems and leaves and has a wonderful property to intensively absorb talua and rainwater and hold it for a long time.
g) ephemers and ephemeroids. These plants develop in the spring when the soil is sufficiently moistened. Thus, they have time to eat and give fruit to the onset of a dry period (tulips, irises, saffin, goose bows, adones, etc.).

Steppe zone

The steppe is the territory, the zonal vegetation of which make up the community of grassy xerophytes. The steppes are pulled out by a wide band through the European and Asian parts of Russia from the west to the east to p. Obi. In Eastern Siberia, the steppes are found separate stains. Steppe plants adapted to life in arid conditions. The natural steppes remained only in reserves and reserves, the rest of the steppe land of Pereakhan under agricultural crops. Soil steppes - black soils of various types.

In the steppes, the continental climate type with hot dry summer and cold winter with a steady snow cover. The amount of precipitation (300 - 500 mm) is less than the magnitude of evaporation, so in the steppes of the plant are in conditions of lack of moisture.

Maximum precipitation in the form of a rainfall falls on the middle of the summer, during the heat. Plants do not have time to absorb moisture, and she quickly evaporates. Accelerate the evaporation of water and summer wearing winds, almost constant in the steppes. Sometimes Sukhovy is blowing - dried, hot winds.

Steppe plants are grassy xerophytes, they all have enough drought-resistant and well tolerate the lack of moisture. Basically, these are densitocustal cereals, first of all types of childbirth Kovyl (Stipa), Tychak (Festuca), Tonkonog (Koeleria). Some legumes grow in the steppes, such as type clover (Trifoliuni), Esparcet (Onobrychis), Astragala (Astragalus), roll-field, or kermek Statice., Fig. 252), wormwood Artemisia.See fig. 226) and others.

For steppes, steppe ephemeroids are characterized, flying in early spring and covering the steppe with a multi-colored carpet; By the summer, the above-ground part is dying, and the underground live part is preparing for flowering in the next year. Efemeroid plants include bulky mint (Poa Bulbosa)Tyulipov species (Tulipa), Luke Allium) and etc.

In addition to perennial ephemeroids in the steppes are common and ephemers - annual plants, all life cycle which takes place within a few weeks. These types of krucks (DRABA),

klopovnika (Lepidium), Rograwn Sherpoid (Ceratocephalafalcata) and etc.

In the steppes, as a rule, on the border with the forest area you can see shrubs: Tern, or wild plum Prunus Spinosa), wild almonds, or bobulk (Amygdalus dad), types of spirea (Spiraea), Karagani (Caragana).

When moving from the north to south, the following patterns are observed in the steppes of the European part: 1) the grass is increasingly dissolving; 2) the colorfulness of the steppes is based on the waller, the number of two-colon in the floristic list decreases; 3) in the north, perennials prevail, the role of annuals and the number of narrow-collar cereals increases to the south; 4) a number of pickles are replaced: from Stipa Joannis In the north of S. Ucrainica. on South; 5) the species composition is shifted (from 30 species in the north to 12 - in the south).

All these features of the steppes made it possible to divide them into three subzones.

North, or meadow, steppe Characterized by alternation of puffs and steppe vegetation, and forest areas are found only on beams and decrees, in conditions high humidity. Some geobotans highlight this subzone into the forest-steppe zone. The humidity of the meadow steppes is higher than in other subzones, herbal cover is higher (up to 1 m) with a predominance of the dispensing of the Toll (Filipendula), Sage (Salvia) et al. Gliding cereals grow here: Owned oats (Helictotrichon Pubescens), Porry Middle (Agropyron intermedium) And others. narrow-walled cereals - Picky and Tichard quite a little. Meadow steppes are characterized by species diversity. Thus, in the Central Black Earth Reserve there are up to 90 species of plants per 1 m 2. During the growing season, there is a change of aspects (yellow, white, blue, blue, etc.).

The subzone of the varnoper-ticker-nude steppes It is characterized by an increase in the role of narrow-walled turf cereals and greater drought-resistance of plants. Among the difference here, you can meet a zopnik spiny (Phlomispungens), sage docking (Salvia Nutans) and etc.

Ticker-nailed steppes - The most southern and distinguished by very rare and low hormone (up to 40 cm). Needed narrow-told unnecessary cereals are dominated here - Tychak, Kick Lessing (Stipa Lessingiana) ", annual ephemers; Some ephemeroids; from life forms prevail "rolling-field" (KachiMuye - Gypsophila Paniculata). The species composition of the herp is poor (on 1 m 2 - no more than 15 types).

Siberian steps Have a lot of similar features with European. Behind the Urals because of a significantly less dissected Relief of the steppe in the Asian part of the country, a solid strip is drawn to the river. Obi. On the extensive lowering of Siberia a large role among the steppes

play "prohibit" - herbal swamps in solonitsa and salt soils, where steppe species are combined with plants of more wet habitats. In floral relations, the Siberian steppes are poorer European, and at the extreme east of the steppe zone can be found species of Mongolian origin.

In the Siberian steppes, the subzones of the varnoped-turf and cereal and turne-cereal steppes are distinguished.