Forest flowers and herbs: photo and plant names of the forest strip. Siberian healing plants - health without tablets

Decorative foliage, lush flowering, thick greens, tender aroma Decorative shrubs filled our gardens. The most popular in Siberia are hydrangea, the canbushnik, bubbler, dend, shrubs, Barbaris, Vegel and Denius. Most of them are damaged in winter to varying degrees. All plants with a closed root system are well tolerated autumn planting. This article is devoted to decorative plants with an open root system.

Dates of planting decorative shrubs in Siberia

It is undesirable to plant shrubs, poorly winter in Siberia and poorly restored:

  • barberries,
  • magonia,
  • laptop
  • henomeles,
  • stephanandru
  • wegel,
  • dAY.

Coniferous plants (thuja, juniper) with an open root system especially poorly carry autumn fit.

Malozim-resistant, but well-renovative shrubs (hydrangea, spirea Japanese, pots) successfully planted in autumn. Winter-hardy species (spiries species, bubble, dend) also tolerate autumn fit.

The choice of place and the preparation of the soil should be carried out in accordance with biological features Plants.

Barbaris for Siberia.

This spiny leaf fall or evergreen shrub With simple leaves, it grows well on dry, sunny places.

Flowers are small, yellow, fragrant, more often in inflorescences. The fruits are diverse in shape and painting (there are red and blue fruits).

In Siberia, only leaf falling species are good: barbaris Amur, Tunberg and Ottavsky . Young plants winter with bending. Adults and intended for a haircut can not bent, and in the spring you should remove the freshest branches. Barbaris is greatly restored.

Tall types and forms are used for impassable hedges, medium and low-speed - for various groups, borders. They are grown in the same way as fruit plants, to fix the slopes. Shrubs have a great haircut.

Barberry is well combined with large winter-hard-resistant juniper (Cossack, ordinary), high spirits (species spring, powerful Japanese) and many fruit plants (currant golden, viburnum, sea buckthorn).

Magonia for Siberia

This is a parade, decorative-deciduous and beautifully flowering plant grows well in a dry half. In culture is distributed magonia Padoliste .

Magonia suffers from spring sun burns. For the winter it should be covered, which is not removed in the spring to completely thawing the soil. Winter plant only under the snow.

Magonia is planted as an emphasis in a shady spot: under the crowns of dark-haired trees, Tui; At the walls of the houses, in curbdoms and hedges, groups with actinidia and lemongrass (liablings at a distance of 0.8-1.2 m).

Hortensia for Siberia

In Siberia, these parade plants are divided into ground and greenhouse (large or garden hydrangea). Well winter and most decorative in open soil hydrangea tree and blurred .

Ground hydrangeas are demanding of the fertility and humidity of the Earth, prefer acidic soils. Plants are light-headed, but can grow in half.

Bushes are cut into autumn: so it is easier to stream. Hydrangea wintering under snow or dry shelter.

Young bushes can be mulched sheet, bent. Adults bend minimally - only slurry forms. High-resistant shapes and adult plants winter without shelter.

Chubuschik for Siberia.

CUBUBUSHNIK garden jasmine) - Easy shrub has many decorative species and varieties. It is not bad for the winter, it is greatly restored after winter damage and transfers. Its flowers are cream and white, neachless and semi-world, with flavors of jasmine and strawberries.

Domestic varieties are more winter-hardy and bloom faster than imported ( Academician of Komarov, unusual, memory of moskov ).

Shrub is unpretentious, but requires a minor trimming after flowering. Used for chipping edges, non-trumped hedges, groups (with hydrangea and dating), walls.

Fight under the snow and insulate the sheet only young plants and a nozzle. Adult bushes winch almost without shelter.

Lapper for Siberia.

Phackle (Kuril tea, fivelisther) - then a shrub tall up to 1.5 m. The most decorative and has many cultivars laptop shrub . It is better to succeed in Siberia, only yellow and white-colorful forms are blooming and bright.

Phackle winter-hardy (winter without shelter), blooms long, drought resistant, unpretentious to soils. Well tolerate urban conditions.

The lowest varieties are well suited for slides, borders, cutting hedges, unpretentious groups, edges (around trees), natural landscapes.

To preserve decorativeness every 3-5 years, it is necessary to carry out a rejuvenating trimming.

Stephanander for Siberia.

Stefanandra outcropoliste-elegant shrub with arcuately bending shoots grows up to 1.5 m. It blooms about a month. Suitable for half, slides, groups with shadowed plants.

Wintering plant without shelter or under a slight shelter sheet. In the spring, the frozen twigs are cut. Stephanandra outcroppaste is perfectly restored.

Photo: Stephananda outcropancut

Quince Henomeles for Siberia

This is fruit I. decorative plant Requires rich soils, open solar location and abundant irrigation into the arid period. Grow enough slowly.

It tolerates drought well, conditions of the city and haircut. Wintering under the snow (you need to bend).

Spirea (Tollga) for Siberia

Falling shrubs with a different shape of a bush (pyramidal, weaving, semi-shaped, reprehension, sharpening) are distinguished by abundant and long blossoms. Coloring flowers from pure white to raspberry and purple.

Spiraei divide on plants of single spring flowering and permanent summer (double). The first bloom passes on the shoots of last year, and the flowers have a white color. Representatives of the second group of flowers are raspberry, pink, red, purple, and flowering takes place on shoots of this year.

Spires are undemanding to the soil, light-sounded, frost resistant, smoke and gas-resistant, well tolerate the conditions of the city. Shelters for winter do not require. Japanese spires in the spring are cut to the level of winter damage.

Spring-winding spirits (white): Arguta (height reaches 2 m, has arcuate branches), hyverobealist (up to 2.5 in height, has very elegant leaves and flowers, arcuate branches), gray (plant with large leaves and arcuate branches), three-blade (The plant grows up to 1.5 m, has openwork leaves; flowers are collected in umbrellas), nipponskaya , Wangutta (a three-bladed derivative, but less winter-hardy), berezoliste (Low rise plant blooming in summer).

Survessing spiries: Billarda (a high plant with pink panicles, blooms from the end of July to frosts), japanese (low, blooms 45-50 days, from mid-summer to deep autumn. It has many forms with multi-colored flowers and leaves).

Bubble Caline Taliste for Siberia

The stronger (in height reaches 2.5 m), slightly empty shrub. Mostly to the soil, poorly carry out excess moisturizing and moisture stagnation. Shadowish, dough and gas-resistant.

Wintering without shelter. In the spring requires a small trimming of damaged twigs.

Decorative forms: Luteus and Darts Gold (yellowball), Diablo and Baron (with dark, brown-red foliage). Used for hedges.

Photo: Bubbler Kalinolis Darts Gold

Deren for Siberia.

This spectacular and summer (decorative forms have a dead foliage), and in winter (bright red, burgundy, yellow, bright green shoots are very decorative) shrub reaches 3 m in height.

The plant is very winter-hardy and heat-resistant, shadowless, grows on any soils. Well tolerate an alkaline environment, temporary flooding and city conditions.

Used for hedges. Winter shelter does not require, the spring requires a weak trimming.

Kalina for Siberia.

It is possible to divide on the red-bearing and black-free species. Decorative all summer thanks to bright flowers, fruits and leaves.

In culture is distributed calina ordinary (in height reaches 4 m, blooms at the end of May). Forms: Bulderezh, Roseum, Sterile, Snowubol, Snowball.

The varieties of yellow and orange-free, decorative deciduous (with bronze, yellow and motley, wrinkled leaves), compact (0.5-1 m).

Unpretentious, winter hardy, resistant to the city. Soil prefers fertile, wet.

Used as a fruit and decorative plant.

Waigela for Siberia

Drafting Fall Fall, often re blooming shrub. In Siberia, most species spare and frozen, so it's hard to pick up winter shelter. When growing without shelter, annually grows, it does not bloom abundantly. Few winter-hardy species And the forms almost do not bloom.

Waigel is light-headed, the place prefers solar, but protected. The soil is preferably fresh, loose, wet, with the addition of sand. Drainage is required.

Pruning is carried out in spring to well-developed resumption shoots.

Wintering plant with a shelter with a sweetheart, rubberoid (under the snow - dry shelter).

The plot is grown for single landings, groups, on lawns, for borders, in non-rigid hedges.

Comparatively winter-hardy types: weigla Middondorfa (yellow flowers, blooms in spring), blooming (bright pink flowers, abundant) and hybrid (It has a variety of coloring leaves and flowers).

Less winter-hardy (even in Europe): about bilicle, pleasant, early, Korean and garden.

Dale for Siberia

This leaf-old malozim-resistant shrub will decorate the garden with an abundance of white or pink flowers in the tops-like inflorescences.

Deuterian small color (Amur) . Spacious shrub up to 2 m in height. Resistant to the conditions of the city, drought resistant, will quickly grow. Soils are disposed of, but it grows better on fresh fertile soils. Forms a lot of root row.

Death Lemian (hybrid) . The hybrid of an elegant and amur dating - up to 2 m in height, blooms abundantly snow-white flowers in the blurred inflorescences. Winter hardy, quickly restored - one of the most stable species. It blooms very abundantly in May - June to 20 days.

Siberia Destinations

Boule de gentle - up to 1.5 m in height, with white flowers (up to 1.5 cm in diameter).
Mont Rose - 1-1.5 m in height, with bright pink flowers (up to 2.5 cm in diameter), the edges of the petals are spinning.
Pink Pompon - Buds of the plants are carminous, and bright pink flowers, terry, in thick semi-shaped inflorescences.

Action of rough (star). Shrub reaches a height of 2.5 m. It blooms later than other types of 2-3 weeks. Bark shoots red-or gray-brown, later peeling.

Garden forms: dement of captivity (with terry, white (outside pink) flowers), pink Mahova (winter hardy), Kandididissima (with terry white flowers and large inflorescences), Pride of Rochester (heavy shrub, blooms in June - july white, outside with pinkish flowers in long brushes), Water (a rare shape with white, outside by carminic flowers), marble (with yellow and white spots on the leaves), Point (Belotochny).

Elegant Detament . A low shrub (40-80 cm in height), with saws, slightly sinking leaves, in summer green, autumn yellow. Flowers in June for 25-35 days.

Forms: golden (from yellow leaves) I. whiteramor (with white spots on the leaves).

Dement Gorgeous (lush) . Hybrid of the action of Shershawa and Wilmren. Eugene shoots, white flowers, terry, in large umbrellas. Regarding winter hardy.


Prefer nutrient, medium-loaded soil. Sveta, drought resistant, easy to transfer a transplant. The soil is preferable with the addition of humidiation, sand and peat (you should add up to 300 g of lime and make drainage up to 15 cm).

Propagated by seeds (under winter), grooves, root offspring, weathered and green cuttings. The height of the bush fluctuates, on average, from 0.5 to 4 m.

Cropped after flowering to a strong escape and additionally thinning. After trimming, feeding is needed. Shrub grows quickly, blooms 3 years after landing.

Watering spend 2-3 times a month. Loose by 25-30 cm. Mulch layer 5 cm. In winter, you need a light dry shelter and snow cover.

Flora of Russia for a variety of reasons has been poverty every year. Fortunately, there are various botanical gardens, arborets, reserves and reserves. In total, on the territory of the Russian Federation there are more than 300, and they are all different in the area - from several hectares to several hundred thousand hectares. What plants are the most rare in Russia and require so careful protection?

Peony Tricolous

This flower significantly different from all familiar garden species. The plant has a strongly divided into the needy shares of the leaves. The flowering period begins in May, no more than ten days. But after that, the plant retains the freshness of its foliage until the end of the summer.

Rhodiola pink

Rhodiola pink (also known under the names of the Golden root or pink root) - a perennial grassy plant of the family of Tolstankov. Included in the Red Book Russian Federation. The name "Golden root" plant received along the rhizomet, which has the color of bronze or old gilding with pearl gloss.

Anemonstram Permsky

Perm's anemonastrum or the Permian anemone is a vegetable view listed in the Red Book of the Middle Urals. The name of the genus comes from the Greek word anemos - "Wind". Herbatous long-term plant of the family of ilok, up to 65 cm high. Stems, like leaves, are dressed with thick horizontally hopping, a little book with rejected hairs. Flowers 2-3 cm in diameter, pellets elliptical leaflets, white. Fruits about 7 mm long.

Yellow Roodle

Yellowwater received its name from the nearest relative - white pita. It grows in water, in shallow water, and its leaves are on the surface, and under water. Officially yellowwater is called a cube for his fruit. Flowers Cubia from the last days of May and up to August, large, yellow, almost spherical colors. The flower is broken for bouquets (and in vain - the flower is not in a vase), and as a medicinal product (the properties of the cube recognize the official medicine).

Lilia Saranka.

Lilia Lilka (Kischay, Badun, Maslyanka, Tsaric Kudri) - Adorable snow-white, lilac or pink, with dark dots, flowers with beautifully curved petals blooming in June-July. The birthplace of this kind of lily is considered steppes and forest-steppes Siberia. There is a legend that the flower gives the warriors the power of the Spirit, vigor, courage and durability. He is beautiful in bouquets, and his tubers are considered edible. In addition to beauty, it also has many therapeutic properties.

Blossom Dolomite

The bell is a dolomite - flower, which grows only in Russia, in Kabardino-Balkaria, Ingushetia, Dagestan, North Ossetia, Chechen Republic. He has very beautiful white flowers, up to 4 cm, located on long blossoms. Dolomite bell tear off because of his decorative viewand its number is sharply reduced due to road gasket and other construction work At its place of growth.

Patty Pattleworn spotted

Palchatopornic spotted (or cracked) - refers to the orchid family, is found in Russia in the European part, but very rare. In May-June, violet flowers are dissolved on cruisfall inflorescences surrounded by spotted leaves. The powder of dried tubers has anti-inflammatory, enveloping, well-fastened and softening effect.

Iris Yellow

Iris yellow (false, swamp, water) - grows in the European part of Russia, on the raw shores of lakes and rivers, on swampy meadows. On a branched stem, the beams of 3-8 pieces grow light yellow with an orange middle of flowers. From iris yellow produced essential oilIt is used in perfumery, and dried rhizomes with a pleasant violet fragrance are used in confectionery production, in the production of wines, liqueurs and other beverages.

Gastroy High (Puzza)

This is an extremely rare perennial plant from the genus orchid. Guests are on the grain of complete disappearance, so it has long been listed in the Red Book. She is interested in its unusual look: her stems reach 1 meter, while they do not have leaves. It blooms with beautiful large colors collected in the brush, the length of which reaches 15-20 cm. Fruits appear in the fall - boxes filled with seeds.

Large-flowered shoe

Venerine Shoe, Dame Shoe, Lady Shoe - all this names of one plant. This orchid can still be found in Siberia, in not dense coniferous or birch forests. Flowers are very attractive. Local residents collect them on bouquets, dig roots for further cultivation in their sites.

Krasidune Yellow

Krasidune Yellow flowers with large bright yellow fragrant flowers, shape reminiscent funnel. Due to the attractive type of colors and healing properties, it is actively assembled, digging the roots. Folk medicine uses a plant for the treatment of heart disease and liver diseases. Infusion of roots will help to get rid of painful sensations in the opposite region. Taken for fever, rheumatism, jaundice. Cores prepare medications for the treatment of gynecological diseases. The decoction makes compresses for the treatment of injections and tumors.

Kandyk Siberian

Beautiful blooming bulbous plant. From the middle of spring, April-May on his stems appear drooping, pink-lilac bells. Grows in the Siberian region of Russia. His bulbs are edible, they can eat raw or fry, and also bake on a fire, like potatoes. In addition to nutritional properties, the medical plant. The decoction of it is used as a sliding, stimulating agent. Compresses from fresh leaves are treated with uzzles. Also, traditional medicine uses it as a vomit or antidote.

Naica abrupt

One of the most beautiful flowering plants. This violet S. beautiful flowersthat decorate purple whites, grows on meadows and coniferous edges. It can also be found on the banks of rivers or stony slopes. This flower is multiplied by seeds that are not matured every season. Therefore, the plant has become very rare and entered into the Red Book of Russia.

Siberia is often called Russia's soul, because it is as big and generous. It is widely represented by a variety of world flora, fauna and minerals, which a person has long been and enjoyed with pleasure, without thinking about how such exorbitant appetites affect the mother-in-nature. Environmental defenders constantly pay attention to the public on the disappearance of animal species on the entire planet.

Heavy ecological situation worldwide, uncontrolled production, barbaric mining mining, deforestation and mastering all new territories led to the fact that every day on the planet disappears one species. Unfortunately, the Siberian region, which has always been famous for his inexhaustible wealth, has not exceeded. The very fact of the existence of the section of the Red Book, dedicated to a rare animal, indicates that many species are no longer there, and others are on the verge of extinction. In our article, consider which plants and animals of the Red Book of Siberia need protection.


Bescrase expanses of Siberia extend in various climatic zones. The plant world has a huge manifold: from lichen and moss covering a swampy terrain, to huge but, despite such a variety, some plant species disappear and are already listed in the Red Book. For example, ginseng or hydrangea cherished until recently was not rare.

To the anemone of forest botany and used to be a special trepidation, because this representative of the Lutikov family blooms every ten years, and now it is almost impossible to find it. Not everyone will be able to see gentle-lilac flowers. This representative of the berry is now found very rare in the forests of Western and Central Siberia.

Most recently pleased the side of the snowdrop Snow Whole and shoe large-flowered. Now both plants because of their beautiful flowers are on the verge of extinction.


Exterminated by poaching fishery Many animals of Siberia, listed in the Red Book. It has nineteen species of mammals, seventy-four types of birds, not to mention fish. Siberian sturgeon and the sterlers who have abounded by the Siberian rivers turned into endangered species, and Pel'l, Sazan and Carp now became special luck for the fisherman.


It is impossible to imagine the endless expanses of the Siberian Plain without the huge kingdom of the feathery, inhabiting it. Ornithologists have about three hundred species of birds that choose a generous edge for their nesting.

Siberia has become a real Mecca for these scientists: Flowing here rare species Planets, still leaving in the perplexity of experts. It would seem that the harsh nature of the edge is not the most the best place For nesting. Nevertheless, birds overcome thousands of kilometers to return to spaces. There are many versions why it happens. According to one of them, the behavior of birds is explained by genetic memory about the time when Siberia was warm and ever-flowing place. Birds arrange their nests sometimes in the most amazing and apparent places unusable for this. So, for example, Kamenka-danceñas were adapted to life in minks of gophers, and Remez builds its elongated nests at the most ends of the branches in inaccessible places above the surface of the reservoirs. Coastal swallows can be called real builders: they equip the housing on the steep cliffs of rivers, pulling out their holes to a meter long.

But the goat is absolutely not careful about the construction of the nest and puts the eggs right on Earth. You will not refuse to the originality of the Bourgeol Haiguki: as a house for your chicks, they choose the drunk stumps of the trees in which they opened the hollow. Unfortunately, many birds and animals of Siberia are on the verge of extinction, especially predators whose populations have always been small. One of the largest owls of the planet bearded to rich is listed in the Red Book. Other predatory birds, such as Sapsan, Greets or Pooban, also need protection.

Animals Siberia.

Speaking about the animal world of Siberia, it is difficult not to mention the diversity of furny beasts, which is rich in this region: Fox, Lescent, Raccoon, Mornosttay, Beaver, Sable, Mink, Lask, Nutria, Ondatra, Otter and others.

These animals have always been the subject of pride hunting grounds. Reserves, reserves, hunting farms and farms on the breeding of fur animals are trying to preserve a fragile natural balance.

The poaching has become a real scourge, and now they require the protection of many fur animals Siberia, listed in the Red Book. Such beasts, for example, include Tuvine Beaver and Barguzin sable. Now these animals restore their population in reserves. Following hunting farms and populations of predators, for example, an excessive increase in wolves can also be a threat to small protected animals.

And what animals in Siberia live? After this issue, people will immediately recall the brown bear, wolf, lynx, wolverine, deer, deer, moose, boar, snowy ram, root, maral, cabgaru, Baikal seal, beaver, hare and protein. Do not forget about smaller, but no less interesting animals. It is good to all familiar Moles, Susliki and mouse-pools, which can often be found next to the housing of people. Less often come across the eyes of the highland Siberian Polevka, Lemming.

And what are the animals of the Red Book of Siberia? On the pages it can be seen and the rare number of these mammals is extremely small.

Where do representatives of the extinct species preserve?

The protection of flora and fauna was and remains one of the most serious tasks set in front of humanity, which is already many centuries thoughtlessly and waste environment. Mastering all new territories and natural resources, people displace animals from familiar habitats, thereby exposing some kind of danger of complete extinction.

Reserves and national parks play a huge role in preservation. The Republic of Buryatia has three reserves and two national parks. It is impossible to talk about the nature of the Siberian Territory, without mentioning the Lake Baikal with his clean waterslocated in Eastern Siberia. Rare representatives of the fauna, inhabiting its shores and surroundings, prompted the authorities Russian Empire Organize the Barguzinsky Reserve back in 1916. It presents thirty-nine types of mammals, four reptiles, two amphibians and two hundred and sixty bird species. The reserve enters the complex of the Biosphere Lake Baikal and is part of the World Natural Heritage. On the south coast of the lake, another reserve was located, created in 1969 and named Baikal. In it, animals of Siberia also live. There you can see 49 species of mammals, three reptiles, two amphibians and 272 species of birds.

Jergin Reserve

In 1992, he began his work located in the north of the Republic of Buryatia. Huge work was carried out by the efforts of his employees and scientists, as a result of which forty-three types of mammals were identified, one hundred eighty-four species of birds, four reptiles, three amphibians. Work on preservation is conducted in Tunksky, Pribaikalsky, Shorsky, Alkhanai.

Animals of Western Siberia

What other animals of Western Siberia are under threat of extinction? Now we will find out.

The cold climate of these places is easily transferred and predators with expensive fur - the sands. There are fifty-seven thousand holes in the endless expanses of the tundra, where fluffy predators have been equipped. Lescent is a fishing beast, so hunting farms are very attentive to its livestock. The skins of this animal are used not only for the domestic market, but also make up seventy-five percent of the total exports of the fur.

Other animals who live a little south

It is south of such animals of Siberia, like ermine, caress and even wolverine, who love to often visit residential villages to enjoy a poultry. Earlier in Western Siberia, wild deer wandered with huge herds, now their number has declined very much and is only twenty-five thousand individuals. Sable, which is also a fishing beast, inhabited coniferous and mixed forests. Its mining is a serious economic component in the Khanty-Mansiysk District and the Tomsk region. Therefore, illegal fishing of a sable and other animals with a valuable fur is punishable by law.


So the plants and animals of Siberia became known to you. The wealth of this edge needs to be preserved, and not only disappearing species need protection. Poachers and a bad environmental situation is a serious threat, but even worse indifference people who calmly look at how the bears are destroyed for fun, and sturgeon is caught tons right on spawning, not giving nature to recover.

(17 estimates, average: 4,24 out of 5)

Climatic conditions Siberia and the Urals are rather severe, many plants are not able to withstand the temperature differences. In winter, the temperature can reach -40 degrees, the land freezes up to 2.5 m. Not every gardener knows how to choose a plant for planting in the garden, which will come down in these regions. But today the choice of persistent crops for landing is big.

The vegetation world of Urals

The vegetation world of the Urals is diverse. Bright flowersAll sorts of cultures make the Ural Flora unique. Each plant is individually in his own kind, so sometimes I want to know what kind of culture dwells in the Urals and the mountains.

Vasileuk is an annual flower of the Northbelongs to the family of comprehensible. Lanzetolinear leaves are long. Flowers bright blue, collected in the baskets. Blossoming Vasilka begins in May and ends in August. Vasileuk Blue - weed, so you can meet it in the crops, in the fields. Frequently used B. folk medicine. Has properties:

  • diuretic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • choleretic;
  • actively used for cosmetic purposes.

Highlander kidney - Herbal plant from the family of buckwheat. The stem of the annual mining can reach a height of 30 to 80 cm. Lancing leaves are located opposite each other. Flowers are collected in the brush and can be pink or weakly green. Highlander kidney can be found off the coast of swamps, rivers, lakes, various ditches. The people are used as a laxative, hemostatic agent.

Dormon medicinal - A two-year plant belongs to the bean family. The stem is a branched, which can reach a height of up to 1 m. Sheets are small with gear edges and horses (shilovoid), which are alternately. Flowers small, yellow color, have a pronounced fragrance. Flowers are collected in a long brush. Dolnic was well spread on the fields, meadows, ravines, in the southern deposits of the Urals. In medical purposes use leaves and flowers as an excellent painful and expectorant.

Belen black - Two-year-old, from the family of Parenic. Stem straight, oval leaves, gear and are alternately. Flowers are unclean yellow color With characteristic veins of violet low tide. Located at the top of the stem. The peculiarity of the plant is the adhesive hairs, which are sleeping all the plant. Blene black has a fruit - a box with seeds. It blooms for a short time from June to August. Prefers to grow in gardens, fields, along houses and a trail. When collecting plants, you need to be careful because it is poisonous.

To many years of referred to voroniye eyes Linear family. It has a strong creeping rhizome, with a standing stem. It consists of four leaves, firmly "connected" in a circle, in the center of which the yellow shade flower grows. Flowering short-lived - June - July. After flowering, the fruit is formed - blackberry. It lives in the shaded places of various forests (taped, funny, deciduous). Plant poisonous. The alcohol tincture based on the crown eye is taken with migranes, drowsiness, various nervous disorders.

Blueberry shrub Height from 80 to 100 cm. Branches are smooth, egg-shaped leaves, flowers pink colour. The berry is a fruit, ripens in July - August. Berries of dark blue, juicy and very fragile, so it is necessary to collect carefully. Grows in wet places, in moss, swamps, tundra. Berry contains a large amount of vitamin C.

Perennial Plant oregano (ordinary) With a pronounced aroma, creeping root. Refers to the family of licorious. Stem straight, very branched. The pointed leaves are located opposite each other. Small pink flowers are collected in a shield inflorescence. The fruit is a cup in which four nuts are located. The taste of the plant is specific - spicy. You can meet in almost all zones of the Urals. In folk medicine, the soul is used in the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract.

Vegetable world of Siberia

Siberia is also rich in variety of flora, some can only be seen here. Here is just a small part of the plants of Siberia, which can be found.

Veronica Colosy - a perennial plant from the family of plantains. Single stem can reach 15-50 cm. Leaves are arranged. Single inflorescence in the form of a brush, a length of 5-30 cm. The crown of flowers has a bright blue or blue colour. Rarely encountered flowers pink or white. The plant is common in most of the Altai.

Creeps Can reach a height of 2 meters. Rhizome plants Powerful, stem upright, leaves are located on short stiffs. Flowers are collected in inflorescence, with large brushes. Flowers are large, pink. Flowers in June - August. Cyretes are called - Ivan-Tea, whose properties are known for a long time. Accepted both in the form of a decoction and tincture.

Stretch revealed - One of the rare plants, which in the people called sleep-grass. Perennial plant of the family of ilok. The height of striking 25 cm, the leaves of the palpoles, the flowers are large. Color from violet - blue to creamy - white. The whole plant is covered with hairs. Flower in early spring On the edges, meadows.

Prince Siberian In another wild hop or Siberian liana. Grow up to three meters. Leaves are dense, beautiful. Flowers are yellowish, small. Liana Poison. This species is not enough, so it is necessary to take it in folk medicine with caution.

Perennial and frost-resistant flowers for the Urals

Climate Urals Complex, unstable temperature complicates the choice of perennial plants. Gardeners prefer to plant. But more experienced still give preference to many years of cultures, which have the property of frost resistance.

With the help of the flower height, you can achieve a certain specified effect in the garden, in the country. Combining and combining can make the composition volume, lush. Perennial flowers for the Urals.


The range of lowest plantings is large. Basically, low-tight plants are used in the design of small flower beds, flower arrangements, fences. The most common:

But also lowered perennial plants You can find in cemeteries. Often, it is them people decorate the graves. Unpretentiousness in care and frost resistance - the main conditions. Adding plants or plants collected in bundles, ideal for solving:

  • camery,
  • pansies,
  • periwinkle,
  • flox Shiloid
  • purple of Byzantine
  • luggage creeping
  • molded.


Mattering flowers Present compositions pomp and completeness. Selection of plants for landing large.


Tall culture Complete garden composition. Big sizes Plants will help to allocate a plot from the rest.

  1. Astilba. Excellent solution for the border. It reaches a height of 150 cm, bright flowers are difficult not to notice. The plant is unpretentious in care.
  2. Rudbeckia. Sunny flowerwho attracts attention to him and will decorate the site. Does not need constant watering.
  3. Echinacea. Tender lilac flowers with a brown core look spectacularly in a tandem from various colors.
  4. Rod - Rose. It does not need the neighborhood of other flowers. Rose stems swept into lush flowers - roses.

All the noted plants are perennial and frost-resistant, perfectly adapt to the conditions of the Urals. Therefore, the choice of each gardener depends only on its preferences and desires. You can buy seeds and seedlings in special garden shops. Feedback more experienced gardeners Often there are about the nursery "Flower Garden of Urals".

"Thanks to the nursery for the work they do. I purchased the seeds more than once for the cottage, all one hundred percent took place. Surprised and assortment, I think even the most biased buyer will remain satisfied. "

"The first time dealing with the" Flower of the Urals ". Recently received the parcel, ordered various seedlings. Everything came in integrity and safety, satisfied with the quality. I think that the next order necessarily will be done there. Very grateful for the promptness. "

Lyudmila Sergeevna

"The nursery has adequate prices in contrast to the rest. A large range of Nursery "Flower Garden Urals" allows you to choose everything that your heart. I myself made an order several times, no complaints. Everything is always on time and high quality. Thank you".

Margarita K.

Shrubs and Perennial Flowers for Siberia

Not all plants can survive Siberian weather conditions. Sometimes even perennial and frost resistant plants die. But perennial research confirm that there are flowers that differ colossal resistance and capable of growing in any conditions. The most common colors of Siberia and the North:

A variety of perennial beautiful plants will make any garden unique. And it does not matter the place of residence, be it north, the Urals or Siberia, breeders have long learned to bring plant varieties for these regions.

There are plants, a favorable environment for the life of which is Siberia. Her landscapes, soil properties, climate. All this contributes to the growth, development and accumulation of biologically active substances. Which, by the time of the ripening of the plant, in Siberian varieties is much more than that of similar in other regions. Yes, and these species themselves are mainly found only in Siberia. Here is some of them:

Badan Tolstolic

To cheer up, in the morning brew tea from Badan. This drink tones, improves performance for the whole day. And with the addition of honey, it is also very tasty.

Most often, the plant is found on rocks, stony ozips. In the mountainous area, at an altitude of up to 2000 meters.

It is necessary to collect only the leaves of dark brown in them accumulated the greatest number Useful substances.

Receive best taste And the effect of tea must be pre-dried and crushing the leaves.

Brewed boiling water for 15-20 minutes, for which you can use a ceramic kettle. After, we break through the cups, add sugar or honey to taste. Drink.

Siberian cedar

Even the air is healing in the cedar forest. You will spend several hours in it and overall health becomes better.

In Starina, Siberians said: "In Ylannika - work, in Bereznyak - have fun, and in the cedarry - God to pray."

Fruit Siberian cedar - bumps, his needles and bark are the basis for a variety of natural medicines.

Kernels of cedar nutspromotes: strengthening immunity, improved vision, treatment and prevention of intestinal diseases. Cedar nuts in a daily diet are useful for the heart, vessels, liver, positively affect the work of the central nervous system.

The daily rate of use of cedar nuts is 50 grams.

Shell cedar nuts. On its basis, vodka tinctures or decoctions are usually made. Which in turn are used for: treatment of skin diseases, with colds, articular diseases, blood disease.

In addition, cedar nuts make oil and cedar milk. Both products are applied to food and possess many useful properties.

Cedar Resin, or Live. This gift cedar is the most powerful antiseptic used for healing purulent wounds, cuts, burns. To heal an ulcer, it is necessary to use Zhivitsa inside.

Kedra's needles. It has antimicrobial properties. Fides the enzymes that purify the surrounding air.

Based on the cortex, there are decoction rags that increase immunity, as well as used as dysfunction and cure for bronchial asthma, tuberculosis.

Golden root

It is possible to restore after heavy illness, to "treat the nerves", toning the body and stimulate mental activity with a rose radiol plant. In particular, its root, called the Golden Root.

Radio radiol

Listed is only a small part of the beneficial properties of a natural medicine. The peoples of Siberia consider him a little bit of panacea from all diseases. Applying "golden root" is not just healing, but magical properties.

"Golden root" - root radiols

A lot of legends are folded about the plant, one of which says: "Failures and illness are waiting for a man who has digging the root for mercenary purposes and with unclean thoughts."

Mostly root grows in the mountains or near the mountain rivers. In most regions of Russia, the plant is in the Red Book. What you can not say about Altai and Tyva, where there are no restrictions on its prey. The main thing is to remember - perfume knows your intentions?