Moving a heavy cabinet. How to lay a linoleum in a room with furniture without removing her

Every owner of an apartment or private house can independently move furniture with small size and mass. Such a need arises when repairing or when an idea has arisen to modify the interior. Sometimes the owners of the apartment are underdeveloped general cleaning, during which you want to clean the floor in inaccessible places. With large furniture dimensions, its permutation can cause a lot of problems, especially if the interior items are solid and massive.

Difficulties in self-permutation of furniture

Real Estate Owners often do not know how to easily move the furniture in own apartment. Self-execution works in the absence of experience can lead to negative consequences, the main of which are considered:

  • Damage constructive elements, such as legs and door handles.
  • The deterioration of the appearance of the interior items due to scratches on the facade or side surface.
  • Potential risk of breaking linoleum or carpet, scratch laminate or parquet.
  • Ability to damage wallpaper on the walls, leaf corners door openings Or scratch shoals.
  • The most unpleasant situation may arise if the owner of the apartment did not calculate his strength and was injured. Turn back when working with weights is very easy.

In order to avoid such negative cases exists a large number of ways. Compliance with safety, the use of special professional instrument or people's ways helps to perform the permutation of interior items, regardless of the floor covering and without assistance.

Methods for permuting furniture on soft coatings

The question is how to easily move the furniture alone if a soft coating is laid on the floor, it is considered quite complicated. The absence of a smooth surface involves greater friction strength, so heavy items have to be rearranged using special or homemade sweater.

Tools for the movement of furniture on soft coatings

The optimal option for organizing permutation in the apartment of overall and heavy items is the use of manual mechanisms. With their help, it is possible to perform work quickly and efficiently without damaging the facades and sexual coating. The most demanded are:

  • Furniture conveyor, made in the form of a small jack and independent coats with wheels. The corners of the cabinet or sofa are raised by the lever, under which the wheels are installed big size. Upon completion of transportation, the product is removed from the supports in the reverse order.
  • Garden truck suitable size can be strongly helped when permuting. To do this, it is required to lift one edge of the cabinet and drip the cart under it. The assistant holds the second side of the cabinet and monitors the equilibrium during transportation.
  • IN furniture stores Special supports are sold intended for the movement of furniture precisely on soft coatings. The lower part of the lining is made of plastic, easily sliding along the carpet or Palace.

Any of these methods is equally in demand, and each owner independently chooses the option depending on its capabilities.

Folk ways to permutate furniture on carpet or Palace

Despite the presence soft coat, You can easily move the furniture in the apartment with the help of priests. Each house has plastic covers that can be substitched under the legs and make a movement of furniture with a lot of weight. Replace such supports using food FoilFolded in several layers. Both ways are suitable for furniture with separate legs.

Another option is considered to use empty dairy packages. Lining packing under the corners allows you to rearrange not very heavy items. In the presence of pieces of fiberboard or old linoleum, become possible work With furniture without legs. The material is placed under the corners and with the help of ropes or belts shifts on the carpet. The presence of several wooden rock allows you to roll a wardrobe or a sofa for a soft carpet. One person shifts the rags along the move, and the second pushes the product forward.

How to move furniture on linoleum and other smooth surfaces

The question of how to move heavy furniture on linoleum, it occurs most often due to the prevalence of the coating. Scratch or break the material quite easily both furniture legs and the bottom of the cabinet. Therefore, the use of special or primary means when performing work is required.

In most cases, use silicone lubricant, for example WD 40. Previously must be verified in the absence of traces on the coating. After that, you can safely apply lubricant on the way of moving the cabinet. Other types of lubricants will also suit, especially if you put an additional smooth material under the legs.

An excellent option is considered to use a non-slip bathroom rug or corridor. The product turns over the pile down, and the furniture is installed on its foundation. With the help of this method, the permutation is greatly facilitated. Special furniture stands are also suitable, with which the task is greatly simplified.

How to move the furniture, without scratching the laminate, with the help of girlfriend

Similar methods can be applied to move the cabinets for laminate or parquet. When using lubrication, it is necessary to check the composition on the absence negative impact on the material. After performing the work, the remaining lubrication is thoroughly washed from the surface. Stands under the furniture, the use of the conveyor or trolley is also in demand, if there is such an opportunity.

Sometimes apartments owners use exotic ways as the resting of old pants or wet rags, chopped potatoes, pork skirts. Treatment of the floor surface with soap solution is also considered a rational and efficient way.

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Each of us had such moments in life when there was a need to move heavy furniture, whether it was a closet or sofa. In this article you will find 5 tips, how to do it in order not to damage the floor covering and at the same time and yourself do not go away.

Tip number 1.

Can of course you yourself and not strain, and invite large and strong men From among relatives and acquaintances, who will help you move heavy furniture. If the furniture is just dragging in your arms, it can wrap a random breakdown of furniture, encouraged by jambs or floors. As well as injuries if someone will put a wardrobe on foot.

Tip number 2.

To move heavy furniture on the apartment, it is necessary to use any material that can slide on the floor: a rug, old boots and even simple slippers, if they put the sole to the top.

Tip number 3.

Also, as a lining under the legs, you can use ordinary kapron covers (which can be found in any house) if outside They are covered with paraffin for better sliding.

Tip №4.

If the floor is covered outdoor tiles or linoleum, then you can apply any detergent (laundry soap, shampoo, dishwashing gel). By slipfast floor will easily move heavy furniture. The main thing is not to slip up yourself.

Tip number 5.

For those who like to make the rearrangement of furniture in their apartment too often - the device of the II MUVS is useful - this is a unique system for moving heavy furniture.

With the help of a special ergonomic lever, you can lift any furniture, applying at the same time very small efforts. And by laying under the legs of the sofa or corners of the cabinet slippery lining, you can easily move the furniture in any direction.

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The main thing, when moving heavy furniture, comply with the elementary safety rules. It is better to immediately take touch, and do not rush.

It is no secret that to the same setting in the apartment you get used to quickly, and sometimes you want something new. Usually owners of apartments or acquire new furnitureOr rearrange the old on new places. The second option is the easiest and not costly in relation to the first, because it implies a change in the dislocation of cabinets or a tumb. However, if there is a beautiful floor covering on the floor, there is always a risk of damageing, dragging all interior items. Especially often due to the rapid activities of housing owners, such covers as laminate and linoleum are suffering. How to move heavy furniture on linoleum?

Before it comes directly about the movement of furniture on such a material like linoleum, it should be understood that this is for the material and why certain caution should be observed, which is taucing large-sized things. Despite the overall unpretentiousness of this coverage and its proven reliability, it is important to carefully handle the material so that its executive service is over time.

Linoleum is one of the popular flooring coatings, which is produced in the form of rolls of various widths and is currently manufactured most often based on synthetic components. This material has a centuries-old history if it returns to the very sources of its appearance. Initially, it was made on the basis of the tissue, soaked in conventional vegetable oils - this format of the material is dated to the nineteenth century. In the 1950s, more modern types of coverage were developed, which began to be made on the basis of PVC.

On a note! At the beginning of the twentieth century, the largest manufacturer of linoleum around the world was Russian empire. She losted his position after the October Revolution.

Now the largest manufacturer of linoleum is Tarkett, whose plants are in Russia. But on the market building materials presented products and others, not less famous marks. The following combines their products - linoleum is produced in the form of large rolls having a width of 50 cm to 5 m, and the length of the canvas inside them is from 6 to 45 m. The thickness of the material, depending on the class, varies in the range of 1.5- 5 mm. There are more dense types of linoleum, their thickness is about 8-9 mm, but in domestic purposes such options are rarely used. Usually they are used in warehouse and production roomswhere material is experiencing a significant load.

In general, modern linoleum is not a homogeneous material, it consists of several layers:

  • lacquer upper layer hacking coating;
  • protective layernot giving damage the color and texture of the material;
  • decorative layer (often made from PVC) responsible for appearance coatings;
  • glassball - base base, a kind of "spine" of coatings, ensuring the tensile strength;
  • the foundationmanufactured from PVC;
  • sometimes last layer Material is fabric clothwhich increases the heat and sound insulation properties of the coating.

It is from the PVC layer that the flexibility of the linoleum and its elasticity, the properties of heat and sound insulation, density will depend. It can be called the basis of the material.

Despite such a large number of layers, linoleum remains a sufficiently soft and elastic material, which is quite simply cut, it is easy to install, but it is very durable, it is not afraid of moderate mechanical impact and does not be engaged.

The consequences of non-accurate appeal

But Linoleum, no matter how reliable and durable it does not need gentle care and neat operation. In the above-described elasticity and some softness and hidden those features of the material that do not allow you to handle it rudely. Moving the linoleum heavy things, it is easy enough to damage. Under the pressure of the cabinet legs, it is limited, is assembled by the harmonica and as a result, it is broken. Consider the material will be or difficult, or not at all.

On a note! Sometimes linoleum breaks can be fixed using special, but this is extra costs and unnecessary work for the home owner. And one hundred percent integrity is no longer returned. It is much easier to prevent damage to the coating, if you move the furniture correctly.

Cold Welding Linoleum - Stages of Work

By the way, even if the material does not experience the impacts from the furniture on it constantly, under the pressure of the legs of a heavy cabinet or sofa, it will deteriorate. In places where large or massive furniture stands, in the material, with time, the leaks are formed - the linoleum is simply known for things. And even if you remove a heavy cabinet from it, there are not always holes formed on the place of the legs, it will be straightened again - here much will depend on the duration of mechanical impact, as well as from quality outdoor coating.

How to move furniture on linoleum?

So what options and methods exist, allowing you neatly and not disturbing the integrity of the coating to move the furniture on the linoleum? In fact, there are many of them, starting with the methods known to our grandmothers and ending new technologiesdeveloped by manufacturers.

How can I move the furniture on linoleum? Folk Methods

Folk MethodsAs you know, these are the methods that allow you to conduct some kind of procedure or work yourself without resorting to the help of specialists and using only what is in the house at hand. To implement them to life, you will not have to run to the store and buy something expensive, enough to firm in forgotten things or even the refrigerator. To choose optimal option movement should be studied all known folk ways Movement of furniture on linoleum.

Table. People's methods of movement of heavy furniture on linoleum.

What is usedDescription

Conventional soft room slippers are suitable for the movement of furniture on linoleum. The main thing is that their soles are also soft and foamed. It will take several pairs of sneakers, depending on the dimensions of furniture or the number of legs in it. Slippers fit under the legs or the base of any object of the interior and it will greatly slide on the floor.

Move heavy interior items will help conventional boots. But they are suitable only if the furniture has a leg of at least 5 cm. It's just enough to put them in the boots - for this wardrobe (for example) leans in one of the sides, and this winter shoes are put on the raised legs. Then the other legs are still shoved. All, furniture can be moved. The main minus of such a way - boots are now quite difficult to find in ordinary apartment, not everyone has such shoes, especially since you need at least two pairs. And we need ordinary woolen boots, uggs and modern variations This shoe slide on the linoleum, as you need, will not.

It can be found in the fridge of meat lovers. Even if a person does not like there is a saline salo itself, it may well acquire and ordinary meat, which in some cases is sold directly with the skin and fatty layer. The skin is neatly cut, on it, in any case, a small piece of fat remains. Next, her pieces are put under the legs or the base of the interior item - the skin to the legs, and the lard to the floor. By the way, it is important not to use the old fat - it will be quite difficult to move around it, it will not be possible to achieve the perfect slip. Thanks to the skins, the furniture will easily move in any direction. But the method has one significant drawback - rubbing fat from the floor covering is quite difficult. But in general, the method will allow you to move any, even the hardest cabinet alone.

For this purpose, any soft rug is used, a small plug of the bathroom is usually used. He just bent under the foundation of furniture and it very easily slides on the floor on it.

Another time-tested method is the use of a soap solution. A slice of soap or a little washing powder It dissolves in a bucket of water, the floor in front of the furniture in the direction of movement is abundantly wetted by the resulting fluid. Next, just just move the thing. But the method has two minuses - the solution dries quickly and there is a risk of slipping on soapy water and get injured.

A soft rag is used in the same way as a rug. However, some are wetted for additional sliding with water. For these purposes, old terry towels are well suited.

The covers are suitable not only for preservation, but also for the movement of furniture. They are simply put under the legs of things, and then the object of the interior with some effort is moving in the right direction. Linoleum thanks to this method will remain as a whole, but there is a risk that the forces move the heavy wardrobe is not enough.

A good method resembling a way with lard. Raw potatoes are cut on slices that are led by the foundation of furniture. However, there are cases of cases where the legs of things are scattered from potatoes, so the method is usually used for furniture, non-not available legs. After using potatoes, the floors are important to wash well - they remain traces from starch.

Sometimes conventional rollers are used to move cabinets, but they need not less than 4 pieces to create peculiar "wheels". Rolls are alternately under the foundation of the subject in the direction of its movement. The method will allow you to save the linoleum as a whole.

Not very the best way, but also having a place to be. The trimming of the old linoleum is wetted and put under the feet of furniture. Unfortunately, the perfect slip does not always succeed.

Some prefer to call more familiar and drag furniture by hand, on hand, but, although it is the most effective method And besides the first one coming to mind, it is not always possible to implement it. Especially great risk is just to drop the subject of the interior to the floor, because of which it is possible to damage the floor, and swaw yourself or assistants.

Reference! A large two-rolled closet for clothes can calmly have a lot of up to 85 kg. Of course, the figure is small, but because of the larger dimensions, it will not be easy to manage with this subject of the interior.

Modern solution solutions

Not everyone wants to return to archaic, although proven methods of movement of furniture. Many prefer to act in modern. And here there are two options for doing this work:

  • disassembling furniture and its movement;
  • use special devices.

The first method implies not only the withdrawal of the shelves and all things from the cabinet, but also a complete disassembly of it into components. Doors and walls are removed, shelves are removed, the disassembled interior object moves to right place And there again is going. The main disadvantages of the method - he takes a lot of time, and the furniture due to the assembly of disassembly will quickly deteriorate, especially if it is often understood.

Tip! For dismantling and assembly to be quickly, it is convenient to use a screwdriver with a special bat - hexagon (for modern furniture).

Increasingly, for moving the furniture, its owners acquire special devices. These are either trolleys for transporting furniture - rocks, or coasters with wheels. In the set for the movement of furniture there are four platforms on the wheels on which the furniture is placed, lifted with the help of a small device acting by the type of jack.

Video - Furniture Movement Device

Moving heavy cabinet

Consider how the movement of heavy furniture occurs on several examples. However, before you begin to implement each of the ideas, a number of preparatory activities should be held.


First you need to free the place where any subject of the interior will be rearranged. There should be nothing in that place, other furniture items are removed, it is also important to remove the minor elements of the room atmosphere on the way of movement of the object so that they do not interfere. It is recommended immediately on the new estimated place of installation to produce and necessary cleaning - rub the dust, replace the garbage.

Also, the furniture is planned to move, be sure to empty. In the closet, the end, etc. should be empty, all the shelves are also removed to avoid their fall. Doors and furniture boxes are better to skill scotch so that they do not open up - this will prevent the risk of injury and breakdown of the product.

How to move heavy furniture on linoleum with a sala?

Step 1. The skin is cut off the slices in such a way that it remains a little pulp. Then the skin is cut into four square pieces - by the number of legs in the furniture. However, if the furniture has a long base instead of legs, longer strips of skins with lard can be used.

Step 2. The skin is put under the feet of the cabinet or another interior object so that its surface is under the foot, and the fat "watched" to the floor. Skins are put on all four cabinet legs or under its base.

Tip! Rimming the wardrobe better ask for an assistant. Alone with this task is to raise furniture and put improvised "rollers" - it is quite difficult to cope.

Step 4. Fat stains from the floor with the floor are removed using a cloth moistened in a soap solution.

How to move heavy items with a rug?

Step 1. A small rug of a bath or an old terry towel is taken.

Step 2. The furniture is gently lifted for one edge. It is important not to drop the cabinet to the feet - is observed simplest technique security.

Step 3. At that moment, the rug was refilled under the rising edge. If the work is performed alone, then you can help your foot.

Step 4. Similarly, the rug is saturated on the other side of the cabinet.

Step 5. Furniture is safely delivered to a new selected place. Rugs are removed.

Video - Move the cabinet with the Fiberboard

Video - Move Furniture with Foil

As you can see, move the furniture - the task of though not from simple, but quite bye for everyone who will take one of the above methods. However, it is still recommended to enlist the additional help of at least one person - it and furniture where you need, lifting, and at the same time will force it from a random fall. The risk of injury or damage to the interior item will thus decrease at times.

Sometimes it happens that moving the heavy cabinet is needed lightly, and to help in the movement of furniture absolutely no one. Knowing how can you move yourself.

To simplify your work on moving the furniture, make sure the cabinet, server, dresser, table or. Remove boxes, shelves, boxes, and so on from them. Now work will go much easier.

Capron Covers and Milk Packages

Plotted under the feet of furniture glass cans or polyethylene bottles. The friction coefficient between the floor and leg surface, for example, the cabinet will significantly reduce and the furniture will not be to slide, but it will become much easier to move.

The same effect can be achieved by putting under the feet of furniture packages from the milk. Thanks to the paraffin, which is covered with the surface of the packages, move the furniture will be possible even alone.

Paraffin, wax and economic soap

Continuing the topic of paraffin, they can graze the floor, or rather an intended trajectory of movement, and then the furniture will move without titanic efforts on your part.

Complete both paraffin and wax candle. A similar effect can be achieved, the floor of the floor is economic.

Footprints of paraffin, wax and soap at the end of moving furniture easily wash off warm water.

Raw potatoes

The starch contained in cheese potato is an excellent lubricant. Why not use this property to facilitate the movement of furniture?

Cutting raw potatoes with a thickness of about 5 cm with a thickness of about 5 cm, in the middle of each mug, perform an opening with a feet of a cabinet or a servant.

Place the fruit of potatoes so that the leg of the moving furniture hit exactly into the cut-off hole in its center.

Even a slight amount of starch, which fell between the leg and the surface of the floor, will noticeably alleviate the movement of furniture.

Woolen or felt rug

If you put under the furniture thick and durable

The permutation of furniture in the house is one of the most entertaining processes throughout the repair. There are elements of furniture that can be raised and transferring, there are easily disassembled, and there is a large heavy wardrobe in almost every house. Here's how to move a heavy cabinet, everyone should know, because Even possessing a very developed muscles, do it, without damaging anything, it is very difficult.

To move a large wardrobe, you need to have a good physical form.

This problem is not new and will get up to people even a long time.

To solve it, 2 options are usually used, folk and modern, and the advantage with a large margin on the folk side.

It is worth remembering that the feet of the cabinet is far from always, so you have to adjust the tactics used under the circumstances.

Folk ways

The most ancient option is boots. This option is used only in cases where the legs are present, and their length is at least 5-8 cm. In order to start moving the closet, you must first check it into one direction and shield the first pair of legs, then to another and dress the second pair. Only old woolen options are used, because Modern "Uggs" and climbing analogs will not slide.

If the cabinet is too big, you can disassemble it to the details, and then fold it in a new place.

  1. Movement is possible according to any type of flooring, even the thinnest varnish is not damaged.
  2. After moving, the boots are almost not erased.
  1. Few in which house these real quality products of Russian people's life remained.
  2. In second place is the option with lard. In this case, silent skins (they are mandatory) are put under the legs and even the most massive cabinet, crashed to the top things, will move easily and naturally. In no case cannot use old fat or naked skins, because In both options, the same problem arises - the absence of slip.
  1. The easiest performed method.
  2. Could take advantage of even quite unprepared physically person.

  1. The product is used in the use of which few people can refuse themselves.
  2. Wash the fatty floors for 1 time it turns far from every cleaning agent.
  3. Potato is used almost as often as fat, but it is better to use it for not wooden surfaces. To do this, the potatoes are cut in half and stacked down down, after which you can safely drag the cabinet. Most often, this option is used precisely with the absence of legs, because Provided balance on legs is quite problematic.
  1. Work in difficult circumstances.
  2. Availability.
  1. Non-target product use.
  2. Leaves traces of starch on the floor.

Back to the category

Modern options

Build-disassembly. This option is used extremely rare, but there is a place to be. Modern cabinets From the chipboard it is often possible to divide into several sections and simply transfer in your hands, after which it is possible to collect again. If there is an electrical screwdriver or screwdriver, the installation procedure passes in minutes.

Speed \u200b\u200band simplicity.

Move the cabinet is much easier if it has wheels.

Carrying even one block still requires physical training.

The use of linoleum and plastic covers. Simple I. fast way Move the cabinet out of 1 point to another. In this case, the covers are used under the legs, and the linoleum is led under the panel without that. To slide, the surface of the floor is wetted with water, so the only complication in the process will be moved from the place.

  1. Saving the material used in the original form.
  2. The ability to adapt under circumstances.
  3. Movement according to any type of flooring.
  1. You have to make strength.
  2. Water should be collected immediately after movement so that it does not have a negative impact.

As a result, it should be noted that each of the proposed options enjoys well-deserved popularity, and it is impossible to separate the best one among them, because Everyone is good solely under their circumstances. Almost every one can help even a very fragile person to cope with the task, but if it does not help or have serious injuries, it is better to ask for someone about help, for health needs to be protected.