Tubes on the doorway without a door. How to arrange a doorway beautifully: interesting ideas for decorating passes between rooms

Despite the fact that the interior designers do not cease to amaze us with the ultra-modern ideas of the design of the room, making rates on the most unexpected decisions, the classic of the genre, namely interior doors Still remain at the peak of popularity. This is due to the fact that the traditional destination of the door remains unchanged, and today it is one of the main options for zoning the premises using which you will ensure reliable insulation of the room and create the most private atmosphere in it. Due to the fact that the decoration of the room and, including the doorway, largely affects its holistic perception, the design of this element of the interior must be approached with due carefully and accuracy. Often there is a need to abandon the doorway and, as a result, dismantling the door frame, which becomes very relevant if the room is located outside the door in which there is no need to create a confidential setting. The choice of this solution will allow not only harmoniously and modernize the doorway, but also save up to one square meter of the square, which is often particularly relevant in small-sized apartments. The design of an open doorway is an extremely relevant issue that leaving a huge space for the designer's imagination.

Functional purpose of open doorways

Unfortunately, many apartment owners in standard new buildings cannot boast a large number of free square meters, and therefore, they have to fight for each extra centimeter, refusing it seemingly significant interior elements. As for the doors, they often occupy a lot of free space, especially when it comes to traditional swing structures. In addition, not everyone is a devoted fan sliding systemsThat becomes a significant argument in favor of the design of the doorway without a door, which in essence will resemble the portal. This option will allow you to successfully save precious meters, as well as create a pleasant feeling of space and the absence of obstacles in the apartment. In addition to expanding the space, the door failure will provide free air circulation and good space viewing.

In addition to the above arguments, there is another weighty argument in favor this method Decorating door opening. Its use will be particularly relevant if you do not have the need for a functional division of two rooms combined with a common doorway. For example, if we are talking about combining the living room and the balcony, and you do not have the need for a clear division, you can bet on the doorway without a door, which will effectively zonate space, visually dividing a balcony and a residential premises, but at the same time , and combine them, draining them together. In addition, the use of this method will be especially relevant in the event that entrance door Neighboring a peculiar transition that resembles a niche, or if we are talking about the design of the doorway, located between the kitchen and the living room, when their integrity is always harmonious.

Thus, what is the need to arrange open door openings?

  • The need to improve the reliability of supporting structures. This is due to the fact that in standard buildings bearing walls are localized in the most unexpected and, moreover, uncomfortable places, which causes apartment owners at least somehow harmonize their appearance and beat an existing passage by issuing it accordingly;
  • Visual union of functionally separated space. If you plan to organize a doorway in the carrier design or expand the already existing, having established a modern studio in typical apartmentYou will come to the aid to help the design of the opening without a door, thanks to which you can combine the kitchen with a living room, a bedroom with a working office or a living room with a hall;
  • Zoning space It will be especially relevant for you if you are the owner of a modern free planning apartment. In this case, the organization of open openings will be one of the most optimal methods for the allocation of functional areas in the room, as he does not limit the designer fantasy.

Door opening photos

Advantages and disadvantages of open doorways

If you compare outdoor door opening with traditional design options, implying the presence of a doorway, a number of advantages are characterized:

  • Visual combination of several adjacent premises. In this case, one of the most attractive are combining the kitchen and living room, living room and hall, as well as an association with other general premises, such as a library, dining room and others;
  • Non-standard appearance and original composite solution are distinctive features of open doorways, since the geometric shape of their design may be any. In addition, in the process of designing door openings without doors, it is allowed and the use of a wide variety of materials is allowed, which will also be considered in our article;
  • No need for burdensome care is a distinctive feature of open doorways. Unlike door Townsmade from valuable breeds Woods, followed by careful care, in contrast to the open doorway, decorated with a minimum number of similar materials;
  • Democratic value. Regardless of which material you will use in the process of registration of the opening, which combines two rooms, its consumption will be significantly lower than during the installation of a solid door canvase.
  • In addition, in contrast to the traditional option, implying the installation of the door leaf, you are completely unlimited in the materials used, and can decorate the doorway by any materials.

Method disadvantages:

  • No space, clearly separated by the door web. For example, it makes no sense to equip the opening without a door between functionally different rooms, for example, a kitchen and a corridor, since you are unlikely to happen to visually expand the space, but the extraneous smells will be unhindered to the corridor;
  • The impossibility of organizing in any premises, such as a bathroom or toilet, the functional purpose of which does not allow the arrangement of open opening;
  • The impossibility of ensuring complete privacy, which is extremely not acceptable for those apartments where several families live or many relatives.

We choose the material for finishing the doorway

Plastic panels

Plastic panels are one of the most common and relatively inexpensive materials For finishing door openings that can be used even if you do not plan to abandon the installation of the door canvase. If you are a commitment traditional fashion And you prefer to still install the door leaf, for the opening of the opening, use plastic panels that imitate the structure of wood and in color are harmonive with the door web tone. Using this style, you can emphasize the rigor and clarity of the lines, as well as create a contrast with walls that are wicked with a lightest or dark shade, or painted painted, the tone of which should also contrast with the tone of the door and plastic panels. Taking into account these recommendations, you can visually increase the height and expand the doorway, as well as lift the ceiling slightly, which will have a favorable attention to the interior of the room as a whole. In addition to the decorative appearance, the plastic panels are characteristic and practicality - you will not see tracks from touch. Fastening plastic panels is carried out using liquid nails On the surface undergoing pre-cleaning.

Pepling from polyurethane

Another common material for finishing door openings, in appearance resembling gypsum stuccobut characterized by easier weight. It is easily glued on any surfaces, which is one of the main advantages of polyurethane stucco. However, using stucco for the design of small-sized premises, it is important not to overload it, which will help the use of stucco, characterized by the presence of flat elements and the absence of a massive relief. If the room where you plan to arrange the opening polyurethane stuccoIt is distinguished by high ceilings, use it in the form of an arched element above the door or pilasters on the sides, which will add additional notes of luxury to the room. One of the main advantages of polyurethane stucco is its initially white color, so that it can later be issued in any color scheme.

Facing with decorative stone

This method of registration can be rightfully considered one of the most stylish and expensive. Despite the fact that the lining with decorative stone is the pleasure of expensive, and very laborious, it does not scare true adherents of naturalism, and besides, it is supported by its durability, the highest wear resistance, as well as practicality, thanks to which the stone does not need complex care.

Important! Features of the production of decorative stone allow you to produce artificial stone the most diverse color palette, as well as add various inclusions to its structure, such as seashells or small pieces of marble. Due to the peculiar decorative features of the material, the artificial stone is successfully used in the design of the interiors performed in oriental style. In the photo you can see the outdoor doorway, decorated with a decorative stone.

The method of facing with decorative stone involves the use of a small size material, which is located around the perimeter of the opening, imitating the smooth edging with smooth edges. This is a classic design of the doorway, however, designers offer to pay attention to a more distinctive version of the design, involving the creation of "torn" edges, when the stone is not cut, configuring in shape, but spread in a natural order. The color palette of the stone is selected in accordance with the total color concept of the room.

Important!To ensure the strength of the clutch of the stone with the subject to the surface, it is necessary to prepare it carefully. For this, the wall around the doorway is purified from the previous finish, after which they are treated with a specialized primer.

Using clinker

Another popular designer reception is to use the so-called "brick tile" or clinker, which is laying around around the door reception. To create a spectacular design of the doorway, the tile laid "in the run" by analogy with brick masonry. In addition to the use of window and door openings for the interior decoration, the use of clinker is widely practiced at outdoor finish facades of buildings.

Select the shape of the doorway: a classic rectangle or original arch?

A rectangle remains a traditional geometric shape for the doorway. To diversify a strict classic, designers recommend to adhere to one of the above methods, which will add the design of a doorway of some livelism. But what to do in the event that you are not a supporter of classics? How to arrange a doorway in this case? Here, designers are definitely converging in opinions and unanimously recommend to bet on arched shape Doorway. According to experts, the arch is one of the most interesting and non-standard ways to design a doorway, the most appropriate in apartments with narrow corridorsSince this technique allows you to visually expand the space and give it an airiness.

Selection of type arched structures depending on the height of the ceilings

  • If your apartment is low ceilings, designers recommend paying attention to the arches, the radius of the angle of which exceeds half the width of the doorway, in connection with which they are characterized by severe rounding. Thanks to this form, the arch will seem wider and raise the ceiling;
  • If you make a room with high ceilings, designers recommend using a classic arch, the radius of which corresponds to half the doorway;
  • In addition to these classic, rounded and straight arches, there are many other non-standard arched structures: in the form of an ellipse, trapezoid, as well as an asymmetric form, the distinctive feature of which is the presence of a slope in one direction.

One of the fastest and convenient ways Creation Arch is the purchase of finished arched kitconsisting of four racks, two arcs, as well as panels. In addition, the arches are often made of drywall.

Selection of type arched structures depending on the stylistic concept

There is another classification arched Operactionsdiffering in accordance with the style of design.

Classic Combines the arches of the ellipsis, three-center and semi-round form. But despite this, the main requirement for the arms in the classic style is their absolute symmetry. One of the most spectacular options for arrangement in the living room is the organization of arched structures with vertical slopes made in the form of semi-colonne;

Ampir and Barochko Also distinguished by the symmetric of arched structures, but unlike the classics, this stylistic direction implies an abundance decorative elements. In this case, experts advise the preference to symmetric arches, decorated with polyurethane stucco, gilding, and also gypsum bas-reliefslocated at the top of the arches;

And here east style It is a mansion among all other destinations and involves the use of the arch of the most bizarre and intricate forms - the firm, cylinders;

Modern, techno and minimalism - stylistic directionin which there are distinct echoes of modernity. Using them, rarely meet the arch of similar forms, a distinctive feature of arched structures in this case becomes curvilinery, and therefore, the doorway can take the most unexpected forms. If we consider all modern directions in more detail, it is worth noting that techno and high-tech are characterized by more stringent, geometric shapes, while playful pop art and modern prefers more relaxed forms and the most unexpected outlines. Also these styles welcome the design of the doorway with decorative lamps. An excellent solution in this case is the organization of lighting in the style of the "light curtain" or by point lampsWhat will most effectively look in the case of decorating the opening between the kitchen and the living room.

Less common, but at the same time spectacular is the organization of the stained arch, according to which part of the opening, often curvilinear, occupies a stained glass window. This method will be particularly relevant to combined kitchen and living room, as well as a living room and a balcony.

Romantic Destinations more restrained in choosing forms and materials. They assume the use of symmetric arches of a semi-round or color shape, which is due to the desire for the statics and ease of solutions for architectural elements that are combined with materials in a rich color scheme.

Design of openings with decorative curtains and shirm

Does not lose its relevance and the question: "How to arrange a doorway with curtains?" Its popularity is due to the fact that curtains, both fabric and made from other materials, one of the most affordable and most similar ways to decorate the doorway.

Fabric curtainsIn the case of the correct selection of materials and textures, will become an appropriate addition to any interior. They equally actually look with P-shaped, and with arched opening. Selecting the curtains to decorate the doorway it is important to observe the stylistic unity and give preference to the curtains, similar to what hangs on the windows. The composite solution can be absolutely any, from a complex composition with drapes and lambrene, to the restrained curtains in oriental style;

Bamboo curtains - A variety made of wood. Composite elements Bamboo curtains (sticks and beads) must be combined or riding a thread. Bamboo curtains will be most relevant within the framework of eccosil and eclectic;

Filament curtainssupport the durable weave of the harnesses, securely fixed at the top in one tape. In the classic version, the filament curtains suggest the use of only tissue cords, but for modern times there are no restrictions, and there are figures from glass and beads, seashells and pebbles, which are rolling into durable harnesses.

Doorway, which is not equipped with a door, is an original and aesthetic solution, often chosen by the owners of apartments. With competent design of such structures, you can significantly transform residential space and release useful Square. In the apartment of small dimensions to get rid of the excess doors - a rather easy way to make space visually wider. Finishing the doorway without a door is a successful and stylish solution to the problems of a small space.

Features of opening without doors

Door openings without doors are successfully drawn up in public buildings, in spacious cottages and small housing. Such a decision is win-win when combining the living room and hall. With open passes, small kitchens and hallways are often combined.

Situations are quite often found when the door turns out to be unnecessary. She prevents moving around the apartment and creates extra difficulty. Doors should be installed in the bedroom, office and children's room. This is explained by the fact that such rooms are designed to create a personal space.

Sometimes without a door to the kitchen, too, do not do. Foreign smells do not fall into residential Rooms. The smell of the prepared meal is a very strong irritating factor. Therefore, in the absence of a normal system of outputting smoke and gases from the kitchen, install the door necessarily. A photo of doorways without doors will help to understand what to choose for their apartment.

To perform decorative design of the opening, it is not always necessary to invite professional builders. Such work can be performed independently. However, it should be found with the peculiarities of the process and the main errors. It will not hurt to look at the photo of ready-made projects.

Attention! Sometimes the design of the room involves the same finish of all openings in the room - both door and window. Traditionally, lamps are mounted in the aisles. They are built up around the perimeter of the passage. Other popular options - curtains, shelves, other decor details.

Opecha form

The design of the opening without a door can be performed any configuration. Basic condition - the form must correspond to the size of the room and its style. It is necessary to take into account the skills of the internal finishing of the worker. In their absence should not be taken for complex project.

Rectangular openings

Often the doorway is left to the same form as it was before dismantling the door canvase. Work on his finishing will be able to fulfill even a master with small experience. Rectangular designs are perfectly finished. In addition, when they are facing, you can embody a wide variety of ideas. Usually, they are separated by plasterboard panels to create a harmonious look.

The most affordable option is the staining of the opening of the wall surface. Rectangular arches are often made in the form of arches with facing stone.

Designer arch

Arched passage is also a classic option. However, the variety of forms provides ample opportunities for incarnation. original fantasies. How to separate the arch without having special skills? Most. simple decision It is the purchase of a finished tree arch. Such products typically perform standard dimensions.

For those who love to experiment, such solutions can be suggested:

If you choose the arch of the original form, you can experiment with the visual perception of space. With the original form of the arch, the design must have a strict look.

Materials for finishing

For registration of doorways without doors can be used different materials. They usually have different shades, texture and price.

Decorative rock

The appearance of stone elements is always distinguished by nobility and respectability. Different types of its species have their own installation features. Their durability will also be varied. The main difference natural stone From artificial - it is much more expensive. It should be remembered that artificially created minerals can also be a variety of colors and textures. One of the main advantages of such products is lightness.

The stone will look good at the entrance, in the premises of a large square and in rooms where few furniture items. The opening, which is made in such a material, will ideally look indoors with a fireplace.

Quite often, parallel with the open opening the same styling is carried out and around the window. Thanks to this reception, the design becomes completed and more cozy. Therefore, such a solution for the design of the openings is very popular among apartment owners.

When independently performing work, it is necessary to observe certain subtleties of technology:

  • Before working around the opening, mark the markup. It should be noted the form of masonry.
  • Experienced masters recommend before performing such work, first decompose all the stone elements on the floor in the order in which they will be fixed on the opening.
  • Starts laying from the bottom angle.
  • Plates should be laid symmetrically on two sides of the opening. In its lower part, the masonry must have a more massive view. All sharp corners of the masonry must be processed.
  • After the end of the work, the mineral should be treated with a special solution that gives the surface natural shine.

To qualitatively arrange a doorway with a stone, you should put it so that it is in the contrast with a shade of the wall. It is better not to combine stone and plastic.

MDF panels when finishing opening

Such plates can perfectly imitate natural wood. They are pretty durable and at the same time are suitable for finishing both interroom and inlets. This is explained by the versatile properties of the material. It is light enough and attractive.

Mounting technology MDF panels is simply simple. They must be fixed with special Adhesives. Liquid nails can be applied. All joints are closed using platbands. By cons of such products, only the boundedness of the color palette can be attributed.

PVC panels

Plastic panels are selected virtually any shade. At the same time, they can have any texture. More popular plastic that imitates the tree. Even inexperienced can cope with the installation of PVC panels. house master. The material has a small weight, which does not slip when installing on glue.

Caring for plastic elements is fairly simple. These opening lamps are drawn up. The disadvantages of this design of the opening include the fact that it is possible only for interior space.

Clinker tile

In its appearance, such a facing material resembles a brick. It is produced by various colors and shapes. Typically, the tile is used for the external cladding of houses. However, material is often used and when creating open door passes. This is explained by the simplicity of its installation.

Depending on the characteristics of the surface of the surface, the clinker elements are mounted on liquid nails or tile glue. The tile is placed asymmetrically.

Hyposkarton and Lepunin

Plasterboard plates are flexible and ease. Such material allows you to execute the design of the doorway of the most original forms. Minus such a solution is an increased fragility of the material.

The stucco is products performed from polyurethane or gypsum. They are traditionally chosen to create beautiful openness. Such a material presents some difficulties in the installation. The master will need to have a good taste and experience of such work.

Ready decorative parts from polyurethane can be bought in a construction store. When using molding elements, one rule should be performed - the smaller the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, the smallest it is necessary to choose decorative parts.


Often the arch is decorated with curtains. This method is most common. Thanks to this solution, a special comfort and completion is created. It is better to choose the curtains that will be combined with the curtains.

With this solution, a decorative composition of various tissues should be used. An original canvas can be applied. You can choose curtain curtains from bamboo. When hanging the curtains, it will not interfere with free movement. Usually the curtain is performed with side mounting to the wall.

Open opening, which is decorated in the overall stylist of the room, can transform any room.

Preparation of opening

Before starting finishing works, the passage is aligned. This can be done using:

  • plasterers;
  • hyposphate sheets.

Watching the opening without a door - this method of finishing is one of the most common. However, with his choice, a lot of dirt and dust is formed. For this reason, many choose plasterboard for finishing the passage without a door.

Depending on the passage of the passage without a door you can do bright element interior, or practically hide, take attention. After plastering, the opening can be asked to the tone with the wall, and put the panels of the decorative stone.

When covering the opening without a door plates of drywall, the surface becomes as smooth as possible. Any elements of the decor are glued to it if you want to pay attention to it. If you wish, leave the opening without the door is inconspicuous, it is just necessary to paint it.

Unlike plastering, drywall is easier to handle when construction of opening without a door. When working with it, garbage and dust is not formed, and the slabs are quite simple. With plasterboard, it is easy to equip the passage without the door of any configuration. It attracts many apartment owners.

After completing the plastering or clamping of the opening of the plasterboard sheets before finishing works, it is necessary to clean the treated surface from various contaminants. You can then start decoking.

Sophisticated openings without doors

If the considered options for the opening of the opening seem too simple, you can experiment with the finish. It is necessary that this is possible at a certain ceiling height and room dimensions. For example, in the upper part of the opening without a door, you can create a design of a complex shape. In such cases, plastic elements, colored glasses and lamps are often chosen to finish the passage without a door.

For most modern interior styles, resetting in the opening without a door of point diodes. They will look very stylish.

The opening can be performed by any form if you use the plasterboard panels. Pretty fashionable are shelves that are installed on the wall near the openings. Perfectly look at the openings, including bar racks. Thanks to them, a successful zoning of the territory is carried out.

Make such work with your own hands is quite difficult. Therefore, when deciding to create such an opening, you must invite specialists. They will help to draw up a project and calculate how much materials need to finish the passage without a door. Mounting work When calling professionals will be fulfilled in the shortest possible time.

If the doorway is not installed in the doorway, the room can be transformed in a cardinal way. At the same time, the space will visually expand. If the dwelling is presented by the studio, the arches of a complex form will look original. Equip rough and simple openings without doors follows in the hallway.

The content of the article:

Door opening is one of the main elements of the interior. Its registration requires compliance certain rules. The first concerns the proportionality of its dimensions. Due to the fact that standard sizes door Block Do not always suit the wall space, it is often necessary to appear in their adjustment in a large or smaller side. Another rule determines the compliance of the opening of the opening of the room with a common room style. Moreover, it concerns both adjacent rooms, as often the opening serves as a unifying element connecting their interiors. Options for interesting design door opening are very much. Some of them we will consider today.

Forms of doorways

The design of the input opening largely depends on its shape. The choice here is small, their main only three:

  • Rectangular opening. Most often, it is framed by platbands and is filled with a door clove that reliably isolates the adjacent rooms. If the door in the opening is not required, then its strict form needs an additional decoration, which will give the entrance an attractiveness or will hide him from prying views.
  • Arched opening. The architecture of the arch is quite popular. Most often it is used if the adjacent premises on both sides of the arched passage have a single style of interiors. Arches can be round, trapezoidal, asymmetric, made in the form of an ellipse, etc. classic interiors Elliptical, gentle and oblique arches are used. For interiors in oriental style, fitted, cylindic and three-blade structures are suitable.
  • Imitated arch.. This is an ordinary rectangular opening, with the help of segments attached in its corners, the round form is given. Openwork inserts allow the use of such arches in any interiors.

Features of the design of doorways

Employers having various appointment, are issued according to certain rules. For example, openings without doors are performed in living rooms, corridors or kitchens. Cabinet, children's room and bedroom on the contrary require the existence of the door in the opening of these rooms from noise and create a relaxed atmosphere in them.

In rooms having low ceilings, Door openings are best arranged in the form of an archer. At the same time, their roundabout lines should be gentle. In this design, the Arch looks above and visually raise the ceilings. When choosing classic style The arches of its radius should be half the width of the opening. This design perfectly looks in a high ceiling room.

The doorway is quite often subjected to various mechanical effects. Therefore, before its design it is recommended to think about the choice of impact-resistant finishing materials.

The inlet opening device without doors has a lot of advantages:

  1. It visually combines the space of two adjacent rooms, creating the necessary space.
  2. The appearance of the opening may differ originality due to its form and use in the finishing of materials of various textures.
  3. The need for burdensome and complex care for opening without a door is eliminated.
  4. With a creative approach to the design of the opening, you can create a unique creation for a little money.
  5. Overview without doors saves the free area of \u200b\u200bthe room and the means for the purchase of the canvas. Any high-quality door will cost more than the decoration of free entrance to the room.

Materials for finishing door openings

For finishing openings without doors or with them used useful materials. Consider the most popular of them:
  • Polyurethane Lepunin. This material is durable and beautiful. Its advantage is the ease and simple installation for which only glue will be needed. Polyurethane stucco is most often white, but it can always be painted. If you choose a suitable ornament, the doorway can be made to the center of attention. With stucco, the mosaic is perfectly combined, with which the framing is performed. outside Input.
  • Wooden panels. They often cut out cute patterns that give a certain advantage to panels in front of other materials. Products are vertical and horizontal type. With their help, you can create a volume design of the room. However, due to the fact that the design of the opening in such a style requires a lot of knowledge and experience, this method is rarely applied.
  • PVC panels. This material can have any structure and color. Finishing PVC panels emphasizes the strict style of the room, it highlights the color of the wallpaper. The material makes the design of the opening more volumetric. The practical side is also present in such a finish - traces of hands on the panels are absolutely invisible. You can arrange the doorway independently.
  • Plasterboard. This is an excellent material that is able to hide any exemption of the main plane of the opening. The result of the finish is a smooth, smooth and high-quality surface. Then it can be attached to her most of the finish materials: wallpapers, tiles, decorative plaster and other. Plasterboard sheets can be given any form, including arched.
  • Decorative rock. To date, the doorway finish is considered the most stylish. It is very beautiful, but requires significant financial costs. Installation of decorative stone is quite complicated, but such a cladding will last for a very long time. Medium-sized products are selected as decor, since too massive parts increase the weight of the structure. Tile glue is used for fixing the stone. The masonry can have smooth or torn edges.
Hide the doorway or distract attention from it using textile disguise. She is not expensive, can have any color gamut and seamless to any interior style. This design includes:
  • Curtains. Depending on the design of the room, they are made of the same length or different.
  • Lambrequen. They can serve as an independent framing of opening and a beautiful addition to the curtains.
  • Wicker framing. It is independently hanging thick threads, in fact, the same lambrequins and curtains.
  • Nutty Gardins. This finish looks very air and original. The threads are decorated with beads, beads or wooden elements.
All of the above materials are only their small part used for the design of the doorway. Its own unique style Everyone can come up with independently. It will be much better than the use of traditional materials.

Technology of doorways

Each style of decorating the entrance to the above materials has its own admirers and various costs. If it is difficult to determine how to make a doorway, you can pick up a photo of the ready-made options for its decor. If you wish, options can be combined.

Polyurethane stucco finishing

Polyurethane stucco has the same effect as the use of gypsum. Only in contrast to it, it does not load the wall. Pretty attractive stucco looks in the dining room or living room. Polyurethane facing has a longer service life than gypsum coating. It can be placed on many wall materials.

In the high stucco room, made by the arch, makes the interior with an exquisite and aristocratic. It can be painted in any color that will be combined with a common room background.

When planning the design of the opening polyurethane stucco, it should be noted that the embossed elements taken in large quantitiescan visually load the space of the room and reduce its size. Therefore, for openness small rooms You should choose a flat stucco.

Finishing open door with wooden panels

Wooden MDF panels are made of wood waste by pressing. These products are not afraid of change of moisture and temperature drops. Most often, the MDF panels are drawn up openings of openings. Before the work began, they should be thoroughly aligned with plaster and covered with a primer layer.

Then, from the panel, three details are cut from the panel: two of them side and one top. After that, the glue is applied to the slope and the cut part is pressed. It is necessary to hold it until glue takes place. Similarly come with two other details.

To ensure reliable fixation of the panels, you can use spacers. The slots formed between the panels and the wall are masked by the sticker of plastic corners. This uses "liquid nails". This work is easy to perform yourself.

PVC panel door opening

This is the easiest option to decorate the input opening. The panels are fixed on a clean surface with the help of "liquid nails" or mounting glue. During the service life of the facing, there is the possibility of its partial repair by replacing the damaged parts.

Plastic panels are very practical. They are easily mounted and inexpensive. For them it is easy to care: the facing is easy to clean household means. The only disadvantage of this material is low resistance to mechanical damage that can appear in the form of cracks or scratches, spoiling the appearance of the decor.

Plastic panels allow you to imitate a wooden texture. It can be oak wood or other more valuable breeds. Dark panels create an impressive contrast with a bright wall, covered by wallpaper or paint covered, emphasizing the sophistication and severity of the interior. This method of design makes it possible to visually expand the space of the room and lift the ceiling.

A successful solution when using plastic panels will be the design of the doorways of the home library or the working office.

Trim open door plasterboard

An ideal option for using plasterboard sheets for the design of the doorway is the device arch. Before its construction, you need to decide with the type of design.

The classic arch has a constant radius arc. The arc of the elliptical form can be obtained by increasing the radius of the sector in the perpendicular direction relative to the opening. Such a form of the arch fits well into the modern interior. For gothic style Arches are suitable with a high point of compounding planes, and a rectangular arch with rounded corners Differs on a more romantic style.

Choosing a specific type of vault, you need to take into account the style of the room, the characteristics of the materials used for the finishing and the specifics of the room.

After selecting the height, style and type of the arch, it must be drawn on the scale on paper, and then on the basis of the picture to make a template in full size. Then it should be transferred to two halves plasterboard sheet, Cut the pencil and cut over the lines of extra parts. Half of the GLC with a cut-out semicircle will serve as a facial part of the future arch. There should be two such parts - one on each side of the opening.

After that, it is necessary to install a metal P-shaped profile in the opening. Its length and shape is selected by the template. To bend the profile of the arc, its shelves should be cut off by metal scissors every 10 cm.

When arcuate profiles are fixed in the opening, you need to think about the bottom of the arch formating the arch. It will take more thin ceiling plasterboard, which can be bent over the lines of the opening profile or template. The bending of the plasterboard sheets is performed using a special needle roller.

Before this procedure, the strip should be rich in water and rolled with spikes with a roller. After softening, the details should be gently bent and leave for drying for 10 hours.

At the next stage of work, all three parts of the Arch should be secured by self-drawing on the frame of metal profiles.

After the installation of the Arch, all the joints of the sheets and the deepening of the screws should be sealing with a gypsum putty, actively applying for reinforcing seams of ribbon-sickle. Then the whole design should be sharpened, and after drying the mixture - pollut emery paper.

Now everything, the Arch is ready for the finish finish. It can be facing, painted, apply decorative plaster on it, covering stucco, etc.

Decorative Stone Finish

Entry decoration with decorative stone is particularly popular. And it is no accident: the material is one of the most stylish in the area of \u200b\u200bthe démary of the openings, which gives the room an exquisite atmosphere. The decorative stone has an excellent external effect, it is extremely durable, perfectly combined with many types of finishes and unpretentious in care.

When decorating the arches, the stones are stacked on an arc of the upper part of the opening to highlight geometric shape Decoration, which allows it to make it more noticeable on the general wall background.

When designing an open-door opening, stone laying is made on both sides of the opening. This version of the decor makes it possible to optimally enter it into the interior and combine two adjacent rooms with one common space. Wherein interior walls The opening should also be in stone so as not to get out of the overall style and do not create a dissonance in the interior.

For the interior of the room in the style of country, when the opening is made, you should use a large stone that is able to create the effect of entering the cave. Such an arch looks great in the corridor. For an opening, having solid dimensions, appropriately use the bridge stone - he will give the room the greatness and special sore.

To perform stone facingFirst, it is necessary to prepare pieces for it. The necessary trimming can be performed using the "Bulgarian". Then, on the surface of the walls, the opening should be consolidated by a special grid and apply a solution on it. The thickness of its layer should not be more than 15 mm.

After that, laying stone is made. First are installed corner elementsAnd then all the main. At the end of the cladding of the seams between the stones, you need to fill in cement mortar, and then align them. After drying, the mixture of the joint should be cleaned and to complete the work. After 48 hours, the knitting composition will completely freeze and gain strength.

Door opening with curtains

As already mentioned, such a decor helps to beautifully disguise the input opening of the room. Textile curtains are most suitable in this regard. Picking them, you need to take into account the style of the room, the color carpet and upholstery soft furniture.

The shape of the curtain is chosen depending on the artistic taste of the owner of the housing. They can be symmetric, asymmetric or closed with any edge on both sides. The curtains are most often drawn up rectangular input.

Eastern style adherents can be recommended bamboo curtains. They will perfectly hide the opening from a prying look and emphasize special Charm Rooms. The movement between adjacent rooms will be completely free in this case, since such curtains consist of a plurality of bamboo sticks strung on the threads.

How to arrange a doorway - watch the video:

That's all science! The ways to decorate the openings are a huge amount, so show fantasy and create masterpieces.

The doorway without a door, visually will expand the space, corrects his visual perception, combines the interior of different rooms, greatly facilitates the situation and gives it its originality.

Doorway finishing options

To give the doorway without a complete completion, a wide variety of facing materials are used.


The finishing of the portal with liquid or paper, vinyl, phliselin or other types of wallpaper, makes it easy to easily approach the design and transform the ordinary interior, making it a truly elegant and fashionable.


Laminated panels, distinguished by variety textures, colors and easy way Installations provide excellent opportunity to form enough interesting design In any style, for example, minimalism, modernism and others.

In the photo of the door rectangular opening without a door, lined with laminate in the interior in a modern style.


This finish has a unique visual depth and can imitate, for example, marble tiles, various rocks or other textures. In addition, due to a structural nature, Venetian plaster allows you to create a variety of patterns and effects on the surface.

Tree decoration

Wooden finish, perfectly suitable for any style solution and for lining entrance with the threshold. She may vary like simple sightAnd to be decorated with curved threads. Another important advantage this material - It is its environmental purity.

A rock

It is a very popular finishing option for opening without doors. Artificial or natural stone, for example, limestone, marble, malachite and many others will bring the medieval notch in the situation and form a unique design, most often used for country-style country or Provence.

On the picture masonry In the design of the doorway without doors in the interior of the hall.

Decorative brick

Charismatic and aesthetic brickwork, both outside and inside the entrance, combined with the other less texture planes, creates a rather original contrast, focuses attention and puts the necessary accents.


Via clinker tilewhich may not only be straight, but also angular, it turns out to be easily beat and separate doorways like traditional rectangular shapeAnd the passages in the form of the arch or half aigar.

In the photo kitchen-living room with a doorway without a door, decorated with dark tiles.

MDF panels

They are quite beautiful, high-quality and not expensive finishing for the portal without doors. MDF panels can be easily mechanical processingDifferent easy installation, Care and operation.

PVC panels

Due to its flexibility, well suited for door passes having various forms, height and width. Plastic coating may have a flat pattern of wood or differ by other various color solutions.


It is considered a fairly simple design option, which will create a solitary, cozy, home chamber atmosphere and close the space from the views, while not clinging the interior.

In the photo kitchen with access to the balcony, decorated with textiles in the form of a dense curtain.

How to make an opening without a door?

Correctly reversed door portal without a door, will not look alien and not thoughtful.


The opening, decorated beautifully draped curtains, will become a real interior decoration with the corresponding design.

Finishing with trim and bad

Dobra, made of plastic, wood or MDF in combination with flat, bulk, rounded or platbands, make it easy and tastefully ennoble doornery.

In the photo, the doorway without a door with a decoration with wooden platbands and dinners in the interior of the kitchen-dining room in the style of Provence.


The decorative barn plank, gives the passage a new sound, due to which it is even more organically fits into the surrounding space.

Decorative corners

This edging has a high practical and aesthetic value. It not only adds to the work more harmonious appearance, but also protects against damage and hides some flaws of the surface.

In the photo of the bedroom in the style of the loft and the door trapezoidal passage with the framing in the form of decorative corners.


At the expense of its charming appearance, a mosaic, markedly transforms any atmosphere. Such an art decor is distinguished by uniqueness, practicality and unsurpassed style, which provides the ability to form an original design.


The stucco polyurethane or gypsum decor on the door slopes, with a combination of elegant lines and light shapes with deep relief, gives the portal by air luxury and adds a certain aristocratic interior.


It is a fairly popular view of the final finish, characterized by simplicity, availability and at the same time originality that contributes to the formation of an authentic situation.

On the photo of the door portal without doors decorated with white moldings in the kitchen.

Dimensions and shapes of doorways

The form of the portal without a door, also plays an important meaning in creating an interior.


A large doorway allows you to visually expand and increase the space of the room by adding it to air and light.

High opening to the ceiling

It is a very noticeable and spectacular part orienting interior layout. In addition, the high opening is capable of visually raising the ceiling.


It provides the ability to slightly soften the angularity of the surrounding space and is a particularly popular form when making a pass without a door.


Non-standard narrow opening will allow you to give an additional height room and make the interior much more proportionate.

In the photo interior of the bathroom with a door narrow portal without doors.


The portal without doors, located in the corner, is a rather creative solution that attaches a kind of creative appearance.

Half a day

It is a curvilinear design with a straight and rounded angle. A half and a half is equally well appropriate, both in the equipment of a wide and narrower portal, it visually does not clutch the space and does not waste his appearance.

In the photo half aim framed by platbands and decorative corners Hint of wenge.


Fantasy, asymmetric structures, can have the most different complex form Or even be supplemented with all kinds of auxiliary parts, such as such as shelves, niches, columns or backlight. Figure open passes undoubtedly become a bright interior element that makes attention to themselves and asking for the entire setting. The most popular material for creating data outlook is drywall.

Photo of decorating opening in the interior of rooms

Development options for interior passages.

Opening in the kitchen

For the trim, the passage is used more practical and well-washable materials. In addition, the portal without a door allows you to connect the kitchen with a corridor, living room or dining room and thereby significantly expanding the space, combine them and make one comfortable and multifunctional zone.

In the photo of the doorway, decorated with moldings in the kitchen-dining room interior.


This design of the balcony block will make the room much lighter and will expand the useful area. In order for the loggia and the room adjacent to it, perceived, as a single composition, they will be better decorated with decor and furniture in the same stylistry.

In the living room and hall

In a small apartment, such as Khrushchev, quite often refuse door tents between the living room and the hallway. Thus, it is possible to create conditional zoning and at the same time expand these two rooms.

In the corridor and hallway

Here open passage often decorated with artificial stone, tree or texture plaster. Also, the slopes are complemented by overhead panels in the tone of the entrance doors.

In the dressing room

If the dressing room is combined with a sufficiently small and tight room, the absence of the door will become a relevant solution that allows you to add freedoms into space.

Photo Gallery

The doorway without a door, with a competent decoration on both sides, it may look very attractive and become an integral element of the design idea and a drawing highlight immediately for two rooms.