Svetlana's birthday and the day of the angel according to the church calendar. Day Angel

The name Svetlana has several versions of its origin. According to the first version, the name Svetlana was invented and first used by A.Kh. Vostokov in the romance "Svetlana and Mstislav" (1802). It gained wide popularity after the publication by the poet Vasily Andreevich Zhukovsky of his ballad "Svetlana". There is also a version that the name was invented by A.S. Pushkin.

According to the second version, the name Svetlana was used by the Slavs in Russia, and Vostokov was taken from forgotten names. The name Svetlana is Slavic, Russian name... It was formed by adding two concepts "light" and "lan". "Light" means literally - "light", "lan" in Old Russian means "earth". It is the Ukrainian word "lan" that just means arable, and in more broad sense blessed, fertile land or the land of habitation, since people did not settle on bad land. It turns out that the name Svetlana means “Light of the Earth”, and her short form of Light is simply “shining”. Also interpreted as "light". It can be interpreted as light in appearance, for example, "fair-haired", and "pure in spirit." A related and cognate name is Svetla.

Name Svetlana in other languages

Astrology named after Svetlana

Auspicious day: Saturday

Years later

Calling their daughter Svetlana, the parents program her to be kind and open. In life, not everything is so simple. Svetlana is a girl with a complex, independent character, she does not accept deception.

Respects elders, listens to parents, always strives to help others, sometimes to his own detriment. Sveta is a sociable girl, she fits perfectly into any children's team. This is the child who calmly endures the move, transfer to new garden or a school class. Her academic performance is average, the girl pays more attention to communicating with her friends and having fun.

Svetlana is a very inquisitive child, she explores every corner of the apartment, with delight she discovers new objects. She grows up to be a sociable, cheerful child who loves games. She is rather cool about schoolwork, but she has a wonderful memory, a mobile mind, she quickly, easily, although not deeply assimilates information, cheerfully responds in class - there are practically no problems with academic performance. However, Svetlana may be especially interested in some subject, then she studies it deeply, thoroughly, and it may subsequently become the basis for her in her professional activities.

As she grows up, Sveta's attitude to learning changes little. She is a solid middle peasant, but this position suits her completely. She loves to be in the spotlight, but at such moments she is often let down by self-doubt. In the middle grades begins to follow the fashion. In creating stylish images, she lacks a sense of proportion, over the years it will appear.

Svetlana has a plastic psyche, she lends itself well to instructions. Parents need to adolescence develop dedication and hard work in it. Otherwise, there is a chance that in adulthood she will not have the desire to study and then work. Sveta is quite capable of sitting on the neck of her parents, spouse.

She is a sociable person, loves friendly gatherings, but is overly influenced by her best friends. Gossip and gossip about her do not irritate, Sveta is flattered by discussion in any context.
She is characterized by impulsiveness and gullibility. The ability to understand people comes over the years.

As an independent person, Svetlana takes a long time to develop. It is difficult for her to part with her childhood, she, on a subconscious level, seeks to be under someone's care. A woman often does not understand herself, does not know what she wants from life. Svetlana is dependent on the opinions of others, is under the influence of her friends.

With age, her character acquires great judgment, she becomes calm, she makes decisions deliberately. Her eternal enemies are colossal touchiness and gullibility. Svetlana feels comfortable at home, she is happy to deal with everyday problems.

Svetlana takes a long time to decide on the work of her life, more often she does not work in her specialty. This is helped by the fact that with age, she begins to independently fill the gaps in education. For such a woman, it is not a problem to go to courses and master a new business for herself.

Svetlana's character

Benevolence, sociability, increased emotionality, smiling, easy-going, forgiving. Svetlana loves a festive atmosphere, joy, fun and can easily create them. Since childhood, Svetlana has been attracted by music, performances in front of an audience, dances, games, including sports. Svetlana has good learning abilities, her resourcefulness and good memory allow her to quickly assimilate a large amount of information.

Svetlana studies successfully, although her knowledge does not differ in depth. Kindness, responsiveness, morality, accuracy, easygoingness. Svetlana knows how to disinterestedly make friends, support loved ones with useful work. Over the years, wisdom comes to her.

In life, Sveta lacks purposefulness, a clear understanding of her desires. This gives rise to all character flaws - secrecy, indecision, resentment, unreasonably high self-esteem, alarmism in any difficult situation... Excessive enthusiasm, sensitivity, desire for entertainment, absent-minded attention, lack of logic in thinking.

Svetlana's trouble is that she is influenced by fun companies, distracting her from her studies, solving important life problems. Her passion and interests are fickle. Svetlana needs new experiences, otherwise life seems boring to her. Svetlana is capable of serious life mistakes and delusions, but over time she becomes wiser.

Svetlana's fate

Fate does not always favor Svetlana. On her way, she meets many obstacles, experiences setbacks hard, begins to delve into herself. The plus is that blunders subsequently make the owners of this name more sociable. In adulthood, Svetlana acquires the ability to make concessions, she learns to communicate respectfully with different people.

In numerology, the name corresponds to the number 6. It defines the Light not as a leader, but as a good performer. A person with such a numerical code is not a supporter of radical solutions, the path of liberalism is closer to him. The main reference point in life is family.

The totem animal is a hare. It defines the contradictory nature of Svetlana, her ability to perform actions that do not find understanding even among the closest people.

Totem plants are birch and lily. Both are symbols of purity and innocence. A woman with such totem plants gravitates internally to God, in life she seeks to perform actions that fit into the norms of conscience and morality.


and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

Svetlana does not know how to earn and save money. In one day, she can spend a large amount without regret. Family budget her husband does not trust her and does the right thing. Finding a profession to the liking of a woman with this name is difficult. She can change ten jobs before she finds something suitable. She will never become a workaholic, career ambitions are alien to her. Sveta is a responsible executor, leadership qualities are not expressed.

She can be a great cook, waitress, manager or bartender. Her abilities and character allow her to try her hand at music, art, and interior design. A person with such a name can radically change a field of activity in adulthood. Most often, the results of such a reorientation are positive. It is better not for her to apply for an entrepreneurial path. An open business can go bankrupt due to Svetlana's indecision and lack of assembly. A woman has no entrepreneurial streak, money is present in her life, but she is not the main earner of it.

Marriage and family

He always approaches the choice of a companion intelligently. Guided by the arguments of reason, not feelings. Despite this, the first marriage almost always ends in divorce. Svetlana is in no hurry with the second marriage; during her time of freedom, she successfully learns to be independent.

The second marriage is successful, in which Sveta happily takes the position of a slave. For her, her husband is an unconditional leader who accepts family life all important decisions. Home, children, quiet common joys - this is what a woman finds herself in. She is an excellent housewife, tidy, knows how to cook and loves. In terms of creating comfort for her family, she is ready to work long and hard.

Sex and love

Sveta is sexy and attractive to the opposite sex, but incredulous. This is facilitated by an unhappy first love. She walks away from bad experiences for a long time, preferring love relationship friendly.

She does not have clear criteria for choosing a partner. A man should interest her, give her ease of communication. She is very romantic, greedy for compliments and big gestures. Sex for her is an important part of the relationship. She is not a passionate person, but she appreciates experience and the ability to give pleasure in a partner. In bed, she shows the maximum tenderness that she is capable of.


In childhood, prone to respiratory and allergic diseases... At the age of four, dental problems begin, they will accompany Svetlana throughout her life. In adulthood strong love to sweet can lead to overweight... There are no other bad habits. Sveta is prone to migraines and needs good sleep. She is not alien to her love for sports, it helps to maintain good shape.

Adult Svetlana is all woven from contradictions: she is kind to people and like no one knows how to hurt them, She is disinterested, but will not let her important point turned in the right direction.

Hobbies and hobbies

It is difficult for Svetlana to find a hobby for her liking. In his youth, he gravitates towards sewing and has the necessary perseverance for this. With age comes a love of sports, but in moderation: just to keep yourself in good shape. In family life, he focuses all his attention on the preparation of culinary delights. Svetlana is very neat, from childhood she looks after her appearance. She is always dressed in fashion, and this does not depend on her financial condition, on the contrary: difficulties activate her imagination, she will sew herself a breathtaking new one from two old dresses.

The name Svetlana is capable, if it is necessary now, to drastically change her views, intentions, retrain herself, completely change her profession. Svetlana finds herself in many fields of activity, most often she is a teacher, engineer, doctor, notary, accountant, psychologist, television worker. The meaning of a name can make for a dizzying career.

Among the many female names, there is also a name Slavic origin Svetlana, which means bright and clean. Svetlana's birthday is celebrated twice according to the Orthodox calendar. 26 (13) February - the day of memory of the Monk Photina (Svetlana of Palestine) and 2 April (20 March) - the Monk Martyr Photina (Svetlana) of the Roman Samaritan.

Svetlana's birthday. Life of saints

The life story of these two saints is amazing. According to the Gospel, the Monk Martyr Photina once conversed with Jesus, who met her near the well of Jacob.

Celebrating Svetlana's name day, it is necessary to know the history of the saints with this name, who devoted their lives to serving faith in Christ.

Photina lived in Carthage with her youngest son Josiah, and there she preached the Word of God. At the same time, her eldest son Victor was in the Roman army and fought against the barbarians. Per good service he was sent as a military leader to Attalia, a city in Asia Minor, where he converted to his faith the mayor of Saint Sebastian and his servants.

Venerable Martyr Photina of Rome

These rumors reached the emperor Nero, at that time there were terrible persecutions against Christians, and then he ordered these Christian preachers to be delivered to him in Rome. But the Lord himself appeared to his people and said: "I will not leave you, Nero will be defeated, and everyone who serves him."

Saint Photina was also informed by the Savior that they were about to accept a martyr's death in the name of faith. She joined the holy preachers and went with them to Rome. There, the emperor commanded them to renounce Christ's faith, but they did not. Then it was ordered to crush their brushes, but the holy people did not feel pain, and Fotina's hands did not suffer. Next, Nero gave orders to blind Saints Sebastian and Josiah and throw them into the prison cellar. And Saint Photina, together with her sisters, of whom there were five, should be sent under the supervision of their daughter Domnina to the imperial palace. Saint Photina converted Domnina and her maids to faith in Christ, as well as a servant who brought them poisoned drink.

Three years later, Nero remembered the holy martyrs who had been blinded by him and sent servants for them, who, returning, told that they were alive and well and even in prison continued to preach Christ. As soon as Nero tortured the saints, they remained alive, in the end they cut off their legs, flayed their skin from the living and threw them into a well. The sisters of Fotina were also prepared for a martyr's death.

They also flayed Saint Photina and threw her into a well, then they pulled her out of there and kept her in prison for 20 days. Nero thought that after such terrible tortures she would renounce Christ and offer sacrifice to idols, but she refused, and therefore again ended up in the well, where she died. It was somewhere in the 66th year.

Svetlana's birthday according to the church calendar

The story of the Monk Fotina (Svetlana) of Palestine is also surprising and delightful. It all began with the Monk Martinian, who from the age of 18 lived in the wilderness near the Palestinian city of Caesarea. For 25 years he lived in ascetic exploits and complete silence, but the enemy sent him all kinds of temptations. Once a woman came to seduce him at night under the guise of a wanderer, but the saint did not succumb to the temptation. This woman eventually repented and became a nun of the monastery of St. Paul, her name was Zoya.

Venerable Photina of Palestine

After this incident, Saint Martinian began to live on a rocky desert island. A shipman brought him food. Once, during a storm, the waves carried to the shore the wreckage of the ship and the girl Fotinia. The hermit monk left bread and water to the maiden and asked her to wait for the shipman, while he swam on the sea, and two dolphins helped him to swim to land. From then on, he began to wander.

And blessed Fotinia did not want to leave the island, took upon herself the ascetic deed and lived there for 6 years, where she died. The sailor who brought her food found her. He transported her body to Palestinian Caesarea, where she was buried with honor. The names of Svetlana (Saint Photinia of Palestine) and Zoe are celebrated on the same day - April 2 (March 20).

Svetlana: the meaning of the name, character and fate.

Svetlana (Sveta)- a benevolent, kind and bright person who tries to build his life as correctly as possible. And although she does not always manage to do everything perfectly, she tries not to notice her mistakes and goes through life with her head held high. More detailed information about the energy of the name you can find in our article.

What does the name Svetlana mean according to the church calendar?

Name value by church calendar

If you look at the church calendar, you will find in it several decryptions of the name Svetlana at once. It was originally thought to mean Light or Crystal... In ancient times, girls were named them if they wanted them to devote themselves to serving God as they matured.

But already in the 18th century, the name Svetlana began to be deciphered a little differently. It was divided into two separate words Light and Lan and they began to translate it as Transparent and Earthly... But still, no matter how it is translated, we can definitely say that it carries a lot of positive energy, which helps the owners of this name to leave a good mark after themselves.

Patron saint named Svetlana

Svetlana Palestinskaya is considered the patron saint of all the people living on earth. The fate of this woman was very difficult. Together with her family, she decided to make a journey to new lands, and already almost reaching the destination, she got into a very strong storm, as a result of which all her loved ones died.

She was thrown onto the shore of the island where Blessed Martinian lived as a hermit. He told her that he lived on this piece of land all alone and only three times a year a man came to him who brought him provisions. Svetlana decided that it was God's sign and persuaded Martinian to let her stay.

After a little thought, he gave his consent and blessed the woman to serve God. Svetlana lived on the island as a hermit for about six years, praying to God all the time. After her death, the person who brought her food transported her remains to Caesarea, where she was buried, and then elevated to the rank of Holy people.

The mystery of the name Svetlana

The mystery of the name Svetlana

Since childhood, Svetlana has been distinguished by her independence. The owners of this name try to get rid of the guardianship of adults very early and sometimes go to little tricks for this. At school, Light is of little interest in science. They go there rather for the sake of communication and fun pastime. The most interesting thing is that such an attitude towards learning does not prevent them from learning quite tolerably. Also in school age they make friends with whom they are friends until old age.

Growing up, Svetlana does not lose her kind disposition and openness, which allows her to easily integrate into her new environment. As practice shows, wherever she is, she will always find someone to communicate and be friends with. The downside of the character of the owners of this name is that they cannot bring what they started to a logical end.

And they do this not because of laziness, but because they simply run out of enthusiasm and patience. But nevertheless, if at such a moment there is a person near her who will push her to further actions, then she will do everything so that the result of her actions is as ideal as possible.

What nationality is the name of Svetlana?

Nationality named after Svetlana

Svetlana is considered old Slavic name, which in those days was translated as Net... Initially, it was exclusively masculine and sounded like Svetlana. Usually it was worn by monks (living in men's monasteries) who devoted their whole life to serving the Almighty.

Some sources claim that this beautiful and good name also has Iranian roots. In this country, they were named people with a kind soul, who devoted all their time to helping the poor and sick people. Translated from Iranian, the name Svetlana sounds like Bright face.

Name Svetlana: value, popularity

To say that the name Svetlana is now popular is impossible. Yes, children are sometimes called them, but still, more often than not, parents prefer more modern variations such, for example, as Veta. But if you look at the spelling of this name, you can understand that it is not easy to call them girls, but it is necessary.


  • WITH- striving for a strong financial position
  • V- tries to make all plans come true
  • E- will endow a person with diplomacy
  • T- enhances the leadership qualities of a person
  • A- helps develop intuition and enhances intellectual ability

Svetlana - decoding of the name from Greek

Although the name of Light is considered to be truly Slavic, in the Greek language its word form exists, which sounds like Photinia... This word is translated into Russian as Light.

Name Svetlana (Sveta) in French, in different languages

Name Svetlana (Sveta) on different languages

A person's name is unique and may sound very different in foreign languages... So that you can understand how differently the peoples on our planet pronounce the same word, we offer you information on the pronunciation of the name Svetlana in different languages.


  • American- Lana
  • French- Lucia
  • Belorussian- Svyatlana, Svyatlanka, Sveta
  • Czech- Svetla, Svetlushka
  • Bulgarian- Svetlinushka, Svetlina
  • Serbian- Svetlanka, Tseta

How is the name Svetlana spelled in the passport?

Probably, it's not even worth talking about the fact that a passport is an important document, in which each letter must be spelled correctly. If at least one word is mistaken, then you may have problems right upon arrival in a foreign country.

That is why you should definitely double-check whether you entered your name correctly (it must be written in Latin). The name of Svetlana in the passport should be written as Svetlana.

Svetlana: what is an abbreviated short name, petite diminutive?

Svetlana: abbreviated short name

Although the name Svetlana sounds rather cute and beautiful, it still suits an adult woman more. If you call them a young girl or a little girl, it will be better if you try to use abbreviated and affectionate forms of this word for this.


  • Svetik
  • Svetulya
  • Svetulyushka
  • Svetunchik
  • Svetusya

Svetlana: the meaning of the name, character and fate

To people who first saw Svetlana, it may seem that she is a very carefree and easy person. Yes, these traits are also present in her character, but behind them are commanding and leadership qualities that simply dormant until a certain time. Moreover, if you offend Sveta with something, then she can be tough, insidious and vindictive.

Moreover, she will take revenge on her offender only after she thinks over well how to do it so that the people around her do not think badly of her. But still, the owners of this name show more positive qualities. As a rule, Svetlana is very responsive, kind and open. They know how to find a common language with all people and do it with great joy. But fate is not very favorable to Svetlana.

She always comes up with some obstacles for them that prevent them from simply enjoying life. But fortunately, this state of affairs only encourages girls with that name, and they try to rise as quickly as possible to the level from which they fell. Due to the fact that these women have to fight all the time for a place in the sun, closer to forty they become overly ambitious and try to independently control everything that happens around them.

Svetlana's name: sexuality, marriage

Svetlana: sexuality, marriage

As a rule, Svetlana prefer the company of men to the company of women. That is why they easily start new relationships and very often fall in love. This behavior is very much disliked by the rest of the fair sex, so they try to do everything so that Sveta does not feel very comfortable in their company.

Ladies bearing this name refer to sex as something commonplace, therefore they quite calmly agree to have sex immediately at the first meeting. But do not think that such girls are too easily accessible. They take this step only if they understand for sure that their sympathy is mutual. But as practice shows, these ladies connect their lives with men with whom they have a very strong spiritual connection.

They believe that mutual understanding and respect are extremely important for marriage, and only in the last place in this matter do they pay attention to sexual relations. Most often, Svetlana marries guys who perceive them as they are and do not try to remake them for themselves. In case she comes across a patient and faithful man, then she will live with him all her life.

Svetlana's name: health and psyche

The main problem of all Svetlana is their moral and psychological health. Due to the fact that they are a lot of nervous and are in constant tension, they often have headaches. If a woman bearing this name finds the strength and immediately turns to a doctor, then this problem disappears very quickly.

If she pulls to go to a specialist, then her condition is aggravated and depression is also connected to the headaches. For this reason, the Lights must strictly monitor their daily routine and, if possible, give their bodies rest and, at least sometimes, be distracted by something pleasant.

It can be a quiet evening with family, going to the cinema or a concert, or just a walk in the park. In addition, these girls must be very attentive to their women's health... Problems in this area begin to arise at a young age, and if they are not treated, they can cause infertility.

What is the middle name for the girl's name Svetlana:

Middle names suitable for Svetlana

Father's name has a strong influence on the fate of Sveta. The patronymic Nikolaevna is the least suitable for her. Its energy is so negative that sometimes the owners of this name, on a subconscious level, want to distance themselves from their father. Most often, such representatives of the fair sex have a very difficult fate.

They usually live their lives in poverty and die alone. A more positive influence on Svetlana is the patronymic Vsevolodovna. It gives the girl the strength to deal with problems and pushes her to the right choice in difficult life situations.

Middle names suitable for Svetlana:

  • Alexandrovna
  • Gavrilovna
  • Davidovna
  • Stepanovna
  • Igorevna
  • Leonidovna

Svetlana: compatibility with male names

If you carefully read our article, you probably remember that Svetlana very easily converge with the stronger sex. Unfortunately, most men perceive their openness as being available and believe that it is impossible to build a serious relationship with them. That is why the owners of this name are suitable for extremely calm men who understand their subtle nature.

An ideal pair for Sveta will be:

  • Anton... She has a gentle character, so she will support her chosen one in all her endeavors.
  • Vadim... The guys who bear this name are very well-read and smart, so an alliance with him will help Svetlana to slightly improve her intellectual abilities.
  • Gleb... It will help a woman to love herself and encourage her to try to get rid of her negative traits.
  • a lion... More than the rest suits Svetlana the way he can protect her from the attacks of outsiders. As practice shows, an alliance with this man always turns out to be very strong.
  • Sergey... Although men with this name are very hot-tempered, they know how to support their chosen one. In such a union, the Light will feel happy, loved and desired.

When is Svetlana's name day, Angel Day according to the Orthodox calendar?

If you open the church calendar, you will find that the familiar name Svetlana is not there. But still, the owners of this name can celebrate Angel Day 3 times a year. In Christmastide, Svetlana is written as Fotinia or Fotina. In view of this, the Day of the Angel of All Light is celebrated on the days of veneration of the Monk Photinia.

In 2017, these will be the following days:

  • 26 february
  • April 2
  • November 16

Congratulations on Angel Day for Svetlana: short, in verse and prose

Congratulation number 1

Congratulation number 2
  • Svetlana, we congratulate you on Angel Day! We wish that your heavenly protector will help you to rise quickly after your fate trips you. Be happy dear!
  • Let the sun shine brightly for you on this beautiful day! We wish your Guardian Angel to show you an easy and bright path to your happy future.

Songs named Svetlana

Tattoo with the name Svetlana: photo

Tattoo with the name Svetlana

Pendant for Svetlana made of gold: photo

Suspension No. 1

Suspension No. 2

Svetlana's name: intuition, intellect, morality

Most Svetlana's intuition is very poorly developed. Since they often live with feelings, they sometimes commit acts that greatly harm them. As for the intellect, the owners of this name have no problems with this. Despite their light nature, they love exact sciences and are able to think logically.

Moreover, if they feel the support of their relatives, they are even capable of scientific discoveries. With the morality of these women, too, everything is in all right... Although, at first glance, they seem a little eccentric, they know how to behave in society and try to make others perceive them correctly.

Name Svetlana: hobbies, activities, business

Svetlana are the type of women who are capable of doing monotonous work for hours. That is why most often they are fond of sewing, embroidery or knitting. If you go into the house of the owner of this name, you will surely find a lot of hand-made things in it.

Some Sveta make their hobby for business and sell products to friends or just acquaintances. As for the choice of profession, even in this case they cannot be called fussy. These women can quite easily work at any job, the main thing is that it brings them a stable income and gives them moral pleasure.

What sign of the zodiac does the name Svetlana fit?

Zodiac signs for Svetlana

The most suitable sign The zodiac for Light is Virgo. In this case, the stars will have the most favorable influence on the fate of the girl, and as a result, in adulthood she will practically not have negative traits that are inherent in the rest of the owners of this name.

Svetlana-Virgo is a comprehensively developed personality, capable of self-realization, and always very quickly achieving good results in all their endeavors. The constellation Aquarius will have the same positive effect on the ladies bearing this name. In this case, the woman will be smart, beautiful and charming. All these character traits will help her make good acquaintances and very quickly move up the career ladder.

Stone talisman to the name Svetlana

The owners of this name have two talisman stones at once. This is the purest rhinestone and bright black opal... As practice shows, it is best for Svetlana to carry both stones with them at the same time. Rhinestone will attract a soul mate to her and give her peace of mind. Black opal will play the role of a protector, who will make sure that the negative surrounding the girl does not have any influence on her.

Flower, plant, tree mascot for the name Svetlana

Lily oriental

Svetlan's totem flower is lily... It is believed that she is able to give a person strength to fight for his future, and also helps to acquire faith in all the best and most beautiful.

The totem tree of these women is considered Birch... In view of this, if Svetlana has problems in life, then it is best for her to periodically come to this tree and give her negative to it.

Totem animal named Svetlana

The totem animal of these girls is Hare... And although it is believed that he achieves his goal through cunning and deception, in the case of the Lights, this helps them to quickly cope with frequent problems.

Numerology named after Svetlana

Numerology named after Svetlana

Svetlana's life is controlled by the number 6. It helps them not to get lost in serious situations and directs them in the right direction when it seems that there is no way out. If the owner of this name is not lazy, she will quickly reach the top and for a long period will be able to forget about the problems.

Name days are an old Christian tradition that marks the day of remembrance of the saint whose name is given to a person at birth and baptism. The dates for the celebration of the day of the angel are assigned in accordance with Orthodox saints, a list of the most revered canonized martyrs. It so happens that it is not known exactly which saint a particular person is named. In this case, according to tradition, the name day according to the church calendar is celebrated on the day of the saint whose memory in the calendar coincides with the birthday of this Christian or immediately follows it. Therefore, despite great amount name day for some individual names, each person can have only one per year, determined in accordance with the date of memory of one of the reverends.

The meaning of the name Svetlana

Svetlana's birthday crucial in the formation of character traits of the child. A baby born on such a day has certain personality traits and qualities from birth. has Slavic roots. A girl named so has been distinguished by a rather contradictory character since childhood. The fact is that she has a very high opinion of her person, although she is an average student and does not have special abilities, thanks to which she can stand out among her peers. At work and in the family, she loves to command, and she does it well. At the same time, Svetlana is a very kind and sincere person, ready to help even a stranger. In her youth, a girl monitors her appearance, she always strives to communicate with men, she is less interested in the society of women. She always knows how to learn from mistakes and is ready to make drastic changes in her lifestyle, if necessary. For example, change jobs, become softer and more sociable. The most important thing that a girl celebrating Svetlana's name day should know is that her happiness depends only on herself. Therefore, before getting married, a girl should make sure that her lover is a worthy person and truly loves her. She is very diplomatic in relations with her husband's relatives, therefore, as a rule, her mother-in-law and father-in-law love her very much. Svetlana is very much attached to her children, she does everything to give them an excellent education. A good housewife and faithful wife.

Svetlana's birthday according to the church calendar

The name Svetlana was coined by A.Kh. Vostokov and was first used in the romance "Svetlana and Mstislav" at the end of the 18th century. The name gained wide popularity after the publication of the famous ballad "Svetlana" by V. Zhukovsky. It began to be used in wide practice only after the church restrictions on naming were lifted. ordinary people the names of the saints. Popularity was brought to him by the times of I.V. Stalin, when he was named the daughter of a famous politician. The euphonious linguistic form and light sounding of the name contributed to its rapid spread among the population of Russia.

Svetlana's birthday is traditionally celebrated in honor of two of the most famous Orthodox saints. February 26 - Day of Remembrance of Venerable Svetlana of Palestine. The name day of Svetlana Rimskaya is celebrated on April 2.

Svetlana - Old Church Slavonic - bright, clean.

Svetlana's birthday according to the church calendar:

  • February 26:Svetlana (Fotina, Fotinia) Palestinian, Venerable
  • April 2:Fotina (Svetlana) Samarian, Roman, mts.

Characteristics of the name Svetlana

Little Svetlana is a gentle, fragile, receptive girl. She fully lives up to her name: clean, neat, pretty, everything seems to glow from the inside. Svetlana - gullible and inquisitive child... However, since early age in her character, the main feature is clearly visible - inconstancy, contradiction. She may argue that the fairy tale she read seemed boring to her, but she will immediately change her attitude if her mother calls the fairy tale fascinating. And this is how Svetlana shows herself in everything.

At school, Svetlana studies unevenly. She treats tasks lightly, but at the same time she is endowed with a lively mind, original imagination and an excellent memory. All this allows her to easily master knowledge, but somehow impulsively, superficially. However, usually Svetlana graduates from school with good results. It happens that she is fond of some particular subject - more often history or biology - and then Svetlana has no equal in knowledge. She reads a lot, draws with passion, often writes short stories or depicts comics. Svetlana is active, organizing events with pleasure, helping teachers. She is disinterested, does not expect praise or encouragement, keeps herself open. Classmates usually love Svetlana, and she happily communicates with them.

In the personality of the adult Svetlana, her inconsistency is more and more clearly visible. It surprisingly combines strength and weakness, kindness and indifference, gullibility and perseverance, courage and indecision. Svetlana's soul is torn apart by her rushes: she chooses a profession for herself, stands firmly on her feet, and suddenly, obeying an instant decision, she abandons her favorite business. She painstakingly begins to rebuild her life. Svetlana often has high self-esteem. For some reason, she considers herself unique, born for fame, and is sincerely surprised when this is not recognized. Meanwhile, Svetlana is quite independent, hardworking, can show perseverance and practicality and achieve a lot in life. She gets along well with colleagues, enjoys their trust, is very diplomatic and kind. Svetlana will become a good economist, teacher, fashion designer, doctor, psychologist, journalist, zoologist. She can realize) herself in any creative profession and really become a "star".

Svetlana is very responsive, she will help even an unfamiliar person out of compassion. She has many friends whom she loves everyone, without exception. Svetlana is faithful to friendship and painfully experiences betrayal. However, she is able to cope with herself and is able to forgive a person Svetlana can unknowingly hurt herself to a loved one than he will immediately repent.

Svetlana is a charming woman. Even if she is devoid of natural beauty, she is endowed with a rare and delightful charm. Usually men are inexplicably drawn to her, but Svetlana is extremely careful. She loves to flirt, loves male society, but always knows when to stop. Svetlana is a supporter of strong relationships, chooses one and only man - kind, sympathetic, but wealthy. Svetlana becomes an ideal wife, caring hostess and mother. Her house is clean, comfortable and warm. She teaches children to order and responsibility. With her husband, Svetlana usually finds a compromise, she will not cheat on him.