Errors in the insulation of loggias and balconies are the causes of dampness. The procedure for insulating a balcony with cold glazing Lounge zone

Many apartment buildings have loggias and balconies. But few people know how to turn this lucrative space into a warm and cozy place. To create from the balcony warm room, as well as fill it with comfort, it is necessary to make excellent thermal insulation inside. This article will tell you how to choose the right insulation for your balcony, as well as carry out the entire insulation process.

Pros of internal insulation

Internal insulation carries certain positive aspects... These include the following points:

  • The balcony will get much warmer. This is provided that the insulation technology is performed correctly.
  • Insulation allows you to make a balcony or loggia a continuation of the "living" space of the apartment.
  • It will allow you to more rationally use the usable space available on the balcony or loggia, and not load it with unnecessary things in the house.
  • You will be able to expand the space of the adjoining room.
  • With the help of insulation carried out inside this room, you will get another room. For example, it can be equipped as an office.

It is worth noting that the insulation inside the room, in contrast to the outside, allows you to do all the necessary manipulations on the balcony with your own hands.

Some believe that high-quality result can only be obtained by hiring a team of specialists. But our expectations do not always turn into reality. Therefore, having purchased required material, you can get to work and do not only internal insulation balcony, but also to choose the final type of decoration for it, completely changing the purpose of the room.

Of course, the internal insulation can be supplemented exterior decoration... But this situation is relevant only when you live low. This is the only way you can spend everything necessary actions do it yourself. If you live high up, then you can't do without a crane and a specialist in high-altitude work.

How to choose insulation

One of the most important aspects do-it-yourself balcony insulation is the moment of choosing a heater. What type of material is better to purchase for insulation inside the balcony room, each person decides for himself.

Previously, the choice of heat insulators was not as diverse as it is now. In times Soviet Union the answer to the question "which insulation to choose" consisted of only two positions:

  • Mineral wool. This material in those days quickly crumpled due to high humidity premises, and also required wooden lathing to create a wireframe.
  • Expanded clay.

Related article: How to properly level the floor under the tiles with your own hands

Today, the question "what is the best way to insulate a balcony" can be answered with a rather broad answer. To date, make a choice, what kind of insulation for the balcony fit better all, it is possible from a fairly extensive market offer.

It should be noted that all modern heaters, which are used for loggias, balconies and other premises, are characterized by excellent quality, and also allow you to create a low thermal conductivity in the room. As a result, it will be warm and comfortable inside the balcony room even in severe frosts.

When choosing a heater, you must rely on the following points:

  • First you need to determine the thickness of the insulation, as well as the dimensions of additional fasteners (frame) that will be erected by hand. Please note that the calculations must be carried out without errors in order to achieve minimal losses from the outside interior space balcony.
  • Before buying, you should understand all the nuances (advantages and disadvantages) of the material.
  • You should make purchases of the selected insulation with a small margin. Usually the stock is 10-20% of the required amount materials.

Today, the following materials can be used to insulate a loggia or balcony:

  • Mineral wool. This is the cheapest and simplest insulation that is sold in any hardware store. The disadvantages of using mineral wool include the risk of shedding after installation. Also, when working, you need a rather impressive list professional tools(such as a drill). The fixation of such material is carried out with glue, which must be properly diluted.
  • Styrofoam. it universal material, with which you can sheathe the entire balcony. The advantages of foam include low weight, simplicity and ease of processing, an affordable price, as well as an excellent level of thermal resistance. In addition, such insulation has high resistance to moisture and excellent noise reduction. But among the disadvantages here it is worth highlighting the low vapor permeability, which can lead to dampness wooden floors loggias. As a result, heat loss will occur. It is worth noting that in a situation where a piece of foam has fallen off, it can be attached in place using polyurethane foam.
  • Penoplex. This material is more reliable and durable than foam. At the same time, it is much easier to install it to insulate the balcony than mineral wool.
  • Expanded polystyrene. Today, very popular with professional builders uses modern extruded polystyrene foam. This material is able to create a "thermos effect". The advantages of this insulation include low thermal conductivity, hydrophobicity, high density, as well as environmental friendliness and durability. It should be noted that for extruded polystyrene foam, direct sun rays.

Related article: How roller blinds are attached: types and installation rules

The "thermos effect" can be created with your own hands using foamed polyethylene, which is equipped with a foil surface. They need to cover the entire insulated surface. Fastened this material on polyurethane glue and metal tape. With the help of such tape, the joints of the material should be processed.

The set of tools depends on the type of insulation chosen, with the help of which the balcony will be insulated with your own hands.

Separately, it should be noted that when choosing materials for insulation, you need to look at the manufacturer. Today, quality products that have stood the test of time are produced by companies such as KNAUF, Rockwool, Penoplex, TechnoNIKOL, Linerock, FAKRO, Metal Profile, Weber, etc.

Insulation technique

The balcony insulation technique depends on what type of insulation material was chosen. But, despite this, in this situation there are certain stages of work, which are identical for all types of insulation.

General scheme of balcony insulation

Thermal insulation of the balcony includes the following manipulations:

  • glazing;
  • floor finishing;
  • wall insulation;
  • ceiling decoration.

Before starting work, it is necessary to check the strength of the "insulation threshold" or create it anew. This "threshold" should prevent heat leakage. To create it, you need to do the following:

  • First, we check the strength of the parapet, as well as the window systems. You can create a parapet from bricks or foam blocks, or weld its metal base and simply sheathe it.
  • After work with the parapet, the balcony is glazed. In this case, all gaps between the glass and walls, as well as the parapet should be blown out polyurethane foam.

After that, you can carry out the insulation of the room with your own hands. The main thing to follow in this issue- phasing. Usually, the insulation of the loggia begins from the floor. Only then can you go to the walls. The final stage of finishing is ceiling insulation. Let's consider each stage in more detail.

Floor insulation

Concrete will always act as the floor of the balcony room. He is not able to fight the heat leak on his own. This is due to the fact that in the thickness of the concrete there are small cracks in which water can be for a long time. Therefore, such a floor should be treated with a special moisture-proof material.

The process of insulating a loggia is a rather difficult task. If you decide to refuse the help of professionals in this matter and do everything yourself, you should thoroughly study the procedure and technology of work, otherwise you may have problems such as collecting condensate on the ceiling or an overstated location window handles. To avoid this, you need to learn from other people's mistakes. In this article we will tell you about the most common mistakes when insulating balconies and loggias.

Mistake # 1. Lack of permission

First of all, get permission from the BTI to work on the insulation of the loggia (balcony).

It is foolish to start any work on arranging a loggia or even insulation outer wall without obtaining the appropriate permission from the BTI. V otherwise inconsistency with the actual layout technical data sheet housing can lead to serious problems during the sale of an apartment.

If you want to do something about the drafts walking around the apartment, but do not want or cannot get permission, glaze the balcony with sliding double-glazed windows with an aluminum profile. Such glazing does not require permission and will insulate the balcony.

Mistake number 2. Location of the radiator on the loggia

Do not take the battery out onto the balcony.

Installing a battery on a loggia is an extremely unwise decision. Firstly, there is a large heat loss, secondly, the pipes can freeze, and thirdly, the amount that you will pay according to an individual plan will be impressive.

The solution to this problem can be a warm floor or an electric heater.

Mistake number 3. Frameless glazing

Frameless sashes look quite stylish, presenting a smooth surface when closed and sliding the sashes with an accordion. But, given the fact that such glazing involves single double-glazed windows, noticeable gaps remain, and it cannot be called an ideal option for insulating a loggia.

According to most experts, the best option are PVC windows. After all, the swing-open doors do not take up as much space as it seems, and you only need to open them for airing.

Mistake No. 4. External glazing on brackets

Some owners of loggias are trying to increase its space by removing the frame for glazing by a couple of tens of centimeters. The result is a canopy on top that collects snow and creates additional noise when rain falls on it.

Mistake number 5. One layer of insulation

Creating an insulated loggia, the craftsmen duplicate the parapet and walls with foam blocks about 100 mm thick. The choice falls on this material, because it has high level frost resistance and thermal insulation. But even despite this, such masonry can freeze through. To avoid this, insulate the parapet yourself, for example, with stone wool.

Mistake number 6. Lack of vapor barrier

Lack of vapor barrier can ruin the floor and walls on your loggia and lead to condensation on the ceiling of your neighbors below. The process of condensation formation on such a loggia is a matter of time, and a very short one.

Even if you are using moisture resistant material, vapor barrier film will not be superfluous. This is especially important if mineral wool.

Mistake # 7 Sealant abuse

Seams filled with polyurethane foam bubbles look unaesthetic. Moreover, under the influence of direct sunlight and moisture, the foam breaks down and creates large gaps.

After foaming the seams between the windows, properly handle the foam itself. Cut it neatly, strip it sandpaper and cover with putty or acrylic paint... As a last resort, you can use mounting tape. It should be remembered that this option is only suitable when you are sure that you will not stain the area.

Mistake number 8. Incorrect floor installation

You should not even try to perfectly level the floor on the loggia using a sand concrete screed. Due to the fact that the balcony slab cannot boast of a more or less flat surface, the thickness of the screed in certain places can reach several centimeters. And if you consider that additional weight will be installed on the screed later in the form of tiles and glue to it, then this is not quite the right decision. The balcony slab is not designed for such loads.

The floor on the loggia must be insulated with a soft and light insulation, installing waterproofing on top of it. If desired, then you can put a layer of plywood, laminate or carpet.

Mistake number 9. Excessive wall insulation between the loggia and the room

Many craftsmen, trying to achieve maximum thermal insulation, also insulate the wall between the room and the loggia. If the loggia is already insulated, there is no need for this, since this wall automatically becomes inside the apartment.

It is better to spend the saved money on a stylish and competent decoration of this wall.

Mistake number 10. Neglecting little things

This flaw is found in almost all novice craftsmen. To get rid of it, you need to devote more time to calculating materials and planning every detail, be it the height of the handles or the thickness of the insulation.

So, we have analyzed the TOP-10 of the most common mistakes when insulating loggias and balconies. Consider these points when planning insulation work. After all, as they say, it is better to learn from the mistakes of others than from your own.

And if you have your own experience of "stuffing cones" in the process of insulating a balcony or loggia, share your advice and recommendations with our readers in the comments below.


Balcony - the room is small, but it is very troublesome to repair it. And it's not about the complexity of the work - there are many legal rules that must be followed during the renovation. How to get around obstacles and not get trapped?

Should you renovate the balcony at your own expense?

When it comes time to overhaul a balcony or loggia, the owner often has a question: "Maybe this is a common property, and all residents of the house should pay for the repair?"

What is common in high-rise buildings

Let's turn to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 13, 2006 N 491. According to it, the common property really includes “... balcony slabs, ... and enclosing bearing structures". It turns out repair balcony slab and fences are the lot of all residents of the house.

However, not everything is so smooth. Lawyers believe that the Resolution is only advisory in nature. In the main document - the Housing Code of the Russian Federation - nothing is written about the fact that balconies or loggias in apartments belong to the whole house. Therefore, no one will pay for the repairs to you.

If your balcony has a fire escape, you can get your neighbors to pay part of the repair. Because then your balcony serves more than just you. It is a common property (Article 31, Chapter 6 of the LC RF).

What can and cannot be done on the balcony?

There are two terms in the Housing Code that denote strong transformations in the apartment, including on the balcony. This rebuilding is installation additional radiator, transfer gas stove- in general, everything related to engineering networks and equipment. And redevelopment, which is a change in the outlines of a living space. For example, when you combine two rooms, glaze the balcony, and so on. Some of the above is forbidden to do on the balcony.

Some work is possible if you get a special piece of paper, that is, permission. Let's see what belongs to the first group and what belongs to the second.

If you have a small kitchen, you can combine a loggia with a kitchen. Read about design options, insulation and other nuances in.

What is forbidden to do on the balcony

She covered the balcony with clapboard - not visible, well, okay! Such a balcony brings disharmony to the appearance of the building. Radiator on the balcony, connected to the central network.

  • Content rules common property v apartment building dated August 13, 2006 N 491 prohibit reducing the standard height of the fence. It must be at least 1.1 meters from the floor. If a thick layer of insulation is laid on the floor, this may violate the norm.
  • Firefighters warn us to sheathe balconies with flammable materials both outside and inside. However, in practice, many do exactly the opposite and sheathe balconies inside with clapboard or MDF panels... And burn it all with a blue flame!

While the neighbors will go down, all the flowers will knock

  • It is forbidden to glaze the balcony, which is a fire exit. As well as removing the escape ladder and locking or other locks on the doors that lead to it.
  • No one will allow you to carry out work that will greatly change the facade of the building. Although it can ride if your balcony faces the backyard.
  • A radiator or a warm water floor cannot be taken out onto the balcony if it is connected to central systems heating and water supply. This is what the Moscow Government Resolution No. 883-PP says.
  • According to the same document, it is forbidden to glaze, insulate the balcony, or lay floors there, if such a load is too great for the balcony. What does it mean? Balconies are different - newer and older. If you can install a stem on the first - and nothing, then on the second you make a harmless screed - it will not stand it.

When you need to get a repair permit

All cases are listed in the Decree of the Moscow Government No. 883-PP dated November 15, 2005. It is necessary to obtain permission from officials when:

Glazing + balcony cladding + abnormal color Loggia was attached to the room, and even the heating was taken out Here they brought out external devices for drying clothes. Fortunately, this is not Russia

  • you are glazing for the first time or replacing old glazing on a balcony or loggia
  • take out the glazing
  • change the shape and design of balconies or loggias
  • attach canopies, external clothes dryers, etc.
  • sheathe a balcony or loggia inside and outside
  • demolish the partitions between the balcony or loggia and the room, both in whole and in part. Move the doorway
  • change the floor structure if the load on the slab increases
  • repaint the fences in colors that differ from the design

That is, for almost all types of repairs you need to obtain permission. But you can paint the floor without any approval. (if the tie is not very heavy) and - too.

What threatens illegal repairs on the balcony

Permission for non-approved reconstruction or redevelopment - only by court order

According to the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, Art. 7.21, unauthorized redevelopment, reconstruction of residential buildings or premises (including balconies and loggias) will cost 1 - 1.5 thousand rubles. Inhabitants apartment buildings pay a thousand more.

However, this fine is a drop in the ocean! Further, the violator will be sued and, possibly, obliged to bring the balcony back to its previous state. If this is not done, the apartment will be sold at auction. And the proceeds (minus the costs of the execution of the judgment) will be transferred to the owner. The bad news is that bailiffs are trying to sell faster, which means it will come out cheaper.

What interferes with the repair of the balcony. Real stories

The Internet is full of groans shared by the poor fellows who fell under the distribution for improper repair of the balcony. We have selected for you the most typical cases of a successful way out of the situation.

Evgeniya, Moscow:

My husband and I wanted to remove the partition on the balcony and make panoramic glazing... The company that installs the euro windows told us that it is impossible, because the balcony faces the red line. More precisely, they can do something, but not desirable. They offered to sheathe it with siding. We thought that they were just selling us a more expensive option. Therefore, we also went to the firms - they kept repeating the same thing - it is not desirable. In the end, we agreed to siding. Moreover, it turned out to be no more expensive than panoramic windows.

Nikolay Ivanovich, Novosibirsk:

I decided to demolish the wall between the room and the loggia. I was in the "Archimatika", and they told me: it is impossible to demolish it legally. Firstly, it is considered external, and secondly, it will disturb the appearance of the building. They even refused to just enlarge the doorway! As if this would also spoil the exterior of the facade. No other reasons were named - the partition is not load-bearing, it is made of aerated concrete blocks. Still, I had to abandon this idea.

Inessa Retusheva, Moscow region:

Our balcony is in disrepair. At the general meeting of the tenants, it was decided that the repairs would be paid from our wallet. It's okay. The company that UK contacted cut the slab and was about to install a new one. I went to conclude a contract with this office, suddenly they screw up, who to ask? So they refused! They said that we are working with the management company, and we will conclude an agreement with them.

In the cold season, the tenants of the apartment face the question: how to insulate their glazed balcony in order to use it, just like in summer, despite the terrible cold outside the windows. The solution to this problem will be step by step insulation all balcony surfaces. For a comfortable stay on it in winter time year, it is necessary to correctly consider the choice of materials for thermal insulation. The quality and order of work are equally important in the process of insulation.

Thermal insulation of a balcony with a brick parapet

Insulating material will help to effectively insulate the balcony of their bricks.

Most of the facades of new houses make up a single architectural composition. Violation of its integrity by piling up additional materials for insulation is unacceptable or is associated with multiple bureaucratic coordination delays. In the best way to insulate balconies with cold glazing will be finishing insulating materials from inside the room.

A balcony or loggia often has a brick parapet. Installation aluminum windows with this design, it occurs directly on the top row of bricks. Insulation of such a room will be effective due to the fact that insulating material with low thermal conductivity can be laid against the parapet wall.

Insulation of glass

Most of the heat will go through the glass

In the case when installed plastic double-glazed windows, additional insulation the window will not require. To isolate the leaky connection between the glass and the frame, a special polyurethane sealant preventing the penetration of air.

The greatest heat loss will occur through the glazing.

Floor insulation

Penofol can be used as insulation

An important component in obtaining a warm room is floor insulation. For better thermal insulation, you can use the following materials:

  1. Penofol.
  2. Electrical floor insulation.
  3. The bar is wooden.
  4. Styrofoam or mineral wool.
  5. Polyurethane foam.
  6. Floor board.

Foil-clad penofol is laid on the surface of the concrete floor. This material has excellent insulating properties. It will prevent condensation from accumulating in the floor, providing oxygen access to prevent moisture and fungus from forming. The next step is to install an electric underfloor heating.

Warm floor - one of the options for insulating a balcony

The thickness of the lag sets the size of the insulation layer. The larger the layer, the better the thermal insulation. When installing, it is necessary to take into account the height from the future floor to the parapet. In the standard version, it ranges from 95 to 105 cm. The safety of a person on the balcony is always in the foreground, so you need to choose the thickness of the log, taking into account the height of the floor construction cake.

Parallel to each other in one plane are installed wooden blocks with a step of 30-40 cm. Mineral wool or foam is placed between them. All the cracks formed during the installation process can be sealed with polyurethane foam. In the winter season, a special polyurethane foam is used, which has the properties of hardening when low temperatures air.

It is laid on the laid logs batten for painting and varnishing. You can use rough wood and then lay some finishing material on it.

Insulation of walls and ceilings

For wall insulation, you can use the following components:

  1. Penofol.
  2. Wooden bars.
  3. High density foam.
  4. Polyurethane foam.

For strengthening the balcony, see the video:

Walls requiring insulation are sheathed with penofol. The lathing is usually made from a 50x50 mm bar. For convenience, the step between the bars can be made in accordance with the width of the filler. Styrofoam is placed between the bars and attached to the wall using plastic "fungi". The slots formed during installation are also sealed with polyurethane foam. As a cladding, you can use eurolining or imitation of a bar. Plastic panels also suitable for wall cladding.

Thermal insulation of panoramic balconies

Panoramic balconies have an excellent appearance, have a number of advantages over partially glazed balconies in terms of aesthetics. But the insulation of such a balcony with cold glazing will result in large financial costs. Insulation of the floor, ceiling and walls, except for the facade, can be done in the same way as in the case of parapet balconies, but a glazed wall will require a different method of insulation.

How to insulate panoramic balconies, see this video:

Frame window system cold glazing consists of an aluminum profile that has excellent thermal conductivity.

The supply of heat to such a room when negative temperature air outside will lead to the formation of ice on the glass, and heating will be negligible due to serious heat loss.

As mentioned above, unauthorized changes to the facade of a residential apartment building, may cause a conflict with local governments and with the rest of the residents of the house.

Installation of an additional glazing contour

When installing an additional glazing contour, the usable space will not decrease much

Installation of the second row of double-glazed windows will not damage general view building. The resulting air chamber will provide heat retention on the balcony or loggia. Minus this method insulation will be inconvenient to wash the glasses inside the chamber. The usable space of the room will be reduced by the indent and the thickness of the inner wall, which can be a significant disadvantage in a limited area.

Energy saving film on glass

There is a special film that is glued directly to the glass. It significantly interferes with good thermal conductivity. By using energy saving film heat savings of 20-30% can be achieved. Appearance windows will not change at all when glued. Also, such a film protects against harmful solar radiation.

Watch this video on how to properly apply energy saving film:

Replacing a profile

To insulate the frame of the structure, you can replace the existing aluminum profile with the same analog, but with a special polyamide insert. This method is quite expensive, since you will have to completely replace the entire frame of the glazing wall.

Thermal insulation of the balcony, which was originally thought out by the designer as a cold room, is a rather costly and time-consuming task. It is advisable to get competent advice from specialists in the field of construction before making a decision on insulation.

Is it legal to insulate your balcony or loggia? Of course. You paid a hefty sum for it when you bought it. You're not going to demolish the walls, are you? No, then it's okay on this side. Well, it is impossible, according to the code, to bring batteries to the loggia. Previously, this was a common practice, but due to the fact that everything was done handicraft: both insulation and heating, the withdrawal of batteries was banned in 2005. So - now out of competition on the balcony.

But there is one more technical moment... The so-called “building thermal circuit”. This is something like the norms for the temperature of all its main structural elements: walls, floors, panels, etc. It must be calculated. This term pops up from time to time on construction sites and forums. Especially when it comes to the insulation of the balcony. And we will devote a few lines to this issue.

From a technical point of view, can the insulation of a balcony or loggia affect this very "contour"? The “thermal circuit” of a building is an ephemeral concept and not all civil engineers will be able to explain what it is even to themselves (not to be confused with a heating system, which really needs to be calculated and balanced).

So, what is meant by this very “contour” and its violation? In short, loggias and balconies should have a temperature environment, and the heated part of the building is something like a room. This is according to the project. Although it is not clear what the designers of those years were guided by. Loggias are large in size. How not to close them from rain and wind? After all, according to the project, they should all be open! Paradox.

But in fact, it turned out differently. Common sense took his own. In most cases, all balconies were glazed by residents and doors on them opened in unison in winter, especially in non-frosty times. And the loggias warmed up as a result, or rather, the walls surrounding them. And just because they were not insulated or very illiterately insulated.

And this situation persists to this day. All balconies are glazed and finished with clapboard, and all keep the door ajar on them in winter. They are closed only in severe frosts.

So what kind of “building thermal circuit” can we talk about in this case? Maybe there is no such "contour" at all, since nothing has happened to Soviet houses for many years? And this does not happen with new buildings, where it already depends only on the developer in what form to rent the house - with glazed or unglazed balconies?

Yes, even if it is, this notorious contour, then competent insulation a loggia or balcony makes the enclosing structures inaccessible to the general heat of the house. Anything that should be cold is cold and will remain. But this is with proper insulation, but with the wrong (which in most cases), the walls on the balconies will definitely warm up. True, nothing happens to the house either, but here room temperature the balcony is already difficult to reach.

But this is the real goal of competent insulation, right. It is worth spending your money for this, and you will never harm your neighbors by insulating your balcony. Only if they insulated it poorly, and in order to raise the temperature on it, they also connected to central heating at home (heating circuit). Moreover, it is wrong. Then your neighbors may have problems, but simply never when glazing and insulating their balcony. There were no such cases.